Newspaper Page Text
garien timber feette,
loc alde p artm ent.
Our Brunswick Agent.
Mr. John It. Franklin, nt the Drug Store
of M' ssrs. Jus. S. Blain A Cos., Brunswick, is
our July authorized Agent, and all those
who have not paid their subscriptions to the
Gazette will please call on him and settle.
Persons wishing to subscribe can hand in
their Hamas to him.
—Our thanks are due Capt. W. Robert
Gionilliat, for a bos of grapes sent us a few
days since.
_ Os- Monday last, while in Brunswick, anp
t'u-ough an invitation of Capt.. D. Davidson,
the enterprising proprietor of the Davidson
House, we had the pleasure of a good, square
meal at his hotel. We cordially recommend
the Captain and his hotel.
We have at last found the P. G. in G.,
and we ure happy; oh. so happy ! She don't
live in the city, l ut out of town a few miles,
we ain’t going to tell exactly where.
--One of those Brunswick bloods wanted
to know the other day. who that jovial, good
looking fellow was, with side-wl inkers? (Jut
eves were so dim when the question was
asked, that we could not see anybody but
Will Swan and Jake Bellsinoer. Jake and
Will arc as good as they are good-looking.
—Jim Nathans, ot the Brunswick Appeal
and, bv the way, the tallest man in ten
States, gave us a call a few days since.
—Dr. E G. Fekgurson. of Brunswick, was
in the city daring the week. The Dr. visi
ted the yellow fever vessel on Tuesday.
--Tuesday morning it was cool enough for
fli-e, down in these parts.
We arc requested to state that a grand
entertainment will lie given nt the residence
of Picv. 11 M Loc-KAVoon, on Wednesday
next, 2d Sept. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to nil, and we hope the good people
of Darien and the Ridge will turn out en
masse on this occasion.
—September is a splendid month for ad
vertising. Met--bants and all others will
please take notice and govern themselves ac
- -There is still afar pe-sons in D inert,
and vicinity, who do not subscribe for the
lazette. They read it. however.
S e a lveriisemeiit of postponed sale, in
t iis issue.
-Every one t’>at can sh mid attend the
,-nt • tayiirnni given bv toe vmug men of
Darien a-: 1 the .'• 1 ,a on Wed le •1 iv night
tiex* a. th rt I ,ill'll'.- of Rev. R. M Lock
w mid. If is for the b mfit of the Methodist
Oil iel < th* Rib; Everybody should
go Agio 1 till" is .;s i billed.
'' rs B- • sick exi-ursionists were high
v v.i.y iv- o“i jle treated
~ .n vat-i lay i • say t’ ev never
a • 1 ,'"c cv where. Correct !
-W.-; vou and call the atten imi of the pnbli<
those who ir< ‘ *t 1 fault "■ s
pe i-dly. to th*-!' and of to- C*t\
Tre ■ ..It- taxes. tc. T 1 e d
v in fin and ii ibis issue.
• —Also ko-- n .ice of postponed sale of
s cl v 1 tl-. in our is rof to-day.
Brunswick Excursion. Just before going
•top ’ t’vs Frid iv we notice
qni a larg ■ croud of our citizens on the
at set . 'preparatory to taking their depar
tire on a excursion to the "City by the
Bea ” v'e thought at one time the excur
sion would have t > be postponed, but the
C unanttee who had charge of the affair.
Avere determined, ln-nee the excursion. We
lt'gati to think on Thursday evening that
our cho.i" *.t fir * ing w*re :1 ini but we are
glad to tut i. to it jus' as so m as we print
a Gazette "i c*-,-fain young lady to read
on the way we will toddle down to the boat
To All Whom It May Concern. Be it
known, that from and after this date the fol
lowing described descendant from Balam's
quadruped is, and the same should be here
after for sale until further notice, to wit;
One four legged mule of the yaller gen
d *r, known and distinguished by the young
men of the town of Darien, as Jane.
Said mule is no longer a colt, hnt is of a
disposition kind, loving and lazy; walks
when she should trot, and stops when should
F i fuvther particulars apply on the road
from the Bridge to Darien, from (1 a. m. to
1, p. ui.
