Newspaper Page Text
r t 4 J. I). CIII4KTIA.V.
t j|;iiwo» SSlcrfeln souru:il,
Published Every Friday.
‘editbrs and publishers.
-;s -Strictly in .finance.
lliitei* of •Idvtrliaing :
. „ rpcr t.'ii lines for the first
• 'idSevern v-flve Cents per square .for
insertion, not exceeding throe.
!U three months .J 8 00
:.»»■— *ss
tqiiife ono year
v ., r es three ,nontbs
inures sit months ’-3 '0
Ires one year 30 00
,I,’of a column three moths So 00
, h of a column six mouths So 00
iolumu three moths 45 00
je'nnin six months 70 00 three months - 70 00
olomn six months ..100 W
,i, tt'Ol'k of every description evented
lflltlie ss and dispatch, at moderate rates.
torneys at law,
y ‘ Dawson, Ga.
f. IThaSi®
jutsost, tlkxivLL to,, t;v.
_,e prompt attention to all business en
He 1 is e ire. 2 ,v
--laiKSCKS & cost eh,
ttorneys at 31. aw,
D.til S(xr, fIEOAQI+I.
•.»-*. f.l-23 ly vr. and c. c- e n.
lion toy at Law,
*;.j ;;*.•: ».r, aEouaivi.
. • it the Co- rt House. fcl 23 ly
2. 0. .-L CHATHAM,"*
DiAVuO.Y, «r.tiRC! \,
. . W’< si corner >f Public synure
'iNi r.' . ■ ■ piactiee cf Medicine iu til its
q.i to t?u» treatment. of**-** *
,-:T ' tiling of either sux ; and to the. treat !
if all “Peret ditseHN^fl
... fc t. .IM by.letter, describing ope,
'.lion, n-d habits; and giving h» aecu
:i;,n of all the symptoms, duruiion of
e., And entdesing \2fYl* Sto* m
'lv 1 1 11;• 11 mail he ''ill fotwnr-1 ult ot site
unv nv tik i: os with full directn-ns. 3 lv.
A'sTra u s h S h b esc,
YG Vi. 7 Piftfessiorml Services to tile ctt»-
-.! il'W.-on :iml the an r< undine c«»mitr-\
e.i'U Ho ; el—unStrtirs. ftl>23Cm
m. D. tt. FARmER~ t
it Ut-c 11. .ir'rirr. >. f f 01. f 1 Vi.
tt.Silf near />;t ivson. fa.
■ \] .■• > 4peri-;noe of 20 vears in the jvftc*
( T meci't’ifM*, feet*> qu lihed .to mat
ir v f .cu 1.-d to *n.-ad, M. 23 f
- ti* L. J. P&iliZM MAN,
« •
i-» prdf«*»sif'n -] services to the citt
-0!»if .»! ittifi vin’mity as Pmfi'l')-
rtjWr.i Hern. Office at his Drug Si'ne
ha* M mL,c Hal!. .Also t«kt\s this occ**’on
■ ■ his oW Hrrpy fiie.nds, who are cpust-autlv
his rtdviec by letter, to apply to some te
'!e physician peisoimllv, • whew they can
i4»ij'cases properly examined, and >o pro*
fer. marl ii,3m
'. J. D. HOYLE,
i’ be found at, my office. In my absence
on) office he will visit or presetibe for any
it may require it, and will, in connection
' self, treat any cas* that nnv be en Trusted'
ire. C. A.. CHEATHAM.
in, Ga , April 6th, 1866.
• ’TCII v AM)
.Dawson, O a.,
prrparod to rto any work in bis line in the
{ \ 23
j. g7ST '
>3 B >:o*V, .* : Georgia.
; 2 all kinds es Guns, P'ntols, Sowing Ma
■') tic., etc. 2 # ly.
'hivtsi Cornet' Public Square
' 6* l Proprietor.
* M/tsu. ill A niSMMOi 9 ,
, s JjW stand again; near tfi# Depot, ready
* a ‘ wo ’k in his liue of business If vru
"’7IH<* 1 H<* W >!l work at old prices .and
wona »t old prices, if preferred, hut. if 1
_ P'V present prices for provisional must
har.''-.' pr ’ Cea for work -
K 11 me one of tbr'best wagon makers
*- eoutltr*.
Pt:; '*•- '
New Livery and Ssje Stable,
\v'i.v *■?' du
Mi v T v '
- ] i ' o 'jo.
* iW
D*A. AV"S O N # ,. GA.j
lAO W. W. PARS'.-JI, k.-rps Rood'
r*-' slock, good vehicle*, and g uo ,l drivers, aid 1
19 prepared lo aeud p.iaseegeis to any of (lie ad
: jnniiß C,.Unties. Hacks at the !>• [At <,n ih o ttt .
rival ol fadi tr.iin. f, 2G ly
SO.V :u T 331 rtf G- GO o3>
/"ULT, OX FItI.VCJ: A- Ml Mitt. Thrv
keep on hand »« good suoply of
liiie G qnora, Ligu-p, Tqbttcoo, Oysters, Sardine?,
tc.t fT.ey hftv**, iu conri-etjcir with their e»?J»b
lishrcent, i well arranged
with the most popular improved fixtures
Dawson, M«rch 2, 3 id
Ca bine f S liop !
.// their Old Sismd on toepot Street,
\ p r ppared to nuitiufa^uro Furniture, such
x V as Bureaus, Wardrobes, Ta ■
bbs, VV r as!islands, etc. Wo am also’prepared to
put up window £a?h iu the heat style on short nojice.
JKS.-E ftprl3,6lll B 11. BR'iWAS.
OFF&RS his Professional Sorvioo to The citiz-'na
of CjiU'kitsmvhatcfocey Gc;. 9 m,d &e
surrourd’ng coiimry.
A m l 14th, 1866.
