The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, May 20, 1870, Image 1

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PUBLISHED BY | HANCOCK, GRAHAM & REILLY.) Volume 17.. f DSVOTSD TO NEWS, POLITICS AND GEKEBAL PEOSHESS—INDSPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. t TERMS: l ; Three Dollars a Year, I PAYABLE IS ADVANCE. A.MERICTJS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1870. \ --- Number 18. -i —- Professional Cards, j. L. McDonald, Dontiet, A Day in Petticoats. . MODES" TOOCOMAS. a M£H “ I couldn’t think of such a thing.” GEORGIA. i “But von must- My happiness do _ . . i pends on it. Here, put on the thingnm- TT" , ,, i erm*- _ . And my friend, Bob Styles, held up uj.1 hiwsws* ruxsx k. bvp.kk. j liefore ray hesitated gaze, a wh-le suit of ‘ HAWKINS & BURKE, ji >wa attorney* «*. t 3Cj A-Yxr, \ his lady love for ouo day, to prevent any- Ac^rirrs. Georgia. body from suspecting the truth—namely „ i a t: ; that she liod joined him in a runaway mar- — — ~~~ j riage party—until *it should be too late mt.LiJ t. ooi- — ' for interference; that is, until the minis- £ 0 ode & Lumpkin, i ter Should have tied a knot between them ATTORNEYS at law, ■> moricixi • G-oorgin. | W ILL practice in alt tbs contM *t the Soutliwestern Circuit.and in the counties cf Dooly, Marion, HcUtey anil Winter. Ai- ^i-ln the Bnpreme Court, ami in the United . r .i«* Circuit and District Com te for Georgia. . ill Uio Cranberry Iniflilin*. overW.T. o»v« npoit’s Drny Stow, j»n 27 tf. Jno. D. CARTER, \TT4R5KT AT WW, Americtu, Georgia. i Hoi may IS tr. MERREL CALLAWAY, A ttornoy Xjaw > F.x-Orr. . . .Georgia. FORT & HOLLIS, j v t +HI . -S 55 Y S A T h k W , Amorlcus, firorfia. r.r.m ovor R.'T.B?rJ a (lore. apiil 29 tf JOHN 1. WOKHILL, rrroeui'.v v>- (.\v. . americus, ca. Otiiiv (>»« r ‘ e K’oie of Cranberry A Speer. JACK BROWN, ttoi noy at Ziaw, \MERICUS, Oa. .»■-os. ■ !...=■-« ^ur, N. A. SMITH, attornoy at U a w. ITT ILL pro ilce in tlx- Oonrtii of Banner aui’ W atljoining Counties, and in Circuit Court oi . nited StaU-s. mr Oftiiv cn Cciiece stroer, rcerAto Rcpubli- •aii -fiiC'j. ' _ _ rsb2ilL_ S. H. HAWKINS. Aitorney-at-Law, a. A. ANSLEY, AttorneyatLaw Amoricus. Ga., A. R. BROWN, 1TT08XEV AT LAW, George W. Wooten, ATTOHNF.V-AT-LAW, Americus, - - - Cm, • Wjv-A»v«-r l;. T. liyidWtoro. janlStl GEORGE W. KIMBROUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • Mid Ci.t-rcia. Inve.teigat- ' : «n»-tlv adiM-n-d to. Will faitlifnCy zi lou.nt-.-s miniate <1t-- I,in care. M*rkwl.«-. U■,, «nn.ty. Gz. novl Iti JOSEPH ARMSTRONG, Attcirnfiy at Law, ALli&XV . okoroia: 03. WILLIAM A. GREENE, A.IKHK I s, CKOROIA. C°. N V SUES ‘° Btrve »*i- friends of America, wi'ofi n ?’ ,l “Sl ) RC, ' nnlry ' M aU U '° ,le P art * . Dr. J. B. HINKLE W'R U ’ .f^er U. dmfe, (in >11 li< ... or *ncnvs of the Profeatdon) to the good ’", - v, “‘ nc,w am * Sumter counts, and bo- “‘sucuance of the liberal patronart ‘ u P° n . h ' uu -i j attention given to Surgcrv. r'MrJ- R?!* 1 the Drujj Store of Dr. E. J ^ U CnC ® front,R 8 that of Bw. J Dr. S. B. HAWKINS. JJV 0FT1CP... u, t. Eldridge'a Drug SI AUeiice near tlie Mt-tliodiat CTnuruL. .service, 1 agutn tender the goo.1 j* and country generally. D. A. GREENE^ attorney at law, ymsk, G84It€£i. basinee# f-vithfully attended U>.f T. L. CLARKE, attorney at law. Dr. w. D. COOPER, QIIIIILS his j rofesaional services to the citi- - L C r Aroericct and aurrounding country. fdM ii . • G «*. F. C-ocper. Offic9—Corner I- • fcri-ly — 1at Mr.-Thoa. Ilorrold e, Collego lliU. |)« M. D. McJ.EODTAnieri- -aw** —Dieeaeon of the Eye and Ear , r ,l r, treaty: 1. Chronic maenaee of Women “' dr,11 . ma<U * » specialty. <Tolap«ai, An- ' , ,,,n ~'<1 Retro version cored by mechanical Ithen«rr arC *> u V«‘tecd in four month«. Palsy. !.v S . ’ Spinal and Nervous Distance cuied } r.leetndvM*. Dr. j. H. "JOHNSON, ^yoioiAa « Located near John E to ciUzcmi of Terrell < J. Berrien Oliver, General CommlMton Merchant, SAVANNAH, GA. that nothing but a special grant of tin Legislature conhl untie. The fcchenie was not actually to absurd as it appeared at first sight. Maggie Leo was a tall qneenoly woman, with an almost ma°culiue air, and at that time I had a very sight form—almost ef feminate, so that, in butt, there was real ly but little difference in that point.— Then I had light hair parted in the mid dle, and with a bonnet on my head, few persons would suspect that I was not the other sex. These accessories also gave mo quite a decided resemblance to Mag- gio Lee, especially, when as in this case, the disguise was her own. Maggie’s pawas to drive her to I) , a small village near where she lived, and there she was to join a sailing party down D River, to the grove three miles be low: from which the party was to return Our plan was that I should be waiting in the village, and should go to the boai with the sailing party, while Maggie after leaving her father should slip off with Bob Styles across theconntry. At hist I got dres.sed and presented my self before Maggie, blushing a great dell, i believe feeling very much pintclied about the waist, and with an uncomfort able consciousness that my shirt sleeves ere too short or wanting altogether. Everything finished in the way of toilette, Bob Styles took me into liis light wagon and drove me over to i) , by a secluded route, and left me at the hotel where the sailing party were lo as semble. Several of the pioneers were already there, and they greeted my chev alier with cordiality, (everybody knew Rob Styles,) asking if he was going with them. He told them he was not. •iug business engagements, yon know and nil that sort of thing. Deuced iorry can’t go through. I just had time o bring Miss Lee over, and now I’m off. Mr. Bimby this is Miss Lee, Miss Wither- sfail, Miss Lee,” and he rattled off a Inug string of brief introductions. Mr. Bimby, a tall, legal looking gentle man, with a book nose, and an eye glast- tnd puffy hair, seemed to be prepossessed with my personelle, and I overheard