The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, September 07, 1877, Image 4
00U1TBY OOLUMI. JLLMUi V* AHD MMM'HMI. CLiIZ.:.... BXSwMII mmL .1. M TrtflW .. H;r IX (Mi.. 31 ihulry TT""".".47 Irish putalnr* t. .A* riwetri pouti** Mtt bile Ihm. ..58 Cantortawiwx WKlwrHwL,.. AO . Timet by *tmi 4A Pitt toed 6fi % llnit oi'tt. .... UlliwgrM k'd..M Hock* heat 54 DHi-d |*-nclic .. S8 Pried apple* 4t Onion* .57 ? X.L *TJ. . -V.48 coal ** r wnr 40 lirau ... 1 untip# 55 l’liusti-riiig hair... A ijwdaßkri! time.... ( an me*!. . . 48 rinc Salt 54lOrcmnd peas.. ...32 Dot ton Ktd SO * • m "~ r rr:r; — Houaehold Recipes. |4*>SiiwnnT Fltmiicbt.—Boat Uc white* of egg* stiff; grate the white part of aco *•* eoanitt, mix tiie two, sweeten to tlie taste, prqmre a boiled custard, pour over a nice •)Uare of sponge cake, la a glaaa dish, and 1 fcj the eggs and cocoa on the top. Dmictuon Milk I.bmonadk. Upon six fMIUMM Luisf kittfSi Jwtiir OUP jint Jwiiliof r *watpr, add one-qttMi* pint of lemon Juice and half as much good sherry kic. g T Tbiai add three quarters of a pint of <t>ld milk, stirriiifp well ami straining to mfke . ■ . it ejeatb oiutt 4n tbe rcfi igurator 'and it will be found a most refreshing aud invig oruUug drink. v> i A " ■ Kuos Cooked in Italian Btti.hl af flour wltk four In a saucepan, stirring •oNDNuitly. "Wnro of the consistency of thick butter, thin with a little boiling milk and season with pep|>ei aud salt. Add three ounces more of butter and a HW chopped parsley, work well together. Have reauy eight hard ladled eggs, slicud, uud addAhciu to tiie aattoc aud serve hot, t* 1 * _____ „ .HnAM,Cii*Mi‘AMNx.—One lemon slicitl, one spoonful tartaric acid, one ounce gin ger toot, one |*ui id and half of sug*. Pour ten quarts of boiling water on tbe aoovo Ingredients. When blood waim stir In two gUls of home-made yeast, cover with a thin piece of gause to keep out flics •ad Insects and allow to stand all day in tbe sun. When cold iu the evening bottle, cork and wire It, then place it on the floor of tbe cellar. In foity-eigbt hours it wilj be randy for use aud will pay the trouble of making it. A ORNAMENTAL PYRAMID. Boil loaf sugar as for candy. Of stiff white paper make the shape of a pyramid and cover well over with tbe boiled sugar, having first buttered the paper well. Bet it on a table and begin at tbe bottom and stick upon this frame with the sugar, mocca roeua, kisses or other little fancy cakes from tba linkers; lay a row of each around alternately, until tbo whole is covered. Put a tasteful little ornament on tbe top to fiaiah It, as a little flag if tor a patriotic (wt, or a little Oupid If far a wedding feast; If for an evening supper, a bit of wax candle burning from tba center looks MtagM mmJlv * Ai.vond MAmk< uins .—Ulauch (that in, the brown akin) half a pound of almonds, and pound in a Mortar lemon essence till a tmidhth'pKste, add au equal quantity of lifted white sugar and the beaten whites of fp|kt|ga. "ork well together with the jNWtHo till very smooth, then dip the hauls in cold water and work the paste into balls the size of a nutmeg; lay them on white papor an inch apait and put them in a cool oven for forty minutes. Cocoanut Snd used in the place of ate lasts. Beat the whites of tiff; add one pound finest gradually; boat all to it least; the longer beaten id crisp they are. With them In small half-eggs [Me ipqgfc dty in a yod om browning. the papPF5!T$5J$ bricks in iho oven, that the uudorrfMe taay When stiff tajfe with a knife, and with a tea*i>oon scoop out the soft inside and fill with grutod piuoappte and