The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, June 10, 1870, Image 3

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^WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. Friday g^, Vie hod tho pleasure of a call, *t.nL»y. from Mr. P. M. Nicholas, ivi lliii)? np^nt for the drug liouso of Titt .v Laud, Aupista, Ga. ISSURE YOUR PROPERTY jolkmioj? mte and reliable Coen panic* : Hn, 11- h «V MrarASTii-F. Lxsitrasck Co., Or London, England. six or Brooklyn, New York. s jlnra Iimciusns Co., Of Athena, Georgia. insure your life US I»M-|US« «>»., Of Macon, Georgia. IT. T. DAVENPORT, „ x. r Drug Store, Lamar Street, Or ,o. HPEEB A HOOKS, Sukers, corner I amar A College ate j will find the finest gaiters in the pjj. Ii<- certain to read new advertise- Rhootinc. Affair.—We are pained to learn thnt on last Wednesday or Thurs day Mr. Manly £. Sparks, a clever and respected citizen, residing in tho Eastern part of thoconnty, was shot and painful ly wounded by a negro fellow, whose name we did not get. Tho facta, ns we get them, are ab:,ut these : It seems on the evening previous to the shooting Mr. Sparks had some sharp words with the negro nlxint watering his stock, but this passed off. The next morning Mr. Sparks observed that the t>oy had not gone to liis labor, and, at a late hour in the morning, went to the ne gro's house to ascertain the cause. Words produced words until the negro drew a pistol and fired at Sparks, the ball taking effect in the bone of his hips and ranging downward. Mr. Sparks fell and as he lay upon the ground the negro fired again at him, the bail striking in the gronnd by bis side. By this time a ne gro woman on the place had got to Mr. Sparks. She assisted him up and , aided him to his house. Before they had reach ed the door the negro fired upon them again, with a double-barreled gun, load ed with small shot. But ono of the shot took effect on Mr. Sparks, while six or eight struck the woman, however, with bnt little injuiy. They hurried on and as they entered the door of Mr. Sparks’ house, the negro again fired with the gun, and the ball with which it was load ed, entered the door by the side of them. The negro seemed bent on taking the life of Mr. S. and no doubt would have needed had it not been for tho woman. The negro made his escape and has not yet been captured. P^.Tlic Commencement exercises of ar !„w Masonic Female College will be- >! ini Monday next, 13th inst. Head Iwrtix ment. \Ye notice by tho records of the qiremc Court of Georgia, that our il. hH .1 young friend, Benjamin P. Hol- was admitted to the bar or ;-l, instant. Mr. Hollis is a gentleman ,j scholarly attainments and acute legal till, nod ive wish him a long and bright in . r in Lis profession. U Wo call attention this morning to l,e I a* ('aril of our young friend E. B. Vm"?, Esq., who was admitted to the imr yesterday, before his Honor, Jndge Clark, nt Albany Superior Court, after a •ritual examination, receiving the com- plimeuta of the Court and Bar. We be*peak a bright future for Mr. Amos, as lie is a young man of a spright ly intellect, a literary turn of mind and of jjood moral character. The Atlanta Daily Sun shines too bright for tlie Albany News. It makes Styles’ eyes glimmer in a different style than usual, and serious fears of a total ivlipse are entertained Wfltyatson of Plnrbns is this that dares disturb a Bay- The Annual Concert of Mrs. M. i:. Itobinson's Music Class of F. M. F. i 'ollogo will come off on Tuesday evening :he 14th inst., nt College Chapel. The entertainment eondneted under the skill- mll management of this accomplished la- l.v cannot but prove a success, and as her i’Iiks is composed of some of the best vo- '•‘laud instrumental musicians of the city, a pleasant time may lie anticipated by ail who may attend. tdC Tho perpetrator of the following, ie are happy to say, is deceased. He o;s hied to death with hair-pins, and norwards drowned in catnip tea: When ne babii-s not babies ? When thev are Tho various clergymen of Macon have decidetl to have a temperance re vival in that city. They have agreed up on delivering a scries of tempenufee lec tures, the first of which is to be delivered by Rev. Dr. Wills, on Tuesday evening next. Cannot the clergymen of Americas do something similar to this.