.Tits. Pitz/rera I<l,
*/«* SitZ!2 9 tiG *V 12rose: »*.®, ‘f,,
J ? p-epared to fit up, on short no*ic a , and a*
I reasonnlde pi ices, as fine boots and si.os as
eiti be put up in 'his country. His long expos tenet*,
•and high repu'ation as a work-man, is a sufficient
guarantee of sitisfaction to ttics * who may patron
ize.l im. lie has on hand a fine lot of
Drench Call Slcins,
wl a;h w:!i lie worked up to order. If \ou want
eood wnk, give him a call. apr2o Stn
r r I N \Y Id E !
ViJ E h •» just received, at our store in Dawsoft,
V a lexr » ':» id a c « nmeut nfer m :ki rv
and tin tfare, which we are prep..»cd to sell at ex
ceedir-g’v low pijecs. Come nod hnv.
r.j.'27-‘2m 13. s : b & ERO.
-• **- J V
.iliiitßcry Store ii I'awsoii!
1 JRg. O, K. BEAJA.TIH j''"'
M » «Vo : ,-0 ftlwlilKl of Mill -:-’V
Ooo.;?. H.-r h-UR Hud* *re very liXuafiil,
„naoi the Imlest Piv’e.-. She is prepared to Him
aril repair 1 .i’S and bomuta op shor t no ice.
l.'d'eft firm the eotrvry are, and to call bea
f| ii cl,a«i»e, as !f* >! e i'i-fi and liter cannot be
lift* r Mil ed in siyleaor p he? cleeal ere.
T c n be i. tt'id, until I ip't in my new store, ..t
the storeoi King, Ctit. & Cos. uj.2, 1m
(Next to Harper &• Hat him'-)
DAWSON, - - GEoneiA
% KF. receiving and offering to tlie public, a Urge comple e assortment of
It rugs rbs! Ifdicinfif,
All fre-h and »00.1. We arc supplied with every
rrWr u-unliv liep' in afi s' «'• ' I ,!n - i ' ,ar ''-
Wc «11 Pull br»«s, Dye Stuffs pain's, , etc -
For Cash or Produce.
f-sr All Ol d IP; and prescrip icus will ha prompt
lv attended to. spr^dtf
1 LL persons to the firm ofGlwk
7\ Vvi. Block wilLcfU OU M. 8. GU** and close
the t»ntne bv note. Otherwise nil HCComUfl will b
imm 'dia'ely pkeo 1 in ?u»t. The busiiu*® of the
Urru imi-t*ami will bs clo-ed.
A pill 20r-5m GEA%> & WHIT DO- K..
A LE perrrvH indebtfd to the oßtAte of W i’.liam
±JL Keel, late oWhlhoun com tv, (Weaßujel* are
hefflhv noiifiud to cpme forward and make pay went
mnnediaUly, anft art person?TnritJin*: vlvW**’* «««in«c
Slid ettate are hereby iboUlied to pics* nt tho:u in
accordance with law. B. I . I'RAi,
ftprl 3,8 m Aduij^uWrutor.
HNOSEdA Ni will practice in fill the cou> s
• of the South western, in Irwin of th** •'South*
ern, Coffee and Aprd : ni of the B-ucswick, and
in pat of the courts cf the Pataula Circuits.
Office on Waal ington Street, Opposite 'he Ex
press office, Albany, Ga. ui.iv 11 ly
u> ch rsiri. 'il will at end to any 1< K’l hus,-
A ness Ptitrua id to Ids cue, in Ssoj»ihwcsriro
fJcor.'l* Ollicf at Cu hers, K.udnlph cu , (.■•
_ S n-TT
I). S, DCU.KA, 3 ‘ L ' U:iE
fiyllF, underei m-il t:.*f pleasure it, tiotifvlnc the
| £ traveling public, that llie Clif w ills Hotel, (late
lhe llowaid House of Euluuls, Ala.,) has under
I gone * thorough rtfi'liug, »nd- is row open for
1 the ,ccomo3i»Jiiiu of the travelling public.
The preae"t Propiieloia will spate no expense
: to m ike it a
A splendid corps of attentive Servants have
been rtjtfafired ; sod wc (Jitter ours'dves that tve
cat pi trte the moft fsstidimis. Giveusu trial.
i’UTLim & I. A MAH,
I il 6ra. Proprietors.
BAM'SOy, LA., FRIDAY,' JI .\E 1, !«(;<;.
/yi i ? Calbomi < t>ii»ty.
VJ \\ )ierent*, ,lo*iu T. J'9ct* npplio- to tm* for I,‘t
tcr!t (it iicJminlstnolon on the e.9Ute of Pcuclope
l-recnmn, lute o{ si.j,) comity, dcccis. d—
'l .H itiyotie therefore, to cittf and ndraonbli Ml
peooiis concerned to he and nppnir n.t my ofiico
_* illiin the time prescribed by lnw, riiJ .how cause,
,1 stirV exists, why said 1.-tiers should no' issue.
Ci v < n under uiy hand and olllci -l soMt iture. this
Miiy Ist, IStid, VV. li. (JUIKe IS, U -.l’y.
( * J OJM.S.A, Terrell« :
V. 4 WhciOts, W. J l'.irk. . t;;.pli. eto rmt for lel
leisnl riisini sion from 1.,e adinmislr.iion of the
cs'.'e of J. ~\i Fi»7. or l.ite ef.e.vd cutely, dec’sd,
There are,- tlmifnre, to cite and admonish nil
peifn ..•• coif ,• fi«*d t ’ be* uiid nrj.t :t at i.-y effi, .
wiiliia rim rime pre.-cribed by l iw, and ahow enure,
if any they lijive, ain g'rid leiluis 1 onld pot issue
(liven under toy hand and official - .jnature, this
April 11, I Slid. 6rn T. JI. JOXIM, Ordinary.
