The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, September 02, 1870, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. Trija7 Momcg, September 8,1870. insure your property the following safe *nd reliable Companies:. ,th Barron A Mkocahtii* Insurance Co., Of London, England. jjnx I.ssBiu>czCo., Of Brooklyn, New fork. •tmvrs Imouins Oo., 4. fl Of Athena, Georgia. INSURE your life BQu.8ome <4 (ho citizens of tbo Plain* of l>hra hare fictitionod tlic D. O. M. C: T. of the District to organize a Lodge of Good Templars ont there. This will give Sam ter four Lodges including the one in this city. ft. Deputy G.'W. 0. T., C. W. Hsn- cock has organized in Butler, daring the week, a Lodge of I. O. G. T., and also conferred the Temple Degrees. He re turned home Thursday night and has been so indisposed as to be compelled to keep his bed. *©»Tho Senate on Thursday last pass ed the Americas and Ncwnan Railroad bill, amending it so that the Capital Stock of the Company shall not exceed fire millions instead of twenty, 'and that the right of way shall be 150 feet instead of 300. Our information is that the House will immediately, concur, when the Bill will be approved by the Governor. We also have information that the oth er two Bills—incorporating and extend ing aid to the Amerteusond Florence R. Road, and the Americas and Isabella R Road—will soon pass both Houses and be approved by the Governor. farms States Insurance Co., Of Macon, Georgia, to W. T. DAVENPORT, At hie New Drug Store, Lamer Street, Or to, SPEER A HOOKS, I'anlrm A Broken, corner Lamar A College ata TO CANDIDATES. All aspirants for office who wish to an- l.iudco taeir names as cadidates, through this paper, except those nominated by the Contention, will bo charged as other ad vertisements, and the cash demanded a* the name is handed in. Also all commu nications advocating any gentleman’! ,-laiuis for office. ’ This rule will be ad hered to in all cases. Hancock, Graham & Reilly. *©» Judge J. A. Ansley wants to boy four good plantations' from five to ten miles from Americas. He also wishes to rent a good hum in Sumter county.— Those who have plantations to sell or rent should call on the Judge. See ad vertisement. I* The fall term of Forlow Masonic Female College will commence on Mon day, September the 5th. TLe Board of Instruction is complete, and we are i fied that the management of the present efficient President will contribute to the good of both the Institution and the scholars. BOX- Dr. W. W. Ford has our th for a basket of large nice pears. l'rof. Paling’s Concert has been indefinitely postponed. frjr The streets were filled with prom- enaders of both colors, Saturday evening. teTMrs. J. R. Cain willjnccoramodate hoarders with the best fare on reasonable h-rms. See advertisement oak, Mr. J. L. Oliver, tbo most efficient iaember of the city police, has iesigried his jtositiou in that corps. ter The Subbath School Scholars of the Plains of Dura will have a celebration on Friday next, 2d inst teT We regret to learn that our vener- ihle old friend, Dr. Geo. F. Buchanan, Dr. W. W. Ford lias returned to ,is office in the city, and is ready to to- iove those afllicted with tooth-ache, &c. BL. Sweet potatoes are rather scarce or the season, and demand a very high fu. We have heard of several young ladies, not many miles from Americas, dressing in male attire and playing “leap frog. ” Nothing like exercise for health, keep it up, and your Doctor’s bills will be lessened. L An old toper in this city who has not seen a sober day in several wfeeksaays that the “ghost" of hismother is contin ually following him about, threatening him whenever he approaches a grog-shop, that the " spirits ” of departed friends arc continually leering at him from behind trees and corners. It is our opinion if he doesn’t let the liquor cup alone he will lee ghosts or anything else in this world much longer. jy- A young Prussian who had been drinking the health of King William and * * Oar Fritz ” went off as follows: Me dhrinky drei glass of lager bier For Yillam goot und old, Aod/ttptf for Fritz, der noble poy, Hit heart so brave und pold. Den here’s to der old fa der laud Where der/rauleins pese so sweet, Und der soldiers pese so brave That de Frenchers dey do peat Oh, mine head is full of lager bier Mine heart is fall of love For der goot old folks of Sharmanie Der land where lager flows. Then turning to us he fsaid: “ Kum- men sie herein mein freund find trinker tie ein gins bier mil tnie. ” We begged to be excused and sloped. tei’" - Read advertisement of Spring- wood wloct Sehool for young ladies, «l«-r new advertisement heading. S. Horton has lost a Memorandum Book for which he will pny a suitable re ward. Road notice. The revival in East Americus is still increasing, and considerable interest is being manifested therein. Rev. J. B. McGehee informs ns that notwithstand ing the rain of Tuesday evening, there twenty-five or thirty supplicants at the altar for divine favor. Many of the town people have become interested and go out every evening. Meetings are held tfiree times a day. tSaflf onr street lamps uhould provo a precursor of gloomy times, then our city certainly has block prospects in the fu ture. Wo would suggest to tbo lamp lighter to see that they are properly cleansed and trimmed, if it is his wish to do his duty faithfully. Cotton.