The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, September 21, 1866, Image 3

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M JppiiriAL. jSJS? Ilsirc V«h I . Ijve jo4 beafl iu«mUQ Jakff'Muinstor & ,' J 'l tako a loJ£ at the: new and Inauti 'il', da they «8 now receiving ? Go by ", ; il[Si it is the plneo to get bargains. |U —w a... x ■ !« o v. Arrai:p:i»«irt. Orr Brown 6 do., will open anew JJfgantstock of dry goods, and, groce . ;t be new store, pu Depot street, un-, nc w next wecet. 6 \(r Orr will bo on hand to give bin old uotrsj and all u«w <g|f| dfc'tf ‘-MP'Uw kercUf >re. Lwk for .dverAiniut next U : 5 uuAi. of our merchants notiep-havc ‘ mc j frbro th 3 NbrtWu and Eastern ~. j md every freight train which ar-, jjj, *l'.iauiu ' iaM.ASt.oyiw of »t Out Jmvng (ftnort, rclOar*. If ester &j hi arc receiving a splendid stock, ar.d air:adv displaying fu John Griffin’s ta •• ~ their beautiful and seasonable” W• _ l \n old saying : “nn one* cun tell what a ~ may bring forth ; but Mr. Sos lucson can tell what a night recently brougt mb to a young farmer in this county— tree calves, two colts, seventeen, j igs, elev ilamb', and a baby. Tus Work. G >es h n ! —Withn the last £ or two came three cr four other new iaijlings bare'been commenced, dwellings; ,1 business houses. The spirit of enterprizd »1 improvement is life in th* community ji Jr; would not'bo surprised lb see D.nv-- n, within a few years, appioicLing to a* Ta« Lb'MrKIN DI.STiU«X,Go MFEItKRNCA, foh convened- in tMs plane lelhh, adj iura 4.*'U Saturday last. A' inner of tninistiM and dalegjfcs- were; . A.l>: ,‘!Ut ieprssi'liag Elder, df'tV Dbi'Viut, Kuw» L. luvw was preaeut, kuttMV ee *• .; of etc physical condition, did not tako nny; livepart Tfl’(he fwcakltf pghr Syfrr ay! • sr: a<qi\iatoi with the jufooecdingoO rOhureh4Jjf *yaa rOprosonted ta (ilia'll in Tiinis <: ndiri n—(eorsidcrino «ww! : ti 'll t|i.y ikiuntuA throughout Caii'uf.'K'v— Ip pr krutsg. ‘the RTiifV rif j’fi. Xcnohl last wed;, vi pret t!,3 oenirjieo of>n orTuf w^Vlt s rep'T'u 1 to u v We-tvic infiruiod 1 y r II His that A/iuty., *h at his >r, without T. ttlrg liis vo'ee he heurdl horur.iofijmi.tHt# of bis threat toseaiif r. HoMis, was incorrect. Wc nr-kc this aiemcit that Mr Hollis, or tie grutli as sfccH.pmying t':e deceusrd liny not bW. in at y fdsc bght, as the three were I mate at il fri ndly. 'i'lli w:i..r) us if.e llidlcilw in VcrniQiU ■i f. :i* <n n gar «i’h tho famoux aapiurc ul “iA. NoW ilr'tfftwS TOR wflfc wliglui ’ ; :i the j>y it mnatfosts it would read j ® a; it' it feared tl-fdiAe’Aft fire. “PoN’r Ttr W -~Y. u esa mute -o .! , 1V.,4i T.ilj uc:it.= . L ill 4ud <A ■'lio on article teartoti ovexy “J Or n ssftnplc sen* free ly mail forSOii " ™ta:U ( far S') 00 by It. h W« I (Otf, -■' ;^ai2:aii^t^waiiiiif| I' " V t.i »-■ ) | "■ •» 0 will he made £ Gal li rug tor . W«iv4 tWfti.l iHrtle if w; |(. ftroi.:' iM M »t 4 -0 Til IWX, AuoVsii 7,13 Hie. Aflkdi^feirator. fttirwK ft,mornha niter ite apohein'ioW «411 ho nyrdo ! J * Ordinary of Calhoun comity U,r leave syß*ikbo;n> 11 Estate bf & YV& hsdk>f h-.nn-v, if.fl.AFaJ. » SfuTll .T TONT ra 4J %JBGU. . Adjataisfratiix. r EI lIiEJ. SMIEHSF£Ii S*(£lU . -t Tui-'Ut In . Wet. neat, »il, t >■ O' o tTeOourt ifouie doer in 'ha *town of on, Terrell county, between the legal horns s -'lc, the follow’ng propo tv to,-wit ; Hie South half of Town lot'No 4‘.», Fi'aoted on i w est j»i«le oi the pidriia aq »are, in the town of H 'ui, levied on as the property of B. F. Brooks I John A. McGregor, to satisfy a ofi issued to tlie Superior court of Terrell county, in saver Poveng-on gum as v-i.ThoriA on & p«^i- W,»f»<i John A. McOrtrgor Property | ! ted out by F. M. liarper plaintiffs attorney.