The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, December 25, 1874, Image 1

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BY T. L. GANTT. THE OGLETHORPE ECHO PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORXIYG, IJY T. L. GANTT, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Where paid atricUy in advance. *2 00 'V here payment delayed 6 months 250 Where payment delayed 12 months... 3 00 CLUB RATES. CluT) of $ or less than 10, per copy ] 75 Club of 10 or more, per eopy I 50 Clubs must be accompanied by the cash, or papers will be charged for at regular rates. P**?" No attention will be paid to suhscrip' l ions trom other counties unless accompanied by the money, with 2()c. per annum additional to pay postage, as the law requires that after .lanuary next postage must be prepaid by the publisher, except to subscribers in the county when: the journal is published, in which in stance no postage is charged. fsar-THE ABOVE TERMS WILL NOT BE DEVIATED FROM IN ANY CASE. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Per Square (1 inch) first insertion 00 Fer Square each subsequent insertion.. 75 Liberal contracts made with regular adver tisers, and for a longer period than 3 months. Local notices, 20c. per line first insertion, 15c. per line each subsequent insertion. BUSINESS CARDS. T. R. & W. CHILDERS, Carpenters and Builders, ATHENS, CiA., WOULD ItESPEITFULLY ANNOUNCE \ V to t lie citizens of Oglethorpe county that they arc prepared to do all manner of Wood Work. Estimates on Buildings carefully made and lowest figures given. Satisfaction guaranteed. A portion of the public patron age solicited. nov27-12m. [L. sghevenell & CO.] Athens, Ga., DEALERS IN j : Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, j : Silver and Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, Etc. : Having best workmen, are prepared to re- • : pair in superior style. i : We make a specialty of Silver and j : Gold Plating Watches, Forks, Spoons, etc. • "* LON S& BILLUPS, DEALERS IN IIS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Etc. Athens, Ga. KALVABINSKI & LIEBLER, Under Newton House, Athens, Ga., Cigar Mamfactnrers, And Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff, &c, Dealers would do well to price our goods before purchasing elsewhere. Our brands of Chmrs are known everywhere, and sell more readily than any other. oethO-ti' XmTnorton, Contract aafl Builder CRAWFORD, OA„ IS PREPARED TO 1 j furnish all kinds of Building Material, K.u'h as rough ami drfssed Lumber, Shingles, Blinds, and Poors; also, Laths, Lime, and Plastering Material. Estimates g.ven of *ll classes of Carpenter work, 1 mastering, Brick work, and Painting. oct3o-:im BOOTS m SHOES henry luthi, CRAWFORD. GA-, IS NOW PREPARED (j to make, at short notice, the HNM ROOTS and SHOES. I use only the best material, and warrant my work to give entire Iri.tOerion both as to finish and wear. REPAIRING AND COARSE WORK also attented to. 001 ricinlne hair OIL! TAOR PROMOTING THE GROWTH AND P beaut ifving the hair, ana rendering it tte . 1 £ T .brumby * co„ college a venue, Athens, Ga. CTlic #§ktl)orpc €cl)0. WHOLESALE HOUSES. TALMAEE, HODGSON & CD., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND PROVISION DEALERS, ATHENS, GEORGIA. AUGUSTA A ATLANTA BILLS DUPLICATED. The Outside Bos in the Fight. You may sing of your dog, your bottom Or of any dog that you please; T go for the dog the wise old dog, That knowingly takes his ease; And, wagging his tail outside the ring. Keeping always his bone in sight, Cares not a pin, in Ids w ise old bead, For either dog in the fight. Not his is the hone they are fighting for, And why should my dog sail in. With nothing to gain, but a certain chance To lose his own precious skin ? There may be a few, perhaps, who fail To see it in quite this light: But when the fur flies I had rather be The outside dog in the fight. I know there are dogs, most generous dogs. Who think it was quite the thing To take the part of the bottom dog And go yelping into the ring, I care not a pin what the world may say in regard to the wrong or right: My money goes as well as my song, For the dog that keeps out of the fight. WOODVILLE. The “Little