1 1 E<Ml«ia, CftlhoiiH 1 «uulf:
U Wireless, Th.uPss J. IdrQvvtt a: plies to me
lar letters of (*uarui uifilrip i’.jr tl,c p.-mno end prop,
erty of Wiiliam. A. Bionil, lull) of r aid c, UOt "
■There are therefore to rite and admonirli all per~
sons cone mrvd to be and appear at my olti-e on
or before thre.lirat,Monday jn Jipie nexr, to show
cause, if any, why said leiu-rs should r 'it be issue ’.
Hi ven under my lir.ud and offi. i;! signature, t ir
Ap.i1.22 lb(i6. W. li. UEii'HX, O• d’y.
rt ii(- Uial i . CttiiiOtiu County:
Vj Whereas, Nancy Gray applies to me fur let
ters of administration on the . scutspf Daniel Gray,
late of sairlfcoun'y, d'-c, -d—
--• These a e, therefore to cite andadmoniah all per
sons conqerned to be and appear at my olSca with
n the tiinejn escribed by lire, and show ecus- , il
ativ exis sjw itv mi hi let lets .-tioul 1 net he g, autr .1.
And r- (DD
G ven under my hand »r<l cßicial Bix*n»turc, this
April 22, 1866. • W. E. GRIFF IN, O.d’y,
/ TevrvM cSuuly:
VJT Wliere.ip,'Juhn-Buckabay appms to me for
letters of arimiii’S'raii-'Ti on the rs are cf rs. W.
Ueckiibay, late of s.iid cpusity, drcM,
These are, tin refore,*to eife and hdmonish oil
persona concerned .trt be and appear at mv offij'
V-rbin the Line bylaw, and show cans 1 ,
if any, wh<- paid 1 tics jdwmld not 1. • gr.intcd.
Given »r !>*r n« h :nd and offi id -if nature, tl.i •
May 11, ltUd. 1m T. M. JONES, O. dinary
f ' fyOZii-:i A, ittfrcH Caiintj :
A.I~ VV r i «-•- .*», Abi ah •rn Sas'i r a}_ jdi-s to me for
!> i ers of dbrnisNiou from tin* »scare of R. S.
H w-ks, lattoof said c -unrv, dec- ased—
Tii. -e are, (l.erefoie Tv cii. l and admonish all per
soi s concemed : o .tparar my ofii-v wish
in the p-r>r -jbi dbv ! i‘w, ayd Dosv e.u , i:
any ex: , why sn i h*t •• I ■= -In tsfd noi be g..voted
Given uc.der mv hand h-i.l < Hi. i ! >-?£?»a.•»«•«», 1! is
May 11, 18Go. * T. M. JONES, nbn .y.
p .;•'<> ,:IC.L S, Vvrr< If, ('ouaty :
VT W a;ea : , Lmiisi. fmv- il enplieS t • tv, * <op lor.
icy of from the estate of J-/J. Po-vtll,
late of said county, dj»c>*»svd—
These are, to <;ite and admontah all *vr
son> coinernrd to be nwd‘appear at in >• i fii v. Mv*
in the time r i -cji' Iby law,- and Do y c.iu j e. if
-ft n v exht*. why sail, ",ir J Hh-"-’d oof be gran'eu.
Given u d-r my hand and offi i l - r d-.r', «hU
T. M. J- *N‘ C . hi. iv.
of dismission from the estate of William A vent
late of said couuty, d< a’Y sed,
Thepe are therefore to cite and adiiion*®h all per
pet s concerned to be and appear »it mv office wi h
tn the tirnr* pro?;*:ibed bv law, to «!n \v cau-e, if
err, why s:,id le'te- . should not !.,* granted.
Given uri’-'t* my bal dai and : ffi ■? i A'nature, this
Miv 11. Hi‘6. * T. M. O.d’y*
VLL person* indebted fc . the sol Wiley
J. ,I'hiisf'A#'"' jßEiram G. Johnso.i, or the
firm of J hn«on & tire rrqii'*.v‘od to-coTOe
fee ward and .ae?th‘ a r once the ♦•-■s 4 - s imi-t be
closed up. 'I K'* bocks a: and papers r-ui hC found
in the bands of Simmons & Coker, attvs. at la*\
forscttlem utAid e -‘Vc
L S* A N . .T. .TOnK-ON.
mav 4 ts. Adndr. k Admr’x.
. ; y
C* TXTY rlav? at'e l ' <1 ’!<■ Nr^n T i<" ! on wll b“ r.n. l "
I s ' to tli.i-rniri ofOr.Upnrv of Te-rc-M (*•», foe
! e , vp to .'1 'll,, 're I rptelp hflongirg to the es
..•Oof WHIi-m O li, deccoso l
M t. 8 fftrl M ARY OPr.T, Aditi x.
\T 1, iMirFO'i’ imicb'e'i to the p?tnte of John .1.
c-mri«oo. dn-o to
m .l;o po'-mont, *nd the- > 1.'.M1-jj cl-'nis ttgs'ml
l„i 1 ,» to to ure-ont th, m in >'n« o f 'V U».
M.V 11-40. w. O. PTVroOX, Kx’r, .
coMWissinn iu r cu 5? *t\
No. «6 Cotninerci il St., & S3 Levee,
ST. I.OM IS, .MO.,
DT'AT.F.h!' in H'ecin?. Rooe, Bacon. A'■ Also.
in»nufncMirer»'of the McGrow 1 fireei'lcuf
Bone. Soeci..l attention given to filing orders.
April 2ft, v.!*
and Rc^il
A'iil C V.-« r> vler« T*: , “ HJo. V,
Chercv Street. .ISttCOtt, del. 2 ,1
i \ ii ia
C» C*3SiO.VSi Ejf.ET ST.,
M. M forri.ANn, T. J ( '*** os,
Mon'trom rv Ala 57 hen. v 1 2 • * ’.
c! J.ifon, - Gears< v,
M mulactt r.-is, Dealers iu ands in|>or'(-r. of
Docltfl ttr.d Tsiblc « nilery,
r®' Their slock of Fishing Tackle is unsu-piss
-d in ih- S-uth, and they elf r til greatest inducy
nier-ti to the trade in etui y branch of t‘ <-ir busi*
ness. * mar 30 Saif
1)R. cr R. MOORE,
f i'ESTOJ*', 0.J.,
■\TrILI. continue ti e practice of if< dicire in all
\f its branches. H irir.p h«d extenpiv# expe
rience anH process in the fpfauiicnt of “Dscspfs
of Female#,*’ he will pay epochal a*ten? ; on to that
D iff I:: • P sou M '»ch S3, 3m
Ua, t Cirfh bcrl, Gre^ r ; f a.
