The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, July 27, 1866, Image 2

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(Jif iiVffWj! journal. IAW SOX, HA, JULY 27. 18(30. j Author zuri Agents. "ne folio wiiu* Rentlemon *r«- authorized to re v ■ and receipt fur subscriptions mid advcnimtig l i llit< p«pe : Spki'i*!. sokst. —Rev. Thomas T. Christian. l.r-Ml’Ki*.—lt. K. Kirksey, Her. 1* B. Davies, I.kk Opusrr,—Rev. Thos. I. Speight. I'uriMlKar R v. VVm A l*»rk«,l llatto Musky.—Dr. 0. K. Moore. Murom), G* —\. C. D mk*J. t’KH'K*»AWniTeif*Jt.—Rev. f\ A . Crnwrll.^ A waters, ilk. —R-*v. J. W. ifnrdtD. Sairavitav, (i». —¥. Jl. (IHeeves. U»hu*> Ga.—Dr. R. T. Hendrick. Congress prr arises to adj'>uin on the27th last. Amen. Browni.ow is dead out opposed t> (ho I’-.-.ilxdelphia Conroation. ‘Naff ccd The tiring is right. Thcra wtro fur deaths on Tyheo Island, near SaVanah on the 20th inat. from cholera. Cot Henry I,ONo ,an old and eataem r<l citizen r.f LnGrango, Goo., died ofekol era Morbus, on Wednesday molting the 1 Sth iust. Texas Ei.kotkw —Thnekmorton, has been cl clod (lov rror of Texas. The whole Conservation Ticket has been sue ( cupful Tlie Austrians have lout during the war in Europe fihy four tiiAiusund men in ki led and wounded. VYiii.-ia has bo r n everywhere victorious, j The I’boi-lf. MoViiww—Oonvrn'inna have been called in every Congressional Dis trict in Georgia for the purpose of sjudiug delegates to the I’hiladelphia Convention. , A'.rxtvnxß VV'. H yndail is now Post | Master General, Dennison’ resigned Tie was in 18oG Goveuor of Wisccnsiu. llois now President of the National Uuiun j Executive club, wl rah rssned the call for the Convcn’ieo at philad ripbi*. the I'kon.s iUxiiMitit, That every '■ man in Terreff county, who is in Javor of i Georgia’s la-ing represented in the Philo-! delpiiiu C mention, which assemble* w» the 14th of August, is earnestly requested i to meet at Dawson on Saturday the 23th inst., for the purpose of appointing dele gates to the t)'strict Convention, which convenes tt Americas, on the Ist of Au gust. Dot every fri-nd ol the President—every enemy to JialDal rule—every man wlm would see the South restored to her f me tical relations to the t\ion, be present. What Next? —A bill has been i Arc- j dnc’d in C njress, requiring every po's s.sor of Cmfidarate money, to destroy it, upor and ■ failure tu do so, a heavy penalty is to be in- i dieted. The erection of any monument, in honor of any event, or death, tu oonneettion with the Co - f.devwte war is forbidden. We would not be surprised to hear of the pas sage of a bill for the disinterment of all eon federates who fell in the war, that I heir bod tee any bo takm to the Oap'tjl for the Cjd- • grcssional hyenas i t feed t>n I Salt a Fudtbctiyk from AVeaVlxs in Southwestern Georgia, where wenvies are generally so trouolesonie, plan'ers nncl; ->thfra would do well to give the following “duple plan, to keep them off, a trial, width ' . -itiies from an intelligent planter : 1 A quart of fine salt sprinkled into ten ' '-ii-liels of wheat, will keep out wearies ! Also to sprinkle eo: nfield pens w ith a mod- J < rate quanti y of ralt w ill protect them in j Ue manner. Salt earn in no way be indju- j lioustotbe use of either article. So and t'euns tire ofien attacked by woavles. A , light robbing of them with almost any hind of gre se will preven it.” We suppo-e the same jri'ojKirtion in corn , w ould keep them out of tbut. Roforui rtlcdirnl Convriilioii. A Convention of the frien’s of Medical ' Reform met at the Medical C liege in Ma -on on tbe lfith inst. Hon. O: A. lahAi me was elected l’resideiit,an 1 l>r. M. 8. ! Irani peon and cted Secretary. It was de termined to open the College tide fall at >’d rates. Among other resolutions tiie following ' was adopted : That, inasmuch as mxiiy of our young uiett, in this and the surrounding Slates have been disabled by wounds and war's . iisunlties from obtain-ng a livelihood hy physical effort, and are w ithout means Os uttaii ing profession*, the Board of Trus ees and Faculty of tiie li so m Medical ; Otdlegr, do cordi dly invite a’l such to come ind enjoy she opjiortuuity of acquiring an honorable ea’ling tree ami yraluitout/y. CW'.'tniiiK out (In- Cabinet. A special to the New York News sajs i that olc thing te certain, and that is the President will appoint anew Secretary of War, and a Secretary of the Interior, and will do so at once. In the reconstruc tion of the Cabinet tbe South will have ft ieast one representative, and it is thought that Mr. Ilarlin’s suceessor will be a gentle- ! uian from Georgia- General Dix will pro bably be made Secretary of War, and Rev erdy Johnson Attorney General, it being understood that Governor Swann wiil »p. 1 point a Conservativa to sueoecd Mr. Johnson in (he Senate. Thaddeus Stevens and other Pennsylva nians here have receidt-d intelligence front all parts of that State to the effect that the virtual defeat of the tariff by the Seoate win enable the Democrats to < arry Pennsylvania at the Fall elections. The fact is a most important one. Rr.ow.Ni.otv Dkposed—A Nashville paper -ays that a gentleman o f that city received a letter from Washington a few days ago sta ting that Brownlow would be depoaed; and ha- G n. Gordon Granger would be appoint ed Mi itary Goveoor by the President. Why We khmildtieiid Ikvlegsitrs to The CouvMitifM. Fuat.