Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, September 23, 1857, Image 2

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IM IMhulM •« !! I Ahwt Mr'pMOMeWktli. nOT*iof tb. Mb luiM •> 4MTH >oJ n~^in* to tk« M telrilri!. we laM lb»followlN| pw- udM .ill b« pM in J. W. 1>«.t,u n tout, agent having written authority, who ON alttta »uU»or«.-l i.i roHert or recsipr fir th« «w.. U A. LOCHIA That! in tbe tolled ritates recruiting m go- Inf on for lie parpoa* of invading Centra* America again ; Uni W. Walker being the promoter of the reermhiag ; and that in does it withoat a legal mimfoa. without a Sag and without Jo*tka, aod only for tha papoee of re** ruUag Central America aod pleating on ite «oil the ala very at man by mao. which the re ligion and cirUixatioo of the age ie oppose*! to and wibrh oar law* «xpree*Jy forbid, that for ■och acta be and thorn who accompany him place tfcemselvea in the poeitioo of pirate*. ‘ WEm* authorised t* aanounc* ih« .4 B. to. JOHNaoN v ea iud«p*i> andiJate for Bherirt’ of Cobb Ueoiitv. at •amg aUetaou, let Monday ia Jasiuarv MANY vdTBRS. Samuel Swan fc Go., ATLANTA (.EOROl \ BAXRIDXUk ./rv/ Dfiknlm GoU % Skbor, Bonk XWas •• fktmrotie F.xrkttncr Detuamd Exchange on New Vorh, New Or- learu, Mi L-jsua, havenaah. CharieeUm, end ell i-1 dm the L’nited btates. Uncum-nt Bent Noire end ■tprem bought end told. Collection 7 ma<.e everywhere end | r.reede remitted by Ni|Ul Draft cn New York or New Or lean*. on day of | ay incut. Art. 1. If in eo unexpected manner, acxl by avoiding the vigilaaoe of the autboritke of the Umoa. nu party of armed naeo ,‘prewmt tUm- efflvi'a, whether cormaended by William Wato k« t or by any of hie agents, end invade any port of Coete Rica, or any of the allied State* tf Ontra) America, with the inteotion of poa- sewaieg tbtmar !▼« of all or auy part of them, in the mid act of landing on the •bore, they wi | be ronatdereri at pirate*, aod ax such aha!! re main beyond the protection of the »aws. Art. 2. Ail tboee who have stared In the ranks of Walker cannot retarn to the republic for any pur puss- .without tbe previous permit- •ion of the goverutnint ; ami tboae who at prwem rcaide iu the .State ■bail leave it within thirty daymnckoning from the date of thi* decree; but thorn who esveia* any hot-st piortmioa, nod coodoct themedvaa properly* proving the same to the Chief of Police, can remain in the State, with the previous writteu permit which shall be given to litem. Art. 3. The present decree .diail be made known to the government* of the other Cen tral American State*, .n earn theyahou’d think proper to adopt it. It shall also be made known Xcu) Slbuevlismcnts were more than half tne time idle for the wan t of water. When the huiMing* <*» the went auto of Kir g-street were fully enveloped u> Home. a *ea <*f hrv'ext adeti tw the opposite • «b setting Mr Ral** I .?