Hotel Arrivals.
Magnolia House, A. i. Carr. Proprietor.
John Spencer, Atlanta; R. H. Blown, do; J.
0. Parker, city;'l'. J. Shave, do, P. C. Brown,
Savannnh; C. Parker, city; A. Croker. Maine;
B'-nj. Hurd, Boston; S. Spencer city; Wm
Hubert Gignilliat, do: Prof. A. T. Lyon,
Brunswick Silver Cornet Baud; C. (day Wil
li'l -is, do; E. F. Williams, do: James S. Na
thans, do; J. S. Burns. do; T. W. Flanders.
dn;E. Ileins, do; Geo. W. Spear, do; Wm.
Hackett, do; John E. Franklin, do; (trover
G. Fahm, do: James Dent, do; Capt. oeo. A.
Dure, Brunswick; Capt.. C. W. Weber; do;
John B. Gray, do; Dan. Hotel), do; Win. J.
Williams, do; Capt. James M. Flinn, do; E.
H. Manoe, do; B. A. Fahm, do; George W.
Wright, do; Capt. John C. Hotel), str. May
Flower; James G. Barnes, do;£E. W. Grubb,
Darien Gazette,-, Adolf Stark, Savannah; Them.
Bailey, do; Steve Norris, city; C. W. Ander
son, Savannah; Di E. G. Fergurson, Bruns
wick; L. J. White, Doboy; Wm. St. Clair, do;
Henry Weil, city; Capt. Svrdrnp, Savannah;
Col. R. Wayne, do; Capt. Ed. Witherspoon,
do; A. G. North, Milledgeville: John Noah,
Jacksonville, Fla; C. N. Adams, do; G. R-
Clarks, do; L- B, Shave, Dorchester, G
rxoursion *o Sapclft.
Mr. Editor:
On last Thursday, the zO-ti, your writer
was the recipient of an invitation from Capt.
C. to accompany an excursion party to Snp
elo Island, which wt. uld leave DeLorme’s
wharf on the Leon and the pilot boat Young
America, at Reven, a. m. the next day. I
returned at an early hour ny to Ridgeville
home, that preparations coi.hl be made and
mv picnic costume put in apr po order, and
that I might be refresh:d for an -11 and y dance
the next day by a good night’s i Ist. When
the King of day arose, in all his .lory and
effulgence, I felt like a “Morning Glory,” and
at half past six I whr on my way to Darien,
to join the party; arriving at. the the whaif, I
found the two boats securely lashed together
and ready to start. I hurried on board,
Avhere I found a large number of ladies and
gentlemen from R-dgeville, and just at the
appointed hour for leaving, the boats lifted
anchors, and. as we xvere going off. some
one, who had mounted “Dahlgreen” No. 1
on a eord of wood, having previously
charged her heavily fired her off. to the
surprise and alarm of nil on board, and
scarcely bad tlie echo and re-echo died away,
before tlie Simon Williams string baud com
menced to discourse sweet and melodious
strains. I will say just here, Mr. Editor,
that. I have often been a listener to music,
under the most favorable circumstances, yet :
must confess, that the music rendered on
that occasion, sounded sweeter, and far sur
passed anything of the kind Hi id ever heard.
We lmd proceeded but a short distance when
an awning was raised over the Young Amer
ica; the deck cleaned away, and the whirling j
dance commenced—and would you believe |
me. Mr. Edi'or? —just opposite your writer, |
stood an old friend. Dr. Holmes, beside a 1
gay and charming ‘ Sweet Sixteen,” and no
one seemed to enjoy the occasion more than
did the Doctor, who was luauy years the
senior of some of us. and who, when the eve- ]
ning twilight came, seemed as liesli as the i
rest of us. The dancing was kept up all the j
way down the river, until we were opposite
Sapelo Island, at which place the Leon went ;
ahead, towing the Young America out to
sea. We had been out but n short time
when many on board became sea-sick, con
sequently we wore coni’K lied to return to
Sapelo Light House, where we all landed
and took possession of Mr. Croniley’s house.