—The call is made by those wbo are opposed to the Rudiods of the North It is emmervaism vs. Radicalism. Tho liads vo un lerstaml; in tostim *ny where ol, when President Johnson gives his np ! provul to the (VSnventi' n, Denn son, n R<d t ieal member of hts (Juliinet resigns, and bo- I shies every Radical editor nnd politician i opposes it. The Ntrw A ork N<w-s, the j World, and other papers north of Masons i H nd Dixon’s Uric, who huv*battled man ! fu’ly for the S uth, call upon us to come I over and help t’iciii iu their efforts to put down Radicalism. Secondly,—Opposition to the C nvon -1 lion must necessarily discourage President John on, wbo lias nobly and bravely bat ! tied ngainst llad'etil sm, and at the sacrifice ■ of the favor of many, saved the South from degradation nought to be lie ped upon her. Ho approves tiie Convent! n because he bc leivos that it may re-ult iu harmonizing nil men, North anti South, or at least in unit ing the conservative elements of tho Country against lladica'isai. Ihe Rfuli c-i!s must be put out of office, rr the South , will be begga ed, an 1 tbe whole country* ruined. Will we not help do this—help to 1 save the Country from tho d'sgraco of Radical rule, especially when in so doing we are saving ourselves ? Suppose tbe | Radicals are triumphant in the next elec tions -hold the power again in Congress may we not judge from their past conduct of what they v> ill be in the future ? \\ hat have we of the South t) hope for from ‘.hem ? Their run-mad fanaticism will show us no mercy. \Vbat they have al ready done is but the beginning of miseries. Fhnll we because of a fool sh pride, opiposc the Convention, and thereby entiss the President to turn away from us and our friends North to give ns up as incorrigible ? I Shall we refuse to help them, simply bc | cause, from policy, tho rail is not worded just as w*e wool! have it ? We think such conduct a suicidal policy. If our delegates, wheu they go to the 1 Convention, find that they are required to concede more than their judgement and consciences will nllow, let them come ho*ne. ! | Or if they are adm'ttbd to seats in the Con-. | vention and find they have been decoyed inti a trap, then, even, let them withdraw i inn body. | The proposition no donTg, is made in 1 n*ood faith Let ns send delegates, and srlo.t f r dclega es our wisest nnd frost men. Arrest ;tn<f Confinement of n tleni bet* of (he Tenii. EcfiivlalHre. Wo notice the following card in the Nash villc DspatchjOf the 18 th instant: “A Carp from Mr. Williams, —Fp-ak- cr’s Room, Jniy 17, 18GG.—To the house of Representatives—Gentlemen : Yon have me here in close confinement—not permitted J even to go to my regular mca's, without a l blanket or even a pillow to put under my J head. I suppose thi -is all done 1 y way oP punishment for rot obeying your behest. GeDtlcmen, yon may keep me coi fined. You may put me in the penitentiary rnd iron me down, and keep me durir.gmy nat ural life in that eonditirn, you never can i forco mo to act upon the proposed amend ment to the constitution or the United States ; until it is first submit'ed to the pcoplo for tbeir action- P. WtU.UNfS, Member from Carter county. The same paprr contains an account of' the arguments of counsel before Judge Frazier, who had issued a writ of habras enr pus at the instance of the couusel of Mr Williams, commanding the officer) in whose custody he was, to bring him into oourt.— This writ was disobeyed by the officer, when j the pris'ncr’s oounscl, Judge Gant, asked, of hi* H j_>or that an attachment he issued to bring both petitioner and rcspondiirt be fore the Court. TTnnn this demand argu meat was heard by the Court on both sides,; but no detiuon at the time of its adjourn-! ment. The tyranj exhibited by Brownlow’s F.