The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, October 26, 1866, Image 1

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I, (. 1 1. 1:. nutisTUN. result «alxtU)| iouruul, 5 published Evory Friday. - b j.'iC Christian, editors and publishers. in till to nee. T» R * *IOO f . r( . 0 .....uiiifl (Mi si» ,outh * *» oo t>,e Hal'* oftldief lixing : * . , rwm .ieol i« i uik-s tor the ".ioo,' and Seventy-five Ovitt* per ‘lrr le’ eaeh auhetqaeul mseritoo, not n thre«* £ q qq n,, e (tquare one year.... f,„i«res three m0nth5.......... j, o >qiisrer » IX m 0" .SO 00 r -° •noti's..'. ■■ ■ *" ! column rf* months (uirtti of » eonnnt 45 „„ n |fcohtt" n three tn 7„ no V .. ; 00 oittt"' 1 ' h f,t ‘ m 100 oo id everV tieseripiio" ' WOOl’l.N ATTOUNEYS AT law, 21 y X)a\vson, C*.»•_ iTIORNIiI AT LAW i)avs»», Terrell < 0., La. Ti „ give prompt attention to aH hnsiness mined to Ins rare. iiMMONS & COKeR, ATTORNEYS AT LAN, • - «»»'“■ i mu' s |KbIS 1 v W■' 1 K JAMIES SPENCE, \ Horne v »t Law. r.nrso.r, nmonoi.t. o the Petto Kent". feVJS lr sn\C. Ai^HEATHAW, 4 ) l \VSO>, tildOil'US.l, i y,,„.r JFrst lifer TuHic eqnar* 11 \TIN1 l'- 4 ' the practice of Medicine in 11 ii s lirsnehra. u. ,|,,l litten'rnn to the trea»*nrnr ,1 l.roi.i.- : I tv. I linns ot either sex ; and to nieni ot »H secret diseases, heconsnl-ed hv letter, de-cnhing ~ i oecnottto'i. and hahits ; aid giving le,irate des -riptlon ot all the symptoms, f.'i'tM of sink ness, etc., etc.. And enelos ffil Hailin'* |}v return mail he r. ,rl all ol the oec -sMWTY medicines wltn DR. D. H. FARMER, |tlntr Slrslricncr <>f Cos?. W *t»l* 11. Stilts* near ntnrson, Ga. VITH an of 20 rear* in tb*» 1 1 prac tieft of imdirin#*, fri'N qualified Ifront mv case he in ty he called lo attend |W>53 ts L P. ALLEN, HATdI AM> rPAIRKR JMVt'MbR. Dawson. On.. 5 prepsred to i]n any » oik in Li* line k: • bi* vf»rv sfvle. fel ri .1. GT 5 IT 11, UN FMITII and "X tn cliiiii* sl l.. flll'SO.V, : : Georgia. I puis all kinds of Guns, Pistols, S-vine i” .. etc , rtcT -2 l‘- MW €II4D. pIK nndersisnied have t.l i« da» entered inro a con Ttnership lor th* practice ol (in th*» Superior Courts of the South— t**rn and P taula Circuits. Business en tted to their care will be promptly attend t *. J. J Scakhrough, Ameficus, (\ T. Goopk, Gr. mLet G. Bakks, l>iwson, Ga. jls PATRICK & HAVENS Wholesale and Hot ail nd General News Dealers—Triangular iV Cherry Street, .Ftficon. Ga. sailffii DRUGGISTS, Rucon, Georgia. Bin attention nr Dealers is invited tn this old wild reliable house. maylß.6ni SI., .TJacua, La. 59 H C. HODGKINS & SON, I PtALVHX IN* piJXS, PISTOLS, I t./chgm:, and pifnol unimnnitien. gun md pinto l n »Un.l Sporfiny Gqoti-9. of every one Bt'tntal stpam Fnsiue & Roilrr, H l '! Coqintcte— at a D.rgain—and one Hand Rifling Machine :t din P’ARRANTJID fciCAL COLO WATER SOAP. H 1 fcapi ! warranted to uiak the e:ot!.e» clean as they can be made, without or biAttlii.g. b'lod can wign ao many clothes in a w Ii this -hap, as would njfiuire two r the old atyje, V(k ‘iraes cheaper than lye soan. K' w ' r ranted not to injure the clothea. ln K r Mi*nts can be had ot any Drug a trifling cost. V t0( l can do the work of three. ■* of recipes $5 Persona purchasing have the money refuned if dis- H ?' Li. J. MAY Agt. for Patentee. an is authorised to sell recicpcs f P. L. J. M. THE DAWSON WEEKLY JOURNAL. L.A.W NOT.LOK 1 V TlOflUi A > will practice iu all the Ji I • courts ol ili»* South wrgrern, in Irwin ot the Southern, Cuftoe and Appliftg of the Brunswick, and most of the com is of the Pa tau Ia Circuits. Office on Washington Street, opposite the Lxp.-csd otfice, Albany, Ga. may 11 iy IA AAV CARD. r J^ IIK niidarHigned will attend to any legal 1 business entrnsird to his care, in South w.-stnn Georgi i. Office at Cttberi, Randolph co, Ga. mavlljv E. II PLATT ed. Randolph harden, Attorney sit Lsnv, j ul,6m CVTMUtEttT ; G.l. T. JL STEWART. ATTOKNJCV AT LAW, Cuthbeyt , tlamtolph ('a., Gt/., All bu“iue»s eji rusted to* Li* care will he f.ii:.|)fullv ptunded to. June l E. L. DOUGLASS, Attorney at Law, June T ci"inni;nr, o*t. J. E. HIGGINBOTHAM, ATIOinEY AT LAW, •Morgan* f'alhoun Co.* Ga.* Will piacrice in all the Courts of the South' western and Paianla Ciicui s. June l e. hTs hack el ford, ATTORNEY AT LAW, €'A.~?I I 1.1. A, IYli)<'li..)l Cos., UR., A GENT foi iivrcha** and Mile oj J.ANU. June 1, HERBERT FIELDER, VTTO.iIIIY and ( Touns*llor at Law, Cuthhert, (Georgia—Will practice in the counties ot Hindolph, Stewart, Quitman,C7iy, Miller, Decatur, Callyotin, Terreil, iiad Sum ter. and in the Supreme iCovrt <*i State, and the U S„ Dis rict tsourt <or tl>e S n'e of (reorgia. He will give piompt aMention to the collection and paying over #f claims, j • 1,1111 DR. S. (I. R< REUS! )N, SURGEON BE^TiST. M»v 4 C-uthhn't. Gwritla. i ii tlil)<* r f 8? o u Se, ('utTibert, Ga , r I'MIIS Ilon l, formerly known a« the “I\i 1 1 doo House, ,T ia now open and prepared to accommodate all who may favor ih with a call. Tl’«> public may res* as-mred that no pains will be spar* and to tender ti e guests com lortabh*. THE TAR.LL will be supplied will the lest the hi'fke4 and the country afford. An t xreri. caterer has been secured, whose whole ti ne will he and. vo’. ii to do nroeiiee went of JR it i bit* of' B'.very ilfftcrlpllon. P«»li-e •«ud attentive servants, i eat Koums, flood Fair, and mod-r».re eh« ge« wiH «nr..