Newspaper Page Text
VOL. I—NO. 23.
garim ?imbcv fertU,
■, >
office in phillip’s p.uildino.
Subscription Rates, in Advance.
.. gnc year—JToi six months. .$1.50
Club Rates:
v; ve copies. eHcLotn-.vear 2"O0
Ten “ or over, each one year 150
Advertising Rates;
. so HARE, 10 lines spaee, first, insertion. .'At 50
A. ‘ Each snbsefioont. insertion 100
• *- Uptciol Rates to Yearly and Lai ge. Advertisers.
\ilvertisemonts from responsible parties will be
p [Wished until ordered ont., when the time is not
B-iecitlod on the copy, and payment exacted accord,
i nifty.,
r.'iv-manicatipns for individual benefit, or ol a
ptfsiiar.l character, charged ns advertisements.
I4nrr'.r.!>e;s <- nd Obituary notices not exceeding
lorrlini's. solicited for free publication. When cx
c ceding thatspftGe. cttnrged as advcrtiscmcntr.
dills tor .vlvei’Uw/mwns .due upon presentation
after,th-e first ’-.sertion, h:it a spirit of commercial
iheraiity will btpracticed towaid regnjur.patrons. ,
To avoid any lire above riles
w i;i he adhered to without deviation.
All letters ;fhd eommunicationa snonld be addresa
cd Richard W. Grubb, :
DAEiKN. ga.
County Officers.
County Commi->ioner*-’V. P. Pease, Chairman. J.
P. Gilson. James Walker. Jam s i acltlison, V. L.
vjnriis [, Mclntosh, Thomas OfynHllat.
' Clerk B. rr.-et -Di't S.
Clerk Supericr nun —is mo M. Aiken.
Orilin(try— Lewis Jackson.
i Sheriff— .Tames it. Bennett,
lemi'hi Sheriff— Alonzo Guyton.
Receiver Tax Bcfuriw —'.liidistih Thomas.
Tax Collector -S. W. Wilson.
Comfy Treasirrcr—H P Champney.
The :'onimissiouorS meet (list Wednesday iti each
month t ■■ ■' 1 ..<i *
Municipal Officers.
’ Fx-Of. Mayor—T. P. Pease.
Kx-Off. Aidermen —Jas. *. Gilson. James Walker.
James Ltickiison, It. L. Morris, L. Mclntosh, Ttios.
Clerk and Treasurer—D*. 3 Kenan.
•City Mtirdnd-Uub-rl E. Carr.
Ilarbor Matter—'' it. StcadwoH.
Inspector Genet id —F, 8. Barclay.
Polio,, ronrt cverv morn in* at id o’clock.
Po/t Warden*.—Upw- ,V. Aiken, John H. Burrell,
James G. Young.
Coroner. —John 11. Burrell.
IT. S. Officers.
Collector of Customs Brunswick- District— John T.
Hollins. Headquarters at Brunswick.
Deputy Collect'-/ of Customs fur Port of Darien—
-11. Townsend.
CT. 3. Marls.
Postniafttr—Tl W. Davis.
The mail lean- -s Darien every Wednesday and Sat
nrrtav at 9 o'clock A. M.. for McTnttash No. 3. A. A'
o It. R.. matting close connections cyith mails going
North ar.d Sontti.
The mail arrives from MVlntoih. No. 3. A. it (}.
It. every Tiv. sdav and Friday evenings at tto'cik
Mails close every Wednesday and S'afimlay at Syr
R rlila.
Yhe-e are religious services ht' the K. t.hnillel E.
Church i-very Sabbath evening at 3 and 8 o'clock—
Rev. R. M. Lockwood. Pastor.
Religious services at the Epi c oral Chuch evert
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. R. F. Clute.
Religious services every Sabbath at 11 A. M.. 8 P.
M. and 7 P M., at the colored Baptist Chuich—Rev.
R. Miflin. Pa-tor.
Religious services every Sabbath at 11 A. M., and
8 P M., at the Methodist Church (.colored)—Rev. S.
Brown, Pastor.
Live Oak Lodge No. 187 meets first Wednesday in
each month at their Hall near t e. Magnolia House.
