The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, July 01, 1870, Image 2

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(The WrtfcUj -BejraMifiro. 1 Martin Luther.—The “Martin Lu* ther Monument Society” of ELsleben, I Germany, have issued an earnest appeal HANCOCK, GRAHAM & REILLY | { 0 fneu^, 0 f Eumgelical Protest- prior ntr.ToRs. ant (Lutheran) Church for assistance in - —— — | building a monument to the memory of . >. UAScorx, jnrroa Anther, the great Reformed u-ho was born nn<l (bed inEislebcn. For many | veer- it was tha wish of the Protestants ... w. i of Eisleben td erect a proper monument —: to Luther's memon-, and they have now Official Organ of Sumter OFFICIAL OROAH OF SCHLET COUNTY. ] 1>'1*'^ miJ toii»l .Vr Oermany, but for the whole true Christian .Church in .and out of Germany; henoo they have reason to expect assistance hom the Protestants of America. The Consul General of the North German Federal Union lias taken this matter in hand, and has seut this ap peal to all the German papers of this country. The names of some very high Protestant dignitaries arc sigued to the appeal. The assistance of American Pro testants in this memorial of Martin Lu ther seems to us eminently . appropriate. AMERICUS. GEORGIA; Friday Homing, July 1, 1870. Official Organ of Lee County. Official Organ of Webster County C&Y" Akcrman lias been confirmed n -\ t torae v-General of the United States. BgU We liave been shown two copies of an old time paper, hearing marks of ;tgo in typography and news. The first • mo is* entitled “Tho New-England Weekly Journal; Containing, the most Ttemarkablo Occurrences Foreign A Do- mestick; Monday, April 8, 1728; Boston Printed by S. Kneeland & T. Green, at the Printing House in Queen street, whero advertisements are taken in.” Among the advertisements we find the following, which are astonishing for tho God-fearing city of Boston : SGT" A very Likely Negro Woman who can do Honsework, and is fit either for Town or Country Service, about 22 Yrs. of Ago, to be SOLD, enquire of tho Printer hereof. E?*u A very Likely Negro Girl, about 13 or 14 Yrs. of Ago. speaks good Eng lish, has been in the Country some years, to be SOLD, /nquire of tho Printer hereof. Shade of tho blessed Snnner! could such things havo been? The other paper is “The Boston Ga zette and Country Journal; Containing tho freshest Advices, Foreign and Do- m os tick; Monday, March 12, 1770.” It is in deep mourning, in consequence of tho Boston Tea Biot, in which several por ous were killed. The following adver tisement may be of interest to the people of this mock-modest age: 4 Young Woman with a good Breast A of Muk, that can bo well recom mended, would go into a Gentleman’s Family to suckle; inquire, of F.des A GUI. Day and Night in Sweden.— 1 The pe culiarities of day and night in Sweden strike flic traveler very forcibly after bo- ing accustomed to the temperate zone. In Juno the suu goes down in Stockholm a little before 10 o’clock. There is a great illumination all night, as the sun passes round the earth toward tho North Pole, and the refraction of its rays is such that you can seo to read by midnight without any artificial light. There is a mountain at tho head of Bothnia where, the 21st of June, the sun does not ap pear to go down at all. The steamboat goes up from Stockholm for the purpose of conveying those who are curious to witness the phenomenon. It occurs only on one night The sun reaches the hori zon: you can seo tho whole faeo of it, and in fivo minutes more it begins to rise. At the North Cape, latitude 72 deg., the sun does not go down for several weeks. In June it would be alx>nt 25 deg. above the horizon at midnight. Tu the winter tho sun disap] K-arc, and is not seen for weeks; then it comes, and remains for ten or fifteen minutes, after which it de scends, and finally does not set at all, but makes almost a circle round the heavens. A GAY GAYLOBD. -Hadn't. Jined ’Em Yet.—Wo heard a . _ good thing recently, that evexy member of _ [re* * A duck oa A IWAKI—Mt*oi**rrr so send it oat on.ita travels: cjffee. - — A A rather verdant young man, whose ■ ■ features exhibited every -symptom of A minstrel seem, occurred in i been dighU, ti» c ed TrithUmem- gionof Kohomo Indium, recent!-,-, -.v.'iich T"A„' i v f oU T e ‘ I “ set rumor's tongue in mpi-t amil-i ?‘“ re , n \ ew y ° tk . g?A>ng earnestly Intion, ns will bonnderftooil by the ‘sen-1 “‘“g® »>w«'ease remarked: ention piece” tlrnt wa here nnotofrom the i. you »o got a heap of mighty pretty Tribune of that place, dated June 2d: J bre ? at P ins mister; what monghtyou Among the arrivals at the Cliuton I * . - ., House where a Mrs. Drake, from Tipton, , , W “» t , *° rfc °J a P* u *°‘Ua you like to and Joe Gaylord, of Skiff and Gaylord’s look ^mquixe^the. merchant Minstrels. The two came not together, nor had they ever met. In the afternoon of that day they met in tho parlor and incidentJy got into conversation. Gen tlemen sometimes fall in love at first sight, but ladies seldom do. In this case, however, tho woman fell dead in lo\e with burnt cork. “Not for .Toe" was no porting song, rilie went for Joe. Joe was sensititive, and at once began to have a kind feeling for Mrs. Drake, who was goose in bis eyes. They made love each other and were very happy. By and by the veal Drake arrived in search of his wife. He came np on the