Newspaper Page Text
riday Morning, September 15,1870
i, c following safe and reliable Companies :
[M lii.m.-H .V Mercantile Insurance Co.,
Of Loudon, England.
mx Insurance Co.,
Of Brooklyn, New York.
mriiS Mutual Insurance Co.,
Of Athens, Georgia.
INSURE your life
s?* Sullivan & Tinsley lave removed
their Jewelry store to the house next to
Dr. Tommy's Book store on Lamar street
See advertisement.
C£y-Tlic business houses of the city
should all be numbered so that they could
bo more readily designated.
B&. The Democrats of Baker county
have organized and declared in favor of
Hon. Nelson Tift for Congress.- Other
counties will soon follow in the same
track. He is the man.
Mat» Insurance Co.,
Of Macon, Georgia.
i! New Drug Store, Lamar Street,
A Broken*, comer Lamar Sc College »ts
Democratic Meeting.
Democratic party of Sumter
,,unty. and all others opposed to Radio-
ile are requested to meet at the Court
use in Americus, on SATURDAY, the
I* inst. at 11 o’clock, A. M. for the pur-
o of selecting delegates to the 2nd
igressionol District Convention, to
linate candidates for the Legislature,
ml to appoint an Executive Committee.
A fuli attendance is earnestly requested.
T« (he Delegates of the New nan
and Americus Railroad Con
resolution adopted by the Conven
in' when it was in session at Geneva on
c 15th day of Juno lost, the Chairman
f the Convention was required to rens-
s. nible the Convention (when a Charter
iid Road was obtaine<l) at such time
ml place as he might designate, and as
. have been reliably informed that there
\,. ts been a Charter granted to the corpo-
_,rs of said Rood l»y the Legislature of
orgia now in session, I therefore re
st tlie Delegates of said Convention,
well as the Corporators mentioned in
:ii,l Charter, to assemble at 10 o’clock,
, on Tuesday the 27th inst,, at New-
(ia., to consider and pass upon bnsi-
of importance to said Company.
I©* The American Union, Swayze'
paper, says the Hon. (?) Virgil Hillyer i
prominently spoken of as a Radical can
didate for Congress from the 2nd District.
The question is who is this Hillyer ? Is
he white or black f We confess not know
ing such a man in the District
tST The Macon Journal of the 9th,
soys “ The members of the Democratic
Committee are requested to meet in
lanta on Thursday, Sept 1. ” The Edi
tor got hold of tbo wroug Almanac,
had been on a two or three months spree
when he put that notice in.
E&- A bill has been introduced in the
Legislature to bring on an election for
civil officers at the same time as that
for members of the Legislature.
r Maj. J. C. Giuffis, of the firm of
Wadsworth & Co.,has just re turned from
the North, where he has been engaged in
baying up a stock tor the coming season.
Though the trade of this bouse, since ita
establishment, will compare favorably
with that of any other house in Georgia,
engaged in the same business, the stock
io store and arriving is by far the
most extensive and varied ever brought
to this section. In Hardware, Tinware,
House-Furnishing Goods, Agricultural
Implements, Paints, Oils, Ac., the best
only have been brought out by the Major,
who selected the entire stock in person,
not overlooking the simplest article.
Country merchants, planters and oth-
« who have been sending their orders
to other markets for articles kept by
these gentlemen will not only save mon
ey by ordering from this house, but will
find the articles of the best quality and
Customers will find attentive clerks al
ways ready and willing to wait upon them.
p*The streets of onr city are all
named, and jet there is no way of indir
eating them i it would not cost much to
have the name of each street marked on
small boards and put up at-each corner,
which would be a great convenience to
citizens as well as visitors. What will
the Council say to this suggestion ?
fissY* Freight on cotton from .Savannah
to New York has advanced 25 cents per
hundred. To ship a bag of cotton from
Macon to New York, says the ('on dilu
tion f dint, will coat about nine dollars, in
cluding drayage Ac.
The lost request of Bill Boaz, the
negro murderer of Miss Burns in Calhoun
county, is suggestive. He said: “Tell
my brothers to throw away their fire
arms and go and live with old rnu&sa the
remainder of their days.”
Ballous’s Monthly Magazine for
October.—The appearance of Ballou’i
Magazine for October reminds us that
the evenings are growing longer and that
the people will read to occupy their
leisure hours. New such a magazine
Balou’s is just what is wanted at the fire
side. It contains so many good stories,
so much poctiy of real merit, and
many engravings of interest, and all for
15 cents single copies, or $1,50 per year,
that we do not wonder at its circulation
being the largest of auy magazine in the
country. It deserves it, for it is enter
prising and full of life. It is for sale at
all periodical stores in the country.—
Thomas & Tolbot, 05 Congress Street,
Boston, are the publishers.
ledina Of the Grand Lodge
I. O. G. T.
The next annual meeting of the Grand
(„]<»<•, independent Order of GoodTem-
1-ars will be held ut Americas, commenc-
i" on Wednesday, the 5th of October
t is expected that Representatives from
wry Lodge in the State will bo in nt-
-ixhuice. and that they will come pre-
ived to nvike a report about the condi-
i«m of their respective Lodge.