him hisper to Bob Styles, as lie went out: “Nice-looking girl, that Miss Lee.” “Yes,” answered Bob, with nmischiev- ns glance at me. “She’s a nice girl, tho’ a little go ahead sometimes. Keep a ittlo look on her will you,” then lowering )is voice said, “not a bad match for you old fellow, she is rich.” Is she ?” said Bimby, ids interest deepening. . eplied Bob. “Forty thousand in her own right. Day, day i” and he was gone. Maggie Lee, artful creature that mio was ul told her father that the sailing party ls to assemble at another hotel, and thither he had taken her. Having busi- « to D , he had left her there say ing that ho would send the carriage, for her ht eleven o’clock. She like a duti ful daughter, kissed him and bade him rood-bve, and lie fore he had gone one hundred rods got in Bob Styles’s light wagon which lied* been driven up to the hack door as Mi. Lee's drove from the front, and the old story of head-strong love and prejudiced age, wp.i enacted As for ns of the picnic excursion, luul a delightful sail down to the grove but somehow I could not enjoy itM much as I should have done. When I walked on board tho boat, I felt awkward every body frits looking at me. 1 found Mr. *Bimby us I bad expected a young and rising lawyer, mighty in Blackstoue and his own opinion. He paid my fare (tho boat was an excursion packet,) and brought me oranges, pears and candies enough to set up a street stand. Four or five times I was on the point cf swearing »t his impudent ofiicionsuess, but bit tongue just in time to prevent my i>oeure. But it was not with him that 1 found my rolo tho hardest to play. No, tho ladies were the difficult to deceive. For instance, there wai of them, a beautiful girl of seventeen, just returned from boarding school, who had not seen Maggie Lee for threo years. Of course she whs glad to see me, when die found ont that 1 was Maggie Lee. i which, by the way, did not occur until after we had started. She threw hersell into my arms, pulled my veil aside, and me half a dozen times in a manner ilmt made my finger ends tingle for an hour. It was all very nice, but iFit had been in “propria persona,” I would have liked it better. As it was I felt as if I was “obtaining goods under false pretences,”, and lawyer Bimby might issue a warrant for my arrest on that ground, at any mo- A whole knot of orinoliue then sur rounded me, on tho upuer deck of the boat, to the utter exclusion and conse quent disgust of Mr. Bimby nUd all the other gentlemen. I kent very quiet, only speaking in inonosylables in a falsetto voice. But tlie others—Lord bless you ! how they gabbled! Unders strict prom ise of secercy, the little boarding school maiden who had kissed me so affection ately, reveid-*d all her love affairs, and also became very unpleasantly confiden tial about other matters—innocent enough in themselves, but not customa rily talked of l/etween ladies and gentle men. I was terribly embarrassed, but it would not do to give up then. As.soon os ray trick should become known. Bob Styles’trick would como out, and news of that kind travels font in the country, and lie and Isis lady love would be tele graphed and followed, before they could reach Philadelphia, where the knot- was to bo tied. We soon arrived at the grove, and found oar band—engaged be for chan (T- awaiting us. Of course dancing was the ■first amusement, aud lawyer Bimby led mo out for a schottische. It was hard at first for me to take the lady’s part in the dance, but I soon got accustomed to it, A waltz was proposed, and I resolved to have a little amusement at the expen ses of the unfortunate Mr. Bimby. I had at first purposely made him jeal ous by dancing with two other yonng fellows, one of whom I knew, in my own 'Character, but who never suspected me as Maggie Lee. The yonng lady killer— a sort of easy, devil-may-care rascal, who made the ladies r un after him, by his al ternate warmth of action and coolness of protestation. I selected him to play off against my legal admirer. I allowed him to hold on to me very closely, a ' sionally looked at him in a half ting expression. When wo stopped danc ing, be led no to my seat, keeping his arm about my waist, and I permitted it Having thus stirred Bimby up to wrath ful feats of valor, I asked one of the gen tlemen to direct the musicians’ to ploy a waltz. Bimby came immediately. Ahm—Miss Maggie Lee, shall I have tlie honor of—a—trying to waltz with you ?” ■ I smiled a gracious acquiescence, and e commenced. ‘ Now, I am an old stager at waltzing, can keep up longer than any non-pro fessional dancer, male or female, whom I have ever mot. As long astke Cachuca • Schounebnmnen, riugS- in my ears, I in go on, if it is a year. Not so with Bimby. He pleaded want of practice, and said he sodti got dizzy. “Aha, old boy,” thought I, “I’ll give you a turn, then.” But I only smiled and said I should probably get tired first. “Oh, yes,” lie exclaimed. “Of course; ran waltz os long as any one lady, but not much more.” r the first three minutes my cavalier veil, lie went smoothly and evenly, but at the expiration of that time began to grow warm. Five minutes elapsed and Bimby’s breath came liarder and hol der. On he went, however, and I scornod to notice his slackening up r.t every round, when he posed my sen After wretched (tops. twelve minutes tin gasped out between Li me to take a itroll off into the moon-! Quadrennial Address of the Eishops of! fying the rule on class-meetings, so that light with me. We found the grove a the Methodist Eniscoral Chnreh, I attending them should not be a condition charming place, full of picturesque little i c__ t . H j of Chur jh membership, has corners and rnstic seats, great grey rocks j * leaning out over the river. Off one side To the General Conference of the X r . E. of these latter a little bench was p » ed, chuveh South • in a nook_shelter from tho wind and irun j sight. ” Beloved Buethkln : We would join Hero we eat in full flood of the moon- you in devoted thanksgiving to God