night train and instituted inquiry. Strange enough, he fell into the hands of Gay lord also, who recognized the description, and assured Mr. Drake that his wife had been there, but he had seen her take a train and go away. Mr. Drake went to lied disconsolate. Near by him his duck of a wife occupied another l>cd. Where Gaylord slept this deponent smith not, but he and Mrs. Drake were both up in time for tho 3 a M. train South. They arrived at Indianapolis at six, went to the nicest hotel in the city, registered as J. M. Gaylord and lady, took a room, and having come a long way on u night train, were verv tired and so retired. — Drake, who ishal/printerandhalf trunk- maker, took the seven o’clock train from this city, and, on arrival at Indianapolis looked up Borne fnemls. Ho found an editor of a Democratec newspaper, from the country, who did not like the editori al convention, and was anxious to get np a fi rst- class sensation. Ho advised Drake to cut and shoot. Drake had no pistol nor any money. He loaned him enough to buy a cheap shooter and the two pro ceeded to tho hotel. Drake wanted to proceed to tho room at once and shoot the gizzard out of the destroyer of his bliss, but the proprietor objected.— Finally tho latter and the editor went to tho room and gained admission. Upon TIVAL ax Amekicus.—With about twenty twenty-five -minutes,- the other day, to A Kentuckian riding to liis wife’s itmernl, saw a scrub racoon tho road, which so excited liis ruling passion that he yelled, “two to one on tho roan Who takes me ? ” j‘ Well, duuno !*’ said the visitor,point- ig to a plain Masonic pin, (the compass id square) “ how muen is tnat yore ?’’ Five Dollars only, sir,” was the reply. It’s a very fine pin, eighteen karat gold, and—’ “ You haven’t got any one with u little g old lmnd-saw laid across it, her you ?” iterruptcd the would-be purchaser. “ I believe not, sir, saiu the merchant. “ Wish yer had ; it would suit me ex actly. I am just out of my time, and gwine to set up os a carpenter and j’iuer, and I thought I'd like some sort of a sign to wear about me, so folks would havo an idea who I was. What do ye ax for that ar pin you’ve got yer hand on ?” “ Seven dollars,” said the merchant, producing a compass and square sur rounding tho letter G. “Seven dollars, eh ?” said the youth. Til take it—sirry yer didn’t have the hand-saw, though. Bat I reckon every body will understand it The compass to measure ou t the work, and the square to see ita all right after its dono measured, and every darned fool orter to know that G aUtts stands for Gimlet!" Trleoraphio Intercourse with India. —CoNOBATUIiATORY DISPATCHES.—BOM- r, India, Juno 23, 1870.—President of the United States, Washington: The Viceroy of India for the first time speaks direct by telegraph with the President of tho United States. May the competition of this long line of uninterrupted com munication l»e the emblem of lasting un ion between the eastern and western worlds. London, June 23.—The President of tho United States, Washington; I feel sure yon will rejoice with me over the completion this evening of submarine telegraphic communication between America, Great Britian and India. Prince op Wades. Washington, June 23.—To tho Prince of Wales: Your dispatch of this evening It took the United States Senate They get rid of their marriageable children in Romainia by moans of fairs. When tho fair is opened, tho fathors climb to tho top of their carriages, and . shout with the wholo power of their lungs, “I have a daughter to marry.— Who wants a wife ?” Tho call is at once answered by some other parent who lias a son ho is anxious to pair off. The two parents compare notes, and if the mar- viago portion is satisfactory, a treaty is there and then concluded. wssu Mexican authority Is almost ox* tinct on the Rio Grande. The anti-Jnar oz party reinforced by stragglers from the United States, defy both civil and milita ry ]lower of the Mexican nation, and live under rules of their own. In this sec tion tho annexation party is in tho as condant, and they openly declare an in tention of separating the border States from Mexico, and forming them into new Confederation, under the protection of tho United States. The Present Condition of the South. —The New York World has a leader up on the present condition of the negroes in the South, based upon information re ceived from an observing gentleman who has just returned from*- residence of sev en or eight months in a Gulf State. Ac cording to this testimony emancipation is not regarded as an evil by the owners of the Southern plantations, ond they heart ily acquiesce in free labor. The negroes, ho says, arc reasonably industrious, and improving every year under! ho wages system. Moreover, Tho social problem would be no prob lem at all, if it were not for meddlesome carpet-bag interference. A law has been passed by tho Legislature of Louisiana giving negroes equal rights in schools, theatres, hotels and public conveyances ; but tlris is something which the negroes themselves do not care for and havo nev er demanded. It is repulsive ond odious to tho whites, and in their present tem per they will never submit to it. They will willingly be taxed to support separate free schools for the black cnildren; the street railroad companies in New Orleans are ready to give up every other car to the negroes; but