; jjI?AITIsNG A 'i'AHJAi?.
fIY MAiilO.V i’OH'EM,
Men. I.aßwll' 8 wnn t! o inotlol of n j,. a J.
ous.wife—alio never weut to Lml till * iter
biuiluHid (Vns srtiu and moiiiu] irr his rmiin,
'itnd .-lio invmiaWy’searched h s jiocLcU to
see it they contained contrciiund.
Sfio was si. very fretty that sho.pii.rht have*
hern perfectly easy, for certnTnlv Very f w
coffld upproach our fair heroinain her per
sonal appearance. She had hcen mat ried
tsboiit seven ye tv, and had done her 1 e-t
to unnry her husbaud in t-vefy possible
shape, so far ns the fairnes wps concerned.
In every Otlnv re.-peet see was a tn asure
she hn'efl flirts, and boldly de..onnceJ
Itietn ull; both ina'e and fenia'e, an s. me
ti.ii g «ois> thrm fools in iayl'e.t, uni
soraetiiiug still infinitely worse in morals
J lavin'? broti'rht her husbanil a yood lor
■ tune, she felt independence so un
pleasant lo husbands when a woman plants
her back ay ain s’, her marriage certificate
and defies her leg:.! lord .and master.
T.c: e'h V, V :,o u:. retihy very pad ol
irijrTvife, e w-n htvy-t .
and repntef'lils s lc'soiro'w vvat tftjit" tro-*
surd suspicion,> liich d.stnvr-ed his menu,!
peace, ajid ri'icetbnes scrioudy interfered
with iiis [irofes.-imt. This she find earned
to such an ox'ont that; he hud reol’y co»t
lemplated advertis nf? t!mt 4;o yriung or
pretty cl cuts would he attended to in con
|nc-nee of i! ■ sensitiveness of his wife.
Their dri es in (tie Deis de Doillognp
were Iho*most amusdug thing! iu the world.
Y. urn Madame. La eellcA saw a eafihigo
approaohm -wl icli lied yny of the fair
sex, she would tippear to dove her eyes all
but a little eorncx, out <-f' which she looked
wifi, all her soul. Dill imo is insutifeient
to di'sc tire th.- tatumr. us met hulls the fair
Julie I.ascellcs h dos plaguing her hus
bn I out of hsl so fc'onietim 2s a client
would.«nil ujikrii him tit lis house, wfietv
upon ti.e sßspirio s would plant her
self at ihe key-hole and gicedily drink in
every ward that p ssed between them.—
Ml-!joned clerks, way-laid
in ssengers; and, in fine from becoming the
delight of las i f.* a ~ v.a,s h-s lt‘c hum:.
ror of every other woman in iho world.
.' he deel .red-these as mnneesto be all hy
pocrisy, and given with the s lo intention
of deceiving her.
Ti.-cu hotis.-ii: and wap oomj used of the
* females that could be scaped to
f?.'tiuT: A m ita erie of orang-outangs
•you; i compare favorably with tbeir batch
ol 0.-rnc.'t:e servants. Dikes were made
by his friends apon :i—p. i Ity of 1 is, and
v r en tee iiiteriiattonul fair Was being or
’■■ihix and, I'ftttriimrf, "giuveiy pruposed that
he house!] 1 i ol J 1 Lascetlis should te
s. nt as tt .-p cfiien of all that was h deoui
in the world ol De..u‘y.
mtAis. Lasceliea was sluing 'in his tfjh-e
one n*...... tijjr tthen a uoto was handed to
Tl o’TI • - > -
o eiK'd it Hith great, ecj linimity Di s, ite
h~r co'dtn SS what r.r:n of rtmv-fivo could
I e jnscL: .bio to such a plea ant Inlet as
, “My friend, I tttn n tv man of
liv. a u 30 I have ae n‘ Vim I
i ]uv.' you. Cm urV tviiimph v.:.0 int j
moi'e iiimn'ili'.ite than ruura. 1 sttvv you,
unil I loved You se , 7 mm amk, that I 1
ulibreviat hia uisjuitvli I . bail die il Ido j
not tell yon t your face, low in-j
cxtrioably my liapp n s.s is bou and up with I
you. List n—i titii married to arm u who i
adoi-iw trie, but*l love you—<■fc.v « you only, j
You tire not human If you are in.-e sihiu j
to my bom c-e. If y u ar., 1 die. I know
where you live. I seen yu- wif -, a!- j
though 1 have not tlto hols r of her tie j I will be in a t-arri g' :tt nine
this evening, nt the eorir'Y of litre
llonore. Approaifh the driv r, and whistle
' tlrriee, g ntlv- T. en say, A ettJornc.’ It
he rep! ' s, *Bt. Clout!,’ open the earr ng
door and you wll -tin 1- Margtier.te Do
notspeik to me till ve. ttrr.V i at our desti
nation, w hich I wii leave you to select.
‘Adieu, 7?70a 77 7/7 'V / i ojily wiito the
truth, when I add, I love y u tru'y and
tenderly.' 1
Lascellea turned the mite o er,'looted at
the seal, which vv s a Cu;id • neaping from
a cage, li -Id the paper up to the light,
while a (ju et smile stole over Ins sedate
Afier a few ln'nutes’ rail cti n, lie put
the billet in o his pocket, and walked to trie
othce of his Iri nd, Mare. Caussidiere, tiie
eh el of police.