«ry .Stable in a l«!a*e. The fire waa no* raging to % fearful W«t ■ KaU-'s stable no— lamutc 1 the hamo aoath to Beckman's tavern and Arnold* blacksmith sad cmrriafr xhop. which were eu_ Lfsiy consumed The three atory brick boost boa*- seat aoata of Ain aid* owned by W« C. Duke*. asu jog occupied by Mr. Bcckmac aa a tavern and restaurant, waa a loo dartroyrel acd stopped the flam ? ia this dtreeteuo.— North of Babe * V*o**.a twoau-i a-haifttory woudeo buuae owned by John Tor lay. aod oc espied a* a joule shop wa* burned. which ex- tootled the dame* to Mr. Wm H tumbril's three atory woedet buiidirg « the .sooth-.*h cor' ncr -.f King ami Mary-at Tnit house was owned by trim a* a drug store and residence — I »B Mary- i.. eact oi Mr. Hummcii a.two tmall t'u.kimc* owned by Mr. Torlay were roorom- r.MOJ >111:11111-' SALKS. W 1 t. wld the V .ur. H,>u,e > » m It' t>**> ol,.ill*, on tb, !.-t To.[,. in .No—ml.-, r,.,i. tb. «.lt to .on .'o il*r ‘o J*y. until nil i, .ol.!, u wit !. i land .Vu « t nr ,|„ llk tll ^ met, i.: .w tont tC« , tbe 3tJ» tltNetet Ut ** tiuo . eu. C. 76,77, li»6, ‘61, 169, 13.t, ly| !«, IU. 707, 7:4, »«, 997.198, 94 ', 941,947 940. 991, *67, 96fi, 960, 304 «nJ9M In ,|„ 9th UMUiet. anil tat am-uoa ; 171 In tb, ttltb .'.'•'I aoJ Ut -.t.ou . 413, ;o,l j; 1 ub i i.tMet aa,4 IN , twij, :ti, 94,70, 7a. 999 inJ9|u ,n thr I7tb ,t d l.t .... If* In lb. IM. ih.’nct an I |at»cJ n ’> iu the lriifi dubKt .ind l»t »n f ih • l',Hawing tjvj lota in lb.-town of BlaW'iU. .N,.- r.:i, 61. ., 1, til, ■ l, 1, .1: and 46, except t'.at nan *■ 'i.t. H. li. ti pi, I,,, (ifocar, now A l ie'ted on a, the |w jnrty ofJohn- 'ot, P. " f 11born, t , aatia T urn li IM iaaned roR coscbsrs. Pint IMnrf—J1S. L. SEftARD- M. J. CKiWPORD. Third “ O. 1. BAILEY. Fm*i\ “ L. J. OARTRELL. Fifth A. R. WRIGHT SLrfh “ JAS. JACKSON, inni UN. STETBENS. Efrhtk A. H. STEFHENS. 8nU linr Rul Lai Tbn time baa arrtard wha met n Knilroad i> inW. and ho* ibnll lb* ntcranrj menna knisiMlbrilncaa9lraetlta .il the qaentinii It ■ lenarnB; null n«od that tSw will ba a kill iacrnMM a on7 nrxt kpahlnn. to »!- My rkrrdaa— rfh5 eesto in (aTor of Ban HtU. Nov, 1 tkinb tl bat In misty tbe nioromid claim, ia lbs aimInSead of legslatirr re- netmmt. mbrtKaV peace dnnatiuoa I am stUm, ta gtre cor kottoo. ami if H be DCOr, mrj, will add n aw ccal atamp, to tar part cl We thill rootinu* the puh!tr**ion of uly until ournevt weekly mmui- r which it la pwaaihle that we may have u» • indulgence of our road* ra ahewld vve 0 i« day’a uiue. pvevtoua to their being aup| To Conductors of T the Western A- 1 antic It. It. ■IVHor U.H Hithaa km lie apaceh delivered »l tkia month, that h- w. • , pa««age moo'V, fo- riding if* «ilie and Martriia, th*r V 41 <*>• 't bu di*hoco»aW«- tranaacli' n been property brought t-» inv ncUe fttre obliged to detect, a^ I r JARED L WHITAKER. JOHN O WESTMORELAND. L Murkmyer »g nun -aid \\ ellborn. Une in law ol IUTP Ultra A K » lQ .t.aid Wellborn •U.ei. farce c-t Muich A IJingtoa againitaa-J W ell born. One in faror of HuHljard A Jehn> a to aguieat »aj.J WrtlSoro One in fav >*..