Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, November 07, 1874, Image 1
VOL. I —NO. 29. g)arirn uimb.t © srttc, published kvlrv SATULD.VY MORNING, I Y RICHARD W- C-RUBB OFFICE IN PHILLIP n 1 UILFIT G Subscription Rates, in Advance. For one year *2 50-Foi six months..sUo Club Rates: Five copies. orrh one year ‘2 00 Ten “ or over, each one year 150 Advertising Rates; PE" SQUARE, !0 lines spare, first insertion.. $1 Si * 1 gur.li subsequent insertion 1 or Special Rates to Ye-J.rhjan.il hanje Advertisers. Advertisements from responsible parties* will h. p ,hlished until ordered nut. when the time is not .pacified on the copy, and payment exacted accord. inub. Communications f or individual benefit, or ol >. personal character, char-red a- advertisements. Marriaaes. and Obituary notices not exceedin' ■o„r lines, so-trued for free publication. When ~x-c-e-iin" c-e-iin" that space, ohar-red is advi''"'-* ->n--t tr ,Jills lor a-ivertisemen's line upon p-osentalioi aOer the first’"sevtion. bn a spirit nr commercin' i ipnlity Will he nrar.tlp.ed toward reamar patrons. r„ avoid any misiindi-rstandittir. tin- above rules v j|t !■ adhered 1 o -v-th-nt* deviation. All letters and commnnic ti -ns -could headdress to R.cbarS W. Grubb, DARIFN. o \. I'FTYfU' E T HY. Couity Off cor-s. tin unlit C'a nmissi.oners —T P. reuse. Oh- r man .1. p. uils .'n. da oes Welker. -'am s ' aek'i-on. 1., .. Jin— ij " 'tfo-tt. Thorn s fli^nillia*. C'er!' 't n C. -Dr. s. K-t-t.*. C'er 1 ' Snn;—>or Court —'suae M \'k-n. Or tin 'try -L ‘ - is -lacks.n. S'ter-if - ! it’i-'s Rent'Ct. Tepnh/ SV -if V- Z' G ivt.m Receiver T or X* Vd i- in Tln-tnas. 7'/.r Col'i’hir s V- . Corn'y Tr- i.inr r—E P ohampp-v. •Hi- ■oitim's- oi-.-r- meet fit-i We-!n—day in each month _ „ Ma iicd’s’ OfLcu-s. f-. Off M inor —T. P. Peas--. Er-O*. Viera*** lts. • Oil*oi. ,Tame WaP-er, s i.-ek ison it- *.. Morris. I V !ii-"h. T os. Oiirm'lhit (Ve.r\ ar> I t’rrasurer— ■*’■. .*•. h-'iian. ftttr .Marshal—\-t ll E. fair Ilir'mr Ifl. /., * of.ft IV (frri-ral —ll Is ft r-'fv t. t i.v -n- morel , -it I*> -k Tut Ward'.ns.—l- ■ M ’ I—n. J n I'. Burrell, Ja— s V - C; ■ -a.-irr. 1 ! T Rnrr-ll T 7 3. --.5 o-v*. Co’lecfar if Bmnstriei District—J oku T. Colin . 1 q !S"I -s i P,r ois.viek. Deputy (.'•" r.‘ -r nf Cus'nmr for Tort of Darien— Chas I! t'o-v -' Ti-irnas’er . Pa 1 ’ • Ti • mil i I -V n e-l.i s'l -nil-at nrdav ill On* ■!■*•!; M f-r '*'*T i. -Vi \i-. id. A -V I) K R . meti ••! --•con' -i • s witli mailsirnlntr North and S.. -n Tile 111 it a'-riv ••• 'ri ll! *'< T nin-h 0 A it O. It It ev. r T i v -F > • --v t 'll s„t R I,Vl|; Mai's el-is . i•. -e .'n mil jtor h y i t o'clock. it -.'VI Tlv* ear** reli---.it s- vi-es a' I'n* Meih-'disi E Church v *rv S.ai lii-h cv.’iin at id and M o’clocl— Rev. 11. ‘t. Lockw.l .1. P-st - R.-ii'.-'ans s rvices a’ *h I-'-.i-c ivC Cl.u * , verv it iiv mnnior ir It o'clock. It v. It F. Clnte. P:s*or. R .|lir<oj|i services ,*vrv ssii’.ha ,, i at 1’ At.. BP. M. o.d 7P vt at th--co ored Biplisi Cloiieh-Rev It. Mi-tin P i t r Rein cl- -erclees everv -Snhhath *i 11 X . At . and IP AT . at the 'i-hodi-t Church (C"!ored| —Rev s Brown, Pis-or. Ma o 4c. Live Oik I. and o- No JUT in -is flr-t WednesdH- in e*--h oonth n th.