The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, July 15, 1870, Image 3

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Six Great Remedies. the weekly republican. Kerning, My 15, 1870, "jySUEE YOUE PEOPEETY - -* *»» : SrWexetum thank* to oar kind frieml, Dr. W. L N. Crocker, for speci mens of the finest petches'wo have seen this jeer. One of tiiein measured elersn inches in circumference. t Huarnu IncuuuiOo., „ p«rmi Of Brooklyn, New York. r.irsni* Hrrri'- Lxsuaascs Co., Of Athens, Georgia. insure your life _ I.. jt«FMKC Soeirrv, Of New York ■ ctatt** IvsrniNTS Co., •TU"* Of Macou, Georgia. W. T. DAVENPORT, A , lit New Drug Store, L»mar Street, Or t«. SPEER A HOOKS, lacker# t Br,*ew, corner Lamar A Collegeet* ,v *5 The attention of all Good Tern- plan, and others, is invited to the ad dress of G. W. a T.,Dr. Kirksosj, to be found on the first page of today’s paper. Corrox.—In conversation with' a num ber of intelligent farmers a few days ago, we learn that the cotton crop of this county will be almost an entire failure.— One gentleman remarked that he had not seen a gloomier prospect in forty yean. P* The next annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars will convene in Amer icas, on Wednesday, the 6th of October. See notice of Grand Secretary. flange «f Th*r»omrtor ptt. E. J. ELDRI DOS'S PECO BTOSE. 13 r. «. 16.1 l»ncK is in fashion now. V n <«niice.s—Little •* nigs ” and rug-tags. Prrachino continues ot the Methodist I'linrch. ^ Jt sprinkled a little and thnnder- ...l considerable here, yesterday. pru Watermelons are very scarce and , nrbitsntly high. Past.—The base ball dub was or • -.!! forre on Thursday. jytf- We hear numerous complaints of •lrdra robberies in the city. Americas can Iiosstof a “left* 'mnded fiddler, ” the fust and only ever heard of. ^ Jitney is very scarce. A man who i tt , or three hnndred dollars cash hand w considered either a counterfeiter : a bankrupt. It will interest our building .riends to know that Mr. Wooten .apply them with nny quantity of lumber. S.*> ftjrcrtisement CHL A little 1 >oy let ont an oath so large ,, n J hot, yesterday, that he said it burnt hi* tongue ten minntAs. trf-Mary liurncs, a negreas in the em- j, l0 y i t John E. Hall, fell dead while set ting the dinner table on Tuesday moro ns hist. Attention, Fikkmek.—All members of •.lie new Fire Company are requested to met t at tho Hall of the Wide-Awake Fire Company So. 1, this (Thursday) evening ath o'clock. Enfaula has passed an ordinance •lepriving hogs of street privileges. Onr Fathers have a special delight in keeping the* very attractive and decent animals More the public. May l>e some of them hogs and no corn. There is a man in Americas suf- iWing with tho surname of “ Odiah. ”— <tr. Ade*rti*er. The gentleman’s name is “ Hodijah, ” and wo have always heard his complaint r. an rheumatism. He can now remedy hi* aches by having liis name changed. aoju Messrs. Hart Sc Bro., have laid ns under obligations for a string of nice block perch. They receive a fresh sup ply. daily, put np in ice, and will furnish line mullet, trout, skip-jack, perch, Ac., N-ry cheap to ye lovers of the finny tribe. 0.11 early, morning and evening, they will sell good fresh fish much cheaper t'.mn yon can buy beef. Census op Amejucus—Though not en tirely completed, we learn from Mr. Hale, Assistant Marshal, that the population of Americas will reach near four thousand. U Wo acknowledge the reoeipt of an invitation to attend the annual celebra tion of the Phi Kappa Sooiety of the University of Georgia, to come off on the 1st of August Mebckb University.—Col. C. T. Goode of this place, delivers the Annu al Oration before the Literary Societies of this Institution to-morrow, (commence- ment day). B@- “ That he be reprimanded by the Mayor,” wns the sentence of the Council in tho case of certain ‘ ‘charges and specifi cations'' vs. the City Marshal. tgL- As the man round tho corner has been chafed by the “forged query and re ply ” in this paper, the information reeeiv- bj ns must have been oorrect. Whether sanctioned by the irascible gentleman or not, wc can't say, bat his ranting about difficulties doesn’t score any ono that wo are aware of. Keep cool, Major, the summer’s heat is enough without raising bad blood. Simmer low, now, for a nra- A Beat, “Goudes” Wedding.—A ‘gold en’ wedding was recently celebrated in Laporte county, Indiann—Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Amanda Peer being the parties.— They had l>een married for fifty-four years, and never had a word of difference, much less a real quarrel. Happy old couple. £©■* The abatement of the hog nuisance wns defeated at the last meeting of the Council by the Mayor casting his vote in favor of its continuance. Aldermen Cutts, Council and Remley voted for the passage of an ordinance prohibiting hogs running ut large on the streets, they were defeated, but wo learn, will make another attempt to have it carried. To Make good Butter.