The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, September 16, 1870, Image 4

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Tho Eighty-fivB TffilUon Bugaboo. Xho paraRrnnU K°> n S tl»« round of tlie press that tho Legislature has agreed to •‘Oclorse railroad bonds to the extent of HSo.000,000 liad its origin in one of /oilin’* obscnred advertisements of oim- laon’s Liver Regulator. It was ingc- liionslvplaced at tho head of one of__his local notices, and some half-mado editor snatched, the startling attraction from the •‘regulator” and reduceo it from its high office to tho vulgar es^e of a canard. V7o do not know the aggregate amount of endorsement proposed by the numer ous bills that have already passed the t wo House.?, and those on their way, bnt v.-e suppose forty millions will cover it. Tills is a largo sum, and to our people v.lio have so long and so strenuously struggled against tho policy of “State Aid’ it looks like rein without the benefit of glory; but to men of financial scrutiny and practical experience in the system, it has no terrors in it. Many of the roads euartered with “State aid” ad«lcndas will never be built, :uul .consequently the endorsement will not-be required. The meritorious en- :oi-prise will probably be successful, and i:i endorsing the bonds of such the State t ikes nb risk whatever. The States that' have prospered most, are those that have been most liberal with their credit on internal improvements, and tho history of railways, wo believe lissnotyet recorded a single instance where the State was called upon to shoul der the bonded burthen. Wo ore not alarmed, oven at* forty millions endorse ment.—A Uxiny News. 3u Tlfo Richmond Dispatch says General Sheridan was kind enough to say to Bismarck that “ he could only compare the surrender of Napoleon to that of Gen. Lee.” A painful limitation of the range of comparison, indeed! and yet the as tute General Sheridan must liavo seen a resemblance in the two surrenders that nobody else has been able to detect. 2*a- j*oleon only surrendered himself after a thirty days’ war. Gen. Lee surrendered his army after a four years’ struggle against tho odds of three and four to one. Napoleon was Emperor of n great na tion, whoso resources were equal to those of the enemy. General Lee was a re publican General, who surrendered 15,- 000 muskets to a force of 250,000, after four year hard fighting. General Wimp- ffen surrendered McMahon’s, army o: 120,000 excellent and well-armed troops, who were defeated and forced to sprrend- -, though they had the fortifications of Sedan to co-operate with them. These surrendered to an army only twice their number. _ The Confederates were seldom favored by the odds of only two to one against them. And so with all these dif ferences the great Sheridan could only compare the surrender of Napoleon to that of General Lee. Well, ho certainly what nobody else will see. . A Whole Family Poisoned !—We * grot to Jiave to chronicle the poisoning <>f an entire family, in this city last night, by some parties unknown as yet. Mr and Mrs. C. Roach and three children v.-cre found upon the 11 x>r of the resi lience they occupied dead, and from the sipuenrancQ of the bodies, they were evi dently poisoned. The character and quantity ofpoi«on nsedis not known, bnt will be ascertained by a coroner’s inquest when it is held. Certain parties arc sus pected of tho grave crime, as they wero ianiiiiar with the premises, and had made threats against the deceased. As I he matter will be thoroughly investigated v.o forbear comments. We will sav, however, that politics had nothing to do with the transaction.—Atlanta Omtti Hon Sth intL J vnr.’.iiST ik the Journal foe Sale.— Finding tho labor of connecting the Macon Daily and Weekly Journal, editorially and mechanically, too arduous I wish to dispose of an interest to nn active Airing man, who will assume either position. Tho Material, Presses, etc., arc all new arid first class; the pa pers have met with unprecedented suc cess, and Lave a large and increasing eirculatioD, and enjoy a good advertising patronage. To a gentleman who can fill the hill satisfactorily, the investment will prove to ho a paying one. Address, Harey J. Neville, Proprietor, Macon Journal. SEWING MACHINES ON TIME! WE WILL SELL BGL- The enthusiasm and rejoicings continue at Berlin and throughout Ger many. The sti eets are full of proce^ions, with banners and music and singing.