The forest news. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 14, 1881, Image 4

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It is thought, that the prosecution of the Irish Land Leaguers will cost over SSU<M)OO. t A petition for the appointment of a woman on the police force is circulated in Milwaukee, j “ A charge to keep I have,” as the gun said when it was loader] and put away for future use. A married fanner of Knox County, Ohio, 1 eloped witli a neighbor's wife, and within a few days the deserter] husband and wife were married to each other. The common punishment in a Washington public school has been confinement in the boiler room, where the temperature is 110. One little girl was made seriously ill. Locomotives are used in France on canal towpaths. They weigh less than five tons, are easily managed by one man, and draw loaded boats at a more rapid speed than the pace of a horse. Empty boats are drawn at the rate of six miles an hour. A greater speed would damage the canal banks, and is prohibited. In a prosecution for dog stealing, heard at the Middlesex Sessions, in England, the other day. a lady stated that she had had (logs stolen ten times ami for their recovery had . paid upward of £IOO. One favorite pug had been stolen three times, and each time she had paid £25 for its recovery. Leonard Stewart, a Philadelphia drunkard, left his home two years ago with a threat to commit suicide, ilis family subsequently identified the body of a drowned man as his. The other day. however, he presented himself alive and well, but intoxicated, and asked his wife if she wasn’t glad to see him. She re plied emphatically no, and he disappeared again, declaring that this time lie would certainly kill himself. The edict of Joseph Emanuel, King of Portugal, published in 1760, is not without its interest at this time. By this instrument widows of more than fifty years of age were forbidden to marry, “ because,” the preamble recited, •• experience has shown that women of that age commonly marry young men < f no property, who dissipate the fortunes such marriages put them in possession of. to the prejudice of children and other relations.” Spinsters were not apparently considered so liable to be beguiled. Of late the question of tattooing (not brand ing) has been revived in the British army to act as a check against desertion, and prevent the re-enlistment of bad characters. Some time ago, when the desertions were at the rate of 5,000 a j’ear (one had en listed and sold his kit eleven times in two years before lie was detected), Sir James E. Alexander submitted to the Horse Guards a small instrument, with a spring to tattoo in stantaneously, and with hardly any pain, a man above the left wrist. Indian ink rubbed on the punctures left the impression of a neat small Queen’s crown, in blue, the size of a sixpence, and indelible. Sir John Lubbock has made a discovery which may turn out of some importance to our Western fanners. In the neighborhood of the site of ancient Troy Sir John has come across a beetle whose mission it seems to be to destroy locusts by consuming their eggs. Even before they arrive at the dignity of full blown beetles, uMiile in the grub stage of their development, they begin their attack on the unhatehed young of the “ winged destroyer.” The voracit}' of the Lubbock beetle is said to be extraordinary, and some of them seem to be able to destroy the whole crop of “ hop pers,” and have actually done so in certain parts of Asia Minor this season. American fishermen have gencrall)' aban doned the right to inshore fishery in Canadian waters, which cost five and a half million dol lars. They find better fishing at home. The Canadian fishermen are being driven out of the market by the Norwegians, who supply fish that are better cured, and who conduct their business with more enterprise. They fish now by telegraph in Norway. Stations have been built along the coast, and during the herring season, which is at its height for about six weeks, a sharp lookout is kept for shoals. Wherever one is sighted, word is sent along the line, and the available fisher men promptly give chase. The old way was for the fishermen to cruise along the shore, trusting to luck or the reports the}-' might, hear to come upon the herring. Now. every morning during the season, the position of the shoals which are watched is reported and posted at the