The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1875-189?, April 19, 1888, Image 2

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TaKKUIJ O COI’RIKK W. S. COLEMAN, Editor mid Publisher UXIIYA, UA.. A I’Rtl. IA IW*. Omnu Owu **r ( Go. OrnctAL Ohua* or l’i ki.k* ('o UK STANDS WITH 77/A.V Th rc for S>lioiinr-G oier* t of the Blad Kdlk* circul i u s utniag laujiiilo shape. instead ol Ihe people making a inn I ru*h for any pariiiiilar rami in ale, a* many ■•en delerninrit lo im prtM ihe public, they are mov ing along ihe even ten >r of their way,while the stiaglmg element* ef popular favor are evidently nliryttaluing around Hon. Goo li. Brown as the coining man He ii a man worthy the position, is clever, genial, able, and would prove steadfast lo every Dust ol oil/ commonaeiltli. lie aland* iu the forefront of young lawyer*, and Ilia course ai the bar eminently sustain* the reputation of ins distinguished predecessor. We are convinced that he stand* m> the favor of the great voting masses ol (Jilmer county and this section, and il the election were submitted to them his aspirations would meet with triumphant success at the hands of the populace. Wo say this much, believing il voices the sentiment of a majority of oui entire people, and we point with confidence lo Ihe verdict ol the people at the ballot box on the Ides of next October. Mark Ihe prophecy.that if no unforeseen occurrence tliroltlss Ihe will ol the people, Ibis gifted young Georgian will ba the next Solici tor-General ol the Blue llidge circuit.. 1\ B. P. ONSUA LL FA RMS. (Communicated. Article Mo. 14.) The present system <>i cultiva ting two much laml is most inju rious, wherever llie farms muke up to the importance ol tending less laud and putting it in a bet ter state of cultivation, wo will see a great change for (ho hettci in the farming interests. Every farmer seems to think lie must put in all the laud he can possi bly get and in order to make n good crop, entirely o\4r4looking the importance .of potting tin land in a proper statu fur a crop. They go for quanily and not qual* >ty it aaoms. The result is Hint the laud is not half prepared be fore planting and a natural con st quenoe only a half crop at bust. Men will spend hundreds of dol lars during the winter to clear up land that would be far belter and more wisely spent in enrich iarg aud manuring up the land they now have cleared. Not until the craze for large farms and many acres of land gives way to a more enlightened idea oi small farms well attended to, and brought up to a higher atato of cultivation, will we realize the needed improvement in our farm ing interests, When ever a man wishes to buy a farm it seems to be the idea that he must gut great many aoreß. No one horse farm needs more than thirty acres ol land, 20 in cultivation 10 for tim ber. We blieve in the great im portance of every man owning laud, bat many,who could buy a few acres of land and make com fortable hemes on it and a good living, refuse to do so because they can not buy at least 160 acres to lie nso'ois and pay tax on. Let any young man who can buy 20 or 30 acres of land—may not bo very good land—and go to work, put up neat cottages and manure up his place and culti vate it nicely and you will see how it will beat renting from year to year. Any man who owns or buys up a Urge tract ot luid grid keeps a hoard ot ren ters on it is generally an injury to the community in which he lives. The policy ought to be to sell off small fariqs aud divide up the land and let all who live on it feel an intent in it as a home. There*is not much incentive to the renter to improve and build up land, churches, schools, etc nor any other interests as a rule, a few exceptions—not many. Then we advise every man to get a borne if it be even so small and poor, and go to work to make ii better, and bis cultivation w.l soon be far better than that of a renter. When you get a home feel that you want to leave it bet ter than you found it, It is a low idea in any man to wish to leave any thing worse than he found it. - i—-•—>■ ...i.. i Rcscoe Gonkling,tbe great New York Republican Senator, died 1 yesterday moruiug at 1:50. U Atilt V holt to IA. Mai VMM i *raal. tkOMs .!iw*4,' I frat aa srtsrle la , vnas law 1 m iSsr dtg atisai young min t. gM his ft Ml.