The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, September 23, 1870, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. Friday Homing. September 23,1870. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY J„ tiio following Wife and reliable Compute* ; y,, w « llamsu A MebtaxtojeIasuiu.Mcr.Co., Of London, England. r „,rs-n IssnnxcxCo., . Of Brooklyn, New York, v.ann-RN- Mittai. Ixsuravcx Co., Of Athene, Georgia. insure youb life Com'S S' vrES Insurance Co., Of Macon, Georgia. 4,,ply fo W. T. DAVENPORT, At bit* New Drag Store, Lamar Street, . Or to, SPEER & HOOKS, E»nkfr« A Brokers, corner Lamar A College eta RAILROAD NOTICE. To the Delegates of the Newnan nml Americus Railroad Con vention. Jly n resolution adopted by the Conven tion when it was in session at Oeneva on the 15th day of June last, the Chairman of the Convention was required to reas semble the Convention (when a Charter io .said Road was obtained) at such time unci place ns he might designate, and as I have been reliably informed that there has l>een a Charter granted to the corpo- ir.tora of said Road by the Legislature of <ioorgift nowin session, I therefore re quest the Delegates of said Convention, its well as the Corporators mentioned in said Charter, to assemble at 10 o’clock, a. m., on Tuesday the 27th inst., at New nan, Ga, to consider and pass upon busi ness of importance to said Company. Lucius II. Feathebstox, Pres’t N'iiwxax, Ga., Sept 1, 1870. Meting of the Grand Lodge I. O. G. T. The next annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Good Tem plars will be held at Americus, commenc ing on Wednesday, the 5th of October It is expected that Representatives from ••very Lodge in the State will be in at tendance, and that they will come pre pared to make o report about the condi tion of their respective Lodge. Ample arrangements will be made to entertain the Delegates and visiting mem- i>ersof tho Order, free. of charge, during the sitting of the body. Papers throughout tho State will please notice. Sep. 10-td. POLITICAL MEETING. The voters of Sumter county without respect of color, who desire good gov ernment, and are opposed to the Radicall administration, are requested to meet at the Court House iu Americus, on TUESDAY, the 11th of October (court week) for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Legislature and trans acting other business, sept. 22. td. WL. Vegetnbles a i the The ladies excitement will soon l*egin—new fashions. B^L-Sirrine’s baby carriages have com menced rolling along our sidewalks.— They are nice affairs. &A. Fresh butter is scarce in the city. < >ar country friends will find ready sale for sll they can spare. the Notice to Correspondents. All letters relative to business intended •r this office, to insnre prompt attentions nust be directed to the proprietors, Han- ■•ck, Graham & Reilly. The date on first page of to-day’s paper, should l>e 22d instead of 23d, as printed. ite- The revival at the Baptist Church s st ill progressing. A. R. Brown, Esq., will sell a com fortable dwelling bouse, near the Public 8qnare, on reasonable terms. See no- Americus—Its Advantages. We hesitate not to say that noplace in Sqnth Western Georgia holds out greater inducements for persons seeking business nrd homes, than Americas. Situated os it is iu one of the liylpiiMt portions of this section of the State, with the best and most refined society, proverbial for its intelligence, hospitality and sociabili- ty, celebrated for the number of her schools for both sexes, with a flourishing female college, well provided with churches of various denominations, all of which go to make it one' of the most delightful and pleasant places iu this section of the State.. For the past five years the population of Americus lias increased five hundred per cent Why then should it not con tinue on the same road to prosperity for the next five ? There is a better pros pect at this time for its future prosperity, than there lias been in the past Let ns look at it in its future career. In the first place, we have in anticipa tion the construction of three railroads from this place to other directions, one t o Newnan, through EUsville, Buena Vista, Talbotton- and other rich counties in the up-country, another to Florence near the Alabama line, running through Pres ton, Lumpkin and other sections of the cotton region; and a third to Isabella in connection with the Albany and Bruns wick Railroad. The completion of these roads will necessarily l>e tho means of establishing a machine shop, thus bring ing to Americus a large number of indus trious mechanics, the earnings of whoso labor will all be spent in our midst As population increases, so will tho demand for houses and land increase in propor tion, and all kind of business will of nec essity improve. There is no class of our population that builds up a city more than the mechan ic, and it is all important that induce ments be held out for them to settle among ns, and nothing is more calcula ted to invite them than the establishment of factories and workshops of various kinds. How important it is then, that our citizens, and business meu especially, should come up and give these