The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, December 04, 1875, Image 2

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33k- fikued Jackson County Publishing Company. Dr. J. D. Lono. I N. IT. Pk„vi'Kkuass, President. | 1 (Vc President. T. 11. NIM.ACK. Si rr'jf Trias. Rjccrutice Com mil tee. W. O. Howard Ch*ni. fi. J. N. Wilson, | It. J. .Hancock, JEFFERSON, Gr-A.. MTIKDU MOIIVCJ, OEC. I, I**7s. the new advertisements on this pag e! t ) MISCELLANEOUS NEWS PARAGRAPHS. The new constitution of Missouri, which was adopted by 76.000 majority, went into ffect on Tuesday last. Congress meets next Monday. The Geor gia representatives are said to he at their posts—except Mr. Stephens—who. it is pre sumed, is still too much indisposed to go on to Washington. A number of gentlemen from Minnesota passed through Atlanta a few days since en route to Dahlonegk. to investigate the gold mines of that section. The original hemlock log foundations of Long Wharf, at Boston, were unearthed a few days ago, and found to be as solid as when put down, 164 years ago : Arkansas has matured a measure that im poses a tax on her dogs. Tennessee has long had such a law. Georgia will soon he the only refuge in the Union for worthless and destructive curs. The Buena Vista Argus says that a horse, belonging to a gentleman near town, catches and eats all the chickens that comes within his reach. It is supposed that he once be longed to a Methodist preacher. Rev. A. J. Battle has commenced in the Christian Index a scries of articles on the human will. lie brings to the consideration of the subject a thorough scholarship, abroad, analytical mind and a flowing and perspicu ous style. At the session of the Virginia Methodist Conference the Bishop urged the question of infant baptism with a great degree of earn estness as one of the distinctive doctrines of the church, special attention being given to it in every report. The Chattanooga Times reports the pres ence in its city of Dr. Matthews, president of the Elberton Air-Line railway, who is ne gotiating for rails to complete his road. We hope the doctor has been successful in his crowning effort. It is probably not known to many that the legislature of Georgia, during the adminis tration of Gov. Towns, in 1845, passed a joint resolution endorsing the scheme of a Pacific railroad, upon the plan proposed by Asa Whitney, of New York, the said road to run from Lake Michigan to the Pacific ocean. Thus early did Georgia speak for a trans-con tinental road. The Columbus Enquirer urges the impor tance of a close collection of the poll tax, as it is kept in the country and devoted to the maintainance of the people's schools. It is paid over to the country school commission ers, who pay it out without any deduction for fees or salaries of officers to the support of the common schools of the country. The law authorizes the garnishment of wages for the poll tax, and there is no reason why it should not be closely collected. Forsyth and Barnesville are rivals in the production of semi-tropical fruits. The form er having claimed the production of pecans, the latter files a statement that she has both pecans and almonds in the course of success ful growth, as well as a banana sprout. The latter is ‘‘a large bush,” and has fruit on it, which would have matured with a few addi tional warm days. Proper protection, it is claimed, will cause it to yield ripe fruit next year. All this goes to show what middle Georgia is capable of.— At. Const. The Gwinnett Herald likes the resolution of the Baltimore dealers in fertilizers not to sell on time with the planters’ option of pay ing in cotton. It says: “We are not opposed to the use of fertilizers, but the point we de sire to make and impress upon the planters of Gwinnett is, that the purchase upon a cred it of large quantities is too much risk. Good fertilizers can be made at home from now un til planting time next spring at one-third the cost of commercial fertilizers; and if the man 'ufacturers determine to sell for cash only, in less than three years there will not be one tenth as much sold in Georgia as there was this j r ear.” Some negro “ Ku-Klux,” accompanied by a white man, went to the house of Rack Beall, col., in Irwinton, at 3 o’clock, one morning last week, and taking him by force, carried him to a bridge over a deep creek, and after gagging and tying him and fastening an iron wheel and a plow on his neck, threw him in to the creek, and left him to drown or die.— They had fired a pistol at him, but missed him, and he “played dead.” As lie was sink ing in the water he struck a log, by means of which he clambered out, and finally got to a house and was relieved of his shackles.