— Wherever the American flag is displayed tho processions halt and salute it with the loudest cheers. entire press and public opinion " The .American Combination BUTTON-HOLE ft OYERSEAMIXG SEWING MACHINE OR THE PLAIN AMERICAN, which will do ell that can be done on Ohj Com bination Machine, except the ButtonHde & Overseaming. ON TIME ! Will r\ot Rip! They 11: etitch, licci, felt, tuck, cord, braid quill, and gather and sew on. In fact they will do everythin" that any other machine can do, comparatively noiseless, and easier than any other two thread machine. We will ec-il these machines to responsible parties upon the follow ing' ternis: $25 otsh when Ike machine is bought, hal- in weekly instalments itntl tlie machine is paid for. Any lady can, in a short time make the machine Pay for Itself. Every JLitliiiie Warranted. Leitner andFricker, Montgomery & Shaw’s Column. j^j y Remedies. CHEESE:! CHEESE ! ! CHS3ESE S FRESII AND VERY FINE, at Montgomery & Shan’t*# sist “< there, atioii. to Pirns; iwco can only bo made SQL E V(tENTS No neutral intervention or modi-1 Vy ULJ i X vA AUA." X KJ In Americas for these machined. inach21y 5«U We were favored by a cull from | SHOES ! SHOE S! Rev. John P. Duncan on Tuesday morn- | ^ w. ing last, who informs ns that the basket- j meeting at Bluff Spring Camp G r ouud j from Saturday until Tuesday, was a meet-I . , — axp—• - . ■* ing of great interest, and will long be re- J memberod by many that were present.— j It was thonglit there wore 2,000 persons on Sabbath; and the funeral sermon of tho late Rev. P. N. Maddox, by Rev. Samuel Anthony, of Am eric-us, Ga., was one of those plain, candid, licart-seareh- irro, soul-firing discourses that is calcula ted to do much good, and much good was accomplished. Notwithstanding the audience was not quite so large on Monday, yet there was one of the best meetings ever known in this country.— Harnsrtfle Gazette. Factory Thread, A.t $1 75. MONTGOMERY & SHAW. WE HAVE EX ROUTE A Full and Complete Hurley’siStomachBitter?, For Debility, Loss M Appetite. Weakness, Indigestion* or Dys pepsia, Want of Action of the Liver, .or Disor dered Stomach. There are no bitters that can compare with these a removing these distressful complaints. Indianapolis, JntL, Fcl>. 7,1870. To James Ruddle, ft to. Louiavillo, Ky; Gentlemen: About two months * ago I pro cured a bottlo of Dr. Hurley’s Bitters tor my wife, thinking it a pleasant tome, but not rely ing much on its medicinal virtues, and it cured her of a diaeaso she had long been undo: treat ment for. I was afflicted in a similar way, and got some for my own use, and am haopv to say it has cured me. My disease was of tlio bladdor and kidneys. It is certainly a splendid medi cine, and being pleasant to take is quits a re commendation. We and our nighbors liave no use for any others now. Very respectfully your frieud, J.L.J3. Notice to Mothers. DR. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup. . per Bottle. . r -- - _;e'agc; pleasant and reliable in all cases, Invaluable in the fol lowing diseases: Summer Complaints, Irregularities oi the Bowels, Restivcuesss, Tooth ing, eio., etc. Gives health to tho child and rest to the mother. . Marietta, Ga., Nov. 1.13G9. James Buddie A Co. Louisville, Ky.—Wo have used your beabrook’s Infant boo thing Sy rup in our families, and find it doos more goo# than all other medicines we ever tried. Wc be lieve it Dcriectly harmless, and it gives rest ana r children quicker than ail other rein- offered for sale. We have been sell- three years, and it gives universal n. Never hoard it complained ot Cur use no other. Yours, Wa It. ltd J. L. Boot. GROCERY HOOTS WHOLESALE! 1 T.i r k v A L.u: am a G urns. — Federal troops liavo been arresting smithy citizens in the neighborhood of Cross Plains, Alabama, of late, chargiug them with having hung Luke, and some negroes.— Tho Rome Daily gives tho following ac- • ount of how two bravo girls backed out a couple of bayonets: When they went to tho residence of Maj. Biiiley,'-in Cross Plains, to effect his arrest, it being night, two of his sisters hearing their approach, hastily arose, and arming themselves with a pistol each, met the soldiers at the door and deman ded their business at their house at that hour of the night They were informed that they come to arrest Maj. Bailey.