|v our guess f. W BOISPLAU k BID)., Cutiihert, (ii , May 1 1,1 v Proptie'ors. . i lrvjnijrrs tc. / tofi'S mi* VGI’EABLK to an order of the t ot.*-t ofO - dinary ot T noil (' u tv, will He sold before tit* font House door in the town < f IV. »son. in sa'd / ut tv. on the fits’ Tuestlav in November mxt within 'he 1 gi' I ' ins of sal.*, « house a id lot in the town of D »ver ip *hu] C iiin'y, known h-i the place, whereon ALrahmn I)*son now 1 v «, r»lsO n Bar A B - !a -d Saloon in the town of P w** o«, sit u :t°d on the not 'Lie of the Thd lic Squ re, now occiq i,-d hv Joseph K. Prince. S« 1 1 as tre 4* operty of R »bt. Dv«#*n, hve o r «-dd C.nmty. 1 Terms msdekito-n o?i d» r t f o„lr* # septtii frSIVS W. W’. KARNt’M, Adm. TEHRELti -IB SHI IFF S l IJ>. ON the fir-t Tnesda vin November nr-x*, wilMc .'fi'd before the Comt Boose Door i-B the T »wn ol Dawson, b-tween tie u*m 1 Ion« of s*fh‘, t u e follow ir g p'op«r»v to "it: p, tOf r.-f Os loud, N... V. i„ the I:»«h Dis rri*.*f Gne hundred and two-ivy-site Ao r ‘‘S m>e o’ l"ss ’I wh* r. («n In D il now live-, under ;■ Ft K* from tl« SurcitH C"ort of ai l Lo'iifv S'.dd as the p opery of Ki ff) ; 1 »n favor tj H. nrv A T trver Kxeenf'r, anti C C TANARUS«,: v*-- Pxecu .r K of P.i«! K. Tjrver \s Klticon I) |i', Fuiiuer Slier ifl‘ Also, at th* p. in" time and phtee, one Piano, sold as the propeftv of W. W ill ir. tn ga *if v one Fi Fa, issued in f »m ofSauiU'i Denton rtn Juttic.e of the Inferior Court VS, \V. W and B. V Bvrd. Also, at the -ame tint* and ol me, tr e town fit in piwsot , known the 1U ui Thoiup* sTjrn lot, j lit i g J. K Rui! »> in'- B i k A -rd, 'wn acres rnoie or h ss, under Ju-tico Cetrt. Fi Fi of su'd County Sold i;S the propert y of Isfaain Thutnp-on. Prom-r V f>ointed Otl» by Plaintiff. M. \V. KENNEDY Sh’tf. ret 2 !Sf>f) Terrell lloi lgugc>hci iHN O i the fir>t Tuesdav in D cember ncx f , will be sold before the (7ourt House Door in the town of Dawson between the utti and hours of sa*o, the follow it g piof er'v to w t, two frai t onah Lots No. */71, and 273, in the 3d. district of arid County, containing 200, acres tn ire or’e*?, le'ielon *8 (he property of John A. Freen an to satisfy mortgage fi la issued Torn Terrell Superior flout t, in favor cf A. Sisser Adm’ri f C. P. Huckabay deceased, v* J, A. F.ecuiau. I\ in ed out. by mortgage sis.,. V. W. KENNEDY, OcN 2nd 1866. She’lf. ADTIIAIvnUTKIX SAFE. I)Y ofan nril.T of t!ie Comt off) <i‘ti ) nrv ot K.n lolpli Gountr, “111 be void a' Cuthbert Ga , on tlie first Tit s’av in No. ii'x 1 . lots of lmd, .N'mitifra in« hundred nnd one, (.DU)— i.ti» numlred and i»entv three (126.) and !»' il'v (irt) acre 4 oil offoi h Side ul one lined ed and iw.nty-tour, all in ihe Te’th l> 9''iot of K.ndolph Cou> It; .Jtnowii as all of t ;, e tlaee on “ I ich Am tn Vliillins dece-tct formrilf r.jid. and, exeept that [ orti n left oft" widow as a -o*' x>o U as ,t : i • piopcitr of A'laiin Mo'lhi's e-tne. sep 20 ids MAltl.V K Vll.l.i.iXrt AUpi r » I! ’J IVMTB.ITOK’S fcAI.E. BY virtue of an order of theKVpv' of O'- j dinar? of KiiidoipU Coputv, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November ne.\’, w,t Gulhbeit Geo , North i.ali of lo’ of land, nurnbe r two hundred and five ,(2bfi) in th- Sixth DiqtrKtt of Randolph County, belonging to.the estate of Ritjiard A. Meroer. eep 20 ids KlUliAilD A. 11 ALL, .YOTMCt:. SIXTY davs alter date application will he made to the Ordinary of Ten ell County for leave to aellali of the real e«'»te of W ilis Martin late of said County, deceased. For the benofit of the legatees JAMES W. WILKERSOX, Sept. D>, I? 6«. E*’ l- - DAWSON, GA„ FIJIDAY, OCTOHKR U«, !«««■ ciIOKGI I. Torrdl Comity: ll Whereas,J. H. Avent applies to me for ' letters dismission fromthe estate of William ' Aventlate of said counts, deceased, Thoseare therefore to cilo and admonish all ! persons concerned to be and appearat mv I ufflee within the time prescribed bv law, tn ] bliow eauae. if any, why said letteis should not lie granted. . . J Given under and official signa tire, this May 11, 1866- T. M. JONES, Ord’v. n V 02*01 l, reti'TrC.»T| Ily \T trt.eeeHS, Ahriihun S.sser applies to nil. for letters of di.missina from- the < slate of R. S. U iolu, late of iaidg i'tay-, dec us ed ' Tliese are, therefore'o cite and aJmoutsh all persons concerned to he and appear at mv office wiihio the time rescrihed Vy law, and show e use, ifanv exists, why let— ers should not tie granted. Given nnder mv hard and official ®tn 4 « Pure, thisMav 11, 1866 .» T. M. JONES., "rdinarvV ■ —— k (IFORGI 4, Terrell, Coimly: v r Whcroaw, Loui?ii Powell apr>li' » to mo for letters of ffiami-anion from the estate of J J Powell, lute of PfiiJ county, dec*»«*ed— therefore »o cite attd adtumrieTi nil person* concerned to be and appear at mv office widi in the time prescribed bv law, and ,«how c*u*e, «nr exi^t sl , why said letters should not be granted Given tinder mv hard and offici l signature thlsMay 11, 1 R 0(». T. M. JONES, OFd. nEORGIA, Terrell Comity: \ K WheceiM*, Jared Irwin, applies to kw* for letters nf digmission Lorn the e*t.«te of J times B. Irwin, late cl Terrell county de ceased. These are, therefor", to c’to and admonish hII presons concerned to he and arr-ear at mv office within the time pre*eri bod hv law. and show cause,if any, why Paid letterssbould not bo granted. Given under mv hand and ofR ‘>l c?an*tnre this August Sd ’fin. T M J*)NFIS, Ord’v. ( 1 SIDRGI A. liwroll Coiintv: \ 1 Whereas, John Tl L. Gric* appii*.