The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, October 06, 1881, Image 3

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tOCSt lßTtlMtlStl.
■■•"i 1 -'-at- - x x;
f’’ “ ' -• *■
fP* From Urn* to Urn# we
boon, jpaking modest, but
fruitless, appeal!' to tboie who
owe u, bot Urn fcrnte.kjp arrived
and we MUST .have money.
The*# whom wo.fiikW went their
* 1 ffifsfrift ;.?ljKO*e!eUife of our I
faatiljr require list we be rigi
lant in eoileetThc what u dire u.
Our buaicefcfi id aWe 'Buffering on
account ot failure to collect,what
f dje. Many owe ua for
one mad tiro yeara aubecription
and aa wo booo stated
thesO. a mount#,acatteced all over
couptry, ftake the sum total!
1 of our teoome. it baa' ob*t 4 s
hundred# -W dolUil J
cash for paper aloitb'withhi the
** ’last two yearf and We are no lon
able .or willing to extend in
duleenbe. THKaMosE, we hereby
announce that during the month
F cofctfctqbef qo ahjH
who owe ua te settle. Tho*e who
FAIL to aotfre ifltldrf that time
will, after the FOIST OP NO-
V£MB£& 404 thir accounts ia
the handiJbt. collector. We
appreciate the extend
lose a account of
this but we
are unable to extend furtiier m
dol*wo~--EMtiAjL remote _lrom
„..Uaa office of pubUc%|ion can reg
* later amounted#*. 'Send it along
and ~
Simpson 1 ft LediteSer fcaVd their shital
stock of-GrocM*:* i*>*a* prices at
ttwitoid aUnd.
-■'-'O'- r[ , ,
XweryVujy fas this codntry kopw* R. F.
* ’ wsyftftaditd ace his frjen<ks*id customer*,
tiee hi* card ia another part' *f this 'paper.
::: J■.y t ... ■
HM Trout will weigh cotton ait Simp
•M ft'Eedhßter’r Central-Warehouse foe
-- ~*fcp?u £w
> ■■mge. for <gts ftcpWu -qtid flrayage from;
railroads. Commiasio* for Selling, 60
cent* per bale. „. „
‘V, ,r V."<Sowdl* WM to-got better. .ac-,
~.xputin(*d' -fttlr *he•• boys: when they goto
* -Tjlmtf awtiKewd.; J- •*
-( n777!*,uT*t'
IJ' 1 J ' Bimp*<* a? Ledbbtten fjrotwieler* : (Jeo
*’■ Yral’vfere Halite Outoh Factor* and ( pm*
' ?fifissFbh Mer&sw*; Osnmr.2B Bwft .St
** W <**'• r > r : \U toe ,
' W m *iSal#W>4il
BaehAog* Bfteß-
' -ihbufer ioU,tb(sh4nd*
’. Mf;M*r.KadeHff, who b#*- wervsted .anil
-’-N-ftlratehed irfrcm toprto bottom* ;Tnp
'rtdriworeirteoo sad * qqmtortahle., Tb.
’ 'table t* *wppllocl.with..-the. beat of .evftjjr
’ u Ufa gT" WMtoerrouM ar*, pojite... Tto
house, is convenient to the car shed and
>,r #SwWk* r f>oHlon bt the'city, heat
fail to stop at the Exchange.
— Simpson. ft Ledbetter,. Proprietor* Oen
tral Warehouse,will make liberal advances
~. oo oottM consigned them.
Brown's fron Bitters' permanently re*
store weak nrrses, exhausted, vitality, etc.
/' The;tocatlon of Simppop & Ledbetter’*
Ware House ia'th'e Comar of Hoard <k
Go** Street*. They are successor* to
Dean, Thom*# ft Cos. n <• *.
Wagoners and traders generally from
* this *eaioh are id Dalton every day ip the
week and we want them to call on Davis
ft. Barrett, for Dry Good*, Groceries, Ac.
Ifr. Bantu, of* this flrta, is the'poiidlkr
auctioneer with whom so many of our
< ■ people are acquainted,-.familiarly known
as Lank, and we' don't want our people to
■forget, him.
Brown’s Iron Bitter* are a true friend
to the weak and convalescent.
. The highest cash price for Hide*, Furs,
3* Safe, Weft. Dried Fruit, add old wrought
* *£%&**■. ■*!&&.:
If you are sick, nervous, dyspeptic, etc.