that- light, and having just had dinner, I felt .wonderfully the need of a cigar. Accord ingly. I went back to a little stand near tho oall-room and purchased several of the wondering woman who sold refresh ments; then returned to the 3eal by the rock. * I gave up oil cares or ferns for my incoguito, and revelled in the pleas ures of solitude—the fmgranfio of ray . . cigar—the moonlight—nod little Jennies! sition. We trust that tho subjects which presence. - ! may be brought before you will be dis- How long we sat there heaven knows. I cussed anu decided as in the immediate We talked and laughed and sang, and j preseuco of God, and with direct refer- onother quadrennial session of yoi hw occm rod. Representing as you do, all parts of our wide field of labor, con versant with their conditions and wants, and invested with authority over tho whole church, we beg respectfully to remind you of the importance of prayerful, vigi- looked into each other’s eyes, and told fortunes; and performed all the nonsical operations common amongst young peo ple just falling in love with each other, might have remained there tillthtfmouth of August in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, for ought I known, Lad not the carriage been sent to convey us homo,, and the tliejcompany began to vender wi This wonder begat questioning, the questions fears, aud fears search, herded by tho valiant Bimby. They called, and looked, and listened, ; but our position down in the sheltered you not—get getting very i uook among the roeks, prevented them from hearing us or us them. At last they hit our path, aud all cacao along, single file, and got to tho open space above. Then they saw a sight. I sat in n free and easy position, my bon net off, and my hair somewhat towzed up, puffing away in a very unladylike style. Jennio was sitting close beside me with her head almost on my shoulder and her small waist encircled by my arm. Just as the party came along above, I heard a loud masculine voice. _ _ “ Just to think of that what’s his name, “ Puff—puff—ah—-puff yes oh—pull i Bimby! Suppose he knew that he bad —very delightful, he gasped. j been making love to a man?” “Don t you thmk it ought to go a little , *» Hash!” cried Jennie. “ Look, tk&re faster . fie rolled his eves heavenward j bo j Sj and oh, my gracious! there is the agony, ; whole company!” “Ah. puff—I don’t--ah, puff—don t i ..yes, we are fairly caught.” k now - . . | It was no use for mo to clap on my Bo when we neared the musicians, 1; bonnet and assume my falsetto again said;^ “Faster,^ if you please, faster, ..they had all seen too much for that. “ Ob. no J” I burst forth cooly as if we ere riding round tho room, “oh, no, I 11 ns though I could danco all night!” The look of despair lie gave mo was ter rible to see. was bound to see him through liow- •, anil we kept at it. Bimby stagger- ind made wild steps in all directions. His shirt collar wilted, eyes„protmsed, his jaw hung down: and altogether I saw he could not hold out mncli longer. ‘This is delightful,” said I, “and yon Mr. Bimby, waltz so easily. d they played a la whirlwind. Poor B:mby threw his foet about like a fast pacer, and revolved after the man ner of a teetotum which was nearly run down. At last he staggered a step back ward, and spinning eccentrically away from me, pitching headlong into the midst of a bevy of girls in a corner. I turned nronud, cooly and walked to my Besides, by this time Bob Styles Muggie Leo were doubtless “one flesh,” and my disguise was of no further impor tance, so I owned up nu«l told the story. Lawyer Bimby was in a rage. He vow ed to kill me, aud even squared oft’, but tDe rest of the party laughed at him so unmercifully, and suggested that we should waltz it out together, that he finally cooled and slunk away to take some pri- vate'eonveynnee to D . Bob Styles and I are living, in a double house together. He often says ho seat, and sent tho worann-killer after h glass of ice-water. The miserable lawyer recovered his senses just in time to thank his rival for his water. I g»*t some idea Jrom this of tho fun | j,j 8 wife* to my masquerading, but lie young ladies have in tormenting us poor I doesn’t feel under any obligations to me, devels of the other sex. ! for I owe my wife to the same thing. • At this juncture, and before Mr. Bimby ■, y jj. jj v w ife> n-.;ue is Jennie. ‘ hail timo to apologize for liis accident, | * *— ♦ v ’' iit*le Jennie canie running into the pavil- j Tale from tne German, ion which served for a ball room. As j lo that beautiful pari of Germany which she came'near, I perceived that her j borders on tho Rhine, there is u noble hands were cinched tightly in her dress, "* ’ and I positively shuddered ns she whis pered to me. “On, Maggie! como help y skirt—they are all coming down.” Wlmt should I do? I was in agony.— A cold perspiration broko out upon my forehead, I wished myself a thousand miles away, and anuthmatized Bob Styles’ masquerading project, in .vurilly, with feurful maledictions. tired—could not somebody else go? No nothing would do but I must ac company her to tho house of a gentleman who owned the grove, and assist her to arrange her clothing. What if it si ould be necessary to re move the greater part of her* raiment J— Wliat if she slionld tell me to do some sowing? What if in the midst oF all the embarrassments erf being closeted with a beautiful girl of seventeen in a state of comparative freedom from drapery, my real sex should be discovered by her? .1 felt as if an apoplectivc fit would bo fortunate occurrence for me just then.— However, I nerved myself for the bisk, and accompanied Jennio to tho house designated. An old lady showed us to her chamber, and Jennie, heaving a nigh of relief, let go her dres^. As she did a—pardon my blushes—petticoat fell to the floor. She was about to proceed but I alarmed her by a sudden and v ment gesture. Stop!” I cried frantically, and for- getting my falsetto, God’s sake!" She ommed her great- their wildest extent “And why not.