* There is an alarming amount of drunkenness ( in this city, and we think tho clergymen owe it as a duty to their sacrod calling not only to take a firm, decided and pnblic stand against intoxication, bnt also against everything that can lead to intoxication. WJiat do our clergymen say in the mat- Wc should like to hear from them. The Goon Templars may now be re garded as fixed facts in Southwestern Georgia, and have even this early pro duced fruits worthy an older organiza tion. Lodges are now established in t places and order following: Magnolia Temple No. 10, Americas. Price Lodge No. 14, Americas. Beulah Lodge No.19, Weston, Webster. Walton Lodge No. 23, Macon. Samaritan Lodge No.24, Hawkinsville. Brunswick Lodge No. 25, Brunswick. Moran Lodgo No. 20, Pleasant Grove. Albany Lodge No. 27, Albany. Banner Lodge No. 28, Dawson. Reese Lodge No. 30, Marshalvilie. Cuthbert, (no return.) The aggregate membership of tho above Lodges is about 500. It will thus be seen that the Order has taken firm hold in our part of the country, and that the prospects for a glorious temperance cam paign are bright indeed. Activity in the noble work and perseverance unto the end are all that is necessary to ensure success. Let us work without ceasing, then, and show that the obligation we have taken is but the invincible deter mination of our hearts. W K T&‘ w Wfpper CWW the rage throughout the State, it is oar candid opinion that Americua is justly entitled to one. Every youth who has been the recipient of a “kick” from the opposite sex, is eligible to membership, and the greater the number of “kicks” the higher the estimation in which the recipient is to be held by his fellows, and he is entitled to the presidency thereof. Each member must place at the disposal of the club all love letters, rings, memen toes, locks of hair, etc., which may have been exchanged between him and his fe male admirers, and must also give a des cription of the interesting scenes, parting and all other little episodes of interest. Excellent material can be found here, and we hope these interested will meet and organize. Application for a charter must be made to the Grand Slipper Club of Co lumbus. The members take an oath of secresy on a fair maiden’s slipper, kept for that purpose. The following are among the rules and regulations. 1. No one can become a member unless he can produce satisfactory evidence that, after making all honorable efforts, he has lioen rejected by at least one un appreciative young lady. 2. That no member shall be eligible to office unless he lias been rejected by sev en feminines. 3 and 4 provides for the reception of little tokens of affection, letters, etc. 5. In case several members should present photographs and letters of the same lady, all hereby obligate themselves to entertain no unkind feelings toward each other because some epistles are more gushing, or some photographs pre sent a sweeter smile, the members look ing with great condescension upon the natural frailties ol women. 8. In future, at all entertainments, members are required to maintain a dig nified silence regarding Love towards all ladies who have been reported to the organization. 12. Any member suspected of sleeping with a piece of wedding cake under his head in hopes of dreaming of his future spouse, shall be ignominiously expelled. J6£y* The rural Carolinian is never be hind the times. Prompt in its publica tion aud timely in its topics, it shows itself fully alive to the actual present needs of tho farming community, its con ductors seem to know exactly what its readers want (or ought to want,) and to have always at hand tho right kind of matter for their instruction. The June number furnishes a good illustration of this remark. Such articles as “Cause and Prevenlation of Rust in Cotton,”— worth a year’s subscription to any planter; Shading the Ground—showing the bene fits of mulching; “The Cultivation of Celery;” Propagation by Budding (illus trated;) The Squash Vine Borer (illus trated;/ “Iron and its uses—tho Atlanta Bolling Mills;” “Industrial schools;" “Irrigation in Eastern Spain;” “Educa tion for the Agriculturist;” “Immigra tion and Direct Trade ;” and “The Sisal Hemp question,” show that both editor and contributors are wide awake people who know what is going on in the world and what people are interested fine portrait and an interesting biograph ical sketch of Hon. Horace Capron, Corn- side, andR. J. the meeting, to wit: to appoint a com mittee to meet similar committees from other counties at Geneva on the 15th day dayof Jane, to consult in regard to the building of -the railroad from Americas to Newnanl ' : " On Motion, it was resolved to appoint a committee of twenty-five in cluding only such as would promise to attend the convention. The following gentlemen ... . Nkw Jgbv Law.—By the first sec- At mneeOng of tiMfdSfeens of Schley tion of the Act of the 15th of February, county in EUaville, on the 4th of June, Capt. Robert Barton wAar^led to prt^ 1869, the Ordinary, Clerk of the Superior Court and three Commissioners appoint ed by the Jndge of the Superior Court of each County, are required to meet at Mr. C. F. Crisp explained the objtotof the Court House on the first Monday i the e appoint- John Sheppard, Robert Patton, 14. J. T. Lumpkin, C. F. Crisp, T. B. Myers, E. S. Baldwin, W. J. Sears, \ B. Burton, M. J. Wall, S. Murray, J. A. S. Baxsden, S. E. Eason, M. A. Perry, John Stewart, John R. Respass, E. D. Eason, T. R. Swanson, S. Montgomery, C. B. Hudson, S. J. McCrary, J. R. McMichael, B. F. Green, H. S. Davis, J. N. Chbkxey, C. L. Battle. After a motion requesting the Sumter Republican to publish the above pro ceedings, the meeting adjourned. SQL Wo regret to learn that Mr. Wal den, Tax Collector