Ample arrangements will l>e made to
ntertain the Delegates and visiting mem-
*•!> of the Order ,/m? of charge, during
In* .sitting of the body.
Papers throughout the State will please
iotii-e. Sep. 10-td.
Two friends, so mo years married
and widely separated, lately exchanged
telegrams thns: To . “All well. We
have two pairs of twins. How is that for
high?” “To . We have three little
girls. Three of a kind beats two pairs!”
tQr S. P. Boone has removed his stock
of Furniture back to the Northwest cor-
of the Public Square, where he will
keep a fine selection of Walnut, Mahoga
ny,Rose-Wood and Oak Furniture, Metal
lic Burial Cases and other articles. Read
Notice to Correspondents.
All letters relative to business intended
<>r this office, to insure prompt attentions
mist bo directed to the proprietors, IIan-
.»-k, Gr.AU.vM k Reilly.
tt-TU Nailed-A city Market-House.
Bill Duncan, (colored,) was be
fore Justice Callaway on the 12th, charg
ed with having a plurality of wives. He
was bound over in the sum of $150.00
to appear at the next term of the Supe
rior Court.
Religious.—Tlio 3rd Quarterly Meet
ing for Ellavillc and Oglethorpe will bo
held at Coucord the third Saturday and
S» nday in Septemlwr. Diviuo service at
Ellaville, Sunday, 8 P. M.
J. B. McGeuee,
Presiding Elder.
tStif Onr old friend, S. Cohen, return
ed from New York, on Saturdaj last, look
ing ten years younger than when ho left
home. He laid in an immense stock of
goods of all qualities, a small lot of which
are already iu store. In his selections ho
has displayed good taste and judgment,
and customers will find some of the finest
goods in the city on his shelves. Both
of his stores will bo literally jammed in a
few tlnys.
Iu submitting the subjoined lines
to the perusal of our readers, we desire
to say that the original poem, now in our
possession, was found recently wafted
about by the winds in Pork Place. The
chirograpliy is juvenile, but evidently
that of some little maiden, who thus ten
derly repouds to the wooing of her boy
ish lover. Wo wonder if either of Dr.
Wilburn’s masculinities, or any of the
young ladies of the College, could give
us any information about this effusion.—
“You bet,” we opiue so. Anyway the
production does right well “ for high ” iu
a poetic line. We publish it exactly as
it s written, without alteration or addi
tion :
Loves Tkiai.
Love thee yes but
oh to leave this happy
Home Leaving father
Mother and Friends
So dear With yon
alone in foreign
climate to rorne No friends to
leade to bess us or to cheer
No No I Cannot
Messrs. Ofpenheimes A Fbaxk,
determined to let the public know that
they are “intown," with a largo and
splendid assortment of Gent’s Famishing
Goods, have caused to be erected in front
of their clothing hall, a neat sign-board.
By the way, these gentlemen having fit
ted np their establishment, are now fol
ly prepared to sell off their largo stock
at reasonable rates. If yon cannot be
fitted out of the goods on hand, just leave
yonr name and measure and yon will be
satisfactorily suited in a given time.
- —
Proverbs.—Count your very minutes;
let no time slip yon. Pamper not the
body; a yonth wants a bridal not a spur.
A fine coat is bat a livery when person
who wears it dis covers no higher sense
than taht of a footman. Shun or break
of all disputes with inferiors lest they
loose their respect for yon. Never reveal
thy secrets to any, except it be as much
their interest to keep them as it is yours
that they should bo kept. We never
repent talking too little bat very often
talking too much.
“The Universal Aver.” On .my
journeys over the continent—through
Turkey, India, China, japau, Peru,
Chill, Paraguay, Brazil, and Mexico, and
the United States—in them all to s
extent and in some to a great extent, I
have found the universal Ayer represent
ed by his family medicines, which
often held in fabulous esteem. Whether
they wiu their marvelous reputation by
their cures, I know not, but I know that
they have it to such a degree that it
frequently gave me a distinguished i
portance to have come from tho sai
country. [Field’s letter from abroad.
Railroad Freights in Georgia Re
duced.—The Columbus Enquirer says:
Tho Southwestern railroad advertises
to ship cotton from this point to Savannah
at 25 cents per 100 lb; to New York $125;
Baltimore, $1 25: Philadelphia, $1 55;
and to Boston at $1 70.
s improving doily.
irh" Bin
&J*. A brake has at last been clamped
upon the city police.
WDu Some of the people say the city
oust have a furlough from the black rule
•i the next municipal election.
t-£r The afflicted will find Walker’s
Vinegar Bitters advertised in this paper,
•iA they will nlsa find a good medicine
in the Vinegar Bitters.
The Ball season will soon be inau
gurated, and there is no doobt that the
disciples of Terpsichore will have ample
opportunity to display their accomplish
ments in the graceful art to their hearts’
content before it is ended.
Cay That noble Roman, Representa
tive Frank Wilclinr, of Taylor county,
has at last succumbed to the fell destroy-
death. He was a man thoroughly
d,-voted to principle and right and in his
death the State lias lost a valuable
t-y Good and comfortable board can
L- obtained for a school girl about ten or
twelve years old, by applying immediate
ly at office. tf.