-'g islature in this case is without paiallel in American history, or in any other save j where the record tells of the reign of tyran's and a downtaodden people. The end of this must soon come. Publio opinion must soon 1 correct this maladministration of govern ment in Tennessee. The intelligence, vir tue, and patriotism of her people must pre vail against these who u.snrp a power not bestowed upon them by the Constitution of thetState. • For the Dawson How (o Estimate Wowing Cotton. I It mar be of interest ta those of your reader* on g.igcd ii] cottou raising, and, perchance, beneficial! to some, to peruse tbe following plan for estimat- j ing the probable amount of cottou to be gathered, ; from their respective fields. I give a basis upon which we may make calculation approximating to correctness: Say 130 bolls of cotton wiil make a pound on an I average. There is nearly or about 14,660 square , fret in an acre. Ten bolls to the foot would make 145,600 bolls to the acre—tLLs at 130 bolls to the ; pound would make 1,120 pounds per acre. jj am not sure that 1 am correct as lo the square feet )! To make the calculation easy, we will sar the rows 1 are three feet apart—then lor ev»ry foot nongthe 1 row there are ten bolls, or thirty to the yatd— . then every 70 yards would have 2100 boll's. 70 j roirs 70 yards long would have 147,000 bolls, which divide by 130, and we have 1130 pounds per acre. But make a little more allowance for the avenge bolls, and to make the calculation s iH more e„sv and sure, wa will allow that the ten bolls to tlie running toot, or 31 to the yard, will only make 1000 lbs. per acre, whblt would he about 141 bolls to the pound, a very . safe calculation, and we cm count soy numbrr o'" hundred pounds per acre with v r? little trouble, ten balls to the fro’, 1000—9 bolts to the foe »Ou lbs per acre, and so on dowu to one boll to the foot, loti pounds per acre. J. J. P P. S The 1 1560 should be multiplied by 3 to make square feet Tbe President has signed the Joint Res et u ion admitting Tmocsce belter from Seerrtnrv Sewarl A |*- Ill'Vllllii (fIC l*t>ll(l«l<*l|»lliu C«ll» volition. Department or Fiat*,) Washington, D C., July 11, ldbti.) Sir :—Excuse mo for expressing surprise tl at you ask me whether I approve of the! call of a proposed National Unioin (Jonvon tiou at After more than five years of disloaationj by civnl war, 1 regard a restcrati. nos the i unity of the country as its most immediate as well as its most vital interc-t. That res-| (oration will bo complete when loyal men arc admitted as repr-sentativos of the loyal people of the eleven States so lemg unrepre sented in Congeess. Nothing but Ibis can complete it. Nothing more remains to be done, and nothing more Is necessary, Every day’s delay is attended by unl'tiplying nnd increasing inconveniences, embarrassments, i and and ugers at home and abroad. Congress possesses the power exclusively; Coogresv after a sessi nos seven months, sti'l omits to exercise that power. “What can be done to induce Congress to act 7 This is tho question of theday. Whatever is done must he iu accordance with the Constitution and laws. It is in perfect aecorda&ce with the ('onstifuti n and laws that the people of tho Uii ed Ft. tear hill asst mhle, by delegate?, in . convention, and that when soass mbled they shall address Congofs by te pett u’ petition and remonstrance, and that the people In several States, distrie's, and territories, shall 1 approve, sanction and unite in such rospre*- ful representations to Cangreus. No one party could do Ibis rfh-ctunlly, or even seems willing to do it alone; no local or popular organization could do it effectually. It is the interest of all parties alike; of all the tbe States, and of all sections—a national interest; tbe interest of tbe whole people. The Oonvertion, indeed may not succeed in inducing Cjngrcss to act, but if they fail the attempt can make matters no worse. It wi‘l be a lawful and patriotic attempt made in the riffbt direction, an effort to be remem bered with pride and satisfaction whetbir it succeed or fail. The original union of the States was brought about by movements of tbe same ehiraeter. The citizen who ob jects to the Convention is bound to a better plan of proceeding to rffect the de sired end. No other phn is offered, or even thought of. Those who should oppose it would seem to me to manifest atbestunaon corn, if not opposition to all reconstruction, restoration, and reconciliation between the alienated masses of tbe American people.— To admit that tbe Convention will fail, would bo te admit luat the people of the U F. are' deficient in either the wisdom or the virtue necersiry to contii uo the cxis'cnec of the Republic. I believe no such thing. A great p 1 tieal writer says tbst government is a, secular religion, and that the people of every country are divi led iu‘o two classes each maintaining a distinct political faith The one class always fear the very worst that tan possibly happen, and the other hopes under every circumstance tbe very best tba‘ can in any cv nt happen. Without excepting this thing as absolutely true, T think all men do grn n rnlly act from a motive to guard against public danger, or else from a positive desire to do good. Rath classes may therefore favor the present at tempt to restore tbe unity ot the nation. I am sir, your obedient servant, William 11. Seward Hon. J. R. Doolittle, Chairman Executive Committee. &e. Horrible 1> until. i Charles 11. Tibbs, of this ei*y. a young man of good intellect nnd fine promise, but ; for the unfortunate hnb’t of intemperance, was on Monday night, while setting on the railroad in the lower pari of tiie city-, mn | over by a train o( enrs and instantly kil'ed. I He was Seen inn state of intoxication some thirty- minires before the f.i*al acetdent, 1 but whether he was asleep'or not when the , train struck him is not known. ! The engineer discovered him t'io late to I reverse his engine and stop the train- Tims another victim has be - n sacrificed upon the alter of the relentless monster, Inteinpet ance. Here was a voting man, Occupying the first social position*, gentlemanly in his manners, intelligent arid handsome, a tmt ver.