Newspaper Page Text
VOL. I—NO.1 —NO. 25.
jiarim Simbcv C>
office'’:-> luii-ding.
Subscription Rates, in Advance.
ft*ear ?2 50 Koi i* months. sl.::u
Club Rates:
Five copies. < i.rl> m>* year i ™
*l e „ • > or over, ***ch mn‘yv.*r l *>u
A ivcrtising Rates;
... •{ SQUARE, 1" Bee* ■*l*o. 'hvt insertion, .ft S<
tvieh .ni'Kt jiienl lusiM'lion.... 1 (Mi
■ *<-yn K ,;fa! Rate* to Yt'irhj mill f.arc/t Atirerfi.-ti*.
VrlverlisenioiifH iVoin m*|Miii*il>l* iwrllen will In
p (Wished aatil ordered out. wlie.n rlie time if run
Bpei'.ilieil <>u lilt! anti pdymeiu vxacnwj ar.otmJ.
Oommtluicatiiiuis Tor individa-il hen,:lll. or <>( >■
pergonal character, clmrsred as nrtvertii-e.incnis.
Marriage*, end Obituary notice# not exceedlm
lour lines, solicited for free |in!)licnticn. When ox
c jetlina that apace, rlianred a# ndve^-samentr
lor aflvertiaemcp'? due upon p-e-mntaiioi
after the first ’-aertlpn. but a spirit of commercin'
i locality will he practiced toward res'llinr patron*.
To avoid any raisanderntiiiuiiii!.'. the above ruler
w ill he adhered to without deviation.
All letter# and comniuiifcalit.n* mould headdress
Richard W. Grubb,
I AKiEV. 01.
its '.■■■ n i ff—*-*** l^— r ' iJ* a '->^ i
County Ofrcers.
Counti/ Commi*iiioh&-- T I’. T'ea***, Lied'man. .1
p. (jiigoii. .f iniea Wiiik.-r, am . I msklison. K.
yp.r-ij, i,. Mclntosh. Thom i# Gignilliat.
Cerir n. C C. -Hr. W. Kenfcii.
(Herb Superior Court— lsaac .M Aiken.
Ordinary -Lew is .laek#oii.
Sheriff —lames It. Bonnet.
Omuiii Sheriff— Alonzo flity'on.
Tikrti&r Tax Return*- Y adi-oti Thomas.
Tax CoVerJor S. W. Wilson.
Corot/ Trutwrer— E ’ rhnmnnoy.
t he 'Aommisaiouers meet fit-t W edneaday in enel
111 :ii! ‘ . ,
Municipal Officers.
E-Of. Mayor-\\ P. Pease
Er-Otf. Aldermen —Jo*. . OtHon .T om- W alker
jnn # L'clciieoti. R. L. Morris. L Mclntosh, Titos
Cl eric find Treasurer— l’ r . si . Kenan.
CiJt, Marshal- iii l>* H E. fair
llirbor '. Rd-irtwe'l.
lurpector General- E S. IJaretav.
Police Court everv mo i ini' at Pi o'clock
Port TFarfeii-*.—lsaac M Aiken, J lot 11. Burrell
James (4. Yeonsr.
Coroner.—John H. Burrell.
U. S. Off O-'M'*?.
Collector of C*t*ttnnfi Brunswick District— John T
Collifi-. MiTKlqUiirt-i> •" Rrin*'vii*k.
Deputy Collector of Custom* for Fort of Darien—
C!Ut. II Towu>end.
XT. S, T vla Is. *
Postmaster —T>. W\ Dm vis.
Tht*. imii i.* iy*• ■$ I)tri mi -vrv *V l'cnAv/ mttl -Mir
r.-irtv >it G oYlrk \. M fr VrTufbh Vo. 3. A.* 1
(j r. R., iTYHkioir coihmmmtn* with ru.tilt*
North and South
The nuil vnve* front A(rTnt*h N t *y iV A
7?.. T? cy-tv Tmi— hiv Mud F'i hn r\ niiiifsaf So elk
Mail** clouo every Wcdu. mi|v ;ikl *aturdy at S>.•
oV.' *rk.
