The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, August 07, 1875, Image 1

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by THE JACKSON COUNTY ) PUBLISHING-COMPANY. \ VOLUME I. ©Bf itosk PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, Dy (ho Jackson ('onnty Publish in;; ('onipnny. JEFFERSON , JACKSON CO ., GA. OFFICE. N. w. COR. PUBLIC SQUARE, UP-STAIRS. MALCOM STAFFORD, MANAGING ANI) BUSINESS EDITOR. Now is the Time to Subscribe !! PROSPECTUS OF TIIE FOREST NEWS, PUBLISHED IN JEFFERSON, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA. By tlir JiM'kMon County C'omjKiny, Fully believing that the material and social inte rests. not only of the people of Jackson, hut of all the contiguous counties, would he greatly enhanc ed hy the establishment of a printing office and publication of a newspaper at the county site, a mini tier of citizens nave associated themselves together under the name and style of “ The Jackson County Publishing Company ,” And propose issuing on the 12th of June, a paper bearing the above title. Asa Political Organ, The “NEWS" will ever be found the exponent and defender of a high standard of Democracy— founded on those principles of State Rights and State Sovereignty, which, though now fettered by the chains of tyranny and despotism, are hound, at no distant day—under the guidance of a beniti ccnt Providence—to burst asunder the shackles of imperious usurpation, and shining forth more luminous and effulgent than ever, will add fresh lustre to the political firmament of the "New World.” It will he the constant endeavor of those having charge of the columns, editorially and otherwise, of the “FOREST NEWS,” to make it a “NEWSPAPER,” In the broadest meaning and acceptation of the terra ; and in addition to the “General News of the Day,” the state of the markets and other commercial intelligence, in a condensed form, such Political, Literary and Agricultural matter will he introduced from week to week as will tend to make the paper a most entertaining and welcome guest in every family to which it may find access; while, at the same time, the most scrupulous care will he exercised in preventing the appearance in the paper, of anything at which the most refined and delicate taste could take offence. Further detail is deemed unnecessary; suffice it to say, that it is the intention, as far as possible, of those having charge of this enterprise, to con duct it in such a style—in manner and matter—as to reflect credit on the people of Jackson as a whole, and to confer honor on the “ Grand Old Commonwealth*" of which Northeast Georgia is so important a part and parcel. Especial attention will he given to the chronicling of Local Events And occurrences, and also to the dissemination of such facts and statistics as will have a tendency to devclope the resources, mineral and otherwise, not only of this immediate section, but of " Upper Georgia" generally. Asa medium through which to ADVERTISE, THE FOREST NEWS is respectfully commend 'd to the attention of Business and Professional men, farmers. Mechanics and Working-men of all ‘ lasses. Its circulation will he principally among an enterprising people whose wants arc diversified, *ml those who wish to buy or those who wish to sell—either at home or abroad—in village, town, * >ty or the "Great Trade Centres,*’ will find the columns of the “NEWS” an appropriate and invi tmS channel through which to become acquainted "'ththe people of this section of the country. As an inducement to all those who desire to avail themselves of the advantages herein offered, a Liberal Schedule * Advertising Rates will be found in the proper place, to which the attention of all interested are m ost respectfully invited. Terms of Subscription, $2.00 Per Annum. SI.OO For Six months. Address all communications, &c., intended ° r pu dication, and all letters on business to MALCOM STAFFORD, Managing and Business Editor , Jefferson, Jackson Cos., Ga. J uue 12th, IS7o. THE FOREST NEWS. The People tlieir own Killers; Advancement in Education, Science, Agriculture and Southern Manufactures. [communicated.] Martin Institute. WHAT IT HA.S TDOISTE, And what it Proposes to Do. This Institution was first chartered about the year 1818. It was re-organized under a new charter, about the year 1859, and endow ed by W. D. Martin, whose name it now bears. Through all those long years, it has presented superior advantages as an educa tional point, and has been conducted by some of the best teachers in the State, who were all graduates of Colleges or Universities ; and it has sent out into the world or into higher O institutions, hundreds of young men and ladies well drilled in English Literature and even in the higher grades of a classical edu cation. During the last six and a half years, it has been under the management of the pre sent corps of teachers, which period, consid ering the impoverished state of our country, has been marked by great prosperity. About one hundred and fifty pupils have been in attendance each year, and in the last two years eight young ladies have graduated after having