ley two together, making tiicm egg-shaped. They may be filled with orange pulp, grated cocoanut or bright red, acid jelly, arid also left with no tilling but the sugar itself. In that case the froth should be flavored with lemon or vanilla before drying. Those kisses in the halt-egg shape will make a very nice pyra mid'(see recipe given above), when no bakf'r is convenient. * War prlCesTfou flour In good times there were three brands of tmr in this mar ket—fine, superfine and extra. * The difference in the price of each wa% 60 cents per barrel. War prices in troduced humbug prices, under cover of newiy teveuted grades, and patent contriv ances and the result was dearer ami infe rior bread for family use. Now that we hare superior wheat, millers should go back to original principles. The millers who will do this will make money. The margin between the producer and the con sumer is altogether too great. Strike for wboisome flour and fair prices. No mil ler puis over four and a half bushels of wheat in a barrel of flour. The outside price for a bushel of prime wheat is $1.26. The offal pays for the cooperage and the cost of manufacture. Bear these tacts in mind, when purchasing flour for family use. •jtiiWHv, arirv, keLUBLk." THE DAILY CONSTITUTION. f inter Na New msaa.'nwii i.t. Twa At lanta I'analiinfbMi b won for lt**-ff the title f the leadinr J -urnml of the ■Wmift. It- vnterprUo, durinz the recent • U-.-tlo* vscAlnmnnt. in wa4m( esnwpinlvl< bi ililfi rciit imrtion- of Iki. 1 rt.imiry, and it* *rie of •|e et*l U lrris.n- fiom Washing* lon while tbe electoral c..Mimi*iao was engaged in i-onsHmuting tb* fln Shat placed radb-alisin once more ia (rower in our national council*. are e. idencee eon apteuatis enough to prove that naexpan*.: w ill lie kparird to make Tbe t'anstflutbxi not only a leader in the di* ii.atoo of pub lic mattera of public concern, lut a leader in the dlseetninatiou of the latest aad most relialiie news. There is uo better time than now to *ut>scril>c for a msmi and viookocs jcswsrzrma. Albeit, there has huoen a qua*i settle ment of one l the most difficult and dan> gemun problems of mud. rn federal jioli ties, tli<; diM-us-lon- springing thereitom mid the results likely to aiisue hate lost nothing of their alroortdng interest, In nddition to this, the people of Georgia are now called upon to settle Tim convention qi xsTioN, and in the discussion of this important subject (in which the Constitution will take a lending pa it) every <• corgi** ia in ter ested. *lr a convention is called its fuyiceediuas m ~-*n aa •■rlfamt and tillesr embodiment ill the column* of the Cousiitution, and this fact atone will make Hie paper indispensable to every citizen of the State. . To bf brief, TUB ATLANTA DAILY CONSTITUTION will endeavor, by all the means that the progress ol modern journalism has made possible and necessary to hold its place as a leader of southern opinion unit as a purveyor of the latest news. Its edito rials will lie thoughtful, timely and vigor ous-cairn anil argumentative in their methods and thoroughly southern and democratic iu their aeutiuicntH. Its nows will bo treab. relialiie und carefully di gested. It will lie alien and entorpila in g. and no expense will lie spared to make it the medium of the latest nnd most iui|iortunt intelligence. TUB WRXKLT CONSTITUTION, lb-sides embodying everything of inter est In the daily, flic "Weekly Constitution will contain a Department of Agricul ture, which will be in charge nf Mr. Mal colm Johnson, the well-known Haw-rotary ot the Georgia State Agricultural Socie