The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, July 10, 1875, Image 2

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©b IFnn'r.T: ftes. Jackson County Publishing Company. Dr. J. I). Tioxo, I N. IT. Pendergrass, President. I I ire President. T. 11. Niblack. Srrr'y Sr Trent. JEFFERSON, GA. NATI KOAV 910 It. VC!, .11 Ll r 10, 1N7.. SdF’Under the circumstances, we trust no apology is required for the space taken up by tfic account of the Martin Institute “Com mencement.” It is a matter in which our whole people should feel interested —and we hope are. Scattered through our paper, this week, are several short articles concerning what was done and said at Boston and the great Bun ker ILill “Centennial.” We believe these pieces interesting, because they indicate the direction in which the masses are “ drifting” in a fraternal and harmonious point of view. “ Let us have peace !” The State Fair Next Fall. The Macon TV. <s• Mess, of July Gth, says : The present indications are that this annual exposition of the State Agricultural Society, will lie on a grander scale than ever before. Certainly never has so much progress been made at this stage of the year. Alrea ly have reduced excursion rates for freights and passage been effected from many remote points; where, hitherto, all such attempts have proved futile. Thus through charges one way only will be asked from Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati and Baltimore to Macon and re turn, and also from Boston, Providence, Hartford and other Eastern cities. Visitors from the latter likewise, by an arrangement which has been concluded with the steam ships plying to Charleston and Savannah from Northern ports, will have the choice of a sea voyage, or oil rail route to and from our city upon the same terms. Futher extensions of the like privilege, it is confidently believed, will be effected with all the principal cities of the Union, and the influx of articles and visitors from abroad at the Fair is expected to be very large. Among the latter. Senators Bayard, of Delaware, Thurman, of Ohio, and Mr. Hassau reck, editor of the Cincinnati Volts Blott, have consented to be present, and doubtless many other distinguished personages will be delighted to visit the Empire State of the South on that occasion, when she will appear in all the glory of her magnificent resources and productions. Mr. Malcolm Johnston, the indefatigable and excellent Secretary of the State Society, left this morning on an extended tour, North, West, and East, in the interest of the exposition. He will visit nearly every city of note in the Union, and spare no pains to induce machinists, stock raisers, etc., to bring specimens of their wares, and blooded ani mals to the Fair. It should be remembered that the exhibition will stand upon its own merits this year, and every Georgian should strive to make it a grand success, and the true exponent of the varied productions of our favored commonwealth. A Good Day’s Work- Friday J une 25th, was a pretty good day for neck stretching in these United States. Six murderers were hung—three in New Eiv land, Louis IU T. AYagner and Jno.F. Gor don, at Thomaston, Maine, and Henry Cost ly at Dedham, Massachusetts. A Vagner, a Fmssian sailor, was convicted of the murder of two defenseless women for the sake of plunder, at the house a Norwegian fisherman, on one of the Isles of Shoals ; Gordon of the murder of his brother and his brother's wife in order to fall heir to certain property ' and Costly of the murder of his housekeeper for the sake of his mistress, and later of the mur der of his mistress to enable him to marry a young woman who was madly in love with him. Purifoy, a negro, was hung in Atlanta,, for the murder of John Casey in January last, while two other murderers of the same color met the same fate at Charleston, South Carolina. ♦ # Many stories about Messrs. Moody and Kankcy, the professional “revivalists,*’ are kept running through the London papers. Here is one of them. Moody was waited on by the agent of a life insurance office, who desired to effect a policy on his life. Mfr. Moody, in a very sanctimonious manner, assured the agent that he never took thought about such worldly affairs, but that if the agent could insure his soul he would be very much pleased. “ I'm afraid there would be a little difficulty,” said the agent blandly, “as