E. P. Champney, W. M. A. E. Carr, Secretary.
CHANGES gf schedule.
rSSitsjivsK'l I -esat-vU; ir 1 s§£*£@3
savannah. Oetpbcr 11 1-873. )•
1373, Passenger Trains on this ro 1 1 will run at
Leave Savannah daily at 1:30 P. M.
Arrive at Jesup daily at 8:15 P. M.
Arrive at Bainbridge daily at 8:15 A. M.
Arrive at Albany daily at . 9:40 A. M.
Arrive at Live Oak daily at 8:55 A. M.
Arrive at Jacksonvile daily at .10:12 A. M.
Arrive atTallahassee daliy at 10:55 a. 51.
Leave Tallahassee daily at 2:20 P. M.
Leave Jacksonville daily at 2;10 P. M.
Leave Live Oak daily at 9:1X5 P. M.
Leave Albany daily at 3:40 P. M.
Leave Bainbridge daily at 4:80 P. M.
Leave Jesup daily at 5:00 A. M.
Arrive at Savannah daily at B'2o A. M.
Sleeping Car runs through to Jacksonville.
Passengers for Brunswick take this Train, arriving
at Brunswick daily at 10:30 P M.
Arrive at Brunswick daily at 10:30 P. M.
Leave Brunswick 2:30 A. M.
Arrive at Savannah.... 8:20 A. M.
Passengers from Macon by M. and B. 8:00 A M..
train connect at Jesup with train for Elorida. Pas
sengers from Florida, connect at Jesup wltli train
arriving in Macon at 4:30 P. M.
Leave Savannah (Monday. Wednesday and
Friday) at 6:50 A. M.
Arrive at Jesup (Monday, Wednesday and
Friday) at 12:30 P.M.
Arrive at Lawton Monday, Wednesday and
• Friday) at 7.30 P, M.
Leave Lawton (Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday at 5:40 A. M.
Leave Jesup (Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
- day) at 12:40 P.M.
Arrive at Savannah (Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday) at 5:45 P. M.
Leave Lawtoo (Sunday excepted). 7:25 A. M.
Arrive at Valdosta. •• 0:33 A M.
■Arrive at Quitman, “ I0:5t A. M.
Arrive at Thomasville • 2:40 P.M.
Arrive at Albany, “ 7;00 P. M.
Leave Albany, “ 8:15 A. M,
Leave Thomasville, “ 2:10 P.M.
Leave Quitman, 4:15 P. M.
Leave \aldosta, 5:38 P. M.
Arrive at Lawton, •* 8:05 P.M.
Connecting at Albany with Night Train on South
western Railroad, leaving Albany Sunday, Tuesday
and Thursday and arriving at Albany Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
Trains on Brunswick and Albany Railroad leave
Junction (No. 9, A. and G. R. R.) for Albany
°n Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at U;00 A. M..
And arrive from Albany Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, 2:49 P. M.
Mail Steamer leaves Bainbridge for Apafticbicola
every Thursday, at 8 A. M.
H. 8 HAINES, Gaul. Supt.
The Most For Their Money.
Would respectfully, invite the attention of their
friends and residents of
Darien and adjoining comities,
to their large and well se
lected stock of
, •(
HA.T3 and CAPS,
HATE, &c
Table a^d
Pocket , „
€uiler y 3
Farming Imptemsnts, fic,,
Particular attention
given to the supply of vessels.
Captains of vessels are
especially invited to examine
our large and complete stock of
before purchasing elsewhere,
which we are selling at
prices that will
, compare
favorably with any city
in the South.
CITY and on the RIDGE,
May 8-1 f.
list of ilofuu tos atnl hand tin? une id the
Chairman or acting Ctia.riu . , v. h i-hall di
IV (■ t sail GitTrv to summon said neinuiterd to
appear on a certain iky before trie Police
Court of said city, to answer said default!'
and upon conviction, shall be lined in a sum
of not less than nor more $25, and
t > take and pay f r such licence and to pay
ipl costs; in default of payment oi the same,
execution shall be issued against said defaul
ters and be levied upon the goods and chat
tels of the same, and advertised and told as
other sales.