-> U W lloweak Coagaiuat *aid WVllunn. One :n Itror ol T M Horat-y A C.) ngi-nat taid Wellborn. • ne infax >rofH*». CxlhaunACo • a:uai said V\ eMxjrn. < l ie in faror ef Bank* L»nr A Uo againataaid Wellbore. A‘so. La* • i ion I Nor 310. in, sad Sva iu lire MHii diatm t and leteectlon. and 'Oand 11 ui ll.e 11th district lat All laned on a* t- l .e prope*iy of Cfcarlaa Ua>l« to aadef* IWO fi fas issued from Fannin tiop* rior C^uK t'l.e m favor of Hire (.‘alhou*- 4Cfl agairtlf. Tias • A I ampbdL. Oat in iakor of Haaty t a Louu A L.r again t liana A Campbell, ami a' • two fitaa iteued lni-H I'uion 8uperior 1 , one in favor of John F Harrison 4c Co •if* net Wm A Campbell A Co. and one in lak i (l f Henry Oarty again I Alexander Mur ray and Chari** Oar*. Al* . Lota of land PL*a ^36 and SI in th 11th drntnet and lat •••etion, levied on aa th* pr .prrty of Little I ,gram. t » aaUsfytwofi faa murd from Union Muprn<e Court ia favor o'* J J Nturg* I agaiu«t Litt'a Ingram. ■* I Al*o, Lou of land N\* I IM, 135 and IM, if th. 9th dial ct ef th« lat -eetiot, ieried on J the property of Joaeph H C wnby, Li a.Urfyi fi fa UMMe l fr >m I mon tSuoer.o# ( «a M- vor ol Hh Heikaw agarnat J B Q*Mj pril-’ pal, vnd T J Ha.raLin and J H rwtlanj, «r pot, erected by the Sonin Candina Uxilroud mod this being biilt of brick and the roof cov ered with tin, stared the Herat*. The Depot was oot quite ccmple’ed. ard waa yet in the band* f the bci.ikrx. Wharton A I Peatch. It dal DtX MSi* n much injury bow- j ever Owing to the coefuetoo aiwayv uttend- 1 ant oq a large fire, aod the limited time we had for a report, *e ccold pot obtain much in. ! I'>rmailco as to tbe rxteul of uanraoev on the vario* i butidingf tJesfroycd. We left th< of the tire at ball-part three, and the flame* err* then so raulo'd. that there war little *p- prv heomoo of thet it.'her extenaioo. We giro ibe ' W lowing •uBT.ary of thr pro- f«rvy destroyed.: o* *t. mar* ♦ rarer Jofccsm* PMrfkStahii rewHrt to P W. THK SIGNS Or THE TIMES. The dytiia 10 at hand, sad, aa —al with the oppeaan—.at the eve of every «4re- m, tkwy kmm larf.iT of fan, a aM of af- frwarkiNf tnamfi. b in iknr fct'tWf. it San .Toee Chili and Bolp tpproved tbe roatfurv*. I.ICM Wi Thr of Ladie* Aocir.'v—It ia better for you to pax* an cTeuing ooc or twice iu a week in a lady's drawing room, t-veo tkeugh the coovmation ia ratb.-r s ow. and you know tb*- girl’s song* ail by heart, than in a dob tavern, or in a pit of a theatre. Ail mi*u wbo avoid lunaic society hare dull pre - ^optica*, and are stupid, cr bare xtsprrt « l gross tastes, and revolt against wbat is pure ! Your club seaggerert, who arc aurkiog tbe b itts of billiard cues aii night, call fernsk-s sociofy iosipid Beauty bus 00 charms for a blind mac ; music does oot ploase a poor beast who does not kuow ooc tune from another; aod as a true epicure ia bardiy ever tried of water anchovy ami brown bread aod butter.— 1 protest I can si', ah night talking to a weft regulated, kindly w .,ran *bo«t her girl coo* ing out, or her boy at h’oo aod like tbe eve* ninga enteruinn* ct. One of the great beat fits man may derive trooi woman's society la. that he i« bou-d to be reapectful to them.