— The courageous sisters notified them that lb dr brother liad been guilty of . rime that subjected him to arrest by soldiers, and at night, and before they i-ould take him, they would have to take the contents of the pistols, which they I '.liibited, but that he would go down to I ’atona tlio next morning and surrender himself. The soldiers declined the en gagement with these true and noble lu-arted women, and returned to their quarters. Maj. B. surrendered himself ' ■*(.- next morning, and is now a prisoner. Ambitious Freak.—Yesterday after noon, shortly after three o’clock, a daring individual, who claims to have mounted two hundred of the most lofty spires in this country, “just for fun,” determined to cap the climax by ascending to the very summit of Trinity steeple. Ibis lie did with ‘ho utmost self-possession.— Thousands of astonishrd persons, attract ed by the unusual showof daring, crowd ed tiio adjacent streets and windows and watched his cat-like movements aq*lie mounted upward to the snmmit of the spire, and deliberately swung himself up on tlm arm of the cross. Then rising to his feet, he remained standing erect for several minutes, with his hands in his pockets. After taking full observations of the surnmnding country he drew his • handkerchief from his pocket and grace fully waved a salute, which was unani mously responded to by the crowd be low. He pa d twelve cents to go up there, he said, and wanted to get the worth of bis nioney and the satisfaction of saying lie had stood upon the top of the Trinity cross. To the surprise of all who wit nessed tlio feat he returned to the earth safely.—N. Y. T Ierald, od. Tho correspondent of tho Daily News, at Paris, says at 5 o’clock on Snnday af ternoon he saw the Palace of the Tnilo- rics invaded by tho mob, who tore down the throne and destroyed everything marked with the Imperial “B” and other Napoleonic insignia, and carried away and cast into the river Seine all the busts statues, and pictures of the Bonaparte family. Hon. Liston Stej-hexs Accepts.— The Constitution of Thursday publishes a letter from Linton Stephens, accepting the Chairmanship of the State Democrat ic Executive Committee. He thinks can didates for Congress ought to be selected without reference to eligibility; that the question..should be settled by Congress, lie thinks the members ofthe Legislature sho old bo selected from those not dis qualified by Congressional enactments. 1HE r.iliseribcra haves established in tlie city . of Aixu-ricus A SHOE FCATORY. supplied with all the xnaclunery and im provements of the age. They are toliy pre pared to supply merchants 'anywhere with any quantity, and every size and quality fro'm a neavybrogan down to the fine-«t lady’s slipper. Their material is ot the Lest Quality, and willl - put up in tl,e best etvlcof the ar They challenge comparison in Btyle, workman ship and prico with those brought from any quarter. All are invited to come t-nd examine their stock, and if they do not find all truo that they have stated, they will not complain if they * purchase. They will also do A Berlin dispatch says that the 1'nls- ins have cut off the water supply of Metz, and liave • intercepted dispatches from Bazaiue showing that ho cai hold out long. TheGanlois gives the following as the exact .text of the letter of Napoleon to tho King of Prussia. “Having no command in tlio army, and having placed all my authority in tlm hands of the Empres-s as Regent, I herewith sui render my sword to the King of Prni e are sorry to learn that the office of the Universaiist Herald, at Notasulga, with a great part of the material, was de stroyed by fire bn Wednesday, night, 7th inst. Rev. Mr. Burrnss has onr sincere sympathy in his misfortune. The tire was communicated irom family grocery store of Hutchens k Bro., which, with a fresh supply of groceries, was also consumed. Said to be the work i incendiary.—Monk/, Mad, 10/A. Yon Gratio died at Berlin on 21st of .Tnly, and in his death Prussia tains a loss that will lie felt like the loss of a battle. Ho died aged forty-two years, the chief oculist of the world. Al though the son of a rich , father, apd in heritor of a huge fortune, lie entered up on his profession with enthusiasm, and pursued it with'energy-. He was first to operate successfully in Iridectomy, and the first to bring tho opthalmoscope into use. When he commenced practice, hut two operations out of tlireo for cataracts succeeded. Now, nino out of ten under his system succeeded. His inheritance and fees he devoted to n hospital for one or two-hundred patients, one-third of whom were supported and operated upon gratuitously. Before he was thirty,-no bles and crowned heads of Enrope came in him for relief, and many patients from Discipline in the French Anxir.