—The follow ing recipe for making batter, is taken from the Rome Courier. It will do to try. Take the yolk of 8 eggs, beat as making eggnog, to which add one gallon of fresh sweet milk; then put it in the churn, then add 2 pounds of batter, churn all together for five minutes, and you will have 8 pounds of good butter. Try and see for yourselves. >*u Messrs. Flicker .V Leitner say lost they have the largest and fineat stock "> je»e!cry ever brought to this city, and that they will give gold for greenbacks— •» gold watch, rings, etc., which will al ways l»e worth their value to the pur chaser. Head advertisement. Beats It.—Some music teacher once wrote that “ tho art of playing a violin requires the nicest perception and the most sensibility of any art in the known world.” Upon which an editor < ments in the following manner: “Tho art of publishing a newspaper, and mak ing it pay, and at the sametimo making it please everybody, beats fiddlin’ higher than a kite.” I>r. W. M. Hardwick, has assumed temporary command of the City Drug Storo « !IS Receiver, per appointment Sum- h r Superior Court, and is now offering *:*c superior lot of Medicines, Drugs, Ac., " l the firm of W. A. Cook & Co., at re duced prices. As money is scarce it is the aim of every person to save ns mneb ^possible when purchasing goods. It rill \)o to the interest of aD, then, who v '-k to purchase any article generally !'>iind in Drug Stores, to pay the Dr. a v, .s:t before going elsewhere. Read ad vertisement. Bass Bald.—The public and especial ly the ladies ore respectfully invited to witness* “match game** of Base Ball to OoiatnacATm The Crop QomUsb. , ., - . . Mb. Editor: II was thkly refreshing b.phyrf|oaYhy^y«wito»TDjyl«a, towrftt.tottorol coropoodeo* Mran tho following selected uneo, •• J. M. a “ inyoorieMeof the9th lost., games to commence at 4.30 o’dodt, pee- „ meromt of craps he witoeand, while traveling thro’ oady: Mew Anson. Captain. Chuus Eon, Pilcher. Jon Joan*. Catcher. Thxo. M. Jmora, 1st Base. Will Ha was, 2nd Bara. B. A. Bran, 3rd Baas. Han Am, Shortstop. Jon B. Fci.itxa, Left Field. Gram. Boeannui. Centre Field. Osanus Baiinrm, Bight Field. portion ot Lee oountj. It made onr hearts'glad and rebound with joy, to know that he had found a land ro over* flowing with ••ootnend cotton,” and e place where the hand of plentjjrad to lav- iahly distributed iUgifta. I only regret that I cannot give n wwni of the condition of the craps in another sec tion of tho country, end speak ot the glo rious anticipations of the fanners haring corn enough to feed both ... and beast, and enough cotton to bring she satisfac- aion of well-ailed pockets, at the end of the jeer. Within the past week it bee been mj good fortune to riait a portion of Sumter, Schley, Marion, and Webater counties, and I mutt aay that the proapect, with a very few exception, ia gloomy indeed.— The crops from Americas to Ellarille ere only tolerable, while from Ellarille to linens Vista, and from Buena Vista to Preston they are distressingly poor, am poritire in tho assertion, that I could show mila ot cotton, that instead ot ma king a bate to the acre—or a belo even to three seres—will not average over 17",lb. of seed cotton by the time it is gathered and ginned. I speak of tho general crop of tho coontry. At a matter, of course I saw an occasional patch of cotton or com (but voiy seldom I assure you) that waa tolerably good, but the average of the crops was about what it should have been the let of Juno. From Preston to Americus the proepeet is a little better. The crops immediately trouud Preston ere looking tolerably well, and the com crop about the Plains of Dura is good, W the rains in that vicinity have been too frequent to havo done anything but A special invitation is extended to the injure cotton, and wherever you met a Americas Brass Band to attend and die- planter who was disposed, at all, to ac- knowledgo his crop to be good, ho would invariably tell you that it was far behind Some of our people in thorn tv and what it should be. I have no doubt but immediate vicinity are crying for rain, this waa what Mr. Brady meant, when whilst many of tho farmers are complain- he told “ J. M. 0. " that ho “had not ing of too much, that crops are nearly seen any good cotton this rear ” While past redemption, even if a favorable sea- he will tell yon that his on crop is very son were to set in. We would suggest good i„ comparison with the crops of planting friends, that if they have this section of 8. W. Georgia he will .1- tny land that is not under cultivation, it so tell you thatnonoof it is what Bought be nov, or was this time last year— Eugene A. Hawkins, Captain. E. A. Hawkins, Pitcher. Smith, Catcher. Henry Hasdt, 1st Base. John Sullivan, 2d Base. G. S. Foster, 3d Base. P. B. Snxs, Short Stop. Wjl Johnson, Left Field. Wn. Millkb, Centre Field. Wm. Lazabox, Bight Field. Scorers: S. A. Smith. Will Gbanberut. Umpire-: Ben. P. Hollis. Tlao successful “Nine” hereby chal lenge the “Phat Nine” of Americas to play * match game for the championship of South-Western Georgia. The “Phat Nine” consisting of the following named gentleman .