Newspaper Page Text
VOL. I—NO-28.
garim Eimfcr* (DsaUc,
rrcLisnEL f.veb*
office in pTnt-Lrr s t ctlci! c.
Subscription Rates, in Advance.
For one year S2 50-Fo. >!z m<mtti*..sbrC
Club Ra .ee:
Five copies rich one yrr.r f
Tt*n “ orowr. rxch jrnr w*
A ivertisiiig Rates;
PF’t SQTTUiE, tO’fnee is<-*. flr-t inurrttoß. ,fl 6<
‘ •• R*h <iih*.*i<*nt Omertiun.... 1 Ot;
i?T Social Rflteete IV'Wy uni Lni'jf Arttrrtistrt.
Adverfiaemenra frotn responsible parties will b
published aatiUjrderi-ii otit. when the time Is not
B .oclfled on the copy. and payment ciiotod anrorrt.
Communication* for inrtlvMnal benefit. nr of n
personal character, charsped a* advertisements.
Marriages, and .'♦Wtiinrj iMtlire- t:tt rioeenlnt
ioiir lines, so'irtted for ftw pnhllraMt.n. When cj
c -edinv that space, char/ed as artvef'semetitr
dill' lor tdvertlsemer*? one upon p't—untr.tJot
a'ter the first’-.sertlnn. hut a spirit r cnmmerrla’
i > (trail ty will he practiced to wap' resrniar iwtrons.
To avoid any mlsmiderstandtpo. the above ruler
i, j’l he ad'sered to .vitln.ttt deviation.
Ail Jutß*rs and comtuttnic-lions .could he address
wJl ° R ebar 3 W. <srufcb,
rAßir>f. o \.
County Ofrcnra.
Chyafy V. T-sta-e. Ch-tman. .T.
p f itl- .11 Jinn* Walter am - ' I>. ...
Itl'n.'ds. i.. M.-tnm-S, Th.ep - Gi/nllliat.
' f/’ert f t f? (7.—Hr. **. c.r'ik”
C'irk St’inerior ".vaac M. Aiken.
Or tin-try -Lewi- .bu-ii-nti.
fl' ier ,ir~ lames If. T’.entie'r,
Wy -MotOtty'nn.
p*rff r *r Tkt Rrfvmr —'-' "di-t ?i Themis.
TiT. aoPtriir H. 'V. 'Vita . .
Om*‘n TVitwr-r-E pt hampe y.
'the **. y.ryii—a o.tvr- tuift Eft W ednesday In efiei
m tuth . . .
TrTumc “n Oiflccm.
r--0" Vi-er—T. P. Uens -.
p r Or {tttrrncn— Ta-. . Gibnn .T an ~a'l o.
,7,m - Licit Ison. It. 1.. Morris. I. Mvlntosh, Tl.os.
C~rk <r* f tr"r<V'*r *‘—nan.
C’tf Mar hr!— I < l> r'T. ft
Mirror —' '.l h’l'l
/y?pcctov G**ftal — K S. T* n*’*y
j* .If, cVt fV i'*o • in ' t t*2 n’p'mcV.
P&’ t T-n-c M V.fceti, J hn r. Cnrrell,
$ I F||**a ( i Y MUlf.
Conner.— T diti r T Purr-H
U. G. bffC -rv.
C Jlec'yr of H<>-tom* Pvnncicl- Pfrtrtct— John T't- • ... quit r- -. U.- tit- vlrk.
Ogw’ly CM-ct-r of ft/r Tort of Darken—
Cine*. H. I'oWf i.d.
"J. o. “.-Tnla.
/ > nnA?tvfsr~Tl V*. Pat 1.
Ta • nil leu .It -v tv *v.dttn.l|r an l-at
r.tdav at 9 o'elock \. M. f>r MeToto-b No. S. A A
<> K. Ft . matr!'sr clo-e Conner!?.ms With mails if' inp
North and '.oath
Tile in'll arrives from ’RcTiito-h No. !5 A c H
Ii tt. evr Tiles nv in (I F i aieV ti'ni'-stSo'e'l.-
Mai's clos • ev ry We luesility ami -afur.lny at
R iL'gf'OUl.