of Lee county, is tying dangerously ilk But little hopo of his recovery is entertained by his physicians. Those indebted to the firm of Smith, Hardy i Co., will find a noticein our advertising columns in which they are interested. ffca?" It will be of interest to the young ladies of Americas to know that if they refuse to tell Ciptain Holes, the census- taker, their age, they will be subject to a fine of thirty dollars. Regular Monthly meeting of Wide-Awake Fire Co., No. 1., will be held at their liall, on Monday evening next, at 8 o’clock. June biennially, and select from the books of the Receiver of Tax Be turns, upright and intelligent persons to serve as jurors. The twelfth section of the Act further provides that the jury boxes of the State shall be revised on the first Monday in June, 1870, and on the first Monday in June biennially thereafter. We direct attention to the provisions of the law in order that the officers charg ed with its execution may not forget that next Monday is the day the jury boxes are to be revised. The following are the Commissioners appointed for this county, who will the Ordinary and Clerk of the Superior Court in the discharge of this £uty: Wright Brady, Sr., A. S. Cutts and Wm. Sirrine. _ Kommunikaxed. Mister Editeb:—I just be dadswizzled of i haint tarnation mad about them thar publik wells that the bon. sity kownsel is bilding in the kort house squar. Now, for eqwal rites and the Fif teenth amendment. I want everybody and the lion, sity kownsel too to know that the east aide and the north side of the public squar is as good os the south side and the west side. Now they have done gone and pade Mr. Whetely, a reg- lar arkitek, 1 hundred dollars to make a excetera well house for the side of the squar, and we is jest as good as the is, and they goes out in the kuntry Eleven moccasins were killed in Co lumbus in one day. A black hook and ladder company has been born in Cuthbert Rome proposes to buy a new steam fire engine, third class. Jas. F. Thompson is the Augusta dele gate to the Typographical Convention. Fewer Georgians have applied for re lief from political disabilities than from any other Southern State. The Macon Telegraph and Augusta Chronicle are both overwhelmed with love for the immigiant The Slipper Club in Columbus is higty popular. Two hundred and sixty appli cations for membership have boee nude. An unsophisticated wretch in Atlanta The bnraed out merchantsof Cuthbert are erecting new stores, with a commend able spirit of energy. The practice of shooting Augusta dogs proves as dangerous to the people as to the animals. £65“ Happiness grows at i side and is not to bo picked er’s garden. kind Providence allows to the privilege of extracting pleasuro and comfort from every department of nature. r own fire- the strong- The North Missouri Railroad has pur chased two thousand tons of cast-steel rails, all to be delivered during the present year.. Five hundred tons will be delivered daring the month of August It is the intention of the directors of this road to moke it one of the very best i: America, and substitute steel rails, for ron ones now down, throughout ite entire length of four hundred miles, as rapidly as possible. >mmerolal. edbr . Mui limy of the citizens of Americas »lo not stfm to be aware that there is an ordinance against wagons, drays or other •mpediments being left lying on the e desire to call the attention of the .VrM Contractor to the following clause ■•I the Ordinance touching the regula tions of the streets, with the view that *1* P’ may l»e taken at once to remove , S: 1 :n ? ox 1—No person shall put any 'i.js.1, lumber, wood, Ikjx, wagon, dray miike\*, ..r carriage of any, or other "funct ion in any public street, lane alley »r way m said city, or on the si^e-walk lAivj.t in oases of building, where it may T absolutely necessary;) any person who . 11 plv<*e any obstruction ns aforesaid hi any street, lane or alley, failing or ■' 'Mg to remove the same in six hours iitfr being notified by the Marshal 'I'uty Marshal, shall, on conviction, '•"i'll ^oost UOt excec< * inK lwen ty dollars the British House of Commons, »h- Mousell denied that there was any • onneclion between the Fenian invasion j nJll»IW 1 liver rising. Tho l»oet- roaster General mentioned some improve ments that were contemplate.! in the l>ostal service, among them is one re- ■ba iug the rate of postage on newspapers •rod other printed matter. Cards with '' riling ou one side and the address on ‘lie other side will bo sent ior half-penny Evbtutiox of Oscar Cespedes.—Of- MV*** from Captain-General "- boilos announce that Oscar Cespedi * as ext *otcd at Puerto Principe on tho -'Unfit. Young Cespcdes, who was a s " n °* President of the Cuban Re- i nbli.% was surprised by the Spanish u *>p»a few days ago five miles from Guiamara, and captured with eeverd “mer insurgents. In the same affair the A merio *n Colonel John Clancy was killed, “ud several other prominent insurgent •'•aders barely escaped. Dancing School.