The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, September 09, 1870, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. Friday Morning, Septembers, 1870., ISSTJKE YOUR PROPERTY In the following safe and relulloCompanies : \..hth Bbitis* *XatcdnuiIxscjusceGo., Of London, England. 1-b<k»y InspramotOo., Of Brooklyn, New York. .-rnsr-N M* xi^ax. Issihuxce Co„ Of Athena, Georgia. insure your life the E«rrT.uiu: Ljt . ST.vT» K INSURANCE Co., Of Macon, Georgia. An jr t ■ W. T. DAVENPORT, At his New Drag Store, Lamar Street, Or to, SPEER A HOOKH, i: juk< rs .v. Broker*, comer Lamar A College ata Democratic Meeting. Tho Democratic party of Sumter .vtmty, and all others opposed to Radic- v Jo arc requested to meet at the Court ilonso in America*, on SATURDAY, the iTrh inst. at 11 o’clock, A. Jd, for tho pur pose of selecting delegates to the 2nd ('uigressional District Convention, to nominate candidates for tho Legislature, and to appoint an Executivo Committee. A fnli attondance is earnestly requested. The Board of Directors of the Americas Bible Society, will please meet if Judge Ansley’s office, on Thursday next r.oVlok v. m. J. T. TURNER. President. . H »n. G. S. Rosser.: Among the fev? faithful representatives of their constituents now in the < Legisla ture, this gentleman stands conspicuous. He has devoted himself sot only to tho local interest of. his county, bnt to the general welfare of his section and of the whole State. • He is always at his post and thongh not a speaking member his influence is felt on every question of im portance that comes before that body.— His constituents are particularly indebted to him for the success of their favorite Rail Road enterprise. Prom its first in troduction he has worked unceasingly and indefatigably, jand against great opposi tion until ho has triumphed and now the Americas k Florence Rail Road with 812,000 per mile State aid is a success. He has always voted against the < travagant pay of nine dollars a day for members, against the Opera House pur chase and against all of the schemes of plunder for which the present Legisla ture has been so famous. Webster county could not do better than return'him again as their Represent ative at their ensuing election. RAILROAD NOTICE, To tSie Delegates of tlic Neu nau and Americas Railroad Con vention. By n resolution adopted by the Conven- n when it was in session at Geneva on the day of June last, tho Chairman „f th«* Convention was required to reas- u mble the Convention (when a Charter to said Hoad was obtained) at such time ,!!-l place as he might designate, and os I have been reliably informed that there been a Charter granted to tho corpo rators of said Road by the Legislature of Georgia now in session, I therefore re quest the Delegates of said Convention, :.s well as the Corporators mentioned in said Charter, to assemble at 10 o’clock, m., on Tuesday tho 27th inst., at New- •iaii, (lx, to consider and pass upon busi- ti, .ns of importance to said Company. Lrrifa II. Feather ston, Pres’t. Nlanax, Ga., Sept 1, 1870. ;^"-Good and comfortable board can obtained for a school girl about ten or civo years old, by applying immediate- at this office. tf. Z-dF City scrip has becomo very scar Z'iF Head New Advertisements. D-U. Our young folks are luxuriating in delightful moonlight promenades. ®af*Tl»e weather for the past two day* lias been very cool and dry. City Bonus.—We are informed that secret meeting was held in this place a few days ago, l>v a few individuals who no taxes to the city, at which time a ,vas drafted and forwarded to Atlanta to l>o presented to the Legislature, grant ing tho City Council authority to issue bonds to the amount of fifty thousand dol lars to build reservoirs in tho city. Was such an outrage perpetrated on an enlightened community ? Who author ized these men to take such a step to have the citizens taxed for such a pnr- poso ? There is no necessity for such an act, and if there was, the tax payers of tho city should have been consulted, and a public meeting held to ascertain the wishes of the citizens on so important a utter. We don’t believe in a few per sons taking the financial affairs of the city in their own hands and issae scrip and bonds of the city at any time that suits their convenience and for their own use. We don’t believe either in such things being done in the dark and among those who have not the interest of the city at heart. We hope that our Repre sentatives in tho Legislature wiil do all their power to defeat the bill should i)G presented. By so doing they will carry out tho wishes of almost tho entire community. imu Blank forms are now used formar- ri.ige proposals. We would profer a full J. It. G. and T. N. W. Home wish to sell a valuable plantation. Read adver tisement. Protracted Meeting.