Newspaper Page Text
JJ. u. 4, J. E. CHIIISTI.iI?.
rs ( puson WfWi Journal,
Published Every Friday.
tIRAIS-Strictly in .ldiancr.
Sl . I* oo
Rates or Advertising :
00 . dollar per equate oi ten lines for the first
, °.lo and Seveoty-five Gent* per square for
b«b«q**n* insertion, not exceeding three.
,1 aouare three months ......< y ..-• • • ♦ I
six months *.A.i\dht
ooe square one year. J 00
Two squares three nfonths 2 00
Two squares months ~Y>» JJ
Two one year - 30 00.
Fourth of a column three moths.-;..'.. -?.. 30 00
fourth of a column six mouths... ...... 5D Qii.
H , column three moths 45 00
Half column rix months * ~
On. column three month. 70 06
Oar column six months ; 100 00
Job n'ork of every description executed
„ith neatness and dispatch, at moderate rates.
i.nrso.r bcskvess ( Anns.
attorneys at law,
2 ly Dawson, Ga.
r. n. haki?kk,
attorney at law,
mm, TLKXEIL to., GA.
Will give prompt attention to all busineflfl on
trusted mhje care. , , , __ , t TT ~
Attorneys at Law,
■ *** »***i**
I. f. KifOiiS. feb23 ly w. & c. eoKfciu
Attorney at Law.
DA ll’hO.V, G E till G MA ■
Jff Office at the Cos rt House. le' 23 ly
Qfi or, s»*th H’ctl *'4 Mrc ’
/"tOSTIN'CKS the practice of Medicare in »lt ire
* branch**#.
II- orv«i attention ?o thr Lrßft<Wn* of all
siuroMr hfT*«'po!i« of ** Lbe»‘k xai*«l to the treat
w'’'if, of nil secret Ai»o ipoa*
lie nuv tw ci • : 'v 1 L'.-' , V • jjf
*<'x i wupvio*V. ; irr(.r k af> hccg~
rtu> description • f 'lt.. vny'ow'-s rfiirviori of
Tr** Viol-
Inrh R r I nil ot M*e
OFFERS Services to the cit«-
Jipiw*of DiwiHin nuU tfi't anrrouuding coui'tr*7
Office a* DtwaoQ Hotel —up stairs. fcti*2S 6'n
•If the late Ilfsfdrtirr of Col.
H.SUhs , near Datvson, Ua.
\ VTITH an experience of 70 \eaip in the pran
»1 tice of medicine, feel* qualified to treat
any case lie ra ty he called to atteud. fch*iJl ts
rVFERS hi* profession*! services to the cifi
* * ixess of Dne«nn mu! .ii lijitj »< Prist riil
hit) P/ti/ftiriCTll. Office at hi* Drug S:cr*
imdpr the Mn a onic Hall. Also lakes ibis occasion
*° **? to hi* old army friends, . ho are constoutly
liia advice by letter, to apply to some to
►yetatile physician personally, where they cau
liive their cases properly eiatniucd, and so pre
•critied for. ntarl6,3in
®* !/• FOSTEK, Froprietor.
Morgan, Calhoun County, Georgia
Msich, PC Iffifi, 8m
REPAIRER itj&fjfa JEHF,I. ER .
Dawson, Oa.,
P P re P lr e<i to do any work in his line in the
l_ TCfv style. fetus ts
n ,.. Machinist,
D*in ’.So.V, : : Georgia.
Rypsirg all kinds 0 f Guns, Pistols Sewing Ma
cuioes, etc., co., 2 {T,
Corner Public Square
Dawson, ga.
__ Proprietor.
. /#, bishop ,
Ito tnrl'S?.i* ! 't near the Depot, ready
»Wt ,o‘, n?“ ,ir '« of hu-iness. If you
OOD as *»®W,
•»k» ?®,? iU »«k at old prices and
*>»»« to pav n 11 0 pricer, if preferred, tut if I
k*’® present ■ 601 priu?B for provisions I must
I ta*e wUu PriCea for "ork.
the oiantr, me oß ® °f the "neat a*gon makers
A r f il 6-h,
New Livery and Stable,
nR W. IV. IM It\ 1.71. keeps good
stock, good vehicles, and good dint re, and
is prepared (9 send nuesei jjcia to any of the ad
joining counties. Hacks fit tfse Depot, ohTlie ar
rival of ratfti train.’ f, l, 23 I y
hpnciunu tioca
mL#' JP #MJne« : |r RR(f.. Thcv
YT keep constantly on hand a good supply of
Fine Liquors,.Cigars, ToWetMriysters, SardtVe*,
etc. They have, in trcniievition with th#ji*rttab
lishment, a well arranged ,;L
KnppliMl’wlirthe most popular improved fixtures
Dawson, M J tch «, 8m
Cabi il o t Slio p !