various enterprises their united support. Again. We shonld invite the planter to bring his cotton to Americus by giving him os much for it as he can get in any other market. The facilties for baying cotton at this point are equal to any place in this sec tion, and cotton bnyers will give as mnch for the staple as can lie obtained else where. Our Ware-house accommoda tion for storing cotton cannot bo sur passed by any in the State. Again. To build up Americus, our citi zens should do their trading at home and support our own merchants instead of sending to Macon or Savannah for articles that can be bonght as cheap here as in either of those cities. We have as large houses here in almost every branch of trade as there are in Macon, and they should be sustained. We don’t believe in sending our money away from home to assist in enriching other merchants at the expense of onr own. It is suicidal to do so. We assure the citizens of Sumter, Lee, Schley, Webster and other counties tribu tary to Americas, that our merchants well snpplied with large stocks of goods of every description, and that they fill any bill of groceries or dry goods however large. We might mention a number of bouses in Americas that can duplicate any bill in Macon, Savannah, or New York, for Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware and Cutlery, Drugs, Medi cines, Paints, Oils, Wagons, Carriages, Baggies, Harness, Boots and Shoes, Furniture, Crockery and China Ware, and in fact every branch of trade. While this is all true, our merchants shonld not be idle but shonld invite tho trade of this and surrounding counties, by judicious advertising. By this means, a heavy trade will be done in Americus this fall and winter. Our business meu should commence advertising their wares at once, so as to let the people of the surrounding country know that yon offer special inducements to purchasers. Do not by all means, hide your, light under a bushel. Our advice is not for selfish purposes, but for the good of onr merchants, and the prosperity of Americas. Fair Notice.—The Secretary of the Central Georgia A. & M. Association, would hereby notifiy all who propose Webster Superior Court.—Bat lit tle civil business was done in this Court last week, almost the entire time being' consumed in the trial of criminal Some four or five persons were convict ed of various offences, and sentenced to the Penitentiary from one to ten years. Among those sentenced, was a negro'boy about 9 years old, and a girl about 13 years of age. The charge of Judge Harrell to the Grand Jury was well-timed and contain ed sound legal advice to that body. From conversation with a number of leading farmers of the county, we learned that the cotton crop of Webster will not be much over half a crop. Other crops however are all good. our friend Smith Davenport and his very estimable lady and daughter, well as to the beautiful and accom plished Miss M. H , me we under lasting obligations for their many acts of kindness shown us during onr visit to Preston. We shall never forget, their kindness. On Sunday night last, we listened to a sermon from our young fellow-towns- i, Mr. Peter S. Twitty, in the M. E. Church of the city. His text was a por tion of the 3d verse of the 10th chapter of Isaiah—“Say ye to the righteous it shall be well with them, ” from whicln he delivered an eloquent and suggestive ser mon ; in fact it would have done credit older and more experienced preach- It is not onr intention to give even a brief synopsis of the speaker's words, we refer to the matter simply that commendations may go to strengthen and cheer our young friend in the course he has taken, and to assure him he has chosen tho path that shall lead him to a crown of endless glory. We predict that distant day ho will rank with the most eminent divines of the State. Those indebted at the City Drug •Store are invited by Dr. Hardwick, to n11 settle accounts without delay.— Head advertisement. Maj. W. A. Black will sell, on the jirst Tuesday in October, the old depot '•nilding. See notice. ’ Onion Sets—Red and White—at Eldridoe’s Drug Store. The finest Chewing Tobacco for sole at ,u ‘ Cm Drug Store. visiting their Fair next October that the Macon and Western, Macon and Bruns wick, Central, Southwestern and Musco gee Railroads, have determined to con vey passengers to and from Maoon at half fare, paying fall fare coming and re turning free. Also goods and freight for exhibition at the Fair will. be forwarded at half rates. AD stock, horses cattle, sheep, hogs, etc., will be forwarded and returned at the reduced rate. All articles, stock, etc., for exhibition should he shipped to the care of Capt T. L. Massenbnrg, Secretary, C. G. A. & M. Go., and bills of lading duly for warded through tho Post Office to the same address. Mr. E. Stanford, the Superintend 'Ifut of the County Hotel, received three ,iew colored guests—two gentlemen and one lady—on Tuesday evening last. Their oraa mt . n t s in the jewelry line were rather "imbersome—being the old-fashioned Stote bracelets with substantial links at tached. . Cheap Soap.