Newspaper Page Text
garictt iimta &mtU*
—The Darien Timber Gazette should be
in every family in Mclntosh county- G on b
costs the small sum of $2.50 for a whole
—We had a call a few days since from our
friend Capt. A. A. Sharp, the clever Passen
ger Agent of the Macon and Brunswick loiil
road. Mr. Sharp is also connected with the
Steamer Daisy now plying between Darien
and Hammy Smith’s Landing.
—We call the attention of the public eye
to the law card of Walter A. Way, Esq.,
in another column. All who desire prompt
attention to the legal business "'ill do well
to give him a call. We take pleasure in say
ing that since Mr. Way has been iu our city
he has proven himself a genial gentlemen, a
good citizen and a successful Lawyer.
—Wash. Wright, Esq., a Bomswiekian,
was in the City a few days since.
—The planters throughout the county are
pushing forward their crops,*nd while corn
is small, yet we are- glad to sje that it looks
well. Farmers generally, are planting no
cotton compared with previous years. Bice
fields are beginning to look green and flour-
ishing also.
—As warm weather is approaching, fami
lie hve begun to move iron the city to the
“RMge” and elsewhere to spend the summer
—Mr. James Walter’s public Boom yield
ed a short time since to tie superior force
of the freshet, and carried off a large num
ber of rafts of timber, a good portion of
which, he has not been able to recover,
amounting to about one;.thousand dollars,
which he has been compelled to make good.
—No clue to the stolen inoflP" of Roths-
CHmi) & Adams, has up t> the present time,
been discovered.
—Col. Spencer, whd practiced law here
many years ago, has to his old
‘•stamping ground" am has, resumed the
—Mr. T. P Pease, Gbtirman of the Board
of County ( oininissiohe's and Fx'o. Justice
ot the Peace, will hold i monthly Court, tor
the disposition of civil cases, on the second
Thursday in each rnontu.
Efforts are being made to revive the
-old Police Court for tip trial of civil cases
to one hundred and fifty dollars. The stat
ute fixes the day to the first Wednesday m :
each month.
A wag once sai<l, pointing at th* time,
to a very corpulent Methodist minister pass
ing. that the following epitaph should I be
written across his atido iien, ‘‘Sacred t" the
memory of twelve spring ultickeus.'
‘ X rough and tumff. *uv--t fight occur
.tar t. ... f i e. it Soli.~
old "Tars,” wholiiad come ashore to see
Mahoney's Altanijha Varieties, and who had
indulged most too freely in the intoxicating
This Varieties are drawing crowded
houses every evening- -an infallable evidence
of the high appreciation, and tue complete
success in the plays selected.
—Charlie Collins, the murderer of lljjn
rv Blue. will doubtless, he tried at the con
in” term of the Superior Court. Abie At
torneys are employe i to defend him, and
they will, no doubt, attempt to prove an
—Lumber is coming in very freely, av
argiug, we are told, about twelve rafts per
day. Prices continue to be femunerativo.
—Do not forget the ball to be given by the
Mclntosh Light Dragoons, at the Magnolia
House on the first of May. We venture to
say that we feel afeured it will prove a per
fect success.
—Mclntosh Superior Court convenes on
the 28th day of the present month, jurors,
witnesses, attorneys and clients take notice.
Hon. Wm. Schley will preside.
—From what weean learn, thefle will be
many marriages consummated in Darien and
Immediate vicinity before the ‘Hog-days
commence. Licemes and ministers will be
in great demand.
—The Concert at the Magnolia House on
Monday evening lait, given by Mrs, Adams,
was unanimously vd-ed a complete success.
It reflects much the young la
dies. We shall hae something more to say
about it in our nex issue.
—We return ouisincere thanks to our es
teemed friend, WjiEii A. Way, Esq., for his
valuable assistance*! helping us get out our
first issue. Walte, good luck to you, may
you live always.
—The Magnolia louse needs a wife—and
that badly.
—Our youug layer friend, W. E. Hoyt,
Esq., also gave us "lift” with our'first is- L
sue. Many thanks Bill. May you Irtitrr a
s'*. ■ ‘
' - ’i r a: !