—Receipts 30th and 31st ult, at Harrold, Johnson & Co’s Warehouse, bales. Sales—new crop—15 for low middlings and 151 cts. for middlings. Total receipts at Warehouse and De pot of new crop about 40 bales. jr The City Clock is just about twen ty-five minutes too slow, which is a source of much trouble to persons wishing to go off on the trains. The up train for Ma con, the Agent tells ns, is due here at 12 o'clock, noon, but arrives at 111, town time. Persons are left almost daily account of relying on the City Clock for the true time. The person in charge ders the clock of very little use or relia bility in not keeping the correct time. It an easy matter to set it aright and keep so, and as it was intended for the con venience of the citizens we hope it will be done, that is, if the trouble bo not too great for the attendant [OUbSfMculioUuTnbnse.] the French Movements—ITHahonV ' March. IioXDOX, August 45.—The Tribane special correspondent from Rheims, on Tuesday, sends very important and bite news of the French movements, which are not allowed to be telegraphed. Yes terday evening there were about one hun dred and fifty thousand troops in and aboutRheims under McMahon. Daring the night they began, to move towards Ardennes and are still moving in that direction. By noon this place, will be entirely evacuated. They take the road to Bethel and Mezieres, but even the officers do not know how far they will go in that direction. If what is be lieved here about Bazaine be true, the two armies will soon be united. Bazaine is reported at headquarters to have said that he could beat the enemy on the 20th, but if be waited until the 25th he could annihilate [them. This afternoon the march of troops which be gan last evening continues. Artillery, infantry .and cavalry are pouring unin terruptedly through town. It is rain ng hard to-day. I compute that nearly two hundred thousand men in all have pass ed. There is no longer a doubt about the direction of the movement. From the officers of the baggage and supply train I learn that they have orders to go direct to Montmedy. Two baggagemen, who had tried to get toward Verdun, had been stopped by the Uhlans, and. all re ports agree that every road thither is picketed by the Prussians. Reorganization is proceeding with the utmost dispatch. For example, a sup ply train of five hundred wagons, and fully equipped, was organized and reach ed Rheims from Verdun in three days. High officers here are positive that a part of Bazaine’s forces aro between Briey and Etain. Our own movements from Rheims to join him are made with the utmost secrecy. The second army of reserves, now forming near Chalons, and composed of old soldiers, will reach three hundred and fifty thousand men. The Emperor will command the Impe rial Guard in person. Messrs. Redwine &. Fox, of Atlan ta, will give as a premium to the best lady-rider at the ensuing State Fair, to bo held in that city, a Toilet Set and Bose-wood Dressing Case valued at fifty dollars. Wo have a number of pretty and graceful riders amongst the young ladies of Americus, and we would be much pleased to learn that one of them had se cured this prize. Won’t some of them contend for it ? lsomvillo was in a state of excite ment a few nights einee caused by a ne gro man whipping his wife. Bar (leneral Bivins lias lost a pair of gold spectacles for which he is offering a suitable reward. Read advertisement. CfO,. Dr. J. W. Shropshire, of Plains of Dura, is offering his professional ser vices to the citizens of Sumter county. tKd" K. (i. llrown has lost a Pocket- Book containing School Account for $253.00 which he wishes to obtain. See EWi,. We understand that uo less than fifty-seveu applications have been mode for the position of Teacher of Music Furlow Masonic Female College, of this city, for the fall term. tJfU Onr city was greatly refreshed by n gentle shower on Tuesday evening, and hi the time of going to press the clouds prenjonish a copious rain. Stt' The evil spirits kept in the drink ing saloon of A. B. Addison, tempted unprincipled persons to surrepti tiously enter that house on Monday night last, and after imbibing to their hearts’ content proceed to abstract from the money-drawer between thirty and forty dollars. They also carried off cigars and other articles the value of which has not been ascertained. This, we think, will prove to be anoth- of those mysterious affairs which police will fail to elucidate, and willmake apparent to ah that they do not that vigilance their positions de mand. A countryman who had been visi- iting the bar-rooms pretty freely the oth- dny, was observed trying to pass of a couple of nickel fivo cents on a lamp post for drinks. He was bagging the post and said—“Now old fellow, (hie) I wants drink, (hie) d—n dry—aint liad a drink a month. Pshaw ! take it (hie) man, got more ,ond wants drink bad. Make ’aste. ” CgL. The weather has been intensely hot for the past two weeks, cotton is open ing rapidly and will soon be crowding in, while but very little money is iu the bands "f operators to purclinso with. Oar colored Baptist friends wash ed aw ay the sins of seven colored sisters and brothers in Mitchell’s Mill Pond, last Sunday morning. tea?