The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, September 09, 1870, Image 4

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SSWHBWS3 jfegtSiSigjssa Uow. iftt13r UMgr i1.TBb otherwise tetter, ft ministration will be granted said applicant Given under my band and official UcutK. Ibia 3d day of August, 1870. ***• Vj Whereas, Phillip Linck, 'Executor on th» a&’ttEfaBSfcfiafi&ff*' These are therefore to cite, anmmon and td monish, the kindred and creditor, of uid a,' eeaeed and all person* concerned, to l>c and >D | pear at my office, within the time prescribed tv tew, and show cause, if any they hare, whv Let. lent of Dismission should not be granted end applicant otherwise they will be granted iu terras of the law. Given under my band and official signature this 27th of July, 1S70. ’ Inly 38 4m B. F. BELL, Ordinary. #1E0RGIA-Scm*u Cowry, w Whereas, Barney Parker, administrator <, n Uiee.utaofJopenhcVawI'on], lAteofajud com- ty deceased, applies lor letters of diami*iou from said estate. These are therefore to cite and adn onisb, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, and all persona concerned,to bo and appear at my office within the time prescriL-d by tew, and ahow cause if anr they have. otl,. erwise letters of dismission will bo. granted in terms of Uie tew. ' # «i Gl S5. nnder my band and official signature this 10th day of August, 1870. Aug. 11 4m B. F. BELL, Ord y. T HE subscribers havea established in the city of America. A SHOE FCATORY. •m w mwnissiou irom uui estate. Tuese are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditor, or said deceased, and all person, concerned, to be aud appear at my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and file their objection, if any they have otherwiM letter, of dismission will \J. granted Mid applicant GiTen under my hand and official signaturt this 4th day of July, 1870. Iul7 -mint 8 E.Eason, Ordinary. ALSO AT Four l Emperor Deposed ! FRANCE A REPUBLIC I Special to Sumter lie publican. Fanis, • Sept 5,^-Tremendous excite ment in the city. * The Prince Imf>erial surrendered with Lis father. One hundred and twenty thousand French captured at Sedan. The Empress goes to Prussia. General Troohn declared dictator. Paris Will be defended to the last Emperor deposed and a Republic de clared. The Nation tbouts for 44 Liberty or Death- . . SXAND--East side Public Square, BAKKETT8 Vegetable Hair Restorative .lUlftJUiMMt. I. kSvpcri-c Slf-'l., jQ j <h — y i Arlon, din and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Wo are always glad toehowoue atock and wait upon customers. jun27-Gm junlC-Sm AND AGKICULTUBAL IMPLEMENTS GENERALLY. WILLEY & STEWART, Americus, Wm. Sirrine & Son, GREAT BARGAINS This Preparation surpasses ill oth< _ etew as a U«lr BeMWer. It is thorough la its aeiioa uixm Cray c , others leas* the hair fa many varied It prsnstts grotrtla.wheu ethers 1 _ produce a trajil* hair. It does not CrUp or dry the hair, bat moist and slos.-y. Ladies find it superior to any other-a* TheinsredlraU used In.thi- Prep ,ratio warjr teeoi that ran be louud. v»d ar. less a* water. LORD * SMITH, Proprid Money cannot buy itfor Sight is Priceless. u gBfvLj THOS. M. EDEN, JjfiUN & LOCKSMITH, Soalor in GUNS, PISTOLS, Powder, .hot. caps of all lauds, wads, leads, car tridge*, pistol howtirs, molds, ladles, and npoei- ing ammanitiou of ©very kind. Woesou . Breach- loading Rifles. Now on hand a largo and fin® amortment of fishing tackle, comueting in pari of grass, ri!k, cotton and linen linos, hooks, floats, ainkora, jointed aud reed poles, set hues, spears, trout flies, spoon sod spuming bait, bait boxes, ete. N. B.—Jgenoy of tba celebrated Wilson Shuttle Bowing Hachiura. .East side Public Square, next door to Wm. Sirrine A Son s Carriage Manufactory. > w&twly I WOULG respectfully inform the eiUzensof Americas that 1 have just received the largest and most elegant stock of furniture ever before offered in the South, consisting of ■ PALLOR, BED-ROOM* - —AND-— DINING-ROOM SETS. and*■ every thing appertaining to the furniture line, and I am determined to be undersold by none. I have alao received Md Tlio Largest Sloek The Diamond Glasses MONTHLY MAGAZINE, P. C. SAWYER, .AtDixle Works, Macon, Ga. rtqural ate.. Non. b„t_ U» b«u u] mo U 64 PAGES READING MAHER. 