The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, April 19, 1888, Image 1

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WALTEB 8. OOLEXAN, Editor and Proprietor. VOL XIII. ELLIJAY COURIER. PUBUBHKD EVERY THCTtSDAY WALTER S >T COLE MAM. GENERAL DIRECTORY. Superior Court meets 8d Monday in May and 2nd Monday in October. county orriCNBS. J. C. Allen, Ordinary. T. W. Craigo, Clerk Superior Court M. L. Cox, Sheriff. J. R. Kinciad, Tax Collector. Locke Langley, Tax Receiver. Jus. M. West, Surveyor. G. W. Rice, Coroner. Court of Ordinary meets Ist Monday io each month. , < TOWN COUNCIL. R. T. Pickens, Mayor. L. B. Greer, 1 ie:c"bfr • T. J. Long, J A. J. Bishop, Marshal. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. Methodist Episcopal Church South— Every 3d Sunday and Saturday before. Bev. W. F. Colley. Baptist Clnirch—Every 2nd and 8d Suuday, by Rev. E, B. Shopc. Methodist Episcopal Church —Every Ist Saturday and Suuday, by Rev. T. G. Chase. FRATERNAL RECORD. W. A. Cox, W. M. J S. Tankersley, S. TV. TV. S. Coleman. J. W. R. Z. Roberts, Treasurer. D. Garren, Secretary. E. B. Shope, S. D. B. P. Whitaker, J. .D. W.H. Foster, S. S. J. 0. Ke” J. S. S. P. Garren, Tyler. R. T. PICKENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLIJAY, GEORGIA. Will practice in all the conrts of Gil. mer and adjoining counties. Estates and interest in land a specialty. Prompt attention given to all collections. DR. J. R. JOHNSON, Physician and Surgeon ELLIJAY, QEORQtA. Tenders his professional services to the people of Gilmer and surrounding coun ties and asks the support of his friends as heretofore. All calls promptly filled. LESTER KCLhMAN, ATTOMEYS AT LATV ELLIJAY, QA. Will practice in Blue Ridge Cironii, County * ( ourt of Gilmer County. Legal solicited. ‘TronoptniM” i* our motto. OR. J. S. TANKERSLEY. Physician and Surgeon, Tenders his professional services to the Vi ti fens of EMij&y, Gilmer and surrounding oon*\ ties. All calls promptly attended to. Office upstairs over the Arm of Cobb Son. ___ ftu ft WALDO THORNTON. D.D.S. DENTIST, Calhoun, Ga. Will visit Ellij&y and Morganton at both the Spring and Fall term of the Superior Court—and oftener by special contract, when sufficient work is guar anteed to justify me in making the visit. Address aa above. TmavffVla Mexican Mustang Liniment oimßS Bristles, Scratches, Contracted Lumbago, Sprains, Muscles, Strains, Eruptions, Barns, Stitches, Hoof Ail, Bcalds, Stiff Joints, Screw Stings, Backache, Worms, Bites, Calls, Swinncy, Braises, Sores, Saddle Galls, B anions, Spavin Files. Corns, Cracks. CakedSreasta ————— For MAN or BEAST, Rub it in VIGOROUSLY ! t BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! Tho following books are published la peat pamphlet form, printed from pood readable type on pood paper, and many of them handsomely illustrated. They are without exception the cheapest books ever pub- ia any land or language, and furnish to tho xo&sses of the people an opportunity to secure the best literature of the dav at the most trifling expense. In any other series great works would cost manjr times the price at which they are here offered. Each one is complete iu itself: Wonder* of the World, Natural and Otbkh. Con- The Foreelllnl HuMe*. J NowH. ByM. tain* d<?acr'.ptions nd tllu*trtlon* of the moat wonderful The Oid Oaken Cheat. A Novel. BySri-VANU* Cobb, Jr. works of nature *nd of m*n. Very inttreetlng and ln*irnttlve. The Pearl of the Ocean. A Novel. By Claba Auoubta. Wonders of the Ncil A description of th many wonder- Hollow Ash IIuIL A Wovel. By Maboaost Blount. fnl sn-1 beautiful thing* found At tbo bottom ef the ocean, with Illustrated. prof us* illu-tretl odi. CHtTe House. A Novel. By Etta W. Pißsrr. “A PlesMure Exertion," and Other Nketeheo. By Under tho Lilac*. A Novel. I>y tho author of Dora •‘Jooiah Ali.ks’s Wife.” A collection of irroototlbly fanny Thorn*." n—w Bketrhoo by the m#t popular humcrouo writer of tho day. Tho Diamond Bracelet* A Novel. By lire. llcnbt The Aunt Kcztah I*opera, byClaea Acocbta. anther Wood. Illustrated. . ■ . . of •• Tli* Hugg Documents.” A rooet ridlcnlonsly funny book The I.nwyer’*Secret. A Kovel. By M. E. Bbaddo*. —lnevery w*y lo “Widow Bedo-.t.'