The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, August 03, 1866, Image 1

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a ,»iuCT | M. )C gaiftjiott ©tcfkla Jounvil, “ publish*! Every Friday, r - I. e, chkistian, EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS. vr nJlS—Slrtflly in Advance. , ha $1 oo s‘ Bo,,th nm ,<w year Halt* of .tdirrttaing : Hollar per square of ten lines for llio Grit and Seventy-five Cents per square lor insertion, not exceeding three. square tt.ree months-.: * 8 "" >2 00 ,w ,quare one year 20 00 itares three months .2 00 six month. 18 00 »,o squires one year 30 (HI Lh of a column three moths.. 80 00 fourth of a column six months 50 00 H,lt column three moths d5 00, o column six months : V... 7» Oo ....calainn three months 70 00 “column six months 100 00 Job W'Ot’k O s every description executed ,tii neatness and dispatch, at moderate rates. JJTii t .Title*. WOOTEN & lIOYL, ITTORNEYS AT LAW, o jy Dawson, G a. fV M, UAKPEH, attorney at law, DAWSON, TERRELL CO., GA. (f;|l oire prompt attention to all business en trnsted to his care. 2 1 v. SIMMONS & COKER, Attorneys at Law, D.t U 'SOJV* GEOlltetel. B F. SIMMONS. fpL‘23 ly w B. C. COKER.. JAMES SPENCE, Attorney at Law.. l).l ?! ’SO.V, GLOR 01. /. Dffic? at the Co’ r s f r' 1 1 DR. C. A. CHEATHAM, I> VWSOiV, GEORGIA, Ofa South ircst corner of Public fujHOre pONTIXtTES the practice of Medicine In ail its ' bronchos. ll>* p:\t« special attention to the treatment of all rhronic AflAtions of either sex ; and to the treat ment. of nil ppc r et diaet»aes. He m*v be consulted fiar letter, describing ace, h N, orninition, and habits ; and giviiijr an acc»t~ rre description of all theaympto*ns, duration of "krvws, et c« etc., A» and enclosing TV#s t)ot~ tor#. Bv return mail he will forward all of the wssarry medicines with full directions. 3 I*. OR. C. RAUSHENBERC, fOFFERS hi« Professional Services to the cif ; - ' * »*naof D lAvson ami tbq «nrmundine eonnttv. office ar Dawson Hotel—upstairs, fcb‘23 Cmi DR. b. H. FARMER, lithe lote Re sulfur*" of Cal . H*in. R. Stilts, near i)utcson, tea. iV T ITFI an experience of 20 yeavs in the ptac tice of medicine, feels qualified to treat 0 m-ty t»«‘ eall.-d to attend. f« b2S ts J.~l\ XILLEISL, WATCH q AND K PA IH E H E LE R • Dn wson, Ga., S to do any work iu liis line ; n the vorv best, style. (eh 1 28 1f J. S SMITHS JUis SMITH -AISTD Machinist. JirSO.f, : : Georgia. Hfpii’e all kinds of Gun?, Pistols, Sewing Ma ine?, etc., etc. 2 ly. DAWSON - IIOTEI*," mlhertsl Corner i’ltWif Square DAWSON, GA. CJI. RAUSIIENBCKCi, i Feb. 23, 6ra Proprietor. Cabinet Shop ! ROGERS & BROWN, 1 thHr €HU St aml on Depot Street , kE prepared to manufacture Furniture, such kas Btiflsf roils, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Ta • S Washstands, etc. We are also prepared to up window sash in the best style on short notice. 'E ROGERS. aprl3,6tn * uIL Blown. I A W CAIt I> . ‘IE undersigned have this day entered into a copartnership lor the practice of Law in the unor Courts of the Southwestern and Pataula Ults * Business entrusted to their care will be B Pdy attended to. •Sc Aim rough, Americus, ) Wiley G. Parks, Ga. j' Dawson, Ga. jls '• G. 8. OfilAß. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO., dealers in of all Makes, Ho* 0 " 0 —cluster &ud single 3Dv « Plated Pitchers, t: “ e Baskets, Castor?, Waiters, e ,IJt et . s > ru P Mug?, Solid Silver • v . p " a ble and Tea Spoons, ebil(]’r ee u ‘’ 9 ’ Pitchers, acd Spoons for ’erW* " o, k.—We have tho services of k wor hmen, and are prepared to do all Dl Ptjy and warrant it. Engraving and d d. bjMr s - E - Theo - w ° rkrc ' . , . E. J. JOHNSTON' & CO. 1 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. THE DAWSON WEEKLY (JOURNAL. LAW NOTICE. II MORGAN will practice in all the courts l • of the South western, in frwin of the South ern, Coffee and Appling of the Brunswick, aud most of the courts of the Patanla Circuits. Offiee nn Washington Street, opposite the Ex press office, Albany, Ga. may 11 ly LAW O -VI Mx r PUK undersigned will nt’end to anv legal httsl v ness entrusted to his csre, in Southwestern Georgia. Office at Cntbert, Randolph on , Gu. e. ((. PLATT. ED. RANDOLPH HARDEN, Attorney at Law, j ul,6m V CTIIBL If TANARUS, G.t. T. It. STEWART, ATTORJIEV ATLAW, Cuthbert, Randolph County* tea.