River” Controversy—Charac teristics of Bairdstown—Fen Sketches of Some of the Boys, and their Occupa tions—Yankee Tricks—The Medical Chaps —Adventures of a Preacher’s Horse and Buggy—“ A New Richmond in the Field.” Woodville, Green Cos., Dec., 1874. Editor of the Eko: Deer Si r —l liev bin powfully exer cised of late bout sum things I’ve seed in yore paper, and I’ve heerd so mutch cussin an rantin and cavortiu bout “Lit tle River,” the Deakin and “BulMt,” an sum other chaps that live in and about a darned little wun boss town jist up the made from heare, that I am mighty on easy an afeard that sumbody will git hurt afore they will stop their darned nonsense. I’m a pea abil man, Mr. Ed itur, and hate fusses and like tew see every buddy behav thairselves an tend to tluiir own bizness. .But ef that village ain’t the blamedest, gall darndest place fur rows andquarrils and fusses in Geor gy 7 , then thare ain’t no truth in hearsay. I go thare but sildom, and it’s bin ni on tew a muntli sence I waz up that way, but the last time I was tharl seed a fill er with a noosepaper in wun ban an a si ingin the uther wun about permi&cusly an a foam in at the mouf like a mad dorg. He wud reade awhile and cuss awhile, an then again he would rant an tare up the groun and swar he wuz a gwine to kill sumboddv, ontill lie made mv liar rize. I tliort he had jest scaped frum a svlurn sumwhar or he had the hidrofoby, I didn’t no which. I seed a small look irg chap a standin thar with a duv cul lard hat on who looked kindo wide be twixt the ize, and had a fouce dorg with him that favored him rite smart, pertick iarlv in hiz aeshuns, an I axed him what it all ment. He tole me that the feller wuz name bullit, an he wuz readin a let ter frum Little River in the Eko that riled him. I tell you, sur, he had hiz back up and it wuz amazin tew see him. It made my flesh kreep to see him tare hiz liar out hv‘the rutes and heare him swar. I’m agin swarin, Mr. Editur, fur I wuz always told by dad and mam that it wuz mity wicked tew swar, hut I hev heerd lately, that it is not konsidered rung bout thar, liekase thav are members ov the church, an that givs sum ov em a speshul lisenseto cuss and drink whisky. But, sur, I want tew know who in the dickence iz Little River. He’s a med dilsum cuss, whoever he iz. What rite has he got tew be a pokia hiz darnd sar kasm at uther folkes what ain’t a pester in him, an a evusin all this kimmotion? Kau't you perswade him to stop hiz gab or stop slingin his ink, a little while, enny how, till this cons irned liulabaloo can hav time tew stop ceasin. Ef he doant, I’ll lie dogoned ef sum uv them fellers will hav enny har left on thar heds, the way thay ar a goin on now, fur I seed a feller eummiu down the rode frum thar the uther day with hiz mouf mashed an liis nose a bleedin, an not a CRAWFORD, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25, 1874. bit o’ har on wun side ov hiz hed, an he wuz a rantin an a pitchin so onakounta \ blv that I thort he had jest cum frum a ; camp-meetin, or hiz mule had runned away with him and drug him thru the ; briers. When I axed him what waz the matter, he looked strate at me an say he to me, sez he, “ Youre ar a durned liar, sur. I never sed so; enny man what sez Iso tells a lie. I never sed he wuz drunk, 'sur.” This kind o’ riled me, an sez I, | “ Look a here, Mister, ef it’s me you’re I callin’ them names, I’ll jest about feel ■ the uther side ov that konk-shell ov ! yourn in a little less than no time.” But | jest about this time his akshuaf bekame i curius that I thort he wuz out ov his bed | or litenin had struck him wun or totlier. I I got sort o’ skeerd ov him an was took i with a leavin thar, an dreckly I seed a darky a cummin down the rode, an I axed him bout it, and he sed that he hed bin a fightin back thar in town, and az the feller wuz a movin away anuther chap konkluded he wood take enuf ov hiz har tew devide amung his frends, fur em tew keep frum furgittin him. I seed anuther feller down hear the uther day with on ole, brown, sedy-lookin cote on an a smokin a strong-smellin durty pipe, an he wuz ax in every man he met ef he had ever seed him drunk. I heard a fel ler tel him thet he didn’t no about thet, hut he hed seen