Sec. 4. And be it further ordained,
That immediately alter th expiration of the
notice tiie Clerk shall issue executions
■against the property of ail defaulters tor
Taxes oil Ileal instate which snail be placed
:n the hands of tho Marshal to be levied on
said property, which shall be advertised and
sold for all* taxes and cost ill favor of Said
y.. Provided, nevertheless, that execu
t ' h shall not isa e, as aforesaid, until after
tne ram; n f" the If a dot the report ol Us
Assessment Com in tee, and until the same
trx shall la* final Iv settled Upon, tne sa. iu
Marshal shad make proi ipt . full returns
to th: Clerk and Treasurer within live days
after such sale, making a complete list of
such executions placed in his hands with the
names of defendants, th". amount of tax aim
costs, the amounts raised from tne sate made
under each execution and the amount of any
surplus on tho same remaining; the said
surplus to .tho owner thoieof within the
same time,. Arid filing the original receipt
for sjlit? surplus Tilth the Clerk and Ireas
urer of said city, together wi:li a list ol exe
cutions and returns of sales.
Sec. 5 And be it further ordained by th
authority afresaid, That every person oi per
sons, other than the . taster. Mate or M ites
or any registered seam u of any vessel
whether bark, brig schooner, sloop or ot.-.-i
vessel or vessels loading or unloading w thin
the jurisdiction!, 1 limits of the City of 1>
lien, shall be held a: and deemed a ‘ft'< o ■ c
within the provision of this ordinaiice,
whether he or they way load or unload by
the job, cargo, tow-load, . ,IH)G feet or pet
diem, and shall first take out a licence there
for, or he shall at once be proceed, and agai'-t
upon (lie inform a tionof the sa:.l Cletl- ami
Tr*usurer, or of the City Mats'.si 1 i:.s a de
faulter. Provided, nevertheless, said pe. son
or persons shall superintend the loading,
stovii g or uni 'ailing of such vess. i or
vessels, no such person or p rsot s as stev, -
dore, liui g a licence or otli rwi-e. -hill
attempt lo load or unload more vessels ot
any kind at any one time than he can per
sonally superintend without ft s: employ ng
a duly licenced stevedore to lmv p. r- . a
su] ervision of ap.rt of ra * ves eD. ei-h. r
loading or unloadin , u; 1 r it pen. i. and
not less than Five nor more than Twemy
five Dollars, and a forfeit of Ins licence.
Sec. 6. And be it further ordained-bv the
authority aforesaid. That all lieu < < - issu >d
by the Clerk and Treasu.erof said city shall
bear the authority of the Chairman and
have the city seal attatclied and t>e signed
by the Clerk. All receipts given by Clerk
and Treasmer for moneys for the nse of the
city shall likewise have city seal affixed.
Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, t hat a’l
I ordinances or parts of ordinances mi ; i* iti> g
1 against this ordinance be aud the same is
hereby repealed.
Passed by the Beard of County Commis
sioners September 9th, 387 4.
Sepl9-tf Clerk and Treasurer.
To be Entitled an Ordinance to Provide for the
Levying and Collection of Taxes and Licences
and to Raise and Establish a Revenue for the
City of Darien for the year 1875, and annual
ly thereafter on the first day of January, and
fur other purposes.