—* Mu withdrawn. M. W. ftIiNEDY, *"+. jft. Sir. ruitnJKi.i sztb'its&t'SiiF e. F the first Tuesday in October next, will bs r ’old I'efore t.he t?our{ flutiSCl'ror-Ri Chejoivn I'.ueen TerrtU County between tho tsutlflours ' ■ ’ie foJJowjiignrOperty to wit: one hen e and 11 &e town of fhiwson, aoVrg mom or less, Brantly Academy lot, sold as the p ofiei-; c Ti.oinas J. Brand v under afi fi issued from ■''iiperior Court of JftrreH County, iu favor of • Brown for the use 00. B, Terry, vs T. J, j [" lv aud It. F. Brooks. Property pointed rut by if. W. KENNEDY, an". SI.. B! if. i SKpi riorCourt, Till y Terini ISOIS. Tayor,) 7-. (• Libel far Divorce. 1 r* hn l atfor. ) t<Mhn Court, by the ryturu of tho I' 1 l * la * CtoTof nmm Maitba *TayGi“Ts iu t \ A‘ JU, hl iu Terrull County, It iu ordered that! w**' ■ Y ivlor ha and appear at ’tiro ne.- r, • I tula °' rt ™ Terrel County oa tho , *J"“T °* Nmetn’Kir next and- ans'ver said • any answer ah,- has to rn.ko, and furtlx-r. nb’■ Ja ' , l hihel bo perfected pa her by , lt i' if"? °* Ihh. Ouco a meiitli fpr tVoe , the i»xriotni of tiffs Court in tho •uu'nal. By the Court. A t A'lißOßonoit k Boons, PflTaAtCv. , C ®xtraet from tho minutes of the Wme i J ' ur h July J. th IS.ifl, JOBS c; F.CLARKTS, Clerk. Hy AB L fe ; P RO P EftTY i'Op Sale. I l.'rnr* on 1,10 ,Bl Tuaadav In Oetoher, Ison wVi ° Court Bouse door in th 6 town of 1 i,,t „ house of .sale, lha k»"9e >W| i ml i. O^0 * af yirpsent’ncenpio? tiy Kst 0( '"n’ers as a cabinet shop sold foe the L: f, i? ■nda:r<)»itor', srimulilo l« an a ,,» t 1 , 0 eufcriur ol Kuin'er countv. e ' n - tfSSirßll Ainn’r. • First NnlFmal Banff of ilfiicen. SitTur Till’d"tfine bTUa ou various points parehas ,ul at al. iimi’s. LHii riri aJvwhsni inadcou ihiptwuh*. ot CottOu to uny good ISodUiefU or &iro|je*ii houses. , * (Vuoclim.s mado and promptly uToiuiftoil lor, Uep tHipuliiMl .4,0 tar «« poiikk wiih" tTctv \ oik K*. liiuM'y, which will Bp tnhl ut too low cut rules iu utlil'l' riiion of Uu.d^ite. W. WMb'tatUsV, Cuhhl.'i.. 1. O.JIIAXT, riv,hj«ut. , OmscTOiis : U. TANARUS,. Jo'.vut 1 , Wpi. f. U, Ulfoo', .K. IV. H. Uoj.*; ffru B. Biusniorr, 11. 15. l’Lyit. t. V. PJL-tiJTT. WIU, continue buduess at lus a)J olUce, tuuf will iu*ke in fur purriesjis Uiey map ilireet. U« will *1 ns purdtmsc am! Set! Stocks, Bonds, dhsliT, flHrPr, B inhs N'otes, Seven per pent. State id (Jeorgiw Mhnds—uew ysiie—and Trailed States Ueveuui; sunup—ail dcnoiaiualion, (oiu sale licie "AT SA*. Me will make libera!aitVanccs itnlllgOod piilepAii be iuiule l cburning a small-conic. baioftTtft tnC suni^ a €hip\g> 7 rl» 'M*n*H’tPKris7 The Opinloi) o! C'vtlou Beuloi't ■anrt Plasuers. Macau, Go., July tilth, lS'l i. The undersipned, having, examined and Kilnessodjh>e opsjailbil ot the patent, Ir.Oii 'Pie ami Wlftlrf, for Baiijig Cotton, for which Mr! ia#; A. llau. is Agoht, unhesitatingly pro nourcc it the