The’O r* rfli/i<ii • •>* rh** K
ftiurrh i-viTv <v*.*iiin r at 3 and S o <‘lteU-
Rr .. !i. ?f. Lookw o ' I. F-ipt.'r
R"M*rion* ■ ?h- K;d-c p:ii ever-
c ”oday litoi at 11 o’clock. Rev. R F. Clot
p- -tor
y{c)ijri.--j -js ' evi-*v s; ''' h ifh ?it 1' A. M.. 3• .
M. and 7 P M.. at the co nretl Baptist Chinch— Rei
R Miitn. Pa-tor
l'i.t|.r],4 s‘ i rvi'**— e'vio’c ~ ]i *\ . M . ai;
X P M . at the Methodi-t Church (colored)—Rev S
B.nvn, Pastor.
Live Oak L i-l_'e No T 57 ns ets fir-' Wedncsda> it
each month at their ilall mao' t.' e Majrmdia "oils ■
L. P. Chanipney. W. M. A. K Cot. Secretarv.
s\va nn a ii. Oc toht r 11 1 ' s 73.
1873. Patsen,- t Trains on this roa I "ill tan a
Leave Savannah did'vet 4:30 P. M
Arrive at .le>np ai vat Nta P. M
Arrive at Baintiridr-d tilv at 8:!a A. M
Arrive at \pmnv daily at h:!0 V.M.
Arrive at Liv ■ t>ak and ,ih at 3:55 A. M
Arrive at .1 irk-nnvile daily at.. hi:U A. M.
At-rivear T illaiiassee daiiv at 1u:55 .M.
Leave Tullah-t-s e d-iiiv at 0:30 P. v.
Leave Jacks invill • daily at '-’:*o P. M.
Lave Live Oak daily at 0:05 P- AI.
Leave Albany daiL at 3:10 P. Al
Leave Bainhiidee and ilV' at 4: 0 P. M
Leave Jesup dailvat 5:00 A. M.
Arrive at Savannah and diy at... A. M.
Sieepin ' C >r runs t‘iron-.'h to .1 leksouville.
Pissenoers for Rrun-"' ck t-ik - this Train, arriving
at Brunswick daily at 10:30 P M.
Arrive at Brunswick dully at 10:30 P. M.
Leave Brunswick 2:30 A. M
Arrive at Savannah B:2a A. Al
P*aaepa*rs fniirt M team by AI. and li 8:00 A M..
train cimtiecf at J,—up with train for Florida. Pas
MhiforH from Florida eonneet at Jesup "it. train
arriviut iti Macon at 130 P. M.
Leave Savnnnnh (Monday. \\ edncsilay and
Friday) at S:SO A- M.
Arrive at Jesup (Monday. Wednesday and
Friday) at 12:30 P. M.
Arrive at Lawton Monday, Wednesday and
Friday) at 7.30 P, M.
Leave Lawton (Tuesday. Thursday and Sat
urday at 5:10 A. M.
Leave .letup (Tuesday. Thursday ami Satur
day) at 12:10 P. Al.
Arrive, at Savannah (Tuesday, Thursday at and
Saturday) at 5:43 P. M.
% (western division.)
Leave LawtOD (Sunday exetpti c' 7:25 A. AT.
Arrive at Valdosta. “ 0:33 -\. W
Arrive at Quitman. *■ 10:54 A. M.
Arrive at Thomasville •• 2:40 P. M.
Arrive at Albany, “ 7:00 P. M.
Leave Albany, “ 8:!5 d’?!’
Leave I liumasville, “ 0:10 P. M.
Quvtnian. “ 4:13 P.M.
Leave Valdosta, “ 5:38 P. M.
Arrive at Lawton. •• 8:05 P.M.