principal telegraphic stations. The attempt to introduce an organ into the Prebyterian church at Toronto gave rise to a violent row. The question of instrumental music in the worship had been discussed for years, and recently a majority of the session voted to permit the use of a small cabinet organ in the weekly singing school in Hie basement only. The opponents of the mea sure regarded this as the beginning of an abomination, which would next be carried into the Sunday services, and the older mem bers became greatly excited. Brother Me- Michael, the chorister, ordered the organ sent to the church, but when it arrived the sexton refused to open the door, and several young men carried it in surreptitiously by a back way. The music circle met that evening. The Rev. Mr. Kirkpatrick occupied the chair, aud made a short address to the effeot that even an organ might be sanctified for religi ° us purposes. Then the practice of a psalm ior the ensuing Sunday was begun, with an orgqn accompaniment. Only a single verse bad been sung when the venerable Brother Bain, a trustee, entered at the head of a party of anti instrument men, and ordered them to carry out the organ. The young men of the circle rushed forward, and a scrimmage en fmed ; but the old men were stalwarts, and or ran was < V. wu info ?V sir - - \ v:, 4 -< **, -7* fey s: V* c /\ Cnrs ty absorption ntw s way; * ■ . LuriG diseases! ALL THROAT DISEASES. BREATHING TROUBLES. • Tir-nron-TT** * i T e r ,r ——~tt—nmr It DICIVKN I.YI’O the system curative agents and healing medicines. It DltAll S l'ltOH the diseased parts the poisons that cause death. Tlioumsiimlm Testify to its Viriaes, YOU CAN BE RELIEVED AND CDRED. Don’t despair until }’ou have tried this Sensible, e f'f e c ttj !a. £*iSi * ° Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of Price, $2.00, by thSIEVS “Only” Lung Pad Cos, our book‘Threc Millions a Year’ W ILLUNIS lILOCK, sent free. DETROIT, Mieb. BALDWIN & BUIINETT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SQOTSJ SHOES, No. 3 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. WL IIA \ E just received the largest and most complete stock of Boots and Shoes ever brought to Athens. The quality of our goods is of the highest order, and our prices within the reach of all. We deal EXCLUSIVELY in this line, and promise the most courteous treatment and perfect satisfaction to all who may call. TO MERCHANTS: Our WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we guarantee prices as low as any house in the South, and will save you freight. GIVE XT S jA. C EE . BA LD WIN $■ B URNETT. Athens, Ga, October Ist, 1880. Inducements Ext cord inary ! AT THE MAMMOTH Chime Crockery and Glassware House OF NORTH-EAST GEORGIA. JAS. H. HUGGINS, No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. HAYING just returned from the Eastern market, we are offering the largest, most varied and best selected stock of CHINA, CROCKERY , GLASS WARE, LAMPS, CEANDALIERS, LANTERNS &c., &c., 25 per cent, lower than ever before known iu this market. A full and complete line of GOODS ! Such as Buckets, Brooms, Seives, Trays. Knives and Forks, Table and Teaspoons, Coffee Mills, &c. Also, a complete slock of Table Linen, Oil Cloths, Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Etc. SILVER PLATED WARE! A handsome stock of TRIPLE PLATE SILVER CASTORS, TABLE and TEASPOONS Prices SURPRISINGLY LOW. Kerosene Oil by the Car Load. Also, Aladin and “ Red C Oil. Staple Ery Goods, Groceries, Canned Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS , CAPS, LEATHER, Etc., Etc., at prices as low as any house in the State. DON’T FORGET THE PLACE. Oct 1 J. EL HUG-G-INS, No. 7 Broad Street. Dr. J. B. PENDERGRASS, 4 ’ Having built and furnished a splendid Brick. Brng Store, has opened up a full line of fresh and Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines of every description. He is now prepared to furnish the public with anything usually found in a first class drug store. Such as Paints, Oils, Varnish. Dye Stuffs, Paint Brushes, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff; Stationery. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Hair Brushes, and Combs, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Dentifrices, Matches, Blacking, Blacking Brushes, &c. &c. Special Attention Given to the Compounding of Prescriptions at all Hours. T\ ith thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, he still ofiers his profes sional services to the public and will endeavor to answer calls promptly, and treat diseases with skill, after the most approved methods. Charges as low as the lowest, JUDSON’S MARBLE WORKS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, MA NUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Italian and Rutland Marble, Monuments, Box Tombs, Head and Foot Stones, Iron Railing for Grave Inclosures, &c„ OFFICE AND WORKS ON CORNER OF LOYD AND ALABAMA STREETS, Opposite Georgia Railroad Depot. Orta Solicited anfl Promptly Filled, Prices Reasonable. Tens Cash A,i,iro S , r> N. JTJDSON. Atlanta, Ga. Improved Excelsior Cure 1 Sack Ache And all diseases of the Kidneys. Bladder and Urinary by wearing the Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad It is a MARVEL of HEALING and RELIEF. Simple, Sensible, Direct, Painless, Power!. It CTJIEUES where all else fails. A RETi;. I.Vi'lOX and Absorption or direct application, as opposed to unsatisfactory internal medicines. Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles., sent free. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail, on receipt of price, $2. ADDRESS oJitLf tl a c r. d r flie “Duly” Lnn£ Pad Cos., Key Pad. Ask WILLIAMS BLOCK, for it and take DETROIT, no other. INTEGRITY Is the vital spark of commercial life, ENERGY is the big cog wheel run by steam, and CASH Is that earnest, solid stuff that will buy anything on God's Green Earth KIDNEY PAD We have the WILL also, and we intend to carry out a Programme in the selling of HEA VY DR Y GOODS, Wwxwj ixwA Ve\we\\ Gvoccwes, That will make the monopolists, who have hitherto controlled the trade against the people, tremble in their knee-pads. We have found the tyrant HIGH PRICES tyrannizing over the people of this commu nity, and we shall not rest until LOW PRICES sits enthroned in the tyrant’s seat, when shall he abolished the old, old plan of “ GET ALL YOU CAN 1” We have established a thorough go-a-head business by giving our customers everything they require in our line at Reasonable Rates We admit some houses, with a little more of the progressive spirit than others, have made an effort to follow us, but they were too late. Others, again, have sneered at our cheap system of selling reliable goods, and prophesied our early and total extinction, out our friends, Tile 3F s ’o..l3lic, realized the fact that PARKER, O’FARRELL & CO. were the boys who lead, and it is now a re cognized mutual arrangement between the firm and the people that “ we will support the boys who have given us cheap HEAVY DRY GOODS A-jsrr)— Groceries.” and the firm, hats in hand, bows and recipro cates. We would inform the people that our ar rangements are now complete for selling them Goods Cheaper than Ever! We have on hand now and constantly re ceiving fresh stocks of EVERYTHING in the HEAVY DRY GOODS -A-ZDnTID a\u\ V u\\ev\ Gvoem\ lines. We BUY FOR CASH, and as we sell the same STRICTL Y FOR CASH! we are, therefore, satisfied with a SMALLER PROFIT. and if you don’t believe it, why, come on with your money, and we will show you that we sell FIRST-CLASS. GOODS in our line cheaper than you can find them anywhere in this city. Give 119 a call, and inspect our large stock of HEAVY DR Y GOODS, HEAYY and FANCY GEO ERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, Teas, Etc. Respectfully, PARKER, O’FARRELL & CO. Athens, Ga., Oct. 1, 1880. G. W. WALKER’ CARRIAGE SHOPS, Main Street, Gainesville, Georgia. MANUFACTURER OF Phaetons, Buggies and Farm Wagoni I respectfully invite the people of Jackson county, and the public eenerallv to mil 9n A my work before purchasing elsewhere. As I AM STILL IN THE CARRI A<;v with GOOD STOCK, GOOD WORKMEN, and CLOSE ATTENTION TO BUSINESS i pared to offer them anything in my line at ■DUoINEbS, 1 am pij Rock. Bottom Figures! So send on your orders and work. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Repairing Done in All of Its Branches! Respectfully, Feb. 6th, ISSO. G. W. WALKER. HURLEY & SMIThA (SUCCESSORS TO HODGSON BROS, and D. C. HURLEY,) Athens, .... Q. a I WE MANUFACTURE AND DEAL IN Fine Vehicles of Every Description! Fine Hand-Made Harness, of Superior Leather. Wapn and Harness Repairing Promptly Done in the Best Manner ani at the Lowest Prices, WE HAVE ON HAND A FEW OF THE CELEBRATED HODGSON BROS. BEST MAKE OPEN BUGGIES! . A-T GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WE WARRANT all of our work, and CHALLENGE any one else to produce as good for the SAME MONEL \ WvY Vs A}euY\.