The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, December 25, 1874, Image 3

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THE OGLETHORPE ECHO PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, T. L. GANTT, Sditor and Proprietor. announcements. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff'at the January election. J - L. LANDRUM. BOUNTY NEWS. HAIRE&LATIMER thSrtco a una ir C " a, " merß >*“ ttled “Merry Christmas!” Cyteriifo Augusta Prices for All Cotton Delivered -to them at their Mammoth Store at Lexine by the sth day oT January in payment of accounts. J Gift ! •Hogs.—A small drove of swine arri ved in our town Wednesday. Closed.—The stores in Crawford will ;be closed to-day from 10 to 2 o’clock. r Ahead of Time.—The boys com menced celebrating Christmas a week 4efore hand. ✓ Query.—Has the young gent of Ogle thorpe .who was on the search for the lady’s furs found them as yet ? Heavy Purchases.—Mr. S. H. Stoke ly has bought, since the season set in, seventeen hundred bales of cotton. No PAPF t Next Wj^ek.—ln accor dance with the custom of the entire press .of the country, no paper will be issued from this office next week, - rith the ex ception of n small sheet containing the ( legai advertisements. 'Farm for Sale. —If you desire a .{small farm, splendidly located, that will always command a good price, jead the advertisement of David C. Barrow and purchase “ The Grade.” This is a rare opportunity to purchase a fine farm very low. Cotton Receipts.—For the last fort night, the receipts of cot-ton at thisdepyt amounted to tw r o hundred bales per day. Our efficient Mr. A. Little, has ,QOt taken time to draw a long breath .since the season set in. He does the .work of three men. Child Burned. —A little colored .girl, who is employed as house servant ■in the family of Mr. M. Edwards, of this county, while standing in front of the -fire, last week, hnd her clothing to catch, .aud before the flames could be extin guished she was badly burned. .Quick Work. —Near Maxev’s, .at ihe colored baptist Church, an old ne gro man was baptised last Sunday morn ing, his wife’s funeral was preached at 12 o’clock, and he married at 3in the evening. The bridal pair were dressed ip pure white, even to gloves, as it was a most beautiful day. Religious Notice.— We are happy to announce that Mr. P. Hanson Moss will preach at the Baptist Church in this place on next Sabbath morning. We feel confident that our citizens will turn out en masse, to listen to one in whom .the have so much confidence, as a min ister and a Christian. Extended.— By reference to our ad vertising columns, it will be seen that Mr. S. H. Stokely has extended his time for paying 13.}e/(lc.' above the market) /pr cotton until the Ist ot January. Mr. 6. makes no difference, but gives all his customers an equal show ing. Now is the time to pay your debts at a fair price for cotton. __ Cheap Grinding —By reference to our advertising columns, it will be seen that Mr. Thomas Amis proposes to grind corn for one-tenth. He has one of the best mills in the State, and those who patronize him are certain to be satis fied So load up your wagons and give him a call. It will pay you to haul your grain twenty miles tf> sch a fine mill. Dance.— We learn that our old bach elor friend,’ Joe Baughn, had quite a lively gathering at bis house last w eek The company, composed of the U S ies * men (invited on account ot their him looks so as the host would show to better advantage) and the loveliest ladies in the neighborhood, “chased the fleeing hours with flying feet” until a late hour. Joe says he is tired of Single cussedness, and intends to try his persuasive powers on a certain young lady, if he gets kie - ed as high as tin Radical party has gone low. jßrsvo l Mr. Wm. Broach, raised seven heavy hales of cotton, and forty-five barrels of corn, with one,hand, on adjoining lands of F. T. Tiller, near the Glade. Mr. T. raised on twelve acres of land, ten -tyiles of cotton. England & Orr.—We had the pleas ure of meeting, last Saturday, both mem bers of this fine firm. With both part ners we are intimately acquainted, and can say, with truth, that truer friends, kinder and more generous merchants, or more or upright men never breathed the breath of life. The Fantastios.