“Momdttr Laseellos!” evc.hi'nmd that {
genial and co'orsal pc:son, “what eau I
have the pleasure of doing for you V '
“A u.i st iriroor'uit serviee—-not so rrruoh
for me as lor t> s-ii ly.’*
1 Ah ! vou itlerest me ! Piv.:< ed.”
“I need not remi-nl you, mo» clur Causi
'ejiere, of the recent nivsteiious disappear
ances: for instaaco, Moris.our Guerin,
some e'ght ninths since, t!u> Cheva'ier do
Bo.ugars tr t over three months ago, and
not three weeks since Lieu. Lassierre.—
Now, I think I h r. e found a clue to this
myst ry.
‘ You delight me,” sai l the thief of
police. !
‘Yes; here is n letter I Have received
ly, mi si in uni-!■#/••• n person—it-eeenn >o ho
in a woman s haK'dwriting, but the real
K o.. tier may lo a man—as l strongly sas
pel it is. Now, Ido not intend, my dear
Mar •, to be ar.o I e mysterious disappear
ance. ami so 1 want you ti assist nu in
caging this heuutilul decoy lird who Iras
lured so many to their ruin ”
After some private teaversat.'on, *v!th
which it is not ueeessaiy to makothe road-
I er acquainted, Luscelle- returned to his of
fice, having arrange 1 wil l the chief of pr
-1 ce the programme if ti e »ven ng.
Upon his return to his houro that even
ing lie lou. and his w ife was quite iu .isposod.
tsiie was in her ora Loudptr, reclining en a
hnrngo. Ann tie*, her l'avcr te* maid, was
sitliug*on a low ottoman at la r feet, rcad
j ing to her nisre .r a charming roni nee,
I where tire lover in le-ally for cnce tire hurt
' baud. .
Mie iiiled her eyes languidly us I,as
eelles entered ffio I'parlment. while he
b.v laise her haul t-nd kirsed it, ex [Messing
his regret that business of great importance
called him away itn.hndi itely after dinner
lie rose,on 1 when he had partaken of a
slight re] mst, }k> went to renew his n|#-'o
vies to ids wife for his unuVoithiblo'absence,
t• pon enterin-r his wife’s f,ou<fo/r,' Annotle
met him with raised finger and bushed
"'ice, faying, ‘'Madame is asleep,”
H' l ' husband expressed the pitrfoitn rest
sorrow, and said, “Should she awake, tell
her f»uiil reiu u In an hour.”
So saving, Im descended the fta’rs, rm !
hastened to the rendezvous.
• ' TiT.
i ho iefer tt-s no ho'ix—'hero wos the c- r
r:."t 7 ’- 1.-ici-lie, rrsvo three low whistles—
tho driver <l. ( .sr:,Jod fsom his sort. “Ven-
d 'OK, said I.ri-iH-l! '-, in a vo'oo The
m in open'd tho eurrings, let the stops down,
"i -l Le e' lh;s. the nt xt minute, was by the j
side of si lady elosefv vtii.'fi.
“I am h. re,” snid hr, *‘-is vno- told me,”
'1 ii for unknown pres rd Ids arm, bu*ov».>
d'-wo aim ~ for s< IV short;
•’ ! nn -t'co, SppPBUiM e- *r
head out of (he oorfeh and s-ait), “Stofvhr-re ”
liaising tho gloved hand of (he mvsto ions
Imy ti his lips, he gallanllv kissed it, and
opening, the carriage doer, depended. When
he had gsiued the’pavement, ho said ;
“My de w madsme, permit me to ask you
to defend from (lie carriage, F lirjve prepar
ed a pleasant lit l!e cntortainipent, which,
1 hope, will prove an agreeable surprise for
yon, and r ise mo in your estimation ”
- iDo lady fcowu.l, and decendoti in silence.
f , she house she eutered was a very Laud
«Ome Are in the Hue S'. TFonorc,
“W ill mail ime ascend the stairs lo that
room on the Jeff
N it perceiving that Mows. Laseeliis had
h ft the house, tho lady entered tin room ; it
was empty;
hhe took seat anq ]ook»'d round the room ;
svas nos! ly, aim >si rl garrtly furnished.
.en minutes passed. Bhc het atne impatient
(oiicg to the door, die found' in w is 1 eked.
'*! hat is strange !’’ said she to hcrsilf, “hut
her.) i. a f oil ; I will ring,”
In a few minutes the d< <>r was unlocked,
a ’"l a n‘M in tbe,»iib of a poliocmau enter
ed the room.
"M !iat duos niadarn’e r«qu : re ?’* said he,
bowing respectfully.
here ii tl.c gentleman who came wilh
me inquired tl e lady.
“Ti t hay'left.”
“b' b•' ejaculated the lady, “it ia tiinpog
“lt is tiue, for all that,” rej-dued the of
fi dal.
.‘’L-l ho know .1 was waiting Lore for
“Certain.b.,” returned iho otheff with a
gr .vo smile,
? ‘‘Are you sure of it ?” eagerly asked the
1 lb- b ft immcdiutvdy after mall-'
1 ills ;. Hi Irtvrf.”
‘•I i,o char.;-against me—you aro road*!
'I Lera is s- strange lai.-tikc in all ti< l '
“The chief of [y’ico is uot iu the habit, of
making mistakes. ’
“The chief of police 1” almost screamed
the !■ Ty
‘•Yes, road-sine, you are here, jn one cus
tody, charged with tr.i -g to scTut-o -M. i.s.