\w YAscvvAvcve. HURLEY & SMITH, Ilodgson Bros, old stand. Oconee Street, Athens, La. P. S.—l have associated with me in business Mr. FRED. C. SM'TH, of Atlanta, Ga., a fine Carriage Trimmer, and with enlarged means, fine shops and good workmen in every department, am better prepared than ever to give my friends good work at reasonable ju ices. Sincerely thanking them for their liberal patronage in the jtast, and soliciting its continuance, I am Very truly, D. C. HURLEY. CROCKERY! GLASSWARE! A MAGNIFICENT STOCK AT WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES, INCLUDING EVERY THING TIIE HOUSEKEEPER NEEDS. CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, TIN, WOODEN and WILLOW WARES, Wagon and Buggy Whips, Bird Cages, Brushes and Fancy Goods. SEW STOCK JUST OPEKING. COME JBD SEE IT. LY CII & FLANIGEN, DEUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS, GA. can get as good prices from LYNCH & FLANIGEN ns in any market—North or South. Sept 17 T. FLEMING. J. H. FLEMING. 11. FLEMING. T. FLEMIJVG & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Hardware, Agricultural Implements Wagon and Buggy Material, Blacksmiths Tools, 'WV'BWE.'BL WE.I/Y TtAG, WAGONS, HARNESS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, Carpenters Tools. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE. We Wonld be Glad to Show Yon Onr Goods and Give Yon Prices. Very Respectfully , T. FLEMING & SONS, Sep 10 - Athens, G-a. SURE CURE FOB Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron chitis, Asthma, Consumption, And All DUeaaes of TIIBOAT and DUNGS. Put up In Quart-Size Bottle* for Family Use. Scientific illy prepared of Balaam Tolu, Crystallized Rock Candy, Old Rye, and other tonics. The Formula {* fcnpwn to our best physicians, is highly commended by them, and the analysis of our most prominent ehenust, Prof. CJ. A. MARINER, in Chicago, is on the label of every bottle. It is well known to the medical profession that TOLU ROCK and RYK will afford the greatest relief for Conghs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Bore Throat, Weak Lungs, also Consumption, to the in cipient and advanced stipes. Used as a BEVERAGE and APPETIZER, it makee a delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take; if weak or debilitated, it gives tone, activity and strength to the whole human frsme. (nATTHTTOIV *>oirr be deceivedv UAU AlDlt e by unprincipled deal. \ ers who try to palm off upon you Rock and Rye in ■ place of our TOLU ROCK AND RYE, which is I the only medicated article made, the genuine hav- m ing a GOVERNMENT STA.MP on each bottle. / LAWUEXCE at MAKTI.V, Proprietor., 11l Madlwn Street, Cbleagu, PP" Ask yonr Drngglat for It I |F~ Ask jour Grocer for It! rer Ask your Wine Merchant for It I IW Children, ask yonr Mamma for It I jy*"ld hv imrOOiH'l'S, GROCERS and WINE MERCHANTS everywhere. ■' , LIGHT JOB WORK, Executed promptly, at this office. g\ Outfit furnished free, with full instruc tions for conducting the most profitable business that anyone can engage in. Ihe busi ness is so easy to learn, ami our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fail ano is willing to work. Women are as successful as men. Hoys and girls can earn large sums. ju an J have made at the business over one hundred do - lars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to ina ’® money. You can engage in this business dur.n o your spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take all the ris\ Those who need ready money, should write to u at once. All furnished free. Address TRtE Go., Augusta, Maine. LANDRETHS 1 17Qi SEEDS fits BEST 100] I | fWI If not sold in yonr town, you I (II I ■ I !*-§. can get them by mail. Drop I JL IV#X u 9 a Foetal Card for data- •—* *l* log-ae and Prices. The Oldest and most extensive Growers in the United States. • _ DAVID DANDKETH & SONS, Philapa..Pa- _ BIG PAY • wanted" WE WANT A LIMITED number of active ener getic canvassers to engage in a pleasant am pr itable business. Good men will liud this a chance. to usdzoisrE™^- Such will please answer this advertisement by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, stating ' business they have been engaged in. None those who mean business need apply. Address FINLEY, HARVEY A GO.. Atlanta. ua.