-al favorito with all who knew him, j suddenly stri* ken down in the prime of iris | early rnanhotrl by this ore dfui simoon, j w hich is sweeping Over our unhappy land | destroying the hope of the country, If we Lad timv and space, we would like to say a few words of scorching ! rebuke to the heartless wrricbes, who are tending so many of our young m n down to the dninkards grave, and who for a few paltry dimes, over the prayers and entreat ies ot tic heartbroken father or the subject; of this np‘ ri-.e, eon inrted to supply him with the 1 t l! poison that eau ed his death ! But it would In tt elcss—we know them not, and whoever they are, we leave them jto the lashings of cotisience and to Ihe I terrible retribution which will most surely lie them in a fti-ure elate, un -1 less they repent.—[Dal on Georgian.] Counterfeit Honey in tiie Soutii. The Treasury Department has evidence that the S tuth is ff toded with counler'eit national and fiuauti il currency note.3. One of their dctccfivt n while on an official visit; in one of the Southern cities, obsarved that 1 .an immense quantity of this spurious money , f& circuhitiiig there among ail .classes, who wrhb few exceptions, except it as k rapidly as the genuine. The detective received, while making short trifiiug purchases, nearly one hall his change in counterfeit money, and being desirous ascertaining souie estimate of the amount of this trash in circulation, sc : s-i ed upon the money “tills” of several mer chants doing quite an exteusiva buaioem, ml discovered that about one half (heir contents were counterfeit, which consisted of United Stats notes of the various issues and denom inations, ail the denominations of fractional ' currency, and quite a number of counterfeits i on national banks of the North and West. llot Wbather RucouDg —The daily News of the 18th has a list of cases of sun stroke, the day before, filling a column and a half. The mercury in Now York rose to 90 at 12 SI., and 102, varying at different loculities. Too details of suffeting, particu larly among ihe dumb animals’ are distress ing, and hatdly comprehensible by denizens of the country, who ate not parboiled in the vapor reeking from many miles of brick walls, which, wherever exposed to the sun’s direct rays, become two it .t to be touehrA. In l’hiladelpia, the Itith, the mercury in dicated lOd. Ku-incss of all kinds was sus pended on boc unt of the intensity of tbe heat. litrel Tliriiiitiut 4'uu«*la« fa «*f Culture**. All cubical readers aro famill.ur with tho graphic descripiiou which .Sallust gives of the meet ng of Ca'alii.e and the instruments of his unholy ambition, wl.en they gathered in ; secret conclave to pilot the deGriuthm of the Republic. And another, even a greatrr or.o than the \ famous biatorian of aho conspiracy of Cata : line, h;is with a fi w touches of his uiagie pen j painted the memorable seenc, when tb j i'riumviri, the cet.tral directory of their | Jay. deliberated in secret what disposition should be made of tbe spoils of tbe Roman Emp ire, and wliat fa‘c they should du-ree' for m«n, who opposed their unrighteous pur pose* '>V , e qu jtc a portion of the remarka ble scene: Antony, Oct. vius, an J Lmidus, seated at a ta bic. Ant. These many then shill die ; their namos i are pricked. Od# . Your brother too must die, consent j you Li'pidus* y.e/). Ido cors'nt. Ortv. Prick down An'onr - . J.ifi. Upon condition Publius shall not live, who ia your sister's ron, Mult An'ohv. Ant. lie sln.ll not live; lock vbh a spot I d.m him. * • It is ever thus ambition, tyranny, and treason, work out tb ir pr- u i purposes in secret. Conspiracy is bora iu secrecy. With these remembrance t and consider ations before us, vre have never heard ought bat, bate ot sgc-rct political c_ n laves. Ileneo it is with a fixed feeling, ofsoriow we have heard of the nightly assembling of the ma jority of Congre-s in the Capitol, with closed and guarded doors, under the injunction of profound secrecy. This is the inauguration of anew era in our history, and ir is one to which the attention of tbe American people sipouM be called. It must be remembered these are meetings of persons without authority, about whose movements the public are no way con cerned, but it is the dominant party of both Houses of Congress; It is the Senate and the House in secret conclave; it is tho leg ’slative power of forty ms of pe >ple in concealed deliberation What does it mean ? If it is legitimate business they are after, why is not that busi ness transacted with open do rs, in tbe light of day, and under the eyes of tbe American people ? It bolts ns it was something they wore ashamed of, or feared to have known. Have tley so lost omfi denes in tho icfelligeuce ol the people, they far m trust that people with a knowledge of public affairs? Do they four that their power is giving away and that the ground is crumbling beneath tbem, and same secret scheme must be concocted to aircst the dis astrous turn events aro liking ? Or do their purposes go beyond ttiis-; do they used itatc anew violation of tbe Constitution to secure their bold on power? Dt they forge a mysterious thunderbolt to burl at tbo breast of the noble patriot iu the Exec utive chair, who has stood as unyielding as cDatiny iu oppo-ition to there wicked and insensate purposes • Arc they preparing tLemsalzes for one las f , desperate cm nought upon tho Execu tive power? Dj they meditate c-nfi carious imd proseriptii cs, or impeaehmenis ? Their attitude is calculat, and to alarm the puH c ooufidonc'. S me think they meditate a coup il'ctut, but we acquit tb m of this folly. Certain it is they do not u’ghtly assemble 1 ke conspirators iu tbo Capitol, wiib closed and ors, to gize at each other’s sac s, • r in dulge in ihe luxury of public* speaking No; they mean business, as they siip up with stealthy steps by Dight to the Capitol. We have not l :araed whether, like Guy Fawkes, they move with their dark lanterns. I'ut whether they do or no*, wi. protest j auaii st, iheii longer profaniug the saend Capitol with their midnight conclaves. The Atlantic Telegraph. The third attempt is now being madd to connect Europi and America by means of a submarine Telegraph seroS3 tho Atlantic. Iloretof re tbo prospect has failed, but the , company aro now verv hop?fui of success i The Maeon Tdcgrapb, sp>eaking of the prc.~ j jeo’: • * ‘ Tbcie i seme thi rg poetical in the idea 1 of two groat continents thousands of miles removed from each otlicu- by a viit expanse of water traversed hitherto only by means of j ship*>, at last brought fice to face, with tho 1 intervening space of rolling biilows annihi lated as it were, and the two pceplcs iu immediate converse with, and in virtual j presence of, each other 1 The re ultq too, afe equally woidtrfu', though nowbuta matter iu tbe prosprective Constant and immedi ate ioterciurse will banish the eoldnes and , antipathies natural among strangers, foster ) mutual sympathies, and cultivate Tt to per- | fecticn tlnse noble virtues of love andobar- | ity. Though of divers tongues, mankind | will finally become one gr at lunily, govern- i ed by tho laws of mutual interest, and mov- i ng on harmoniously as noighb irs and friends j It may be that then war will bo no more, j So intimate will become the relations of all, | that each will have a leeliug and an interest j to suppress s*r!fe and preserve the friendly t intercourse of all. Tli«‘ Burca in .t|i)4is«ippl. General tveadmon’s and Fullerton’s invoi ; 1 tigations disclose] tbun ant evi-1 deuce of dishonesty in the management on ! the part of Bureau agents, most of whom, ’ hew ever, buve Lecn recently removed. 1 Under Ot lon n l Thomas’ administration great irregularities prevailed at Columbus According to the statements of c.t’zens fees were taken for the approval of contracts and for procuring labor. Bribes were rc j cerveit, and the t io first agents appointed re- j turned curie!-vd. At Grenada Chaplain l.ivcrmore, a reverend Bureiu agent there, | displayed remarkable speculative propensi ties. He charged fees ranging from 25 oents upwards for every eonoeivabie thing —"fees i for marrying frteimen and fees for permits to marry. No fish was two small, that'came I into his net. Oao darkey owe! him a dol lar and a half, and had only a dollar to meet the claim. L ; v>rmoro took his wallet and jack knife for the balance. He said pork,' potatoes, and captured mules to citizens. He made arrests, and convicted or acqtTttcd according to the]pecuniary argument employ-, 01. When his teal practices were exposed, lie offered sis y dollars to any otic who would use sufficient inti icnee to keep him lo his position. This man declares his intention ! of roturniig to Illinois with ten thousand dot ; lars in bis pocket. He was removed in Feb uary last by Colonel Thotnts, a’d placed under arrest for a short time, but .notFfiug further wr,s done with him. Like Gen Sax ton, he took his rce rd with him ri: i. 11 < * BAP iiicj., D,HS fKOX «;i KOl’li. ARRIVAL OF Til E SCOTIA. COTT ON DECLINED- The <?onfcr«.