Laserlles, which you know is a mi-d.-muae
it.” ’
“I< is quite a mistake ; vo r. n s t let nc
gr ; I murt see M ms. L i-.- !l--s ’’
“M.olati e, it is ttit painful du'y to tell
, you '.hat you area pri»JUer, As Itr g-utig
to see.?i[ ns. Lascelles, (but is tr.nceesßsry ;
he will be here t i-rn.-rr >tv ro u'l.iag at ti n
ti. 1 ck,.when ho will aj ""ar to prosecute the
! charge against you. T prcbutue you are
; aware th<re hive lately bteu several inysfe- j
' lions di.-rpp arf roes of ui' rT'-d men. Is 1 1 I
:!ongb a the ta-j.ieiou t.f tho u lijesu-hdf
i i'i.s that tbry have txi n inveigh and away-by |
. tacatiS of l.idi..a who have app-.iuii-J assigns*
li us with them, for'it is not <v ry gentlc
i men.who has the iucorrupublo viiitic es
! M J)S. La* lie*'.”
The lu'. ■ 1 noupod her foot with rag--. ‘I
-d mand to bo Hb.-ratcd—.rt all tv rata do h,
■ tbe f vor of sending to M ins Lasoell sand
; to*.! him I must see liuii imm-di i: -lv.” "
i ‘‘Ma.lan c, nor md rs are imp ;rative. S '
; indig..ant was he that any nrie sh.oijd try to
: supplant hit v ife in his h-a-t, that he eiid,
! ‘I am resolved to fulfil tuc duty I owe tu«.-
cie'y and to M-idiurc LoO' lies 1
Ti e 1-idy wa.ked abi u‘ the rm in Sflre a
cag-d tigress.
I oVeu will permit me to write to him? ’
she said, angrily. ‘
I ‘-?.l idaini the ends of justice ernn IL
conipreixrl.-ed ; what you havf lo aay totl.e
. pr. se .'ur i n.eiSt heya'd iu c air", publicly, to-
I nn-rri v; tie riling ”
; “Imp Lie ! I roust »*e him. Ii is as
much fur liis sake as mine 1”
The iifnc. rshfn.k Li-heed. Af cr a r nose,
tjre lady s id, “I must then see the chief of
poiieeg ho is a particular frieLd of uiy Las-
|- “And have you a hil.-band ? Ala-! nrad
arue, this a gravitis tin <” And the
Lore -t efib id seemed r ady to weep.
“I)j tne the fayor of sendiag tho chief to]
me.” [
The official h wed, and left she room.—
When he had gone, the lady gave w*<y to !
her rage.
“Was ever women in such n ter rill r pr: - ]
dic&Qient ! Ire chi sos polio-', a.t a ,
frh nd ■ fmy husband, <1- cs D-t knew w< ! j
and they are s i nceustomed to be t il •
fdsch. o<ls, t! at he w ill not hi li< vo rue ”—i
As she said these w-rds to Lerself, the chief j
enu red iho iq arimcnf.
"M-darre, in compliment to your rex, 1 j
Lave obey, and your wish, althouga it is not f
cu.-tvinavy h r me ti have private inter, i ws ,
\vith*| r:» •ners.” • j
“1 am obliged to yen,” rep’i and the 1 dy ;
will you favor tne with your aMcmiuL '( ’
“Crtai: 1..”
“As you arc an intimate f icn-1 < f u y liu: • ,
band, I h!ve the less hcbitatieu iu asking
Thaeh i> f bowtd and stuUfc'L
. ‘-you must knew, Mis do Cauisidiere,
that 1-y way of a joke, to test, in fact, the
li-hdbv of ray husband, l played him a
“How very wrong to tricks upon
your httsl and,” observed tho chief, with a
quiet sßide
The 1 uiy continued ; “I, therefore, sent
him a left r in disguised Land, and signed to
it a feigned-name, a king him to meet mo.
As l changed cnrifely the style of my dress,
at and rive tho thick veil you sec I have now'
on, he did u>t k--n w n.c, hut Las driven
homo and given me ini.i y. ur custody.”
As she said tilde words, she raised her
veil, t-nd disclosed tho lae*e of Db.dauTc do
“hat you say may ho true ; Ipt mad—
dame wi 1 p.ri ai qui-n-pr of of t -is
strange stt ry. A h>dy to u.uko love so Iter
own hn-tar.d i- an heard cf since the diys ct‘
Cysns lb- Great To doubt their fidelity itt
uot to t diblo ;nth j ■), I have known
j savorfl oases inysrli cf tha' iu-iny own ex—
! p ricne-o- Du what do you r. quire of ti c,
1 ti. . ■ 1
“\Yhv, r. 1 him> mo, and scr.d ate hoBH! to
| Mon.- l>.-e iit-s ”
1 'T* - - i- t •«'. »yUnw ra Dt
j ej'u li'ilttd, 1 sucre ‘ It is not usual to
; send a jins .gir foxlia hou .e of the prosecu
tor ”
‘ Biik lam his wife ; even now ho ilie
greatest dmtross of mind at my mysterious
disappearance 0 ! tn- p-i- ur, he is so fond
of me, that he wifi m mad if he is kept in
SUB) etlbe as II my f-to ”
'i'hc chiei it p diet v a l.rnnd grirt as he
g-as, “in that, .-.a- ! tv li com 9to mo to
report y .ur ti: u-g- n tice.”
At tn is uoaiit- .. .1 .(he r cntc-rJ to room.
*'A gentleman •-•.ish-s to - o y u about the
d*.-'Tp' a ranee of Li wife ”
1 If his ii am i- LoooUc s, show him jt:to
this apartment.”
The nextminute Myns de I..seellcs oor
fi.rr.ted’ his wife.
Vi o need not pursue tho story in detail
further. The Wife wis so eltarni.-ii with In r’s fidelity, that she forgave hint the
temporary annoyance ho had put her to, of
*u hour's imprisonment; and it may be men
tioned, cs a pro knl hi r enorpleie uittnqrH
over joalvusy, that fur and .ii.estics are not
now selceii and tor taoir qu ilifieat'.ono of anti
quity and bomi-litt ss.
Vi a tillr>k it is h'gh tint* that Oonsin I
S dly Dil ard, Captaifi Ilico end w< r. ;
tig;-,-a iir.-oytit to the memory <)f the public j
They diner vo to he reproduc'd cvrry fowl
years. D peeiallywi ! they he iu good hu !