— Nine of the negroes were arrested, but the negro refused to give the name of the white man, although lie recognized the whole party. Another negro was assasinated some 15 miles from the town of Wilkinson, on the Black shear Ferry road. He was shot at the corner of his cabin, with a load of buckshot, seven entering his body, and two his arm. He only lived a few hours. He was a State’s witness in the late insurrectionary trials, and this, it is supposed, accounts for his tragic end.— This is the third State's witness disposed of in this manner since the trials. His name was Jordan Chambers. "NO PROSPECT OF WAR.” The public prints for a week or two past have brought the news of a little “ speck of war*’ between the U. S. and Spain ; but from telegrams published and received by Wed nesday’s mail, it appears “ negotiations are proceeding favorably. The relations be tween the two countries may be regarded as excellent.” And further— Reports of Friday from Washington also say: “The trouble with Spain, which has been made out to be so great in Cuba circles, is at an end. On to-day, Secretary Fish re ceived from Minister Cushing, at Madrid, a dispatch to the effect that the Spanish Gov ernment was now ready to concede all our demands and had given such pledges that there remained no longer any doubt but Spain would agree to do all that was required of her.” It is also stated (says the Columbus Enquirer) that nothing else was demanded of Spain but a more faithful observance of the treaty of 1705 in its provisions regarding the right to search American vessels and to try and punish persons found on them accused of hostile operations against Spain. If this was the only demand that occasioned the late flurry, it is very strange that such great mis conceptions prevailed both in Spain and Great Britain—witness the letter of Don Carlos to King Alphonso. and the article of the London Times copied by us the other day—as well as in the United States. The strongpresump tion is raised that politicians were feeling the temper of the country, with a view to party operations; and not until the general senti ment was expressed emphatically in opposi tion to an} 7 harsh demands by the Adminis tration, was the public permitted to know that no such demands had been made. This presumption is strengthened bv the unques tioned show of preparations for impending trouble made by the Administration. If no other demand had been made on Spain than such as is now explained, there was certainly no need for the activity at the navy yards lately displayed and probably still going on. In connection, we re-produce some para graphs from the Enquirer of some days past,, and which arc alluded to alx>ve. By these the reader may gain, perhaps, a better knowl edge of the cause of this little “unpleasant ness” —which now seems so nearly adjusted. We say “adjusted*’—but there’s no telling what Grant and his third term aspirants may yet do; a “trump card” will no doubt be played at the right time, and the people should be informed as fully as possible as to the. “status of the situation.” The Spanish journals do not publish the “note” from the United States that has caus ed such a sensation and aroused such appre hensions of war. But they profess to have ascertained that it was “in regard to the trea ty of 171)5**—that is. that the United States threatens to abrogate the treaty of 1795, un less Spain complies with some demand which our Administration lias made. The demand may have been the recognition of the inde pendence of Cuba, its cession to the United States, or the abolition of slavery in the is land. We are not, definitely informed what it is, but as the Government of the United States has just the same right to make either one of these demands as the other two. one seems to be about as probable as the others. What,, then, is the treaty of 1795, thus threatened to be abandoned ? It, is, in gen eral terms, a treaty guaranteeing to Spain protection against filibusters from the United States. When it was made, Spain was pos sessed of territory within the present limits of the United States, and part of the treaty related to the boundary lines and their ob servance. Other articles forbade the citizens of either country to arm privateers against the other, prohibited the introduction of con traband goods when either might order their exclusion, and authorized either nation to search the vessels of the other, in a time of war (like that in Cuba) to sec that their pa pers were all regular. The abrogation of this treaty at this time, would leave Spain without any protection from armed expeditions fitted out in the United States to aid the Cubans, and such expeditions would of course be un dertaken. So the threatened abrogation is nothing more nor less than a menace to turn