The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, October 14, 1870, Image 2

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‘he W«klg fteputtitan. 1-1ANC0JK. GRAHAM A REILLY I *. w. uuicock, AMERICAS. GEORGIA: Friday Morning, October 11,1870. FOB CONGBE88—2d Disiekt, HON. NELSON TIFT, OP DOUGHERTY. flay The members of the State Demo iratio Executive Committee urc request ed to meet at Atlanta on Saturday, th* 22d day of October, at 10 o’clock a. m. They will Iks informed at the office of CoL Alston of the place of meeting. Clifford Axdxbsox, Chairman, Democratic papers please copy. Death of General Robert E. Lee. Tlie painful it telligence per telegraph received, announcing the death of that uoblo gentleman and great vrarrior, Gen- ■ral Rorert E. Lf.k, has draped the h* Gloomy Prospect ©#, Peace.—'ThogAddress Deli Ye red on Dty of' Atone- revolution in our forms and ceremonies, wndition of ftgtirs in Europe, says the aunt by JL D. Friedman to the Israel- in om <“4 hearts. * ' ** * “ ‘ ites at Americas, Ga. Human history is not a retracing of th* ’VlTto*.. 2 fcclsometvhatrclactant Boston Adrertiter, has a gloomier aspect than at any time sinoe 1815. Not only loos the tear go on tri& renewal of activf hostilities in the field and the bloodshed in which there has been a partial iinter- . -option for several weeks past, but it is .. 6 °^ > ^ n ***? impossible to see on end jo the stmggie. °Z.t. The terms of the two combinations area* ■vide apart as the pales^ If the minoi perceiving times These circles though describing exactly ioniats residing here, towards the jierpet feel myself to bo for the task, in saying .. , ., , 'sw words on th«, considered, the most Iar "“ th ” . t>«eedm ff one.-] '-hat causes iported in recent dispatches, iuthenticated, they do not bring whit nearer the coming of peace; and it i# peace for which tlie tffittide observe) “T’ 11 ,heinlcr » t <'' bnniMiitj, E " n *° sr0 the etern “ l W0VC3 olfrogres mwhmh e Ter 6 .deh.,„re,„d,e.m„1-,B»^ io ^ iis r to iI ^ nmrttmtly inereasiog in b«*dtl.». ir really say from my heart that I feel de- ?*■**“• they eneompK, the esta Voted, prond of tl,e harmony and good^” 11 Therefore, my friends, [feeling which I see evinced among yon, it is encouraging for any one to per- whichever side his prejudice may lean. Uready the people*of Germany lament .he prolongation of tho war, and in the midst of their rejoicings over victory art tppolled at the thought 'Of the wintei which seems before them. All tlie worlc'L hM begon to pity the soflermg, of FmneeS 11 P™*"** " n l ont they will hardly be greater than t h < F ope<fom,n A ‘ L miseries of Germany,* If thePmssi*t| irmies undertake a long campaign in th« inemy’s country. At snch a crisis we cai om of the Middle Geotylau, published Nixon’s Cincus at Americus, ojf Fpir. %i 'Griffin, who was in attendance at Oct. 21kt—A Grant* Baboon Ascex- the space are continnally rising in height. nonuufl reaaing nere, unr«rus mw perpev i v ° . *» mtion of Judaism, in this sooth psrt of «•» »<>«, th. «m, „ when ynr the country where, perhaps, a Jewish ser , . a 8 ° ne arg ® 8 J*^° of .on ™ never before iDditlged in, causes o circle to babble np, wlneb irompled me, in .ammoning my facal- one«ndtiu.^mn ; * mm th[i<r „„ ' T jpuother, and so on, to the utmost limit# th» whole liquid apace, each of thes* human ben you now perceive that fast step oJ reform, progress and advance, itefeveriab pulse beating so load and the revolution Bary wave surging so violently against th* ng their enterprises with great energy md success. In the business |>art of th' 21 ty there is a largo square in the centra if which is a brick Court ’House, with a town clock. There is a large number of stores of every description inviting and injoying the trade of one of the most interesting sections of Georgia. Th* private residences, are oomfortable, c nucli ground, and some of them stylish and have an imposing appearant is they are embowered with trees ol the natural growth and erergreens, and idorned with flower-gardens. There iredomiuau! l 1 are to-day assembled for the pnr-U . . .... ...... of celebnJing the mo st *»cred day bebeve .bat rehpoa and K id landmarks of traditional creed and osti • , „ T look hopefully for come uufdleaeee oief throughont the country th,S , mt „„ to tlm misfortnm p-eat of earth ins name stands pre-emi-ffi . • . . . * ■which human ambition and tho thirst foi martial gluiy have brought upon two nent: and the halo of virtue and hono: hat beamo<l on his brow shall stand pillar of light and glory. Let the noblf lero rest, his lalwirs are ended, and ir rrov* a nation weeps over his tomb. Leaixotos, Va., 10 a. m. October 12. a Mn.nouo, Va.—General ICoinurr E. the Cliristiau geutlcmau, and here if a hundretl battles, breathed his last •-liirty m : nutcs past nine o’clock ihif morning, of congestion of the brain.— \gcd sixty-three years, eight months ant wenty-three days. Richmond, Va., October 12.