Connecting at A lUany with Nielit Train on South
western Railroad, leaving A ibauy Snnday. Tuesday
and Thursday and arriving at Albany Monday.
Wednesday and Friday.
Trains on Brunswick and Albany Railroad leave
Junction (No. 0. A. and O. R. R.) for Albany
on Monday. .Veducsdiv and Friday, at ll;00 A. M.,
and arrive from Albany Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, 2.49 P. M.
Mail Steamer leaves Baintuidge for Apalachicola
every Thursday, at 8 A. M.
H. 8. HAINES, Genl. Supt,
The fet.Fer Their Money.
Would resjiectfully invite the attention of theii
friends and residents of
I>iilien nnd a* 1J< >i1linir c-uintics.
thoir large and well se
lected stock of
General Merchandise,
HAT 3 and CAPS,
IIAH?, fee..
3TO VB3,
Tis-VJ are,
fable a * and
Farming Implements, £c :|
Piti ticulnv attention
nivi-n lo tlie Mij)ply of vessels.
Captains of vessels tire
ttsjiecialiy invited to examine
oar large ami complete stock of
before purchasing elsewhere,
which we arc selling at
prices that will
favorably with any city
in the South.
CITY and on the RIDGE,
May 9—IT.
To le tii tilM an Ordinance to Provide for If
Leri/hvj and Collection of Taxes and Licences
and to liaise and li*' iblish a Revenue for tht
City of Darien for the ye ‘V 1875. and annual
ly there if ice on She first day of January and.
for oiler pi/rpos'
Section 1. The II uinl of Comity C<>m
miKsit-iiors of On* com ty of .Mclntos.,
(ci.cicising jurisdiction in tL • City of Cttnt it
enaetcil muter an net ui the General A-.-eiii
hly of Gt o. -.itt. t)])|)i'ovetl Jannary 19th. 1872
do ordaia, mid be it ordaiaed by the author
ity of the same; That horn and alter the pas
sage of this Ordinance, the following Taxc -
and Licenses shall be levied, assessed ami
collected for the purposes herein indicated,
for the benefit of the City of Darien and tin
inhabitants thereof, to-wit:
A tax ot oni -h df of one per cent, on valu
ation, to be assessed by the Assessment Com
mittee. composed of the Chairman of lilt-
Board of County Commissit tiers, the mem
ers of the Finance Committee oj said Board
ai.d three citizens, to be appointed by the
saal Board annually; said committee of threi
ei iz‘its to be. the owners of at least one lot
within tne city ; the Chairman of said Board
o be chairman t-x-officio ol said Assessment
Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That, the
following'Licences shall be levied and collec
ted, which may be increased or diminished
itmually as the public interest may reunite:
Each Stevedore a licence of sh 0; each Timber
r.specter a licence of 0; each warehouse ti
i-euco of S2O; each steamboat agent a li
nonce of sls; e tch steam saw mill a licence
of $25; each flour or gri t mill a license of
-10; each one horse dray a licence ol sl9;
itch two horse dray a licence of’sls; each
itiblic stable $29; each store for the sale, ol
general merchandise and no. io include li
jiiors, Ac., $*2U; each store for the sale ol
lercliandtse to include liquors, Ac., $4.5:
■ach bar-room S9O; each hotel bar-room at
tached $45; each restaurant $25; each res
aurant with privileges of selling liquors and
f.trnishing lodgings $45; each bowling alley
j 15; each billiard table $10; eaclt insurance
igeot. $10; each contractor $10: each com
n.ssion niereliant or factor $25; end print
n ■- oflice $10: each photographer $10; each
tmk dealer SSO; each butcher shop $25; each
mblic. boom SNS; each barbershop $10; each
aiior’s shop sl9; each baker sl9; each slioe
uakcr or cobbler $5; each Blacksmith $10:
ach wheelwright $10; each apothecary S2O:
sell circus, menagerie or other show (except
.or religions or charitable purposes’ in th<-
.iscielion of the Ghainnau or acting Chair
jan; each boarding house entertaining tran
icut boulders sl9; each row boat for traus
.ortat-on of passengers $5; each sailor ship
icv $25; eacn sailor boarding house s2o;each
• ical or iramicut a cut or vendor for the
ale of any article not above mentioned sls.
