The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, July 27, 1866, Image 3

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bawson journal. • -„UVSON, GA., JULY 27, 1886. t Conference. nia'rict Conference for the Lumpkin District held at Dawson, G»., commencing on Fri-. *' tha 14th September. The local preachers) W> class-leader*, stewards »ri Fabbath-I ® i a,ineriateodcnts within the bounds of the ire earnestly roTicit-d to attend. «s propose coming will please In form T Christian a t Dawson, tint homes may /i.ijcd for them tiering their stay. Bishop- L. h* has been ineitod to attend. »sr, IBM. L. J.PaV.w, P. E. An thor new lot of Prints, Bleached goods, ** sheeting and stripes, Osnaburgs, Bed Tick* ’’ jluwuito Bars, etc., just received at JAKE MAIXSTKR 4 CO’S. fine lot of Belting and fancy silk buttons, just [i . B | lic h we call the attentlou Os the ladies.— (mi ers woul do well to cell befote purchasing; as se4 i0 bound to sell lower thaw the lowest. Our „„ i s “quick sales nnd sn all p'ofts ’ „ JAKE MAIh’STEK & CO. “Dow’t Bs Foolish.’’—You can make Six Dol« . f rom fifty Cents. Cull and examine an arti cle urgently needed by everybodjf. <>( a sample ( if M if mail for 5»o. that retails easily for SO, t R [, Wolcott, ITO Ch a churn Square, New j DBT in Time —A waiter of that splen did ice cream, prepared at Rauahenberg’sj .Hotel, arrived just ia time, yesterday, to drive off a premeditated inclination to "dry up' Nothing more effectually ‘simmers’’ i H fellow these hot days. Try it. We are again j hoed under obligations to Messrs. Pa!rick & Havens, of the Mac n News Depot, for a package of excellent read ing matter. They always keep on band a supply of the latent and most popular works nf the day, all thef ishionablc magazines dtc. dr their agents gn the trains, or cider any class of loading mnt'er you want. - -qs i Stkai.tno a Gin.—Ot: Sabbath last, while Mr. Griggs, who lives near pawaon, was at Church, a nsgro entered bis bouse and stole his gun. 'The most remarkable, icing aboutthe matter is,: that whi’e ‘he had access to everj. thing in thc.housc, he stele only the Gan Qtterry. What are they atea’.iag Guns' f it i !. R.UX, Chops, fcl r«.—“-We. had splendid runs in this vieinity rtn M-jnddj hnd Tiles- Hiy last, and from what we own leafn, the riin wis a pret'y general thing These ri-wers 1 a*re impirtcd new life into, the imps,and new hope into the heart* of ma ny despairing p'an'ers. I-atf >rds us great l*’“jrc t) be able t.) sUte that, trnd. r the r'viving show 'r\ja ; in ry expect. in many flace* in tkfs reg : on ■*« mn;h corn a the ' 'i! can pnl'ic:; while those who have -1 ’"•i alih f’lts vc their cotton from the gras., hove reason to b‘iJ>o for a grotty fair yield The Masonic Signet and JounVAt Piis long wish'd for magazine found its Ray to nur table last wo k. The best reco !'!'>»'! ifion we -could pos. itdv pivo, is but to •'aty that it is printed at Burke’s printing ' n.n Macon Ga,. snl edited by Dr. J, I- met Blueksbear of Macon, and Samuel wrener The mcchaniaal execution nf course urexrrp'iouabl", aud suob ‘'■oikmcn,” as the above ia the editorial and partment, are obliged to j ta' thr Figr.M. n 1 ■f urnal ahead of every other Masonic Mag nrine. bet the fratethfty everywhere sUbscriViV frit. Terms $5. We will rooeive snb seription at this office. Come forward with V'urmrnty and sustain this laudable effort llf benefit Masonry- - 4 J-AmuTfr Si ttooi, LfccTuiw—A press of 'liter husiross and the crowded State of nur C'lumns last