association and contact are repelled as indignities, and as a gen eral rule, tho negroes do not claim this land of equality. Tho attempts wliich liave been made* to enforce it havo utter ly failed. Every law of that kind will be a dead letter, os there is no possibility of executing it being told the situation, the parties be- . pan to dress themselves as rapidly as is received. America and Great Britain their excited stato would permit Gay- have reason to feel gtatified at the success- lord was very nervous. He was not ready fnl connection of the far F.ast with them to die, nor did ho think it blessed to die, j by snbarine cables, under such circumstances. By some! U. S. Grant means lie siippped out and hid himself j away in another room. The wife was j Teebible Effect taken down stairs, whero the enraged husband, with pistol in hand, awaited tho burnt cork fellow. When he icus, on Friday last The occasion was one of much interest to the order, and infinite pleasure to all participants. Dr. Blackshear’s address was very beautiful and well received; the order escorted by the Sir Knights of De Molay Commanaery, presented a fine ap pearance, ar d the celebration passed off pleasantly and with great credit to o— Americas brethren. At night a large audience assembled the Chapel of tlio Masonic College, and; while waiting for sapper, listened to sev eral very poor five minute speeches, aud, a great deal of effort at wit. When tho list of speakers was exhaust ed the craftsmen mingled with the dience and lively chit-chat and social partec filled np the interim till supper js announced. The multitude repaired to the Halls be low, where was spread a superb sapper— such a supper as would have delighted the Priests and Levites at the celebration of tho Cape Stone and dedication of the Temple. While discussing the good things at supper, the seats in the Chapel Hall were removed, and a string band provided. Ou returning to the HnH those fond of the Terpaicliorean graces, took in the situation at a glance, and in a jiffy partners were selected for tho first quad rille ; the signal note was sounded, (he cat-gut vibrations quickened the general pnlse, and a dozen sets or more plunged joyously into the giddy mazes of the dance. A» one hour after low twelve the gay and festive eeene dissolved, and the hapny votaries quietly dispersed. We enjoyed the occasion, and felt that it was good to be there. Friday afternoon Dr. Hawkins afford- l us the pleasure of a ride, and a bird’s- eye view of the city. We were surprised and delighted at what we saw—a beauti ful city embowered in shady groves, aud perfumed with the rarest shrubbery and sweetest flower. There are not many ex travagant mansions, but all are neat and comfortable, exhibiting cultivated taste and unpretentious happiness. Saturday morning we fell into the hands of CoL W. A. Hawkins, CoL C. T. Goode, Col. Cntts, Dr. Eldridge, Jack Brown, and a few others, whose hospitalityis on ly equaled by their genial spirits. Recapitulation :—The celebration was a success ; the festival was a success ; America? is a success ; and her Ladies,— God bless them, the word don't express it, and the language is without a simile to illustrate their beauty and loveliness. —Al News, 28/A. giro away twenty public domain in the way of a railroad subsidy. <3 <> =4= »U1. WILCOX & GIBB’S SILENT Macon Jnue‘29, evening.—Receipt* to-day 10; sales 137; skipped 07. The tendency of price* is still downward, and on the day’s operations they fell off a Ac—Hoeing at 17| for middlings. _ KcwVobk, Juno 2$.— Cotton lower; ‘■a’es403 ba)es; uplands 90j. ' Coll q lot, ranging'irozn 10l to It’. Savannah^June 28.—Cotton quiet; middlings 'a#.' Lnrsaruon, June 23, evening— Cotton quiet; nplands 10, Orleans 10}. AMEU1CU8 MARKET. .m crte-l expressly for the UepnMirtitt BY UONtOOMKUT A SHAW. Axeiucts, Ga^ Juuo 2i'th, 1S«0. CORN—ft 0‘21Q?1 63 hnslnd. MEAL-1 73 if bushel. OATS—1 23 per bushel. BACON—Clear Sides 19@20c. Shoulders tCp& A PERFECT MTOSLER In its simplicity, strength of stitch, apd beauty of finish. Needle is self-adjusting and cannot be set wrong. It tucks, corue, hems, fells, em broiders. braids, quilts and does all kinds of plain and fanev sewing, with neatness and dia- BULK MEATS -None. MOLAJSSES—00. 8YRUP8—90®fl 30 SUGARS—15M20. FISH—Kit ta f2 50@f4 30. 1 bhls *5 00©*8 50 A bbt 99 Wall* 00. BN« f16 00$tf3O 00. Irish Potatoes—None. TOBACCO—73«H 30 per It. Tor eonnd. BUTTER—Goahon 50c. Country 30& W. EGGS—Buying 25c. Selling We. LARD—Prime Leaf 23@25o. **&,Cincinnati is acting the “dcra fool” about that 4 baae-ball dub. Here is the Gaz ette on tho announcement of tho defat of tho Athletics: “Then such a shont went np os mode the welkin ring again. Btran- gera clasped hands with a fervor long acquaintance. Small boys executed extraordinary shoo flies on the pavement, and old men looked os if they would join in the dance if their old joints were not so stiff.” SOU There is a prospect, says an change, that Montreal will soon surpass any city in America in a new facility for street travel. A company has been or ganized there to introduce a steam omni bus. If we may believo the detailed re ports of tho excellent workings of the ma chine in Scotand, it is adapted alike for crowded cities and country roads, is per petually under control, and neither fright ens horses nor endangers human lives.