Brown’s Iron Bitter* will cure you.
V'. T' lr 't \ •
1 Everybody U compelled to- have Drug*,
everybody like* to have perfumery and
• toilet goods, everybody in this country
' raoit either Sit tn the dark or buy lantern*,
lamp* or lamp goods, and most every kedy
, .. want*, tobacco, senfi oc.cigars; for the
’£e*t of anthm#thing* at tfifevAy UWeel-'
prieei sad .avwTthing etoe. u*uaUy keptta
a firet*clam drug store, call at Sloan ft
Walker’s, new drq*t<**, i Jiq. 6, Natkpml
Hotel, Dalton, Ga.
r 1 ..■• 1 ••• :■
3 * NV ‘HcCurd/ i* the leadidg Confec
tioner of Dmlten. ' Don't fail to call on
■ j him when you want anything in hi* line.
w •
See card of. Brown <fc, Buahton, Dalton,
xi*., Jewelers', Auction and Oommlmion
'. • merchant*. . TWb; too. reliable firm in ev
ery respect.
Loeslnw* ia scarce. We can
pot help it,
Mr. LeeJijrsujlL gf. Spring Place
and Mr. Walker,* of Dalton were
‘ in tbirn Saturday laiat.
Aq interesting communication,
eritfvidd “Ldss Prido arid Mbre
*; Purity,V will appear iu ®W, P^xt
.ifrtfer --.:t -.•> •• •*. .u.<\ ; ■'• •.
■* Bob. 'McftH.fe* -ff- you
>. > want to f*l tfcekled *H. and .qe
the now stock of goods over which
h# presides and watch him sail
thepu. They ara so cheap that
people will luy (hem, and it does
hit# gK>d to sell them.
Dr. T. T. Fain an* Judge Alee*
break, of Morgan boa ware io
lowa yesterday. We are always
glad to see them.
Dr. Qeo. F. Little, formerly
State Geologist, aavt Mr. Lamp
fcia, of Daltoav yaeaed through
our county ou Tlturedar last on
raUJ#r Ffurpliy.M.^O.
, Ohm. , a*.. >
T. H. Tabor gava ua. a passing
call fast' week on iif*way from
North Carolina to Cineinnatn
He will take in the eotlou expoai
tioh it Athauta on his return. ~
■ Our ffiOad; Thomas Chi, will
mesa to .Marrey--county- about
Christmas, haring bought a plan
tation from Dr. Stafford. We ref
grot to lose him aa a cilwen.
j> ■ Ti ,
' Married, on Sunday last,- at
"Pleasant Grove church, by lies.
•L F.i*ttii, Mr. Thomas Killian
MUs Caldonia Theasas, ail
•f this Mrttft .-The Cofloie,bare
fiE for happinesaand
Wm. Speuoer, Agent, shipped
dad sold large lota.of leather last
week to Atlanta and Gainanlie
deelers, and we learned secpfqd.
ft bqtier price tbau had been re
alised by any qao over ofeciag
Soul hens tanned leather in, those
markets. My. ipenoer Is ft mas
; i.,
-S'!* o it.'.' Ik" U 1
A majority, jof pqblic sofaeols
closed oo The- term
at the Kll fjay §<£>> nar jr wafquile
a average at
tendance having been 78t>ut of
an enreTlment of 97." ’Prof.. Bales
hiring oeaeludftdda try thf real
ities of married life gave hclliday
tffii week for the parpoea of eh
ahiing himself to get together
tome pole, even*, ration*, Ac.
Now ProL whenerqr Che salt or
peppey je-out-go and get it. with
out p word.* •
A New Enterprise.
„.M V. Teem, who is ever prog
ressive, started bfa new Brqwn
Cotton Gid, With self.feeder and
condenser, on Saturday la?t. Be
also has anew Winshipl Press,
; ed on the day' alludeij,;, tn, gin
ned M.d packed the first bale of
hefted uferginned and packed in
'kbun -To Mr ITeeV
erodit- we place *lhose : faots' dti -re-.
J tbt ia earning yepro the
;childstiß,wap.come after us. may
know who were the pioneers, of,
• There' is no hotter gin in, (hq
world Jthan the Brown,; and uo
better. Press . ttftn this
and as Mr. Teem has exercised'
such mature-judgement inhis se
lection of appliances for baling
cotton we bespeak for hiin a lib*
eral run of custom. We have
not learned what his charges are
for ginning but fell assured: that
he will get what he can do during
the season, because he is so ad
mirably fitted up for the work.
