The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, September 23, 1870, Image 1

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PUBLISHED BY EA5CQCK, GSAHAM fcSEHAY. 7ainn» 17. GEOEGIA. FE 9 T, SEPTEMBEE 33. IS'TO. Number 31. !««■»»»* tJF A»a»! Tfc> AKwfei, MU t» | msswyhk uiub .**.!*“ y? »amtat.u m isacunatorm vr»- _ **&•—TBorr^cat psrncrs. tlw> j a* — . C%Mt tta £«**»* ami mosk pirowriully iak more g£ ^ Brifcbh. Xavyuasjasfc ; irwi W. teBBSa ->avy IU» jOSt | w ^-h alt her compfem.«.'iii; of !’5W|fcn^ Apart from any otter axplana- Koontaied: *> sappeee Iftat tb> defects in her coostrm*Hoa k certain Judges pronounced — gUlUfah jfH i election on ttoda^ofefertnm. Sccv w.%*] managers shoU each of . . j. . . **5* -A bfil to Nj entftfed an Act to »hv\M* i M ^ tb* following oath.' a, MeaftSSStei^S 11 *!* admix. He mean wfcil* ! before Sir L BL Brunei. S MT? «or *a Eteetwo, and tosftatawi amend; A do S-ecur that l w«t faithfully. falty tlwlw>hft4:i!i». to <fe twM tfe ptewat etoc ra Matter dKtnw: ! bosTTVUpfvvwt •»*«£* ten to- ”?* ,"*. *?-1 SKot £ Tfe» Gnitrst As»ii4iy of"t»* vh,> hot *UfeKO» *S»w a P»ttfco> oi That »* etertioat toe wwnt* .aj aka feiatel pwriwwh tfe fek dar j ToteJ it mfci tIkUos : I witt** vpm liSSSsfiQS !sesnKjt8lbaEete» fe. Jsr-A j J'M-' i ao.l joit conidactmirtafe tbui noiaer I intfce from. fa,: USk »£ tla rtvini •bout it Mit*. rtunei t&it _ ka kfe lte£w.' k*SPD* Cfecfe.’' M ttMariiln l5r* ,>a * ai ' MMl1 £** 1» lenrl agmastj 'WhBai.mmatiiL in che -»vto Vote* destrier of this arJ the other * • tfSbiST - - - I hww» taken ratom*: ami iJ— "*•*“ sIli P» constructed ©a the!SPi RGEOffTOBISMARCK eSSe”,, b. - £i"S *«• - b* ***** ®* ***'S°* GMeiAaa&; poor old LuIt - “3£r- ■*«» ■ 21^-It Aprs* lS6b, “the AiiauralSy *?- good,aad nufife Bob- tho pmi of »»_■>« .Captor Uolwttwcppoc- mr&sr Aiul I aiw CSurSe rvorlr.^v. : '? alt 7 ta gractaia his cat fug* “ Yiewsoi wftui a stjaHjom*' torcet csteckt ‘Grcof heikT«n»: wh*Z is tliBs T' Aod f t 'C 3 ' k r Cofc» into ^ S2E f iu7"«tU U» pottkEr* ^mipoKaedrerofrfog Wrvttt. aad_ to j$ w> oi Coo-f *«*»otosed. cor »ilt I Jiralgo foe *Uom, »acyaia^oto» a»l w»«MstPTC«»oj gTVBs to„irv«dcriag ttioucoxiieot »toi"aay powooHneTCte\t»tra!i mBbIapoa “ . STw S ®! m! ?: ■ , ? £ otil»4tstC\>iigr»» of tlwl-aS-re States, ' I ' faired States, [ » V »wio legal PttataaL iaA Oe ^ 6 «2i ?S^t , I aA^ooitao&W;eUhan. 0»- —■' 11 ! wEia !i haee beeo na>t)Ued tile^reat*a-; forSeoatoes ia tlie Seaaselordia-[Ll'or taaderaay xoteeffoat fivefteeaad and my clothe* are thin, and its hitler con-* '“ T“' TV '**■-' »rc«aaiors uj sue r*canse loc enedt k. - ^ . w _.-__ !*pf pfpwea fee bafidea^-IciMJ , tec* awjboced ia tfe«ow5at»»SE s Sf^£WS^g^te>4W. and this* Chart nT* attoywa; and oflm— odd nmafecr: for memhers olthei 15^.111 s^l faith* to the* best ot my ” ivy. E. •?- Kwd Captain; ^*P“ ia teOieswssat TearJicf sgj?.. Ho»» of Iftppeeeetttetiwus ©* Hx* Gc««^ [ ahjit^ esaearorto c»irry iatoi the signer of this and the other * ai AsaeaiMj; for SkoriT. Cterka rftpwgWiot of tkc» Kt, sad tie ether Uws . eiipa coasfccrfsd on thejsWfRR*XarTOBK*ARC« ASD'C«»lt,T« Coliaetow, poor places a> itr* ca sajtlierTrd. “p«*pna«ptev ha» goee dsaaafeag X VPOI.KflV Becrirere, Coojatr Treasarors- Cwadji. I »®»«tealur, eooset. fe»Bt. and eieednj a.iw .ki-k, a., i.;^ : lafcgtaadmest «'n.ieq.-es oi km' . ' ' SurreTt-rs- o: lo,- ^rend o)ar.ii« of t\ie m;«rftdR;tiiraof tfeReoltOf tfe e!oo- ! m., ~\!4- aF >d^ 5lti - ,£ - ,S^pi»»B.U«6«a.aaLeaden preaak-• atahe | tot So helpa»Ooi ■ -■■ - - kw - *•-------•-* --’—■ esr, has ncit&a a iefctee a-tdressed to Ka-; Sec. 3. ‘that the-sail electron shall i (Aar aiaaeger arty a,hmnisfee this pofcon, Sraperor of the rrcach, and i ecnuneace «a the SS*h *.« at XleeeaaW, l . .. - , . Wdlaou SiBs-ofPmesi-t We »«f, : add centimes hcUeett the hoar* aoa S *l'; 1 2- ! ' c *Atf4f *• tkia act wrohal. wuenm. iaiagot irpsc.. »* V» a SselbThTtitfteaaoti Jta. ’ tag;Challenges at the polls shall be eon 5°™“°- Sac. 5- That said efectcra shall hefTpaedtoanthoehteaBj oueto vole who Bid either of yaa rrer tktah oTahat : antnaged aadsapwhtteadedatthrCuart ! f, .<» l sjr tke'coaatT mast Manat Jkd too arena sea a mat, at -the Mr »h awt ah »jaf ,rt WlsnankclartaebonehrippedepM.- ane eh)ctwa rredac* tb»t -na,-eai-Cec! ‘ 1 ^ r '*'‘ - Whr.ajsuaiamadreiAiwkaaJkJeed.iWeatobjBhed la any iaeurparate M d .scdshaBcoahaaehf k% sabwet Vo aA I turned, sad Char5« hud the; tooacco! i iiioulii bo 3 J its caplbibi hi billing: irhala j wer»j ueur ouu presided i com pauits. *in.l uvea, rottnigp down j t. servant, with red cap and i gronp of tJkiktj officers at u tiischnrge, ‘King’s; the other Bis- j WaTmg bnfc three standing, rlmf " * parents who are at GreenboolL can rest until I get better : and all my j stoi-n. from, mo three days; said" Itul AoBMrti 1 efficient preteic^oa of kli;f vi.