him drink a right smart. I doant no what he wuz up tew, hut he seamed tew r be konsiderbly ecksersized bout sumthin. But, Mr. Editur, I seed a peace in youre paper the uther day that wuz a good wun. It pitched intew Little River bout rite. I pleezed me mitely. Ef that doant dry him up then shorely he will go on l'urever. He ort tew reed it evry mornin befo brekfus fur a appertight. Thar ain’t no mistakin the anna-mus ov that artikle. It wuz a clincher, by golly. Thar ain’t hut wun thing bout it I doant like. I doant think the feller that rote it orter hev sined a gal’s name tew it, hekase they feel a sor ter delikasy in bavin thair namW sung aroun in the uoosepapers. That looks tew me like a darned Yankee trick, frum what I hav heard of thair dispersishun, and I’ll bet my ole boss that sum sich a cuss as that had a han in it. Them chaps ar alwaze a meddlin thairselves with uther folks’ bizness, an I’ve been tole a menny a time by ole unkle Josh, in hiz life time, that the least you hev tew do with them the better orf you ar. He sed ef you mixed with em mutch they wood make you hev a kind of Oder that smelt like a Mat,[flower, and this produces a kind ov sikness at the stummack in a Georgy feller that iz mity onhelthy. Wun thing is mity shore, and that iz you’d better keep thair hans out ov yore pockets. Mister Editur, that little toun I wuz tellin you about liez sum oncom mon quar an interestin peple in it. In the fust place it hez got tu lims ov the medikal profeshun. Wun uv em iz a reglar wize saw. He kin tell yu enny thing yu warut tu no. What he doant no ain’t wuth larnin. I never heerd a suhgect menshuned in his prezcnce what he didn’t no all about. He hez got a receat fur keepin the haucks frum ketch in chikens, that is sed tube ded shore, and it’s mity cheep, too, spesherly whar flint rocks air plenterful. He iz amity good han tew whissle also, but he iz so ameable an kine-harted that he lets the ehune go its owne way. The uther med ercal chap is a oncominon curosity. He iz bout the shape ova merlasses baril, an kan do more taukin in a minnit than a duzen wimmin kin in a bower; an tauk about yore skule teecher a laffiu. My grashus! he kant cum in hearin ov When he gits raal tickled and lets out wun ov his gaul bustin hoss laffs, you’d think it wuz a clap ov thunder or a John mule with his jaw-ake turned tooee close to vour yeares. He rides in a derned ole dump-kart what lie calls a sulkey, an I see a little sqnar box rite under the sete which I surpose he karrys along either fur konvenience or fur a kase ov emargency, I doant no which. He iz amity laber-saving feller. Tau kin bout the John mule, Mister Editur, makes me think ova young blood that’s a clerkin fur a merchant in that toun. I ondevstan that he’s a gwine to embark in anew enterprize next summer when the nigger’s mnnny iz all spint an biz ness gits dull. Hiz boss hez traded fur a fine specimen ov wun ov them animals, an he iz a gwine tew sen the clurk out tew ride the eirkit with him. lam toled he hez got him a striped kaliker shurt, laved away reddv fur the bizness. Wun ov hiz pints will be tew laru sum ov the pertikler pints in human natur, and start a gineral trade in brass watches an ole harlo nives. He iz sec* tew be the outtradinest an most enterprizin young man ov the 10th centewry. It iz per dicted by all who no him that he is bound to suckseed. You fellers may look out fur him next summer, as he thinks ov givin you a call. Ef he duz, Mister Editur, you will do hiz frends a favor by givin him an his interestin steed a puff in the Eko. Mister Editur, taukin about animules minds me ova sirkumstance that happined in that place a few munths ago. I tell you, sur, as I sed before, it iz the gaul darndest place in Georgy, or these United States, for strainge things, an onacountable okur rances tew happin. Ever time I see enny ov them fellers frum up thar, they hev got sumthin new tew tel me. Thar wuz a pertracted meetin a goiu on at the meet in lious, an things wur a goin on amazin well. But wun nite while the good par sin waz a egspoundin the holy gospi. inside ov the hous, his big ole black, ruff, rawbony hoss what he hitched tew a tree in the yard, quietly onli oced hiz haulter an took