; :T: '
'• II" didn't c* t
f I* 31
'r. - v '
t :X" M B I*
—The last few days of the warm weather
has dried up the roads so as to make them
passable. Now is the time for the Commis
sioners to call out the hands and put the
road in thorough order.
—We take the opportunity of calling our
City Fathers’ attention to the condition of
our Streets. They need cleaning and they
should be cleaned . before the hot summer
suns commence. Why not employ a scaven
ger and wagon, and require the scavenger to
give his entire time to it. It would cost the
City but a mere trifle* compared with the
advantige and benefit, which it would be to
the City generally. We hope the Commis
sioners will take the matter into considera
tion at its next meeting.
Mr. J. E. Beaseley, of Liberty county,
is engaged in cutting timber on South New
port River. He rafts it at Thomas’ place,
and from there towed around to this market.
—Hon. Julian Habteidoe will be in atten
dance on Mclntosh Superior Court. He
will come to defend Randolph Aiken, who
is charged with murder.
—The Building Committee will, in a few
days, let out the contract for building the
Court House and Jail.
—-We notice that some of our enterprising
merchants have put up street lamps m front
of their stores.
—We noticed a few days since, a flue lot
of fresh water fish in our market, They are
caught- in one of the Lakes m the Altamaha
Swamps. From the num ,er the old man
had, and the short time he was gone, we
imagine it was fine sport. Several fine trout
were among the lot.
-—A sailor while intoxicated last Sunday
night, fell overboard at the lower bluff mill,
and was drowned. Every effort, was made
to save him, but the current was so strong
that they could no* reach him in time to save
him from a watery grave.
—We have just been informed that the it ame
or skeleton of a human being was found
quite near Myhall Mill, on yesterday. He
'euuld not be identified, as liis flesh was en
tirely gone. It evidently, was not the un
fortunate sailor who was drowned Sunday.
- -When will the telegraph line he estab
lished, which will connect Darien with the
Macon A Brunswick Road. We | ivc heard
nothing ot it for the last week: but hope
sfjicerely the originators have not abandoned
the enterprise.
— Uur jail, at present, accommodates five
boarders, one Charley Collins, charged
with the murder of Henry Bui" and the
others for minor offenses.
—We see many new buggies and horses
dashing through our City, every evening,
enjoying the delightful spiring evenings.
Atwoods <fc Avery have taken a step.) in the
right direction. Sec their advertisement in
another column and when you went satis
faction ia purchasing goods give I hem a call,
ih. i will find tl)e]j ids tv so tic ir salesmen.
toned gentlemen end jolly good mil ws. Be
sure and read their large advertisement and
then give them a call at their huge stoves on
Broad street —■where you will always find t
large and well selected stock of Dty (h ods,
Groceries, Drugs and Medicines. Av.
—The Magnolia House improvements will
soon be completed.
—P.. B. Clarke, Esq , is loading several
vessels in liont of tile Hotel for James K..
‘ 'r.AitKE, Esq.
- Another Theatre is to be opened to
night. See advertisement.
—A considerable excitement wats caused
last Sunday evening by repeated calls of
‘Policeman!” coining from the Musters oi
the vessel lying at EppingV wharf. Mar
shal Carr was soon on the spot with a posse
and on boarding the veswel he leiirned trom
the Captain that some of the sailors had been
considerably disorderly—one of them having
drawn a knife on the Mate. The Marshal
slial arrested three of them and lodged then
in jail.
—Wx direct the attention of the public to
the law card of that clever gentlemaa, Capt
W. Hobkkt Gionii.liat. All those wishing
to have their busint*ss attended to promptly,
would do well to call on the Captain.
—Head the advertisements of Mess.s. M.
Cullinan, and L. Eckmak, and give ..them a
—We were pleased to greet in our office a
few days since, Messrs. John H. Depush, E.
D. Smythe, and Wm. llonk, three- brge Sa
vannah merchants. Tlicy art* clever and jo
vial gentlemen and they all promised us ad
—W. H. Avery, Esq., went to Savannah a
few days ago to buy more goods for the targe
store of Messrs. Atwoods <fc Avert Thf-y
are clever gentlemen and should be^-Wf pat
ronized. Success to you, gentLe^nmn.