•K their Old Stand on Depot Street,
\RB prtpafH to manufacture Fumi/ur*, wicli
H 9 fJeelsteadSy Bureaus, Warckobo*, Ta -
ble*, Washstandfl, etft. We are also prepared to
put op window Mb in on short not’en.
jksse RpGK&E. apria.Cm B n. brown.
])R. F. J. MARTIN.
OFFERS hie Professional Service to the citizens
of Chiekasauhatchee, Ga., and the
surroui'tYnq country.
April 14t.h ( 1 Si’ri,
.Tas. Fitzsrerald,
At ShariH if Rrutcn's, Depot St.,
IS prcp.fed to fit up, on short notice, and at
reanonab’e prfcreF,- ns fine boots ami shoes as
can be put up m country, nls long experience
•and high reputation as a workman, is a sufficient
guarantee satisfaction to these who may patrbn
ize him. He has on hand a fine lot of
Drencli Calf Skins,
which will he worked up to order. If J**r**nl
good work, give him a dull. apr2o 8m
\\ T E have just recrived, a' eutylore in Dawson,
V V a large and splendid aesortnient of crockery
and rin ware, which we a:e prepared to Sell at el-
credOSeylow prices Come and Out.
«pr*7N 2 ,„ S>. 3J. K|:isifc * KU 9-_
Millinery Store in Dawson!
MRS.’ C. K. BMVJAMiV has just
opened a cl.iice selection of Miflvnery
(ioode. Her hata and botitiets are ver, bewutitui,
and ot ifcnatest strles. Sbe is prepared to trim
and repair bats and bonnets on short notice.
Dailies from the on unify are invited to call be
fore purchasing, r* I feel 'satisfied they cannot be
better raffed in s'vk-’or prices elsewhere.
I can be found, nniil 1 get in my new store, at
the store of King, Ctim A Cos. a| JT-lm
(Next to llarpcr & Barb.mV)
VRE recen-ngsnd cficfli' g *0 the public, a large
and complete a*.orln,enl of ; , tr
Dni»si and Sllediciiics,
All fresh and good. 7Ye are supnircd with every
article u«unllv kept in a first class Drug Store.
We will sell Drugs, Dye Stuff-, pamn-, oils, etc.
For Cash or Eroduce.
All orders and prescriptions wit The r-ornpL
Iv attended to. B P r ls l
A LI. persons indebted to the firm of Glass i
Whitlock Will call on M. S. Glass and close
the same by not*. Otherwise all accounts will b®
immediately placed in suit. The business of the
ALL persons indebted to the estate of William
Keel, lute of Calhoun eourtv, deceased, are
hereby notified to come forward and make p-tvtueiil
immediately, and all persons holding ehim« agninst
Said ettate are hereby notified to pres nt them in
accordance with law. 11■ K. BItAY,
aprl3.3m Adminislrntor,
LA.W notice.
XT iIIORGAK will practice in all the courts
I I • of title South w estern, in Irtvin of t»i«» Son th
em, Coffee and Apid'ii l ? of the Brurswick, and
most of the cour*s of the Patanla Clrcnita.
Office on Washington Street, opposite »l.e Ex
press office, Albany, Ga. may 11 ly
LAW C-A-lih).
t'l''HE nndereigned will attend to any busi-
L iii'Fti entriipied to his cure, io HouLhwcstein
Georgia. Office at Ciithtrt, UanOolpli cp , Ga.
inavll,ly E. U. TLAIT.
O. S. BPTLKR, JAk. t.iHiK
THE undereigned take pleasure in noafyiog the
traveling pubfic, that the Che walla Hotel, O s t e
the Howard Houae of Kufaula, Ala..) has under
gone a thorough reliuiug, and is now open for
the accomodation of the travelling public.