cheapest, most simple and complete, and til - best thing of the hind ever presented to the pnhl'o, (on,* ol' il, Greatest A the almost peiToot prutovtion against loss by (ire) and earnestly reiKiijim.ijT il U> llio use of the PUn'oiW of Georgia. liardeman A Sparks, J. 11. Wo .lfolk, W, I). Raincv, Adams, Jones Jt Reynolds, b. A. Jordon, John T. Napier, Th'dcn, G. Holt, l’ulaski S. 1I«I1, TANARUS, R. liloom, J. B. R-ps & Son, Dunlap Si Cos., Knott & Howes, Koil' & Sirar, 0. i\ Stubbs, K. I’xmdt * - an ■ :> NOT TO 13E U NDEHSOLS) . AT l H. ZElLIii % CO.'S DRUQ KOtilSE. Oheu’jr St., - JtiUICOJT, G+l., X R ffTcr to fho tnulo and » v a selection from ttfe li-irg.-st stock oi k ciiemkues, .. .PAINTS, OIFaS, Etc. f:i of <iiascTi when (told was ;ct ]>u; cciif., and we have revised »uV prices to cojjoim to the low rates of hcjnJr to givt> our customers the ÜbhKfit oT-Adr Low Purchases, a®d nil the reductions pok-sriile. R.r o iiiduc6iJ4Cpt3 off-ircd to iTtaks Trora the . . . - T’OESfft’E* Scefre, Saratoga afi r,. iviccmger IValer, Vichy Water. 'Virinltice cofi. r)ial:r flSir 'ou-n Sjirhy fltf tej's at limine. Aaumn* TinVEowitiVa, *frOO ibs tlaib ma'u .\inotiia, idavoring Extracts, Oils Lemon Sassafras, etc. .Bikers can get all they wai quantity very cheap. Tnrns-f Sfeesl, ill Ha . - Hut Rod Top, . • v ' - JEfc.y . Merchants, TANARUS). n »o‘i f -\. p'id „Ih>alci;B Cljrcrajlv ‘\Jjb-a ifdf ue ey and itipe tjo r to dl.-Tant tr.irvJ, the risk its for boa■vV, bes'wtt Uvinr? thrir wionev 9»>cuc time before got im* tlu'ir irootis, beinjr itiduo* and to buy rurcc 5 ’'^bills ’ h{«n tt»cv rwjuiTc«. bu_vi:ijr'nt tire \fod. Htrir* Hiors, you can as yru w.uit.aud. ll cu orrly -pav what the Good*? tvonid ; 'crip? von tnfil dow.*», a-nd £mpi<-«ntiv clieiij>©r Uiap UieJ.urh ftoiifhw.abU other wiiK&l low to lm iiu'Ul dt>wn, for ftvtddinjr li e fif»k, ?n«u --r .nee, lops, broaknge, etealage, and in nearly ov-. Ay ewe f3at 7 ing C 5: per cent. ! JJ-p.oiii! t .ifti titlnli.ped to Oiilers by mail, winch flie't lit 5. K " V - 1. ACC/s, 3. if: as? s. Is the filacodo* lii.rj'Htti* and the Goods. ZM-PZiC 2 t&B COT.TOiST GUSTS, MAtiut'AcXuHi'.o r.y Iftfms lT. tIT, Pi allvlL'c, Ala., WllO jiaa h;o] nearly,forty years i.*perlonce int tLj Pat «u»ocgst plantciwJ tfiis iHipd tfk\ housej*, f «t in ops oraticu, tuidThinks he knowi as uear cs wiosi uny a r'loti in. Hnritijr y Hpointed Agents for (Sifc abbVc Cotton Gin?«, we mifld rcrj'ticsr rrr.imefs who dc> to his iwike of giu.% to do us a favor l»v dvyding,in iheir so mc ni;\y know wJifetwr.V to have am do. li <j mse m> }>ureued tUcyVi.F not lail to pfoewre rtn irgioa iu iwne. AH ordoi-H directed to (*, L. Audcrson A Cos. AtleUitu, or to oursi lvoa will receive nroinpkaik;u don. J, u. AKDRRSOX & SON, jvl3,4in A gen ip, Macon, Ga. f.K! a t. 1 . B>. T !! ORiJ T 0 If 4s/‘ JLumjiiii* t 9 Georgia . HAY.IK<t emiipliYted thuit nrrnngcnnPtiiA, tinfe] opened i branch ts th ir kmdeefs ia They are prepiretT f.o do nil woikia ihvir line in the p.Oil improved stole. With a loug expeiifctnce r.nd a supply of all'the appliances of the art, they! fe<4:«op4i iui,4 ia eve»y in s'anee. Tei In pa* u.» on-gold nf.i: , v itli er w! out Aho, O'i vu’iar.rte nf rubber tu4e in All work fvurrcTUOd. * Fpr furthei information, address J. A. Thorntou rjj Lumpkin, Oa., or