The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, November 09, 1866, Image 1

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«»'» 'wm 0 Ev ry , T K. CHRISTIAN, l * editors anb publishes. fPJ* '' fl tH) Three mouibu 0 > <i» ' 7 >;i 00 (I* mlc* or.tdeer Using : fiiJr vat *&“<■* nt le " r ‘ 4,, ' s lur 1,10 • „ ~„a S'-venl'-five Cent* per ft* aabi. tj'ieiit U>«. H 0... uol ♦*- f^i months M (, 'n hi* month* - ‘ 0 i M'I*'.lre 1 *'.Ire 00“ year -** On* 4 * 1 ' „ s iiirre months 1,11 i.*t * Z »<w»h. '««; ■ «» «> lft'M" „||, ml i three moths 8" 00 I column six months 50 no <itai *«•»»-• «S !'C;r:~r,v:::::::::;! tll neutuess and dispauih. «t modeiate p- 1 ——~”“ * & HO) U jtTORNiVS AT LAW, o|y Ijawson, (j a. f. m. upm, iTI'OUMY AT LAW Davrsou* Terrell ba. W ‘ ,t H P »T“n™ ,!,i ““ ,> “’"Tar' OSMS &> COK£H, ATTOPJtttS AT LAW, n.ffl’-O.V, - - <*EOIU>M JAMES BP£WCE, Attorney at I jaw, 0.1 H’SO.V, f Ko -f Office at the Court Htenae. fe*<B» 1* OR.C. A. CHEATHAM, DAAVSUA, (iEwBCIA, Office, South West corner Pub He square /,ONTIN’UES the practice of Medicine in V - all iis branches. 11, pus special attention to the treatment t 1 al! riiroruc afl'c. pious oi either F- X ; and to Hr treat ment of «M secret diseases. II■ mty be oons»|tPd by letter, riescribin* ix, occa-Ji'ioM. ami h o,_tt= ; ird .ciei'g "I'ieeitMte d«tmipifott of all the symptoms, Air.-! >« of sirVmw*. etc., etc.. And cmloa jliaVu Dollars By return mail ho , »,rl all of the tree starry-mediiioe* ni’-li lull-directions. 8 ly. t i OR. D. H. FARMER, dilate Residence of Cot. ir>n. H.sUUs, near i)a*c*on, Ga. 1\ T I '!I an of 20 vo its in flu* prac ticn <» S’ ti tr** i- Hiv case Jwn »y be called to attend. i i ViAUll AM> KPAIKES JEWELISR. Dawson. Ga.. prepared to do ant *ork in bis 1 ne ir. J vprv hoM p*vie. Fid 28 ts GU.X SMITH an 1 MaclLini^l. O.f Sf.VO.V, ; : Georgia. K-p-i-'s .-ill Iriuds Os Uiin c , PiitoN, Mini,,...,' e>c , etc. 2 U. ~ LAW" ' C’rapp. r iHLildirt tl pn‘rr/iT t iiro a tor tin* praciioe ol Liw iu tli* SiipMior G*inrra ot f iir* Soutli^ -j *eM-ern aii-l F la'Ji Ci cui s. <*»•- uw'od ty jht-ir «}au« v i'> he promptly aittlid- | fd to. J. J Am'*ri( n->, 0. T. (looms, G t. G^Iyl.HV^ J^A it GA. j PATRICK & HaVEMS, Wholesale RL'i Ilf* * ail BMRHiLLESIS, hTIiIOMRS And General New o.uU*r&—'lM-ingular Rloi-k, Cherry Bit Jet. mTJfICOt I, Gff. iispwpoi; DSrjGG2STS, Maoon, • - Oeor^ia. T f HE Attention orDeatora invite,l to »h?s l old and n.ljnh''* house. tn;i\lß,4m 59 Mulberry >!., MaruH, (< «., j;) aq r ii!)i><jK!xs& sox, GUMS, PlBTf J> US, Huh ;u\d ptofol «r : r: Mini piiuol •nuerial and dootitt <*t\>y.pry ’• A !.-.•, «, u- Ibrizimtal Siram Engine & Rtiilrr, and Cdmfieti —it a BiPfat® —and oat ■ foil SmirbVi find ItiHing MacUfne. july 18,6 m WUVH RANT 1 *:i> CHEMICAL COLD WATER §OAP. PHIS soap is warranted to make the clothes T »s clean as they can be made, without will*iff or battling. hand can wash as man clothe* In a 1 half day with this »b*n, as would require tw<> After the old fitolg. hl3 tire times che »fu*r tnaß fys'sha}. ’ It is warranted not to injure the eloifcos* ‘ Vor '* at a tr! !iing coat. hand can do the wntk of throe, lice of recipes $3. Persons purchasing! r *«pw, will have the money refuned if du- i „ * j PL.J MAY Act. for Pa‘Hr. tee. T -T. Christian is aa:horiae4 to sell reciepew j ** County r 11. j. *. ! . 'to.Jtt.rtsfjt.iTbns s*i£e. f l ‘ n order iVom the Qcxirt of Ordina r 'Tyrrell County, will be Fold or, the first •M.yin O w , mh ,r (KiJtt, tHe Mlovlng * g Ilg to tis i- «-■ ot M >9' 1 ! of I Tun area ach»s : •m n?:~ fceln ? »«• fa»if of lot So, , T of r " rr « j! O»A(V.* S«l& for htie ’ WILEJMcCLEKDOS, of>l * /flnmr.. J Voli, I. IJ AVG NOT It> K| UITIOKCSAIV sl!l practice iu «!l tbe • couris oF the bouth ifi'S’er n. in Irwis of Brunswick, umi moat of the com is oi the Pa tau Ia ©tfoytii*. Office on Washitigioti Street, the Expresa office, Albany, Ga. itiuyi! ly [. A \V ( A 1 M)." r |"MJ E underpinned will at'end to any lotral ft bup»t.r*»B **ntrnHted to hi**cflre, in SAtith* western tjeorgi-j. Office at ('otbnrt, Randolph eo., On. E. II PIjATT “ ED. RANDOLPH HARDTnT attorney salt Law, ,jiti,6m cr’TtmmitT, a.i. i\ 1,. btewar£ ATTO!iA «:l AT r. It W, .Vi's, Cos., fin., A’l business entrusted to lis cure will be f-mllfnl y att. t fird to. dune 1- ' e". l. dou6la£‘S,~ Attorney at I-.p vr, ,ii, ip i etrr /ifttcstT, u. i. i. . HIGGINBOTHAM, AfIOKSLV AT I.AIV, I .Vergin'., Cnlltoun Cos , (Set., 1 wII {MAOUce in aR the Courts of tin* Souih* wesam and Pa ault Ciicui.H. Juue 1 ; 'I. H. SHACKELFORD, j ATTORNEY AT LAW, i ciniua, co., «»., A GEXT fir. purchase and rale oj i LAND. Juno 1, 1806. HERBERT FIELDER, VTTOHNJhir Counsellor at Lu*. Cir.*.hf*rt, Georgia—Will practice i the comnios of R mdolph, S f ewart, Q litD a*»,Cl if, Hi Ilf % Dec.iiur* C>ll>pur, Terrel!, and Stioi ter. ni diu the Supreme Court of ih S'.i'y. and the V S. Court for the S *»e rs He will give pro npt attention to the colWtion and paj ing over of t Lia.e. Jui ,1 ;n in;. S’ K m;i.!;;•<iN, ptmaEON ESamTJST. Ma? 4 Cuthbcrt, Georgia. £■ if tSil* e i*, 4 £ 2 ous v. Cut liber t, Ga , Hotel, f. imfrly known as the “ITH .J. do© House," h now open and prepared to accorrmou He ail who may favor tm wuh a rail. Ti*e public may rt»nt assured that no paiijs wilbbc ©paryd to reader llic guest©com • for«tbl4 . t i THE TABLE i if! he \rilb the the m rket atid the <*■ nntry ulford. An i'iperie*cH and caterer bafl been secured, whose whole lire* will t>c iievn'*p»! to tl'.e procurerm'nt o f Vdlhlcs or XZvcrv Description, ivii <■ >n u ,lteo ( v- ..