The Georgia Jeffersonian. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-18??, January 06, 1853, Image 1
VOT. TIV • < ji4 l 7 • ■■■smrni liifpifif . >i:i;n i.-tiv tHthisiJ .• .iit*,'J£'Xtxv willam. cline, , - usvs r. ii Fifty Coats per an .. . ‘moliars paid in advance. ‘NiAH'INtTS tire insortct! t f*Vjß ,i.j *ls i ■ ■ “ i *iir". for Ihe tfist insert tiy* and KL*. p ; ‘Clf |or square, lor cacti insertion ~ ho n>-• ‘• i<w<’ jf. t’ <BpßnfT7e* * nVs m ? • *o oidi'K’i', w. C. *. ? ,•(*•.. . t rtllli. .’OS ‘F . > **’ Aiimini: trnUirs, K.rX-u'oi. .*'• .*!ias- ! ( *>j law to. be. < ;• I)'; ‘■ . ’k, between li).. !’ ~-o let! (>*• J* ‘A tree in tit* , . i! O . ii: ;I>o county in w e ■ f> |,n\'! Notice ol these s;tli, ms> • • .-iv.- ne. gazette FORTY I£f FS Jl. MI: •■ tiif * ■>•-. a JLF.s \ . ■'YES nitijk bo marie at ru*- v i unction <■>:• i'o< stlav of toe nroTitli, w.entlen : *of sale. :■! the place i <) 4 |.. m 1 I.- ’’ \ v\ here llie li tt< rs !’ •••’ •>- • iienar of ~t •it ion or Gtnriltansliip | t| ive h.*f. first FORT'i . V/FS I n„t !C •jh ;rc*t ,iof tin: piititle of this j Slat.', iin-l at th Snort house vvhe cso : ties arc I t > ne belli. N.•••■•• f silent* Personal P rty must | ... • 1"i -',.e ibaom r FORTY luiY o ! *re \ inn ~ 1 tO til- - e ‘ - .ft*. j V ■ ■ p, ( ir. aor I f'rVHito of an estate i 1 ’ FORT’DAYS. t r; 1 pn'icafioii will !e made to the Court :>ry ! I.K.IVF. TO SELL LAND most 1C nro .ifoaths, .. .••• Hir I.r.iVKM Skt.L NECHOES must ItC 7'i V/mTHS Jvet’nre any nrib r ab ut- Tte! ■ thereon"by the Court. ! t for <>f A'tniin:-<tiinn. •m “ t.jLjmirlisbed Tilin’ at, !V- r Dismission : . n^J?'.ii.niifiMtimi.'miii!th i.t Mor elts; for DjSoiissinn from G uattfiar-flip, . .0:1 v o.i , Rbles for the Foreclosure n! 5 .ii'eae must -be pilbhs'e.ii MONTHLY FOR FOP If t\)r ‘‘Stab iisiiinn papers, lor Ilie'JfuM spnee e ‘ tiirkf months; uircomii. lliu” tiMc - ‘ v ... ors ; ■ >sT ..tors, i*. tier a I ond has .been _iv m by be ntsease.l, the full space of three Months. Business Divcctovu. HENB7 W WHITFIELD, Attorney at Law, Hawliiiaville. Pulasiti County, Geo. Mar. il’ 52 J i-orrt. ri, epocuNE;'” LAW, GUII-FIN, GEORGIA. • up-stairs in Cbaptnati’s luick hujhliti^t I*’ . ! ,r west of hi -lei & Cos. .... . outy 15, 1552 - 6 l 6l J'i flfii 6 fc4lllL<lj ittorip ?st Law, ATIjA NT A “.A ORG IA . A|> i S,! 5 ,.J. 15—ly ’ ?M, h, HOYLI, ■\ T• P&M ¥ A*V la¥W, , ■*, • !' J F : D - .fitessiotiivl s o'ic-’s to the Pub ■—— ; a- natfcnic o....\>fc; h ‘ ‘• ■ .it tiTio 1. ftramn . • la/feru.ffcs. hi proportion to fiic amomr ‘i"’ ev -s s ; .f. <>!Si cc e - . -r> • - ; -11c the Bap itt Church. <, Array us, UEFSREVOZS Pi n. r .•.tvser., / P i.ti’se. >, ’arch, I ftof ■ 12 ts f. ;g4sis . A T TOR Ty L Y A T L. A W , Jackson, Butts County, Ga. Fehruarv, IS.V2. E, P. WMKiHS, ATTchAEf AT L4W MeDc ; 5U2h, Henry County, Ga. F..bim;..y 2. mum k HARRIS, attorneys at la v/ A. L. Bovvers, Grijfw, Ga. W est Harris, Zebulov , Crer. March 5, 1852. 50—ly iu r. Orem & martin, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. i)nvil IV. Mart ill) j cjriffin Ga tiilben J. Green, \ EEartfwd U[|eu, Zebulon, Ga. May -23.1852 22 PI P W iiJels bi §*i ii'-a j OFFICE ION SOLOMON STREET Opposite the Baptist Church. •V il, 1852 IS c nryn . i.'.jiLJ i** li J is ifs new r from New York, a fresh “iSlit, MEDICINES,. paints, flails, Set. f w&cii he invite- Mic aUcu.Vgh of” his Vicnds a i ’■'u'rjps. ->, ISj2. 1> - ..Tvy. ci xiPsstV C'JXTL'. r ‘TO REPAIR il 1 uiiiisj* iv >’ li LiiJifcl t - tiir: Crrv cs ■ IL >'ir \\ -‘ ... .r, ad solicits a .M. ontion : c<;.; th .5 name. i *!. 1-2, 1 ‘ i. 7 — r ’ . r: .J, DAMEL, X U 1 IFFIN. GA.. ‘ Ct’ice it> New Uriel; BuiMine on ,V w Or!’ a.; S Of>pX)B‘.2 r A Hotel Annual I, tS.'-i.- 32-1 y eJa* Eitfl r >'c~. ■ w cStOW ‘fg&.T ESTHiflft “fi fti ‘OULU r< -pn itiiiy inform all who are in m % f net (I of Ip>i sets or partial sets of Teeth, • iw ho wish I 1 ■ put up with skill and experi , o c warrauh (To answer every purpose requr ,od “chat tltov ear. j*W in- supphni at short notice, and with the same ft|jc pul up upon a beautilu motalic hast*, \v! h took the un i.imm over .iJ o-hers ol the km-J at the laic fair in Macon, also :> . fro .-in at. the fate Fair in Atlanta. Dr. ( • I 1 ,i~ ‘,cii:> marie a'rfanpements'B. that persons iXm- in th’ eom'itry, or in any of the iidjneent lown- tatu if tlicv wish, er>niimii|<f jus service* free ofclwi-e,’which wJ! secure them against the imposiions pr;i’ t.fui>y itinerant q/WJ-'k tin t fl ..ily > truvtrtc the cw r ';, 3epl -I ♦ ,-i-d - - ■ I * ± y >ir A.- • . ‘ s.l-1 2 - * w - . ’ ~ \ . J**.. i -I n- with u'hut ctirci jnoNs ~t 1 ■ TR'ujiin con see t’io * jst im : jporlaitV’ wi-til.? ‘tVmtspli’c on tin* jon+itjent jof H.tre, •fthepr. ‘* r ma ny yearsditis taken'V* ai perhaps j ’ not one por-ou out of’ t lire Uiiiteil ! the vo iif >h‘! ...... .‘.'•d, /tveshirii.