.'"'EC. 3. That it sliiiil be I lie duty of the
‘lcrk Board County Commissioners acting as
n Clerk and Treasurer of tbe City ol Darien
lave said ordinance published annually once
: week for two weeks in tbe local gazette oi
he city, and if no local gazette, to put up a
>py of this Ordinance iu some conspicious
dace in the cityx which publication shall be
>r the space ot two weeks; aud immediately
iierenlter to post a notice to all persons Hu
ll- under the provisions of this ordinance to
all for and receive their several licences,
•ml satisfy all claims for tax due and unpaid
ft shall be liis further duty to make out a
iist of defaulters and hand the same to the
.hailman or acting Chairman, who slm.l! di-
L'cct said Clerk to summon said defaulters to
ippenr on a certain day before the Police
ourt of said city, to answer said default,
in 1 upon conviction, shall be fined in a sum
if not less than $5 nor more than $25, and
to take and pay fur such licence and to pay
FI costs; in default ol payment of the same,
xeeution shall be issued against said defau 1 -
evs and be levied upon the goods ami cliut
els ol the same, anil advertised aud sold its
it her sales.
Sec. 4. And be it further ordained,
That immediately after th : expiration of the
totice the Clerk shall issue executions
igaicst the property of till defaulters for
Taxes on It* 111 Estate which shall be placed
.ii the hands of the Marshal to be levied on
-aid property, which shall be advertised and
mid for all taxes and cost in favor of sttid
•iI v. Provided, nevertheless, that txecu
ions shall not issue, as aforesaid, until after
cue return to the Board of the report of the
assessment Committee, and until the same
ax shall be filially settled upon, the said
■larshal shutl make prompt and full returns
to the Clerk aud Treasurer within five days
if;er such sale, making a complete list ol
<nch executions placed in his hands with the
lames of defendants, the amount of tax and
-osts, the amounts raised front the sale made
mder each execution an 1 the amount of any
surplus on the same remaining; the said
.iirplus to the owner thereof within the
sumo time, aud filing the original receipt
.or stiid surplus with the Clerk and Treas
urer of said city, together with a list ot exe
cutions and returns of sales.
Sec. 5 And be it further ordained by the
authority ai'resaid. That every person or per
sons, other than the Master, Mate or Mates,
or tiny registered seamen of any vessel
whether bark, brig, schooner, sloop or other
vessel or vessels loading or unloading within
the jurisdictional limits of the City of Da
rien. shall be lield and deemed a Stevedore
within tlie provision of this ordinance,
whether he or they may load or unload by
the job, cargo, tow-load, 1.000 feet o T per
diem, and shall first take out a licence there
for, or he shall at once be proceeded against
upon the information of the said Clerk and
Treasurer, or of the City Marshal as a de
faulter. Provided, nevertheless, said person
or persons shall superintend the loading,
stowing or unloading ot such vessel or
vessels, no such person or persons as steve
dore. having a licence or otherwise, shall
attempt to load or unload more vessels of
any kind at any one time than he can per
sonally superintend without first employing
a duly licenced stevedore to have personal
supervision of a part of said vessels, either
loading or unloading, under a penalty ol
not less than Five nor more than Tweuty
tive Dollars, aud a forfeit of his licence.
Sec. 6. And be it further ordained by the
authority aforesaid. That all licence** issued
by the Clerk and Treasurer of said city shall
bear the authority of the Chairman and
have the city seal attatched aud be signed
by the Clerk. All receipts given by Clerk
and Treasurer for moneys for the use of the
city shall likewise have city seal affixed.