Kingston Letter.
'Kingston, Ga.; Oct., 4,-1981.
Everything and every body
looks lik# all they need now is
an exposition ; and consequently
Kingsloift is looking up, as we all
iutend to represent Bartow. Ev
ery train is loaded as they pass,
and. we do not doubt but that it
will be a young Centennial.
When wo return will fiyoyoju
full description- ■ is
Our town is improving* There
are several new building# going
up. We have several visitors
from different cities. Among
them are Dr. Mabbit and wife of
Quitman Ga.; Mrs.-D. L. Perry of
Ala.; also, tne accomplished la
die*’ nsaPf Mr. John Harris, of
Alft, if t oa his second visit to his
father this year. We learned
that our little town was honored
by a brief visit from the gallant
and urbane-Mr. JohaPerry of the
“Courier’’ Staff. Words are in?.d
eqoafe.lo qur regret in
not seeing the repre
sentative. We always feel like
making' our obeisance to the
brave and hobie Courier ; and we
heartily recommend it to all fam
ilies that would cultivate taste
for fine literature and domestic
instruction.; ,
' { If ETA.
Titter and Ring -ffbfrn Specific
, Never fails to remove Tetter, Ring
worm, Ground-Itch and Scald-Head. Dr.
G. BL .Hunt<t rays: “My wife was trou
bled with Tetter tor u number Of years,
and fiftMng'ifciivvM her until ftie tried
.‘Hall’s Tetter and Ringworm Specific.’
This curdd.‘her.’’. Space does not admit
of our giving tit# hundreds of similai tes
timonials. Try the remedy and be con
vinced. Price 50 cents. Bold by dealers
io meffichte, or sent by Express to aoy ad
dress on receipt ot price. Address. E. A.
H ALL--Proprietor, Lake City, Fix.’
(( uuimuukawd.)
Hafts truxw, G*., Oct. 411,'t1.
W. y. Co*|B.— Dssa Bib:- In jotf io
sps of WU *t Bcptcvober 1 tad UR foi*
lewiag la a eewnMwieoilea Boss row
Jasper editor, John W. Henley, a f the
dale of Bepl lllb, in rtgard to lbe pro
ceedings at Bethany chnnft, in reference
If n eeotroveny between brother Henry
Tew and myself. He, Scotty, stale*:
That I argued that h is no barm for a
member of the Church to'engage In' die-.
Tilling.' •* Tour Corrmpoadeat enoou.r
nuuuriuuKirrsp me. The question was
th.i: Bra. T. affirmed that Bethany
Church had went ae far into -stiUiua that
■they would not receive a Goapel ac
knowledgement, nod referred to the case
of 'John HcHaban. - I dkmicd the asser
tion, that Bettiany church would not re
ceive *n acknowledgement on account of
stiQiag, and denied MoHaban’* exclusion
being fo.r aUHteg, or notetilUng ; but be
was excluded for other charges brought up
OgaiMT htftt, ud I referred to : these
charges, Ibot day, which Mr. Henley well
keoa*.' I call upon him to retract the
chaife pe- -waiter against I will
prove kf * large number of responsible
person* (bat bis statement is rates.
Yotlw,-Oc.-, • ; . W*. Caulk.
Gulteau Indicted.
Washinoton, October 4.—'Tbe grand
Jury this morning completed tbe bearing
of witnesses in tbe Guiteon case and about
one o’clock : thif evening took n frocess.
The foreman, Mr. Churchman, proceeded
to' (he office of the district attorney and.
placed in Colonel Corkbill’s hands a pre
sentment' agaibst diaries J. Guiteau, for
the murder of James A. Garfield; Presi
dent of tbe United 'States, by wounding
hits "with' a bullet Used from# pistol in
the hands of Charles 7 J. Guiteau at tbe
Baltimore and Potomac depot on or about
the 2d day of Jufy dC D. 1881. - - ; ;
Mr. Scoville, of Chicago, Guiteau’*
brother-in-law, and who will act a* hi* at
torney, will' offfr insanity as bis only plea.
Tax GoUeotor’s Appointments.
Cherry L0g...,.,.0ct0ber 7tli.„ |
Diamond ■' '. Bth. ' ' -
TlokawGey,.-.,,'.. „ lOth.;
Cartecay .' „ Hth. ,
Ball Ground...v... „ 12th-
Town Creek....... „ 13th.
