The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, December 17, 1880, Image 1

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ROBERT S. HOWARD, ) Editor and Publisher. { VOLUME VI. £egaf Maertiscments. Jackson Sheriff’s Sale . I nr ILL be sold, at public out-cry, to the highest I \\ bidder, on the first Tuesday in January | next, before the Court House door m the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga., within the legal Ibours of sale, the following property, to-wit: ■ One-sixth interest in a tract of land, situate, lying Ind being in said county of Jackson, containing j three hundred acres, more or less, and known as l the Widow Holliday place, on the road from ) Athens to Lawrcticeville, and adjoining lands of I the estate of Ora\qford AY. Long, Flalc and others, lon the South Ocoilpe river. On said place there 1 is a good dwclliugand out-houses, and one tenant ' bouse, orchards, tc. About sixty or seventy I acres in cultivation twenty of which is good bot tom land on the ertek and river, the remainder is m old field and for*t. Levied on and sold as the property of John Vf. Holliday, to satisfy a fi. fa. ? Issued from Jacksot Superior Court, at the Fcb rnary term, 1575, ir* favor ofWm. Haguewood vs. the said John AN . Hollidav. Said fi. fa. now con- I trolled by Charles F. IloJliday, administrator of I Fraacis M. Holliday, deceased. AVritten notice served on Croff Wills, tenant in possession, as the law directs. _ 11 T. A. McELIIANNON, Sh’flT. | 1 DOIUJI I, Jackson County. AA'hereas, I. T. Austin has applied to me, in 1 proper form, for Letters of Guardianship of the persons and property of R. E. House and Mattie l llouse, minors of J. H. House, dec’d— I This is to cite all persons concerned, next of kin, I e t c . to show cause, if any they can, on the first I Monday in January, 1181, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary if said county, why said Letters of Guardianship should not be granted the applicant. I . Given under my official signature, Dec. Ist, m 1 11. W. BELL, Ord?y, GCOlttilA, Jaeteion County. TANARUS“ Whereas, J. W. Stricßland and John I. Pittman has applied to me, in proper form, for Letters of Administration upon the estate of Cynthia Parks, late of said county, dec’d — This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause. if any, at the regu -1 ular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, I on the first Monday in January, 1881, why said | letters should not be granted the applicants, j (liven under my official signature, December I Ist, 1880. H ? W. BELL, Ord’y. 'BLeeeWeV' % S vvVv. TAA' virtue of an order of the Superior Court of J) Jackson county, passei December 9th, 1880, will be sold, on the iirst Tuesday' in January next, during the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door, in said county, a track of land situ ated in said county, on the Northeastern Railroad, about a half a mile north of Nicholson, known as the John A. Strickland tract, the place on which Martha A. Strickland resided at the time of her death, and containing one hundred acres, more or less. On said place there is a dwelling house, a well and some out-buildings. About twenty-five acres in cultivation, remainder in old field and raginal forest. Sold for benefit of destributccs. | Turns cash. J. B. SILMAN, Receiver. Dec. 9th, 1880. ! WVa\oys CveAVtovs. VLL parties having claims against the estate of Mary G. Simmons are hereby notified to pre sent the same within the time prescribed by law, and all parties indebted to said estate are request td to come forward and settle, dec 10 S. P. HIGGINS, Adm’r. * CLOTHING -A_rr COST I at the: UNIVERSITY CLOTHING EMPORIUM. WATCHES. e have a number of the celebrated Waterbury s m e ?' which we are enabled to dispose of at a g ‘ • at *vance on the manufacturer’s prices, thus j ' i s ' ze * CXC( dlent time-keepers, stem-win an ) S, r ian dsome in appearance and very durable, fnrV r ° m < r ver y P' a ce in which one is sold, orders -j, r oni six to a hundred and upwards follow. “ey/etad at from $lO to sls each. Sample rpir. 1 ; r W, U be sent by mail, registered, on re li y u $5. We refer with pleasure to the Pub- Ad ilr\ paper, with whom we do business. merchants advertising agency, 1 20 52 Broadway, New \ork. THE FOREST NEWS. fkofessiauat & business Cards. DR. .V IS. CASH, NICHOLSON, GA., Tenders his professional services to the surround ing country. Rheumatism, Neuralgia andtthe dis eases of women a specialty. Feb.l3th, 1880. Iy WILEY C. lIttAYAKM, Attorney and Counselor at I.