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS. WALKER, EVARS & COGSWELL, D. WYATT"AIKEN, CIUKXJSSroy, s. r The War between the States; Its Pauses, ra+ynftr • By Hew. kxxxxxo** II. •Hncpmo.-a.' : which arc uow ottered to the \ nouucodbyall the celebrated 1 world to be U*rtsoa4 perfect in OR. SHALLENDERCER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops the Chills. TU»lrcdku>ofc«bcea Ucforo the FubUa fifteen jena* »»4 is .till .head of all other tnoxm Mmedia. It don not purge, doe. net .token the etoenneb, <• ferfbotfr ate in anr doso an<l under all -• ? » , nrm«firinw and in the only Medicine that Trill ■ CURE IMMEDIATELY nnd-permnae-tUy every fona of Ferer and Ague, because it is n perfect UllteW «• USa Erer lnpught Into the Bout W OeU end eiamine nr etock VI : Samuel Anthony. Notice) Peaches Wanted. NOTICE. MAN & BBO. F'll.lic Square. r n GREAT uOUTHERN • DAY BI8PATCHES- LATEST FROM THE FRONT. Paws, Aug. 8L—There ia no newt of a decisive battle, ffiir is tt bettered one has been fongbt McMahon simply tde- pmpbed that lw bad crossed tbelleuae without liamaameuL AcoounU say heavy fighting 1mm occurred between de tached parties of JtfeMkhon’s and Prince Charles’ armies, witli Alternate odran- tigcs. London, Aag. 31,3 *. u.—We have a universal rumor that McMahon is cross ing the Meuse Stcnay And pushing for Montcmedy. He has irix hundred gnus. A collision between him aud Fredrick Charles is expected. The Garde Mobile of the new requi- siiioil, one hnndred thousand strong, is hurrying to the defense of the capital. The presa of Paris admits the sparions- uets of Bazaine’s dispatches. Should the French Emperor cross the Belgian frontier, the Belgians will de mand his sword. Other severe orders have lwen issued for the purpose of guarantee ing Belgian neutrality. Harms, Aug. 31.—The telegraph lines uro still in inextricable oonfasion. Bates from the ^eat of war—particularly those from Beanmont, require verification. Pauls, Aug. 31.—La Iiberte g says Austria pledged herself to move on Prus sia, simultaneously with France, if sub sidized by Ollivier, the then Minister of France. The money was not paid.— Austria pressed the matter on France, when Ollivier said 44 Oof »re fight with London, Aug. 31.—Bavarians ore re turning home disbanded. A mutiny oc curred among the Bavarian Landwhebr. A Vienna telegram denies that Bazaine was caged in Metz. Another battle reported at Attigney on the 13th no par ticulars or reports of the result London, Sept 1.—The Independence Beige, of Brussels yesterday, says, while McMahon was on the heights of Vaux, Tuesday advancing on Montmedy, ho was attacked by Iho Germans and forced back with dreadful carnage. This region of country is absolutely depopu lated. This corresponds with the Prus sian account of the action near Beaumont reported lost night London, Sept L noon.—No addition al details from McMahon’s defeat yet received. BocieToN, Belgium, Septl, 8 a. it.— Last night after dark, McMahon with drew towards Sedan, concentrating strong position. During the battle of TuesdAy, the Crown Prince of Saxony captured ten thousand prisoners, number of French soldiers escaped into Belgium and were promptly disarmed. It is rumored that Bazaine attacked Stcinmitz on Tuesday. Result is un known. Pauls, September 1.—Minister Wash- bumo contradicts the vessels leaving the United States ports to prey on French commerce. Paris, Sept. 1.—To-day’s Publique pays there was no fighting yesterday. The government, however, has good nows, McMahon’s march has been undis turbed. Palikao warns against publish ing important news pending military movement. Bazaine has won seven 1 small engagements. Boulton, (Belgium,) September i, 1*. m. —A fearful battle was fo'nght yester day and to-day. Yesterday morning, Mc Mahon commence 1 general movements to wards Moutemedy, and was attackednear Beanmont and driven, after a stubborn resisience towards the Belgian frontier. Tlie Prussians captured a large amount of camp-stores and drove the French from position to position, nntil night The battle was renewed early next morn ing and continued all day. Daring the night large French reinforcements came up, but failed to turn the scale of victo- The Prussians also were reinforced largely, and attacked the French in over whelming numbers. McMahon retreated to Sedan with the remnant of his forces. The slaughter is immense. It is impossi ble to estimate the loss. The Prince Imperial is said to be in Belgium. The population is flying in great terror. NIGIIT DISPATCHES. Paris, Sept.