loose upon Spain the willing filibusters of the United States, and thus to wrest Cuba from her, unless she complies with some demand of the nature of which wc are not authorita tively informed. Wc copy an article of the London Times, which bristles with pointed suggestions and speculations touching this complication. The Times is uncertain whether President Grant is in “dead earnest” or whether he is only “talking to Buneomb”—trying to make party capital for himself or party. Wc of the Uni ted States understand him better, and have no doubt that his prime objects is party cap ital at home. But we cannot tell to what lengths he may be compelled to go in pur suit of this object. An inglorious backing down or signal defeat would be damaging to him and his party, rather than advantageous to either, and therefore he may feel impelled to persevere even to the embroilment of the two nations in war. In the event of war, the Times gives us to understand, the moral sen timent of England, if not of all Europe, would be enlisted on the side of Spain. It does not plainly promise Spain the assistance of oth er European powers in the conflict, but it ev idently aims to “strengthen the backbone” of the Alphonso Government b}' holding out the hope of foreign assistance. It, may also think that a timely European protest will have the effect of curbing the Administration at Washington, and thus preserving Cuba to Spain—a relation which Great Britain great ly desires to maintain Office of State Treasurer Vacant. It was noted last week or week before, that the Governor had required the State Treasurer, John Jones, Esq., to file anew bond—the former bond, for reasons assign ed, not being deemed suffieisnt. Ten days, were allowed for this purpose, by law, we believe. The time expired and the new bond was not forthcoming ; whereupon the Gov ernor declared the office vacant. The At lanta Constitution of the 30th ult„ contains the following, which is the latest we have on the subject: Tiik Treasury. —No further developments concerning the succession. Matters were exceedingly quiet about the Executive office yesterday, Concerning treasury matters there was nothing to be gleaned further than that Mr. J. A. Richardson and Mr. W. B. Lowe were named as aspirants for the vacant office. The Governor has given no intimation as to whom he will confer the trust upon, but it is certain that he will select the coming man within the next two or three daj T s. In the meantime Captain Jones is preparing to de liver up the office. He refuses to make any public statement at present. STATE NEWS ITEMS. Jesse Beaver, who lives on west Chick amauga, a few days ago, killed a seven months-old calf which weighed 249 pounds, nett— Ringgold Courier. A turnip was yesterday brought ho town that weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces. It was grown in east Rome on Mr. N. J. Ilutfaker’s place.— Rome Commercial. E. Frank Andrews of Augusta, a very young and intelligent tinsmith, lias patented a portable sand pump invented for the pur pose of pumping sand and dirt from bored wells and also for cleaning dug wells of all kinds. ' * A Covington merchant eat seven pounds of corned beef and four pounds of cove oysters at one sitting last Monday night. Crackers, sauce, coffee, etc., were taken down in proportion.— Enterprise. The Early County Ncirs reports the death of several fine horses in Clay county, from a disease resembling blind staggers, but says that some persons think they died of epizooty in an aggravated form. Joe Ilall, has a cow which gave birth to three calves.—Col. Troutman exhibited a collard leaf on the streets Monday, which measured three feet long.—Mr. E. Scoville sends us a radish which measures sixteen inches in circumference. It is of the Chinese Rose variety, half long shape, pink color, mild flavor, and flesh as solid as an apple.— Fort Valley Mirror. The governor has issued an order that a reward of S2OO be offered for the apprehenson of Samuel Dukes, who murdered K. Bntters worth in Dodge county, on the 3rd ult. The following is a description of Dukes. — lie is about twenty-three years old ; five feet, eight inches high, slenderly built, weighs 135 or 140 pounds, sallow complexion, grey eyes, sandy hair and beard, downcast look, rather slow of speech. The reward was duly offered.— At. Const. The fountains of the order of “United Order of True Reformers’’ here number over 500 members. The accident on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta raiload, cost the company $20,000. —M. G. Marcus four months ago purchased a four year old mare for eighty-five dollars. Yesterday she won the double team race, and immediately after wards her owner was offered one thousand dollars for her. lie refused the offer.