—Wo omitted in last to call attention to the advertisement of Prof. Allen V. Robinson, who pro poses to open a Dancing School in this place on Monday, tho 20th inst Prof. R. lias been teaching this innocent amuse ment for the past 30 years, and a number of his students are citizens of this place. Those desiring to attend his class will meet at City Hall Monday afternoon, the 20th at 3 o’clock. For farther formation sen advertisement missioner of Agriculture, occupies the leading place in the number, and will attract attention, as will “My Pear Ex perience;” “Domestication of the Os trich;” “Chinese Immigration—an Ad- irse view;” “Labor aud Wages,” and Immigrants for the South;” “Notes and Queries”—full of useful hinis; “Cor respondence”—very interesting; Literary Miscellany"—with original poems by Mr. Simms and Dr. F. O. Tichnor; Rural Architecture—describing and Illus trating a cheap cottage; and some excel lent short articles under the heads of “ Hygine aud Household Economy;” “Scientific Notes;” and Industrial Items with “Brief Mention” of many other things to help to make up the attractive table of contents. The Illustrations are as usual, numerous, appropriate and m well executed. Published at Charleston, S. C„ by Walker, Evans & Cogswell and D. Wyatt Aiken. Two dollars a year. Personal.—We had the pleasure of a call yesterday from James W. Wilkinson the Ordinary of Lee, and Mr. S. Page a Representative from that county. These gentlemen inform ns that crops are look ing finely in their section, and that delight ful showers fell throughout the county last Wednesday and Thursday* A party of marriageable young ladies and gents went out fishing the other day, and got along very well until their return trip, when their wagon broke down, and they were compelled to get home in various ways. Some of them say.the adventure was “bully.” Remove It.—The work-bench in the rear of the Tommy House standing al most in the middle of the street should be removed at once. If tho owner does not remove it, let the Marshal have it done at the expense of the owner. It should not be allowed to remain there other day. It is used as a sign for Walker’s Vinegar Bitters, and is greatly in the way of passing vehicles. The following is the list of letters held for postage in the Americas Poet Office. If not called for by the 15th of this month they will be sent to the Dead Letter office: J J Allen, B F Cnreton, Mrs! Jinuie Callwel, _ M Corel, Mr* £ F Checros, W O Connor, P Deans, Miss Nannie Dozier, lira Georgia Dean, J Dewa, Mian Lizzie Elliat, Charles Font. Miss M Joe Fisher,Sam W Fox, Dr J M Foi Flicker, Mn Ann Gault ner, Mia ' ” - - The Brunswick Appeal.—A friend has handed us a copy of tho last number of this paper in which appears an article reply to a notice.of ours some weeks sine stating that several citizens who left this place last winter to take *np their abode in the sand-fly town of Brunswick, had returned, “ sadder and wiser men.” W< meant no reflection upon that little town, but simply to record a fact that hod ac tually occurred. Yon must not let your angry passions rise bro. Smith, but keep as cool as the circumstances of the case, and the annoyance of those sandflies you have to contend against, will allow yon. Sally Laban, colored, reports that Martin Cox, colored, formerly belonging to Dr. Hardwick, of this city, three months ago left with her to be nursed and cared for a very bright mulatto male child, with a promise to provide for its maintenance. This will be remembered as the miscegenation case, of which we took notice at the time. The police, in stead of promptly arresting the negro and his guilty white paramour, let the matter alone, and now the festive Cox, feeling secure in parts unknown, fails to fulfil his promise. Sallie, feeling that she has “got her foot in it,” applies to the Ordinary for help. We wonld sug gest that the unnatural and heartless mother be hunted up, and compelled to take care of her offspring. BSL It is absurd for a man who has goods to sell to settle himself and stock in a house and then wait for customers to drop in at their leisure to buy, without advertising. Such people are not ener getic enough to keep a new stock on hand, and are always complaining of dull times. Montgomery & Shaw will verify this as 1 sertion, for they are continually receiv ing new articles of merchandise, and their friends are immediately mode aware of it by their advertisements they seldom keep articles longer than ten days. Now, ladies, ye who have charge of the catiug department at home, when ever you want something nice for your table send word to our energetic young friend, John Shaw, and if he has it not, give him a little time and he will certain ly gfct it. Try him once, and you will be much pleased, that yon will ever after buy your Groceries of Montgomery & Shaw. See advertisement and hires a mistur well digger and make us three well houses for 15$ apece, which all of them don’t knm iwo but abowt 43$ and a } for em all, akording to my