*” “Because I am—1 am—a—can yon keep a secret?” “Why, yes, how frightened yon look!— Why, wliat is the matter, Maggie? you— why—oh! oh! oh!” And she gave three screams. “Hush, no noise, or I am lostl” I ex claimed. putting my hand over Lor month,’ “I swear I mean no harm, if I had I would not have stopped yon. DoYt She was all of a tremble. Poor little tiling; but she snw the force of my argument. he Said, case tie which, as you travel tern banks of the river, you may ing its ancient towels lift- tlio opposite Hide, above the grove of trees which are about as old us itself. Aliout forty years ago, there lived in that castle, a noble gentleman, whom we shall call Barou.— Tho Baron had on only sou, wlio was not >uly a comfort to liis father but a bless ing to all who lived on his father’s laud. It happened on n certain occasion, that this young man being from home, there came a French gentleman to sec the old Baron. As soon as this gentJe- into tho castle, ho began to talk of his Heavenly Father, in terms that chilled tlie old man’s blood! on which the Baron reproved him Saying, “Are yon not afraid of offending God. who reigns above, by speaking ‘ ner?’ The gentleman said he knew nothing about God, lor lie had never seen him. Tho Baron did not notice at this time wliat the gentleman said, lint the next morning took him about the castle r.nd grounds, and took occasion first to show a very beautiful picture which hung on toe wall.* The gentlemen admired the picture very much and raid, “Whoever drew that picture knows very well how to use his pencil.” “ My son drew that picture,” paid the Baj “Then your sou is a very clever man,’ replied the gentleman. The Baron then went with his visitor ^ into the garden; and showed him raany4vhoie church^of this to the welfare of tho whole chnrch. With profound emotion we announce to you tnat8ineo ycur last session, our venerable and beloved colleague, Joshua Soule, has departed this life. His death occurred in Nashville, Tennessee, March G, 1867, in the 87th year of his life, and the 70th year of his itinerant ministry, of! In many respects Bishop Soule was a re ive I markable man. At the time of his death he was probably the oldest traveling preacher in America, if not in the world; and was thus the connecting link between the Methodism of Wesley and Ansbury and that of the present day. Through out his whole ministerial life he was emi nently devoted to God, and employed ex clusively in the service of the Church; often Slling positions of tho highest re sponsibility, and slway3 honorably and usefully. His mind wa; clear and vigo rous, his deportment dignified, and his whole course was marked by constancy, purity and unswerving fidelity to prinei- ule. Whether viewed as a man, a Chris tian or a minister, or as filling the highest office in tho Church for forty-three years, his character deserves to he held in the highest esteem, and his memory to be perpetuated in the history of the Chnrch. Wo devoutly thank God for such a man, and for tlie gifts and "graces which rendered his eventful life so useful, his declining years and closing May so beautifully serene, so sublimely triumpU- aut. The _ past four years have abounded with trials to the Church yon represent, especially in those Portions of the coun try which suffered most by military de vastation (luring the late war, and by ec clesiastical interference with oar Church property. But it is a matter cf devoflt gratitude that poverty and persecution— even unto strijies and death in some cases—have ouly testified and increased the attachment and fidelity of our minis ters and the general body of our mem bership toJChurcb. ' The itinerant preach ers, although very meagerly supported, have in gcueoal, been faithful to their ordination vows, and have persevered, us best they could, in performing their duties. By tho blessing of God this has resulted in tho maintenance of our itiner ant system, and tho steady increasing prosperity of r.ll the enterprises of the Church. Even where we had suffer ed most wo are rapidly regaining our former ground, and in many sections extendingour borders, and multiplying our membership. Seasons of refresh ment from tho presence of the Lord have come upon tho people, and thousand! have been converted end added to the Church. Wc rejoice, also, to report tliat the greatest unity and harmony exist through out the whole connection. It has been sui-.l truly that “Methodists, all world, are one in doctrine;” so that how ever widely scattered and differing in other respects, they present the peculiari ty of agreeing cordially in the great doc trines of Christianity. And as the mem bers of onr community aro a unit in faith, so also there is scarcely auy disagreement among them as to onr Church polity. Their prevalent desire is that both be preserved—tho former intact, the latter, if altered at all, to bo modifiedso far only as to make it more effective in accom- * i plislnngthe original purposes of Metho dism. This is seen in the fact that we have quietly passed what is justly regarded all forms of government a great crisis, ita tlie adoption of a new element into onr system. We allude to tho introduction of lav representation into the Annual General Conferences. ’This important change in our economy was not a peace offering, rendered necessary for the pre servation of tho unity and peace of the chnrch, from tho athicks of a dissatisfied and refractory membership, bnt was pro posed and effected by the nearly unani mous voice of tho laity, both believing that the time had fully come when it v/ould enhance the effectiveness of the Church auy the glory of Christ. In attestation of the approval of tlie been strued, unfortunately, by some as abolish ing them. We do not so understand it; and we regard theso meetings to be so promotive of tho spiritual prosperity of tho Chnrch, and so essential to the elffci- rorking of our economy, ibat wc a<o reluctant to sco them fall, in hi y measure, into disuse. While att« nd<no* upon these meetings is not n condition of membership, yet, wo do not considei* that pastors have been released fn m the ap pointment and oversight of leaders, class es, and at least a quarterly visitation and report. We recommend to the General Conference the consideration of this sub ject in connection with a pastor’s duty. We invite your attention, specially, to the subject of family religion and the Christian training oi children. Its im portance cannot lie ovc-r estimated.