ty. This department will be made a spe cialty, and will lie thorough and complete. The tanner will find iu it not only ail the current information on the subject of ag riculture, hut timely suggestion* aud well digested advice. Subscriptions should be sent in at once TERMS Foil TUB DAILY : 1 month $ 1 oo 8 month* 8 00 fi months 5 80 12 months lo 00 TKKMB 808 Tit* WBKKI.Y. 0 months. $1 10 12 uumtlis a 20 Money may lie sent by post-oiliec money order at our expense. Address, THE CONSTITUTION. Atlanta, Ga. BEATTY'S PARLOR £ OB CAMS. i£ Elegant styles, with rnlunhlc Improve ments. New and lleuutiful Sole Stopa- Over ouo thousand organists and musl olaus endorse these organs and recoin, mend them ae strictly first class In tone meehanlsm and durability. Warranted for nix years. Mott Elegant and Latest Im proved. Having been awarded the highest pre mium in competition with others for Simplicity, Dnmiiitr, Promptness and piano like action, l’uro, sweet, and every balanced tone, orchestral effects, and Inst an! ancons access which may l>c had to the reeds. Send fbr price list to Daniel F.ltont j, Washington, N. J. • Kllijay Hotel. (OPKNKD IN 1850.) MRS. E. S. PERRY, PROPRIETRESS. Tho old patrons and friends of this House, and the public generally, aio re spectfully invited to call, with the assur ance that they will secure accommodations equal to any in the place. Terms moder ate. Only one block from the public square May Ml, 1876. 80-tf. #lO MEWARI). LOST—A LARGE POCKET-BOOK, or Note Cose, containing numerous notes, mostly made payable to the undersigned, *id among them two notes on W. H, Jarrott, made payable to Klliugtou & Er win, or hoarcr; one Iqr SIOO, the other s6B.<i.->. Any oue finding asid delivering the said Note Case with contents is un tiled io the above Reward. And all per sons are hereby cautioned against trad ing for said Notes. \Vm. Ki.mnutox. {July 21, 1877. m€M& mmse. OarteroriUe, Georgia. JOSHUA SUMNER, Proprietor THE accommodations and fare at this house are unsurpassed iu this section, and the charges ate as low as the lowest. DAiNIELF. B FATTY PIANOS and ORGANS Caution. —The reputation I have gained and the celebrity of my Organs, have in duced some unprincipled parties and agents to copy my circulars, and misrepresent my instrument ; against this tin* public are hereby cautioned. All my Organs bear my trade-mark Golden Tongue, and all my Pianos have tbo word PIANO, underlined and also have my name ami resklenee Danixl F. Beattt, Washington, N. J. without which none is genuine. Address DANIEL F. BEATTYS. Washington, New Jersey, U. S. A. TUmjMLLS A Noted Dmn# uyi They are worth their weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS. Is. Turt I —lsf Sir: For t*w year* I bar* hrew • mfitlyrtG tK'|W|Ki,('nnMi(HnN. 3n4|*tki, |<att |*<i arfc rtt .wwwwifc 4 to mm> j tmH tW (tort • all ifeilr (Ml hi Ima*• a-n mm% hare gno4 apfCil,, itySiwjiiswi, •.(•inanh, Sdcagom, an* I hr g.m*4 fan v They S'* •'•’h Usir *mM is nM. B* . L. MHKOX, Izwritte, Ky. TUTPS IWI I W I ILLO Uiri>rUMttntn,Md WES rtCE BEAD. IsralawgMma'wa.Sewais ACMB. amor at a—tawy is th "" T . Me-lfcstl Coltrgr of Gear- TUTPS MILS eA-LKSin CVUiCmsiSU. tea thatihrarr *rarrd Tims pilu OOMOOWHVfTM Z"Z, |V ..... . _ hrrrtotora uUMiair TUTPS PILLS com nun, i/rimfbmK. i hrtr *nt afifarrat af- TUTPS PILLS XSpSZX'S to property assimilate. ° nM rSSI* AKD ThsiAha atei h soar - i,hnl. and by thair toak TUTPS PILLS cuaa BiLiotr* oouc Ihe rj|k.nty with hk-h < *■' l " Arraasr tmmr aa tnS. TUTPS PILLS ™ kssj? °° k - SsasKrSffi TUTTS PILLS CURB Toanp LTV BE giS,Ur* ' 11 chronic cowaUpatioß, a*.l imparting health aad rtrength to the ayatrm. Sold ever) fhoL CHbca, jj Murray Street, Mew Yarfc. I truimpJT Of sciencl I Gray Hair caa ha etiaawed a a ■ vinery black by a single rppUratio* of I Dr.Turr'. Hw DyaTlt act* tike magic, ■ and is warranted am harmlraa as water. ■ Price |i.oo. Murray St., M.Y. ■ - M'MT,rTfr What is Queen’s Delight! Read tho Answer It Is a plant that grows la the Scaith, and !m spe cially adapted to the core of diseases of that ctimair. 