—The cheapest article of , oilet soap can be fonnd at the auction r °om of Pilabury & Brown, on the Sonth side of the public square, opposite the '“ourt-honse. ri«?e out a lot of lamps very cheap °0*“ Om Dora Store. d skies and Gin, ,at the Citt Drug Store. White CibUgo Seed, at Dr. Eldeidgi’b Drug Store. Grease joar Gins with Lard OH, ° r _ alei,t EidbCpcb’s Dreg Store. A gentleman cowhided a negro Wednesday night after « Gaylord's exhibition, for calling . °Pprobriens names. It was a do- "Ted chastisement and well pot on. B£k_We learn that Mr. King, Presi dent of the Georgia Railroad, offers to take the contract to build * the Newnan and Americus Railroad. Let him have it. Arthur's Lady’s Home Magazine for October contains a brilliant programme for the coming year. It is the announced intention of the publishers of this high- toned periodical to make it the “Queen of the Lady’s Magazines ” for 1871. Hav ing striven to make it the best reading magazine of its class, they now propose to give all the attractions of the most popular fashion monthlies, such as color ed steel fashion plates, etc., etc., and to add new features never yet attempted by any of them. Among these are a series of cartoons on toned paper. These, as understand it, are to be finely engrav ed copies, double in size the ordinary page of the magazine, of choice pictures, and will be a novel and highly popular feature. The beauty, taste, excellence and rare interest of its literary contents, combined with all these new attractions cannot help making Arthur's Lady's Home Magazine tho favorite of the coming sea- Specimeas sent free. Published by T. S. Arthur k. Sons, Philadelphia, Pa., at $2 a year ; with large reduction for clubs. Godey's Lady’s Book, for October, comes to us resplendent in its beauty and richly ladened in its literary department. Godey needs no introduction to the peo ple of this section from us. His magn- has long ago won a home at the fire side of many of them that will not be vol untarily taken away. The price of this peerless magazine is only S3 a year.— Address Louis A. Godey, Philadelphia, Penn. S£5U “ Our Magazine, ” for October^ Periodical of interesting reading, has made its appearance among onr exchanges a nicely printed work of thirty-two pages published by Wm. R. Mattison, Newton, New Jersey, ot One Dollar a year. Peter Crogon, Clerk at the Post Office, is Agent for “ Our Magazine. ” <©* On Tuesday evening last, 13th, the District Deputy G. W. C. X, G/W. Hancock organized a Lodge of I. O, G. T. at Peston. Below we give a, list of the officers {of Preston Lodge. No. —, in stalled on - 0. W. Davenport, W. T. Mbs. L. B. Jtenrr, W. V. T. Wm. Adams, W. Chap. ~H. O. Bell, W. R. S. Miss Sallie Abram, W. A. R. S. W. L. Grubbs, W. F. S. Mas Emma Rosser, W. T. J, R. Babb, W. M. Mms F. Y. SHmr/tL D; ?.(. J. R Lowkby, W. L G. •' • Wh. Stallings, W. O. G. Miss Emma A. Grubbs, W. R. H. S. Mess K. A. Josey, W. L. H. H. Jko. W. Estes, P. W. C. T. Jostah Haskell, Dep. G. W. O. T. About 2 J o’clock, Sunday morning it was discovered that the stable on the premises of Mr. R. A, Miller was on fire, the alarm was sounded and the different Fire Companies hastened to the scene, where they arrived too late to accomplish anything, more than the polling down a few fences and preventing the spreading of the fire, as the building was a small one and very dry and the flames were un der such head-way that they could not be arrested. We learn that a cow and * buggy were burnt up with the staple, but cannot vouch for its accuracy. tS* The colored people have kept the Justice Mills grinding, this week, on va rious offences ; some criminal but moat of a petty character. . . , „ J©* To all persons who use kerosene lamps, we would mention that if the wicks are soaked in strong vinegar for twenty- four hours and thoroughly dried before being used, all smoke will be avoided,the wicks will lost twice as long, and increas ed brilliancy will be obtained. Try it. S&* The Democrats of Schley county hold a Convention at EUaville, on Satur day, the 8th of October, to nominate can didates for tho legislature. Our readers in Sohloy will bear this in mind. \m Dr. Eldridge advertises iu this morning’s paper Bed and White Onion Seta, direct from Landreth & Sou. The numerous friends and admir ers of that Christian gentleman, Rev.R. W. Dixon, pastor of the Methodist Ohnrch this city, will regret to learn that he is in feeble health, and that his eye-sight is fast failing him. A visit to the up coun try, from which he hoped to receive ben efit has not improved his condition.— During his absence from the city, Rev. Samnel Anthony officiates in his stead. The Thomosville Enterprise tells of an old gray-headedgentleman who was that place last Saturday, hunting the census taker in order to make his return of twenty-nine grand children, all on the Democratic platform. ” Turner, the colored Radical leadergin the Legislature of Georgia, declared, af ter the passage of the resolution admit ting the members elected to fill vacan cies, that the Radical party was “dead in tho House and the State for the next twenty years.” Election Bill.