The present I’roprietors will spare no expense
to make it a
A splendid corps of attentive Servants have
beer engaged , and we flatter omselres that we
cat pi taae the meet fastidious. Give ns a trial.
2 Hoi. rropriekTo.
DAWSON, GA., Flill)A\. .!L’i\E i»i2, INUO.
All or nc y sa t Lnu,
jul.firn CETIiUEfiT, GA.
t'uthSnrt, Randolph County, Ga.,
AH business entrusted to Lis care will km faiili
fuUy attended to. 1
.A. ttorn ey a t Law,
Janet CVTUTtEHr, GA.
.fr organ. Cathoun County, Ga.,
Will pi.Kj icd, in utl the Cbilrts of the Bftuth
tvcsteiu and Fu'auU tSreuin, Jkue 1
Ik 11. SITA(:K'i{f^OKI»-
CAllIILftiA, JTlitrheM €o., Ga.,
AGE2\ Tfv .purchase and taU of £.AXi{.
June 1, IbtHi. .
HKtiBKRT m.i intk. • j is-i cH ii. ra-. non.
Vtto ic nr;\ si ftnd Onunvellnf* ai I
Cuti berime —Will in the
counrk'B of Randolph, Slewart, -man,
M*lhir, Ducatur, (Jalboun, ToneU,.auii.*Sun«(or, «na
in the Supieme CuMft ol tk<-. Stale, and the V- &
District Court for the S»ato cf
give pTOtrpt attention to the co’.lertkni and paying
over ot elaiint*. • joi,lru
Jnl,2tn« OGZETiIOItrE, Ga.
JN otice.
VLL perpons indebted to the estate of John «T.
*si»npeon, di*cea?fd, are hereby noiiStd *o
niake paym nl, aud those holding agaiust |
said estate to present thera m* term* of the law.
M iv 11-40. \V. 0 SJMI’SGV, Kx’r.
uctiono er s
Cherry Street, .Jlacon, Gu.
At the Store toruierlv occupied by L. Bond A Cos.
Wetmore A KirKland,.. New jfork.
Iloilekise, Scott A Cos “ "
E, F. Wood A On Lc.-luu
Fiske, A Ander50n.......... **
t. F Chamberlain, Memphis, Trim.
m C. Wood, A tV, Naahviile, “
iiannon, UiT'H A 'Jo., Orleans.
Crane, Jahnson A Orgy bill,, ah, Ga.,
Blair, Smith A C 0.,......... Au<*i«>t., Gi.
L. G. 80wer5,...., Columbus,- “
•J. It/'Wallace,. ...Atlanta, “
A.nd HOL’D
Col. lie*/ Swift...
ar-F## licul.n aUculiOn givn lo the pureluiaf,
Sale and Shipment of Colton, Cottou Yarn,.
Osnahiirgs, Sheeting 3 , Ac., Ac.,
JOHN II I.ON’GLEY, Late firm ofß. ffmd. A Cos,
W M. W A LSH, Lute firm ol Horne A W„lah
May 18th, IMS. Mu.
Wholesale and Retail
And General Kewa Dealers—Triangular
Oherrv Street, .Huron, Ga. ,2 U :
£ n. OHUH IH
M. 31. CopKnaxh, T. J. Cl*mnir,
Montgomery A1a.27 3m. Euianla, Ain.
ATacon, .... Georgia,
Sl mufacturers, Dealers in and Importerr of
G UNS, P I SYO ®&,
Pocket : lit ft Tsihlft « nllery^cle,
ry Their *»’oc\ of Fishing T ,eltle U mi-urp iPS
ed in the South, and thev i ffer th g'vat,.,, indue"-
ments to the trade in every branch of their busi
ness. roar 3i> Bmf
C. R. 3*l OKF,
li'ESTO.r, GA.,
\\JlhL ConKmie prac«ice<»f Medicine in nil
\V its bronchus. H ivii g had exfunsirV
rience and a in tbe of “Di#eftr?*%
of he will par ppecial at f en®Tnn to rtia'
branch of the profrfrion. March 2S, So)
T)k. s. uoiiEnsoN ~
Ma? 4 Cuthhcrt, Georqia.
h. A. PItATTK. J r. Ih>WARPS. F. O. RUPY.