- Reg ular family worship, morning and night, accompanied with tho consecutive read ing ot the scriptures, is so morally fit, reasonable and salutary, that to us it seems strange that tho head* of Christian families can feel guiltless in neglecting it. While wo rejoice in the greatly increased interest exhibited in behalf of Snnday schools, we aro sure that there family. The impress, whether for good or ev 1 by family instruction-is indellible. In the homo circle is found a domestic d patriarchal church; the training school of the kingdom of heaven; tlie pledge and foretaste of the bliss of the kingdom above. Indulgence in worldly and fashionable diversions is another great enemy of ear nest piety which is invading the church. Dancing, in particular, whatever plausi ble excuses may bo pleaded for it, is de structive to the growth, not to say the very existence of spiritual religion in those who delight to indulge in it. Gene rally, it is a species of “reveling” con demned and forbidden by the word of God, and its tendency is evil only. In immediate connection with the spiritual welfare of the church, the great and only effectual remedy for most if not ir deficiencies as a Christian people, increase of inward,genuine, scriptu ral holiness. We fear that the doctrine of perfect love, which casks out fear and purifies the heart,.and is the “measure of the Btatnra of the fullness of Christ,” as taught in .the Bible anil explained and enforced in our standards, ns a distinct aud praciiwfble attainment, is too much overlooked and neglected. This was a prominent theme in the discourses of our fathers, and alike in their private conver sation as in tlior ministrations, they urged religious people to “go on to this perfec tion” of sanctifying love. The revivals which followed their ministry were not perficial or ephemeral. Tlieir genu ineness and power were proved by the holy lives and triumphant death of the If we would bo like them in power aud usefulness we must resemble them in holy consecration. Nothing is much needed at tho present timo throughout all these lands as a general and powerful revival of scriptural holi- tiful plint and forrest tr 04 “ Who has the ordering of the garden?" said the gentleman. ‘My non,’ replied tho Barou, ‘hoknows every plant, I may siy. from tho Cedar of Lelmnon to tho liissop on ^he wall.* ‘Indeed,’said thegemleraau, ‘I shall think very highly of him soon.’ The Baron then |took him iuto tlio village, and showed him a email, neat cottage, where his son had established a .school, and where ho caused all tho poor children, who had lost tlieir parents, to be received and nourished at his own exj>c The children in this house looked so nan; bnt what does it all moan? Why innocent and happy, tliqt tho French lid you dress so?” I told her tho story oa t gentleman -was very much pleased, and °y- I then went outside the door, ami wai ted till she had orraioged her dress, when slin called me again. She had heArd of rao from Moggio and others, and wanted to hear all the particular*; so I sat down by her, and we had a long talk, which ended in mutual feeliug of friend liness and old acquaintanceship quite wonderful for people meeting for the Jhrst time. Just as we started to go back to the pavilion, I said I must relieve my mind of just one more burden. “And what is that?” she said. ' “Those kisses. You thought I was Maggie Lee, or jon would not have given them. They were yery sweet, but I sup pose I must give them bael*” And I did. She blushed a great deal, bnt she did not resist, ouly when I got through she glanced tip fttd said— “I think you are real naughty.” When wo returned I found Lawyer Bimby finite recovered from liisdizzincsa, aud all hands ready for supper, which was served in tlie ball-room. I gat between Bimby and Jennio, and made love to both in tnru, to one as Maggie Lee, and the other ns mvself. After supper, at which I astonished a great many by eating rather more heartily than yonng ladies generally do, we had more dancing, and I hinted pretfy strongly to Mr. Bimby that I should like to take another waltz. He didn’t take the hint Finding it rather dry amuseznes dance with my own kind, I soon a doned the pleasure and persuaded, when he return' > the < In said thrlimm. *\vkt a happy e, to have a good sf-n.’ How do you know I have a good sod?’ * Because I have seen ilia works, and I know that ho innst bo both good and clever if he has done r.ll you have shown e.’ ‘But you have never seen him.’ ‘No, but I know him very well, because I judge of him l;y Lb works.’ ‘ Yon do; and now pleura to draw near to this window, snd tell me what you ob serve from thence.’ ‘Why, I see the sou traveling through the sky, and shedding its glories ever one of the greatest countries in the world, and I behold a mighty river at my feet, and a vast range of woods, and I seo past ure grounds, and orchards, aud vise- yards, and cattle and sheep, feeding in green fields; and many thatched here and thtre.* ‘And do 3 ousts anything to be admir-. ed in all this? Is there anything pleas ant, or lovely or clieerfafph- nil that is spread before yon?’ ■ *. ‘Do you think I want common sense? or tliat I have lost the nse of my eyes? my friend.