'natures own remedy, Entering at ones into the blood, expelling all scrof ulous, syphilitic, and rheematic a flections. Alone, It it a searching aiteiatlre, but whea combined with Sanaperitta, Yeltew Dock,and other besto, It facias Dr. Tutt’s Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight, The meat powerful blood purifier known to medka) science for the core of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul discharges from the ears and nostrils, abscesses, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney complaint, evil effects of secret practices, disordered liver and spleen. Its me strengthens the nervous system, imparts a fair com plexion, and builds np the body with * HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. At anUJote to cyphilitac poiton it it Wrongly mom mended. Hundred, ot cates of the word type have been radically cared by It. Being purely veg etable its continued use wilf do no harm. The M time to take it is during the summer and fall; and Instead of debility, headache, fever and ague, you will enjoy robuM health.® Sold by all dragansta. Price, SI.OO. Office, jj Murray Street, New York. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. TRAIN NVMItRR ONR—NORTH WARD. Leave Atlanta - - - 325 pm a rrivo at Marietta - - - 4lt p m “ Cartersvllle . . ft 18 p m “ Kingston - -ft44 pm “ Dalton - - - 744j> in “ Chattanooga - - 9 2tpin TRAIN NI'MRKR TWO—SOUTH WARD. Leave Chattanooga - • 425 p m Arrive u Dalton • . •000 p m “ Kingston - - -748 pm “ Cartorsvllle - - 816 p m “ Marietta - --928 pm “ Atlanta - - -10 17pm TRAIN KUMBRR THkRR—NORTH WARD. Leave Atlanta - - - fiMam Arrive at Marietta - - - 741a in “ Carte rsviltc - - 8 54am “ Kingston - - - 9 22am “ Dalton - . . 1104 a m “ Chattanooga - . 12 45 am TRAIN Nt'MRKK FOUR—SOUTHWARD. Leave Chattanooga - . 6 45am Arrive at Dalton - . . 8 45am “ Kingston - . -10 41 a m “ Carteraville . . lliuant “ Marietta - - -1224 am “ Atlanta - - . 116 p m TRAIN NVMBKR TWBLVB—SOUTH WARD. Leave Dalton - . . . 12 59am Arrive at. Kingston - . 4 18 a m “ Cartorsvllle - - 507a in " Marietta - . - 7 35am “ Atlanta - - - 915 am PRICE CURRENT. COKRBCTKD WKKKI.Y UY D. OARRBN, Gold buying at #1 08; selling at $1 10 Wheat per bushel- 1 00 Flour per hundred 4 Torn jwt bnshet 5^ Corn meal per bushel Irish potatoes per bushel 75 Sweet potatoes per bushel 50 Good yellow butter 12 Common butter i<u Bacon Hams... 12 Chickens 10al2 Eggs per dozen 10 Bacon sides 121*18 Bacon 5h0u1der5.............. 10 Feathers.. 5# Rags at Colored peas 75 Shot per pound 15 Powder.,.. 40 New Orleans syrup 1 00 Sorghum go Cheese 25a30 Candles per pound 25 Nails per p0und...... g Rice per pound 10 Virginia salt, sack 3 00 Cotton socks per pair 35 Wool socks per pair 25 Coffee per pound 30 Sugar per pound 75 White beans j pq White peas. ” j qq Tallow peas ''' 8 p w o* 80 Green hides g Dryhkles J 2 Country Jeans 50 Beeswax 0= Taiiow s The above are the retail prices. Cheaper rates can be had at wholesale* or in job lots. THE BEST NOVELS OF TNE SEASON. A MADS h The Knty nf a Ihram. Bv MU, autbru of ••mmbro.icw,*’ '•l a.l.'t Ten rbutk,” ctr Kith txliipHt. laron. Extra chalk, • I T 5. “A* Ml of chart* a* any nf B* |ih ctroot*. It b equal in interrot aad atyk lo ‘Under Two Mag*,’ which 1* about tbe hi cheat prmUc Hurt cm be giro* to a tsov cl.’