Tlie Musicians were soon called in, and the
dance resumed. At three o’clock we were 1
invited to partake of a sumptuous repast,!
prepared by the “mater-, ’ and alter Miti.ifc- ■
ing Hie inner man. the party retired to Hie :
shade, cast by flic Light House, where plays j
and other amusements were indulged in. !
among the most favorite plays of the young ;
men. and also of the married men. were a I
■•kissing game.’ which was amazingly enjoy- j
"(1. and. was apparently, entered into with
a lively interest by two of our city boys—
who. by the way. if tlie number of kisses
the,' were blessed with, is an ev deuce, they
wev- the favorites of th > young ladies.
At five o’clo -k. we collected together the
crowd, and wended our way. slowly, but sor
rowfully. back t o the boats, and after all bad
gotten on bo o- i. t 1 Band struck nt) “Home,
tweet Home.” and soon wo were passing a
i rge • three roister,” the crew, with caps
iff. giving “tliri-t chairs’, for 'lie excursion :
pi-tv. as we glided p st iliei'- handsome:
craft, _ !
At sevf - o’clock, wo hauled up along si h- j
1 ■ Lor.'ue's Avh it; and thus oi,d il our day s
'lijovnient. which "il! be long remembered
v oar party as a day of uninterrupted pleas
;re ml ! appiness.
Democratic Meet ins.
In response to a call made by the Chair,
m ui of the Democratic Executive Committee
of Mclntosh county, a representative num
ber of J mocr.itie citizens assembled on Sat
urday last, at the building used as a Court
House, in Darien, for the purpose of elect’ng
delegates to the Biuckshear Congressional
The meeting was called to order by tne
Chairman. W E >bt. Gignilliat, who briefly
stated til object of the meeting, tit the same
time urging the necessity of immediate and
unanimous action in the coming political
At the conclusion of the Chairmaiu's re
marks Mr. W. A. Way moved that the meet
ing go into an election for throe delegates
by ballot, a plurality of votes electing. The
motion prevailed and the result of the ballot
was the election <d Messrs. W. E. Gignilliat.
James G Young, and Walter A. Way.
An attempt was made to pledge the dele
gates and instruct them as to whom they
should vote for in the Convention, but after
some debate from those present, it was de
teniained that the delegates should go un
On motion it was resolved, that each dele
gate be allowed, in case of not being aide to
attend the Convention, to select bis altei
The Chairman then stated that the time
ot the present, incumbents of the Democratic
Executive Committee lmd exjiiie I, and asked
that the meeting go into an election of gen
tlemen to compose the Committee for the
ensuing year.
Capt. Isaac M. Aiken then moved that a
committee of five be appointed to suggest
names, which was carried; the committee
consisting of Messrs. I. M. Aiken. E. S. Bar
lay. A. C. McKinley, I). B. Wing, and Jas.
Walker, retired, and after a short absence
etnrned with the following report; In con
sideration of the courteous aud untiring zea,
exhibited by the present chairman, Mr. W.
Eoht. Gi mlliat, in fulfilling the duties of
his office, we respectfully suggest Lis reap
pointment as Chairman, and as additional
members of the committee, Messrs. A. S.
Barnwell, A. s. Barclay, K- E. Clark, (’. C.
Thorpe, Benjamin Mc-t opald John Eobiu
sou. and Cornelius S^ith.
The report was uT-d : t:r.”‘dv adopted, and
the above gentlemen _a:ed lue Democrat
ic Executive Comuiitttee lor tne t:ii“--'-‘g
The meeting theu adjourned subject o
the call of the Chairman.
W. Eobt Gignilliat, Chairman.
A. W. Ooekm, Secretary.
The SJeamer May Flower and (he Fxctir*
slon of the Brunswick Silver
Cornel Band.