—Tho election bill drawn np by Akerman and introduced iu both houses of tho Legislature, will be found elsewhere in this morning’s issue. The late hour we received the document, precludes any extended re marks from ns this morning, we shall notice it more at length in onr next— The absurd and preposterous provisions embraced in tho bill are such as to make one almost sick with disgust. Political Meeting, jj : Pursuant to a previous call a. portion of the citizens met in the Court House, when the meeting was organized by call ing Dr. W. W. Barlow to the Chair and requesting Frank. E. Burke to act asSec retary. On motion of CoL C. T. Goode it was Resolved, That no nomination be made, at this meeting, for members to the low er branch of the Legislature, but that the Chairman call a meeting of the citizens of the County to meet in the Court- House in ilmericns on Tuesday after the 2nd Monday in October, for this and any other necessary purpose. . On motion of C.‘ W. Hancock, amend ed by J ndge J. A. Ansley, it was Resolved, That the Chair appoint two from the town and one from each of the other. Districts in the County, a Commit tee to report to this meeting the names of four persons to represent this county in the Congressional Nominating Con vention at Albany. The Chair appointed, under this reso lution : C. T. Goode and J. H. Black, town, (27th Dist). R. J. Hodges, 29th District. C. 8. Darley. 28th District. F. A. Hill, Old 26th District. J. L. Albritton, New 26th District. G. W. Thomas, 17th District. — Gatewood, Now 16th Distric t The other Districts were not represent ed. This Committee reported, which report was received and adopted, the following os delegates : Col. W. J. Patterson, Dr. W. J. Reese, Col. C. T. Goode, and William Styles, (colored). » On motion the delegates were empow ered to appoint alternates, in case they coDld not attend. On motion N. A. Smith, Esq., it was Resolved 1. That the Chair appoint a Committee of ono from each Militia Dis trict in the County to appoint an Execu tive Committee consisting of three from each District—the selection to be submit ted to the action of tins meeting in Octo ber. 2. That this Committee thus appointed present such suggestions to the meeting in October as they may deem best for its action. 8. That the members of the Commit tee appointed by the Chairman of this meeting each to act as Chairman of Com mittee in his District. •Under this resolution the Chair ap pointed the following gentlemen: 15th District- -Mitchel J. Morgan. 16th District (old)—T. D. Speer. lGth District (new)—Dave Rogers. 17th District—S. T. Feagan. 26th District (old)—Henry Davenport. 26th District (new)—A. J. Williams. 27 District—Jno. V. Price. 28th District—A. B. Raiford. 1 29tli District—Sterling Glover. C. W. Hancock, Esq., offered a resoln- j tion that certain parties therein named be j appointed delegates to represent Sumter County in the Senatorial Nominating Convention. Judge J. A. Ansley offered as a substi tute that the matter be referred to tho Committee appointed to select delegates to the Congressional Convention. Upon which discussion ensued, but fi nally the matter was referred to the Com mittee and ou their reporting there were so few present the appointment of such delegates was continued until the next meeting. The meeting then adjourned. W. W. Barlow, Chairman. Frank E. Burke, Secretary. Ho! for the Fur 1 . All the Railroads leading into Macon wilt take visitors to the Fair, and articles or animals for Exhibition, at halt rates.. Fnli rates going—returning free. All articles shonld be addressed, and bills of lading sent to T. L. MASSENBURG, Sccty Central Ga. Fair, Mwob, Ga, sepkl71c3t. .. < ; SPEER & HOOKS, BANKERS & BROKERS, AMERICUS, GA* B UY and SELL STOCKS, BONUS, COLD, SILVEIt and EXCHANGE. rate*T NotCS an i Draft8 at Banket V Will ship COTTON for Planter^ to any of onr Seaports. Deposits Boceired. *3" Advances on Gold and Silver. We are also Agents for some of the most re liable Fire and Life Insurance companies m the country. july2ltf. Sr. WW. FORD FAYING returned to the city will resume tho the practice of Dentistry immediately, ho in all c 8 strictly cash. ►opt 1 lmle THE BLE8SIXO OF THE A OF.. No more Sick Headache, no more Dyttpopeia, no more Indigestion, no more Piles, no more Chills, no more liver Complaint, no more Jaun dice, no more Pain in the Back, no more Kidney Disease, no moro Coetiveness, no more heart burn. TUTTS VEGETABLE LIVE It PILL is a certain guarantee against all these distressing complaints. Constantly on hand Patent Medicines, very low, at the City Dfeuo Stokb. Tho best investment to be had is the stock of Drugs and Medicines at the City Drug Store. Barrel f a Hair Restorative. Barrett’s tinda favor with everybody. Barrett’s pre-eminently the beat. Barrett's the only safeguard. tmor o 1 a 1 . report of the cotton market. V'uriiubcd by Harrold, Johnson A Co. Amsuicum, Ga., • September 21st, 1870. The Cotton market is so unsettled that ac curate, quotations cannot be given. Tliero has been seine sales made to day at 11 cents for low middlings, a lot of ten bales or more of mid dlings would command a better price, 14! cents. . .Macon September 20, evening.—Cotton good j demand, the best grades bringing 16 cents. Savaxnxab , September £0.—Cotton in good i demand; middlings 17j. j New York, Sept. 20.