— All ye lovers of fun would do well to visit Crawford to day and see the Fantastics. Great pre parations have been made by the boys to present a hideous appearance. Flan s ders Moore rides without a mask, as he can’t find one worse looking than his own physiognomy. They ride at 1 o’clock. Sharp. Fine \ egetarles.—Our .fellow citi zen, Mat Norton, put in appearance last Saturday, puffing and blowing under the weight. of the finest head of cabbage and supply of turnips we have ever seen pro duced out of the Old North State. They were given him by Lexington’s liberal and enterprising citizen, Mr. Thomas Gresham. Mr. G. is certainly the cham pion gardener of the county if they are a fair sample of his “ raising.” Castleberry & Co.—All in want of furniture of any kind should reqd the card of this firm, of Atlanta, Ga., the largest furniture dealers in the State. In their mammoth establishment .yvill be lound something to suit every one, which can be bought at extremely low prices. Our Granger friends can get special terms from them. Be sure and give them a call before buying elsew here in Atlanta. A Mile(s) Confession. —A young blood of Oglethorpe had made his ar rangements to marry this winter, but owing to the low price of cotton he has had per force to put off his anticipated hymenial happiness for two years lon ger. Aias! what a disappointment to the poor fellow, hut how fortunate for the young lady. “ The best laid plans of mice and men Gang aft aglee.” Talk of Suspending.—For the ben efit of those individuals who have pre dicted that the Echo would not succeed, we will state that we will commence New Year with a bona fide, paid-up subscrip tion list unsurpassed by any village paper in the State; enough paper in our office, paid for, to last us until next Fall, when we will enlarge ; and an advertising pat ronage that will more than thrice meet our entire expenses! Our books can vouch for the truth of the above asser tion, and all in doubt are welcome to inspect them. Bairdstown vs. Little River.— From now on we will decline to publish any further communications' in regard to the “ Little River ” controversy from either side. Correspondents are reques ted not to allude to the subject in their communications, for that portion will bo stricken out. Our readers have a dose of it large enough to last them thirteen thousand centuries. We will be pleased to hear from the parties who figured in the controversy on other subjects, as some are very racy and superb writers, hut give us a rest on the matters so long and lengthily discussed. Personal. —We were delighted to see the welcome face of our young friend, Joseph 11. Lumpkin, in our sanctum last Monday. He paying his friends in the county a Christmas visit, and will return to his studies as soon as it is over. He is attending the Atlanta Medical College, and when graduated, will settle in Lexington to pursue his profession. He has the talent, energy and applica tion to make an eminent physician, and we cap safely predict for him a bright future. We also had a call, on Tuesday morn ing, from that prince of clever fellows and Odd Fellows, Redden Fittard, of Athens. A more perfect gentleman in all his actions and dealings doesn’t in habit this mundane sphere. Marriages.—On thelfith inst., at the residence of Mr. George Barton, George Patton, of this county, and Miss Gauni Amerson, of Wilkes. On the 22d inst., by the Rev. J. G. Gibson, at the residence of the bride’s fatherj Mr. Richard Briant, of Wilkes, and Miss lone Edwards, of Oglethorpe .county. No cards. jQn the 22d inst., by the Rev. J. G. Gibson, pt the residence of the bride’s mother ; M. F. Burt and Miss S. Carrie Smith, all of Oglethorpe county. On the 22d inst., by the Rev. J. G. Gibson, at the residence of the bride’s father, in this county, Mr. E. C. Jackson and Miss Susie Bray. A negro stole about three hundred dollars in gold and two hundred dollars in currency from an Elbert county man the other day, and then allowed himself to get caught. LEXINGTON DOTS. Mr. R. B. Mathews, qf<this coun ty, one day this week, shot and killed nineteen birds in less than one hou-r anp a half. “ How is that for high?” Died, at the residence of Jsr. Joe Graham, Miss Victory Graham, aged 18 years, of consumption, / Softly woo away her breath, Gentle death! Let her leave thee with no strife, Tender, mournful, murmuring life ! She hath had her happy day— She hath had her bud and bloom ; Now she fades and shrinks