* <o me forfeit or* of dismi° c ion from *be estate otf Felix Jo* naon, la s e •»f said coie tv, deceased. These are to *-i‘<> anil adnuudsh all persons eonvi-rned to be nod appear*! my office wi»h- In the time ywe®erihx and hv f iw, and show cau«e. if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given nnder mv hand a»»d official sign* tore this ,/uh 27‘h, 1 Rf>« T >f ./ONES, Qrdinsrv. { N EOBGN; Cos : y I Aopbc tion wil bo mad to the (> dim rv of said Gountv, at, tic November Term I rs court of O .Mnarv f r le»ve to sell lot of I land RR—tub D « f riet of « <ml Counfy-r.s the prop rt* o r B**?J iirim w, I Al«o for le-v • to s II ono L.ji’f nhdiv!r?rd in terest iidoto N’nmhe** o» r* arid three end «Ije east half of lot N'lmhc’* »\vo, in ‘■cjusro «even i-i the *nwn :*« th * property of Mary J. Bagwell. d«ec .cod E. L. DOUGLA S S. 1 1. . / jif.fiF. 1 ‘IS TEG ! Tons S. IT if. ■'( Ordinary of T- T r ‘ U C'»*H tv, on lh•» first. I’m* shiv in No vamhor prx’, at the Court House D'lirin thn Town of r d'l r 'og honrs of sale, fae ion-fl part, of lot of lmd l No 47. i’ feeing the **«•*» «aid In’. J and a< j lining land, to William S mvmitH, in top i M dis’r : e' of Tpir- Il ihi’pitv. Sold «<* ti>e J rrop-*rtv of Ratate of Noah Wnthe-, f»r the J ben* fit. of the hciiS. T- r m- made ‘k >nwii on i day of side. I). G. WALK MR, Sept. 14, 1886. A djp„V. | G Rnudnl|rii Coicify. I'} I’liH EL j ‘ini r. adminisf rntir Oil |.hn C«- ) t i’e * f Wile* S-ovrr d-cea-od. having | apph. .1 tn ieav" to « II the lard +M'» 0 j»i P£r to s i r rs’ate ; N > ie..• L; hereby gV-ui to i> 'celled, that hi« «r>jdu*a’ien w i’l he oot>« snh-r-'tl at th« next N )ve«d»er Term of the Cou»l of (0 dinarv for «**M n ( «un*'v. Wm. D KIDDOO. Ordi+i >t r pu» 2%h Wm. D KI.>DOOO -h Georgia l?;iu(io!|)ti Comalt VURELIF'* C irdvll a-l«ii»ni«frator on t> o es'arpof ll,*riu i" K D.*fl -i'll having p-. p’i( tl for letters o r di>’ni**-.inn ; all n<*r«nm \ • u r “»'e 1, are notifi■ •»t to show imii-p *vhv Lis at plication /lewt’d not he granted >» h* ncx’ T ■rin oi t •«- (7xUrt of O dina r\ Comity. j 57 18 lit* li;iiido!|rii C^oimlv. y OHN M* ft hew**, *«•’ ■! I t. .’or ov t l 0e - «!' J.'rrermaf W'hir. «t,»(*e:»eed t i ;• V! ■ • r ' ft f ,r la’ , C''Si i f di-mi ** i , a!! •it err«N'd *te?ir-' : fi l m fi!. th. -i |■ - tint c , if any they bave/n* die tw x Nov* mb r Term r f the <C'oirf offt T 1 n’v fer « .id rv l)n . i y. Wm. D. KIDDOOO v. * aid 3A Gi'ovgia Utttdltriph < oiftitv M's,. rih Tfug’'P, wii >of . • M.Hapes I Wm.A ft e» the cHttfren of W «. J.ffiries, pud o'he* heir** at liw of \fr«. Gatlia rine II <n-k, Lite of Hirdolph Gountv (1 '(•< ,i«- i ed, awl w hose ji imcit ind rcsid* need ate un ! Li own : ! Vo.*, viH take noth * that at tho NovenAer ; te’m. lof -Rindrdph Conn of Ordinary, T will under the order of #a ii*i Court, * ffer tlie will of CVbf ine Hawk, lrt f e of said C'oim’y rl»CCa«rd for Probate in solemn f'rm. a tig 14 186 R W. M. SPE AR.Exeeutor j Gcoraii fiDi*idolpfi roimlf. j /'TIIARLF.B E Brown of estate J V J the of William N**wberrv, having ;i pplie'l i for, leave to se’l ihft land h* loPgit L r to Sii'l | estate Notice is hereby givpn to all inter* s’- ed, that 1 i*t applicatior' will bo consiilered at •he next November te in of tiic Court of Or dinarv for said County, aug 20 18f*.r> Wm. D. KIDDOO, Ord’y. 1 Foniify. \TfILI.I V M D»wd, adminij-tritor ori the e*'» \V fate of Willi *m H Dcshong, having ap plied for hnvo to s«J! the l»pd belonging to said e«f«t‘'. herehv giver to all ?n --t'res’c 1 .that -hi* nppltc itinn wil! be eon*.id> r ed n» the ivx’ Ncte*mb6r Tcriii of the Court of Ordinary of said C”Ui t,v nng 2h. Wm, I>. KIDDOO. O d’r. ip.fn. ns Tit. ito n s sjii i . WILL he sold, ut der an order of «ho o«mrt efO*din r of Terrell County, on the T ti .slav m November n* vi. nr the Onnrt FTouC* door in the Town of D»w«e**, during rs o ns nlhoiir* rs g ,h* f lor a»f Und No 78 in the 3d{dis*’i«*t, Terrell fount? contaii ii g ti*o hnr dred two and onehalf*4»ee*. more or less. Sold i r the brnefis of »ho heir* Ternis Cash”. C. M. POWELL. H : pt. .10 ISCT» *• / )F^IKOIA, Tftrcll foimi; : V I Whereaa, M«nrvn guardianship «>f William Coxw’sH, »* Dior. These a r e ther* f i-e to cite and : dntonish all person* concerned to be and appear at my office within the time presetihed by law. and show entire, if stir. why gaid lotteia should ro f hegrinted. Given under my > and and offieitri signature, thi« O. tnher s’h 1886. Oct fi‘h 18Rfl. T. M JONES, Ord’y. j GF.OItGI Handolph fouiriy, g.irah MDchirer having applied for letters of administrat'nn cum annero on ihe of W. B Mi’ch ; n«t notice is*given to all interested, that her ap’dica ion will b e considered at th«» next November term of the Court of Ortfnarv for saidconntv. Oct sth 1806. ’ Wm. D. KIDDOO, OrJ’y. THE FATAL EItBOU. BY KATE SULLIVAN. “Clinton ?” S lid Margixrot Hubert, with » look of supreme eontompt. “Dou’t sprak of him to mo* : e, h » ycry name is an lo my ears!” and the lady’s whole maimer became disturbed. “He will be at the ball to-night of cn'jts' and will renew Lis attention*, ■” said the friend in an earnest y< t quiet vice. “N wf r all v.iur ixj r‘-si >iim of dislik , I hat e tbouafil hat were r illy ''ur from tnlugiud fl'e en' 10 Mr. Cin'mi, an 1 ass eted a ropugiianeo at variance wit . your true fo.'hripN.” “Ijizre yon will ofif nd me with such langu-ge, T *cl 1 yi u he is hateful to me,” “Os enur-e you know your own state us mind b st,” sail Lizz e Kdpfir. “It it is in allv as y u say, I mu t iuij (ess that my observation has not been aeurat”, as to there biipg anything iu Mt.Clntonto inspire ail euiat'ou of contemp', or create so s.rung a dislike as you express, L have yet. to see it.” To me has always appeared in the light of a gentl m in ” ‘ Then suppo e you make yourself agreeable to h ui T.izzte,” said Miss Hu bert. ‘T try to m>ke myself agreable to every in",” said the ev n mb il and girl “That is a doty I owe lo those with \vh‘ in I lh oc ate.”