— The ease and rapidity with which it draws immense loads have|bcen frequently de scribed. It requires no raib, its wheels having tires of fifteen inch width, cover ed with four inches of vulcanized rnb- l**r. Bad News foe Assistant Asseshobs. A high official of the Internal Revenue Bureau nays of the income tax bill, that increased exemption and the reduction of the tax in the new bill would bring the estimated revenue from this sourco down to about eighteen millions, and that the fifteen hundred special Assistant Assess ors, who are appointed annually for three or four months’ service to assess the in comes, can be dispensed with, because tho exemptions leaves so few people in district liablo for income tax that the regular Assistant Assessor can sit in their ottioes and wait for the income « ments to be handed in, instead of going after and hunting them up. The result, ho thinks, will be a trifling assess leaving nothing but a remnant of the former amount to collect, so that in bis opinion it would be better to wipe it out altogether. « wife ho grabbed her, pulled her along and said. “ Won’t I break every darn bone in your body when I get you homo.”— She thought hot, and went to talking tragically about how that fellow had stole her heart away. An hour later the husband returned to the hotel, raised a i and was ejected at once. Half an hour later he returned with his wife and asked to transfer her in dne form to Gay lord, when he intended to kill himself in the neatest manner. The hotel propri etor told them ho had seen enough of them, and drove them but But the hus band returned again alone soon after wards and asked to borrow one dollar and fifty cents, which he did not get. At last accounts Drake was making trunks on Virginia Avenue, and his duck was sigh ing for her minstrel. Touching Incident.—A writer in Boston Commercial Jtullctin, showing the extent and variety of the express busi ness, mentions that sometimes incidents of a touching character transpire in tho precincts of the unsentimental press ofiL e. An expressman upon reach ing his office early one cold morning January, observed ou the sidewalk, long heavy box, which liis practiced eye at once identified ns containing a corpse. Upon ono end of the box, shivering with tho cold, sat a little half clad boy about seven or eight years of age. Addressing him kindlv, he said: “My lad, don’t sit there, you will freeze. Several shots were fired by the Indians, e taking effect in the cab. No one hurt on tho train. ESU A passenger train on the Union Pacific Railroad coming east, Tuesday night week, ran into a squad of mounted IiiQirTMNQ —As 1 1 . n . dians " near °S»lVs Station, tilling tlie propellerD. S. Miller, of Poughkeep- j T t he - t ', K,ls , tri , l 8 to and eie, We. So^uehanna^I H^ |» mer, l’amsdell *V Co. s Newburg daily line, on Monday night, were passing Crow Nest Mountain, which looms almost per pendicularly up from the water, one solid mass of reck, an nwfuf explosion of thun der occurred, immediately following a vivid sheet of lightning. A fire-bolt de scended und struck thu mountain top, splitting off an immense piece of rock, which was hurled into the uir and plung ed with a fearful momentum into the riv er at the base of tho mountain. Showers of pieces were scattered in the air, some of them falling upon the decks of the passing vessels. The smell of brimstone was for the time almost overpower ing, and the liias of the water as the heat ed rock plunged into it was plainly heard. —Kcip York Herald. A.MERICUS COTTON MARKET. Aiaaticrs, Ga June 2i», 1870. COTTON—We quote 171-beat quality. FINANCIAL. Amkricus, Ga., June 29.1870. GOLD—Buying 11. Selling 13. tl ——- ** Selling 12. ON N. Y—Buying »t par. SPECIAL NOTICES. C.. August 1,1369. Dyspepsia of Heron Charleston, i Wm. H. Tutt: De* K u, and if you wish you car v«j been afflicted for upwards or •erea yeara with Dyspepsia. I could eat nothing tl * agreed with mo. I became emaciated, I had energy, aud felt gloomy aud luclaucholy all the time. 1 bare been using your Iirer pills for three weeks, aud have experienced the greatest benefit. I have a fine appetite, and can now eat anything. I cordially recommend them to i wlio have dyapepaia. Dennis O'Hallos an. f* It is now conceded that railroads have an important influence on the mete orology of tracts through which they pass. The freedom of New England would never leave from the terrible thunder showers form- lome ' erly so frequent is attributed to the pres ence of long lines of rails equalizing the the electricity generated in the atmos phere. Meteorologists note that since the laying of the rails of tho Pocifierail- load copious falls of rain have occurred tracts whero previously rain was an unusual phenomenon. come in and sit by the stove. Bursting into tears, the little fellow replied, “No, I can’t come in, my moth- this box and I promised her I never leave her nntil we got home." Deeply affected wi ih the touching de votion of this brave little fellow, we final ly succeeded iu convincing him of the entire safety of his piecious charge, and taking him over to a neighboring restaur- aunt, gave him a warm breakfast, and learned the particulars of his story. His father died about a year previously, ii Railroad Monarchs in Counsel.—A number of distinguished railroad gentle men arrived in our city yesterday after noon.