—Cotton less active and I lower; low middlings 17. AMERICUS MARKET. Corrected expressly for the Repnblicnn l 3IOSTG Oil EE V j i&r A German went into one of the Drug Stores of the city, a few days ago, and asked the Proprietor for a bottle of “ coontry pitters. ” Tho Proprietor told him he didn’t understand what kind of bitters he wanted. The reply wasMe wants a bottlo from der man in der c oon- try what lives on der farm. ’’ A bystand- suggested: Plantation Bitters. “Yah, dat isli it, ” said he, “ von Blantation Pit ters, it ish. ” A heavy rain fell in this city about 5 J o’clock, Thursday evening. The bridge Town Creek near the Railroad was completely submerged by the rapid rise in the waters from the rain. We learn that much cotton, which was ready for picking, was beaten ont and destroyed. !L> In connection with their Furni ture Store Sam’l Anthony & Sons have establishe 1 a China Crockery department and are now reoeiving a large assortment of wares at their house on Lamar, street.: Onr city has long felt tho need of such aq establishment, and from the well known character of the firm, wo predict for it a prosperous future. 09. Our young friend, Louis Cohen, a young merchant of this place, has es tablished a Dry Goods and Clothing Store in Bainbridge, Ga., and left here for that place on the 15th inst Bain bridge has gained, in him, a quiet, ener getic and good citizen. As^Tlie Atlanta Georgian says James, the Atlanta banker, whishes to sell his line house on Peachtree street to the State for tho Governor’s mansion. We don’t blame Mr. James for thus trying to dispose of his house, if he can get as good a price for it as Kimball did for the Opera House. Retirement op Colonel Lamar.—In the Columbus Sun *C Times of the lGtli, A. B. Lamar, Esq., makes the announce ment that he has retired from the posi tion of political editor of that paper. He has for several years sustained that rela tion to the Sun, and sustained it with distinguished ability. His vigorous and spicy articles were read with interest, and their point and style much admired. yOur last Greenback—-like Paris— has been invested, and onr friends who have indulged ns are now calling on us to “ante up.” We like to pay our in debtedness, but cannot do so unless those whom we have confided ia now come for ward to onr relief. We Want money and we must have it; and thoso who will not honor their bills when presented need not expect to be accommodated by us the fnture. We mean this, for every man who is indebted to us, and we want each individual so indebted, to apply it to him- self .mid pay up, as Wo wish to honor onr own bills when presented. IQy Tho bill granting a charter with State aid to the Americus and Florence Railroad has passed both houses of the Legislature. The Governor will oertain- ly approve it, when steps will be taken to inaugurate the scheme forthwith. We will publish the bill os soon as we can obtain an official copy. flSy The weather of the past few days lias had a decided autumnal tinge. the ggyA party of- respectable Chicago ladies have formed a society for reclaiming young men, and they go about the streets of nighty, and pick up young men who showsignsof dissipation, invite them to their houses, and treat them to ice cream, chicken salad, etc., and then let them go home sober. Half the young men in town lie around tho streets of nights,' to be taken in«- One whole engine com pany went to one cf the ladies’ houses and asked to be reclaimed. Apples.—Mr. R. A. Brown lias just re ceived a few barrels of excellent apples at his confectionery. Call and get some, they arc delicious. Oar thank* are here by tendered him for those presented'no. £9* The Atlanta Sun says, there are three lodges of Good Templars in Atlqp. ta, which will number, one thousand members by Christmas, -if- 7 Thanks.—We are under obligations to Mr. T. H. Massenbnrg, Secretary of the Central Georgia Agricultural and Manu facturing Company, for a complimentary ticket of admission to the Fair Grounds in Macon,-during tlio Fair,'commencing Monday, October 3rd. J^At a meeting of the Democratic party of Stewart county, held on the 10th inst, a resolution was adopted recom mending their delegates to vote for Hon. Nelson Tift as their choice for Represent ative ip Congress. Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Ac.—What has become of them all ? It Is not to be supposed that an editor can afford to feast his palate on such raredanties more than once or twioe a moon, hut to be forced to do without them altogether, in this,land of plenty, is rather too bad. We hope that some dear son! in whoso breast all the milk of human kindness ii not yet driod, will bear us constantly mind and let ns have' a showing when such things are brought to market. _ _V Mr. Fricker will leave for New Ydtfc about the first of next week to buy a stock of Goods, and earnestly requests all who have been accommodated with credit by Lettner & Fricker to come forward and pay up before he leaves. tQ, The Sumter Republican has nomi nated Col Nelson A. Tift for Congress from the 2nd Congressional district— This ia a good selection, and one we heartily endorse, and guarantee that Marion will give a good majority in his favor.