* said the gentleman somewhat :ingrily,. ‘tliat I should not be able to relish the charms of such a scene as this? 1 ‘ Well, then,* said the Baron, 'if yon are able to jndge of my son's good character by seeing his good works, how does it happen that yon form no judg- are now before yon? Let me never hear you, my good friend, again say that you know not God unless you would liavo me suppose that you havo lost the nse of your sense?.” gratified to sec in this body so large n number of lay delegates, representing the intelligence, piety and strength of the connection. We uro sure that we express the feelings of their clerical associates and of the entire church in welcoming them to their seats, and wo shall gladly share with them the labors and responsibilities of this chief council of the Church. It may not be amiss in this connection to suggest that excessive legislation too common in all deliberate bodies. Laws and usages, generally understood and ^proved, should not be changed hastily; or, if changed at all ouly from a conviction of greater utility of thechunge. Nor is it prudent to alter even a recent enactment until it is practically demon Htrated to l>e necessary to do. 'This cau tion wo would respectfidly apply to the regulations under which Jay represents tion has been introduced. Would it not be ju-iiciocsto learn by experience what modifications, if any, may be necessary, rather than risk the success of the system by hasty attempts to improve it ? The efficiency of t' o Church of Christ must result fro: > liis gifts nnd grace, aud the general Conference can reason ably expect to do but little to increase it by merely prudential means, except as these tend to increase its spiritual life. It isy onr first duty, therefore, to ascertain the real condition of tho chnrch in this respect, in order to correct what may be wrong, and supply what may be needed for this great w ork. Your attention is earnestly invited to r. careful examina tion into its spiritual smte, and of the means and measures likely to contribute to. this, its highest, most vital nterest. Without intending a disparaging co_ jMuriaon between* the piety of the present days, of Methodism, wo feel it right to say that wo are deficient as* to several matters which were formerly regarded a aids and tests of Methodist piety. W» allude, especially, to tho neglect of class and prayer-meetings^ of fasting and ab stinence; of family and secret prayer, and the indulgence in worldly pleasure. In some if not all things, wo fearonr people, net to say our preachers, too, are all be low the pattern set us by the piety of our fathers in other daj3. Wo do not mean that this declension is universal, but gladly admit there aro large numbers who exhibit the **“ * distic piety in an inti Hij devotion to God, nnd m firm attachment to our doctrines and diispline. The ac tion of the last General Conference modi How soon would an increase of pietv aud zeal iu the church supply the remedy for this deficiency? What can bo done to arouse onr whole communion to united, fervent prayer to “the Lord of the har vest that- He will send forth laborers in to Hi3 vineyard?” You will consider, ofcourso, with great care, tho whole Sunday-school interest, which, we are happy to say, has assumed a magnitude and importance never before known iu the history of tho Southern Methodist Chnrch. Wo think you may find it practicable to adopt measures that will secure a uniform rchemo of instruc tion, with texts furnished at our publish ing house, together with the enlargement of the Sunday-school Visitor, and possibly, iu addition to tliat paper, the publication oi a monthly journal adapted to teachers and older desses of pnpils.— It is very desirable that there should be an improvement both irr character and price of the books prepared for tlie use of Sunday-school libraries. We reoom- mend the appointment of a suitable person to be specially entrusted with the oversight of these vital interests. The literature of the church will not be overlooked by you. We cannot consent to surrender*to others the vast power and influence wielded by the press; no substitute for religious training in the! church can safely do so. In proportion to the potency of this influence solemn obligation resting ou us to guard and guide the press. It must maintain a high religious tone—neither snbsidzed by wealth or power nor pervertied by ambition to partisan and political purpo ses. It should aim steadily at conserving the connectionalism of tho church, aud be committed to trustworthy und compe tent men rho love the wholo chnreh too well to put iu peril her unity aud peace. Wo should hail with rapture tho day that naw a first-class religious and literary newspaper in every Methodist family, and our standard works in every library. There is, allow us to add, pressing need of greater facilities for procuring our standard literature outlie Pacific Slope Our church has suffered greatly from the diffi cultyof obtaining even a hymn book and discipline. It, iu your wisdom, auy relief can be afforded, a great want will be supplied. Ws congratulate you upon the ability and fidelity of those to whom tho journalism of the church has been entrusted during the past four years; cud especially upon the energy, ability and success of agent, and of the editor of the Publishing House. They deserve the higher commendation. The prosperous condition of tho publishing interests un der control of tne Generaf Conference is matter o£ special gratification, and of high import to the future development of tliecliurch, Soon after the last session of your body the bishops proceeded to carry into effect the plan adopted for the religious benefit of our colored members. The effort met with tho approval and concurrence of many of them, notwithstanding the pre judices which were attempted—to success fully in many instances—to bo instilled into their minds against us. A great number of them still retain the r attach ment to tho church and ministry tliat had in tlio past bestowed so much attention We regret that we liavo not been able and labor upon their religion^ instruction to extend onr foreign missionary work and thought whose instrumentality they body assembled last, owing to j had boon enlightened and converted.