—Exportation of grain has Wen forbidden, imperatively, at Marseil les, A legion of 4,000 naturalized Ger mans have formed to join the army. Marseilles has sent Paris immense quantities of provisions. The diplomat ic corps have no idea of leaving Paris with the other members of the Govern ment, as the Empress remains, and neu tral powers must acknowledge tlie Iiegen- and Dorze. The Prussins entered Car- igauan at 10 o’clock yesterday. London, Sept, 1.—It is said that Mc Mahon disobeyed Napoleon’s order to detach 30,000 to protect the Prince Im penal. Tho seige of Strasbourg continues. Great slaughter is occasioned by the vigorous bomburdmeut A large body of French Mobiles passed the llhoin near Billenger, twenty miles below Basic, and cut the telegraphs and retired. The Prussians have taken precautions to guard against sneh enterprises hereaf ter. It is reported that three army corps have entered France from Baden. The war costs Prussia ten and a half million francs doily. Pakih, Sept. 1.- -The Corps Legislate are engaged in dennneiationa of Prus sian barbarities, and in laudation of the 1- reneh endurance at Strasbourg. Washington, Sept. 1.—There ia noth ing official from the seat of war since King William's dispatch. Varknnks, Aug. 30.—We bod yesterday a victorious engagement. The 4th, and 12 th and one Bavarian corps were en gaged. McMahon was beaten and driv en Irom Beanmont across the Meuse to Mamon. Twelve gnus, several thousand f trisoners and much material are in our lands. I repair to the battlefield to pur sue the route of victory, j God keep ns further. [Signed] . j \ William. Paris. September 1.—The Ganlois says :—Last night Marshal Baragnay D. Hillienr assured the club that a battle occurred at Courielles, resulting in a great French victory. Thirty thousand Prussians were placed hone tic eombmL— celles, is important as maintaining prea- tige against numbers. Confidence is entirely restored. A siege is ridiculed. A dispatch, received today from a cor respondent of the New York Times, on the Prussian side, represents discourage ment on the increase. The cry, 44 on Paris” is becoming dsily fainter. Death from exposure and dis ease is xnAking fearful havoc in the 1 rns- sion ranks. The Monitoar declares, that the battle of ConroeH™ wot» deed ed victory tor Bazaine. - London, September 1.—Paris Is again accessible via Brussels. Paris, September 1.—The commander at Strasbourg has announced to the people his determination to bum the city rather than surrender. The Prus sians hare - refused the appeal lately made by citizens to spare the dwelling port of the city, on tho ground that it would defer capitulation. The same ob ject dictated tho refnsal to permit the departure of the women and children. Gen. Mattorungo, distinguished in the Crimea and Italy, has been appointed Commander of the Parisian National Guard, in place of Gen. D§ Tramaun. Paris, September 1.—^Strasbourg let ters continue to complain of the Pros sians tor firing on the houses. Tho in habitants clamor for death rather thou surrender. The besiegers employ prison ers on the trenches at Strasbourg. Its citizens and garrison are the theme of praise everywhere. The Bishops have urged the Commander to hold out till the lost prayer has been uttered, and then retire to the citadel and raze the city, rather than let in tho enemy. It is said that 200,000, Prussians have been killed and disabled since tho war n, September 1.—The Stan- ^■etaal, dated Florenville, Thursday morning, says: The French have just l>een badly bet- uenon the Sedan rood. ThoPrusians entered Carignau two miles Southwest of Florentine, Furious fighting nil day Wednesday between Armiguyand Dou- sey and Brussels. Reinforcements have been dispatched to tlie frontier to guard neutrality. London, September 1.