—Tli. Dispatch Los just received the following <pecinl telegram from Loudington: Gen -ral Lee died this morning at half past ‘clock, he began to grow worse Monday and continued to sink until he great people, and. find comfort in tin •Id proverb that the darkest hour [before the dnv. in ■: ilaces of business are closed; the belli tolilcu, and tlie a-hole eommni^ eommnnieation t.i (be Angara □thrown into tho deepest grief. A Washington special of tho 7th inst. the Macon Journal gives the following ; rovenuo appointments mtdi on that lay for the Slate of Georgia; John Riley, •Samuel T. Anderson, Louis Seldnor, Wm. Goodwin, Assistant Assessors foi NVm. T. Gay, John Thomas Sandwich, Assistant Assessors for tlie Second Dis-I ‘rict Stiu-heicj vs. Akehmax.—The Mobil* fffislcr commenting upon Hon. A. H. Stephens’ crushing reply to Attorney AJcernian's impertinen^Tri^tnres on the politicial doctrines advanced in his re cently published work, says : ^ Amos T. Akerman, tho prescut At torney General of tlie Hnitp^States, om of the innumerable small potatoes that have come to tho top o? the present boil- ]>olitical cauldron, having ' taken occasion to declare that the doctrine*- oromnlgnted by Hon. A. H. Stephens, •The War Between th« I T. , 7 ... . _7 Ulei ttorh - war ueiwoeu in* 5 >rcnthcd bw lost lhia morning. Thf state*,- were -pernicioua, and ought to be suppressed,” 3fr. Stephens writes Cunstitn- 'ionaliat, in which he completely pulved- Amos, and teat tors his Akermaniou arguments to the winds. The letter oi Mr. Stephens is a very able one, and it written with unusual vigor and ability. Thero hasn’t been as much punishment nflictcd on any one since Lord Macaulay tho 4th District; Chna. IV. Chapman, J 1 '' 0 : '' r - Robert j- fontgomciy-^ and hif; in a cnllivat* the diTine spark of his rtiktl, poems that awful dressing which may be found in his ‘Essays.* Mr. S^.ophpn- JlliLS Attlio late Jewish synod, held at Leip e, tho. following was resolved : “No t * 1 bitter or harsh expression shall be con raine*l iu any of tlie prayers under revi sion or to bo newly composed ; the con tents shall embrace all human beings oi the universe, and nothing shall lie said therein with regard to the chosen peo ple which might in tho least offend om brethren of another creod.” aearthe Meuse swam over it in the midst jf the fire of the mitraillenses which foi- paper says lowed them. Ono of tho survivors, .veil-known captain, arrived in Paris at Amos, and clipped big wing* n’t roost quiti J 4 * 3 endangered. friends' ** ou ^ t ^ ieir shadow which may t Is ivossiblt lie ftffecte<1 * °«>y their husks, their gari' . | and form may lie at stake, but their aeuee is nnchangeable and invulnerable n the Jewish Calendar, and I liav. the solicitation of some of resolved to add as much as with pay feeble facilities, to the solemni ty oi the occasion, by addressing roril,* lo . . T ... 1 oo,H s,tade « ’ they underlie human civiliza- My text will lie from Leviticus, 19th nr ^ . ........ ,. r , r , „ • • Lov* tlOQ — nro the s*'cret lever of progress and °' <a theonly cement of the humanitarian tem ple whose erection cannot be stopped.— No, it can not; for the great architects everywhere, to be as God himself. They are above all vici excellent opportunity for passiuj Presiden of this j a few delightful hours, called by tho —— nJ stories and fine appearance. Prof. Urowu, who was for a time | rofess Marshall College, * Institution, which I Furlow, a gentleman who contributed xrgely to its erection. Americas is said ocoutaia about four thousand inliabi cants. The Grand Lodge of Good Templars^ iield tho Annual Session in Americas chapter, OTiarln Lei-echo Con shy Neighbor, Ac., ” a sentence In that jhnpter not yet in practice ; n sentcnc* rtfcl^ arec^Utsaac-rea altar* only in ; t ' tlmc7t r 7ct,ue ... the exalted heart* of a lewof the human , otmd nol ^ a ‘L Vo ^, b '" 13 3 'f‘, “ r f'O'i l^mgcmiBiarod ^ m of chrieti „ nil , tlin m^s t ,o I-,.!c MohammodanKm, Zarate anj Con . Tlie chapter begins with the sublime • , ixordiunr: “ Spexik uuto all the congre WQ ^ Q _ j )rAnc j i . th^humnn ' fWli^ 3" eUl lh0 Annual Session in Americas on Ration of Israel and say uuto them: Ye . . . , the 5th,6Ui and 7th. The delegates repre- diall lie holy.” This holiuess, that is iIa “, , , op ^ ll,,borer3 of tem ] rented some seventy Lodges and 2, 146 ipintunlly, moral excellence, harmonious r . .. * , * ’ . „ .. ... Love thy neighbor as thyself. So small development of all onr active capacities, . . f. ' bnjily, moral ami iutellectnal porfoe- ‘ m 'rM tB f 1 “ T ' ,f all legislation, ol "”7 “ J „ . H‘ he extent of its meaning; but its es sence is holiness, religion and morality. We congregate to-day to discharge an ibligntion to onr God, that is “ of balanc-Swith high and deserved popularity. His ng onr account in that great Ledger inpwife is tho daughter of an esteemed Heaven; but think you of snccecding jflfriend of ours who is long since dead, when yon but camply with the form and) " " ' ceremony of to-day, when yon, perhaps,! home to-night satisfied with your task,Pjears since. Ho has welf survived tb simply because you have come up to thc|| 8 boek of the Revolution. ns w delighted to meet with Mr. , that ii ill religion, of all the 3Iosaic revelation,— to be holy, to he religions, does not me to tho Hebrew to treasure up a large ;ount iu the great Ledger in Heaven, tlie worlt^to come, as with the gentile pictorials, nor to gain the favor of the leities for earthly purposes as with th* pious pagan. No ; to bo religious means, for the Jew to elevate his