-ir I! ill near t -■ A1 -tno’ia Pons-. E P. Cham -nev W. AT. A. F, Cirr. S-er. farv. CHANGE OF ? I|a3£|g (iEVK'L SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. 1 ATLANTIC AND GUI.V RAILROAD. ' SAVANNAH Octoh* rll 1H73. ' ON \Nl> \FTI.U SATURDAY. OCTOBER 12. 137-3. Passenger Trains oil thin roaJ ill run as follows: EXPRESS PASSKNGEP. Leave Savannah daily rt 4:°o p . Al. Arrive H l .1 -snii ai y ill 8:15 P. M Arrival B inhndg *1 illy at 8: IS A. M. Airivear \l<.an> <1 illy at 0:40 A. M. Arrival I.iv I Ink and ally at 3:55 A. M Arrival .1 .ok-onvile daily at 11:12 A. '1 Arrive at Td an issi.(. daiiv at P':ss .M- LnveTdlihi— daily at 2:20 P '1 Le iy* J icks •uvill • <1 lily at 2; 10 P M le ave Live Oak daily at 0: *5 P. VI Is*ave X'hanv dall* at 3;I0 P. M Is*ave II linh'i lye and l'v at 4: 0 P. M Leave .lesit.i dai \ a' s:‘>> X '• Arrive at Sa**aiii:iti and i y it S*°o A. M. S evpi'i *(* , r |-] ate. oil I. t. , .lack-D .ville. P*-s -ng.—. tVir n.*i|ii- ek 'ik This Train iiri i\ I ir at Bruiis-v r'j v-nlv ai I':; iO i* M. A rove at Bru swiekdaih.it lOC'O P M Love lines, t,*k ... 2:20 A M Arrive at Siva*nah :!i A. V Passenger- fuai l|n* ,n l n \| and 15. *:01 \ At train connect at -1 *m• th trait f or El**rida Pas Sen*r.*rs Tr*> II Fhtri la rietii-rr at J -up wit t'ftlll arriving iii Ha-on at 4.3'l P. M. ACCOM MOD xTION TR \IN. (EASTEKN niVO lON. Leave Savannah i M >ndav* Wednesdav and Frioavi at 6:50 A. M. Arrive at J -u: (M-tad ty. XV,ale* sho ad F' nia) at 12:30 P. M. Arrive at l.*,vton M*uidav. XVeditor 'ey end ’ridav) at 7.00 P M. Leave Liwton (Tuesday Thursday and -i -nnlav a! ' 5:40 A >1 Leave JejMip ('! tii-adav. T* ui-dax and Sn’iir '>*.<) at ; 12:40 P M. Arriv at Sivneah (Tn,*“d *v. Thursday and Salu.da\)at .‘ 5:45 P M ACCOMMOD \TTOV TI.'AIN*. (WESTERN DIVISION.) Leave Lt'xvton Fi:i,y iAni ti ( ).... 7:?f A. XI Arriv, at V h.si,i. '*- 0:33 X 'I Arrive ul Quitman “ 10:>1 .M. AriivertT • i-ville • 2:40 PXI oir.ve at Aihat.y. •• 7:00 P. u. Le >e AI han v, ‘ “ 8: *5 A. M Leave i hoini-vii'e, “ 2: 0P M. Leave Qiiiiinan. • 4:15 P M L'ave Valdosta, “ 5:3s p M. Arr ve at Ltwii n, •• K;OS p. M Connecting at Alhar.y w 111 Ni.*lii ' r taiti Siai’h "•-tern R dlroad. I**vti g ■ |lm:i> Snnr'ay. ' , ‘n****d x xi 1 )' , lluirsda\ and arriving at A bai v Monday Wednesday *nd Frii.ay. Trainsnn Rrtt'isuPk aid Xhanx Railroad have Jnn.tion (No. 0 A. and O R. R.i for Umiix on Monday. V”e Ine-l iy and Friday, at il:f)0 A M., and arr've from Alhany Tuesd y. Thursosv and b itmdsy, a4O p y Mail Steamer leaves Ba’nKiidgs for Apa’aclicola every Thursday. at 8 A M. H. 8. HAINES, Gen). Supt BU&SNAN’S EUROPEAN HOU^E 15, 158 ICO and ir.2P.RY.VN STREET, XAYAXNAII, - - - GEORGIA. T T, K Pmpritor *uvin<r n''c9*snrv arilitl**!*** j'thl imD r ovi'TT)<*nt*. c?m now (‘fTi*r t<* hi* all th* comforts' to be obtained at olher hotel* AT LESS THAN HALF THE EXPENSE. A RESTUIUXTUN TilK miOPEW PLVN Has been add- and. where tmesis can, at all h mrs. order whatever can be obta n- and in the market. kosms.with Board. $1 50 a day Determined to lie outdone bv n ne a'l 1 n-k is a trial.eoiifld.nl that complete'satisfaction will be •jivvii. JOHN IHi ESN AM, Sepl9-l v Pj opi ietor. FALL AND WINTER, 1874-5. EDWARD J. KENNEDY, MERCHANT TAILOR, 120 Brought on street , Savannah , Georg in. Invite* t}H :tt iition of In* former pvtmns Hiid the jMib ic in jjein ihl o hi?