—On Wedne* dayj the Grand Duke (Mecklenburg Schwera was at Yonscrs with his army. The Crown Prince of Saxony passed through Valny, near St Menrehold. with one hundred thousand men. General Van Falkcuster is already at BoksonviUe, on the railroad between For- bach and Tliioavillc. Paris officials and citizens of Lille have determined to defend the walls. The same spirit is manifested at Avesns, Cambria, Dontu, Dunkergne, Volleuoeu- nes and Gravelincs, where memories of 1792 ore reviving. Tho Moniteur demands that municipal officers abandoning their posts be pun ished. La Libcrtc says the Government lias received no official dispatches in conse quence of interruption of the telegraph line between Sedan and Mezieres, but it is certain battles were fought ?n Tuesday and Wednesday. The first was a sur prise, which resulted in a partial panic in the corps d’Arme of General Foilley, who still commanded. There was also sepa rate and detached conflicts, the troops displaying great heroism, but there was a want of unity during the engagement, and the Prussians claim a victory. In the battle yesterday, there is nt question but that McMahon had great success against the troops of both Prin ces. Bazaine was not in in the engage ment yesterday, bat it is known that he continues tho work, to-day, energetically liegun by MocMahou. A corps passed through Paris and reached the battle-field yesterday and doubtless, ore fighting now. VERY LATEST NEWS. ■A dark and threatening cloud, which is growing blacker and blacker, overhangs France.’’ The Times is overwhelmed at the pros pect of a calamity, which it ia, perhapv impossible to avert, and which nobody in France seems to forecast or f^u*. The Times apprehend-", mob violence against French Protestants, and a repeti tion of (he Reign of Terror. OmniAL CoNNimanoN. ow the News was Rkckved in Paris- Reign op Terror Anticipated. London, Sep 1 * 3.—Tho most intense excitement prevails throughout the city stock market, which is violently agitated. Official dispatches from Berlin, an nouncing Napoleon’s surrender, has been printed in extra editions of the London Journals. The PjUI Mall Gazette and Daily Globe have appeared with advanced issues. Both of these journals disbelieve that Paris will accept the capitulation of the Emperor and MacMalion ns the termina tion of the war, and declare that Palikao, tho French War Minister, must disclaim all complicity with Gen. Wimpfen’s sur render, and avow his readiness to follow where Paris leads, which, probably wtil be iu quite another direction than that of peace: otherwise Falikao’s life is no( worth an hour’s purchase. PRINCE IMPERIAL IN BELGIUM. Napoleon III and MacMahon Wounded Very Seriously. ^ 80,000 French Surrendered With McMahon. Gen. Faillt Killed. Sedan Capitulates Brussels, Sept. 3.—The Etoile Belgm announces the Prince imperial in Bel gium, having left Mezieres and crossed the frontiers. The Emperor Napoleon is dangerously ill, and the wounds of Marshall McMahon are pronounced to be very serious. Gen. Failly was killed in the last battle. reported that the number of men that McMalxon surrendered amounted, all tol.1, to 80,000! A special coi respondent of a London paper telegraphs from Brussels as fid- lows : 4 ‘The Emperor Napoleon went to King William yesterday, P. M. with tears in his eyes, and surrendered himself a prisoner of war. Sedan capitulated at 2:30 P. M. Telegrams are constantly received in this city, relative to the fierceness of the fighting upon the Meuse, and the final battles before Sedan and Carognan. The French loss is reported as something fearful. . > < - . •. y A supply on hand at all times, in Ellaville, Ga., by MONTGOMERY & BALDWIN, General Agents. july 28 tf Best Quality, and will be put up in the beat el tie of the ar They challenge comparison in style, workman •hipandprico with those brought*from any quarter. All are invited to oome and examine tneir stock, and if they do not find all tree that thsy have stated, they will not complain if they do not purchase. They will also do OtJSTOM WORK to order at the shortest notice. HIDES AND TALLOW WANTED for which the highest market price will he paid either in cash, shoes or leather. Tlie whole concern is Southern, and SOUTHERN PATRONAGE a respectfully solicited. J. H. Black & Co., (VcW Brick BaUdimg, South side Pnblie Square, Americus, Georgia. nov4-wly NOTICE TO THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH-WEST GEORGIA extensive arrangements for MANUFACTURING From Paris ! Tremendous Excitement! Prince Imperial Captured with the Emperor ! 