. “Whether you 1 ke them or oo 1 T' ‘ I'dotsu’l follow tiiat, because 1 d> noi Ilk -a pirson, that I (i'loujd render my Sell disagivab'e to hnu.*’ 1 i never (ulera'e pe. p'e 'hot I doo’. I like,” said Miss. Hubert. “ VV e need not ass eiat" to inlimat.-ly j with those who are di agr-able to us,” jr- urned h.r iiiend, but when w. ate ; li r>wu together into snoietv, the best i «e eti'i do ts to bo civil. “V - u may be able todisgut.e vo'ir real feelings, but, [ carin t. vvhatev r eßullion passes over my mind j< seen in my face anti discovered in my tone of v. ije, ail »ho know me, ktow uis as { atn." And yet notwitb-tnr dn j this affir mation. Margaret Hub rt di-JuVat ai' limes, really display her awn f clir gs, I and her fiend, L zzie R.lg r was iig n I tn assuming that ste w.- by no tjt aos imiiff-rent to Mr. f.'titon. The ar ipiaraneeof dislike was a-irnnl ns a I ma-k, the die’ance atni lie res- rre she I displayed toattrd him, wet the i ff, ■priitgctf a la'u . pri lo an I ai uiwon ! anly self-esti e.e. The (rud \\ is, h r i heart, almost u s tight, had been won, |Tn tnan’y bearing, tersohal o nee, I and brilliant wind of 1’ iilip C iu'on. had eap'it ated her f -c t igs, m id awak I I rol an etno'i in of 1 tve ere s! o w a n-cious that h-r he .rt wis in ding r. i Anti slo-i,ad i v n leaned towaids him ! msune i e’y, arid so apnare idjr that i th t yu oi matt ob orved i , :t and iv is at- I ti'/oie-l itiereby. The rn ntt o.t l.oree ler lie i e a r-e at all maik and in his t n i tion-, tl e wit >lo miuuor of Alt -gain t yvas chat g.-d, She was then aware of 1 the ta 100 rs she i.ui dirp’aye i and her ! pride instantly tonic the alar m R - serve, dignity, and even ha -to r o’ a • laeteiisid Ler bearing tow r Cliitm. and to tl.o*.< who spoke of Idm ss a i 1 ver, she r, p ied on terms n arley sim- I liar to whai she t s ii to her fri-it and I , ; z zi ■ H igar, on the t eta don to vhiab n feietttte Ua.- j i £ been mad ’. Ail t is evidence if weakness <f m ini as well as (ride. She wislel to tie soughi fr, before won, at least that \v t c language she u.-ti to in rself II m lover inn-l e one like a Pi.iglit t I Id, and site on bended knee for favor 1 Cl min oh-vrvtd th; in.r lie 1 change in lein n r r. F rtu :i'. |y f.>- hi ,i f i "1, I■■ v* -iot so deeply in \ it be v ry S rioi.slv dis.’reused lie .dmirid h r i cauty, hi t aoo rr [ill hiuent , Hid the winning erics if uer maoi e>, at:gl more, had slt his heatt beginning Uj warm Ovvird her, but th- «b irtn with whiob s'le had b -m inv'spd fol and anay tho moment, the change which w ■ If vc sp, k nos, ie eats e appar . nt. I[; w snt.a in n > f • rtnuj ung 'v rna ile in pulses, all his [gi sinus were under lie cnnftni ot ripht r ason and this gave him a clear judgement. AJ .us q ienlly he was the Jas: pels « in the world fo* an rxprri metil such ns Margir t Hiibrft wns making. At fiist he thought th re uiust be smne misti-t >, and «outinurd to pay the lady, polite attentions, cold ly as tii -y were received. He arm Wont faiher than his own feelings bore la n ■ u - in g ting, and made pnrtiiular advances in order t< be satisfi and tba' them was r.o tnisiake about her dislike ) or repugnance. But there wa‘ one tdi ng that Clin- ! ton did not understand. It was this, frequently when in conijany where Margir t was pr, 8 -lit. lie would, if he sudd clj 1 1 his ry s ujun hr, fi id, th it she was looking at him w th au ex po-ion that show and pl.i Jy that he wi - not iiidiffjrnut tn her This occur ed «o often, and wis so often attended with conft si it, <>n her part, that he be i-an to have a rt at suspicion tl the trinh,Hnd to feel diagus-ej at so m;uk el an exhibition of ins tnteiity 15e sui >, t' e th it »bt of being experimen'- eri up n in that wav,d’d not iu the least tend to s fr n his feelings toward tli f. ir one He believed in liopcsty, ad reciproci! sino-rity, he liked a t uth u i, g»nious mind, and turned in si ctiiely from a.l ariiti co, ccqui try or affeotation. The game wh'oh Miss Hubert had been playing bad been in opera tionf'ra sh wt time onjy, whrn her friend lJzzie Edgar, w.h'i was on teims rs eh S" intimacy, spent the day with her oceupyitg most of the time ill preperx'i u of afanzy ball ihat was to come of that night. The two young ladies attired them. 1 si Ives very carefully, each with a view 'to eff-ct. Margaret looked particularly ito tho assumption of a certain dignity, and her costume for the evening hud been chosen with that turd in view, a rulf, and her grandmother's ricli silk brneade, did give to her tall person, all the dignity that was desired At