>sv\v, JEFFERSON, GA. Will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. Office—Col. Thurmond’s old office, near Randolph’s corner. feb2l, 79 WII. SIUPKLYS • Attorney at Law, Harmony Grove, Jackson Cos., Ga. Faithful attention given to collections and all other business. Clients’ money never spent, but promptly forwarded. January oth, 1878. JJmVAKW THOMPSOA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Gainesville, Georgia. Prompt and faithful attention given to all Busi ness placed in his hands. TAR. W. S. ALEXANDER, Surgeon Dentist, Harmony Grove, Jackson Cos., Ga., Will be at Jefferson on the first Monday and Tuesday in each month, and will continue his stay from time to time as circumstances may justify. Terms LOAY, FOR CASH, and work done in a superior manner. July 10th, 1875. There is no civilized nation in the AVestcrn Hemisphere in which the utility of liostetter’s Stomach Bitters as a tonic, corrective, and anti bilious medicine, is not known and appreciated. While it is a medicine for all seasons and all cli mates, it is especially suited to the complaints generated by the weather, being the purest and best vegetable stimulant in the world. For sale by Druggists, and Dealers, to whom ap ply for llostetter’s Almanac for 1881. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY IS THE TOSS OF A liceture on tlie Mature, Ti’ealiiient, and Radical gure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper matorrhoea, induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary F.misfions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage 1 generally ; Consurtip tion, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical In capacity, By ROBERTA J. OilL-VERWELL, Mauthor ot the “ Gredii Book,”'&c. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his.own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordi als; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may, be, may cure himself Cheaply, privately and radically. f&i?*This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps/ Address the Publishers, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York ; P. O. Box, 45SG. GUIDE TO SUCCESS WITH FOR rADitie BUSINESS I" lK If 9 O AAINUD SOCIETY Is BY FAR the best Business and Social Guide and Hand-Book ever published. -Much the latest, it tells IIOW TO DO EVERYTHING the best way. How to be your own lawyer. How to do business correctly and successfully. Ilow to act in society and in every part of fife, and contains a gold mine of varied information indispensable to all classes for constant reference, AGENTS W ANTED for all or spare time. To know why this book of REAL value and attraction sells better than any other, applv for terms to DOUGLASS BROS., Philadelphia, Pa., and Cincinnati, 0. ■THIS KEW TRUSS fcv- _ —LSm Has a Pad differing from al 1 others, Y‘l V is cup shape, with Self-Adjusting Ballln center, adapts! tselftoall r cirlde Ir,: r- T&0 position* of the body, while the I*.' ballin the cup presses back the Bwft Vk TRUSS Jfm Intastiusejastaaapersoßwould with the Finger. With light ** pressure the Hernia is held securely tay end night, and a radical cure certain. Ills easy, durable and cheap. Sent by mail. Circulars free. EGGLESTON TRUSS CO., Chicago, 111. AXLE GREASE. Best in the world. Lasts longer than any other. Always in good condition. Lures sores, cuts, bruises-and corns. Costs but little more than the imitations. Every package has the trade mark. Call for the genuine, and take no other. (juryryry A YEAR and expenses to AGENTS. e|P / / / Outfit Free. Address P. 0. YICK ERY, Augusta, Maine. __ TO ADVERTISERS— Send 25 cts. for our 100 page pamphlet, all about Newspaper Advertising. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce St., N. Y. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL parties indebted to the estate of Francis M. Holliday, late of Jackson county, dec’d, are requested to come forward and make settle ment by the 25th day of December next. After that time the claims'will be put out for collection. Please come forward and save any further ex pense. All parties having demands against said estate will please present them to me for settle ment. C. F HOLLIDAY, uov 12 Adm'rofF. M. Holliday.dec’d. JEFFERSON, JACKSON COUNTY, GA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1880. THE RED FLAG AT NO. 54. Mrs. Gray to j&lrs. Thompson. Cousin Ned, from California. Nevada, New Mexico, and all other places beyond the Rocky