completed the full course as prescrib ed by the best female colleges of the coun try. Some of the young men are prosecut ing the higher studies at the State University and other colleges, while many others are engaged in teaching throughout Northeastern Georgia, as well as other portions of this State and in adjoining States. Some have entered the professions of law, medicine and the ministry; while large numbers have re turned to the farms better prepared we trust, to restore and improve the exhausted planta tions of our country. Just here we would remark, it has seemed very strange that our people have neglected to educate their sons for the most important iudustry of our land. They strain every nerve and exhaust every resource to educate those who would enter professions, while they almost wholly neglect the boys who are to conduct agriculture—on which the whole prosperity of the country depends, and in which the best talent and the highest culture is so much needed, and ought to be engaged ; especially in these days of machinery and unreliable labor—when brain is beginning to play a more active and important part in all the industrial pursuits than muscle and all other physical forces combined. Such les sons have been impressed upon the pupils of Martin Institute, and we are glad to see that they have been appreciated and applied. It i3 the only way in which the industries of life can be raised to their proper level and brought to their highest development. It has been the aim of the present management of Martin Institute to meet this very de mand. and present such inducements and facilities to all classes, and to farmers espe cially, as would enable and influence them to seek that culture which is so essential to ex cellence and even success in the industries as well as in the learned professions of our land. BOARD Has been reduced to bare living rates, rang ing from eleven to thirteen dollars per month, while Tuition, so far as we know, even when paid in full, is lower than at any Collegiate institute or high school in the State ; but of this moderate tuition, the Institute itself has paid about one-third for the last six years out of the dividend from the endowment fund. This she has allowed to all pupils ma triculated, from whatsoever point they may have come. We think we may venture to say that few, if any other institutions, have pur sued so liberal a policy towards their patrons since the war. While she might have re served her dividend, improved her property and erected fine buildings, the Board of Trustees, appreciating the condition of the country and the impossibility pressing upon almost every one of securing a liberal educa tion, the multiplied and growing demands for a higher culture which have crowded upon our people with the present state of affairs, decided to pursue a more generous policy and offer even those who are in very mode rate circumstances, an opportunity to attend a school of a high grade and prepare them selves to meet those demands. They thought fine buildings and abundant appliances.—which few could enjoy—less important than the solid training which so many needed and should have then, or could never have at all—and they knew real educa tion depended mainly on the mental efforts of pupil and teacher, not on sightly struc tures, costly furniture or complete apparatus, however necessary these may be as aids and comforts. The very celebrated Bingham School, at Mebaneville, N. C., has been con ducted since the war in log barracks; so with many of the best schools of the past. Thus, many have been trained here and start ed in life who never could have secured more than a home education—though the necessity of that training is far greater than it was be fore the w ar, when opportunities were a hun dred fold more abundant. We hope the liberality of the Board has been appreciated, for the patronage has been large and hundreds of pupils have left the Institute with grateful hearts, who will not JEFFERSON, JACKSON COUNTY, GA., SATURDAY, AUG. 7, 1875. forget the fostering care and help here receiv ed when out in the busy world. The failure to continue the same liberal course during rhe past term—that is, to credit the tuition with a large per cent.—is due to the fact that no dividend was paid on the endowment fund, and not to any indisposition to aid the patrons in these times of hard pressure and scarcity of money. We would state that the Institute has pursued this generous policy, not because she has not needed the buildings and apparatus—for they have been needed very much—but because the Board of Trus tees thought the present appliances were suf ficient, with earnest efforts on the part of the pupils, to secure a complete and solid educa tion ; far greater advantages than those en joyed by some of the most learned men and women that ever lived. For the above rea sons mainly*, they have postponed improve ments from time to time, and if, in the fu ture, the funds should be withheld from the payment of tuition, a generous public will understand that it is done through necessfty, and tliat superior facilities