Franklin Buildings, Alabama Street,
illlania, .... Georgia-
WE are prepared to erpcnte all orders for ph.n
tation supplies.
Os Bacon, Corn, Flpur, and Pork always on hand
JVlacon, • - - Georgia.
r |" , ITE attention of Dealers is invited to tbia old
JL and reliable house. n.ayl^,6m
issueK ! BRICK!
sw f* AA/\ GOOD BBICK. now ready (or the
4 »),' M "* ' market at o«r brick vard
wu. jul ,lt APAMb & GREEK.
IVlio’ll Be Uy Deiirtr?
§ I want a ladv, voaao' nad fair,
tVitfi "piriis i -htaml otieery. ->» I
Wi’h fieri, hi... eyes an i gntJen Tiai-,
To be my loving “deal^c. ,,
Tebtesoni* with her sunny
And obecr my heart.when weary;
To make mv boiue an KJen h-r®,
Amt be for a to m y “item ik'’
Who"! hoar VI utl j If try coming step,
Anuj.tigh lb s e me Wparv.
\Yh*U Igi i,4; n caie »iji Uijyfiy J-,
i call uie “deaii»."
When and .rk nilsf rtnne’s hour is n
And sorrow's cloads srr near me,
And fffMin'mji'fi-irmts'Sirtoke my path,
To frnd'hi r’stHl ray ‘ dearie."
1 nu'er should liqcij what oiliers say,
Wiid some fair maiden near me,
Whose heart, would beat whli joy when I
bhou’et fendlyr caiilio*'
Thin woutdYorn to day,
And life scpiu gfyl.jinyl qheery, .
Her smiley .ijoutd egeer {»• on mysray
While I would call her/‘dearie.’’'
Now should t'tls meet theTre of one,
And '(hat one di'tgn to hear rue,
I’ll I'v ■ for her, and her alone, ' • JP
And she shall be my “d'-aiic.”
TROt’BLEB HOffUf tfOOff.
CJe.erge .Tamesofi and Katie Vanghati had
a bnlliuut wdiMing. Erhrytliiog was fault
less fnm the icing on the cute to the ar
r ingeipcnt of the bride’s waterfall.
Vaughan cried just enough Dfit to reC
den her nose; Vangan did the (lignifi’d pa
ter firailits ,tu a churip ; and (leorgo aud
Kalfe were so' affect! ihh*o ns to give to-tne,,
world the idea that here was a match uiude
jin Heaven. y™y* 9 . ** ,•****y>"
The biiifal dSpfeatftgt over, the while
moire anßque find orange flowers .were Rid
aside, arid the pretty traveling «uit ofalpae
u, with uazpiue'Muc trimuiings was dmtieid
—•the swejcTcst ffrvc of a thipg- Madartle
rTAnhrrp hud made up for Lire s a«ep
Then there was the little Lonm-S of gffrjfdlk
to match ; the jr>ld<
. : ■
cpowt ; and ; t was «u :h • flat t
cvcTJfhirtg prnpiliefls ; nod;-in the
mldft of cerfgi sfyffitlions and feitsc-yficorge
u-d Katie •StinteiTfor the dej>- t.
They arrived just in ?»usnn. The whlslle
-otindi'd in the dwtaiw'c. Oenrgo buckled
up his traveling shawl afid Katie grasj-ed her
B ’***' ®'* l ’ *°a nt ii
‘‘ileergw, rtifd the bride, “do run
■nut and sr’e to she tuftikis ! I rdipWl die, If
when we get tb-thw h’tdls, my ohM’Jns sh >«W
not be there It would bo dreadful t<r be
o ic go tu. «u> u»• iiMM i 4*% v
Go apd so>« tbepr, thai s $ durlirg . ’
George vauirU-S ; *tho train puffing and
siEqlsiog w/t Tt;to , tho dj.pof.
popped lis Lead into the lidilaT rc-om,
iiig at tbe tQp of his vcf«e T
‘‘Ail aboard for Danville ! Crime j hurry
up ladic?, Ldi A: Five fninui JS tchifcd
tinie and anolltcr tjaia due’!'’.
Kat e did not kuiity whether she was bound
fur Dauvillc y- ho./j probably the hat! better
gel in util let < 1 So rite Crt.t
--i and the long and mu ok' f vehicle foeling very
much at rce, and ready r.l the slightest
provocaGon. A- the conductor pa’«d her
seat siie caught him by ilia arm.