—Under the pervision of Revs. J. B. McGehee, Antho ny, Dickson and other Divines, the series of religious meetings that have l>een progress for the past two weeks in East Americas, still increases with unabated interest. The meetings aro held under an arbor every night, and are attended by citizens from the city and for miles tho countryi A great deal of good is being done by these servants of God sewing the seeds of righteousness and reaping a harvest for tho Grand Farmer. On Tuesday night last, some thirty forty penitents presented themselves at the altar, and tho whole congregation were deeply impressed. Tho aged and the young wend their way up the isle to grasp tho hand of tho ministers, earnest of their intention to seek the Way and the Truth. Over thirty persons have connected themselves with tho church since progress of the meeting. May the good irk continue. Sunday School Celebiutiox. —Friday. last was a gala flay for the children in the neighborhood-of Plains of Dora. It was a day set apart for the celebration of the Sabbath School Scholars of the Union School located in that neighbor hood. The place selected was a beauti ful grove near the Springs. We did not arrive in time to witness the opening exercises, bnt learned that after prayer by the Rev. Mr. Rente, and sing ing by the Scholars, a very appropriate address was delivered by Mr. P. S. Twitty one of the Snperintendants of the school. Rev, Dr. G. T. Wilburn was occupy ing the stand and had commenced speak ing when we arrived. The address of this gentleman was one of the best of the kind wo have ever listened to. We had prepared our notes of the address, but for tho want of room, cannot dwell upon them as we would desire. Snfficit, to say, that it was just such an address as the Dr. knows how to make. The next speaker was Maj. M. E. Ry- 1 seder. He stated that he had been fifty years engaged in teaching Sabbath School Scholars, and that he had never forgot the lessons taught in the Sabbath School. Before getting hid! through with his speech he had to close, on t count of a shower of rain, which put stop to tho exercises. The faces of the children, radiant with happiness, constituted a scene, which angels might hai e looked upon approv ingly. The exercises at the grove being con cluded, tho company repaired to the ta bles near the spring, which were most abundantly spread with everything calcu lated to satisfy the appetite and refresh the inner man. All who were present agreed that they had never witnessed a more delightful celebration, or one that passed off more pleasantly. The Sabbath School at the Plains is in a very flourishing condition. May its numbers continue to increase. The exercises throughout were made joyous by the delightful melodies of the Americas Brass Band whose services were engaged for the occasion. We take this occasion to return the thanks of the tiro school, as well as our own, for tho part they bore in rendering tho exercises i agreeable. In the afternoon, we had the pleasure of organizing a Lodge of Good Temp lars; composed of a number of the best citizens in the neighborhood. In anoth er column will bo found the list of off! To Mr. B. Glass and J. H. Nelms, w< return our thanks for favors extended us during our Btay. The hunters of tho city are colo ring of the scarcity of game—nearly ybody is armed with long accounts. Mr. J. G. Harrison inform us that ronnty census is progressing rapidly will soon bo completed, Ra, Why n faith? *' A—Becan i Gov. Bullock a Methodist a lie is opposed to election. “Bust-head ” whisky is still used •>' •'fine people who pretend to be Noble Benefaction.—Tho Trustees 1 the Louisville Medical College, ^Louisville, By.) have created one of the most liberal and noble benefactions ever conferred by a public institution upon any people. The trustees of this college have instituted one Beneficiary Scholar ship for each Congressional District in the Southern and surrounding States. By this means very many poor but deserving young men will be enabled to obtain a thorough medical education. Any young man wishing to take advantage of this Benefaction has only to write to the Rep resentative of the Congressional District in which ho resides, or to the President of the Medical Society of his State, or to Dr. E. S Gaillard,Deaa of the Faculty of the Louisville Medical College, Louis ville, Ky., when he will receive full infor mation of all that is necessary for him to secure one of the Scholarships. With proper and welcome delicacy the names of those who have secured the Beneficiary Scholarships will be known only to the Dean of the Faculty. It is unnecessary to commend those who have established these noble Beneficiary Scholarships.