N. M. Thornton, Dawson, Ga. OtlicC| on corner of lot now rc<iu]>iad hy Obriati ir. U;iiU < filed Is fit <jd thoy will en pitrops At.febtirlrplljencfa. oJomTHW Cos., Piano forte Manufacturers, lirpadtray, *Ycsv I’or A. r I' , UKSE Pi'nos reeeiyed the highest jntard oh X-jnArt at the Worhrl KuifJ over the best makeis from London, Paris,* Germany, cilies of-Kew York, BuHimorc atd Boston ; also, the iaOlii • Wcelul at the Ameiicau Insti* turn, for Five Successive Years!! OruJt Pianos contnin the French Grand Action, Harp Pedal, 11,, r.< rung Buss, Full Iron Fi amo, and all modern improveraCnts. Every Instrument, warrented five vears. Wade under the eurporvision ofTJr. ,S H.6ROV«IiTEEf«, who has a practical experience of over thirty five years, and is the ma ker of over eleven thousand pianofortes. Our fa cilities for ntanhfacturifijr enable ns to sell there instruments from fluff to *'KW cheaper than nny first class piano forte.' ' iv w. erhhEPGE, CALDWELL A CO., BANKERS, rVenJ StVeet, .Jltu on, Ca. Btoeks, Bonds, uncurrcnt funds, coin, sterling and - doniefeljc exchange bouught and sold—dcjfos iWAfCewved*— mooics at* parties n\af dirtmb CoUecttoirs made and promptly remitted. , AiJTHpiftzKD UtKKRKNtKH —Nat. Hank Republic, N. V ; 3.d Nat. Hank, NiisfTville, Tenn.; First Nut. Hiplsj ObaHostmpj 8. 0.; B»vann«b N.itiotuil Hank; Atlanta Nat. Bank, Atlanta, 0:» ; Josiah JMnriis, Ranker, Montgomery, Ala.; John Ouldwcll, A’olum ‘■liia, South Carolina. jtriylS,6;u D.I^LUAY&Ca I)A• A LICKS IX 4'<>o!iß2B“; gloves, pSHUHIIJIIf .GOODS Kl'f AlIL*, AS.A. r;.v, r.i.i.xt:it aiu> II at WIiOLESALIvAND ILETAIL, W’e ill*3 k 'ep a complete stock of TIN PLATE, SHEET IP.ON, Anil Tinners Stock Hoffiprafly. TI2K Unfa tviTpcH, A 'Ccloliratcil Cloking 'Stove. SOU-T2I fi3 ST A R, A (Ffjeap Q lsKty, Vut P.ecrt tncndcJ -PRAfiRIB? FfiOWlifif, 'Will .FBAltfiLlilf, A T.argc Oveu . Stove. YOU^ irn AM E :i SUM,- K! EKOs ft ?S T ft O T ft. L aVNIIAS-—Of All D.scrip'ions onriEns solicited from soutuivksteiin ufo 8 11 1'lO.t) ID LADIES, i.OSK AT TS3IST j. ALSXAtfDER&WIin’E. Have just rret ived their steel: if t.cts «h • fa... Li unable fit«! §f^s:^l:23es , I) EIES S GOODS,' li wo arc closing out very rapidly at Prices much liow. r than Lave here tofore ruled in this Biaikct. Our prices sur[ ris« all who Lmar thetu, on* aceouiit-of tht'ir being so 1 >tr. Our Goods were all H tight For Cash, and einou the ijMh oi April, and WE C.W VT I> IfILLSiLL TIIE.Tt AS ( heap as any Ollier Ilause I« the (itj. Our .Stock is Fresh, full and Gompleto, comprising- K V lull Y T 111 Y O IN TOK LINK < F DliY GOODS, V.mhEH IKOTIO.tS, * HOSIERY Gloves Ac. Give us a call, and see for your yousclves All orders promptly Cllcd, aud goods senfj ly Express anywhere. AtEX/lIfDGR Jt WHITE. PviroK’ Old Stand. julylS-Snj Tlaetsi!, lia BARNETT & CO., cottojt PaicTons, Grocers & Gi u. (’osnisission Merchants, Apa7<telriA>lxt, f?