week, prevented nur making mention of the ertcrlwinirg ond»'hole*tn>r 1 dure delivered before tha Sabbath Schools 'f Dawson, togetfer with ourcitizpns gencr. illy on Sunday the 15'h just, by Maj C. Id. b’eoten. We are glad to see that tie all— "nportant matter of Sabath Sobool*—look ing to the religions culture of the youth of our country—is beimg taken in band Tty snelt sbleidytcqles as May. Wooten, and aro sat i-fed that their efforts in tKL direction will he fraught with an abundance of good. Bo rides the many encouragements to the young to persevere in their studies, the un tv trran’cd negligence in this particular, of many parents, was logically and we hope ef fectually rebuked. | A Hour Remedy.—The success which h-s attendod the sale and manufacture of ‘'alaehan’s pills ha* induced the proprie— 'ws, Mogsrs. fib runt and Ilale, of »h s city Jeo extensively into the business, the cer ' I-ates of numbers of •< H known citizens ave established a repntalion for the cura live qualities of these pills, and they are fast lading their way into every city and town the South and wrs’. Messrs. B k FT., rve secured as traveling agt. ia Florida k'"l fjorgia, J[p, D. C. Mclntyre, who goes l?n reootnended, and they will send reliable j’n to every part of the country. The pro -1 - 'dors nf thesq pil'w are well known jren -1 man of integrity and worth, who would t engage in jutting off on ihe jyeoplc, a I nt medical humbug. The advertisement ' "* ® er tifiicates elsewhere in this paper arc IJ *heteni to give ob»r rotcr to the medicine. [ Montgomery A/hr-rJiier. ~I VTV NOTICE. H, [ "Ays After date application will be mode |° II 6 . D dinary of Terrell county lor lr>ve to u( . • ,* bc to esmte of James Parrot, late n,u£r?“* 3t * lo o’* h-arkiet parrot. ”’*** Admiuiatratrix. CIIDDI C juaijapt *Z f 3’ ; - - - Cimt'fiin. \ SUver Watobee, *»ffPf?bM' JewSrv. fi,orL,.- 8 F,anlt Wesson’s celebrated V *'*>><* U .rates w 0,1,1 ' arid turkcv gun he the julrl \3m* First Naiional liask of Macon. GIOHT ami timo billwou various point* pjrehi* Oedwt all tlnieav Liberal advances made on shipments of Cotton to auy good .N'aukurti or Kuropeau hoiMee, CollcctioL. made aud promptly remiucil for. W a "ball keep supplied so far aa possible with New York Exchange, which will be sold t | the lowest rales charged in other cities of the gtate r „ w. W. V, RIGLY Cashier; I. C. PL A N'T, President. DiBZCTOfSi 1C L. Jewett, Wm. T. Lh,btfbo\ r.. Jonuaton r/. ft. Boas, Wm. B. Diusuiorc II B Planu ’ P/ J.PT. Vt U;b cohlmue bustness at his old office, and will make in vestments for parties aa thev may direct. He willalso purchase arid sell Ktoclw, Bonds, Gold-, Silver, Banks Nofee, Seven per rent. Stafa of Georgia Bands-new is eU e-aud Toned States Revenue stamp—all dcnofnluation: forS sale berg AT I’AR. He will make liberal advances until good sak* caw be made» chargitig ft small commission for the same. ~TO • “ ivfiii Who Wont good and Cheap Articles will [ find the Largest stock qf DRUGS, Consisting In part of 1,100 tz*. (Juininc, 500 lbs. Assafoctida, | 500 ozs. Morphia, 2,000 d‘ u l’ulcnt Medicines, 300 lbs. Opium, 300 lbs. Cream Tartar, 400 g ds. Castor Oil, 10 bbhs. Sulphur. P -A. X IST T S. 20,000 lbs. White Lirady 2000 lbs. Venetian R and, 2bo Jbs Ohrottte (irecn, 100 gal. Furniture Varnish, “ Coach H -... r 1000 lbs. l'utty. OILS- t -5000 mil. Bpct-m Oil, 300 gal. Tanner’* Oil) * 400 gal C >al Oil, 600 gal Linseed'Oil, 200‘ g«l. Lard Oil, t?3 100 gal. V\ hale Oil, *■** DYES. 200 lbs. Logwood, 200 llrs. Indigo, 400 lbs. C iperas, • 300 lbs. Madder. J. H. 