* AH business entrusted to his care will he faith** fuH? attended to. June 1 E. L. DOUGLASS, Attorney at L a av , June i c ini« i:nt, r;./. J. E. HIGGINBOTHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Morgan, Calhoun County, ©«., Will piuciicfi in all the Courts of the Houth western and Pa'aula Circuits. June 1 IMCwBISI ILED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, jiil,2ui* OGLETHORPE, Ga. is. #elu k::lfo»i> ATTORNEY AT LAW, CA.IULLA, Mltcliell to., Ga., AG EXT for purchase and sale of LA AD. June 1, 18G6. NEK BERT EH ELI) EH , i TTORNEY and Counacllor at Liw, Caiiibert, (ieorgin—Will p»*acfice in the coutritft of Rmdofph, Stewart, Quitiran, Clay, Miller, Decatur, Culhoun, Terrell, and Sumter and in the Supreme Court of the Sta'e, atid the U. S. Dfs riot Court for the S ate of Georgia. H« will orive prompt attention to Uie re’lection and paying over of chins. . jul.lm Notice. I XTY diys nDer date application win be made to the Court of O.dhiuy of Terrell county for cive to aril the bind belonging to the estate of N<* ft Walker, deceased. June 25, ’♦Hi. D. (1. WALKER, AdiriV DU. S. (i. liODEItSON, SURGEON DENTIST, May 4 Cnl.uberl, Gtorgla. 1). S. BCTI.KR, J**- U»JB CIIEWALLA - HOUSE, EUFAULA, ALA. ril 11E undersigned take pleasure in notifying the 1 traweUnpt-pwblK\ the Chewnlla Hotel, (laid rh* Howard House of Eufaula, Ala.,) has under •fone a thon ugh refitting, and is now open loi ihe accomodation Os the travelling public. The present I’ropticioia will spate no expense to make it a first hotel. A splendid corps of attentive Servants have lw»er engaged ; and we Hitler ourselves that we cai uktHfce the mo«t fnstidirus. Give us a tidal. BUTLER & I.AMAK, 2 Cm. Proprietors. CUIUS. FtNI>LAY. TWO®, w. MAMilliM. FINDLAY & MANCHAM, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fancy Family Groceries! WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS,’ TOBACCO, FRUITS, NUTS, CANDY, l J rovisions GteneraUy, Second St., opp. First National Bank, M iv 18, 8m MACON, CiA. \\J II I SRERB hB ’ ’ Mustaches F r wt forced to grow upon the smoothest face in from RESTAUR ATUER OA PILLAIKK, the most wonderful discovery in mod ern science, acting upon the Beard and Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by the elite of Paris and London with the most flat teriug success. Names of all purchasers will be registered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance, the money will be cheeifully re funded. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, fl. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed free. Addreess BERGER, SHUTTB A CO., Chemists, No. 285 River St, Troy, N. Y. Sole ageQt6 for the United States. May 25 Flaxen, and Silken Curls, Produced by the use of application warranted to cu l the most straight and stubberu hair of ei.lier sex into wavy ringlet-* or heavy massive curls. lias been used by the fashionables of Paris and London, with the most gratifying results Does no it jury to the hair.— Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, sl. Descrip tive circulars mailed free. Address. BEKGKR SHUTT3 & CO., Chemi-ts, No. ‘285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Sole agents for the United Statee. CUT II BERT HOUSE, Cutlibert, Ga , r |’MMS Hotel, formerly known as the ‘‘Kiddoo I House,” is now open and prepared to accom modate all who may favor us with a call. The public may rest assured that no pains will be spared to render ‘be guests comfortable. THE TABLE wRI be supplied with the best the market and the country Afford. An e*perieuced caterer has been secured, whose whole time will he devoted to the procurement of C2Ulbtes of’ Every ttes cription. Polite and attentive servants, neat Rooms, Good Fafr, and moderate charges will surely satisfy our guests. V. W. BOI3CLAIR k BRO., Cuthbert, Ga , May ll,ly Proprietors. DAWSON, tiJL., FRIDAY, AUGUST Jf. 18(5(1. U KRRGI.t, TjL‘m‘ll County : II Whereas, J. H. Avent applies to me fbr letters of dtomfesion from the estate of WiHiam Avenl lale of said county, deceased. These are tliorefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time presetlbed by law, to show cause, if anv, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my baud and offtcM sitrnature, this May 11, UGtf. T. M. JONES, Ord’y. fl FORGI A, IVik II Comity : V « Wheicli?, W. J. Parker appli. sto rue for let ters of dtami-sion from the administration of the es'»te of J. M. Fraser late of paid cou itv, doc’sd, afp, therfore, to cite and admonish all purport* concerned to be and appear at my Office widiili the time prescribed by Uw, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters si ould not issue (iiven under mv hand and official signature, this April 11, 18&G. Cm