spiritual nature ibove tire material nature, to secure to Shorn luepreponaemnceover me uuuj. , 4 . en. it. jouuson anu uis excellent; \ cheri..hantT above vleosnre, to foate. '“‘'“SI “><• P^B ■>W-a.ll notdo| lcM t ; mn ,., her M*j. W. A. * it. lonr netionsi Dll fllla linn ntilio n-lll?n,l,o i. an.l fining .....11 tlm • to kindle it into a bright, glorious flame of virtue and generosity, of intellectual xy effectually YupprenW* tin . ullnre aud ^tn.Uty, to aoar np to c divine Father, to be immersed and bigtf!n«t| (re . hKlin the sacred well, of which oui[ ] soul is but a separated drop constantly yearning to return to the source of all light. This means to ns “ Ye shall be holy. ” When wc carefully survey tho 19tfc chapter of Leviticus, wheu we minutely verse wlint a falluess [thought does not enter oar mind ! What Miss Isabella McCulloch. —Some few months ago a paragraph was circuit}; ted in the papers that this lady had beer married to Brignoli. Within a fev weeks after this announcement, another was started to the effect that she had! presented her husband with o pair taS twins. This last report we did not credit,p Rather than surrender to tho Pms and declined to give it cireulation. s, many French soldiers who were find the denial of tho truth of both re ports in the Augusta Chronicle. That Miss McCulloch came to Columbia, South Carolina, on a.visit to her relative# S his aged father’s house. Before embrac- a fow weeks ago, and, wo liave been in ing him, his father asked : “Have yon formed, indignantly denied the truth ol iigned the capitulation ?” “No, mon stories published. Sbe claimed to be still pore.” “Then, my son, come and cm- single, and apparently had no idea oi brace me and go and fight.” changing her condition. Some of tin papers even went Bocus Amber. Many of these orna- t ] la ^ t w j n8 ]i at ] |x^ n born o the sweel menta, sold for genuine amber, are mere- singer,” Both reports originated in the North, doubtless put forth to blast th* tigence, what noble teachings orjnsticc Ti i *T i *• i „.-h, Ihrongli trial* and tnbnlations auch id cJiarili/, i/enerosity and humanity, Ideal, and yet practicable! Nearly all the relation - between man and man, from the private family, to the State and society at large, are recognized in their dal reality, all are taken notice of and legislated upon in masterly strokes of Di vine teachings. That chapter composed 3,500 years ago by an Abrahamitc contains scarcely a few verises belonging to his time and his cir- “^ Bon _ DC ^ eum.stanccs, while the great majority ol them are of all times and of all circum itances. Indeed, the whole chapter the revelation of the religion of tho fu ture. It lays clown the eternal basis of a imitations. Beads sold for clouded am berareoften but a mixture of gnma.^ lurlu „ ulva lnl which are soft ami also eomly amalguma- re p ntllt i on for chasUty of this noble, ... , , , ,, . , ,, ■ed with fatty matter?, and become doll | ligbloI1C( i ond accomplished SonUi. n, -osnety founded on truth, love and bn- ind dirty on tho surface as veil as scratch ^ with the view to bring her to th. y \ . I","'" ^ “i id. The false amber earily sbovm.g leve j 0 f ac * resaos 0 f th free lovo kind P’"‘ b fuioini,1K boli:, “' 10 P°°P le -—1 dcrapo n smaU portion of the suspected lvho nre to bo fonnd fa tho Norft Md material to powder, and if it dissolves in „ ho , reqneaUj im themselves on turpentine, whether hot or oold, it is not ^them nndiences.-Coi-on6.« S»». imber. Real amber has a clean, smooth feel, and dees not scratch readily. Bad News for a. Min steel.—During the i>crformancc of the Skiff k Gaylord ver ^ troupe of minstrels at the Charleston Academy of Music, on Tuesday night. SnoT ox ctir Picket Line.—A Bavu- oflicer tells the following; “One with enjoining holiu He then explains in what it consists Reverence thy mother and thy father, observe the Sabbath day, do not worehij iny deities beside Go.!, leave part of thy wealth, thy harvest, tby oil and wine, to the poor and the stranger. Do not steal officer teis «he following: -One n *iie, nor deal falreiy, nor swear Wreiy, dark night a musket shot was - or , k fr«n(l the riel, nor withhold t.i- onr line of outposts. Instantly th* •hole camp was aroused, and everybo<^ •lues from the poor; do not corse the leaf nor hurt the blind. Dispense jns- S -nor Bideaux, the mnaieal director! *onght that the French had made t hee to all. Do not spare the low, nor re was obliged to leavo tho stage. Snbse-j qnently, the manager explained to tbri mdienee that Signor Bideaux hod just, received information from France that of his sons was dead on the bottli j 3eld, another was a prisoner of war, while his mother was houseless omelees. bad been ti.-ed, tlie commanding offieei lnlR0 ia no ^e; hatred or revenge, but ight attack npon ns. After ascertain ing the precise spot at which the shot :plied thither and questioning th* sntry, ‘Why did you fire, sir ?’ 'rankly expostulate with thy fellow. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Vex not the ids and knees.’. 'Did yon challeng* im before firing, and what answer did he make?’ ‘Yes, I did, bnt he only said tSS-Judge Wm, Reese, of YVilkes conn- ‘Oniloni’-ond kept coming on; so I tired. ty, nominated in the Fifth District foigrhe ground in the vicinity wo* immo HJhoir deep truth ? of their genuine, Congress, long term, is out in a letter de- liately and carefoUy paroDed, and before triuhic value .•lining to run. Circumstances are such, long the unfortunate ‘Oni! ouil’ was dia is to make it sgaiust his private interest covered, mortally wounded, .Ho to enter the .canvass. raised upon his hind legs amid shonta ol ■■■■■■■■■■■B laughter, and proved to lie a very fine™ * The Bclixo Passion Strong iNjand very wild boar.” Death.—Mr. Weare Weston, a very en- hnsiastic Democrat, who lately died in New Hampshire, left a will and testament *®- The following sensible advice tc n which be enjoined it npon his exeen the negro race, is from Fred Dooghis, tore to have him borne to bia grave bj thenegro editor of the New Era at Wash ‘six true Democrats,” and to pay six dal- there. The diffii “ The Pall Mall Gazette this evening wa fl®** from ington. The negroes who lore to each of the bearere. Ha aloethiicity with tittle to do. will dr greeted that ho funeral servicies ahonla well to prollt by the ndvice. He be performed over his remains, unless a -‘No peoplo can flonrish who are with- -lergyman could, be found “who never stifhomre. The negro is for tho most preached a political sermon." Thore<nilt§P< lrt «fc‘ omaJ ' «atbeste tr; natter, wr.s that Vneh V mipMer oonld not B. F. Moritrw one of the edi- heGrand Lodge of Indep^mlcnt Order nox and a Walk ix Mid-air-—We oopy if Good Templars held iir this place last veek, thus speaks of onr growing city. Americus.—-Wo made a visit to this nteres’ing city last week. Despite the \ ~w price of cotton, trailo appeared to be Two Grand Free EsmBmoNS atI the following from tbe Atlanta Con- [ dilution: Nixon’s Circus.—Several days ago. parties of men with long handled binsh as, ladders, and immense caus of paste. A FIRST CLASS Family Paper, irisk, and the people prosperous, pash- were visible, engaged in covering plant ’ IHE bent Aii-1 leading authors of tho day wii contribute to ita column*-. The lirat No. will bo issued about tbe first 'he exhibition by Mad’lle Rozetta, w .xo hundred foot wire in length, and tour churches—Methodist, Baptist, Pres- fifty in height, excited the admiration and byterian and Episcopal, and two Prin- elicited the applanse of a large crowd.—I •ing establishments, the “Snmter Repub- The performing dogs and monkeys oi9 Buedinen copies will be sent to every Lodg< lican” and “Amerimis Gonripr.” WonPimr aor.r.m .Irani fnrH: rMneniorl nndl'PjM State. »- Terms—Two Dobara, per amiau» r i.v walls in several sections of the city, with| immense placards, posters, pictorial ■ [sheets and paragraph bills, and ho who arould run up Marietta street.'could see hat Nixon’s Circus was on its way to Ulaiita. It is here, and both yestenlav iftonioon and evening, young and old, ich and jnior, grave and gay, in fact, [largo audiences were present at this; oopular place of amusement. The per jformances were fully worthy of the well ^amed reputation of Nixon’s circus.— S PUBLISHED WEEKLY CITY OP AMERICUS —Devote*! to ur KstalilibkeJ by order of tbe Grand Lodge Independent Order of Good Tomplars of the State of Georgia. W. HANCOCK. Editor. and “Americus Courier.” *We Prof.*George, drew forth repeated inew Mr. Perry of the Courier in Flori- deserved applause. The gymnastic fei la, and feel sure he is a gentleman acd of the Wombold Brothers, were e-pecial- competent Edibir, assisted as ho is by ly noticeable, as were tho splendid tron] the irrepressible Mr. Pilsbary who form- of acrobats. ' Want of space prevents -Tly resided in Griffin. The city is ationti *xtende*l notice of the Rnnuells family] half a mile from the Railroad aud occn- jf Mad’lle Marie, La Petite, Emilv, Wil uies a beautiful site. The Depot is an li* m Naylor, and Mad’lle Rozetta. Nix excellent- new tiuilding with a very large on’s circus comprises a brilliant troupi freight room, and a room for the Agent, ,»f horsemeu, gymnasts and acrobats. >ne for gentlemen, one for ladies and All excellent in their style. •mother for the freed aristocracy. There For this afternoon and evening there is a Female College in the South* n. is again pleasure iu storo for our circus- part of the city, a fine brick building of loving people at the pavillion, a splendid i wn .,t n ««.^ «««««»«.» x>-~c ;in ,i varied programme being presented. 1 _ All letterso. | ‘Good Templars Advocate, oct 12 ‘ Exchanges will confc-r a favni tho ab.>vu a few ii kRis About fcrva -Tho specie correspoDjcut „ l.„mb„g. Tuxes llo ti lgn 0 sends wo id to-day tlmt ho ha.U |pa aad s , op r iiti/.enes are entitled to great credit Che for ■ ♦ > their kind hospitality to all the delegate*- Guards—50,000 regulars of the line and and pleasing memories will ever spring iwnnumta ip whenthey call to mind their visit to this place. Dr. W. W. Ford, .Surgeon aad Me- 300,000 Garde Mobile. These regiments s and battalions are drilled incessantly, |and it is confidently believed in the city that the army of I*a — j - alono will •hanieal Dentist, is still practicing here 'distant date be* more than able to assume “*’• - 1 ~—— 1 ——*— TT: the offensive with success. There has been no street rioting or lighting We had tho pleasure of seeing Mr. T. RM. Furlow, a(claa^mate of thirty years ago. - nomiuated for gover^o; The whole German forees occupying tho lines before Pans consits '*if seven army corps, numbering 280,000 men, besides cavalry, which will probably •ring the total up to 330,000 or 340,000 Black. Your actions on this day alone, willSwho is doing, and doing well tho work not give yon that grace wliicUyou desire.