^d partM of i *1^*oicae poor woanded ctaa. with organized citr or towi'flv imntaM»f tt#p*tni* aad pcmnltSenltud by la** in ! the ship Q»m heaw shot. - ‘he blood ooatnar oat of him, will make! chosen as follow.?: \ f 453 they rote alefpd^y.' Tor th© heulth and comfort of a crew j-joaiwlafck. 1 don't like to drawn »j Sm -A It »holI be the duty of |h« L Baahofthesai^ clerks shall number, not ooW te work : Kbben; I can't bear to see a rat diewr aer j Go»«tm)C of ta<s Sfiabv b-r ai»i with the ^ ^wi*r« fairer. impnrtlaBy, ami trufh • * • • - —* *— —--— "-v ’ * -.1 > ' ■ * “• - I Ml" k.* V-.,.... »W« Kat nf ^ta»s k-L »i^°i ^9“- t be^alrani; last let me k f gare w«.T».vr ; &*> but to work the shin with, ease, l aaanat ^ P* 1 ** Bat a man: where®: adtioe aodceesent ot the Senate, as soon ! f^J* 1 ^ keep the h»t of toters. and&ir- momenft Bismarefc was j deadly weapon, and that ~t reollv has Ue Aowa, heiore the nre. and only give ^ j*e sured me. tTe sutEers hud no* i ^ to licr in the order i eouired for j 7^^ ile ‘ irti! ’ ,f .’“ *® ®f breken ‘ after the passage of this act as possible.! v ^ honc^fy » keep the tally-sheets wich.a Frenck knapsack tor! done such aignal cxeontiDn. that'those t cr , ^ me t ? nx ^F rm< ^ an<i J much to.irive. vua know tunt iie vo v«I 211 effic l e! i 6 ship-of-war. 1spfinserwd berets, hsedesumshmlin.' tf>appg«*iiYe is? and pauperpe*«*» of f *tsdd.«Aaftwm i i Frenrh. tent protecting; »Iu» hare b>4umih ore in. m» sliuhtdesree ^ ^1 bless ywi for* ., ! never to part with, it auain whS* he lived. That she should have saffioient speed,' 0B “® bw> f ® 0llt bowel* torn, hearts i ieteliigeacu and moral worth. to* each i ^xc.-d. It shall be the dnly of the e wind. I mw tint, 'nig white ' annoying and worried. And then W too&ed at me> ff IWl f;,i^ ma mother?”' ~ and tkat she shouui possess. th« s**-*coin(r ! wtc ^ ditchee biH. ef btoeJ, ; ekctioa prtviaefi estaldijsfctal at dio county i ordmarivs of the serecal counties of this lapaack ami recognized the I Everybody Itad been telling- us daring: a a. TOTtbak woolu have j r fell back ia. my dhun. white ;und cold ei a good erniaer.' j and.heaps of hmbs and carcwveset man- Court house, or in any city or Lncorpo-1 K>Tam«h ^atMAery^toe tt>e par- oka:the aftonoon that the Prussians were 1 me *}° ^ J^ «>een. that I a^d said I. “A wandering tramp left it rv3U ^ w ** » veaack regarding wl » town in thw Skite; and sahl fire 'P^«* *«i ^Tl** 5 ^ v to ** w , winning the bartie. that thev were car* i.5r 4wn 30 m “™ ot “P 0 "* 29 *— here ; never Tcnr Rob Ee most kave ^ builders furaL-di the Coilowing! _I>>y««»y myiangmure is oaignsttag? | persons ©' any three or more oftbenv j ^ tMfh tor each of the sets of rein* ail tile positions iml pno«; I The- war rasitut over, and every besscar! w—^ ? r >. . twiuw ! How mneh more. iWrushap wm thavlms*v >»<« <knJl U.J.1 kh^ . .. ... - - - ■' ‘ evorything betere uiem. pei'sonngc. An officer ^ urn [uiekly, as if he hud to "*«*£■»* ■T^mnnieadon of sndifen i y rrt up and iookeil at the- i-giass for a few minutes, when heii himself upon the ground I * vas in military dress, bat his was hidden umiur a water-proof r. .ramc down within three or ‘ in spurs. It struck his head toward the bnC- etist, one hand under his resting on his thigh. tatude expressed depression. e. tiiere was no mistaking the uUfhtfnlness of bis fcict*. ;md uon of his limbs was that of been efted as .i precedent, ftim and sweeping iSarin a q hod ’ traveling h< aiong v aohiier pecjon reuily in wank 4jp ! things themsalTcs Wl rr •. (Km* u„n> —.-»!.i And muke ? and precincts in said city ©r' bidfbt-bcKX sufficiently large* to hold ! , _ * _ T . — , ^-' no no“ it^ ; s. another^iT ! ^wp^cancarv sl«s..>., Jjbo j them! How would yon l£»fc> geta mas! town. * ^ • ballots hkdy t» be eaat at said polhag SliM-fer bnttfe *£ im ttat, led ft TES. to .O»tel. MW. 1 c hil,t-Sol: tl.rf, o r fe si»I« ft. VM [£S£tSS p »'22 , “' **”' 1 ’SSS t * r r l “ !M * I “ lw *‘ ,ln ®* Ssc '- 5 - ,s 5Wt *»'''tka datj- t>f «e t kuiiixo Ikal fed , °2.“t ™ ■ ! ' Ma ' r - ,ritil blue era “> d irttxr-bro^' SSS?S^” r a r. . . , teife tMo E"bc^=ls » M to tkrortf I &M. ^ '^kMiil »ppo«t, W to [ »,< -««>» fe «P«rf «lkoot ^noo, temuauted Ife eoidfec -»iri Austria.! ©!f £ 55: r T^i i«. Mamfciife ikL andstoma to. fci, (Sp®A bMfc. 1 ^(Jfj«tdidtmitToa'»>!,lditei«rre til ke | «»ti> feudal}- wKifed. ot tkttr sermtl t*« *»?