Newspaper Page Text
ly E. & J- K. CHKISTIAN.
I| { Jjtowit S&eekla fouraai,
publiiked Every Friday.
c j. ircinusfiAN,
*“ editars and publishers.
TsS —Strictly in •Advance.
r sl * . 41 os
flree montbl..- ■ #9
Si " lontl ' 9 ..$3 00
itaitM of *tdrerH»ing 1
OenXX'are *£
insertion, notexceeding three.
"•''Csit months *.•*-»* OO
months'. 1* <**
T '° 1 , re 9 git months. . t< •• * • 18 m
T ,o^ 9a,iro 30 00
teoliunn three moths. *■■' v': ■ • 00
yl column si* TO Off
M column three months i »
“ h Work ot every deseni-uon exeeufed
ilxtness and dispatch, t rates,
j7,rso.r BVStWSS C.IHItS.
ittohneys at law,
ji, Dawson,®^.
I . 11. IIIKPI.It,
TTORYEY at law,
BIW9W, TFvRSELL io., 61.
lijj jive prompt attetid&n bo all .en
neti to I'is c*w.
Ivi tun 1 eye a. t Law,
I [J./WSOef, G^OMtGUI.
Hr • wiio'' a: v.
A.i tori Ley at Law.
■ |».fir i 9€M% GEORGE**.
HgT irPßof M th« 0© H Ifc l 23 ly
■ DIWSON. tlEoß.til.%,
H A' 1! Ts Ij J* 11 " I
B %tah trcst en-Mr’rtrP'ibfo Yquflre
I ; '7
■aTIXIXS the pra<;(icc oi M iis*
B br-tnolie#. ~r r% <~Y
Brpira <j>vhl attptirfryn »#> the »rr'i‘TT» r 'nt of all
B'w nff-rt'anfa of either sr>» ; and 4,0 tl)*> treat
sis afl «p<r-et rtf9J*rr?n«
Br am he c«p.9iilrffd by W-t'**’’, Je*eribin£ a£p,
B'wimt'uMi, n»»ri habits v anil4^*11»£. wa nceu-
BdoßciiptioH of all the Jni*aften
■w, “V., e*e., Aru?
B* H? return meMhe will all ot' the
raedicinfs with foil d i ’i^>e^(m { «. e jS ly.
hiq Professional Services to the cit>-
fttvvsnn and the HHrrntludinyCountry.
B-o a' D twain Htitel—-tip st«irs. frb2S Got
B&< la ft Rfshtfhicf of' t'ol. IfSli.
mu S!U(h, 11 ear Bsaic#on Gu.
B [r n an experience.<ff ••<> the
tiep of medicine, feels’ qualified to Treat
m»v to 'attenfT Yelijl^tr
BIKUS hi 9 professionnl service o to the citi-
B 1 ‘ na of H * wsun And vie in rtf a« f*rf*wih
Office at hla Dmg Store
B Masonic If all. Also takes this occasion
B‘° hi-* old arm? fiiends, who are-consfcUntiy
B Ws advice by letter, to apply to some re-
B f> le phvsic»ttn personally, where they can
ir cases properly examined, and so pre-
Bf for. - fc marl G,3m
■ Dawson, Oa.,
to do any work lu bis line in the
■l. «ric s’sith,
II Machinist, [
Brso.r, Georgia.'
W *H kinds of (juns, I’istol?, Sewing M.i
, etc. 2 ly.
IAU*O\ IlOTbii
■pirf.f Corner M M itblic Square
~ln Proprietor.
BMnot Shop !
ir t>l( l Stantl on It (pot Street .
1 f ’i > " t ' , l to manufacture Furniinrc, such
1 nf( t*lrtnl.s, Bureaus, Wardrobra, Ta
etc. We are also prepared to
s Sf |, i n tt, c ,-. e3 , st ji e on abort notice. h 11. BROWN. !
B AW cakbT
< ‘ ra ' Bn<!l1 hare this day entered iato a
rrship lor the practice of Law inftlie
: i l "' l3 °f the Southwestern and Pataula
entrusted to their Care will be
■ to.
Americus. ) Wiley G. Park?,
’ <1». ) Uawson, Ga. jl6
■B _ N" otic©.
'll* *^ ler date application will be made
11 Ordinary of Terrell county by
-wuministrator de bonis non, for
■T '‘ Ms belonging to the «Ma,e of Beth
I Adm'r.
Neir Livery and Sale Stable,
13 A. W SON, GA.
DR W. W. F tR.VI U, beeps good
Stock, good veMoles, and good driver?, and
is prepared to send piwaengeis to any of the ad
joining counties. Hacks at the Depot On the ai>
rival of each traip. feb 2)1 ly
(Next to Harper & Barham’s^
PAWSOJf, - -
1 EP receiving and offering so the public, a largo
."Vand cumplete aesorttuent of
Drugs and .fledicincs,
AU fresh and good We are supplied with every
article usually in a first class Drug Store.
Wo wiilAcil Drags, Dye Stuff?, paiute, oils, etc.