th* proper time, the father of Mis* Hubert accompanied the young la dies to the ball, preperations for which had been for sometime in progress. As soon almost, us M irgan't entered the room, her ei«> began to wand r about in search of 'lr. H inton, [t win not long before she discovered bis—not long to f re ids eyes re-ted upon", and rrc g?,'Z"d her stately figure. ■ “Jfshobe plav'ng a pirt, a« T more than half Hijspwo*,’* sai l the yonmz man to h m-clf, “her neifnim-neo will cud to-uight, s< fir as I am conet rned.” And with th t remark, be mnv, and t - ward that part of the room where l-be tto young 1 dies were sttnding. I.iz zy returned his silution wi'lt a ft iuk and easy griee, hut Margaiet drew her hsK up c >ldv, and repl ed t > hi - r tma-ks with brief formality. Clinton remained with them ouly long enonoffi to pass a few compliment*, then moved away a id mingle i with tin crowd in mother | art of the large saloon, where the gay com puny were assembled. Baring the next hour, he t >oi; occis’de, now and then to search on* Margaret ii ihc crowd and more than once he fund that her, eyes were upon him. “One but*,” he said, crossing the ro in and going up to where she was leaning noon lh .arm if an ts ‘quaintanee “May i have th •pb ;i r o daticutg with you iu the rest cf' V ' “Tuat k pm; m" rn'i and Mirgaret, with itnbeniling ,)i_r ,i’y ; I am already ct ga -el.” Clint, n buwei and (tr el tuviy Til" ft' o’ the tilaidu i wn sea'od. She had cafficd her cx{ er' I .v i fa-. A* ik" young t.,au moveil eeross the room, h raw I/zzy lvjgari-il'i g aline,! her lieu lit up with iutsrest a*she noted the various e-, and < im rved the ever forming and di-ep'.ving tableaux! th.t file! thus.lorn a'nl present if to (lie eye a 1 V'cg k i < i b s uAe “Alone," he, pau t g hf.rplhe wa"tn hearted, evcp-*en:pered g rl. “Dno carigji* kc kl tit he-e,” pho r*-- pli. and, w'th a swi e* * mile irr oliat in ; It r c ttntenanee. 1 Wlu-ta fiiry ae-iti! tt is," s’ne added, a*, h- r eyes « u nlered fr on tii i face of < liut u. and agtiiu fi ) on the Irillt if groups ar at 1 thim. • f! iv.- yn i drt ico 1 this evoiing? ’ ink. and Clint n “in one sit,” insyr. i R’zi.v. “A'jb you cngtg'if fir G.o ne.xf in wh eh y iu may f. 1, and spaaed :« take tb: q n v” “T i, sir." ' T rn may I claim y u f r tny part n r • Ifi. ‘s yo\ r Jojisur,. nJj so,” rc p’i ’ 1 I. 7.7, •. smiji g. in :i c .ti i ai formed soon afier in tin,' part o’ the r mm, iy. re M rga e lluh et“ tu ! h f. ic id L /ay K Igar. M irguct bad a vaim r c. 1 r on her eli •( k than u uyl, and dipthtv ti-wercf rp ‘n'n an air of ii iu:i tes', all of ivli oh I Clint-n ebsirv.d. Is i fin t was to | tn k • hi* heart c. l I t .wards Ii r. ies’eid of ai.l e .ipg an aril pt de.-p e to vin a I j r nd ,-11111 <ii tint. Ii -. ii v. I l'\ vain and and M rgaret b**k for the i y -a'lg man to rue-e f. i w ird, li-u mn ' niant" th ■o > Irt1 r t >i. di so'ved, and chain Ihr I r the next, 111 I 1,1 V' red hv the j-i 1• 1 I Mis* Kga, in ,ire e‘tar>n n d wi h her than he h it < v r h en. uosd some j oo* eh*' ei'ii" it -I engaged the ham) of M*s llnlert Tie di-ippniß'ed ho 1 ’till pp \ gil ln w a ..heat I or-elf fro-n * lie eld dignity that h ti in i-k 4 sirs he.i"ing -im e her entt in. o into tint hid'- room and -loiet.i to wi’ Ii m to h a ad'' by thi fia hi ug ht i limey of lier nun n- r*, ini' her .fl i'S were u’l lv iliog Clin'on had the s'e-fer, purer slrisoger afrnaions of one five from all nrtiiie 0 ; and when he W h r side, lie had no wi-li tr pi-- to h ' of me wh s; c lil nr ss * n rep. 1 ed, .and whose huutine.sK Il id 11.- I ted ill u (.) , the r-x' dy" »h n I.Vzy C: l ed up,’ti her f i •id, st»o f uml her in a ton j ttnhi| py -t ite “f uuud. and p"o|i'e who atti tidfed, she was ex j ceedingly captious in all her r marks ' When Flin’en was mentioned, she kj eke es him with a ure r. I.’zzy ha-dly knew h-w 'othk h, r Why the yiwMij man slmuM be » off nsiic, she w s t a l ass tn imagine, and bon sly came to the sinclusion th t-he had ho n mist - ken in b‘r prev ous sep.sosi'uti that Marqsret really ’oit m inti res' in i im A few do i'igs only e!ap«:4 befnie C f iton cillt’il ti|o. Miss E lgar, :u I friim Hit! time vVtiil le' ri irulariy. 1 An i ff t if m irri. g. wax thefu iil result. This "K- r 1/zzv acecptrd. The five rr six months that olr.psed from the time Clmton hec- m-* p.rttien lur lit hi* attentions to Mi-*s F'igar, nn til he lormallv deelarcd binistilf il lov er, passed wi h M irgnn t HnJicit in a long continued and wild struggle with Iter lee' nes. Conscious of Iter error, and madly conscious la cause eonvic tou had come ton lata, she w restle I vigorously, but in vain, with a passion that, but for her own follev, vurftfri have met n free and fit"l tvTmn Id/- ! y.y spoke ’<* her o t’hntnn’s marked at tentions, but did not know trow, like heavy pa n'll! strokes, evety v-ord she uitered fell ti|s>n her heart Hhe saw '.but Margaret was f r fr m being hap py, and often tendei I v urged her to tell the cause, tint little dreamed of the ! real nature ol her sttfii riugs. At last Lizzy told her, with glow ing check that Clinton had oxvnt-d his lovo for her, and claimed her hand in marriage. iFortionie piomeuts a'ter the communication was made, Marga ret could offer no reply Her heart trembled faintly in her bosom ant ttl- 1 most ceased to beat; but she rallied j herself