—Marion Banner. - BACON—Clear Sides 2lc. bljonldera 18c.— Dams, Canvassed. ~ BULK MEATS-Sid* MOLASSES—65^)1 SYRUPS—90@$1 30 SUGARS—18C./V2U. FISII—Kitts f2 50<&$4 50. i i 4 bbl $9 (XX&I12 00. Bh. IRISH POTATOES—None. TOBACCO—7562*1 50 per lb foi bbl* *.» CUJ258 60 Granberry & Co., Ha mjbst wesku mi u SPRING STOCK, BOLOUT I* *BW XOKX AND OTHER- XOOTHEBS . AND SOUTUERS »MARKETS At Panic Prices, WBlClf XHKX NOW OTFEH TO OA.SB BUYERS AT LESS THAN THE COST OF MANY AR TICLES THIS TIME LAST YEAR. But oar barinres U still STRICTLY ON The Cash System, As wo osxnot sell oca cool* at tick low raxczs wx aura mahked tuex C3S 3ST A credit, and we liave but OBfB PRICK-.. ■ W* repeat tins, for the benefit, of those*who may not remember that WE SELL ONLY FOR CASH. Buying our Goods, ua wo do] from IMPORTERS, AND MANUFACTURERS Many of then BY THE PACKAGE, and WITH THE MONEY, wo can supply . COUNTRY MERCHANTS upon &« good teems as Uie\ can make their W«h and STRIPED JAPANESE SILKS, Colored and Black Satin Striped GRENADINES, very handsome; plain Blacx Iron BAREGE. BLACK SILK;extra lino Black BOMBAZINE; Printed LINEN DRESS GOODS, The mo3t beautiiid stock of iTinteJ LAWNS, jacoskites aud ohoakdix MUSLINS we over had. Some handsome STRIPED PIQUES, -w style; PRINTS. BLEACHED aud , —— aud BROWN SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS of all whltim aud qualities. STRIPED ami PLAID DOMESTICS i variety. low priced aud Exlm Good Ticking, 1ICS in great H O S I OSNABURGS, hllow-c T.IMWV KHVKTIVII ERY, o*K i.rtKN, and lOj CANDLES-Adamantine, 18cJ ft box. Democratic Meeting in Webster In accordance with a previous call, large portion of the citizens of Webster county met in the Court Honso to-day. The meeting was called to order by re questing Judge M. H. Bush to preside, and Thomas II. Pickett to act as Sec’y. Dr. C. R. Moore being requested to explain the object of the meeting, did sc a few pertinent remarks, which was held for the purpose of appointing dele gates to attend the Democratic Conven tion to meet in Albany on the 21st. inst. On motion, the Chair appointed ona from each Militia District, consisting of the following named gentlemen, to select delegatee to attend said Convention Judge S. Bell, Geo. W. Brown, J. W. V. Lowery, T. J. Stapleton aud J. C. Hobbs. The Committee reported the names of Dr. C. B. Moore and T. H. # Pickett as saitoble persons to represent the citizens of the county in the Convention, with tho power of selecting alternates. A resolution was offered to the effect that Nelson Tift be, and he is, the first choice of the citizens of Webster county to represent ns in the ensuing Congress. The resolution was adopted without a dissenting voice. Judge S. Bell was appointed to notify the various Distric of the day of nomi nating candidates for county officers. A motion was then made and carried, that each District be represented by their delegates. TJlo following resolution was then adopted: Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published iu the Sumter Re publican. Meeting then adjourned. M. H. BTJSH, Chm’iu T r H. PxckbxtI Seo’y, ' Preston, September 15th, 1879.' Pointed Pczzlu—Here is. something worth studying. If any of onr readers can solve it and see tho point, they aro at perfect liberty to do • - - \ I : FT odd : t ■;* ;• • WEFO \.U'-rr-'/ RYOtfR PAPE RPA ' w"' ■ " • > DIED At the residence of his father in Sum ter county, after a fow days illness, ou the 21st inst, William Richard Westbrook, son of E. W. Westbrook, at the age of 9 years and 2 months. Let his parents take consolation in tho fact, that their loss is liis eternal gain. A Friend. L1NF.N SHEETING JiELOW COST. BOOTS AND SHOES, Hate, Umbrellas aud Paranoia, Oil CloUia aud Table Linen and Window Shades, CLOTHS AND CASSIHERES, Cottonades, Linen Ducks and Coalings FANS, a very large stock ot Crockery and Glassware, Plated Spoons and Forks, TaUl* anil 1‘ockct Kiiircs, Ivory handled Knives, without forks; Caudles, Soap*. Soda, FINE TEAS, Royal Baking Powders, (A very superior article) ; Potash and Starch, Fine Smoking aud Chewing Tobacco. Traveling Bags and Baskets, CAEPF.TINOS 1 CUtPEHKOS CARPETINGS! From a common article at 50c. per yard, to a very handsome Tapestry Brussels, as low as they can be bought in any mirket in Georgia. A small consignment of beautiful WALL PAP EI\ • TO CLOR3 onr * AT NEW YORK COST! All aro respect! examine our Btnclc. showing onr goods. CRANBERRY & CO. Americas, April 12, tf. The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WAUSEB'S OAUTOEETIA VINEGAR BITTERS, || j Hundreds of Thonsands £?9 . c * Boar testimony to their wonderful^ ft® SsS Curative Effects. C- g WHAT ARe THEY? lit One Hundred Dollars in Gold Will bo givtm to any person who, on analysis will discover one grain of arsenic or other poison in Da. Hoeuy’h A*uf. Toxtc. It is purely vege table, and the most happy combination that the science of medicine has as yet developed to suc cessfully combat the most prevalent diseases in cident to a bilious or malarious climate. It is tho most perfect anti-period c—always breaking the Chill in three or four doses ; but better tliau that or all else, uud what