ours is not a fire olfice.” Chicken Cholera. —The following pre scription we find in the Southern Cultivator, and is said to be very efficacious in chicken cholera: Glycerine ami water, each half ounce; carbolic acid ten drops. AVhen the first symptoms of the disease are apparent, give five drops, and repeat at intervals of twelve hours. Usually the second dose effects a cure. A neighbor informed me that cholera was very destructive among his poultry r and at my suggestion he used the foregoing re cipe. lie reports that the progress of the disease was promptly arrested, and in almost every case a cure was accomplished- AATieat.:— The Knoxville Press Herald says white wheat is a drug in that market at at a dollar. Dispatches from the coun ties in the Cumberland valley state that the grain crop will be heavier than for the past fifteen years. Not only is the quantity re markably large, but the quality is also supe rior to that of many years past. Tight Times- The talk on the streets is that times are tight beyond all measure, and beyond all rea son*. That the banks have drawn in all their strings and tied them in a hard knot, and it is a difficult matter to collect a cent of anybody, although his wallet may be full, because, “you know, times are so tight.” This kind of mental hallucination, indeed, has been epidemic for a couple of years or so ; but is now worse than ever. The fact is, the trade of Macon, just now. is so light that if people would pluck up courage and pay out freely there would be plenty of money for all purposes ; but there is not nerve enough to try the experiment, A five dollar bill will pay five hundred dollars of indetbedness a day if you will only keep it moving fast enough ; but to sit with it crammed into a corner of your vest pocket, groaning over tight times, is more common than wise. Why the times should be tighter than they were a month ago is a hard question to answer; but we believe there is no better reason for it than the general assumption that they are tighter, and a correspondingly tighter grip on the means in hand. Let up freely and the trouble would vanish, or mitigate amazingly. Tel. $ Mess. Shooting of J. A. Findley. From the Gainesville Southron of the Gth, we get the following particulars of the shoot ing of Dep. Marshal Findley, ofthatcity: On Thursday afternoon, about sunset, while Dep. U. S. Marshal J. A. Findley was returning to this place, on the Coopers Gap Road, about nine miles above Dahlonega, with a prisoner whom he had caught in the act of making whisky, he was fired upon by some parties secreted in the bushes by the road side. Several shots were fired at Findley, two of which took effect, one ball passing through the leg just above the knee, and the other entering the ldg below the knee and lod^im* - in the muscles of the leg. and still remains— the physicians being unable to find it. Mr. Findley was taken out of the cart which he was driving and in which he had a sack of meal, a barrel of whisky, and the still which he had captured, and was put on Joseph Prater*s horse, and the party moved on in the direction of home. A halt was made by the party for some purpose, when h indley was again fired upon, and the horse upon which lie was sitting was killed. The prisoner’s name is Sein, and it is sup posed that his sons did the shooting. They arc desperate characters, and have frequently threatened the lives of U. S. officers. Notwithstanding the terrible fire to which Findley and his comrades—Joe Prater and Ike V. Clements—were subjected, they brought out their prisoner, though they had to abandon the cart and oxen. Air. F. came to Ins home Friday night, and is getting along quite comfortably. Beecher Jury Discharged. The Jury in the Tilton-Beecher case were discharged on th? 2d, after a week’s delibe rations. The Jury failed to agree, and being hopelessly divided the Judge discharged them. Nine were in favor of acquitting Beecher and three of conviction ; so ends the longest trial on record. And it is to be hop ed, for the sake of common decency, that no such a trial will ever again be brought before the public in this country. There were present at a recent meeting of tile Columbus District Conference, Dr. L. Pierce, Rev. Samuel Anthony and Rev. J. M . Talley, whose aggregated years in the ministry arc perhaps 170, or about 57 years average. AY ill these three ever meet again at a session of the Columbus District Confer ence? llow beautifully has Chrisrianity been illustrated in the lives and labors of these aged disciples.