T. M. JONES, Ordinary. lOItGI V, 'l i'm ll ( (unity : VJf Whereas, Abraham Sasser applies to me for lifters of dismission from the estate of R. S. Hooks, late of said county, deceased— These are, therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any exists, why Slid letters #liouhl not be granted Given under my and official signature, this May 11, 186 ti. T. M. JONE3, Ordinary. / 1 I'OKGI %, T( i rrell, (oimfy : VX Whereas, Lottisu PoweH anpfiesto me for let ters of distnissiou from the estate of J. J. Powell, late of said county, deceased— Tin S3 are, thferefote to cjte and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at mv office wiili iu the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if anv exist*, why said letters should not be granted Given upder my baud and official signature, this May 11, 1860. T. M. JONES, Ordinary. TERRILL SHERIFF SALE” ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN AUGUST next, will be sold before the Court House door, iu the town of Dawson, Terrell conntv, the follow in property, to wit: two iota of land Nos. (*214 and *215) in the thud district of ouginal Lee, now Ter rel County, levied on the property of Cornelius J. Turner under a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Tetrel County in favor of Seth K Taylor. Prop erty pointed out by Plaintiff. GRICE. July 3rd.—1866 Dept. Shflf. PATRICK & HAVENS, Wholesale and Retail BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, Ai.d General News Dealers—Triangular Block, Cherry Street, %?j tut ait* tea. 2ti MASSENBUEG & SON, DRUCGSSTS, Macon, - - - Georjy^ia. r attention of Dealers is invited to (bis old A. aud reliable house. maylß,om A. B. ADAMS, I) n JOS KB. Late of the firm ol Adams & Reynolds. A DAMS xfe JONES waili:iso use AND COIVUVIISSION MERCHANTS, (At old <’tai»d of H-irrls k Ros’,) Corner of' Second and Poplar 5/#., TSTacon? Ga.; Will ffirP pnrtio«l»r altontiou to ’be -P ornge and Sale of Uottou. - j-ul 13 fi»* UUBA L IIILL ACADKM Y, M 'LUSTER C01’,175 V ' r |''UK F.UTerm of iliip Institute will open ou the 1 lant Monday (30th.) in July. Tuition at Cm nhl rates, and Upon a specie br-isfroty fIOUHI to $82.00 per Scholastic year. Board as cheep as . elsewhere in the State. Healthy locality, with no meatiS es dissipation whatever. GEO. A. LOFTON. . July 62m THncipal. StTTEE IP! ALL peFfonß indebted to Dr. JR. T. Kendrick, are respectfully reqtiested to come lorward aiwl s< t r .le up by no‘e, money, or any k’nd of pro duce by which he can live and keep up a s‘f>ek rtf drugs. Havir g taxes to pay, ami everytl ing to buv, he is compelled to call on his friend«, not withstanding the scarcity ol money and provisions. Morgan, Ga., July 27 R. T. KENDRD'K. *# jH.iT<nvs I TNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of l J Terrell county, w ill he sold on the fUstTues- ■ day iu September next, before the Court house door in the towu of Dawson, during the usual hours of sale, fractional part of lot of land No. con taining thirty acres more or less, adjoining the hnd of Abraham Sasser. -Sold as the .property of Wil liam Opii. deceased, for the ben fi» of the heirs, j viS MARY CURT, Adm’x. JU DOLE’A “fiAUERY OF ART Corner Mulberry and 2nd St., over J. M. Boardman’s Book Sio e, MMOJT, te EORG M. PERSONS visiting the city on business or [Meas ure should not fail calling at the above very attractive establishment 'jy 13 U. A. SOLOMON. K. K. I‘K A K KK. Jt. T. lIATTiIEWS. SOLOMON, PEARRE & MATTHEWS, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCIIAVDIZ!^ ANB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Simpson Johnson * Old Stand, ICufatila, A- 1 a-. Consignments respectfully solicited. Prorapr personal attention given to purchase mid sale of Cotton, produce, &c. Refer to Messrs. \Vm. A. McKenzie k Cos , Ap-* alachirola, Fla.; Epping, Hanserd A Cos., Colum bus, Ga. ? S. & J. Scbifl'er, New Y r oik; Simpsou k Johuson, Ku/aula, Ala. 50 Mulberry St., Maccu, Ga. 50 D. C. HODGKINS & SON, DEALEKS IN GTJ3STS, PISTOLS, riSHUTG T.tCELL, Gun and pistol smmunitioß, gun aud pistol ma terial aud Sporting Goods of every des cription. Alsp, One Horizontal Steam Engine A Boiler, Xew and Complete—at a Bargain—and one Gun Smith’s Hand Rifling Machine. July 18,6 m Tin l l)«-iul Gil ■Hitler. Among Hio thousand of jrold seekers who landed at Sienmcato in the Rummer of the y;ar 1819 on tl cir way lo tho flaocrs on the SouthJU’ddlo, and North forks of the American ’ivor, was n preposis’ing'noklng centlcman by the name of Ilardie. Ilia on ly companion, wus his son, a lad of some fourteen years, l ut who.notwithstanding his oY'reine jon'h, W”s sharp, sbrowed and in tcl’igent, JLr Ilardie was what might )>■ cal! 