For Cash or Produce.
, or All orders and prescriptions will be nrottipt-
Iv alleudet) to. apr ISlf
-rr* Notice.
LL indebted to the firm <}f Glass &
. Whiiloek will call on M. S. Glass and close
«ote. Otherwise all accounts wtll be
immediately placed Hi suit. The business of the
fir® must jiud will b® closed.
niTfOflO AIV will practice in all the courts
• oTthe Pouth western, in Irwip,^j:&«.§oath
ern, Qajfee a»4 AppUn? of the Brupswick, aLO
most &£ the courts of the Pataula Circuits.
Office on Washington Street, opposite the Ex
press t*fSce, Albany, Ga. may 11 Ty
r fNiK undersigned will attend to anv lejral bu»r
L ness sotni»M>d to his care, in Southwestern
Georgia. Office at Cutbert, Randolph cx> . (rn. E. H. PLATT.
Attorney at Law,
jn1 t flm FtmniJltT, fi.l.
Qnlhlxrt, Randolph Coitnl?/, Gtt^
AH business entrusted tn his care will be faith
rnfiv n*tend?d I
Attfffhey a -aw,
•Jon* 1 FvrnnFKT, «./.
attorney at LAW,
.Tlorgart, Calhoun Count?/, Ga.,
Will .pmetieg in aH'the Courts of the South
wenthn Ujtf;t ubt Cireui’s, June 1
T. K-Slst ld
attorney at law,
*'j. !),••«* OGl.r.TUltnrF., Ga.
attohnly at law,
O.CIILLA, nifcfacU Cos., Ga.,
AQPXT for pnechdse uhcl safat>f
/nng 1, 1 S6fi£.
KTTORNEY and CotnuellOr nt I.uw,
Outhbert, Georgia —Wifi practioe in the
counties of Handolpb, Steyrart,. Quitman, Clay,
Miller, Decatuf, Oyihotln, Terrell, and^amter-»nd
in the Snpfhme Court oi (he State, flfnd the C S.
Diatriet Court Cor the S'ate of lie will
give pvompt attention to the collecffbn and payibg
ever of cliinl?. jni.lm
CfXXY days after date application wiH He made
to the Qourt of Otdiniry of Terrell county for
leave to sell the land belonging to the estate ei
Noali Walker, deceased.
Juue 25, ’fid. D. G. WALKER, Adm’r.
I)!!. S. (I. UOr>F.liS()N,
May 4 Cuthbert , Georgia.
milE undersigned take pleasure in notifying the
I traveling public, that t tie Ohewalla Hotel, (I* l *
the Howard House of EirfaWa, Ala.,) has tinder
gone a thorough refittiiqr, and is oow open for
Die accomodation of the travelling public.
The -protect Vropiletoii* will spare uo expense
to mtfce'H a
A" splendid Corps of attentive Pervanw have
beer engaged ; and we Bitter ourselves that, we
eat phtase the most fatAidlovs. Gixe ns a trial.
2 fWt. Proprietor*.
chris. riM-nv. runs. w. manuium.
* Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Fancy Family Groceries!
gigahs, tobacco,
Provisions Generally,
Second St., opp. FiratXational Bank,
May 1«, »m MACON, CfA.
| pIiOKGIA, € iilhouiiCounty:
I*l Whereat* Martha LVuiress applies to me for
lot terß of adtuinisfration on the estate of J. T. Fen
j tress, late of said county, deceased—
These are, therefore to die aiidadnrfmdsh all per
! SOUS concerned to be and appear at m v office with-
I n the time prescribed by law, and show cause, If
any exists, why said letters should not bo granted.
Given under roy hand and official signature, this
June SO, 1866. W. R. GfUFFIN, Ord’y.
, n *:OH€iIA, Callioun Coitnly.
IT Whereas, Kuben McConpioiUle applies to me
for letters of administration on the estate of Wun.
B. Martin, late of* said county, deceased
These, are therefore, to cito and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at* tuy offieo!
within the time prescribed by law, and allow cause,
if any exists, why said letters should nok issue.
'Given under my hand ar.d official signature, this
Juue 19, 1866. W. E. GRIFFIN, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Terrill County:
IJT Whereon, J. B. A vent applies to me for letters
of dismission from the estate of William A vent,
Ute,of said county, deceased,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to be and appear at my office with
in the tHne prescribed by law, to §b«w eau-e if
4* ’ Guittfi' hsslwi and efficwl signature, ‘Lis
ifiy n; T. M. JONES, Ord’y.
EORGIA,- Terrdl Comity:
C Whereas, W. J. Parker applies to me for let
ters of fiismfcsio'n from the administration of the
estnte of J. M. Fruz’or late of said ceuiity f dec’sd,
These ar«, tjierlorc, tociteaud admonish all
persons concerned ta be ami appeac at my offieo
within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,
if any they have, why said letters si ould not issue
Given under Vnv hand and offi *ial signature, this
April 11, 1866. flin T. M. JONES, Ordinary.