renders it the most ef ficient and valuable compound extant, is the uni versally conceded fact that it leaves tho patient in better health than before the attack! with no puffing up of the skin, r.o buzzing in the head, no deafness or impaired vision, but a clear bend, transparent skin, a bright eye, and elastic step and bouyant health. xt eliminates diseaso from the system by dis sipating engorgeuien 1 -* *’ *’ - i of the secretions, excit- tho ing tho liver to healthy action and giving ponersatio and hepetic juices their normal c uition aud healthy tlow. could be prevailed upon to take it. in. say half dossc three times a day, during the chilly sea son. they would have perfect immunity from chills and all the concomitant diseases; but, who cxcept-tho very prndeni, will take medicine ’-store the* ‘*’- For salt before they a For sale ev Go’s column. Change of Schedule. SoUTUWESTERS RaIMROAD CoKUANY, ( Office, Macos, Ga., September 3,1870. ( O N and alter the’4th instant, the Moil and Passenger trains on this rood will be r follows: Leave Macon.. Arrive at Columbus..... Leave Columbus . S&* W« are informed by Mr. J. G. Harrison that the census of Snmter lias been' completed, and that as soon as all the necessary arrangements aromado the status of the county will bo made public. Wo venture that when the figures are ONION SETS made known Sumter will be entitled to Redand White Onion Set.,,’direct from KepresentoUve in tho State Leg- D. Landreth & Son’s, just received at a °* ELDRIDGE’S Drug Store, sept 17lctf #©“■ Machine Oil, at Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store. Arrive at Macon 0:00 r j t razaoHT aud accommodation. Leave Macon 8:15 r i Arrive at Columbus 4:27 A i Leave Columbus 805 »j Arrive at Macon 4:20 A i KUFAULA MAIL TRAIIT. Leave Maoon 8:00 A i Arrive at Bothnia .4:58 r x Leave Enfaula 7:45 Arrive at Macon 4:50 Leavo Macon 9:00 Arrive at Enfaula I0:o0 Leave Eufanla 5:10 Arrive at Macon ,5:07 Enfaula mail train connects daily at Bmlth villa with Albany mail, and at Ciithbcrt with Fort Gaines mail train. Passengers by Enfaula night accommodation am leaving Macon on Mondays. Tuesdays. t Cuthhcrt every Tneaday and Thursday VIRGIL POWERS, Engineer and Superintendent. For Rent. YVYIIJj be rented to the highest Udder, bo the W-first Tnssdaj. in Novsmbsr next, the P^A^TATWN belonging to the estate of Ben- daring the you" 187h 1h.tosn.afth. Bent will be «k. topthttd- WM. A. BYBD, Admr. REMOVED. _ MRS. E.C. SPAULDING TTA8 removed her Book Store from under tho AL Barlow House, to S. Anthony’s Furniture Room, where she will be pleased to see her friends and patrons. SiJPPty of Papers and Revenue iff TIIET ARK NOT A VILE C=^j FANCY DRINK,111 I'tJo of Poor Hum. Whiskey, Proof Spir* its. amd Refuse IdquOT*^Ooaorod^i^^t t,** loaltha : mil. iron to draaVcnnaNi.'vitol ruin, butaraatruo ' -iichta. made from tho Native Jtoota and -rtd of California,firee from nil Alooholio “ Appetiacr*,- -• pii-.rontodi _ -Heine, mads l _ rti of Califora . SHmnlanta TbcVfti . ________ PURIFIER LIRE GIVING PRUT- OIPLB. a psifiet Keuoralwr and Iavlgocator .it t It- carryingott aU poi«oooa« matter, f -ii roLtriui tho blotvl to a healthy condition. jHu>on cftu CihoOitno BilUr*, according to . ir-ctionA, Uni tet.i-Jn. !on j nawvlL *1OO will botfiwa for an incnraNo camn. pro- : • SSKftl5 , 2SS2 For IailAnxav*tory and Chronic Rheu matism. mitt Gout. Di’.-ipcpsia. or Indi go tiion. Bilious, Remittent, and Inter mittent Pevors, th* Blood, Liver. Kidneys, and Bladder, thr-so Bit- tors have been most mccoMlbl. 8uoll Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which i-. ^cner.illy produced by derangement of tho ^^^arbooMtko stomach, r.ud stimulate t'io torpid H* »r and bow j!<s wnieh render them »tfnao9u™llc<lcflie:tc}r ' r..t import tic*. nnd.Ua] life and vigor .'ouyb*, TtjthtacrA of f.A .ou, Soar Etoinaeh. Bad Ta»to ia i’i~ aiomn, ui. lions Attacks, Palpitation Of the Heart, C.t;doua DL-chan-es of iTrino, Pain in the regkm* of ihs Kidscys, find a handred other painful symptoms which nro th* ofl«prInga of br*pepeU. are ruved l«y thcao Bil tfi?. Uirsn-ft tho Vitiated iMoo l w'.»-mvver you finl Ite impuritle* bunting lUwtuh tit« akhvtt Ka- jdre. Eruptions, or Sores; sSea»u*c i*. when it is foul, find ynurfuci:np[» will tc!l y » w i. K t-i the blood pore aai too licibh of the *y»icra will W m, TAPE, sad other WORMS, l irkins? la tho syatem of «o wunj thotuuuU-, are cifectiuSly destrove.1 and removed. For fUU dircetioos, read catcluhy tho eireslar around each bottle, printed intoir 1j Kn-dUh. t lerman, French, end Spaai* J. WALKKH.S1 * SI Commerce8t._ Pioj.riKin\ !L n. McDONAUHk CO., Ihwssiat* ' Hr ci. Tf. v. * Street, N.1 Ayer’s For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which ia at once agreeable, healthy, arid effectual for preserving the * hair... Faded orjpray haip u soon restored to its original color, with the' gloss and freshness of youth.* Thm hair is thick- * enetl, falling hair chocked, and bald ness often, though . riot ah»ays, cured by its us». Nothing caa. restore the hair where tho follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and 'decaycm!. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application.. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean ana vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the l»ir from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldnefs. Free from tikrie deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous, and injurious: to tue hair, tho Vigor eon only benefit but not bann it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo fonnd ro dcsiraUe. Oonfciiniog neither oil nor dye, it dc<>*< not t-oil white cambric, and yei lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume.* Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Practicm. ami Analytical Chkmists, LOWELL, MASS. PIUCB $Loa ) BAD BLOOD. “The Life is the Blood.’ • derive onr strength, beauty, i the painful effects aro visible in many shaped, prominent among which Is SCROFULA. This is a taint or infection of tho human or ganism, and probably no one is wholly free from it. It exhibits itself in various shapes—aa nicer* -uid sore*, decayed bones,, diseased scalp, st>ro •yes, * c.ik and diseased joints. St. Vitas' Dance, foul dfochargcs from the nostrils, eruption*, glandular swellings, throat affections, rheumat ism, heart affections, nervous disorders, bsrreu- ncss, disorders of the womb, dropsy, syphilitic affections, liver oomplaint, saltrhonm, tlyspcp- bcuralgia, loss or manhood and general de- biiity. ft haa. been the custom to treat these diseases with mercury and other mincjalsub- •tancos, which, though sometimes producing a —re. often proves injurious and entails misery after lifs. The long known injurious proper ties of these so-called alteratives and purifier* baa kxl the philantrophical man of science t« xpiore tho arcana of nature, the result of ■htch Iiih been the discovery-of vegetable pre- ucta which possess the power of eradicatinv thesc taints from the blood. 3>r. TTJTT’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF Is the acknowledged antidote to ail blood dit- eases. By its use tho afflictions above enume rated can be permanently banished, and the Source,the Centre of Blood,theLife be maintained in all its purity and vigor. For diseases produced by the use of Mercury, and for Syphilis, with its -train of evils, this coni r*mn<r is the only sure antidote io the poor creature, enfeebled in mind an* >dy, by secrete practices, whoso nerves art unstrung and countenance downcast SARSAPAPILLA Queen’s Delight is a blessing. Try it fairly aud your nerves will be restored to their wonted vigor, and vour de fected countenance bo made radiant with the consciousness of RESTORED MANHOOD. Being free from violent is adapted; general use. The old and young may use it, the most delicate fciualo at any time may take it; the tender infant, who may luive inherited disease, will be cored by it. reaameisi bwww Dr. TTJTT’S Mm OF SARSAPARILLA; QUEEN'S DELIGHT. When used in tho spring it remoras all humors which infest the system: and banishes tho lan- gour and debility peculiar to that season or the year. It acte promptly on the LIVER AND ICIDNKYS. carried off; and the result is a CLEAR SKIN; A GOOD APPETITE AND BOUYANT SPIRITS. PREPARED BY Wm. H. Tutt & land, AUGUSTA, GA., AndSold by DruggistsEverywhere Fair at Macon. E first Fair of the Central Georgia Agri- cultural and Manufacturing Company will be hcW upon the grounds of the company near ox Ocruaisu So w> Octoeeb 8nx ixcllsuk. We liave the finest building for Exlfibition o Goode, in the Southern 8tates. THE HIPPODROME for the exhibition of Stock is unsurpassed, it soat 12,000 persona, and being “ J ** is ample protection i, there U covered with a o , against rain and sun. THE RACES will be very attractive, as fine Kentucky stock is B33SSESES3!* information write to ang 27 Ct T. L. MASSENBURG, Secretary, SIR JAKES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS. mnE only reliable remedy nor offered to you X 'for the cure of these patyfrilanA dangerous diseases to which the female constitution U sub ject, and which moderate* all excesses and Removes all . Obstructions, from whatever cause, is Sir James Clarke’s Fe male Pills, prepared from a_preacription of Sir J. Clarke, ILD^ Pfavaician Extraordinary to the Qneen, by D. H. Fisk, 47 Dey street, New York. To married ^ ladies it to pameubuiy suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with regnlarity, aod does not contain hurtful to the constitution. InaBcu ▼oua and spinal affections, pains in the back and limbs, palpitation of the heart, hysterics,whites, it will eflecta euro when all other m *■ " failed. Full directions in pamphlet an gists for D. H. Fiske’a Sir J. Clarke’s Pills. Soli by all druggists, and by W. A. COOK Ac CO., novtS-ly Americas, Ga. sooiation, Box P: GETTING MARRIED.—Es- 5“ on the deHirhiaof Homo, and the p happiness. Sent For Youpg Ladies, EatabUahed^f n 1805. TOCATED li and Ohi in one of the most 1 to connection with the education of my own children* I will continne to take into my family sors in English, -French, German, the Classics, Mathematics, Drawing, and Music (Instrument al and Vocal) for $325 00. liefer to Gene. 11. E. Lee, D. H. Hill, L. N. Whittle, Esq., Maoon, Ga. and all patrons. Address G. W. BALL, Box 3, Leesburg. Virginia.