-a. fin-..i Fair, and rfiod rate chi*m*B will «urelv s.ifi-.fv our g„r:* s. V. W. 801.-h LAX t BRO., Miv Proni ie tors. BROWN HO US li. ft-:. JBftOWN & SON, F'lurtn St., Oi-p site l’sfserger Depot, AUaeor, Georgia. }~1R0\! tlm Ist of Jolt the bnst-ioss of this ■* Iloftse will tie cemtnctid Ov E. E. S own i. S-.p. tn ■ Senior h:\in: n?*o-.-iaie I hi. *on, Win. F Biow i,te ths maragement aud in ,f tt-4 IV-i-l. The tou-e cop's’ll! ‘istr room?, which are -d ctjM'fij'.l'jr h.'.u i; o) tiny, llers ami tr»i!<dei.t gUes‘< C: nip'-'ert nsfi-c.-nts hg»c' 1, 0 .li a,_.. car. il h evei vil pjrlment, ami eve- I V nuertiot) a ill he l aid 10 eiifure coftifori to (heir cusu m»ia. lifloms clem and airy, and t,l:o table always sunclied with tfo brst ilie ,eOJi trvaiff.iids. riir'fi.a utlend ariival and of all trains to cenvej bagiiage anti conduct pa...--engeis ncro;? the s'reet to (heir <yiai-u rs. jul' Z7,tf ano » ‘ESTEE.r x Cos., Piano Forte Manufacturers, 491) JsP roadway, oMnv I *ork* r I''HESE Pianos received the highest award 1 o|moMt«)t U)e Wot Id’s Fair, over the br-fft n)al»?r? from Loudon. P.irie, Germany, j the et't“S hriLiw York, Philartolpfii-i, Rlti more ard Bos on ; al-o, the f*nld .VfrfffJ at the Amcicsn Institute, for Five Successive Years tl Oat* Pianos contain the French Grand Acfctoo, Harp Pedal, Ore ref rung Bass, Full Iron Frame, and all modern improve jiicntf. Every Instrument warranted five vears. Made imd*-* - the «urpe«*vi»lon of Ulr. j. if. G«ovi;!iTi:i;\, who has « practical excellence of over thir y five years, •»ndi>H'e mwker\of/<i»vi?r eleven thousand pfiiK) (o» ton. Ohre / TaeilW<h» tor matrwfacturitig enable us ?o sell the'-e inetrurrenta from §IOO to ft *»n ) cheaper than any first class piano forte. Auz. 811 vr it. £1 JiGOTS At.'<Sflf off Ca., WITH J, (' V F rran, ) (V. P. Armstrong, J*,n. D. M. Ferran, f ] K. J. Menefee, ( Vliic*i.ll & Armstrong,) PROVISION DEALERS, AND <J«iiuniv.i»ii fler< haul., A AxeuL? S r H ■ llale Ilopp, A /V Twine. Cmersol tuc Celebreled nolia lltm.’ Nil. 21 Main, bet. 1 ,t & 2nd, and IS) &. 24 Waabingtwn ,Bt., .v,3 1 E O VIS a 'iEE £. I\ r. -1' vt. . . 3 a. i.t -.—.—_—.. SIXtY diva spar diite, application will 1* made to the UoinJraUW vli»«amn Pi Oidi uaiy ot Igi ejl t-’ouuly, lor Uave' t« eell ibe land be! nqfnj to tlic estate of' (ttnij Coilioa htftrwf-wWcwnvf JTOTICE ! L~lZ'.i'.Xl>fttCK& £aavjjeg haring ea together in tlib pfljcace oi in eiHeim', teutfer thlir pr.ifesf ioiial fferrteesto I tue p'nr>[legene r »iit'. 4'hajr arg prepifed to f p|»acribe foe, ud trett .ay t) y may be I t ailed to se -. Cbrptsic iliae.tseS ut ail kinds I'wilHw trea'ed bv cOi'snllmg us either by sp, I plring in peison or writing, giving the age, habit., cors ittttion, ■>mpton.a, art! duration ; offiek’tes.. All kiuJa of prodoge taken for Lptm-'ijyt A<w« One or the o Ih'c owrf.JW* found <tti tCmys tb>fi*cflfiee oi fSsUicrce unless l»rofeSFU)ilsHy absent. Froe-im-ipb, pcacHce i.ot M/v- \y- i -G't.r, : i.d, win si ik> e, I'.t * employer must bo i t sponsible f 'rthe f< ©, K. T. KEXDUivK, I Morgan G*., Sept 21«1566. «. C, KNOWLES. DAWSON, GA., FItIDAI, NOVEMiiHH I>, IBCJO. A, v<*si L’ouuly : ll WNr©rt.**,J. JJ. Avw l uppljes to n.o for letturw <1 smT.skloo fioynSe caterte of WiUimn A vent lain of said comity, fiocesscd, Theseaic therefore to cltfl and ndmwish nil prusjuft cotiren od to he ar.d appeatat my Glace wi'Liii tl*e tints presetitwd by law, JO ym w Call c, if any, mhyfitSd lotteis bl.ouM not ho granted. Given uuder ms hard ar.d cfficial fdgua ure, i|i id May 11, 18T»G T. M. JONES, Ord’y. p B ORGI A, Terri ll County l J Whereat, Abrahnrt Sisaer apptieii to me ferr letter© of dismiefi r on from the ornate of R. S. HookjJ, late of said county, d©ccts>- ed These are, therefore to cite nnd ftdnioni*h all persona coticcHted to be and appear at my office within the time reocribed by l«w r and show cause, if any exists, why Slid let ers should not be grained. under my h«i,d and offi» iil signa ture, tl.isMay 11, lgßfl T M. pEOUGI bdTiH'll, County: YX \Vj on 0 8 , FiOtiisi. PqwcU applt'a to m tor letters of dl' From the estate of J. .1 Po ve’l, litenf Slid,C( only, dee •}!<>• and Thwsr'lire-therefore to ei'e and admonish nil passe.<»<u icrm and to be and upoear fit my *jf. vl ia tun lime (Twroribcd bv law, aid diftw niMynr fxisiv, wbv Said leUfcr.-: aheulii m>t 1- g-%iLcd (i ven tr'der mr hand »nd offi : F B*gT>e*rre thi-Mav 11, 'MU. T. M. JONES, Or*d. j AEIOIHjiJIA, TerreH fuimty : V fWSiV .s. Jared trwip, iinpli.’S to me. fnr of ilVeeiy-ian f om the c-t' !e of Juntos P. It vi>, l.'ect T. rrel! county cie eessed. llipse are, tbe*efpr ( ’, to oife urd adjno&ish all presnna irncnred to be and appear rt my office within the time presrri bod hv law. and show cou«c,if any, why raid letter a should not be grouted. Given under mv hand and nffi •;>•! oienatore this Jfti£U9t 8(1 Vu',. T. M JONES, Ord’v. n EOHGI A. Terrell County: V X Whereas, John R L. Grice applies to me foi letters of diii*'i«<innffrom 'll" es tat ft of Felix Johnwon, la # e rs said count?, deceased. These are toebe and admonish all persons < oh corned to be and appear at* my office with in the time prescribed bv l w, nnd show can e, if any, why said letters should not be g.r ■»»»•©<}. Gi' ett ord.