—Mb. M. Conway. wejl>Known throughout
th© State, as }, -class Hotel man, is now
at th^' I *iagnolia House. congratulate
’Mr. Care on his securing the services ol a
man whose long in first-class
houses so well fits him for the place
pied by Mr. Conway.
—See Advertisement of W. f. Burney.
Brick Mason and House Painter, in another
colnmn. Our acquaintance with Mr. Bunr
ney has been limited, yet from what have
seen of him. believe him to be an industrious
and thorough workman. The public should
patronize him liberally.
—Johnnie Young, started hist Thursday
evening, with Captain Ridoui, Master of
the Schooner Earnest F. Lee, on a voy
age to New Brunswick, N. S. wish him
a pleasant time and a speedy return to his
1 home and friends.
—T of Darien, generally, were
; not aw-re of the fact, until the past day or
j two, that the Darien Timber Gazeette
I would actually make its appearance on to
, day, hence the lack of advartisements in
this issue. And now. that we have made a
we feel confident that the entire
port t
Darien Timber Gazette.
The above will make its first appearance
before the citizens ot Darien on the 25th in
stant-, with, I am told. A. L. Adams. Esq., as
Associate Editor. All are looking forward,
anxiously forward for the first issue; and
from what I know of the Associate Editor
and the Proprietor, all will be agreeably
Friend Grubti, the Proprietor, I have
known for som • time, and I can but say that
he never attempts anything without success.
J feel no hesitancy in saying to the citi-
zens of Darien and surrounding country,
that they will make the Gazette well worth
the small subscription of two and a half dol
lars. They are willing to embark in the en
terprise, and do all they can to promote and
advance the interest of the City and county,
and when they shall commence, then it be
comes the duty, and I believe every citizen
wifi patronize and lend a helping baud. A
good newspaper to blow our praises and act
as fugleman, is what Darien has always
wanted and sadly needed. As ati instance,
1 point you to Brunswick, liefer back ten
years and you will find that property could
have been bought for a mere trifle but hew
stands it to-dav, and what has brought it
about ? I answer- -The Seaport Appeal.
It is true that real estate to-day in our
city is valuable and commands remuneraitve
prices when put upon the market, but ypu
will find that twelve months from to-day :
the city will be greatly built up, property 1
will be greatly (as a natural consequence)
enhanced, and all, because wo have a lively,
wide-awake webkly. To the citizens, mer
chants, Ac., I would say, do not leave tiu;m
to bullet and pilot their bark ove/ the
troubled waters alone and unaided, but aid
them b' subscribing and advertising freely
and liberally. Do not think for./ne,inoment i
when you pay for the subscrijjfion/or adver
tisement, that the- newspup.'/ m/in arc . the
only men to get the benefit - t your money
and that you will not ho. ben fitted in the
least; but bear this iu lVmoyabranee, that
the greatest fortunes ary m.-ydo by extensive
advertising: and that a Jsusihess that cannot
support an advert:-enkait, is not worth at
tending to.
’ Iv‘ groat haste,
Darien, Ga., April 21st 1871
The Tftnbei? Business of Darien.
Darien ii know' ,as one of the largest ship
ping parts of yell/w pine timber on t!ie At
lunrtc seti-boni'd and tue repmtati n of its
timber stands 'SO high in (oreign markets
that mereh:" Is in other places have been
tempted ,1 us/a mild word; to brand their
timber, Bp/i n.
Th" ba'/noss of receiving and shipping
timber Irrr. has assumed such proportions
as not/hily to regulate, but monopolize all
iheir tminess. It is e.ttim it- .1 that about
peg 1 .’Li’.iu 1 V- p ‘ 'tin
’yfie'inei"‘asc if bn.H ies.- it: ;h • timber line
djkv'xw > tb" •
m l the present season is o*3 ot . eiua. .sable
As in lay as Silky ve •; -Is froui all part ; o f
the world, drawing from twelve to twenty
feet of water, (there are iwhuJ tively few
that draw led than fit; en feSHp ive b*. n in
purl at tlio ■ iim ■. S' >r >■- irgggcs of ti tuber-
J iiiof conrs", makes empil.-ymcat for htta.
deeds of workmen, many of th an receiving
good s ihu Es and all a liberal snppxirt. Other
business has kept pace with the timber
trade, and Darien is improving t•. ry day.
l’iinbcr makes a solid foundation, no mis
take. Business must necessarily continue
to lucre ise for y airs yet. 1 know it is feared
by some, wlo have li ithlug els.; to fret
about, that (he marketable timber will all
have been shipped iir less than ten y ars.
but we are confident that this cannot be ae
coraplished inside of twenty-five y ars, even
with the continued increase in the business.