his buggy an stole silent ly away from the shades ov the sanctew ary an went bout the villege a seekin fur a “wictim tew hiz wiles.” He finer allv serduced too innercent an unsuspec tin fefters away frum thair homes an the buzums of thair familys, an inticed em tew toiler him by sum kind of magnerfyin inflewence, an he brung em down near tew a place whar Billy Paterson is want tew hold hiz orgys. Arfter thay got thar they war enduced tew try thair pluck in a han tew han skuffle with Billy, but he waz tew much fur em, an the konsi kence waz thay waz sune overpovved an bekame obliveous tew every tiling. Thar now remanes a space in thair lives that thay kant tell you ennything about. Thay wur picked up the nex mornin by thair frends in varius placez an war toun tew be mity scatterin in thair mines. I’ll bet them fellers kant he hired to keep kumpany with that hoss no more. I’ll be boun the very site ov him makes em feel kind o’ streekid in the region of thair bak bones. Them chaps hev bin duin penince under the judificashun ova holy preest ever ssnee, an thay hev larnt that bosses iz like men in sum per ticklers. Taint every solum, sankitfied, long-face, lookin cuss what turns out tew be the best Kristions. Them sort o peeple will alwaze bar a little watch-in. Az fur the hoss, he hed looked so sober an serius that hiz pius marster hed set him down az a good Kristion sort ova feller, an thort he wud sute a preecher fust rate, but he, too, hez larned the solum fact that “all iz not goald what glitters.” We must not alwaze jedge by appeerences. That parsin iz dizgusted with that hoss, an I hev no dout he kin be bort mity cheep. But, Mister Editur, I will kloze this skrawlin letter, az I hev no dout you ar tired ov reedin the darned thing. I kud go on frum now tell next weak, a tellin ov things what hez happined up an doun this rode, but I will rite yu agin sum day or uther, that iz if yer warn’t me tew. Yew tel Little River, an Mr. Mum, an Mr. Beaverdam, tu hold thair tungs fur awhile, tell we all kin hev time tew kule down a little. Tell that Macksey feller about them eliaps on the peecher’s hoss, an what thair fate wer, and tel him to shun Unkle Matt ? Yourn til deth,' Jeems Potipher. STEPHENS. Hard Times —Re-enactment of the Usury Laws and Illation the Best Thing for the South—Too Muoh from Bairdstown. Stephens Ga., Dec. IG, 1874. Editor Oglethorpe Echo : How is the times ? Does the Echo fall away any these days? Do the peo ple owe any money up your way ? lam anxious to know if every body is like the “ folks” down in this district, “ gone up the spout” with the financial shorts, and all the other grievances brought on by credit and borrowed money. The day doesn’t seem to go pleasantly with us down this way, and we are beginning to think in what possible way we ffiav be able to keep up an “effective stomach” for an other year. The conclusion is, Mr. Editor, unless a man is a notary public, a ’potheeary, tooth-puller, horse doctor, wagon-mender, a general fixer of things, and plays the fiddle, his chan ces for fortifying the body against star vation for the next twelve months are at least a little ambiguous. The poor far mer has spent his loan of capacity, and it is useless, under the present system of things, to attempt another effort at de veloping a man’s resources at this call ing. The freedmen are depressed, and talk much of hard times, laying much of their distress to the planter. Mer chants’ profits, foreclosure of liens, the importunate creditor urging for pay, and the low price of cotton takes the wind from his sails, leaving him at sea without helm or compass, discouraged obligations increasing, credit wretchedly staken, waiting the action of fate to decide his condition. With these to front, and no money to begin the iuture, our medita tions favor the re-enactment of the usu ry law inflation of the national curren- cy, gold at $1.75 and cotton at 30c. per pound. There are many changes we could ask tor, but these will do for the present, and as to the State Constitution al Convention, we are following General Colquitt’s idea on that subject. Mr. Editor, you talk a little more yourself and don’t let the Bairdstown folks do all the talking. “ Yourn til