— Sun. k #" Georgia is very fast returning to that prosperous condition of ante-bellum times which gave her the enviable title of the Em pire State of the South. Laborers, both white and black, are working with a will, and a very large portion of the males of the latter race make as reliable and trusty laborers on the farms as they did when slaves. Her crop prospects arc magnifient. There has been but little corn and bacon sold to her farmers this year, and the slack demand from the South generally is one cause of the failure of the bulls of the west to make a successful corner in bacon and corn.— Union and American. SdPIN our notice of the approaching election of Professors, from the Chancellor down, of the University of Georgia, we should have stated that the officers who are elected at the next commencement will hold their places for four years, instead of one year. This is in accordance with a resolution adopted by the board of trustees several years ago. The tenure of office is really during good behavior, but once in four years the board has an opportunity to express its approval of, or to displace, an occupant of any chair. — At. Const. The iee works of Macon, Ga„ are on the banks of Ocmulgeee, the waters of which are so muddy that the fish cannot see to bite. The water is passed through surface con densers, and nicely moulded in forms of clear and very handsome ice. These machines have a capacity of making 25,000 pounds a day, and the}' are used in many Southern cities, producing ice for the small sum of SG,4O per ton. So says the New York Sun. The Athens (Tenn.) Post carefully reviews the wheat market, and prints private advices from Atlanta, Baltimore and Adairs ville. All of these authorities advise the farmers of Eaat Tennessee to sell their wheat early, as higher quotations- arc exceedingly! improbable. MARTIN INSTITUTE. Commencement, Examination, Exhibition, Concert, &c. SUNDAY, JULY 4tit. As was announced in our last issue, the “ Public Exercises” of Martin Institute dur ing the present week, were prefaced by a most earnest and impressive Commencement Ser mon on Sunday last, by Ex-Chancellor Rev. Dr. A. A. Lipscomb, of Athens, from the text, “ I have glorified thee on earth : I have finished the work thou gavest me to do.” — St. John, 17th c., 4th v. The sermon was listened to most attentively by a large con course of citizens and friends of the Institute, and was delivered in that elegant and inap proachable style which belongs alone to this venerable Father in Israel and most devoted friend to the cause of Education. The services of the hour were closed by Rev. W. A. Farris, in a fervent and suitable appeal to the.“ Throne of Grace” that the blessings of the Great Teacher might rest on all the people, and especially on the institu tion in the interest of which the large congre gation were assembled at that time and place. The “ Long Metre Doxology” was sung, the venerable “ father” pronounced the benedic tion, and thus ended the Commencement ser vices of Sunday, July 4th, 1875, in Jefferson. MONDAY, JULY sth, According to the “programme,” was devoted to an “ Examination” of Primary Classes in the forenoon, and of the Middle Classes in the afternoon. These examinations were, we learn, of quite a satisfactory character. The students proving, by their familiarity with the subjects under review, that the corps of In structors in these branches had been fully alive to the duties devolving upon them; while, at the same time, the pupils had “ act ed their part" in a manner alike creditable to themselves and to the institution of which they arc to be the representatives hereafter. The forenoon of TUESDAY, JULY 6tit, Was spent in an “Examination of the High er Classes,” and what we have already said above, will apply with equal force in this in stance. Nor could we say more, if we desir ed so to do. We should have been pleased to have ac cepted the kind invitation of Prof. Glenn, to lie present at these examinations, bat our “ work” prevented. Those who were present during the entire “Examinations,” express themselves in terms of the highest approbation at the advance ment and progress made by the students— both large and small—male and female. Asa matter of course, we would not en deavor to convey the idea that everything had reached a state of “ Perfection,” but simply that the standard attained was such as to keep up the reputation, and reflect credit and honor on the Institution and its well qualified corps of Instructors and teachers. Appended will be found the programme of exercises for the evening, commencing at 8 o’clock, P. M., and consisting of Composi tions by young ladies, and Concert by Music Class: JUNIOR EXHIBITION. Prayer, by Rev. (i. IT. Car fledge. Miss Mamie Shirley, (excused.) Hart countv. (la. Miss Sallie Cartledge, Jefferson, (la.