GUI OUGIA, Ttirrcll Comity :
f Whereas, Abrahun Sasser applies to me for
latter® oT dismission from the estate of R. S.
Hooks, late of said county, deceased—
Tliese are, therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned te be nnd at my office with
in the trme prescribed by* law, and show cause, if
any exists, why add letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand ami official signature, this
May 11, 1866. T. M. JONES, Ordinary.
ftEOKGIA, Terrell, CowuCyc
IT Whereas, Louisa Powell applies-to ine for let
ters of dismission from the estate of J. J. PpweU,
Lite’of said eouuty, deceased —
These are, therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons ««d «typeAo wiy.osce with
in the time prescribed by law, »nd show cause, if
any exists, why said letters should not be granted
Given under iity hand antloftirml stgnatuVe, this
May 11, 1866. T. If. JONES, Ordinary.
will be sold before the Court Home door, in
the town of Dawson, Terrell countv, the lollow
iu wip two lots of land Nog.
*2rs)*n‘thd third district of original Lee, now Ter
rebOounty, levied on the property of Cornelius J.
Turner under a fi fa issued from the Superior Couft
of"£errel County in favor of Seth K. Taylor. Prop
erty pointed out by Plaintiff.
July 3rd.—1866 * Dapt. Stiff.
Cutlibcrt, Ga ,
r |' , IIIS ITotpl, formerly known as the “IviJdoo.
Umise,” is now open and prepared to acoom
moihte all who may favor us with a call. The
public may rest assured that no pains will be
spend to reader the guests comfurtntrie.
will be sOpplied with the best the market and the
country afford. An expeiieneed caterer has been
secured, wbese whole time will be devoted to the
proourement of Edfilff iff Ivl’f/'l/ IJfS
rrfWicill Polite and aiterflive servanta, weal
KioOsiw, tiojd Fair, aiid nOd-jrate wifi'
eitcoly artisfy our guests.
\ . \Y. BuiSCirMiV k BID).,
Cuthbert, Ga., May y * Proprietors.
Wholesale and Retail
And General News Dealers —Triangular Block,
Cherry Street, Jfiacot 1, Git, 2 ts
Macon, - - - Georgia..
r Doulefs ie invitrd to this old
JL and reliable house. jnay 18,6 m
Dawson, Geo.
\I,T. hnsinfss entiuatfil to his cure »i I receive
promyt attcniioii. References: K B Loyles?,
M H D.ililwia, D.veSon, <M; J-W Fe»r», Mneon,
Ga. ; Butler Si Peers, Atlanta, (ft. j Irwin &
dfte r Savannah, Ga.. june2k,Bm
'fcw-Ip forced to grow upon the
enitxtthest in from 1
PfLI.AfKE, the most wonderful discovery in mod
ern seiinee, acHng upon the Beard and Hair in an
almost miraculous maimer. It lilts -been ttseg by
tire elite of Farmland London with tbe most fl u
taring success. Jfaincs ot all purchasers tv.ill .be
registered, and if entire satisfaction i* not xiven
in every itißlanet 4 , the money will tie chectfnily re
fundetl. Price ’hv maii. ttWrted *»ntf-postpaid, ?i.
Deeoripiiw amt testiitiouiala mailed free.
Addrecss BKKGKR, SlH'Trii fit CD., Chemist.,
No. 28& River St., Troy, X- Y. Sole ageuts lor
the United Slates. MayXo
r s»ra. | » E A U T V .
Ng 'b J k Auburn, Golden, §T a*
Flaxen, and Silken Curls,
tja f Jit' produced by the a-c of qp*- JR
,j|fv ' '-tom Prof D-icßßvex'e KiUSKH Ka/A.
spplicalioit warranted to ciitl the most straight
and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets
or heavy massive curls. ' Has -been used bv tire
fashionables of Paris and London, with the most,
gratifying results Does net injury to the hair.—
Price by mail, sealed*and postpaid, fi
five etretiltrrs mailed free. Address, tfi.ff'.H'.K
SHCTTB It CO., Chemists, No.-288 Kiver-Street,
Troy, N. Y. Sole agents for t|ie Csited States/
A. B. Alt A VS, * n - B. VON KB.
Late ot the firm of Adams & Reynolds;
(At old slsod of Hvrrts * Ros»,)
Corner of Second and Poplar St*.,
Macon* Ga.,
Will give particular attention to the Btnr»go
aod Sale of Cotton. jultiS 3m
For the Dawson Journal.
I.iktu aud Dislikes.
1 love oar “g'orlons cauntry,"'
Bat would* great deal more.
It they’d cut, off rankee-doodle-Jom
Add drift It from our shore.
I’d like to. fray for ruiars,
If it were not too bad
To pray that the “ Old Fellow”
Might “harness”every Had.
I like our men—for I anl one—
And think the most will pans;
If some do oot, it cannot bo
For any lack of brass.
Also, our hoys—that is, young men,
Os twelvo and fifteen year* ;
Dot think that hanging most, of them
Would quell feud parents’ fears.