■ •• «» sde» Bat ns darkness came ve die Freneli m Sattrt rado» slumldered splits metis* at Gneniaiik. Not F.i," Sifet was (alh-plated. her Moor feta- ‘ bllS 11 t 10 ®!! “Ot bo fetfeo fed apgomtTO»tsaaido!B£iid;»ail»sfe!lb« ““N***®* W’* a »te‘*A»T« -er-sWldsMiag-es steads a, wtru. juui tramp ad ft tfee^^. "SSSSSSftkJSo^aittl ««* tST ' » bSi W * tfea*»ds. aa.l you tfe datr U said appoiat** to appear i W. wdk ““ seven hones before, we came upon the >o &,abc your pocket is rud of, -ft was »t thick. know very well that this w jost want you at the said Court boose ami at said pre- field. Certaurdy there was no panic or T“ 7 ’. *“*? ^ TO omy wank ») ^bo s*v»^i' my life, and you hav'e She curded in her turrets tone -jo-ton ! f* »> yon fiwgythat your | cinetoia sekl «*y or town v the day rent There were, evidences that the ~ b “ d murder me. Go away ^ oafi ^ A ^ ^ ,^ 0 i e ot throwing (kiO-ponaJ ffemBnareiiffe^. and feathere and tnertre f hxed by that act tor the smd clertton French were being, as they mast be, un-' ,,, _ . ,. mother. Mr mother, to osu Hob so r shot. For bow and store lire she ^arri- : ^ TOrwhotosaio wader, jathia the hours prescribed by Uw, and tortt»«odakM ot m Ml L Cataa •ie.^ldfeb Sana jor^td «rtS. driven before the overwhelming ‘merman* t^ cW^t, t ^ f me if you hka; Im a&a.d lini wiH. ■ She was heavily miated, in addition to bat their line wus still steady, as far as I Co “ e door, and ^atoned; xhr*-* efnw** mUI m .v iu»»i. m.) ides except a moveable there sufficiently' in of the hat- > ugn: could see. ami the giitfier ef thu fire of’^^ ^ ™ e - Iet him uniform, j their nfias was bright on their front. Is sfc ^' a ? at ^’, good. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ opening tbei know very well that tins is jnsft what vuu sb the said C*>art hoa-i and at sdd pre^ • ^“5^ t» tun i«shaag ore going ® do. IX> you Suscv that your \ etiurto in said ei*y o» town on the ibv tofc* one by one—aii Ed to be - »» •* -- * 1 - ** • * •* * *‘‘rtruotod ns that it n^y b&Io into grooves r in the box, andhaxo a lurk thereon: ami wj r t T ,, ed *£n<^« T-iacif -mns timni J ue whi* the U*» abo«ni«db4o in tboafght • Isokl sahl ^lectioc.* Itonotdeomvnyonnelvrer^c: &«. 6. ft shall be the duty of the better thou the cot-throats whom | Goeern*-‘r to furnish each of the Judges i he asked only toe a erust h*MT great engine power and her pair cl _„„ r *> - fc . . . -.. Hi lit. ai I’T» drovu koa »e«ws, nad 16 b tiaimtd that whilu aa : , I cl % aapr?** V«*« toU. . fet al Ml „ T -j,. WT , , -: ..... !. i—aad fe'i Ltlkc aa tV r..,ij her trial a-aiia sfe eeaU fek^Slwt *SP*v. BHi* 1 **** 1 m to s«wil tamSw al ' it.>Jugiiii<M ,if appearance, j »to-Lij posttfre tfettUsy ga,e up the £ bat r fe^»*T tliaa a : ao ^- Oil.: if l had known/ Mif m « ciefc Kmi a stomsai “* w mo ?- Tkioi. r pray | their twjwttw ctKiuts, aad at tfeoext : a,i»t jeem rampaiitly iletannineii. fettliHilii wfelly to Shir Bmaaiaoa. with-!. „~ £s “ t “ 1, -. u ,. r j And Cferia- aan*iu no. Ilia fet. -I niut” as iaadily amr o| ‘theohl stTlX(ff^,‘'5. Ju y 9 oar ,? m P le &*« k> | ternof saalcourt in eaek cooutr, alter » uni to lia-ra been at Saiiowa, to [ Orawiag to Yuan* St tjaantia and vi- : , r «o ?*ay ivarii yon, mjs I, loader, ,;;ih..i .-« a.., *^.1 i. w.i. woodea frigsiti. Xfe -a®e elwerTer de- ' rt *^erjaa dtvoroo. I» tiere- so; the *ud electtoa, it shalf be tie daty of r= 1 romantic knight into the thick- einity, that ie to £. to the oat- j **» «*«• I aroa t have «& any | satbed h5Sd« of ^.2kt*foS,^ *-,bftM»fe codd that wa oast *0: tfe Jadge to. inform Unrif il eaid ap- ie’Mttle. The anperb ord gen- wocto o£ Mete. Et s certain, too. that; ‘“‘gjf. And then—I otic the girl in sack » “She covers her battery of 3 nneand : “*”!**>■# ““•^6^T«fr*athi'aaTi>a?esj pmateeafeTe appeared as repaired by ‘end. I «*peit about as much to 1 the Emg am! hh> hoasehoJd stopped ho* j'* tr ^ ' it .“ Kro** 1 *- ■“ f damr—dosn »eni Dnariiia on her knees ilears herenemy’s deefeat thesSme time! * otl,n «“- ^ a,er ? so f c,> ' T ©*J SJ» «* ainlMdtfesan 1 ckvtaio. an5 a he actmu direction o£ the forces luBezonvife (vAfdn in itself, hdls 1 ^ , 1 ^ rf i:„ i * 1111 ’ roa, lsa ii she mm saying her pravers-^S by the vonrinoous ttre from the breech- «»th«tsondJ any snch sppcsntees fete tailed to ap- hs remmami at the moment as, the j that they won the day and hold the road 1 the ^froaeta an. U-a.