The e nr * rdtdoi|s scrim at rite Me'h'-tl-t FI
rtpireh v rv • si.boh ev, 1 1 ii r at 3 and H o'cloek—
l*ev. K. 'T. leirkwooil. P et -r
R 'iif'oui - rvie.-s a* th Ftii-C pal Clnteh .vers
Pntiday moiiiin; at It o’clock. It v. It F. Olnt
Ft-'ll'rUnt * s *rviees 1-verv ’'a' h-.'ll ‘O It A. t- 1 .. 3t 5.
jM. oid 7 P .at the co tir -d Baptist Cnatch- K> v
It. Mkliti P. t r ~
Redrto'ts s ..vice- ..verv *a„htvitt! a II A. •* . and
SP M. at the Method]-t Clturo.i (colored!—Rev M
Brown, Pastor.
M %~o lie.
T.ive Ol'i I. elm- No 137 m-.-ts fir * ir.-dn -sO*. !„
ea r *h mo ith it tip ir If‘ll near t e M irno'ln I'ous .
fi. P. Clntmpiiey W. M. A. E Cirr. S.-cr. tnrv.
aTLiNTIC anu ocit h *•
p v\N'AH Octol) r 11
On wn \pr it vi'Ußn\Y, omoHKH 12.
HTI i-ass.-ii* r Train* ■* 'in* ">* I nil! rn.i ue
L'*iVf> Sivin :ih dat'y - t 4:10 P. M.
Arrive at .? -sn;i ill VHT h :’s I*. M
Arriv.'at B inhndif* <t illy nt o*ls \. M
A rivpat \l ian tl ilv at 0:10 i. M.
Arrive in ■ i >ak <!.lly at 3:">s '• M.
A'Tv**af ,1 i’k itnvile dally at *'*: - ' M
Arrive It T|| Jtn is-ce flail VHt 10:55 .51.
L-neTtlltht-a .. daily at 2:H) P. M.
7 •** tv* .1 a:<a atvill • *l.:ity at :* M.
7. av • Utv.* <>ak daily at 0: *5 P. 'i.
Leave i hi iv dail 1 at ... 3: 10 I’. M
l.env ■ Riii,‘ir( ia* ri 11 1 vat 4: 0P- M
le'ave lesit , d.ti'v a r 6:no A. M
Arrive it Sv'H’imih and ii.y at B*2o A. M.
8 e (>ia r (fir ni a riimti'h t ~7 .rV*<i .villa.
P-a nj t (> r Urnti*~> :i ik title Traill nrrl'liiir
at B-‘ ue*w (> t lailv at I'l; ,0 !’ \i.
Arrive at Rat vviek riaili at Hir'd) P M.
Lmv- lira,* ,trk S: tl \ M
Arrive at Stvaiumh 8:1 t A. M
Pt< ii fra fro >1 Mte>n ltv M and B. <:OJ 1 'I
Ir li ic> in •et at ■itt wth rrii 'or ti "i ida Par
retro* tv ilt Plorl la r*> *tiTtM' at Jarttp Vtlt trail
arriving tit Mar.m at 4.C0 P. M.
(Bastem-v nirwos.t
Leave Savannah t Monday. Wetim a iav Rnd
Pridavl at i ... 0:50 A. M
Arrive at .J -sui. (\| nid iv. Wtaineattav and
K. id tv) at . . .12:30 P. M
Arrive at l.atvton Motidav, ft'etlneeihty mi'*
•’ritlav) at . 7.30 P, V.
la-av • l.nvnm (Titead tv. Thttraday and Sat
urday at 5:40 A. M.
I.etiv • .Teatt|i t I tti-aday. Tl ursdav and Sa'ur
t'a ) at 12:40 P. M
Arriv atSivtn ah ( rue-d- v. Tuttradav a <1
Stta.<la\|at 6:45 P. M.
I.erve l. Tvtrn tlmtav ijttptti) 7:25 A. M
Arriv, at Vtl Ui-tit. 0:33 A W
Arrive at Quit.nail. *• 10:54 '. M
Arriye at Titoma-ville * 2:lo P. M
A rive at Albany, ■ 1:00 P- M.
It'tve Alhanv, 11 8:.5 A. M.
lantve I Itotua-vilie* ** 2: 0P M.
Leave Quitman. *• 4:15 P M
Leave Valdosta, “ 6:38 P. Al
Arrive at Liwtt.n, ** b:t)6 P. M
Conneetintf at Alhery w'th Xliiht Train on Sotith
wenteni Knlr-nd. leaving A litany Bnnd*y. Tflesday
itnd Tlmraday and arriving at Albany Monday.
W edltesrtay and
Trains on Bmnsw Irk and Albarv Railroad leave
Junction ('No. 9. A. anil M. R.i for litany
on Motidav, A7!neday and Prldav, at 11:00 A. M.,
■nd arriye' front Albany Tttrad y. Thursday and
fca M.