* Tou Bryant, Captain Elect. M. B. Council, Pitcher. W. A. Greene, Catcher. A. K. Brown, 1st Base. Tox Bbyaxt, 2d Base. E. J. E edridge, 3rd Base. Jesse Hardy, Short Stop. 8. Cohen, Left Field. Perby H. Olives, Centre Field. 8. B. Hawkins, Right Field. not yet too late to plant corn. Enough can be made by letting it grow until Octo ber, or even as late as November, and then cut and cure on the stalk, to feed their stock on and save the necessity of buying com all through tho winter. Wo have soon it green in the fields of Ten nessee and Virginia os late os September and ninety-nine ont of one hundred plant ers will toll you the same thing. In conclusion, let ns all pull np stakes where wc are, and move to that little stretch of Leo oonnty, from Judge Batts’ to John Laramore's place, embracing in all about four miles, and go to making and probably October, and we think our con, an 4 cotton, especially when wo get climate is better adapted to late crops R yield of 26 or 30 bushels of corn and than that of either of the above States— 0 ( cotton to tho If the war now threatening Europe should commence, cotton wonld not bring its la- * Schley. bor value while corn would go out of the reach of most of our people and suffering would naturally ensue. At any rate our farmers cannot afford to mortgage their crops every year for tho nocessariea of ^ force pump has been put up on lh.'nonliwMt comer of the Minnie,—e roo.1 neeowuon to tlmt portion of the city. After repairing tho cistern near it, ■Irum from the pump to carry Uie Haste- aster into it, woulA, in case of drought, keep the cistern well auppliod. To lioAiiDEns.—Mrs, G. M. Hax ia uesiroua of ohtaininga few day board™, ooe Mlvertiaement, Srarr Df.vtal Associatiox.—The "•orgia State Dental Society holds its •-‘ini session in Atlanta, commencing on l nnnday, July 28th, at 10 o’clock, a. m. ^ railroa«ls and hotels will makeare- ' action in fare to delegates attending it. w- We direct attention to the card of -I r-intw. in another column. 1 r ' ^ en ,s a good painter, a good dti- • cn an ' 1 A Good Templar, which is a '^’00(1 evidence that he will fill all orders •-ntmiUvl to him in a good and capable iKantifr. Mr. leogan, street contractor, has had rather a tough job before him the past month, in making passable the street that leads from Tionpe and running by McKay’w hill. In wet weather tho large volume of water that passes through what known as the “old golly,” destroyed the work done at that point so often that repairs on it were stopped three or fonr years ago, and the street remained im passable until Mr. Logan took the matter hand. The culvert is built of the best and heaviest kind of timber, well put together, and, we think,will stand the “rush of many waters” a long time to come. The work is well done, and shows that our City Fathers have got the “ right man in the right place” Vest Female College.—The closing exercises of this institution took place at Talbotton last week. CoL C. T. Goode of this place delivered the lit erary address. We clip from the Tsl- botton Slumlord the following notice of the address of our fellow citizen. An address by Col. Charlea T. Goode, of Americus, dosed the exercises of this day. Tho address was quite pungent, contained many good pointa and was well received. The main idea was that the memory of an all-glorious post, kept alive in the minda of the Southern peo ple, should ever incite them to noble ei- lorta in restoring the material prosperity of onr country and in Wptflfaisg a lofty standard of intellectual and moral excellence. have been rednoed almost to suffering because they could not obtain work, that charity that takes from the poor and needy ? Are irach societies needed ? Wist. *5- Some of our farming friends are rtunpUiniug o! too much rain, too much f"- too much lice, end too little Lbor. A little while and they win complain at ,r » much.aun.hine. °i» Cow Cuora—\Fe an pained to our planting friends the following »a].romi!ing report from our com crops ■" the Weet, which we tad in a Western ^change: gButugS grains and grasses weJu^Coro ^ for nevwal weeks. That Bel*, whose sihery tinkle awake* the snltiy summer sir of the streets of our city, ia the precursor of some delightfully cool and exquiaativsty appre ciable to the panting and heated lady or gentleman—Icecream. Keep cool, call to the black anima/a that tugs between the shafts, try a {date of cream, and pleasure will be yours, also the expense. Eph. Montgomery has been selling ice cream through onr streets for many sunn peal, and the people all know tint he furnish as good as can be made. It be had at his saloon near Hudson’s cor ner, or from his wagon on the street. —Two young ladies in Hampton, New Hampshire, hare become insane on a