-; Iho ■ about? lit. We olln lo the tail Lansar. in Fvtiner, by wliich l otus Xapoleon has dropped the eojuomcn of Ih’ince Provi dent, and taken’rip that of Napoleon 111. If the chan r v of title were all, the move ment wonl l amount to but little; Imt no vent hits transpired in liuropo tor many a-cars. so threatening to set all Europe in a j : P An invasion of Tuigtnnd, as wasl I thN-atened by the first. Bonaparte, is tho’t ! hv many more likely now than then, and j every one acquainted with history knows j what large preparations were made for i ~u;h an event by the elder Bonaparte when First Consul. Louis Napoleon signified his wish (01 rather his intcntion)-to be proclaimed em peror sqnie time ago, but in order to gi\ e his designs iU color of sanction from the French people, he appointed an election, to take place on the 20 th November, at which time the people should signify their wishes for a consolidated empire or a more liberal government. As every thing was arranged and controlled beforehand, it was easy to anticipate the result. The follow ing w r as the vote for the empire: Yes 1,86*,189 No, 253,145 Null, 03,820 Louis Napoleon Emperor, 1,541,826 This vote was announced in the Corps Legislat'd, when they met on Wednesday the Ist December, to count the votes.— Immediately afterwards the whole Corps went to St. Cloud, eh costume, to announce, the result to Louis Napoleon. Next day, at 1 ."made j his public entry, as Emperor, into Paris. His entry took place amid the acclama tions of the people, the National Guard, and the army. The formal proclamation of the Empire was made at the Hotel de Yi'le at ten A. M. and at noon the Empe ror n ;i<! addressed by Mr. Billault. The following is the speech of Mr. Bil lault, the President -ofthe Ijegishtl'if Corps, on presenting th • ember of votes: Slur.: We lay .tcfn.y your Majesty the solemn expression of i ! n national will. In the midst of the ovation.- which were de creed to you by popular enthusiasm, you showed no anxiety to assume a crown which was offered to you on all sides, but desired that France should have time for reflection. You wished that the supreme decision by which a people, master of itself, disposes of the sovereignty of its destiny, should only be taken coolly and in complete liberty. Your wish, Sire, is accomplished; a free ballot, secret, and open to all, has- been i honestly examined under the eyes of all,. summing up eight millions of votes. It . gives to the legitimacy of your Gourn ment the widest basis on which any Gov ernment in the world has ever been estab lished. From the day when six millions votes for you by the Government itself which they called you to replace, deposited in yotir hands the fate of the country, France, at each ncw r ballot, has marked, by additional millions of votes, the con tinued increase of her confidence in you. Without, as within, her municipalities, in her fetes as in her votes, everywhere her feelings have burst forth, from one end of the country to the other, flocking on your steps, hastening from'all parts to salute the man of their hopes, and of their faith, our people have sufficiently made know r n to the world that you are their Emperor, the Em peror chosen by the people; and that you carry with you that national spirit which, on the day marked out by Providence, crowns new dynasties, and seats them in the place of those which it no longer ani mates. Taking shelter under an immense recol lection of glory, under what’ it holds most precious, its honor abroad, its security at home, and those principles of 1789—the firm basis of new French society, so pow erfully organized by the Emperor, votir uncle—our nation again raises up with proud love ofthat dynasty of the Bonapartcs w'hich sprung from him, and which was not overthrown by French hands. But while preserving si proud remcjnbcrance of the great events of war, it hopes to find from you the great things of peace. Having already, seen you at work, it expects from you a resolute, prompt and prosperous gov ernment. In order to aid you in it, it surrounds you with all its sympathies, it ! delivers itself wholly up to you. Take, j then, Sire, take from the hands of France that glorious crown which she offers you; never has a royal brow worn otic more le gitimate or more pwulur. XAI'OLEON’ ill's IN'ACCUIUL SPEECH. The Emperor, as we must, henceforth call him, then addressed both chambers as J follows: Messieurs:* The new reign which you this day inaugurate derives not its origin, as so many others recorded in history have done, from violence, from conquest or from fraud; it is what yon have just declared it —the legal result of the will of a whole people, who consolidate in calm that which they had founded in the midst of agitations, j I am penetrated with gratitude towards | the nation which three times in four years j has sustained me by its suffrages, and each j time has Only augmented its majority to increase my power; but the more thatpow-| er increases in extent and vital power, the i more docs it need enlightened men, such as those who eygry day Surround me—in dependent men, such as those whom I 1107;; GRIFFIN, (GA.) THURSDAY_MQRNI NG, JANUARY 6, 1853. address, to guide me by their counsel, to bring hiy authority within its proper limits, if it could ever quit them. 1 take from ltis-duy, with the crown, the name of Xtttio! m the 111. because the will of the pi'iipli.