-A regular old-fashioned Baptist fi'et-vashing was performed on Sunday at their rhnrch in the neighborhood of "iir old friend, Wirght Brady, Sr. A spocial term of Snmter Snpo nor Conrt will be opened in this city Monday next, for the trial of criminal coses and the hearing of motions. Hon. J. 31. Clarke presiding. The Fair at Macon commencing <»u the 3rd of October, promises to be quite attractive. The best stock of the State will be exhibited, also tho best and finest manufactured articles. See adver tisement. Our colored firemen, escorted^ by the colored Brasj Bond, paraded the streets yesterday afternoon, with their Hook A Ladder Track. The Company is u fine body of men and will always be found at their posts when duty cafla. Cotton.—Receipts at Harrold, John- •*>n & Co’s ware-house on the 27th inst.— five bales—sold on a basis of 151 cts. for Middlings. There is a good enquiry for Middling and Low Middling ftaJ^The colored Brass Band IromMn- <‘on has been gaseating on our streets for the past three or four days. Their mu sic is pretty good for negroes, but their insolence, ignorance and arrogance unbecoming in freed men. A fight occurred on Cotton Ave- 11,10 between two drunken men, late Tuee- afternoon, in which a knife and chair were used by the combatants. Both were too drunk to do damage, and were s^pa- ^ted by citizens, the police being out of place. . ’ have always been of the opin ion that Editors and Printers were exempt from jury duty on account of expressing their opinions, publicly, in regard to all cases brought to their notice. This ia a canse of ineligibility in most Courts, and we have never known on Editor or regu lar printer retained on a jury, and think a Sheriff is wasting time when be mons either of them. Dr. W-W. FORD H AVING returned to the city will resume the tho practice of Dentistry immediately, he a he consulted at his office, where he will be in all cases strictly cash. . A negro man about 19 years old, named Jesse Fletcher was killed near the depot by the train bound forEufanla, about one o’clock, on Friday morning. Tho train was going around the carve below the water-tank when the Engineer discovered the negro asleep on the track, but be was so close it was impossible to received, atop. The negro moat have been drunk, the Engineer aays he never blew his whistle louder, bnt it did not seem to awaken him. List of Letters H ELD at the Post Offioc, in Americus, August 31st, 1870: Mrs. J. J. Allen, Newtoq, Ga. Auditor Pub. Accounts, Jackson, Miss. J. A. Black, Americas, Ga. Miss Annie Carter, Americas, Ga. Miss Georgia M. Dykes, Cnthbert, Ga. Came J. Davis, Eufaula, Ala. James M. Davis, Americas, Ga. Rev. H. C. Hornady, LaGrange, Ga. Cob W. A. Hawkins, Americas, Ga. Col. T. F. Hamilton, Bainbride, “ E. C. Helms, Albany, Ga. J. W. Jordan, Jr., Americas, Ga. Miss Mattie Langley, Beckville, Texas. Lawson Toney, No. 102 C. B. It. Go. Lightfoot & Jacques, (3) Macon, “ Henry Martin, col’d Oglethrope, “ R. A. Miller, Americas, Ga. W. L. Patterson, Louisville, Ga. Thomas Powell, Americus, “ Isaac Ross, Fort Valley, “ Rogers A Brown, Macon, “ Miss Laura Sharp, Forsyth, “ Sam. M. Sweet, Red Clay, “ Miss Mary Ann Sparks, Eatonton, Ga. Miss EUa Simmons, Shippensville, “ J. F. Turner, Americus, Ga. Too Late for Explanation—A Quiet Han Disposing of an Insult. Lord Mark Kerr, who distinguished himself at the battle of Fontenoy, was a good but eccentric officer and a ter- aible duelist His Debut was remarka ble. He was a lad of slight, effeminate ), apparently void of spirit. His Marquis of Lothian, when he brought him to. London to join his regi ment—tho Coldstream Guards-reqnested the Colonel, who was his particular friend to watch him to see that he submitted to improper liberties, and to instruct him the way he should do, in case he had the misfortune to be insulted. Those were tho days of hard drinking, prodigious swearing,” and brutal man ners. This pacific young scion of nobil ity soon became a butt at mess, a stop- g to bang practical jokes on, until at it a captain of a year’s standing threw a glass of wine in his face. He still said nothing, but wiped his face with his handkerchief, and took no further notice of the insult he bad received, The Colonel thought it was high time to interfere, and invite him to breakfast, tete-a-tete, on the following morning at 9 o’clock. Lord Mark arrived punctually, ate bis breakfast with perfect composure, and spoke but little. At length the com manding officer broke ground. “ Lord Mark," said he, “I must speak to you on a rather delicate subject, but, as your father’s friend I am compelled to waive ceremony. Captain L , yester day morning, publicly passed an affront on yon, which both your honor and the credit of the regiment required you to notice.” “What do you think, sir, I ought to do ?” inquired Lord Mark. “ Call on him for an explanation,” re joined the Coloneb “It is, I fear, too late for that” replied the young ensign, “I shot him at eight this morning, and if you take the trouble . - . 