The gv-ovtu of this kind of pine is very rap
id aid amounts to mmy millions off * ;
every year, in this State.
The steam mills in this vicinity are doing
a lucrative,business, and there are good sites
for more with good prospects —plenty of
business and. liberal pur contago on outlays
if properly managed. Demands tor this
puiticular kind and quality of lumber are
all\ the time increasing. The new uses t->
which this lumber is found to lie well adapi
t<ij> 'ill insure larger orders with increasing
prices for the next few years.
Tiukber is the business here. It is safe,
paying! and honorable.
who in Darien would thrive.
Vl,.[\euirile timber, or advertise,”
says *ur\loctil poet. I'll sentiment, u.
think, is letter tlian the )urrst.
A - v*- -
ited Citizens of Darien!
Messrs. A. A. Sharp A Cos., of th M. A B.
R. IT, have a charter for a road between No
1 on the M. & B. lb .ad and Ham nay Smith's
Landing on the Altamaha River, a distance
of about 8 miles.
Mr. Sharp was in town lust w<e.k on busi
ness connected with this proj. t, and w•:
learned the following from him:
He proposes to commence work about the
middle of June, or as soon as the ground will
! admit, and complete it about th middle of
; September.
He estimates the cost at not more than ,
| $3,000 a mile. He will secure convict lab r
' at greatly reduced rates.
In the mean time the Company will build .
a Steam Ferry Boat of about fifty tuns
don, which will take the place of the Steam
er Daisy, making two trips daily.
The boat will cos- about STOOO and be fit
ted for transporting passengers and ftei; ri.
Messrs. Sharp A Cos., asks the City to deed
them a lot at the foot of M irk . Sire-1, on
condition that they build a Warehouse and
use it as such. They also ! ish the Ci'y tr*
take a few hundred dollars perhapf sLoiitj)
in sto*k, in ctse they -hocld T
We hr A. •
BIT iias <
Vagnolln Itofp Balt.
Mr. A. E. Carr, the gentlem Inly and gen
mv;s proprietor of lie above hou-u. gave a
Soc and Party on Friday evening, the F7th in
stant. tie evidently know how to make a
social party pleasant, l-lvorything was just
right, and gotten up nicely and with the in
tention of pleasing.
(JvinAo sonic misunderstanding, the at
tend, me • was not as large as if would other
wri have- b>' i. but those present enjoyed it
Mr. (hi.- Ii- just fitted up a large dining
rdpfv. hid anew and substantial floor. It
makes a good hall for dancing and the dan
cers danced as if they enjoyed it the new
Av 12 fclock all were invited to the tables,
whoh were heavily laden with all that app -
| tit 'could crave; meats, fruits, cakes and
| c.O!)i ictijuery. and for one long hour we ate,
talk'd mid toasted, iu an informal, old fash
ion'! way—that is 'without any affectation,
bu&t*j,'"td appetite as the tables will bear
with ss. D AY. I). presided at.the head
l oftl e table which honored u and dispensed
nestings like a prince.
Hxjiprr bring over, we again repaired to
tlif‘|M i ■ v:n. and it was just 4 in the oiorniug
l when the 1 it Quadrille brought the party to
! a
W- were p l -'isrJ to see our friend I)r. H.
! (rings light'll and gracefully in the Lancers
ns young again.
St ■•■mb's Orchestra made “tile best music
we f er had to dance to. hue,’’ was on every
tnnpe. We hope the Orchestra will be in
vito here often?*'
Mje. Barclay graced one of the tables with
a magnificent pyiVmid of ft overs.
Mr Carr keeps a good lions and dr.s -ryes
the Iberal patronaya of the city, and we are
happy to say he ha\ many friends Imre.
k The A Hamath Railroad Cos.