-.lms bestowed it on me in their ac ’ clamatioih because the whole nation has rat filed it. • Is it then to be inferred that, •| in accepti::g the title I fell into the errors j I imputed to the Priuce, who, returning (rout, ueciared null and void all that had been done iu his absence. Far from me be such a, wild mistake.— Not ojffly do I recognise the governments which have preceded me, but I inherit, in some manner;, all that they have accom plished of good and of evil. Governments which succeed one; to another, are, not-, withstanding different * origin, liable for their predecessors; bit tlie more complete ly that I accept all that for fifty years liis | ’ -try transmits to us, with her inflexible au fL i>y, life less is it permitted me to* pass t slivdee over the glorious reign of the head oi my family and the regular, though ephemeral title of his son, whom the two Chambers proclaimed in the last burst of vanquished patriotism. Thus, then, the title of Napoleon the 111. is not one of the dynastic superannuated pretensions which seem to be an insu’t to good sense and to truth; it is the homage rendered to a gov ernment which was legitimate, and to which we.jcf’w'e the brightest pages of our modern history. My reign does not date from 1815. from this very moment when you have announced the suffrages of the nation. Receive then, my thanks, Gentlemen of tlie Chamber of Deputies, for the eclat you have given to tlie manifes tation of the national will, by remit, riug it more evident by yxMi’ supcxvLiou, hud more imposing by your declaration. I thank you also, Gentlemen of .the Stale, for having been the first to address congratu lations to me, as you were the first to give expression to the popular wish. Aid me all of you, and set firm in the land—upset by too many revolutions—a stable govern ment which shall have for its basis religion, probity and love. For the suffering clas ses, receive here my oath that no sacrifice shall be wanting on my part to ensure the prosperity of my country; awl ichile I main tain peace, I will yield in nothing which may ton eh the honor or dignity of France. The. city was illuminated on the even ing, but the great fetes arc put off till the coronation. The Empire was proclaimed in all the Departments on Sunday, 15th ult. ’ Wc have only room to add a few com ments of our cotemporaries. The Savan nah Republican remarks:— “Warlike Aspect of Europe.—-The com ments of the British papers received by the Africa, upon the proclamation of the Empire and the speech of the Emperor Napoleon 111., which we publish this morning, indicate the apprehensions which Hie late extraordinary proceedings in France have, excited on the other side of the Channel. It is impossible to disguise that the affairs of Europe are now in a critical state. The disquietude which per vades the Belgian, the English, and the Prussian press, and the active preparations which are made by the English and Prus sian ‘Governments to meet every contin gency by the increase of their armed for ces, certainly indicate nothing like a secure state of public affairs. There was much agitation at Brussels at the last accounts, and we sec that the English Chancellor has inserted in his budget an item for the increase of the army and navy of $3,000,- . JOO. There is a universal distrust of the peaceful professions of the French ruler; and yet the almost entire absence of such professions from his speech to the Legisla tive bodies, only causes him to be the more distrusted. The simple truth is, as the N. Y. Couri er remarks, “that he will make his future policy warlike or pacific, just as self-inter est dictates. It is certainly to be lament ed that the pence of all Europe slioujd be so completely bound up in the ambition of a single man. The great hope is that the pressure of-heavy debt, and the fear of being overmatched and. overthrown, as was his uncle, by the combined forces of his enemies, will constrain him to accept the chances of peace rather than the chan ces of war.” Louis Napoleon is beyond question the ablest ruler now at the head of any Na tion in Europe. This truth is gradually impressing itself upon tlie people of both continents. For the last three years, the world lias only ridiculed and laughed at the “Nephew of his Uncle;” but to ridi cule has succeeded astonishment, and to astonishment fear. If we read him aright, lie is not the man to forget the jeers and insults which have been levelled either at himself or France. No man living, per haps, presents a greater combination of craft, of revenge, and fanaticism —three | qualities well calculated to render him a ; terror to the world. The closing sentence of his address is ominous in the extreme: “ Whilst I maintain