—“ When Shall we Cease to Learn?” Miss Rosa f\>ole, .Jefferson, Ga.—“ After the Storm the Sunbeams Fall.” Miss Alice Burns, Jefferson. Ga.—“ Everything is Happy, trills the Merry Bird ; Everything, but You.” Miss Lucy Bishop, (excused,) Greene county, Georgia. Miss Florence Howard, Belize, Brit. Honduras “Some Day.” Miss Susie Mayne. Oconee county, Georgia— “ AVanted—A J.arrow to Catch Meddlers.” Miss Mollie Poole, (excused,) Jefferson, Ga. Miss Mary Carithcrs. Jefferson, Ga.—“ A Les son from a llumming-bird.” Miss Eula Gober, Jefferson, Georgia—“ln the Gloaming.” CONCERT BY MUSIC CLASS. Sweet Katie Killaire, (Blake) —Miss Bishop. Happy Family Polka, (Francis Brown) —Misses Amis and Carithcrs. AY here Birds Sing the Sweetest, ( )—Miss Howard. A\ avelet Scot tische—Misses Long, Maync, Simp kins and Amis. Marian Gray, (AYill S. Hays)—Miss Bishop. Impromptu* March, (L. B.)—Misses Long and Caritliers. Chiming Bells, (C. F. Shattuck) —Aliss Mavne. Lehigh Polka, ( ) —Misses Carithcrs, Bishop, Simpkins and Amis. Follow Up the Plow, ( ) —Miss Howard. Silvery \\ aves, (A. P. Wyman)—Misses Long and Carithcrs. Chilligowalibedory, ( ) —Aliss Carithcrs Jolly Brother’s Gallop, (Budick) —Alisscs Long, Mayne, Howard and Long. Alinnie Mine, (Allen Perry)—Miss Long. Louisville March, (Standard Authors)—rAliases Amis and Long. Cantilena, ( )—Aliss Howard. Home, Sweet Home, (Slack) —Misses Carithcrs and Long. Prize Banner Quickstep, (Haskell) —Aliases Ca rithers and Amis. Springtide, (R. F. Harvey)—Aliss Long. AYe desire not to be misunderstood, when we remark that the Compositions were all well read. Some better, perhaps, than oth ers ; but each and every one gave Evidence of talent and intellect of no mean order, while the beautiful sentences and rounded points showed great care, diligence and at tention on the part of the young ladies. AYliile we would not detract ia the least, from any of the fair “ readers,” we cannot re frain from mentioning the hearty reception by the audience, of Miss Mayne’s “ Larrow to Catch Meddlers.” AYell hail she studied her subject and its “ characters,” and well did she deserve the applause amid which she re tired from the stage. Again, we repeat, we make no invidious distinctions. They all did well, as was fully evinced by the approval and encouragement shown them by a large audience, composed of some of the most high ly cultivated men and women of this and ad jacent counties. The “ Concert by the Music Class” was “tiie feature” of the evening's entertain ment. And, as the worthy Professor, in in troducing the class, stated that the intention was not to delineate the state of “perfection” to which the performers had arrived, but rath er to show what “progress” they had made in this particular “ branch,” we simply re mark that this “ feature” was, indeed, a suc cess. And as an evidence of this fact, wG deem it only necessary to revert to the per fect composure and satisfaction evinced by their able Instructress, Miss Lizzie Burch, during the whole performance of the Class, As is always the case, some pieces were more artistically executed than others; but, we doubt not, every parent and patron of the In stitute who was present on this occasion, left with all expectations fully realized, and feel ing that in the hands and under the guidance of so superior a teacher as Miss 8., the musi cal capacities of their children will be fully developed. On WEDNESDAY, JULY 7tii, 9| A. M., The “ Senior Exhibition” came off, the pro gramme of which was as follows: Prayer, by Rev. A. J. Kelly. Miss Lula Burns, Jefferson, Ga.—“ The Poetry of earth is never dead.” Miss Alice Amis, Lexington, Georgia— u Trifles make Perfection, but Perfection is no trifle.” Miss Lizzie Thompson, Jackson county, Ga.