^S^.itr loaders of her smalloirtn men, »ko areP^u^ 1 -* ^-.aadieebie that ™t Mestjpcar. and the absence of ins iignaterc rie spectators. And there imsa; tisPmis!, having nothing to cat for sup- b “ ™» And savs to me. -t>, aunt. I’ve been snugly sheltered behind the hammock .hKgarae tormm. aspiofcfe do^for to dtetetarns reqaimd^-hintobomade 1 fee paces from the ning that t pet; I am tail, bat biiick bread and raiv | ta “ wk ! trembling with fright, not knowing tvhat breastworfesarroanding the apoer deck : * te I So “- Bo yoa_ imagine tfet Gotti to the A fork ot sanl Court, shall be 1 :eem whoflv nnfumthar: and to; pork; and certain, too, that Bismarck., ‘ ‘ teach lixa a ehdds novr. j yoa woaU sav toana I took him in the above the turrets udn thetooe. | made men tor yon to p^r wdh. Are | pnma fooie evidence ot vnch failare, # e-his man was wearing a bhie coat | has been in Gravelotte toelav. for. he-j. y 1 4,77 lt , I . ,, B?* J %^*»*.j* hb^gtarZ l —M aotja. 1 “ ik shall be the i»ty of th* i w open am! examine said box ok the open ing of s»i»l polls, and then to lock the ■am*, and at the etas© of the polls on each it shah be Ibo tfuty of each manager to pat upon said Ed a strip of paper with bis none thereon, and »«y the same by adhesion to the box, so that the box can not bo opened without the rupture of said paper, sad this being Atone, the box shall for the night be ec- of buttons on 'the breast:! mg here myself, I snwr him." widi Phil-1 S° u &- ^ !Ulintf ^ ^ '’l ae »! fiifat 3Tm^rt ^ wonaStl^oat n5of men in the- turrets. t by his sale, riding over th*; P^» «* «*<**■ bigger t&m j Hm to thel^ cliamb©r over the parior apper JeA-k ami he: - *: x is a a trap with, three stars on Sheridan by hia ride, riding loniiier Vvho could he be other: fieki of battle, having bees ant to tile eTe *b sr . . ta«: Lieutenant General of the army • r»>ud whose tall trees piUard oar battle " ^”7 , miptnience.” said I. j C axtau States. There wxs no mia- horizon, yesterday, to look at the French 1 II - ” >o«jIred at me, and said he, inunt t. rhere was PhiL Sheridan . army, .hsfctoctly viable thence, to battlei - ““t* ^ * motheraiGreenbaak, e. buriev. put upon his legs as if to ; array, under toe wads a£ |’waafctoIivefcoseehec. I shall not. if •v’.Ui ills iiiiil-giusH steadily an the tost evening; after 3 o’clock, on the wav [ * ,y xrt “* r jfbatsie. and it is only fair to say j ti> Gorze, as often as we gjrve attention. ..v*^ ah wan* to see their moiherx.” every part of tkn tofoic sijci aWanac- 1 ^* aS *» J' r J« !» th * J ? : - r 1£l « 5'*' And> meat Ai y^m ;« aTx- ..*^11: break' O Kings, a ptoaghmon tells ferthwith to find such appointee* — tTwh?^ %** ^ tto-ir sotris are js precious to J handred dollars: provided, that soul God’s sight as yours, they suffer as much | fine may be. remitted on said appointees the tope en, there la no confusion.” —~--j—*-«**=* -» ***—■*. j ««•/ TO «■'«.*«»«»«» while.“ Yet with all the favorable reports of • P’ ua " h ?» bo £f ts *?**> th * m f 1 ***&*£ said Ji^xe that o»fethue to ‘•Lord bless vou, Duusula,” said friendly critics, toe Captain wU pro- i “5 J ?; ifae 3 r ^ homn^ and rushers j attend w» caused V ^‘vereJtcSnesa or CharEe* “AmeE, ’” said L and she. ««*- noonccd a faiiore by toe chief there death* wril bo as ottWrmiavwdabte causes, or that b© was ting boiler, went on. “And I took him authority of the British Navy. The most! mt £ h “ -T oars \ more -! qoalafied.from ap hot short-cakes and apple sane© . conclusive facts against iter were that she I l. guJI l* 00 ^ provided farther, That saidap- gers and another of the managers shall take the key ;lnl it shall be the dafy of any such managers ectreated with said box or kay to permit no one to tamper m —n v „v ,*ka ■,, ■ * I# byway with the sai and if such guilty of having done the managers en trust- 9 bo prwoa be same, ana on *rm i?xtmoniinary. On both sides i niui were rows of dead, French Trumans uiilricriminately nringied. •vnter and 'iimnx of destruction li-.out wns tile position in which a «fo to eat sznl go to bed to the best chamber, than was intended. The Hessrs. Laird aant Fairfax, with the white counter- did no* attempt to deny the Tnispatmia- pane. tfect of weight—gross as it mast appear After tlus, Charlie, not being ungrate- any one conversant with naval archi- . via.; .» am i.cnv miliCiry he.uis to we could still hear ragtog the tempest of 1 I’ 13 * V** 0, ^ auax * mr ° :** world upon hie ihaniders. mneketry, sm the chnsseooc oq.! needle- ! ®iPd,that L hoped my mia Charles, wuo T'je carnage on die toll where we now 1 -run crossed tftwir lightning* to the doom • been a soldier aa officer he hud got. ;.;od h;ui been to die oatrie -,i toe 17th ' ot uighk-fcilL to be, mind you—wanted to see his, and :;e .lav a.-r’.irp m rii»« inllesr sense of; — m 1— wooldsoon. ^ -i wounded, a* you. see. ’ stys j til. helped e!jI> into "biLriaesX And he torture—bat attempted to shfell them- _ , .j. M . . „! got over hi* wounds at Liet, Mil grew as aader the actual results she had jour bora,” : ^ ^ Si...:aebinrad .l^ I bi^“ t ^* e ?'5T:!'VTAS.^in s fonirrjDT»nma. ' ring.. . •‘Fd give yon anything X have. * said Admiral to the following effect , - - ,. .