'M EILIN & CO. aa OOUN-FR 24 AND CHER CV STRHKTS, JMf O.v, u.t. Always keep a large supply nf votyrbiug i« the Market erianected with the Dftig Trade, which are offered at the very low est cash j rices. The above li tts onfy a tr fling sutH|de <*f their Stock, which is the largest in Georgia ; and merchant*, Drug gists, l-'liyaiciurm arid I ’hunter* will find it greatly to their advantage to m»k<* their purchase, fimu us. Vt © are Belling in largo rjiuiulitics, and our motto is "quicK sales and s«AtT, rurif Ts,” fkmgress Water, Vid and J> ttle Corks Kissengen, Sn ff, Vichcy, Dentist's Plaster, in,strniiignts, , < . ... I Jiruslies, i'crliimersr, Tobacco, * 4 iS'jgars. Soaps, Blie Sit are, Potasb. Standi Soda, Black ing, Turnip Seed, Port anti Sherry Wine, Brandy, Whskey, popper, Lmhamon, i Vi B, t ring r jy ! 3,t>m. BARNETT & CO , » , co rro.r *\rt tors* €rocefs & Cen. Coatraissfoti Mfrcltanls, ApulacJiJcvht, (''*li'tnbv*pGa. Pthilpr attention plven to «!l ami shipments of OtfWofl to’ N>ir Torlr, "New Oifteauo ami Liverpool. Liberal advances made on consi^ntuems. rOEffAlliiixt! A\» RECEIVING HOUSE, Ha,, I"VK.V.RSUi: We rrapectfully call your atfon- I ' tion to ttut we have ebtabliahed ft house at Apalachiftola, FU., for the purpose of do ing a General CJommisoion and Forwarding nrsH. ILiving established reTationa with some of the best, houses in foreign and domestii; poit% we are prepared to off *r unusual advantages to ship pers of cOttoo aud other produce. Special atten tion will be given 10 ali cotton seDt us for sale, either in our own or any foreign mirk«*. In addition to our Commission business, we wjll keep constantly on hand a large stock of GROCERIES, which will be offered to merchants find planters at prices in the Northern and Western markets, merely adding cost of tran*p »rtation. We will be prepared to accommodate our friends with advances on cotton sent tts for shipment t>r sale, and to furnish them with hogging and rope for the coming crop aud dming the enrit# season* N. B.—Our house in Columbus. Git., will be coulinued at the old stand, corner Nr* Chur and streets, jv 1 3 BARNETT At CO. KURAL lIILR ACxVDEMV, t%*KttSTF.R r OMTX, fc.f. Fill Term of tlrt* Inslitute will opea oa the J ta-l Mund»y (SOlbR ill July, Toiiton at the oKI ratts, aud upon a specie basis from ft.HO to $32.00 per Scbolaatic year. Board aa cheep Aa elsewhere in the State- Healthy locality, with no means of disaipatiob whatever. (JEO. A. LOFfpX, July I2m .a w x y H Jtitljipl. , NOTICE. r |''WO monthswfterdate applicatioti will be made X to the Conrt of Ordinary of Terre.lbcounty for leave to sell reel estate belonging to the estate of David Wesiiiehi, late of said oountv, deceased. 3. t.. FIELDS, July I>t, 1 otki, Admiuialrator de bohis bon. •* W.ffl.VJS Tit.trows t'NLEK an order of the Court of Ordinary of. J Terrell county, wifi be sold oil the fliatTues day in September neXt, before (he Court boii’e door in the town of Dawson, daring the usual hours of sale, fvaettnnal’part of left ofland !Yo- con - taitring thirty aorea utorewf lessj adjrrilifbg [fie TSnd or Abraham Staaef. St.M u4f\fie propetty or fTir- Ham Opr i,' A-cbalM,’ fdr fWbfrit-R' of thr f,cir !