deth,” Bill Jones. ABDUCTION OF CHABLIE BOSS. A Tragedy and a Confession. More than five months have elapsed since little Charlie Brewster Ross was kidnapped by two meu while playing in the street near his father's residence, in Germantown, Philadelphia. Occasion ally a report would come from some near or remote locality that the missing child had been recovered, hut investigation proved each case simply one of mistaken identity. The case was one of such great social interest that the Mayor of Philadelphia offered a reward of twenty thousand dollars for the recovery of the child and his abductors, and though de tectives in every quarter were set upon the search, no decisive clue to the mys tery was obtained, at least as far as the public could know. At length, how ever, the hand of Providence, it would seem, lias overtaken the kidnappers, successiul as they were in evading hu man ingenuity and pursuit. By the confession of a dying burglar who, with another, was shot at an early hour yes terday morning, while attempting to en ter a dwelling near New York, the end of the sad mystery is, it is hoped, at hand. The annexed dispatches contain the details of the tragedy by which this result appears about to be obtained. The first announcement is in the follow ing telegram, received by Mr. Christian K. Ross, of Germantown, father of the stolen child: CONFESSION OF A DYING BURGLAR. New York, December 14, 1874. To Mr. Ross, father of Charley Ross, Ger mantown, Pa. : Two men were killed this morning, in the act of burglary, at Bay Ridge, near this city. Oue before dying confessed that they stole Charley Ross, and said the other man had him concealed, but did not know where. Both are burglars known to the police. Editor Daily Bulletin. [Bay Ridge is about four miles from Brooklyn, in Kings couuty, L. I.] THE TRAGEDY AND THE CONFESSION. Associated press dispatches give the particulars of the tragedy as follows : New York, December 14. —This morning Superintendent Walling, of the police, received a dispatch from Fort Hamilton, stating that two men, named William Moiser and Joseph Douglass, alias Clark, were shot and killed while attempting to commit a burglary. Douglass, before dying, declared that Mosier knew all about Charlie Ross, stolen from Philadelphia. A detective was at once dispatched from the central office to identify the burglars. Mosier is supposed to be the man who wore goggies and induced the missing boy to go with him in the buggy. The burglary was attempted at the residence of ex- Judge Rulett Van Brunt, on the Coney Island plank road, at Bay Bridge, Long Island. It in effecting an entrance the thieves sprung a burglar-alarm, which connected with the adjaceut resi dence and aroused the inmates, who turned out. The burglars discovering that they were liable to be captured, left cautiously, fired at two of the pursu ing party and ran. They were then fired upon with the effect stated. Judge Van Brunt’s house was empty, and the burglar-alarm was connected with his brother’s dwelling. Hence the assistance came from that quarter. The judge’s brother, his son, and a farm la borer named Scott did the shooting. Al bert Yon Brunt, the young man, killed Mosier, and Douglass was killed by the laborer with a shot gun, his bowels be ing frightfully mangled. He survived only half an hour. In his confession he said he and Mo sier were well known to the police. While he declared that Mosier was the kidnapper of Charlie Ross, he admitted that he was an assistant in the theft of the child. He asserted that the hiding place of the child had bee l kept from him by Mosier. He was unmarried, and Mosier Lad a wife and six children. None but the robbers were wounded in the conflict, though five barrels of their revolvers were found discharged. They were supplied with burglars’tools. The police now entertain hopes of finding the missing boy. The police had been hunting for the men sometime. HOW THE STATEMENT OF DOUGLASS WAS MADE. An extra reporting the shooting of the VOL 12. two burglars at Bay Ridge says: Among the persons attracted to the spofr* was Richard Herkon, a sailor, whose house was a little distance from Judge Van Brunt’s residence. Between him and the wounded man the following remark able conversation took place: “ The dying man,” says Herken, “ wa9 lying on the ground, and I asked him his name. He said it was Joseph Doug lass, and that he resided in New York. The name of the man who was killed he told me was Mosier, also of New' York. He then voluntarily made the following statement without any suggestions hav ing been made by any one present: I and Mosier were the men who abducted Charlie Ross. I said to him, ‘Do you know where he is now?’ He said‘No.’ He said Mosier had him concealed some where, but where he did not tell me. He also stated that Mosier was a married man, and had six children, but whether he had Charlie Ross with them he could not tell me.” He begged God to forgive him, and asked for a minister. He was quite sen sible when he made that statement, and several persons were present and heard w'hat he said. The bodies of the men w’ere covered up and left in the place w’here they were shot on the grass, in the custody of constables, until the coroner should give permission for their removal. The men are believed to have been river pi rates. A boat was found moored to the shore about half a mile from Judge Van Brunt’s residence. THE BURGLARS IDENTIFIED. Silleck, of the central office, who was sent to Fort Hamilton to identify the burglars killed there, returned shortly after 2 o’clock and reported to the sruer intendent that they were the men who stole the Ross child. Mosier was shot in the head. They arrived there early this morning in a sail boat. THE WOMAN’S WHEREABOUTS.’ Hosier’s wife and children reside on Madison street, Philadelphia, and Doug lass boarded with them when they stole the child. They were in the habit of go ing through Philadelphia peddling bed-- bug poison, but the police are aware of her whereabouts. A Lunatic Bricked up in a Cell and Left to Die. —A horrible story is told in the Allentown (Pa.) Herald of a named Levi Handwerk, who was dis covered by a hunter on Blue Mountain, imprisoned in a brick cell about four feet square, where he had been immured for twelve years. The father of Hand werk died when the latter was a young man, leaving him $4,000. The mother married a second ' tusband, after which young Handwerk was bricked up in this prison in the w r oods, and left to live or perish as he might. Afterthe discovery was made, the coroner and others from from Allentown proceeded to the place in Washington township, where Hand werk was imprisoned, and found a con stable from Slatington already making preparations for the deranged man’s re moval. The iron bars guarding the en trance wore taken down, and the unfor-. tunate man was found lying on a patch, of straw, nude and encrusted with dirt, while the surroundings were too filthy for description. His limbs had become paralyzed, and he was unable to stand upright without assistance. It is said that the reason given for his imprison-, ment in this filthy den was that it was unsafe for him to be at large, and that if he had been sent to a lunatic asylum the money he possessed would have been appropriated by the State for his support. Handwerk has been sent to the county almshouse. Beecher and the Flea. —ln hia sermon the other Sunday Mr. Beecher exclaimed. “I would rather be a suffer-, ingman than a happy flea.” For our part, says the Courier-Journal , we would rather be a happy flea, ten to one. What a life is his; and, perchance, how delici ous a martyrdom, Meandering forth to quench his thirst in the rich, purple champagne gore of lovely woman,he finds himself serenely browsing upon a field of unsunned snow within her immaculate stocking of fleecy silk, feeling that “if there is an elvsiura on earth it is this and when caught and daintily crushed beneath her dimpled fingers, he feels not •‘iji corporal sufferance a pang as great as when a giant dies,” but simply Dies of a rose-odor in aromatic pain; and as for him there is no Hades, that is the last of him. But the “suffering man”—catch him fooling about that silken hose, and, as Brother Beecher is but too well aware, Brooklyn howls. Tons of postal cards without addresses are destroyed in the Dead Letter Office, because people write their mey-age first and then forget to addr<aggtiflj|H!