Fine Beef.—Mr. Wiley Chambless has
••nr thanks for some of the finest l»ecf
Monk we have seen iu this market for
Personal.—Col. Samuel Irwin of
Macon, honored us with a call yesterday,
as l*cen in the city for tho past two
on important law matters.
Tjie Southern Cultivator—The Sep
tember number of this standard monthly
, our table, filled with useful ami in
teresting matter for the plantation, tho
garden, and tho family circle. Terms,
$2,00 a year. Address Win. & W. L
Jones, Athens, Georgia.
Death of a Printer.—Mr. Nathaniel
Pinkham, a printer employed in the
Telegraph and Messenger office, died in
Macon last Sunday, of paralysis of the
brain. The deceased was a man of un-
ustiul intelligence and a good workman.
At the time of bis death ho was President
of Macon Typographical Union, by which
organization, with the Good Templet*
and Silver Cornet Band, ; all of which
he was an honored member, he was
buried last Monday morning.
Dr7 W- W. FORD
ret* a m
*U hours da v and ui clit.
OQico oo North East corner of tho Public
Square, Americus, Ga. Terms moderate, but
Special to the Daily Journal,]
Washington, Sept. 13.—Telegrams
from London state that the Paris corres
pondent of tho Telegraph says, that the
recognition of the U. S. Government
was but little valued, being regarded
merely as the exhibition of tho good will
of a power that is without material
weight in tho Europen system.
There has been some considerable cav
alry fighting at Chatteau Therny, in
which the Prussians were repulsed with
considerable loss.
Soissons refuses to comply with the
demand of the Prussian troops for a sur-
Theirs is iu London communicating
with the English Foreign officer
Immense posters have been posted on
tho dead walls in Rome, proclaiming a
Universal Italian Republic. The procla
mation is signed by the Italian Republi-
n Revolutionary Committee.
Berlin, Sept. 13.—Bismarck’s official
account of tho interview preceding the
surrender of Napoleon at Sedan, says
that tho Emperor sought better terms
than had been offered by the Germans,
but he Bismarck, refused any discussion
this point The Emperor endeavored
to have the entire French army pass in
to Belgium, over its frontier and there
surrender their arms, which was refused.
The Emperor stated that ho deplored the
war but had yielded wholly to public
opinion in declaring war.
Florence, Sept 13.—General Cordou-
na, in command of the Italian troops on
the Papal frontier, lias issued proclama
tions in which he assures the inhabitants
that he does not bring war but peace and
order, leaving to tho administration full
freedom of action and that theindepend-
enco of the Holy See would not be viola
Tho Italian troops everywhere meet
enthusiastic welcome.
London, Sept. 13.—Tho Morning Post
speaking semi-officially, says that the
Neutral Powers have abandoned hopes of
suspending hostilities, and that Minister
Bancroft is making no fnrtlier efforts to
wards a mediation.
It is reported that Metz has surren
dered unconditionally.
U. S. Bonds at 90.
Wo lenrn that on Sunday last Mr.
Thos. Sullivan caught two gentlemen in
his vineyard testing the quality of the
grapes without his permission. He kind
ly requested them to desist, and they per
ceiving that he had a shot-guu on hand
to enforce his request, concluded a move
to prologate their stay in the sacred pre
cincts would bo over-ruled, did as requir
ed. Wonder if the Council was interest-
i this move, or was it only a private
ilank of the parties in question ?
trir On Monday the 2Gth inst, our
Jewish friends will close their stores for
tho day, that being tho first day of the year 5G30. According to Usher
and Calraet the time elapsed since the
creation of tho world is 5870 years, mak
ing a difference between Jewish chronol
ogy of 220 years. Hales puts tho creation
at 5411 years before Christ which would
place the world at the venerable age of
0281 years; 651 years older than by Jew
ish reckoning.
2?$uJ. H. Callaway k Co., of Fort
Gaines, will furnish fresh Flour to
‘•bants and dealers at low prices. See ad
vertisement. ,
tnif Beef sold in this city would bo
'■i a much better grade if the animals,
^lulo living, were fed as they should be.
todf* The camp-meeting which has been
;‘>ing on for the past two weeks in East
Americus, closed on Sunday List.
Police items are very scarce and
of little interest. This speaks well for
ibe general character of the citizens of
EfXU S. M. Siesel & Bko. have in
store and are daily receiving a largo and
varied stock of Fall and Winter Goods,
consisting of fine dress goods, gent’s and
boy’s clothing, plantation goods, crock
ery, and eveiything that comprises a full
This establishment is fully prepared to
suit customers in quality and style of
goods at prices that defy competition.—
Give them a call.
The clothing store of M. Wachtel
seems to be full of new goods, and yet
learn that not half of his stock has arrived.
In looking over the clothing of this estab
lishment we find one of the best selections
we have seen in the city since the war,
and gentlemen who buy ready-made cloth
ing should make it a point to call at this
house and examine such articles as they
may wish to purchase, wo feel confident
that they will be pleased both with the
goods and the price.