** Wktl advice Ssw Ml U* ft*e to gt* is •Ha haw a rbtWf (A mats* lev dllsf law *i HMHayV Aa IS* . *n Will aMiga A UanMla Olrt. Wa advis-- llie *'.Vlriatia girl*’ in marry for love If ahe would be happy. They wlio marry vlisir they do not ley* wild love where they do nut marry. Il yam husband doe*, not fill your heart, •nine oilier follow will, lor (lie heart is hungry and must be led. The lark of pura love between husband and wife often result* in a family scanda', at all even'a unhappiness and misery. In place ol home being a paradise it is converted into a patmie moniuui. It lakes love to sweet on the cares of life and maki 'roubles assy lo bear. Money is a good thing nut the marriage • hat is aciuaied by mercenar.i motives is a barter and sale of a divine principle and desecration of tin matriage covenants. Love is not afraid of poverty. Often the bridegroom because ot bn industry and good business man agement, successful and wealthy and even ptomiiient and influen tial in business and so lal circles, then if you married for lore you will have both love and wealth in Ihe family, and you will have savsd yourself having sold yout person, like a Caucasian beauty, and to be tome the tolerated in mate of u Turkish harem. In ali the gilded splendor ol a magni ficent home, if love be not the tie that cements Die union, then the drapery of mourning will e n sliroud (ho heart and Ihe music of the marriages bolls will be the knell of happiness. If you marry for love and work for riches, youi heart will not wander Irnm home, and death only will be the court that will grant you a divorce. You will liavo (hat peace that fils tho soul for communion with llie God that created it, while you will laavo a spotless char acter as an inheritance to those who ure lo bear your name. RAILROAD NEWS. The Marietta and Nortli Geor z a railroad is a hummer. li* line of road is a continuous beehive. The lamiliur song ol the darkey,the steady swing ol the pick Niiil the l.arsli grate ol the steam plow murk the tread of an army of railroad buildirs. We sec that Messrs. L vingaton & Hall contractors, are advertising by hand U<ll for 500 workmen and 100 teuins to line the new truck of the coming standard gauge road A large steam plow is cutting its way through clay and gravel and soil lor the iron tramway that follows its course. The line is a busy scene, and shows that work in earnest is be gun on lliis road. The northern terminus is also nearing its final end, and rejoic ing in the camps of Muroliy will welcome the snort of the mons lor, Hie like ol which the citizens Imyr never before experienced. The grade is computed, all tres tles are about finished, and a squad ol 30 handa passed up luhi Monday to lay the track under direction of Captain Adams. The train is expected to run into Mur phy next Saturday eveuing, aud Hie long looked-lor destination of the Marietta and North Ueor gia iaimad will at laat have been reached. Wo will throw up our hat and shout “How do you do. Bio. Campbell,” for then we can go to see you any day on the “kars.” Hon. A. 8. Olay will aland for re-election for the Legislature in 0 ibb. It is generally admitted Dial he will be elected for Speak er of the House at next, session He is popular with the old Legis lators, most all of whom are for him, while he will have as many friends among the new members as any man. His election to the Speakership while not a foregone conclusion, is a reasonable cer tainty.