F.nnoy l. The Board of CTonnty Com -
© mismoucra of the county of Mclntosh
(exercising jurisdiction in the City of Darien
enacted under an act oi the General Assem
bly of Georgia, approved January 19th. 1872
do ordain, and be it ordained by the author
ity of the same; That from and alter the pas
sage of Ibis Ordinance, the following Taxes
and Licenses shall be levied, assessed tui t
collected for the purposes herein indicated,
.for the benefit of the City of Darien and the
inhabitants thereof, to-wit: 1
A tax of one-half of one per cent, on valu
ation, to be assessed by the Assessment Com
mittee, composed of the Cbaiiman of the
Board of County Commissioners, the mein-
I ovs of the Finance i.Yuiuiitlee of said Board
; nd three citizens, to be appointed by the
said B avd annually; said, committee of In ce
citizens to be the owners of at least one lot
within the city 7 the Chainunn of said Board
to be chairman ex-officio of said Assessment
Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the
following Licences shall be levied and collec
ted, which may be increased or diminished the public interest may require:
Each Stevedore a lie* nee of $1 0; each Timber
Inspector a licence of $! 0; t-uch warehouse a
licence of S2O, each steamboat ivzoi.t A li
cence of.s 15;.ei h steam saw mill U."uco
of $25; each flour or grmt mill a license of
$10; each one horse dray a licence of $10;
each two horse dray a licence of sls; each
public stable s2'': each store for the sale of
general merchandise and not to include li
quors, Ac., S2O; each store for the sale of
merchandise to include liquors, Ate.,' $45.:
each bar-room S3O; each hotel bar-room at
tached $45; each restaurant $25; each res
taurant with privileges of selling liquors and
furnishing lodgings $45, each bowling alley
sls; each billiard table $10; each insuiauce
agent $10; each contractor $10: each com
mission merchant or factor $25; each print
ing office $10; each photographer $10; * acl:
junk dealer SSO; each butcher shop s2s;each
public boom s‘4s; < ach barbershop $10; each
tailor’s shop $10; each baker 310; each shoe
maker or cobbler $5; each blacksmith $10;
each wheelwright $10; each apothecary S2O;
each circus, men gene or other show (except
for religious or charitable purposes, in th<>
discretion of the (,'baL man or acting t'l.ais.
men; each boat mg house eniertairiing tran
sput boarders $10; each row boat for tnms
pehßiPou of passengers-. . 5; each sailor ship-\
per $25; each sailor boarding house st?o;eueL$ t? o;eueL
local or transient went or vendor for the
sale of any article not above mentioned sls.
tSEc. 3. Thai it si.ail be the duty of the
Clerk Board <>mity Commissioners
te Clerk and Treasurer of the Ci:./ of Darien
h ive said ordinance publish. <1 annually once
a week for two weeks in the local gazette o:
the city, and it no lo ui gazette, to put up a
copy of this Ordinance in some conspiciou
place in the city, which publication snail be
for the spa e os two weeks; nr j inimediutejy
ther alter to post a nonce to ail persons Ru
ble under the provisions of t his ordinance to
call for and receive their s iicm. ■3,
and satisfy aii el vitns for tax due and unpaid,'
It shall be hi;- ItutLer tb . <0 u. : out a
Prescribing the manner in which Bills and
Clairs against ihe City of Darien shall be
preset .... for payment\ and for other purposes.
SectxH f I.* The Board of County Comniis
sieir : , 1 vmvieiug jurisdiction in tie
city of Darien do orda'n and it is hereby
ordaitu ~ that from and after the passage ot
this Ordinance all bills or claims against the
City el Darien shall be presented to any one
of the 1 in .nce Committee be'ore the hour of
mei ting, and if, after an examination of the
same, it is found to be correct, the said Fi
nance Committee shall approve of the same,
and tami by the Chairman of the Board
“passed for payment.” Said bills or claims
must be rendered 011 the printed forms,
which, noon application, will be furnished
by the C r vk nd Trcasurej.
Rue 2 And D it fm J,er oidained, etc
That ail / '''! ci .gainst the City pre
sented re. tie, unt: pia-s. ribed, will be
pre;q '-4 paid by the Treasurer, upon pro
per approval by the Finance Committee,
• passed for payment” by the Chairman,
should he be in funds; and all such bills of
claims, v.i ! be paid in the order of presen
tation. without respect to date of seivice,
labor or anything else named. Provided,
any bids or claims contracted by tlie Treasu
rer, by authority, lor incidentals for his of
fice, or by the Chairman of the Board for
.he benefit of the city, may be paid by them,
as. the same may be contracted for, and u
report made by tiie Treusuier or Chairman
of the same, at the next regular mp.e iiig.
Src. 3. Be it further ordained, That all
bills or claims approved by the Finance
Committee shall be numbered by the Clerk.
I'll at le shall keep a regular minute of all
bills approved and ordered to be paid, the
amount, etc., aud when bills shall have been
paid they shall be legibly indorsed on the
back, “Received Payment for the within,”
and duly dated, which shall then be placed
on file by said Treasurer, as a voucher foi
said amount so paid out.