White, President of the Macon and West-
Railroad, gives information that all
delegates to the Convention of the Grand
Lodge of Good Templars ut Americus on
October 5tb, will be passed over his road
at half fare, provided they have tbo prop-
• credentials 03 delegates.
We hope the Presidents of the other
Roads in the State will follow Col. White’s
krif-The Deputy Sheriffs of this conn-
y have both resigned their position in
’filer to try a more lucrative business.
Win. A. Byrd offers a fine Flint
kiver Plantation for rent. See adver-
fciY* l)r. O. P. Tommy’s Book Store is
now th® next door below Brown’s Con-
f'ctionery, Lamar stieet See notice.
Maj. H. K. Daniel,a well known citi-
Wn Ibis county, died suddenly, in this
ntv on Friday night, 9th inst
“ There is a time for all things. ”
**nt from the success we’ve had in collect-
1UR we f ear that the (inis for certain o! our
patron* to be honed has escaped their uo-
To Correspondents—Notwithstanding
o have, time and again, notified corres
pondents that their names mnst accom
pany communications, wo are continually
receiving articles for publication without
the name of the author. For this reason,
and because the writer baa failed to com
ply with the established rule of this of
fice, requiring payment for communica
tions recommending persons for office,
we decline publishing “ Voters” article.
Ye that hath babies should call on
Sirrine & Son at once and examine the
beautiful carriages just brought ont by
the janior of tho firm, who selected them
in person during his late visit North.—
These baby cabs aro certainly the hand
somest ever brought to this market, and
for style and finish are hard to beat.-—
As babies are numerous in this section
and carriages in great demand, an early
call is neceencry to secure one.
Fresh oysters arrived at Addison’s
Saloon on Lamar street, yesterday, pack-
i ice. They were large and delicious.
He will receive them daily, hereafter,
aud will furnish them to his customers
any manner they may bo called for. Oar
office devoured n quart yesterday after-
i, for him, and lor which we herein
return the thauks of the craft.
J“ Is there no city law prohibiting
water from being thrown from windows
upon tho streets bclcw ? If not, there
should be one. A man passing under an
open window, a day or two ago, came
very near receiving a bucket-full of slops,
emptied from the window, on his head.
As it was, his clothes were badly spatter
ed and were unfit to bo worn.
icily cash.
Day Tho Atlanta Intelligent
opt 1 lmlc
ly in favor and heartily endorses tho let
ter of Judge Linton Stephens. Just w
expected. The Intelligencer will en
dorse anything or anybody that will take
strength from the Democratic party.
Bard of the True Georgian wants
Napoleon to bring $30,000,000 to Atlanta
and build a hotel. Aud if lie did, that
Bard would know well how to reach
a part of that $30,000,000.
BGL J. C. Kimball offers a premium of
a $25 work-table, for the best specimen of
darned stockings exhibited at the State
Fair, to be competed for by girls under
fourteen years of age.
. Notes and Drafts collected ut Banker’s
With the captnre of the French Em
peror at Sedan, terminated the success
ful public career of one of tho most re-
markabio men of the Nineteenth Century.
For twenty-two years he has loomed up
before the oyes of the world as tho graml
central figure iu European politics. A
nod from him disturbed the cutire con
tinent. At a word from liis imperial lips
embattled millions rushed into the field
aud the thunder of his artillery shook
the thrones of Europe to their very
foundations. And yet this autocrat was
not born great; nor was greatness thrust
upon him. His career was planned by
himself ; his achievements were executed
by himself; aud lie is alike responsible
for the glory of his successes and the hu
miliation of hi3 defeats. The architect
of his fortunes, he was, at the same time,
the author of liis ruin.
them that it was bnt the beginning of a
general -revolutionary movement Tho
E )t was discovered and crashed, and
venturer arrested. He was sent to
Paris. Louis Phillippe felt that he could
afford to be magnanimous. He present
ed the conspirator with three thousand
dollars and shipped him to New York.—
He remained in the United States several
months? and many contradictory stories
are told of his adventures and personal
habits. It Mens to be pretty dear that
he would not pay Ids hotel bills, and that
he led a dissipated life, but, at the same
time, he continued his studies and con
fidently proclaimed bis intention to oc*
cupy the throne of his nude. The ill
ness of his mother recalled him to Switz
erland, and he returned to that country
shortly before her death. In 1839 he
published the “Idees Nspoleonienness,”
a political work whioh contributed much
to the revolution of 1848.
In 1840 he made another unsuccessful
attempt, landing, at Boulogne with a
handful of men and a tame eagle, ho was
driven into the water, captnred, tame
eagle and all, and sent to Paris under
guard. Louis Philippe behaved wonder-
fuly wclL He had tho adventurer tried
by tho House of Peers and sentenced to
perpetual imprisonment. The castle of
Ham, lieer tho Belgian frontier, was se
lected os tho place of confinement. In
this quiet retreat Louis Napoleon passed
six years. Ho devoted himself to politi
cal studies and wrote several works of a
decided political tendency, and of con
siderable ability. Bnt ho soou wearied
of his confinement, and the result was
that, one fine morning, Louis Philippe
was startled by the information that his
prisoner had escaped. It was true. Dis
guised os a common workman, he left
the prison made his way to the Belgian
frontier, and in a few days uade|his ap
pearance in London, where ho created
some excitement among literary meu and
Than came the great revolution of 1848.