Mountains, has been paying us a vis it. You know just what a jolly good soul Ned always was, and he is just as jolly now —and why should he not be, with an income of six or seven thousand a year? Besides that nay poor George's eighteen hundred hides it s diminished head, lie is handsomer tnan ever, too—the same merry brown eyes and chestnut hair; but, in addition, an ap pearance, an air so altogether distingue that our neighbors all go to their windows to <r aze after him. Well, do you know, the moment he appeared I set my heart on him for our dear friend Adelaide, who shall not waste her sweetness on the desert air if I can help it. You know I always had a fancy for match making, though, to confess the truth. 1 have never yet scored a success in that line ; my two predestined affinities always fiy off at a tangent just as I flatter myself it is au fait accompli. (Ypu will perceive I have not for gotten quite all the French we learned together at the Riverside Seminar}’. Notwithstand ing m y years of devotion to pies and puddings I will keep a little of it out of respect for the memory of poor Mademoiselle Laurent, who worked so hard to drill it into me.) But Adelaide and Ned have been corres ponding a year or two ; he speaks of her with great respect— as bow could he otherwise, of course?—and I have fondly hoped that his mission to the east may have more relation to the affairs of the heart than to mining stocks, as he pretends. “ Well, soon after his arrival three weeks ago, Ned and I were sitting in the dining room alone; the children had started for school, and George had kissed me and gone down town, after an hour’s talk about ranches, burros, and gulches, and canons. Now that I was alone with our visitor, the conversa ti took a confidention turn, bordering on the sentimental, and in pursuance of the idea uppermost in my mind, I told him I thought it mysterious, providential, that he had not fallen a victim to some bonanza princess, or some bewitching senorita with no dower but her beauty. “ And by the way,” I went on, “ what was ever the trouble between you and the cap tain's daughter?” You remember, of course, Julia, how much we heard at the time about that affair—how during the war I used to read to you, even during study hours, the letters I had received from brother Jim, stationed at Fortress Monroe, giving the details in Jim’s rather satirical style, of the serious flirtation in prog gress between Lieutenant Ned, of company C, and Captain Darrington’s pretty daugh ter; of the regulars? And afterward, how, someway, a shadow came between them— nobody could tell how, only that Ned was hasty, and had exaggerated ideas of a man’s prerogatives, perhaps, and Miss Darrington proud and shy. And so it was forgotten. And now this same lieutenant, after hair breadth escapes from shot and shell, and scal ping Apaches, sat there in an easy chair by my Baltimore heater, and actually turned pale because I mentioned the “ captain’s daughter 1” Love is indeed la grande pas sion. lie had nothing to communicate, however; bade me consider we were always great fools at 21, and likely at that time to get caught in a trap, or. on the other hand, to throw our chances of happiness away, just as it chanced to be ; he became silent, and I had not the heart to rally him as he sat there watching the floating smoke of his cigar with a far-off look in his eyes—knowing as I did that he had gone back fifteen years, that he was walking the moonlight beech with pretty Lot tie Darrington, while the band of the regi* ment played in the distance. From the sublime to the ridiculous —it is always my fate, dear Julia. Barney, th 1 factotum of the neighborhood, tapped at the window, and as 1 raised the sash, “ A foine morning, mum,” said lie “ there a red flag out at Number 54; and I though I’d be after cornin’ to tell ye. ’Tis a foi l house, and a foine leddy, more's the pity.” You see Barnej r knows my weakness, an he had seen me a few days before an animat bidder at an auction in the neighborhood. “ Thank you, Barney, I think I’ll be on hand,” I replied, closing the window. “ A foine leddyto be sure ; I had oft m met her —a fair-faced woman, plainly a<' tastefully dressed, walking withtwocharmi ig children. Iler house seemed the abode of peace and comfort, so far as the passer-by could judge, and vvliat could have compelled the breaking up of so fine an establishment? At all events I would not stop to speculate —it was possible here was my opportunity t secure a handsome