— Their act will bring them commendations wherever it is known. cool. Mr. Jas. P. Walker iaoffering two valuable plantations, one in Sumter and the other in Webstar, for sale. Read ad vertisement $9* Mrs. E. C. Spaulding has removed her Book Store ta the Furniture : Hpaso of Rev. S. Anthony. See card. ■B5Y-0. Al Crittenden’s school, near the residence of Dr. R. C. Black, trill be opened on Monday the 12th inst See card. K3u A fight occurred between two ne gro men, daring the night of Tburday, named Lawson Johnson and Bob ; Harris, in which the former was cut so severely with a knife in tho hands of the latter that his life is despaired of. We have heard so many conflicting reports as to the origin of this difficulty that we sliall refrain from giving either. We learn that Har ris is the step-son of Johnson and that he was .promptly arrested by Policeman Lee and confined in the city gnard-lionse. SSL From our new ndvrtisements it will be seen that a new firm has settled in our midst and engaged in the mei tile business, hoping to gain a propor tional share of trade by keeping only the very best quality of goods. They intro duce tliomselves to the buyers of Ameri cas and surrounding country through out columns, this morning, promising noth ing but what they are fully able to per form. This then, being the case, we aw confident that Oppenheimer k Frank’* store will soon be one of the fixed insti tutions of our city. Their experience in business will soon give them a promi nence that will enable them to rule cloth ing at such low figures that their store bound to be the popular resort of those wanting good clothing. Read advertise ment. Change or Schedule.—It will bo seen ora a notice in another column that a very important change has been made in tlie arrival and departure of the trains on tho Southwestern Railroad. By the change persons taking the night train at Americas arrive at Macon in time to con nect with the day trains for Atlanta and Savannah, provided they want to go to cither of those cities, thus saving the pc-nso of remaining in Macon all day. B0u Every Saturday for September 10 is one of the handsomest Illustrated Papers ever issued. It contains Europe an War Pictures,—the Baden Prisoners taken at Nioderbronn ; French Soldiers bathing at Nancy; A Prussian Outpost; Saarbrnck; and Some Recruits for tho South German Army. It has, besides, fine portraits of Mademoiselle Sessi and Geo. W. Childs of the Philadelphia Ledger; a beautiful art picture, Morning in tho Desert; and three admirable sum mer pictures.—A Picnio in tho Woods, by A. Hoppin; Summer Days, by W. J. Hennessy; and On the Beach at Long Branch, by C. G. Bush. Its Literary contents comprises and very interesting Editorials, on The Balance of Power, An Empire's Bull Run, On the Uncertainty of Things, A Desirable Calamity, etc. It has a summary of Home and Foreign News, tw o additional chapters of “The Mystery of Edwin Drood,” a sketch of Geo. W. Childs by Jame3 Parton, and other fresh and readable articles. Altogether, it is a remarkable number of this firsts family Illustrated Weekly. The Courier is lathering the mor- «hauts of the city unmercifully. Bill (•wens proposes to give them a splendid shave as soon as ho gets well. •say* The thermometer went up several degrees in its own estimation, about noon, yesterday. A number of the people are lolloping suit We have been informed that thir- t-«a new members were received into the f lnireh in East Americus, on Thursday evening last. The city hog-wallow at the pump 0,1 the North-west comer of the Public 8'inre still emits its pestilential vapors-1< the annoyance of the docent citizens of that quarter. 49* Our merchants are generally busy preparing for the fall trade. They would do well to remember that a judicious ad vertisement “is like a city built upon a hill, ” it attracts the attention of all the people in that section. We would sim ply suggest that the Republican has been doing the official printing of four < ties for tho last sixteen years, where it has a larger circulation than every other paper in the State, and merchants who wish their business to be kept before these people—who all trade here—will find it profitable to use our columns. 5- In the House on the 31st August, a bill to allow the Southwestern Railroad Company to subscribe for stock in the Americus and Florence Railroad Compa ny was read the third time and passed. Onr Webster county friends can set the ball in motion now, ns soon as they please. All they have to do is to go to work in the right spirit and it will not be many' months ere they will have a Railroad running through their midst. Tho Legislature has granted us two Roads, on which of the two will the first dirst be broke ? -Tho night* : mo getM g AcuMj 49In to-day's paper will be found an official copy of the Bill incorporating the Neuman and Americas Railroad, to which we invito the attention of our readers. A Woman Kills Herself Shouting.