® 11 young man osugent of the Rail Road But you ask what will be beueficiol ?j What will elevate ns to the ]>osition i most strive for ? It is simply our text Leviticus, “Love thy neighbor aa thy*j self, ” that comprises alL When we com* up to fulfill its meaning, then, and only! then will we be rescued from chaos, our! minds become easy on religious matter,| deportment be eulogized, morality,) which I consider greater than all, will be[ suits emanating from the execution! and practice of it. Judaism is entirely based on my text,) and it is that only, that has led it that point. Wc enjoyed a visit to his .ilantatiou about six mile3 from Americus [toward Macon. We were highly pleased with that lovely place and tlioso of hi- family who live there. Wo could wil Iingly spend the balance of our days ;h a place. We hope theMaj. will long meet with what now costitutes main objects of his desires and lead happy life. other creed has over been subjected to. From a despised race, iu almost all conn-| tries, we have, I may safely say, kecomi respected, powerful and influential, and] to-day we stand on an equal footing with ill others, simply because tho 19th chap ter of Leviticus begins to be understood, ita definitions have been studied by othei denominations, and prejudice, hatred and! persecution have been partially discarded. ‘ Love thy neighbor as tLyself ” has been: made the foundation to nil other creeds “ and has, after an existence of 3,500 years, been rightly interpreted thongh only par tially practiced. , . . , i i As I remarked in the beginning of my society founded on truth, love aud hu- , . _ T , ,7. . JT . . . lecture I am no theologian aud this is my Masonic Liberality in Tennessee — A Noble Purpose—The Masons of Ten- see are raising an endowment fund tlie purpose of establishing a “Mu- ic Orphans’ Home* iu each grand di on of tho State. Tho desigu is tc purchase or receive by gift one thousand In- fifteen hundred acres of land ivision, upon a portion of which irected school houses aud churches. four hundred acres arc to be laid off iu two-acrc lots, each divided to yard, garden, etc.—Upon each lot will be a home for each Mason’s widow id children that may need it, food and iment also to be furnished. The chil- to receive an edneatiou at the C@fr.Tho editor of tho Willimanti*- Tournal has received thcfollowiugepisth [for advocating town assistance to the Aii Line Railroad: “Windham, Conn.. pt. 18, 1870,—Editor: I want iny pa [l>er stopped i can’t stand it to have yoi telling me how to spent my money nor 1 '£» When you told fokes to vot* yon over steped your ortliority — pnblick journalist ite to advorente what y Aownni top Orras-g^g hold yours >u do. Napoliu id i say he better The German works at Billencourt have j been shelled by tlie French gunboats on - the Seine, which were oulv driven oil Rafter a considerable slaughter of Ger- from Versailles of the safe retm from Pari3 of Gen. Burnside and Col. Forbes. They dined with Wnshbnrne, who is iu excellent health ul will remain at his post. It is understood that the garrii Paris now consists of 350,000 National lea and yore spirits, j ttyr“ Tho buzzards are feeding on carcass of a mule in the capitol yard oi Jackson, Mississippi. i great ileal of sicknca ’ll never ]iay another scent. Yean- NIXON’S ^ GREAT CIRCUS FBOM HEW YORK Orgnnizt-d at a Cost of $150,000 For» Tour through the South. . .Leader of Buxjjj 1AHIU1T AT— imerious, Friday, October 21 1 ADMISSION <5 Cents. ; The Ifanagemeiu hu the pi* FIVE OF THE MOST CELEBRATE THOTJPBS IN THE WORLD! Ul for one Price of Admission let. Nixon’s Groat Circus. 2*1. WontboU' rroupo of Trained Dog* and Monk*- ili-B Minnie Well's SI* ’ "" [oaagerio of Tn PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER |(Ias become »n article of commerco—which ae ever Itocair.c before. It ia as much every bill of goods sent to country m as let, coffee or sugar. This speaks vol- l its favor.—Glenn’ Fails Messenger. H. L. Vanmeter, Burmalt, writes, “Tb P*in Killer has become an almost imliapeneib! icle in iny family." MONKEYS! v , , Mr. Nixon gu&rantess \ , L— : the Ltulies and Child- \ \ ' ; . d that this is one of the \ P most pleasing and inter- • ' •sting performances tlia A Sister of Charity, who is attending0 Kev.Jabc8L. Swi Marshal McMahon, at l > oarn.aux-Bois,i'«"“ e "0’„ f; ‘“ ,l J'’ *" e £ near where 4ie was wounded, thus writes :fj jj/ ii. Bixby v costitutes thej “Never did I see so patient n suffererHdou te use the Pain K as the Marshal. For ubout eight days htH-ug my residei fS- • .. . _!ai a :uji: ■ i very useful d Bold by all druggists. the barne jiositiou, without possibili ty of changing his bed—aud it is not f« *t one. But there is not a complaint his part. The wound in his hip is s* large that a child's head could bo thrust into it. The snrgeous cut aud earv* about it, aud he does not utter even n s done or given him, Aud not a murmur at anything. He did his