‘ Is my hujtmnd- ”
“Qh, yes. j.y tj] rigul r said tlw official,
bUtTHug oti in a way id! omcials have, “I’ll
send him right along,” and he vanished ffotn
the view .0 the long dial of tnoviog carria
fii <
Meanwhile begig bavipg seen to the bag
gage—a proheciling tjhat had occupied more
T’iSne'than be had intend'd—returned to the
l»di s’ro'"?! t > Cad Katie missing— search
ed abcivt wi'dly,’ iririuirieg of every onC he
met, without' success.
•'She's probably, already in the train,
said a tleliot agobt nrabii'm he made inuuiry.
“Y'od are going tn Ruffale, I think you said J
that's tbo Irani to lfntfilo, you’ll likely find
b<r ttrue, Ju.-t f irfisjh' c.t'a mbucnt to
Oobrgp graspediCo railing of the hind <ar
hs it jj-w by, and, flingiug open the door, he
rushcd thri ugh (he car after Car, bu* seek
ing in vain for Kano. She was not on the
train. . “Most likely she g at bfi 'ho wrong and w< nt i y flroton,” said the condtic
tor. “Groti nis a way station fifteen miles
fu' thtr ahead'. We ste p there fifteen or
Twenty ifni'/uTcs f?r refr/hliiDetitS. “You’ll
Th-- eifr's Jl 'w over tho track. George
ui'titally blessed tbo mao who invented steam
ecuirieV—li'eciuiitd rcaoh Katie s> much soon
er, dear little thing ! how vexed and troub
fed' she must be—find George grew quite
laciii'jmrtfc over berdo olito ooudi'ion.
Bijtlt eO' mrd ages to George befrre they
whiidcd tip t-o.the ] 1 its- rm at Groton, and
then he did uot wait to practice any courtesy,
lie leap* and out impetuously, knocking over
an old lady with a ILwer pot and a bird cage
id her hand, and mnli-hiffg th® pot and putting
tl e birds iuto hy/feriek. The old lady was
Tndignabt, and hit George a rap with ber
urnberilf*. and spoiled forever the fair pro
portion!; of bis hri'hll bcavrr, but? be was trto
roe'eb engage(l in thought of his lost bride to
ypare n regret for h : s hat.
Ilefi w tbr'tngh the astonfshed crowd,
mashing rip crluttHue hern, and knocking
blfer a smell boy there, until be-reached the
ebrk o/.tbejttrtiou !'•?, the clerk believ
ed there was one lady who had come alone;
she bad gone to the Ucltidere House—she
tngvf. be the one.
(Jeorge waited to beer no tb> it. fie ftnr
tied rp the fircot to the place, where the
landlord assured him that no ladies of Ka
tie’s style had arrived, perhaps she had stu
ped afAlargate, ten mil s bark. Ocbrgo
secti on the hrjte. There was no train to
Margate until next morning-, but the wretch
ed hutband covld not wait all nigbt—be
twould walk.
lie get direetione npoa the road*, was told
that irwas a straight otse—for thetr'>stwf
the war thion'"H the woorlg—rather lone
------ - - - - -■
soon'tout ploamat tie sot forth at once,
not stnpptap to swallow n mouthful. Ex
oitriaont had developed into a eloudy even
ing;—the night would be darker than usu;
U' OTffo hastened on. too inuoU oxoitnd 'o
fool fuiiffue —too mu 'll agonized about, Ka
tie to noticu that ho had split his elegant
French gaiters out at the sides. » tail tntA
After three or four houret hard walking
ho began <u think that something mustbi'
wreingp He might to bo approwhitig the
surbarbs (if. Margate. Ju im-.t, uhe oucflit
to have reached the village dwell some lane
I -eforo. He grew a hltlo doubtful alwut
hie being on the right rend, mid begun to
look about him. Those was m» ro*4m*Ul,
or. r»ther t it was all rtmd; fur all,- vosuigo
of fiwfci and wheel track hud vain»ii«d-r
--there was forest, lorest. averywlloie.)