count of religious excitement. Then no danger of the young ladies of Ameri cas going eraay on aueh a subject. War A groottr, in the city, when plained te about selling bad eggs, “At this time of year, the hens are not, well, and often lay bad eggsl” Correspondence. Editor Sumter Republican—Sir: Hav- Yonrs trnly. Meeting of the New Fire Co. City Hall, July 7*1870. On motion ot Dr. J. B. Hinkle, Capt. H. L. French was called to the chair,and M. B. Council to act as secretary. Capt. French explained that the meet ing was called tor the purpose of organis ing a fire company. A roll of seventy-five n,miM Tnhr*ribtid for that purpose was called, and a majori ty being found present, the chairman announced the meeting ready for busi es. H. H. Allen submitted the following which on motion was adopted. [The following gentlemen were elected to the offices before their names): Resolved, That the officers of or- ganixation shall consist of a foreman, R. P. Tondee; 1st assistant foreman, H. H. Allen; 2d assistant foreman, W. N. Free man; hose director, H. H. Martin: —H- ant hose director, George Stapleton; en gineer, James Roach; assistant engineer, W. J. Harper; surgeon, Dr. J.B. Hinkle; treasurer, R. C. Black; secretary, M. B. Council; assistant secretary H. D. Ran dall. Resolved, That this meeting now pro ceed to fill said offices by ballot, a pln- ralty to govern said olection. Resolved, That the officers who ore elected shall remain in office until their successors ore elected under the constitu tion and by-laws hereafter to be adopted. The election of officers here took place, and resulted as above stated. On motion of H. D. Randall the chair appointed the following committees: On Name—J. R. Dunn, H. H. Martin and W. J. Harper. To writ on City Council-Frank Gyles, J. C, Aubrey nnd J. F. Hall. On Incorporation—Sam. Lumpkin, G. W. Wooten, H. D. Randall and M. B. Council. Constitution and By-Laws—J. W. Remley, R. P. Tondee, H. D. Randall, R. C. Black and G. W. Wooten. On place of meeting— H. H. Allen, J. H. Brake and J. M. Birdsong. Rasolved, That the committees, so far i practicable,report at our next meeting. Resolved, That the secretary furnish copies of these proceedings to the city papers and request their publication. Adjourned until the 14th instant at 8 •’dock, p. m. H. L. Fukxch, XL B. Council, Sec. Lh’m LAW AND LAWYERS. A SEW FLAT BY A NEW AUTHOR. Act 1st Americus, July, 11. Communicated. In tbe Country. Yesterday being the Sabbath and the life and farm labor, and tho sooner they 10th of July, I took a jaunt to Providence begin to raise them the better it will bo Church of tho Primitive Baptist Tho for tho whole South. A good crop of day.waa oppressively warm and my horse com can yot be raised, and if our farmers having had the free privilege of the pas- will try it they will bo independent of ture—tho refrumentaria not being satis- mortgag. s hereafter. factory at my house—showed signs of distress before I reached home. Communicated. I was gratified to see that most of tho Sewing Societies farms along tho road showed well for the We have many charitable institutions “dnatryof the farmer*. Com looked and many plans and ways to raire money vcU ’ cotton for tho purpose of defraying expenaea It of bein * P rott ? f ?° °. f m** churches and oi religions .MOcUtioiu.- «T eottoi * thU it ■roll be unraUund None of time And any endonement in ®o“PM»li«IyfralUera thuyeur. I bare tire Scripture* and not . fe* of them are » n » the combined propub destructive of tho cud they propo*, “» ot •trmui.Ungfertilizers and good Searing Societies are alwaya gotten np cu ^ «“* ™‘ ld TT by the wealthier clu.of.ny community ^pcer^ter « hoght. but .t hwl and are generally composed of members the n»t and many of the forora lrad bran who are able to dispense charity without Pf** 1 throwi, open their calice. sucli an organisation. But the greatliarm ready to rop. donebyraTSdeUra iaUra^riniTf “^-oica-that. Kal auJboulovrat work from those who oro dependent np- mo.” ybarfxmttbc Church? Itwra on their dmly labor for. rapport. Ia - beautiful place and many of tbo people thi. city ore several Societies that have round about were there in rammer trim, aocumidated enough tomake handsome Mr. Editor yon boratof the beauty of present, audited into the muraonuy city ; but may it plrara U.e court box 825 or $30 at a time. Whilrt three rad th„ honorable juiy-theres as brau ram.tie.have thus proqmrad. mrayL- ty enough couademl m on*youngtady. dies, who ram their living by the needle. the entire regiment of Sabine girls twice attractive as they proved to the young Romans. Now, Mr. Editor, knock off thirty years from ye correspondent and Miss J. wonld hear from him. I wish yon would talk to Tom and John, young married men and merchants may not with impunity wander far from the blandishments of home into strange ing jn it returned homo after a short trip bewildering circles—the restraining through a portion of Lee county, and presence