1 -in.-*—* — 3 — —i will PUBLIC MEETING. At a meeting of the citizeua of the 17th District of Sumter county, and .a portion of the citizens of Terrell county, "met - at Peter Faust’s, on the 16tli for the purpose of taking some action to prevent hog stealing in Kincbefoonee Swamp, and on the plantations of J. M, Alston and others adjoining. Mr. Peter Faust was called to the chair, and Mr. Dave Cox, requested to act as Secretary. Mr. Faust explained the object of the meeting. On motion of Mr. W. H. Davison, a - committee of five were ap pointed to draft resolutions expressive of onr fixed determination not to. submit to such outrage and vile imposition any longer. . The Committee after retiring » few minutes returned and reported the fol lowing resolutions, which were unani mously adopted. Whereas, The citizens of Sumter atid Terrell counties, haring sustained great losses by the Frecdmen on J. M. Alston’s and other adjoining- plantations, killing hogs on the creek swamp and surround ing country, whereas in consequence of the rongish and leagued elan among them, we hare failed in our efforts to have them brought to justice by the law. Therefore be it Resolved, 1st. That in our opinion there are-no wild hogs in this portion of the country, -in the swamp or on the ridges. 2nd. That the practice of hunting wild hogs ia a cloak ior mischief and those hereafter engaged in it or counten ancing the same, shall be considered as dishonest men, and openly disturbing the peace and harmony of the comran- nity. 3rd. That we do not recognize the right or claim of Judge Wylie as haring passed from J. M. Bird, and L. B. Da vison, to Mr. Alston, and ask for protection, that he forbid his Freedmen hunting hogs any more. 4th. That we do bind oarselvee not to allow such depredations to be committed on the community any longer, and that we take this moons to inform the parties engaged in such that they must stop at once as we do not wish to resort to strin gent means or expose them any fnrther, and in case they do not, the most severe means will be employed by the citizens of Sumter nnd Terrell, against them. 5th. Depredations of any kind, mnst and shall be stopped. 6th. That a Committee of two be ap pointed to servo Mr. J. M. Alston, Mr. J. W. Caldwell and Mr. J. L Jay. with a copy of the proceedings of this meeting and that they bo requested to read the same to all the hands in their employ. 7th. Tho Sumter Republican, be. re quested to publish the proceedings of this meeting. PETER FAUST, Chairman. Dan. Cox, Secretary. Mmw August 30, evening.—Cotton Receipts to-day, 41; sake 203; shipped IS. The market is quiet aurtatoady with a good demand at 16} oenta far aiiddttcg*. Kcv You, Aug. 20. - in fair donumd; (danda 19*. Gold 16*3162. SAV1N3U3, Aug. 3d.—Cotton In good demand; Lmtaroon, August SO, evening—Cotton dosed firmer but not quotable higher, upland* 8|; Or leans 9*. lorolal. . AJIER1CU3 MARKET. Corrected expressly Ibr tba Republican 15 per bushel. EACON-Qear Sides 21c. shoulder* 18c.- Hams, Canvassed. Beat Fancy, 30c. BULK MEATS—Sklea 20c. 8YRI SUO FISH—Kitts |2 50064 50. 1 bUs « 00013 50 i bbU9 0WBI12 00. Bb!s $16 00@$3000. POTATOES—None. TOBACCO—75 BUTTER- ‘ EGGS—B _ „ LARD—Prune Leaf 25c. FLOUli—(S 00®$U 00 aeoorUinr to quality. CANDLES—Adamantine, 13c} V box, retail 2& A51ERICUS COTTON MARKET. Americus, Ga. August 3t, 1870. COTTON—We quote 13 cents. FINANCIAL. Asmucos, Ga., August 31,1370. GOLD—lluyiug 12|. gjffing 1C. SILVER—Buying tt. Selling 12 V. SIGHT EXCHANGE ON NVY—Buying at par “ “ V ** 8elling } prein RATE OF INTEREST- Ou money 2} per ceni per mouth. Louisville, Kr., Angus 28th, 1870. Provisions quiet and unchanged, Mess Pork, 29. Bulk meat* 13} 164017 lor shoulders dear nb and clear sides all packed. Bacon 14} 1740 18 for shoulders, clear rib and dear sides. Hams 241023. Lard 1C017; all cash, Bagging, demand moderate; sales to-day about 500 pea. Hemp Flax at 29} and 30c. on time, at which can be had. Iron ties FEARS BARTLEY A CO. AN IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION, Dr. Tati's Liver Pills are PURELY VEGE TABLE and are adapted to young and old, nule and female, and may he taken at all time*, without restraint of occupation, without change of living; without diet and without fear of ta- ing cold during all kinds of weather 'and in all climates; THEY CONTAIN NO MERCURY. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A rtrfing iridoh is st am sncesUs, besltby, and effectual for preserving tin hair. Faded orjnqr hair it toon restored to itt original color, tcM At gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick* ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cued by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles aro destroyed, or the elands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness bv this application. Instead of foaling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and'vigorous. Its oobaskmal cse will prevent tot hair from turning gray or falling o8, and consequently prevent baldness. Tree from thoGO deleterious substances which mako sotuo preparations dangerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found to desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWKLL, MASS. PRICE tLOO. Six Great Remedies. Hurley’siStomach Bitter?, For Debility, Loss Appetite Weakness, Indigestion, or Dy»- pepsia, Want, of Action of tho Liver, tar JMsor*-* derod Stomach. There are no bitter* tli HMT: About tiro month* ago I -pro cured a bottle of Dr. Hurley’* Bitter* far my | wifa, thinking it a pttMtnt Umia, but not rely ing much on lU medicinal virtue*, «wl it eared her of > di*c*— ehe h*d long beep uiwlcr trc*t- I for my mssm land kidney*. It i* emrtatoty asphodB as cine, and being pfeuaar to taka ; i* quite a Notice to Mothers. DR. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup. 43c. p«r Basils;' Uso in the future SecbroofcV S combination quit* up in advancement of th* agm pleasant and reliable in aU caaea, InvalaabSiia tk* fol lowing dheaaea: Summer Complaint*, Irregularities of. the Bowel*, Rcativenesaa, Teeth* ing, etc., etc. Gives health to the child and rest to the mother. Marietta, Ga., Nov. 1.18C9. James Ruddle & Go. LouiavUle, Ky.—We rap in ourtkaiUe*. and finditdoe* more goo; than all othermcdidnea waevrr tried. Web.- hove it perfectly hamfa**, and it give* NNtanc. eaao to our children quicker than all other rem edies now offered far aale. We have been sell ing it for three yean, and it give* uniremni satisfaction. Never heard it complained ot e uo other. Yours, Wh. JL Boo J. L. Boor. Tours, Root. S. O O HEN , Macon Daily Telegraph, New York Herald Leslie, Demorest, Godey’s Lady Book for September, and tho Ledger for sale at the New Book Store. Also a new supply of Revenue Stamps. B&»If your Sewing Machine is out of order carry it to LurrNEn & Frioker’s and get it repaired. aug. 20. tf. 169* The House on Saturday the 27th inst, received a message from the .Gov ernor saying that ho had approved and signed the act to incorporate tho Newnan and Americas Railroad Company. We will publish the bill ss soon as a copy. r* Mr. A. B. Addison announces to his friend* and the public generally that he will soon have in store the best se lected stock of goods, in his line, ever brought to the city. He also finds it ab solutely Accessory to dose up the credit business he has been doing, on aooonnt of the time consumed in keeping books and the trouble otherwise given, and informs his patrons that on and after the lgt of September they must be prepared to pay cosh for what they, purchase. See adver- ment. Mu. Editor ; You will plesas announce that Mrs. M. E. Robinson most respect fully declines taking part in l’rof Paling's Concert of the 1st Proximo. Americus, Ang. 26,1870. »WhattiM beoome of ?. P-C ? tOf* We present below a list o! the offi cers of Griffith Lodge, No. 47, L O. G. T., of Butler, Ga, organized and install ed by District D. G. W. T., C. W. Han- oock, on the 22d inst.: W. L. GmrriTH, W. C. T. Mbs. B. A. Moxtfoet, W. V. T. Howard Gbotith, W. R 8. Jas. T. Miller, W. F. & M. H. Carr, W. T. J. A. KnraAi.Ti, W. M. Rev. Db. GmrriTH, W. C. J. T. Adams, W. D. M. E. S. Grace, W. A. R. S. J. T. Motb, WiL G. • J. L. Wallace, W. O. G. Miss Mamie Mitchell, W. R. H. S. L F. Gmrrmi, W. L. H. S. W. a Wallace, Lodge Deputy. The following persons were' installed as officers of the Temple Lodge : W. L. GfiimTH, W. D. T. Mbs. B. A. Moxttobt, W. V. T. J. T. Mujjboxs, W. C. J. T. Uiu«». W. P. T. J.T. Giaron, W. H. Uni Flobexce & Iuob, W. L G.. J. T. Mor*. W. O.G. p. ksBstsni, P. W. O. T. Miks Mamie V. MUCHMO, W. T. Communicated. Ellaville, Ga., Aug. 25, 1870. Editob Republican : Knowing the in terest yon feel in all agricultural affairs, and your desire to do anything that may in any wise promote the fanning interest of the countty, I drop you this note, in regard to what may properly be the “ Model Farm ” of this connty for the present year. I allude to that of Mr. John N. Hudson who resides obont four miles South-east of this place. I visited his place yesterday, was prepared (from what I had heard) to tee a goad crop, but astonished at what I saw,—his land is naturally quite poor and very much broken, yet by his system . of draining, preparing, manuring and cultivating, he has succeeded in making a crop which is unrivaled in this county, and I venture (natural advantages being equal)' unsur passed in the State,—and when I say crop, Mr. Editor, I don’t mean cotton on ly, he will moke an abundance of com to supply his place another year and proba bly have some to spam Now, I do not propose to go into . all the particulars of his tystem, and in that way deprive him of the natural and inno- cent gratification to be derived from the gratuitous .importing of information, which experience teaches him will enable the farmer to increase tho yield of his land four-fold, nor do I wish it understood that all of uz here in Schley are making ’ crops, Ioritywant to give to Mr. Hudson that credit which his suc cess merits, to place on the record one more instanco of the susceptibility of our ItwLi to improvement, ana to bring be- fon.ibfl prove tin . of proper means) A Sensible Old Darkey.