‘nr«‘ «n«l I In- War both Cfuliuue. NeW York July 24 Beotia from I.iverponl on the I4tb, v aOueenstown 15*.h arrived last night. general war news. The G oat Easturn is paying out her ca ble. Tbe repor sos Saturday afternoon from her, are that one hundred and thirty; i five tnilcs bad beeu laid, and tho signals 1 are perfect tie ougbout. The Pal is Moniteur of the 14th soys ne got:ations wen still pending, and the best fceliDg prevailed betweeu Ihtlssia and France, but. laWst advices seem to indicate - that war will continue. The Pros Hans occupied Prague, and arc still advancing ILnedek’s anny is organising mi 1 is liJO i 000 strong cxchi ive of e#valry and attilie | ry. They are on the line of Ornutz and ; Rrutnu The Prussian b'.idq'tvlors, et) the 12tb wn-i fitly three miles from P.rumn. Tito Prnssiars, under Muti'enfful, at tacked the Bavarians near K-sseag.-n 'l’be latter defended ‘heir uurilAni t f i) bottrs, and then ro*routed t% trikt* position in the main Bavarian comYnand, with heavy loss. Tbe Birmingham Buftkiug Company .have suspended. Li-tbililios, two mi'.liou.s B‘er’mg. The Vienna Press of tbe 14th says,:— The propos'd Mediation nf Napoleon is ended for the present, and Austria must I tnpt to her own strength and resourc s. She is resolved to tight to maintain her pn g’ tirm as a great power. 'i’be Moscow Gazette asserts tuet Rus sia does not want a change in European boundaries, and cannot enbfn t to the die tutorship of Ersnco. is despatching troops to Silesiaft frontiers. Italians luve occupied Padua. Notwithstanding the French tteet has g'ne t> Venice, Italy per sist in advancing towards Venice. NEW YORK MARKET. New York, July *.!t. — Cotton heavy, rilfiaSS; Gold 150 12; Sjerl’ng dull, quo ted at 11Q 1-2 for.-fight. Texas wool quiet uud unchanged Fearful Prasrevs of (liolera on Tyftt'e. Savannah July 24 —There wore twenty uiße deaths from cholera, and thirty-five new cases amosg the troopsen Tybee Island, fram 9 o’clock a m Moud iy, jip to 0 o’clock, p. m. to-day (Thursday ) Stantons fur the Convention. Washington, July 22.—1 tis stated here by tbe friends of Searetary Blanton, that he is new preparing a rep’y to the T’cent letter nf Senator D lolittle’ arkini; his apprevd nf the Philadelphia Cotv-nri m. It is be lieved that he will give the great Conserva tive movement his cordial endorsement. Further Arouttiik Portland Fire— -2,000 Houses Destroyed.— The details of the great fire show it to be terribly disas trous. All newspaper instir.noe office#, banks and hotels, eight churches and con vent seiuao’s, lawyers’ offices, including val- j liable librari #, and nearly every promi nent basin ss hint e in tin ci v, .have been ] burned, as well as a great number of pri vate houses. It is es imated ibnt thonum- 1 ber if houses burned \vill reach - OttO, and 1 the loss >vill exceed $10,0u0,000. The 1 church-# not bu-ned arc appropriated to : the homeless, and a eommiUeu i# engaged | in endeavoring toVb-viate the sufffi'ingsi of the destitute'. Tbe fi lines are still j trnub'esome io diff rent parts of the city. Nearly ;rW the h -so bursted, of tiie engines used up-. A Prediction of Two l*i-csid«*!ifs. I1Y» Congresses Ar. Rkadtng, Pa (July 19. j The Democrats held a great rneet-i ig yer- : tnrday, which wt* addrissod by Montgomery B air, (?Borge 11. Peodletnh, and others ; Blair pcedicted that should the Radical ■ | carry the October elc'crions, tbe tesult would fto tbe estaMuhmcDt of two C ngresses and ' two Presidents, for tb? ltidicils would im mediately impeach President Johnson, and j tnrn him in*, while on tbe (ithet band, the Democratic members of Congress would unite with tbe r gukrly cjecte.d members of the South. ,He also waini’d his hearers tlixt they were on the eve rtf anotlAr civil | war. The battle fi:ld would be ii the North 1 white the South weald reaiain a uuib Ni rink escapes the calamities andetnW rassments of war. The simpatLi-s if the tfiieen of England must be strangely divi led in the contest on tho centiDeni. 'J he hus band of ber cldrst daughtsr commands a di vision of the Prussian army, in which near 'eiarives of her late husband occupy promi nent potitions. Tbe husband of her see-end daughter has a command in tho Austrian army. Prince Teck,just married to the Prinoess Mary, of Cambridge, has aoct-pted . a command in the Austrian at my, aud|sets out for tbe seat of war, with Iris bride, be ! fare tbe honeymoon is half over. n itlla.tlOKll JJ. a year has nearly rolled around since ' the Snath of our friend and broi her—John. J. Simp son, vet we feel it an iinpera ive du v t) rescue ; hi* roam try from oblivion, that, iiis children may know incoming years the appreciation in which he was held by tbe church amd"country. Ho was a nob'e sresimru of a man and chrisfao ' gca leman—cxatnp'ifying all the virtues} and g aces pett lining to a consistent pious life. For mmy year* he vris Stetvird audClis* Leader in the Methodist Oh a roll, as will ns Sabbath School . Superintendent, till afHiction laid his paralysing ' hand apian him and robbed liiin of health and 1 strength, amt disqualified him for the discharge of those holv du ies which he discharged so eflicieil ly and lov*d,io well. Even when trouble longer to work for the Church or labor for tbe promotion -of thw it -de; ueFs