On Saturday last, the quiet of our river
front (tor at this season we arc reluctantly
constrained to admit that it is quiet) was en
livened bv strains of delicious music, as the
graceful litfe steamerMly Flower glided lip
to the wharf in fr rt of the Magnolia House
It required but a few momruts for those
on shore to discover the familiar and pleas
ant faces of quite a number of our Brun
swick friends, and although the visit was
without warning it was at once unanimously
resolved, if possible, to make our visitors
feel themselves at home. To this end a com
mittee of fifteen were appointed, who inter
viewed the excursionists at the Magnolia
House, and through W. Robert Gignilliat,
Esq., tendered them the hospitalities of the
city. His words of kindly welcome were fe
licitously responded to by Capt. G. A. Dure,
on the part of the Bruuswickimis, and a
hearty interchange of mutual good wishes rJ
once ncurred in the most approved and ap
propriate style
‘•Business before pleasure” is a good mot
to, and one which our friends were not dis
posed to disregard. Capt, Wright, the cour
teous and pl.-asant owner of the May Flower,
soon made it known therefore, that this was
a pioneer trip of the boat -a sort of voyage
of discovery, which may eventuate in daily
communication by this most comfortable
and expeditions route between this city and
Brunswick. He was ably seconded by Capt.
Dure, and Mr. C. W. Weber, the agent of
the New York and Brunswick Packet line.
These gentlemen assured our merchants and
citizens that, they were prepared to lay down
at our wharves, goods of all kinds, at cheap
er rates than we could obtain them from Sa
vannah or elsewhere. They were in turn,
assured by our merchants, that it would af
ford them great pleasure, on those terms, to
enter into close and active trade relations
For ourselves, although not engaged in com
merce or mercantile operations, we must say,
that the arrangement poposed suggests many
points of mutual advantage to the citizens
of both places, and we trust that the excur
sion may have in its business aspect as great
success, as we are assured it certainly did.
as a pleasure trip. Our contemporary, “The
Appeal,” as usual, whenever the interests of
Brunswick are to l e subserved, or the enter
prise of jou nnlisui advanced, was ably rep
resented by its accomplished local Bro. Na
thans. He created such a delightful im
pression upon our good people of Darieu,
that we can no longer afford to ruu jokes up
on him here, without danger of getting a
tight on our Laud:,; so he \v;!l hear no more
from us. But the main feature of the occa
sion was the Brunswick Silver Cornet Band;
this is composed of the following named g< u
Prof. A. T. Lyon. 0. Clay Williams, R. F.
Williams. J S. Nathans, Joan S. Burns, G.
0. Fuhm, U. W tip* ar. >Vm. Ilaekett. James
Dent. TW. if;au tern. E. H- ails, J. R. Flunk- 1
iin, W. F. Symons, W. A liobiuson, “Hap
p} Joe lil i a . ’
.bid we ay in all h<mes ! y and sincerity
t a, Bi'iiijsw ick may w 11 Le proud of her
D uid. composed, us it m, no; only of accom
plished mus.cians, but of persons who are
gentlemen, in every sense of the woid.
An exeursi/m io the Jiidje was organized
with all speed, under the able management
of the Suo-committee oil “Transportation.'’
Our Brunswick friends accompanied by a
number of citizens, the Baud in two waggons,
aud the others in every conceivable vehicle
under the sou, exclusive of ox carts, formed
a procession well calculated by its mag
nitude and unexpectedness to startle the
denizens ot the quiet “Bulge.” We cannot
enter i.Ao minute details of the trip, hut
away we went; stopped at Barn well's.
Didicions music; reftc music again
at Col. Barclay’s: at the Church; at Dr.
Holmes’; at Brighton, iiere the excursion
ists were hospitably invited by Mrs. Pease,
into the vineyard of her unman 1, Hon. T. P.
Pease, and it was hard to tear themselves
away from the delicious Scuppemongs. Our
friend, Mr. Gignilliat, had promised himself
the pleasure of regaling the party on grapes,
but it was quite dark oy the time the cor
tege drew lip in front oi his mansion, which
it was arranged should term.moo nie out
ward trip. A Lnavy thunder storm looming
in the West also portend and a wett-ng. But
the committee were equal to the occasion.
Mr. G’s. house w .s thrown open. The tables
wnich had been set on the lawn were ar
ranged on his long vtramiah: the Band di -
coursed delicious music, toasts, pleasant
conversation and interchange o m dual and
kindly feelings marked the intercourse ol
the evening. As all great pleasures must
have some draw back, we are glad to be able
to annouuce that the only one on this occa
sion was the rain. This most come down
even at the hour of departure, and many
got a wot jacket on the way hack to Darie. .