-r tr? 1 rid and offirhit signa ure this c/uly L"th, IStitl. T.M.«/ONES n f»r linarr. C i rorgiit-S" n ?»<2o!|>Si Countv. i URELirs f?.»n’ejl -dn'• on tl-o / V Herman K ilhfl -i h havft g pp ipliod for IctteTeof dismission; all person© in ( rested, nre notified to show cause why his application should not be jrnnted v -r the next Term cf the Court of O rv f© r ' aid County, j • $7 ISf and Onnty. T OilN Alattl ews, adiqiiuetrator on the c - fl »»of of Jerrcmtah Willi#, deceased, L: vng appli. and for letters of dismission, all persons interrstcfl a f euotifird to fil l their obj < - Hons, if any They have.hv the neit November Term of the Court of Or tin nry for sed C< tin. i y . Vfni. P. IvIDD OO 0;. a pi 30 3oitac* Ciolitovi Ad per -(ins ir and 'btrd to the estate of J. N. Stinl;oU:»r. late of Ten' ll County drcoas«d # or hereby uoiifi- dtou abe diate p■* - mi M, anil all persons holding e'n n.s r*j ;i>-; . • u ■ ■ 1 ' y ■ ih Vvh REDDICK. Oct2l A j.nrj’r. jtweiej:. FIXTY <11v» u-ft r dHe »-phf-ijrn ill be ir»R(h to ( th<> Ord uaev of Ttm 11 Gob Hv lenv(‘ tTi sf-RbU c f ti e re»il rs'Ht * of W !' s Mir'in’ite of said Got to, deceased. For 'il.e l©:.eft* of fh** 1 s James w. wn.Kergon, £v-pt. 1 (\ D »>f». KxV. Teri t H H 'al«. On the fi t Ttn *v in D-e* ni!.»<>*• r.exG will be s<&! br r oro tl e tTcurt II i»it* l>-ior in the town ui us sa’c, till * fulLnwi| ptoprr'v to Wit, two fractional* Lots No. L7l, and ‘278, in the 3d. dirciict of i*au* County, cout.dning 200, reree more or ’e a s, levied on a* the propc* tv of John A. Fi-ppiran to satisfy morftuge fi fa issued foiu Trorell Superjrr Court, in fnvor of A . Sasser Aflm.’r of C. I*. nnck ihay deceased, v« J. A Ficeman. Panted out by mortgage fi fa, 11 W. KENNEDY, Oc*. 1866, She'ff. Sm*L Und»r ar or der fiotn the Court of Ordinn ry of Terrell Cc-untv, will be sold, on the situ Tuesuay in Decmiber next, the fellow tog pro petty to the c*tat<* of Janit*« Parrott, deceased ; Lots of land N< fi. 281 arid in the 1 L?lt District of Terrell oour>tr. — The larger portion of this hind is cleared and in cokiv <tion. Sold for rh* l hem fit of the heirs and tremor*. nARBIET FaPHOTT, cc If d*. Adm’x. tieorgia-jßsuidolpli C'«»«i*ly. SARAH Jv Move: administrattix on the r;a fafc ct iJ. ijamin F. Move, hwvriv? rtn— pliud for totters of di*nnG>i.m, persons in ; tefested are notified to ehew whv i er appli eu'ion should not be r anted bv the next January term cl tin? Court <it Ordincry ot said Count v. Je 27 Wm. 1) KiDDOO, Oriin-rv. * lroiic£T \pplfcntion will be made to the Court of Ordin.-rv of C : Ihtmn County two rnori'hs atfer and ie. To 1 -avo to sell the re and oa'ate be longing *o *b * t ite of IYm to I r * ttia*t, derensed, J, T. PACK, n x jk c f' toivs yji f;: Coder an order from.the Gp*l>'t ol 0 din.arv jf Tyrrell County, will be soi l < n the fi ,- st rues-dav in Dt cember, lh<* fdllowipg property, belonging to the estate of D kys: one hun dred and forty ecr sos land me re or les«— iho«4 t! trty seres clear*d and in cuhiva**oa. On she pi i* a good log dwelling joiise, an*} nee<*fawry ont-building *• Sold for !be benefit cf the heirs and creditors. ELI COCHRAN, oc'lO* Ex’r. ns OTICE. 'I' 1 WkA mon'bs .(ter (bite npplicf t ; on will be L enttiie to the Ordimiry <sl Torreil t7our. r r. fur leave to eel! »H of the real estate of P.. U. Carter, deceased. WILLIAM CART PR, O'Al 9 A'lmn'r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE BY virtue of sn order of the Court of Or di'iarv Os Kai.doYli CYuntv, will b<; f»u, on titc fir* t Tues iiy in November next, at Morgan, pslhoun Cotiritr, the amlivi. <leß buff interest in let nf I. n4 No. one hsn- Jrt-8 anti tiiiity-feur, (I3i)i nJ two hundred and thirw-iM* (238) ecre« of let No. *w»a I U' d.otl art! tbivt-, -three, (133) .in.the fomili d’friet of (Vlbomt Cono*j.T-b longing to the eatateof W;fi! .f Side, deceased. The oltiee i ,il . ill beeold at tbe raaiet'-ne and p’ lcb. RENJ AMIN 0. MITCHEtL, Sept. IS, 1460- • Atlt»>. A non ft. ft: It Wi»s a fX':rfre msly fiui.i.hgii in ono us tlia wi-itucfttM rcan siona in one of our large cities t > wl Lrh wc would cll partieulor at cMi-n, Tlie fl iop Wis covf tt and v\ i' h a fine iifUß e!s carpet, so iieau' as *<> t.l - make oue b lievc tllli* Le wi« watting on a bed of fimveis. Hplondid laoo curtains covered the wind"w«, nnd tbo wall was adorned with th.-sc flue puinting*, executed by the great masters vf t' e East. Tbo occupant, of ili’k rnorn. n young man, of ab'nt twen'y-fivfc years of ago, was lost to the gratdeur cf the .