peace-, I will yield in ‘: nothing which may touch the honor or the dignity of France Simple as this lan guage .would be in the mouth of a dema gogue, if is full of important meaning to ! Europe, when uttered by Louis Napoleon. Unless prematurely cut off, we predict for Louis Napoleon a career of turmoil, of bloodshed, and of success, second only to tb*vt of his immortal Uncle. I ‘ ‘ y; , ... The following paragraph, which we ex tract from the Savannah Evening Journal] looks as if Napoleon had already started a subject out of which to raise a difficulty “with the British empire. As follows: It is now said that the Emperor has again remonstrated with England against her toleration of the French refugees, arid that Louis Napoleon will be content with nothing short of their expulsion from all’ territories under English jurisdiction. If this be true, and we are disposed so to think it, the probabilities are that we ! shall have a trial of strength between the , two nations sifter all, apd in spite of the i beautiful peace theories of Napoltkm Xp<, I We are. not milch gifted in prophecy, but j there is scarcely a wind that strikes iis, i from, any poiiit of the ‘ compass but has in ‘it a snilfof gunpowder. We must believe I tlmt wars will soon'-snowed the “rumors” ! t-n-it mnj - to us from all quarterns. The Bastimetbr at Tmus. Erom an article on the Barbary Si. os, in the last September number of Harper’s Magazine, we extract the following de scription of the bastinado, a& administered at Tunis; There is no eiaborfite .fystcirt of G t . ern* | ment a Tunis; no :^m^]ic:^edJschetth' of checks .Mt- ®rne of a strict separation between the legisla tive, the judicial, and the- executive pow ers has not been broached there. The Bey is chief magistrate, supreme judge in law and equity, secretary of state, minister of war, Jidad of the police, and superinten dent of the customs. Instead of a host of bureaus and tribunals, he only requires a half dozen clerks to record his decisions and decrees, which are as absolute and comprehensive as those of Louis Napoleon. Every day, from eight or nine o’clock till noon, he gives public audience. The court is open to all, higJi or low. |pach party pleads his own cause; the Bey considers briefly, pronounces his decision, which is absolute and final, and the case is over.— A Moorish Hamlet, should such an one ever arise, will not put. the “law’s delay” among bis catalogue of ills which flesh is heir to. If Dickins’s Bleak House ever gets translated into Arabic, the long-drawn mysteries of Chancery will stand in need of much explanation to be comprehensible to the Moorish understanding. It may be this necessity for pleading their own cause which makes every Mos lem a respectable orator. His purse, the soles of his feet, or his throat, stand iu close relation to his powers of persuasion. The rogue must be lawyer as well. He cannot go into the market and buy the “hist legal talent” as he wouTSx tuiifc, or pistol, by just paying the price of it. It must be acknowledged, I fear, that the want of division of labor is fatal to the highest perfection of either branch. Our rogues and swindlers excel those of Tunis in the dexterity of their operations, as much as our “leading council” surpass the Moors in the management of a bad case. Civil cases often terminate in the basti nado. A fraudulent defendant cannot leave the court by being simply obliged to pay his dues: otherwise he would be as well off as the honest man who never dis puted them; a flagellation or the bastinado is administered, to quicken his honesty.— But woe to the unjust plaintiff. If he fails to make good his demand, the law has a demand upon him, which the cudgel will settle. The defendant, by way of com pensation, is allowed a taste of that deli cious morsel, so sweet to the gods—re venge. He lias permission to administer a part of the cudgelation with his own hands. Such a case once occurred while I was present. A flue-looking Moor, whom 1 had often noticed in the perfume-bazar r, was charged by an Arab from Sfax with refusing to pay for a quantity of attar of roses. lie brought fibt l 4ant. yidon c<■ that the perfume had been deli v ered, and j payment was not pretended. My own I soles tingled in sympathy with those of the Moor, for I had taken a liking to his eouu-! tenancc. He, however, stood perfectly unmoved, and when his turn came, afledg ed that the Arab had taken away the at tar of roses in the evening, when there was apparently no third party present; but that he fortunately was able to prove the fact by a witness whom the plaintiff had not observed. The witness was called; the Bey put a few brief questions to him; then made a gentle motion with his hand. The roguish Arab, who had been staring o pen-eyed, at this new aspect of the case, gave one groan, as he saw the gesture, then laid himself down with his face upon the pavement, without a word, covering his month with his hand, and lifting the soles of his feet in a horizontal direction. Two attendants produced a bar of wood about six feet loug, having a cord with the ends fastened a couple of feet apart, and hanging loose. They put tlie loop o ver the ankles of the culprit, and drew the cord tight by turning the bar around.