-Gen. do Decaen is one of the heroes of tho French war correspondents, wliD think him worthy of a higher post even thaD that oi commander of tlio third army ' corps, which he .now holds. Ho i» fa mous for his kindness and good fellow ship toward his men, and yet is of the strictest in discipline. Finding cowards who threw away tlrcir arms and then re ported them lost, in hope of being sent ip- prison, where their lives would. be sate, he issued the following order of the flay*atSk Avoid: ' “Every soldier who losses his gun shall be put in the advance guard without arms; ami no new. gun ^holl be given him until he shall have captured the complete outfit of one -of tho enemy’s men.” Ho enforced it, too, and lew wore bum war»'losfc An *Oiri»b» Uireo-yoar-old askod its mother ‘ilflod's middle name was d—W The Omni jury of Baltimore reported base-bollna -.'one' oj the gradations.of crime.”:-;., ' . Gen." Pe Fail), was not killed by his owzi soldiers, as was at first .reported, bnt lost his life by tho explo-sion ofa Prussian shell' at the battle of Sedan. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, t.nd Consumption. Probably never befiirc in lire whole bUtory of nedlriui-, has any thing won to 'widely awu so in •’is become better known. Its uniform ctiaiactor aud power to ruro the va rious : iu*eiiuus of-tho lung# ar.d throat, have u»a*io it known as a leUsfun protector (if ti.i in. While adapted to wilder forms of <fi and to young children, it is at the same tim. most erte. tn;«l reused »• that ran be given for incip ient cun-mnptlou, rout Ibo d.imgerous nfiectic of lbs tbront and lungs. A* a inv-vision agau siublou, . luniks i f tf«w. it *ImiuW be kept hand In et .-iy end inoCHt as all are for times ►lildift to inTils ami cCTiuiisrnll should ferfiie risen PROVISION LINE, which we expect to sell as LOW A,S THE LOWEST. Call and satisfy Yomselves. MONTGOMERY k SHAW. WHITEWATER ENTERPRISE 1 ATTENTION! Ciiizehs. of, Americas anil Sur rounding country. irtpi Uotifts-^amkr Co. during tho year. U71. ■' The terms of tho Rent will he eeptlStd - WM, A. BYRD, Adni r. Georgia—Scliley County. O X tlio first Mondaj in October next apnlie, tion will be mado to the Ordinary of Si ll. Oppenheimer& Frank. R espectfully imnounco to the citizens of Americas and adjacent country, that they have opened in the city of Americas, under tho BarlowtHouse, at the stand formerly occupied as a Rook Store, by Mrs. E..C. Spaulding, a . GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING STORE, honor na with a calL r to phase all' who may r special duty, having had in tho Clothing Bustneos, Georgia—Srimtcr County. Cockt o? Obdinasy of SAID CotTNTY : The T*x Collector of said county is hereby au- thorized and required to levy and- collect tor County purpose % tor the year 1S70, tb<r follow ing Taxes : Upon the State Tax tor-1870.: - Ist—To pay the. legal indebtedness of County past-dne,. 50perch 2d—To build and repair Court House, ■* Jail, Eridgae and other public Im provements, -f5perch 3d.—To pay Sheriffs, Coroners and oth er officers their Fees that they may bo entitled to qut of tho county,. .71 per ct. 1th.—To pay Jailoi3 their Iot a to .be come due,.,.: —..12j per ct. 5th—To pay tho expenses of the coun ty tor Bailiffs at Conrts,. non-resi dent . witnesses in criminal cases, fuel, servant hire,' stationery and the like, 7Vperct., GtU.—To pay Jurors, 12i per ct. j Scltlej’ county. Large and Well-Selected Clothing, FROM CHEAT* TO THE VERY FINEST! 18 SUMPACTURED. POPULAR WORM GANDY This being really a specific againtt ail kinds of onus that are found m children, it is fast he lming tho remedy administered in euch trou- les; its pleasant tuple is quite a reconimcuda- on of itself, while its efficiency ia truly wouder- ik. - Louisviilo, August 30, 1369. Messrs. James Ruddle A Co.—Ucntlonien: In Misequenco of tlie benefit 1 have received from ig use of your Ur. Hurley's Worm Candy in my family. I tend you this, hoping you will make it public for tho good of other parents. „ . me doubting tliis can call and sec nie at corner 10tli and Chen ant streets, and I tv ill give them, proof of this and more. Youra with respect, M.Florr. PURIFY" Y0UB BLOOD. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, IODIDE POTASH phii ud perfect c rial, bo found b custom worts: left ; bettor call soon before they MONTGOMERY & SHAW. Affection:* of tlie Bones, Habitual Cost iveness, Debility, Diseases of tbe Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Fe-male Irregularities, Fis tula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Comi»laint, Tiidiges- tion, Files, Fulinonary Disease:, .Scrofula -or King’s Evil, Syphilis, And all impurities of tlio Blood, etc. To Dr. Thos. A. Hurley: sir. I deem it a of justice to you to etatl that in the month of February last, I had a severe attack of inflam- lheumatisin, which completely pros- t the sliort HIDES AND TALLOW WANTED Inch the highest market prico will l>e paid r in cash, shoes or leather, n whole concent is Southern, and SOUTHERN PATRONAGE S I UST Gr 3E IV s -olicRod. spectfolly» J. H. Black & Co., r Rritk Balldii: Money cannot buy it for Sight is Priceless. >J SS-:5tS p: ' The Diamond Glasses York, ed by J. E. SI EXCEU, No’ nround under tkc-ir < gtc crystal pehblett, their uaung ’'Dumiuuu, uu hardne-as and teUliaucv. Tho i on which they arc constructod nlru of tlio leas directly ii natural, artificial o ever known. They are wn supervision, from uiiu- 3Ut ot the eye, pleasant sensation, suen as glimmering and wa vet ing of sight, dizziness, Ac., peculiar to all others in use. They arc mounted in tho finest ia frames of the- material; used tor that purpose. Tluir finish and durability canaot be excelled. Cactiox—None genuine unless bear ing their trade mark -5* stamped on every frame LEITNER A FllICKER Watchmakers and Jewelers, solo agents for Americus, Goorgia, from whom tnly they can be obtained. No peddlers employed. marlS-wiy cutidotc ft ntau is , . --8 where tlie til, liavo Item completely A mto'red to round health . . iplete is niastcty over, the dlbenkis of the Ltinaa anil 1h roan that i!irt«o*t ohstiimtc ofthom jie{ ‘ " Cittern JVc/w# proUviiou from — , _ . . _ , ..... > nhray.-i reliered ami oftcu *l»lly n j;roHrltilis is generally cured by taking the Cherry s»nalt ondTreijncnt dorer. need not publish the certificates of them hcry. or ilo oiori- tit;.n nsrttre tlie public that its qnahnes arctuliy maintained. L..- , ,• •l»r couhl reach them, under the Vide and dli — * Spmkrrt l ARE THE VERY BEST MA CHINES MADE. MONTGOMERY k SHAW. We are A cents for the Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Ac., and indeed ell the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisona. As its name implies, H does Cmre, ami does not fad. Containing neither Arsenic. Quinine, Ilis- nuith, Ziuc, nor any other mineral or poisonous mlj-tanee v.liaU*ver, it in nowise injures any pa tient, The n»t»l*er*»d importance of iU cuics in fiie agne rti ; iri< ^, are literally beyond accoant, -.nil wc believe withoni m parallel in the history if A sue nu-lkinc. Onr. pride is giatitlcil by tho u-knowledmnenti we rereivs- o( lltr radical cares JlTcrtetl In obstinate easts, and nhere other rein- l.'n.wlhnated J persons, either resblcct in, or Iravelling through mlaematic 3oolitic-, will be protected by taking the ,AtJ UK C’UJIK daily. DR. SHALLtr^TJ-RGER’S Fever and Ague •A. 1ST T LB O T E Always 3t9pi tha fi&lila. Thisllo-Vici ic liti boon UtorJ.thi Public fifteen yew, 1 i i st>A £&i%t vl aV, other knjwu rpvelxx 'T-r dicr a A pi-go, docs not thort-r.;,tly nafj ia any do o dal niiJ.-r .ams. v Tncca» and is tho only Medicine t h itAviil CURE IMMEDIATELY and pormanc. t’y ©very form of- Vc»tt and Ague, bora are it ji a .; AmLloto to flalaria.' And will Exchange Ohallis, Osnaburgs, Shirtings, Sheetings,Factory Thread, Knitting Thread, Plow Lines, Jeans, &c., FOll WOOL, or will BUY WOOL. If you liave no Wool, in. a way of ac commodation, will let you liave tl*- GOODS for the AIONEY- . ^ MONTGOMERY-* SHAW. complaints, it excelknt remedy, producing many truly remarkable cures, whom other mciUcuio* -had Prepare! hy Ihrf : J. R; Area ft -Co., Practical and Analytical Chcmkts, l.owell f Ifass^ and -.•old all round tbe world. ; . VRICK\ tiJOO PER BOTTLE. 1 U We deliver all goods wo sell, free of cH.vsoE, anywhere in the city, bnt want it understood wo don’t call 5 Cents worth of Soda,gcods.