I like our previous ladies,
* Bur, must t'lVoepi a part;
For many frlalcs of beauty
Are false o'er head and heart.
I like the damsels—that is them—
Don’t like their style of dress—
Prefer a more contracted p’ou
That runs ou dry goods less.
It was a modest, lowly cottage wherein
resided Mrs. Hastings and her two daugh
ters. It was a low though neat and comfort
able room in which the younger ccw lay on
her efoith b and. Pure and spotless as wrfc ti e
simple bed elothos,'they tvero not more so
than the heart of MaryHastsng». No evil
therein ever found a home. Well had its.
portals been guarded, and if, perchance, evil
thoughts came, as come they will to all, ttlcy
had not been encouraged to enter and thare-;
in nbidw.
This day eighteen ydars age, life fir§V
dawned upon her pathway ; and this Very
birth day was to have been her bridal one.
Ab, more the bride of heaven looks she new
than for ope of eaith. O God 1 spare her
yet a little while.
“Mother?” called aswoet low voice.
In a moment the mother stood beside her’
softly parting tbe hair from the broad, pale
biow that she had so often kissod in infancy
and childbcod.
“What, my child ?’’
The mother’s voice-trembled as she spoke. ‘
Theto was a heart quiver in it, as though the
souice w(to t vet flawing with tffars.
‘■Do not laugh at me, mother dear, when
I tell you my test night’s dream. I had lain
quietly thinking of E Iward, and of this
that was to be ear bridal day. I yearned oh,
so ardently to see him but once agaiD, only
mo'her, that I might receive his parting kiss
and hin lust I'endly spoken ‘Good-bye.’ Atl at
ouee a strange scn a atieii came over inc. I felt
as strong tsever; and, mother, surely as I now
speak to you, I heard his voice di t'ncily say
ing in the dear ohi tone 1 loVrcd so weft,
Mary, to-morrow is our bridal day. I come
ck, i omue l’*r my long-promised treasure !
The voice died away in a sweet bw oidenoe.
4 -Sny, mother, do uot weep. I /aimc I shall
see bun one* again, and be clasped to his
foml and :iIH fatthful heart. O mother, de
noT weep so when I am so unspeakable hap
py ! do uot War my perfect joy 1”
While tbe weeping mother shut, back the
tears iq her strongs ami' Ibvipg heart, a
'.-trjuge,'si»ci!irig and thrilling fear crept
in with ehemi" t,> ';
“Lis stall, aiy iAyii.i, and try to rest now.
You are excited .wiuh talking, bleep and it
will refresh you.A , *
“Not now, mother. Oh, do not'ask me to
sleep When he is coming I Kemeiuber this is ,
rmf bridal day, and he fflaime his bride. I
must be ready mother. ’l'tiere is no time
ft.r delay. You’ Jfßow ten o’clock was the
hunt appointed/ Jlnug my dress, mother,
aad my bridal veil. Cull sister; aud she
will assist you, lor her hands helped to ar
range them- all.”
Tt e metbor hesitited, gening earncsily 1
upon her worn «nd faded child, blie thought 1
lor d> lirous, so earnestly and strarg-dv had i
.-he spoken, Mary seemed t) read her i
thoughts, for Immediately she added, —
“Niij motler, L am not d-lirous. lam
perfectly sane, liut I kuow my words are I
Tho mother bericatci no 'longer. Sum
moning Lizzie, they again entered the in
val.filerovui. She had balded herself in bed,
ami wus b' »y aurauging her long, fair, glossy
eu I-, of la e so inneh neglected.
“aee,Lizzie,’’ she exciaimed, running her
tapering huger.-, slowly through them, “seu
how tangled and disordered they are, thoso
curls be loved so well. H‘<w often has his
dear baud catesscd and praised them. Will
yuu help iue, dear L'zzic, to arrtmge them
as of yore ‘t
With a tiembling hand and a voice she
dil qct dare tru>t bers if to use, the elder
sisterdid as was Ti <|uind A strange gtreogth
aud epergy seetuetl djfftjsed through Maryj*
wasUd Jraine. ifihc never once eoutplirtued
of fatigue, th ugh for days she had not Lem
able to uiuke the slightest exertion, but had
lain helpless as an infant, passively acquies
cing iu all her mother aud sistjr taw fit -o do
for her, - • - #- .
“And now pung mo my bridal robes, (
dear-one& and help to array main them.
Edward most not find me a laggard on. this i
eventful day: aud it is n<jw nearly t. n o’clock.
WJI yoji uot htip oiC to make ready ? I
They hesitated no. more. T icy would do
b« straDga biddipg,- he tWs ru-ult what it
would. With tumbling Lauds and aching
■ baamiiie si»d iabor wes completed. .