* low select <1 >t ch *f fi e Kiiyrlish anrl Fr-i Ii Iligomil*. i >i> im* r ;mrl F.iney VX - ic*-M <o<|-; Hclnp* and t< he seHsim. which will be made up t< order in the most anprov< and fa hioog. A I waiTdiitcd a* reprt >nted. S* p!9 ly WAIiTER A. WAY, ATTOIt X F V AND Counsellor at Law, AND REAL ESTATE ASSNT, DARIHX, GA \ ' ILL prr?ic" in t h<‘ v J p** i;>~C‘*urt-! nf )),- conn * !i solM- li <ii Cam i< n J!y i.. \V’:tyin*. \:> - ,r. !’;:{ A' I, m i'! R v.'i'i \ *sm in Tin • i •-I • - •■{' I l ii { f *\ l y . • in f : v i: i- It- oof! < t.\ - I hi y iii - ion • L’m (1 *'ii .\pl! <)— NOTICE. • (> *' T <NI K* t * i!io '•TT? C.JMIR -ill pi :J X I k n**ic fir t on Mi im Lily *>A. ni • v l’> l |ji- K'Vl IF KJ) *l th •* vvlril ;i ;< >jt i <1- Ksir <1 il; I) a* U;. ii k i llio ownor* mi • jr* s vl H. Mini. f'i'i 2*i—rf (ijimi h*i L'li ' B. L. b N !. r. jFFI’RS h s pr-*f srioi al sc vipi s lo the public, p (.'i tI i.t ei ti n pivi it to diseases O JH.Lt RETT. ' f Mils fnexenlert first of e tch tnon'.'i. •July 11 ly _’ _ J mm houseTi" DAIiIKN. : : <IK< >R<i IA. \ T \a A r additions hav • been marie in this house ’I diiriii" the j)!|s| ana.ill. and the Proprielot lak' It ph iisurc in shj iiu lo his old i>.\ i a\ !> rivii M)s and to all who desire FIR'T-CLA NS nr a me oda lioi s. t el In* is ready to satisfy tin m at the follow iug rates : Hoard end lodgin' per month S3O 00 Tahie Board •• * .'5 00 Board and mdgi g •< w eik— 10,00 Brand ’• “ per cm -2 Hi A. B. CAR R, Proprietor, M. CO fW V r, Clerk. i). t. dunn. BANKER & BROKER, Brunswick, Ga i>! YS \NO ‘iKU.S F.XC ANGF ON NVv York, l) v-iuii h. Booii. and I'hikt f lowest ma k t r t* w . Bu>sntifl H i G<l<l i*nl Silver ;ml e "imn c*a l I* |m r Infere*t n'low* rl • n *|h ci! dti >hif ctioiijt j.rompi j atu mu and to. ni:d • n** • • p>* lie:ted. -April 25-ly VcV.csti Ccu.ity High ochao! THIS M IIOOL XX IL! OPI-N AT T l 2 Schso’ Ecu^e >n th** at 9 •’<l A. M. on M NOA'i tie 19th day ol Ueiobcr, 1874, under c’larg*- of . u in s, f' t I : i ;>'.| 1. !ißei'iFrotiD ST:! > roi : . \ St t *m ill* :h p‘*‘m t-u 1 pun T u a' ien la cent ah upils* \% t! -ncti •o' ** ii- ihvy t< y m h*ive. For further L-ariicnl ,rs app'? to '* 1 v ,n ihi Board. E 3. l> RCLaX Oct 17—t f Cliaii mull M. L. iIFRNfI N O M BT Y Buis ick, Ga. Dn, G M '3H 0 N & K A 11 Y ATTOUNIiYS XV 7 A V, at II ..rac'ii ein ail tt e C„ur sol tin* B nrsvx'ck '> C.rcuit and MeliHo-h in 'll Eastern Cirmit. Darien and Brunswick made aepccialty. May-22-ly. HVRIEN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER TANARUS, 1874. WIN. ,' KEKCK. I GOT & SHOEMAKER, DVR EX, GEOROI.V. 13 NOW' prei ar and to do any sort of woik in the Bunt aim sh e line. iistnm-mad*-b-ensfurnisli ed at r as-.liable pric. s. Simp al B. Pfeiffer’s, op, o si e Ma.’iinliii House. May 3(l— - LIVERV STABLE, DA 111 r.N & GitINSWICK, GA. A. T. PUTNAM, Prt’r. May—2-tf. li l BURN EY, PLASTERER & RRICKLA YER. Is prepared to do plain and ornamental clustering, BZUCK WOBK —AND House iiuintiug in i vei ) slj Is ni short nofic". DAGIKX, GMOllti IA. BURR WINIOX, CONTRACTOR AND RUILDER, m.r.NSWICK, GA. pI.XNS and Siiccifleatimis fiirni-hed on short nn -1 lice. V il; couiraci to i-rect Bnildinirs in every style. Aim tii|,eiinien'l B’lPdings at reas liable p ices. .11 orders left nil’i the firm >■ Atwoods i Av r.