best, aud supposes other: have done the same. So s W raueportalion he insists upon hein taken to Wn, as prisoner. Ite sat/t the general should share the fate of his sol diers. ‘ The Marshal, and Mudarne the Ducli i, his wife, are so good. I am, all th*-t : time, busy preparing bandages and lini for the poor wounded soldiers. Tin i mo. Khool, qnnlifying thorn for any itstioD Marshal is not content except his soldier, ft AT^nt SSi<2 AO! n life. Thoboys,riheQ strong enough, are taken ns good earo of as he is." X til to cultivate the farm by detail of tiro three hours work daily, making it, ns r ns practicable, self-sustaining, the I Here and—Alluding to th< |delleiency_to be supplied by the interrel| (actlhllt thQ rnl9si „ n Gorernment hac . first attempt at u religious lecture. VJ * though coming from so feeble capacities t will not harm you to impress its mean- be made happy aud useful, anil young ordered its soldiers to abstain from plan ladies and gentlemen will bo trained up tier, which order, however, had not been who will be ornament* to society,^ useful obeyed, the Freeman's Journal says : We commend the Prussian Govern ng on yonr minds, for without tho prac- arality with which all are responding. • text yon ice and partial exeen lion of ore no Israelites, nor is there tianity without it. May the Lord hear your prayers ; may l the endowment fund. TIiur all will to the State, and the pride and glory ol the Masonic fraternity. Seventy-two Masonic lodges of the State have already contributed §78,510 toward this noble work, and from indications and the lib- quite certain that by another season Chris the 8Um of §200,000 will have been sc 1 cured, enough to insure the usefulness, success and permananey of the institn- jpect the lngh-korn. Be no tale-bearer, indifferent spectator to wrong. In- icaU came crawling up to menu hi. ltrangec but trent him as thyself, for l 1 • -nis 'l.-' 1 itraugexa ye were in Egypt This menu. Ye shall be holy. What masterly strokes! 3,500 years passed! Have they lost anything ol thd nomination of a suitable candidate to moralist, or philanthropist idi^Ftc -eprc-wnt Schley county in the low.., aelraeted therefrom, anything?- |breneh of tho next General Assembly ol Kent, St. Panl or Huss, tor. the State of Georgia. Luther or Swedenborg added any new On motionof Mr. S A. SeUars, it war principle to preetieal morality ? * ^ ««• "« Demoeratie ana Conservative citizens of Schley oounty, Thisis ’-T-ii'?’ * inconventoaaasembledipledgoonrselTe. grentotproof of the Mosaic troth! indiyidnally nod collectively to support Xike on antique gem in n go en ring ^ the ensning election, the nominee oi incased in neostly casket and preserved ^ conventi hanging by a pions owner, even so shines forth ^ moliou 0 , c j.. Cri , Pt g^..; it w tho Iho glonons ehaptei TJw t this meeting proceed si i»f Leviticus with the golden rale, Love® ■ - - 1 gold pieces »™.o S o„ wrote afew Jincs on a slip of paper, paid happened, drugged tho old woman, wh< Ins, biU, and waited st tlie door of the qilit0 B0 v«itv years ohl, into th, plained tho object of the meeting to bel bnt^r garden, and thero litendly trampled hei , . . ... .. „ ina the untonor separate ana move a wav *« denth with their hnnta nnil nnnn. Af. »b* or a .n.hdil, eon,l.dafo.J fo opposite directions. He hnrriodlafte. ,„ r “ hieh t |,„ burned her' ?h«o nml die latter and overtooklnin. ‘-My friend,’ , hfm . J went to the spot myself end he sa d, “f think yon come from Mont- heard t ho story confirmed by an official luedy? ‘IW, san* the butcher. “IJ.jftho post-office, who had refused-to como to look for eat-^believe it, but found it wa3 true ou dig - - - - imtablo caudidate to represent us in the! HiUet’s anecdote you are all Sumlrnr, |„„ bn>nch oI , Uo next Geneml Assem-I when the heathen naked him to learn him b ly of the State of Georgia; and that a! ,t thing needed ia to hare him settle his religion, while standing on one leg, D , joritJ of fll the votes east be reqi J .nswerea: -'T^rtotta^neighbor 4i • "* i dust thyself ; theso ore the leading found iq the aeighborhood, and the ob- a P° n tlie lu,ul * 9 bt *hi a permanent ho w»whw ; —HtOuomiuale, itinate old Democrat wae. buried like a interestiniL F.merson said those who thon dost fhyaelf ; these are the leading Tb o meeting llieii proeeederl with thr Pagan. -« - |msdc Borne worth gomg to see stqyed principles of onr Law, tho rest^rk • but hoUoting when, on tiro second ballot C «• fhatgpomment mid explanation.' B. Hudson, Esq., was declared the nom- had I to formulate tho- ***>!•:&,«, i, this iouvention. ■with r n^r, and,*c Eveu^ ,v^»jiee. c_ jontains a leUcr from" im American 8iirJP«>perty is in most cases t$yond om tiol doctriues of Judaism on the space of a rQn mo a 0 nMi.H,xdson was then nom-B^ ^eon. who, from Uw initials, seems to be res** in cities, we hav^ no abiding pboe. nutshell rslionld say they are, To believe ^ted byaodaaiaUon. « Dr. Bimt, enclosing a translation of a pro* ..