— A ugustn C&nstitutionalist. The Fort Valley Mirror remarks: A singular case of somnabualism occurred in this town on Friday night. Little Bobbie Wallis, the grandson of Mr. Bland Wallis, Sr., retired for the night feeling a little feverish. During his sleep he dreamed that someone was after him with a sharp stick, lie got up and fled from the house in his night clothes, and shaped his course directly to the swamp. lie ran far into the swamp, scratching himself with briars and wading through the water and getting completely wet, before he awoke. Asa matter of course, he was very much bewildered, and wandered i about for some time before he found the road and reached home. Murder will Outl On the 17th proximo John B. Rctty will be hung for murder committed in the year 1864. 11 is trial took place a fortnight since at St. Mary’s, and though defended by able counsel, the evidence was so clear, and the commission of the deed so well established by the confessions of the culprit, that his fate is decided beyond peradventnre. The facts in the case carry one back to the dark days of the late war, and is only one of hundreds that might be brought to light. Petty was a private in the Fourth Georgia Cavalry, and was with that command at Charleston, and deserted from it with a fellow soldier named Floyd Williams. Up to this time they had proven themseves to be brave and gallant men. Elbert Allen, also a private in the same command, and being in the same county (Camden) in which the} 7 had enlisted, was detailed to arrest them, and proceeding to their homes, captured them and carried them back. Floyd Williams soon after died, and his relatives attributed his death to his returning to camp. Petty soon after deserted the second time. In December, 1864, Allen was granted a fur lough to come home to attend to some private affairs, but hearing that threats had been made against him by Petty, he sent word to him that he was not coming after him. It seems, howevr, that his enemy had determined to revenge himself even unto death; and while Allen was driving along the road from JefFersonton to his farm with provisons for his familly, he was ambuhsed by Petty and James E. Williams, (a brother of Floyd) and killed by a shot from the former's gun, William’s gun missing fire. Poor Allen’s little son was the only witness to the bloody deed. In the then unsettled state of the country, the killing went unpun ished; but as order was restored, Petty, who in tho meantime had married the widow of his deceaed comrade, Floyd Williams, left the country. Yeas passed by and Allen's son had come to man’s estate, and determin ed. if possible, to bring his farther’s murderer (who had often boasted of his bloody work) to trial, and tracing him to Florida had him arrested on a requisition from the Governor of this State, and brought to trial. He was defended by good counsel, his wife selling the last of iicr estate to save him, but without avail. James E. Williams, who was also tried, was acquitted, as there was a doubt in his case, though wc understand that Pett}’ has made a statement, in which he said Wil liams was present, but did not fire at Allen, as his gun would not go ofF. Thus a bloody deed, committed in December, 1864. will be expiated eleven years after.— Sav. News. The Best Family Newspaper. —This is the claim which the publishers of the New and ork Observer make in behalf of their paper. It is a bold claim to make in our day, when there are so many papers; but an undeviating course in sending out, for fifty three years, a large, full, fresh, readable, and pure newspaper, which is unsurpassed, justi fies them in the claim. We can recommend the Observer. It has no hobbies; it is sound in doctrine, impartial and unbiased, reliable in its news, interesting and instruct ive in its various departments, and offers no clap-trap premiums or pictures. For speci men copies, address S. I. Prime a Cos., New York. All concede the clerkship, and a fair share of the other offices of the house, to the south, but who will secure the chief of these prizes is just one of those things that no man can find out this week. General Dußose’s pros pects are seemingly, and wc hope arc really, excellent. Jlcu) Hifocriisenimts. J. A. B. MAHAFFKY. W. S. M’CAHTY. \TAHAFFEY & McCARTY, IYJL A T T O R NEY S AT LAW, Jefferson, Jackson Cos. Ga., Will practice anywhere for money. Prompt at tention given to* all business entrusted to their care. Patronage solicited. Oct3o ly Notice to Debtors. A LL persons in any way indebted to the undcr signed, are most respectfully requested to come forward and settle their accounts on or be fore the 25th instant —and thereby do me a favor and save trouble. J. L. BAIIEY. dec 4 3t Receiver’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janua ry, 1876, in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, Georgia, at public outcry, before the Court House door, between the lawful hours of sale, by me, as Receiver of the Estate of John Shackelford, deceased, the following real estate situate in said town, to wit: One undivided half interest in the STORE-HOUSE AND LOT situ ated on the south-west corner of the Public Square, and known as the Win. S. Thompson Store-house. Said property sold under the au thorizing order of the last Superior Court of Clarke County, Ga. 