King torn, his heart was with theciuoe. He would send greetings ot love to I tbe brethren, with his pn vers for the success of : the Church aud cause ot (tod. Never io any community was a man more lov -led or respected than was John. J. -Simpson, by the one in which he lived, and never was a loss I rais e deeply deplored by Oaurch and citizens getl i etally. Long did he labor most zenlouslv for the rwo»p*rity of Salem Church, and npou lira death : bed his theme was of 1 fta prosperity. ‘ ’ lie has left an in’eres'ing wife and four lit'le orphan boys, a daughter by his jivst uranuga, i M.ieri, brothers. anil an aged mother—may they live so as to rejoin him in the better land, where i there are no no sp,rr«w but .whyg (L>wj the pure iiver dTlhc r tlie flirorie oTtFel.amb. One loss is his gain) and though rtyfeken down l in the rorridtin of life "he rests Loot his labors, anl his works have fol'owe-l him.” \V. (J. P. New Advertisements sfc.TTL.lj If J = VLL persons indebted to Up. R. T. Kendrick, arc respectfully requeued to coine forward and arttlc op by note, mott&y, or any kind of pro duce by which he can live and keep up a fitoak of Hiivfpg Ufps f-o par,'anti everything to buy, he h compelled to cm II on his friend J , not withstAiidnia the scarcity ot money and provi«ionp. Morgan, v tii., July*47 ' K. T. KhiNDHICK. / \ liOHtilA. County: VJT Whereas, John R L. tirice applies to mo for idlers of dismission from the estate of Felix John son, late of said count?, deceased* These arc toche and admonish admonish all per sons concerned to be and uppeir atm? office with in ihe time prescribed by law, anil ebow fcauae. if anv, wby said letters should not. be granted. Given under my hand and official signature* this «/u!y *J7th, 1866. T. M.*/ONKS, Oi\liHary. BROWN HOUSE, E. E. IIKOWA A SO*, Fourth Street, Opposite P.isseDger Depot, • Waco n , G targ « a . Ir'ROM tb*' Ist of Jut? tl io l» lsinesa of JrisHpuso jd will be conduct. «i bv K JR IJ own k Son, trie Senior ha via » as- n -in' od his son, Wm. F. in tip* tnanugeme it nnd ii terest of the Hotel. Th*? home ronipm sixty rooms, which afo re served chiefly f>r tiie use of traVt llers and tran sient aaeatf. Ceinpeteni assistants bate been i cured in every <i pirtment. and r?etr attention will be paid to ensure comfort to their customers. Rooms cfew and airy, and tliG table alw vs sup» ! piled "with the b<'9t the coir try affirds. attend arrival atid departure of ail trains to con ; vej baggage hu4 conduct passengers across tiie ; s reet to their quarters. july27,tf CHILLS&FEVER G u.m/iiianV rn.L** ar? foninwoit !Alinulv- od I ‘v+ta- W* -Wi^f icirfrn. 'FfToy srh 4'alhartir 'f a**tlni; lifvon tiie Stonittcfi, I.ivrr, and Jlouh Ih : rontulnio*? fin* ArsonTc, o*Uum*l, blue anywtUw* Mineral siiDfitance. Tin* pir.-it advaMaa’p the claim Ln- these PUifc* that, mit I m><! t the m.( Os ifciloMel -Mass, of ony other Miucrijl#, they wiU oti/fc iba v.u‘-t oUfiffMo caser of i >IILI.S XntT OT-S, IH MB AOI’K. PKKNoniCAL ItRATfiArHJJ, RKfT RAL*,I.V. ftfxl all alTcciions lif a like character. fcVi l » tho »n I y<m wiJI ftmi .they wiil and« all tlu»t is chrftntfl f„r them. Try ono box. attS *thpjf owq v Wicrits will recommend them ever .'rtarn-.ards. ' K M have -|p»e4 tiatltffhait*,s I‘if/s. and nav© Bt-Aer known them to fail to cur? whcn.the tlireeuou* were foXlowc'iTj aid uuueftitatiogly recunximefuF them to Tjiblie favor. W‘»n. T H At’A'f r.t-Gor. nf ATaTiama. T.* .1. -JjTHiIC, Siqirernu Court of Ala. 41 ROBKKT Judge fMb*Cirptut ‘ - ■ —of Alftb&nia. O. WAI.I.KU, Sheriff AforKgn nifey C<r.. Ath. lia»n. ALtX. b. t UTHKUALL. Moiiiirouitfrv, Ala. Cm.. /A?. If \Vi:\V’KR, « * •* CRAWPOKI' RffW, « K. A, HANKS, Com. Mercbawt. N O. TANARUS.%. . Mayor Wot«iu|.k». Ala. AUAt h. Att'y at Law. 200 UHway.^T BLOUNT & HALE, Cole Proprietors, Montgomery, Alabama. WHCIL.ESAJjE DEPOTS. H.lrral. RWy *Ti.mpklnj, HI Chamber.. St.. >7. T. l:. J Hart A Ci>.. New Orleans, [j, . Dlwntt A llale, Montgomery, Alabama, by till Druggists. Retail Price, $1.50 per Box. On receipt <rf *1.50, one box of the I*tll, will be «-nt to aftv |»art ot-lit© Caitoil HtaV#©. WriotFflti.ic also hv T. W. MaVKten, Now York, Fdward Wilder it Cos , Loursvi/le Ky. For D«wson, by Df J. L. D. rem man and A vent. & Adams, Druggists. j«iiy‘27 r (im .NOTICK. SItTV A ITS nf cr date applToation #iiT l>e made to ihe (lourt of Ordinary of Terrell couol* for leave to sell I lie lard of thr re**'e of Matilda firif -fin Imeofsaid oonmv de.-iaretf. July 13 t- M. POV'SU.. AsMt’r. I(. JB/.ii ’A HI. A i Mi, of tiu., IIMUHSiEBTIIE. Munufacturerg and Jobber? of cLOTiiiisro, J%‘o. 522 Itroruitcay. Opp. S*. Nicholas Ha-el. Jt'32 Iff- I’Ofl Ja. Would respectfully sol'cit the pntronnije of his many friends. junHo,4m VLWAIS o\ I1A\1) r Saddlery and lAA SETTS Double mid Sinslc 11/U Harness, t l'otti (jilS lo HI-50. 200 Assorted ladi"s’, g*b'*, and boys’ saddles-and saddle-trees—from $6 to f SO. 1.00 0 assorted car riage and team collats — equal to any in the \7. 