'd, as the ulirasc go?s ir “retiecut man.’’ lie Lai oro h’on wealthy, but his pars! u for gaming rnih’ca him. He was not a pre f s ional Indeed, ho looked wi b contempt, upon all who kept games es chance, but his perif nal dislike fiir fU-h did not prevent him risking lis rnOiev oa ihc turn of a ckrd or cast off a dice. His s)p, lolly aware of his father’s only fading, sought ow ry possible means to keep him from the table, in tho h p-, vain though it was, that the passion would lose its held upon him, and that eventually he would be tlofough ly we ate 1 from cards. Ilardie landed in Fncrnmento with about one hundred dollars iu money, the of h : s once amp'e fortune, snd wi'heutan hours delay pushed for the njim s which had just been discovered tt the wrs'warJ of Co'oaia (fc ruierly iStiifter'ville,) wher-’ if was rumor ed very rich vws had Icon dissovorod By a chance Ilardie nd bis ton uade the acquaintance on the road of two honost- I eirted, advcnt&rous sailors, and they di tor mined to ‘inspect’’ (Lo counfiv t-gether. Oa the fourth day from tl eir L aving Sac rament i the lit lo c< tnpnny entered a gulch which suh--rquen ly became femous cs tho “Oregon, ,T at and there succeeded a claim that amply rrpiid the adverturers for their time and labor. At tho ext iration of four rriwntliK the company had rea ized twenty thousand dollars. This was equally divided, one halt being handid to Ilardie and his gen, while the other was retaired by their co lahi ri rs. V\ lien the division had been sat isfact rdy made,lla die bre-amo suddenly rest,'ess. He ii t : mated a desire to return to Sacramento, there to eng-ge in some mercantile pursuit for which bis early e.U ,ueation had fitted him, and he (ff.rcd to sej! his own and his son’s iu'e est lo the soil oh. These men were rfluctaLt to part, with him. The lad was also adverse to the proposition; but Ilardie persisted in his resolution, and fiually disposed of his claim for twenty five hundred duliars.- On returning to Hacrametifo, Other and sop, the read'T perc-'ivos, had the snug little ctq itakof upwards of twelve tlionsjsn.i dcl lurs to bigin with llud lluFdie, as he honestly lutcnded when at Oregon canon, at. once embarked in trade, he could Lava in a few ranutbsfrtblnd, if not quadrupled b ; « capital, ami peril p , in the eeutas of«'ouple of years, returned to tho Atlantic Htures wi’h a fntnne qui e as large as he was mas ter of bt-fjro the uuhia fir gembling came up wi him. -Uof’cnuatcly for h : m 1 ostver, before I e had fully arranged t i-t ruorcuQtie! pr jnets, ho rt newed Ids aeqn;iotaoee with a gontle mh.n,vhitikc lim elf had loon addicted to gambling, atd was by him iudueed to visit the Kmpi'e Ba.IL on at that tucc the <rf the town, whore faro, nmn e, iogue et F.tiir, and other ganns of oh ire; wore ep-nly pla}o-i—u “hell,” where (hirer i, after in uths of exp sere, perhaps of sivkoQSs, and always of hard la bor. would l Be there hundreds of tl onsjuids of do'lurs in a s ng’e hi 'rid, and bceomprlKd nvryurn ti the with saddured he rta, t iw’n f. in the rivers and hills •boss tiihles wLM) forlttueLuldenied Lhein at the gluring tulle. Ilardie had hard’y en’ered the sdloon, whi u the tLirft to urnid to him, and iven before he was fully onscious of his actions, he found Lioisolf sia ed at a faro tabic. L’uf ittinately igsin fir llatdie, be iO;e fn til it, wi inir of one thousand dollars. The ]«i stou for gambling at onoe aroused in the man and lo e uld uo in >re restrain himself from indulging iu if than a bruk n down, thirsty trqor can keep Lis lips from tasting the fi.rv potutio'. tlist stimula tes and poisoDf. The ncxr night, and the next, Ilardie was at the tabic—now however acenmpan ii cl ly hie su, who with tears in his eyes stQid Ly the chair an which his father sat and trembling saw their little capital pass into the hand, of lh* bankers of the game llc, poorb>y, entreited his parent not t • indulge in the wild intoxication, to save money, arid if he would not engage in some legitxuirte Ludness, either to return to the mines or ais home in the far off East. He might as wi ll have trie tl to persuade tho hardened wretches who were swindling his fa’her to return to the path of rectitude—of honest deabrg. Oo the third night Ilardie found hiruself the owner of fvo hundred dollars. llis thousands Lad already passed out of Lis hands. 