of wives may be wholesome for having witnessed the fine condition of such under all circumstances, the growing crop* there, both corn and jj„t what about the meeting ? Well, I cotton, nn«l having been the recipient of nv one man baptized and I have no doubt kind attention and hospitality at the w iu make a good and true Christian, hands of several of its worthy citizens, j heard two discourses. The one on I cannot refrain from making somo men- «»j am the true shepherd, ” another, from tion and ncknowledg ment of the same, the Rev. Mr. Peraeley setting forth the The evidenoes of suooesa there are tru- fajth nod regulations of the Primitive ly gratifying. Baptists and the obligations of eommn- On Monday last I stopped at the nlcants. Under toe first head he held of by Mr. Joseph Batts, his son, under been enticed into it and bad been expel! whose able management the place ia eon- ed the Church. As illustrations of the ducted, and where the general thrifty reflections had on the subjert be stated ’ — - some held that we were enjoined in the • • _ -.»w T .. Bible “to be obedient to thepowfflMthat industry and superintendence. In his i twMm u right so to be, if the company I rode over considerable of the powers that be were right in the sight of plantation, and partook plentifully of tbe God and His law. ” “ He and it says fine watermelon* for which hi. place « ^ S^^S&ve^OrfwSSS noted. Of his cotton crop too much toMgnme tiiat the power* that be—were cannot be said in praise, and I venture to Jq commission from toe Most High, from aay there is not a finer prospect anywhere wborn they as a Church churned to act. in Southwest Georgia. I saw plenty — - ' t high, and full squares. He informed that lie expects to make on the portent. greater portion o! the place, if notoaaU ^ rint half done, but you are tired and of it, a bale to the acre. We also rode I havn’t said a word about my he ' ** over a CO acre fiald of corn, soma of frfeods, Davidson, Market and which I could not reach whan standing to whom, to the Preacher and to the fair on a tall bone’s back. Mr. Batts says, Misses J., et alias, a long and happy ex- nwlflMa the reason proves unfavorable, 1m - *- ’ expect* a yield of &to 80 boshria to the raraV I did not go owe to* balance of his corn, but bo assured me that all on Delicate SthwicallOrnanoN.—Tbe S See vra* good, and ha would, in afl tittle boy of Rev. G. H. J**tillo, .pastor Communicated. Mr. Editor : I sec in your paper of toe 9th inst, a communication over the signatore of “ Wist ” in which he reflects upon the propriety of Sewing Societies, &e. Now I think him very nnkind to say the least of it, to come ont at tho eleventh hour and condemn the Societies that have so long since been organized in onr community. It looks muchly like he intended venting Ins spleen npontho last and recent organization ; if so, will he plesso turn his eye and behold their par sonage, a standing monument—the off spring of a once organized Sewing Socie ty—the industry and energy of a faithful few! Now, “ Wist” must know that onr churches and their interests are charitable institutions, and have to bo supported by voluntary contributions. While I agree with him that these Societies are gotten np by toe wealthier class of the commu nity, yet I maintain that such organiza tions are right and good in their aims, and do not knowingly take one hour's work from the laboring poor. The work we do wonld not be given to those whom Wist’’thinks will suffer for want of it. It is such work and contributed by such per sons as would otherwise do it themselves. Then why discourage the ladies in this noble work, or attempt to thwart their good designs and wise purposes ? They willingly sacrifice many home pleasures and interests, and tax their strength and energies to promote good results ; all of rhich, I will venture to say, is because they have not liberal hnsbands, fathers and brothers. I do not mean to say that they aro not liberal to their own indul gences, bnt stingy to their wives, sisters and daughters. I do not think I wonld hazard anything in saying that if the men wonld abandon their many extravagant pleasures and vice* and contribute the amount thus spent to their families, that they would no longer feel it was a neces sity to resort to Sewing Societies to make money to defray church expenses and be stow alms upon the indigent and super animated members of their churchen. If our men and women, young and old, were more industrious and economical churches and missions, at home and abroad, would not languish as they do for support. We need a reform, who will put the ball motion for this great and good work. Vindicator. Scene interior of.OourV-Hooae. Grot, Ketek mn, and TdbsaUAtt'ys, sitting to Roll Enter IS* Amendment. Grot—Hallo 1 my friend, what ia toe iw, now ? Ketchum— My old friend, have you got a case? TakeaB—Tell me all about it. IB clear you! Grab—'So*, you come here in this cor- r, I want to talk to yon. (Aside) IB put you through. Kctchnn—Now, Grab, let him alone, he ho* already employed mo. Grab—(Winking at them)—Yon and Takeall keep atilL Yon can get on t'other aide. Takeall—-Now my old friend don’t mind what he says, just give me fire dollars and I'll send them to the penitentiary in time. Pullout the chink and 1*11 have ’em here with a warrant in a jiffy. lot A Amendment—Sow, Mossa, you see I libs down on Bias S’ plantation, and todder day me and Pete was a hocin’. Ketchum—(Taking him by the arm.)