—The Lou: villo Courier-Journal says: A wise old darkey in the Southern part of Kentucky came to his old master the day before the lato election, and said he: “ Mars John, I wants to vote de Demo cratic ticket. The fact is, I think de nig gers ought to split up anyhow. If we r votes Democratic, the Radicals is ungrateful, an’ then tho League fines us five dollers an’ warns ns. If we votes Radical, de Knklux ’ll git us sore. I wants to dived like, so as to make it de intrust ob boff parties to treat us kin’ an’ friendly.” That darkey is a states man and a philoso her. His head is emphatically “ level ” Fisk and bis Wife. That funny Fisk, our favorito sensation alist, has astonished everybody, and cut up a most unusual caper, by going to see his. wile. The following will explain matters: " The Boston Trauscript says: James Fisk, Jr., has been passing a few days his wife’s villa, and has aired himself be hind his wife’s four-in-hand. This estab lishment does not confine itself to Belle- vne avenue, but wriggles and twists through the narrow Streets down town, evidently with a wish to astonish the na tives. Everybody admires the magnifi cent horses as well. The Colonel evi dently does not let his many cares weigh npon hi* mind, or if he does, his looks belie him; for he is os fat and jollylooking as possible. Riding down Bellvne with his wife beside him, and a Havana No. 1 his mouth, three oatridersin gorgeous livery, lour fleet horses, one hundred monograms besprinkled over the estab lishment, he looks ont from under his cool Panama in disdain at tho aristocratic discriminating frequenters of that fine thoroughfare “who don’t know the family.” Li Po San, M. D., of San Francisco, recently addressed an American patient to this effect: I think you too much dance, too much eat, too much fool around. If you dance, you no get bet ter ; too much eating no good ; too much fooling around no good* Good by. XfeF* It is now said that Grant has de termined to offer Greoley the English mission, and if the philosopher don’t insist ou running for Governor, tho po sition will be tendered him in a few days. This, a lost and ruined world will be glad to know, is not to interfere with “ What I Know of Farming.” SPEER & HOOKS, BANKERS & BROKERS, AMERICUS, GA., B SPRING STOCK, bought in sew xobk and other northern At Panic Prices, OBITUARY. Died, ou the 27th inst., little Bobbie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. C. Joiner aged 9 months and 27 days. Bobbie was one of those dear sprightly children that Death loves to transplant to the great Hereafter, and althc w> grieved hearts reluctantly gave him up, we do know that “of such is the King dom of Heaven,” and that consoling thought should make us humbly bow in resignation to him “ who docth all things well.” The bereaved parents have cur deepest sympathy, and may little Bobbie .be a , Beacon light to lure them on to that T world of eternal bliss. '“~ Courier please copy. WHICH THEY NOW OTTER TO o&sn BUTTE n. AT LEBS THAN THE COST OF MANY AB- the public one more fact going to ■H that it is indeed within our power (by the use of proper means) to make onr Southern Commercial Convention.— Ex President Filhfioiw, President, and Charles M. Thurston, Secretary, have issued the following call for the Southern Commercial Convention, to convene Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday, the 4th of October, next: In conformity with the resolve of the Southern Commercial Convention, at the meeting held in Louisville, Ky.. October 12,1869, the annual session of th<v Convention will he held at Cincin nati, Ohio, commencing Tuesday, Octo ber 4, 1870. Commercial bodies, munici pal and other corporations, and all other interests entitled to representation in the Convention, are requested ta appoint delegates in accordance with .the basis of representation, adopted at the session of tho- Convention held at Memphis, Tenn.,May 18,1869. Mit.labp Fillmore, President* . Charles M. Thurston, Secret uy. B9-. The Chicago Times is responsible for the following good hit.: £a Veen i^ed this \ they have captured and now hold the following important strateg ic points: Nancy, and the offices of the London Times, and the Nqw York Tri* bane and the Chicago Tribune. The positions now bold by the Trench are Strasbourg, Metz, Chalons, Paris, all of France, and pome other points equally important and equally impregnable. *A mulatto girl, of Chillicothe Hew. Win. Ross. Elder William Rosa, who died 28th of July, at his residenoe in Schley connty, Ga., was bora in Hancock coun ty, Ga., on the 12th day of September, 1798. He nuited with the church of Christ 1821, and though licensed to exhort, a few years afterward, he was not—on ac count of some peculiarities of character— ordained until 1854; after which, for sev eral years, he was actively engaged in the ministry—his time being pretty well fill ed up in preaching to churches. His la bors were blessed, and he was instrument al in building several churches to an viable degree of prosperity. He was ted as a peace maker, ever seeking to set tle difficulties between brethren, os they arose in the churches. For several yean* past he has had charge of no church, preaching as opportunity presented itself, but still manifesting unabated interest and zeal in the cause of the blessed Sa lle loved, ardently, association with his brethren in Christ Jesus, and nothing pleased him more than conversation upon topics of Christianity. For forty years he was a devoted “temperance man,” abets and eeeryvhere identifying himself with the canse, and endeavoring to 6tay the tide of the mightiest evil that ever cursed the world. A short time before his illness, he pressed himself os being in the enjoy ment of “ sweeter communion with Christ and as happier in preaching the gospel, than he had for a long while* ” He rejoiced in being able to sav: ive not aught against a soul living. During a part of his sickness his so ings were exerntiating, but not a murmur escaped his lips. ■- He said, “ his suffer ings were good for him, and he was re signed, perfectly, to all; that every pain brought him nearer heaven.