Franco declared for a Republic. Louis
Napoleon was elected a Deputy to tho
National Assmbly. Great opposition
was manifested nud he wrote a very art
ful letter tendering his resignation. A
reaction followed. He was re-electod by
four departments, and took his seat in
the National Assembly. The repnblican
nature of his writing and the influence of
his name built up a strong party. He
was elected President of the Republic by
a majority of over 4,000,000 votes.
. For three veors President Bonaparte
remained at the head of the Republic.—
He schemed and plotted all tho time in
order to gain tho confidence of tho peo
ple. But opposition was rampaut—
Nothing could conciliate it. The Presi
dent finding re-election impossible de
termined that he would carry out his long
cherished plan. Everything was quietly
rangod and, ou the 2d of December,
1851, the coup d etat was an accomplished
fact. Ou tho morning of that day ho
Bad nearly 100 prominent meu seized in
their beds; tho Assembly was forcibly
dissolved; Paris declared in a state, of
siege, and, in suppressing the disorder
which followed, over 5,000 citizens were
slaughtered, and some 27,000 transported
to the pouul colonies of Cayeuue and
Africa, whero the greater number died.
Kf Advftiict a on Gold and Silver
Wo aro alao Agents far some of
liable Fire and Life Insurance com
July 21 tf.
Don't Do It
The Atlauta Constitution publishes the
following special from tho chairman of
the National Democratic Executive Com
mittee :
Washington, Sept. 10.—No member
of Congress who cannot take the i
clad oath will be admitted.
Mr. Stephens’ advice will be fatal, if
We respectfully urge the nomination of
only such ns can take that ontli.
Sam. J. Randall, Chairman.
Minister Dismissed for Irreverence.
A preacher at Waushara, Wisconsin, has
been discharged for being personal to
his hearers. He said: “If yon should
take a barrel aud fill it with the Holy
Ghost? and another and fill it with whis
key, and call the congregation np and let
you take your choice, tho whiskey would
be gone first”
A protracted meeting is now pro-
Rressingin the Baptist Church of this
l-luee. The evening services are becom
es quite interesting.
Section 5 of .the City Ordinances
ondaluod of -Nni«aoai'M» violated
"MJninSt , i . ,
.Chattooga county will make corn,
h to do the people five year*. New
oorn Is offered at 83 cents per bushel in
the heap.
. t©- Marshal McMahon, though badly
wounded in the engagement beforeSe-
dsn, is not dead, as waaiepprted.*.
Anti-Secret Society Organization.
We aro threatened with the revival of the
old onti-Masonic party, under another
name. The new organization is evan
gelical in character, and is composed of
the reformed Presbyterian, Northern
Baptist and Christian Churches." One
of ita objects is to exclude from the chnrch
’all persons who havo any connection
whatever with secret societies of any
I0uA French paper says tho Prussians
aro wonderfully well informed of every
thing that goes on, even to the smallest
details. Borne days ago a regiment of
Uhlans entered a village through which
the French urmy had passed four and
twenty hoars before. The French had
with great difficulty obtained 3,000
rations from the country people, the
Prussians required 25,000; they were told
that it was impossible to comply with
this demand, and that by completely des
poiling tho inhabitants it would be im
possible to colloct more than a quarter of
what was claimed. Tho commandant
pulled some notes ont of his pocket and
looked through them. “Where
Shultz ?’’ said he. “ Here am I, com
mandant,” replied on honest fellow, red
dening with pride at finding himself
known to so powerful a person. “Yon
have three cows, and 100 hens. I know
where yon have hidden jour oats, you
withdrew your flour yesterday. Be so
good os to fetch all that, and be quick
about it.” Thus the commandant tilled
all the inhabitants one after the other,
and proved to them that he was as well
acquainted as themselves with their re
sources. It is needless to add. that the
45,000 rations were made np in an hoar’s
time. The Prussians act in this manner
everywhere, thanks to the skill and num
ber of their spies; and this explains how
such great numbers always seem .well
provided with food.
Equino Powders restor Hcpse* and Cattle.
i question about Uquin* Uamodioa.
Kquins Powders produce a natural change.
Homo and Cattle owner* uo Equino Remedies.
Has become an article of commerce—which no
medicine ever became before. It is a* much an
item in every bill of good* *ent to oouuttymer-
chanti as tea, coffee or sugar. Tliia upe&ks vol
umes in its favor.—Glens’ Falla Mctecnger.
Rev. H, L. Vanmeter, Burundi, antes, “Tlko
ain Killer has bcoome an almost indispensible
rtide in my family.*
Hundreds of imaoiomriea give similar testi-
tony of ita virtues.
Rev. J. G. 8team* writes, “I oouaider Urn beat
miedj I know .of far dyspepsia.