— Marie Ita Jomml. The Stale Temperance meet s in Atlanta on May the Sih, the State Democratic Convention on the 9.h in the same city, and the State Press Association on the 10th, at Canton. A royal bauque will bs tendered the “gang,” at night, and an excursion up the M. & N. G. road to the end of the line will be tendered by Super intendent Glover. The people ol B'ue Ridge speak*of dining the Georgia editors on Friday of the excursion. A general good time is anticipated. - ■ ■■■ *<•* - ■ There is a lady in Cherokee county who has finished two quills, one contains 10.350, the other 22.530 pieces. GOODS! TILL YOU < AVT HARDLY REST. Hart in 1. Teem, m FLLIJ A GEORGIA. OFFERS THE BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES ON THE MARKET. 0 )0( 0 READ HIS PRICESANDCALLTOSEE HIS DRYGOODS EMPORIUM. Coffee 4 J to ') pound* sl. Rice 15 pou> di |l, Grits or houiny 25 pounds sl. Soap, one pound cake scts Best checks 71 cents per yard. • Best shirting and sheeting fi A 7 cents per yard. Best tap sol* Brogan shoes $1.25. * * Ladies aud Gents tiaest alroes of all qualities and styles Ladies and Gents fine fur and straw hut* of latest styles. Fancy Articles of all kind*, hosiery, dress goods, neckties, colters, cuffs, ’sees, ribbons and shawls. _ A general stock of all articles of ware ju.t from New York, at as tonishing prince. Leather Goods. Saddles, Bridles, harness, chek-linet, sadd lex-pockets, all kinds of leather goods, with trunks, valice, umbrellas, etc. Plows, plow stocks, hoes, tinware, pottery, and hardware to suit the demand. Smoking <Se chewing tobaccos, and cigars 2 for 5 ets. Glassware, Lamps, Clocks, China-ware at lowest figures just direct from Baltimore. * While Lead, oils and painla for graining aud painting. 1 AM AGENT for Cl ARK’S MILE-END THREAD at Atlanta and New York prices, to oilier merchants. Cattle Powders. * Powders for hog and chicken cholera, and all animalsJJpackages 25 cls 50 cts and $1 00, guaranteed to give satisfaciiou. CLOTHING! CLOTHI NG ! C ime Add examine my $3,000 .slock of clothing, they are a sight lo be seen, whether or not you purnhasp. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Light goods, seersuohers for ladies and gents. Handkerchiefs, Taus, ulsters, 1 nen dusters, etc., and in faci every thing of summer wars. Country Produce of ul kinds bought here, ard highest prices paid|fur same. All'yous chickens at.d eggs at Pip of the market l’roupt attention givo customers by my salesmcnfand courtesies for the trading public My goods are ditect from New Yvik and Baltimore, and 1 can afford to sell cheaper than any other merchant. Come and] examine my goods and prices ! THE FARMER'S STORE. ao to T.J. LONG TO GET YOUR GOODS ELLIJAY. GILMER COUNTY, GEORGIA, a wm&m iv m siw And Cheap (iioods Is The Place To Buy. lie keeps a full linejof calicos, Jaaua, domestics,] dress (goods, shoes, hats, clothing, and every thing for male and fema’e war# All kinds of FARMING TOOLS AND SUPPLIES kept on hand, plows, hops, rakes, shovels, pottery, hardware and otlipr neceSsary articles for the home use. My store suits the far mers best of any establishment. Goods cheap, aud highest prices paid for country produce of every kind. BEARDENS’ DRUGSTORE. DRS. J. M. & J. B. BEARDEN, —SUCCESSORS TO WATKINS Ac COMPANY, Ellijay, .... Georgia, We have opened out anew stock of drugs of all kind. Paints, oils,liniments, nuta, candies, glassware, lamps, toilet and fancy goods of every description. Neat parlor ornaments, and stylish goods always ready for demand. Promptness and courtesy shown all customers. Call aud see us and satisfy yourself. You will find us at the old stand of Watkins <% Company, on the north corner of the public square. # Our Goods* Take The Lead. JOHNS. EVERETT, THE CHEAP CROCES OF ELLIJAY I READ AND PONDER FOR YOURSELF, AND GIVE HIM A CALL.' 1 desire to imform my friends and the public generally that I have just purchased and will keep on hand a first class line of staple DRY GOODS AND FAMILY GROCERIES which I expect to sel at the VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. You will find in my stock a good assortment of Domestics, Calicoes, Cotten Checks, Jeans, etc., together with the very best articles of Coffee#, Sugar Floors, Lard, and small groceries plenty. Also I am agent for the lamoiis clothing house, Wanunaker & Brown, of Philadelphia, and can have suits made to order at very reasonable prices. Call and see my samples and prices before purchasing elsewhere. 