*»• ’ ttAltV nPHt, A • Wit <4- AaEAUtWAAb. w. u*ZL*utilu«. Opßlim CAUIWEI.I, A {#., BANKERS, Second Street, .Huron, On. Stocks, Bonds, uncurrent funds, cnln, alerfiog and domestic exchange bouught and sold—depos its received—monies invested as parties ritay direct. Collcclionjj uiudc pud „ promptly remitted.,. A trninnizFD RjmcßKNCM—s7»t. Bank RepubltOi N’. Y ; Hd Nat. Bank, Nashville, To»d.; First Nat. B.tuk, Charleetoo, S. C.; Savannah National Bank- AtTanta Nat. Bank, Atlanta. Ga.; Josiah Ajnriia, B ioker, Montgomery, Ala.; John Caldwell, Colrim bh, Sonth Carolina. jidylS.flm Datroniz© SOUTHERN IH AIV IFAfTU RER S. r l''llF. sutmeriber takes pleasure in informing the l citizens of Terrell aud surrounding counties that he has continued the t'arrliiyr .tinking business in ‘ J LUMPKIN, Cft., conducted for the last 25 years by my father (Lu urns Mansfield deceased. And has now on hand and will continue to keep a large and well assorted slock of C ARRIAEES of the mdst approved sttje and ftnish. Also, a good supply pf HarnbSs of my own make. As I am prepared and determined to sustain the former reputation of the shop, I use nothing but the best material, employ none but the beet workmen, and consequently build nothing but first class work, finished ie the most superior and dura ble style, Anti not to oe excelled by any similar establishment North or South. o*ihg t& Bly superior advantages for Maimfac t urin g, I can sell as low as elsewhere, and I respectfully invite all persousin want of a good article at a low price to give me a call aud examine i«y stock before purchasing elsewhere. Buggies delivered in Dawsoo free iff charge if ■desretl. jjurthririnformation to be obtained from the Editors of Dawson Journal. Isaac c. Mansfield,- July (S li am M.umpkin, On. LOUISVILLE PURCHASING HOUSE! VAN FELL MOSES. * CO., G Ntain St. HAVING conh«»<Koß th bnsirirßß here for the pust thirty year*, and devoted our atten tion to the cloa* trade and purchase of Goods, we sre enabled to buy ae low aa any raercb»nt, and make ohoioe «ete<itlon. We therefore solicit or der* Iroiß M»e interior wierchante for any goods they May desire, such as DIT Y G OODS, flroCei’lMi ;Ha is, Caps, Hoofs , Shots, Iron , iVoduee, Agriciihilhil Tniph moßip, and any Mer chandise wanted by merchant. We feel confident of giving entire satisfaction, aft we have done to our already Dimerous eu.*io»n crs. Persons ordering will please stiite ai fdainl? its possible the kind oi gooii-* wanted. Merebafl disc insured, tinles* otriertVise inatrilcted, ami charged on hill. Terms—For all bills under fSOO 2J percent; over that amount 2 per ceuL We ask a further trial. Van PKLT, MOSES k CO. j. c. van pelt, wm. Moser, formerly with J a*. Lowe k Go., UMt. C. NEWftKRRV. Louisville Wholesale House!; FOR LADIES’ FINE GOODS. Fi ii.msjs ;.VG li OGZiS, Notion*, Taper OoHarg, White Good*, Cloaks, No. ] VAX PELT, MOSES k CO ~ »p-*,tf 2Mi Mam St. between tt I. j R A. SOLOMOS. K. X I'K*HKIt. X. I. MAI"UI*Wa. SOLOMON, PEARrF&MATTHEWS, DEAT.KttS iJT 6EXEUAL MKRCiUMUZE, AXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Simpson »(* Johnson s 01 £ Stand, tCufanla, JVla. Con* : gmiisMta res'pectruUy solicited. Prampt personal attriHtteb given to purchase and sale ot Cotton, produce. A;. Measrs. Wm. A. McKemrie hCo , Ap .alachicwia, Tit,; Epobig; Hanscid At Cos., Ooluin-- bus, 9»: f S. 6 J. Schiffer, Ne’w York; §intpsoii [& Johnson, Eufaula, Ala. Important to Planters. The Iren Band and “Arrow Tie.” FOR BAILING COTTON. AN INSUfcANCK AGAINST FIRE, WASTAGE AND STEALAGE. | r IYESE B tnds and Ties are ft complete sub.