— Two other attendants now produced a couple of large cowhides, with which they laid on a score of sound blows upon the naked soles upturned before them. The victim writhed, but held his hand firmly over his mouth, and uttered no shriek.— At another signal from the Bey, the blows ceased, the cord was unwound, the Arab arose hesitatingly to bis feet, doubtful whether lie could stand upon them. Find ing that he could, he limped slowly away, and left the hall; and doubtless for some days found riding more agreeable than walking. It not unfrequently happens that there is manifest knavery on both sides; in which case, the bastinado is administered to both parties, by way, I suppose, of general warning. Hon. li. M. Charlton. During the discussion in the Seriate, up on the subject of the contested scat from Kentucky, frequent references was made to the case of the Hon. Robert M. Charl ton from this State. That gentleman seems to have been somewhat annoyed by this, and during the progress of Mr. Un derwood’s speech, the Senate was enter tained with the following: ■ Mr- Charlton —WiU the Senator from Kentucky oblige me by yielding the floor for a moment 'l Mr. Underwood—With pleasure. Mr. Charlton—Mr. Fr<siidei& I have hitherto sat still and listened to the various annotations made upon my case without replying; but it seems to me that it is now time for me to say a little upon the sub ject myself. The various opponents in this case arc so well matched, and dislike so much to come near enough to each other’s weapons, that by way of amusement, they ‘arc fleshing them in my own body, which is interposed between them, and though that may be sport to them, it is death to iue. ‘ - .Now-, Mr. President, I recollect an in .stance of tlie celebrated Baron Cuvier, wlien he went into the hall of the French Academy'’of philosophers. There were forty of them, and they told him they had passed the morning in digesting aipl pre paring a perfect definition for the animal called a crab. They asked him to look at it, but they said that they thought; the an alogies were so perfect that it could not be improv ed. Their definition was handed to - Guv. >r, ana read in these words: i “Crab. A red fish, that walks back wards!” “Gentlemen,” said the Baron, “the an alogies are veiy perfect indeed,” (he was a very polite man, Mr. President,) L. 1 T -.could make a few trifihy, suggestions to I you which might. • J a little It - tin- force 1 < F t- of a definition. Fir-4, t!r-i ■j the crab is not red; second, that the crab is not a fish; and third, that the crab does not walk backward.” [Laughter.] That is precisely the condition of the an lilogies between the Georgia and the Ken tucky cases. First, they do not begin the same. In the one case there is an alled ged usiirptfon of tlie executive prerogative, which does not exist in* the’ other. Se condly, they uO not progress, the same, be cause this has not been confirmed, as my appointment has, since the vacancy. And, lastly, I do not think that it is at all pro bable they will end the same. • The Acquisition cf Cuba, In the United States Senate, on [Thurs day 23d ult. Mr. Mason, of Virginia, sub mitted a resolution calling for cbpies of the diplomatic notes, received from the .Governments of Great Britain and France, proposing a tripartite convention of the three governments, to prevent Spain from being divested of Cuba. Mr. Mason said that it was known from j I the President’s message that this convon- j tion was proposed. The policy of this Government had long been known. So long as Cuba shall remain a province and dependency of Spain, wc have nothing to say, but should i*ny. amb**i-ioe or gi Aspic potentate, by rapine■ or ; r N .:• leX',’ s-wkY*; 1 obtain Cuba from Spain, then it was oar duty to interfere and prevent it, cost what it may. This was known to all Europe, and why then this overture ? It was be cause those two powers believed there was a tendency in the popular feelings of this nation to take Cuba, and they desired by this means to prevent it. For himself, representing a portion of the confederacy as deeply concerned in the future relations of Cuba as any other, he was willing so long as Cuba remained a possession of Spain, that she should re main so, until Spain, by her voluntary ces sion, or Cuba herself, shall break ahe ties binding her to tlie mother country, and propose voluntary annexation. Then she must be ours. He denounced all marauding attempts or designs on Cuba. Cuba was as much the property of Spain as New Mexico or California was of the United States, and all the dictates of honesty, national char acter, &c. required that the rights of Spain should be respected—scrupulously regarded. Tins overture also meant that these two governments never would permit that ac quisition to take place, lie declared that lie tills as it might, when the time came, as it would when th fruit was ripe and j should droj) from the parent tree, all Eu rope combined could not prevent it falling to this Union. The acquisition of Cuba by the United States was merely a question of time; it would occur as certain as that the earth revolves on its axis. He thought the correspondence should be made public.