Three y«ais before Edward Graham had 1
‘left her vvawn he loved.lor a homo jo the
“gold regions.’ During,all that time they j
.fiithfullj add steadily Leld'(orceepiondenot. i
Ouly ht one thing was he deceived, and that |
was betar-e Muy de.eivpd herself. She
kaew jitf health had failed:. She knew she ,
cool 1 uot skip and caioj about the old home :
s-ead as of yprt, but she called it a
troublix tine ‘cold and eougb.” Thus though' '
and thus wrote she to Edward. Love is ,
ever ready to think the bestir fear the worst, j
At first he b’t.canre uLrued, but by de
grees, finding sLe wis improving, he took
c urzgo anil was as hopeful as ever she could
wish. The time of his roturn drew near,!
the weding day was fixed aud all necsssary
preparation completed. So long as the cx-
eitciuent of fitting and arraugiug lasted, so
, long a Hcemiug sirongth was vouehsatod the
invalid. Jjujt her physician and friends fear
ed tbe result. . > ,
T»Ojt)’olatk.drew yet no K Iward
came. Siiil Mary’s hope failed uut. ISho j
know he would oeine. Aud lie did eojno |
When ityot wanted a few minutes of tho
hour, Uc drove anxiously and nervously to
the doer. He had been told at the. fillaao
hotel, that Mary was billing, that she eouid
not continue long on earth.
Calmly and quietly Mary received him
His coming had not taken her by surprise.
With him it was otherwise. He, was not
prepared for so tnuoh ohaugo in the beloved
one. It was she who was tho stronger now.
And the firm heart and the manly frame
leaned upon that .emaciated one for
strength and consolation.
| Ob what will not love do—a pure unsolf.
i ish love such as some can feel? With that
in tho heart there, aro ou trials, no troubles,
no privations iu life, for it can make of (hem
all blessings, sweetened and sanctifi.d.
Without it I would,not take the monarch’s
crown or victor’s wreath.
Edward Graham and Mary Hasting) were
both children of poor theugh rospeot.ahle
aud intelligent parents. Edward had been
one of (he first to turn his feet towards the
“gold regions.” He would come hems rich
that Mary might be surrounded with all h r
heart and mind desired. What a pleasant
home should tie theirs on fbo borders of the
dear old Merrimau, H»w patiently and
how earnestly he. toiled, till the three years
wero ended. Ileyond even, bis meet san
guine! hppes had he been suooessful, an 1 now
he a wealthy man But ala ,
tor the hf jirt treasure awaiting him at home!
“Mary, Mary!” was all tho haart-strickqp
man could utter in his great agony,
“Dear,dear Edward,” and she was clasped
to the' he jyt she so yearned in meet.
I, ng and closely K hel 1 her there. How
his heart throfebod with its deep treasur
ed aud unspeakahle love! For a time neither
.' TLo* inowents were too sacred tor
words But the recording angels 'irea-ured
iheui abovo, that they might be renewed in
heaven, evcn’frged from tlw pangs of tlje psr
tinsr. .Mary was the first to speak.
“I knew, Edward, that you woyld eome to
day. I met you id my lust night*s waking
dream—met you as we have mct.tjow in re.
ality, I bless God for the tour and its per
fect joy! Few such oould we have and live.
They are o<ft for earth ; but of heiven, be
loved, in heaven, they will be ours forever!
“Da not leave me, Mary, oh, do not leave
mo!’’ burst involuutarily from his lips.
with a cal a, quiet smilo, such as angels
might wear, she raised her head from bu>
breast, putting back the hair from Lis damp,
sold brow where stiff.lingsut enthroned,gnas
od long and tenderly upon the beloved- It
almost ecemed sis though her spirit entered
his. The expression of intense suffetiog
passed from his face, aud a pleasant though
saddened rmi’o came instead.
“But, Edward, I do not leave you ; I only
go before: "and tbe voioe (hough weal; und'
low was clear and free from trembling.
••Can you not wait, beloved ? It will uot
be l"ng. Wo ahull meet agiiu iu bcavou.”
.‘ Bo mine on eirtb, Miry, oh, be mine on
earth ; then perhaps I can better boar the
parting, for I shall know my wife awaits mo.
“I knew yuu would come,. E l ward dear,
and that you would and • s're this, Th; r>tl'ore
ani T rohod for the ccreinouy. Yes, I wilj
be yours, eveu upou ea r tb, and ever yours
in heaven,’’
Theylergytnan was called it, and the cer
emony was performed. Osltn otid earnest
were the words the good, man spake. Calm
ly-and earnestly wore they received into
thoss sadduued, chu.-oened heurts. It was
as though l.ho spirit of HeavettaJad dcsccudetl
and dwift upon tLern.
“My wife I’’
“Jly husband ’’’
The drenai 1i;k1 been fulfilled—th“r yt wi re
United on (forth. An Imur el), oho
little hour of perfiet joy, anil Mary was with
the angel*. “Kiss ute, beloved !” wt re the
last words the parting spirit uttered.
In the Warm embrace, with Ifp’S pres-cd
to Tips, and without a struggle the spirit went
upA.trd to its home. Edward was alone qii
earth, and yet not alone, for “tbe dead arc
ever with ps,”
jft <N *. *’** ♦ *r ♦ *,
One mote earnest spirit Jp a tided to those
who preach Bcaaer, may it lie
your lot, as it liap been mine, to profit by the
neartfelt words that full from the. lips of Ed
ware (vtahntn.