«ti- j A lute for rope in bailing cotton, combining the I utmost simplicity, which the greatest possible se ] ctcurif y. They are cheaper than rope—are faatened quick er, and hold the bale £to less In site. Rvery lUnd is long ehongh for the iarpest bale, and can j be iosfanutteonsly adapted to the slie of any bale while In the preps* as quickly aud *Ub the same ease aa fOpen. They are manufactured in Liter{)ooij of the best t and put tip in bundles of 85 Hands and Ties each— complete and insuperable, until opened out jor use. They are thoroughly painted and are not suhj> aX to damage ; being equally adapted to bales made by plantation presses in eve.y section #f the i%un- : try, merchants in the interior may dea! in them with greater security than rope; and the uniformi ty bf the bundle* enables both merchants and planters to deXertoioed precisely how te ordtr * for atiy number of bales. Since of the war, they have been intro duced into the Mississippi Valley and Texas, where they have met with great favor, and are last su percoeding the use of rope. The working of the “At row Tie” is so simple, that the compressors ©f cotton in New Orleans Jaave been enable to sustain themselves in their opposition to Iron t bands, and they are now using these Bands and : Ties, withput any objection* and with entire sate-- 1 Action. The undersigned agent for this District is pre- i pared to furnish them to dealers and consumers in any quantity. #AS. A. HaUa, Ageh*, Ai K. Dond’s (’herv St. jyl3 3m 2nd door from J. B. Ross A Son’s j NOTICE. r*v\VO montlm after Aite »pplic*tion willh. marie 1 A to tUe Court of Ordiuary of Teirell couiuv ,«r leave to *ell the real estate ofjri P. Huekabv .11-i* of Tei fritt «o*nV/' 'lrijft**« ri , tjunelo* A. SAPsER, Arim’r. i OI U STOCK HIMUBiAry m u v * ”4 I* now as complete as any in Gcolgie, of I eveiy variety of Goods in our line, and wo Ip -4 confident they are offered at as low fates j as elsewhere. Wc therefore ihvite the attention sis all to our stock of Plantation Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Huildert’ Hardware, Mechanics' Tools, i House Furnishing Goods, Wooden and Willow Ware, Seales and other Store Fixtures, Children’s Carriages, lite , Etc. TURNBULL'S SCALES, A NEW STYLE, The best and most convenient Scale for re tailers or f>r home use, ever oEere'j ill tLis market. For sale by. Wrigley A Knott. CHILDRENS' ICAUBIAGES ANOHIER STOCK OP C.iildrenn’ Gigs, » . t' Peraiubuktnt-s, Ramblers and Buggies; Some new and Beautiful patterns ju.-t re ceived and lor sale by. WrigJey & Kndft. NAILS!NAILS! BOON TO N NAILS. A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received and for sale by WHIG LEY & KNOTT. I" - V . ■ ' • • t •‘ w ’ I ~ *** ri .rl Express Company. - ‘ ' ' ri r I—— ■ . Garden I»nj»lrttici»t». Hoes, Hakes, Folks, Shovels, Steel Hoes, Grub Hoes, Nptdes, Tro tehing Hoes, Hoc and Bake Nhuffl; H e«, Garden Trowels, Garlcn Lines, Wheel Barrows, R'e., For sale by WRIGLEY k KN'OfT. fishing Tackle. \VK invite the special attention of Coun try Merchants to our stock of Fishing Hooks, Lines, etc., which i« large and e<sm plete, and at lower rates than ever before i fibred here, WRIGLEY' k KNOTT. WOOHKN W A It F, SIEVES, AC. Brass B >und Cedar Cans, Bras* Bortud Cedar Palls, Brass Bound Tuks, | Cedar and Painted Tubs in nest*. Painted Bucket*—2 and <1 b«op», Juniper Bucket*, Stable Buckets, Oxk Pai iS, Well Bucket*; (7 atyks;) Iron Bound Sett* Measures, Plain Sets Measures, Iron Bound H’s Rmthel Meusureri, Plain Hall Bu>hel Measure*, Iron Sieve*, —Nn». 