<.i , 1y BOM I*T attention given to aIL aud Bh : pmefite of Cotton to New T*-rk, N 'w Oi leaiiS jbii ei pool, Liber*l ad vaucts iu-ide oa F.iI.V, aklcm ami KECHSVti'iC. iIOdSK, +ipcitach IcoUr , Cla., DfIARSIR: Wo respectfully call your atten tion to ihofaot, rhatwo have etublishsd a' house at Apalachicol i, Fla., Tor the purpose of do-, ing a General Commission and Forwarding b'*si' ntKrf.. Uaviwff rclatrons* with tofno of illc jwiat’ houses 5w nnd dormAWK* we" are jwepared to offcr un.usuai advjusages to ship pers of cotton aud other produce. Special atten tion wilt An? given to all.cettoa seutufi for sale,, eitfilr in 0«lr own or any forcigQ. nnrkct. In ad ion to our Coni mission busißts j , wc will, keep cob antly on hand a large stock of* GROCERIES. which will be clw*ed to merchants and planters at prices in the Northern and Western markets, merely adding cost of transportation. Wo will be prepared to accommodate our friends with advances on cotton sent us ft>r shipment or ■ sale, and to furnish them with bagging amT rope for the coining crop aud dating the entire sea.-.oa. X, Our house in Columbus. Ga., wHI be continued at'thc hid etSud, t orn. %Ff. t'! tir and ifii id strict ! . jv!3 BAUNETT A CO. |iu us & fever; Haimoiuk’s Pills arc composed simply »»f Veii*ta- Ur Medicine*. They nro Cut/iartic Pills, Tctinir w l’° 1 n t \us Stmrntcfr, l iver, anil limeds; containing no Arsenic; (’Momrd, Blue Mass, or any other MlnornT JL juptjince The great ad viuitittv the KroniletorsMalia ‘ for thesa l'Hla iar that, wftfwdit tin* aid of Catofeel Blue Mass, or any other Minerals, they will euro tho most oUlioate carts of CUILbS AM) FKVBIL 2i JiiVT 10lT f’Ji 1 !. Or> UFAdACIIE, MKIN ItALOIA, and atl fiilfccttons of a like character. Fol low tho directions* nn<l you will find they will do all that is clalmod for then. • Try jfttO box, and their own raeiKPuMiif them over afteraarvis. VM* We have used iialUyhan'S Pills, and imvo never Enmrn them to fhtl to rnro when the dlnSllons wore followed, and mihuiipiUugl y recommend them to imbue favor. - * Uon. T. II WAtfta. Ex-Gov. of Alabama “ T. »I. JTtxJE, dudeo ftopreme Court of Ala. “ KOHEkT Tm>T'GUEBTV, Judge Oth Circuit ~ »*f Alobatna. Wm. O. WALflElt. Sheriff Montgomery Cos.. Ala llox, ALEX. 1». I'J.ITIfEitALL, Montyomery, A*!a Col. JAS. U. WEAVEit, “ 7 ' h u craw Pol: n Inna, « « Maj. IC. A. HANKS, Corn. Merchant, N 0., La. m' Mn >’" r Wetintipka. Ala. MIKE L. WuOi)S, Ati y at Luw,2tK) d’dway, N.Y DLOUNT S HALE, Sole Proprietors, Montgomery, Alabama. WHOLESALE DEPOTS, Uarral, Ulsli-y * Tomiikins, 141 Clnmibjr. St., N. V. E. J Ilart A Cos., New Orleans, La. Blount & llalo, Montgomery, Alabama. Solil by sill Di'iig’nf Ists. Retail Price, $1.50 per Box. On receipt of *1.50, onc bos of the Pills wiU be scot to tmy part of "the Unjlnd State*. WiiOLRfbU.K also #y T. W. MnrSdon, N T nw York; Etlward Wilde r & Cos , Louisvilk), Ky. For sale H llawsoir, by l)r. J. L. D. Perrvihan l»od & Adams, Druggists. jul>:27,oli iisiiij HEW: (’09!):!! S’i „ , i-’i x K'-.t; A\l) O I I iC.A tMOBT IN Til H $f iJiKEi'! ~i>px%3 Oao l s'or.3c AH \ ND ex,midc Vm uptcnd' 1 - aloe!; of goods 4 A v.hioli baa yust been re oiveil and Opened Ai JUJjyjit SIMIVOXtX Os. It STAND ! Conslsiißg of tiie latest f-uAions-cf MUSLINS, AIOSSAMBMJUE 5, LAWNS, AI.SO, O X ft I C O Es, .vlitjfi iv OME.£ST- Ic S •’ SUIUf.'WKIIVTiR'ODS, ’ ' • rr-.Jr JJO.tjTS HUO i'. . • pl.t !•!’hi'o: •;:> pp.unisii ' ca bs. IJ|iT s', .'e tk-ud of all ki ,- ;s, LlsEUVarc, Teas Warp, Sclavs <& Tolbfrcco, rowdei’ Sjaot, 'Ar.d a thousand other thirgf son numerous to mention, which 'will be «uM Foirrr tlwin th? : F,atri”i7. A il i usk is Jo givr my a cal', and'judge tijr yhh.rilll, as thore is n t lroublq in sho. htj-mv goods, rctttnt*(ly iuSita the,ladies to cull, and thcy,si). u'.d .be sure to nmi»Ssß* THE PEACE! At Jiiigo-Sitj'.trrona’ Old Slaixl JAKS ?il. tAY?