Cooimwatte*.. .. „ 14th. .
Leach’*.....„ 16th. ,
I ’shall be at Ellijay during court week.
Early Bettieiiien&'are'required‘of tne, and
t shall be compelled to collect promptly,
Metallic currency, mutilated or with holes
through it, cannot be received in payment
of taxes. ’ ” ''
Gt W. Gatks, T- .C.
Sandcrtville, ’Oa„ Aug. 27,1881.
Being aware of tlie • caution
which Southern Bublisherk prop
-jsrly,, ex,ercisp iu accepting (‘tltre
.hill a.4,'’Jsjvell ij-’ilt'o grOuud of :
Tou that fljo .tiU, wp offer von is
nafyaSTSWr Wisher
His roy*y:fho full’vatue of the
Iprthife refehiVd. >4(l nwah fAa is of
ten the' care, but -th -watch we
furnish-raelis readffy a price
which will pay yon handsomely for
.adyprtising it. v We could iuruish
‘many TeUerß~lrom publishers to
.esfabiißh .this'but;with the tesfi
inoni.als in tne catalogue we’only
add the—thfi last received:
... Jefferson, Ga., August.2o,lßßl.
W. C. GILES *.CO.—Gents •
*' •' .• i. Tbe “Boss Patent Watch”
is a good thing and takes well is this sec
tion.. The one 1 cot from you was band
some and’run well. It is nst one of the
many bogus concerns which the Southern
Editor has to. deal With so often. Would
like to renew my contract when it exp*-
pire*. : Yours Truly,. .
B. S. H. IVaud,
Pub; Herald.
Conyers, Ga., Aug. 19,1881.
W. V. GILES -AGO;-! ordered my
“Boss Patent Gold Watch,” soon after'
you contracted with me for the advertise*
ment(lßSo) and have been wearing it hv-:
er Since. The case shows no signs of be
ing anything but what you recommended
it to be, and the watch keeps perfect
time. lam well pleased with it and con
sider it a cheap and good watch.
W. K. Ha nr,
.Pub. Examinei.
Settled Beyond a Doubt.
No one questions the fact that more
caste of wliitos, suppression, irregularis
ties and Uterine obstructions' of every kind
are being daily cured by Dr. J. Bradfleld’a
Female Regulator, than by all other rem
edies combined.- It* sucoei* is beyond
precedent. Thousands of certificate*
from-women every where pour iu upob tbe
proprietor. The attention of prominent
medical mm has been aroused in behalf of
this wonderful compound,' and tbs mo* t
successful practitioners use it. If women
suffer hereafter it will be their own fault.
Atlanta, Ga., Oet.S, 1879.
I hare used. Bradfleid’s Female Regula
tor and flnd R all that it -Claimed tor it. It
ha* proven U my bands a complete in the
treWtoeht of all those diseases peculiar to
females. In a practice of fifty years’ I
have foetid’nothing'equal to it.- '*
Dr. Bradteid, Prop., Atlanta, Ga,
Price, $1,50 per bottle. Bold by all Drug
gists, and by Bra. Watkins ft Johnson,
Ellijay, Ga. ; , . , ,
■* u ' iff.
A Cough, Cold' or Bore 'lTiroat
ehrniid be stoppl'd. Neglect frequently
results in an Incurable Lung Disease or
TROCHES are certain to give relief in
A*tbma, Bronchitis, Cougbr, Catarrh,
Consumptive end Throat Deesse*. • For
thirty yeArs the Troches have been recom
mended. by physicians, and always give
perfect satisfaction.- Their are not new or
untiied, but having been tested by wide
and constant use for nearly an entile gen
eration, they have attained well-merited
rank among- the few staple remedies of
the age. ' Public Bpeaken and Bingen use
them to clear and strengthen the Voice.
Bold at tweuty.five cents a box every
' *• ■ *-, . * f
Attorney at Law,
WILL piaclire In tbe Hu peri or Courts
lof the Blue Ridge Circuit. Prompt at
ileuliou given to alt bos,ness entrusted te
Ids cate.
ttDOfi ’
r Tut shore is tbe . o*#w <. * famous
Worm Remedy eedorwd by Pt,y MC.AIMI
sm! Dru**wt e* ms hrrt Vrrnuiuge
koowo. TtHootsftmtbelunnofpow.
dam, divided km, pfepor .and b
>!■■■ > }h# tert*. Uhihlreo will not
iii-sitale to take M oevifod time after uncr
taking a date. D*£’ ftvmter, irhnn*.