Mail steamer leave* Fntlnlviklg* lor Ap*lachltOla
mry IbuXßday. at 8 A. M.
B. 8. HACvEB, Genl. Supt.
MS ARE II m ! i
The M For Tlieir Mcr.ey,
W, aid rei-'C - Fn’’y Invite the attention of their
friends and resident.' of
I);ii icn mvl aiijoininyr e-nmtu*s.
t i tlieir lajfjc l ;iikl well so
loct'Jtl Stock of
General Merchandise,
H arid CAPS,
HATH, S: c-
able a~d
Farming implement &C,
Piiiti<*n’r ath-iititin
yiv.oj 111 tilt* Mlpjt’y of Vt*fi:-o's.
C.ipfnlHH of'h nil*
vP|M'C ; a- vii vitf.l fc < X'liuiiM*
oui Im'jt* iiiul coinj;li‘ie ni nek < i
before purchasing elsewhere,
which we are sellir-g at
prices that will
favorably with any city
ia the South.
CITY and on the RIDGE,
May 0-lj.
■‘lsons who shall wilfully make an indecent
*-xp. isure ..f i is or her. or of any other ]>er
-ou. shall be liable to arrest, and on con
viction lieb.iv tin- Police (Joint, shall -uflei
the peaal v of not less than Five nor m >l>
than twenty-live Dollars and all costs, ami
in addi ion. be imprisoned ami made b
work on the public works tir streets lor.noi
mire than twentv five days Uponpaymeat
if the fi .e tlm Ca rman or acting
may remit toe imprisonm -at anil labor.
Si£o. 3 And Uis fai l tier ordiinic.l hyth*
tuthori y atoresiiiit, I’ it shall not b,
lawful tor any person or person* in a \
house or embus tre, public or private, witfc
it toe limits of said city to disturb or moiesi
t te public peace autl good ord r of saiu city
ny tint noisy or tlisorde'ly com Itj.-t. upon pan.
ol a fine Of n't more turn Twenty-five Dol
ors mi l costs, ot less tn.ui Five Dollars; sou
a addition, be lmpiisoued nr tiie space o
a*' in >re than twenty five nays And win ■ n
aver it. si,all Im necessary to preserve tin
i ace by en tiling said e,ados ire or budding,
it sh ill be the duty of any One ot the city
o acials to ask admission; and if lesistt and o.
afuK.-d. the person so resisting or rclusi ig
-hall suffer tlm same penalty. Up n pay
uent of tire tino tlm Ohairm m or acting
tiairraan may remit the impirisnnment and
1 lair.
She 4 And be it further ordained, by
th* authority nforesai , Timt uo labon..
radesmtu or rue cliaut, or other person and
i, if cis any tabor or calling, or business
•oiii.ected with their daily avocation mi h>
hold’s bty: or open any sole f.r the sale oi
neifhn'ldise f iltV i.lmi nr sort o’
iecessity cimrit.v, or hi itltSoluto HYocniiotf
tf tile Inimiy excepted . ttinl evey Jterso.i
d' the iiire to tiftevu yin a til diseieiioii. w ii>
tlmll violate tli: teitns nt iiie tibove n<l -
unices i ill It lined tlie sum of not less tint:.
;'\ve nor m re Until Filly liollnrr. and aii
■sts for each nil’ nee. ami Pi* itnpi'isnneil
:'or tlie space of ~ot more than tweuty-tiv.
lavs Provided n vet lli' less, that ine.lieiin s
tad ice. I lie dreasitif'ol vittlals in litinilios’
eiiises. taverns or hotels, nor tlie s.le oi
acid if early in the nt truing and noi alte
in* hour of 8 a. M. shall be prohibited l>y
In* r quueinen hof this nidiiiuiiee. Upon
payment ol the fine the UTmiim in or i.oting
■dtiairmau may remit ihe iiupri onment.
Sea 5. An Ibe it fiir.uer onbum'd, Ac..
L'nat no wagoner, teamster, drayman, lure. -
•r, driver, or their ue vauts or agents oi
•ther per ton w’aatever. sli.ill ply atm t the
• ity with tli—ii respective veinc es nor con
vey goo is or merchandise, wares or alii other
t i lig p-xcept baggage of and lor a p.isseli
;er or paHHj.igers for tlie p.irp tn load
.:t * or unloading a y vesa l; nor sli Utlii'e
my cat lie, liogs sueep or llt li.-r dime ol a. l
nils for tnarke or rnde. wiu.i.i tue limns
if si and <i:y on tne Sa tb.itii or L nai s hay.