1 can save you money, ESPECIALLY ON CLOTHING. *T. S. Everett. Like Fainting Ladies. Whjr jo good resolutions like faintine Breaking a WIDaOW. lailie.? They should bo carried out, and If a tree ware to break a window, what parents should not forggl the resolutlcus mu-lit the tree say? Treiueddous (tra ibst would never sutler them to be with- Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy at out that cough and croup cure, Taylor 1 * Sweet Gum and Mullein has a tremend cherokeo Kewedr of Sweet Gum and us aale, tor It mends all forms ef eougba. Mullein. Scolds and lung troubles. NEW HOUSE! NEW!! WESTON C. ALLEN, EI.U.UY, GEORGIA. Comes To Tbe Front With IjOW Prices. In mv assortment of SPRING AND SUMMKR GOODS, you will find, D imastirs, Jeans, Check*, Skirting, Cuttonades, Calicoes, and a full line of Dreaa Goods. Fancy Articles, Cuffs, Collars, blurt, Cravats, Handkerchiefs Shoes, thing, JB |g^ \ buMfti j.ri All! ASK IS csstoseb. IT WILL PAY YOo If you propose going West or North-West, to write to me. I represent the Short Line. Vkks D Bush, D. P. A . 114 6m. Atlanta,^*. LADIESWeI Do Tour Own Dyeing, at Home, Thsjr will dye everything. They are sold every where. Price lOe. a package. They harenoequal for Strength, Ilrightneu, Amount in Package, nr for FaiincM of Color, or non-fading Qualities. They do not ernek or flraut; 40 colon. For sale by J. 8. EVEHETI'. THE ELLIJAY COURIER. I totalled Every Thursday Morning AT $1 Per Annua, ia Advance. —at— ELLIJAY ; GEORGIA , BY WALTER S. COLEMAN. DON ISAY YOU ARE NOT ABLitTO TAKE THE ELLIJAY COURIER! FOR WE WILL TAKE IN PA YMENT All Kinds of Country Product* SUCM AS Rutter, Chickens, Eggs, Corn, Wheats Flour And in Fact Anything Eatable.' Is now the leading paper of * North Georgia. It Furnishes the Latest News, and that too, in a Style to be Appreciated l Subscribe now or you will miss year County Nows and the latest developement of this entire Sectioi^ The Couaißß ig the official organ ot Gilmer and Pickens comi ties. Political, religious and industrial movements made a spe cialty. Your wife waats it, your children can’t do wirhout it, and you will be at a loss to know who your next jurymen will be, to see the grand jury presentments, to know the latest election news, the curreat events of thejday, and what your next neighbor is do ing, unless you are a subscriber. Give your name and address to our various agents, or call on or address, WALTER S, COLEMAN Ellljfty, On. . Briown 1 Libel for Divoree in ▼a. >■ Pickens superior Cyntba J. Brawn.) Cault Sept, term 18*7 Il appearing to tbe court by the retura ol tbe Sheriff that tbe defendiuit does not reside iu said county, and it further ap pearing that she dors sot reside iu this state. It is, therefore, ordered by the Court that serrioe b* perfected on the defendant by the publication ofthis or der once a month for four months before the next term ofthis court in tbe Kllijay Courier, a newspaper published in (in ner county Georgia. W. H. Simmons, petitioner’s attorney. Jambs R. Brown, Judge S. C. B. R. C. GEORGIA —Pickens County. I 8. K. McCutonen, C. S. C. for said state and county, do hereby certify that tbe aoore is a true extract from the min utes of said couit, Nov. T. 1887. 8. K. Mcl utcbrn, C. S. C, TO THE Milling Public TtlX aaderstgneo lake* pitaeur* la ia forming all who caste*, plate l.aiUtiag or repani .g Mills, ia la, tw-et and nm itira'-le style, that It will be to ibt-rr be# , interval to cooMtil him lf, vaiplwyiag nr cliedtw contracts with others. Beside* lictng fully prepared, slier year* of study and peiciicf, tn do all kiads of Mill work in the best workmau-like ataaaer. 