- i *. “and I won’t refusevogeveuXtouailLo.’ “Tlie Captain x -dergynm jgmgreag aaythiag. oa-1 rhea ^ me ** * *'• Woman sometimes eompLua that they! k* ^ 9 3 °® a wetl-organized so-; {, wed ^ ^ pe»nftt«L U> ostan onr feinv ami • abnmragiiM — j ^ on tl» n%fe I tova toU you of. ^hipa of this squ.u!roa to iletaH. asyo: How can you sit do* _ tea,” 1 Aiiya she. “andl took htoxaciad^ bad been mad© to 900 tons tciheav^ i *“ vy e *** d . f* r? . Ix f* , a< f W ”^ i f^^tees shall eueh of them be c&aeaa of and a Iiot brick tor his feet, and told him *od that thos she tforAtol two feet deeper f na * > m yo " til ^ 0 * fe - aa * y«c. Or tne conaty f. rd to -f€ft* —etion of the for the pumshment Zfi. An elerti Code wt more tliau fifteen yards by ten. riiars not .juite so largo, I counted lead horses ami forty men. Four ill attached to a work with, the c At the late anniversary celebration of said L toe Mivnins of Austin. Nevada, tile ora- co go begging with now. I "read the ! tor of the day thu© lascoursed upon thto! papery I tell ye. and Far principled. so*» i Sew. 2*. An ejection manager or clerk, ‘ other officers on duty in th© holding ^ »? eJeetioa, who ehall be guilty of which thev w aaf^rted i “f , i«rx^fent practice to changing and voter* of the saaie. > - ' nay writot. or ra using any trick or device So.*. 7. rn •v^Tit-j.Nn to te© A^ieu now, return is made, < ■ And as t Ami Charlie ie to stand up with him. . She i* very easy iu seaway, ami can use her open and contained ■ hara all that there is tn be learned in the , C » fcto T g> -‘. and I am to give DruriHa xwxv. **& ■ pn» to any sea to which an action is nirds of to* ammunition. Eviiientlv ; m.-Atiturion- We explain the reason. We 1 ~T“rp came to tfte door. mti s«k l Rob’k ■»aster from Gr-wabank is'to be likeiytobe foaglat. * * * Sh© can r horse* oaii fallen at once. The : h*nrn that before the Almighty Lad fin- \ .tiet ium stay, anaiy, wilii ner -ips; brkiesmaid. ami I have 2 sues© that some b© cleared f*oc action “ * J - • '-*-**> • j^,agM bfe I teak iy notea. ^ : *^CfeSS» wittbrfcrWfem, fc. =a»- 9 «.» Ifa Drusilla’s piece. «*oaimoiLatioa their plucvs. j »*h*d hi.*- work, he •to for their feet were off j about irreattog Eve. Th© creatii ami their swollen b«a:ies «very living and creeping thing had been hamesB, which, aiarkeii \ accompiiauet 1. and ton Alwagiity had i restraint with deep creases. ] made Adam (who was the firs* ilason), roar throat and choke 1 are you only devih with crow8s oul- Creatarcii who wer© never sufikled as. a ^ onos >. ouiatfii^cu to in© '*•««• Wte h *“? •* *y»^ *«■*» « mmc, w* woman’s breast, amt therefore Lav© coj pewenteti by ia* foe the attisigeo* ofi^F" tampered'With, or who human feeiimr? It will be hard for vou to i ciecfiionL', it shall bo she duty of said imo;a- • aa 7 way, be guilty of any false think of the Wood you have shed* when j gers to preserve order ai and wear the 1 »* trend oiea«t»ntrtie« or*<*t by which ewy you lie dytog. an-* Iiarder still to bear | polfc*, but they shall hare no power to j vo * e artmdly cast is aa* fairly coowted Nlia point of speed .ml manajuv- of_Go.l wfente sfeli j refuso baliols'of nay gale perama d «p-1 retrmiaj. sfeU bo gaillyot. mi»le- Thev adduced toetestimonv ef an ' ?“** 111 murderers into heh. Whichever | parent full age. a resideot of th© A*onn«y, i f a f 5t ° or - an d.on conviction shall be pwn- tl to ”the foi’owtoir effect - " 1 Hi* of yoa that tows been the cause ox : who has not previously vo**-! ai tlie said T ^bcd as provided ia section 4fS0K of the this wicked war, I saryort small ©C blood:! eteetzoo. * j Revised Cod©. :... itTTTi! shift ami coirii l beiiere. bv h^r 's^ ! Joa 60 ^ iao " hwe-cd than the i Sec. 8. They shall not permft any per-! ^ 23 Kep««* eonffiettBg- hw « teats ! “««SIi?lfi2i5SS' tTp^, a *‘ m i£ rv' ?? * v .•?»• nr «i * ‘ioa of ibis sqxulroii in iletaB. ♦ ■ «n»I y-r »o*V. be 1 W»r, or mWiMrtkaij otfer porvM | Tfe, Soalben O—IHfel t’M- hooted ** a aestoa in the ire© ami sp© dy casting of his bal- i j made Adorn (wftr> was the first Lurth of tins cluster of .i^n? i *a*l ©raided tor him the finest lodge to ' T! r raoi-u. and the evidence of tl»»* tha world, ami callml it Paradise Not L i^ULca was chat the [French binj shot i He then caused all the beasts of the field : va rie horses and most of to© wi»»n ; and the fowls of tha air to pass before “'°’it i Frisaiaa guu and made a des- Adam for him to name them, which was >nr-f charge to taka it. Whichever ! a piece- of work he hml to do alone, so ' y v« airnisi onr eye* the plain was i teat no confusion, might thereafter arise :>;tr©i v.tli dead horses, anil there were i from £»e, ^ who