20 and 24. Blood's Wfc nt Sieves, For sale by WUl'.i.liY a KNOrr. yuly lil oi»- E. B, LOTLESS,] ioAwaotsr, a a., | At It it new Store, opposite the Li very Stable’] ucxl door to J. B. Crim & Cos. ofFerl very LuyV, DllV GOODS, G ROCfiBIES,' t XA RDW -ARE, OXJTLERY. He has in the line of f try Ooutfit : PRINTS, MIJSLINS, SHEETING, SIHKTINH. LADIES’ HOES, GENTS' half HOBS, Quaker BONNETS, GENTS’ lIATS, BOOTS and SYIDES, For Ladies and Gentlemen. And expects to keep every other nrtlidh in this line usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. ALSO, Sugar, Codec, Flour, CORN, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBAC O t) , Snuff', Candy, Powder, Shot, Fend, Dridle.s, ©fiddles, HOUSE COLLARS, Buggy and Wagon Whips—painted and urafft-bound. Buckets, Tubs and Seivcs, Wash Pots, Dinner-Pat*, Ovens, Spiders, and extra Lid*, Plow Iron and Steel, Weed ing Hoes and Smoothing Irons, Cuff e Mill*, Teh Kettles, Carpenters TOOLS, A Lar£c Lot of Tin W are! *5 SALT. Daints arid Glriss •tfOit’i; 1' u til be a<franerd on next Crop of Cut tun. So if yon mini either to S/n ad Money, m Get Monty, Clive -tie a Call! Dawson, Ga , M'ty 25, 6/n NEW GOODE CHEAPER «-*. CHEAPEST! itr inutniv & co., <4l Ualdxt iii’a ojd sl.iikl,) Dawson, : : Georgia. We are reeeivikg direct from New York, a largo and general assortment of DRY GOODS, OROC^BIEi, Hardware, Os TLKfiY, HOLLOW WARE, ntid c\(')-ytliinjf d*e ii natty frinnd in first cluhs store. All of which were bought iorCASFf fit fho fit) WNS T S K ll' YORK PR JCD S. fn our stock may be found, at reduced price*, L.wiFs: nrtEss noons, Print* of different grade*, Be'utMlal Muslin*. White nnd bleached Good*, Hoeory, (Bovps Ribbons, ]>ross Ttini rtliugri, etc., Me , ALSO liAIHES Hat*. lionnets, an 1 short* frf the very fiuent rjimlity, oml geettetfteh's it at*, Boot* aud ri-lioca far Silc at AVliolesalc ir* l’icioi-i, , and ns cbeap ri ‘h-y now can be bcri-glrt in New York. Shoes and Hats taugu from 50 cents up to $5 (K). We keep everything necessary to com plete a gentleman's wardrobe. Six dojen Grimlstc>t|efi ol Ijest Quality. 1 It is unnecessary now to enumerate dif ferent articles. We intend ke ping every thing the people wadt. Our goods siiail bes Id at tlte very | LOWEST I'OSSIBLB FIQI KK. Oonutry Mefchafrtfl and planter* can Save by culling ou us. Our Motto is Kheaper than ifte Che*|«sl. M Hi n o LE’S “GAI.ERY OF ART !” Corner Mulberry and 2inJ St., over J. it. Jlo.r l.wn'- tttwk Sro r, ” •“ .v.ico.r, aiKOitin.t. IJKK.xONs visiiiitJTraf!ttfv oh bii-iness or 1 1.»*- urc fhon’4 not fijl «*li«i»g UMq*bax« very j *ur.uattl «t'*UUfc*i«iO ►•J* 'fvt’f * ' I “WD TODD YOU BO!” TJHA.T “WHISTLE IAS BLOWN!” AAH HARK Till: ItESUlif! ■ iiwWMßflf' —-Vlf tB - * ** - W s- One of Benjamin Franklin’s mu trims was, ‘‘The nimble six-pence is better than the slow shillings For Prtof of the Aslctfion call ftt the Great L ** -i r ’■«... v * if#J til Third Street, IfIACON, GA.» I And will find a Heavy Stock of Choice Mow and White COIiN, Fine ribbed and cleat Bacon ,sides, hams and shoulders, I • . ■ •.* V» ‘ ;s©. milt Choice Hay, Oats, !?Ica|, packdirci of all kinds. StiioerliiLe and Family DDOUtt. ! Also—A Splendid lot of Extra Jof&ot Lar<l* in Firkins tad Tierce*— and many other articles usaally,]fouh(J iii a First Class Produce Floiuc- -for Alla aa Lo# as the Market can reasonably afford. ' .