sideboard at a bargain. As I wished to be ou hand in time to look through the house before the sale began, I asked Ned to have the goodness to excuse me for an hour or so. “ Oh, I will go with you, Mrs. Toodles,” he said quite gaily, and ran up stairs for his hai and cane. So off we went to No. 54, where the flaming flag announced the desecration of household goods. We were admitted by a man in charge of the sale; and such a charming abode! Not a downright cariosity shop, the effect of decorative art run mad, but such taste and ingenuity everywhere visible. People with shrewd, hard faces, boarding-house keepers, “ second hand men,” eyeing the engravings and pretty water colors on the parlor wall, running their greasy' fingers over the keys of the piano, turning chairs topsy-turvy, and shaking tables to see how firm on their legs they might be. In the b’av window was a large stand of beautiful thrifty plants of which I resolved to carry off about half. The two floors above were neat and pleasant; but it was the second story back that wrung my heart. It was the nursery. Toys and personal articles bad of course been removed, but there was a pretty little bed beside the large one, and two cunning little rocking chairs. The windows looked out on a plasant garden, and FOR THE PEOPLE. here was sitting old Mr. AViggan, with whom ’ I had a little acquaintance. “ Such a charming house,” said I; “is it not a pity to break up this charming nest? Do you know the family ?” “ Poor Mrs. Graham ! She lived here with her children so comfortably and happily—two or three lodgers on the upper floor until a few months ago she lost everything by the failure ’of a banking house. She had no relatives in the city; has struggled on ; tried to get boarders, but the location is too remote ; she sees no way but to give it up. place her children with friends in the country, and try to earn a livelihood by painting. She is said to be an excellent artist, though I'm no judge myself. These are all her own pictures, I believe. She is shut up in the back parlor ; everything taken out of it but a chair. I saw her a few minutes ago. The tears were running down her cheeks, but there she sat, bravely stitching on her children’s winter clothes, sewing on the last button, and mend ing the last stocking—poor thing. There are the little innocents at play now in the yard. M rs. A\ r iggan herself (although she had an eye on the best chamber set.) wiped away a good generous tear; my eyes were dim, and I would gladly at that moment have relinquish ed the best bargain in sideboards. Ned, too, the dear old fellow, looked awfully sorry, as he gazed meditatively out of the window where the bright-eyed little girl and the boy with fair long curls were loading dirt into a tiny cart with a miniature shovel. From the floor above came the sharp ring of the auc tioneer’s voice : “ llow much, how much ? Six dollars, did you say seven ? Six dollars, seven dollars —gone at seven !” The auctioneer descended witli his followers into the front chamber. Before I knew it Ned was there, and in his impetuous way was bidding in a fashion to the second hand men. lie swept everything before him ; Mrs. Wiggan, to be sure, stood him a little contest on the “ set,” and I laughed to see her glare at him, while he was so absorded that several punches with my parasol had no effect whatever. “ AVas there insanity in his family ?” I asked myself. By the time we reached the parlor the second hand men had slunk away, the boarding-house keepers looked aghast. I made a brave stand for the sideboard, but it was of no avail ; and in deed most of us sat down, leaving Ned and the auctioneer to themselves. Ever}' article from the second floor down was purchased that morning by the distinguished stranger. This amusing turn of affairs rather con firmed my hopes in regard to Adelaide; of course, thought I, he cannot rid himself en tirely of those old recollections ; but he knows very well the sterling worth of Adelaide, and what a charming, intelligent, devoted wife she will make. All had gone but Ned, myself, and the auctioneer. The latter knocked at the door of the back parlor, “ Come in,” said a voice, and the burly man swung the doors aside. The mother was making an effort to rise, but the little fellow with the fair curls was cling ing so closely about her neck that she could not readily free herself. As she arose and came forward we saw the traces of tears, the paleness of her face, the tremulousness of her whole form. From