^STEr?. Pawspit, fi *'S, i«l#.—‘B«f Itii;>Qrtii4;i Planters. T!:a Irea Card aad “laoiv Tie.” FOR BAUNC OQtTTOH. AN fN'itrr.ANCE gCAtNSt FIIIE, VrAGMGE AND STEAIAGE r I ,, I!KiL‘LirK3H au - hfg a cam #!«/o s’? 1 * 1 tme ftfTfoW* W H"ilrT»?>cMon, con?hf»iing Liu.-' utmost AoUßplicity,-which G»c -greatest possible ie eemtiy. . .i dn ap r Gian rooo— nra fW.encd quick prj-nni) hnlU-tlws bale * to A h'ws in tuw. Rvcry ; fiarnl is lor-r ei« kgb farthe Urgcat ba!<», and can l»*> inst:i!it»iicou»iy loiho s : b« ot nny b thi { wktta in tUe prekw, at quickly atul wiih tlic auuit’ n ■* * , • v - : ! 'iVy are ittarufacturcH in Liverpool, ofthe br st n>uT nut ujpi!L.hiirulic_«id v 4 Tieseatli c'-uinldle antfiuai pcHikle, cnrdMt /or uHi They ure Uior«>ugb\y p.;iuU-J mui ary itok subject, to diihi.iffr ; bHrtg clpnlly adiptcd th hales inado: by pi iu sccuoit of the aoun try, socrefcaute ip tHc Tnk rior « <ioal in tfe 'en with greater security than rope; audtlje uniform!- , ty of tho bhndlck eihiLles froth merchants and plar tertr to •de«vrmim*H hW*to order for our given uvmher..of. balc-v n vfn(ro (Uiced into the Mississippi Yafl-y amlTpxas, wlicre they have ipc.t wilb-gi pcr^adi'igtho,ll9o pf ror.r, Tho walking cffcbe “A-r Yow Tie'’ Ts so simple, Iffattlus compressors of cotton m New (JkLai a huvo been unable to sustain tiien selves fn their oppoaitjoq tqlron n-vHE y are .nerv these Barfds and Ties, wlthottt any OHccticm, anj with entire iaits fke r,s on. Mess Va. Bildwin k Cos., are bur rrgntnr antfrof Red agents in DawwbnJ'from whom merchants and may the Band and Tie in any <Je t-in'd qua it lily at the Iqwist terms. The imdcrsiaw and for this District is pre< fdired toluiiii ih them to dealers and eonsamers ia xrnvmiaiiiiry. Jx\B. A. IIaT L, Agsaiv At R.'Bosn's Olicrv St. • j 3 T.3 3rtl ‘2nd Boss Ar Sou’s cone: to tub: rJ A.S. C. BKYAN GUP Eli) AT WboksaSc ;uu3 Kclni! i) \l Y G (> O l)g ANI> GTLOO UIUUS, AT REDUCED PR3CSS. INDISTINCT COPY r | A IIK undersigned liaviug furcluiscil the *to k 1 of goods of Jllr. T. J. Canuon, and sou .red the exeelleiA posiunu of "llio corner," elfcrs Uiem at prices that will let others live, as well as him self: lie lias ou baud, nearly every description o[ LA mss DRESS GOODS, MULLINS, PkLANES, UAKKIJKS, OUI:NaDINI^, MOZAMBIQBB, HUNTS, and ninny othur articloa in tha liuiM)i Lidim rat pricey iu ordei- to make rooili for hin Now Fall Si,t>ck. Tol*lasstt*B’s tk. Mtizriu Ho < ffors a large ani well-selected stock of CEOTUINCL of iill B>ONei*i|>lion<*, Boots a nd Slioes, VATS 454 C.U B N, Shirts, SpTpiidi'i Collars, an j all oilier'iirtidcs nooosftary fiw a gen t’o-ibinß \Vurdiopc. Fine Sttnk of Crockery and Glass Ware. 4 nnd futlrry I GHOCBRXES, ' -••o; klo., , : ,•» | Sagar*, FI. 4 . Cigar;-, Confectioneries, K pt const an tly on hand nnd at prices that defy jar;; Tobecco, Nut exodjf il Ly iinv iit Kufauht: LIQTJQItS Qf YU Ecsciriptlont-'* CY THE IS A%Ri;LorjL\iqii. 0 Tl.tiil.il4l llie public end 11"3 old friei:At, fur ihe liberal oalronage herelolore received, he fitltcDH fitlt ul tbal lie vt iff be *b'a so give them entire fut kfaetiop,-by cjllitib* eirltiai