! A—
We wish to call tie; attention oi our c.ifi
-1 Z em .to some of’the qlvuntug-m which wt ’!
\ follt-T th ; enterprise', when earri and out.
Firs,: It will connect'us by rail with tie
! (Jrera West, St. Louis, ‘Cincinnati, and all
other western cities. I'rom these cities
freight can be brought there with only om
change and lauded diivei in Darien. Con
sumers of flour ail curp will note Hus.
Second: Tt will give us a- laity expres so
ver.v nueh ne-1 1. Hurdl It will gin; us
a, die. mail. Think of city without a
d.iiljmntil, or mail but t vied in a week; bet
ter try to got along wid art churches or
s'b v 'louses. Fourth: It 'V. 11 connect !>.e |
rien pith the world, and iii.-.ruVs- Hm travel j
one jfsndred per cent, in a few months. Its
gene! I effects will be to jreuliy
busiii-ss, and build up* our Cffyt
V.’j.k our business men act aft ouen, and
see Silt they avail themselves id this nur i, j
uee*fY pnbli improvement ? \
V-'t " y lo i it. we a, ■ ■ will
<w it
—. -k — jy
t; '' tffsnrimpr IV., 1. I
| th O act.
‘A. PiUchardN IBve’Uit;: Burned.
; *
Cdynu County, April 21 st. Ix 7-!. 1
; < I -pd.o'e u-y > ,11 'X itel
:° n p|< I I'll IV 1 y the i.u cue if the and Veiling
11 1 \iiui i! Tan a ' l:i> , at rJ./ali.dd
Bmirtajpo ‘
k'i" r ‘ ~„t in the co-.k room at
abortu-ei m t spread with such ru-
P i>!i kVthal ail aUempits to save the bnildin;
werej A ■(.,.] v uf ;eless, tm f owing to tlic tun -
ly ‘k'lVanui • upon t’.i s -e-ie ot Kev-ra
•n' t Jp-sg ~ Fu-nitur -and other v.T.unbb ■
w / and.
r tamk the loss, cxeluding the building,
- * nls V .great.
P* r ‘ ftitnam's Hack Liiro between Ham
my biii if s Bunding and No. 1, M. A B. R.
H- i i trge >f Geo. A iino
er who is always ready to -rve |
the Johnson and klathews also iiave ,
hacks. q t Ijtmding.
a fio c! Arrivals.
House Capt Alien!, wife and j
daughfev, Doby;Capt. Johnson, Doboy: M ■
Lliort,e ; B lit oil and daughter, city: Miss M;
riii Jv r .'ai;on do.; Miss Anna -1 i-itt, do .
Mifs Lubt Clutc, do.: Charles Marlic". do.:
G ■, I M. \y Swain, Milledgi il■ ■ G Ni<
las id j • s. s
B i••• oi Dot
II IL-j ■ hi.; J. G. lo.; J. T
B art aoi | cit v; John Box ley, Canooehc; J.
H. v. do, p W. Comas, d.o. ; Ta. J, Young, j
do. ml i Sharp, MaiVm, Ga . < lapt. Me
; ITrnUl.lp M. s. AYeid; Capt. Foster, sli p
: Bay *!;*• at it. Williams, brig AYHiington: ■
Capitf f.ewis. brig Bat,tees; Capt. Owens,
• brig ) rpa.ike; John \V. Grow, Doboy;
I Free-|a and wife, do.: Mr. and Mrs. Bailie, ,
Se >t;| i; \V. S. Dozer. August it. Ga.: W. E. j
j Van, lit. Savannah, Ga.:-J. 1). AV'illiuk, do.; I
T- i'fs. do.; Jolm Clrake, Doboy; J. \Y. j
MG 4 ., do.: Edward Murray, do.: T. J;. ,
| Go<iij rv .and, Brunswick. Ga :B. B. Mosley, i
I city: Li J. Wilson, do.; Capt. E M Blount 1
1 and rife do.; Mr. A Mrs. Adams, do.: Mrs.