may be offered to those pupils who may seek an education at this time-honored institution. For some time past, almost all investments have failed to yield any income, and various disasters and failures in agriculture and other industrial pursuits have caused greater stringency and pressure in the money market during the past twelve months than ever existed before in this part of the country ; so that while the Board would be glad to secure the improve ments, they are still inclined to pursue the same liberal policy as heretofore, if the funds accrue, and reduce to a minimum the ex penses of those who attend the Institute dur ing this Fall Term. Higher education must go on ; the three months' school under the patronage of the State can never furnish it. This Institute proposes to furnish this education at a cheap er rate, probably, than can be had an}*where else in the State. \Ye mean no disparage ment to other institutions —God speed them all !—but let the people compare the ex penses, and see for themselves. The charges for BOARD AND TUITION Here, need not exceed SGO.OO, in the highest classes for thc entire term of four scholastic months, even if the tuition should not be re duced by any dividend ; and with the latter, these expenses will go very little beyond $50.00; while at most other institutions, where identically the same studies are pur sued. said expenses would be near SIOO.OO, if not far beyond it. The above low figures barely cover the actual cost of provisions, tuition and the contingencies of lodging, ser vant Hire, &c. Farmers are slow to believe that it costs them any appreciable value to board a child at home ; let them reckon the board of one hired servant, then double it and they would still fall short of the actual cost of boarding and lodging one child at home, not to mention the servant hire, the wear and tear of furniture, interest on invest ment and many other little contingencies not usually reckoned. Let them cast up all these at tlieir full market value, and subtract them from $12.50, the amount for board per month usually charged here, and they will find a very small “dollar or two” for a remainder. We think if the people would make the above calculation fairty, we would far less frequent ly hear the expense of boarcLpleaded as an excuse for not sending their children abroad to school; for, after all, at this place, it costs very little more than boarding them at home, so little, in fact, that those who tried board ing themselves abandoned the plan and en tered the boarding-houses. Yet those who prefer to mess can still secure rooms if they desire to do so. We have heard it intimated once or twice during the past few years that habits of extravagance, especially in dress, might be generated at such a school as this. Such an assertion could create only surprise in the minds of those acquainted with the facts. The j T oung ladies appear in our pub lic examinations dressed in simple calico; and we would suggest that a dress which is neat and fashionable need not, necessarily, be expensive, though it may be stylish; and we think that all this should recommend rather than depreciate the Institution. Again, it was formerly charged that Jef ferson was an unhealthy location. This is readily answered by the fact that among the hundreds and hundreds of pupils who have attended the Institute during the past seven years, there have been only three or four deaths—only one in more than four j'ears and no other case of dangerous illness. As to the thoroughness of the institution, there can be no question, as it is too well at tested by the vast numbers who have receiv ed its benefits, from the primary classes to the completed course and graduation, as well as by those in whose minds a noble ambition has been here first awakened for a higher culture. With all the above mentioned in ducements, what more could an enlightened people, thirsting for a solid and practical education ask or expect ? But more than these, the present officers have made arrangements by which all the pupils from Jackson County will, this fall, receive the benefits of the State School Fund, and they hope to so arrange with the com missioners of other counties that pupils from those counties may enjoy equal privileges. Also, if any funds accrue from the endow ment which is now confidently expected, it is believed that the Board of Trustees, pursuing the antecedent liberal policy will credit the same on the tuitions, thereby, and with the State Funds, reducing them lower than they have ever been before, which tuitions for the Fall Term have never been higher than SIO.OO for the advanced classes and $5.00 for the primary. Furthermore, it is proposed by the State University to give three scholarships to Mar tin Institute in said University, the candi date to be chosen by a committee, or as may hereafter be prescribed ; one for each of the regular classes and after that one for each year, so as to keep three in the University from this Institution all the time. To obtain such an appointment will be no small honor, and a very great advantage to those young men who may prove successsful competitors for the position. Such generous terms, offer ed by very few institutions, ought to be freely and generally accepted by an appreciative people, and such an Institution merits the success which it has enjoyed in the past. It deserves the most liberal patronage and hearty support, and should attain a glorious prosperity in the future. One of the Board. For the Forest News. Letters to a Young Lady.