alf'rthe Corner." JAS. C. BUY AN, A lgnfl \; A ETJ rIV Li, ,u \ ' “ W.M Tj.or.' Vl'b t'.O!" THAT ’ ' ■ ■ A r MARK T 1312 ciF.SUUT I . ..:V* " ‘ '' •;%,'v:t mj. One of Hcpjimiu PraakHu’s raaiima was, X- , - nR . % 8 “ The nimble, siftpcnco is better iban ism slow sbiilmfr For Proof of the A«scr:L>n call at t’te Oresit Gl TUIrA Stfrect, VSACOI|, « A., Aud you will Cnd a Heavy Stock if -~&A% tCliofcc and While CORN, Fine ribbed, and clear Bacon sides, ..shudders, Aimr C’Eioacc Mi»y, <fs:sls, giacliagcs oS’ ctSS kiaifiis. Super!]no mid .iTmnily FLOTJII. Alwo —A Splondid lot c-f Extra ill l*bi#hrf , Mßr Ticreer— an 1 tunny' a-rticl s nsivlljf fguad iu u First C'lr.: :• I‘rodnee sale as Lew A* Ilia Market eao *ti*uou.%Wj i.flbitl. iufe'D s:'t; s£ sin:a in §l I'i.h'im'Paud f icruin-ibll Slqg.4ioJ[t.-', ' '6acoaJ d-iortSoreh of ! Jufy IS, (lcMit Tjjrd Streep .Macon, Oa. v-: : ’'a.' CHEAPER V«» CHEAPEST) Ky EAhDWIS cV: &&. , (II Ikili’wlii’soJd-lTSiil^ l)n\% T Bori, : : C* oj! u. ia. Wf are receiving direct from Xjw York,. a lairgo aud goneral anderliustt of XVJI Y QOODB, GIIOCKIIIIM, lfAlipWAUli,’ CUTLERY; HOLLOW WArfu, "ami cverytliing < u'll ally fotml in if lirat cThss store'. All of wliiidi w> ro boii'jhf for CAttll, nt tho LOU’LUST A’ T U' YORK V RICKS. f|i ,«> ir'kid-k lour bo To a( r ? .|u|(^l JSPI , '* m -. > E.*ii>azte "sin srusV; ooizs, . Flint ■ I nil]! fi ll! til i . lint a 1 ifii) \|us]ius. rj \V Milo iMifVblititAl (mo',-', 11 on’cry. Gloves Ribbons, Divss Tiiin-. niinjrs, ctr.VYlc i LA DIES ."'Lajmes of tliJ • very linesi ffriiilii'y.’finJl lilts, i ILa.ts and iSlioes for s le at ; *\viioi<*H'nfcr Pc: , « ' - 1 and as cheap as th' v nonr can be jinNo v York. Sion's and fiats ni: ;pj | from bO cents-up Jo Se (H). : NVy IvcopcVciytldmg f> pi- I plcle a gentToniaii’s uaT<m>bc'. Six dijzen Grindstones of last‘pl'i’ify. It is umiecCssary now to <o’.ttrieV do .lift forent articles. Wo intend Vo pin;' every! thine the people want. -(Ynr jjishls snail le s Id at (lie v ry LOWEST imUIULK EIGUCfi. U [CoHitl y Mcrvhaiits and s cart kiyo rii"!i'y hy cal 'mo <v*i us. Uur Botlo ja fftisnidr Hati fUc f i mm Bth, i --Od. ' . J. JfmNgTON. n. ? 4 OBKAR. E. r, ITO3XIH. & t% : U»WIjEU» IN . Wfitclio.s of fill n» UUJkp EJ hh'kT •-f nr - ' r * * 1 w ' -*• 1 Siiwci- i’liUclLJ’itelnvc', A* ~x- co* > i Cake l.iskcfs, Gasicre; Waiters, Ti-a /itits, Sj-rni* ngs, Silver TiifitC nrfd Te-i Yspii' hb u Kniv Forke, i'by!lcxe r ijuii fapegU6,ft r C‘ iiiji FO, < fa). Wnto4i h.iTc situs' '»f ! l'\* very beet workmen, ftmlnn* pr« p>retl so do ;d| wrirk fwqnip'lv Mid ivjiirß*;! it. Kngmvkwg* and j JFwetrv retired by Mr. li N. Tlk u■. Vff \ j •?i^cc*fully I* J. „j‘ily!3 Coltqo Avenue, Macon, (Li. j UA. KCl.t/V(rN. R. K; PKARRR. F. .WAT i UKW.s. j &OLOP4eWi PICA CFUB IN gi:.\ eua l m: n r h tsfTzt:, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SiHtjmdH yO Joh vnon' a Old Slaitd , Enfavtla, .A-la, Consignments respectfully * aoliciurf. Pinrrp pergonal attention given lojiurchuso uJid ,ale ok i.'oUop, |iro<! 11C'. A.•. —• Holer l» Meearg. Win. A. M» kenr.ii* A Cos , Ap afaebii-Xjtj, l i.i ; J'|vjhi;;' IJuTI. j e 1'! & fit.