Sec. And be it further ordained by the
authority aforesaid, That all Ordinances or
parts of Ordinances against this
Oidinancc be, and the same is hereby re
Passed l;v the Board of. County Commis
sioners September fit If. 1874.
Stpl9-tf Clerk and Treasurer.
To be entitled an Ordinance to Regulate the
Sale and Purchase of Junk.
of County Commissioners, exercising
jurisdiction in lire City of Darie-n, That any
person i.Lio shall engage in the purchase
and sale of junk in .said city and atiy one en
gaged in the shipping thereof shall first t: ke
nd pay for a licence in the sum o: Fifty
Dollars; and on failure so to do shall, 011
conviction, be fined not exceeding Flty Dol
lars and cost, for each offence and in defau It of
which, execution shall issue and be levied
upon the stock in trade of said junk dealer.
rice. 3. And be it ordained by the au
thor', That if at any time it
ska!' twcouie known that any dealer shall
have purchased any junk, the. property ol
any mill owner, steamboat, vessel, or oi the
Oiiy 1 Darien, knowing the same to be noi
in. ; •()}>'. rty of the seller, the dealer shall
>e L . 1 n. the sum of not exceeding Fifty
Dollars and said licence immediately re
vel e.i. This eouditit n shall be stated in
the liiieii ~ atid no jtink dealer shall be al
lowed to purchase my junk from any minor
without the writt.n permission of the pa
ieut or of Said mim>r. Any one so
.fa a Hag shall it; deemed'a principle, and
upon -conviction before said Chairman at'a
Police Court shall be fined in a sum not. to
excev..: Fifty Dollars and costs for each of
fence and loifeit bis licence. No junk shall
be purchased before sunrise , r aft< r sunset;
nor >u.ul the premises be opened lor t.ans
a an at such time under t> penalty of
Twi ait live Dollar aor ioideilurc of licence.
Eec 4. ana be it further oiduined by the
same a nhority, That all ordinances or parts
ot ordinances ni.l tating against this ordi
nance l.e and the same is beretij repealed.
Passed bv the .(J.-nrd ot County Conuuis
sioiic :: $• h’.mbf! 9t h. '874.
Seo'O-'f v.'sik and Tie.asurer.
April 26—Jin.
(7i : > a ii (Ijsph ops, licrofnia , (>n
<••••!>yspt F'it’i S’ilfs. i *o3i-
Mimptio!i, Ctnisfi ihhl aS!
diW'as-'H of fhe lungs,
Pev( i'.
Al> persons puttering Irani any of tlie above dis
ea-. s will do welt to C.. 11 on Dr. L. 11E1NS, and be
All v >g, ■' b’c medicines, and protected by patent.
April 26 I*.
WiJ, ' TSJtt A. WAY,
Counsellor afc Law,
RE : \l IF’IF APE'-T.
UTIL!, i war tie in he Snpeiio-Coarts ot the coun
ty s of Mclntosh Camden. Uly. n, Wayne, A|>
pliiur. '■ "tjf"all. Liberty aad R van Also in the
Federal Olturts in ca-rs of Rank'Pptey. Ac.
Par'iciditr ttention given to the collection of
claims, n(■the ex auina ion o; Land Titles.
April 2#
(Dime Chickens.
AT PH rv x\i thi* Ftthle in this place.
• *■ rt- <i • Chi ken hr I
off r- D J? i- **ir .*:> * wi from.
ar ♦tee ’h*- chick*na for thir climate, an i r
, tAko a ik>g jc at them
A Singular Adventure
A Western paper--prints a comrau
n c ition making Ihe announcement of
the supposed exi -fence of a nine of
Albinos on the Itn> Grande, near San
ta Fe. The paper vouches for the
standing and good character of the
writer. The cotinuunicafi n states
that in the month of July, 1845, the
writer was travelling east from the
Pacific, end seeking a gap or pass
through the mountains, which would
lead to the Rio Grande, south of
Santa Fe, he found a passage which
led. into their country. It was n
canon < r thirty n it■ • in length.
