The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, July 27, 1866, Image 4
KVt-AULA tPyEKTttUBEUT* rats MI BINS! M'CMTY ft SMITH, EUFAULA, ALA. Vr t«« M* tie Most Re liable »nd the l QnaUhl of Medicine*, afl well as al io the .bore line of busioese, Call at This House, OE SEND YOUR ORDERS. And yon will beeertain to get the good* yon want PRICES AS LOW the Lowest for tb« same kind of goods flow on hand and constantly receiving, a large I sopply of ; Pure Medicines, j.H f r*' " r*" acted for Physicians' Practice and Family use, B *tent and Proprietary Medicines, WHITS LEAD. , ZINC, if PAJNTP, VARNISHES, LINSEED OIL, TRAIN OIL, TANNERS’ OIL, l CASTOR OIL Illuminating and Luhrioating t'O, / I. llM l>, SIP in ITS Win*). Glass and Putty, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Pure "Brandy and Wines For Medicinal use, Fine Chewing Tobacco and Snaff, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, DRESSING COMBS, 5 : HAIRBRUSHES, And all other goods kept by a first nines Drug Store. A Druggist of Twenty Years’ experience devotes constant attention to the business, nnd everything connected with,the house passes under hia supervision. It ia the intention of the firm to build up an establishment that will compare with any other in the South, aDd all who patronise them mav relv implicitly upon obtaining tb« BES 7 ROODS, and at CHEAP RATES All orders promptly filled, and just as lairH rcLir as if the purchaser ware present, and ALL GOODS WARRANTED To he what they are represented. Call at tho etore one door east of Bray A Bros.' Hardware house, Broad street. Kufaula, April 27, 1666-6 m w7 T, BEfcO.N?/; I*l. . .. T J. T. KESDALL, BESSON & KENDALL, Proprietors of the EAGLE DRUG STORE! EUFAULA, ALA., Have in Store and Eor Sale Low, FOR CASH ONLY, The Largest Stock of m m wm s ? MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS. . - VARNISHES, DYES, . ’ * GLASS, POT AjS HW Bte ~ Etc., Ever offered in this section. The patronage ot our friends ia respectfullv solicited, to whom we guarantee Perfect Satisfaction in ever.- respect. Buying our goods from First Hands, in Large Quantities, and Entirely for Cash, we flatter ourseivea that Our -tetrantaiyr Coi- Setting Aon cauuot be surpapsed bv any honse in the South; and ts all who wish to buy reliable medicines at LOW PRICES! Either at wholesale Or retail, we would say GIVE US A CALL! Before muking your purchases. •f Cull Supply of all the most popular PROPRIETARY MEDICINES. Os the Day constantly ot hand. Also, full perptjmert AND Toilet Articles ! COMBS AND BRUSHES, r , . . Os AH Kinds lIAR OH,», POMADES, SOAPS, MM • Etc, Etc ~ fiKwJ’-S t * ,ec * B * l •°« olD pno7’ng,prompt • Hotter Terms han eau be obtained io Macon or netahbo. -r -ics. BESSON AKF. NBA LL. S t:gn es: x» ‘ Jalden Eagle and Mortnr ’ xf.-f. -fa Eufaula , .11? HOWARD HOUSE, iiutiiulu, . . . Alabama* T HAVE removed from my old place of business to 1. the house formerly known as the “ Eufaula House." April, W 6m ~ iitJFATTLA IRON WORKS, Et'FAM.4, ALA., I AM now prepared to build F.ngines, from five to one hundred horse power, • SAW MILLS. SUGAR MILLS, GRIST MILLS, Iron and Braes Castings of every description, Machine and plantation blacksmith work. Boilcra made and repaired. Old Cast iron. Brass and Oopper bought. For further information, address a pr27-6m W. YOUNG. J. C 1. MARTIN, GENERAL INMRANCE AGENT AND exchange healer, Ef’#’*lt r M -• •* Jtlabitma. Represents a paid up Capital, in A No. 1 Com panies, of £22,000,000. Takes Fire, Inland, River, Marine, I,ife, and Accident risks. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. apr 27-ly. J. Gk ST MARTIN £ f/’.f t JLJt, -/iL-1., 5 Manufactures CANDY, BREAD, CAKES AND CRACKERS, in all their various styles-XKeeps \CruitS, Toys. Cigars, Stationery, Rooks, LIGHT GROCERIES, Keroeine Lumps aud Oil, Garden seeds, etc*, etc.* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Cash Orders respectfully solicited and satisfac tion warranted. No charges made for outside purchases. lor Washington Iron Woiks, Steam Engines Castings and Machinery of every kind. April 47 • *y w a. JKSKINS. j - r - zxnkins B. W. JKSKINS. e. H. JKNKISB JENKINS BROTHERS, Grocery Merchants, Auction. General Commission, RECNIVIKO AND FORWARDING HOUSE. Broad St., Eufaula, Ala. 1 JEHSON AT, attention given to the sale of Cot £ ton, Sugar, Molasses aud Country Produce. Orders for the purchase of Plantation Supplies, Dry Goods, Groceries, tic., filled and shipped 1 promptly. Consignments for sale or re-ahipment ' respectfully solicited. Will attend to receiving aud forwarding Cotton and every description of freight with dispatch. Instructions strictly obeyed, and prompt returns made of all sales. api27tf HEAD THIS, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! BEST, FINEST, AND CHEAPEST IN TIIE MARKET! Conic One ! Come All ! AXD examine the splendid stock of goods J which has just been received and opened AT JITPOS SIMMONS' OLD STAND I Consisting of the latest fashions of MUSLINS, MOZAMBIQUES, LAWNS, ALSO, CALICOES, Bleached aDd Unbleached DOMESTICS, millinery goods, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. Ilatu, Notious of all kinds, Hard Ware, Tin Ware, Segars & Tobacco, Powder and Shot, And a thousand other things too numerous to mention, which will be sold Lower than the Lowest. All I ask is to gire me s call, and judge for yourself, as there is no trouble in Showing my goods. I earnestly inrite the ladies to call, and they should be sore to R£MEXBER THE PEACE J At J udge Simmons’ Old Stand. JAKE M. MAINSTER. Dawson, Ga., May 25, 1866.—5 m J. N. SEYMO.R, DEALER in n % in And General Commission. Merchant Cherry Btreei, AMacon, «a julyl3-3m MACON WHOLESALE HOUSE. NOTICE TO THE f MiE 1 WE have now In store, and are constantly re plenishing the following GOODS, Which we er.pect to sail: r'A BALES Macon Mills Sheeting, t)U 45 bales Flint River Osnabnrgs, 40 “ Cotton Yarns, No. 8, 10 and 12 100 bbls Crushed, Powdered, A, B, C Sugar. 100 bags Rio Coffee, 16 '* Java do 75 boxes Raisins, whole, 1-4 and l-4s. 44 cases Fresh Cove Oysters, 65 boxes Adamantine Candles, 16 “ Sperm do 30 “ Sterlne do 20 cases 1-4 boxes Sardines, 10 “ Green Corn, 10 “ Pine Apple, 20 baskets Heldsick Champaign, 20 boxes Indigo, 10 “ Madder, 80 cases Concentrated Potaab, 10 “ “ Logwood, 150 “ Brandy, Wine, Whiskey, Schnapps 100 boxes Starch, 100 boxes Soap—assorted, 600 bags shot—assorted, 100 kegs powder, T4s, l-2s k whole kegs, 40 doxen Seives —Irion and brass, 50 dozen Planters’ Hoes, 26 doxen Leverrta' celebrated Axes, heavy 60 boxes Candy, CO dozen Brooms, 50 dozen Painted Buckets, 876 boxes Tobacco —assorted brands, and as low as anywhere in the United States, 60 boxes Soda, 85 kegs Soda, 15 nests Juniper Tuba, 75 coils Rope, 60 bales Bagging, 1,000 “ Cotton Twine, 60 cases Army Brogans—No. 1 article, 200 kegs Nails—assorted, * < 15 1 * « I<> i ! ? i | 20 bags Pepper, 10 bags Spice, 