'PETER W. HUTCHESON, Jr., Dec 4 4t Receiver. Jackson Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janu ary next, before the Court House door, in Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Eight and one-half acres of land, more or less, on the waters of the Walnut Fork of the Oconee river, adjoining lands of Wm Shields, J II Adams, and others. Eight acres of said land cleared and in cultivation, with a common log cabin and some out-buildings thereon. Levied on as the property of Lemuel Howard, by virtue of a fi fa issued from Jackson County Court, H C Giddens vs Lemuel Howard. Fi fa controlled by 1111 Howard. Prop erty pointed out by defendant. dec4 J. S. HUNTER, Sh'ff. Administrator’s Sale. AGREEABLY to an order of the Court of Or dinary of Jackson county, will be sold be fore the Court House door at Jefferson, in said county on the first Tuesday in January, IS7G, within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, to tiie highest bidder, the following property, to wit: One tract of land in said county, on the waters of Walnut Fork of the Oconee river, adjoining lands of Bowles, Rogers, Long and others, con taining three hundred and forty-three acres, more or less ; fifty' !o seventy-five acres of fine bottom —a fair proportion of strong upland iu cultivation, balance in old field land ; well watered ; a splen did orchard ; and very good dwellings, and other improvements on the place. Sold subject to the life estate of the widow of G M Duke, dec'd, in a portion of the place, the purchaser taking only the interest of remainderman in that portion laid off as the widow's dower. Sold as the property of G M Duke, late of said county, deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts, and for distribution among the heirs at law of said deceased. Terms,j cash. G. S. DUKE, Adm'r of dec4 G. M. Duke, dec'd. J. C. WILKINS & CO., ]lronl street, Athens, 14a. DEALERS IN STOVES, TIM-V7AKE, <SC (Opposite North-East Georgian Office.' July 3d, 1875. IK)ISGL\, .Ssiekson County. Whereas, J. 11. Cronic makes application© me in proper form, for Permanent Letters of Afnin istration on the estate of E. P. Veal, late qsaid county, deceased— Therefore, all persons concerned are herey no tified and required to show cause, if any th' can, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinty, to be held in and for said county on the first Am day in January. 187(5, why said Letters shouldiot be granted said petitioner, otherwise his petitin will be granted as prayed for. Given under my. hand officially, at Nov. 10th, 1875. * W. C. HOW A ID, Dec 4th, 1875. Ordifiry. K© IMui IA—J si <ksoii Count y. Whereas, Mary E. Long makes application to me in proper form, for Letters of Adminltration upon the estate of John D. Long, late of said county, deceased: Therefore all persons concerned arc hrfcby no tified and required to show cause, if any hey can, on or before the regular term of the lourt of Ordinary to be held in and for said count/, on the first Monday in January, 1876, why sail Letters should not be granted as prayed for by .pplicant in her petition. Given under my official signature, at ofice, this Nov. 30th, 1875. WILEY C. HOWARD, deed Oidinary. Jackson county. Whereas, J II Tronic makes application to me, in proper form, for Permanent Letters if Admin istration on the estate of B. F. Veal, lave of said county, deceased — Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby no tified and required to show cause, at my office, if any they have, on or before the next regular term of the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in January, IS7G, why Letters of Administration should “ not be granted the applicant as prayed for ; otherwise I shall proceed to grant the same. Given under mv official signature and seal of office, this 16th of November. 