1 ass Uul for aa Liiti or Mill lutturv of tbemosl improved patterns. ami puai aiitce to sell lliciu at Manufartarers’ and linporteia’ price*, lacladiag tbe celebrated BOOKALTSt *NGINK AND THE Lefel Double Tortile Water Wteel Freacb Burr Stones, Eureka Smutting Machines, etc. Also, E. Van Winkle & Co’s SAW MILLS, MILL SPINDLES, SHAFTING, GEARING, ETC. in short, anything in tbe line *f Ml Machinery. Now, if yon want anything in my lint I promise satisfaction in wuikmansbip and price. Cali on or address JW. DUGKETT Mill Contractor, Dec. 29-lv. ELLIAY, GA J. W. GRAY’S -AT BLUE RIDGE, GA., Is open at all hours for customors Persons transferred to and from Mor gan ton at yery Reasonable Rates. Don’t fail to call on the man who has tine stock, elegant vehicles and atten tive drivers. Sale and feed stab'* also in connection With Livery Stab)*. DUCKETT & DUHN ARE READY To do any kind of CARI’EN'ER work in best of style and at nnpt, or LUMBER on slioit notice is .furnished by us. We have two Saw Mills, Plaining Mill, etc., which enable us to do work as rapidly and on as short notion as aey other carpenteis in the country. The personal attentiss ef •f. W. Duckett given to such contracts. Call on or address, DUCKETT & DUNS, Elujat, Ga. Pomona Hill Nurseries. POMONA, n. c., Two sad a half iniles west ef Greens boro, N. C. The main line ef the R, & D. Ii R passes tbicmgli the grounds and within 100 fe?t if the sfiee. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. Those interested ia Trail and Trait growing are eerdialiy iaviud 'o inspeot this the largest narsert ia the State, aud one among the largest in the South. The proprietor hs fer many ttrra visited the leading Nurseries North ad West, and corresponded wi k these ef foreign countries gathering erery frail that was calculated to suit the Seuth, both native and foreign. The repata tiea of Pomona Hill Nurseries * lueh that many agents goingeat from Greens boro, representing other nurseries try to leave the impression that; they are representing these nurseries. Why do they d.i it ? Let the pubiie answer. I have in stock growing (and ear show visitors ihe same) the largest anc best stoek of trees, etc., ever shown ot seen in any two nurseries in North Car olma, c insisting of apple, peach, paar, cherry pliur, grape, Jcpancs persim mon, Japanese plum,apricots, neetariie, Russian apricot, mulberry, quince*. Small fruit: Strawberry, raspberry, currant, pecans. English walnuts, rhu barb, a-paragus, evergreens, shade tree* roses, etc. Give your order to my authorised agent or order direct from the nursery] Correspondence solicited. Descriptive catalogues free to applicants. Address, J. Van. Lindi.ey, 6-9 ly. Pomona Guilford Bounty, N. C. HEBLSQH & CO., Atauu fuctnrcrs. PATERSON, N. J. Factory: Cor. 14th & Madison A vet. Siza or Pactokt, 50 feet front by 100 feet deep, 4 Stories. Capuity, 40 Pianos per wools# BEFORE YOU BUY WRITE US. V Ur PIANOS surpass all others. -@* Our Style C il the Wonder of the Hisotosath Century. A Specisl Offer In Idealities where we bare no Agents we will sell one of onr Style O CABINET GRAND UPRIGHTS, List Price *1,050 for #350 Cash, as sn Advertisement and an introduction. We wSI sire yen 10 days trial in yonr own house (It yen give security for the Piano. VAjirrantod 7 years. Cannot be dapUastsd lor #430. Through any Dealer. This offer wo make to introduce onr Planes. Bahelactton guaranteed or all money refunded. Second hand Pianos of all Maker* constantly on kand at Lowest Parana. Cuh or Installment!. A Nsw TH Ocravm Fuse. List Prlos *SOO (of n Hew Pork Maker) for #l9O Cash. (WMS*## Ht/rr on, Duuu Hotu. </r JOHN J. 8 WICK, ft|Nw#tv Majuabl FRJkrJeE?!fE DMT I.\ TlijS kVUELii, Ii woaWif #ru ur. • r; j, acrt'stl iw two !. .*< • . r nv *-rs„ r hrm#m #*m fr*m AuimntOik. J y#iF.T' THE f.rAl IW hAI* MT IT tutus IM I.ItA:J.Y.