—chief among whom is CoL W. M. Wadley, President of the Central Road; Gen. Wm. S. Holt, President, S. W. B. R;Mr. Virgil Powers, Su perintendent S. W. It. R; Wm. B. Johnson, C. A. Nutting, J. E. Jones, Col. Thomas Hardeman, Jr, J. B. Ross, Mucou; T. M. Furlow, Americas, and others accompanying him. is so seldom we have such visitors, and so many of them at the same time, that we are on tiptoe to luiow tho cause of their coming. Curiosity, however, i9 so vulgar that we shall wait developements with patience and feeling of security against any conspiracy detri mental to* our interests. There is some thing on foot, that’s certain, and should not be surprised if it is a big thing.—Albany Hexes 2Sth inst. j» A bill is before the Senate Judi ciary Committee which imposes a fine of not less than $1,000 on any person who makes a contract with an alien for n lon ger period of service than six months, if part of the consideration for the contract should be tho advancing or securing the money for tho transporting such alien from any foreign country. This bill, if passed, will put a stop to the importation of Chinese laborers. Census Returns.—A circular hasbecn issued from tho United States Census of fice to the United States Marshals, direct ing them to give the press the total popu lation of towns, cities and oounties, when complete returns for the same shall have been received and so far examined ns to bo satisfied of the thoroughness and ac curacy of tho work. This power, how ever, must be reserved to the marshals; assistants are not allowed to divulge the results of the enumeration. A society has been organized, hav ing ita headquarters at Montreal, having for its object tho annexation of all the Britith possessions in North America to tho United States, SgL. The littlo flee dog of the puny Radical sheet at Griffin knows exactly when the cap fits him. We can assure him that we were never dishonest enough to take a $600fee for services which were never rendered, nor will we cringe the knee to the base plunderers of the State Treasniy for government patronage. Wo are of the opinion that Griffin “light ning” must be very irritating, for it sets this self-conceited whelp whining dread fully. Wo advise him to pay his washer woman’s bill honestly, and not rob the Htato for that purpose. Au rctoir t tt died from sixty-five knife wounds £ cd by a jealous lover. —The last Georgian who filled the place of Akeiman, tho Georgia scalawag Grant has nominated, was Judge Berrien. From Akerman to Berrien is a fall. —Prince Napoleon is about to go to Egypt, and perhaps farther. —SL John’s day was generally cele brated at Denver, California, by the Ma sonic fraternity of that and adjoining towns. About 200 Masons from Chey enne and vicinity arrived by special train at noon and took part in laying the cornerstone 0 f tho Union Depot, which was performed with Masonic ceremonies. There was a grand pic-mo at the fair grounds near the city. Business was generally suspended. —Green com is becoming plentiful in Early county. —The Episcopalians of Columbus pro pose building a $30,000 church. —A clerk in a Savannah grocery has ajaterionsjy disappeared. —Grope in Decatur and adjoining counties are very promising. —Floyd county lost COO men by the war. The proposed monument to them will cost $5,000. remote village in Minnesota, leaving his mother in poor health and nearly desti tute. She died but a few days l>eforo the bov’a sad journey, charging the little hero with the duty of conveying her remains to her friends iu a distant State, and furnishing him with (all she had) a sum of money barely sufficient to carry them both by freight cars to their destination. The little fellow had actually ridden night and day in a freight car with his melancholy trust, never for a moment losing sight of it Terrible Explosion. An explosion of nitro-glycerine took place in Worcester, Moss., on Wednesday last, killing a man named Timothy Cro- nan (an Irishman, 22 years of age) and injuring about thirty other persons, none of them dangerously, however. Twelve houses were demolished and many others badly shattered. The shock was felt all over the city. Bells were rung and crock ery and furniture broken half a mile dis tent The cause of all the mischief was nitro-glycerine that had been smuggled into a cur and addressed to North Adams, and was intended for the Hooeaic tunnel. It is most astounding that bat one life was lost and so many seriously injured. The man killed was walking on the track at tho time of the explosion. The nitro glycerine was iu the last ear of a freight train. Three cars were demolished. Heavy bars of iron were thrown a dis tance of nearly a quarter of a mile, and tho shock was distinctly felt at points twenty miles distant. Tho damage i timated at about $150,000. Texas Yovdoovol—There was an old negro woman called Jane, for short, who anno□ need to tho negroes near Spring- field, limestone county, Texas, that the millennium would take place, and the “mighty ship of Zion” would comedown to take up to glory those who complied with her directions, on tho 26th of May. In aocc rdaneo with her instructions, which she preached to a large congregation, the believers burnt one-half of all their world ly possessions in a big bonfire, hoed np by the roots and destroyed half their growing crops of com and cotton, gave away half their children, Ac. They then dinobed entirely and danced a “ holy dance.” After which they did ono sensi ble thing—they killed all their dog*.