1875. u 027 AN ILEY C HOAVARD, Ordinary. Valuable Property FOR SALE! r IMIE FINE MERCHANT MILL, Gin and Saw JL Mill belonging to J. D. &H. J. Long, situat ed within the incorporate limits of Jefferson, and possessing the finest run of custom of any similar machinery in the country, together with the fine farm attached, is offered for sale. Terms—one fourth cash ; balance on reasonable time. If not sold by the 23th day of December next, will then, at the Court-house door, be rented to the highest bidder for the ensuing year, 1876. Parties desiring to purchase or examine the above property, will please call on n027 11. J. LONG, Jefiersou. Ga. t&FSouthcrn Watchman please copy 1 time. SPECIAL NOTICK A IA. persons indebted to the firm of J. D. & il. 11. J. Long, are most earnestly requested to come forward and settle their indebtedness either by Cash or Note. The death of the Senior mem ber of the firm, necessarily dissolves the partner ship, and it is important that the books be closed at once. ___ 11. J. LONG, Nov 6, 1875. Surviving Partner. Kerosene Oil, 25 cents per gallon, at Kilgore’s stand, Athens. PTTho best Wagon Yard in Athens, at Kilgore's stand. GUANO! GUANO Wo are now sole Agents for Northeast Georgia. f or following popular Fertilizers: DICKSON COMPOUND. AMMONIATED BONE. Athens Cliemical Compo und KNOWN BY SOME AS DICKSON CHEMICALS. ACID PHOSPHATE. The above Gianos and Chemicals for Composting* are too well known to any praise ! COTTON OPTION ALLOWED ON All We SeU ! WE HAVE N<*V A STOCK ON HAND AND CAN FURNISH AT Axy (I Now is tie Time to get them while the Roads are Good! ORB & Cos., Agents.! Deceuber 4th 1875. Athens, fj Fir/t Class Miller Wanted! WAITED TO HIRE, a first class Miller, for te 3 r ear 1876. Call soon ! SHELOR Sc BROTHER, Nov/” Hurricane Shoals, Ga. SkOOO REWARD! THE WELL KNOWN H. COHEN, CF GAIX ES VILL E, JAS opened the largest stock of Toys, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, htions and Confectioneries, | Ever Brought to Georgia, \ hicli lie sells both 4Y holesale and Retail, ex iressly to merchants, at Lower Prices Than can be bought from any other wholesale house in the State. I buy my Goods myself, in New York, direct from the importers. If any one from Jackson county should visit Gainesville, I invite them to call and see MY show! Bigger than Barnum's, free of charge. Gentle men who have sweethearts and ladies with or without them are all invited to come and see the nice presents. Were 1 to attempt to name one-half of the vast number of articles on exhibition, it would cover the whole of his newspaper. Don't fail to come and see for yourselves. Respectfully, H. COHEN, Xov'27 3m GAINESVILLE, Ga. “ THA LIVE STORE!” DEUPCE'S CORNER, ATHENS, GA. HUNTERiBEUSSE KAYE indore and will keep constantly on hand, j large stock of Keadyinade < loj lii nii. Hap tod to the season ; Casimere and other Cloths Ladies’ and Gents' Hats; Fancy and Family groceries; Boots and Shoes, AVoqden- Ware and (Tckcrv, all descriptions ; Osnaburgs, Sheetings. been recentlpurchased at low figures, and will be sold at rfuccd prices. Call and be convinced HUNTER & BEUSSE. Oct 30 ly Deuprec's Corner. TCDELIN QUENTS I’ositieljj ihe Last Call! OUR instjetions are imperative . to sue all per sons agist whom we hold accounts or notes in favor of IF. Lamar, and we will sue in every case if not n led by November Ist, 1875. Come and pay uptid save cost and trouble. J. A. B. MAHAFFEY, HOWARD & HOWARD, JefTersonja., Oct. 23. Att'ys-at-Law. NOTICE. AI.L peri; are hereby notified not to hunt, with efr gun or dogs, on mv premises. Any person so tig, will be dealt with to extremity of the law. Fct23 1m C. C. THOMPSON. AWARDEIHE HIGHEST MEDAL AT VIENNA ! E. & I T. ANTHONY & CO., 51 Iroadway, New York. p. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufaci rs, Importers and Dealers in CfMOS AND FRAMES, STEHDSCOPES & VIEWS. ALBUMS RAPBOSCOPES, AND SUITA | RLE VIEWS, j Pfygrapic Materials. We arc 1 Quarters for everything in the way of Stereicans and Magic Lanterns. ring Manufacturers of the M ICR OjENTIFIC LAN TER A r , s try pa n optic on, 11 HR SIT Y STEREOPTICON . AD 1 ER'RISER'S Sterenpticon , ART OR TIC ON, SCIIOOINTERN, FAMILY LANTERN, PEOPLE’S LANTERN. Each styling the best of its class in market. Cataldiof Lanterns and Slides with direc tions fofg sent on application. Any I rising man can make Money with a Magic Mn. IffihCi'fhis advertisement for reference Septal2s, 6m Jackson County. Jam ft urns has applied for exemption of persona nd setting apart and valuation of homesfctnd I will pass upon the same at 11 o’clock, on the 4th day of December, 1875. at my ofifrhis, Nov. 24th. 1875. n027 pN ILEA C. HOAVARD, Ordinary. * •bx'kson county, Amftryant (her husband refusing) makes appliclo me for exemption of personalty, (thcreSno realty.) and 1 will pass upon the same ■office in Jefferson, at 11 o’clock, am, on thftf December, 1875. Givper my official signature, this 22d day of XojSr, 1875. nov 27 AY I LEY C HOWARD, Ord’y. Jfe3?;tratcs' blanks printed at this office Sale, Pursuant to an order of the Court of (J of Jackson county, will be