Mmino, Nlbleck of L*ki
efficac7 fc *>3dfly Mm In medh-W 'm
*et<- -Heat to-ml(hess off owlpi
or priue. K. A. UAMa Pyspiielor.
' Lauc t’tTY, Fla.
Motkara I MotLaffiL-Mothers J,| 11
Arc you disturbed ft sight and broken
of youi rest by sick mild suffering and
crying with tbq excitylailng pain of cut
ting teeth t If bo, go et once and get a
bottle of MRS. WfPTSLOVyS SOGI’H
INU BYKUP. It relieve the poor
little sufferer inonecHolely—depend upon
it; there is no mistake about. There is
not a mother on earth oho' has ever used
it, who will not (eftyqn ft once that it
will regulate the bo Weft and give test-to
the mother, and relief snd health to the
child, operating likemftic. It ts i*rfcct'
ly safe to use in all smet, and pleftant to
Um taste, and ia tberylfficriptioo of 1 one of
the oldest and best femals physicians and
nurses in tbe United States. Sold eVery
wheie. 25 cents a bottle. - -,
The petition of Sossn R. Brown as the
administratrix ot the estate of George
W. Brown, late of said countv deceased,
■hows that she hae fully discharged her
said trust, and pfhye ts be disotisrgeh
therefrom- ... , 8
AH persons coMrsrned will shoA cause'
If any they can star before the January
Term, ntsa, ofxhtr.Const, why ht *aiU
tsrrn the prayey of •petlttsner
bo granted. Oct.Srd, iffil. • --
.’ Ordftary. ;
oet.Sth-Sm. TPiWMsrh( fes o)"
G KORGlA**r<lljL JVEB COCNTT; ’.j,'*.
Whsrdss' Dnnift koutfait as tbe sdmln
letrntor eC the MMA of Robert Douthit
deocaSed latd ofsftfcenntv, shows that
he has fully adoftaTSlered the estate, as
appears, by. prapeyvouchers of gft.oi.d
nrayh to. be dUcttarfed therefrom, and
rom Said trust; IJsrefore all .persons
coassyeod wUi.akftm cause, if any they
Daniel Douthit sfeo4B>*t be diftharged
from aftd trust.
Witness niy handoidofflcinl signature.
Bept. 6th 1881- 'Fa f
A* ptMVfmiiPlw#. ... O'!.!] .1,,.
• ‘ -• * v ref v - - •'* ‘ *
„ f?r£ # a• *
&• -V? SttSWF/ >ropri'etv*
Bates of Board t&.#o per day: single
meal, 50 cqnt. 'l.abts always supplied
with the best the majj(iis affords.
• , 1
Wholesale and lMlail Dealer In, - ■
Brandie% Gins, AJoix Baer, A*., allof .yie
purest and best mk and suitable for me
dicinal, sacramental nd other purposes.'
Jewelers, AnctiouS Coi’ob McreSafits,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-plated
Ware, Spectacles, Jsc. Great bargains in
Crockery, Glassware, Clothing and No
tions. Inducement* offered country .jner
chants to buy tbei_r_Clocks, dpcCtadeS,
Notidhs, &ci; of us. " oct. 8-ly. ,
JT. N. IWleCuirsiy,
'• oxautk nr '.
' ■* AND
Gonfee ti one rie m.
CTCssb paid or -qpode exchanged for
Country Produce, "'jp - v - .. oet. 6- 3m.
• r JT t . V
42 Broad Street, 'tf&irje,
j • Retail'dealer in
Wine, &e.„ hll- the jptrreat and best and at
as reasonable price* as they'can be bought
in the city;' WHish<*t cash price paid for
Country Cora WEhkey, Gall on me
when you cunts to Rom*. oct 6-2 m.
i- . - V - . • ■
Will be raid before the" Court-house
door in Ellijay, said county, on the first
Tuesday In ‘NoVftatfer, within the legal
hours ot sale, the following property to
wit: '
80 acre*, more or less, of the West half
of lot of land. No. 112,’in the !ltd Dis
trict and Second section of sod county.