I to TttrxK of.— The Number of
I languages spokeoTs 3;offt. The number
| of men is arbout equal to the nuruber of
j womefi The Average of human iife is thir
! ty*thr»c years. Otic quarter die before tho
age of svren. One bmf St fore the age of
seventeen To evefy 1,000 persons, only
one reaches t betege of One hundred yt ars.
Te every one hundred rn l y nine reach the
age of' sixfy-fivp. aud not more thjin one
out of tivediurMlred reaches thctigOof eighfy
years'; There are on the ejir’h f 000,ODO
(KMb of inhabi’nh’e, of these, diJ
ev.ry jcTtr, 77,787’ every hnnr br sikty“
.every thinntfe—-one for every second. These
lo*»es are ttliTOt balanced by an'oquat nurti
beroibirtbs Th<r mart leu aro longer livetfo
! thru the single j‘ and above all those who
! observe nn"te r and inffh*t:ioav condur-t.
Tall wi W fiv* longer than short men
Wemeil lave more chane*e of life previous
1 to tbe age of fi 'ty than men, Out, fewer »f
--| ter. Tbe number of marriages is in propor
j tron of seventy-five to one hundred. Mar
riages tiro more frequent after the rqainox
-1 that \s during the months of June qttd De
cewibdr. Those born in Spring ore gencr
rallv mere robust than others. Births and
! deaths are more frequent by night phan by
| d *j- , T ’ r -- .
I Thf 6aE.m r.ttit —i’be Bishop of VVttrts
! burg mine ask< and a sprigH’ly sbepbrC'f bey,
I “What are you doing here,my lad f”
Tending fswitic.”
1 Hew much do yeu p.'- 't”
“Oae fi rm a wee’t.”
i “f am »h>o« tdieytWerd, cowrinued h«s but
i I bavs-a much larger valary.”
I “That may be, but then I soppewo yon
have mere swine nodei your oaro,” iuno- '
I ccntly replied the bey.
Xctaarle shotvn ot Mint Bones
land W liite 0.-th. iu Aliilmma-
This day a fortnight ago tho meteoric
stones..begin to fall, and havo falleh every
day alhte', Ificlhdmg t«*di*y, with increiserig
inter*st, with tho exception of heal No
hot stones have fallen that l am awaro of.
One day last week the young man that waits
on my bouiso remarked to mo that “them
things kept falling at KmedineM ho if. (Sr; that
an old bone and a pieoo of wood had fallen. *
L walked to her house and found her in the
yard w ith a bone that was apparently ouce
a soap bone, tho kneo of the shin bone, and
a piece of perfectly seasoned basket white
oak, which w*a clean and entirely free of dirt
and looke las f t had < ome from aome work
shop. I nhowyd both the piece of wood and
hone to a neighbor who had eo:ne for the
expresi purpose of gratifying liis curiosity.
Wo wcrehoih of the opii ion that the bone
had been dxp’ a?d to the weather some ten
or twelve years. They both fell tgo itber
and at the siine time iu the yam. As I
approached in ten stops of her fenoc ono stone,
ait silleious, came rattling dffwfi fhrtrugh
ono of tho trees,and almost’fn tho sarno irt— another fell 1" four or five foot, right
before my eyes. Whilst, conversing with
her she Htcpt to a chicken coop, which wa c
lying there, and prsscnted mewilh a lum’p
of clayey looking stuff! about the hardness
of a half burnt brick- Slia eaid Tom, her
husband,hail plowed it up sonic days be
fore tjiey began to falL u s *f were, iu show
ers and brought it le tho Louie,hut she had
forgotten to show it to tar. This Mump
would weigh', in the estirawtio* of the gentle
men above alluded to, *t least six pound*.
It fell in plowed ground where tho corn was
knee high. One fell lastbight on my house
with great violence, duriog a strfrm of wind
rain, thunder snl lightning. For want of a
lalldhr lam unable to get it,as it in Mged
in a gnUer. 1 learn tr-duy they-.htrvo fallen
likswiae at. Mrs J Kuliivwi’e, six miles fioni
mo,, who lives at. what bos-bcei} called Jor
dons ferry,” JSsett's creek.
I w : as in conversation a week ago with one
of the mo?t'i'ntelHgent ladies of our eoanty,
who informed me that the like rMsssoniesi
oaeurred several years ago in Mississippi,
and, continued to fall for a wUoleyeur eonliu
e l there just as hero, to ppe locality ; that
the neighbors, pkVirnpKiciillfc, supposed it
Was some mischievous pers’ots, ind rncontin
ently mustered all tho “nigger dt»gs” and
spoored tbe whole touatry, without making
any discovery ; so the thing T remaihs a mit
tery to this day — fa,Gil- Tribune,
A I.illle Keiuaucc.