— tho lack of funds. Indeed, after ail the | Still, it is true, that many thus disposed efforts which have been made, we have: have been alienated from our communion not liquidated in full the old debt eon-! by political and ecclesiastic influences, traded during tho late war. There is, j Iu conformity to 'tho wish of tho last however, a strong probability that this i General Conference, we have organized •v desirable result will be accomplish'd \ and presided oyer Annual Conferences, before long. Our domest ic missions have j composed exclusively of colored members multiplied, and with increasing useful-1 havo formed forty-five districts, with cir- neps. Your attention is particularly in-! cuits aud stations, in all of which, with a vited to flie great and effectual door now i few exceptions iu which white preachers open iu the west. From the mouth of I have volunteered to act as supplies, our the Kansas river to tho Golden Gate, colored brethren arc preforming the du- from tho liio Grande to Puget’s Sound, ties of presiding elders and pastors.— there is a field becoming populous more [ The principal fields of these operations rapidly than any in which our fathers Ja-1 extends through portions of Georgia, bored in tlieir day. No louder call has \ Tennessee, Kentucky Mississippi, Arkan- fallen ou the ear of the ministry than j sa •, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina that which comes to us from this vast re*| and Florida; and is widening by npplica- gion. Much of the population will be tions for tho organization of new confer- from our own country, and iu sympathy euces. The colored preachers have con- witli us; vet, up to ttus moment,‘we have ducted themselves, bolhin their annual ilono nothing toward the occupancy of tho couhtry. Your bishops arc receiving repeated and most urgent calls for men. But in the very nffture of the case we send no men, unless the chnrch at homo will send money to meet the first expenses incurred. This is all property missionary ground at present. In cen tral California tho work is, for the most part, self-sustaining, and, indeed, pro pared to aid tho common enterprises of the chnrch. We feel well assured that money expended on this field will yield as rich a harvest as has ever been gath ered from such sowing. The subject of education is one of gen eral interest aud prime importance, and no intelligent philanthropist, patriot or Christian can feel indifferent to it View ed either in its intellectual, moral or re ligions aspects, it rises into grand pro portions and is invested with powerful influence. The impolicy of multiplying colleges under tlio patronage of annual conferences must be evident to those who are acquainted with the present con dition of tnauy of those already in exis tence. In wielding aright this great agency, there must *>e foresight, and concentration < ; ’•’> >raUty. Let those institution • : •.; .. ..;o al ready committed be encouraged with the increased effort to endow anu sustain them. Let a higher grade of scholar ship be estimated in them, nnd the most earnest spirit of religion be cultivated bj officers and students. If there be thoa» which cannot sustaiu the rank of colic giate establishments, they must be con tent tvitli a lower position. The proper training ofyonng ministers is a mattec of .high and acknowledged importance. How this may be Ixst and soonest accomplished will claim yon» most thoughtful consideration. We commend the subject to your earnest attention. Tho inadequate support furnished, in many parks of tho Connection, to‘-th« preacher regularly engaged in the pastor al work, and the consequences which must follow if this evil be not remedied will not fail to be noticed by you. Wc must perpetuate an itinerant ministry, separated to the holy office; and conse crated to tho care of souls; with all ol time aud thought and energy devoted to their rouI and appropriate work. Bui to cnabl9 them to do this the cbnrcjj mus 1 make provision for f. proper supply o; their wants. While it affords ns pleasure to say that in most of our wide field o operations there has been witnessed a de oided improvement, yet there is nodoub of tho fact that in some sections there F still a great amount of neghgened • ix raising the meau3 of support, aud of con sequent privation and suffering among ths preachers. Do not the members of the chnrch need to be specially instructed and jtruined in this class of religions obU- gaiions. 5 ' Onr attention has been of lato years' ar rested by the iniadeqnate supply of yonng men offering themselves to the work of the ministry, either for the home or the foreigp mishionary work. May assume that Christ, tho Redeemer of- men, the Intercessor for all, does call to the holy office, in numbt conferences and iu the exercise of their pastoral duties, so as to win the confidence and co-operation of those of their white brethren who have become best acquaint ed with their deportment. It is our pur pose, unless otherwise advised by your body, to call a General Conference, to lie lioliTen next winter, for the purpose of organizing them into an entirely separate church, and thus enabling them to be come 1 heir own guides and governors. The suggestion of district meetings, or iginating ut the last session of tlie Gen eral Conference, has been practically adopted, under the sanction of the An nual Conferences with signal benefit to tlie cause of religion. At these meetings the lay representatives to tho Annual Conferences have been elected; the lead ing minds of the Church, lay as well as clerical, have been brought together, im pressed and moved with new zea’, the bishops as far as they could find the op portunity to attend, liavo had now and important fields of influence opened to thejp, and tlie results have been of great value to all tho prominent interests of the chnrch. spiritual as well ns eoonom- In conclusion deu» brethren, we pray earnestly that the plentiful enrichment ol the • ‘ spirit of power and love and ol sound mind,” may rest upon you in all the deliberations and decisions of the present session—tho first of the kind in the annals of Methodism. Could we take you up the shining mount of vision, and show you up the vast and grand future i»efore the Methodist Episcopal Church South; the sublime possibilities which await development in the ages to come,nnd which, as their condition, ask for un -twerving fidelity to Christ and the sol emn trust he has placed in yonr hand) or the world, you would not need nc ioftier inducement to the patient, reso mte, prayerful dischargo of tho duties infpused upon yon ns tho representative* of the entire, church. That the Divine counsel may guide you in all things, it our devout and constant prnver. K. O. Andrew, ‘ R. Paine, G. F. Pierce, H. H. Kavacaugb, W. M. Wightman, • E- M. Marvin, U. S. Doggett, H. N. MoTtore. Mbmphib, Test*., May, 1870. StoF.