-i HI HHJC'k HUDGINS', F*rodnce ftnd Commission Merchant*, Hecond door North of Hardeman k Syark*’ Warehouse, July 13, tloet Tbirf Mi tow, G*. ONE PRICE CASH STORE' MA-ISTISr & WHEATLEY Duwson, Georgia. ARE now receiving their large and well ffelectcd stock of SPRIRTG QQOI3B ! Wouglit Since the Great Panic in New York! Our shook of GOODS i® eDWplete in every particular, om hrnemg Lillies Dro** Good*. Ladie’s Hat*, Cotton Yarn* nnd SHeetinss from the b«*t mills in Georgia, Boots and Elide*, lints dial cap*, Best Whittemoro Cotton Curds, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Glass Ware, Goblets, Looking Glasses, etc* A Good Variety of TIN WARS L* I? CkC . It I 1-lour, Sugar, Coffee, Spice, Peppw, Giu^w Indigo and Madder, riult, Nails, BMnt's Pure Coneentrated Potash. * 0> COASiaNENTi A Fine Lot of Chewing ami Smoking popidar brand* -*t mamifaetiiror's price*, fr'dglit added. « THE EXCEfcSXOR MHIESTOM. «. . 08. €. A. CHEAT II All Proprietor, IS adding nxinitlt to b-s sirrady large »®4 cotn plete stock of Frtkh and f»'< HUiiir DIiUGS, MEDICINES, CH E.MICALS, »nd cVery other article aounllr kept in a flr.t elms drug afore. A ls«; Combs, Bi ushes, School Books, I‘aprr unit Envelope*, the ltd articles! TEA and COFFEE, i The purest lthunrt ie-t nnd Wiue«, the beat Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, and the Finest Cigaxi?} A Full Line of Perfnliicry, Soaps and other Toilet AwJclpji. No matter w hat you m.y want, call on him, and if ha hasn’a it on luind he • »ill soot nj*j?Vuih he has made arkiingementji to shipped to hint at shbrt police *ny am} eeeryibieg in Us line that; tiie people heed or may wiilt. | Mtriiiniihrr lit has no Old Stork i Al, LAn Ttctl'S JYA lilt A .Yl±b / I The Medical rrnfesrion supplied un liberal terms ; PresefipHon* pat tip at all hoots by a re | lialde Physician and Druggist. t Dawson, Ua., June 2<*h IS6O ts NOTICE. * I r |''VVfJ month* after cU«e afterdate application l. will he made to the Conit of Ordinary of; Terrell county for leave to Bell real estate belong"-! in* to the estate of J. B. Wilhanka late of said county, .(ieceaeecU KLAM J(J®XSO>', Juljn ISGfI. Administrator. I BYE STRAW ! VT"*T wifi I»i|y JfibO pounds U»njf Juited Rye t ! f ▼ Straw, hdndied, baTVd, \i»d delivered iti { KtM Hoad Station.’ It iuim he rtrv *ml sound s ! ati-V 1 J. Seed & txx, •« the aid Stands Kh’BP constantly oo hand a’reaarml assort ne t • of »«r uaousf. EKINTS, m Lffrßft vklfr.viuA lt , • Je BED TtcklNGi tfreacoed and Sea Islasd Homespuns, GROCERIES. s“£*l thdfte, T«, Pepper, Spice, etc. hARD WARE; fSSiti&iZ; ,h “ ■” oM ti, CBOCHERI, f>utr stogk of Cf/nCjir, b*th P#fckk and Table, b iirgfe and of good quality. Boots afcd Shoes. Por t.entlenien and Radies, at Ut Figiwer. In fat', we f*poct to keep a genera} assortments and we invite the old friends of fieldl Cos. to gi„ It* they Ditrouage, belierigg wo can sell thru, goods pi anv fctnd as cheap tut they can be bough ti th« market. June],' l s #*t 1 S«Mi SPRING TRADE! GP. M. IKAY, Wholesale ami Detail Dealer in STAHLB * FANCY »«y «OOD\ Groceries, Hardware, elc. } j ax Enters, d.t ■ T I AS a Urge and **llf fcleited stock of So. I | ood Kimy. Dry GoWdr, Groceries, et«a..-,,1. ] h rrflg fft die trade this sprinfr, a mnch I -.ger pto, k than hbfetofore. The 11 ft ESS fUfttfiM : fvpartmenf, under the supeiriojon ol Mrs. A. i i Mapp, is complete in every particular, tad a crni petent dressmaker will supetinfead the milir~ land Iff ting, pf dresses. The t'tOTlHA?k 1 Dej artaierff will embraoe an vntieaally .ttracti ... aworlnwwW mgethor wttb Hat*, Ot'ps,' B*6| jfchAes, stiff itSi-jrtbiug for grntleißSab Wear. Ah Fine Brawly, Hines, Ini, j,j a , hjf Hi* whole sole. Candle*. Nats, Pifdnn t racker. Core Oysters, Hour. meet. Corn, H» Sugar, 0o#«s, c»e JSptW Yt- fttr.