— At Bethel church, in Catoosa county, a woman under the influence of religions ex citement, commenced shouting, so intense w#s her enthusiasm that she did notoease her gyrations tillover come tor violent ex ertion, intense heat and the fee ted atmos phere of a close room. In this cond tiun of utter prostration of mind and body, she was borne out of the house; but her vital energies could not be resuscitated, and she was soon a corpse. A young man, during the same meeting, was car ried out, having been overcome by op pressive heat while shouting.—Dalton Citizen. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Whereas, God in his all wise providence has seen fit to take from our midst our aged and venerable Brother, Elder Wm. Ross, who departed this life on the 28th day of July last, after having .been engaged ip the Ministry for a number of years during which tune he was seldom absent from the House of God where his breth ren met to worship, and whereas we feel that in the death of Brother Roes, the church has sustained tho loss of a zeal ous and devoted Minister, and vrhere- we feel that our loss is his eternal gain, therefore, 1st, Resolved, That while we mourn the loss of our venerable and belovod Brother we bow with humble submission to the will of Him who works all things after the counsels of his own will. 2nd. Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved wife and relatives our warmest sympathy and condolence. 3rd. Resolved, That this preamble and these resolutions bo spread upon the Minutes of the church as expressive of high appreciation of onr beloved Brother. 4th. Resolved, That these Resolutions be published in tho Sumter- Republican. Daniel Mashburn, ) Committee James McGarbah, >• Friendship Jno. R, T. Lisao. j Church. The above preamble and Resolutions era adopted by the Church at Friend ship, August, 27th 1870. J. H. Cawood, M. D. S. McGaerah, Clerk. ■ '• Barretl's” Hair Restorative. All the world pra'ue “Barrett’*." Why use anything but “Barret’S.’’ Color made foat by “Barrett’*.’’ “Barrett’s produce* ono distinct shade. i hae'a terrible cough. You need not have it long; go to your Druggist and get a bottle of DB. TUTTS CELEBRATED Expectorant, it will aoon core you. Itia danger-, oua to neglect Cough* This Valuable prepara tion maybe found in every village and hamlet in the South and West. Granberry & Co., Have just opened their SPRING STOCK, bought nr xxw' tour and other nobtuxem At Panic Prices, WHICH THEY NOW OEPEIt TO O ASS 23TTTTE ITS AT LESS THAN THE 008T OP MANY AR TICLES THIS TIME LAST YEAR, it our bonne** La atfll STRICTLY ON The Cash System, As we CANNOT BELL OUR GOODS AT THE LOW raxexs vnt hath smm rant on -a. onBuiT, *nd we hav* but ONE PRICK. We repeat this, for the benefit of those who may not remember that WE SELL ONLY FOR CASH. Laying our Good*, a* we do, from IMPORTERS, AND X ANUF ACTVRERS Many of them BY THE PACKAGE, and WITH THE MONEY, we can supply COUNTRY MERCHANTS upou a* GOOD -mats as theV can make their purchase* in any market in Georgia. We have a beautiful fine of PLAIN, CHEC1 and STRIPED JAPANESE SILKS, Colored and Black Batin Striped GRENADINES, very handsome; plain Black Iron BAltEGE, BLACK SILK; extra fine Black BOMBAZINE; Montgomery &, Shaw’s Column. CHEESE! CHEESE ! ! OHBBSB S FRESH AND. VERY FINE, nt Montgomery S: Shaw’s. Factory Thread, At Ol 73. MONTGOMERY A SHAW. WE HAVE EX ItOOTEA Full and Complete Embracing Everything in tho Six Great: Remedies. Hurley'ssStomach Bitter?, For - Debility, Lobs Appetite'» ■ Wenknesa/Incligeetion, dr Dys pepsia, Want of Action of : the Liver, or Disor dered 'Stomach. - V-.’«* ' Tl.erc .r.» no bten thu etn am*** ^th tluW in removing thoue difctresjffiil eomjufuut*. Indianapolis,-Iud.. Feb. 7,18T0. To Janice Ruddle, A Co. Louisville, *fp7' r J Gentlemen: About two mouth* ago I pro cured* bottle of Dr. Hurley'*. Bitten for my * .pleasant tonic, but net *«dy-. modldiud virtue*, ami • it cored iweaao she had long been under treat- I was afflicted in a similar way. and for my ewrruso, and *m happy to aay - baa corod me. My disease was of the bladder and kidneys. ’ It i* certainly a splendid medi- ad being pleasant to taka w quito a re- udatiou. .We tpdour nighbor* ha-re no any other* i*ow v Very raapsqthiUy .vour Notice to \ Mothers. DR. SEABROOK’S I nfant Soothing Sjrrup. quite up in advancement at t and reliable iu all case*. lava lowing diseases: Summer: Complaints, Irregularities of tho Bowels, Kestivencsss, Teeth- ' i.