— Jane the proposed* it is said, they should eat the dog meat; but this thev hesitated to do, and she did not suoceea very well in the attempt herself. Finally she pro ceeded to measures with a view to sacri ficing her own child, an infant At this point the proceedings were interrupted by those who lsoked faith in her ministry and Jane. was arrested and restrained from further preaching. Their neigh bors are helping theunfortunate converts to rcplamtheirmined fields,and make up, so far as possible their losses. Th ^flSnotmeea House Moving Extbaobdinaby.—Mr. 1*. O’Keefe has moved a house of two and a half stories, with a chimney thirty- seveu feet Jiigli, a distance of nine and a half feet. The weight was some 33,000 pounds. Not the least remarkable thing about the affair, is that the family remain ed in the house while it was being re moved and not a single joist of the house cracked.—Atlanta New Era. Cinarr Seed, Rape Seed »nd Cuttlefish bone. - . > ‘aeorrteponcl with tlie do- LN. HAliTAOO. ‘The life is the Blood.” 'ySsl^rsiar&js&s! lag, around which rerolvea al! that makwiPTit prominent among which is ' “* p ~- SCROFULA. Thfa u a bant or infocUau of tho human or wm, heart affection, nervous disorders, bam,., agsa, dttorden of tho womb, dropav, nrpiuhti, affections, liver complaint, Halt rlu-nui, dm*... «a, neuralgia, lom of manhood and genersf*. bility. It lias been tho custom to treat th*--. diseases with tnereurr and other mincaalenU stances, wliich, though sometimes producing euro, ofton proves injurious and ootails misr-r m after life. The long known injurious proper, uea of thsarao-ealisd alteratives and purifier* luw led tl>« philautropliical man of science t* wi arvan * °f nature, tho result >,( *** discovery of vegetable m- I>r. TUTT’S COSITOCXD kxtbact of SAM. LUMPKIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. A MBRIOPiB, Goorgln WUl practise in all the courts of Ponthwes >FFICE-With JunSO, 1870. QTRAY COW.—Taken up on O my lot, a white Cow, with dark branded spots aud head marked with a cross and split on one car and swallow fork on the other, horns drop over face; also a young calf; the owner can get them by paying for this advertisement. JunSO-tf J. A. COBB. *Ow«lmo,W K » I , n ti4ot« to >11 blooddh. r.Trii ~*° tlie *®*ctiona abovo onuuu - ” l "• IxnuAnenUy banished, and the Source,the Centre or Blood,theLir«» bo munUiort in a it. purity Md rigor. For dLvaw, produced by Il.r um of Mercury, and tor Syphilis with it* train ot «vll s tl.i. ,-om pound it (lie only aute antidote. Georgia—Sumter county. for letters of dismission from said estate. Tbete are therefore to dte and admonish all and singular, the creditors of said estate, to be and appear at my office in the city of Amcricus. witlun tho time prescribed by law, and file their objections, if any they liave, otherwise said letters will be granted.^ ^ ^ B. F. Bell, Given uadei my h OrdV. Georgia—Sumter county. TfTlIEUEAS, the estate of Major M. PI. Bte- W pheas, deceased, late of said county, Is un represented. Theso are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my offico within 1 tho time prescribed by law, and file their objeo- ; tions, if any they have, why such letters should not be vested in tlu Clerk of tn« SuperiorCourt, or some other proper person. Given under my baud and signature this SOth June, 1870. janSO-lin B. F. Bxli, Ord'y. Bargains! Bargains! negro Bitten by Rattlesnake. woman, while picking whortleberries yes terday, in tho vicinity of the - city, was bitten by a rattlesnake, and death ensned, we are informed, in ten minutes after wards. We were unable to ascertain the name of party, but the fact is as stated, having been received from n reliable source.—Sar. News. PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER Haa become au article of commerce—which no medicine ever became before. It is as much an item in every bill of goods sent to country mer chants as tea, coffee or sugar. This speaks vol umes in its favor.—Glens’ Falls Messenger. Rev. H. L- Vanmeter, Burraah, write*, “The Pain Killer has become au almost indispensible article in ray family.” Hundreds of missionaries give similar tcati- ouy of its virtues. Rev. J. G. Stearns writes, “I couaider the beet remedy I know of for dyspepsia. Rev. Jabez L. Swan says, “I havo used it tor years in my family, and consider it an invalua ble remedy.” Rev. M. H. Rixby writes, • ‘I have had oeca- use the Pain Killer very frequently dur- BST The Sulinc (Mo.) Progress tells of a young man in its county who came up on a rattlesnake in his field, and cut the snake into three pieecs with a grubbing hoe, and was afterwards badly bitten by one of the pieces ! ThbLisb to Eufaula.—The engin- iTH are now in search of the best line for the B k A R R from this city to Eu- fanla. Two lines have already been run, neither of which is very satisfactory. Dawson is exceedingly anxious fora survey crossing the S. W. Road at that point, and passing north of Americas, and it is asserted that a better line than either of those surveyed can be found in that direction. Fort Gaines also presents a route and statistics that puzzled ns. From Albany to Fort Gaines,it is claimed, a dead level air line can be obtained, and aline almost free from excavations and fillings np the river to Eufaula. It is believed that the road can be built cheaper via Fort Gaines, though some ten miles farther tlian by any line yet projected, and that sound policy dictates an experimental survey before locating. The proposition is worthy of consid eration, and should not be disregarded.