arithmetic. Knou, by these presence that we ain’t agoing to stoad no such. Wo will rare and pitch, we will hav sweet revenge, we will kawl on Bulik. Et is awl don, sur, as a slur at Makkay and the snrprcem bensh, be- kase Makkay lives in the northeas corner tho sity, and then the want to make owt as that tho noreast korar is a plaso of darkness. Now, sur, if the dont rekon- struct them well houses, we will sho em uex lection what the use of the fifteen amendments. Uvery nigger or kolored man in east Americas from clbert head down to kent Makkay will voat vs. tun. ile be dadswizzled ef we dont, dog gone as bob hill says. Now, sur, I want to know if, while the air ajgoin on with in turn el improvement, ef the is agwine to stop when the git dun bildin publik wells the kort liowse squar. Sur, the ant to dig one for each of the churches too. Wots the use in they bavin lamps ef they dont have wells. It takes water alwoyi to go with fire to git up steme.bnt i think that the white Methodist church had bet ter take her well and lamp out in spit boxes to set on the front steps for them illmanored, badly raised, impolite, swell headed, fuzzy moustached, half-grown and little over things, kawling themselves young men, who git on tho front steps every Sunday morning and night, and smok rigors and chau tobaker, to spit in, and then decent ladies wont have to drag their skirts through rich a pudle of to baker spit, as they do now. i tell u, mr. editor, ef i had a don that when i was a yearling boy, ile be dadswezzled ef my dad would hav left a piece ov me as big as chiggerhead, he’d hav cowalluped me till i wild have run every time i seed a' church step, aud mr. editor, ef the wus my boys, ide smash em awl to peces ef they did not quit it, mustoch or no mus- tach, ile be dadswezzled ef i didnt. yours love. A VoATEB IN DE BEST. Macon Juno 7» evening.—Receipts to-day 11; sales 44; slapped 276. The market was quiet all day at 10 cents foi middlings. Cnly this class of cotton is in do mand. Offerings light. New Yobs, Juno 7.—Cotton dull and heavy; sales 1000 bales; midlings. 214. Orleans 22}. Gold steady and dull at 13,'. Savannah, Jnne 7.—Cotton weak; middlings a0j<&21. AMERICAS MARKET. Corrected expressly for tho Republican r.Y MONTGOMERY A SHAW. Dr. Tott’a celebrated Expectorant, bow it aote. Irst it detaches from the bronchial or wind tubes the mnews or matter wUckaonetihes ad heres to them with the tenacity of glue. Bee ondly, it mitigates the. pain and removes the constriction of the bronchial tubes and muscles of the chest. Thirdly, it resists the progross of inflammation and assists the lnnga to throw off the irritating matter which accumulates. Granberry & Co., Have just opened their SPRING STOCK, aoroixT nr new yoke and otxex northern AND SOUTHERN MARKETS At Panic Prices, BAD BLOOD. “The Life is the Blood.’ From it We derive our strength, beauty, and mental capabilities. It is the center of our be ing, around which rerotrem *B that makes exis tence happy. When this source is corrupted the painful etfcote are visible in many shape*, prominent among which is SCROFULA. „ It exhibits itself in various shapes—as ulcers and sores, decayed bones, diseased scalp, soro eyes, weak and diseased joints. St. Vitus’ Dance, fbul discharges from the nostrils, eruptions, glandular swellings, throat aflections, rheumat ism, heart affections, nervous disorder*, barren ness, disorders of the womb, dropsy, syphilitic affections, liver complaint, salt rheum, dyspep sia, neuralgia, loss of manhood aud general de bility. It lias been the custom to treat these BACON—Clear 8idcs 19@20c. Shoulders lCJ© 17c. Hams, plain 20@25e. Canvassed 23Ufl25c. BULK MEATS—Norn MOLASSES—C5<§;*1 SYP.CPS—90^ tl 50 A bbl $9 OOOma 00. Bbls $16 CO@$30 00. BUTTER—Goshen 50c. Country 30^40. EGGS—Buying 25c. Selling 30c. AMERICUS COTTON MARKET. Amebicch, Ga. Jnno 8, 1870. COTTON—Weak. We quote 15@18. Aanaucus, Ga., Jui GOLD—Buying 12. Sailing 16. SILVER—Buying 8. Selli - XCH4NGE ON I SIGHT EXCHANGE ON N/Y.—Baying i _ “ “ “ “ Selling j prom. RATE OF INTEREST- Ou money 24 per c ‘ Local and Business Notices. Miss JnUmUnBoO, Ool Wm Jack- Wiffis Hudson; Krs son, Miss Bntha Key, col. Bower, McGill A Brown, John A McCrary, Master Eobt H Miller, Mrs. A C Murray, J A Nelson, Mrs B Patterson, * wv.—1 u.tu. O—Wm Shuler, Messrs. R. A. Brown & Co., Con fectioners, have the thanks of the entire force of this office for a number of glasses of cold lemonade and a variety of nice cakes. Their establishment is of a clean ly and inviting appearance, and surpasses all others of the kind in tho city ii excellence of all articles offered to the public. They have also opened their Ice Cream Saloon for the season, where the ladies and gentlemen can enjoy some of the most exhilerating and cooling del icacies, and os this is the only one of the kind injhe city our people will appre ciate the kindness of this firm and make favorite resort. The following is the list of Census • arskaLs in this section of the State, to- Krilier with their residences: Decatnr—John W. Helms, Bainbridge. ooly—Simon P. Odom, Drayton. ongherty-C. W. Arnold, Albany. Houston-Samuel Hunt, Perry. ^e—Patrick Askin, Renwick. •riarion-L. W. Hall, Tazwel. -'Imwether—J. M. Smith, (imported.) N hkj-W. H. Scovillp, Ellavillc. •tewart—W. H. Crossman, Lumpkin. M j. Hales, Amebicus. D.Zni Geneva. errell-L, Bryan. Damon. WeUtor—-B. p. Harnl. Preston. In Rhode bland white citizen,, cannot voto unless they own estate worth one hundred and fifty r~! : 1)01 rsegroescan walk to the polls Imm doors of the Alm.t.