■Older a penally of not less than jd nor mo e
nan 8-5 or to he imp-is. me i, not to exeae..
ti ll days for each and every oil nee. Ann
to vessel "r other w iter c.aft. exeepi s e.m,-
• rs plying regularly from p otto port, w.ueu
nay tie m ransiiu cases of in mn.eiii lati
t*r or m'Ces tty exi'cp ed uud-r in.s ord.-
tailce), shall lie alio veil to load or Ualoah o
my cargo at a y w iai'l or wh rves .a s.i >.
cy on tue SaiiLt .th or fjord’s day. nu n r a
leualty of j-5 for caCii and every "lienee.
N • keep a of any i.o nsu of eu,ert.uumeut,
a t iverit or inn keeper suad alhtiv any XeaSl
iug, liming or disorderly c induct liitine to <i
r ncii id ll.e peace and of tne iSdmatn or
•ll,er itn' enrolls acts >r behavior o.i tltt
lut ttf any person or persons in or aoout
.ns pieni Rt s oil the Lord’s and y, umler a p ti
nt \ nf .. 20 lor each t.itd every ode.tee. Fb*r
h dl it b- lawful for any pu die g attes o.
-ports or pa-ti ties, such as r eilig. sit otiUg
a t irget or ota raiae, bn iting. tin nng.
7b 1* entitled an Ordinance to Fvj Offenses
against the Public Peace. Cbifty of Lift and
Alorality of the (i<y of Darien, and for other
CJection 1. The Board of Comity Cotti-
iitn-nioiierH. ex. icisitijr juiiKtlietiou in the
City of Darien, do onluin, mui the siune is
hereby ordained, 'I hat for the |>nr)ite oi
presetvittß the pence, mid quiet. Hiifety mid
decency of the City ol Darien and the in
habitants thereof, no per.-on or persmiK.
either in t’.e night tima cm- in day time, wi I
be peiuiitted to use any pr<>lmie, obscene.
boiaterouH or offensive language: or. to enui
mit nay boistejou , liotous or and sordeih
conduct; or. to be found drunk in the
streets, Louse, shops, store or church
or other building, public or private; or. in
any lane, h|g way. wlmlf. park, rqiave,
coiuinou or ' 4her place, public oi private,
within the limits of said city at any time,
upon pain of being m rested by any Ci y
iiu.slnilor i’o'iceluan, if eouiinitteil in his
or their presence: or, upon complaint of any
citizen or citizens; or. on toe information ol
the (biainam or any member ot said Hoard,
or of any officer of said city and upon eon
victio i thereof belore tho Police Court ol
said city, he or they so offending shall
p.y a tioe of not 1 s> than F ve Dollars and
ff costs nor more than F.fty D 'llars and all
costs for each and e'eiy offence, and to be
imprisonetl mid to labor on the public streets
or works tor the space of not more than
fifty davs. Upo., payment of the tine the
-Jrairman or ac.i tg Ouairni.ui may remit tin
imomonmeiit and labor.
riac. 2 And it is farther ordai >ed. b\
the authority ufresaid. That if any jieis.u
-hall appear in an indecent, nude, or Heini
inde state in any street, lane, sqtmie dock
>t other puolic place, and any person ■ r
-gniing in person or with il 'gs. lmvis or an.,
.min 1, plays, dan.'iug g.
snouting, in otli r thing or pastime, oi u
talloweu ocelli atioli oi tiikoidel 1\ m.idm l
whatever, sa.. 1 engage m on tin- Saboatu m
.ord’s day under ape ml y ol a 4 In ex
teen _sh .o’ e.teh . kl < ve y person oi
e.C t i.iul < Very ojfem e: alia ne o vner tn oc
mpanl ol any ll Use or pi ice so a 1 >wilt„
ten OifellCe s:m 1 0.1 CO.i.lCtiou. be n.u ll as
rin wnet’aer he be ue u.tilv engaged
i. ni t .u 8U t hr ac.i of tne p nc , and .t
had be in,: il ay oi tne Otty Alnrs.ial < r
tner o—ie*i't • e, ex ,m ue tlie prem
s.:s ol ny enclosure m sanl c-.ty and at se
at it the | revisions if this sec.inu me fn iy
o nil. led W to. ami to p ace all olfe.tders and
at s .ch p.eimse on tire Inform.til >u iloc.v ,
tad he sad' have th** power to Bale, tile
nt in ses ol a.ty jieison lor tin* pu 1 pose nt
Uni ti. net .osiid p.enlists sh.ll tie 1 i le
o a line ot iZU ami to i,e held as a pa ty ,u
nid ml uces; prosecuiiafi for the same to ot
omtn uceii wituin hitecu days th’ r.