| MONTGOMERY & SHAW. GINS ! GINS ! W E are Agents fos the sale of tliq. fol lowing GINS, Yiz : E. CARVER, DANIEL PRATT, ami Gullett’s STEEL BRUSH. Hall’s Cotton Gin Feeder. JQr Sdmples on band at'onr store. > i FCRLOW & BRU. Americas; July 10th. '■**. A t the parilla, nude 1 began t-> in coiujjouud extract The gentleman who HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. BO ARSENIC—NO MERCURY. PERFECTLY RELLYBLE! The only remedy tor Cbitta-aud Fever guo and Fever, tuat ia or can be depended up- r w II nrfey’a Ague Tonic. There liave been thon«anda cured by Using it who liave tried the usual remedies without benefit. To Dr. Thoa. A. Hurley: I heivbv certify during the last year I w.-w attacked with the ague while in Vicksburg, Miss., and used t al popular patent medicines with but temporary reher. On reaching borne tho diseaso r<-lamed ‘.u »worse typc, if iiosaible, when my medical ittcndaut ordered quinine, in large doses, ~ quently as high as CO grains per clay, and wl at liavo cost me nearly 1100 I consulted Dr. itli, of Louisville, and found bo prescribed •ns almost, bloodless, extremely ex- i» pronounced with enlarged 'livei impel, irley a Ague Tonic ajroealrcd in a ci l <lclei turned to give u a tiigl. I d. t it. One bottit ue completely, atd t tearly a hundred cast quatlv happy r s pretorrabio to any other tonic bc- pui»nc. James Marti*, Engineer, nllc, Ky., Juuc 11, 18^. DR. SEABROOK S PYROPHOSPHATE IRON &CALISAYA GENTLEPAEN’S Furnishing Goods, THE JJLT&3Z NOVEL!lF'5 IN Collars, Bows and Ties, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. For Rent. Whereas, Peter Stewart applies to Ke> > letters-of -dismission as admwietiator on n ! estate of Henry Stewart, deceased. These are therefore to cite and adinonbh. and singular, tho kindrSd and creditors of A > deceased, and all persona eoncetned, to be « t appear at .my office within tho time presenbt j enviso ’ letters of dismission will bo gra: by law, and show c } terms of tho law. Given under iny liaml and oflicial i this 4th day of July, 1S70* jui7-m4ni . E. Eas th.—To pay expenses incurred in sup porting ike poor, .25 jxrr ct 8th.--To pay any other lawful charges against the county, 10 per ct sept 31m 13. F. HELL, Ordinary. ill attend at the Court House in Americus, on Saturday d 3Ionday, the 17tli»and 13tii September, fi»r TAX NOTICE. JJOTICE ia hereby gi and the purposo oto;ollccting the Tax for the y~-“ '°~ n - ' Momlayof eat purpose. I will also attend at the following G. 51. WHEELElt, T. C. S. C. W HEREAS, T. B. Clegg applies tor letters.! .^uisniisaioa on estate of I*. F. l'ayne, d<> Theao aro therefore to cite and adnjonidi all and singular, the kindicd and creilitors of -*jj deceased, to be and appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, and show came i f any they have, otherwise said letters will u my .hand and seal this 2d >NE01tGLA—SCULKY t’OCNTT. Whereas, Patience Mott, adiur c iate of Edwin G. Mott, applies ’ of dismission from said estate. Sumter Sheriff Sales.for October. W ILL be sold before the Court house door,in the city of Americua, county of Sumter,on the first Tuesday :in .October next, the follow ing property, to wit: One house and lot in the city of Americus.— Levied on as tho property of John Bari field, be ing tho place ouJwhicU defendant Bare field lives to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Cobli A HauicQ.— Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made by W. Ji Bosworth, L. G, and returned to me. Also—One house and lot ia the city of Ameri cus. Levied on as the property of Shade Reese to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Green & Hawkins for the use of W. A. Haw kins. Property 1 n ied on by lloaworth, constable, and returned to mo; Alno—One house and lot in the city of Ameri cas. Levied on as tho propertv of Georgo Ring to satisfy a fi fa from the 783th district, G. M., in favor of Cobb ft llamcll* Levy made by Boa- worth ,'constable, and returned to me. sept 8 td C. t>. DA11LEY, Sheriff. ■Spiral ^alcs-aatebster Co. FOlTt we ck»^ after date, applicat of said county deceased; for tlie benefit of th lid all, h i it will be poctfuily a Iherth k and cordially i: nail to come andc: i-y u ish to purchat Oppcnhoimer L Frank, ider tho Barlow House, Americus, Ga. 41YD CATTLE .VIEDIES. it lleltable ever to the Public. ATagnetic ttj . ... . - —- -.. . Ji $ H! | i,-:: :>rij r CGSBineS FOfBEES ) by W. A. COOKE ft CO.,. Am Executor’s Sale. U NDER and by virtue of a decree of tho jierior court of Sumter county, rendered at the April Term. 1870, of said Superior Court, will bo sold on tho first Tuesday in Dec* ’ - VALUABLE PLANTATION vnown as tho J. F.. J. Horne