—. Blacking.—Here is the vety latest in ternal revenue decision .* Boot-blacks are required to use their blacking just as they find it when the box is opened, add ing nothing to it whatever. The tu spitting in the box and smearing the con tents with the brush constitutes the boot- black a mixer, or rectifier, or manufactu rer of blacking, and he must pay the or dinary manufacturer’s license. ssr* The following cases were before the Supreme Court, on the Cth instant: No. 1,Y Southwestern ciranit.-Living- stone vs. City Council of Albany, was ar gued by plaintiff in error, no appearance for defendant in error. No. 2, Southwestern circuit—Jones vs. Payne, et al., was argued for plaintiff in error by CoL W. A. Hawkins and Judge R. H. Clark, and for defendant in error by Judge R. F. Lyon. No. 3, Southwestern circuit, Horne vs. Byrd & Spivy, was withdrawn. No. Southwestern circuit—Barnard McMorry, was dismissed for want of prosecution. No. 5, Southwestern circuit—Jordan vs. Hay good, dismissed for want of prosecation. On motion, No. 13, Southwestern cir cuit, was called. Pending argument in this case, the court adjourned. U The Paris Omnibus Co., works31 lines in the interior of thecapital, jjpd its carriages go over 20,000,000 kilometres (five-eighths oi a mile each) of ground daring the year. Itsrolling stock sists of 906 carriages, about a third of which are in reserve, and it has more han 9,000* horses. Generals E. Kirby Smith sad Johnson offer to lease the Univeerity of Nashville for fifteen years, aafl their offer will prob ably be aooepted. S& m Chemistry is famishing ns new agents for fuel, force, food, and many other important aids over those we oiy» possessed. Ports from which commerce was driven daring the hot months by tMfeir terrible fevers are visited all the year with impunity now. Many localities in the South and West kept tenantless by their deleterious miasmas are now fill ing up with populations under the pro tection of Ayre’s Ague Cure. Their af flicting Chills and Fever are so effectu ally cured by this remedy that tlio disease no longer tarns emnrigrationjunde or de stroys the settler if he ventures upon its infected districts. [“Gazette,** Inde pendence, Mo. ■ Qcrr It.—On leaving the Methodist Church last Sabbath morning after divine service, onr attention was called by a lady to a mass of filth on the steps deposit ed there by some young men who it seems assembles at the church every Sabbath morning and evening smoking their cigars aud chewing tobacco. They take their position on the steps and puff their cigars in the very face of the ladies as they enter the church, and spit their nasty filth on the ste^p in great pools, so much so, that it is impossible for the ladies to pass up aud down the steps without getting their dresses soiled. In behalf of the ladies we call upon the of ficial members of that church to take such steps in the matter as will prevent such conduct in the future. Let some officer take his position on the steps and remain there until the services in the chnrch commences, and if lie sees any smoking or spitting on the steps, make him leave. Such conduct should not be tolerated. If men are obliged to smoke and chew tobacco before entering the House of God, let them do-it elsewhere, but in tho name of all that is sacred don’t in either, in the vestibule or on the steps of the chnrch. % The Last Cotton Crop. The New 1’ork Commercial and Finan cial Chronicle says we are now so near to the close of the cotton year that an estimate can be made of the total crop with tolerable accuracy. This it ven tures upon os follows : Receipts at the ports up to May 27 2,750,000 Receipts from May 28 to Sept. 1 [last year 85,000.) 170,000 Overland direct to mills this year 227,000 Total crop, bales 3,237,000 £5?