— The present, administration he believed had delayed the acquisition of Cuba. The best way to expedite the acquisi tion of Cuba was to observe perfect good faith towards Spain, requiring our citizens to respect her domestic law, and to refrain from rapine, nd marauding upon her pos sessions; to let Spain repose in the securi ty that we will commit and allow no in justice towards her. If this be done, be fore long, in the fullness of time, Spain will voluntarily acquiesce in the necessity for allowing Cuba to come quietly into our possession. lie regretted that the President, in his message, had said tlie acquisition of Cuba would be fraught with evil. In his opin ion no evil would result to this Union if Cuba were annexed to-morrow, lie de sired it to go forth to the world, that when the time comes when, in good faith, [ and with due regard to the naiiaual honor, I it would become necessary io Annex Cuba to the United States, it would be done, and Europe would have to hold her peace. Mr. Cass followed in earnest support of the views of Mr. Mason, in repudiation of fillibusterism, of the acts of Mr. Law, and in favor of the acquisition of Cuba in the proper manner, and at the proper time.— He commented at large upon the subject of intervention and manifest ties tiny, and the future relations of the United States with the world. Mr. Underwood followed, laying down his'views on fillibusterism and progress.—•’ He was in favor of developing the inter nal resources of tlie Union, rather than extending its territorial limits. A motion to postpone the resolution was debated, and it was then postponed till this day week. Results Outuuxxixu Axttcipatiox. —ln answer to a circular issued in 1837, bv Le vi Woodbury, Secretary of the Treasury, requesting information in regard to the pro priety of establishing a system of telegraph in the United States, Prof. Morse stated, among.other things, that he presumed five words could be transmitted in a minute, and-now, only sixteen years subsequent to that date, the average performance of Morse’s instrument, is 8,000 or 0,000 let ters in an hour, which is about thirty times the estimated amount. The estimate was based upon the data of facts as then known, but the results in this, as in every other in staneo of a great invention, has outrun the anticipations of its most Intelligent and sail guine supporters. , A Comiuutsox Not Compumextary.— Horace Mann, in his late lecture at New ; York on Woman, to illustrate the differ ence of the sexes, instituted a comparison between Henry VIII and his daughter, Queen Elizabeth. These two sovereigns, the lecturer said, were as much alike as they could be, and the only diffic-renee be tween them was that the same-characters in both was modified by their sex; for, said he, while Henry was. made often thousand bears, Elizabeth yas made of | ten thousand eats. Yankee Doodle. Watson, in “Occurrences of the War of Independent* ” sayx -"This tune, so cele brated as a .. ‘tual air of the revolution, has an origin almost .uakmwn to the mass of the people of the pro.urnL day. An a "ed and reaper’ able lady, Uc'n in New t England/Jo-d me she remember 1 it well, : | long bc*Vc- t!.e i'volufiba,’ under ai ‘-thcY name. 11 n .u3. luCH’ called *! .v ----dia Fisher/ and was a favorite N- ,w Eng land jig. It was then the practice -w’ —t, as with Yankee Doodle n to sin- . _.Vb'h” various impromptu verses—such as Lydia] Locket lost her pocket, .. . Lydia Fisher found it; Not a bit of money ini*, Only binding round it. “The British, preceding the war, when disposed 40. ridicule the simplicity of Yan kee manners and Idle city, were accustomed to sing airs or tune’ , set. to ‘words, invented for the pausing occasion, having for their object ti. /utilize sneer at New Eng landers. This, ve/they called Yai^ kce Docahe, by way of reproach, and as a.- slur upoi th<dr favorite,., ‘Lydia Fisher.’-** It is remexnbeml that the English Officers then among us, acting under civil and mili tary appointments, often felt lordly over us as canonists, and by countenancing such slurs, they sometimes expressed their su perciliousness. When the battles of Con oortßand Lexington began the vfar, the English, when advancing in triumph, play ed along the road, ‘God save the King/ but when the Americans had made the re treat so disastrous to the invaders, these then ; ruck up the scouted Yankee Doodle, as if ro Sav, ‘See what we simple Jonathans ■art .lop From that time, the tune intend ed for derision, was assumed throughout all the A mcjiean colonies as the national air of the sons of liberty; even as the Methodists —once reproachfully so called—assumed it as their acceptable appelation. Even the name of ‘sons of liberty/ which was so popular at the outset, was a name adopted from the appelation in Parliament, by Col. Barre, in his speech. Judge Mar tin, iu the history of North Carolina, has lately given another reason for the origin of ‘Yankee Doodle/ saying it was first formed at Albany, in 1155, by a British officer; then there, indulging his pleasantry on the homely*array of motley Americans, then assembling to join the expedition of General Johnson and Governor Shirley.