BuviD, Borne, Ga.: Miss Andersen, do.:
‘ ip|tf{ (hli-ohs, bavk Lam“: L. L Graybill, I
S iViptakf, La.; E. J. Sandin, Doboy: Tbos
•J iiijhn, do ; It. AY. Grubb. Timber Gazette;
Ctpil .VlcCleAian, ship Kings County; Ik
Hofide ; city: A. C. McDuncan, Savannah,
Miu .vapt Hammett, city: Rev. Mr. Lock-;
w <oo do. O. Hopkins, do.: Capt. O’Neil.
'■ *i f4-', Ireland; J. F. Gilson, Doboy; AV.
U >b> (tiguilliat. city: Capt, Fitzgerald, str.
j. T. Ola k. Charlotte. N. C.: 11. 11. j
Brdols. do.; Capt. A <•'* e, B. ■ . w. k. Ga. .
C.i'A !‘J. Shannon, do.; Philip Massn au:
Pili.*.; lb J. Donnelly, Savannah, Ga. . E.
Riel intuit, do.; A. Dobell, and > ; Mux Stmus.-,
■! I! - ''H : >!*•'■ b
-9H 1 I ft
Having spent five of the plensentest
fears of my life in the office of the
Seaport Appeal, in your beaut''til City,
Bid made very many pleasant and
valued acquaintances, I desire to as
sure jou, that although I have gone
from among yon, and located in tlu
neiglib ring City' of Darien, I shah'
never cease to remember your many
kindnesses, and continue to appreci
ate the courtesies which yon have, on
so many occasions, kindly shown me.
It is the litMe acts of evory-dav lift;
that make us happy or unhappy.
1 also desire to thank those of yon,
who have so willingly aided and En
couraged me in my new enterprise,
by subscribing for the Darien Timber
Gazette, and to assure you that I
shall endeavor to make it worthy of
your patronage. That we may not
only continue, but increase our pleas
ant. associations through the columns
of the < 1 azkrrK, is tlie VaiXeat * ish
' [
ui.-ii vim> >v GKratwy
A PI? TL 25t.1i, 171.
' -l 1 4ft 'ry. Alir -I'Alt.
•L>< to 7’v,
411,1 %' to
t/' lll s to M.; #>J to wjj
raw to. a. a
Wl) ih<, to tl)
SO ) til to JI
SOU 111.: to 14
K*w 1a,., to ia
—— miriHi ■—■.0.....'r,. rT „„ lirj | ,
Mi spin#
April 20 Park Farsa ml, .Lihat sen—Glascow—
Young & Langdou.
Auiil ao—Bunt Atlantic F.lliu-sen Savannah \
Di lidl Jt Cos.
Apri 2i : Sclir. Thomas Wafts, Curtis ■New York
—Young & Langdou.
April 21—Sclir. Charles A. Ihivev. Scott-- llavana
-11 il Lulls <fc Foster.
April 17 -Bark Sarah li. Cairn, Eldridge- Hull
Y ouug A l.iingdon.
April IT—Bark Alphcus Marshall, I‘ ; rkcr—London
—, V, Dobell .v (!u.
April l , Dirk Cii.irles Lambert. Anderson- Her!
I b-p ,Jl- -A. Dobrii ,v Cos.
April 20—Hark I’.iiiiuria, Gillen- Sivgo -A Dobell
.t On.
April 2d—Schr. Mav McFarland, McF irland- New
) or):- Y "ling & Linn-don.
April 21-Bar* Tran-der. Scott Gr-uock Young
It Langdou.
April 82 -D uit RnvgeriaUtrolo nslein, Ulirerisiech
- Waterford— U. M . Alu nro.
Ap l o •'.! Ibok Pail Andris* Antwerp
A. nolwll & Cos, *
April 20 sell'- E. ( Cutes, I-' -Mistlck
l oiliig it I on j- lou.
April 2.> -Sc.ii. i-. trust 'I. Jf.Uoul MantHport 1
l ouug and Liiuyaou.
Slii,) Hem i ‘tin, Ifolby. 1.0 .dini; tor TOnOftl Kiu<*-
uoin by Youn.LT Sc T.angdou.
-m i m .