Oil . (>. And be it fill tiier old lioth, <ve .
r..a- ini' the p rposes > t tuis O.dina ce t
na,l be only necessmy Unit the disturi a.n e
,e ol sulijcielit na.ure to call tlie sudden
ntei.tion of j a-seis by if on the siret t. oi
f the eaceably itisjios and him den ot any
nouse or place ol business or public building,
or of u contiguous residence, if within an
enclosure, either by boisterous or otherwise
offensive, indecent or tuof&'ie speecii. or oi
some unusual noise calculated to create dis
Sec. 7. And be it further ord lined
the authority aforesaid. Taut no person will
be pet milled to offer tor sale any obscene ot
indecent literary work, print, picture, or any
tiling of tiie kind m any house, store, stre -t,
lane, or on wharf or common, or in any park
or square of said ci.y. tt on pain of a tine ol
not less thm Five D ■liars mil costs, ormor.
than Fifty Doll irs and costs, and imprison
ment for the space of not more than twenty
live days. Upon payment of the fine the
Chairman or acting Chairman mav remit th.
imprisonment and labor.
Sec. K. And tie it further ordained by
he authority aforesaid. That it will not In
lawful lor any one to resist or oppose any ol
the City Marshals in the discharge of then
ditties;,mi turther. that if any ol the above
Marshals should call upon any citizen to
assist him or them in making any a’rest and
.hey refuse, they sha 1 suffer the same pen
alty as .nv be inflicted on the person or
persons tnpy w.-re called upon to a-sist ii
the arrest of That any one violating this
ordinance shall b fin and no less than Five
Dollars mid costs and not more that Twenty
five Dolla sand costs and l>e imprisoned loi
the spneo of not more then fifteen days the
latter being in .lie powtVof the Ctmirnian
or attiig Chairman pro tempore t, remit
upon piyment of the fine.
Sec. y. And l> it ordained by the au
thority aforesaid. That no person shall be
allnwt and to a ssi ill bio wit a others or alone!
at 'lie elly jail during or after the arrest of
•iiiv nersan, and upon refusal to di-por-e.
h ■. she or they shall be air x'cd or placed
u mil the. intorm tion docket, and on con
v ctinn fined not more than Twenty-five
D >ilurs mid not. more than fifteen days
m jail, the lat er being in the power of the
Chairman or ,e-ting Ohairm n pro ttmpore to
remit upon payment of the above fines.
Sec. In. And be it ordained bv the an
thorny rf-ire-aid. That all arres's must he
made with a city war ant. unless tin* crime
s eommilteil m the presence of the offi -ei
or ofliceiti in which event he must procure a
•varr. nt is soon as p acticalde.
Seu. ID And be i; further ord lined bv
the nforesfl’d. Tust no pe s-'ii shall Ite al
itnvetl to keep as proprietor a disorderly
house, an ! that uo p ojuiator or keeper ol
my house will be permitted to keep open
Iter 1 ocock yaturdiiy night for tin* pur
pose of and liming, frol'cing. e e.. on pain of
ie ng fined lint less than Five ]) .liars and
• •sis noi more th in T.venty-five P i Lirs slid
costs, and not more than twenty days in>-
piisonmehi; the latter bein jin the p >w-r ot
th - t iit. rm 111 oracling Cli.iirimiupro temport
ot discharge lip it' payment ot the fiite.
•Si c. 12. A lid he ic further ordained, by
the at t’u i*tv afore—id. That nil ordimme s
>r parts of oribnauces niib.atingagainst this
oribnance he and the same is hereby u
Passed by the Board of County Cumin if. •
sinners September !)fh. :87 b
SeplO- f i ierii ana Treasurer.
155. 153 160 and 162 BRYAN STREET,
>' IY. 1 .Y.V. 1 IT, - - - GEORGIA.
T fft Pr|rfutrr *ivGuf th<* n r
if rrti ti >yi* Mini imp uv -ir.'fit*, cun now iiflVr t<* hi?*
p>j4 nil th'* c to b< obtlined at oriicr hotel!*
I lan hn n H Ad> and wh re utn hih ch. ut all h urs
unit r whatever cn be *ba u and in the inayki i.
Ko im3,with B i.ird slsoadty
I)et- r iiitiel t • be ou’ib ne by n r. a’i t R-k if* b
trial, • o iflii nt tlmt compute >*utiaUiciioii \vi 1 b
i> ivwu.