— Albany News 28th inst. CgUNature in the lineaments she gave to the son of Jerome Bonaparte and the Baltimore belle, put a recognition of his descent that even the Emperor Napoleon could not nullify. Nature has done the same thing in the disease lie died with. He died of cancer—the family disease, of which the first Napoleon himself v victim.—New York Herald. Compliment to Akekman.—The Louisville Courier-Journal says of Aker- This favorite child of Mars—this ide Olympian Jovo among Georgians— rushed to the side of Toombs, and, draw ing his glittering blade, began that career which, in its glory and splendor, was sur passed by that of no other seoond assis tant brigade commissary in the whole army of the South. Fashions fob Children’s Hats and Boots.—A New York authority says that a charming novelty for young girls is a summer hat of light bluo or pink silk, with a kind of coiffure of embroidered Swiss muslin edged with Valenciennes lace. A quilling of silk surrounds the crown; bow and streamers are at the back. Bronzed boots are worn with brown or white dresses, but black kid boots, cut only half high, ornamented with white stitching, and either buttoned or laced on the sides, are more generally adopt ed. The Alligator Horse.—The Augusta Chronicle <0 Sentinel learns that a planter Midway, in Sonth Carolina, about seventy miles from Augusta, has cultiva ted his entire farm this year, so far at least as ploughing is concerned, with alligator! Tho animal is nnnsnolly large—weighs 350 pounds—and is per fectly docile and domesticated. He is said to work splendidly in plough har- i, and is far superior to mules or horses. IQT The Butler-Farnsworth row, believed, will end in a duel, and B., to be ahead of time, sent for John Morris sey to back him. They had on affection ate interview, earnest hand-shakings em braces, &c., Ac., and when Morrissey had got away from the House he found his pocket had been picked. John notified the polico of the robbery.—N. Y. Demo- cr>/f. A Radical of a Ohio school board recently delivered himself ot the follow ing: “Mr. Clicermnn, I rise for to—that is to make a motion, which is as follows Resolred that there no need to build such costivo echool house ii as some of this ere board is proposin to ’reck No, Mr. CheeriruiD, I’m ’j>o»ed to spendin money for more housciu Tho old ones are pretty good yit, and for to go for to build a pretty slick house which will cost ten thousand dollars, or mom yet, its all wasted. It’s no ’conomy to throw away money we don’t need. Taxes cost money, and money has to go to pay taxes, and let us expense with any mote school housen. J&*Ia the Missouri bottoms, opposite Cairo, Mr. William Rodney raised a crop of corn that will do to talk about. On eight acres ho produced one thousand and fifty bushels! This Js equal to one hundred and thirty-one and one-quarter bushels to the acre ! Tajjt about the tal- leys of the Nile and the Amazon; the Scioto and Miami!-*■ They ’ fi® barren waste oompSred with our Missouri bot toms l—Cairo Bulletin. tgUSavanuah has had the first water melons of the season. To tho poor creature, enfeebled in mind sad body, by secrets practices, whose nerves an- unstrung aud countenance downcast SARSAPAPILLA Queen’s Delight hna Uesauigr Try it fairly and your nerves win be restored to their wonted vigor, and vonr ile- iectod countenance be made radiant with th« consciousness of RESTORED MANHOOD. Being free from violent minerals,it is adapted t.. S neral use. The old and young may n»e it; a most delicate female at any time may take it; tho tender infant, who may have inherifei disease, will l>c cured by it. mwrm, tbk USE Dr. TUTT’S EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA MRS. LAZARON Is still on hand and willing t and customers - sell to her blends ing n>y residence iu ltarmak, awl have found it ‘ very netful medicine. ” Sold by all druggists. Hoi ase in an incipient stag ., „ time having resource to some remedial agent, which would effectually arrest the further pro gress of disease, and render the system impreg nable to its insidious attacks. It is unfortun ately too true, there are thousands wlxo sink in to an early grave, whereas at a trifling expense they might liavo lived to a good old age. If there be rcliauce to be placed in medicine, and A tested cases establish be- . . / of a doubt tho curative properties of any one particular remedy, then, Hurley’s Sarsaparilla and Potash is unquestion ably tho greatest medicine ever introduced to an afflicted community. Hesitate not, there fore, to use it. if suffering from any ot the ills to which the flesh is heir. sp2Gtf I shall ever consider Simmons’ Liver Bogota tor as the preserver of the life of my little son,- who is now iu blooming health. Mbs. Ellen Meitbax, Chattahoochie, Fla. Koseoo.