Rev. J&bex L. Swan says, “I have used it fur
▼ears in my ftniilv, and consider it an invalua
ble remedy."
llev. M. II. Blxbj write*, **I have bad occa
sion to use tho Pain Killer very frequently dnr-
: Tg my resideuco in Burundi, and have found it'
, very useful medicine.*
Sold by all druggists.
>r ol al .
Furnished by Horrold, Johnson A Co.
Aukucit*, Ga., SoptoatW Utl», 187l*.
Our cotton market i* quite active at 13 cents
for low middlings—middlings to strict middlings
would command 151 to 15J. Reaeipta for the
past two days luvo been one hundred and sixty
. The plaid rs sell as last aa (hov bring it
to market.
Ujhoox September 14, evening.—Cotton; mid
dlings 1G}.
\r Yoke, Kept. Id.—Gut ton weak; uplands
fair; middlings 17J.
Liverpool, Sept. Id. uooi
uplands 9j; Orleans 0J.
.—Cotton closed firm
Corrected expressly for the Repnblican
llquino Jlcmedics.overtop everything.
A fat man at Wilmington, N. C., went
in swimming, and the people turned out
and were abouito harpoon him thinking
he was. a whale.
They have discovered * a method of
thinning out tho over abundant popula
tion' of Japan. Kerosene lamps have
lieen introduced into that conntty.
The father of Lonis Napoleon
Louis Bonaparte, the third brother of
tho first Napoleon. In common with the
rest of the family, he stood in awe oi
his magnificent elder brother, and, reali
zing his dependent position, suffered
himself to bo swayed to and fro, like a
pendulum, at his will. Napoleon forced
him to marry Hortense Beaulmrnais, the
beautiful and giftedd aughter of bis royal
spouse the Empress Josephine. Louis
and Hortense were already engaged to
different parties and viewed the match
with mutual repugnance. But the iron
will of Nnpoleou never bent before such
trilling obstacles, and ho commanded the
marriage. There was no appeal. Hor
tense broke her engagement with the
gallant Duroc, and Louis sorrowfully
yielded to the necessity of the occasion.
They were married, and Louis accepted
the throne of Holland. But tho splen
dors of royalty only gilded the misery of
tho unhappy pair. There was continual
strife between them, and it has been as
serted that the fair Hortense proved
false to a marriage vow, which was in
itself false, and lavished her smiles aud
her favors upon a prominent Dutch
Admiral. The story may have been a
foul slander, but it is certain that when
her third child, Louis Napoleon Bona
parte, the subject of this sketch, was
born, tho husband of Hortense was more
snprised than gratified, and would not
have recognized him as his son had it not
been urgent recommendation of
his august brother.
Hortense and her husband separated
forever soon after this event, and Lonis
Napoleon, two years after his birth,
which occured iu 1808, was baptised by
Cardinal Fescli, Napoleon nud Maria
Louisa acting as god-parents. Louis
Napoleon and his brother were tho only
heirs to tho French throne until the
birth of the King of Rome, and were
consequently very important personages.
Rut the star of Napoleon was suddenly
obscured by the dark cloud of an evil
dostiny, aud, after the eventful Hundred
Days, the Empire was shattered to frag
ments, and Waterloo. When the illus
trious captii e left his capital for tho last
time, Louis Napoleon, .then seven years
old, embraced him, and even then a
vogue longing for revenge may have
filled tho boy’s mind and decided the
career, which, in after years was to give
him sovereign sway and masterdom.
The Revolution of 1830 came and with
it a momentary gleam of hope to the
Bonapartes. But Louis Phillippe re
fused Louis Napoleon’s request that he
might bo allowed to enter the French
army, and the youthful adventurer re
turned to Italy to take part in the at
tainted revolution in Romaga, in 1831.
France and Austro crashed the move
ment, and Lonis Napoleon barely suc
ceeded in escaping from the country in
the disguise of a footman. More intri
gues followed without any important
results, and Louis Napoleon found him-
seif after tbe death of his brother aud the
Duke DeReiehstadt, tho heir to the
throne of the Bonaparte*. He gave him
self up to political and military studies.
A work from his pen, published in 1832,
entitled “Reveries Pohtiqaes,” declared
that France could only be restored to her
former glory and prosperity by a mem
ber of tiie Bonaparte family—that
other could unite tho development of
Republican ideas with tho military'
of tho people. He also publish
“Manual ol Artillery,” stud to be a val
uable contribution to military science.
A blow
silenced opposition. No man dared to
raise his voice. Tho usurper obtained
control of the army; proclaimed himself
Emperor “ by grace of God and the will
of the French people,” and, after dis
charging his mistress, married the beauti
ful Eugenie, the daughter of the Count
ess of Montijo. Then followed an’olliance
with England. Tho adventurer who had
once paced tho streets of London as o
special policeman, was the guest ot Vic
toria and Albert, and received from tho
hands of the English Queen the Order of
the Garter, llespectablo meu wondered
and acquiesced. The Empire was peace.
Order reigned. Money was abundant,
and France moved rapidly onward in
civilization and prosperity. * United with
England aud Turkey, he humbled the
pride of Russia, and, iu 1859, he con
ducted the brilliant Italian campaign in
person, giving Austria a blow from which
she has not yet recovered.