Levied on ae the property of Jacob Me-
Cane, by virtue of * Justice Court 0. fa.
issued from tbe District, G. M., in
favor of Alfred Ingle, vs said HcCaae,
for tbe purchase money of raid land.
Property pointed- out by plaintiff. Levy
made and returned to me by Lakey Xilittt,
L. C., August 3rd, 1881. . •
H. M. BRAMLETT, Sheriff.
Best. 29-4 w.
Administrator's Sale. I
■ By viTtoe of iwr orderfrom-the.court of!
Ordinary of Pickens county,, will bsVold 1
on the first Tuesdar in November 1881 at
the court bouse door in said county, be
tween the legal board of sale, the follow
ing described tracts of land to wit: Lots
cf land Nos. 48, 4fi, 80 and 85, and id acres
oQ of the North East corner of lot .No. 47.
Ml in the 13th dist. and 2nd section ef said
roqtjr ; SbO, acres siorect lest..
This being the lands on which Isaac gad
get resided at the lim'- <>f bis death. Sold
as the property of said Isaac J'ailget Ue
ceased, for tiie benefit of the heirs'and
creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale
east'. Tins September the slb 1881.
Jsspek M. Pettit,
Sept.-sth 4w. (130 w.'i
Attorney at Law,
■ i A.
WIMi pipctlea in the Ntiporlbr Courts of
the Blue Kidge and tit" mkee Ofrciite, and
in the Buprt-me Cooit of Georgia. Also,
! in tbc United States flout ts in Atlanta.
| Will give special "ttentfon to tbc purcboM
and vale of at! Had* of real cala>. and
and litigation. .
• •U J i v
V J t • / a- ;
fl Corn Sliellersii
Writ* for illustrated oata
Sandwich M'F'GCa
i 110,000 ROAD IN THE U. *., AML .
ctiu. Vhcv mu.
rm- • -
HOTIL Stef, - - - - •■•mtUltJt*
- j <A..ntl Ulr Circular prx* Price List.
now Mr o9,
-. ... JA*£BV;U.E. wis.
. ;H!5 IF.ST Wlni Mil! CJ Eartli.
SlTrtpic.-SttQns, and Rural*!®.
Will net ShrsLik, Sty®!), V'arp, or
Iftittle in trio Y;ind.
gi <ry> aViaßo,
Iron V.'md Engins
i W Anti-Freezing
i fc,ara FORCE PUMPS.
usJLi.a33as nr
Bator* rur-tairtne any other WinSmlll, MB*
for ATlev UeL AaOrmtm, . .
Springfield, Ohio.
Str.te vJjcre yeti sew' ih!s afiJvertlsameftth
Has a continuous FORCE FKO
of rubber, cannot bunch the
grain, sows grain evenly, has
rubber springs, and will clear
all ordinary obstacles. ItJUt bulft
with. Detachable, c tass -Seqder,.
' froHt o'r >ear; v ■V'-i-jT 7 -- *••
Which sows all kinds of phos
phate?, cr fertilizers In general
use, In am furrow with the
wheat A Patent Cut-oIT pre
vents waste of Fertilizers equal
to 20 per int. of cost of writ!
each year.
Circulars sen&fcae upon appF
■ cation.
j, e, :tweu v *:s&
CPKEMpAiTLE, pgNM’A.', t
i a wnit&sUe..PHjyt
V. 1. US 4H,
Bok, Stationery,
. RRR . v 1* •
DALTON , 0.*.,
12* >• RlWrUrr to fMr
*>*•. anduw faetmiek %.
Nr selll,* Jr the moßl accomtnoda
ting term*. Buying strictly forwh .H
bavlßg small current expenses, we Rre smt-
Mock rrAmmrr* 11 •* O*
Booßr, Blent ffookg Nn*tc Book,,
?. beet „ ii * ic, D Nole Pa P er - belter
C W Papa*, BUI Paper, Box Paper, En
v elopes, Albania, Slate*, Croquet, Vase*.
Watcfan, Clocks, Picture Framed JkcT^
furnitures j.
Cbaira from 80 cent* to sls each ; Ta
hlea from $1 to SBB each ; Bedstead* from
$3 to st*escb •, Bureau* from $8 to SBO
*sh ; AasdMbes from $lO to s*o each ;
Wash at soda from $* to $lO t ach.