60 dox. Spades and Long Handle Shovels 400 sides Sole and Upper Leather, 800 dozen Pad Locks—assorted, 300 dozen Pocket Cutlery, 4,000 gross Screws—assorted, 4,000 papers Out Tacks, 50 dozen Jute plow Lines, 1,700 pounds Shoe Thread, '3OO gross Blacking—assorted, 75 dozen Shoe Brushes, 25 dozen Horse Brushes, 15 dozen Whitewash Brushes, 500 pounds Bagging Twine, 76 bbls Plaster Paris, 10 bbls Bourbon Whisky, 24,000 Cigars, 100 5 and !0 gallon kegs, * ‘ 370,000 lbs American and English Iron, assVd, 2,900 pounds Cast Steel, 30,000 pounds Plow Steel, asso-ted, 4,000 feet Rubber Belting, 2 to 1C inch. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. • o DRY GOODS. DEPA R T M ENT. WE are now receiving and opening our Spring Stock, which embraces every variety of (foods usually kept by us, and we expect to offer induce ments to dealers unsurpassed by any house South or West. We buy and sell largelr, and will be contented with small profit. We feel confiedent of giving satisfaction to al) who patronise us, and believe we can make it to their interest to trade io Macon ; thereby saving the tedionsness of a jour ney, and expense to the North or Wert. J. B. ROSS & SON, Wholesale Grocers and Dry Goods Merchants. CORNER 3c and CHERRY SIS., aprO JVTacon, Ga. » . c. NEATS, of GA., WITH , \ >% ' ' A. LAN6DON & GO., Successor* i to J. 8. Christie, JOIIBKRB or 7 4 BOOTS Ano SHOES, 35 Courtlaudt A 111 Liberty Sts., First door above Merchant's Hotel, A. Langdon, J. S. Christie, J. R. Wells, air til VnOV R. D. Lathrop, G. 8. Hutchins, NtWTUnIV. Special W, A. Lathrop, m‘IS Partners. lIENUY HORNE, Wholesale Dealer in- Groceries, Confectioneries, LIQUORS AND FRUITS, If o. 60, Cherry St, JttACOA', G.i., IS now receiving a fresh lot of Goods—bought low—and will sell them, as the freights are lower alao, at Very Reasonable Prices. and calls attention to the following articles: LEMONS and Mesina ORANGES, Claret Wine from $1) to $lO per doz. Sherry do 12 to 20 “ Port do ,12 to 20 “ Madeira - do 12 to 20 “ Good Bourbon Whisky, sl2 “ Good Brandy, 12 to 30 “ Holland Gin, 12 to 22 “ Superior Home made Stick Candies, “ Northetn “ “ Fancy mixed candies, gum drops, and decorating articles. CIGARS, from S3O to $75 peri, 000; Candles, Flour,Sugar, Wrapping Paper, Soda, Soaps, Crackers, Sardines, Oysters, Bitters, Lemou Syrup, Vinegar, Chewiog and Smoking Tobacco, etc., etc. Give me a trial, aud I will Guarantee Sat isfaction. june27,tf ERGE TO EVERYBODY! TUE GUIDE TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY. JUST PUBLISHED. IT teaches how to remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions and all impurities of the skin ; how to enamel the skin; leaving it white and clear as alabaster; bow to produce the fullest development of the female form, (as practised by the French,) causing the bust to grow round and full, and if the form has been lost by padding, lacing or maternity, restor ing it to more than its original fullness, firmness, and beauty. Ii teaches how to reduce in size the hands and feet, produce corpulency or otherwise; remove supeifiuous hair hair ; cure corns, budious warts and moles ; renew your age; cure drunken* ness, catarrh, dyspepsia, nervous debility, kc. — bow to fascinate and gain the love and affetion of any person you may choose, together with other useful and valuable information. No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their address to the undersigned, aud receive by return