—This mcdicino is rapidly gaining the confidence of the people, and the numerous testimonials of its virtues, given by practition ers of medicine, leaves no doubt that it is a safe and reliable remedy:(or impurity of tho blood, liver disease, Ac. The last Medical Junral con tains an article from Prof. R. 8. K e wtun, M, D., President of the Medical College city ofNew York, that speaks in high terms 'of its curative proparties, and gives a special recommendation of Koskoo to the practitioners of medicine. This is, we believe, the first instance where such medicines liave been officially endorsed by the Faculty of any of tho medical colleges, and reflects great credit upon tho skiil of Dr. Law rence, its compounder, and also puts “ Koakoo” in the vane of all other medicines of the present day.—Norfolk Voxhj Journal December IRA, tt MILLINERY Of the latest and most FA8HI0NABLE STYLES, At the Lowest Prices Dress Department Is eqnal to any in Americus, and we are wiUiu 1 at such prices that everyono may afford Con\e one, Come all, QUEEN’S DELICHT. need in the spring it removes all lmtnori* wliich infest tlio system; and i: and banishes the _nd debility peculiar to that season <>f tl:« It acts promptly on tho LIVER AND KIDNEYS. Produces a healthy action of the important or gans by which all tho impurities oi the system are carriod off; and the result is a CLEAR SKIN, A GOOD APPETITE AND B0UYANT SPIRITS. PR F. PARED BY Wm. H. Tutt & Land, AUGUSTA, CA., And Sold by DruggistsEverywhera june4-Cm NOTICE. Having tho liabilities of IV. A. COOK & CO left upon our hands to pay, and NOTHING TO PAY them with, except the accounts made, and the DRUGS AND MEDICINES, tho e indebted will please settle with n->. We propose to sell the stock now on hand for C A. S H , until we can pay the indebtednees, and to era- ArclibLsliop Odin, of Now Orleans, i; death 4- A New York editor complains of bod-bugs contracted in a street car, and demands the abolition of cushions. Chemistry is furnishing ub new agents for fuel, force, food, and many other important aids over those we onco possessed. Porta from which commerce was driven during the hot months by their terrible fevers are visited all the year with Impunity now. Many localities in the South and West kept tenantless by their deleterious miasmas are nowfill ing up with populations under the pro tection oIAyre’sAgue Core. Their af flicting Chills and Fever are so effectu ally cured by tliia remedy that the disease no longer tnrns emmigration aside or de stroys the settler if ho ventures upon its infected districts. [“Gazette,” Inde pendence, Me. —Senator Revels is in the bosom of his family at Natches again. He don’t like life in Congress, and his friends ad- viso him to torn to preaching again. —A negro woman has been appointed postmistress at Jackson, La. It might hare been worse, as a carpet-bagger wanted the office. —The Rev. Mr. Fays, chaplain of the Texas State Senate, is still charged with having celebrated a marriage between a white man and a mulatto woman in Bra- zos county. ( ; t —the congregation and the census were simultaneously increased in a Wis consin church during Services lost Sun day. [Nqlfcxtyr^but the young woman knew anything abont it until the “meet ing was out.” • —When the census taker asked an Iowa woman the age of her'oldest child, she replied that he had come around about one month too soon. \ SPECIAL NOTICE. -TO BE- Xloud with. Ixxtox*o«t —AND NOTED— BY ALL WHO READ, IM) CrtMMUXTrATZT* BY TIKVIE WnO RE\|> TO THOSE WHO DO NOT, I And have it Kept before the People anA Understood by all th&t SULLIVAN & TINSLEY Silver and Cold Watches, SPECTACLES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, &c., Which they win sell as cheep us any boose in Americus. Haring the services of the beet vrorkn *> iu the country, tl*y will GUARANTEE FOR TWELVE MONTHS All REPAIRING done at the establishment. EXAMINE OUR STOCK, As no pains are spared in showing goods. Mrs. R. H. GREEN, Also wiU be pleased to see her old and net friends at onr establishment. Juno 30,1870 WM. LAZARON. Great Bargains R. T. BYRD’S. t sixty days I will sell AT A REDUCED PRICE. So now is the time and here is the place to buy cheap drugs. A. R. BROWN, jun!6-tf Trustee. SEWING MACHINES ON TIME! WE WILL SELL DRESS GOODS,! Clothing, XZatai, BOOTS AND SHOES, New York Cost for Cash! The .American Combination mmxvs-HOi.F. s ovfrseamixo SEWING MACHINE OR THE PLAIN AMERICAN, WATCHES, a get them AT GOST PRICES. By depositing the amount either with us or with a bank agent. BEMEMBEBI Work Done at Ante-War Prices JtmT4T 80LUVAH * TEJ6LEI' CITY CURRENCY. Will be Redeemed or received In payment for exchange' at the Houses of Messrs. J. W. Wheatley and ““"'E D. RANDALL, Clerk* Treasurer. Juno 27,1870. Im Courier copy S. C O PI E 1ST , MoroMaut Tailor, QTOULD respect!ally call the attention of the ww citizens of America* aad surrounding coun try to the fact that he is prepared to make an CUSTOM-MADE WORK .1 UrtahortMtooUoft. Two European Workmen, wtao wfil |ive aaUatactieo to tbc^ trade. Owing ■Tthe bdtaatfietrmUe is willing to cut and make clothes at moderately E ' p * in ° !t “ d mijMy Sonth Side l*KJh ButtonHole & Overseamiog. ON TIME ! Three machine* maks the lockstitch, which u alike on both aides, and Will not Rip I machines to responsible parties upon the WJo* ing term*: $25 cash what the machine is bought, once in meekly instalments tend the machine is paid for. Any lady cau, in a short tirao make the michin*i Pay for Itself- Eterj Msehtne Warranted. Leitner and Flicker, SOLE AGENTS U JtmufcM ** u-. ■"“ w £i 4 ! W QTRAYED—-From my **