away, Earth, into fhy gentle bosom. Many thanks to the complaisant young lady, Miss B. L. J., of Lexington, for the compliments paid us. Mr. James T. Johnson is the reg ular nominee. Let every Democrat support him. * We were pleased to hear that our Iriend, I)r. Bob Willingham, is about to hang out his shingle” in Lexington. Bob is a good fellow, and a physician by nature. We wish him.success, but not at our expense. We had the pleasure of listening last Sunday, to two very able ami impressive discourses by Mr. P. Hanson Moss, son of our popular teacher. Mr. M. is quite youthful, being only twenty four years of age, but he has the wisdom and discretion of old age. One to see him for the first time cpnld not but be impressed .with his meek and .Christian bearing—a manner impossible to be as sumed by any but a true Christian and devoted follower of the Lamb of God. O, that our land w r as filled with such men, for then our country yrould have what it so much needs, a pure pulpit— filled with men in whom the people have confidence. Owing the the inclemency of the weather, but a small attendance was present at the times alluded to. lie selected as his text, for the morning dis course, Revelations, 2d chapter part of the lOth verse: “ Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” Mr. Gibson, the Baptist minister, was present. He took a part in both the meetings—at the Baptist Church in the morning and Methodist in the evening. Good Work.—On the plantation of Mr. R. B. Mathews, of this county, a white man, named S. C. Nowell, made this year, without any assistance, and used no commercial fertilizers, ten full bales of cotton and fifty bushels of corn. Where is the rpan who asserted that white labor won’t answer for the South ? Joe Kent, a gentleman of cplor, work ing on the plantation of Mr. John W. Kidd, raised this year seven heavy bales of cotton and fifty barrels of corn, all by himself. Not Ashamed. —A fancy-looking, slick-beavered, artificial-smelling drum.- mer landed at Crawford lag! Saturday, and after glancing around in quest of a porter, his eye finally settled on one of our cleverest young men. Stepping up to him, he pompously remarked, “ I de sire my valise carried to Pace’s !” which is only a few steps distant. Our triend, in his usual polite and courteous man ner, informed the drummer that he would carry it for him. That individual consented-to his proposition, and follow ed our friend, who shouldering his load, safely delivered it at the desired point. The drummer paid him fifteen cents for the job, which he promptly pocketed. Judge of Mr. Drummer’s surprise, on visiting our largest merchant during the evening, to sell some goods, to find that his porter was the merchant’s son, and could have bought him a dozen times over, if he was blacked and sold in a slave country. Subscribers.—All those .who have not paid their subscription should bear in mind that after the 9th day of Janur ary they will have to pay $2.25 for the Echo, as their three months will then have elapsed. We are proud to announce that but few subscribers are in arrears, very nearly our entire list having been paid up. It \ya§ our intention the first of the present month to strike from our books every name not paid up, but at solicitation of Mr. J- J- C. McMahan, who procured us numbers of these sub scribers, and who vouched for the re sponsibility of all, we concluded to let delinquents have until the 9th prox., when all names not paid will certainly be stricken from our books, and their accounts, including the 2oc. interest, forwarded them for payment. We in tend to run strictly a cash paper, and would not give two cents a thousand for subscribers unless they pay in advance. We feel sincerely thankful to the major ity of our subscribers, who have paid up, and hope the few who a#6 in arrears will promptly step forward and “ follow suit.” Suicide. —A shocking suicide occurred in Atlanta, Sam. J. Anderson pistoled himself through the head, resulting in instant death. Cause—failure to get em ployment. He was the chief secretary of Gov. Crawford whilq secretary of war. Andersen bequeathed the fatal pistol to Gan. Toombs, with advice to fol low his example. THE LADIES’ SUPPER IN LEXINGTON. A Grand Success. Report of the Occasion. We were cordially invited to be pres ent at the supper given, on Wednesday evening last, by the ladies