*’ We cannot only commend his life,- but feel that his strict honesty, faitJf nines* to every obli gation, parity of life and unweonsd de votion to the cause of true Christianity, are worthy onr imitation. Though al ways aiding to support his pastor, and giv ing to the aanse, it was found, The Cash System, we CANNOT SELL OUR GOODS AT THE LOW TRICES WE HAVE HARKED THEM INF JSL. CREDIT, and we have but —ONE PRICE. We repeat tbla, for the benefit of those who may not remember that WE SELL ONLY FOR CASH. Baying onr Goods, a* wo do, from IMPORTERS, AND MANUFACTURERS iny of them BY THE PACKAGE, and WITH 3B MONEY, we can supply COUNTRY MERCHANTS Ue^can make their knobs and hillsides blossom as I poisoned herself to death because her Eqain0 Itcmcdic3 A* y °* the Bose.” Yours, .Ac., j parents wouldn’t let her marry a negro Kquino Powders make Horses thrive. two shades darker than she was. ‘ E^ina Ilemediea preeminently best.' a very liberal sum to missions. To the only surviving child, sister Crawford, the grand-children and bereaved compan ion. we extend our Christian sympathy, and commend them, to the consolation of that gospel which he preached, and the protection of that Almighty Savior _ whom he trusted in life, and triumphed in death. G. F.G Equine Powders, Katcre assiated bjEiumoTowcfer.. lUY aDd^ SELL STOCKS^^BONDS, GOLD, t Banker's WRl ship COTTON ior Planters to anv of our Tte. Deposit* Received. Advance* on Gold and Silver. We arealao Agent* ‘ " ~ 1 Life Ii POPULAR WORM CANDY Thi* being really a spedfi* againat all Idad* of worms that are found m children, itia faat be coming the remedy admmiatared in such trou ble*; Ue pleasant ta*t* i* quite s recommends- tion of itself, while it* efficiency ia truly wonder- irill*, August 30,1869. i A Cio.—Gentl Meaare. Jamo* Ruddle A t consequence of tho benefit 1 have received from the use uf your Dr. Hurley'S Worm Candy in my family. I send you this, hoping you will make it public fur the good of other parents. My wife ami self are satisfied but for thence of ” * Worm Gaudy at loast on* of our chil- •uld have died. Both ot our children are 11 and hearty, they passed worms seven inches long. Anyone doubting this can call am) se me at comer 10th and Chosnut street*, ami will give them proof of tills and more. Your* O Z Morolxant Tailor, flTOULD respectfully call the attention of the W citizens of Americus and surrounding conn- try to the fact that he is prepared to make a!! kill da of CUSTOM-MADE WORK at tbo shortest notice. We have Two European Workmen, who will give satisfaction to the trade. Owing to the fact that he lias had a good patronage for fourteen year* from the public, ho feels able and is willing to ent and make clothes at moderately low prices, so a* to save the ladies the trouble of making them, an he can then better fnfill his above promise: No fit, rm^pay. Repairing and HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. NO ARSENIC—NO MERCURY. Ague and Fever, that is or can be _ on ia Hurley's Aum* Tonic. There thousands cured by using it who have tried the usual remedies without benefit. To Dr. Tbo*. A. Hurley: I hereby certify that -uriug tbo last year I was attacked with -the agno while in Vicksburg, Miss., and used sever al popular patent medicines with but temporary reut-r. On reaching borne the disease r cleaning done at ah< msy5-ly South Side Lamar Street. 8. COHEN, s Insurance companies of the moat re- anics in tho july 21 tf. Granberry & Co., .AVE JUST OPENED THEIR DSOUTHERN SUBSETS CULVERTON CULVERTON, GA. W. B. HENDRICK, | Mrs. M. S. KIMBROUGH, ( P n Mbs. M. N. Kendrick, Instructress in Mnsic. and Spring aeusiomt of fire and a half and r months each : TUITION FOR SCHOLASTIC TEAR I in a worse type, if possible, when my medical attendant oiderod quinine, in large doees, fre quently as high ae 60 grains per day, and which must have cost me nearly $100. I consulted Dr. Smith, ot Louisville, and found be prescribed quinine and arsenic, combined, which I refused take, preferring to let the disease take its one. I was almost bloodies*, extremely ex hausted, and pronounced with enlarged liver and spleen. About this time the advertisement have no reason to regret it. One bottle reatored me completely, and since that time I have seen nearly a hundred casos in which it acted Vith equally happy results, and would certainly re commend it as preforrablo to any othcr.tonic be fore tbo public. Jakes Martin, Engineer. ig—Oil colors.. Music and use