.mor v i h thenisolvcs l’or at least a week after i
the reading.
Scene —A court of justice in £. uth Cm ■> i
- A heard!- ss disriplo of Then is i : is #* and )
ib'.is nu-1.0-sos the ponrt : “May it. n'ea-'e i
yoiir w sstrip ar.d you gentleman r f tic jury i
A-on.IL) 1 " 8 been ui‘jp|jrtujps % bad i ]
rs suit. A noire wioTuT vioTci.t 'uh<i uabj;-j
rrou.s battery, and li inUy a Wore dia»ii;ieai -
breach of the peace has seldom happened in [,
a cixii’z <1 country, and I dam say it scl-t has he. n your duty lo pass upon imp so 1
■ shockingly to Leu«v.dcut fe-.lirgs. a.\ this,
..svtiich i-. 1» place ov.-rat Lsp.tain Ivico s in |
this cvmoty, tut you wi.l Lear Irom the wit- [
tiers „ ■
' The w!Dt • being rv.orr, two r.» three I
ivere ixin in and and depnecd,— (>ne said that 1
he ! ■ ard ihn ri. i but did-rot w o lb'- light ’ |
another ti r he raw ti e row did troi
know who struck first, at <1 anollur that |
he \i"is very drunk aud ojuiden't say niuch i
abi tit the skrimmage.
Jj iui/ee Cohj, l *Tr s .rry, g-Bllenrsn,
t. have occuf itil your time with the stupid- |
ity of tho win..*s examined. Alt trines, I
•'Ontien.:' , i-'.t S' tber front j mi apr; heurien !
,ni: y pint. Had I known i H Id“ that 1
had a wit oops who wjs sc'piA-.r't. and with
all th tireiluist-r.. -s cf~ the ease, and who
wss uhlo to make, bilks' if clearly utd rsto.’d
1 he court r:.d j uy, l nt» have
ti esp ies-d to'o g en jour pati Ace. Come
| forward Mr, 11 . ri-’, and bo sw< rn.
j Po fi'raard comes *he wrtn.-s. a fa*ebnf
fy ill mao, a ‘hello’ eornerd at-d took bis
i et'i wirir an •
Cf i, i-—Harris, we vi-h hi fdScll about
the that 1 tppen and the other and y at C>p
loin Hits Vi and as a gi. d'ileal if time it**al
ready lion wa-teu in circumlocution, we
wish t i he compctidlus’ at the same lime as
cxjdicit us p' -siblo.
Harris -A ’l kly, (aivtng she lawyrr a
s knowing wink at tL- sane time clearing
Irs thr- at.) (Lpia>n llice he g ; tt a treat,
•and cous-ii ri 1 y Dillard she come over to
iur house a-ii axel lire if my wife she
nu,uii.’; g.. ? 1 /"id c o iii tsaily Dilla>ll
ihat u y v • wa : -niU being as lo w »h<
had at.- eh !' on ■ i-'S in the tip, ttt :
h ft s\; n p wn - up in the road there hav
ing been a gieatdetil cf rain tuifij 1 hut bow
soevrr su it, was hire eou-in Sally Dtbsrd my
uic she n.ou* go. Mh 11 coti-.u S»lbo Dii
hiid then axed mo if Muse he niuiVt g-?
I tolde iusi:t Salty 1).1ha.l that he vv is tic
I fo.emsn of the crap, alii the crap was ttutart:
ly in the gra. s ; but biv w in vr, as-it w»-
i she cousin S-Lic lf.l'ard, L.,■ e Le mout
(‘her s—ln she traite of cnmrri o sense j
Mr Harris arbst do jou i».erti by ttis r'g-1
n.:i' 1 . ■
Wilton—Captain l’.ieo Le gin a treat j
aud e «-iu Sally Dillard tho came over to
my ion- r aid asked me if my wife »h« n.ou •
u’ tgo ? ar.d Ital l cousin Bally 1> Hard - j
I'h .r t -Stop, sir ;if you td<»se ; vvedont |
wan’uo : oar utrut yuur Bally DiLa il or j
y liar wife ; icH u shout vie Lsht*t R - V. '
Witnc-si —Well I will, sir.if you iouj
I mc ' . '
1 Chip —Well sir. e-r on.
Yfj'.n --;~.-\V.tll n, t'lp’.'in ll'.c he gju I
a t.u.t olid e dt-'u S J iu Dili ud she came!
| over h -use atd asked me if my Wist !
i she n oun,t“" ; *t'
, Chrp *—ll re it hi aga'n. V.’ituc;s :
j l.a>e to a^uf»-
I Witr.cs Vv', i', what do jot wan*?
] Fill >p —\Vo want to k rut ib ml flu- fig’it,
ul 1 you rnus*. netpr :o*l; tj thip tmportt
\;OL. I. NO. 17.
1. armory. I> > you know anything about
i the mattr r boforc the court ?
j Vv im. ss —To bo sure I do,
‘ Chcqjjs—Woy go on then and tell it, and
i uodiit g else,
i \\ tin-- -Well Captain Dice, ho gin a
treat, ’ 6
Ohopß—This is intolerable. May ilapleas j
t .o court, 1 move that this prisoner be cotn
riiit'u I for a contempt j he scorns to bo tri
ling wit!) (Ids court.
< urt.—Witness you are before the court
‘“f and unless you fcehave yoursrtf
in a becoming nanner you will be
flit to jail; so begin and tell me what you
Ltr w about the fight at llioe’s
Witness, (alaimed)—Well, gentlemen,
( 4 in Itieo he giu a treat, and cousin Sal
ly J >i!lar J — _ ,
L it, (af;er deliberating,) Mr. Attor
ney. the court is if an o pinion that wo
may sive time by lotting the witness go on own way. Proceed, Mr. llArris witu
y nr story hut sick to the point.