1 will win all back owloose tho remain der before I rise, ho muttered. -“Poor George" he added, as lie glauced at hia son, l ought nut fur the boy’s sake to have given away to my besetting sin, but I could not help it. The next momcDt Lis mind was ab. orb ed in the game. Fortune seemed to be agaimt him —in a few moments, ho had but cue hundred dollars left. This ho bold ly j I iced on the quc'eD, and calmly awaited the result. Thus waiting, he leaned his el bow of his left arm on the arm chair, and while the caids weie being ahefiLd, hid his faui iu the open palm of his baud. A number of spectu ors were at the fable bukniujof them ventured so heavily uh Uardie, and took their losses and winnings with some ilegrce ol equanimity A few seconds of silence folk wed the placing of the “deck” iu the faro-box, and h:n amid the silence might be heard the noi:e of the cards as they were drawn there from anddioppid upon their operate piles. Lost said the dealer, in a low smooth, tone and ere the sound of the vuioc had died away ■ll the table were either paid or swept to the other side of the banker. “The queen wins,” he added, in the same indifferent tone. But before the announc ment ihe queen’s win, had been made ‘lie son observed that his father’s body slightly quivered s with emotion, and then remained passive as ber fore. Yes! Ilardie had won- Fortune had ngniu smiled upon him. His bet hul b>cn added to by tho bankerp but he did uot at tempt to remove it. Was he about to try his luck the secoud time? Yes! he made uo i e,alive movement. Again tho c> ids were dealt from the box, on 1 again Bardie’s firtifnc was ii. tbeascen dant— but to the surprise of all he permit ted his winnings ij lemaij ou the ljrtuuatc card. “ I'he nnn is either nsVep, drunk, ora fool,” whispered a looker-tm, just os the winning osrJ turned up for tlie lightb time, or he would not ri-k so much. “Eather, father” whispcrid tlie hoy as he saw with nervous exoitemi wt the weilth which was at each moment increasing fn his parent’s side at the mine time dreading with those around -him i’s sudden loss. Again and for the last time tbe queen turned up to the utter ameaement of the spectators oa iheskie of the bitter. Fur nine successive deals the queen turn ed up favorable to tbo batter, it was ex traordinary— arrange tho pack as the dealer might, the curds at each distiilmtion on which ilardie Lad placed bin last hunred do'lan would turn up in his favor, Tbe hun dreds had rapioly iuereaßjd to thousands of dollars. At last so rxoecding'y hiavy had the bets become, that the entire company iu the sdoou gathered around tho table, and wondered at llio temeiity of the man wlu> dared so uiueh-fir as all knew, ois adverse card and the bank would again have in its possession the enormous pile 1 1 gold aud silver,Jhatnow, like a huge pyramid,glit’er ed over aud completely obscured the quecti For a moment the bankers and dealers consulted together, aud then the latter said iu n calm but somewhat unsteady voice— “ The bank will rrc-ivo uo more Lets tu uight. It is closed.” The announcement that the hai k had been broken seemed to ruleaso the tongues of the spectators, who instantly set up u cheer at the unwm ted event. “Father, father,’’cried the lad, “the bank is broken, all this is yours ! (Joint! There was no movement. A “'ranger took bold of the hand llai'Jie had pi 'ccd on the table, and with an oath declared the man was slspidly drui k, rnd did’nt. know what he was abou“. As he attempted io remove bis hand, he suddenly started back, and before h t could nprn bi« lips to express his ait nvit-hment, HardtuV head fell heavily on the table. A slight examination told the talc. The poor gambler was dead. Subsequent inquiry proved that he hud diudi.f disease brought ou by uHdhc excitement. The bankers not forgetting their in'erost, set ap a elaim for the nronuy thry had h s K , but this was overruled. It was given to the boy, who without unnecessary delay, re turned to tho “ata-tes.” What, became of him afterwards, I never Learned. The body of tho “dead gambler’’ lies a little way out nf Sacrameum~»DO tomb.tone marks the spit where tho infat uated man sleeps his last, sleep. The Snleriiipled Marriage. BY WILLIAM COMSTOCK. A couple of young girls, seated on a dwell rssii a pleasant culture ou the outskirts ol Ha Seilie, a pretty village ristufed on the lowest point of tl ti Bay es Touh n, discussed a subject which seemed to be to them of the high' at importance. “Thou art mistaken, Z pbyrine,” cried the younger, whoso eyes and hair were very