JOHN n;j mS.N AN,
Sepl9-ly Pioprirfor.
126 Bro’t ih'oii vtreef, Siivnmah, Veorgm.
Invites "lie nt lition nf lii* former puriin* Hint th
1,1,1) J,- a g.-n- IHi o lit?* IH W select ,i ,T I'l nf fi ,
Kiiglish Mint Fr n ti liigmisls.' ns iiii.-rs unit Film"
V.--lings nt ■ f i i,i* di ievst tiuiis ;iil,,|i' it in *li
s. Hsuii. Inch a it! be made up t-' order in ihs- iiiiii
*|i|irov, (1 fitrltions.
A 1 m"mi- iv.iir.iiitvd ii* mpr, i*. lited. S |il9 ly
Counsellor at Law,
it’ ILL prurMc.* in *b* p*Mio- C< nr? ’he c>nn
ii • t >!• Itfo-h Cm in U n (Jly n.\V>yu*, m*
ii inif. Titt'iaß LDhttv 8 ,- van \ h i? ih-
F>* 1- nl < r nn In c-• **f Bink'nptcy. Ac.
Pdri.CU Hr Mil* t g v fi to th* *-oll*ctioi c-f
cbdm*. nd tbic* a .uiiutiiiou o Laid Till r.
Apii *6 —
E> " the HTK. CVRItIK ” W T 1 a**
} tke n ir tin t • -ii • ii*l fei .!ly 2*l. 1874 all
MU'T BE KEI'KiPrKD **n the v\ii*rt and
!! !?►**!-Mill b ai the ri*k of the owikti* or
.T 11. MITH.
Ju io 25-tf. Cijtiii t.i (<]]}.
J. 3. L. BAKER. M. V.
< tFFKHS h'n pruf r oi ol *crv:ci(* In the
'J rp cittl ut.eiAi u given t*i dti*i .
JT**~ BiN? presented first cf ecxh month. '&T
July 11 ly.
[From the Ssn Francisco Oi.l vn Era,)
Jack Habbits.
While iiiv iVit'inl C vil<* nml my-eli
welt! out in iltc hills back of ti.o G<>!-
leii G t'* Park last tvet k, u j tok • iib
!>it came ululig nml ntoj poll lo lo- k at
‘lf I Iml tlionglit t" Lnnß mv re
volver along wo would hiV.t jack oi
toast fur bi'tukbist to-morrow,” I n
uai keil.
•‘Not with mv ronsoii',” ho replied.
‘ Wimt ic iron can you give for no
UOUSI lltlllg ?’
•‘A inlilnl H ived my nml I have
not kwh it one s’.bec, and never wib
.v It i tic again.”
‘•II or uni ho manage to save vom
io V
•‘iliree years Pgo I was li ing in
.Montana. A Hineiter had just ludi
omit, and ii rivaled a demand for hii
ver r .<-k, I owned an intereMt inn
..i t ;Li.fc had bom sunk on 3d fi 1.
i i 'k iig ti e lime had come !o malo
l .ivudttbii', 1 i otic.tilled to go tin r
It . got so.tie ore, nl.d have Jt tested.
lint so; and reaclleil tin* pb.C t j>lwl
it line to take sbelU rin lint luun
from a teir.i'le iimlsiunn I lighte
my caudle, went to t te bottom, and
went in work. 1 ban not bet n iln ii
more tha t live miunita when I
a no so t int Houmlo ! like a cannon,
li e r.,ou over uiy bead s took, ami 111
i uiuinenl 11 e oliult. belntitl me caved.
ITol T o ic m im igini! mV 1 e inga betid
nan 1 can describe litem, wliell 1
n llinl in Vs. If burled alivt. 1 tru.nbli
,iv< n tit .i i* distni.t moment. Tin
iMt.f .ii the siintt was rocks, tin l when
tij. -y came down iln vdj I not pick so
tg.,;, ()Ui. waat Die air came through
I’ ,ere was U'.iinng t ou 1 coui.t tlo
rel a-e myself. I knew Unit if relief
ini not crime from toe ou side I nu 8
perish. No one knew I had gom
.in re. A rou I ran past t;o month tu
tne ahaft, but it vas i ot. iravth and
much, ami 1 was not tik ly to aiira. t
uen.iou by ending; nev. rth< less J
h 'Ui< dat i iierv us ;1. tiny. The fo'-
ii.w.rg uinrniug I cmmueuceif callii g
, and ail day, w umcvt r i
l iiuigiit i I eaid a sound, I 8 tubed.