But who cares? There were the delightful
pleasures of the evening, umnaried by a
single disagreeable incident
On the return of the excursionists to Da
rien a Into supper was served at the Mag a
- House, and our friends re-emSur ,ed and
took their de >arture.
We give utterance to the universal sentiment
of our citizens in expressing the hope that
our Brunswick ftiends derived at least ap
proximately as much pleasure from the ex
cursion as they couferred upon their enter
The Committee of Reception.-It would
be invidious to mention names when all did
their duty so well, but we caun it but con
gratulate our community upon the energy,
good taste, and above all, good feeling,
wnich charset 1 the management of Ilia
Committee of a fon Braanrkk
guests ou Saturday last, of which Air. James
E. Holmes, was Chairman.
Excursion to Darien
A Vote of Thanks.
Brunswick, Ga., Aug. 25th, 1874.
Clear, and bine was the sky; calm and
quiet the wave, as the Mayflower left tlie
wharf in Brunswick, on Saturday morning
last, having on board, a party of excursion
ists, bound for Darien.
A party. nv>re jollv. never essayed a ven
ture ou the dct it. was comprised princi
pally of the Silver Cornet Band, and some
dozen rs. The owner of the handsome
little craft, G. W. Wright, Esq., accom
panied the party, an 1 by his jovial aud kind
ly bearing contributed m no small degree to
tlie comfort nd pleasure of the excursionists.
Capt. ll.itch commands the steamer, aud is
the very prince of good fellows.
Upon onr arrival nt Darien, we were met
by a committee of citizens who threw wide
open the doors of the M ignolia House, and
bade ns welcome. Whilst feasting, our par
ty received an invitation to visit tlie Ridge—
a healthful and pleasant retreat, near Darien.
Ye were taken to the residence of Capt Gig
nilLut. where we had a must delectable time,
being regaled Aviih speeches, toasts, punches,
fruits and other like >-ood tilings.
It is with pleasure that we mention the
names of those who so hospitably entertained
us in Darien, — the names of some may have
escaped us, but we can never forget their ef
forts in our behalf.
On our return from the Ridge, we were
again collected and feasted at the Magnolia
House, preparatory to our return homeward.
Grateful for the pleasure we had experinced.
and desirous that those who were the source
and occasion of our joys, should have our ac
knowledgement, our party, soon after the
anchor was raised, unanimously resolved to
give publicity to the excursion, and in the
same manner, to return thanks those, whose
hospitality welcomed us to Darien, and whose
kindness made bright the hour of our stay.
To this end, Capt Weber was called to tbe
chair, and upon motion, appointed the un
dersigned for the purpose above named.
We have thought proper to include this
report of the excursion Avith the vote of
thanks adopted by tlie party. Tke following
preamble and resolutions were offered by
tbe committee:
Whereas, O r excursion has been a sue.
cess, nud we have been the recipient of much
' indness aud courtesy from various citizen,
A Darien, and whereas, it would be unjust
a suit to show a proper apprecia
tion of the same, therefore
Ft lie it Resolved, That the thanks of this
party ait* due and the saint; are hereby ten
dered to those wa in-hearted citizens, who
met us with a hearty welcome, and treated
ns with so much kindness and hospitality.
Our thanks are also, especially due, and are
tendered Mr. W. It. Gignilliat, I M. Aiken,
A. Me Duncan, A W. Corker, J. A. Foster.
T. Bell.-inger, James E. Holmes, Robert E
Carr, L. Eckm-m, E. S. Barclay. R. It. Scott,
W. A. Wav. S E. Claik. William Wylly, A. C.
McKtiib y
1. Resolved That should any similar party
from our sister city of Darien decide to visit
Brunswick, we will give such party a warm
welcome, aud do all within our power to
make those w ho compost it, comfortable and
3. Resolved, That this Report be published
in the D-rien Timber Gazette, and the Sea
port Appeal.
GEO. A. BURE, Committee.