dai k, and who wort-a white silk frock, wiih pink garnitures ; “the long veil aud orange wreath are g 'ing out of fasho n, aud Blanche will be married iu white crape, trimmed with jenquilf,” * 1 Lope she won’t go back to the style in which our grandmothers were married, and put on the amadis, troin and all ; but let me tell thee, l’aulette, that I don’t think Blanche is happy, whatever may be her dress and coif fure, or however splmdid may be tros seau and curb'dllc.” “J/a fui! Zephyrine, thou dost not sup pose tlmt Blanche herself with dr amsi” . “Docs she mt ? Then, why did she call on old Madame Dclarme, who lives in the hut by the seaside, aud pay her five fraues for bcrcroakiugs V’ “Asd what did the old Lu’.dame till hci?” “Why, thou knowest that on aeo uot of a strange dream,. Blanche has been troubled with a fear thaf something would interfere to prevent her oiairiago. She has got the promise from Aladamo Dclarme that no man or woman living shall thwart her wishes.” “Then she ought to be content.” “Truly she ought, unless she fears that some ghost shall come from the churchyard, or h’om the morgue, and interfile between her and her affianced.” “She is safe, if no living person interferes with her. Yet she is content ?” “She is more sad than ever.” “I have never learned the nature of hci dr am,” sail Paulette. “That is the mystery, She has never told h(sr dream ; she seems to hold it iusui!: hor ror that she is afraid to hear it from her own lips." “Truly, then, she places little confidence in ths eouthsayi:!.” ‘ It is possible,” said Z pbyrine, “that the words es (he soothsayer do not reach tbr case. Her dream, it seems to me, muit have touched upon the supernatural, and may have lo relatiuu to a living man or wornsr. “Mun I)itu ! but that is absurd. Blanche is not rt> weak, 'i hou dost lit■ le cridit io the undejstauding of thy frieid ” “If we could always be ruled by an understanding, we shuuld s.- ilom indu g - in gl . my forbo • ings ; but, we have flash, blood and apiii , as well as intellect, and few of us are ruled by reason.” While the last speaker was pronouncing these words,a young lady entered tbe cot tage, and with a sort of dancing step aprcacb cd tho apartmeitin which Paulo te, Z ine was seated. She was about the m (Idle height, oxqui sitely formed, though some might have thought the sylph predominated too much. As who swum into the room, her pink eoloi ed garments fl atfd around her in a cL ud of gossamer, one might almost have imagin ed that the Ia 1 j s. al gh’ed from the char iot of tbe. tuii. “I am g)ail to see ytiii so lively, my dear Blmche,”sa and Zephyrine, “especially as tho time is very near. Lo pore Guiohuad is iu :he next room.” “I feel relieved, child, Ixciusc the time is s > near,” lisped the f tiry Blanche. “True dear, there can be no intt rfcronce now Your forebodings wort without cause. They say that girls who are about, being mar ried are often nationsL Some think thoy are going to die, and often imagine that somatMf’gis going to happen,” “Bah ! ’iwas only a ilrean —but it made so<-h an impression upon me ! “And I observe that thoso arc the dreams which are never fulfi.hd," cried l’aulo'te ; ' ‘they are a sort of nightmare caused by lato suprera ” “Let that pass! said Zephyrine. smilim?; “we will talk of something else. You goti I’a'is iuino diately after tlie ceremony.” The pii-'at entered the apartmout, followed by llio brideiroun and a ten‘an's Tbe hap py pair stood side by side and the ccii niohy was about to proceed, when a terriblo crash was hoard, as if ths roof was bio 1 en in,thr ceiling overhead gave wav, and the uiortcr aud dust covered the pioliahcd floor. Almost at the smic moup n*, a quivering, mangled corpse fell between the bride and low companion, and the white garments of tho forn er were *Hed »i>h blood. “Ul’, horror! he has come! ” shrieked Blanche; and she fell lifeless upon tie do»d body. “.Mercy !” screamed Zq-hyrinc, “it is her brother ! It is Edward ! ’ The mother of the bride was borne fniot ing from the roum, and fer somo moments no one seemed to know what to do, or to be able to guess what had oecuried. It wiih not long, however, before half a i! /en e entry people cniiio running up to ihe door of the homo exclaiming : “He fell here ! It was over this house that the balloon burst ! “How can you tell ? lie was in the cloud.