— Come here. Don’t you tell nothing, only to me. I’ll see yon righted and make 'em howl. 15th Amendment goes off with Kctch- n into u corner. Iu a short time they go into the office and talk. Ketchum—(writes.) Here, here, sign this warrant (15th A. signs.) Nowall is right Come to-morrow. IB make ’em see sights, by G—CL Here, Sheriff, yon take this warrant and arrest the par ties, it’s only 20 miles. You can get a horse ot the lively stable. You most be here to-morrow morning by 10 o’clock. Ah! wait a minute. Hero aro some sub poenas, take them along and serve them. By the way, if there is any more cases bring ’em up. Ketchum—(To the others). Now, Grab and Takeall, I secured a devil of a good toe out of that nigger. Nothing like en ergy and perseverance. Gmh— I got ‘the case first and you ought to have let me have it. KetcJnnn—You had as good a chance an I did. I only out-generaled yon. Sheriff— (Goos out muttering and curs- ingj. If I don’t quit this business I’ll bo d—d. Here I’ve been down to that place trrsnty times, and if I've got a cussed cent I don’t know it. I swoar I’ll have something this time if it’s only n chick en. Them lawyers think, d—n ’em, I have nothing to do but ride through the hot sun, and pay five dollars a day for a buggy and get nothing for it, and old E. haft sworn I get uo more buggy and horse witbont the money. But I’ll havo to stand it Hath jest opened their SPRING STOCK, ****** ** At Panic Prioes, O A.SS^BtT YBUS AT LESS THAN THE COST OF MANY A3- TlCLZa THIS HUE LAST YEAB. it our hostess* is stffl STBICTLY OH The Cash System, As W* CANNOT SELL OVS OOOM AT THE LOW UCS9B WE HATS MASSED THEM 03NT ▲ CREDIT, sad ws havo but —om price.—- VSJ repeat thb^fartosbenefit o f those who may WE 8ELL ONLY FOR CASH. Baying our Poods, a* we do, from IMPORTERS, AND MANDFACTTOZRS Many of them BY THE PACKAGE, and WITH THE MONEY, ws can supply COUNTRY MERCHANTS upon as oooo teens as the} can make their purchase* in any market in Georgia. Wo havo a beautiful line of PLAIN, CHECKED and STRIPED JAPANESE SILKS, Colored and Black Ssiin Striped GRENADINES, Interesting to Cotton Growers.—A machine has been invented by Mr. G. W. Grader, of Memphis, which, if but half which is claimed for it be realized, will add greaty to the wealth of the South. It ia called the " Linter,” and by it the waste from the cotton gin known as motes,” and heretofore of no use except as a fertilizer, undergoes a cleansing pro cess, by which it is freed from its impur ities and mado into a good ordinary cot ton suitable for batting or a coarse arti cle of goods. The machine now in oper ation in Memphis is capable of consum ing one million pounds of motes eachyear at a trifling cost The Grader Manufac turing Company propose si once to erect mills in each of the cotton-producing States, and tho saving which will annu ally result from their general use may be estimated at millions of dollars. On Sunday, July 10th, 1870, Ellen Catherine, aged 9 months and 23 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mono- ban of this city. What do you and tout readers think of that 1 As to what I think, it is not im- littlo boy of Rev. G. IT. I’atil o, pastor of tho Albany Methodist Church, having ■ ills o»n OK. On ray iray back I nfferod from a crarar o! th* cyo loro .topped . abort tim* at Hosts. Mora, long timo, srith no possible liopo ot rc- ralrom Bryant's, Lsraraoio's, .lUrcFs corcry. tUopnrent* decidedm a Inst and Olliers, and cveiysUero sutuessed sort, under medical advieo to Unng lmn mtifring evidences of Leo connty being to the city nhere somo of our prominent ■rcsgjtod-.,. ih.«—ss 5j?ss.J!iSi^%srsg was Terr good, but cotton wra doing organ term it. racket, an operation it a. r*alMd.lrad Ma—'.fr poorly, rad thUh* bra not raen ray pradlra. toray, tbra wra waljM mkI cotton this year. X wonld ragged Mr. Brady toko a flying trip to Uc, he will change his mini?. ■ Yonrs truly, .T. M. C. Printed LINEN DRESS GOODS, Tbe most beaatifal ■ took of Printed LAWN 3, jacokettes tad osoanme IIDSLDBw ew had. Some handsome STRIPED PIQUES, iw stylo: PRINTS. _ MA'ACHED and BROWN SHIRTINGS and locmt Low priced and Kxtrm. Good Ticking, HOSIERY, 08NABURG8, kllow-case liken, and 104 LINEN 8HEET1N0 HE LOW COST. BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Umbrella* and Parasols, Chi Cloth* and Tshls linen and Window Shades, "Tooths and cassihebes, Cottonades, Linen Ducks and Coatings FANS, a very largo stock ot Crockery