300 5 to 5#
aw • 5X to (i
4< >0 e,y. to 7if
450 7 t o 8 j
600 8X to 9 6 to fry
(i'-O X I<* 1%
W to 8X
800 B}£to!t>4
9 0 , <H$ t" V)%
960 t 10>i to 11 %
104 12 to 1-2 X
jMujpmg intelligence.
tig.2'—S.-hr. 1.. M. Collins. Ri h—Newburyport
—Hilto -s ,v F >ti r
An,". 28—Sc hi -lames A. Potter, Ogier—Porta
meufr—Y uag & Langdon.
Schr Amos Walker. Loading by Hiltons it Fos
t‘ r
BrigClms. W eley. Loading by niltons & Foster.
r I'TIE time having expired to woik upon the public
Is t;eels, yi.u ar< hereb‘ notified to come forward
>nd p v our -Op., t ax. w thin TEN |)VY>. or ox
‘mtiims will be p aced in the hands of the City M r
hal for coll, i ti n
Clerk A Treasurer City Darien.
Ane 24-
Postpiiti and ; ale of Steamer
'rfiE T' -t, Hull te mboaf known as the‘-CLYDE,’”
1 heretofore advi rtisei) for sale at Savann-h Ga..
• m th ■ lsl day of September n-xt wid he sold b fore
theC'lilt House door in said city, during the b'll
t ours of-ale. on TUESDAY the 151 ti day of same
month— aid ho it recently c ipsix -d tn Napeln S mud.
l.a- b' en rais-d and is off -'ed fo sale under and or
der of th - Superior Court ot Riciim >ud county.
Terms Cash.
CIIAS. A. HARPER. Receiver.
225 Broad street, Augusta. Ga.
Teachers Wanted!
i OtHID MAI E TEACHER com pet nt - iper
** intend, mu a female teach-ra-ass-stant i aid
ed by he Board of Trustees of "Mccto-h High
School ’ for hoys an I girl ; to h • In- ted neat D--
rieu Ga. Salary good .1,1 uara-ieel hv Trustee-.
None need applv n ’h -e t-i .mi'sVv e--mp.-t-nt
and who cau t.ic -aj ;y f— -c *s sch • l
will open earlv i:. :
AH applies'io o
Caairumii Board trustees.
Darien, Ga-
Ao£. 15-41
TO the Distributees of James R. O'Berry, deceased,
1 late of saiil county.
You are h rc'y notified that according to law 1
will apply to the Court of Ordinary of gaid County
for leave to sell the Lands belonging to the Estate
of said deceased, for the benefit of the parties con
cerned. This August Bth. 1874.
Aug. 15-lm.
("VFFERS his professional set - ' ice to the citizens of
' Darien and vicinity. lie can lie found at all
hours and v and night, at his office on Screven street,
next door to Mr. Wilcox’ (tweliirg.
Aug. 8-ly.
I LL persons are hereby cautioned and forbid to
'* employ or harbor one John or Frank Marshall,
Fri edman The said freedom, having contracted to
work on tnv plantat on until January 1875. Said
Freedman is coal black. 5 feet, 8 or Inches high.
The penalty under the law. being $250 Pair and fm
prisonmo! t in the common jail, which will be rlgld-
1 _ enforced.
Ang. 8 2t.
GEORGTA—McIntosh Cos. !
Ordinary's OrncE Op Said County - .
ORVJAMIN MrtIONMD, Admiristrat.>r on the
1 ' Estate of David Allen, deceased, late of said
county, having p ritioi.ed to be discharged from said
Administration, ail who are concerned are required
within ihe time fixed by law to show cause, if nv
they have, why the said Benjamin McDonald should
not be discharged according'to the prayer of his pe
Given under mv hand aud seal of office, this 6th
day of ..ugust 1574.
Ordinary, M. C.
Aug. 8 3m-
yOUR TAXR't upon REM, ESTATE are nowdne,
* and volt w ill plea e come forward and settle
them without further notice.
t can he found at my office from 9 A. M., to 4
o’clock. P. M . every day daring the week.
The Books will he closed by the first oi Sept., and
i' the Taxes a e not paid in, I am distracted to issue
Executions and place them in the hands of an officer
for collection. .
Cletk nod Treasurer of Darien.