Sec. 7. Beit further ordained, J hat all
ordiuancesor parts of ordinances militating
against this ordinance be aud the same is
hereby repealed.
Passed by the Board of County Commis
sioners September 9th, 1874.
Sepl9-tf Clerk aud Treasurer.
Peescriln;<y the manner in which Bills and
C dm aijainst the City oj Darien shall be
prest vied for payment, and for other purposes.
Section 1. The Board of County Commis
sioners. exercising jurisdiction in t *•
.. \ ol' Darien do ordain and it is hereby
q.-oained, that fiom and ■ tier the passage oi
ti-iisOf' titance all liilm or claims against tlie
< \of Dili idt shall be presented to any one
of the 1 in-.!';- ('..mmiilee be ore the hour ol
in.', tit*, and if. after an examination of the
same, it ts found to be correct, the said Fi
nal):.' C'intuit I 'e shall approve of tile same,
and t .cu by the < hamiiau of the Bonn I
“missed for payment.” Said, bills or claims
aiust be retulvri and on the print'd forms,
which, upon application, will be furnished
,‘Y the Clerk nnd j lvasure).
*Skc. 2. And be it further ordained,-etc,,
That a9. bills or claims against the Citv pre
-ented in the manner prescribed, will be
promptly paid by the Treasurer, upon pro
per approval by the Finance Committee,
• passed for payment” by tlie Chairman,
should lie tm iti funds; and ail such bills or
claims, ui-1 le paid in the order ot presen
tation. without respect to dine of setvice,
iabor or anything else n.inesl. Provided,
any hi N or claims contracted by the Tieasu
rer. by authority, l'or incidentals for lr.s of
fice. or l v tlie Chairman of the Board for
he benefit of the city, may be paid by them,
as (he same May be contracted lor, and a
report made by the Treasurer or Chairman
of the same, at the next regular
Sec. ii. Be it further ordained, That till
bills or claims n,-proved by the Finance
Commits e shall be numbered by the Clerk.
That 1.0 shall keep a regular minute of all
bills a; proved aud ordered to be paid, the
amount, < tc., aud when bills shall have been
paid they shall be legibly indorsed on the
back. ‘'Received Payment for the within,”
■ mil duly dated, which shall then be placed
mi file by Treasurer, as a voucher lor
said amount so paid out.
sec. Aud be it fut tlier ordained by the
authority aforesaid, That all Ordinances or
parts of Ordinances mitigating ag. iust this
Ordinance be, and the same is hereby re
Passed by the Board of County Conunis
-ioners September 9th. 187-1.
SeplJl-tf Clerk and Treasurer.
To be. entitled an Ordinance to Regulate the
Sale aiid Purchase of Junk.
CJectf'S 1. Beit ordained by the Board
of County Commissioners, exercising
jurisdiction in the City ol Darien, That any
person who shall engage in tbe purchase
and sale of junk in said city ami any one en
gaged in the shipping thereof shall first take
uni pay for a licence in the sum of Fifty
Dollars; and on failure so to do shall, on
conviction, be fined not exceeding Fity Dol
lars and cost, for each offence and indefanlt of
which, execution shall is.-me aud be levied
upon the stock in trade of said junk dealer.
Sec. 3. And be it ordained by the tu
tuortty aforesaid. That if at any lime P
shill 1 become known that any dealer shall
have purchased any junk, the property oi
any mill owner, steamboat, vessel, or of the
City of Darien, knowing tbe same to be not
the propt rty of the seller, the dealer shall
be fined in tlie sum of not exceeding Fifty
Dollars and stiid licence immediately re
voked. This condition shall be stilted in
the licence; and no junk dealer shall be al
lowed to purchase my junk from any minor
without the written permission of the pa
tent or guardian of said minor. Any one so
offending shall he deemed a principle, and
upon conviction before said Chairman at a
Police Court shall be fined in a sum not to
exceed Fifty Dollars aud costs for each of
fence and forfeit his licence. No junk shall
be purchased before sunrise or alter sunset;
nor shall the premises be opened tor trans
action at such time under a penalty of
Twenty-five Dollars or forfeiture of licence.