— Tbe baoit .* of gri-at good to your moral meo, depend upon it Oar eduesliou makes us tbe most eminently se'fiah aeo lo tL< wo>ld We f.ght for *^umlv«, we yawn ter curxelvea, we light our pipes aod say we wont go oot, we prefer ouradvea and ou* ease . aod tlie great est good that come* to a man from aoeiety to, that be has to think of aoambody betide him • self, to whom be ia bound to constantly attentive and reapectfo'. Tktckcrmjf. WOOD 0 U AIRHKSTORATIVE.—We have never known any’otber medicioe win aa larges •bareof pohlic contldeoce in so abort a *.me as this baa dooe. It has not been more than a year amce we first beard of it. aod it now standi at the head of all reined** of tbe kind. W e bare never need any of it ourselves having had 00 occasion, aa oar “crown of glory not only a* ytt retains hsorigual euior, but get# soma of 0or frieods have, aod we have never known it m fail in restoring the hair to its original oolor We advise such aa are hacoauinf premajari ly gar to gtw the - Restorative’ a trial —Chta, JU.) Hrrmld. Sold by all good DroggaM Omni a \m\'. AL m dm that the cars ranaing thereon might, wbtn ►they start n the ewaiaf ef the firat Monday ia Oetshar next, go at th* rate of 25 mtJet a «K0Dd, ut:i they reach the Dark Lanteru CHf of Ohhvisa. TW road, by thear aeane. J I WOZSNCKAH H I. BELL. Vk W8AJUIA JAH A PATE, H H ROBERTS. W !. AUAMMON. UTLI.18 CARLIhLE. h H i HAflT.M.V JAH M LEE. M W NKAL, TH08M DEAN H 1. WINft, Z B AYCOCK. W R HILL, and the Stale at large greatly brewfir. -ii—u anas bat A'aaar SuJu,sgt woaid be allowed by | da laws of th* toad to tnivef oa Salt P.ver Raaroad. TW t—igrati^r hi «id city wou d thra W greatly 'Stated, inasmuch as t!* ’ Editor* of tbe Aagasu Chronicle, ami A ’ton*! Amrr .-*a wul, thxiiarlvva, fully occupy Sa t River with thnr r-ugh barjaea aeeriog up theteaa, aaoeuarlv *t ■ to., rattvAad pr dmbly may not reach the aaad rty till 1*40 As the p—wr 00 Uk -Sal: R .ver Railroad wnaid of ooarae. be free, and no tract or couO- denev woaid be reposed by Vie Sapevittcn Jrot Ban HU! should tw appomted the Fa*f Von. dmetor, a «a-ary of 35 cents. STATE POLICY. llim woodrn ooddiog* »wr»e»i by W C. Dukea. aod «iecupied by ir ah famiiirR. Fully tasarad on west sins or k:so-stbsxt JoLosoa'a llatt’, rented i»y P. W. seyto. In-ured in tW Sooth (toro: oa losaraoce C'vm- pany for 92/100 Wi ,;am Rooan’a drag ttore. Insured iu Charleston Insurance ami Trust Ofikx tor $1,000. Rice! wooden building* north Owned by P McBride, woedea building owned by e '-Q the street, sod one in Al..., loll, of Itai! Nm99, I! J, 199. ^ 9 h Ji.UKt, .n<l t„ Uri,4 *. a ti. I»..[*mt of tb, .t-fr.J,„t, Ip ,,-tan i | U tvtuH tfPPt I n™ Mppri* fojrt m nf > S r*in t|ou M Own6j «ol G W Ownby. A too tbs ragu hsl* of fot af fond No M in the nth ilivmct and I.! vretiaa, iovtod aa as tbe property ut 1 1.o:om l.ook— s fi fv iMuei! fr-joi I ruun 8 ii«*sam Jum ia tRk.n f Botw-e A Brer'll SfiuJt Uto JCnad xa4 dangV'tRS.