* The Stranne fiue of Dr. Jokyll mad Mr. Hyde. A t'hrUtma* by Ciiabi ks Dtcxrw*. Contains a Novel. By K. L. St*vbnbon. _ „ number of th* most ciiertnlnff Christine* stcrie* ever written A Wicked OlrL A Novel. by tha greatest wr'ter who overlived. Each on* toromplue. Lndy \*3 worth** Diamond*. A Novel. By Tng Koaad the Evening A book of *torle*,pictures, Digram.” a Novel Bv the eothor 1 - Dor* pilixloeend Hem**, far the Hut* (oik***home. Between Two Bln*. A Novel. By the eotnor •* nor* Popular ItoeltAtlone and Dlologne*, homomne. dr.m* Thonm.” Uc end pathetic. Including *ll th# leieet. hvet end most popula-. The Wine of Hearty A Kovel By B. 1.. Tsnjmou. The t*eJf-mede Men ef Modem Time*. Cobulbi i*r- Hori‘ • f ort*ne. A Novel. By Blomncb Wa****. treiu end biographies or fmon* eelf tied* American*.from the A JLo Marriage. A hovel. br£ Uri ec*. Ittus t meo r rrenkilß to th* The Unllty Klverw A Novel. By witai* Collin*. Familiar Quotation*. Ccstelnlu* the origin end author- Th* Poieun or Aeae. AKofd. By rLo*c* Masaiat. ehiuof msBV niiraive frequently met lnr**dlßg sad con vers* Moat (iranro A Novel. By kn. Htmv Wood. Forcing tfT Fetter*. A Novel. By MnA unsworn. Law Life la lf*w York, a series of vivid pen ptetwr** A Playwright's BnaghUr. A Novel. By Mrs. A*aia ehvwln* the dark rid* of Wi la th* great city. /Uusiraud. lyre*©*. JUustrated. .Bikor of “Dor* The Koad to Woalth. Not an sdvertleisc circular. Fair hat Falee. A Novel. By th* sstkor or Dor* hat * thoro*hly practical work, potstlac © • way hy Thor**.,*d v which all may metemosoy. mstly. ropld’y *t>d honestly Laaessteria Cabin. A KemL By Mr*. M.T.Vieroa. One llui dred Popnlar Maaga, eontlmvntol.pothetlo JtUstrated . Un „ A , T •ad comic, included most ef lb* fevortte*. new and eld. Florence lylagton a Oalh. A Novel. By nr*, mast Jgvariiii ?.. * T . c— vWa will i*n4 aeffenref the ahwre book* by mail post-paid xipon receipt of only IS Cent*i any fm for M fentsiary hi<tntw far &O Conte t 'be enUro list (*0 book#) for Til CnMt*|tld entire liet bound In board! THE ELLIJAY COURIER. "’COUGHS,CROUP AND CONSUMPTION lEi -SWEET CUM MULLEIN. Th© Rvrcet pum, at* gathered from a tree of the gfijnu name, growing along the smull ntreams In trie Southern States, contains n stimulating ox< •ectorant principle that loosens the phlegm pro* tlm ing the early morning cough, ana stimulate* the child to throw offthc false membrane in croup ©nd whooping-cough. Whon combined with tho Healing mucilaginous principle in the mullein Stlant of the old llelds, presents in TAyi,or*§ Mi KitoKKi: Remedy ok sweet Gum ani> Mitl* -El N the finest known remedy for Coughs, Croup, Vliooping-cough and consumption; and so pala (atde, any child is pleased to take it. Ask Shv iruagist for it. Ihico £.'**•. and #1.00.. WALTJRK A.TAYLolt,ltlant4i.Ga. The BEST PIANOS and ORGANS IN THE WORLD Are manufactured and sold tor the least money by L '--’ 1 • THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST. PBEETHOVENC K)IANO ORGAN CO. |l AM-niliaig::r-i-wliej UENrxoK this paper. FACTS YOU CAN BET ON. That the oldest and largest tobacco factory in tho world is in Jersey City, N. J. That this factory makes the popular and world famed Climax Plug, the acknowledged stand ard for first-class chewing tobacco. That this factory was established ms long ago aa 1760. That last year (xBB<3) it made and sold the enormou* * quantity of 27,982,280 lbs. or fourteen thou sand tons of tobacco. That this was more than one-seventh of all the to bacco made in the United States notwith standing that there were 966 factories at work. That in the last 21 years this factory has helped support the United States Government to the extent oflbver Forty-four million seven hun dred thousand dollars ($44,700,000.00) pall into the U. S. Treasury in Internal Revenue Taxes. That the pay-roll of this factory is about f 1,000,- 000.00 per year or $20,000.00 per week. That this factory employs about 3,500 operatives. That this factory makes such a wonderfully good chew in Climax Plug that many other factories have tried to imitate it in vain, and in despair now try to attract custom by offering larger pieces of inferior goods for the same price# That this factory nevertheless continues to increase its business every year. That this factory belongs to and is operated by Yours, very truly, P. LORILLARD & CO. ARBUCKLES’ name on a package of COFFEE is a guarantee of excellence- ARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all flret-olass stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. LIGHT AND SHADOW. Wo light e’er shines without Its shadow casting A gloom as deep and dark, the other way. No earthly beam can make its force so lasting. But that the night may shroud its fading witll"U* it* sln.lcl WMT'W. §p tint's ... hi - . arc !( '* in it- -1-m i’ - ".