The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, September 21, 1866, Image 4

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i! A f MACOJK, GEO.\ t/* M .OIK STOCK Is now as complete as any in Goorgia, of every variety of Goods in our line, anil we feel confident they are offered at as low rater at cl ewhere. We therefore invite tho attention of all to onr stock of Plantation Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Buildcrr.’ Hardware, Mechanic*’ Tools, II ouse Furnishing Goods,' Wooden and Willow Ware, Scales and other Store Fixtures, Children’s Carriages, Etc , Etc. TURNBULL'S SCALES, A NEW STYLE, The best and most convenient Scale for re tailers or for home use, over offered in this market For sale by. Wrlgley A Knott. CHILDRENS’ CAERIAGES ANOTHER STOCK OF Childrens' Gigs, Perambulators, Ramblers and Ruggics, S ime new and Beautiful patterns jut-t re ceived and for sale by. Wriglry & Knott. NAILS! NAILS! BOONTON NAILS. A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received and for sale by WRIGLEY & KNOTT. 1 ■( i,V,Y:. ' jt 2d St., next door to jtjj ft Express Company. Garden Implements. Hoes', Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Steel IIoc?, t Urub Hoes, Spades, Trenching Iloes, Hoc and Rake Shuffle Ileus, Garden Trowels, Garden Lines, Wheel Harrows, Etc., ®For sale by £U WRIG LEY & KNOTT. FISHING TACKLE. WE invite the speoial attention of Coun try Merchants to our stock of Fishing Hooks, Lines, etc., which is large and com plete, and at lower rates than ever before offered here. LWRIGLEY & KNOTT. WOO BEK WARE, SIEVES, &C. Brass Bound Cedar Cans, Brass Bound Cedar Pails, Brass Bound Tuba, Cedar and Painted Tubs in nests.l Painted Backets—2 and 3 hoops, Juniper Buckets, Stable Buckets, Oak Pails, Well Buckets, (7 stylos,) Iron Bound Setts Measures, Plain Sets Measures, Iron Bound H’s Bushel Measures, Plain Half Bushel Measures, Iron Sieves,—Nos. 20 and 24. Blood’s Patent Sieves, For sale by] |WRIGLEY & KNOTT. july 13-3 - ui’iput ai» x r.itnskiiats oßs in" Ills! K'filNTY ft SMITH, eufaula, ala. If von want tbs Most IleUahle amt the /tent (liMilil}/ of Medicines, »s well as nJ other articles in the above line of business, Call at This House, OR SEND YOUR ORDERS, And yon will be certain to get the goods you want PRICES AS LOW „<f«j the Lowest for the same kind of goods Now on hand and constantly receiving, a large supply of l Puro Medicines, Selected for Physicians’ Practice and Family use, patent and Proprietary Medicines,* WHITE LEAP, ZINC, PAINTS, VARNISHES, LINSEED OIL, TRAIN OIL,* TANNERS’ OIL, CASTOR OIL Illuminating and rubricating CO-1L OIL, SPIItITS Tt'HPE.VTI-VE, Window Glass audTutty, Paint and Varnish Crushes, Pure Brandv and Wines! For Medicinal use, Fine Chewing Tobacco and Snuff, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, DRESSING COMBS, ’• HAIR 15 RUSHES, And all other goods kept by a first class Drug Store. A Druggist of I’wenty Years’ experience devotes constant attention to the business, and everything connected with the house passes under his supervision. It is the intention of the firm to build up on establishment that will compare with any other in the South, and atl whopatronise them mav relv implicitly upon obtaining the BLSJ GOOI*S, and at CHEAP RATES orders promptly filled, and just as fmth ruLT-v as if the purchaser were present, and ALL GOODS WARRANTED To he what they are represented. Call at the store one door east of Bray Bros.’ Hardware house, Broad street. Eufaula, April *27, 1860—6 m J.T. KJSISrDAXiL Proprietor of (the EAGLE I)RIG STORE! EUFAULA, ALA., Have in Store and For Sale Low , FOII CASH ONLY, The Largest Stock of © ii MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYES,*f GLASS, POTASH, Etc., Etc., Ever offered in this section. The patronage ol our friends is respectfully solicited, to whom w guarantee Perfect Satisfaction in cverv reapect. Buying our goods from First Hands, in Large Quantities, and Entirely for Cash, wo flatter ourselves that Our »Idrantaegt for Selling I.OW cannot be surpassed by any house in the South; and t« all who wish to buy rehable medicines at LOW BRICES! Either at wholesale or retail, wc would say GIVE US A CALL ! Before making your purchases. ./ Full Supply of all the most popular PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Or the Day constantly on band. Also, full PERFUMERY AND Toilet Articles ! COMBS AND BRUSHES, Os All Kinds BAR OILS, TOMADES, soArs, Etc., Etc V upon ** ClSb lccom P aD J iu E. P«>»pt Better Terms Than can be obtained in Macon or nriehboi cides. J. T. KBRDALL * Sign of « _ 3olden Eagle and Mortar’’, »pr27-6ia Eufattla, HOWARD JIOI'SE, Eufaula, . . . Alabama* [II A VK removed from my old place of business to the house formerly known as the 44 kufaula House.” April, 27 6m. ETJJ^VTJLjV IRON WORKS, EVFAVLA, ALA., I AM now prepared to build Engines, from five to one hundred horse power, SAW MILLS, SUGAR MILLS,J GRIST MILLS, Iron and Rrass Casttnqs ol every description, Machine and plantation blacksmith work. Boilers made end repaired. Old Oast Iron, Brass and Copper bought. For further iuformation, address apr27-Gui , J. W. YOUNG. J C L. MARTIN, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT ANI> EXCHANGE DEALER, Eff'.lf/./ ; : Alabama. Represents a paid up Capital, in A No. 1 Com panies, of §22,000,000. Takes Fire, Inland, River, Marine, Life, and Accident risks. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. apr 27-ly. j .Gr.L. MARTIN £ n.ffx./, .if../., Manufactures! CANDY, BREAD, CAKES AND CRACKERS, in all theirj (various styles. Keeps Fruits, Toys, Cigars, Stationery, Hooks, LIGHT GROCERIES, Kerosine Lamps and Oil, Garden seeds, etc., etc., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Cash Oansns respectfully solicited and satisfac tion warranted. No charges made for outside purchases. Agent lor t''e Washington Iron Works, Steam Engiuea Castings and Machinery of every kind. April 27. ly. W. A. JKNKI NS. J. r. JENKINS B. tv. JENKINS. J. M. JENKINS JENKINS BROTHERS, Grocery Merchants, vtuction, General Commission, RECEIVING AND FORWARDING HOUSE. Broad St., Eufaula, Ala. I>ERr'ONAL attention given to the sale of Cob ton, Sugar, Molasses and Country Produce. Orders for the purchase of Plantation Supplies, Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., filled and shipped promptly. Consignments for sale or re-shipment respectfully solicited. Will attend to receiving and forwarding Cotton and every description of freight with dispatch. Instructions strictly obeyed, and prompt returns made of all sales. apr27tf E. B. LOYLESS, DAWSON, GA, At his nno Store, opposite, the ’Livery Stable, next door to J. B. Crini <£ Cos. OFFERS VERY LOW, DXIY GOODS, CxROCEIUES, HARDWAEE, CUTLERY. He has in the line of Itry Goods : PRINTS, MUSLINS, SHEETING, SHIRTING, LADIES’ IIOES, GENTS’ half HOES, Quaker BONNETS, GENTS’ HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, For Ladies and GentlemcD. And expects to keep every other article iu this line usuully kept in a Dry Goods Store. ALSO, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, CORN, SMOKING AND CHEWING T O L A C CO, miff, Candy, Powder, Shot, Lead, I3ridles, Saddles, HORSE COLLARS, Buggy and Wagon Whips —painted and brass-bound. Buckets, Tubs and Reives, Wash Pots, Dinner-Pots, Ovens, Spiders, and extra Lids, Plow Iron and Steel, Weccd iDg Hoes and Smoothing Irons, Coffee Mills, Tea Kettles, Carpenters TOOLS, A Largo Lot of Tin Ware! SALT. Taints and Gilass .WO.Vi:r trill be eulvaneed on next Crop of Cotton. So if you Kant either to Spend Money, m Get Money, Give Ule a Call! Dawson, Ga., May 25, Cm J.N.SEYMOR, dealer in GROCERIES S PROVISIONS, And