W'nk ck-r I.o.tJiiisr f >r United
Kiiqintom by 'l t ire: .v In**-ti-*m 1 .
knrk C iri Aii-’ii-f. SicAviir* ■*. Uordir.'T for United j
K .■'!•• ;i . \ Hi’ y Lb • .1: k doliann.-i. ii t.-i- -. for Unite:!
ion* by Kp, 0 *l!ms at Cu.
J J; irk Mmi’i.i .id IPirder. J for United
r in/doni by I'ppiiiA !• i| i- y (‘n.
J!!K tor. ri ■■ ■!■ •' .• !. •• Ttm.i", Ofi'c. Loading for
Ting'd King loci bv jO.-i’as A <’o.
liai'k.hiii I! it. Vlbr*.*ht, Ltuding 1->r United
Kindotn by Upping. lights A
park Stanb'A, Nervi;.. Loading for United King
dun by Epplug B. ilas A Cos.
i'tik 'i( y <>t Otraua. Pin Icy. Loiding f>r United
K'ndom by buy. Sic wart A Cos.
I5 irk JuiiiiH Frcii' k Loading f<.: United King
dom by Guy. Su-wart A Cos
Bark Aumista >!aiibia. Siedd. Loading for United
Kingdom by A. Duboll A* Cos.
Ji: k M. Yigus. Loading for [Tinted King
dom by A Lobt li <v (’<
Bark .Jorgen Larentzcn, X .ckri-ou. Loading for
Unitef! Kingdom by A. Dobell A Cos
Bai’k S;, Croix. Naile. Loading lor United King
dom by A Dobeii A r Cos.
i*uk A rut l,n- t, Conway. Loading for Unite!
Kingdom by A. Dobell A Cos.
Bark HLirlii gen. D' Jnnge. Loading for United
Kingdom by A. Dobell A: Cos.
Bark Admen, t aurlcrc. Loading for [ ited King
dom by / Dobelf A ('>.
Bark John Burin r, Bmuks. Loading for United
Kingdom by A Dobell A: Cos.
Bark Resource. Craw. l*o. ding for United King
dom by A. Dobell A Cos.
ivirk hgremont. Kenney. Loading for Uniteii
Kingdom by # A. Dobell A Cos.
B.ik Dunbrody, Power. Loading for United King
dom by A. Dobell < ’o.
IVirk I Jans Georg. (Jorsulker. Loading for United
Kingdom by D. M. Munro.
lark Criefsuabi, Norbrodt. Loading for United
Kingdom by I). M. Munro.
Bark Boas, dm . )w c n. Loading for United King
I dom by I) M. Munro.
liark Pi wider: Vhu, Bcb wartz. Load- i
ing for United Kingdom by I). M. Munro.
Bdrk !!'■■*, ltudiar<D. Loading for United king
dom. by I). M. Munro.
Bok Lqimi' \. Pmder. Loading for United King
! dom by D. M. Munro.
B ru Selma. Wallis. Loading for United Kingdom
’by D M. Munro.
Bark Cupel ia, Monger. Lolling for United King-
I !om by 1. M Munro.
Bark Gustav *der■:i v - •. “irvis. T*oading lor
, United Kingdom by I). M. Munro.
Bark Mary Jane. Builde. Loading f... Utii‘ed King
| dom by |). >l. Mmm .
Bark Minna. Bue>a Loading .‘or Uni:< and K’*ig
-111 üby I). M. Munro.
Bark Farsmid. Jobausen. Loading for United
' Kingdom by Young & fMin jdon.
j Ship Patrician. Ditchburri. Loading for United!
K nab***> 1.. A. I lobe. \ Cos ,
r Bariv M ii’ia, PoTtei. n .<nii, , 1 t United LiurdAi,,
by J). M. Munro.
i Jiark Savanna, O’Neil. Loading for United King !
i dom by I). M. Munro.
j Bark Penelope. .Oveigi; .. Leading fur { nited j
| Kingdom by A Dobell a Cos.
Ship Jtaguar. Uost-r. Loading for I mfed K { ng- ]
| dom by A. Dobell A Cos.
Borg AfbtiiTe . r. !li.;-**?•. ].. J ; l n and
Kingdom by A. I>;b“ll Ai v
Brig Lews. Loading for l nileb Kii g iom <
by A. I >oi)c-il A C .