* ing; etc., etc. ' i- 1 Give* health to ill* child and rest to the'mother. Ga., Nov. l. 1SC9. ' , James Raddle & Co. have used your SeabrookV Infants rup iu our tamilie", aod findTlkdoeu i than all other medicine* wo over triod. Wcbe hove it perfectly harmless, and it give* rest ana case to our children quicker than all other rem edies now olfcred for sale. We have been tell ing it tor three yean, and it gives universal satisfaction. Never beard it complained of. Our U two no other. Yours, Wm. B. Boot. ■i J. L. Boot. SPEER & HOOKS, BANKERS & BROKERS, AMERICUS, GA., B UY and SELL STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD, SILVER and EXCHANGE. *3. Notes and Drafts collected at Banker’s Will ship COTTON for Planters to any of onr Seaports. Deposits Received. *r Advances on Gold and Silver. We are also Agents for some of the most re liable Fire snd Life Insurance companies in the country. julyJltf. Dr. W-W. FORD H AVING returned to the dty will resume the the practice of Dentistry immediately, he can b« consulted at his office, where he will be found st aD boars d»y and night. Office oe North East (««“•• - qoare, Amcricua, Ga. 'i i all cases strictly cash. >r ci al • h££r A large number of the citizens from the city attended the S. S. celebra tion at Plain 8 of Dura, yesterday. It was a pleasant nud agreeable occasion and will be a bright spot in the memory of i who participated in it, even when the years of age shall be pressing heavily upon them. aS?" Lafayette Hill who murdered Hen ry Wommack about tho 2oth of July, in this county, has been found guilty and sentenced to bo huug on the 14th of Oc tober. Wo learn that an appeal will be made to tho Supreme Court. We Icam that the prisoner fainted as ie sentence was being gprononneed by the Judge. £r.<y* Wiley Chambless says he ii right again with a pocket full of money and a circus horse. Those interested-in him will find his compliments under the heading of New Advertisements. *&* The lovers of fun, frolic, nonsense, interspersed with good music, will rejoice t" know tlmt the migratory blakbirds composing Skiff A Gaylord’s Minstrels are on the wing and will give one of their rare entertainments at City Hall, Wednes day evening, September, 14tli. They al- Wa y« attract. C6T*It is singular that our people who have nothing to do but discuss the Euro pean war, could either of them have ta ken Napoleon’s position at the head of the French armies and have utterly anni hilated or captured the Prussian forces. All these great Generals were not in the Confederate servioei No amount of physical beauty can ‘•oniponsate for the absence of those <inalities of the mind and heart which are necessary to gain lasting esteem aud re- *pcct. The Ordinary of Sumter autbor- ' zos riie Tax Collector to levy and collect tuses to defray the expenses of theConn- for the present year. Read advertise ment. A young clerk who sports a beaver seriously wounded on Tuesday last *; yuuD o lady shot him with a (g)lanco from her eyes. “Simon Pure ” is not capable of a- “.ignorance,- arrogance, • c »’’ of his oolorad pets, as it is quite possible that his sight may be dimmed ? v «ions of a little office at no distant d*J- The Good Tempi, wia.—'This organiza tion continues to flourish, and increase, and is doing much real good in this com munity. At the meeting last Monday night seven applicants for membership were initiated, and a number of. petitions received. Tho Lodge at this place, em braces over ono hundred members. There are five Lodges in the connly, all in a prosperous condition. 8®. Wm. C. Smith a colored speaker of Fort Valley, publishes a list of appoint ments in the Macon Journal to address his colored felW-citizens of Georgia, at several places, from the 9th to the 20th inst. He proposes to speak in Americas on Tuesday next, the 13th. He solicits persons of his race who desire informal tion upon the momentous issues of the day, to be present? Wo do not know wiiat party he ties to. UsT* A number of the young men of this place who have dispaired of captiva ting any of the lovely ladies about here, have built a boat twenty-two feet long, christened it tho Nelson Tift, armed and provisioned it, and this morning they start on a filibustering expedition down the Flint, leaving Montezuma about day light. Their destination may be Cuba— unless they are captured by some of tho young ladies of Albany, when they reach that point, and committed to matrimony, which we hope will be tho case. The following are some of the officers: W. P. Laramore, Capt, 8. Smith, 1st Lieut, L. Ulrich, 2d Lieut, Ed. Crawford, Pur ser. We have been unable to gather any other names of the crow, but we under stand it is complete. We givo below the list of officers of Rylander Lodge, No. 51, L O. G. T., organized on Friday hist at Plains of Du ra, by District D..G. W. T., C. W. Han cock : P. S. Twitty. W. C. T. Miss M. Johnson, W. V. T. 5. B. Glass, W. C. F. Rylander, W. S. J. B. Wilson, W. F. S. Mbs. M. Wilson, W. T. It S. Johnson, W. M. J. W. Simms, W. L G. Thomas Felton, W. O. G. Wm. Glass, P. W. C. T. Smith Davenport, Lodge Deputy. SQL. There is a dangerous hole ia the middle of tho street between the resi dences of Dr. Eldridgo and Col. Malone that might cost the city something if it remains open. REPORT OF TIIE COTTON MARKET. Furuiiihctl by Harrold, Johnson A Co. Amemcus, Ga., September 7lb, 1870. Received at tho Ware Houses 6th aud 7th inst, about 40 bales new crop. Monday the market as dull at 15.j@15 j tor low middlings to mid dling*, to-day the some grade* we iu good de mand at an improvement of 4c. Good ordinary aud grades below aro not in demand and are selling at 13(»14e. Mail to Lumpkin.