or Eli Horn dace, situated on Flint ltivcr, in the 2Sth l>i: rict of said county, and containing l'LO acre: nore or lees, 'ljiia is one of tho BEST COTTON PLANTATIONS n the county and offer safe investment. Tht and is River botton. splendid residence, an abundance of good negro mouses and a fine gin house and screw, and the place is in fine repair and tinder good fence. The place is sold tor distribution among the heirs of said estate. Terms : One-half cash, tho balance 12 man with mortgage on the place. For further particulars apply to or address «d. R. G. 1IORXE,. , T. X. W. HOltNE. j AlUEI sept 8 td Ex’ra J. E. J. Home These are therefore to cite and admonish i -ad sia^mar, the kindred and creditors of sa deceased to be and appear at my office, with tho Uiac prcfccnhcd by law, and file their obji lions, if any they hate, otherwise letters will I Srg'dl |loticfs—|.« C onntr sopt 8 2w J.kij W. WILKINSON, Ord v. Lee SherilTs Sales for October. W ILL be sold before the Court llouse dow in the town of Starkville, Lee countv, on the first Tuesday in October next, within tire legal hours of sale the following property ti> w.t: One now buggy. Levied on as the proper i of Robert Carter, to satisfy oue fi fa in mv hurt in favor of Robert King and Sampson King ^ - Henry Carter. Property pointed out by &i l King. The above fi fa issued fi perior Cox 13. F. SALTER, Slier B Y-virtue of an order from tho Court of Ordi nary of Sumter county, will be sold on tin first Tuesday in November next, before th< Conrt House'uoor in the city of Americus, th< following propertv, to-wit : One-half interest iu and to fractional lot of land, number eixty-three 163) in tlie ninth (3) district of Dooly county, containing oue hundred and one and nine-tenths (101 9-10) acres, and ond-half inteiest in and to tho Ferry on Flint River, located at old Danville? known as the Ferry belonging to the estates of Benton Byrd and Thomas Lcwris. All of which will bo sold as tlie property belonging to the es tate of Benton Bvrd, deceased. Terms of the sale will be cash. ' . \7M. A. BYRD, sept 13 tds Adm’r Benton Byrd. r lots of land, Nos, 130, 140 119, l '-‘• ’“’iDiatric- *’ rty of G Cameron vs 6rccn B. Mavo aud Tltomss! Porter security. Tho other In favor of Office of Court vs Green B. Mayo, also to satisfy otl; fi fas in mv hands, all issued from Leo Snpen Court. JAMES S.ALTF.l:, sept 1 tds. • Deputy SLerifi. Administrator's Sale. O N tito first Tuesday in October next, will sold before the Court House door ia t' town of Starkvillo, Leo oounty, agrecahlo to order cf the Ordinary of said county, onc-li: interest iu a house and lot at Adams' Stati sitnated near the Depot, belonging to the c-s’.; of S. i*. Moore, late of said county, deceased Terms caelu JOHN DOBBINS. Georgia—Sumter Couuty. F oun weeks alter date application will be.made to tho Ordinary of Sumter county for leave sept S 1 The War between the States; It3 Cl B I T presents a careful political analysis of ih past, separating lea:, from ai-faiient cab.« the late unhappy cumlict, and give ttot*’ ii rinr lights and shadows of the great war n>i 1 those high ofneors, who watched the ilo - do of revolution from its fountain-springs, as hioh wore a > accessible to Mr. Stephens frei his position as second officer of the Cotfcderi -.’ printedfrom a beautiful, clear, newtxji this,work, eompria raving :ul substantial binding, t Georgia—Sumter County F OUR weeks after date, application'-will be made to the Ordinary of Sumter county, fi leave to sell two undivided third interests ia tl east half of lot No. 89,' south half of Jot No. 3., cast half of lot No. 40, aud whole lot No. 19, in the 23th District of bmuter County, cont ‘ loss, the pi ’ ” nri of Eh This elegant combination possesses all the micproperties of Peruvian Bark' and iron,, without the disagreeable t os tee and bad effects of either, separately or in other preparations, of alnafile uiedjcinos. It eliould be taken in debili- all cases when a gentle tonic impression quiyed after copvalesccnco from torero or taring diseases,or in those distressing irregular ities peculiar to females. No fcmalo Bhtuld be with outfit, if liable to tuch diseases, for nothing a well take JAMES RUDDLE Si 10., - PROPRIETORS, IjiLoratory- No. 41 linlUU Street, Louisville, Ky. We want to buy 5000 lbs. Sound Fodder (BALED.); MONTGOMERY kr SHAW. sept8cf - ‘ ; , - — -VTEW TAILOR SHOP.