-! cried another. Oo ! on ! Look in ti e woods ! He must have oome down there !” “It math rs not— he must be dnsbid io a thousaud pieces 1 The balloon w«« two or time miles high when he fell! Ho Las sunk deep in the ground ! Such were the obrervatiors uttered aloud, and heard on all sides, as ibe gathering throng lushed by tlie dwclliig, one moment -iuee ibe scene of joy, the heme of the beau ty and now the abode of death aqd l.HßonUtujq. Unknown -toady of (ho family. Edward had e.ontemp’ateil cehbrating his s’strr’f marriage wnh a balloon ascei si m Wide they supposed him in Paris, be was prepar iug Lis balloon in a little town u few miles from La Beilc. The haGoe.n did not l.nrst’ as the rnstieß supposed ; list (bo probability is, (hat, having attained a great bight, the your g man attempted to open a valve that he might tytuie nearer the earth, so as lt> bn seen by the wedding party, when he lost his balance, arid fell out of the car. BLnee Mirvfvtd the sLo. k, hut (he web ding was po«*f <mrd one v««r. The biide no ionfeer heaita’fd tu toll her dream. Jt wn« this.- She seeped ly b w alking m a vall'v alone, when a mati, tfessed in the githnon s of an A-iatie, nirt up so beb amt rnfii— l »' “You tilolll be t lot briJu ol death, but never the bride of man 1 Aja he spoke bis apjeururco changed, and a grinning skele <’ii stood l efbi e In r. lie Clasped her in his bony w ins and iiulcavered to kiss Ini’, wlwn she awoke in horror. Tho year pa* ed slowly away to tbe alhnneed pa r, and when ibe time d'ew near for their ni l i iage the A«iati-j eliolera swej t tliWnigli that swulietde, where i[ was very fatal, and ctin ujj'olf the brkiegroom, HTaneho re’t red to convent, and 8 on after died. How to Kitiii a Sun Aud I'iuista a * Ouiigliit-r. 1. L'-t him have his own way. 2. Allow him a free use of iuoi cy. 8. Suffer him te roam where he (leases on the iSahhi-fh. 4. Give him full access to wicked com panion*. 5. <’»ll limto an account for eveaings. ti. Furnish him with uo stated cuqloy mcuU HOW TO “FIKISU” A DAtHitITF.B, 1. Be always telling her how pretty she looks. 2. Instill iuto her mind a proper love es drets. 8. Accustom her to so much pleasure that she is nevi r happy at home. 4. Allow her to read nothing but nov els. 5. Teach her all acoompliahmeU-8 tut uone of the utilities of life. ti. Keep her in the darkest ignorance of (he misterioe of houre keeping. 7. luiiiaie into Ler the jru.eiplu that it is anylbjng f r hermlf. 8. To-strengthen her iu the latter belief, let her- hac« a lady’s iqojd. 9. Aud lustly marry her to a clc-ik, on Srioo a year. , If, wiib ti e abeveearufel tr. ieiog, yi ur da ghti r is not fiubhed, you niay ie sure it is no- fault cf yours, aid look upm her escape as nothing short of a miracle. (’Jrirrrell the ranee, is fitting type of that rellglo-pti'iiico phi oath od which hue taken josses on of the Northern pulpit After tie bad receiv'd bis caning, for words which would c isgruce flny bar-ru «n bully, t e ttooped down and pm’lbd up a ]'io«’e of the ra tan which Ind I ceil broken-over his back, rernarking, “FU take th s to my wife ! What a present frorn a huslhtiwl to a wife. Whuta reli t to be handid down to the Grinmdk 6Mhcnext generation! < H vow FleasEw-At u wetid ng r cently, the oHioiuting clergjoian (Ot to the ludy ttio question, “Wilt thon have this man to be thy wedded hunhand /” mlio Cnqrpod the prettsent courtesy, and with u modestv vvbieli lent her beauty an aid ti.nul •navi replnd : ■ If you jdeuse.” VOL. I. \O. 20. A Fa kk Nr cl rok’s Fouuiquy—(Lr r-imitj ! Lilt ilia bcin a freeman ain’tso nioe. Its just like urn ! ILiu de abliihnist! Hero 1 am a pror iiH nigger, and no one cares a cent f r me. [so got. no honi». Ise got no friends. Ise got hoc bin. Isegot no mis sus to visit me when He sick —no inassa to scud for do di ctor—no little pa»ch of grpu’ <1 to live ou. Ise sinply an old gray headed nigger, i Qau’t woik for I«e too eld. I can’t sfoi 1 fee 1 an’ta- smari as deni dam Yank o ab isbuests. I go begging ovcf de oouuiry, and folks say “go long you black wlelp! Di is de wust freodom di* (igg'f over sc<d. Once I had a bappy home, I wasasde possum, and did’ut work half so hard ncr live h»ll so poor as half de white folks u- norf. I bad someone care fir me wh'jti sick, and to bury roe when dead. Now I e simply a poor old nigger. De war Turned inassa, it ruined me, too, for what was uiasaiu’ interest was my interest, \\ b; n1 o done well I done well. lie took eare of the little pickaninieo and de eld folks—he give us holidays and a Christian burii!. Bit My happy days sin over Hweet liberty hah oome ; De country’s got de nigger But de nigger’s gat no boms ! Dc abli-hnest took us fn m bappy planta shuns in