General Commission Merchant, Cherry Street , . llttcon, Ln. julyl3-3m New Livery and Sale Stable, STOCK BOUGHT P f.i f s ’ * ■A. WSO IN , GA. Du. XV. W. EARN EM, keeps good stock, good vehicles, and good drivers, and is prepared to send passengers to any of the ad joining counties. Racks at the Depot on the ar rival of each train. feb 23 ly [Patronize SOUTHERN MANUFACTURERS. THE subscriber takes pleasure in informing the citizens of Terrell and guriounding counties, that be has continued the Carriage Making busiiuss in LUMPKIN, CA., conducted for the last 25 years by my father (Lu cius Mansfield deceased. And has now on hand and will continue to keep a large and well assorted stock of C ARRIAEES of the most approved style atid finish. Also, a good supply of Harness of my own make. As 1 am prepared and determined to snstain the former reputation of the shop, I use nothing but the best material, employ none but the best workmen, and consequently build nothing but firsi class work, finished in the most superior and dura ble stvle, and not to be excelled by any similar establishment North or South. Owiug to my superior advantages for Mann! acturin g, I can sell as low as elsewhere, and I respectfully invite all persons in want of a good article at a low price to give me a call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Buggies delivered in Dawson free of charge if desired. Further imformation to be obtained from tlic Editors of Dawson Journal. ISAAC C. MANSFIELD, July cth 3m Lumpkin, Ga. l o uTsville HOUSE! VAN I’ELT, MOSES & CO., 246 Main St. HAVING been connected in business here for the past thirty years, and devoted our atten tion to the close trade and purchase of Goods, we are enabled to buy as low as any merchant, and make choice selection. We therefore solicit or ders from the interior merchants for any goods they may desire, such as DRY GOODS, Groceries. Hats, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, Iron, Produce, Agricultural Implements, and any Mer chandise wanted by merchants. We feel confident of giving entire satisfaction, as we have done to our already numerous custom ers. Persons ordering will please state as plainly as possible the kiud of goods wanted. Mcrcbau dise insured, unless otherwise instructed, and charged on hill. Terms—For all bills under SSOO 2J per cent; over that amount 2 per cent. We ask a further trial. Van PELT, MOSES k CO. j c van pki.t, \v.M. mosks, formerly with Jab. Lowe & Cos., UJtO. C. NKWIIKRr.Y. Louisville Wholesale Bouse! FOR LADIES 7 FINE GOODS, f uiijrisHijra a o ons, Notions, Paper Collars, White Goods, Cloaks, ete. Van PELT, MOSES & CO., nprß,tf 2 1V Main St. between 6 & 7. CARRIAGE ANO HARNESS MANUFACTORY. CITHBEHT, - - GEOIIGUI. "VTIiW BUGGIES and harness for sale as cheap Xa as they can be bought anywhere. I can sell good aDd neat buggies, with neat silver-mounted harness, at from $226 to $ 100. Considering prices generally, such articles could never be bought for this money. Many citizens of Randolph, Terrell, and adjacent counties were acquainted with my style of work previous to the war, and I respects fully solicit a liberal share of patronage from those counties. Having a corps of splendid workmen, with strict personal attention to his business, he feels confident of giving any reasonable man Entire Satisfaction. I am prepared to build any kind of a vehicle needed in south.west Georgia, and will keep fine buggies and harness constantly on band. Carri age or dray harness made to. All repiar jobs will be done with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine for yourselves. May 25,6 m J. A. FOSTER. TIMELY WARNING TO ALL. A I.L persons indebted to the estates of Wiley 1Y J. Johnson and Hiram G. Johnson, or the firm of Johnson k Johnson, arc requested to come foeward and settle at once as the estates