* foigiu - bii.i, Ga. ; ». *,••:!. Fcliilfi.l, N .. Ymk A .iolirstm, Etifr.ali*. Ala. 1S«(L SPRI.’JS TRADE! c>. m. ii-A.w, , Wku'eaal® anil Retail Doalcrln W.uM &■ PASt-VBRY caOIWi Groceries, Hardware, etc., Ajrknfcus^cA. J T\S i (j*rge ml well sr leefed ptoek of aUf>l4 ; fi I ani! F.mcy Hf-y Goods, GroceriVp, etc. —of- l’( ring (o th * trade iliHt?pinn r ,Ti u»««K larger Bt»*‘k [thui hrreioPSfe. ‘ P* f? Bl'W ‘ a OOVH U;P'ttfii»AMi', p liie {*up|’i vinioii of My. y . L potent dros'+ni'.ker will puperintend the making Hu] lilting <d •flresrej# The €* fjftSTEM #•£ ti IVftptirtm- nt will cm hr ace nn unusuully uttractiv * up ortmont, Uncether with iiwtit, |J> ots and Shoes, und cvorytl.iug ioc wear. Also.' Fiji? ErafWfy, Wires, Rem, Gin, - - ihy nil) vvb- losajo. Cat,flits, Nulf, fnrilinr«f i‘4?V4! fkvSu rn, Klaur, nu««r, Oorn, meat; ! Sugar, Cofieo, etc. April liJ-iSm CiSOVeSTE^NdtCO., riano Forte Manufacturer^ CAY fSroacYtrtttf .Vrir J "nth. fTillll at t«i tiun (if tbr pu* 1c ami tbc trmle is in» l vit* A ix) t t fi%tiiilCßU* dk-ftn otlavti 1 -SXTi7iXrotMm& "M. f lor ro!- i imir mill umi‘v c.f tone. n»o nmivuUcd hv nnv ih > ,in«)df*gi,Luyiro¥i i n;anti , 4 action^ ; iwirp ji s'lw'tVitisc, c*w* r % and I vtioir iMD*» um<‘! t lei: g nnide umh-r the fn*raon;»i -uoeni iouofMiy/ 1 . il* G*o*wirtwi, • riuTieftl oxpori- pro* ol over thirty years in th<nr ot m r ,:lP * ’ ' ’ __ _j t’he “<ji i-iiiuaCpttn Fjapo Ferte’* It'-oM tin- hit I rest award of mrult at rlic t clebraled Wi.rill's For, inhere were i xli'bi" and icf ti uinents from licvlis- r f.sndon, Parle, Gerinanv, Fbil.nli' pi tin, II .1 isn'V'', Itivion and Nitv Yok; ind ;dio u'. tho Ameilcan f 1 inh uU’ for five suceee -1 live ynre, Re fi .!<i and Mror t our both 'of whit !i c.n be seco ntd r ware-rcopis. I liv rile letroifnrtiiin of in provemento wc make [II mri'i perfect I’i.iru - foil', ntr«i by mannfar ■ tur'i fcig' lv, with » airiptly cash sjgtcni, are en (<m ff.-r there iioJ.H.n.i i.i.l at a Jrnisj wliict .. eh ’." nil eonipi titiori. *r J ! «•:» price ir l'r«*ti.4JliU te ?2CO 'chcltpcr thn( j rev first <* I'iiino ('upto. \ TkXtrfS.- - K jiit Ca§ki in MAg. PeJ •i. /.•(•■ 17, l veur I—Ti__ 1 —Ti__ stAAi> i . mjM ■■ i L, nr-nj^AT*” Gut SETTS Eoultlo ami Single » 1 ifciwu li otn »xn to |ld<l. Sy-Y Assorted lgi’iei’ gcn(n, and ' ey.s' saddles ard (itii'flc (r. es—.frer: U to (fan. ri On aartorted eai-' .ijuge Mol * cgila's—i u'ml to uuy in the U. ft ‘ ■ r.S'r'df •, ihartingalce, wfipp,’ nnd eaddierr herd •vkva nd l*4,Tiher in my line—lb which the aG uiVtit-Hy, i : a ul plauti ie »re ii.vii-cd. liu t dIS good wotk and 3tll it trV. me a chJI hefere you huj, G. HFHX&, Cotton Avi nue, Maooh, f*a, b'X L/C TRADK. htlY GDC# MUST CO?tUN3 IN. tflllAM Smith and Southern Michigan Prenii* i H urn Flour, in barrel la and half barrells. Ay !*, C, Ciii-hrd nnd I‘owderod Seg;-iF. Old Brown; Java and Litilo Oicin Cuffte. Adamantinr; s»?*tl Wfx Candles. New Mess Mackera!. iu 1 ki's, and at retail New Extra White CmlfisL Fresh Sealed lierringp. Fxfra Li’af La**A, i»^ k< gn. HoßdWr r’n, f’laxWal joTVPZViI Jinss’ St. Domingo Bittcis. SuTme partll. )* ue Mara-'ills S dad Oil, quarts and p’ruus.- Preserved Ginger. Bonc 1 SardfHPO.' PurACider urtd 'mporlnli White Wire Bottle and D< < ; r Is. Pure Jamaica K»»b>, Brandy, Whiflkcy; Chr.ii [ .ligiic and Ctdifornia Wince. Havana Cigars. Finn Chewing Tcbicco, ohd Solace* Foi lak !<;w .it GF.EER & T AKE’S. at; !" il Flcfcii. fcVarjlit;