of the Baptist Church of Lexington, for the purpose of raising funds to embellishing their edi fice. We were met at the door by that kind and clever gentlqman, Mr. John T. M. Haire, and courteously admitted, when we were first,escorted into the supper room, through which we were shown by Mrs. Dr. Adihold, one of the most ener getic members of the church. Words are inadequate to portray the picture of the abundant and delightful array of delicacies and substantial so profusely spread upon the ten large ta bles that filled the room. Never was so great an abundance or more delightfully prepared repast served in our proud old county. Among the myriads of cakes and sweet meats contributed by the graceful and accomplished ladies of-the congregation, we select a few for special notice, on ac count of their attractive appearance. If there be any we have overlooked, we hope that the fair donors will not attrib ute our neglect to partiality, but rather to the excitement we experienced from being surrounded by such an array of beaming faces and bright eyes. Mrs. George Latimer’s cake merited the great admiration it received.. Her basket and flowers were arranged in that attractive manner assumed by every thing touched by the graceful hand of the ac complished donor. . Mrs. Colonel Olive’s cake was beauti fully trimmed and greatly admired, as was evidenced by the crowd -constantly assembled around it. Mrs. Z. H. Clark contributed a number of articles, both in the wav of cakes and meats, all prepared in that superb man ner that has given this lady the name ol the best house-keeper in the State. Mrs. Dr. Adiliold, a beautiful cake, nicely trimmed. Miss Laura Moss, a tasty and attrac tive cake. Miss Georgia Lester, a basket cake, trimmed with evergreens, very tasty and pretty. Misses Sallie Sanders and Jennie Les ter gave a trio of mush melon cakes, so natural that one would suppose them to he the fruit itself. Mrs. George H. Lester presented a beautiful cake, made in the shape of a tower, surmounted by a Confederate flag, surrounded by the boys in grey. Misses Sallie Shackelford and Mary Witcher each donated very attractive and pretty cakes. Miss Georgia Johnson, diamond cake, quite pretty. Miss Julia Johnson, attractive, well trimmed cake. Mrs. Judge Upsou prepared a mam moth supply of that most delicious dish, “ Gypsie’s Squire.” Mrs. E. G. Roane presented a nicely trimmed ham. The guests were served in the best manner, and after they had finished, enough could have collected to feed as many more. After supper, we visited the hall above, where the u sua l amount of courting, playing, laughing and talking was going on with the young folks. By invitation of Lena Latimer, a beautiful little miss ,of seven, we joined her merry little throng in a game of “ Blind man’s buff’.” We were pleased to see present Dr. W. M. Willingham and lady. We also noticed among the guests Judge Z. H. Clark, one of our leading and most public spirited citizens, as also that prince of old bachelors, Joseph Baughn. Dish Roland, one of the bhoys of Crawford, gained himself the name of the champion oyster eater of the State. The fastest calculator could count the number of dozens he consumed, and so this important fact is lost to history. The following are the names of the lady managers, who deserve great credit for the superb manner in which every thing was arranged and conducted, and the grand success that crow-ned their efforts: Mrs. Dr. Adihold, Miss Mary Witcher, Miss Sallie Shackelford, Miss Sallie Sanders, Miss Mary Sanders. Our esteemed friend, Mr. John W. Bacon, acted as auctioneer, which part he performed well. The net recepts amounted to about SIOO. We trust our friends will excuse the above disjointed and disconnected report of the occasion. Our limited space, and the hasty manner in which we were forced to prepare our artiplc, prevented our giving the notice we wou’d have liked. ANTIOCH. A Sensible Letter—Encouraging Words for the Echo—A Conservative View of the Court House Controversy—Judge Shackel ford's Nomination Opposed. Antioch, Dec. 21, 1874. Editor Oglethorpe Echo : In the midst of the dust that has been kicked up below here by your corres pondent, “ Little River,” your welcome little paper make its usual regular visits. I notice the last number of the Echo contained some of the county advertise ments. lam glad to see it, as I believe