-, D ir-eii, (in., w i I he attended to with „js piltth. Julv 4 tf. W. Robert Gigi illiat, ATTOHXKV at law, DARIEN* GA. PROMPT AVT! I > a:v. II leal, lepall 11-11 IS i m ihe Fust- rn •■:! dKen-* ck Circui.s, a <i i the (T n and Si,n.- (' inris al Savannah. Aj ril 25—ly. (JUOPYKAK A IIAI*IMS, A r O’iNEYS AT LA IC. UHUNSWI K. GEORGIA \KFI' L—< *om -V* cj.tloand i >lonr:**f*r *r * . ’ 7 v rl r j *I J S H >m* & Cos. \\ i p •)*(•’ • . ■ In* con ti-* ot: ♦ R tin wi V (* rct>. Hi.ti i li. i, f \ ill •li ii. Mi_r 11 > i.. S-. t*. C’wO^WE, AIT R ■ Y JTY LAW . M) XOTAiiY miLfC. dm: ns. csohGis. \ . p I. juiictic ii llie Brmiswh kmi ' ' nmi ( ir ' ii,i -. P Iru "|. solivi C; Uil ce next dm r re IVi'c x & Cherchid's sinre Jul 4-iy D. B. XV IN G, ME 5 S 'HER A\D INSPECTOR -OF Timber and timber, solicits patron age* /> Air - - - <7.r. Mh%-2-)H. !)•(. T M \(i KKNAN. D ■ ■/. a GA. ; tFF' hi“ proli s-ional ser' ’ce t >he ciiiz us f ■ ' mu* an*: vie ei y II **an he fi.nnd at ri* hours and vaud*.i:lit id liis dice on Scr,veil street n* xt •’••or io M,- VX'i’e, x' • wel.-ti tr- -Iy. o. n6rk ix s MKAyrnJA. am* lyyriscron OK Timber end Lumber. Ri"V[U ci 1 oPx siiiii.s Patronage. Darien - - - Georcia fi/IroliD&co., co" mission mkj rn ants AN!) PUKCHABI. C ACE i S j NOR H BKCN S It LET 1.1 1 cu i s lii ih?e uri. ,! •'. * tion 2ivet til’. pn 'i!, i*i orle.. Four Bflc*m " *.’ tay i ' f. . m ,„ e ' i all w* i**'*. r‘ xv, i e X* ... ,*,.. s !•*•: 3i Di .il r* S\ CK ( ‘ ■■■■••. (.’tfvts iU'i !ssd;i > vs, • crofitla, ■r* cer?, Dixpiprii', fists. <’n -" : : I : t! i•• v”. tsi t!u* ! isisr . ixtl Fever. s sad rlni trein any of •’ v. '*. t and to Cs'. on Dr. L. I 1. ,*ur*d. :i ■e l ines, and pniti-e ' ] ' April 2C-ly hi ’ ‘l.ickens . T P r ' i * T. . h** -thi • sia v *lp i ,I,; m i l ' n* j •■' M. * k sr *ri Ghto* < h! k* i • .• ofl r?> 1 E gf* t hi* #*ii** wl- msr raii-e t i nr r>-\ nr th** h***s r*.‘ck-n <*r th'**li. *nid nr** b.*it r tliMii of Lei hrevd# :or U>iug Call and take a look at them. L. ECKMAX & CO. FRESH ARRIVAL. \\’E have just r ccived a lar-re assorment of v ( OOLSof every description and var cty. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES And t-\entiling usua’ly kept in n tirst-elass OENEBAL FAMILY STORE. Citizen* of Durittii, look to yonr ii.terost end luy from us. AVe sell CHEAP and f u CASH. Come c*ery bodv and exiuuine our •j • Goo'ls. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. L. ECKSVIAN & CO., iPOAI) STREET, DARIEN, GA. (} S litUiled t-' llift Ridoe fr e of oi. Oe*3 3ii. jnSEIMI (iOETTE, Underta er3’ vVare -Boom, 137 Proiijihii n street, between Bull and Whitaker, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. 4 FIXE AND WELL SELECTFD STOCK / Mi laldc Mahoironv. V'alin:. Gialind and Stnineii (,’ofiiiis. t'oieii Pl'lcs and Trimminns al ien s ni, na-d. N -at.