Sec. 4. aiul be it further ordained by the
same authority. That till ordinances or parts
of ordinances militating against this ordi
nance be and the same is hereby, repealed.
Passed by tbe Board of County Commis
sioners September 9th. 1874.
Seplfl-tf Clerk and Treasurer.
/~IONSIGNEES ot the STR. CARRIE will pDa#"
V take notice Unit mi >unl fter July 2d. 1874. till
l"xIh MUST BE RECEIPTED <>n the whirf. and
all courts stored w ill h - at the ri.-k of the owners or
constgei e.
,T. 11. -MITil,
June 20—tf. Cajitm. Str.ltnie.
Cures all diseases, Scrofula, (Tin
cers, Dyspepsia, I'itcs. ( mi
sumption, Cnugii and till
diseases of the lungs,
and Fever.
Al' persons sufiering Irom any of the above rtis
eases will do well to c.,11 on Dr. L. 11E1N8, and be
All vegetable medicines, anil protected by patent.
April 26—ly. *
A T TOlt N Ii Y
Counsellor at Law,
UTILL prtctice in the SnperiorCourt* of tfwvcoun
ties of Mclntosh. Camden, (llyt.n, Wayne, Ap
pling. Tattnall. Liberty and Bryan. Also in tbe
Federal Courts in cases of Bankruptcy, fee.
Particular attention given to the collection of
Claims, and the examination of Land Titles.
April 20 —
Game Chickens.
4 T. PUTNAM, has at his stable In this place.
2*- the pure Mark Sumatra Game Chicken-, and
offers to sell E.-gs to any one wishing to raise from.
They are the best chicken* for this climate, and are
better than other breeds for laying egga. Call aud
take a look at them.
Washing the Incide of the
Tijtiic is iiocnvii v of ilit: b aly v\h oli
witter is not. til toil lor it you < a : i g< t
it in properi} • Why, one of tin vt r\
nest tilings you can do is to wash yum
tumid amt I lit- gi cati .-;) toiiy wo * oni
ini; in goiujc tbiougu 11 nr lives from
uiiil In oii la sf.iVt silence is l lint \v<
il l not wii.Nii uur till).at as we ough .
I iiisioi s o eottci , lea, choco a!e al
ci .co i, or cub rnr bi il , iio not visit
iiic biooii, be unse with the fluid sc
i; ken in something is oirmii 11 ■
Aim'll biloul.s nuil iii'tiles lint b.ooil
ti usi ,0t a until sty 1.0 imu-cif, “ii- is
Out. ur my night, i have worked i uni
.ill the weili, unit bumlay siul.l bi: a
viay oi list Lu me. i am now going
o* give my system Between tins unit
,\I .inlay u gooil, l lionnigii Wustilng. 5
co lie Oegnis t'i mink nini Clink, and
clinks Lot lntle at a lime, _)el be
tween batuiMay lnglit and Mondai
iiiOiinug a lie.illny man can drink
Aiiuoui producing any ilislui bailee a
ga1.0.1 ol water. N'AV let tins eonie
uto and go tnrough ins eueu a urn—
iliiougn lungs alei skill and .-i Ineys
anil bowels, iiie Waste m li rials Hit
e.iiV.uil mil — a nil wll eu Ai c nil; q\
comes, if lie lumps out ol bmi aim
gives ins exiti'inu skmagoo l vvasn
tlig, the V. a el' Dial lie Waaties in Will
oe ioni. Ur ii be p.eiiis m lest Unit
ipicsiion more throng' ly, all be lias
tv) in) is Lo Lake a mean sheet and
wetting it in good soil, puie waiei,
sc wrapped up in it and Be forty-live
or sixty minutes and then have tbe
sheet washed m a mb of watt r, aud
it wiij color the water soil wnl look
ihriy. The mutt lias tnen was beet —Ills blooil Las lieen washed.