■j Y\ i'ruiss—Yes, gentlemen. Well Cap
! fain Rive lie g'n a treat, and oousio Sally
I’Third oome over to our house and axed mo
'' n x»«A* '.he moan 1 : go ? I tcld aoasin Sal
ly D.Flard that mv wife she was, be
ing as how she bad tha theuinatics in her
i»m, and the b : g swamp was up ; how-aever
as it w;s she, eon iu Sally I).Hard, my
wife she mout go. Well, cousin Silly Dil*
lard, (hen, t xid roe if Mose ho mout’nt
ii'. I told eonsin ally Dillard as how
Mdke was the foritian of the crap, and tha
er.-ip was smartly in the gras=, but b .ivsocv
, r as it was she, com in Saily Diiiard ; M s)
he tnoufn’t go. So they goes on t- g-rtbor
M »e, my w fa, aud cousin Sally Dillard,
' T thoy comes to t]m big -swamp, and it
was un :u .1 was telling you ; but being as
haw th - ro was a leg .across the big swamp,
cousin iS .bio Dillard and Hose, like geo fact
silts, they wtbkod the - log, but my wifa lilt,'
- - «1 and fi'l Lo'stcd her coats ana wa
ded i hrough.
( ho; s —ll ,aven and earth this is to bad
tut go on.
fl'tV/,-:.'.; Well tlnit's util l k»ow about the
KiJro-Gly«:i-i-i:ie—Wlmt Is il ?
Glycerine is the sweet principles of oil,
ii is tx!un»ivoly for the purpose of the
t'.iile*; but it has now received an appliea
ii; .i of ra'lier unexpected nature. Ia 1817 a
l V J-T of M. I’ob nzo’s, di covered thatglyoe
j rii.e.wlicu treated with nitric aeitf, was con
i'-1' and into a highly explosive substance,
vhicb he failed Nitro-Glyecrine. It is oily,
avi r than water, soluble in alcohol and
<■ her, and acts so powerfully On the m rvous
ys t in that a single drop placed on tbe tip • i
lii • te-urpue will cause a violet t headache
which will lust for several hours. Tin; li
quid oiirst t Ii vo hi on aiuust f-’igoititn by
"*;• mi* s, and it is only now that Mr. A •>,
a Swedish engineer, hassuooeedr.d.i« at ‘ }
it git to a veiy important brauolv wf Lia ... t
—t etii'Ty, bla ding.
1 So liiai ting 0 l,or Nitro glycerine of M:
N 4»le. it* a cf iuiieitl c-mlpound <f six equiv-
it'll a i (vflpvs)i.ii,ii uf-'ro p -
cent, of nit:ic acid and 25 percent. ofjjyi.
rine oil.
Aa. icntifiie etdeulslioo of tho volume !
....., ,] vi toped by the combustion of this
. impound and the cnmburlion of good gu >**
ppw Ter. proves that Nitro-gljceiiue, cotftf i
1 pith gunpowder, prosesscs thitiecn tir c
rt, s power, when volumes aro compared, ;
• iaht times its power for equal weigh’-
i I; ere fore, where tight pounds of gunpowi
id wanted, one pound if nitro-glycvihgewill
bo sufficient to produce the saute efifet.
Aioitt- ns in Massachusetts. —The
So* r gfield Republican, of tho lid, ,say&:
Tho tweroy-aixth annual meeting., of tne
11. linden County District'Medical Socii ly
V,910 Uin the after soon. Tho follow
i efco lu inns relative to the alarming inert*
■ f thv i lime of abirtiou were unaciuion V
dor'i and :
ll’Vn is, Criminal abortion has -beoi r, ■
,-j alarming evil by its fntjueney in socicu ,
! 17,Many sujposeitto be a crian t
’ Lt L- magnitude, *
Ih.-oltd/, That vro deem it. our duty to
ii. ly to puliiiely txnrcss our opinion of its
! oa; ui ■ crirnit alpy, and also the deles'
, lion in which wo hold all who may in Ucj
wa.v t>h';t thecrin c.
ftervlottl, That we regard the unwam
b’c taking of life of tho unborn foetus at
ury riii.e after concept! n, in a moral sc
is much tic crime cf murder as to des. y
tho i a fun t born at full term, »
Negro Di.u.nkenness. —The qurstrer n
tthere do tin y get their whiskey? Thcr- r
i .i statute in force in Georgia, positively : ,
hid bn,< the sale of spirituous liquors to ts<;
•rof sand white o inors. under heavy pot.
no*. It will be well for the retail ri cf \'
ci yto b.’ careful o whom they sell. The} for scineg i-piritaeus liquors to - ■
gro or miner, is that of perjury, whidi c :
1, t.ku* the unfortunate indivrduil U .hv
'ct.iteuiiary. This is a serious matter
ho law i. ; u goc.d one, both for white ai -
I black*, aud all good citizens are interest
:i its enforcement. A few examples *
-time a wholesome effect on negro sebrietj, .
at least.
A good httlo yarn is told on ono of t’ o
(loi-lieri boys who attended the lust dtttrra
at tho Voih-t who is a rather bashfnl chap ,
,nd just boginaii gto go “into n ciety
■l ie t.ii.k Atisa—i —, st ve y hatitteonie lady,
! in tho ba'l end being seated alter the fi st
|, was at a loss for nuno hing to any *
.1 taking hold of his wilt il collar he r
; in; r!;frd : “It s powerful hot in this roonv
| toy si irt's wet; ain’t yourn ?” It is report
I ml that tho lavly bibbed a li t o and* took
i his.arm JVr the r.vxt duitee. If yen wm.r,
jto keep on god terms with the young
imm, don't a.-k him how his ‘yjxr h is -
I Lxcitai’ijf.
t. Ats Irishman writing foonr Philadnlpbia.
iho otfn r day t‘> Du ft’t nd in die old one
t;y, cofieltided bis L tier thus : “If lver ;tc
, JW<- forehutie to live till I dy—and
' noso whether his or no—i’ll vW'.t o;
| In land iifdTe I leave ITiilauiadelphy.”