#e keeps fall Hoe of fufnltWre; tag
•eH at phM io competition te any Loum
South. We wish to giyy promtaence to the
f >ot that we are possessed #f ample capital
and buying only for cash, we will dupli
cate Atlanta, Rome and Chattanooga bills
on all good* In our line, and thus rave
freight to the purchaser. Special atten
tioo given to orders for anything pot in
Atock- Pica#* giye u* a eaU and test for
Aug. 11, gm. ' 77 •
* • • 0 , £ * i. s
twin ur mu
4. m. wsTKnm, m: n. fj.i. rim* sox, m. n.
Druggists Sc Physicians
. >HD DIALERS lit'
.-*• ••:*■ *. : .
Drugs, Medicines.
Chemicals, Paint*, Oils,
Perfumery, Toilet Artiden,
Garden Seeds, • a
Oigsrt, Tebareer),
Stationery, Inks,
* Pen*, Pencil*, Notion*
IS fact, every thing usually to be foupu in
a first-class Drifg Store will bn kept in
stock, sml sold at a mod,Tate u(francs on
first cost. We shall discard everything hi
the way of ulerciiuutublc goods anti deal
in nothing but the purest Drugs sod Med
icines, thereby giving our customers st
tareb la gpsmrtltj, and the hast in quality
ttfertvniw Mist* aI ohn|ed
fos.goojs whqr* druiM.srg pot
•mUy. .. Tip u*.
i-iaii 3prm#&mK#-
*•* 1,. }f <J ... A ;.. s , t ■
>---(■ t-* •' * ■ • • ■
.• ■ ~n * ip‘-
Wit he sold at the Court-house door, -
lit said eoiintv, within the legal hours of
*ale. on the first Tuesday in Norember
next, t 6 the Wpkert niwt beat bidder, lets
of Isßfi, maodrer/BWo Hundred and giltj
three ißflwUerenth District, and sum-'
her Two-Hditdred abd- Tbirtv-five, in the
iTenth Uiatriot. aud both of said lots be.
ing in the Second Section la said county.
Levied on to satisfy a mortgage fl fa in
favor of J.. M. Dorn, y*. Mattie J. Dorn,
as the Exeoutrlx of Wm. B. Dorn, de
ceased, and a* the uroperty of War. B.
'Dorn, deceased, ** aforesaid. In the
: bands of Mattie J. Dorn, Executrix as
, aforesaid, isSswtl from, tbs Superior Court
•of sadd eosioty. '
And also at tb* ssws thae and place
Snd in (he snreemaan** r wtll be aali lets
,ol land, Rwubers Two Nasodyed and
,Thirty.five*and Two Hundrsd and sixty
-1 eight, both In the Tenth District, and lota
' of Und, Bwnibers Two Hundred and fif
ity-three, and a oae-Mth undivided inter
est in anil to number Two Hundred and
Eighty-elglM, and both itt the- Seventh
. District, and nil in the Second Section in
said county. Levied *>n to satisfy three
ti fas in Uiror of 'C. D* PMUlps and J. C.
i Alien, vs Mattie J. Dorn, Executrix of
W in. B. Dorn, deceased, and as the prop
'erty of Won B. Dorn, deceased as afore
isaid, in tke bands of Mattie J. Dorn. Ex
ecutrix of said deceased, from the Sup*.
1 rier Court of said county, and founded
I upon Attorney’s Liens, for the recovery
I' of said which the sgid C. D.
Phillips sad J.C. AHe a, ware attorneys
tor Waa. B. Dorn, aww deceased, and af
terward* Mat>ie J. Worn, KSecntrix of
said deceased, in Attarimwirtadw the 8u
perlorCavtrt efsatd eatmty In whloh Wm
D- Dora row dtscasefi, was (inl'tndant.
and afierWurda Mattie J. Dorn as flic
Executrix of, said deceased, in his stead,
and N. K.BMler, plaintiff in the first.
A. A. Ciisby, plaintiff in the roccmd
and M. A. Marbert piaintiff in
tbei third. And apoa which three said
Liens tlie said C. D, Phillips aiid J. C.
Allen, obtained 1 JWdgmeats against the
.told Mattie J-. Dorn, Executrix of said
deceased. This August, gist, 1881.
11. H. BHAMd.DTT, Sberig. -
Not*.—l am imo rived that Mattie A
Dorn as the widow of deceased eta ms a
one-sixth interest ita said lands as d*.
scribed in the various levies, as a Dower,
which interest, or any she may have,, hy
direction of Hon. Price, her attor
ney 4a fact, will be sold under the above
advertisement, nod she look for her
riebto out of the fund arising Dorn the
sale. This august 31st, 1881.