■'A - ■ r ’! faintly showing squalor where the poor reside. At the first dawn of the creation, Tho evoning and the morning made the day. So thro’ the world in every rank and station, Tho light and shadow hold alternate sway. Here though the shades thoir sombre palls nro casting, We should not droop or falter thro’ despair. Here though tho frosts tho sweetest buds are blasting, Thoir shadows como not, for no light is there. —Providence Journal. GRANDMOTHER’S SIGNS BY J. L. HARBOUR. We were all very glad when Grand mother Ryder came (o live at our house. She was my mother’s, mother, nud one of tho best-intcntioncd Tittle old women in the world. When grandfather died, my brothers and sisters, as well as myself, wereafraid thatgiundmother Would make her home at our Undo Nat’s or at our Aunt Mary’s, and there was great re joicing when the letter came in which she wrote: “1 did think at first that I’d better go to Mary’s, hut the grounds in my colTcc cup never pointed favorably to it, and last night I had a dream that I’ve dremp three times running, that made it clear to my mind that I’d better come to you. 1 would start to-morrow if it wasn’t Fri day, and I sometimes think tho Friday sign runs into Saturday, too; so I will not start until Monday, which will bring me to your house on the day the moon fulls, and I take that to be a good sign.” An amused smile came into father’s face as read this letter aloud to us chil dren, and he burst out laughing when I said: .“I’d just like to knew what coffee set tlings and dreams and the moon have to do with it?”, .“Nothing, my dear; nothing at all,” said mother, laughing softly. “Hut grandmother has odd notions that we need not say anything about, or mind at all, when she is here.” We lived in the country on a splendid farm. On tho next Wednesday afternoon, to our great delight, we saw father driv ing up the long lane leading to our house, with Grandmother Ryder seated on the spring seat by his side. She waved her handcrchief, and six eager children set off on a run to meet her. W 3 had not seen her for three years, and as soon ns we were near enough to hear she began saying: “Why, bless my soul, how you have growed! I declare I don’t know tother from which, but I guess that's Bertie, and that little girl with the ruffled apron is Mamie, and that’s Tommy with the red ribbon to his neck. Looks ’zactly like the ambrotype of him I’ve got. Bless all your little hearts, anyhow! I’ll know which is which ’foro two hours.” When father helped her out of the wagon she struck her foot on something, and would have fallen had he not caught her. “Mercy on u* 1” she said. “I’m glad I stubbed my right toe. If it had been the left it’d been a sure sign I was going where I wasn’t wanted.” “You know that you are wanted here, no matter what the signs say,” said mother, as she took grandma into her arms and kissed her many times. “Yes, dear, I know it, I know it," said grandma; “but all the same, I couldn't have helped worryin’ Some if it had been the left toe.” TVe soon discovered that grandmother had a sign for every thing that happened, and for much that didn’t happen. When nything unusual occurred graudma sud denly recalled something in the manner in which she had previously been fore warned of it. The fact that her signs and predictions generally failed of fulfil ment did not disturb her in the least. One day I overheard mother say: “Don’t you often notice, grandma, that your signs do not come true? You said yesterday when you saw the cat scratch ing the fence, that it would rain, sure, before night; but there was not a cloud in the sky all dav, and not a drop of rain fell.” “Why, Susan!” cried grandma, in a tone of great surprise. “The morning paper says there was a perfect flood yes terday in Alabama” The proof was incontrovertible, not withstanding the fact that Alabama was fiteen hundred miles from our home. My youngest brother was but three months old when grandma became a member of our family. She was very fond of baby Danny, and was gratified to know that the signs she had had re garding him were favorable to his future happiness. “If he lives to grow up,” she said, “he’ll be a smart and a rich man. See that mole on his neck. That’s a splen did sign. And he’s going to have a ‘cow-lick’ too; that’s another good sign. I hope to goodness, Susan, that you haven’t allowed him to look in a look ing-glass yet.” “I don’t know, I’m sure,” said mother. “Why, Susan,” cried grandma, “he must not see himself in the glass until his first birthday! You’ll never raise him if he does. I'm glad he’s already tumbled out of lied; it’s a sure sign he’ll never be fool.” Grandmother's signs and omens were a f source of uneasiness to herself only. | Mother early took occasion, privately, to instruct its older children on the sub ject She told us dreams had no mean* ing, and that “s'gns” were silly and meaningless invention*. We were not, Write us for Illustrated Catalogue, Free. “A MAP OP BUST Ur/C—iTß ELLIJAY. GA.. THURSDAY. APRIL 19. 