— To ascertain the truth in the premises, both his and my aeeoi uts were published n the gazetts, to elicit, if possible, further information, and the additional facts ascer tained, seemed to corroborate the forego ing idea. The tune and quaint words, £ays a writer iu the Columbian Gazette, at Washington, were known as early as the time of Cromwell, and were so applied to him then, in a song called ‘Yankee Doo dle/ a& ascertained from the collection ho had seen of a gentleman at Cheltenham in England, called ‘Musical Antiquities of England/ to wit: - Yaiik:<! r Dooi|!i’ came to town a ii lie |>ony, Will* a leather i:i hi* Hat, Upon a maccaroiii, &e. The term feather, &e. all tided to Crom- j well’s going to Oxford on a small horse, j with his single plume, fastened in a sort oi j knot called a ‘maccaroni/ The idea that | such an early origin may have existed Seems strengthened by the fact communi cated by an aged gentleman ot Massachu setts, who well remembered that, about the time the strife was engendering at Boston, they sometimes conveyed muskets to the country concealed iu their loads ol manure, &c. Theivamc abroad verses, as it set forth from their military masters, saying. ‘Yankee Doodle came to town, For to buy a firelock : We will tar and leather him, And so we will John Hancock. The similarity of the first lines of the above two examples and the term ‘feather’ in the third line, seem to mark, in the lat ter, some knowledge of the former prece dent. As,” however, other writers have confirmed their early knowledge of “Lydia Locket,” such as “Lydii L ick'd lost In r j-oakef, 1:; a rainy shower, tu-. we scour led to the choice of reconciling rtisern severally with each other. IV e con clude that the cavaliers, when they origin ally composed “Yankee Doodle,” may have set it to the jig tune of “Lydia Fish er,” to make it the more offensive to the Puritans, In this view it was even possi ble for the British officer at Albany, in 1755, as a man skilled in music, to have before heard of the old “Yankee Doodle,” and to -have renewed it on that occasion. That the air. was uniformly deemed a good retort on British royalists, We must be confirmed in, from the fact, that it was played by us, at the battle of Lexington, when repelling the foe; again at the sur render of Burgoync; and finally at the Yorktow ll surrender when Lafayette, who ordered the tune, meant it as a retort on an intended affront.”’ The Child we Ltyp. For. —-It would be unwise in us to call that man wretched who, whatever he suffers as to pain inflict ed, or pleasure denied, has a child for ichom he hopes, and on whom he dotes. * Poverty may grind him to the dust; obscurity may cast its darkest man fie over him; the song of the gay may be far from his own dwell- 1 in?; his face may be unknown to lu.-> migii bors, and his voice may be unheeded by those among whom he dwells —even pun may rack his joints, and sleep, may from Ins pillow; yet has he a gem with 1 which he would not part’ for wealth defying, computation, for tunic filling a world s oar, for the luxury of the highest health, or for the sweetest sleep that ever sat upon a mor tal’s brow. — Coleridge. Exm.YonmxAnY PiiEXo.gKxox at sea.- Captain Howe, of bark J. W. Dyer, from Messina, at New York, reports, November U, lat. 34 40, loft; 15 57, at 11 30 p. m. the wind from the southwest, with fresh breezes find squally, the bark being under -double-reefed topsails, there was a ball of lire came from the Northeast, struck the foretopsail, and burst with the report of a cannon. It was about the size of a thirty two pound ball, and if it had not been raining heavy at the time it probably would have set fire to the vessel. It split the foretopsqil and did slight damage on leek. • . -V.. TftAXSCENDENTAbISM DeTT: i\ —* oot* respondent of the New York ’/ givw an account of his meeting., a Y a e phib osopher oh board of thfe Fali K-ifer boat, who thus defined the transcendentalism o ‘ the-day: “Yes,see. T have tew -de -ns—’ vn if and bother : “refined a refit. •'Wj idtlon is this. ; 1 I’v .. ; t nfo>- % - ~ -* . ‘•* ; i the unknown: to measure, and sound,- i .