—A mail route has at last been established between this place and Lumpkin, it went into opera- Monday. It will leave Americus Macon September C, evening.—Cotton niarke t closed firm at 17c for middlings. Nktv Yonx, Sept. 6.—Cotton active and firm: plands 20} Gold 14j@l4j. tion c Closing the Mails.—Wo aro request ed by the Post Master to state that here after the mails will be closed at 11. 20 A. M. and 8 o’clock, P. AL daily. Two mails a day will leave Amcricua hereafter for Macon anil other points north. This is a great convenience for business men. Personal.—We had the pleasure of a call on Wednesday from the Hon. D. |B. Harrell Judge of the Pataula Circuit, Ho is looking remarkably well. As a Judge he ranks among the first of the | State. He held Court In Lumpkin county last week in place of Judge Knight. At tlie dose, the b*r passed a series of complimentary .Resolutions which we will publish in onr next. The Judge seems to plftpse thi people' wherever he goes.. , every Monday and Friday and returns Tuesdays and Saturdays. The people along the route ore under obligations to Mr. Borwald, the Postmaster of this place for the untiring efforts he has made to se- this important rente, as well as for the change mado in tho days of arrival and departure. Furlow Masonic Female College.— The Fall session of this Institution opened on Tuesday last under -very fa vorable auspices, over one hundred stu dents entering the first day. With and efficient corps of teachers every fa cility is offered for the improvement of mind and morals. The thorough schol arship, of the President. CoL P. F. Brown and his assistants, aud the intense interest they manifest in the welfare and improvement of the pupils, ren^ ders this institution one of tho best for girls that we know of anywhere. Suc- cess attend it. . Our modem course Of living be gets a condition of the body that requires occasional relief. The system becomes enfeebled, deranged. clogged, and labors its tosk. The mind, sympathizes with it and both rink, or are depressed togeth- To restore the vital energies, purge the system—cleanse the blood—take Ayer’s Pills. [Glasgow (Ky.) Free Press. BACON—Clear Sides 21c. Shoulders 18c.- H*ms, Csnvused. Best Fancy, 30c. BULK MEATH—Sides 20c. — I5KMIV" SI o0 Commission House.—By reference to onr advertising columns it will be seen that J. B. Pillsbnrry & Co. have opened an auction and commission house in this place. The firm, is well known in this community as honest, upright citizens, will give their prompt and careful to all business entrusted to Wo bespeak for them a liberal mage. _ - The Governor has signed and a proved the bill providing for a revision the jury boxes in counties where this not done on the first Monday h last The jury boxes will, therefore bo revised at once. Clergy.—Forty-one Episcopal clergy- men died in the United States during the year ending November, 1869- Tho oldest was eighty-three years of age, and the yonngfest twenty-seven, being with one exception, the only one under fifty-six years of ago. . ■ _ • Be certain to read whalUontgom ery & Shaw hare to say about furnishing j provisions to tlte . hungry in their adver- I ti semen! June' very haudaome; plain Black Iron BAREGE, BLACK SILK;r— Printod LINEN DRESS GOODS, The most boantifol stock of Printed LAWNH, jaooxetixs and organdie MUSLINS we ever had. Some handsome STRIPED PIQUES, new style; PRINTS. BLEACHED *nd BROWN SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS of *11 widths and qualities. STRIPED and PLAID DOMESTICS in great Low priced and Extra Good Ticking, HOSIERY, O8NABURG8, wllow-casx * uxxx, and lOi LINEN SHEETING IlELOW COS T. BOOTS AND SHOES. Hat*, Umbrellas and Parasol*, Oil Cloth* and Table Linen and Window Shades, CLOTHS AND CASSIMEBES, Cottonades, Linen Ducks and Coatings FANS, a very largo stock ol Crockery and Glassware, Plated Spoons and Forks, Tablo and Pocket Knives, Ivory liaudled Knives, without forks; Candle*, Soap*. Soda, FINE TEAS, Royal Baking Powders, (A very superior article) ; Potash and Starch, Fine Smoking and Chewing l'obaoco. Traveling Bag* and Bankets, CAsrETtKOHl CARPIYINQS CARPETINGS! From a common article at 50c. per