** U wiH W thsa, or w* mnel msatahe toMSMttirof thwdenaoerncyof Goor- gia ! Ut thews them, oa the fim Mooday m Oftahev mil rtaratof, Georgia expect# mf «imk owe that ho ehaU dah» Aaty! vf Mr. Hoc Two two Mr ficneke The tnuiseai lulrnat us lot of iaad in tb«. 9th Ji.u.ct sod let a*shea, to- u tbe property ol Jstoa giiejsshaa. Is h fa, Lood Iran a A*rW (toast of raUWy _ _ _ 10 h M. iu faiciat J*ha Eagk •gainst aaid N'ichuhwu. Levy msJr and tame I to by • Caaaiabto. Uwiabo payment ut tWos »a.l« without prompting fu>is any knowledge of thrae ehargea of Mr. Hill which htka just been brought to my koowiedga by your circular. I frsr.klv airah tliat thia waa ■ a ovearharge id twenty five mta, and Wm. Pa'e. .ino of our old Cuadaetor*, will tetody that I saksdhins at Marietta if shs charge w*a right, for revet hs»ing had the control ol a train is my life, until • (ew days baton* thta urns, 1 fe«j*d I might »«# wantig M*.M*te told ns* Use regular charge ou a ii'.ghs laaiui<-iflout s titkrt, wm 4$t 95. 1 them fookyd over the compelsy ftth* Hot* l to find both tha ganito* men *0 reutrn them their mon**; hnt failing to do a*. I mods the payment to tke proper oflUer, 4l & 00. r It dooe seem to me, wr, a plain man, haur.g n dlimg but a good name to depend on in thla warid, that thw is a harsh judgment of Mr. Hill, and I know it ia an unjuat on*. C«^ Is* : hava lwl>*ved, or Afied^ that to thia sraoasrtton hat I waa ions thing atoe than a rogue * Tb* facta as they air, and ■■ t give them show bow eaady be might have given •**«• better rrUan- st wn of my > oodact. than W baa done at New- r an, < ovington, Onffin, and I nppoaw will da 1 *verywhirr rlar hr -peak*, from DoW until O*. lober. I bavr. ta you know, air, had ao sxtwrisaer ! as • l undue tor—waa only placed in charjrr of a tram foe a tow daya. and buvr retvmrd to my •dd puts as a tram hand, ft"* UM perns of our ,.Q sores dor# oot n*rd aw aa a Conduafov. If I havr ployed tbs rogue mi thia llMUner, dwelt ; With such toy by M»- Milk U w*e *ith.»ut • rjy m-Htoe | played the Ihwf, a* Mr. Hill (im I »*e*0 pla^ring the <|erf>v|->gor ad fot fu- and no pay. Poor and bumbto aa I **. I havr, uk (dnl.alwsyaboTD* the rhararflr 0' a truthful *n-f hou*W mon, and Mr. If M i« Uil first man wk<- baa mid othsewtsr. I am lb**bf*d l o, that 'hr , aeomnl bdunn Mr. Hill and myortf. and tfs* public, bad M be tne» • make >■ r, {rvre# #> S a baltue* sa my fs«ue H r. ,- * • while fA—reefs brand ‘'•1, s-l t.*«J w <ny 1 j'idge, I bod farther dsarew even ifi- rrevl {Jase I hold tf there i« • ► b i« fo« 1 in*, Rsaa Inis tbe pit et grt,i.. , r . »U<h the* guo$ if all nase* aassdr she »,s . *h* M|l£ •torsad fto tor a reward, d he . m / ;i:ORGIA, rmrayflli < uubIl Court o. Ordtuary. tfoptemptwr 7. ■ VV here** Jamra E \V.*sd, ddminJstiatgfl on th* relate A John W c>od.lsle Jf ■ stdtl ty. .V«l, bu Uta J. r CM to. f'liorl JlMi'UWa fNR mU ■Jrt.ioMntha U Tb—. UT th.f.).. tu c.t. .06 MbNTNUNl partira interval*d, wLnhue —*—» Vfr Hebe * at able smldmUiog. ownr«i uy Mr Manifuuit A two Uiwi • hail atory wooden baikling, on the corner of Mary ltd kmf-«tr*- <«, owned wA ecegpM by Mr. HsmoaR a* *sry snsrr rwo westou tomhoga t*r «f Mr Mots* Tt:*ll» owned by John Torir- Mmthdy fro** < \i r,**r Smgvr C*ne.