‘•eerie, lie was seated iu a Urge srni-chkir ga zing with a Vacant look at a rivet i fpa por which he held in bis Land ou the wh to sur'aei of which were a few hur ried, bli t'ed lines. iJat for tbe n;.r »ou« twitihitof of tbo upper lip, he mil ht hare been taken fororeof the M arty carve,! etaturs that, adorned tbo ro >lm Suddenly sf iing : ng to bi; feet, he cxc aitii! d— “Kutu ! ruin ! rum ! I might Lave kn-‘t»n as much O',! fate, wi y fcs«‘ ■ti ov trrstert m«. SO Jstn|)} ? Why hast t'n ii 'f>TvSfi me this hi'ercup to drain ? a bitter decision ct fate, yester day a millionaire, todav a bigtrar ! au-J It ‘*a, my angel Itosa, what, w II sVe iay when she kuews all ? W: 1 lie hate me then ¥ if sn death will be Ur rr> ferabla to life ” And the sp. tutr date and fu virtwly the rorm. C'.arics Wiiliard, f-r sush was h speakers name, had b en leit an orphan ■it an early age with a large fnrttine at Lis disposal, he trrew up geoerous to a fault, this u .ited with his handsome 3. unteuarree end p dished nianr er j , made him the courted lion cf s cietj. Many were the yi ung lidies who had talked their prettiest and smiled t’leii sweetest, in vJn endeavor- to «iu the hear- nf tbe harels me ye.ung n.ast> r of “Wiiliard lLa!I.” But ha remained “hrart whole,” un til the Ege of twenty-two, when ho Gin met lira Anderson, who by her sweat deposition, united with gmd emnnjoo sense, (a gift by tho way n tif en p h - os*cd by ball room-belles,) w. n his heart at once A sinoere friendship sprang up li tween tin rn, that soon give place to warmer feeling;, and “hove wns wiili love avnweil.” ! An engagement son fo'lowed, that rec< ivrd the pare i< ti if Hi sa’a parents, ■itid the bridal day \V3S appointed J din And*, r ooj tlv father of Ilosa was oue of those world y mar, with whom we cf - n meet, w ho lor k upm the p ter class, as an infi r or race of fe who. i doe men, Os t bt the a Ui.t of brains tLov have, but by the weight of their c fFer>, therefore i' is no fttmder that ho gave a hearty con sent to the marri ’go of Ih sa with Vi!- hard, who was Lis equ.J ia worldly gO * Is, sU-hc-n Charles <-a!b and < n hir>i a few hours after he 1 arn-dli' was reduced to bege«r», He ri< received wi h fr . it 1 VI. this did u<4 l.i ehr hie) fn in stating .the case frankiv. “Mr. Andersop,'' s.i he, I hive corn ■ to inf rin you cf a very l.eav iiusferiune that Lns hefalkn'mo I have b-.-cn as you are well aware, u*i rs ••he priwcipal stock*lmider*in the 31 r ciiant’a Bank, ia wbivh n riy xll cf u.y property was I hive ju?t letirne l a f w inursti eo of its i sd - ency at.d failure ; therefore I ana re duced quite to le-cgary, yet I hav ■ and r ed to h po that this will not c use a rupture bi tween u>, or a re lation with your daughter.'’ ‘ Mr. Wi liirti’ bfjjan tlic ther. cnlii- Iv, *’l b«ti heart] of the failure if the Merchant’s Hunk a few u oniei ts hofure ynuurrivel nnd was in a ra rearo (re pared f r you. ct mu Moiritior ; 1 ut ; in surprised that j’t>ti slil! have the au dacity to a=p re to Iho h tntl of my daughter. 'J be unplessent duty de volve, upon me to inform mu that all relation bet wren yourself and my daughter must pease.” “f do not desire our m.rrispe to take pWi at the a’ pointed t ine, I desire her to promise to wait, and when 1 have in a measure rerruited mv fur tut e, I ' an then eli idi her hand ” ‘•ciirvou prorcko me beymd ondur »oc r . Have l not, said rmj hat oally ilia’ alltelation Isttwofu you attd my daughter must ee*se? I eddes I have already other plare for Kiwi Mr. St, Arnold has long been an rsj.ira't for the had o* Rios*, ami now as you have notary further claims upon Iter, bo will renew hi* suit, and I shall ac cept him rs my future son-in-law. “Surely Mr. Autiors n, you do not wish to mite K ;sa, ivi h that hoary mi s.r ” “Take care what names yon call my fri >r ci*, but this interview has lasted lorp enonph, that dotr opens to the hall; pass thr r ui h.” •‘I shall shortly do so, hut mark me Mr. Andmson. I will yet win a name and a fortune that yon would like to have joined to a child of yours. ] hrve the honor sir to wish you good,” nnd he passed through the door with a haughty how. 110 in»t with the kind of reception that he h id fe rmt, jet uotwithttfanding he was pfepareal f« r a stormy inter vp w. under the O'thl sarcastic ton s nf Andcr.-on, his temper rapidly'became the master of him, which caus-.1 h .“s au cry temark at par in*. Ha’s an hour after, Charles s .ught the presence of his beloved Rasa, lie Was welcomed most cordially by the fair young girl who had placed her fcap piiruss in his keeping, and ermfuttd to H int ilown ItTu’rt stream by his side, but SOon noticing the deathly palor of his cheek, she asked— “ Why Charlie, you kok so pal*, Las ?uy thing wrt kdiu! happened ?” “Yes, Kara a very st vero misfortune Las Lefa'iieu mo.’’ ITa then related ♦ho account of the failure of the Mor chant's linrtk, ami <nHoil with myb g, ‘•but jf)H wit) not low tn ■ any ;h • lex.-- wi 1 you duarist <iu ticcount of this ca lamity ¥” “Love you the 1 s, ¥’* she agswered weeping, “no, no, l wi'l livcyiu all the more truly for t! i>-” “An-1 mu will f ill he willing t ' marry n.o'f” “Living you as I <lo, j bow could I answer < tberni-e than v s.” lie claspul hrr in his and drew her head upon bus mntily bosom, wbi'e he ixpiin'el ki-. es of lo der de \o ion ujon her fair bjow. It was a iU' ill nt of he; v nly bli'S to br.tli; but s• ro reidi is so. n f<> c and t'u »ns«l«ei nn Widtaid’a mind and lie eielaimcd— “But your fa'her, B si, will never cons l.t to our u ion ; I have seen him, and bo liriett c comidri <ur uni-n It ken, aid that you would be nothing mom to tin"” *‘V leu did fa h r mj that V “Not over a balf-bimr agi-” ‘ Oh, I fear that tlu’te tr many dark li uis to mur, f--r y ia well k«iow try f-tbi-r’s inorditm'e j msiou f-r g«in, W ; u{ erg:- tiy tl at lo will never d-weebt n-ift' Ih&ty- u so Ir.U'-'inirj.’b'it I *i,l pray to hi.:-, aaj I o u; o y .tal'T lily f’vc'cion.'’ ‘•n.! Uv*'. di ar, that is notal!,’lie *'iid lie i,i Uiiijul you lor the fuXiic wife f-Mr fit. Aim-hi “ “Never !” exclaim <1 thi youpg g'rl vein'ly,’’n-vrr, will I b c inetlia wife oft ! at cld rtisu 1 l).-a:h would be far prcfcighlc. Il you 1 ave pm Char lie, when you r.iurp and 01-'ain my fatb-r’s oops-nt. y -u will ever Cod tno r ad 7 a» and vil n>t 'ec .tpeyour wifi.’’ ‘■Bull wit-1 in' lave you tn meet your troubliN slop . 1:y with mo to the We,stern wil ls, ond l wiil Jiui] 1 a little c Hag® and you shall bo il’s mis 're s. B<> r. wdJ y- n gy.l” “N >, Charlie 1 cgnnol go t L-d have a F-dhei’s cu.'s« fia my head, were it no; fir tLis, h ,m tjuielc 1 y would l bee 'me yours, to vie -r you in. your lo: cly haui.s. I’ul ,us I maurvd, t -ll mg wh: t y nr pdaus are for the fetyref” ‘ I take ji i-r,- pi- ii tip g' *-d ship,. “Blue Moon" fo': tfo ,-eo’dep Ur-d oj Austr. lu, ar-rJi.. tin' far off, will try t.i lcgnin ti.e fortune l Lave lost. Will y. u f-r m's.i lo w.»UjfuT my letuvr,” I Ia 1:1 w.a't fn'cv-'r f need ’ s ” I', is n t he in'erfem of the writer to describe the par*.jug ecoue, it is tp holy, t,i.i sacred. A few b-iurs aft-rwirl l) e “Blue. Moon, with Cterica Wiiliard abnml. was fir out f-n the A-untie ,Oegan hound G r AoH'ru'ia. We.will leave: him in xesreluf Lir precious gold, and, I. li- v, the f r*U|C of R S:. A fvwd.ys r the event ahovQ narrft’f-d, Mr. Aid rsop entered iLc. room v.h r 1 lis dt-ugL-er was -feVie'i on 1 f r a ,Vgfi* Ves'l -cay,ipf.grtngi 1c: .hit 1)0 b. and icu-’v- -1 a.*■■ .p.ssi lerher hapd frcui Mr o' A, 1 Bi,ld, now L t wailed her answer, adci”g I' at Ho W) peel it wi u’d be in the ifiiiuia'ivr. II sj r- c ived Lis c n t .-ir,unicvi n iu filenib and then e,.]uUy, i. p’iel that , li-was very sorry tn dgappuint his hopes, but that Le could luit, iu oniikts'tiiHy w't'a le- present igcjlmg pi • tr give fts affinitive apjts. r. Tua cld man pr- w angry tjt her an SW “A- af: ien V h• sad, “1 1 avc d«- siied you lo Leo nr li n win ; n >r, as a 1a h r,I ro-iitnund you.’' “Fo: her, ’, replied tLe y-'ung glil,‘T have h r fore obi vt d.y> u :im v-, but iii tl is. v.hc't- my lu uio; Lapp; ncis wa . i oncerned, Icyc totdo. “ii, that no o , cent nirtihl* fecnipj, Willi: id, tlu* causes you'o tijrow awgy such a Ej.liudni ckainoa, but mark lie my yrung lady, yubL fi alter jour, dcci.iev” But !.c vasmi t 1.. n Iu v* lie en ' in and th e., tm by turts. It), vain and and ILr S'. Arnold boast of his weal b and if Li, aoci nt lineegc, s'c s*il’ cou'-n iel tru tto 'he vow giveu to her fi-si za i only 1 ive. * * * * * * • Ten j' ars ll J swiftly bv, and wo will ou*. eut.r iho.piira e o!h.c yf Jonh Anders n, the mticLun 1 pripvo. He is all alone iB diat Sj kedid rocm. II? is appareu jy 1 at to evervykiryj croun'd, and a* he paces ll e fl u p with a hasty, impatient, stride,yt u might potio look b! dospaii (H.a'l 'g v r Ids writ li lo l f ICO. “It is of no n o *ostrive any longer,” Its mufered j “the trash is near.' l!n --kss lean command a hundred ihous nd and l ots i> so e tht-e ■!tii g of the sun. I s! . li he bankrupt !” A fiat per enfirtd tl o room. A cuuvcioaiiou eoujiaeicei heiwccn litruj, and when, two hours after, Jehu An depot! 1 ft lis rffee f t his homo in company with ’the s'ranger, it was with a lighter 1 ear; than lio had cx, per'enced for rsr.y a day. Arri.log at h's home, lie entered th« room vrhero Ro-a wes seated, wliilc the stranger remained on (he thres hold. Surprised at his !t'*cfrd app ar anen, K*'s» sj rang forward'to meet him, lie took her in his nrm«; hiss'd her tenderly, and h iding h f It > 8o«f; f-xclaimi 1, '‘lkm, for the Is - kw days ruin hti* been s' ’it'g mo in tic tae,c fiom every nook slid cor hr. All toy friends h tv« and sevti and me but t rie,- who osei too h debt for ill nsace, afid he hi* stejp and in and hada noble rc veuge; he hss saved m3 from utter rum.” “Who is that nchk: frond, father?" ‘ Ho is here me for yourMlf.” He arose and vacated the ioou>, and the licit ulTmcnt II >a was e'asped in the strong a-ms :f Charles V. T i!bard! My jjcri wcultt fail me w re 1 to atfen pt to dtpetibe tbo gh ricas rap) uro a! that n ce'irg. A fwr Hublaths ht’er, the merry church boils rang out their gfadsotho peals ; and many were the admiring glan- nut i w-’ni the. hands'inie eotip'o (h it were ippiswi- llitt r tb*‘ id er. A“ ihbncr iftrfny fMh Coded ©hailsi IVillt iar 1 bent a I’ebk »f te-i h r-d vo iert c>u the fu'T b'ing ut bis *ide an l bdt, that lits, indeed, had hi so a no* In r V rge. LI IK or AX OAiBF Hi A a 3». I 11Y ,t. f, Tt. • O, I wo i 1 not l e on old tniid for | »ll the world,” raid Kale WnMnn, as, vv th a H shed cheek, she e-titcd die ■ •rnrtmcnt where Mis? Willism*, a he- ! rsevnlvnt leokißi? miiidel I’.dy iif GftV, w s q and tlv k ittrY, “wlat ! nrtf fur rh# world, lv.:e?,” 8 ; I Mi'S Willi, ins “ He, l am sti e 1 tronm nos.” “.•Vtid vi tiv ti t, ¥” “H. vlaus'thoW ate il wars s ■ eonfonvcl cd drna* and u-ly.’’ “Why, Kif ', what bn rcc’trr.-d tu ni-e vmr ire tn 8 i b alright? I U ,pv y< it wi'l spire me tn yoor w’hoicrulv det.ullcta l il)nß.’ , “I'nldhc nF'j'atm* T.hcv j tnih I wav ?e {,r t'd-eed f e n'd n t h Tp faying; wh-1 I"i I 1 buret y i«t le n elver t lawyer A1 lion’s tv* deb -\r. n ■HcI.L ,ito.d htm ,and f!i« WWdSPlo'n uft r i*co-• -f Jetty's aca-uint (jbari, y'*'- b 1; n her old scoff 'Me; nd Auu-ibelf say* ilfire v i'l be no more |'oicd (ilk ai (flier i« prr.ffiiir dju t like it. Id iii’i wnd«r the thinks; so, f.r, when 1 ceu . away, the cm si old ihioir was rtni. like a b-diamitf. Now I do say, I n; v r wid I o nn . Id bj and. “Why, Kite, hour ungencroti" you arc ; i-ist stvp nne ininuto and tl ink oi wb; Lv -p have hern saying, Yuutt .’// nrvtr be ati obi inniti because they arc cross, old anul Hijtif ■" ‘•We'l; «hw is old } ,-.«d site is* oro*s, liavy. 1 ’ ••Ttu-, !ut is -h ■ to bin no f-r being eld.? and it* f r her unliappv di p i i rteti, cu,'ht vou rot rxtli r to pi y, tbai ernetire her for i ? Juki a--k vf.tlr elf, rtf .a had >t owner is not inibeo misg in a youngg : r',»-s in an ill. n.-aid. Here . v "irluvc aoaie, b. m>-* to , tec-your, < wu «; -, metyss if yiu cm be; apd all hi C'itt -;c Vl' ll ‘8 ■' ■ L*-** v ffeg 'osfliw? 1 why It A Lcdi"W nur^is , “ttT-p, 1 dfjti’t ctu ; I wwtt an ■id m.:id, I w q’d Le.u gopd-unturul me. ‘ Vou Lai I; per begin to g v-.-m y.iur ti’ -i-.>h?,.for tk.ern j> every pro - pe l,( f y.'pr Inii-jp One.. It was only !ast,e,yet.;,ig y fr.nn il nry Ow n;,i'ce/us,c Li:; gt> wire got . .-tiog V; psiifal. If v K-U, bmv tan ygja laugk,w (pf) you .guilty pfejJ.'H.ruil,'>,(*.! ■ ’ ,“iieg!ly IH !ii:pt„ I know yon wu'nW duiVo smtfniam (ÜBongf Ibn erutfd itir.suuic-- - then lui'ik willy xitp-li a desjotuid igr_.lich. 0, isc way 4.1*4' cf kn liceru«.ul Conn tun:\t}v*, y if are n vUUI oriyiAiitv * yrft ,l'( rne.of ft ah;l l <ciige t.'hwew'i'itf* wluan.yufi are the-veiy imp,go Yt»n h;iVo.fed hur f;,r uiul, f I mietai u licit, vau «j( hgipffne vvl'ut.V' e i.a_iiinv, aq vty wn-VA' ‘;V(iii rucati yi uipiMt, aunt Lrcy ?’’ <‘l sip; i u.! if yi.’i vi I got j«. u- , .oH and ait by mo, i v. itl r ou it U> y.iu xuuie cj' yiH.levi'-.pcarßayvs us mys iiha i vv icb hnvc riot been,l'wa’. I glial! ]v t. over (tcv .<(■).uul-duy firecfiloccicmcs any!' 10- n uiiig a ciufiiyaJ characti v, who .wns loy.Ctrst t d‘.ver, or flip hist who dared tc> td! rqi- so. tie was a lull, awkward-WoW, *» Bnnqwlii in j)g> ia.ui|<n-r •, me he'vvuc m ptrrrtti I UK't. Lieu oifACit Uu i k eiji ug UcW'lylfj! 11— -3—, VtJieio 1 was, .fjit-jfdiqg th«> winter; 1;v \*a • u.y ipidaut l.oinu an G ju .- - cu'vd u.i' v, lib unopi tii.i..c r ■,jui ljct'.-t vt.-ipni-o, uiy ist-*y, wh]gh.. was sholfcncd ritt Ins ctßcimtit. | very vye! se tdjyct . I at-* .'tr,'] and kc vl’iogv chnrch, after tHe i :'v. The ministor v\ : .s gnang, li tKlcome, an l very ekxiuMft : I wtja (asciiiatcd with bis sefhjvMi, whep al) at tince I hit t n Irrt'sis'iiblc iniTi'otftorift> h ok ttivvard t‘ e pew where my rtisfi • kwcr Whether it vvu* n.\ iii* ,-to the innate cons lotisric.-s that t p otent eyes were ft tCu'ed oti me,h r <<uuc.-, tliliig tf*e, I cannot tc I j but I tlitlVo, | tint. O hc'irors 1 what a figure' ! ettvv 'fur suet) u pin- o. lie was sitting wit Ip bis arms foT’etj art-osh the ftont of thp,. peyv. his chin oti thctii: nnd stt.rmg with Lis “rout aujfeur yy'cs di fci*tly at inet liu.'vhs u fine s’ ci imen 1 us I eoilM only tlnt,li of a t‘b. ghy dog with'l is tioso reettng ti[ hi pads. The coinj'.'t ison * . s'Antaneous ns it w'.-a f'fdierbi;* j ntei 1 btuolied-in spi.c of my Vep'+atjan | Tl.i* n puateti Subbath i.ftcr Sals | Vat ; and that, with \\o weel; day ns i sjiult#, T PoOkfTc’a'r ho k.iiger, 'ami I 1 quitted H it) tdgjt dtiergcon. Thus I etided niy first love t flhir, and n tree nd was not long in following. “Soon.iiftei tny retuoi home, I went to u beuutilul villas<o situated or. the Conno* tu-ut. It was the kivlivst s; ot 1 ever saw ; of all others just th»plave for y to nestle in JJy noud, for the time being., took quite u seiiti ttren wl tins-- l think that it was. alto gether j»wy>g to iho romantic beng v ' m ound nje t, ai. J[ did not qiuarol with Jiessii ls.ji.elai ; .i. li.l. oUI e s l(M ill tbs 1 was there, lie was tbo pride j-f flic vilh.ce, and tr y envied d.-ynted 1 cßti. He ht ihj sidq,’ an trek 1 patiifg Ay• cve'fy vvisti I \ Civv feuf '■ \Vhy it was'that T took so much phuts' 1 int in hfs s eicly, ntl.ess because J nail Injlighf to fear; for tie vv:is i Too tnucb j of a getlfk'tie'ih’ffi cvincc'fitjy o's the l ] set titbt.enfhf telt ’ct- in iho jridenya ' vlf. titbits. Ma’ v vei e the ramhiee w'ol took togcth^iyrind friTifr roat nffos, l?y‘ ! tr.oi.n ligbf,'on 'fhe k'nTOpeflcfitJ /fVj lie’ tifiiß for my jdephrturO drevv * tti/rT', 1 '1 obsirvod -ft. a j Mint - '• * in h ; *.'' tb imnTifr: hr!d ht' h'oohlif every s ptTti:n.f?y to sJc tre ' iik r.e, v. hit h3l carefully ci-ridul. Tlfd last cvcuing'j of my rt-.y, 1 :.fkt’<| fne :o 1 TVTo. no. ivalk with him. I -'scented,' "provided tons'll Ahhy WcitiM ftcromi'nnj,' its ; a sbmbi of (lisannuintinent paosod over lit* tine, open face, as she nrose to go The evetfing wa* del ghifu'. Tlic suh j et of tny fienartur* "us nc>t u ludc-d to fm we were ret ti ruing, pemondV vofim was truinntcns ns he pp ke. nnd re must have tlwmnht me agitated too for my haul ttumWed it) bis, l >u f from altogether a, ditFetyab cause tbpu the Onq tp which I e'att'To.ute 1 it. Front n s'ingtt'ur fn hii*y, I tilwhys feiw the id ivnf(Hi.