Ned, who was standing just behind me, I suddenly heard the words : “My God ! is it possible?” and turning saw him with a face most indescribable in expression. Of course there was no doubt about his being out of his mind—too much auction had made him mad. The auctioneer, after opening the doors, had been called suddenly away, and we three now stood there—those two gazing at each other, and I at both. “Edwin, 1” at last said Mrs. Graham; “ Edwin !” with a voice and a smile so sweet and sad that I did not wonder at what followed. Ned’s ashen face suddenly' flushed all over. “Lottie!” he cried, stretching his arms to ward her; “ Lottie, my beloved, have I found you again?” and he clasped her to his heart The queerest termination to an auction! I have seen many in my capacity of house wife, but never one like this. Mrs. Graham was the “ captain’s daughter,” and the gen erous impulses of the honest Californian had restored his old sweetheart her home —yes. and the heart of her faithful lover. “ Manama,” said the little fellow, shyly, “is this gentleman the auctioneer, and will he take away all our pretty things?” “ No. my darling,” said Ned, lifting the child far above his head, and then bringing the round cheeks to the level with his own lips, “ all your pretty things will remain, you and mamma too?” “And you, too?” said Bertie cordially, “ I like you.” And so these two, after ymars of separation were brought together again. And in such an odd manner, too ! I couldn’t help think ing how differently I should have managed it, had I been writing a story instead of act ing apart in real life. I should have found Mrs. Graham first, svmpatliizingly won her to tell rue the story of her troubles. Of course she would have mentioned Ned, and of course I should have seen at a glance that she loved him still. And then I should have been the good angel to bring them together, and merit and receive their life long thanks, and instead of that, here was Barney acting the part of the angel without knowing it, and my one chance for a romantic adventure spoiled forever. It was shameful, abomina blc, and then ray plans for Adelaide and Ned, of course, il was clear they never could suc ceed now. And yet I felt delighted. I went home leaving Ned at No. 54. What a heavenly chance for Mrs. Graham? How different from that of the morning looked the sunlight of this afternoon. Iler home intact —her little ones safely- near—the prospect of the lonely garret faded away like a frightful dream. And Ned. happy as a clam, for hav ing remembered the widow and the father less. I had them aU to dinner that night. Mrs. Graham is charming, I will say it, even if Adelaide dies an old maid. There will he a wedding soon at No. 54. I have received as a present a sideboard much handsomer than Mrs. Graham’s. Bar ney will be provided for, and we shall all bless the day that Cousin Ned went to the auction and bought up the entire establish ment—including a widow and two children, not on the list. It is time for me to look after the dinner; bat I thought I must write you this little ro mance of my humdrum life. As ever, your old chum, Emma. She Cured Him. There is a man in the seventh ward who hasn’t spoken to his wife for over a week. He is so mad that lie will not go home to his meals, and the other day his wife went to his office to get $6 to pay for some shoes, and he told the clerk to pay her olf and let her go. He grates his teetb when he goes home at night, and comes out of the house every morn ing swearing. She came a joke on him, that was all. lie has for years been telling her that he was sure he had got the heart dis ease, and that he would go off suddenly some time in the night. She had got sick of such talk, after hearing it for about 13 years, when lie was as healthy as a yearling. Why, he didn’t even know where his heart was, and couldn’t point out the location of any partic ular portion of his internal improvements. But he kept talking about death every little while, and she said she would break up that game as soon as she could find any way to do so. A spell ago, she bought one of those India rubber water bags, for keeping hot wa ter at the feet, instead of a bottle. It would bold about three quarts, and her husband did not know anything about it. One night af e she had the water bag to her feet for a cou ple of hours, until they were about as hot as zinc, and her husband was snoring away by note, sbe thought what a good joke it would be to put it on his stomach and