-si . earscs and Oarrinffvs fnrni-hed for fu nera s Ice es sf r preserviliL r remnins in the warni• st weather. R. in ns dis r.terr and, boxed. hi and e-.tppe . orders fnm 'lie coiinirt promptly at innled t Pi rso hi a ti ntion idven to all mders, and can be found ai any time at the * are-rooms. SepliMy Savannah Machine Shops and liniLEl! UOIiKS. MONAHAM, PABRY CO., MACHINISTS, ENfiINEEIvS, BOILER MAKERS, IRON AND HR ASS FOUNDERS. Corner of Ilnj and Randolph Street*, Eastern Wharves. Savannah, (Ja. All kinds of Castings made to order. En gines, Boilers, Threshing Machines, and alf kinds of Machinery made and repaired. Wrought Iron Pipe and Pipe Fittings, from io 3 inches, constantly on hand. Oet!0-3m (HAUTE IGASSMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, >O, 2% WHITAKER STREET, SAVANNAH, - - . onOlUilA. nxs ,lUST RETURN D FROM NEW YORK i'll a splendid sel.c imi of (’LOTUS, C ASS I.MK US AND V STINGS, W •I* iio i- tcL\d\ t. make nj> in rj;. V P/ f IATEGT STYLE. c )- ii• :nr r • of th*- liberal patr nag * tier* t*jf re jt r? c! i *<d c t vl ! * f' <; kss>i \n. wr TJ W HOIvB, pealf.:; in V.ii.es, liters and Cigars, 73 Ft. Julian A 154 Conmn-s Streets; < Savannah, Ga. May 16—6 m. Mark Twain’s Last. A banquet was given in ITa tford the o.lier evi ning liv the insurance men in honor of Mr. Cornelius Wai f-mi, of England. Mark Twain was called on for a speech and lesponded is follows; I aid glad indeed to assist in wi 1 comii g the distinguished finest ot this occasion to a city tvhose fame as uti insurance centre has exten le* 1 to ail lands and given ns the name of lieing a quadruple hand of brothers wolfing sweetly hand in hand, the Colt's arms company making the de struction of our race easy and conve nient, our life insuruce cjt zens paying for the victims when they pass away, Mr. Battersmi perpetuating then memory with his shitily monuments, and our fire insurance comrades tak ing care of their hereafter. lam glad to assist in welcoming our guest—first, because he is an Englishman, and I owe a heavy debt of hospitality to certain of his fellow countrymen; and secondly, because he is in sympathy with insurance and •ms been the means of making many other men cast their sympathies in the same drection. Certainly there is no nobler field for human effort than the insurance line of business — e.-p anally accident insurance. Ever since I have been a director in the accident insurance company I 1 ave felt that I am a better man. Life hasseemed more precious. Accidents have assumed a kindlier upeet. Dis tressing special providences have lost half their terror. I iook upon a crip ple, now with affectionate interest as an advertisement. Ido not stem to care for poetry any more. Ido not. care for jn 1 ties; even agriculture does not excite me. But. to me, now, there is i charm about, a railway cot iision that is u ispenk ible. There is nothing more beneficent tlqm acci dent insurance. 1 have sei nan en tire family lifted out of poverty aim into affluence hv the simple bool, of a broken leg. I Imve had people Come io me on crutches, with tears in then ‘•yes, to bless this ! em fi'-ent i.ist te flon. In ali my experience of life I have seen nothing so seraphic as the 'lie look that comes into a Ire-lily mu tilated man’s face when lie leels in his vest pocket wi'li Ins r< maiiuug 1 a i * uid finds his accident ticket all right. And I have seen nothing so sad as the look that came mt > allot her splin'ered ilstemer’s face, when he found he couldn't colli ct on a wooden leg. I will remark here, by way of an advertisement, that