Ang. 8 tf.
/ tFFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester st’rs.,
over Drag store of J. 8 Blairt A Cos.
Will practice in all the counties of the B unswiek
Circuit and the city of Darien, Ga.
Ang. 1-ly.
The best to be had at the Drag Store ol
ALL ORDERS promptly Ailed.
Ang. 1-lt.
IS prepared to fhrniah Iron and Brass Cas'ings. and
* do general Jobbing Machine work at Bhort noti e.
All work warranted. Terms cash on delivery of
Aug. 1-lm.
Metallic Burial Cases k Caskets.
Metallic Cases and Caskets (two patents elegantly
tiuishi and) and hand-otnesf In tliis market.
Coffins and Caskets in Rosewood, Mahogany, Black
Walnut. CYd t and co union woods. We keep a full
assortment of all goods in our line.
(Broad Street,) Darien, Ga.
Ang. 1-tf.
\y ILL be sold before D’LORME’S WARE HOUSE,
*’ In the City of Darien, used as a Court House,
on the Fret Tuesday ill September, between the le
gal hours of sale all that certain Steam Saw Mill.
Machinery, Belts. Bands, Unexpircd Term of Lease,
and Appurtenances, situate, lying and being on
Union Island, i evied on by virtue of Two Fi Fa s,
issued out of the Superior Court of said county, as
the propeit, of I’. Lacltllson <fc Son, in fiv r of John
McKillop & Cos., vs. R. L-tchlison A; '-on and Whaley
<£ -on, vs. R Lachlison Jfc Sou. Terms of sale,
Aug. 1. td.
Dealer in
JBST Special attention given
to al! ORDERS.
Having had two ye.trfi experience In the bneineys
I feel Satisfied that I can
My thanks to the public foi\
past PATRONAGE. and
hope for a continuance of the
Brunswick arid Albany Railroad.
BnrNswics. Ui„ Nov. 12, 1573 f
ON and after November 17th. 1873 pageinger
trains on ihe B. & R R„ will run as follow :
’ eave Brunaw ok Mondays W ednesday* and Vti
days, a 1 7.00 A. M.. arriving at Junction A. i G. R
It. at 11 A. Jl., and at Alb ny at 7.50 P. M
Leaves alba y ! o says, Tnnrsdays and Satni
ds sat 7SO \ and . a rivinj at Ju ct on A. .V G. i{.
R s 2 lit I*. M. and a" Brttn wick r 7; 19 P M.
-- g ne Ta-' c r ' ■ * wph *ht> S W. R
• v r.• '7ll A lnetd t,
. tiu:s..ays Si..: .-aturday*.
Assistant bnporiutot deut.
Attention The Wte!s of teas 1
Keep constantly on band,
b i w.
Furnishing Goods,
Wood and
Willow ware,
A tine assortment of Table and Foek
tt Cutlery, Tin-Ware, Nails, Pur
ker’s Improved Blind Hinges,
Glass-ware, Foot-tubs,
Brooms, Brushes,
Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Wnb
Baskets, Flower-Pots, Sauce
pans, Rope, Hollow
Kerospne, Oil, Clocks, &<*., at
Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Harness,
Carpet-Bags, Trunks, Umbrellas,
Grindstones, and Axle Grease,
at Corner Broad and
Jacksons Streets.
Have just received a fresh lot of
Nuts, Candies, Spices, Tens, Coffee,
Sugars and Syrups, Bacon, Flour,
Corn Ouls, Meal, Grist, and
Northern and Eastern
Hay, Lime, Salt.
A fine stock of CIGARS alwayi on
hand. Discount by the dollar’s worth
or box.
The attention of
and all in need of any of the above
articles, are especially called
to their new stock,
All will do well to CALL and
examine their well-selected
stock before purchas
ing elsewhere.
This store is under the immedi
ate supervision of
Robert Strain,
junior partner, assisted by the
genial and pleasant
We defy competition, believing that
with our advantages we can afford to
sell GOODS as LOW as any deaLr in
Soul: eru Georgia.
We DELIVER all goods purchased
by citizens in town or those on th*
Ridge, free of charge.
: M*y Vly.