—Bl. La nil* tllnlis If. rota I*l A FAMILY FEUD* A Hotnancc. After tbo German of Ud> wig Harder. By Mrs. A L Wkdcr, trauolatnr of tbe “Old Mam 'roUc’a Se cret, ” “The Second Wife," etc, F<nh edittott. 13mo* Flue cloth. $1 36. “From the flnt to tbe end Uw story grasp* aad holds tbe alientk-tv, and It I* to be prunotuiood um of tbe Unt and mat powerful no trek iwntljr hraed The tone of it Ik above reprwDcb, and its naturaln<-aa fat to be ■ Itngrtiter rninmnnikri ** Buotoo Bveobtg Traveller. MI ON ON. A Novel. By Mr*. Forrester, rnttkar of ‘'Diana threw,” “Fair Women,” etc. Second edition. ltmo. Extra doth. $1 M. “A lively, fandDating loroeatory, fnll of exciting inddenta, ami of great beauty aad complete iulerrot to Ma cteetj.”—Baltimore American. LOVE IN IDLENESS. A Bummer Story. Second edition. By Ellen W. Ohtey. Bvo. Fine cloth. $1 00. I‘aper cover. 60 cent*. “Avery charming America* dovtsL”— PubUahen’ Weekly. PHYLLIS A Novel. By Um Ducheaa. ISmo. Ex tra cloth. fil 80. “A breegy and spirited book, Ingenious in plot and full tf pleasing entertainment. Admirer* of a love-story, pure and simple, will he delighted with it. * It is excellent reading for a Bunnuer day.”—Boston Sat urday Evening Gazette, TIIE MAEQ UIS OF L OSSIE A Horn one*. By George MacDonald, the author of “Malcolm,” “Alec Forbes,’’ etc. FourUt evtition. Bvo. Fine doth. $1 86. Paper cover. 76 ccnla. “Oue of the best of George MacDonald’* novel*, stronger in incident than hk sto rk* are wont to bo, and not lea* strong in the delineation of character. New York Evening Poet. THE STAR SERIES. Now Ready:—“Courtship in Two Centu ries, •> “Storm Driven,” “Olivia Ral eigh.” lfinio. vote. Fine cloth. $1 00 each. ■‘ I'he “Star Series” promises to be one of the best series in the market. It has so far included three very excellent nov els.”—Publishers’ Weekly. ALL WRONG. A Leaf from a Drama. Being a very in- U resting story of the day. Umo. Ex tra cloth. $1 00. “It is intensely dramatic, with the char acters sharply drawn, the scenes vklidly real and elrougly contrasted, add the con versation spirited and at times delightful. —American Bookseller. HER LOVERS A Novel. By Bs. Harry Clagett. Sees ond edition. lffmo. Extra cloth. $1 75. “Wc feel that the Summer will be richer in pleasure lo every one for tho perusal oT this deeply fascinating romance.’’-Chica go Evening Journal. *** For sale by booksellers generally, or will be sent by mail, postpaid,upon receipt of the price by J. B. Liitinoott & Cos., Publishers, 716 and 717 Market at., Philadelphia. jyl7-m C ARTEC AY,GA„ Mill and Bridge BUILDER. All xtnds of carpenter workdone la first class style and at bottom figures. WEAVER A FARN, mm ffig&msms DALTON, GA. M. S. SWANN, The Convention. New that it ia certain a Convention will be held we take pleasure in announcing that the proceedings of that body will be reported for The Constitution by a mem. be of our editorial staff, who is acknowl edged one of the moot accomplished short hand writers in the country. Considerable interest will attach to these proceedings, and those who desire tc read or preserve a verbatim history of the labors of the Convention will do weU to seed in their sutmcriptionß at oncb. ONE DOLLAR wilt get tbo Weekly Constitution till Jan uary Ist., 1878, or Five Dollars the Daily Constitution the same length of time, postage free. Address OONBTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. f* TM&rM&Mms IF YOU WISH TO STOP AT A HOTEL where you will be put to sleep in the softest, cleanest bed. and partake cf the best meal in the State ot Georgia, try the AT DALTON. The house has been thoroughly cleansed rom roof to basement, is luxuriantly car hted, and newly furnished with rvirt cmlort. Our patrons sav we feed better aon any other hotel in the State, and one meal with us will prove that it is so. Try us oue time. Meals readv on arrival of trains. MRS. J. AKERMAN, W. A. Marschalk. Proprietress. Sunerinteudent. PERFECTION ATTAINCO AT LAST I n TWMtt. w<W rvn FWffWbkkfTYf wi ggEmiaaogWL to *l tx4 wtvrilltilatryMitTlw A iTNcammu fm_its esveatmul m THAT IT It ONE OF THC lAMOEf T tCWWt MACH HUES MANUFACTURED —-ADAPTED ILKt TO TNC UM 08 Ttjff. FtlgLT •* TIWHwS? MOP. rT B* TM<\*iiiiT MUTOt. thpl MUM AUfIMT A MEW ..rag, >T twyTag,ToyoM ta n 'TTIfDvT KENOVNN THE SMUTTU rRQD TRR ■ACVIML THIS MACHINE M oo OOWTmiCTtP THAT THE POWER M APPUCO DIRECTLY OVER THE NEEDLE, THU* ENARUNO IT TO SEW THE HEAtfIEST MATERIAL WITH M -EQUALEO CASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE M ITS CONSTRUCTION, CURABLE AS MON AND STEEL CAN MAKE IT, ALL ITS WCARNto PARTS CASC-H AROCNED OR STEEL, ANO INOSNtOOSLV PROmOEO WITH (MANS FOR TAtUNOUP Lrr MOTION, so W AAS AUW AND EAMtoT MACHINE IN THE MARKET. ITtS, ALSO, THE MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED AMO PRETTIEST MACHINC EVER PRODUCED. WITH ALL THESE AfIVARTASKS. IT IS SSLS PflOM 116 TO $26 LESS THAK OTMCI FtSST CLASS ■ ACMiNCS. EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF TEBMTSST SIYEH TO AGENTS. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS SFFISn FOE CASH OE ON CREOIT. SENO FOR CIRCULARS AND TERMS YS VluU Snrisg Uadiin Cs, <W JSmeUd Avmmm, wSSK.} CLEVELAND, 0. Ayer’s Cheny Pectoral JTor X>ia*axM of kb* yjk Throat and Lnaga j/' xttoh xx Coughs, Cold*. Whooping Coach DronchlU*, Asthaax. *n.t Consumption. Tba reputation iihxaattatnml.ln ronaennnae* • thx marrelloita vurM it hxa pr<la*-ml during lb* lost half century, la X an (Sr tent taanranr* tail, public IV • s it wilt continue to realise the haypir-i reaulU that can be itcairod. Ia alaaoM erer* ■action of country there are poraona, puMtvir known,whohave been rextoretl from alarming un even deeporoM dieexeea nf the Innga, by iu us< AU who bxve trkvl iLxrknowledge ita anperiuriir and where IU rirtueaxre known jioen* he.iiato. as to what metiicine to employ lo reiiero ilm ill* treat and suffering peculiar to pulmonary a (Tor tions. CtiKRRV i kctoral. always afortla in slant relief, And performs rapid rnrea of tht milder varieties of bronchial riianrtler, aa well aa tbe more formidable diaeasea of th* Inngt. Asa *afe#rnarti to chi Wren, amid the <U.tre.- Ing diasaM, which beset the Throat and Cheat et Childhood, it is iavslnsbls; for, by its timely >• multitude, are rescued snd restored to health. This medicine rains friends at every nisi, ss His sores R is constantly producing are tou re markable to be forgo tun. No family should be without it, sad those who have ence seed It •ever wiH. Bssiaeat Physkdaae thronghont the eesatry presiribe it, and Clergymen often r.nrmmend It firms their knowtsdg* of its sMeta. Dr, J. C.AYEr"& COplowell, Mats., ■OLD BT ALLMtDOQIBXB"I.V*>nnm David Garren, ELLIJAY, GA., % DEALER IK DRT GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, \ LEATHER, HARDWARE. HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, ETC. ; 0 A GOOD SUPPLY OF GROCERIES always on hand. Also dye-stiAts, perfumeries, And au