and Glassware, Plated Spoon* and Forks, Table and Pocket Knives, Itotj handled Knirrs, without forks; 8o*p«, Hods, FINE TEAS, Royal Baking Powders, (A very anperior article); potash and Btarcb, Fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Traveling Bags snd Bankets, CAtrrmos! cAsnmxos! CARPETINGS! From a common article at 30c. per yard, ton Tcry handsome Tapestry llruastla, as low as they can b« bought in any mirket iu Georgia. ‘ small consignment of beaurffal WALL PAPEH AT NEW YORK COST! Railroad Meeting in Sclalejr Co. Pursuant to previous call a large and respectable portion of tho citizens of Schley county met in the Court House at EUaville, on the 2d of July, for the purpose of discussing railroad matters. On motion of Dr. J. W. McKcllar, Capt Robert Burton was called to the chair, and M. J. Wall was requested to act afl secretary. Capt Barton explained tho objeetof the meeting. Capt B. J. Bedding then read the resolutions which had been passed by the convention held at Gene va on the 15th Jane last and on motion they were unanimously adopted by the meeting. On motion of Hon. T. F. Rainey, the ^hraivmsn appointed a committee of three conslstingof Dr. W. J. Sean, Capt J.C. Lameter and Major E. 8. Baldwin to so licit subscription to defray the expenses of tbe oommittee on railroad charter and State aid to Atlanta. On motion of Capt J. Bedding, that in the event of either of toe committee of corporators failing to act, fL L. Worthy he appointed in his place. It was moved that copies of the pro- oeedings of this meeting be fur- mabed the editors of the Sumter Re publican and Talbotton Siandard and that they be requested to publish them. ■ Tbe meeting then adjourned. M. J. Wall, Sea B, Burton, Chinn. Local and Business Notices. SOT Smoking tobecoo, all grades, end fine cigar* at Dr. Eldridge'S Drag Store. Agency for Clements’ artificial legs at Dr. EJ Eldridge’a Drug Store. Jao2 SB. dothing made to order ia th* best styles at WESTHxnmfr. MOT Just rsot ired, a Urge lot of blssching*, to be sold cheep at \TssrmmnaX *3u, If you want cheep ctottrin^ft> to^ err Fine <lree* goods at 10 cents ^psr^ayl at SOT Tbs beat assortment of root*’furnishing goods are found at WEsramaa's. Kerosene that wont explode, kerosene lamps at Dr. Eldridge 1 * Drug Store. T 49* Best Flint Glass Lamp Cbimnies that wont break, often at Eldridge's Drug Store. ecr If you want cheap dress goods go to ap2S Wasxaxncxa’*. SS. Millet Seed at Dc. Etdridgs-a. IF The cheapest goods in town are sold at Wcffnnaxn's. Doya* and youtha* eh*Uring can he found a Wnrraenna'M. SB. Afl goods are sold at pastoprioss at ^ OommorolAl • Macon July 21, owning.—Receipt* to-day 2; sales U9; shipped 121. Th* market was rather firmer to-day and prices stood steadily at 17 oents fur middling*, all ofiorel readily takes. New You, July 12.—Cotton steady; sales 1400; upland* I9J. Sataknab, July 12.—Cotton dull; middlings 18. LnrxareaL,Jaly 12, evening—Cotton dull *nd irregular; uplands 91001; Oriesns OJ^OJ. CORN—fl I MEAL-171 OATB—1 Sfiper h pleasant and cheerful, go aadbuy "* Pet Allright sad Spear’s Fruit Preserving solution. Lightning Fly Killer. AMERICUS MARKET. Corrected expressly for the Republican tto. fiM. tit‘oStSlotH. per B for sound. RUTTElt—Goshen 60c. Coontry SO^HQ. - EGGS—Burma 15c. BeffisaflOe. CANDLES—Adoi AMERICUS COTTON MARKET. AxnaccSyGA July IS, 1870. OOTTOK-We quotef 16| mats. FINANCIAL. Oa^ July 18,1870. •took. . , _ good*. GHANBEBBY & CO. Americas, April 12. tf. .; j Hurley’sStomach Bitters, 7m nobility. Boss ot Apprtit,. Wraknera, Indigration, or Dr, l«pni^ Wrat of Action oi tlifi liter, pr Diacr- _ derod Stem, Thera an no bitten tbrt era* bil T» Jrara a»MU t *0»,lrafaMK «r.' her of a disease aha had long been under treat ment for. 1 was afflicted te kshnikr w*y, and got some for my own use, and am hoppytosav it has cured me. My dteses* wss of tWMsdder sad kidneys. It i* certainly a splendid medi cine, end being pieeee&t to take w quite a re commendation. We and our nigbbors have n.i foe out otliera now. Very nwpectfnUjy ^rour Notice to Mothers. DR. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup. •fie. per Bottle. . Use in the future Beabrook’a. a combination quite up in advancement of the age; plmmnt and tollable ta all eoeee. Invaluable in the fol lowing diseases: Sommer Complaints, Irregularities of the Bowels, Bcstivoncssa, Teeth ing, etc., etc. CUtes health to the child and reettothesiothar. Marietta, Gtu, Nov. L 1808. . —lie Ruddle & Co. Louisville, Ky.