—No. 2. BY UNCLE JUDSON. My Dear Niece :—Having directed vour attention in a former letter to the importance of a clear understanding of the marriage re lation, I now insist that you should not be in a hurry to marry. I confess that I have no reason to believe that you will marry too young. But it may not be amiss to offer a few suggestions on this point, in passing.— Very early' marriages do not admit of the ex ercise of that mature judgment and scope of observation, which is so necessary to a wise choice. Can the illiterate understand the science of Astronomy, or the blind the beauty and variety of colors ? No more can a mere child sufficiently comprehend the subject of matrimony as to make a happy choice. Again, very early marriage is a bar to that mental culture and development which, by no means, is to be disregarded. Your educa tion is good for one of your age, but is poor, indeed, compared with what you can make it by a little application. Let me ask you to provide a few well selected books, and devote a few spare moments of each day to their careful perusal. It is folly to say you have no time for reading. To read judiciously, is to save time. By carefully cultivating your mind, you will be better able to form and prosecute improved plans for the transaction of any business that may ever come before you. It will also give you a pre-eminence among your associates highly gratifying to yourself and friends, and qualify you to do more efficient service in any department of life. Y'ou should also cultivate a talent for writing. This is a kind of education that cannot be acquired by any other means, and is not less important than any other branch now taught; and yet, how few good writers do we find among even the female graduates of our time ? To write well is an acquisition worth striving for. It should occupy much of vour time and energy. You have now, too, arrived at an age when you are more susceptible of improvement by observation than at any other period of your life. You should use every reasonable op portunity to acquaint yourself with the man ners, habits and industries of those beyond the limits of your own immediate neighbor hood . Thus, a little dilligence on your part will insure a great improvement in a few years, and by the time you are permanently settled in womanhood, and'your mind has reached the meredian of its strength, you can not but be delighted with the course which you have pursued, and whatever may be your condi tion and pursuits in after life, you will view these days of improvement as the brightest spot on the pages of memory. But all this improvement may be cut off by marrying too young; therefore, do not be in a hurry to marry. If, by marrying, you make yourself happier, it is worth waiting for; but if you make yourself miserable, quite long and dreary enough will be your miserable life. I hope you will not allow your mind ever to be troubled with the fear of being an old maid. This groundless and senseless fear has beclouded the prospects of many a worthy and lovely young lady. Why should disgrace attach to the young lady who declines, it may be. various opportunities to marry, and at tains the age of twenty-five or thirty, or even old age ? So great have been the fears of some of entering the list of old maids, that, to escr pe censure, they have told, without foundation, that their “intended died in the war.’’ Can we quietly submit to have one censured who prefers single to married life, rather than accept the offers of one of whom she entertains serious doubts as to whether he will increase or diminish her happiness ? Shall we hear one traduced who, by the dig nity of her nature, and to gratify a laudable ambition, seeks to elevate herself on a par with the wise and the great in literary pur suits ? And from whom do these slight re marks come ? They are usually made by the ignorant and foolish, whose opinions on ordi nary matters have but little, if any, weight; and. perhaps, while they utter a pity, mingled with contempt, for the old maid of the neigh- borhood, they themselves are in a state of confusion and animosity at home. M ill you ever be moved by such influences to marry before you have fully got your con sent ? Moved to be unduly hasty in taking the most important step of your life, by those whose opinions are almost worthless in the ordinary affairs of life ? I certainly hope better things of you. [to be continued.] All the World. All the world is full of babies. Sobbing, sighing everywhere; Looking out with eyes of terror, Beating at the empty air. Do they see the strife before them, That they sob and tremble so? Oh, the helpless, frightened babies— Still they