^-Tlie X x 'nnderoigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Americus and Sumter county that he has opened a mw tailor abop in tee old, hotel building, whore he is prepared to do all kinds of ^rork in nis fine in therery beat- Style, such as cutting and making ganaents. A long experi ence ia Ihebpaineas. warrantsi-him in saying style, ana at tue huorxeei nonce, auop in us first room otdhotel opposite tbe atoreofj. J, a jSyffi ic °' ' f.vvaiaau. - -YJI the above medicines are for sale by W. A. COOK & CO., Americus, (ia., And at Wholesale by L.W. Huntfi. Co., Macon, Ga WANTED, TonThoasayd Pounds of Cotton and line RAGS, for which cash will bepaid. MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Tiro notion prr Annum. 64 PAGES READING MATTER. 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS. WALKER, EVAHS & COGSWELL, D. WYATT” AIKEN, . CtlAtlLESTOX, S, C Notice. A LL persons indebted to the c Stephens, late of Kumtci , . —forwartfand settle the same, aud those holding claims against said ) hereby notified to Americus, Aug 6 6w. C lerk Suiicnor Court, and Adm’r. GREAT BARGAINS FURNITURE! FURNITURE, FURNITURE I have just received the largest aud most elegant stock of furniture ever before offered in the Bouth, consisting of PALLOR, BED-ROOM, DINING-ROOM SETS. and everyth tog appertaining to the furnitun u__ __ v, — Jeter mined to ha node^spld b; ..' * I have also received Xlio Largest Stock C HA! R S Ever brought Into the'South Call and examiner my stock . •< • Samuel Antliouy, ft at HARROLD, r ,— .../ office within ribed by law, and file their objec- t-y have, otherwise letters of ad- iU lx; granted said apply this 3d day of Align . and official signature 87«\ R. F. BELL, Ordinary. EORGIA—bVMTEB .CuUXlY. Whereas,’Phillip Linck, Executor on tl estate of Fred. Yogclgsang, applies tome fi Letters of Dismission from said Executorship. Tbesi ish, tlie e therefe mired i id creditors of said de- icd and all persons concerned, to be and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they liave, why Let ters of Dismissiou should not l>c granted said applicant, otherwise they will be granted iu i olficral signature, B. F. BELL, Ordinary. _ TII0S. M. EDEN, GUN & LOCKSMITH IDonior in GUNS, PISTOLS Powder, shot, caps of all kinds, wads, leads, rn tridges, pistol hoisti rs, molds, ladles, two*™ ing ammunition of every kind. Wessons loading Rifies. Now on hand a Lu go ana assortment of fishing hackle, coxtsfrung r of grate, rilk, cotton and linen lines. Soul.einkor., JoiutiV RCd rwd poles,*- ’ it files, s])oon and spuirang ba‘t> *' s ; N.B.—Agencv of tl.o Wilson Shuttie Rcwing Machines. b*s* Public Square, next door'to Wm. Simno • Can iago Manufactory. * A ' Read This! s of the law. G EORGIA—Sevres County. Whereas, Barney Parker, administrator on the estate of Joseph Crawford, lato of said coun ty deceased, applies for letters, of dismission from said estate. These are therefore to , and singular, the kindred and creditors of said eaud adn onisb, all deceased, and all persons concerned, to be and e letters of dismission will bo granted i tins 10th day of August, 1870. B.F. BELL, Ord’y gtjjal lUtitts.--(Eo. Whereas, HenryW.Paync,administrator on tho estate of Levi B. Bridges, doceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate. , -These are therefore to cito and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, and all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and file their objection, if any they hive, otherwise letters of. disitoissiou will be granted said applicant. iul7-mlui S E.Eason; Ordinary. G EORGIA— Schlev Coirxxy. FoUr weeks after date, application will bo made to the Ordinary of emu county, for leave G EORGIA—Sculet Cocxrr. Whereas, th© estate of-Mathcw fi. Myrick, •ttas SXBSBflL persona coneqrned td be and app<air at my office within the timepreseribed, aucf show <»n»e;.(ff HsasssiSSa Uua ^ 4w<JScptcmt»r, J87|. ^ septtttm - - Mri' -.'Ordinmy. * now on Geratly Reduced Prices! and offering Bargains! Bargains! IN ])RY GOODS —AND— MILLINERY We have just received the Latest Style 5 CHIGNONS, SASH RIBBONS, all colon 1 and everything pertaining to ft Ladies’ Toilet Thoa© wishing to purchase bad ****;£ 1 soon, as teem-e willing tO givo induce»» cn - MR Si LAZAR OH Mrs. R. H. GREEN, wiH fry to pleas© their friends and Custo» er:s w <« : . -wiLjtwMj Laths & Kfin-Dried Flooring’ • • r xavsnx^nx on nisv Wetherell & Fisher’s SSh No. 2 ? soimiwEsrEKX nAinno AddxoaiaPowora^ 1110 jnnl4-Sm