it to be the duty of the officers to give you their printing and advertising, and I feel that every citizen of the county should spare no effort to make your pa per a success. Jt will be of great bene fit in ififormation and communication to and between the citizens of our coun ty, and I frankly admit that I have some county pride, and the success of the Echo will be an evidence of intelli gence and prosperity, and though we can boast of no large city in our coun ty, we have intelligence and public spirit equal to any other county in the State, and the Echo will enable us to show and continually remind the people of Geor gia that there is a county in the State by name Oglethorpe. I hope, ere long, to see the Echo not only visit every family in the county, but to visit (equal with any other journal) every other por tion of the State; and to accomplish that, every citizen should put his shoulder to the wheel, and by so doing we would soon build a monument of honor to old Oglethorpe, that would last for ages. A few words about our Court House.: I would prefer the Court House at Craw ford, but we all know we are too poor now, and I fear it will be a long time before our finances will authorize so much outlay of money as a removal would incur ; consequently, the Court House, for a long time to come, will re main where it is. Shall we, because the question of removal is being agitated (and some favoring removal in the face of our poverty,) decline to make the changes and improvement in our court room, suggested by the improvement in modern constructien of court-rooms ? We see the convenience, appearance and comfort of our court-room could be so much improved with so little expense, that in connection with the fact that our Judge and jury recommend it, I do not believe the people of the county would decline to do it. It is a matter about which I feel but little interest. As soon as we are able, I shall favor re* moval and building a better house, con structed on a different and better plan, but I am satisfied, if the changes and improvements promised are given for the amount stated—one thousand dollars —and the citizen objecting will make the calculation and see the amount his individual tax will be increased, that he will no longer object. I have understood that the Grand Jury recommended it unanimously—that the question was pro posed when they first met, and not dis posed of until about the close of their duties (giving ample time for any objec tion, if there was any, to be made known,) and there was but one juror .who was, or expressed the least objection. He stated that he was interested at Crawford, and would not urge his objection and permit ed the recommendation of the jury to be made unanimously. I am somewhat surprised at the anomaly of one of our judges. He seems to have been surprised to find that lumber had been procured and arrangements were being made to carry out the recommendation of the Grand Jury. I have heard, that at the regular meeting in November of the Commissioners’ Court, there being only three of the Court present, and the Judge referred to being one of them, an order was passed to carry out the recommenda tion of the Grand Jury, and the Judge referred to, professed to aquiesce, and thereby consenting, that the order pass. I do not know the above to be correct. I believe the Court did right in carrying out the wish of the Grand Jury, as that is supposed to be the correct medium to.; get at the wants of the people. the excitement has grown to be of such magnitude as tqiuy.Qke people judgapart, I would advise the Gourt to wait a little and let the question be more fully ven tilated. I notice the statement of Judge Platt, the amount of the indebtness of our county is a great deal smaller than I expected. It is evidence sufficient that our finances have been well managed, and lam satisfied it will not be many years, with good crops’, before we can af ford to move the Court House. While to move the Court House out to the Depot will be much more conven ‘ nt for some, some of our citizens w r ill be greatly in convenienced by the move, and for fear that we may never move it, J shall not oppose a reasonable outlay of money, that promises to give so many impor tant advantages, and I should not oppose the changes suggested if I was certain the Court House would be moved in a few' year* I will notice, in my feeble way, the suggestion of your correspondent of J udge E. C. Shackelford as a candidate for the convention, his claims, and quali fications. While I ana compelled to &d^ !: : : -rrL' !