8YRUPS—90@SI 50
FISH—Kitts fi 50. 4 bbla $5 0C<3W 5(1
4 bbl *9 imctli 00. Bbls $16 00^00 00.
BUTTER—Goshen 50c. Country 00 VfilO.
EGGS—Buying 23c. Selling 30c.
LARD—Prime Leaf 25c.
FLOUR—28 00®111 00 aocurding to quality.
CANDLES—Adamantine, 18ci t^ box, retail 25o.
LuciKViLLE, Kv., September 10,1870.
Provisions iu moderate demand. Mesa Pork
27 00. Bulk meats 134 16 and 104 tor Shoulder*
clear rib and clear aide* t 1 ’
Bacon 14V 174 and 181< — - - —
and clear sulea. Hams 21V. Lard IG*. Cheese
aro cash prices—time orders j higher.
Baffcing in good demand and most lioldere
ing higher prices 30 for Hemp and
— ‘hough some bolts c - *-' 11 ‘
)i aiid 30 on short t
Granberry & Co.,
Save just opened tiieik
OKA ACRES land far salo jti Sunder county,
OtIU 4* m Hen from the city or Americus; im
provement fair, can U6 bought very cheap for
Apply to J.'VL Wheatley & Cb 'or the under-
Change of Schedule.
Southwxsmn Rumuun Ctoquat. i -
Omcr, Maoop, Ga., September 3,1870. (
O N and after tbs 4 th ins taut, tho Mail jmd
Passenger trains oa this road will bo runs*
3M.VXEVS mail
Leave Macon .7M'a*
Arrive at Columbus .... .1:20 ru
Lsavo Columbus .12:30 r M
Arrive at Macon .62)0 r M
coLUMura Nimrr romovr ax» aivowmoiutios.
Leave Macon . -8:15 v n
Arrive at Columbus. 427 a m
Leave Columbus ..v..... .. .805 rx
' ostilssxn...............^.S.-sAdD au
Leave Macon..
Arrive at Eofanla... 4^»8 n
Leave Enfaula M
Arrive it Macon ^ ..'..,..4:50 r«
curauLA kiout .maaoT axo juxximmodatw.n.
Leave Maoou. ^.W»0 r M
Artivo at EutanU. .104)0 a m
Leave Euraula . JkW r R
Arrive at Maobn .5:07 am
Eufaula moil train connects daily at Sinith
villa with Albany mail, and at Cuthbc-rt with
Fort Gaines mail train. -
Faaeoiigers by Enfaula night accommodation
train leaving Macon on Mondays, Tuesdays,
Thursday* and Fridays wQl connect with Albany
accommodation train at SmithviUe.
The Fort Gaines accomodation train Connects
at Cuthbcrt every Tuewlay and Thursday.
Engineer and tfupbrtatendcnt.
Medical Card.
D R. j. W. SHROPSHIRE having pormtnciitly
located in Sun for couuty, uflera bis pm-
feebional service* to the public, and re*{iectfHliy
aolicita *bhare of patronage.
Can be found at bis office at. Plains of Dan,
daring the day, and at Ida residence at night.
All call* promptly attended to.
Plains of Dure, Sumter oounty, Ga. sept 1 ly
Lands I Lands!
TIONS of 700 to 1000 acre* each—8 or VO
mile* of America*.
Also ond of S00 or 400 acre* 4- or 5 mile* ot
American. .
Waaxt to Remt.
A Good Farm in Snmfor county, 800 to 500
acre*,or larger. A reliable and induatriona ten
ant furnished.
aag 27 lm J. A. AN3LEY, Att’y at Law.
Fair at Macon.
T HE tlrat Fair of the Central Georgia Agri
cultural and Manufacturing Company will
lm held upon tbo ground* of the company wxr
Ocromm 3i> to OoroBEn 8tu inclusive.
We have tbe finest building lor Exhibition o
overed with shingles, there la ample protection
again*train and run.
will be very attractive, aa fino Kentucky stock is
ou tho way, and Georgia trotter* are now being
infoi ma(ion write t<
T. L. M!
aug 27 Ot ___
But here tho most brilliant chapters of
this romance end. The Mexican business
of 1861 was the first downward step.—
Louis Napoleon declared his intention
reconstruct the Latin races iu America,
a project which ho thought feasible in
consequence of the great Southern rebel
lion. But affairs took an uuexpected
turn. The cause of the Uuion triumph-
Maxmiliau was nimble to hold his
i, and tho result was disaster, defeat
and disgrace. This failure shook popu
lar confidence in Napoleon’s iufalibility.
Opposition again manifested itself. Go u-
ciliation was tho policy, and hence the
Plebiscitums. An incurable disease fasten
ed upon him and life became a horrible
burden. No wonder that he made
takes. Over tho Rhine a new danger
menaced him. Tho States of tho North
German Confederation were combining
together and ho frit that only a bold
stroke of successful audacity could save
him. The first thing needed was a pre
text and that was found in the candidacy
of Holienzolcm for the Spanish throne.