Brig Keep-ake. Owens. Loading for I nited'
Kingdom by a. Do . il A Cos.
Brig WiUiiigum, Wii!iam>. Ltrading (. y l uited I
Kingdom by A. Dobed Sr Cos.
Brig Ernmfcßcug, Sndcinauu. Loading for [ nited
Kingdom by Epping. 5 Las A* (.
Sclir. ( barlet? A. Bovey, Scoit. for S .
; Jt.dins by Hiltons A Foster.
Sclir. Waldenear, Parker. Loading for Kio Jan ,
; eiro by Young A Langdon.
Schr. Thomas Watts, Curtis. Loading for Nova
Scotia by Young & Langdon.
\ Uu’ ii'jcmciva.
t" t
Yf ANY additions have been a -.loin this house
* during the past month, and,lie- Proprietor takes
pleasure in tajiug to hia old yj
and to all who desire FIRST-CLASS accommo f.
tions, that he is ready to satisfy them at the folio r
ing rates :
Board and lodging per month $30.0) '
Table Board “ “ 25.01
Board and lodging “ week 10.00
Board “ “ per day — TO)
M,- il Is each 7.-,
Lodgings •• 75
A. E. CARR, Proprietor,
M. CONWY, Clerk.
1 Timber Cutter’s Reatauranl, will be opened on
itmler the management of Mr. H. A HALL, on,
which occasion several Aartists have been -.e y.p: u
from New Y'ork.
Admission. 25c. Received seats ,T>e. including a
Drink. ‘ omeAnd see
Ap’l2slt. _
dry coons. Hardware, cutlery,
Broad Street, from Shilling side, oppose the Custom
> Darien. Ga.
1195—1 m. _
Dry Goods Hats, Boots, Shoes,
Groceries. &c.
April 25 -1 m.
Attorney aod Cooosellst at Law,
April 96—tf.
W- Robert Gigniiliat,
DAB!Eft, GA,
i)Iv.OMP 1 ATTENTION given to nil legal
m the Eastern and Brno wick Circuits, hn<i in
the United Slates (.’ourts at Savannub. i j 2
April ’V> ly.
AND T { m
Cp un sellor at niyA
\\J ILL practice in the Superior Court £ of the <■' him
VV ties of Mclntosh. Camden. Glynn, Wayne. ApM
P!i: 1 g. Tattnall. J*iberiy and Bryan. Also in thol
Federal (’oiirts in eases of Bankruptcy, &c. ]
Particular attention given to the collection ofi
claims, and the examina ion of Land Titles.
April W J
I). T. DUNN,
Brunswick, Ga.
I) Saranri iti, Boston, and Bhiladelphia, at lovost
market rates.
Buys arid sel.s Gold and Silver arid Commercial
1 lUcn-.t allowed on special deposits.
Collections promptly attended to, rss
FioiTvvr.iiJi x :4cnoi s,
April ;M>—Jiu.
DH. 1,. lIEINS,
liitl'XSWlCk; GKOilCi I A.
tines till ii- Sir of u la, t an
tens, Dy &M pya, >’i!es. t ;n-
Uousrli anil all
(lit,eases of Use lungs,
ijjtil Fcvci.
YP .... .. . safterins t'r. ip ‘UO 1 of ( * K -'-Gi**e d*P
.•Mcs 'wjll do well to Call "II Dr. 1- HKJKI ■ '*' :
All vegetable medicines, and prote#cif hv i stent.
ApriljiH 1 ___ JL-. *
It A I.T I M 0 K K
Having the sole agency of the in''.mated J
heir leave I" cal! the attention of Oarer-, and the
i.eliln* in wiieral to the following atuclea mann-m
--lii*ii'd by ih*‘ above namid CotßßfX ,w ’® 1
South, rn White Born, and narraf ted to kep K
years in any climate.
In Barrels and Cases of 10 Caddie of 6 pounds vac* ■
sononular with Virginians and Northern States.-
p J\hl MEAL, in }>avrelt. and mobtly !1 “
! fwconi Bread. CORN, FLoUli. very choice, *
n mow; ran be need n connection *
Wbt Flour l* r all k'ndr? of pat try,