“thf bread eahh-totto mother of*, in only one God ;, lo lovo and reject n6 ciiairtlien appointed a Commit, u»t, drftwn upby French officers, again* shame* many children for (Mi our fellow-vnan witUout any distinction Mto>vait oa Mr. Hudson to acquaint “Newspa^r report place. Genetallbeautv and of love, the old gnome rtt tho capitulation of Sedan, signed by a ®arae, and #c only echo her friendly whatever. And tfcis religion is taught in ^ his nomination and request hit Beanregard at Faris, aiding in the defence like the giantess ol Doubling Costly number of ceneiala and anberior officers. TOioewhwto’we call upon oar colored mAi onr chapter; it abstracts itself from all ; • 1 of tliat city; but as a matter o! fact he picking the boue« of the Southern dead, »»» of EffiiviUc, Schley county, by order of th* — up to Saturday refuse*! to ruling. - countonauce shine ou you and be merci- fnl and give yon peace, happiness and prosperity. Amen. 3cbley County Legislative Nomination. A large number of the Democratic and Conservative citizens of Schley county met at tho Court House in Ellaville, Saturday lost the 8t1i in fit., when Mr. John N..Hudson and Chan. P. Crisp, ictns Secretary. By request, C. B. Hudson, Esq, „ _ . t El uot far from the frontier, when ho obser- j u i-ed a butcher from Montmedy come in, pcii'nte"fo? eerhiin nllege.1 set. of ;lty performed by the latter on the Ger- uan wounded. “An old woman,” md shortly afterward a-Prnssian officer. HI.?/ The two entered nn adjoining room. „ , , “ t»_ • *. picked out the eye: w ealle*l to the ChaiH FT? DC “ ca .^ a I U , S! I W , °. ” r i 1RSia ” ,°^.^ er Gcrmau captatu while he was still nliva| i Em ieo nested tr note* m bis book and give to the Some Prussian hussars entered tho hoc >, Lsq., leqnestea t< butcher some gold pieces. The captain - * The Fate of a Spy. tie; j there aud ha 1 i journals v. >?ive you tho twenty francs, and promise iin as much for the reply.” Tho batch- *, well pleased, undertook tho romuris- [defeat Mr. Schenck, it ‘meut, however,'even for the graco o‘ 1 hypocrisy ! It is a recoguitio u of tb< ‘ moral sentiment of mankind. It is not ‘like the infamons whoops of Tecumseh ‘Sherman, Turchin and Phil Sheridan, ‘ who howled iu tho ears of helpless wo ‘ men aud children that war had no laws, ‘and that destruction of nou-eomba- ‘ tants, as well os of combatants, was the ‘ order of the monster that commanded ‘ forces fitted to accomplish the r Ifegr- Glease your Gins with Lard Oil, u- sale qt Eldridoe’s Drug Store. w gulvcrtbcmcnts. '$2.10. Salt! Salt! Prof. HENRY, The Burpriainj' Coutor- Full Large Sacks ! t ‘ L X. HART A- CO. ict 4 2w. ^ Valuable City Property FOR SALE. tlie I-'emale College,occupied by Col. A. S. Cutti*. Tbo house is largo and commodious, and if the best finisncdjmuses in the city, veil of water, and aut he neeteary oat tho premises. , MS I also offer for Bale, my inlerost in Barlow House Tho Liberal of Nnmnr tells the follow ing story : A French enptnin in disguise, who had escaped from Sedan, was rnak- A correspondent of the Cologne Ga-|^ 8 rield“S hSomc per cent' on the rami', ing a frugal repast in a sm all csbaretH/p^ describes how the German soldiers Bin vested. P . venged themselves on tho French| For furllu r information apjjiy^to . BARLOW. j Postponed Administrator’s Sale |N tho ilret Tuesday in December next, before ’ the Court House door, in the town of Pres uni Webster County, will be sold between tin of his death, to wit: , 7 7‘‘ qbeneve it, but louua it wa3 true ou dig inesuay iu December hut, by Sampson Bell o’ . ; bnt there arc none to be “ ri, ‘ > th‘ | ging u ., the mutilated corpse. Another* “l* 1 ^ ho lo , with th* Fh* ops have eaten everything.” “Soi* woman who was caneht cutting off si l -' th t BXmo ,0 1 trow t?}* 3 «f>idatb:s risk. Bahtj'ieil t," said the Captain, “you wonlA not .■i-i,,.b >„ U. hi. ‘JS who Prussian officer, who ice 4 day to tho place, and waited anj hour each time, returning afterwards few remarks accepted, the nomination, -ind-salt-petro lino at present! hut on the btiried bones of the King pf Verse.” 6 j^ C ^a^ C aTMl°norfhwrat ) quan« : ^ k^o°i&. ItJrar band, is about to nnirry a lady al ,.t ter ignorance of it. If so they ought to* tll ° f^tcring lanes nml alleys, the jjfroni race, caste or nationality; bxvo sat ia council on that step, but state |P ntria Kutrets and cellare, and make^tongne, complexion, snS country. Qb motion of Mr. JI. A,. Perry, it trasS’iher KwA 1 if they had known that it -was intended, ^i ont va 7 to the open country.” * It requires neither circnmcUinn not That the SecreUny of tliis^ R ‘ cllnTOn<1 -” ' hey ivou'.d have opposed with all the in baptism, nor symbolic creeds, nor rites m ecting do exit n invention of the Dem- mergy' it snrrender unexampled in A LErrmt raoM Gmt. Sinaranot;—Chi- ttis the religiopotregenereted bumanitj scmticiiii<lConserVaUvocitizeasofSchley tsa. The Troy Press tdls a r..7W.‘ . W tho ter future. Are we, my friends, in »nnty at tlm Court House in ^Usyilte itory about a woman in that dty who ha. ^ si«ity-Sts ytan. This MOTMMemale, Ilia Pcws xUeKes, Vu J® n, jtffo tbaDisSthe trer.ud -ares present at theJsSrei preetteeUret religitmof^^hummtty? .wa^irdiii‘forth«'virioq»eoauty'o«B^ hSShySnfllnt^lVths rt?ryhe Wtt doteiethi term, irilh der of Napoleon. General Shendan a-I,o read and possess m theongiaat, thatg;,, bo allcd by Section on the.aith, 31.t, may /ell set the medical fraternity at Lodge,.it it ' ln * *■ *- ■***--* —--* ’ “ns Worehipft work to dis -over why nature has A Test 0.vm Aeousiied.