sold before th ] house door in Jciferson, in said county j highest bidder, at public outcry', within J hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in I)j next, the following property, to wit:—T| dred and two acres of land, more or less.l Jackson county, on the waters of .Sami ] adjoining lands of W 8 Rogers, Jesse \Vi| others, the place whereon Bennett St J resided at the time of his death. Said J tolerably well improved. I Also, at the same time and place, a loti land, containing two hundred and two anJ acres, more or less, described as lot No.l the first section of the 31st District of oil Lee county. Sold for the benefit of the lul creditors of Bennett Strickland, late of sal ty of Jackson, deceased. Terms Cash 1 THOMAS 1). HAWKS, Adm'ri Nov 6th, 1875 Bennett Strickland dfl WMIMSTRATOR S Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in 1 her. 1875. at the Court House door in thjl of Jefferson, Jackson county, within til hours of sale, the following property to l One tract or parcel of land situate, 1® being in the county aforesaid, nine acres, more or less, all in the woods -I mg lands of W J Roberts, A R Cooper ® Dower of Mrs Haines; one other tract, coni two hundred acres, more or less, it bein® tiqnoftho Holder Iludgins farm in said® lying on the Federal road; it adjoins tin® of the widow of M. M. Haines, lands of\V fi erts and others. On said land is about tl five acres bottom land in cultivation; alio® acres upland in cultivation ; about fifty ® original forest, remainder in old field; ® also a good mill-shoal and plent y of wafer® large machinery. All sold as the property® M. Haines, dec'd, for the purpose of pa vinfl and distribution. Terms Cash W .J ROBERTS, A® November 6th. 1875 . ■ Pursuant to an order from the Court of( r y ot -Jackson county, will he sold beforeth< house door, in the town of .Jefferson, to till est bidder, at public outcry, within tlf hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Dei next—One tract of land, known as the] brooks place, near Griffeth's Mills in said q adjoining lands of Mathews, Glenn and j containing 180 acres, more or less, in origin °st—-no Improvements. Sold for the purn distribution. Terms, one-half cash: reiil in $50.00 notes for twelve months; interesj date; bonds for title given. W. S. GILMER, Adm'ri November 6th, 1875. S M Brooksl p.VEt l TOIW’ sau:. AN ill be sold before the Court House ( Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga. between ft hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Do next, Eighty acres of land, more or less. 1; the waters of the Mulberry river, in said ( adjoining lands of I) R Lyle, J C Newton a ers, fifteen acres of bottom land on it, flic I in old field. Sold as the property of D deceased, for the purpose of distribution, made known on day of sale. I). A. TAMP,If„ nov 6 pd D. P. TAMP,/ J.ii'k.xon ('oiinty. NVhcrcas, John A Daniel, administrate estate of John T AY Randolph, late of sal ty. deceased, represents to the Court that fully administered the estate of said<lccea J makes application, in proper form, for U Dismission— Therefore, ail persons concerned, are notified to file their objections on or bel first Monday in February, 1876. if any the to the granting of said letters of dismiss else Letters Dismissory, as prayed for by plicant will, at the regular term of the 0 Ordinary to be held in and for said com granted. Given under my official signature. th;u Nov., 1875. noG AY. C. HOAVARD, J ATOR’S Sale. 1 Pursuant to an order of the Court of of Jackson county, will be sold, before tlfl House door, in Jefferson, in said county® highest bidder, at public out-cry. within® hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in 1® next, the following to-wit: (l ® of land, known as the widow’s dower, 1® to the estate of Jessiah Human, adjoinin'-® C NY lines. E Murphy, and others, on tin® of the Walnut Fork, containing ninety-tin® more or less; 15 acres in cultivation, om® remainder old fields, the other half in fl AN ell watered, good orchards, comfortab® ing and out-liouses. Sold for the bench® heirs and creditors of Jessiah Human. *® Terms, cash. H. D. IIUMi® Oct 23 Adm’r of Jessiah Human.® Lumber for Sal ANY AMOUNT of first rate PINE AND POPLAR i| Of all dimensions, for sale at the most rc| prices. Tome and see, and we guaranfl faction. JSPgT The pine lumber is offered J CASH ! BROOKS & RAM> ( | Oct 30 fin EORCilA—Jackson County* A. B. Holliday makes application f° r l tion of personalty (petitioner ownin? 'I ty,) and I will pass upon the same at U.u A Al. on the 27 th dav of November. I'' l '■ office. This. Nov. 15th. 1875. n0202t pd AYILEY C. HOAYAEIU^I Wanted to Hire! I V.A Imlustrioiis Voulli. for (b . I Apply at Hurricane Shoals. t<| ..■ Nov 27 SIIELOR &