* Whe . night came ail ho[)4H t f
nmg ieh ast.l ha i abandt lied me
J .e t mg added great biitt ruess t'
uy st.ff r.):gs. I tawed qube a hiigi
i.uuiiin o money, ami Hiionl t my fait
it mam unknown, my creditors woid*
j i ,k 1 hub lied to (I el rad them, Uo
uy name would be stigm tUZ ti.
‘T will not dwell on the agonies I
emuiren; lam S' rry I cannot forgt t
In in.
•‘J o morning of the fourth day oi
n\ iu j ns,mmenl l iibiir<i s tini
I'iiwi mlo my grave. I lighted nit
•.mole and HAW a rabbit. There \v
j 1, one npertuit. huge enough l<
admit non; i closed it 'o j>r tea hi
dhC-i i. 1 saw in him Po Ito ttppeas
•>ty huugt r, and my Ia id was laisei
.i Kill, wlit'ii a thought oecutre
u ini' liial i.l'i Vi ntod lit) blow lion.
.1. scend iij>. I li.t-l two tiMlii.not-;
ilieir united length would reach to tin
road. 1 look i 11’ mj hlui I, tora t lute
tl iilgs, tied I I" 111 t >_'< tll )', Itlill till ti
ilio Hshline. I wt r u lona gold wakd
li 1 ; i l it* I li on In the put of lln
ill winl I cross Uit- mud. lih t
til mv. nl leaves from my duty,
.trott* on dien my ci.inii; ion, and tiei
iit'in t> unit purl ot tlie line tlml
void i In- t.ut'i'.e. I li en lied tin
end ;n nit) otti of my whirl uroumt
■I .cli’s neck unl let him out. 11;
turn r. in-lit and tin* i ml ot tile line, Jiu<
l knew ly tie way tie mis pulling
tnat he w t.-* nnt ving tit sp l ate fit
.t nip s t.. t u.- .p . b >"ti me tnggitij.
•.fnppeil, .iml knowing knowing to In
J.iCn’e chief nccoin. li linieid, 1
i i.ougnl In: lunl t ill ililllwelt InoSr.
AhoUt I I.l’i t) liolll'M IlltOi Walds I hi
■a- ion- pul e i, itiea someone cu led,
I tiifil to answer, Idil the Imaise tails
. mil'll- died ill tile citVel'ii. Iti ei
..uht'd tin- li e to allow i was not that
•‘Ad pit W sill, again, ami 1 knew
t ie mu . had tone for as istance. '1 hen
came d.e sound • t voices; 1 palled in
lie lint, ami It b.OUglit me loot!. I
I I e. k -o. t .t) liifll WtiO W ike l til till
•.aitii Him- hour-- to t eat h tin .
‘‘A vt tv in' e pint) t.ej Unit stout,
near tile s.v fi liad Inidii ike cause o.
ai. mis.or.uue. it ti i • been mad i
..outi. i ot niiii, a. u the storm Im
.il.iwii it uv* r. ii.e ifi i ibie blow l
.truck 'lie gr aiu i had caused tin
. UV' .
• J ick Lad wei ini tin* 1 ue aronm.
a b.l li, aa l tie-. liltllSeif so stunt tint
.n- w,it> i i.pristtuf'i o.dsith its si cm eo
is I hail been insole. lie was take,
i . lilWil, put 111 a large C g , a. l sup
pl.e 1 wail ml tin- r.ibtut o h* aen s tin
niaikei nfiori led. Ho, lii.w’eVt r, tin
not itinVe, an 1 the boys, b il lie ‘p “ c 'd in llioii.pi ,’ Vo ei n
ei li m .ne. He was t.ik n bi k n
~t> giinhmg grounds amt rated.
“ll' not o ly saved my hie, but lt
-ii.tme lae l e ie a* tor ot all I lie rabbits
in the> fin U‘l ttie Mini, fs 1 - Iro.u stioutu g >y te.uny n
bo biui.”
$2.50 A YEAR.
No Children.
A home without <•! ii Iren is like a
h-aveii without, nog'is. We often
hour landlords pl'eter some of thel*
tenants bee uise they have no children.