1888. die said, to mind what grandma said,but were to love and respect her -Under all circumstance*. Baby Dan was a winning little fellow, whom we all loved so dearly that we wero glad grandma's omens did not portend anything disastrous to him, evon though we did not believe in signs. But one day grandma came down to breakfast without her usual morning smile and cheery greeting. She looked verv solemn, and spoke soberly when the spoke at all. “ Arc you not well?” askea father. “ I hope this whole family may keep as well for a year to come as I am now,” she said, mysteriously. Baby Dan sat in his high chair by grandma’s side, and in the midst of the morning meal she suddenly dropped her knife and fork, threw her arms around the baby, and burst into tears. “ Why, grandma, whst is it! ” cried mother in real alarm. . "Poor ltttle dear, ’’ she cried; “he ain’t long for this world! I’ve dreamed three nights of white colts. I toil you, Susan, what’d happen ifyou cut his too-, nails of a Sunday, or let the othor children raise your parasol in the house. I told you! ” Grandma’s distress was so evident that none of us felt like laughing, and mother said: “ Don’t worry, mother. You know that all signs fail at times.” “Mino don’t,” said grandma, in atone of deep conviction. “ And as I was lay ing in bod this morning, a little bird flew in at the window, and lighted on- my bedpost. I know what that means, Susan. Danny ain’t going to bo here very long; you’ll see that he isn’t. And tho worst of it is that ho’ll be took off sud den, and in some uncommon way.” No reasoning could shako grand mother’s conviction in'the least, nnd her continued depression and gloomy predic tions mado us all very uucomfortable. Indeed, so strong is a superstition that not one 1 of us children could help look ing upon dear little Dan as a doomed child, in spite of mother’s arguments to the contrary. Grandmother had othor unfailing signs indicating Danny's early demise. A white kitten came to the door ono day, and grandma shook her head gloomily. “But I have always heard that was a sign of good luck to have a kitten como to the house,” said father. “Not a white k tten,” replied Grand ma. “A black or gray kitten is a good sign, but a white ono is a sign of”— She stooped over, caught Danny up in -her arms, and hastily left the room. An old white rooster that we had, crowed on tho doorstep that day, and grandma ordered his iestant execution as the only means of averting his share of the disaster threatening Danny. Grandma’s signs multiplied fast, and were of a positive, never-failing charac ter. She camo down to breakfast one beautiful Juno morning*, bowed down with the dreadful conviction that tho end would come that very day. •Danny’s warrant an expectation of death from disease,' at all events. He seemed ‘.o he snnpping his littlo pink fingers at all kinds of signs as he lay in Ins cradle, kicking up his heels nnd crowing gleefully. He was almost a year old at* this time, and grandma had said that he would never live to see his first birthday. During the forenoon we were visited hy several of our relatives who had driven a distance of ten miles to spend the day at our house. We were delighted J to see them and gave ourselves up to a day of enjoyment. Even grandma joined in our pleasure, seeming to forget her | doleful prophecies of what the day would , bring forth. After dinner, which was the great event of the day, the entire family, with the exception of grandma and baby Dan, strolled out into the orchard with our visitors. From the orchard wo went on over a narrow bit of meadow land in search of wild strawberries, which wero abundant. Then we went up a grassy hillside and into a little grove of oaks and elms. There we all sat down on the grass and enjoyed what we called “a real so-iable time,” until father, bethought him to look at his watch, and said: “Why, it’s nearly four o'clock. We have been away three hours. Danny < will have quite worn grandmother out with tho care of him. We must hurry home.” When we reached the house we found grandma fast asleep in her rocking-chair on the piazza, a lock of her gray hair blown over her face by the June wind, and her wrinkled hands crossed peace fully in the sunshine that fell across her lap. She heard our footsteps and was awake in an instant. “Where is Danny?" asked the mother. “It isn’t possible that he has slept all this time.” “I guess he has,” said grandma; “I haint heard a sound from him.” Mother Rtepncd hurriedly into the room in which Danny always took his uqpnday nap. She came out instantly, quite pale, and