that noble charity which wm have named the Hartford A cidint 1 .snrauce company is iu> institution which is peciiliuily to lie depended upon. A man is bound to prosj er who gives it his custom. No man can take out ji po icy in it ami not get crippled before the year is out. Nov, ihere was one indigent man who ha l been disappointed so often with other companies that lie had gfowu disheartened, his appetite left him, he ceased to smile—said lire was tint a weariness. Three weeks ago I got lorn to insure with ns, and now lie is the brightest, happiest, spirit in thislnid—has a good steady incoim mid a stylish suit of new ba-dages every day. ad travels around on a •dmiter. I will say in conclusion that my share of the welcome to oilr guest is none the h ss hearty because 1 talk so much m>!i<-eiise and I know that I can say the same for the rest of the speakers. Growth in Man. Observations regarding Hie rate of growth in tha lave determined 11 1 ■* ollowing inf. r<*sfi,,g facts: Tl•-* most nil id yrowili takes place immediate ly after birth, ti e growth of an infant • hiring the first year of its exisfetue being about 8 indies The ratio of increase gr idnally d* creases until the age of thiee years is reached, at which time the size attaine 1 is half that which it is to become when full grown After five ye rs the sivo-edieg ii - ' cii use is verv reyiilar till the s x*e ri*l year, being at the rate for tlie aver i>f man of two inches a year. Be yond sixteen, the growth is feeble, being* for the following two years • hie; six-tent' 8 o f an ineli a rear. • Inle fr ni eight* et* to twenty (he n>- r ase in In iglit is B<*ldn*n over one hich. At 'he age of tw n‘v-five the growth cease* - , save in a few excep tioiia! eases. It la- faithi m ore h< e>' observed Put, in the same race tin m an size is a 'idle hover in ei’ies than ill fbe <• IVtl' , a fact, that will h< receiv. il with doubt by many who have coin" to r< gnl the rustic as the true model m m. 8®- A C ic’ig i w m in dip ted In r feci n ti p iifbsis-Min i r v*-r, at S’. Lini . 'to <t ■ r da', >m 1 the effect was iutie and as f r down as Memphis, where p*< water r su several inches. —Brooklyn Aryan. $2.50 A YEAR. False Hair- If you know of anybody who wears false hair, it may be judicious to men tion t> them that Professor Linde mati announces that he lias discovered in the l air soi l at the stores ‘‘little nodosities collected in colonies of • bout fifty pxorosperms which are sometimes spherical and sometimes llattened into discoidg, When heat Is applied they are transformed into pxendo-naviceUai or fusiform corpus cles.” Other people may do as they please, but as for myself I would ratbr < r pass onward down the vista of the years, beyond the purple boundaries of youth and in the serene placidity of a passionless old age as bald as a watermelon than to frisk about with noiiosites and fusiform corpuscles in my hair. This information will bo valuable for the purpose of detecting persona who wear purchased tresses. When I go to church u>w and see discoid psorosperrns playing their lit tle prunas upon the heads of the wo men in the pew in front of me, I will know that, her coiffure is a base capil lary fraud, and when I see a spheri cd nodosite parading around the