Some years ago a poor penniless advrti
hirer arrived at San Bernardino. Hi;
ek thsk were in rags, his cheeks were hollow,
and his eyes had that fierce, restless expres
sion, which is set n in one who has ocd. fora
long time tasted food. The stranger stop
ped at a firm-lit use, and after sotne hesita
tion Asked for a meal. The farmer, who
was well-to-do iu the world, at ouee gr>uted
the request. Entering into oouversatiou
with the stranger, Le found that he was cu
deavpring to make his way to U-OBiinc- 1 , hut
miscalculating the expenses of the route, had
found hjs means iuad. quote to.bear him to
Lis journey’s end.
The farmer was so impnessrdjwith hie sto
ry thathe. voluntarily Iru.t the needy adven
turer a sum of money-to help him to hie des
tination. ,;
Time a od with its chaoocs and changes,
and found the once prosperous farmer de
spoiled es his tittle property, and sedcing a
•pcrcjuions subsistanctr-in San Francisco.
Booh wys the coudiiiou of affairs, when a
few we' k since a splendid earring: drove
up to-tlio man's door. A richly a'llrod
alighted therefrom, h frrnoved
to be Uie p< nnilcsa rrlvcuture r wtirtm the
uow r duccd iarjuev had so generously assie 1 -
eu. Ifuek had chsugeil with tho former,
lie hrd travelled to YYishde', and crgagitlg
in the a.lvor mines, had amassed like many
others ouoe pr>or, a rapid fortune. He
had enuio to invite bis. benefactor, with bit
family ti take a tile fur the purpoao of tak
ing .a Lok it n coat collage which bo had
jnst p urehabcd.
1 iie-spaWy rode forth ia high spirits,
ffie, m» r.,i«g was fine and tbe air exliiltrut.
ing. Iu due tint-they arrived at the eot
tags, w liioh pr jvrd to bv au,e tjL xho neat
est iu ti ricglileirlia and
W’heti the vi.-i diß had satisfied tbqtp—
selves with adnrfring 'everything that was
to be admired, and nod pftrttfkert of a re‘
past spread for the occasion, their entertain
er turned toward litem ami said t t.
“It lofng ago but that you munt
remember the destitute stringer who came
to your gate for wherrwittialF to satisfy the
cravings es hungtr, and whom yon sent on
his wax rt juicing, juth more money than be
IvatTseeq for n t welye-sponth. lam that
stronger. W tth the proceeds of yojjr gtJi
erosity I reached the mitres Success crown-'
ed my efforts. I was wealthy. I visited
Ban Bernardino for fhc purpose cf drserharg
insr my delt* at gVathtfdf * bnt yon w'Cre nol'
there I sought you every wbarc; And final
ly found you in your place of refuge, bearly
as destute as' myself on the Jay when over-s
oome with hunger, I paused at yonr thresh
old-. My mission is acomplfsbed. Afou
have been plowed to admire this cottage.
It i* yours. Take it with all that if con
tains, aud may Heavon eoatde yon, tny befi
cteetor, to pro-spvr as I fcav* prHwyured.
To finish the story, tho tide rfoeds were
pluckd for the harris of tjui ustt nished , fai -
nter', and he is at this moment (Otuforiably
installed with his family in his new domi
cile, the happiest of mm.
A YaxWef, made abet %itb a
that heeouldswalfow him. Tho-Datzsbniau
Lid down on the table, and the Tankeo tak
ing Lis big toe in bis mouth - nipped it sc
vttrelv. “Oh you «te biting me! fiu-ed
the Dotehtq&n “TV’hy yhu old fool," re
ulied tbo Yattjtoq, 'did you fopsk l WAS gulag
le iWwdlo* ys>* whule ? ' .
Gikio. Abvice.—“Hear am my friend.
Vesterday 1 was called an-ans by Mr.sJcnaes,
and I intend to prusretne-hfm fat it.
M’hal do yon tiiihk. of it?’"
“If I were yon, I would not do it
Because he might prove tbe charge and
that would compromise you.”
vol. i. no. a.
An Aninaing Incident.
Ifdnery Hale, ono of the host scouts in
the Federal service, Irft -B-ivontivorrti with
dispatches. ■''As hetolo along, men from
every dirseliop wqr«.goi»g to join Price.
Ho 81W an old secessionist with a shot gun,
and thought, it would boa nioe thing ti the old follow and taka his hors:
into Lexington.
So ho oogagod the old man jlo conversa
tion, and gettiag an opportunity; put his re
volver io the robol's beadj, ordered hiru to
tye his gun to the saddle, to dismount, aad
finally to skedaddle
The oi l man made tracks rapidly, glal to
esoape with his life. ><■ '. " . *
Halo took his horse xnd rode on whistling
'Yankee Uoedlf,'’
Ho Tfad rlddfin about a mile, when at tho
turn of tho road, he was suddenly ordered
to halt.
The oi l rehal had procured another gun,
and got ahead ethini. The gun was level
ed at Hale’s head.
“(let off that horse” said the rebel.
ITalc got down.
“Tie that revolver to thrf Saddle.^*
Hale obeyed, -o a;-
“Pull off your pants.”
Hale did it.