—We liave used yoar Seebrook's latent Soothing Sy rup in oar familiea and find it does mare good than all othermedidnee weaver tried. Webc- Uero it poriectly hatmkee, end it gives rest and earn to oar children quicker than ail other rem edies now offered for sole. We have been Bell ing it for three years, and it gives universal ■adstection. Never heard it complained ot Our win * will use no other. Yoon, Root. J. L.Root. S. C O HEIST , z dsof CUSTOM-MADE AV0RK at the nhartMt notice. We have Two European Workmen, wbo will give mtiafontion to the trade. Owing to the fact that he has hod a good natrougefor fourteen years Item the pabbe, he foels Able and is willing to cut and make clothes at moderately low prices, so as to save tbe ladies the trouble of making them, as he can then better fufill hi* above promise: No fit, no pay. Repairing and cicxnins Cone .t ehort "otic. & mayS-ly South Bide Lamar Btxeei. POPULAR WOBM CANDY This being really a speeifio against all kinds of arms that are found in childrcci, it i* testbe- tming the remedy administered ineucb tron- _Jo*; it* pleasant taste is quite a reoammenda- tion of itself; whilo ite efficiency is truly womlrr- Loaisville, August SO, 188a. Mosers. James Ruddlo A Go.—Gentlemen: In oonsequenco of the benefit 1 havo received from the u*e of your Dr. Hurley's Worm Candy in — *-mily. leend yon this, hoping you will Hurley's Worn* Candy at keat ono of oor chil- * would hare died. Both ofour chiidrenarr reUand hearty, they paeeed worm* seven inches long. Anyone doubting this sen call and see me at corner 10th and Cheenut street*, and I will give them proof of this and more. Ycuta HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. HO ARSENIC—HO MERCURY. PERFECTLY RELIABLE! The only remedy few Chill* and Fever dr Agno rnd Fever, that is or can be dependod up on is Hurley's Arne Tonic. There have been THi ToDr.Ttra. L. Hnrlrj: Iberaby certify U»t dunjig the iMtjrar i ra Utecirad with th. ran. while in Vkdubnrg, Mira, and raed rarcr- qsaoUy as Ugh as to grates per d»y, andwhich must liave cost mo nearly 8100. I consulted Dr. Bmitb, oi Louisville, and found he pnscribed quinine and arsenic, combined, which I retailed to take, preferring to let the diseaeo take in. coarse. I was almost bloodleas, ettranslv ex- hausted, and nroaounced with enlarged liver and spleen. About this time the advertisement of Hurley's Ague Tonic appeared in a city paper, and Idetemuiiod to gire it a trial. I did so, and have no reason to regret it. One bottlo'nwtored me completely, and since that timo I have seen nearly a hundred cases in which it acted with equally happy results, and would ccrtainlv re commend it osprcferrable to any other.tonic be fore tho public. Jama Mautcc, lmeineer. Louisville, Kv.. June 14,1885, PURIFY YOUR BOOD. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, IODIDEPOTASH This is the pare and genuino extract of the rook, and will, on trial, be found to efloot a cer tain andperteot care for the following com plaints and disease*: Affections of tho Bones, Habitual Cost iveness, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Femalo Irregularities, t Fis tula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Syphilis, And all impurities of the Blood, etc. To Dr. Tho*. A. Hurley: air. I deem itaa set of justice to you to statlthat in the month cf February lost, I had a motc* attack of inflam matory rhenmatism, which completely pm*- trated mo. At tho some time my lungs were much afflicted. I waa #0 reduced that it waa with tbe greatest difficulty I oould walk. 1 pro cured somo of your compound extract of Maraa- narilla, and commenced taking it. I found that 1 began to rnprove, my cough became less *e- tho sareoce* of my lungs and breasts gradually subsided, my rheumatic painakss acute. I attribute this mainly to your tiarea- porilia. I havs now bsen taking it forovsrtwo mouths! I have token in all lire bottles. Its ef fects bare bssa most satistectory to ms, and I adriss others similarly affected to civs you a Joe. Clextxt. SEWING MACHINES ON TIME! triaL of the present time is ono of the magistrate* of the city of Louisville. WE WILL BELL The American Combination BUTTON-HOLE A OVERBEARING SEWING MACHINE OR THE PLAIN AMERICAN, DR. SEABROOKS ELiIXI R. —or— PYROPHOSPHATE IRON & CALISAYA This elegant combination possmsis all tbs touio properties of Peruvian Bark and iron, without the diaagreeaUs tastes and budsActa other preparations, of 1 ItsfcSwudbetoken in a gentle tonis impression is re- *- PSIapSvSBI s> dsbUI* ButtonHole & Overseaming. ON TIME ! Will i\ot Rip! oytbSiEUrtt ray otter imchio. rad. *25 oath trhen the machine i. bought, bal ance in weekly inetatmeats untl the machine it paid for. Any Mr <ra, i. . abort tta. mote tte rachira Pa y for Itself. Krery Machine Warranted. Leitner and Fricker, SOLE AGENTS Auu'ricua for tteM rarahiara. 1 aired after ooovalasoencs -Oting diseoses,fl Ities peculiar to -“kMtWiftoL well take He place. JAMES RIJODLE & €0. without it, il liable to such diseases, for untiring PROPRIETORB, JeuU/ratory No. 41 BnJlitt Street, Louisville, Ky. Ad the above medicines are for sals by.' W. A. COOK to CO., Americas, Ga., And oi Wholesale by L.W.Hunt & Co., Macon, Ca CTBAYED—From my resi- ‘J.t^soryyeflij^jl.tra, »t Ite raB. radi; .CALF*ithter. Uj liniBtel "• be HyreaUeA, rad Or iteT ifbmj cf raid For Sale, 1 Keg Fire-Proof Paint. hyply at thi. offle. jiil.lM t