—Wo fear that the plan!ere are rushing head iongto financial ruin, says the Montgomery Advertiser. Oar latest ilis patches from the West show Corn aud Bacon to be advancing. Corn in Mont gomery and other Southern markets is now eagerly sought for at 1,75 cents per bushel. Tne orders keep ahead of the supply and to raise the money to bny Comopd Bacon many planters are com pelled to mortgage their growing crops at excessive rales. Under those dream- planters ought to reconsider than 10- mouths. •do , BRIEFS. —Congress will probably robaidizeiodg,; steonpvhip £n«* with $750,000 each. [ * —ThaVortiiem Pacific Railroad is to be grantwrix laud subsidy. • —Over 000 assistant Revenue Aseessow have been removed. v j □—The Tariff Bill will not I* passed by the present Congress. ■: • , —The pnblic debt wili,l>e. this month reduced about $12,000,000. —The sufferers by tho Fincastloflreare in great dist: ess. —Gainesville wants Mcro&r University ; removed to that village. ; : : —Th) Superior Cooit commences at Grifiin on Monday. —The crops in White county promise a heavy yield. —Rome has paid $15,000 fof fire en gines and cisterns. —Tl*a En ton ton Press states J hat wheat prospects arc excellent iu that eeqtion. - -Tho street care in Augusta are to be rnn to the Fair Grounds, . ' . - —The Columbus fair will open on November 1st. —Breakfast cap* for ladies arc once more fashionable. —Colonel Fisk's Long Branch turnout will cost $35,000. * + ■ ' —It is fwired that Congress will ait, spit, drink, smoke and ehew tobacco all summer. —Two drinks of Pittsburgh whiskey have proved enough to kill a man. —Snap beans are sold in Savannah at 0c. a quart. —The Griffin Star reports wheat pros pects in Spaulding good. —Gen. Sheridan arrived at Balt Lake on tho 0th. —Over .0,000 emigrants Tanded in' Now York last week. —The excise law is being rigidly en forced in Brooklyn. -Ex-President. Johnson visited Knox ville last week. • • tj . ’ ? * —Insurgent bands - have appeared among the mountains on the Southern confines of the Romau States.’ -Tho small pox, in malignant form, prevails at Havana and many interior places. —Job IF flings says h t will never pat ronize a lottery so long im lie can hire, anybody elso to client him lit a modern! ? —A party of twenty Fenian# uni formed mil with knapsacks filled, bound North, passed through Boston on Wednesday Iasi. The Catholics have.bought the jew - ish synagogue ia Twelfth street, Ner York, and will build a largo- church on the lot. —Tho German Consul nfc >'<■ v Yqrk has made a positive denial of the stab)- of the London Times 'that he had warned G cun an capitalists against A mor- an bonds. —The Senate Committee on Pacific Railroads have agreed to report in favor Southern Pacific Railroad from Marshall, Texas, by way of ,El Paso to San Deigo. California. General Fre mont's road is lo lie allowed to connect with the above rood at El Paso, bnt r.. is no grind of lands' I>eyon 1 Fi - Paso. ■The Pulaski House iu Savannah, i.i to be rebuilt in magnificent style, at ; . »«t of $310,000. —Allen Bejisley, the colored man shot by John W. Malloy, in Macon recently, died on Thursday; K . —General Joseph E. Johnson lias gone into Ihe^eal estate business. ■ * —The nunuol Conclave of the Grand Commander/ of Knights - Templar of the Statu of Georgia, for tho r A. O. 73 will be held in kfaoon* beginning 25tli instant. --“Tho Recreative Roosters” name of a London club. . un —A P.ttsburgh boarding Jiohso keeper * has shot a guest for not payiug in advance. —The Longchampi races* were beauti* fled by the presence of many 'AinerifV\n-* ladies. —PaUi-Caiix has quarreled with\tue Marquis. —Powers lias completed H- Ims! o: Longfellow. —A St. Louis snicido swallowed liis suspenders. —Camilla Urso is drawing tfcobow and' \ crowds in Virginia City. * —The Due de Montpeusier, who killed Henrj de Bourbon,is coming to America. —A New York paper declares that ihc body of I,ola Moutez has- beer, stolen from her grave in Greenwood. —After the Richmond disaster of 1811, pnblic amusements were forbidden for the space of four months.’ • • £ " * .. £9 —The woman suffrage movemenOir. Illinois is a failure. „ : ^ —The Whisky famished & Pennsylva nia serenading party, lost week, was of ■meli a nature tbc.fc ono of them" died be fore morning. "* —A French fa riper has jusl dug up a box of gold coin, 800,000$' supposed. to 1 Uaie been buried in the firct revolution. —Germany boosts of having 200,000 Hymns, and auy number of Herre. —IL Martin,’ of-Warreulon, the cause of all the'sensation about- the suspension of tba habeas corpus act; by 7»'”vy, '.va** released last Saturday on bail. —A New Orleans paper gives a grapliic account of a thunderstorm in that city, in which this statement occurs: “Several persons were struck by lightning, and in* one instance a woman was killed. The houses and vessels, however, did not fare sowelL —-Toe Philadeiptiia City Council has appropriated $15,000 for T ee on in that city. —Rev. Free Love Froi-tingli: last Sunday, mid tlier< devil. It will be lucky for hin j is not. . ' - x —Mr. Ruskin said, a* '•* lecture- at Oxford, that life, ^without industry U sin, bnt indust^> itithout art la-bmta!.