— “ Good times and bad times and all times pass over,then cheerily bend to the oar.” Miss Leila Long, Jefferson, Ga.—“ The Fancy that’s touched by Reality's hand, ne’er soars on bright pinions again.” (’lass graduated. From those wiio were present on this oc casion, we learn the exercises were of a truly interesting character. The essays of the young ladies of the Senior, or “ Graduating Class” were exceedingly well-written, and read in a most admirable style. At the close of the “readings,” the Di plomas were awarded and, as stated on the programme, the “Class Graduated.” In awarding the Diplomas, Prof. Glenn indulged in some very appropriate and impressive re marks, suited to the occasion and circum stances, and for which his long association, (in the capacity of an Instructor of youth,) with many institutions of learning eminently qualifies him. At 3 o’clock, P. M., the bell again calls the citizens and visitors to the Methodist church, in which all the public exercises are Held, to hear the Anniversary Address before the Martin Literary Society, ln r Mr. P. W. Davis. Being debarred the privilege of attending, our remarks concerning Mr. Davis’ address must, of necessity, be meagre. Of the “ ef fort” of our esteemed young friend, we have heard but one universal expression from all quarters—“ that it was the most able speech of its kind ever delivered on a kindred occa sion.” Mr. I). is on “ the rise,” and from the little acquaintance we have had with him, we feel confident that his close attention to study, his courteous and gentlemanly bearing, cou pled with an energy and will that seems to know no such word as “fail,” has already stamped him as one of nature's noblemen, and that with the continuation of health and strength, a bright and brilliant career awaits him in the future. During the afternoon, quite a heavy fall of rain occurred, and the clouds continuing to 'ook dark and portent ions, and slight showers falling occasionally, the prospect for the ex hibition of the “Prize Declaimers,” at eight o’clock, was anything but flattering. But the old maxim, “where there’s a will there’s a way,” was fully illustrated in this instance, and before the appointed hour, the church was again filled with the “ intelligence and fashion” of this county and those adjoining. The following was the evening’s pro gramme : Prayer, by Rev. Mr. Watkins. Eddie Bush. Jackson county, Ga.—“ The Radi cal Party in Congress.”—Blair. •J. O. Shirley, (m. L. 5..) Hart county, Georgia —“Character of Napoleon Bonaparte.”—Philips. If.]*. Bell, Jefferson, Ga.—“ South Carolina During the Revolution.”—llayne. J. M. Maync, (m. L. 5.,) Oconee county, Ga.— “South Carolina and Massachusetts.”—Webster. W. T. Harrison, Jackson county, Ga.—“ The British Refugees.”—Patrick Henry. Rob’t W. Johnson, Jackson county, Ga.—“ A ddress to his Soldiers.”—M. B. Lamar. W. E. Nunn, (m. l. 5.,) Banks county, Georgia —“ America.”—Philips. W. 11. Nunnally, (m. Li. 5..) Walton county, Ga. —“How to Restore Peace.”—B. 11. Hill. J. C. Shirley, Hart county, Ga.—“ The Human Mind.”—John Tyler. Rob’t Thompson, (M. L. 5..) Clarke county, Ga. —“Altering the Virginia Constitution.”—Ran dolph. Prize delivered. Most handsomely did these young men ac quit themselves. Asa committee had, in the beginning of the evening’s entertainment, been selected from the audience to “pass judgment” as to who was the best declaimer among this “ noble band,” it would not be come the writer to remark as to the merit or demerit of any one of the . class. But the “ speaking” over—the committee consult— Col. J. B. Silman is called upon the stage— the declaimers are arranged in “ line” in front of the stage, when Prof. Glenn introduces Col. Silman as the awarder of the “ Prize” to the successful contestant of this “nobly fought battle.” The Col. discharged the duty de volving on him in a neat and tasty little ad dress, well suited to the time, circumstance and surroundings, and at its close presented the prize—a handsome volume—to Mr. J. C. Shirley, of Hart county, Ga. This evening’s entertainment all together was one of deep interest; and, as Prof. Glenn remarked, the friends of the institution, and the friends of all interested, demonstrated their apprecia tion of the exercises not only by the attention paid the worthy speakers, but by the presence of so large an audience on an evening so in clement as was that of "Wednesday, July 7th. We have neglected to mention, and may as well do so now, that at proper intervals dur ing all the exercises of the few days past, most appropriate and excellent music was furnished by some of the young ladies and gentlemen of the “Institute,” assisted by several of our young townsmen. Each and every one of these worthy and talented young artistes deserve, as they have received, the thanks of all interested for their splendid per formances on tills most pleasing and impor tant occasion. And again, our duty would be only half performed, were we to fail mentioning a most agreeable “episode” of "Wednesday evening's entertainment, “ not laid down in the bills.” At a convenient and opportune momenty during the progress of the exercises—-Prof- Glenn introduced “ Yankee Doodle,” (Mr. R. 11. Kinnebrew,) appropriately “rigged” and costumed, who for some five or ten minutes amused and “ enlightened” the audience in a most happy and felicitious manner with a lecture on “ noses.” Mr. K. is from Ogle thorpe county, and there is in store for him, no doubt, a “ niche” high up on “ the temple of fame.” lie is one of the “ Original Speak ers” for to-morrow, when, judging from his illustration above cited, he will prove himself worthy of all the warm encomiums of those who know him best. We come now to chronicle the last “ act in the drama”—or, in sportsman’s phrase, to speak of the “ last day of the races.” THURSDAY, JULY Bth, 9$ A, M. ORIGINAL SPEAKERS, Prarer. by Rev. W. A. Farris, L. 11. Cartlege, Jefferson, Ga.—“Man the Archi tect of His Own Fortune. R. H. Kinnebrew, (m. I.SSt). t ) Lexington, “ Fame.” W. J. Davenport. (M. L. 5.,) Oglethorpe county, Ga.—“ Look Before You Leap.” P. W. Davis, (m. L. 5..) Lexington, Ga.—“ What is the Use of All This?” W. Z. Faust, (m. l. 5.,) Lexington, Ga.—“ Le ssons of History.* J. B. Ilattaway, (m. l. 5.,) High Shoals, Ga.— “ Knowledge is Power.” Jno. L. Davenport, (m. l. 5.,) excused, Ogle thorpe county, Ga. J. J. Strickland, (M. L, 5.,) Madison county, Ga. —“Division of Labor and Concentration of Power.” Literary Address, by Gol. Emory Speer. Benediction. Of these exercises nothing less can be said than that they were superior to any of the kind that, within the knowledge of the writer, have ever been exhibited in this county. All the pieces were strictly original, and entirely without the well beaten track so commonly followed in the modern school-room. Rome and Athens, with their long lists of illustrious heroes, poets, orators and statesmen, were left alone in their glory, and the young glad iators unsheathed their youthful swords to meet the men and measures of modern times —to battle with the errors of the present day —to commend the good, reject the bad, and point out to the rising generation the glorious rewards held in reserve for the faithful stu dent. Apart from these commendable fea tures, we feel fully justified in saying that, for young men, the standard of oratoiy was well sustained—being free, natural, easy, and almost wholly devoid of that sickly sen timentality so common with young America; and showing not only well directed brain work, but that spontaneous outburst of feel ing which always flows from the good heart and generous purpose. The interludes of music, sweetly thrown in between the pieces, were delightfully render ed, and much of it must have come From hearts as pure as their tenements were beautiful. The Literary Address by Col. Emory Speer, was full of rich imagery, mature thought, anti good sound sense—sometimes such as is ac tually necessary to knock a fellow'down, and even make him grunt—but if so, right well did the blow come—good and timely, too. His theme was, “Universal Education,” and though a common one, the subject was treat ed in an original manner, being divested of all dry detail, all common-place theories and probable conclusions, and matter-of-fact de monstrations substituted, to show, beyond a doubt, that nothing short of the mi rversal dif fusion of knowledge can ever raise this once glorious country to the high position that the God of nature intended it to occupy. The audience was large, and, without a single exception, orderly and attentive be yond all praise. To Prof. Glenn, liis able and efficient corps of teachers, and the bright young minds that have been training under them, this must have been a proud day ; to all of whom we bid a hearty God-speed. Back from Boston. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee is back from Boston. He spoke as follows, at Norfolk, a few nights since: I come forward in response to your calls to thank you for this very flattering reception. I went to Boston as a guest of your own ‘-Artillery Blues,*’ not because I expected to have a pleasant trip and a good time, but I hope for a higher, holier purpose —for the good of our State, our people, and all sections of a common country. Oh ! how I wish I had the time to tell you of the reception accorded to us by those people of Boston—of the enthusiastic crowds that greeted us upon every occasion—how the streets were lined with people pouring out their welcomes to us and bidding us welcome, thrice welcome. I wish I could stop with you long enough to give you some of the many interesting incidents of our trip. llow a sightless soldier told me, “General, your boys put my eyes out, but I am glad, to see you here in our midsthow an aged gentleman, grasping both my hands in his, said : “Gene ral, I lost two sons in the war—the only two I had—but for public considerations and the nation’s good, I am glad to see you and your people here at this time.” How my hand was shaken by a people whose overflowing hearts prevented a single word of utterance. Do you know what all this means? It means at that end of the line precisely what the out pouring of your people at this end of the line to meet us upon our return means, viz : That the people of this country have taken this matter of reconstruction out of the hands of the politicians ; that the crust which separat ed them has been broken at last, and the men of the North and South are at last allowed to see each other face to face. The Scenes in Puiufoy's * Cell.—We should probably have said nothing further concerning the disgraceful scenes enacted in Purifoy’s cell the day before his death, were it not that we hear just as bad a story concern ing the death-bed of Casey, the man whom Purifoy murdered. From the lips of a preach er, directly and postively, we learn that, while Casey was dying, two men of God en gaged in a quarrel over his prostrate body% and that one of them raised a chair with which to strike the other. We learn that a similar contention—though not so prolonged or violent— wn* begun over the case of Aring, who w as hung some weeks ago.— At. lit r. WATERMELONS. Thirty Thousand in Two Trains. — The lands] of the Land of Flowers — What I Gri ! own There , and Where They Propose to 1 Send it. Yesterday morning two long freight trains went up the State road. That would ]*. nothing uncommon on that busy thorough fare, had not the two trains consisted of thif. ty-two cars loaded with watermelons, with a Coach containing tliirtyNtfiC fruit and vegeta ble growers from the interior of Florida These two trains were loaded in the towns of Rosewood, Bronson, Archer, Arredondo Gainesville and Live Oak. None of thes* towns are on the St. Johns, and the fruit growers that we talked with seem to have a great contempt for the mania in favor of that river. These towfls are in THE HIGHLANDS of Florida, about one hundred miles south of the Georgia line, and about equi-distant from the St. Johns and the Gulf coast. They are in central Florida, if that oddly-shaped State can be said to have a center. These highland counties lay about 240 feet above tide, are full of lakes and cascades, and are the native home of the ORANGE TREE. In Alachua county alone there are two million sweet orange trees, mostly small, but still the county will ship this season 3,000 barrels of perfect fruit. All the semi-tropi. cal fruits do well in this section, including ban annas and lemons. Nature permits the people of the favored inland counties to raise nearly all the fruit and vegetables, but na ture does not provide transportation for the products, nor A MARKET. To secure these is the object of the present expedition, The towns named had already sent to the cities of the northwest 200.000 melons via Atlanta, and the great trains of yesterday contained thirty thousand more of the largest and finest kind. Each car con tained about 850, in two tiers,, with plenty of long gray moss between the melons and the sides of the car. Some of the melons weigh ed over FIFTY rOFNDS, and very few weighed less than twenty-five pounds. The party also carry specimens