« side oteverything nttlia first ehinne. It was so now; ami-I was aepr’y (totiyn’*-d lyippressud mer* rimeat tytien we ,i elurneu, Abby ruined, htfd left its a'one. T pleaded fiitlirne-ns tin-cvnitse for rctlHtigi hut he would IK t gutter iindto down till Hi/ 1 bad cAtoitcflmv |,iwini^etonoiTespeir bim; and Jhc.}i, has lily imprinting ;i kws upon tny lips, nu left ; live 1 'iw;?(T saw lilin'rt¥.uin‘; for sotrie roagun his leitri'B never ronolied ni(*¥ t»n<l; tile m.t 1 ever item'd iti-him bo win tbjs i ichtf>-t luurohuul in t.o hurt*., city A -• , and still u.ahß;r';iyd f ‘ ' “Mv next advenUite wa- Witfia pby sisftifiipff'l *n uHiivbtf. r ©,’fiJwl I.tii-i' liif'd full I .i.e v. ry ground on v\ Li.-h ho w lkodj and the very air he breath' ed. wer • odicHJ.s .to, luepyet 1 wren obliged to.tiJerjd.e liilp t>n jic;«wdnti«f h'lrt . .nirioo i.tri vvi ! || C’liL'Ctdl Iv —- —*“ ’d I family, wbero 1 was then striving. lit nave onnie into the b use hut i was rt-niin led of If out edikee, intfioTleslt f Mwl|othiau ’ 1 One diorn'no. while aminohjg nUL. eiit'ls beloro The mitror'in the « itlny-. rohm, n fwm Ptiddeniy at my wide. It vvit* tho odious de.-tor; ere f was aware of biz, intention iiis arm en eirMud my vvijid., pnd lie smdehed «: kiss. Vexed beyond nil measure, i bestowed such :i hearty box on bisear as sent him retting (foiti me. Just tit thiri. uioiuuiitMis. K. entered the room, g',ad said,—*■ ! buoy, my love-, the doctor wishes you to i ido wiih him tiniay to N ” “I wns about to give, him an unqnnl ifted *W,* wKetv n ghiriee fritm lar ryo checked na. It Hits a slinging old • day, and i am sure, if there bad- boon mte partiele of in UiV befff, .it would h ive tuvged to jets Tong before V.-o l‘e;i , !i. and N———. I bvl'i-Ve tie dorto • tlfmc ht fai Ibr'ltp Thiele DO al- tn tliarsjlb.jwct ©h'lrw were re turnin', ami ( ()>iu!e a icnmal de chpXiuri, Uiy (j nig vl u l oltaas for w! iqb ,1 ,* vi's L wli t utiqo-tt iau'iw.— f fugue.l. snip’.tsd nau cnib.irrismeiit, did rite goeeron- b-.'li'nv (Hit bT |>fty Cot, (mV avontdiM timidlfjr, gays (no [ Gnt ni'ji4 lb .‘wicivh to (leei adjemilemnhf fgitv l.y.VSUt«4'<»».l fonpil cm ojijioiluiuiy oi tig i’:i n ff.e sobjeel ; an b vv i ,-:i jo ban Iro rW'bßfeJ an 'ftbift/.iTOiI ikiu J “‘.il. ! Jr-pf'scVfi fTm^Vvvbi'R t'wiia lii»( i- by a stn ma'crmtpott ! l.stcpcgeneons, j(i it.- utitore mm wdis rtcy ... (hi! -img L-u'evir , m t. m !!' *!> t'A ;pc bad lust hpff PM.mtlcb WUis ( bus band in (ti >' a tWnmtt*- 4s he *er..vjH< e mta bdd* ivt.MflfSfl Gnr n H*'«d of pfirk; sod wtsw i ■- - W i... It . -111 ai 1,1:. bcii % 'Kk-hlyil 1 will (Jyfccl no i- j i! is Hijfii'Mjft . to i xtiV vve (|i?a'rVi'-11t'”i'"im<7 p-itet) wjtliYriqtitid iriitt_'fttt. A !itf% niftra tbnri tr yea# iifto. wards ns [ vv hh purr in cr through tbo inert -pii; )«lous #llcet in oar city, tny Ulftttp'ii \yti‘ njutted by iHwclut ter tit \vTeels on tjuj r.‘ ,Vt i* rind thejl*k<l si. ■ fi • imi. I burn#,i rtroutirif be! Hci'me wns my qtint.doni iovor, bwifiog ol u lurH*a* mta, fO Ids bal y 1 my, .»\|Jt b ' ,is : i lining li.ort iutti'y ; fill' in t¥f rcSr’was his vvffol ctjdi-t.v ring with u»l her nffpiif it> bfi-p tis) wißi'tfii? trail -rand spaed sf her i Bsluind: tbe sio!jt. wns InUiv i-ous .a the extreme, and, fm jtjorc.tbaii ris mi uths tdtorwaids 1 tn vc-r IndUghTof the tinXjous f::t!*-r in tiff hurttr skurry cxpcdfiion, without intli I >i "i Ih rty dm b. ~ ‘ Soou aIV-r ti is i.vseut agniirfd tj vA'taiUvutly.i.i :U* t» cie’y"of Alfred Ortituim, the rijimstgr . k pi Arts' I have bel to sp. kell Os till ..titers lie wu* I)« v>y one to pfesae sui U a dis|ji«Uon as tn-nuj auJ stir tJiice jo' lift, 1 1- . ( .iuly .oipd ft-r- j vi ni fitly. Tiiero was soinmhing fn ! she stcf;i berinty t f hit' f' ett--in *he| broad, Ifigb fefcHnari, the tfark ;i ti,riii-j i ing -eyee lie seldom ttniletl, Liut, when fe did tliatsmi'o vv’wa kivo lun sbinu in thu.hosoiri of the clrtUtls, ipetf• | 'dV> fifaifilii!. To in..- n h-»sr< '• bite b s \V; s indifei'l a prize”, tin*l I felt l prhtid of thecopqikst Oor troth was. ffiigtited, nnd in n t®w wfcckw we' w«rj) to have been nitvn ied/but for an un ducky Hetidcnt with b occtsrredl’ that brought, with it a stern repritnand from ray father. ••! • 4 A rustfe pfuty ha<f assembled in j ‘Tb.iry Vast, ti> jetss tbo day. were among tbe tuitiiber, anil Orabam was unusually tttuifive. Toward tbo clo-o of the day, I strolled it wav froth the res? of tbe party nnd seatcl my— si If On a moss-covi red stone ! eijiath a sos v oak’, on the 1 file causeway that bad been lui‘b in flays ‘huig sync 1 — Iftva* shav'e lftir one 'gide by forest ' ttvi.ft obd Hp she other a deep ditch had been opened to di’ain t£2 tiieadow j ta-oi beyond. 1 had beau there I |io u-.v iof bow lontr. vv Asr ft step f ww at try fide • I dared not look up. f knew it was fri uh.-.m, and felt that if my c-yes cnAiuntcred bis, ho might ' read •Tlifrf* mure tlmn I wished him to ' know. Ho seated flmikdf by me; turn ; tbeVifti.VTesp to- e* bf’his voice, ouvv | iiuTctut-rtetl Wt ndetuecs, felkrn j listening; et.r *«»• i“! I now not bow step wo'liitgfjt Lave ’ retimrf)Ar*th 'tv; btuTuot ti-tough Vo ct * btntXhd mis with,- (“ ‘ila’ ti liants, I bave ft und yoo at d«*fb; all etrngg'er* are requested to rc turn to the grove, as Be me uh-n. la* ‘mf|'*(br*4.