Every ono knows how flimsy was this
excuse for war. Thou camo the declara
tion of hostilities against Prussia, and
after a campaign of one month—a cam
paign of unparalleled disaster to Franco
—the battle of Sedan accomplished his
We may well ask what next? Bnt it
is useless to speculate upon the rapidly
shifting present. The public career of
Napoleon is probably at an end. He
great, and posterity will give him due
credit. He was a crimual and he has
suffered for it But the story of his life
is yet to be written. Tbe record will
be blaek indeed, but it will be relieved
by somo spleuded services aud illustrious
At Panic Prices,
Tlie Cash System.
auiT wc bavo but
Wo repeat this, for the benefit of those who may
Buying onr Goods, as-wo do, from
any of them BY THE PACKAGE, and WITH
HE MONEY, wc can supply
That poor, emiciated Consumptive, who is
beyond all hope of recovery, might now be hale
aud hearty had lio not noglectod that alight
cobgli. Be advised, if you have a cough or
cold, get at once* bottloof DR. TUTTS EX
PECTORANT aud you will *oon be relieved—
Do not pat it qf.
The light is fading down the eky,
The shadows grow aud multiply,
I hear the thrnah’* evening song.
But I have borne with toil and wrong
So long, so long 1
Dim dreams my drowsy aenaea drown—
So, darling, Idea my eyelid* down.
My life’s brief spring went wasted by,
My summers ended fruitlessly;
I learned to banger, strive and wait—
I found you,—lovo oh, happy fate 1
Bo late, so late!
Now all my fields axe turning brown—
Bo, darling, kiss my eyelids down ;
Oh, blessed sleep! oh, perfect rest!
Thus pillowed on your faithful breast;
Nor life nor death is wholly drear,
O, tender heart since yon are here.
So dear^aodearl
Sweet love, my aoul * sufficient crown!
Now, darling, Usa my eyelids down!
But Lonis Napoleon was of too rest
less and impatient a nature to remain
long engaged in such peaceful pursuits.
In 1836 he suddenly made his appearanco
&t Strasbourg and endeavored to iueite
a mutiny among the soldiers, assuring
ousand Founds of Cotton and LI
We have a beautiful 11m
Colored and Black Satin Striped GRENADINES,
very handsome: plain Black Iron BAREGE,
BLACK SILK: extra fine Black BOMBAZINE;
Printed LINEN
Tho moat beautiful stock of Printed LAWNS,
coheres and onoAEiux MUSLINS we ever
id. Some handsome STRIPED PIQUES,
iwatyle; PRINTS.
HEET1NGS of all widths and on ali tie*.
STICS in groat
'call the attention of the
citizens of Americas and surrounding coun
try to the fact that he is prepared to make all
kinds of
at tho shortest notice. Wo have
Two European Workmen
who will givo satisfaction to tbo trade. Owing
to tlie fact that be has had a good patronage for
fourteen years from tbo public, he reds able and
is willing to cut and make clothes at moderately
low prices, so aa to save the ladies the trouble of
making them, as he can then better fulfil his
above promise: No > fit,,no_ pay. Repairing and
H AVING removed to tbe old stand occupied
by 1dm last year—known as tho O. M. Hay
bnildiug—fo now manufacturing, and keeps con
stantly on hand a toll supply of v
Pino Furniture.
In Walnut and Mahogany;
With and without marble tops
Chairs,* Baskets, Brooms
Low priced and Kslra Good Ticking,
08NABURGS, rJU-ow-CAsx ij.nex, and 104
Hats, Umbrellas and Parasols, Oil Cloth* and
Table linen and Window Shades,
CoUonades, Linen Ducks and Coatings
FANS, a very large stock ot
Crockery and Glassware,
Plated Spoons and Forks,
Table and Pocket Knives,
Ivory handled Knives, without forks; Candles,
Soaps, Soda,
Royal Baking Powders,
(A vary auperior article); Potash and Starch,
Fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco.
Traveling Bag* and B—kata,
ciarsmos I
In great variety. Repairing promptly attended
to. Orel ora filled with satisfaction ana dispatch
A POCKET DAY BOOK containing school ac
counts to the amount of $253 00. Lost
between Joseph Pickett’s and Plains of Dura.—
Any iu formation concerning it will be thankful
ly received by the undersigned.
for wl ich cash will bepaid.
very handsome Tapestry Broaeds, aa low aa
they can be bought in any mirket in Georgia.
A small consignment of beautiful
tv All are respectfully invited to call and
examine onr stock. We charge nothing for
showing our goods.
' Americas, April 12, tf.
aeptl tf
Preston, da.
For Rent.
TYYILL be rented to the highest bidder, on the
wv first Tuesday in November next! the
PLANTATION belonging to the estate of Ben
ton Byrd, late of said county, deceased, for and
Great Reduction in Prices!
Barber Shop.
and ahavingto the following rates :
Hair-cutting 25 eta.
Shampooing, 25 eta.
Shaving, 15 eta.
sag 181m Successor to J. B. Covington.
Democratic to the. Backbone,
old Hotel, supplied with tho best
‘ a liis special attention to
lie glad to meet liis old
d all ethers who mayfavor him with
Americus, Aug. 4th 1870 tf.