120,000 French captured at Sedan ! CAPITULATION OP THE WHOLE FRENCH. Berlin, Sept. 3.—King .William tele- graphs the following dispatch to the Queen and the Prussian War Minis ter: What a coarse events have assumed by God’s guidance.” “William.” Berlin, Sept 3.—The Kiug has tele graphed Queen Augusta, announcing the capitulation of Sedan and the aurreiultr of the Emperor Napoleon. London, Sept. 3.—Count Dc Flarhart dead. A signal advantage has been gained by the Prussians in the lato battle upon tbo Mease, whereby the French lines of communication have been severed, and movements to the north and southwest checked. The substantial fruits of the victory rest with the Prussians. - < - At the dose of the bottle, Thursday, Prussians had surrounded Sedan and oc cupied the roads (connecting with Bel gium mid Paris, thus cutting McManon’s communications, . . , . Berlin, Sept. 3.—Sedan lias capitula ted, and tho Emperor Napoleon has sur rendered in person to King William. Berlin, Sept 3, 9 a. m.—Later dis patches have been received. Tlie entire French army at Sedan has capitulated .and ! the Emperor Napoleon ha© surrendered to the King of Prussia. Berlin, Sept 3.— A sanguinary battle was fought on Friday, along the entire line from Maiiy to Donzy, commencing at 5 o’clock in tlm morning. McMahon resisted the Prussian attack until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The firing was incessant and fnrions along tho entire line of both armies, and continued with fearfnl destructiveness and slaughter. The crisis was now to be decided by the cold steel. The Prussians moving quickly, and with overwhelming impetus precipitated themselves upon McMahon’s lines at all points. The French unavailing!/ struggled, bat were defeated and driven in on utter ly disordered moss across the Mense. The Prii.-jjan* victorious,- held - the entire field lately occupied by - tbe French. Tho slaughter was fearfnl from the in- oessant fire.whieh bad been maintained for upwards o! twelve’hours. The route of the French was complete. London, Sept. 3, Afternoon.—An editorial in the Timet, of this morning, upon France was written dearly in antici pation of the disaster to the French arms. . ' r -’„ • -7 ; • The articles says: “Paris may awake to fioA itself upon the edge of an abyss. It is easy, and possibly patriotic, to be guile hope with fallacious anticipations. Gen. Trochu declared Dic tator ! Paris to be Defended to the last ! •) Ami arc are now prepared to supply our customers and those wishing to buy with O U Xi OWN M A. K 33 Of Buggies aud Harness, which, having already such great reputation, needs no comment here. We have on hand a large stock of Buggies of our own make And of Northern Ma n u f a c t u r-e , propose to sell iu keeping with tho timed. We have also threo kuute of Ouo of wlneli is the celebrated Studebaker Thimble-SkeinWagon Iron Axles. THE BROWN COTTON GIN. WILLET & STEWART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AMERICUS, Ga. T* beg to inform tlie cotton planter*, and all interested parties, that v W 1 orders for tin BROWN COTTON GIN, For the coming acaaoii, aud uow hare a gin at our place of buaiueea for tho inspection of and the pnblie generally. These Gins ar© too well known to need any particular deac lion at our baud*. They are made of tho beat mater al, with tho greatost care, under I he per ad supervision of Mr. I&llAEL F. BROWN, (formerly mechanical partner of E. T. Taylor ft Go., and of their successors, W.G. Clemons. Brown Co., Columbus, (!x,) w* ~ — * once of upwards of lorty years in their manufacture. We can confidently believe they will bo found upon