ot instrument 40 00 o terks a* the; purchases iu any market We have a beautiful line of PLAIN, CHECKED and STRIPED JAPANESE SILKS, Colored and Black Satin Striped GRENADINES, very handsome; plain Black Iron BAltEGK, BLACK SILK; extra fine Black BOMBAZINE; Printed LINEN DRESS GOODS, The most beautiful stock of Printed LAWN8, rrzs and osom>ix MUSLINS ws ever borne handsome STRIPED PIQUES, Chromatid 8 50 Crayon Drawing—black * col. G (X) Photographic—Oil and water color*, each 6 00 Incidental* 1 50 Tho ouly cl largo for Dnu w v ia for thou Pupil* charged f , i end of the «o*woi,_ made except In case* of protracted : deduction , ilinoM of three weeks. Tuition due at the middle and end of each session. Boarding pupils aro under the direct super vision of uo principals. Culverton is situated in a healthy region of country on the Macon * Augusta ltailrovd. It is a qnist place aod fr from the influences of extravagance and dissi pation. Parents wishing to educate their child ren morally as well as physically, can find safer place. For furtbor information the Principals, Culverton, Ga. Board of Trustee*—J. L. Culver, James W. Moore, J. Turner, Esq., Irwin Waller, II. L. Middlcbrook. july 28 tf i apply to hew PRINTS. anil F.ROWN SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS of all widths and qualities. STRIPED and PLAID DOMESTICS in great variety. Low priced and Kxtrw. Good Ticking, HOSIERY, mjxnr-cux uxxx, and 10} FAIL UD VilTER 1MP0BTATI0I 1870. RIBBONS, Millinery and Straw Goods, ARMS1RONC. CATOR A CO. PERFECTLY RELIABLEt Louisville, Ky., June 14,1865, PURIFY YOUB BLOOD. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, IODIDE POTASH This 1* the pure and genuine extract of th* root, and will, on trial, be found to effect a cer tain and perfect cure for the following com plaint* and diseases: Affection* of the Bones, Habitual Cost iveness, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities,; Fis tula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Syphilis, And all impurities of the Blood, etc. To Dr. Tbo#. A. Hurley: sir. I deem it an act of justice to you to statl that ia the month of February last, I had a severe attack of inflam- matoiy rheumatism, which completely pros trated me. At the same time my hugs were much afflicted. I was so reduced that it was with the greatest difflculty I could walk. 1 pro cured some of your compound extract of bares- parilla, and commenced taking it. I found that 1 began to improve, myoouch became less se vere, the coreness of my long* and breast* gradually subsided, my rheumatic pains less acute. 1 attribute this mainly to your Sarsa parilla. I bar* now been taking it for over two mouth*! I have taken in all fire bottles. IU ef fects have bean most satisfactory to me, add I advise others similarly affected to give you a trial. Jos. Cluaaurr. The gentleman who** name is appended to the above certificate baa long resided here, and af the present time is one of the magistrates of the city of Louisville. LINEN 61 BELOW COSTn boots and shoes. Hath, Umbrellas and Paresels, Oil Cloths and Table Linen and Window bhadee, CLOTHS AND CASSIMEIU2S, Cotton ades, Linen Duels and Coatings FANS, a. very large stock ot Crockery and Glassware, Plated Spoons and Forks, Table and Pocket Enirei, Ivory bandied Knives, without forks; Candles, Soaps. 8oda, \ FINE TEAS, Royal Baking Powders, Traveling Mags si CARPETINGS! From a common article at 50c. per yard, to BONNET, TRIMMING A VELVET RIBBONS, Bonnet Silks, Satin* and Velvets, Blonds, Xctts, Cropea. Ilarlirs, Flower,, Feathers, Ornaments, * * STRAW SONNETS ANA LADIES’- HATS Off ur the largest Stock to be Sound in this Coostry^aad uaequalWUa obofco^varfeiyand ties. Order* solicited, and prompt attaotton given. they can be bought in any WALL PAPEH AT NEW YORK COST! „ All are respectfully invited to call and charge nothing for GRANBERRY & CO. Apia 12, tr. Great Reduction in Prices! Barber Shop. fflHE undersigned take* pleasure in A his customers and trie public | that he has redaeed his prices of f and sharing to the following rate*; Hair-cutting. ...........25 cts. Shampooing,. ShaVlng, ang 18 lm Successor to J. B. Covington. DR. SEABROOK S BLiIXIR PYROPHOSPHATE IRON & CALISAYA This elegant combination pombsms aB th* tonic properties of Peruvian Bark and iron, without the disagreeable tastes and bad effects of either, separately or ia other preparations, of Ucse valuable medicines. It ehould be taken in B eases when a gentle tonio impression is re quired alter eoavslssceoo* froajbv ere or debiti- Uting diseases,or ia those distressing irregular- Uies peculiar to females. No hutdwwd be without it, tf liable to such diseases, for nothing hies peculiar to female*. -“■amt it, iHiabl* to «r* well take its place. JAMES RUDDLE a CO., PEOPBIETOBS, Laboratory No. 41 Buttia Street, LouiiriBe, Ky. Laths & Kiln-Dried Flooring, Wetherell & Fisher’s Mill, MO. 2, ■OUTItWXSTZBX EITUROlP. sFoworavlllo All the above W. A. COOK & CO., Americus, Ga., And at Wholesale by fc.W. Hunti Go., Macon, Oa Come One! Come All! T«r, now to everything pleasant fied that uicre can : giving him a call. make of hia i Having renovated his shop bn no excuse sow for noi W. J. OWENS,