h» knew wnohl varies of dead men lying ‘ ” cau otenlly mowed down. better than from ear j . ^‘‘teg' viwy much m36mted with this time d»«l back ; and I sot down by the lire, and smelt the baking cake* and apples stew ing; ami the tern drawing on the kitchiqx stave; and £ ought to have been very comfortable, bat X wasn't. Something seemed tugging at my heart oil the rim*. I gave the fire a poke and lit one more candle to cheer myself by, and I went to my work-basket to get she sock I had been knitting for my ftvirife* -»n.i — j went to get it I saw'so me thing lying on ft’e chp the following items from i . nmntoe*. j tfes Savannah Rtp'ibfltm of she l-^th: WdT ofeera and! Ar3aTUU the Idoo’tdnvo begwara :re*t file door ship’s com puny are w©l bertfe^L'’ pix^ccger* fay^the Virgo yesteTdar were r, as I used to, sr*d no ttoo>rt Fm im- Wr. iteed brawn, kb© mwrt oi another j 3U "- T ‘ <a ^ en»gia«ts met) wn- ‘ intirri in »bZ * in, ri..« nr* th. ! «i3drett-wbo Wt.IgO t© Cl I Set-. It shall b© toe duty ox said j The Committee of the Southern Coq- managera to prevent riotiug, disturb-: ventioo. to be held in Cincinnati, Octo- '* I ^ ^ hove agreed on the following posed upon: but fie* is what I a*y. : Admiral_iurebatod, and. ■Better to be impose* t npou always. Capiam’s actual fife, it rea*] of tin .... ”".T D^b than to be erne! to on© who w real’r in bke a prophecy r ueeii of yonr help.” And Tre read qt “ T 1 *® w«dk point to the Captain seems Bible better of Late, and I know who) to be the absence cf three* Sere ami aft says, “Even as ye Lave done it unto the : fite- purtkabriy ahead. A vessel armed feast of these, ye have .tone it naftc rru»;”,^th©- Captain cannot advance end-on _ _ . line abrexrt with other ships, and lire lere vtK i uu “ *«* w * iU «*» anew woaaii mane; ;—~ © — yw. TViiw-mY *hot ia advance without darrrer ©? r©?- thev hmi! tronbla if she vua allowed to porthupote ! r ^f tf< ^ r - 1 picked it up. hi wus tin mm: ns Cfieefed fisioa. The lowness of freeboard ex it, he created herbefore&anit. oU1 nBeacco poaetv, ev«-so^mucii hie tfte| The Prussian nuarca ca Paris seems I poses her to a plaaging fire throagU the -*st po.iinuu. jee the troops rgiit we coahl observe the'light* 3-oc-ake piuy of fire along the edge of " ""--NVuia column as the neeiile guns “ f-riy. It waa at times, for. m tew- ser- lut ~ s * 1 steady glare. The piercing dart* ! w Leu the artillery was at work. v -“ r “ iiso imite nereenribl** • the labor* of Iris fire* task, he Si asleep, and when be awoke he found Eve m toe Lodge with. hiss. Adam being Sensor Wanton, pieced Eve, at the pillar of beauty, to tow Sooth, and they received tfcer instruction* from, the Gaind Haste* into© perceptible ; ami it be- •ac apparent that the Prussians were .uorng ground. The earth trembled '■tu the thnmfer of the gontesk or ssem- - o io jo. ami yet the noise was not so *rwhelming as that at the bomberd- to refreshnirtto. toe Tfeffe* cF Iter left her station, viaistod Iter obiigariou ct in aa cxpelfeil Ho-son, who had ^ of Fredericksburg, *iile s artillery, to the omtxi amount of nearly - -nuilred guns, gave the town a rain i -rea one picaaant Xtecember morning, ■it toe musketry fire here far surnessed IJ*** l ayiM. Frairotabtng* U* ferae AdMtotafeefej-aoftte jewels. Tha fUhe had been expeffed ions to* tend Lodge, with, several, ctite ’n:itaiaedas»erity. ^ As half-past four o'clock there was e ■uent expicrioaot xunsketiw on the rich* ok alter i , . • continual a few _____ wxi a aiinutr* in which herfilynshef w * a * - ^ then an otoer aw^fnry •U*. Vow tilers wa© a new fire m the -^ic». am! another to the toft, end sab letter uu to© right The whzifii of -*« d-t mm carsang bombs above th- : >i r-Tr more freuoent, both on ttu ^’* t -eft, spotting toe duS keek ■I'Uii first with, sparks of fire and taen m vapor. A fcttte slier five ;,lc * toe hea»I of the eohzmn of ^merits we kail noticed foostt_, ▼•at came upon th* Tbw fcfsdfie Gened Mater, he sad denJy took In fcnve; teOieg Eve to go tofng aprons, as ah© ami Arihm was act in proper regalia. She week and 11ild Wwn and when th©Grand Master wed to the lodg*.*, hir fuuwd hm gavel bad buna stoteu. He sailed for toe . Senior smi Janvar i: “l Qiaruheii hard and were krmtwg :a, -«r torir lo*.k, ©od gouig «u with springy, sTsshing step tha; ', • *'Wi«?ra w!to hire seen service can j^fe, which they knows© well. Thr r renck seemed to be attractive to the *uug of tiria coin * - artidery fire r -*pii The ext *«^d from toe faMtfe^ ^ther* the gitter of •«* <» » rt4B* itfefe «fej ’“•.