trial unrivalled for Perfect Finish, Strength, Simplicity, Durability, Fast and Clean Win ning, Light Banning, and Superiority of Lint, In raying this we think wo will be sustained by tho testimony of cotton plauters everywhere who havo used tho Uius of this make. It ia desirable that orders should bo received as early in the price will be found to bo We still keep the good old-fashioned iron-axle wagon, both with plain and with patent wheels W A n n ANTED IJimaPIIfflTEljY It is Genarelly Understood That we warrant our own Buggies aud Harness, which we now make more plain by saving that if ever auything fails for the want of good workmanship or material, wo mako it good ami WE 00 NOT LIMIT THE WARRANTEE. Our stock of Carriage Maker’s material is ft J! and complete, and of the beet, consisting of WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS. SPORES, RIMS, HUBS, BOLTS, SHAFTS, Patent Leather, Enamel Cloths, Tacks, &c. f Whereas, Peter Stewart applies to me for letters of dismission as administrator on the estate of Henry Stewart, deceased. "*■ therefore to dte and admonish, all , the kindred and creditors aud id all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by tew, and ahow cause, if any they hare, oth erwise letters of dismission will bo granted m terms of the tew. Given under my hand and official signature this 4th day of July, 1870. Georgia—Schley county. T. B. Clegg applies for letters of m on estate of r. F. Pavne, de ceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish »U and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by .law, and ahow cau*«, if any they have, otherwise said letters will be July, 1870. jn!2-4m ' 8. E. Eason, Ordjr. GEORGIA—Schley Ootfsn. oX Whereas, Patience‘Mott, admr on the ci tato of Edwin G. Mott, applies for Letters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cits and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of arid deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and file their objec tions, if any they ha-re, otherwise letters will U granted said applicant. Witness my band and seal this July 4th, 1870 Iul7-m4m H.E.Easoji, Ord'v. £tgal j&alrs-eStflishr (To. be made to the. Ordinary of 1 ., the first regular term after the expiration of four weeks from this notice, for leave to sell the lauds belonging to the estate of- P. V. Perry, 1st* of said county deceased, for tlie benefit of tke .cticaUe, thus avoiding tho loss of tlm© which tho delay of ordering occasions. The is liberal aa that of any first class manufacturer. Address c WILLET A 8TEWART. \VK AUK ALSO AUENT8 FOlt lllE CELEIlHA'fEl) BOTTOMS’S HORSE POWER, G IN F EED ERS, COTTON SEED HULLELIS, DIMOND’S CORN & GRIST MILL, Irgal Hofes—|f« Count!. Lee Sheriff’s Sales for October. wwrTLL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Starkville, Loo conuty, cu the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale tho following property to wii: One new buggy. Levied on os the property of Robert Carter, to satisfy one fi fa in my hands in fsvtfr of Robert King and Sampson King u. Henry Carter. Property pointed ont by Samp son King. The above fi fa issued from Lee Su perior Court. B.F. SALTER, Sheriff. lying in the 14tb District of I^ee county. Levied the property of Green B. Mayo to satul? fas in my hands, in one in favor of Th*. Green B. Mayo and Tbomt* F. y. The other in finror of Offlcei* of Coart vs Green B. Majo, ala© to satisfy other fi fas in my hands, all issued from Lee Superior JAMES SALTER, sept 1 tils. Deputy Sheriff. THIMBLE-SKEIN WAGGON, (THE LIGHTEST BUNKING WAGGON KNOWN,) WAGGON AND BUGGY HARNESS, DURHAM BOOTH'S AND WOOSTEIVS CKLEIMIATED PATENT WHEEL BUGGIES, SUB-SOIL & TURN PLOWS, BARRETT’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. FIRST PREMIUM J). OP A EILVES XK3AI. T ^ Aff BARRETT'S "vUdiT ittSlOvtATlVE lA Administrator'* 'Sole. O N the first Tuesday in October next, sill be sold before tho Court House door in the town of Starkville, Lee .xtunty, agreeable to an order of the Ordinary of said county, one-half interest in a house and lot at Adams’ Station, situated near the Depot, belonging to the estate *■*' " ud count" • ' JOHN t