mail a copy of tbis valuab e work in sealed envelope free of charge. Address, BERGER, SHUTTS k CO, Chemists, 285 River St., Troy, N. Y. CIIASTEELARS’ While Liquid Enamel. For improving and beautifying the Complexion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint, that is ouly found in youth. It quickly removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, moth patches, sallownees, eruptions, and all impurities of the skin, kindly healing the same, leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster. Its use cannot be d> tccted by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation, is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is con sidered by the Parisian as indispensable to a per fect toilet. Upwards of thirty thousand bottles were sold during the past year—a sufficient guar antee of its efficacy. Price only 76 cents. Sent by mail, post paid, on the receipt of ae order, by BERGER, SHUTTS & CO,, Ottcmists, 285 River St., Troy, N. Y. CARRIAGE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY. CITURERT, - - GEORGIA. 'V'KW BUGGIKS and harness for sale as cheap 17 as they-cau be bought anywhere. I can sell good and neat buggies, with neat silver-mounted harness, at from $226 to S4OO. Considering prices generally, such articles coutd never be bought for this money. Many citizens of Randolph, Terrel), and adjacent counties were acquainted with my style of work previous to the war, and I respect-, fully solicit a liberal share of patronage from those counties. Having a corps of splendid workmen, with strict personal attention to his business, he feel 9 confident of giving any reasonable man Entire Sails feeetion. 1 am prepared to build an; kind of a vehicle needed in south-west Georgia, and will keep fine buggies and harness constantly on hand. Carri age or dray harness made to. All repiarjoba will be done with neatness and dispatch. Call aDd examine for yourselves. May 25,«m J. A. FOSTER. sodawXter, ICE CREAM, ICE. Etc. ICED LEMONADE and Soda Water at all times, Ice Cream every Monday and Thursday Evening, or oftener if the demand requires it— Served to Ladies at their residences or uiy private parlor. Ice at all times in quantities to suit the wants of families at the lowest possible price. Lager Beer, Cider, fine unadulterated bottled Wines ar.d Liquors, warranted to be what they are labelled. Real Eine Cigars, always on and at the Dawson fiotel. TIMELY W ARNING TO ALL. 4 LL persons indebted to the estates of Wiley -/V. J. Jobuson and Hiram G. Johnson, or the firm of Johnson & Johnson, are requested to come foeward and settle at once as the estates must be closed up. Th« books and papers can be found in the bands of Simmons k Coker, attys. at law for settlement and collection. L. S. k N. J. JOHNSON, may 4 ts. Adm’r. k Admr’x. . J. JOHNSTON. m V. S. OBEAB. E. I. JOHNSTON & CO., dealers in Watches of all jVlakcs, j RltlGS—cluster and single Silver Plated Pitchers, Cake Baskets, Castors, Waiters, Tea Sets, Syrup Mugs, Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Knives, Forks, Cups, Pitchers, aßd Spoons for childree, etc. Watrh Work.—We have the services of the very best workmeo, and are prepared to io all work promptly and warrant it. Engraving and Jewelry repaired by Mr. S. E. Theus. Woik re spectfully solicited. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. julyl3 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. PLANTATION FOR SALE THE subscriber offers for sale bis plantation, Iy. ing in Calhoun county, two miiea from Mor gan, containing six (600) hundred acres of Und one hundred and fifty acres cleared and fifty dead ened. Will sell crop, stock, and provisions, if de sired. There is sixty acres in cotton—the balance in com, Ac. The plantation is all fresh, and verv healthy. W. D. CHKNEV Morgae, G» B. A. VI ZB, CHERRY STEET, MACON G-EO. I AM NOW OFFERING TH E FOL LOWING GOODS FOR CASH ONLY ON THE MOST REASONABLE TEEMS: 300 iOl Cos C. Plates, 200 Setts Handle Granite COFFEES AND TEAS, 2uo Setts 0. C. Cups snd Saucers, 60 dozen Goblets and Wines, 6 White China Dining Setts, 2 Gold Band China Dinning Setts, 10 China Tea Setts, 50 doz. assorted China Plates, 10 dtz. Bar Bottles, 20 doz. Bar Tumblers, 100 pairs of Ewers and Basins, PLATED GOODS 50 doz best Qualities Plated Tea and Ta ble spoons, 25 doz. plated TaLle Forks, 3 doz. plated Castors, 2 doz. riated Cocoa Dippers, Goblets, Cops, Waiters, &e, 15 doz- Wire C< vers, 50 doz painted Buckets, 10 uestg painted Tubs, 10 nests Juniper Tubs, 5 doz brass bound Buckets, 15' doz. Cocoa Dippers, 20 gross Table Knives and Forks, • t '--f- "• ■ " * ■- Ivory Handle Tea and Table Knives, Shears, Scissors Razors, Kitchen and Butcher Knives, With a.splendid Afsoitment of POCKET CUTLERY. 3 gross Glass Beit sealing Jars, 30 gross Tin Plates. TIN WARE OE EVEKV DESCRIPTION. ifOfli, THE CELEBRATED IRON WITCH, Kith other patterns, At Reduced Prices. With a general assortment of House Furnishing Goods, Embracing nearly everything usually kept I m my line. ~ B.A. WISE, julylS 0m Cherry St., Macon, Ga FURLOW & BUO., HKRKBY call the attention of the public, their large and well assorted atook of MF.R CH ANDI7.E, just received, and ready for examioa trim sod sale. Their stock of LADIRS* DRESS GOODS is complete and cannot be surpassed in beauty and style, consisting of Tissues, . Printed Muslins, Organdie Muslins, Pine Apple Grenadines, Silk Grenadiucs, Printed Linens, Embroidered Underslceves, “ Cuffs and Collajs, “ Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cotton Hosiery, > .Gloves and Gauntlets, Their stock of . . SHOES embraces every rariety of style and quality for Ladies, Misses, Men and / • * . Boys We have a very large assortment of READY-XADE CLOTHING AND HATS io abundance for Ladies, Misses, Men and Boys, together with a few CHARMING BONNETS. Anew supply of SADDLERY, Carriage and Buggy Harness just received Oar line of WHITE GOODS svery complete consisting of Swiss Muslins, Mull Muslins, Checked MusliD?, Nainsook Muslioe, Bishop Lawns, Irish Linens, Osnagurgs, Macon Sheeting, Sea Island do, Sea Island Shirting, Bleached Goods of all grades. We have made large additions to our stock Hardware, Plow Steel, Nails, Crockery, Iron, -L Willow-Ware, having almost every size of Pots, Ovens, Skillets, Frjing Pans and Stew Pans. We have on hand a few .TlHrwiiit’ft Bed Steads, very utcc and cheap. Our stock of YANKEE NOTIONS is very general and well selected, consisting pf many articles both Cseful aud Curious. A splendid assortment of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY" The above goods will be sold at a liberal dis count, upon our retail pri« O’, to Merchants. Americus, April 27th, 1668 t>-m. KEATING, GALE & CO., FLOUR AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COTTON and TOBACCO Farters 44 South Main Sweet, ST. ' RrvEßKNCKs—Leroy Brown, Dawson, Ga.; L. Pottle. Columbus, Ga. marlfi 6m ~T W *I. B. UUDLEI, ot Ga. WITH BRADFORD, WUUS & CO., (Sucoesaora to Loogstreet, Bradford k Go.) Wholesale Dealers in and Manufacturers of Mens’ and Boys’ Clothing, 33, 34 A 36, Reade St., nearly opposite A. T. Stewart 4 Cos , May 18, 3m .VC H’ t'Oßti. HARDWARE STORE ! (THOMPSON i KtNDKICK’s OLP STAND.) W. L. WADSWORTH & CO., Americus, Ga., ARE now receiving aud have on band, one of the largest and tztst selected stocks of HARDWARE, tTO YES, TIN, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ever offered in this market, via: Carpenter’s, Blacksmith's aod Tanner’s TOOJL>S —every des cription of Builder's Hardware, ratals, Oils, Glass and Putty, Axes, Hoes, Trace Chairs, Shovels aud Spades, Grindstones, Pots, Qrens, Spiders, Ac. The finest lot Os Cooking Stoves in Southwestern Georgia, at prices to defy competition. A full line of Wooden and If-tffotr I Pare, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Children's Carriages, etc. Table aDd Pocket Cut lery . Spoons, Coffee Milta,' Serves, Ac. A large lot of Tin f Pare always on hand of our own manufacture, at -wholesale and retail. tW Roofing and Guttering done by competent workmen in the best style, and work warranted. Americus, Ga., April 13-ts L. H. BRYANT & CO., AUCTION AND co.n.mssMo.r .verch-li’ts, CUTHBERT, GA., WECKIii Sales at Jenkins Brothers' Auction House, Kufanla, Ala. Consignments so cited at either place. May 11,3 m Georgia, caihonn Couuty: Whereas, James B. Slewait applies to me for letters es administration on the estate of Benja min Arnold,'late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by lav to show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Giren under my hand and official signature this June 20, 1866. ' WE. GRIFFIN, Ord'v. NEW YORK STORE! ...j r. ** * I : ► • ’ *-' ~ vnusuuniiTi ft. I *.*• V '* . I E. B. LOYLESS & CO j (Successors to J. W. Buffinton 4 C*.) D.A/W'SOJNr, WE keep the largest and most extensive , UOT| meats of BRY GOODS >'■*' ' •' *"**'•' yr ' 9 •«-. ■»» Jt. * Io this Market. We have, . For die Ladies, Frenen, English a«d .4.„ rti(|lll • 1 Prints. Silks Merinos, Wot 1 DeLains, Knpnp, Ulotb, Embrodottes, I,we-, lht,[ r|l Hath, Artificial FI. wets, Plumes, N a . bias, Hoods, Bonnets, Gloves. Dress list Trimmings of all varictio, Shftas of all Kinifs, .• ■„ ♦» V. V - . r : • < ■ Balmoral-, Polkas, Buckle Corprc f8 (; a jtm Glutve KW AuklUs, K;o , Taney Toilet Article*! ; Uatidkereuief Extracts, U. l-.g no . Hair Oil I- . Dy«s, ttc , etc The mott c?m{lcte astoHment to be found in South-Western Georgia For Gentlemen. JCST RtU'Ell'Ell. best iiWUkinirk AV". » fine Ut of t*«ltnctlo Cooking Starts from No. 6 to y. We havo a large and varied assorlmeu I Wats, Caps, BOOTS and SHOES, Cloths , CewtHtrrfn, Sr., Par Coat#, Pants, and V ests. Toge bar Kith a beautiful assortment of READY-MACE CLOTHING. AU of which will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES. VVc also keep a full and complete stool of HARDWARE AND CROCKWf, table and pocket cutlery, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, GROCERIES. A splendid lot of Rio and Java Coffee, Sugar, from common to the finest qu»M7 Tea, Lamps, Kerosene OH. CIGARS AMD TOBACCO. TIN W A BE lo fact, a general assortment of g oo ** suited to the market, both far Hie Wholesale aid Retail Trade. We wrfl put up any goods in ourl*** 11 Country Merchants at MACON PRICES-’ Give us a call. Wcaro determined tb ■no houso in South Waetcm G corgi®- f undersell us. <,ID