and concealed what the felt j untjer warm congratulations. Lizzy was (leeyiveil, thougli in iter frieun’s fndftnqr there that sh ) d’otthl not fu’ly compreh^ml ••You'must ho my hiadesugiiJ,” said tho liqppy girl, a tnnttth or two iiftor ward. “)Vtiv nnt choose somo otjo ojmj ?” i ttsked Sfirgtiret. “ Hoeause l love you licit, r tluir. nny ftlgnd l have,” replied l.iz/.y, r>tt’-; ting tin a rut art,Ulif4 tliu nev kof M ir jfttTcfhffrt kl-slngdier. ‘No. mg I l gemiot!” "’ns * tht* unPxpies.syd tliuggiit of Maejynrft , —ivffileTojiivt .ing like .t shtiiiili-r. wntit. I m*i’r tt'. r. Bat thu eyes of her f.iowl i did not pytic rate Um sijui seoivt of her, heait. . / Jeiir’, »qy ye*. Why d'l'tMn' hesit'ut,. ’ I ivouaj Intrdiy iieliu c mi'- se f married tl ymt j,vere not by my , x> lieu livu tinplialq ledye " tij gtv - •It sOiA* )olt ixirli,” . replied M irgiiroß ! 1 f'laffi'-TjaH you inisuqilrr-U«nl nto,” Hiitxi t.izzv. yl.iyfeliv; “I xias not i speaking of tny futti-rai, but of tny ivud iTing." .. ~ , , ■ - ■ * Tilts Sportive Sally gave Margil c* an nphrtnnffy to recover her eif, nh'eh islnrdkl ppnnpth-; and n ver onee. I l rota time tin I the wedding liny I ni' in r ll'i .'.ini .Of.Veil, dial tdit* iiy look j or word out ray wlmt mis. iu bur heart. 1 Itifensii was f'le'stnigg'e t*mt went j i "ti in the mind of Morgan t Tinl**Tt j : Hut it was of no avail; she fov and C”in- I ton ivith a wi and intensity that was on-J |lv tile more feint.l from its hopeie--- I j ness. But pride t»nd riot t mined will I l one '.vlvtl vault neither e uild destroy, j At last die wedding niglit iff l.'Ar.y | lilg ir nri ivod, mid n large ertnt niiy I ueseni'dvri to witness the Indy rite that I was '(• lie performt'l nnri to ctTobratcj ’ the 000 sion with nppropnttto fvs'tvt- 1 ties. Maj’giret, whi-u tiu morning ofj j llia) day hiokomildly atjtl flretirilj up on her, fell so sad at heart that she | w pt, and weeping, wished that she • eon and die. ’1 here had been full time for nti au ion sin <*, by tier o.n nets, I site .bail repulsed one in whom her , h*nil lull aalm-p in erect, tins) nq.ii's ! ed j;tiu xx tlh such imprudent force Unit jhe (ever returned to her again tsiil lermg hud ehustirne | her spirit, aj , j.huugh jl con'd not sti 1 the thr-dibings lidp an A* the time apjiroatAieri when ' .-rie must stand lienidn ier ti iend and | listet; tieisni’S ot i nipetual love that , she iiotllil,have, given nil tlte writ’l 1,. I were it in In-t* p ssese'ott. to hear as I l»Bt' own, siie so l I. at she was about euleliog upei, ii trial for whieh h i \ -streiigth would bo tittle more than a.! | equate But there was no retreat now. The . ordeal had to be panned t rough. A j uistf-be liule oi trial canto and she de seeudial with ter fiend, and stood up u,t II bet lie! iire tno minister of (rod j aim was to say the fitting words uL'l reoeivo tliu sol. ii>n vo»« p-q ired in the | mar i igc eomint From the tirin’ I .Margaret tisik her p'aee on tlif (1 mr, .-.IU full her power over hei'self lai ing Mo t arnestly' dal she struggle fm j ealnuit s.s and self nont*i.|. But the j very f. ar llml tns|iii*rd Hi s sti nggle tu el il inetfcctuul When the Munis* , er it.i ail -ep nopressive voi p, Sa,i I I pioiioimee you man and w ife,” bet ! eyes glow dim. tintl ii r lips treiuh'ial an i I iilud ; slie sunk for vnrit, and was emly k< pt Jrom t ll ngdiytlic urtn o ! the ttiiti ster wliieli was cxtelldef i-, I lit ll u to save hel l •« • * **s* »f* * I Twenty years have passed since | that «w»happy evoning, and Margaret Hubert la ysst mirt’anied. It Has otig ! inf.Me 'lie eoiihi quench the fire that I had burned hi fietediv in tier heart I U lien i. did got lit. the 'om-I he health i it left rein tied iwer utter eo|J and ■ idittJs Dei ty ICute nan. Bv oscaU Moonr. Att arrival fri-m » i rgu city slivays I ul u-e* yum-ui I'iil'U tvllt innsmiill vil j I'o' i au*l thus t. was when a prepossess ing jo l' g m a, Mr. I r i-mor . vi-Fed the little iiilagi'i>; L k v lie, N?1l , Mid j pt|t up ut the only htWei in the place j When he arrived he app-ar. il sit« acv ; (j iali t and with ro one, lilt s mri mad. ; liuiiseh sg"' Uit"U to aJ‘, especially tin Bi'cmari Jam iiy, nh to he smu bicanu » f ■ q. te-t vi ttur. It was midlist..haklc cvitiot that |JJry w. s tie-gn at at raettoo, n,n) st-r *av w rhyul i . Itiusc dark, inis-b’ - ri u< OJ's, aipl rol, pmt' oz ifN, around wluch wis a: -ijtirHtailv yi* s» y i ga nto- I 1 onelung w >u4il hsve no ri ■ ti e heart Ola I aruoloke tl Utcr with t e . cui tin) s 1 luvij, Hlie -_e nted to have h ’(it in -d ;to love, uml aj| w | oc tn 'M t-> hr pi sm>ce eutii/J not h' lp’c *u tttg o th' sitar c iicladon. ifer fu ho wa- a na) Xsw England fi’ ujer, ever ready fr a j ike, and «- \ iucs und g« and nature! as hi 'l ughtif Hu**it, | fun as well as In’, ami i 1 ot: played mni" nf the tnor t Inipli b e j krs upon h ; u«. Ther" wa an°th'r nn n>b r, f this Itttpy fitil ly. abuut a pear oil r than liertv, but he wi- in Ivi o, e, when- he hud been t t tbo la t ILre • xu r». Re' re tbe irrival -f tn s‘r nner met ti’ ucxl above,'y (th b r had u au a <x qV mt vi-it r tn Iris; yV and it w * nui-e 1 nhout the x I ay* thi* Hi y xv re KOun to he married ; hut, alth upb he had if cn hud his a'udi and s ( a"eehes on the “end of hi* tongu",” he cottld nev* r sunittmu iuliUm-s emmgl, *„ ; ,.k hi r!o hcCi'lt) ’I is