* “Wo arose andwlowly retraced oeff ttjjs, till t l:o di'ch alon« separated us from tbo.conipuny. We were crossing it vvlu-n tin Inadyertaut step pro ipitt,- ted Gi uhnm into what well ntigl.t be* onl’e-1 trio ‘.klougb of dest; end’ bo nctttii. Thu e was a rush, iwd in* thw mimitii* he vvtts rescued from hue uticomtcinnlije ba’h, but iD such a wey <n! plight—bis hair, face, handr, arid all, were locking with rnud ; for, t<r use a hoino'y oxpres ion, ‘be bad gone 'in dti id! four.' Had this happened to* any other it would not havo b cn bn If so rldieiwpus. but to bim, the grsvsr Alfred (ftahurnl O, I iuoghcd im niodcratily and with tbo n*t«f tbo liidiek'; drew back as he passed, let avoid ir'crill'sion. Thu nest day be 1 o'tile.l to aa-uro me he was not hurt, mid to renew tno conversation no unex pucted y broken off in the of u very tender episode, Ho looked tp.w in tlisi face’ ;'a smile vnts pbijißg ronndi rnv tnonifr. I could resist thsffnpvk? no longer, and laughed ontiight. “ ‘K.-tiiiy, Lucy, I dm -lot cxj.ect this Aiiding from you .' * Par bm me,” I repliwH »I »■« think ire <1 your dubious J'stcr' “ a 7-’ / . • -n «> He esF.tyn! ngaitl to fj -»k ; n gum T -or ’d ; when, fcn-ti’y lisi*g, he etugliV Us Jiukt wid tusbeudVeui tbe bqv*'’. “I ;; w what 1 had dune, and buraf ( u'i> t ars ;but in vain, it'-.’ Rubicun . was J, and Allied Grauatn t eve/ Interned. In a few weeks be sent in hi-- r.c-iyci-tion, and, amid the tears ami rrgMsof his Com is hi og society, left 1 f-ir thn ! cnntire«t; On the m rtiiog of h'ff dcpnrinre, I ucexpcnft (By met him -r. a f; lead’s j for *OflJs i wii'd not have -rrkiu. I felt tbo warm blood rnsti fr in my cheek till it was wihte as ninrb'c, and my lip quivemd frfm ciac- I t ons I could not repress. A l econciiia tirev might have teen effected thon, but for bia frigid manrers ;it aroused my woman’s ptide. I began to thin,: that I fate bed sort forth a decree as irrevoca !Me hs the laws rs the Medes and Per 'Tare. that I should be ah oW Hnaid • w-id l havo submitted, choei fully, I think to my d.stiny.” -s..;a CoitU's’t Beak Pmospijutt.J-A good f, r-notbiug loqkidg wretoh was brought up, ch.iged with drunkenness. It was i ch-i' case. Tbo testimony showed Hist ho had been on u spiee for a week# Ho w's nrked what be bad to say ft? Hitt s If. ‘•\Ve ,, J jer honor," said he, “me and ui§ ,«l f tiiraiao rover did live oary to “'Pbat’s noeveusc for gcttingdruDk,’' Mtii Ii he court. ‘•Y.iu’ro light, ynr honor, ard it ain't. VV« used to fight like oats tod dogs to-< g tltfr.” T “Pi inking only made it worse,’’ put in the enurt. < Tint’s true ; sbo dfscouraged tbo dife out of me nnd kept me poor, until las. v e k, when” - - { VVnd, sbe do last week V* “SJpi died,ycr Honor.” •‘“An l ycu have bcea drunk eVcf AeT “i r t y<fr Honor; I t evcreculd bear 'Pitf'twri'j:', ’-1 n- ' * ■ .TcrbwoDATiso TtiSrsisi.r to Circcm “TjvNCFs.—The Richmond correfpond r*f tbe iUijvitU ltcgis ar tells tbo follow-- r.frts on the ma’ob to lirisfoe Sta-' n (’if; foil of 1863. The General ■vr,* r;din tr nb n.a the road, t and percciv i i !g . no <4 bis atenfiip a pelsia;toon tree, a il -vud out to Litn : “I .-ay, 'luge*, wbat-are you doing up tbofe? \Vtiy .iu’t you with your rcgi-» ”• Mb«'wv» HStom ••l’ro netting simmons, I am” replied the fo’d e •- .•••A «t«T* I “Pertiicmoas, thunder I TLey are noP | ripe vef. They are not fit to eat/' i “Yeß, bat General, "persisted thff It Jon fed. “I’m Irving to draw my stom ach up tomit tbo siseef mv rations. Ls it itsys like it is now I shall starve." The General had nothing further to* s»y, but rode on. AitYi KiihE—We eouid write ft whole column, plainly showing the in ■ tfmefalk advantages gained by adver-- tieir p. The wealthiest end meat fcusi-» n< sv men of the day can tell the secret. Xhe m.-nwho is too miserly to advertise uis bu-iacss when it needs attention, is a s nnill-ng block in Wc have heard of a man who was too* *'ft'gy to advertise a farm that he want-- ed to soli, nnd in order to place it be* iuie the- public, wrote a nete- and stuck it cp ia a hotel. A mao, who was anx* fovis 46 purchase a farm was r< hired tt* ; the wt i ert hTiee Ho glanced otef i> nsod.eaid : «“I can’t buy land at a iuie price of <; bud who dot.* 1 is adver-* i dsiftg i ’• thu* tray, bt’jl a cal the fences, ! tbp well-buck-it, a 1 the harn-doots, rijoforahe gives up pusscsion l”--Ca, I I'ift'-'ieu, '' >■ • ' * 4f • j Forwno —Mr. Pup ol Pupvi 10, ft n* i ‘tying himself to be very j i.p uUr unit ; IPB b.dy love,‘pop] id the question’ tu her unik-r a f-ophir tree, when she re* ierrovl him to her popy, who wht)* asked us his coiiseut, luboring slight- Jy under tbo inriueuce of giugcr pop. pope3 him out of tho door, to the tune* of'pop; goes tbe weasel.” Annual Coktekence.— Tbe ne*t an* u-Jal n.ogling of the Georgia Ooifereneo of the Methodi t Episeopa! Church will race- in America-, m the 28ih nf Ni-» verober. It will bo presided over by pliisbi-p McTjere. A man of the name of P rrrt offer# anew machine which he has invented f which is moved by iteam and cxplod-”- ed with gas, to kill men at tbe rate of six : y tbousauil men every twelve bours ,r«ir/s TJME TIME To subseribc for tbe JOURNAL, Thaw L'gielatnrc, which bag just met, wiib have bi fnro it (be Relief Question, and? others of great importance. Arrange— noents In vs been made to keep unW riadors fboroaghly posted.