excellent line of MEDICINES, Including Agencies for Jayne’s, Scovfll’s McLeans, Rad way’s Hall’s and Ayer’s PATENT MEDICINES. Also constantly oa hand a good supply of IRON, AND COTTON YARNS. And, in fact, everything that te generally found in a Dry Goods and Groceiy store; and will be sold exceedingly cheap for cash or barter. Call on him at that old and favorable stand formerly kept by W. P. Milton. I FIRST-CLASS MtfmLS. sss $ T $ READ THIS I m- w MM* Only One Dollar! Pr<WK’<tMll*rthrSAVANNAH WF.KK LY NKWH wilt he arst, |MMag* paid t.. any nddn** tut nix nuHtib*. Jk w* of the (*hea)M**t |vafH.r* iwtilkiMxl, aud k a wekiHiM* visitor to the iwoth* mom, flfwdtk or farm. It k * nently nrintrd f*r page abort, mmportly ruble op, and cuutnin* the |u4itmal and cmro-wi nrwa •( the week;n ciunprKiM-ttsire sumnugy w f the tokgrapMc dhqaaterbM ami Inriil nVwp, ami intenwiing skiridic* and mrbs R aku contains full repurtauf the market*. Thus, thaw who have not th* advantage of a daily mail can get tbe newt fur out mouths by arnding Own Dullab. It the PAPER M* nVEBTBODT INTERESTED IN Gnonsia abb Futnma It will be well invested, aad will edueate ydtir MMffiln* and make home happy. Muoey for uither PM* enn be lent by Font Office onVr regs kfNiMijtM'W Ex|Wi-9s, at pttblishrr* risk. Aihlrom J. H.CstILL, 4 SavAminl^Os. MARTIN V. TEEN * SON, CLEAR CRBSK, Gil me* €m,Oa. DEALER* IN — in Eiiii ngenns. ' i "* ' ’ HATS. BOOTS, SBOfiS, CBOCKST, 18861 lIS IMS. Iu fact, everything kept Is a flrst-Hn* country store. I will sell good coffee 5J to 4 pound* per dollar; Sugar Bto 10 ponuds |>ef dollar; Print* 8 to 10 cents; Domestic* 8 Ut 10 c to; Osnaburg* -42 jto 16 cents; Co s de* 12J to 25 cent*; Jean*, country ma *, good, 33 to 40 cents; Kentucky jea. 20 to 40. LA* °S AND KEROSENE OIL always on hand.. Also, near the santi place, I can furnish WHISKY, BRANDY AND WINE for medicinal purposes only. a7:ly Withers’ Foundry —AND-- Machine WorliF, W Milss from Marietta oa Roswell road Manufactures all Kinds sf MILL MACHINERY For watsr or steam power; also mTIOiARt STEAM EKBIKIS, From the most Improved patterns from 4 to 30 horae-power,. and improved w BOIAKVX CASTS K For wood, nr fitted in Improved Iron frames, strongest, best and cheapest mill ever Introduced to the public. This part of our business wc make a specialty of and keep them constantly on hand nt Foundry or nt stores in Marietta. Price ranging from $24 to $46 cash. Will grind as much ns any mill now in use. tbtrv be ing much heavier than Northern mills. Having just completed our new build ings and added the most Improved ma chinery therein, we are now prepared to ds work as and with as short notice ns any other works of the kind in upper Georgia, and as good or no nay, is our motto. AU contracts for won made at “•Si? rosTj.rtijg^io^jg^ ■ - ■ — - -* U~* A. BISHOP, ELLIJAY, GA., Now offers for cash or barter a stork of goods at prices that cannot be excelled in this country, consisting of UrdlKilOClllU HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, IRON, REEL, CASTINGS, CUTLERY QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Patent Medicines I also keep the CELEBRATED IN DIAN BLOOD SYRUP, KEROSENE OIL and LAMPS, and everything usually found in a first-class country store. In returning thanks for past favors, I respectfully ask a continuance of tbe same. W. A. ALLEN, CARTECAY, - - GEORGIA. -Dims is— DRY ROODS, GROCERIES, DRUGS, SHOES, LEATHER, HARDWARE, And everything usually found in a first class country store, ail of which will be sold at bottom prices for cash or country produce. jIG-tf