V 1 vert iscioeiits of houses t> let, or
Itoaid, nre q mlified by t‘ho words
“without ehi.dreti.’* Oinhhvn are an
incumbrance, it nuisance, find are not
wanted Supposing 11 1 ey change the
order and say, “Select circles ami
classes of society, and single persons,
md childless p treats; houses and
hones where no little lipi p a tie, no
it tie .voices cry.” How still and prim
the parlors, hmv orderly and median*
cal the company, how cold and for
mil t e salutations; there is nw romp
nor fun there, no scratches on the fur
niture nothing awry, no glee. The
/m sts are like fish—eold-b.ooded; no
lirol) of paternal feeling heats in
those veins; no pets nor playthings,
U eunsc no children are tnere. Any
>f the company are free to bring in
• kitten or poodl", wi h weak eyes,
md the c< rners of his month Btteaked
m elianinds, like the stream that flows
horn the lips of a tobacco cheWer; to
iio fonol, o and k.sse I, and li‘ on tlie
lap of its and voted m. stress. 15ut no
c iildreu.
B- tti r to swe ‘p the fl Hirers from tli@
o], belt, r pliuk the stars born the
kv: ves, let pai it and varutsli and
upholstery g", but let the children
■ome. Next to the song of mi angel
is the laugh ol a child. And the
.mart t: at can feel andean s'y, “■
hate children,” should exchange
; 1 -io<s with L it’s wife.
T- emm or woman who has fallen,
'O matter what the crime is, who re*
tiios in l is soul the love of song, of
dowers an 1 of children, Ims not yet
licen left without the ministry of nn
'c|s, to woo and win them back to
virtue. And the homo that has not
echoed to the merry voices ol child
ii o ', has not yet been hap’ized to its
name, even though formal prayers
hi iy have dedicated it t > the purpose
of a home. H ovevi r close may be
the it Mi ities of loving natures, the
bond tout perfects that union is only
found in parentage. The full heart
s never known until parental love re
veals if.
Is th3 South a Good Fruit Coun
It’ the q’lffi'i >n is intended to mean
i country abounding in good fruits,
■ve most sadly answer, no. Nothing
astonishes fc'ie r;tranger move when
raveling in the South, or on first set
ting In i'.', than the scarcity of good
Ynits; ami tl c impression produced
h\ the cireum'danees, that the South
<s not a good country for fruit, is con*
irmerl by onr peoide themselves, and
•spi ciailv I>v tin- farmers, who, with
i f-w exceptions, of course will tell
im that hevon.l seedling peaches,
Chickasaw p’ums and Scnppeiliong
rr pes, fruits don’t do well here. Tho
esv who hi ve uuderstaii'lingly tried
I e experimei t of raising other and
-npi r or fruits, however, know bethr.
We h ve shown again and again in
these pages and els. where, and de-
Monstia'ed it ill the field, that the
S >utlt is in cof the best of all fruit
eoun'rie , an I others have done the
same. Will not onr readers all mnke
ip their munis to plant at least a few
Yu t trees and grape vims tliis_fall —
out t. • t ike care of them after they
tluill have been planted ? Do you*
who are Patrons, bear in mind, as
von should, the injunctions of the
itnul of your order in reference to
jiantii g fruits ami flowers? — liural.
The Inventor of the Circular Saw.
—ln a lonely, seel ml <1 position in the
•orniT of tl e . i m I* ry near the ever
•emitifiil little village of Richmond,
X 1 ou zoo c* unty, Michigan, thehis
oran cm find, on a pure w hile marble
-l .b nearly concealed from view by a
urge cluster of hiac hushes, engraved
he simple name of “B i jam in Cum
oims, born A. D. 1772, died A. D
813 ” And who was Be: jumin Ctuu
ntns ? He Wiis tlie invent >r of cir
r saws, now in ue in this country
iml ii Km ope. Nearly sixty yiars
g.*, at Bnr oiiville, N. Y., near Am
terdam, tliis man hammered out, at
iis own bai ksinith’s anvil, the first
rculariav known to mankind. He
v;is a i o eil pioneer in Hi-lrgun, a
ii,-t et nnsin t > one of (he Presidents
f the Undid States, a slave owner
n New Y'-ik s'a <,a leading" mason
n tlie tl vs ot Morgan, amt at whose
tide the v*ay elite of the then great
■5 ate nf N. w York feasted and tiiank
tie ly f his iho ee liquors and wines.
rgy Kh tt (jromb.i, of Africa, baa
rn oe ti-e ot the ti'W cable to say to
oohton: “List tmsri nary just l>een
p,t to bake; ru!l* r thin; send souie corpulent.’*
A Michigan lamier laughed
tin he sipped his j ■ w out of joint, and
i;OW Ins wife s.J's t>Le believes iu spe
cial prov.deucv.