yard, to a very handsome Tapestry Brussels, u low as they can be bought inanymu-ket in Georgia. A email consignment of beautiful WALL PAPER AT NEW VOHK ‘ COST ! »_ All are respectfully invited to call au examine our stock, wo charge nothing 1< showing our goods. GBANBEARY & CO. Americus, April 12, tf. GROCERY AND PROVISION LINE, which we expect to sell as LOW AS THE LOWEST. Call and satisfy Yourselves, MONTGOMERY Sr SHAW. in«un, POPULAR WORM CANDY Ihti being really a specific against all kind* of onus that are found iu children, it is fastbe- oooiing the remedy administered in such trou bles; its pleasant tasto is quite -» rooommeuda- tion of itself, while its efficiency is truly wonder- Loativillo, August SO, 18C9. Ulddle 4Co.—Gentlemen: In consequence of the benefit I hav* received from Messrs. James Buddie A Oo.-t jusoqucuco or the benefit 1 hav* tho use of your Dr. Harley’* W01 m.v family- I send you' this, honing you wm. nuke it publio for the good of other. pareuU.' “ * ' satisfied but for tho use of y at least oueof oarchil- . . Both of our children aro wetland hearty, they passed worms seven. ‘ inches long. AnjrOna doubting this« *’ h PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. ‘ Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, IODIDEPOTASH This is the puro and genuine extract of the" AMERICUS MARKET. Corrected ©xpreeely for the Republican BY XONTOOKEBT * SHAW. LAND FOR SALE. A BARGAIN OFFERED I WILL offer for sale till November next, my Plantation on Launohaose Crook, in Webster county, containing thirteen or fonrteen hundred acres or land, with the stock of mules, cattle and hogs, corn and fodder, on the farm. The plantaUon is in good repair, about half cleared, with house* sufficient to comfortably accommo date laborers, and all other improvement neces sary. A bargain can be had bv early application to Wm.J.FeIt* on the form, J. W. Wheatley & Co., or myself, at Americas, Georgia sept.S-’im.JAMES P. WALKER. „ _ ^OTATORT^None. TOBACCO—75(9*1 60 per » for sound. BUTTER—Goshen 50c. Country SO© 10. EGGS—Buying 25o. Selling 80c. ] ARD—Prime Leaf 25c. FLOUR—$8 00©*ll 00 according to qoaUty. CANDLES—Adamantine, iSeHfbox, retail 25< Apply to J. W. Wheatley & Co or the under signed at Americus, Goorgia. t. 3. lm. JAMES P. WALKER. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER Has become an article of .commerce—which medicine ever became before. It is as much item in every bill of goods sent to. country m chants a* tea, coffee or sugar. This speaks vol umes in it* favor.—GlousVFalla Messenger, l • ■ Rev. H. L. Vanmeter, Bnrmah, writes, “Tho Pain Killer has becomo au almost indispensable article In my family ■ Hundreds of missionaries givo similar testi mony of its virtues. Rev. J. G. Stearns writes, “I consider the best remedy l know of for dyspepsia. Rev. Jabes L. Swan says, “I have used it for gara in tey_ftBttily, and consider it - *—*- t - BnBlxl sion to uss the Pail . . ing my residence in Burmab, and have found it FARM FOR SALE. WHITEWATER WM9KS left; better call soon before they are all gone. MONTGOMERY Sr SHAW. SINGER’S ARE THE VERY BEST MA CHINES MADE. MONTGOMERY Sr SHAW. We are Agents for the REMOVED. MRS. E.C. SPAULDING Barlow House, to S. Anthony’s Furniture m, whero she will be pleased to see her Mends and patrons. «a»AFull Supply of Paper* and Revenue tamps, Constantly — ”— ’ ang. 3. tf. And will Exchange To the Citizens of Americas. Four years ago I came in your midst as a Teacher, you gave me a cordial wel come, and generous patronage. My foiling health forces me to give up my pleasant place, and I cannot leave with out thanking yon most gratefully, for your kindness to me. To my music pu pils, dear girls, L must leave yod with my task unfinished, other hands than mine will complete it Yet in the ^‘Grande Finale” I hope to hear yon tone your beautiful Harps in the Land beyond the Stars, where there is no richness, and no sad tearfdl Farewells..- ,. ; •. < x v i ’ M. EL, Hobisson, September fird, 1870. /. " W One Hundred Dollars in Gold II be given ta any p*raou who, ou analysis will cover one grain of arsenio crc” ' N otice. Dk. s. k. turner Having removed from the counties of bum ter and Lee, wicl inform hi* friends and old patrons that he is located in ClintonviUe, Alabama, where he is prepared to treat all diseases that - - before him, and more especially those of e. You con consult ldm by letter, and have medicine sent to suit the case, or you can vUit him. He will treat you as he lias treated those whom he ha* benefittod. Reference to bumtor county. Charges moderate. w3m* Fair at Macon. IflHE first Fair of the Central Georgia Agri- A cultural and Manufacturing Company wiT be held upon the grounds of tho company nea * Maocxi, oec Ootobxk to re Octobxb ffira jKC&traros. We have the finest building for Exhibition of Goods, in the Southern States. THE HIPPODROME Knitting Thread, Plow Lines, Jeans, &c., FOR WO OL or will BTJY WOOL. If yon have no Wool, in a way of n commodation, will let you have the GOODS for the MONEY. MONTGOMERY & SHAW. for the exhibition of Stock is unsurpassed, it will comfortably seat !