“Skedaddle,' 1
Aji order wliioh Hale isemcdialely carried
into effect merely saying.
“Well, Cap, I thought my shirt was com
ingnext. Good-bye.”
Tho rebel went off with two bofscs whis
tling MLtoxie,” /while Ifale marched seven
miles into Lexington »i:h fthly hla shiri
containing his dispatcher. He will not be
permitted do forget that, seven miles.
Fig,\rugH citizen es Unlveetco, Tex
as, gives an account of a most fiendish out
rage and disgrace, perpotrated by one Capt
Wilson of the iii th Illinois. If the facts as
given pro Due, then this officer, who hasdia
'graovil flic Feder.-.l uniform and humanity,
ucscrv® the soorn and execration of the
world. The case hr stated as follows : Cap
tain VYil-on, while en route from Galveston
lo New OHcaas, on hoard the ska new Sit'
vet Cloud, ordered a Mr. McDonald and a
fr end of his, both citizens of Grimes county
to be tihd up with a small cord by tho
thumbs for one hour; For using ca he asser
ted disloyal language. When these sea
were taken down, the eor]„ ' ua( t cut through
the fhsh to the bone on their thumbs, oaue
ing the moat oxcirUciating pain
Th“,i fktstf should startle a thinking
COtnmuoity, and eause them to inquire if
there Is no remedy for (outargue like Ibis ;
Can it be that wo. have no law to pucieh
suoli atrocious acts of barbarity.
Aat pf SiVimmino.—Men are drowned
by raising their arms above water, the un—
bouyed -weight of which depresses tbe head.
Other animals havo neither motion nor abil
ity to act in-a similar manner, and therefore’
swim naturally. When a man falls into
deep water, he will rise to the suiface, and
will continue there If he does not elevate his
bauds. If he moves hi* hands under water
in any way be pleases, bis bead will rise so
as to allow him free liberty to breathe, and
if he will use his legs as in the act of walk
ing (or rather walking up stairs) his shoul
ders will rise abovo water so that he may
use less exertion, or aptly them to some
other purpose These plain directions may
bo lonnd highly advantageous in preserving
Our “devil” like most of “printers’ dev
il*,” is a great admirer of the ladies, and of
course lias a “sweetheart.” Flo and Ms la
dy love were on their way to church walking
along and ehattiug briskly op the numerous
topics of thc.dayj when she suddenly caught
(rig baud, and looking up smilingly in his
face, asked : “Do you know why I cannot
get religion ? “No tny dear, I do not,” he
“lt is because I l«Vo tho devil!”
“I golly be replied, iam glad you are A
I/OOkiNH Vo'ttWAiip.— yV manly little fel
low of five years felj und cut his upper lifi
so ftedly that a surgeoh had to be B;itn
mrmetl tiVweWr ttf! the Utoand. He sut hi
-hts ukfllurtfs' lap during the tipperwtion,
pale .Uyt vpry quiet, leaolutely keeping
biwdt the tears and moons. In her distress
tbe ydttng mother could not fiefrum from
saying ; “Oh doctor I fear it will leave
.an hgly Kcaf ”
ChsiTe looked up in her tearful face arid
said iu it comforting trme: “Never mind
irtamu, my moustache wiH errvor it.’*
Tub Difkkuencb—A lady observing the
following notice on a board, horses taken to
grass j long tails, three shillings and six
pence , short tails two-shillings, asked thu
. owner of the lend the reason for the differs
cnee in price. “Why you see ma’am,*’ bo
replied, long tails can brush away tbe flies,
but the short tails are so tormented they
an hardly eat at all:
Bkick BoNeboV Bajß tie people of Boa
trtif go tD Heaven through the big organ
This Assurance te calculated to dh-ahuse thrt
pub io -tuind of th* impression that about
nine tenths don’t go there at all.
It tw-aflid t-bet riicrs STS sfis Usatlvnnd
chihJ«jq'.i(i New Uuven, Gon“etb-'ut, for
wbtmFgTere is no room ig the public ehoolu
Flijr'Wy havli’t.’ a Bureau there.
fItNCK the bas-rooms are shut up iti
New- York oiiJSun'day, sofifteof tho bar hern
hate bivwiten tt new' tiair teido- f r the
beard— I which ia appbed |ost under tb*»
■ ni*atslache- u.-a . . 4
Mrs. Partington said she did not marry
her seaond husband because she ievnd the
male rex, but because he mas tbe size of her
protsetf r, anu t<tpjd wear eat his ethi
clalhes. . ’
J; ** *«* • **'^” - JS'.' l * .
p»9vqk'Bg elats are the weak minded
uaiu'whft can never say no !” bnt bo matter
wffftftydtjiSfcs Wfo expressed, always coin
uide widh them. They are like two Dutch
men who held the f< Bowing dinlogue :
‘ Veil Hans, v*t does you tink ?*’ “V«jlt f
don't k-uow, vat does you_fiek Y” “Tell!
tiofei vat yog (Ini.” “Veil, I link so too.”
It is reckoned that in France there ltd
seventy five thoatand persons blind of :M