\Viieu you have washed the blood,
tissm s, bones, nerve, muscle, sinew,
mi mb) ane hii t brain, amt every 1h• ng
in lnm, lie can defy all pestilence tor
Unit week. 'lilt washing of a peison’s
inside is as neeissaiy as ti e washing
o! a person’s ouisnie, aud the w ashing
ol a persi n is twice as necessary us
washing a person’ ei< thes, and yet
tin re are louse who are very particu
lar lo i ave their clothes Washed with
gn al care who are not at all particu
lar lo wash themselves.
The Art of Not Hearing.
Tlie art of not hearing is fully as
in.porta:.t to domestic happiness as a
cultivated ear, for which so much
time, and money are <x -ended.
There are so many things winch are
so painful to bear, many of which, il
heard, Wilf distuib the temper am
detract from .1 nlentment and happi
ness, that every one should be edu
cated to take in or shut out sounds at
will. If a man falls into violent pas
sion and calls me all sorts of names,
lim first word shuts my ears, and 1
bear no more. Ir in my quiet voyag
of life I am caught iu one of tlmse di -
mestie whirlwinds of scolding, 1 shill
up my ears, as a sailor would furl iiis
sail, ami making alt tight send be
fore the galo If a iiot and restless
man begins to inflame my ieehngs, 1
con,siih r what, uiisohn f these sp irks
might iio in l lie magi zoic below, were
my tempi r is kept, aud instantly e-osc
the door. Does .. gadding misoiiiei
iinikm c fellow begin to inform nn ,
lowu drops the portcullis of my eui
ali i lie cannot- get. iu any tin tlier.
Some people hoi so very anxious to
hear tvei y iliing I hat wii. \ ex < r an noy
them, liiry set about, searching nun
tin iiug it out. If all the petty things
Mind ol one by the lienbissol illna
mri'd idh-rs wi ic to lie brought hotm
lo him, he would beC me a men
walking pincushion, stuck full ol
sharp icmaiks. I ghoul las soon
li.auk a man f-*r i tnplymg on m\
head a huslu 1 of nettles, or setting
loose a swarm of mosquitoes in my
chamber, or raising a pm gent in my
house generally, as to bring upon all
tlie tint eof s; ltcful people. If you
would lie happy, when among good
men, open your ears; when among
bad, shut them It is not woi.n
while io bear what your serv ids say
when they have siammed the door;
what a beggar says whose petition
von have rejected; wind your neigh
bors say about, your childri n; wnai
vour rivals sav about your business
or dress. I have noticed that a well
bred woman never heal s an imperti
nent remark. A kind of discreet
deafness saves one from not a huh
apparent connivance iu dishonorable
USY* I hope you will be able io sup
port, me,” said a young lady, while
walking out one evening v.i h tier in
tended, during ii slippedy stale o! the
sidewalks. “Why, yes,” said the
somewhat hesitating swi.i ', 1 with
some little assistance from your
father ”
A. T. Stewart spends $500,-
000 year for advertising. buck a
pm there, ye merchants who don’t ad
$2.50 A YEAH.
A Ludicrous See no
O.d Tiiis a S miers Whilom, the
spiritual if the godly peop eof
Sudbury, once stated in the
course ot fifty years of uniiileriupted
ministration lie had linghel but
three limes in the piipd. Once was
when an aged mother i’ las cougi’e
ga! 101 l waked suddenly up from ft
lie p si nmm time nap, uinl. r tlm im
jfi ssion, vividly expressed ere atm
ua> conscious of lief sm roundings,
1 1 1 at her liti.e grandson, Touimv, watt
sleaimg her doughnuts.. But too
most iuihcious scene that which
most completely up sit him tittiiS
pirell while lie was [ireaehn g on i-X
--clntng ■ at Barring oil, till .1 Web as fol
ittWn 1
Tnu pews of the church were of
unit oi>i fashion lona mostly square,
..inf so ailaiigeil tiiat the occupants
oi contiguous pews often nut back to
Uadi, wan u.iiy lim partition wild log
railing between. Taere are but few
ol idem lull in the country low.