■ p.i”!;.: .. matiun ami iva shall be compelled to your correspondent, and °PplHh| election. Respectfully, yours, . Citize^ CRAWFORD. “Mum’’ “Unkivers” His Faoe, and Replies, to Mrs. Kennebrew. Crawford, Dec. 23, 1874. Editor Oglethorpe Echo : In your issue of the 11th inst., appear ed a letter from Mrs. Anna Kinnebrew, the heroine of the “ Little River” con troversy. I have nothing to say, 51 r. Editor, of his letter, only so far as con cerns the strictures on what 1 said uf the affair, over the signature of “Mum,’’ in your paper of some weeks ago. I might question, very properly, I think, too, the propriety that prompts i lady to come out over her own signa ture, in answer to an anonymous news paper article, but with this I have nothing to do; and thought my claims to respecta bility are not very strong, I trust I have good sense, if not good taste, enough to respect a ladies’ feelings, under any circumstances. Though it appears a work of superen - gation, I assert again, in language most emphatic, that all the parties w’ere, and are still unknown to me, and even,, after the Quixotic letter of Neal, I was still ignorant of the cause of offence, so far as regards Mrs. Kinnebrew hersel;’. Knowing nothing, then, of the reason why she was mixed up with the affair, how could I voluntarily, or otherwise, defend “ Little River” “ in his attack < n a lady,” as Mrs. Kennebrew styles hi* equivocal compliment to herself? In deed, having run the gauntlet myself and having suffered considerably fro n remarks derogatory of my own personal appearance, my sympathy woyld have prompted me to have taken up the cud gels in defence of a class to which I a;u so unfortunate as to belong myself. To sum up the whole thing, I consid ered the first letter of “Little River’ nothing more than a pleasant rehearsal of some good jokes, that were too good, in fact, to be kept from the public. With this view of the matter I wrote, as I did, and I think the opinion of every man who did not know the parties would be the same as my own. This has been an unfortunate affair from its inception, and I know all the parties concerned would, if they could, do away even with the memory of it. As for myself, I regret exceedingly that my zeal for what I thought, and still think, to be the truth, led me into giving of fence to a lady. With any true gentleman there is some thing too sacred connected with a lady’s feelings to be touched idly, and had I known that slrs. Kinnebrew was in any way mixed up in £h matter, I would have never referred to it. As there seems to be a strong feeling among some persons against anonymous writers, and some doubt as to my identi ty, I doff the euphonious cognomen un der which I have previously appeared, and make my debut in propria person 8. A. Winter. School Riot in New Orleans.— This week, great excitement prevailed in the Crescent City, occasioned by the en trance of negro children into the white schools. The white boys, determined to protect their sisters from this forced so cial equality with negroes, made a raid upon the different schools, and forcibly ejected eyery negro therefrom. They were opposed by the negro men, when a general riot ensued, which resulted in the death of one,, negro. The white* carried the day. 1 The negro exodus still continues, to a small extent. One passenger coach load left on the Western and Atlantic Rail* road this week, but we de not look for them to leave in large numbers, for nl w ready do we hear of much dissatisfaction | among those who have gone before. M E MS, A. J. Williams, of MadisofJßl knocked down and robbed of thousand dollars, on Friday -m, ■ in front of his gate. He was from his wound at the ia-t an ' clew bad been discovered to trator of the dastardly act. IHMM Horrible Outrage in l9nHH9| A negro committed ail in< 1 sank upon a twelve-year old a Ihiit-A ates Judge. -ted hiillielf witha knife. Th hope chi id w: ! not Sad End.—A vo^fg* brought to PkirfadT’, > purpo-es was found ■i i— ill- ‘ .o fl several arrests. I Jh pej DBER nam|J murdered near CoviJH last by unknown rartl —— ‘ ] Turkeys who may sj have appointed JanaaJ day of TlirinksgivtjJH Stone Mountaij®|| —so the papers saj^H