F'OM the outlet of • the canou no
travel , about ai 11 ,e, when he lull:..;
three won on and two children, their
skin us white as snow. Immediately
one of the women left the pluee in
liaste, and, about sundown, three men
came riding rapidly down on the
finest horses ho evtr saw. Tin y were
well mounted and well armed. They
immediately dismounted and dis
armed him.
They were white men, etu h as are
frequently seen in Santa Fe, and
sometimes in California; The next
morning early, he was ordered to
mount his mule; one of the ulen rode
ahead of I im, and the two others fol
’owed behind. After riding about
twenty milts they dismounted, and
ordered him to do the same. They
had a short confab together, arid he
was ordered to m tint his mult. They
then gave him all his arms and traps,
with ihe understanding that he was
to make good time ont of the canon,
aud continue going in that direction
without, looking back. From
point be traveled thirty miles before
he reached an Indian village. It was
that of a tribe of Comanches. When
he told the chief, by signs, that he
came out of those mountains, he was
afraid of him. ll<- said that the}
were the abode of the evil spirit, an t
that no Indian that went into those
mountains ever returned from them.
He describes the country as circular
surrounded by steep and high moun
ts tins, covered with snow, without a
break or pass.
A Puzzled Frenchman,
“Ilxgnto understand jour 1 an
ullage Ixit-',” sail my 1 reach iriend,
Mr. Arcomt, to me; “but j our verbs
trouble me still, yon mix them up so
with your prepositions.”
“I am sorry you find them so trou
blesome,” was all I could say.
“i saw our friend, Mrs. James, just
now,” lie continued, “She says .that
she intends to break down house
keeping. Am 1 right there ?”
‘•Break up housekeeping, she mu t
have said.”
“Oil, jes, I remember! Break up
housekei p ng.”
“Why does she do that V” I asked.
“Because her health is so broken
into. .
“Broken down, yon should say.”
“Broken down—oh j’es! Am 1 , in
deed, since the, small pox has broket
up in our city—”
•‘Broken out —”
“S ie toil ks she wi.i leave it f r
“Will she leave her house a one?”
“No. Sim is afraid it will he broken
—broken. How do I say that? 1 ”
“Brokn into.”
“Certainly ; that is what I meant
to say.”
‘I- !ers in to he married io >n ?’
“No. Tin: e>: is hi >ktn—
i a
*i >‘ k II * ill.
“Y s; l n>ke> ft"
“A , l no! lie r I that,’’.! .
“She is wirj' -i it; H?r son
onlv l .rokfPl ie ut to her last
week. Am I right ? Ism so anxious
to g.-r tlugEngiishj well.*’
“Hen&o ly I roke the news. No
pte| osidon this time.”
It is hard to The
voting m in, her son, is a fi ie fel ow.
A hr alter, 1 t ink.”
“A in 'kr, and a very due fellow.
I . , : ”
p o v r “to veak,”
There whs something 5 >ntn♦*!i*
1 ’ 1 si i ' if i■■ (deri 111 florist
wli , 111 t*l <* I'it tel - less ot lis In art,
exclaimed. “I lo*Vf s ' mnch i!roul> e
mit do la ics vm .ley ciiiw to buy
miue h)-i ; tie\ a ts imi h r y, d< y
\ lit,, ;• !l , it y V t.s '• 1:1 ll
I - 11 *, ' e \;.I h 1 ti, met color, dey
v nts li in abe ding m o e rose, i
pe I inn no vat tiniest" say to tint
aons. ,I\l idama, I never often se • <U
1 lilies l. t ' beautiful. ilftt was rich,
ilat vis iiiiwl temper, dat. 'ns young,
dat. vis c v r at vn i'il' f< - . in* ,in
O.UJ 1-id.ts. 1 e•in 1 hill, ll
p*sy~ A D wr - i" 1 hra *.u h - *
ffi-e almost let iteai. 1; bee.Ci •“ ‘ ' baby
• li-*!.’; et a l" iz <t lie. ba';v s" .• w
n 'I the; - he ' IT red to ira ie the baby
foi a P R.
Iw*ged fur feVeiy Bet—a
$2.50 A YE Aft.