must be closed up. The books and papers can be found in the hands of Simmons k, Coker, attys. at law for settlement and collection. L. S. k N. J. JOHNSON, may 4 ts. Adm’r. k Admr’x. PLANTATION FOR SALE. fpilE subscriber offers for sale bis plantation, ly* 1- ing in Calhoun county, two miles from Mor gan, containing six (600) hundred acres of land— one hundred and fifty acres cleared and fitly dead ened. Will sell crop, stock, and provisions, if de sired. There is sixty acres in cotton—the balance in coro, Ac. The plantation is ail fresh, and very healthy. W. D. CHENEV, juniß,tf Morgan, Ga. HATTON r. REDDING. J. R. GLYNN. J. 11. WELLS. H. P. REDDING & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GROCERIES, AHB PRODUCE, Sotta Water, Sand's Cream Me, ICE, <fcc., Third Street, jIS,3 .H ACON, GA. JTOTICMC. SIXTY days after date application will be made to the ordinary of Terrell County for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Daniel Lawhorn late of Terrell County deceased. D F. LAWHORN, Aug. 31. Administrator. IVotice. SIXTY days after date application will bo made to the Ordinary of Terrell county for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Dar ling Sikes, late of Lee county, deceased, for the bcneßt of the heirs. ELI COCHRAN, August 13, 1866. Executor. B.A.VHE, CIIEKBV STEET, MACON GhEO. IAM NOW OFFERING Til E FOL LOWING GOODS Aufl HOLT) FOR CASH OISTX.Y ON TIIE MOST REASONABLE TERMS: 300 C. C. Plates, 200 Setts Handle Granite COFFEES AND TEAS, 200 Setts C. C. Cups and Saucers, 60 dozen Goblets and Wines, 6 White China Dining Setts, 2 Gold Hand China Dinning Setts, 10 China Tea Setts, 50 doz assorted China Plates, 10 doz. Bar Bottles, 20 doz. Bar Tumblers, 100 pairs of Ewers and Basins, PLATED GOOES 50 doz best Qualities Plated Tea and Ta ble spoons, 25 doz. plated Tabic Forks, 3 doz. plated Castors, 2 doz. Plated Cocoa Dippers, Goblets, Cups, H’ailcrs, 4c., 15 doz- Wire C- vers, 50 doz painted Buckets, 10 nests painted Tubs, 10 nests Juniper Tubs, 5 doz brass bound Buckets, 15 doz. C-rooa Dippers, 20 gross Table Knives and Forks, Ivory Haudle Tea and Table Knives, Shears, Scissors Razors, Kitchen and Buicber Knives, With a splendid Assortment of POCKET CUTLERY. 3 gross Glass Self scaling Jars, 30 gross Tin Plates. T I IST WARE OE EVERY DESCRIPTION. THE CELEBRATED IRON WITCH, with other patterns, At Reduced Prices. With a general assortment of House Furnishing Goods, Embraoiug nearly everything usually kept in my line. B. A. WISE, julyl3-6m Cherry St., Macon, Ga FURLOW & BRO., HEREBY call the attention of the their large ami well assorted stock af MER OHaNDIZE, just received, and ready for examine tion end sale. Their stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS is complete and canuot be surpassed in beauty sad style, consisting of Tissues, Printed Muslins, Organdie Muslins, Pine Apple Grenadines, Silk Grenadines, Printed LincDs, Embroidered Underslecves, “ Cuffs and Collars, 11 Handkerchiefs, Bilk and Cotton Hosiery, Gloves and Gauntlets, Their stock of SHOES embraces every variety of style and quality for Ladies, Misses, Men and Boys We have a very large assortment of READY-nADG CLOTHING AND HATS in abnndaneo for Ladies, Misses, Men and Boys, together with u few CHARMING BONNETS. Anew supply of SADDLERY, Carriage and Buggy Harness just re< eived Our line of WHITEGOODS Every complete consisting ts Swiss Muslins, Mull Muslins, Checked Muslins, Nainsook Muslins, Bishop Lawns, Irish Linens, Osnagurgs, Macon Sheeting, Sea Island do, Sea 1.