wake him up. She burst right out laughing thinking about it. So she took up the rubber bag and plac ed it on his stomach. The bag was about as big as a cow's liver, warn as a piece of shin gle on a boy. It hadn't been on bis chest over two minutes before he opened his eyes. She stuffed the upper works of her night gown in her mouth to keep from laughing. He raised up his head and said: “ Harriet, my end has come.” “ Which end, Josinh?” said she, as she rolled over, your head or your feet ?” And then she put a pillow in her mouth, and reached over to him and unscrewed the nozzel that held the water in the bag. “ I am dying, Egypt, dying,” said he. “ My heart is enlarged to three times its nat ural size, and oh, I am bleeding to death.” She had opened the nozzle, and the three quarte of water was saturating him from head to heels. She had not meant to let out more that half a pint of the water on him, but when it got to flowing, she couldn't stop it; so she got out of bed and told him to save himself. He attempted to stop the flow of blood, and she struck a light and asked him if his life preserver had not sprung a leak, and then lie looked at the rubber bag, and went and wrung himself through a clothes wringer and he slept on the lounge the rest of the night, and he says his wife is the meanest woman that ever drawed the breath of life. She tells her friends tiiat Josiali has been miraculously cured of heart disease. Good Advice. This advice of an old man who lias tilled the soil for 40 years : I an old man upwards of three score years during two scores of which I have been a til ler of the soil. I cannot say that lam now, but I have been rich and have all I need, do not owe a dollar, have given my children a good education, and when I am called away will leave them enough to keep the wolf from the door. My long and varied experience has taught me that— 1. One acre of land well prepared and cul tivated, will produce more than two which re ceive only the same amount of labor. 2. One cow, horse, mule, sheep or hog well fed, is more profitable than two kept on the amount necessary to keep one well. 3. One acre of clover or grass is worth more than two of cotton where no grass or clover is raised. 4. No farmer who buys oats, corn, wheat, fodder and hay, as a rule, for ten years can keep the Sberiffaway from the door in the end. 5. The farmer who never reads the papers and sneers at book fanning and improve ments, always has a leaky roof, poor stock, broken down fences and complains of bad seasons. 6. The farmer who is above-bis business and entrusts it to another to manage soon has no business to attend to. 7. The farmer whose habitual beverage is eold water is healthier, wiser and wealthier than he who does not refuse to drink. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 7, 1879. Dr. C. J. Moffett — Dear Sir —l cannot too strongly recommend your Teethina (Teething Powders) to mothers as one of the best medi cines they can obtain for their debilitated and sickly infants. 1 have used it with very satis factory results the past summer with my own child, and while we have heretofore lost a child or two from teething under other remedies, our present child that has taken Teethina is a fine healthy boy. Its merit is certain to make it a standard family medicine for this country for the irritations of teething and bowel disorders of children of all ages I am. very respectfully. A. P. Brown, M. D. (Brother ex-Gov. Jos. E. Brawn.) A New Jcrsry man tells us his wife was kicked in the jaw by a mule. “ Did it hurt her?” “ Bless you no ; but the mule broke | his leg, and had to be shot.” S TERMS, $1.50 PER ANNUM. *Wv\ u\uV \Wu\ov. Is the knot in a porker’s tail a pigstye f Come to stay-—The corset manufacturer. What miss should a young man avoid? Mischief. The best ties for business men to wear aro advertise. A Female elephant is known by the size of her trunk. —Boston Post. Tiie Boston Courier speaks of gold and silver as fine mint’s meat. Never seek to be called a “ promising young man”—rather boa paying oue. An unequal match—One having the brim stone all at one end.— N. 0. Pic. “ Will you love me when I mould ?” as they loaf of bread said to the housekeeper.— Rome Sentinel. \\ hat is the difference between a barber and a usurer? One is*a shaver of faces and the other a shaver of notes. “ Train wrecker !” she hissed, as lie blun deringly stumbled upon the long expanse of dress in the crowded ball room. House cleaning is like a man going through l a tunnel on a dark night, lie never knows when he’s through.