Tho very charaoterof tlio ground beneath
his feet elian -ysUJ> he look. It
grew soltt-r and sol ter, uiityl ho sunk uu.klu
deep in umd, and i-qd'fyiiy, bolore ho
could turn about, he?bdl jitf atuioet
armpit*. He had utunibled ■ iyt a ovutg
mtro! A swift. htwn ry«wypmrcr.h ! :.. !
People ll*. I liiefcl btforejupv in r |Vsg»|p;i|{
this—and it woald he so dreadfid.. to dixs
thus,- and KaUo never know what- had be
come of Jilin .folio atrpgglqi with the
strenplb of desperate uto live himself. liat
ho might as well Lave takeu it coolly.—
lie was held Hist. -
Thus slowly the hours wore gwgy. The
night Was ages hmg. Tho sun had {J.uver
taken 8 > much time to risyin, lua
it realized dipt nothing could ?iq .donip. un
t l it was up, and was not -deposed Lohur
As soon as it was fnir’y light, (jers gc
began to scream at the t pid bis voice,
hoping tliut-i-ome one who mteht be gping
somewhere might Inmr him. He amused
himsell in this wav fur an tour, and at the
end oj tho time yon pbuld not have dlstim I
gui hed his voice from that of a frog ajpse
at hand, who had been doing his very best,
I I rival our here.
At last, just as George was Vg’uiog to
tic-pair, he heard a Voige iu the distugcg
oalling out • . ;
“Hallo there V is it you or a bpg?”
“by me, cried George* “and I shall ho
dead iu five mlnutfs ! Corns qujek I'm in
to the mud up to ny eyes.!
JUrcc’tfy an dd woman Kppefircu, a aqn
hcuivct ut. hor her.l and ,v Irsh .t on licr
arm. pio mi hucli'dherrjin^.
, “Th'o kin'fl. rakiq, cpled she,'jon'rc in for
it glut ycu ?*; ISmTh .right! I’m
ghydy/J l '!.. seb tho. notice, that
!he <j’d majp’.’Muck tip,, that nobody must
eouio to pTck tiuckifberrics in this ere
swamp? ”
“Iluckelherrylng!" cxcUintgi GeofffV
angri'y, ypa must think a fetid* was beside
if to c one into the jemde, if he new
it ? linckleberrykij indeed, l a;h, after my
wife V’.
vv?fe' tVMI of all
t! in? 1 er
‘‘She get nrt the vvrong (rain, fcn#WT*Sid
I, and I cyfteit 'he’s at Margate; and I
started fYora Groton lost tiifht to walk there
and loft wry way Help'me out, do, thats a
dear woman.’’
Tbe old woman steadied herself by a tree,
and beifig cf good tiui'fVs she so n drew
George ent, mud from bead- to foot. Ho
•b'-ok bimsAlf
‘‘There,fif you'll show me tbe way, I’ll pr,
right on ’*
'Koy it wo»t 01‘her* Tim’ll go right
"y r WiMfr boasc and have a clip of coffee
and sujiething to rail, and * sui’ of tho old
man’s duthcß to pnt on, while I dry yours
and 111 send Tom over to Margate With the
horse and wsc >n tn ring ynwr w fe."
“Tou’rc a trump,” micil George, wring
ing hi r hand. “God Wcßs yeu. Y r ou shall
be rewar led for your ki«dm s».”
Mra-fetark’s house was littld way
distan’, and to its shelter she took Geotgo
Tetti was (iivpstcbed to Margate lo bunt up
Mrs Jameson, end Georgs arrayed in a suit
nf Mr. t?t.wk’:i 010 bes—bltiq.- swillow-tail
coat, h me nsede grey panlaluone, cow-hide
boots, nad a white hat with a broad brim
felt like a now man.
They gave him breakfast, wli'ch did not
Como amir", and while Tom wns absent, tbe
old lad t made him lie down ou tbe lounge
nnd take a nap.
T"m returned about noon. Ho bad
scoured (he whole village, but found noth
ing. Only one passenger had left the train
at Margate on tlio previous day, and that
was an old roan with patent plaster* fur
I‘eor George was frenzied. He rushed
out of the house, and stood looking first up
and then d'.wn t,ho road uncertain which
way to wend his course. SuJduniy the
train from Groton swept past, and a while
handkerchief was swung from an open
window, and above tbo bamikerchitl George
caught tho gleam of tbo golden hair and blue
ribbons!' It was Katie byy ud a doubt,
lie cleared the fence with a b und, and
rushed after (he flying train.
lie ran until lie was ready to drop, when
he came up with some men with a handcar
who were nr pairing tho road. He gave
them ton dollars to take him to Grotuu.