of their growing crop of oranges and ban annas, together with eight bales of the wonderful moss. In fact they go well prepared to il lustrate their section of the. LAND OF FLOWERS. THE PARTY consists of thirty-one active and intelligent fruit and vegetable growers. Their mission is to call attention to the highlands of their State for the purpose of inducing immigra tion, but the chief object they have in view is to make arrangements for a market in the northeast, and for direct trade between the sections. Between the trains and boats they have been heretefore badly served, and now they are looking to the great cities in the Mississippi Valley. The party comfortably fined a coach, and a jolly clever lot of men they were. To effectively secure the ends in view they had perfected the following or ganization : President—Col. B. C. Dibble, of Rose wood. Vice Presidents—Judge King, of Gaines ville ; Capt. Eli Ramsay, of Arredondo ; Judge White, of Live Oak, Secretary —Joseph Vole, of G ainesville. , The melons will reach Chicago this week as fresh as when they started. The freight on each one will be about fifteen cents, hti this will leave a handsome margin For profit, .especially when a thousand merchantable . melons can be raised to the acre, as is the •ase in the highlands of the prolific land.— Atlanta Const.,. July 2 d. UIV The above is Inserted in the Forest News in order that its readers- may Form an opinion, at least to some extent, oF “how things are done in the Land of Flowers,” and further, if possible, to stimulate and encour age our own people to the importance of making known the various advantages of their section of the “ moral vineyard.” Asa matter oF course, our resources and the pro ducts of our soil are different from those of many other sections, but what is wanted is an infusion of such energy and “vim” into the minds and actions of the people as will induce them to leave no stone anturned in endeavoring to show what could be done if they only had “ half-a-chance F T Growing Prosperity of the Southern States Whatever differences of opinion may pre vail respecting the future prospeots of the country, there is no doubt that the Southern States are now in a more prosperous condition than they have been at any period since the commencement of the war. The final with drawal of the Federal authority, or rather of the carpet-bag governments, and the restora tion of the old principle of State control have been attended by the happiest results. In Arkansas and Louisiana, which were longest deprived of the privilege of self-government, bankruptcy and civil war seemed to be im minent only a few r months ago. But now, party animosity appears to have died out and from both States we have the most en couraging reports. Everything is serene and prosperous—so prosperous indeed that a cot ton crop of five million bales is now regard ed as probable.,— Exchange. The manner of shooting by the Americrn riflemen, who have just scooped their Irish competitors, is thus described: “Colonel Gildersleeve uses a Sharp rifle, which he rests between his crossed legs when firing, while his left arm is thrown round the back of the head and grasps the rifle belt. Henry Fulton uses a Remington rifle and shoots in a similar position, which is called by his name. A peculiarity in his loading is that in place of using fixed ammunition, he treats the piece as a muzzle-loader, using the open breech only for clearing and inserting the shell. General T. S. Dakin has practiced in various positions, and with different rifles, the effect of his versatility or fickleness some times telling adversely on his score. In the match it is expected he will shoot from the back, like his captain. G. W. Yale uses a Sharp rifle, and when firing he lies half over on his side, with the barrel laid across his thigh. R. Coleman fires with a Remington gun, which he uses in the same way as Fulton.” In the shooting at 800 3 r ards the Irish beat the Americans one point. In the shooting at 900 yards the Americans beat the Irish thir ty-five points. In the shooting at 1,000 yards the Americans beat the Irish four points. If a man gets into any kind of an enter prise and is successful, he will say he was smart, but his neighbors will say he was lucky ; but if he does not succeed well, he will say he was unfortunate, but his neigh bors will say r he was a fool.