wi).;. VV th ds; trr lo saw the lumijiarity springing "D be'i ei Mr Frreui re a»ii the one he loved. N>tLi - ing da'inti’d, in ountinnrd 1 ja adv.ntms sad fauud he was nut n'tuly tieltnl 'd trom her ass ctiir.n; hut he tbenglitwHe bestowed tw > many favors up n Mr Fnemore to have an, hveftr hints If Thus mat’ers ste >d when, one even- : ing, somo of the young folks of the ' rilloge ptojos.d to have j ji* uie The proposi’ion w w eageny takeu up, uml \ the day on wb'ch to hnveit was decide The evening after the decision waitnnTo Hurry fD|s*tor railed on Mis*Tiateinan, and ask,id ta have the pliasjro of her company to the picßic. “Mr. J' eturoro stopped hero this morning, Mr. ('hes**r,” said Berty, a sid s iiile ptt-sing oyer her us)l 1 minohe won»-Iffitkltiig f *cc, “and give mo a very no’ite invitsti into guwith him, which i ixci-rptod.” “Ah!” sail Harry, in a sorrow fu tone. “I wn fl t-nring my*olf wuh the thought tiih’ I would hare the honor of taking yiof” “W 4 i apt really sorry ’’ said Berty, regrn’pg her 1 1 it ly tone, “hut I t ink vmi ran ff*i and a yojir g 1 idy wl|iye snejety will ff and yu fully as tnueii pleaaare at min* o mid ” II in V it ft the h mse in n* enxntddc is), -t' of m'ugl. Ho was unoortnit v luitb* jer slie was making a perfect funk, of him, I >r was ri-al'jf sorry b.tcausu she cui'd (not favor hoth her lovers. ; Tin-R i x was just rising from behind .the cas'ern bil ice vtliou the pietiic party , started There wvro t»i large four 'hor«" wneons a id several light buggies Mr Freemore and Hr y Rah man were j s,-ate lon one of the tatter, and Ilarry | Che-ter and Miss Nellie Vane in an 'tb«r. I Nellie was a petty hlir cyml girl, j shy and quic‘, bu i v- ry agrecahlo O' tn j pani m, withal. Her p utting lips seem ed ti invite Hurry’s ti tenth them, | vliiuh they, frequently did, ami both up ' neared t > like it exeee iing'y. Harry’s J hlfitiiti'ess Would have been complete if !he could have bid 1! rty Ba'rman by i his it'd’’, it s'ead if the Nellie I'huy spent the day very pleasantly by I tiic cooling shade of a large gr ive, ahout ! ten miles fr un I, kevike, and ,t was |ne ird irk when th y r s'arted f r home. “l'bke ,” s .id the driver of the first ! w g on . w hcn they had g>ne a short dis : lance, “shall we g > by the way of tbe I old turnpike ?" ! “Yes,” answer and Parker, “in the light lof the moon which I see ri iig i ver 1 vernier, the rocks and pr.cipic s will ! Onk grand ” i ‘ Vonotriy want tn kill #* all/’ ctied me of tho girl*, in ix dissatisfied tone. 1 Qo a head”’ screamed Derty Butt man, from the rear’. “run that wagon i load and Wo tin t loitikp” :• T vya* fi mlly decided to go on t' e old bv nniko Some of the g', lit'demurred. 1 S imeibing w-uild I ft' | en—y n n till >w here have been'so many ■eciden - *.” rinar qtunuuring was inti rrilp.ted by 1 tveral Itoirty ki so*, which were unc r ! in miou-iv ailiiiioistered to them, and c r'ai o t w»- again rest red to the I lari’/. , The Kl It ry \V'.» tt'doed grind, ■' viuw dbym I' li'igbf. Tlte fair 1 uiu ! o t«t b. i- ,s ,!i l.iansupou the rugg and 1 r >ek* above, which, atsimis, likiLeft as if ah tt t 1 1 1 1 , atni down il e steep prec. ipiees, ri vc’ilfag the ‘ ark vtdlovH below, lii sen ral j too s u wall of granite rear -1 1 i‘s !f on <iic >iit ui iho rood, a me 't’ t ty fi.- t iii Ic glit, and a if t ip'ce, b ut .x y f tt de q>, “eeuphd tho oth r s'.'e, tn .king the road so tnr or that * >ne vebicl t e >ulJ n >t pass another with- U‘ ‘ Xir uta duag. r. ! Our pat ty was | a sing slowly by tno id lhi'-c I'lui cR, xvi eii tin* lupid ' ftiiiip.iug of a iiiUfio's feet, tlting'ed | n ith the agimUiiig nerenuts of *t fe iltjik', was tutor j )« ihu rem’. All tm'tH'il, and saw, with ululin, Mr. Frciv * m.ire's Imrse unci ivogim coming down t‘ e road tit a feat fill rate, enilntigut’ing 1 the life o) the on'y occupuat, B-rty Bateman. Hairy Chester instun ly, sow h w matters stood, so, kt.oxxing Nellie to he a g‘»i»-1 drtver, he thtexv 1 her the feins, and rushed to the edge (' 4 thv jiTi'i ipi -e, which ho roughed ! just iu lime to tlrag Ibe fainting form ' i'roni the wagon. On rushed the lian ; tie horse, on! an i iisit. tit more iiu dis upp -tiied ilojvi liie roeky I dge —, ( tasli! went the wagon against the forks ; Hun tin I c Was alolld cl ash, 1 follinxcil by gloall, and all ■ was till. L’ r a moment ti ii o souml was heard except tho oiiutiiiual noise oi the eli ki l, ami t' e ragbag of the night hrei /.g thtough the trees. A!! .seemed to Ihs awed by the marvellous' ' rc.S’iji; ’.vhioli hid ju»t la cii i lfei-teil Their se ises soun ret ill ne l. nn*i they lii'gau .lo i I’yyv l round the rescued and resi ii' r Ils ty had fainted but i little cold water, wliiejt triokleii through a device in tliu I near by, being sprinkled in jMwtne, soup In mi ht ab ut the xx ishflT>r re -tu; At this niotuctil Mr. Freemore I’autg ilowii the rumil. “Has sli- gone ?’’ ue and ied, in an ug ‘UliAcil lone, “is she deud i'' “No, Jqr.cemitro I am id right,” re Uitned IJ rty, disengaging lieitoelf rrotuHariy embrace, “Viml Ie [itattsed ijg|*u;(sitined Vr., I'lvvtuore, 4’ditbpuitg berfi) his heart. I uml a l«i v»td Atin n!" com front all Tltiwe rousing dice s were thengiv-' un ta honor ul 11 ift v’s prompt action, toll ixx ud 1 v mat y i jaculatFiiiaof | r*ise. “ H .irry,” said Mr Freetnon*, exten ding las Itand, “titiiy ihnv n Hess you ! i shall n. ver fee able to repity this in-t of kindness ; but, a a small icooinpt-uso *<*.