- : 'i t o define that which has neither depth, nor : ize, nor form; to analyze the soul, and to make its relations to another world a part of the universal chaos which covers every tiling. My vulgar definition is this: Transcendentalism is an attempt by phil osophers to measure the Almighty in a quart pot!” x i Tuk Company of Ije an unhappy man who has the love and strides of a wopian to. accompany liiip in every-department of life. The world pay look sad and cheerless, enemies may gath er in his path, but when he returns to the fireside and sees the tender love of a wo man, he forgets his cares and troubles, and is comparatively a happy nian. He is not prepared for the journey of life who is without a companiou, who will forsake him in no emergency—who will divide his sorrows—increase his joys—lift the veil from his heart and throw sunshine amid the darkest scenes. No man can be mise rable who has such a companion, be he ever so poor, despised, and trodden upon by the world. Happy is the man who has a little home and a little angel in it, of a Saturday night, A house, no matter how little, provided it will hold two or so, no matter how hum bly furnished, provived there is hope in it; let the wind blow—dose the curtains. What if they are calico, or plain White, without tassel, or any such thing. Let the rains come down, heap up the fire. No matter if you havn’t a cradle to bless your self with; for what a beautiful light glow ing coal makes, shedding a sunset through the room, just enough to talk by, not lours as in the highways, not rapid” as in the hurrying world, but softly, slowly whisper-', ing with pauses between, for the storm without and the thoughts within to fill up. Then wheel the sofa round before the fire; no matter if the sofa is a settee, un cushioned at that, if so be it is just long’ enough for two, or say two and a half in it. llow sweetly the music of silver bells from the time to come, falls on the listen ing heart, then. How mournfully swells the chime of “the days that are no more.” VARIETY. Praise, when judiciously bestowed, tends to encourage every one in the pursuit of excellence. “Squire,” said a citizen “from the interi-’ or,” “what is this Tree soil’ that they talk so much about ? Is it equal to the gua ncr.” •’ You’ve destroyed my peace of mind/ said a desponding lover to a truant lass. “It can’t do you much harm, John, for ’tv, as an amazing small piece you had any way,” was the quick reply. SraKET Tai.k.—-Two sons of Erin were moralizing on-Saturday, over the result of the late election. “Bad news, Pat,” says Mike. “Faith, an’ re’re right there,” responded Pat. “What would old Gineral Taylor say to this, if he was alive now ?” ejaculated Mike. “Be gorra,” replied Pat, “he'd say he’ was glad lie was dead !” Poverty. —Poverty makes people very, familiar, says the New York Dutchman.*— Let John Porkley fall from “a flourishing merchant” to a bankrupt, and those who once called him “John Porkley, Esq.” will soon speak of him as “Old Pork,” while those who formerly passed him by with smiles and elevated “beavers,” will swap them off for a slap on the shoulder, and the most hearty expression of “how are you, old fellow ?” Gexics for Busixess.—Ttfs a’ highly prized faculty in shop-keeping, to sell something when a customer comes in, if you can. A lady went into a Grand Street fancy store, t’other day, to “look over” some ivory card and needle cases; the clerk flew round, and when’ the ques tion, “Have you ivory card cases?” was propounded, he responded 1 , “Not any, mum.” Glancing into the’ show-case, his visual orbs lit upon a pro fusion of well-known matters in domestic economy, for the abrogation of certain parasitic insects. “Havn’t any card cases, mum -fgot some elegant ivory small-tooth combs /” J apan In the December number of •Dc Bow’s Review, the pages of mhich always abound in valuable and interesting information, we find and elaborate article on the subject of Japan, from which it .appears that that re nowned. empire consists of 3850 Islands, having an crea of 2(50,000 square miles, or about six times that of the State of New York.’ Niphon, the largest island, has mountains from 8,000 to 12,000 feet high. The whole Japanese group is vol canic, and earthquakes are common. The islands are in the latitude of the United States, and thc'productions of the country are the same, With the additional one si’ U'si. The mineral wealth- is great; gold,- copper, iron and coal being wry a bundant. None are allowed to trade with the Japanese but the Dutch, and those : I only at the port of Nankasaki. It is esti mated that the trade of the islands would be worth to us more than annually. The Government of Japan is that of a her ditary absolute monarchy. The laws are few but cruel, all crimes near ly being punished with death, and some with the death, not only of the person committing the crime, but of all liis rcla ’ lives. The annual revenues of Japan amount to about $100,000,000.- The population is 50,000,000, ajid the Standing army of the Emperor is 120,000, though l ire can at any time call into the field -100;-” 000 men. The treasures of the Emperor are immense, his dominions having enjoyed i profound peace for about two hundred;. Tears. No. I.