de Sbof and let us die in de stroetw de out, bouse-’ npd do putters. And dis is Ueie Clnist-like li-vo for de (ioor slave. Betkon (Jlir’st never taught dat kind of love l . And n<iw afl Fvo get to do is to d'e as half n mi lion poor ni-gers have since do brq sed war ! But tank do Lord for cue ting— us i iggers liuiu’t got to pay do rost if util dis foolr hues—do poor white trash ob de rorf dots ilis, and it serves dr in just right fi r not le-ten us bo when we’se bappiy and do’ng s me good. And now dis nig g r is gwine to die, like a poor old dog (La Ci’eose Democrat.) Tbo Kditoi’a Table of tho lvniekerboko r recently oontuino 1 the following : A young gentleman, a member of our college, was expelled for the crimo of draw-, ing young 1 -dies up to his room by means of a basket from bis window. Os course a great deal of gossiping conversation was tho conrcquence The following coliquy occur red between two ladies: “.lane, do you believe that students draw girls up to their rooms’/” “(Jertaiidy, my dear; more than that I know they do.” “IT’ W r’ “Well I was going to the college on<* rooming—it was just beforo light—and I heard a noise in t ie direction of the college buildings. I looked that way, and as I see you now, I mw a girl iu a basket about half way from a three story-windowto the ground and jii wt then the rrjic Lrotc, unil ituun I cum* ! A Fiiomuious Man.—The largest man on record was Miles Dardeu, a native of Nrrth Cirobra, who was bun in that iS ato in 1708 and who died iu Teonecssco in 1857. Ho was seven feet and six inch es I igh, and in' 1845 weiged eight hundred and sev< uty one pounds. Iu 1889 bis coat, was buttoned around threo uien, each of ill-in Wi igb ir-g ovi r two Lundivd pounds, who walked together in it, across the square at Lexington. In iBSO it rrqnirrd thirteen arid a half vsrdt of eloth to make him a coat. Until mas, be was active aud lively, and able ro Ulmr , but from that bine was com pelled to stay homo or bo hunlcd about in a two linric wagon. 11 is C'ffin Vns eight feet long, thirty five inches deep, ll irty-tvo inches . c.’ as tl e‘ breast, eighteen across tho lsesd, and foul” <eu tcross the feet. It re quirt and t wut*ty-h.ur yard* of velvet to cov ■T the tiles and lid if the ci ffia. Miles Darden w; s twice marri'd 1 and L'h children s.rb very large though it is j n liable that tn ne if tl cm will cur teach half the might of tkiir f»ther lIECfPiESu WepriMUt the lollnwirg ceipts ttir the use of trinities and whim it. may corcem. Th< y line lecn col'eetfd from Ihe nnsf reliable ttuices ai-d sxperi eneed nu hors: To niaka a nicssi —Pi ur a quart ts molus a s into your wi'e’s bonnet. To'L e<p li.-h (rom tiLillirg—Cut iff their oses. To mt k<; b'wkbrriy j. ic—Tut twenty* '"on* blsikbnrics into a j.oose quill. To make a eoid of w oed go gtt a t way Leave it rutdouia. It has Ittu known to eo two n.ili a. To oure a fel n—Suspend by the neck about half an bour- TnE lover is tt mm ttn-h ; hut heart is the world; he talks a Colossus, With tli« little a.Huirs it 'ho universe, the war?, nrd jioli 'iec, pliiyifgl ita bo-peep about his legs. With a sign in It's eur. just fresh and pulp’t-t'ingr (Von the host in of love, and its feHow half strangled in the throat na it leaps to respond, your 1 ver h gneitlie sense nor coinprehensiuu fortheiTun actu alities ttat othi r men bxuifo their paiicceit against. To him, past and present, loss and pr' l'r,gord ind ill, axe merged into one aen saiicß ; a kiss Idols out the universe, and the rapturous rcstacy that t'lDgles in his hlood : s light, day, respiratiot—the sum of every (bine which makes no ex stineo. "Woman’s .Will.—Dip the At’entie ocean dry wish a teaipoon ; twist your lie el into the ‘oe if your boot , make j ost* in a te;s pndoim their |ri mines ; and m it. scrilots pay printe- s ; send up fishirg-hookn with li l ooi a and fish for stats; when the rain ei rub down like cataracts ot N : ng*ru, r member wl ere you left yoor hndirelhi; chi ke a uitufquelo wi h a brickbat; in short, prove all Ut tigs liilheito cotisidtred impam sild ', but uever atleirpt to <oax a woman to say si e “will," when she hi s made tip lief mini to say she “won't.” A lawykr is sou. ei Ling of a carpenter ; he esu fiio a bill, split a bah, make an entry , get up a case, frame hd indictment, empan nel a jury, pot. them io a box, Bail a witucß , hammer a julge, and bore a Court. \ pool’ll cf cop' r s d'R.o'ycd iu 8 pail ful of scf< si>ap aid apj! id to onioi » hat found n>t only to proteot them f’-ctn the lut lo th? growth,