* The City Father* and other officers of Charleston, (all Rads., of course,) are having a little war among themselves on certain questions in reference to the pay ment of the Sheriff’s advertising bills,— that functionary desiring to be relieved of the unpleasant duty of paying the printer. In a discussion that took place the snbject, in Council meeting, the Sheriff, who was present, pronounced the statements of one of the Aldermen “false and base as hell.” Similar remarks were made, pro and con, throughout the dis cussion, which ended in the Sheriff com ing out best man and gaining his point. The Cash System, As we CANNOT SELL OCR GOODS At THE LOW ruicrs »x iiavk marked them ON -A. CREDIT , and wo have but -ONE PRICK. .... x We repeat this, for tho benefit of thoeo who may not remember that WE SELL ONLY FOR CASH. Baying onr Goods, as we do, from IMPORTERS, AND MANUFACTURERS Mtnyof thf-m BY THE PACKAGE, ud WITH THE HONEY, w» cm supply COUNTRY MERCHANTS upon as good toScs as thev can mako their purchases iu any market in Georgia. We have a beautiful line of PLAIN, CHECKED and STRIPED JAPANESE SILKS, Colored and Black Satin Striped GRENADINES, very handsome; plain Black Iron BAREGE, BLACK BILK; extra fine Blade BOMBAZINE; Printed LINEN • DRESS GOODS, The most beautiful stock of Printed LAWNS, jACONrrrts and oroahdxx MUSLINS we ever had. Some handsome STRIPED PIQUES, new style; PRINTS. BLEACHED and BROWN SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS of all widths and qualities. STRIPED aud PLAID DOMESTICS in great variety. Low priced and Extra Good Ticking, HOSIERY, ORNABURGS, pillow-case linen, and 10! LINEN SHEETING JIKLOW COST. BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Umbrellas and ParaBola, Oil Cloths and Table linen and Window Shades, CLOTHS AND CASSI3IERKS, Cottonades, Linen Duel's and Coatings FANS, a very largo stock oi Crockery and Glassware, Plated Spoons and Forks, Table aud Pocket Knives, Ivory handled Knives, without forks; Candles, Soaps, Soda, Royal Baking Powders, article) ; Potash and Starch, ig and Cliowing Tobacco. Traveling Bags and Baskets, carpetings ! carpetings! CARPETINGS! From a common article at 50c. per yard, to a very handsome Tapestry Brussels, as low aa they can be bought in any market in Georgia. A email consignment of beautiful WALL PAPEH AT NEW YORK COST! *£> All are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock. Wo charge nothing for showing our goods. GRANBERRY & CO. Americne, April 12, tf. in after life. Tho long known injuriou* projjer- tics of these so-called alterative* and purifier* has led the phffantrophlcal man of science to explore the areana of nature, the remit of which has been the discovery or vegetable pro duct* which poeeee* tho powerof eradicating these taints from the blood. 1)y*. TITTT’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF la the acknowledged i eases. By ite use the — T , .—-- rated can be permanently banished, and the Source,the Centre of Blood,theldfe bo miintaiiwd in all it. parity and rigor. For diseases produced by the uae of .Mercury:f“ r Syphilis, with its train of evils, this com pound istbeouly sure antidote. FEBfY DAVIS' I'AIX KILLED Has become an article of commerce—which no medicine ever became before. It is as much an every bill of goods Bent to country mer chants aa tea, coffee or sugar. This speaks vol- mes in its favor.—Glens' Falls Messenger. Rev. H. L. Vanmeter, Bunnah, writes, “The ’ain Killer has become an almost indispensible rticle in my family.” Hundreds of missionaries give similar test!- lony of its virtues. Jter. J. G. Stearns writes, “I consider the best remedy I know of for dyspepsia. ltev. Jabez L. Swan says, “I have used it for ears in my family, and consider it an invalua- ile remedy." Rev. M. H. Bixby writes, *‘I have had occa- ■ . use the Pain KiT “ " * r residence in Bor useful medicine.” a very useful medicine. Sold by all druggists. Koskoo,—This medicine is rapidly gaining the confidence of the people, and testimonials of ite virtues, given liver disease, Ac. The last Medical Jnnral tains an article from Prof. R. 8. N-wton, M, D. 7..." T~ dical College city ofNei York, that speaks in high terms’of its curative J. A. KENDRICK’S. of the largest and beet assorted stocks of goods in this city, and the pV people of Americus and surrounding country are respectfully invited to j Call and Exarr\ir\e the goods, and thev will be convinced that it is the place to hay all kinds of unstning anti countenance downcast SARSAPAPILLA Queen’s Delight tea blessing. Try it fairly and your norveawill be restored to their wonted vigor, and yonr de lected countenance bo made radiant with the consciousness of 11EST011E11 MANHOOD. Being free from violent inincrals,it is adapted to general u«*o. Tho old and yonng may naoit; the most delicate female at any time may take it: the tender intent, who may have inherited disease, will !>e cured liy it. !?GK THK IT 8 E Dr. TTJTT’S 1 EXTRACT (IF SARSAPAR1L14 QUEEN’S DELICHT. i used in the spring it removes all humor* i infest tlio system; aud banishes the ten- „ and debility peculiar to that season of the year. It acta promptly on the ,LIVER AND KIDNEYS. Produces a healthy action of tho important or gans by which all tho impurities or (lie system are carried off; and the result is a CLEAR SKIN, A GOOD APPETITE AND 30UYANT SPIRITS. P It E PARED* B-Y Wm. H. Tutt & Land,- AUGUSTA.. GA., And Sold by OruggistsEvery whore. June!-Cm SPECIAL NOTICE. - TO BE- Hood wltli IntoroBt —AND NOTED- ALL WHO READ, J COMMUNKM Staple & Fancy Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, TrI ATS, & G. I SPLENDID LINE 0 President of the Medical College city of York, that speaks in high terms’of its enr proparties, and gives a special recommendation ‘ koo to tho practitioners of medicine. This beliove, the first instance where sncli clay.