-land Shirting, Bleaehcd Goods of all grades. We have made large additions to our stock Hardware, Plow Steel, Nails, Crockery, Iron, Willow-Ware, having almost every size of Potx Ovens, Skillets, Frying Pans and Stew Pans. We have on hand a few jWarst'illa'S Kctl Steads, very nice and cheap. Our stock of YAKIiEE NOTIONS is very general and well selected, consisting of many articles both Useful and Curious. A splendid assortment of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. The above goods will be sold at a liberal dis count, upon our retail prices, to Merchants. Americus, April 27th, 1866 6 m. HARDWARE STORE ! (THOMPSON l KENDKICK’s OLD i-TA-ND.) W. L. WA D S WOR TH & CO., Americus, Ga.., \RE now receiving and have on hand, ore of the largest and best selected stocks of HARD* IKE, TOVES, TIN, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ever offered in this market, viz: t’arpenter’s, Blacksmith’a and Tanner’s TOOLS— every des cription of Builder's Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass ami Putty, Axes, Hoes, Trace Chains, Shovels and Spades, Grindstones, Pots, Ovens, Spiders, &e. Tire finest lot of Cooking Stoves in Southwestern Georgia, at prices to defy competition. A ftrllline of Wooden and Whitlow llVtrf, Backets, Tubs, Baskets, Children’s Carriages, eto. Table and Pocket Cut lery. Spoons, Coffee Mills, Selves, &c. A large lot of Tin If ''are always on hand of our own manufacture, at wholesale and retail. OP Roofing aud Guttering done hy competent workmen in the best style, and work warranted. Americus, Ga., April 18—ts JAMES SUPPLE, WATCH MAKER i JEWELER. 2nd Street, 2 doors from Mulberry, Macon, .... Georgia, ALWAYS on hand, a fine assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Ac. Frank Wesson’s celebrated Sporting Rifle, (warranted) can be shot 24 times per minute—best squirrel and turkey gun in the world. julylS,3m* WM. WOOTEN, AUCTION 4 COMMISSION MERCHANT, Lawson, Geo. ALL business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. References: E B Loyless, M H Baldwin, Dawson, Ga ; J W Fears, Macon, Ga. .(Butler & Peters, Atlanta, Ga.; Irwin & Har dee, Savannah, Ga. june29,6m 'Til 111! STUB!" DR. J. L. ttPBHRYM. UA Visa REMOVED HIS CEMPLETE STOCK OF DRUGS, MEDMCIJVES, CHEMICALS DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, BOOKS AND STATIONARY, Fancy Articles, Etc., To the New and Beautiful Store just completed, in the Loyless Block, takes this method of thank ing his numerous friends for their liberal patron age and respectfully solicta a continuance of the same at his New Store. julyl3,3m NEW YORK STORE ’ , c * *' ‘ . mmuuDimii E. B. LOYLESS ft {ji (Successors to J. W. Bu«, llwuCo ) DAWSOJST, Ga. WE keep the largest and most extend „ meets of DRY good: r % _ w Id this Market. We have, For the Ladles, Trench, Euglinh and Amerie, Prints. .Silks Merinos, Wtnl DeLains, Emm Cloth, Embroderica, Laces, Rjfc Hats, Artificial Flowers, Plumes, J bias, Hoods, Bonnets, Gloves, Horii Dress Hat Trimmings of all varied Shoes of all Kinds, ' % Balmoral , Folkas, Buckle Congress Gail. Glove Kid Anklets, Etc, Fancy Toilet Articles Handkerchief Extracts, Cologne Hairfl Dyes, etc., etc. ' The most complete assort men t to fofu in South-Western Georgia. For Gentlemen. J IST It EC El FED. 1 / |A rorxes best HiUtekiniektak I'M' Tobacco. Also, a fine let of Palmetto t'ookil Stores from No. 6 to 9. We have a large and varied assorimttt Hats, Cape, BOOTS and SHOE* Cloths, Cast meres, Ae., For Coats, Pants, and Vests. Togetl with a beautiful assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHM All of which will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES We also keep a full and complete find HARDWARE AND CMCHK TABLE AND TOCKEI CUTLERY’ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, GROCERIES* A splendid lot of Rio and Java ’ Sugar, from common to the BncsM „ _ n :i stiff, Tea, Lamps, Kerosene uu, CIGARS AND TOBACC® TIN WAR® In fact, a general assort® i®* ® suited to the market, both for 1 Wholesale and R* tail Tr Wo will put up any goods i» oßri ** Country Merchants at MACON PRICE®' Gi„»>wi. ‘mV* ano house in South-Western undersell us.