rim of a man's hat, I will have sufficient evidence that the man wears a delu sive wig. The indians ought to know about this, for then, when one dashes up to a woman with a tomahawk in his hand, a knife in his teeth, death in his < ye, and a yearning for scalps in his heart, a glimpse of a pseudo-navi ce’lae balancing itself on its hind legs on that woman’s waterfall, will induce him to put up his artillery and go home in'disgust. What the aborigi nal American needs is scientific infor mation.—Max Adder. Facts About the Bible. A prisoner, condemned to solitary confinement, obtained a copy of the Bib e, and, by three years’ careful stu Iv, obtained the following facte: T e B hie contains 3.5-8,489 letters, 773,092 words, 31,170 verses, 1,189 chapters, and 66 books. The wor t f7/n7 occurs 46,277 times. The word fsnd occurs 1,855 times. The word Reverend occurs but once, which is in •he 9th verse of the llltli Psalm. The middle verse is the Bth verse of the 118th Psahn. The 21st verse of the 7th chapter of Ezra contains all the l tiers of the alphabet except the letter J. The finest chapter to read is the 20ih chapter of the Acts of the \postles. The 19th chapter of II Kings and the 37th chapter of Isaiah ire alike. Tile longest verse is the 9h verse of the Bth chapter of Es ther. The shortest verse is the 35th verse of the 11th chapter of St. John. The Bth, 15th, 2lßt and 31st verses of he 107th Pstlm are alike. Each \erse of the 133 Psaku end alike. There are no words or names of more than six syllables. Tne latest Western train story comes from Terre Haute. As the cars were moving away from that station the other day a pretty young woman came from the ladies’ car, and rushing into the smoking car, franti cally appealed to everybody to 6top tlie train. Catching sight of the con - I net or, she txelaioed piteously, “Mr. Conductor, do please stop the train; I’ve left my baby.” The train was stopped and the baby recovered, amidst the hearty cheers of the people on the platform and the pus-engers, and while the young mot,her laughed and cried and hugged her little one, she tried to explain how the baby was such anew one, that. 6be hadn’t got used to it. Ruined.— A bankrupt merchant re turning home one night said to his noble wife, ‘-My dear, I am ruined; eo rv thing we have is in the hands of the sheriff.” “Will tiie sheriff sell you ? O ! no. Will the sheriff sell me? O! no. Will he sheriff sell all the children? O! no. Then do not sav that we have hist e> erythii g. Ail that is most val uable remains to us—manhood, wo manhood and childhood. We have lost but the result of our skill and industry. We can make another for tune, if our hearts and hands are left. Butler was making a speech it E->sex, the other day, a nd while living nil m**n to pay their debts, ■mine wag lowered a spoon through tlih roof by means of a string, and : here it liun_* suspended. The crowd first, laughed, then roared, and for mic in his life the “brass of the B ast” deserted him, and he was un in tuned. Are there any fools in this ii>wn ? asked a stranger of a news* hov recently. I don’t know, replied ,he b >y, whv, nr** yon lonesome? Nine Judg< s out of ten are ai'd ,e tied, and why is it asked the B s* on Post ? Because they are mar* ru il.