•Beofe*-. BiWaK wgSS ■ offe Otr l 'R* CLOSE dsgSgjatt s^.ssSks.?' ^BT^r «w«d with «K*s Grand Master then asked her what had wmofhwgaveh toe said aha didaTt r, mdses that fellow had taken it %©tUEf,n> TOrtkj. fe Ifetlfek to mgfetfef dirty.mibit ona wira ^C S F“fo*a i rtron ^- T wi on icfjrtt imof. fiejjj ** U» W» h 9» H..-W ferid, W03 rs of fo&co U0.1 j fcv ftai ft ra Oil ™ta© h Tfer of Ife! og °M pise- on 1 ! * k“er; and when 11 nrgoni aSorti ot other Eiurojwan j ^ opiii;oQi Ifce ccaditoosl w«rat*b»-foTi —Sfy iwr | naSora 60 brm^- aboirt peace. Btft tfeli&aEidkoven&ae fejomitbeaSce«gfcfc«l l km™ the r-i—- We tko .; BBte-j. dActoehfenMhrt^ ?fer«tpfoym«t p.d ft.and m ? ; Wennd^andft. _ , , as thmrrh i PerUapo tui- -Uxy .was £ra«. and lie had a mother: I shivered ail over, and the fire and the candle* and the nice comfortable smell might not have be**n ~ cold and wretched. nd over again I had to say to mjwtvf what £ had heard our pastor say so many times. “Kcver give any- butb—iTm-iWiafoo feilt TiefoTHis-i has turned &» eofol&h«ia|' hoBSf^saShs oc tire advancing <?cluimr. and lirrtf oee : ipeat enewssbeaocc- aad geeeeeaaaay. ef hr* characteristic fi^Ttrual-rerh*. TTie Lbe wreck of sadi huge maria falling Wforag&saertTsrt: i b« fotoi. by stofpins the tenets « ,. t.v, o. f- L „ tt. -t, I -nsskiing their lore. The arszen-cast » . «e forn-,. T on will k M te e tsm U J nam, k-t- -jV ?toooldat one© be removed. Ouawind, fa/SStt K Mprn^m. -t,, sod then ; ewn^beL' whe^™^ fc rirany ot petnetfenr ^BgSfeifet i. eg . ‘ f Sioeli fee been the ominons enntrtwer- sLtegfeer Erape - tfe sp^ fo k» “rw ^ * ‘ * to hm pe ridied _ soul! . **€ntrmrtxs hobtlimk! P-rn* r* fo rm!- tomg to chanci? beggars, my dear frie&ds; get a bit of fork And what aa otd foot I wa* to cry, when I foaadciy cheeks wet Bat i did not cry tong, foe a* I art ■re. dsto, mi \ rrmk, aad jto^a came a sleigh aver the nod, sad it stopped at gate, ami I heard m j ChariSefe crying -HaBovr, meCherAnd oat I went to tbs door, sad had him ia my avast*, l ay great foil, handsome^ brown And there he was in TGm niufocas, k» pretty ilncUe straps, sod if he bad say hordshipe. He had to leave ass _. pot has horse ap; and then I had by the fire again my own hoy. Ah.! DruszQa, who bad been upstcxra and h—T been me down all like brother sad he kissed tor, and ah© kissed him, and then away to© west to aet the table, and the nice hot things. _ liar JfeariUa arid, “Whatk the matter. Aunt Fairfax T it was Eke this : c<» atop, gote* fen. iKHjkHl rf. emtf Efe fount maaffei wife a»,«00 Uten. i HH&S —.fewltalfed*Btetfes.taj, orfcHkfeifeJr nrrmiama >in |i^ iTit --*-~ t **r—I -**' » rnnmfenfe fed dfentafel-lfe eta faftifnltyin to paarl tla door tih. Xoc = teoot it, an.l M-iitol tota-Afek kife * anil work, i d> tfe lower degrm; aad, efe radbte© feW Urn m works of | Vtftew orfegi&fe If tfefc -fen *““■ Jfeftj if It. Tfe te—sesi tw to fa, w»feosiWfe tol« cttfegsslinfe d * yfc ** bsifeefeilfeTfert «w^awT»t«fe»»Tk lfewnlfel sem kart fell. How re© **« Z&3&gBSi?*-*-*/ •"Think awhihs oeturc tor wall©. All msfaraiatasgs are possible for her. Her indoien-v giv*^ yon the. measure of her energy. “She seems to sleep. She will awake, er thoughts will leap from its scabbard like a sword, sml thca city, which yester day was Sybari*. tw-euirrow arr be Sara- goo*w” socloa b ard witkhar • the gosatractias of sach _ _ of havoc and sfoaghtewtlui prove aa fatal to their inmate© as to the objects of tlieir attack. Daring the * * ClBWtBB TO Onnri. B. E. Lan—The new Tark Express, in eom- nngcntlxe surrender of Sedan. sL ladea to General R. E. Lee in the foilow- w x> to the with all her preposterous coeihraatinr of the cruiser .with the monitor, tha Captain cocId scareoly fad£ to be equally isfili- ble in the drowning of tha men coder her armor-plated deck*. Ve have sap ped so fall of borrors daring the, last few weeks that 330 men seems bos a tfewdnr tale of slaughter; bat a peaceful tragedy like this has We can only infer what wgpbtodawr mm what reaiiy wosdooe during oar rebeflicn. The Canf&ierate General Lee, with © half-naked, half-starred army, or Gnu at f to sxfis the end it sJudi ba their jduyto prevent more than on©per5cm( | sm; I he o-aly white votrrrjr. approaching i ' i- Direct trade between the Southern Coiam- j mtariring or withiu fifteen feet of! Atlantic ratten and Esnie. the Eagle and! tho place of receiving haiiots. andsakl! Ah©SouthernPactoc Bmkoad. r managers may if they see lit, require j .. *^- > ^ ie obslrerttott narigstioo by bu-S Ga, so work — . , t . Photaix C«>rtoaFactory in that*, city.