come, and still they go. All the world is full of children, Laughing over little iovs, Sighing over little troubles. Fingers bruised, and broken toys ; Wishing to be older, larger. Weeping at some fancied woe. Oh, the happy, hapless children, Still they come, and still they go. All the world is full of lovers, AN alking slowly, whispering sweet; Dreaming dreams and building castles, That must crumble at their feet; Breaking vows, and burning letters, Smiling, lest the world shall know, Ob, the foolish, trusting lovers— Still they come, and still they go All the world is full of people. Hurrying, rushing, pushing by, Bearing burdens, carrying crosses, Passing onward with a sigh ; Some there are, with smiling faces, But with heavy hearts below, Oh. the sad-eyed, burdened people. llow they come, and how they go. All the earth is full of corpses, I>ust and bones laid there to rest; This the end that babes and children, Lovers, people find at best. All their fears and all their crosses, All their sorrows wearing so, Oh, the silent, happy corpses, Sleeping soundly lying low. FACTS AND FANCIES. A pair of tights —two drunkards. A-vail-able space—a woman’s face. A useful thing in the long run—Breath. They now call retired printers ex-press men. Pillars that should be shaken down—cater pillars. Naughty behavior of yatehing men—Hug ging the shore. When is a soldier not half a soldier? When lie’s in quarter. The man who couldn’t find his match went to bed in the dark. “This,” thought a boy while being trounced by his fond papa, “is very like a whale.” The way for a desolate old bachelor to se cure better quarters is to take a “better half.” The children in Florida say they live on sweet potatoes in summer, and on strangers in winter. “Are there any fools in this city?” asked a stranger of a newsboy. “No ;do you feel lonesome?” was the reply. Why does a duck go under the water? for diver’s reasons. Why does she go on land? For sun-dry reasons. To Archbishop \v Lately is ascribed this paradox : “The larger the income the hard er it is to live within it.” The Wisconsin farmer who left a candle burning in the barn so as to scare thieves away has no barn to watch now. “I wonder what makes my eves so weak,” said a fop to a gentleman. “They are in a weak place,” responded the latter. The misery felt by the child who couldn’t go to the picnic, is nothing to that of the one who has been to it. The report that the Princess of Wales had “lost her hearing,” was only a Cockney per version. She lost an ear-ring. The hair from a lady’s braid should never be worn on the lapel of a gentleman’s coat unless the parties are engaged. In one part of Norway the longest day is three months. What a splended chance for a lazy man to start a daily paper! An lowa editor recently announced that a certain patron of his was “thieving as usual.” It was written thriving. It may seem paradoxical, but the best newspapers get the most cutting treatment from their bretheren of the tripod. “Do you like codfish balls. Mr. Wiggins?” Mr. Wiggins hesitatingly—“l really don’t know; I don’t recollect attending one.” “How odd it is,” said Pat, as he trudged along on foot, one hot, sultry day, “that a man never meeets a cart going the same way he is!” Ornitho-logic. If all the birds that sing songsters, then all birds that roost are roost ers ; hence all hens are roosters. A correspondent of a Western paper hav ing described the Ohio as a “sickly stream.” the editor appended the remark, “That’s so ; it’s confined to its bed.” A young man in California began to read a paragraph about a mine to his sweetheart, commencing : “Yoba mine”—when she in terrupted him with : “I don't care if I do John,” “Six feet in his stocking!” exclaimed Mrs. Partington. “Why, Ike has onlv two in his, and I never can keep ’em darned at that!” “I think I have seen j r ou before, sir. You are not Owen Smith?” “Oh. yes, I’m owin’ Smith, and owin’ Jones, and owin’ Brown, and owin’ everybody.” I’ve seen her out a walking, Dressed in a suit of blue; And it ain’t no use a talking. She’s a stepper —just a few! And modest m her beauty Asa frog stuck in the mud; Oh! good-bye, Mollie, Darling, You precious little bud. S TERMS, $2.00 PER ANNUM. } SI.OO FOR SIX MONTHS. „ CURIOUS CROWS. A BIG STORY FROM FLORIDA. A Florida corres|>ondent of the New York Sun, writes as follows:—The crows have kept up a racket since dawn. Trees and pal metto scrub were black with them. They alighted in camp within ten feet of ui, and stole the provisions the instant our backs were turned. Incessantly did they scold us. It was plain that they were anxious for us to break camp so that they might pick up what was left. “Talk almut crows.” said Moore, while purtinr his morning i i“they’re the mo t knowing bird in Florida. Yes, sir, their in telligence is ahead of the nigger. They can tell a white man from a nigger a mile off and they know a shot-gun from a rifle. They know that they are of no account. Noliodv hankers after crow meat, and no hunter wastes powder and shot on them. Why, I’ve been hunting and had the crows follow me and point out the game. They were willing to take their share of the work, too, and were satisfied with the leavings. If a man only knows how to take him, a crow’s just as good as a dog. When I’ve been jumping a bear or a deer. I’ve had the crows light on the trees above’em, and sing out; ‘Here he is old man, down below here ! Go for him!’ And if I shot and missed, those crows would ac tually get disgusted. I could hear them talking to one another and saying: Oh, lie’s an old hombre—he don’t know how to shoot.’ But if I brought down the game they'd scream and bounce from the trees and sail in for their divvy. “But the greatest case of sagacity in a crow that I ever saw,” continued Moore, “was on the ocean beach, just across the lower end of the lake. Last year me and a fellow named Crowell, were down there catch’ ng turtle. W e used ti clean ’em on a big beam of mahogany that had drifted ashore. There were thousands of crows on hand a picking up the entrails and scooping out the shells. They were so noisy that we had to holler to understand one another. You n< ver seen such a raft of crows. They were shy along in the beginning, but they kept getting bold er. and bolder, and by and by they wal ced right to the mahogany beam, and stole the choice steaks that we were saving for our selves. Well, when Crowell see that lie began to get mad. lie swore he could’nt stand it, and he hauled up and gave the crows two bar rels of duck-shot. He had in a thundering charge—a pailful of shot in each barrel. You neVer see such a sight. If it had been raining crows the beach couldn’t have been blacker. You see this was in the morning. Well, for several hours the crows were migh ty shy again, but along in the afternoon they took their chances once more and were around thicker than ever. They fought among themselves for the shells and the en trails, but they gave the steaks a wide berth. They were smart enough to know what the shooting was for. “Well, among the flock we noticed a lame crow, with a sickly kind of a caw. He had come out from under Crowell’s battery with one leg gone. He was a hard sight. When we first saw him his wings was drooping, and he was a limping along and a skirmishing around for something to eat with the rest of them. We felt sorry for him. If you’d seen him you couldn’t help but feel sorry too. You see, the other crows didn’t give him a liv ing show. He would have starred to death if we hadn’t sympathized with him and seen that he got his share. We fed him the nicest chunks of turtle, and he got so tame that he'd limp up within two or three feet and almost eat out of our hands. We used to call him Santa Anta, because you see be bad lost bis leg. “Well,” continued Moore, “for some time Santa Autafumed up regularly for his ration. He seemed to be growing weak in spite of all the building up we gave him. One day we massed him. Crowell felt mighty bad. He almost cried. ‘Poor Santa Anta.’ says he. ‘couldn’t roost any place but on the ground. Some snake has got him, and that’s the last of him.’ Yon see the bird hail got to be a great favorite. I felt as bad about it as Crowell, and no mistake. Down here in the wilderness where von don’t sec a white man once in years, a fellow gets mightily attach ed to a crow when he’s social like and puts confidence in you. Well, all that day the crows kept a coming in and a ripping away at the lights and livers, but poor Santa Anta never turned up. I reckon if we talked about him once we talked about him a hun dred times. “The next forenoon, while we were dressing a big turtle, we heard a feeble kind of a caw] and Crowell sung out, ‘Here’s Santa Anta again, as sure as yon’re bom!’ and snre enough there was the little black cuss a hop ping along on one foot over the sand. He cocked his head on the side, and seemed thundering glad to see us. We were typer cane. We picked out the richest part of the turtle and fed him. Well, good Lord, you’d ought to have seen that crow eat. lie stuffed himself so full that he couldn’t holler. You could see him swell out like a rubber ball. The other crows stood off about twenty feet watching him. The little hombre got 'all he wanted, and then started off. He limped awfully for about fifteen feet, and I heard Crowell say, ‘Poor devil! I’m afraid he’ll never get well.’ Just then the crow stopped and shook up his wing. Then—as I’m alive and a sinner—he dropped another little black foot, and walked off on two legs as sound as a dollar. Ihe other crows set up a mighty cawing, and all of them flew away together. “Well,” inquired Hammond, “ how did he get his leg fixed?” ‘lt wasriH Santa Anta at all,’ Moore replied. “Some other crow had played Santa Anta on us. Our crow had been eaten up by a’pos sum. \\ e found the feathers afterward. “And,” continued Moore, turning to me, “you won't believe me, but that story’s just as true as the Gospel—every word of it.” An editor, who is evidently a man of fam ily, sagely remarks that a boy who yells like a Tartar if a drop of water gets on his shtrt band when his neck is being washed, will crawl through a sewer after a ball and think not hing of it. NUMBER 9.