He was sure he would find Katie there.
But no, the train bad not stooped at all.
Tbis was the express for Buffalo,—But a
bystander inteimed him a lady answering
tho description bo gave of Katie, bad been
seen the day before at Danville, erying and
saying she had lost her husband.
Gcoree kltifii-d off. Ho ruught with avid
ity at the hope thus held out- It mudt be
Katie 1 Who else bad lost ber husband,?
A train was just leaving for Danville.
lie sprang oa board, and sufferedan eter
nity during the transit as it was an aceomo
daiion train, but they a cached Daovliile at
last. George inquired for tbe lady that bad
iew her husban J. lies, she was all liglu—
ah j hrd g >ne to the Americun House, to
llai.l f».r hwi'. Sfceexpcolcd him by tvorj
train, said tbe t akel master.
He hurried with all speed to the Amer
ican boui-e Y ee, |he was there, said tbe
clerk aid waiting for ber husband room 221
light hand, second flight.
Oeorga flew up stairs, burst open the doe'
of -21, and catered without cureoi«ay. She
Was rc’tiogby the wiudow fookiog set. bun,
VOL. 1. NO. 20,
With her hack*'* the and t«r.- Hi sprang for
ward, and in his arms, ruined
-on r. i, eH, s m^^SS3S
‘ my darling I have you
S'i-- !:ii'n tnd I.mleed at. him,
and then act lATWooli a ■aofeftftr as made tbe
very hair stand on (leffrajq’a Imad'
“ You are not rfty She am—
risimed “Oh. Selßvon ! TJlfslp ' help!—-
b«*rot*.Hiy o4mo qaieklev 1 Grtb and! bo rofcb-
MW <kdW*« m *!Si
The mr wsi tnld-*
die aged, with f.d-o loath. ' dedly
snuff a Ijckitig, nr.-a No mar.' Mi > tb“
cLai ftiffig liTtiy Katie than sßte was like the
Venus de Moliri.
lio turned to flea just amkli*.Btaircaa« jfai*|
lalivo with >■ 'pis ahinwad by alia orios of
the'sworn an". Thev tried to atop him but
be w«wi!l not be stayoifc * IK>
(bottom among tbe wreck of Uiryti.
taiaids, and nuiiy aproncyjfsfffiniff •"*
! Aud befope any one liini,
l>r*as mmUgmHht front step*. A hi—
iiff4bJrv,^)ft! IrWntf «|*v ks
tbatu. Aad George in bis mad Si*ste, ran
-t the I idy auu biuku tbo riot of her
i, —,
iffljtf V- - -M' Ts Ml f, A-l «J
“Tivi rur^pat!” eneJ the gentleman with
her. what do you jnsiih'by treating a lady
ia this manffer ?” and he sicsod our hero,
by tho eollar. *T***«u*fc* .
Then for the first time, George looked at
he oouple bofofo himi
• his iv ... . OU Katie! oried he, fop
this tituo there wag rip mistake; it was
Kafio and fier gtic’fe CbsrlcF. Gh ,my into
my wife ! my wile.
lie tried to take ber in his arms, But sbo
fled from hiua iu terror. -
‘ Take that dreadful man away,’’ slro
•oried lam sure that he is insane or drunk
only see his boots and his awful hat!”
“Hfeß you that lam ytmf own George,
Oh, Katie where hare you been ?’<’ exclaim
do lie.
Katip lgsyilnff atiiim now, and recognis
ing him liepiu eryin •.
dear that I sfibold ever liVe to sae
this day ! My Goorgc that 1 thought so
pure and faifTafu! and coed, faithless aud in
toxicatedj Oh unotevSbarlcil, what will bc
oeeae us wiaT” *• i- uapptita rff
“My dear Oeioo ba patiout, ia ; d ber un
elc. “I tliiuk ibis is George, and we will
hear tv tat IrOj as to mv, before ipindemiog
liim. Mr Jam• •>n , T m°! y inr wife ia tbs
cars ysfeterdayy'snd ihff ihfiwtncif rise tlrit you
had doaorted "her at the Wind (jam depot.