saying, in a trembling voice: “He isn’t there; he’s gone!” “What—did—you—say, Susan?” asked grandmother rising to her feet and speak ing with painful deliberation. “He’s gone!"said mother again. Grandmother gave a low moan, sank hack in her chair, and said solemnly: “I knew it would be so. Y'ou laughed at my signs, Susan. You wouldn’t hear to them. I feel in my bones that Danny Bertram will never be seen again on this earth. The signs don’t fail me.” I semember that I set up a dreadful howl, in which I was joined hy my brothers and sisters. Father and our friends began an immediate and thor ough search for Danny, hut no trace of him could he found. Grandmother encouraged us by saying, from time to time, between her broken sobs: “It’s no use to hunt for him. He’s gone. He’ll never he seen again on this earth.” Mother broke down entirely after a short time, and lay crying on a lounge, with one of my aunts bathing her tem ples and talking soothingly to her. We looked everywhere—in places that the little feet could never have strayed into, "In the highest and the lowest and the lone liest spot, They eagerly sought, but they found him not" “It looks tome like a case of kidnap ping,” said one of my visitiug uncles to father. “So it docs," said father; “and yet ft don’t seem possible that”— “It ain't possible, David,” interrupt ed grandmother. “I'iu satisfied that I AND ITS I 'AST VOSCSRNS." hadn’t been aularp ten mir.utea whan you folks came home, and I know that no one was near the house liefore you ! came. No, no, David, human hand* 1 never touched our Danuy. I didn’t | dream of white colts with four wings apiece, for nothing.” “What on earth would colts of any kind want with Danny?" asked ono of my aunts. An hour and more passed, and Danny was not found. Wo hurriod to the near est neighbors. They had not seen any suspicions characters in tho noighlmr-' hood, and knew nothiug about Dauny’s disappearance. They came to Our house in great numbers, full of sympathy and harrowing rcminisccnses of similar dis appearances in which tho missing chil dren were either found dead or wero never found at all. The evening drew on. The sun went down. Mother had said ovor and ovor again that wo must find her baby night came on. She could not cuduro the thought of having him away when tho darkness camo. Father began to grow pail and his voice trembled when he spoke. Parties of men and boys wero search ing tho neighboring woods and planning to dragf the streams. It was noarly dark, and we were sitting, tearful and anxious, in mother’s room, when we heard a loud commotion outside. In a moment the door was thrown open and there stood our big, jolly Undo Darius Bertram, nnd, high on his shoul der, laughing and ranking a desperato effort to talk, sat—Danny! ‘‘Well, such a time and nobody to it 1" said Uncle Darius, as ho put Danny into mother’s outstretched arms. “O Darifis! where did you find him?” •cried mother. “I found him lying in his bed about half-past three this afternoon. My wife tmil I wero driving into town and called hero to see you, but found no one at home but grandmother and baby. Grand mother was asleep and baby seemed to bo having a lonely sort of time Of it kicking up his heels in his crad'o. So wife aud I thought we’d take him out for an airing, the day being so fine. I wrote a little note on a loaf of my pocket diary, telling you. wo had him. Didn’t you find it?” “No," said father; “whoro did you put it?” “Why, I pinned it to baby’s pillow, didn’t I? I know wife said for me to. But I’m such a forgetful follow tlmt I don’t know really where I did put that note. It was written on a small leaf liko this.” lie drew out his pocket-diary as lie spoke, opened it and sat down look ing very foolish. “Well, I swan!” he said; “ef I didn’t clean forget to tear the note after I’d written it. I must bo getting loony!” “We were detained in the village much longer than wo expected,” said Aunt Harriet, Uncle Darius’s wife; “and I was afraid yog would worry about baby, but ,he has been just as good as ho could bo, aAt ho scomed-toenjo.y -tho ride so very much. I couldn’t find Iris cloak to put on him, but I had a light shawl with mo, and I found his littlo ever-day sunbon nct out in the yard. It was good enough to wear. To think of the anxiety tho little chap’s ride has cost you I” Grandmother was down on her knees crying over Danny, and of course not one of said a word to her about those unfulfilled omens. It was months be fore the words “signs” and “omens” passed her lips. Then she spoke of them as though they were things beneath her notice. They certainly had no power over Danny, for I have often heard him tell ing this story to his own children.