8 Also, bridles, martingales, whips, and saddlery : hardware and leather in dry line—to which tire at i tention of dealers and planters are Invited. I In. tend to do good work and Bell it low. Give me a call before yon buy, G. HKRND. i ju!y2o 6m* Cotton Avrwre. Macon, Ga. elslipt LAKH, ‘•66 THIRD STREET, 66" . ■Wr»T.SBAI.E AND RETAIL m(\ a isoccus, Dual IKS IN" PURE Brandies, It'ine*, axlil JAffUnrs of all graded and size : packages, Imported Sugars, Fine I'obaeeo , and every description of first quality Family Sup plies constantly on band, and fresh arrivals com ing in every week. All of which we will sell to consumers and to the trade upon fln reasonable terms as any house in the State. Call ami see us, or send vour orders to 66, Third Street. .71:1 coil, Ci«. jnU2(y2m GREEK A LAKE. , G. L. ANDERSON & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AETLAIVTA, GEO., | J. 11. ANDERSON <6 SON, Grocer* and Couiiuission illcrehanls, Macom Ga., \\TFi poltck con#ignnients of Ooueft,* Bacon, 7T Flour, VVheat, and other produce. Prompt attention to sale*, an l returns ot same. C*f?h <n> <lers for any of the above filled promptly. j 206 1 TAILOR SHOP! r I'MIIS much needed institution has at last been -I <s*abDshed in D*w@on. Many years of ex- j pesience, and close to business enables, 'ras to gunrn»tee satisfaction, both in tits and qual i ity of work S'iop in tbe btwldinp formrrlv occu ped bv Ilnrpcr k Bjrhtfii, court house pquare. j J. E. RUUXKY. I HATTON P. RNDpINO J. R. GLYNN H.P. REDDING & Cq Us Wholesale and Retail Dealers in '* GROCERi Es ASD DRODOCE, Soila ffff-aler, Sand'* Cream ICE, & c., Thlrd Street, jj 8)3 M Acow MJUFUOf'ICM, I COTTON- GmJ MAKL* fiCrtJß Ep ])y 1 ’JB DVMEI. PRATT, Prarivillo, 4b V \V 1,0 hM ,lad forty yesr. ’ V * * the business. Has li-red Perlence I planters. Hub visited gin houses muT am °' l| I oration, and thinks he knows as ncSr other man what constitutes a good via “1 Having hern appointed Asenis fa.' .i ] Gajtron (Jins;, we would reqm-st 1 she «* ID*‘ hi" I‘As of gins, ,* ™ m | sanding in il.eir orders, so we I<IHV u * ■ | have made. If this c< urse is ''“ U B j ‘tot fail to procure their gin* in time J B All orders directi-d to «. I, Amiermn tJ| - Alla.Ha, or to ourselves wiH receive Prompt ~9 ‘■on. J. 11. ANDERSON & &.Y ladies, LOOK AT THIS 3 ALEXANDER & VVITIT9 Have just received their stock of new tl fashiouablo |] Spring mid Summer I I> Bj: S K GOO j)J Which tvj are c'osing out-very rapidly I l’riwes much Lower tlian liave here- I tofu re ruled in ttis maiket. I Our prioes sur; riae ad who liiar tlem I ; account of thrir being so I -w. J Our Goods were all 1» tight Fur Cash -R since the 10th cf April, and 1 H E 1,151 AXI» Wild. M i.t. rin I AS I (heap as any Other Utuisr in Ik(ifl Our Stock is Fresh full and Comfirl comprising a I ; : VK n YTHT N’l IN THE TANK (f I DRY Q-OOD-J YAIKEE NOTIONS. m HOHij i’. im v iov< v. a fir" im ealt. anil eep'fi,. Alt .-r.i rs | r Itptly tnku*,«tni by Kx; r* -a »n,vwhere. ai i a wiimiM I*. t es* Uld l-'risa-n Uarmi.lM "tie hie nil DR. J. L. D. PERRIS? it a rt*<3 trimvET nr vtxnsi i STOCK OF and n tr o s. | ... jtsnntcuvrs, cjifmiu I ‘'WRsOTFFFH, rfiRKVMF.RV, 1 ■ * BOOKS &T ITIOi’V ABV. | V ancy , Et< * To the Xew and Beautiful ?tore j'isr eortipl*' in the Lciyleas JilocUv..Likes this method of •l’* ! ing his numerous friends for their .libera) ! nge and reepectfufly solicta a coßiiuiwnc* j Sdine at bis New^Rtore. 59 Mulberrv Sl. f Micon, Ga. i I), e; HODGKINS & SOX' ■ HX4LFBS IX GUNS, PISTOL FISIIj f<TG T.4CKIF, ■ Gun And pistol ammunition, * n^ , terial and Sporliny Rood* us I : cxigtion.i. Also, j Ono Horizontal Steam Knsiiic i K Ol J New and tloniplete—at. a Bargain—^ , [’ T] j Smith’s Hand Killing Machine. j u 0 JEWETT & SNIDSR .flaeon, ... - AOKNTS KOH r i WILOEh’S SALAMANDCR SI; l 4 T marnfilcturers prieva. with »"'» lh ] j i aud drayage added. A pupp l .’ Il<l * t^_ j Georgia, Terrel Couiily IT is ordered by the Court 1 1 bold on Xuosday the 1 th. «>.»’«< at tbe Court Houee; and at the ' ' , : in said County, for a BnperinteM i BridgOT iD Te ' sASl 1 ?' wFIX' 1 J. M. SIMMONS- J. j2O. JAMES. R. J I Terrell superior There being a large a’ nonnt °, f . Lii »f the various Docket of this Court u i it being deemed important for ppt County litigate, tlmt all mattrrs re» | disposed Os n« early as practicable, , ordered that this corn l stand *''J JU I i u ,sl 1 o'olock A. M. of the third Monday j Jurors, Parties and Witm sses, f| i, and I thereof and be in attendance. * ! Court will cause this order t®®*,' *f Dawson. Journal, three weeks lrlC Monday in August. A ir«o ;j minutes of tbe Superior Court, CIS I j3",3t • Jouk v- j. IAWTOH & L aVFT> grocery aI,P i Produce iTlcrchse j , ir/to/eem'e awd Retail P'<^’ ! con.r- YKL *&f run o.rstnbS. si/'>^ I vi.n in < bi. a rad**- ‘** Y, OAT9.i>°^:., r d i Sardines. TiokWa, Sugar*", aud a fi lL input of Groceries. | j 20,3 m Harness Goods,