Oi uni >o, 1 could not holiovo your absemw
intentional, aud I persuaded bur to remain
: ii ii ■ I telegraphed to tho principal
stations irttinjjf the Wail for informatinH
of you. Why did I receive no answer 1
“Bouaueo th" telegraph does aut .ram into
.Id Gt*r*'a UyakUihurry qwump, wbejn
r bad tho Lon -r "f ii'gM, said
1 ' ' " fc.' '■ nq to.'
“Bus ihth eWfdßftrstiy dr?out»el" “®
“My clothes were muddy, and 1 havogdl
ou Mr- said George. And though
the cxplaij itKu was nut particularly lucid to
• i. ard it, they were sari fi and
“Mj" dnnrupt George !” itr'eii Katie, rush
ing into bis nmi u : “ami so you did not de
sert, me, and I ultimJt hivro to bo divore
ctl r :-n 5 r&a mmnbo u*» *fNt WO
• .Will, n.y ilnrhng :ad w' nov,r be
, ... . •!• u moumiit.”
'“No', fur nil the Itnggujrc in the
world ! Ob, Geofgff; you know ho#
1 Imvo sulli ibd /-si g»f>a-‘* ii tut • ■sim |ra
hi ... pi. iginrruot no
f“i; au ■ had ass lubleil ruuqij the
hotel, drawn GiUherTtV tlib «lihturl>uOi ; e.—
Miittofe'wffd rtJfiiHfWl aifd fliet’fs lortg
iMMUwii t runr
Xbu luadlorugnt uji iiu iirqirmuptu wed
tTilio t ljpn V r, AttxyliMi Kalic.preyded ; imj
' 1. in Mr.
ritnr . - in:.How t-i p ■ Ini the trenors.
#4fl'kwty*piroci»i-d#irian th- ir tour ness t utey,
and,> MHffitj&(t| Jin and Ilia
Mir k won); to IX'co o u (pij;
by exiircss, conlstining thfe lust suit A
tin- old genfletuari, n:i 1 the whi'n?with;,l (ii
puraH.ihe into i.rinther," Wsides Uie tiusi*.
h«uh-«):ne silk Man net for Mnr. iaftiiflr, that
vllii.u turiiiiig fniru
ine f at wrnen pngTrjjiJ been
herself in thff new bunnet, “I hßers HMifynn
that huckleberry swamp would ruin to
soinctiiiiii' ii it was eiriy to raise frogs in.
Guess I bit it soiuetiuies.”
Puhing Fhb at a Conducto".—Th’ ccndite
ter who was discharged from the einp’oymint
of one of tho Ohio rsilroadr, some lime ago.
for inviting a friend to ride over the road
with him, us he did not iiko to ride in the
train alone, baa been rr-opj,oiDt and by the eu
perintectent. He i- ngaia tbe hero «f »n
--oiliA adventure, which has been made pub
lick. Ou a recent trip, the train of which
(bis oonduetor had charge overtook a cripple
limping along by the side of the tracK, wbaj,
our hero, the eonduetor kindly invited him
to get on ami ride. Tho wooden-logged man
thauked him, and replied}rh«t be had lather
not, as he was in a burry j The conduoeor
thinks seriously of throwing up bisccmmis
The wise and gifted dosh Billinga tendera
to all whom it ntuy concern the following ex
cellent advice: "ilm't court for uiuuuy, nor
buty, nor reitttLum; tb >Ke things are just
about as the kerosene lie renCuing biuunsa
liable to get nut of repair and bust at rny Oonrt a ptrl fer fu», for theluv you
bare her, for tbe virebu and birzims* there
is in her; oourt her far a v ife or for a mo her;
court her as you would a farm fer ihe sife
nud pertc.etion of the Uth; court her as tbo
she wnsu’t a fuje and you anotberj court b- r
in tbe kitchen, over tpe washtub, *nd at the
I pian'ncr; court her in this way, youog man,
and if you don’t get a wife, the fault wou’t
Djriif the courting.. \ _
*the sharp young roan who imagined him
self wise because be detected some typo
graphics) errors in a ncwp.paper, has been try
ieg to get a perpendicular view of the rain
A dentist Ml \v«*!i t*t hi. rot ation uiwir :
loiAl kb "An in the incutii.