— r managers may if they see fit, require! *^ The « _ They looked Wee a heallbv body of peo-: thw persons ilesiriag to vote to form i narrow spaa bridge piers, pte. sad will dottotfess ujake excellent I themselves into a line, amt when s line is i A. A continuous water Un* commnni working Mrt«riuL | tfe**formedsakl manager* shnH present | ^oa between, the llaawsippi mad the . CiC ^ 1 of ofefetetiou frotu vote a* a time approach the ptfils nearer i *». To© constnaetson of permanent . ~ Ifen attsMi fort. j ierefs tax tfe Sffefeil^ixmr. 1 ,n" Sic. U». I« afeil be IU Jubr of the .3- To slwluh oil toU on noTigoble "S©p" s 6«d to fearn. shat Hr. Bev. John W. Beckwith, Episcopal Bishop off Georgia, ffc» determined to make Savannah his future and permanent home. The hand- sad commodious residence ef the bt© Francis Sued, oa Hadiaon Square, has been engaged foe the porposa^aatl the bishop, with Lis family, will take posses- ~ islbecomw of a few weeks. We Sheriff, Depntj Sheriff, Town Marshal. BaiU&s and Police officers, the whole to; The enlargement of the more im- be under the order* of the Sheriff or his) portaat Knawof canals in the United deputy to attend'at erne or other of said! Slates, and render them navagafcfo by ■iaeesaf voting daring the election, and 1 *haao* vessela. S^aUlawSaortSsti mid zam^cre, i 0- Finance ami taxation. or either off them and to act a-* conserva- • ' ! -V f settled policy on the puhlic io* tors of the peace, and (or the protection! terest in r^purd the dispotsitkm sn w^iMon A IttDMS SmraiioK ax Sex,—Cap* I of the voters against videoer. * intimida- i government bonds. South, reports that, on the 15th instiict. off Cape Pear, on the edge of th« Gulf i freedom of cuch. voter to streams, wan visited by a terrific storm of [ according to his own wishes, thunder and lightning, which lasted five; Sar. II. The said managers, or any hours. Haring upwards off 400 kegs of | two of them, shall have'power, by patrol powder on board, he was fearful sohe- f to order the arrest and ooafinemeat dn- fo^th** «tety of his vessel and the, ring the day of any person disturbiag * - Bnt, under, the peace at or near the j>olis, or diso- To aloBsh throughout the coonCrv a!! license* imposed on commensal travel- 11 The removal of tho National Gap* ifol- > 7.‘ I f. For making all railroad viadarta- navagabfo rivers highway* Tor all lives of the officers and ^ _ ^, Drviu© Provuieoe*^ the brig escaped ! beyuig any reasonable or»1er for the en- ndimvls that vriH pay pr» mtrnttrof without being struck by the awful fluid.; forcemeat of these provision* for the J fof voters; and the Sheriff and ^ ; shall also have power, without warrant, Judge H. recently held a court iu th© j *° a ?* st \ or on3tfr “T'T 1 <* anwper- Mountaiao, and from the following for the ^Mira tefeid irraf^^te 1 ^^ u22»id*£ posit the v.’ut iu a ballot-box, and it dull be lawful lor either of them, or for any clerk to open any closed ballot until i dosed and the counting of tfeitokaags ajg««d it on the bar and people that be has made im hi* DiEunaa Ga., Sept, 2,187(1 Whereas, the Hon. David B. Harrell, Judge of the Pataola Circuit. L» held the April adjourned term, 187U, ri the Superior Court of Lntapkin county: *1. Beeofved nnaaimoasly. That the members of the Bar an attendance upon this term of tlye Court, bear ebaerful tesrioony to th© ability, and drips with which he has discharged the di of the most pleasant character, and that in severing them we tender to him oar of his kindness in holding (be Court, and oar appreciation off tto todity and integrity with which he A Beaotved, That theSecretarv of this ■rting famish Un Mountain' gijwnff - IT ^ Ghn. IX Rot. CHarwian hud all about in ha house for the destroc- - j-- «d a little and went where, tbs “vrood- thoseiaU^Sra VasUfintib." Tlj papsWiks^: — —**** wi The IvrasLUi bation is expressed at the ^ shown Napoleon. A cook; rbswfhwrlsin from Berlin to ' — in. ad- ditioo, sixteen officers tori forty servants. H» own people regard this force a# Sac. IA It shall be thw doty of i nagera to prevent any neisoa, except thivaseives and the threw clerks, by " to be appointed and sworn, to the Ballot-box or polfing place line the tickets, or to handle any ticket, and they shall have the same power to enforce this as other duties herein root npoa them. Sec. 14. The said managers may select in keeping the list -of -voters and tally sheets, but sail clerks shall not be per mitted to handle atrr ballot -or - a amine the* Snc.15. Oneo! said managers disll team tha baflot from thw voters, asd hand them to a second, who it the aacae in a box, and mti any Tote be . received unlev graves of the legions ing the -war. In th 1 by his unde, Jerome, and ming many relics, he rety ponder, * fallen greatness, and failure of his • hopes to rain and enslave Ger- trance. Some of thw p _ penetnded the carea distance p< two miles without duedvering any other outlet. Iw tome |dac»v the reef of tto ipjxirfc of •