Now, it. so happened that on tire
S iObalh of Put sou B im re’ visit, two
e.d j y deacons, occupying joining
pews, and suting wish their back very
near togi Cuej, probably under theiu
iliienco ol profound meditations upon
.lilngs noiy, liail lililtm last nsieep,
wiiii tneii binds ilnown buck uutil
iiiea long caieail!y bound quells dan
gled in close pis xnnjty. Borne pi
outtiy and kinolv inclined, said that
ine iteacoiiH vm re not ml' ep, but
Welti only Wl lipped 111 spiritual It-I vor',
mu, be Inal as a may, ihey were cer
lamly oblivious of surrounding things,
and lell into trouble.
In a third pew, c< rutring upon
the pew of the deacons, sat a young
man depraved and wicked, and what
does lias sacriligi >ns sinner do but
t ike the dangling quells aforesaid,
and lie tin m firmly together, find
i lien, to complete the sin of his ini
quity lie took a pin and remorselessly
sun k it into the shoulder or the near
est dcuci n .
Uf course llie deacon jumped, af
any one would have been likely to do
under the circumstances
And it. will mt be wondi red atthn*
i lie other deacon wan caused to jump
‘ Let go my hair !” cried fiea.COt
lumber one.
"Let go iny lmii!” vociferated dee
con number two.
"Oli ! Wor.gli !”
"Let go, I say !”
It, was twitch and twitch, bnmp fee:
bump; wit'- groans and crits
mingled, until the two unfortunate
men arrived at a full conscicuf.nfess o?
Their situation, and then—
But we •eave the rest, to the read*
cr’s imagination, Hus ing only that
he will not d< em it impious on the
part of the good oid parson that bs
liiirly laughed on tlie occasion.
A Wil innsport idiuj fays he
linKii’t seen a rtiil comfortable minute
since li is wile found uDfc that sift
could open iiis post-office box wikc ft
couple of in lit chert. He even wishes fc*
was ilenil.
We don’t tiling it exactly right
for iMr. Monl on,who isa married mas
to say that he still l<ue* Ivlr BeeeLifer.
who also is a null i led mull- vV nut have
die wives of tinmen got to sa?
ihuiit ilie thing.
It serves (ionise Allied To'Vl>
semi just. xneily right. Ii 1 e had
kept out of that Brooklyn business
lie illici t not have been called t. lift.
[: is probeb!e lie would have been One.
however, just the sumo.
An exchange truly says that ■:
costs ]( ss than a cent a day to taiiS
voui w-fik.y paper —less than ad d'-
ye nt hen won hi earn in a year at the
market price of eggs; less than one c:-
yar a week, and a very cheap one i/
that; 1< ss tliaii the barber v/cu..:.
ehmge l*y the year to keep your hi*:!
tmiuneo ; less a seat one nigi-t
at I lie opera; less than an enevgarc
kitchen girl will waste in a wet it. A
penny a day can be saved in many ’
way l etter than by stepping>
Cgy* What is the diffi rence between
stabbing a mail and killing a boy ? oa6
is assaulting with inti lit to k:L, and
and the other killing with intent U>
jgy How many were n jnrea wnen
the lady burst into tears ?
flggf* A Boston paper estimates that
the Beecliei-Tilton bcamlal tu& cosi
in tvpes, telegrams, euiTOspondeUta
and lawyers fees, five linmlied thou
sand dollars. Probably. But who. w
to calculate the estimate of the mis
chiet it has done to the morals th<?
whole country ?
Clever fellow—People who
spend fit teen dollars every time thef
earn ten.