— Youth') Comj.auion. .ml ~ Scared Grizzles. J. H. Inman, a former fur contracting agent of the Hudson’s Bay Company, said to a New York Sun reporter: “While I believe that a grizzly boar will in a majority of cases wait for a fight with a man and take pains to get in tho way of one, there are times when it will seem to think better of it and back out. A remarkable instance of this kind I heard of once, whero a famous Manitoba guide courageously advanced upon three grizzlies, an old she ono and two half-grown yo'iDg hears, nnd by a scries of ridiculous monkey-shines and acrobatic maneuvers on the ground with in a rod or two of the bears filled them with such astonishment and apparent fear shat the three retreated into tho woods with all rapidity. The guide’s gun had snapped in both barrels, lie hav ing drawn on the old hour before the young ones appeared. Ho afterward said that it was in a lit of desperation that he tried the turning of a handspring and jumping up and down, flopping his hands, and resorting to other unhuntcr likc measures, lie had been told once that a hunter had frightened a mountain lion away by similar absurd movements, aud he found that it worked to perfection in the ease of the bears, although he did not encourage anyone to go hunting grizzlies armed with nothing more than a capacity to turn somersaults.” New Economical Flantg. The Directors of the Stharumpur Gar dens, India, are cultivating a number of new plants, for acclimatization. Among them is the Acacia Senegal, which, be sides yielding the best gum-arabic, fur nishes a reddish-brown wood,* which takes on a tine polish, and is used for weavers’ shuttles. The Ccdula adorata, or West Indian cedar, lias a light wood of a mahogany color, even-grained,easily worked, and fragrant—the wood from which Havana cigar-boxes are made. Cenclieris catharticus is a much-valued fodder-plant, which grows in sandy dcsert tracts. It is the Tuart of Austra lia, a tree of magnificent proportions, which furnishes most excellent hard wood timber. The Myricas, or wax myrtles, of North and South America, arc cultivated for the waxy exudations on their fruits, from which tho wax is separated by boiling and skimming. The fruits of the Snpindus saponaria, or West Indian soap-berry, contain a large quantity of a saponaceous matter, which is used for washing clothes. Tha hard, round, black seeds are worn as beds for necklaces. —Popular Science Monthly. England has thirty-four Judges whe are each in receipt of n salary ranging from $28,000 to $50,000, and together draw SOIO,OOO a ycSar from tho Treasury. Tho eighty Judges in the courts of tks United States sro paid from $3,500 tt $10,500* year, su aggregate of $318,000. BUDGET OF FUN. Hl’MonOt’9 RKKTCHKS FROM VARIOUS SOI KCKS. Not of Much Account— A Slight Dlllcrenoc—lll* Tcctli—Ho Was a Married Man, Etc. A gentleman buying a morning pajier of an old woman gave her a 10 cent piece. “I have no change; you can pay me to morrow.” “But suppose I get thrown off the elevated ?’’ “Oh!" replied tho good woman, thinking only of her 2 cents, “it wouldn’t be such a terrible loss."— Judge. A Slight Difference. “How docs tho market look?” inquired Paterfamilias of a young Stock Excitangc man who was calling on the old man’s daughter. “Flourishing, sir. I am a bull from now on.” At this instant the young Indy entered, her fuco wreathed in sweetest smillos; but before alio could opon her mouth her young brother Tom shouted: “Say, Lizzie, Mr. Price says he is a hull. You said last night that he was nothing but a calf I” —Few York Sun. His Tooth. Little Johnny (ontertaining young man in pnrlor)—“My sistor thinks you’ve got beautiful teeth.” Mr.Hunkinson (highly pleased)—“Ahl what have you ovor heard Miss Irene say of them, Johnny?" , Johnny—“Bho says she thinks tho up per set didn’t cost less than $23, and she doesn’t blame you for not catiug maple caramels. I liko caramels, Mr. llankiuson. Got any?" —Chicago Tri bune. He Was a Married Man. A lady carrying an umbrella entered the street car, but before sho could take a seat, tho car plunged forward with an awkward jerk. Tho lady, in attempting to retain her equilibrium, whacked her umbrella against the head of a gentle man. "Oh, sir, I beg a thousand pardons, Sir. These drivers are so careless. Hope you are not seriously injured, sir.” “Oh, no, ma’am. I’m a married man and am used to little knocks like that."— Detroit Free Pres). Addition and Silence. Binks was calling on tho apple of his eye. He picked up a volume of “Lucille" and ran across an inscription on a fly leaf. “Ah! a present?” ho remarked. “ Yes, from a dear friond, oh, over so long ago—seven or eight years.’’ “ So long as that? ’’ “ Oh, yes. I was quito a little girl.” IVhen three weeks had gone liy without the regular e. o. and. appearance of Binks, and it began to look as though he really meant it, she looked up tho book nnd found tho explanation in the inscription. It read: “To Miss Clara on her 20th birthday." That fly leaf is torn but now. —Chicago Mail. He Only Wanted to Seo. Judge Gerald Cummings is a rcspectod resident of Fort Worth, Texas, notwith standing that he is immensely stout and u member of the legal profession. 110 tried many anti-fat remedies to rcduco his weight, but without any satisfactory result. Ife finally went to tho Hot Springs in Arknnsaw, ami much to his joy ho lost considerable adipose tissuo, and returned to Fort Worth in a most happy frame of mind. He thought and talked of nothing else except his loss of flesh. Ho went to market one morning re cently and said to the butcher: *, “ Cut me off twenty pounds of pork.” The request was complied with. Tho Judge looked at the ilicat for some time and then walked off. “ Shall I send the meat to your house, Judge? "asked tho butcher. “No,” was tho reply, “I don’t want it. I have fallen off just twenty pounds, and I only wanted to see how much it was. —Texas Siftings. Capturing a Scltoolnia'ain. Y’cs, said the young man, as he throw himself at the feet of tho pretty school teacher, “I love you nnd would go to tho world’s end for you.” “You could not go to the end of tho world for me, James. The world, or the earth, as it is called, is round like n hall, slightly flattened at the poles. One of tho first lessons in tho elementary gedgraphy is devoted to tho shape of tho globe. Y’ou must have studied it when you wero ahoy.” “Df course 1 did, hut ” “And it is no longer a theory. Cir cumnavigators have established the fact.” “I know, hut what I meant was that I would do anything to please you. Ah! Minerva, if you knew the aching void ” “There is no such thing as a void, James. Nature abhors a vacum; hut admitting that there could he such a thing, how could the void you speak of be a void if there was an aeho in it?” “I meant to say that my life will bo lonely without you, that you arc my daily thought nnd my nightly dream. I would go anywhere to he with you. If you were in Australia or at tho North Pole I would fly to you. I ” “Fly! It will he another century be fore men can fly. Even when the laws of gravitation are successfully overcome there will still remain, says a late sci entific authority, the difficulty of main taining a balance ” “Well, at all events,” exclaimed the youth, “I’ve got a pretty fair balance in the savings bank nnd I want you to be my wife. There!” “Well, James, since you put in that light, I ” Let the curtain tell. —Boston Courier. Coots Was Fooled. In the basement of Police Headquarters is a room where the officers in charge of the jtatrol wagon lounge about while waiting for a signal. To while away the time a table aud a box of dominoes have !>ccn procured. hast evening Boh Schemanaky, Mike Kinney, Rounds man Shomaker and Pat Murnano were sljM For Aura, Is A 4 tun*. playing dominoes and Ben Coots m looking on. Coots became so deeply in terested in the game, and eo excited over the playing that he soon dropped asleep. “Now let us pay Coots off for that beastly drram he had when he took gas to have his tooth pulled, ” said & heman sky. The plan was soon perfected. Beach ing up, Murnano turned oat the gas. Then the game, to all intents, went on as before. The room was in pitch dark ness, but tho dominoes were shuffled, each player drew five, one set and the play went on. “Double five; count ten.” “Five or nothing, eh? That somls mo to the woodpile. “Five, blank; give us ten.” Somebody purposely trod on Coot’s toe, and he awaked with a snort, rubbing his eyes. The game went on. , “Twelve, tray; give us fiftoon.” .., “Throw me a bone there.” “Fifteo- and five; give ns twenty." “Why boys," exclaimed Coots, “are you playing dominoes?” ‘tAre we playing dominoes? That’* a bright question to ask. Don’t you seo we are? Douce, tray, give us five." “I hear you, but I can’t see you." “Can’t see us? Why,what’s the mat ter?" “I don’t know, but it’s a fact, boys, I can’t see anything at all.” “He’s blind." “Yes, sir; he’s blind." “Hold on," said Murnano; “I know whnt to do. I remember just such a caso in Ireland. A lot of us young chaps were out one cold night to the killing of a landlord, and after tho festivities wo wont over to tho house of a widow named Garrity. Ono of tho boys hadn’t been in the warm room more than five minutes when he was struck hliud as a