—A cor- reapoadtflt >f ’he .\ *w York |*opt smd* to that pope* a maple of vtif good EfUDdy made from ‘.hr vyrup of the oboe* naamd plant. and my* .t *•— a no’ thirty oral* per gall ^ to prrjdnn • id wirth in ‘he mark** from I $! to $2 pre ralbK, acrordmf lo fuaidy — H-i asff*>U th-t • or growth if Ute a up will usahw the far ire 1 L> •na.mfa-tare thr rffri: 10 thr Wlatrr «ra*m »l<et» thry have no other occupation I hey can make a galtoa of proof *pmt Aa..L ga. < of f*r»rated syrup,' aad .1 wbl fi*A % rreJy »aie at thr Nctttcrt. who will tort it i v »alcohol 1* -«mpheo« aad otha •rams 1 to WTt-e adda rim quaohty of alcohol now '.-«1 for purpnsre of iilutuaaUsg Utervated, aUihwfconuwS cactKigci to filr their ohjeetioaa, (if soy ttov harej .. r or before the fir^ Monday April nem wh, letters of dsimisairn should net h* fBW*d th* *t|L. ani. bat ~d*rit,g star og as b Ilat and Cap Store, Cfj I- TAILOR k .. JU >°9 • "ub .b*kt i tub™.. J Hsta, C’ap* tu«l Bwaum- 9 ne«* door to Ltwah* 4 Bra a Jcwrivy 1 Wbstahallstitrf, Atlanta, TAYLOR’B HAT AND CAP Jllfln' JIEUMIVKD aad 3mg firm enure aUrk aad. ever . tferfid w this nty. My *b«k Is new Special Notices. meet*, aad chamag them with knl v rds >t bupe. Mb* was always rr .rty to carry mt tbe | osbmsf th* Male* aod Kagaae»*f* aa-2 / by he* example of cinlasm and bravery tha* | Tha Atlanta IaUlliftncer aad Ezami- ner- Addrtas to ‘ha Pooplo It has been, for *ome umr, thr p*rn**t dr- sire of a large portion of nur friends, that the two bemormuc papers published in the nty of Atlax.u, should he united together— A lidding to th*a* repealed aolsnutions, the underRigned Proprietor* ot the Atbnts ln- trlisgrarer «ad A’lanto Examiner, respect• fully aaoounce that this union has been con* •ummstod, the withrfrfmutual friend* gratt- fled, and the r nor giro that have hereto* n* hewn divided, will hereafter hs concealnu-d ■ aod rowsolidatwd in th* matat«*iaaes of wur I w*H known prinripisu Th 1 ' arrangement will involve the u I limity of aa re argysssat sf ths risa of cou paper, and an ruth* change ef m typngrapl k al app wr- aocr Wa shah, at as early day as prartw*- bk, obtain new gad tomat ,fal fypg in order It energy. Hhs has Ust all the doUring ihs-pn* wwwd it hanwg i-ewa washed ovmVard, end. her can is reeommendwf to lie sympathy of: When we add to the shore that. ‘»y thw Mfikhai ib* * deprired of nearly ad her pslfrerv. sy are wire that a stioog esse w pre awsbed fur active sympathy of the henevoisnt IT# wfil «sdretek that aay cvmtnfmtioo toft ^reA’wiogto the wb faea t cerwtls required to produci It rr, w. have fowod a substit-b rnrpplyms *yrup awt aleohof. frnm'ths same crop a\rg« smuawi and graio for thr fattening &f atorh m.Eignt hundred sssehaalca I thrown out of omplovumat by th, of three Urge nsoauftotaring e**ahi 3odF I hod at Minewa, Goo, oss the ITth >nl—t. naaytoen J Starters, towswf Miayard aad flora Muadera, m the film year of hi* .1 r. BY RNRTT Tram Rfifid