-:»“> Itttve Betty 4- >r joti’ wile a> s*mui as you want her ! ’ Harry looked up. astounded It seemed to lim that Unit was a Vx»r.y del cate question Fr h m to tleeidu ‘I me.ui xxnal I say,’ c»n - itatedliiat geuth’iuau, a iny steimus smile playing round hi-, moiistoduai mouth. “Let me expltiin, ’ said Berty. ad vati ing “Th sis my brother, Free more Bateman T’ If tjie country about them hud Slid detiTy lie "J unu a level plu n tliu forty xxotild not have bee i taoru astontahed Hurry Ch.-oUr was dumhl'ttuuled and tu rtifio 1. ‘•No vxofider she hived Freemore,” thoughtJtu • A g'rl eenciaHy 'uriyc VOL. I. i>. *8» her brother. And I’vo Wn mi th h fikii iis t<> b* jealous of hitn !” ‘Now, Harry, w continued ,r “yrtit have tny wtrtitest jrrntitmk'— ’* “No more than that?” nskutl he “AViJI, my w»rnjo*t h<i*, lu n. and 1 try to eomp naat* f“f the tittieS * nKs'staneo y>'U lent mo— ’ “Then you nave no ohj ••t’otis t<>b - coming my wife,’’ said Marty, gaining' ixturtigo. Borry remained silent. “I’ll answer that question ” *iii‘l hes brothnr: ' you can bnv • her. But ejqpeJ’ lie continued, “it's after m il llight so let IU go Oil ol*r way." Ex'ellia Vane ren<ft)y i-Xi-n-i and If n* y, und necopted PWentorc B .t* nt .n Hoorn wn* luafo.fUttlient irfone oftlm large wagons, xx liilJlltuj v eoinlttece*) liiiHfKhliitflhii to hisligitl jttigi ie. |l<* wasnovwtiat in)ght bo ea led “nil >rigbt.’ lie bud the git) h« loved be -hie nn«l tit» l*net two weeks o’! torment which ho hud begn,iu) > j<’ete , t •o, xx as nmplx repaiJ by tit* pleusll!is he t’.xinu'ienced in h«tr cittoptlliy. ‘ lierty,’ said ho-“tell meliow Brew more |, ippenod to bu out ol the wag on when the horau run away A “Wofl, l dropped tny poekct-k.inh, eroldef. and xviiile Freemore fan btiec to get it the horse tm>k ie frig)* l , 1,11 1 started and *wn the road." “No.v there is ono thing more . xx-ould like to kuoxv. VYliv did you torment me xvitn a scandalous joke ’, ‘ Hear him !" laughed Berty ; “v don’t think there was any -cundal"ut ness a out it Free more pluia'd a j“k * mi us, so I thought I would play “tin on you. I got him to stay at the bo te! to keep tip appearances but net hr a lover ol mine. It baa el|dnit nil right Harry, ami l hope you wdl forgive urn this time.” “You are forgiven," T< turned liar— ry, pressings kiss on line |>ou ing his*. About a monlb after the evutWw above related * large wedding t"“<; phtoo in the quiet little Vi) iage of (• »k“ villo. The poor unfortunate Harry often gits some aggravating j«>ko-* p'ayed on liiin by Insyeitttj and It oom ing wFe, which lie tries hard t“ ruttwjl, imi i.i van. Now, kind reader. '“‘P'q tig he may sortie day suocevd, vf‘> sec then in thou hap,‘J slatv. “How do vmi define a" )’*« r hat ” said A school mast i-r to one of iiis pupils. “Darkness that may bo tell,' ” replied the youthful wit, AVel'/ Suti*bo, is yogr matter • goad fat mer ?” ‘Oh. y<-s, he ho a ber ry good fanner, be make* two eropsiu u; year ” “How i* tjiat S.tnJio V ' j “Why, he sell ull his hay in de fab, and makes tt*t>ney oiweff'en in do sptittg hu #'ll nil dt l.fdi'S • tdo cattle dat die (or die Ittnk us de i*ajfi al ‘d 1'” make money twice,** If your sister, while t’Hti gxsl with her swecthcar , tuiks you to lif tug a g ass of water fr"Ul tilt a'j‘iiung rn**tk start on yitnr errand, bwl )mi Imwl not re tint A'ou will not be missed. Don't lorgct this, li tie b<>ys “Mama,” said liule N 1. ‘"hal •fc* gora n< a • ought to fl g nie :>r what l ■lid uot do ‘■No nay dear child ; why <io J‘ >t u*k V “Heeauac t-fee flogged me tr ,Jsy nbem I didn't do my num.“ A lady whose hu>ban; t>t d<v-or‘*l her, way*; ‘‘May two bmidr and ands ty-soyen nightmare* tint quarter rtC'-y ■ner his Ktomwet every hunt tu tin- nig l " Tbi# probably would boa tyliof b> what bo has n. tinted,* ‘•Wa row *ntfc ■ name bV*’ y « kn H * •aid a a literary friend to .1 rr Id. T * literary friend whs a comic »iit. r.. 1 1 i eon ic w it r only. Jct< Id r>* lu* i ‘True my dear feilV, we I*. nw the wuine boat, but witli v ry l J;nllt. ’ ls " * * Tbtr ’* alwiiya one pct.-< 1 ii< n. w‘ » » •■ver our uiiwf' rftfnt-—-it H* wor e. Were life hanginir on a dip >d, it would be a comfort to bi k that tt naa not hanging on a rope. Spa bcflMabnbbk <*> b I l * ofAaflll ■iiir<yu>4 fdWhe brnwnWes* orncr Cuu ]'liiau bp tbo‘not that iho has b et to ofhgft 4 :oawt<d.” During tbenbodion, moo tl and front the S u h for wafety. lyet the Noitlcru Pit i *lg hew r le*t the time soon com* when men will fly tn the f. u'h sos •tafe’y. Gorier.l Haller .-aya, tba , ■ h all H I f ult . h livcaLi o untry.. Wi »e a* try, with all its fault", ha ii’t the fault of lovin* Li n* The Chicago Tima* ad ivi fr«Hi lJn wnlow t j lung l.imst I‘‘. Uadi ttbr » • dly thr Dnrson ot'g’t to rn»ct the double role of hangman and la> groan. An Kagliab lady advertise* : “A pi? mo f rsale by a lady about to oroaeti* channel in eoakasee and oarred leg* If a man ha* neror changed hit npu? ion*, be must ba tithof unwilling unable to tbtr tt ■ 1 ■ ' V 1" Tie eoKuuip'iyepgan has on* adraa tag', lie kecie a hack Asp rr w c:tn neyer be hungry, [jo taken a hundred fl ee a ii iv. Ti.o cx'rcme Ilaiica’a are the aouf ercaai tj the Republican party. The nir.r, shame a man brag* UjUit himself tbi less Ue