. *• V. ALI.KN, Att’y for Pl’ft.
, S*r. 16-4w^4Mwords.) f ■
Vi : ■' *
■ JWjjL L.ll
sSuw ttfUahTsmu
•UMMIM. UlMral Otoa. to om* r> -S—fl
B hß™*** * 80 5 T
R Acute, Wisconsin.
* f *.?
*(LL visit BBtr aw* Marrastca at
Milfiffriau 1 S m J* f * ** l^ la-
SswsaJi.T '-*£
T’.V4?£2:V^ , K~3
®‘'^ ur ** * V S2 laad will
®f Franklin county. Tennessee, i
receive or trs from
*J' Rhn RaH t * rat-class frutt of M kinds,
niuuratt! Catalogue can be ae- a at the
WJ o,.
Ellijay Seminary*
Mule and Female.
Classical, Bcnomrio and Practical
Studdfits prepared for the higher Ctiv
▼erstty classes op tor busiusre Ufa.
"' l , ■ i,,
r-t fattier parttcu.itTp *adirrsg.
M O Bates . A. B„
>uly Principal .
•. ■ i:
; stilling: lutolie.
fIIHE undersigned take* pleasure in
*■ fowling all who corttnaptate build u,
anew, or reconstructing o kd Mills and whe
do not wish to incur the risk of failure to
obtain the best results, tint fr wiH he to
thelg interdst to eonsntt hinr beflua closing
contract for yom- MB! improvement. Be
nldes being folly prepo- and, after years of
study ami practice, to a *1! lrjnd *f |t'i
work lu the beat sty]*, lap
, Ateot for all Wi cf fill larticcr
ofthe aaost improved j.tlerns, and guar-
RRfcvlwreirthdiii mi Manufacturers* am
Import si s’ price*, including (be celebrated
te® Mil ftrtiit Water fuel,
Fwbch Burr ritonea, Eureka **i .attiug
Maabmea, Brush Klniahing Mach , Qen
I Mae Dufiour and Dutdi Ancuo siting
Cloths Castings,, ©carings, dec. Also*
Sergeuiit s Mill Bttrr Drrvrr sad Bail.
Portable Mills, Belting, Middling Porifi 1 -
era, Bicyator Belting and Cups, Mill Dress*
‘"8 Machinery of aU kind#, iMiuding
Patent Dress, Ac., Ac,
Now, if you want anything in my lino
I promise .satisfaction in vroikram .b*p i. 1
price. Call on or address
Dec. 2>-iy. • r, qx
JLno. S. Young,
• •• vni
Knoxville,. Tenn.
JMy ShSrn.
mJuuUsuilcu sarioOKliEi/
PIANOS at 75.00 . .
PIANOS at $1,200.
ORGANS ta SCC.:,.,
•>V •;. •
i. * Hint* to Pro '#>*
When seieeti ug apiaac. Fvru, or organ
It is important ;.o remember—
-1 That (here is more economy in buy
Ir i; a really liirt-class inttnit.n-nt, f t a vea--
sonable figure, than in jiutcbas'in- m other
merely liecause it is much chcapot.
2. Aiways give the choice , youi ,
rffnflge to Responsible Dealer* that baud'
established Pianos- and- Qrgansl
Always buy an Instmmsnt wiii*
a Soul in ii.
Wlfend for < Catalogue ahd I es. ?i
anos nod Otg-i, ueci aud repair jJ. p,
anos and Organs Kiebaoeed, or t eiv,
in part pay for new.
Foreign amt Americas Sheet Music,
Guitars. Violin*,.jot strings, sndi
UwU..qt Musical Merchandise. fcuotiay
ScbooJ Instruct ion tboir of a’l idu-v.
Round Rote, “Shape’ Motes. Audit"
w.x. ame*to.
J o*, da.
Aug. It, Bm.
Leather. Leather
lawnow fuming on* from the I
Tan-yard, as goo ! last her, of all ,
scriptions as can be . Ju j a any market
For Upper, Bole or Harness Leather of
the best quality bring either the
. . CUE, TH££T trim
■ Highest cash, price paid for g ior dry
SFTfgS! either oJ. Y. Cobb o. the ua
dersi,. jed at the Tan'yard.
June 30*tf.
J j