Index to Marriage.
If a girl expresses a fondness for
in jestic men, with large whiskers,
make up your miud that she will marry
a very small man with none. If she
declares that “mind” is all she looks
for, expect to see her stand before the
al ar with a pretty fellow who has
just sense enough to tie a cravat bow.
If on the contrary she declares she
must, have a handsome husband, look
about yon for the plainest person in
her circle, “that is the man,” for it
will be.
Men are almost as bad. The gen
tleman who desires a .wife, of mind,
u : i " os a lisping baby who screams
at the sight o! a mouse, and hides her
face when she hears a sudden knock
at the door. And the gentlemen who
dreaded anything like strong minded
ne s, exulted in the fact that his wife
is even thing he declared he detested.
If any two people declare them
selves “fr ends and nothing more,”
you may know vvljat will come next.
There is no hypocrisy in all this
and such matches are invariably the
happiest. People do not know them
selves, and make great mistakes about
their indentions. Love is terribly
perplexing wheu he first begins to up
set one’s theories, and when his ar
row first pierces the heart there is
such a fluttering there that it is hard
to guess t-: =e-cause. Besides man pro
poses and God disposes, and it is the
“1 don’t kuow what” with which peo
ple fall in love, and not those peculi
arities which could be given iu a pass
JSi-g-Tbrce students at college met
an aged countryman, and wishing to
have a little sport, thus accosted him.
The first said, “Good morning, father
Abraham,” the second, “Good morn
ing, father Isaac/’ and the third,
“Good morning, father Jacob.’ The
old gentleman replie 1, “1 am neither
Abraham, Isaac, nor Jacob, but I am
Saul the son of Kish, who went to
seek his father's asses, and lo 1 I have
found three of them.”
tfaT - The Tennessee lawyer who
resorted to the insanity dodge in be
half-of his negro client, and expatia
t and to some 1. ngth upon the absolute
idiocy of the poor fellow, met with
some opposition from tlm darkey him
self, who exclaimed: “You can hang
rue. or send me to the penitenebery, or
say Is a tascal, but, Mister, please
don’t say I’se a fool again.”
£®“A lady had her dress trimmed
with bugles before going to a bull.
Her little daughter wanted to know if
the bugles would blow when she
and in-t (1. “Oh no, said the mother,
oapa will do that when he sees tho
frtg* “Young gentlemen, do not got
into the habit of betting,” said a pro
fessor to his (lass. “No kind of a bet
is ex ‘usable—in fact, ever bet is a sin
as wll as a maik of vulgarity. Have
nothing to do, young gentlemen, with
a bet of any kind.” “That. I suppose,
puts a finisher upon our dear old
friend the alphn-bet,” exclaimed one
of the students. The professor
smiled blandly upon the young man,
and gave him fifty extra hues cf
ITt®“ A Western paper publishes
the following notes: “Lost or strade
from the scriber a sheye all over white
--01 0 leg was black and half his
bob ill persons shal receive five
dollars to bring him. He was a she
figyAn honest dame in New York
stan dug beside the corpse of her de
ceased Ins! and, bewildering in pit
ions tones his untimely departure,
observed: “It’s a pity lie’s dead, for
his tet tli are as good as ever they
pgg-The following concise and com
prehensive note was sent to an Illi
nois merchant by a neighboring far
an r the other dav: Send me a trace
•hain and two hinges. Jane had a
baby last night, also two padlocks.
9&‘ R mnemb >r that app arances
a e of'en deceiving. Many a pale,
bin young lady will mi* more corned
beef Mmn a Because yon
fin ! h •>' plivi'io the piano in the parr
|o i is mi si mi that her mother is not
a t e corner grocery running in
deb* 'or a peek of potatoes.
In the police .court the other
day, when a man was about to be tried
for assault and battery, hs brought
forward his boy as a witness. The
magistrite ask'd the lad if he knew
the nature of an oath, and the boy
i hi fatle rI a 1 exi liiined it.
“What did lie say?” asked the jtls
“He s . ” ’ob J ’ b
-ifl !,' ’t s 01 : ati ie other fellov
* rn k firs ; s’d tuu the whole side of
| off my back.”