—On Satm^a dayl w inject nresent. decided to abolish teporta tlioFrnssian.anny trell organized irorld-redecming salntatory 19th ehaptei .i, '. ihomlo requiring the test oxth of npU- /linm/St neitl/r tho'Trencli 1 ’^ 1 '^ af Leviticus. Do ivo really 'practice it 0 n motion the 'convent: vhere we nre cants for membership of the her. The Prnsaiat: soldiers are equal to onr own and UvenccorJmgtoits teachings ? With siur , Ur _ Jao. N, Htmsox, Cl.m’n. n laUon liad Droved iorren S,,preme Court of IhoDnifod SUh. d, X « * ^ unions i jerior to the CluiKsepot or the .imperial ’ ■ /!? ro «^1™ ' _ ,-bnt tho inferior tribunaltixitl,,,^],, He willremainat ttei> rQ3 .|*Btialtvo , atiswer,bnt by ttying to under- yag. Th« J’irpnia riven ore finding t®. In Missisdppi, sixty-one bnt olFmeetings and’rreotyed tta? they' lonr text in-tbe very sense-it'should ttieir banks." Tne peoote haro i i nnderetooa. %* srill «*0OMl*irodacB »l|hej-rg broke. '•62. Lot No 67 *u«l Ttotuh E*«t half of lo “—“ ! “ s nuudrod acres. Said laud. • the-19th District of mm . v 7/“‘“ 9 ' , woman, wno was cangoi cnuinff ou a h*vi' n »b~>n rvwitvxnn.1 rhat,’ said the Captain, “you wonl4 not dying man’s linger iu order to take hit- be *ottt to make a little money in what nn g t was tied to a cart and dragged alone SARAH SAUNDERS, ui not your regular business. I under 1 .,ntil slio died ” oct. 13. tda. fitand that. Here is a note which I wish liavo sent to tliecoramnndantbf Mout- j uiedy. If yon will take charge of. it. I Political Goesir.—By the licit apecixl benefit HR. W«. NAYLOR, fn his great Act of Daslt fir. John Poster, Mr. Sam- Meliviiie. Little Emma, Too Child Ridei Mr. J.G-. Adams rbo Acknowledged Tuin- VfcsBra. Watson. Spoutl, Kritiger, Briggs, Conner, Oouglierty, Spiukler, Smith, Gosier, Caterj-, Lafflin, Vaughan, and TWO GRAND FREE EXHIBITIONS Walls, in MID-AIR! deeded _ ug tho jc-mces of the most beau- ilul, daring and uccom- IHITA BONZATI, from he HippofiromtfandThe- tho top of the Great distance of tWillfon, _ ... wo hundred and twenty eet, and 50fe* t in keiglit —an exhibition that fills he beholder with fear and lei ight, and nill 1^— *ne of tho groat features •f this truly groat allow. This startling and won- lerfol display ol fcmal* courago and heroism wil courago aii*l heroism will ake place at half-past 1 - .-ff:.;, - Akxats ^m.^ each day of exhibition, prior Fractioiud’lot No. 36, containing 160 arret* lo- f* 10 °P cnin S ,l10 dj>or for Uio afternoon 0.62. Lot No 67 aud'South Jtornmnce. Tho public ar e cordially innled t iUeml. BALLOON ASCENSION A LIFE IN THE CLOUDj thcr time •retore efij, vPGE A0O.,ot New York, to furaiaha Balloon to make a Voj “ ~ * Ice House for Sale. [EING too oJh »man to attend to tho artii 1nanIce&ouaa,I propoe* p _ rare, chanco tor the par- id handed tho note to tho com- they are prepuiiug themselvos for theKSr££monev»^A&o r vl C *w bS!rSi£i mandant as soon fis ho had reached Mort- election of Mr. Campbell, tba Democratic eight miles of thisaW twelve of whichtofreS! Tlio commandant read tho note,] candidate, nml paving the way for the rod under^cultiyation. On >ho’premiaes, thor* Balloon to make a Voyage to the <?x>t»i« enr iflernoon. Both ascensions will take pheejr >'ious to the afternoon performance. ~~~ For further particulara see iilnotr^' nplainiug ot 1 in Ohio to inferred thnl asual contested election iu tlie*” House o f Ro^I *°g dwelling, with other buildings, -jood well of water in tl» yard. Any pern can lied the wlter byai -Tt. H. HOAHBOROCGH, Americas, 6a. ipnrt walls, wkeuce the uound oil that a fund- of §10,000 ’has been con- plying firing was speedily heard. Tho French tribated by the whisky dealers to defeat " '' iptaiu, beford proceeding to Paris by] Mr. Schenck', and that tho freo trader.- _ ijof Lille, watched the proceedings oighavo also subscribe*! lilierallv to the neead. ^.Somebody writesof Harriet Beech Stowe “ Amid tho orange blossoms, where tho mocking-bird carols his awe* Says the' Wheeling Intelligencer, est hymn, where all nature is a picture belied her own regulations, in a case, too, informed,' the marriage Executor’s Sale. (rtsnte*, ol DonbUng-dasIteJO* , -a^Thn negrore n Holmes county, Mississippi, puffed up with the advice their loy al league leaders, have one hundred of the population can not work for. white peoplo riexVvear" ?r read nor write. l anyaoconnt or in any capacity. it WsonxUT 5 teTcisj; dnjraUneaiiMd ■iy office. • ’ oct 13 2v G. W. DAVENPORT, Ord’y. ; also, east half of .uuwinowctt quarter of IdL dktnct of 8 uuer couhty, all eon- Wooging to Wi ~ The African Masons of ElinolaKSJiSty 1 ??SdySlieSr*^ 1 * *** M ^ demand of the Grand Lodge to repeal the Auo—Wiflbe soULinthetown of Boeoa Vltta. v —n -T-— cssh, the otiier in two an Wrel.., nf As CUI. A- NEW STABLE J rirti^ottColtooArenj * fo-clacl tojesmy -tripi* and beast. . ^ to J.W. JORDAN, Jr. Will exhibit at AMERICUS,.^ 1st (Friday)—Afternoon ami mg“ Will also exhibit at Dawson XhuisW Oct. 20tli. ' Moitesinma 1 Saturday t* :ober 22nd. VSuRemember the" day and date, ^ >. not confound 'this"GREAT SH0» with any other exhibition. doors open: Afternoon,... At/2 o’clock. P- J Evening,... At 7 o’clock, ”• 31 oct 13 wrtw. Important Notice to Plantfrs. ltd F* -handise at lowratSa, • J. W. WHEATLEY * ^ oct 1 lm. A| G^S£..“2g£*