— N. Y. Express. What politics is to a man, shopping is to a woman ; and while the former works up the. ward, the latter works up the wardrobe, Pipkins wants to know why a Roman rio9(? more than any other kind. Wo don’t know,, unless it's because it always humps itself. A man walked into an Oil City bank yet terday, and throwing down a large hill said he was like the Democratic party, ho wanted change. The Washoe jury, in the case of a mau ac cused of stealing milk direct from the cow, brought in a verdict of V milking a cow ins the first degree.” Why is e the wickedest and most miser able letter in the alphabet ? Because it is in sane, is always in trouble, aids in creating mischief, there is no evil without it, it belongs to the devil, and finally gets into hell. Teacher with reading class: Boy (reading}.) —‘And she sailed down the river—’Teacher —‘ Why are ships called she?’ Boy (preco ciously alive to the responsibilities of his sex)) —‘ Because they need men to manage them.’ Spring poetry : Her cheeks were very rud dy, and the streets were awful muddy, andi she loudly shrieked “ Oh, thunder,”’ as her feet flew from under. It was really very shocking, for she showed her striped stock ing.—Boston Advertiser. A confidence operator was caught in th© act of cheating a countryman at cards, ard; boldly insisted that by so doing ho was only obeying the scriptural injunction. Whom asked how lie made that out, he said : •• Ue was a stranger, and I took him in.” It was a colored preacher who said to hist flock : “We havo a collection to make thi& morning, and, for de glory of hcaboa, which ever of you stole Mr. Jones* turkeys, don’t, put anything on the plate.” One who wae. there says, “ Every blessed niggak-iu de church came down with the rocks.” A rustic bridegroom was complimented by one of his acquaintances on the charming appearance of his bride. * She has the most lovely color I have ever seen,’ remarked the friend. ‘.Yes, it ought to be good,'pensively replied the groom ; ‘ she paid a dollar fos just a little bit of it in a saucer.’ If I Only Had; Capital. “ If I only had capital,” we heard ayeaug man say, as he puffed away at a ten cent ci gar, “ I would do something.” “If I only had capital,” said another, as lie walked away from a dram shop, where ho had paid ten cents for a drink, “ I would go into busi ness.” The same remark might have been heard from the young loafing on the street corner. Young man with the cigar, you are smoking away your capital. You from the dram-shop are drinking away yours, and de stroying your body at the same time, and you upon the street corner are wasting yours in idleness, and forming bad habits. Dimes, make dollars. Time is money. Don’t wait for a fortune to begin with. If you had SIOO, 000 a year, and spent it all, you would be poor still. Our men of power and influence did not, start with fortunes. You, too, can mako your mark (if you will. But you must stop, spending your money' for what you don’t, need, and squandering your time in idleness* How Watches are Made- It will be apparent to any one, who wiH examine a SOLID GOLD WATCH, that aside from the necessary thickness for on graving and polishing, a large proportion of the precious metal used, is needed only ta stiffen and hold the engraved portions in place, and supply the necessary solidity and strength. The surplus gold is actually need-, 'ess so far ns utility and beauty are con-, oerned. IN JAMES BOSS’ ~ PATENT GOLD WATCH CASES, this waste of pre-. cions metal is overcome, and the same sq liimty and strength produced at from one-, third to one-half of the usual cost of solid cases. This process is of the mast simple nature, as follows : a plate of nickle compo sition metal, especially adapted to the pur-, pose, has two plates of solid gold soldered one on each' side. The three are theu passed oetween polished steel rollers, and tho re-* suit is a strip of heavy plated composition, from which the cases, backs, centres, bevels, &c.. arc cut and shaped by suitable dies and formers. The gold in these oases is suffi ciently thick to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving and enamelling; the engraved cases have been carried until worn perfectly smooth by time and use without removing the gold. THIS IS THE ONLY CASE MAD* WITH TWO PLATES OF SOLID GOLD AND WARRANTED BY SPECIAL CER TIFICATE. For sale by all Jewelers. Ask for Illus, trated Catalogues, and to see warrant. NUMBER 28.