l-at. But in loss than fivo minutes the widow had him out of it and all right. It’s a lucky thing I remember the atfair. Hero, Coots, lay yourself straight across tho tablo; let your head hang ovor, so that tho blood will rush into it. There, now, I’ll pass my bauds over your oyos liko this; see?” Coots was lifted bodily before ho had timo to object, bent ovor tho tablo and Murnano kegau making magnetic passes over his eyes. Bchumansky reached up and slyly lit tho gas. “Oh, I begin to seel I begin to seel” exclaimed tho patrol driver. In n few moments, it is needless to say, Coots‘s sight had boon rostored to hint, and he warmly grasped the hands of all present in token of his sincere gratitude. Tronblo With a Codfish. Wo accopted tho urgont invitation of tho frorentan of tho Crook county (Wy.) stock ranch to stop and take dinner with him one afternoon. As wo sat down to the meal ho passed a suspicious looking dish and said: “That’s what they call codfish.” “CodfislMtlways goes to tho rigid spot with mo,” fejftcd Briar, politely. “That may not, though,” continued our host as he wiped his knife on his boot leg before helping himself to Bomo butter. ‘ ‘l’ve had the greatest time rust lin’ with that air critter of a fish that I ever had in all tho cookin’ I overdone." “What was the troublo with it?” “So thunderin’ saltl This is tho fourth or fifth whack I’ve took at it, tryin’ to git up a mess that wo could eat, 'tliout goin’ down to a deep place in the creek an’ standin’ in tho water up to our necks the rest of tho day.” “It was worse than they usually are, chi" “Worso’n I’ve ever tackled, anyhow. You, see, I sent down after it by Shorty, hero, and I told him to git a big un— we’d been havin’ bacon ovory meal bo twcou threo and four years, an’ I was bound to have a change or bust. Shorty packed it homo tied onto thu suddlo, au’ when ho brought it in and dusted it off with his hat and looked at it, I says: “Shorty, she’s a dandy I Codfish for breakfast or I'm u Mexican?" It wasn’t no slouch of a fish, oithor; it was long nod well put up, a littlo heavy in front, I thought, but then tho fish ain’t built like n steer or boss. It’s head was cut oil and it was nil dressed in good shape, only its tail was left on, but Shorty said that was to handle it by; an’ then he tried to pound mo over the head with it iu fun, but I yanked it away from him and hung it up by my AVinchester whero the dogs couldn't get it, and loft it there for the night. “Next momin’ wo go up early an’ cut off a steak from 'round tho neck of our fish, cooked it, slapped it onto the table an’yelled ‘Breakfast!’ Then we waded I into it. Ittastod a deal liko takin’ a big I lump of salt on your fork, bitin’ off a mouthful, chewin’ ’n’ swallorin’ it, an’ goin’ for it again 1 Tho boys kicked, but I told ’em codfish was al’ays salt, an* so wo cleaned it out at last. Then wo went down to the creek an’ sort o’ laid 'round till noon au’ robbed tho 2,000 head o’ cattle there is on tho ranch of tho water they ortcr had. I never saw nothing hang by a feller liko that tisß did. ’Bcut- noon I come back up an’ put the critter to soak in a water bar’l. Wo left it there till the next momin’ an* tackled it again. Still too salt. Then I left it two days an’ took another whack at it. Couldn’t go it yet. Then I tied one end of alar’at round its tail an’ let it down in the well and left it a week., By that time the water was so salty wo couldn’t use it, but it hadn't freshened the cod enough to speak of. Then I hove I it upon the roof an’ let it rain on it a , couple o’ times an’ afterward Fared it up on a pole in front o’ the shack an’ let the wind kinder blow through its whiskers for a few days. It seemed to be gettin’ ; some better, but we still went in more on bacon than we did on fish. I was mad by this time an’took it to the-creek an’ staked it down to the bottom, where tho current was rapid, an’ said if it didn’t spoil the water for the stock I’d leave it there a month. It staid there till yes terday, when one o’ the boys brought it up. It was gettin’ quite soft an’ limber like, an’ I reckon we’ve downed it at last. It may be a little water soaked, but the salt is knocked. I tell you the ocean must be a powerful sight saltier than I ever’lowed it was to git a fish loaded plumb full of it liko this un was. This ranch buys fresh water fish after this. I’ll be hanged if I blievo a fish is fit to eat after it’s swum ’round in salt water mebby ten years an’ got it all soaked through it. I should think they’d have scales on ’em to kinder keep it out partly." —Chicago Tribune. Professor Proctor thinks the Interest in astronomy it on the wane. NO. 5.