“****■ — 4v -‘— covered with shingles, against rate and sun. To wish great joy, without sorrow, is to hope against experience. Da. Hcei-ey’s Aarr. Toxic. It ii purely vege table, and the most happy combiuation that the science of medicine has a* yet developed to sap- cessfoDy combat the most mrient disrasesbf , wfll b* very attractive, a* fine Kentucky stock is cUeni to 1 biliouo ot m.luiooa dunrifc g u on til. »«y, tnj Gtor s i* trotter, uo now bttag ^ T. L. MAbSENBURG, Secretary.™ sug 27 Ct Macon, Ga. Medical Card. ficient ondvalnable compound extant, is the vcrs&lly conceded fact that it leaves tho patient in better health than beforo the attack, with no puffing up of the skin, no buzzing in the head, no doafuesH or impaired vision, but a clear head, transparent ekim a bright eye, and elastic step and bouyant health. xt eliminates disease from the system by dis sipating engorgements of tbe secretions, excit ing tho liver to bealthyaothm and giving’* 1 -- pancreatic and hepetic Juices their normal c aition and healthy flow. could bo prevailed 1 . doarie three time* a d son. they would hai chills and all the 00* .,. who except the vary prudeui, will take medicine before they are sick. For sale everywhere. Bead Jas. Ruddle & Go’s column. july 21 tf L We deliver all goods we sell, of CHAIJGE, xuiywhere in tho city, bnt want it understood we don’t call 5 cents worth of Soda,goods.' MONTGOMERY & SHAW- We want to buy 5000 lbs. Sound Fodder (BALED.) MONTGOMERY & SHAW, sept 8 cf • nyOne doubting this can call and r 10th and Chcsnuc streets, ami proof of this and mom. Yunrs plaints and diseases: Affections of the Bones, Habitual Cost iveness, Debility, Diseases o’f the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fis tula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indigcs- . tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Syphilis, And all impurities of tho Blood, etc. To Dr. Thos. As Hurley: sir: I doom it an act of justice to you to statl that In the month of February la«t, I had a severo attack of inflam matory rheumatism, which' completely pros trated mo. At tlie same time my lungs were much afliictod. I was so reduced that it was with tho greatest difficulty I could walk. X pro cured Homo or your compound extract Of Borsa- parilla, and commenced taking it. I found that 1 began to impruve, my cough become lea& ci- vere, tbe tjorcticss of my lungs Aud breasts gradually sulwidod, my rheumatic pains less acute. I attribute this mainly to your tiarsa- parilla. I have now been talcing it for over two month*! I have taken in all live bottle*. Its ef fect* have been most satis factory to me, aud I advise others similarly to «-*— trial. Jos. Ou Tbe gentleman whose name is appended to tho above certificate has long resided hero, and af the present time is one of tlie magistrates of the city of Louisville. ENTERPRISE ! ATTENTION! Citizens of Americus and Sur rounding country. Jppenheimer & Frank, l ESPECTFULLY annouuco to tho citixcna of Americus aud adjacent country, that they GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING STORE, whero we will endeavor to pleaso all who may >nor ub with a calL We shall make it our spoclal duty, having hail - Yxpericnco m tho Clothing Business, ten years expend to always keep a Large and Well-Selected —STOCK OF— Clothing, FROM CHEAP TO THE VERY FINEST! THAT IS MANUFACTURED. We also keep a Fine and well-selected stock of. GENTLEMEN’S Furnishing Goods, —WITH ALL—- , fi.y THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Collars, Bows arid Ties, ardidts a share of natraemrs. - c . Can bo found at Ins ofik-e at Fiaiu. ol Dora, during the day, and at his residence at night. AU calls promptly attended to.' Plained Dura, Sumter county, Ga. sept Uy School Notice. TUTB. O. A-’CBITTENDEN will open liis School JJL near the residence of Mayor Black, in tbe city of Americus, on Moxdat, September 12th. A ebaro of patronage solicited spptSJt*. NOTICE. s aro hereby notifict’ — —_ — rtam Note mode b. — „—. Use Administrator ofC. M Lee, dsetased, for Eight Hundred dollars, and dated January Xth, 1870, and due by the 25th day of Deoembflr, 7 Ateo«ioUier J»to <Ute not tho same amount, given on bea note* Tho consideration oC-8a ^ , failed, I will not pay them unless compelled to do so bv law. . JAMES B. PICKETT. angCSlm HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. m- In oponin, ttunnorr .tor. ». Oppenheimer & Frank, Under tl.e Barlow House, Americus, Ga. 8^>t3-9m - .