—Norfolk Daily Journal December 1 The Editor of the Augusta Con stitutionalist has been presented with a sack of flour gronnd from new wheat. There is a negro woman 37 years of age, living on the p!antation(ofJMr. W. It. Battle of Baker county who weighs 300 pounds and ha3 2"» children all living, Mr. Battle says she is remarkably healthy vnd is a good cook, but never cooks i than one thing at a time. The Cartersvillo Express nays:— We record with gratefal hearts, that we have had good seasons all over the country. Oats have recuperated wonder fully, and will make a good yield. Com and Cotton are vieing with each other to see which can outgrow. Wheat is good and will soon be ready for the “ harvest home.” ; Bleached Goods of *11 widths and qualities At’Lower Prices, FOR CASH than they have been sold at SINCE THE WAR! J. A. KENDRICK. NKW LOOK NlOlt)’.. In the active pursuit of pleasure or gain, the leatimahlc blessing of health is too often for gotten, until disease is firmly seated, and the fact only realized by great suffering. The liver the vulnerable point in moet persona, and the disarrangement of that organ involves almost the whole system; henco the reason why under liver disease there is enumerated snch a number of afflictions, and we claim the Simmons’ regulator to be a remedy for them all. Barret’s satisfies every body. -Clothing made to order ia the bast styles If you want cheap c The largest assortment of DOMESTICS, in tho city; brown goods of all Linde; checks and plaidsi sea island, etc.. At Low Prices, • J. A. KENDRICK'S. TO THOSE WHO DO NOT, And have it Kept before tt»o People and Understood by all that SULLIVAN & TINSLEV IAYE in store a large collection of Silver and Gold Watches, SPECTACLES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, &c. t Thiel* they will sell as cheap aa any house in mericus. Having tho services, of the beet -orkman in tho country, they will GUARANTOR FOR TWELVE MONTH** All REPAIRING done at the establishment. Those in want of sets of Silverware, Diamonds, etc, can get them ordered by ua from New York, AT COST PRICES. - ** By depositing tho amount either with user with a bank agent. * REM E M B E R! Work Done at Ante-War Prices establishmen SULLIVAN A TINSLEY, The attention of the ladies is called to our beau tiful selection of CAL IC 0 E S FancY DresS GoodS J. .V KENDRICK. Our stock ot Upots and Shoes is larger than ever and embraces nearly Every Style & Quality. A large portion of the stock was Manufactured to Order, and of selected material and best workmanship. J. A. KENDRICK. LOOK, LOOK! 200 prs. Ladies’ Slippers, At 50c. per Pair, 100 BOYS’ COATS, At 50e. Each, At the Yellow Store- jnn7-tf LEWI WOOD. S. C O.HEUST , t3_ If you want good biscuits buy Baking Powders at Da. Eld ridge's Drug Store. At Arlington.—Washington corres pondent of the Baltimore Gazette, under date of the 31st of May, writes: “ Yesterday morning it was noticed by the early visitors to, Arlington that a boquet was laid upon each of the one hundred and fifty Confederate graves in the centre of the cemetery. La tor in the could commit such an act have his name go down in that of Batter. It was d small committee man, who dining the war in a Home C Some time ago we published an item relating to the late hours in which services are continued in the colored churches. The pastor of the oolored chnrch informs ns ithat onr stric tures cannot apply to h is congregation, as he always dismisses it at a regular hour. S3* Fine'dretss goods at 10 cent* per yard at Wzsthxxmxr’s. aa. AU goods are sold at panic prices at SA- Kerosene that won’t explode, keroeene lamps at Dr. Eldridge’a Drug Store. ~ Beet Flint Glass lamp Chlmnics that won’t break, of bn at Eldridge’a Drag Store. CROCKEBY! CROCKERY! Our Block of crockery aud houaekeeping goods! ia complete, and embraces everything that is ! in the way of CROCKERY —ANI>— GLASSWARE j Extra Heavy Silver Plated and Brit- tania Castor*. * Table and Pocket Cattery, Ml perk* and Spoons, #<«., nt afcont GOLD PRICES j^If you want cheap drees ^ooda go t< . Millet Seed at Dr. Eldridgsw. SSL. We regret to learn, through the St Pool Press, of the death of Hr. Jaa. E. Thompson, for many years a citizen of thia place, and now a resident of - St. Paul, and President of the First Nation al Bank of that city. He was bom in Ponltney, Vt, in 1828* and was in his 42d year. cigars at tobacco, all grades, an Dr. Eldridge’a Drug 8 r The cheapest good* in town are sotd at WftU PAPER Window Shades orolxasit Tailor, fvrOGLDrespecUuUy call Uw attention of the if citizens of Americua and surrounding coun try te the fact that ho i* prepared to make all CUSTOM-HADE WORK at the shortest notice. We have * Two European Workmen, who will give’satteteetten to the bade. Owing to the tact that he h*a had a c than the pr”- ‘ t to save the ladies tbs trouble of asSMsSjg™- i Side Umar Street;