The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, October 14, 1870, Image 3

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1THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN.; j Firaay Morning, October 14,1870. 1 tQ. tom Glover has taken tne field asi » candidate for re-eloction to the office of] Bounty tax Receiver. IKSTOE YOUR PROPERTY • following *.vfc- and reliable Coinpauife* i Br.msn fcMxRCJumtilsMTtASCtGo., B j nj Of London, Lnglinfi ^TTS'KNIS iN.-UH-kSCEOo., Of Brooklyn, New York | Cs^-Pctkonal. —Col. John 15. Gor-| Bmon editor of the* excellent paper, | fhlootton Standard is In the city, look ! if bo did’nt care how the worMj moved. INSURE YOUR LIFE uf New York 1 s Co., . W. T. DAVENPORT, It his New Drug Store, Lamar Strutt, Or to, SPEER A HOOKS, i .t brokers, comer 1 amar A College at* j Quarterly .Meeting. * l or Bethel Circuit at Bethel; 2nd Sat- | inlay ami Sunday in October. j Magnolia Circivt at Botteford, 3rd Saturday and Sunday in Oetobe Starkville Circuit, at Starkvillo -ltlj jSatmday and Sunday in Ootolx J1 Terrei Circuit, at Coptrs-Cliapel, fitli ■ ^Saturday and Sunday in October *3 Stewart-Church, at Irena, 1st Saturday st'iud Sunday in November, y Lumpkin 1st Sunday evenin; 'rivember, Monday Tuesday See. Dawson and Lumpkin I*rcs3 will copy VjLud Obligo. J. B. MfOKHRK, ItOB LovicPiekck.—We had the ensure of listening to an eloquent dia-' from this venerable servant of God, the Methodist Church, last Sabbath , A heavy V skimmago ’* took plfic*fl tween a man and a gallon of benzine,a aturday afternoon. The benzine turn-' m into a brute, knocked Lima at and sent him to the Guard House a C©. We present onr readers, this morn j ig, with a Jewish sermon, delivered ing this city on the 5th imL, to the Israelis »f thocity. It presents food for all i lecting minds. Bead it ngs of - the Grand Lodge L 0. G. T., State of Georgia. Editob Rkpubucax The derelop- Tribute of Respect. FmzxMinr Lodos, No, 39, L <X G.T. Amkbiccs, Ga., Oct 5th, 187a H 10011 * ot the reeonree^ of this section of Wear® painfully called upon again, to sorrow Grand Lodge cf L O. G. T. ot Georgia country is a matter which should in- Jw another nt onr brethren. Onr esteemed aet at 10 o’clock A. M. Roll mw willed good citizens. The people of ' L responded to by the following: KJ.| A ! b)U, y have exhibited a public spirit r,W. J. Fogle/N. J. f. K. Thrower. iepsrted this Uf* on 1st Instant: ehich ought to commend itself to the nuu The three white men who are to carry tlie county for Whitoly aro spotted. morring. In tlie afternoon he addressed Thev are a beautiful trio, and were at the P ro * ^ exn * good people of Americas. With four or We arc again reminded that the young, the Bro. W. P. Harrison was appointed by avo **ilw*y* radiating from that place; hsalthy and tbs promising of long life are often Chair as Chaplain, pro. tem., and rtidl they «« bound Boon to bare, it ». M. J. Coferns Grand Marsha],pro. 560001 doubted that the commercial od ^^ ^ wI1> He was about t 1. N «ld material prosperity of the place will hrae ^araot aet, having inrt catarad ISro. Oaen was appointed Marshal, bo enhanced rapidly. The place has not nanboed. Let us alt profit by tlii. very ihe advantages in point of health which peeled fiat of the “Great I * it the Methodist church. New Map of Georoia.—Dr. J. Hinkle lias placed in our sanctum a copy Of Macon, Georgia, of u new map of the State of Georgia, jnst revised by A. G. Butts, Esq., of Ma- E on. It gives the Railroads already xistence, and the rentes of some of those contemplation. It also contains th< names of the Governors from the firsl settlement of the Slate in 1732, to the present inenmbent; and other interest ing statistics. The map is perfect ry respect and i9 worth double thenmouut * -raked for it. Price #10.00. Persons wishing one of these maps be supplied by calling Rev. Samuel Anthony. The Dr. has nl ip a few pocket maps of the State, which :aa be purchased at half the price of the arge one. the meanest of the three is a renegade 0tt r ^^ n ' ra ^ o ®* >1 » Southron. Wc know them all. the ;SabbatU School children at the same League meeting Saturday night. One is The Report of the G. W. O. T. was disadvantage ubaTbop* on^loasa ia bis eternal gain.” “The plac*. He will preach again this evening 7jew, one a farrincr, of some sort; bat presented and referred to the Committee be overcome Iwgdyby the spirit o ^ cWroth whom he wth/wi sul<uit ------ w ’ - ! au Distribution. the people. Live capital is an important to the wifi off '‘Him who doe* *llti»ii»«awriL The report ol the Secretary was read ‘^ em ant in building a city. While Amcr J&aotcet, That wo tender to the bereaved and referred to the Committeo on Diatri- iuuii has the advantage in point ot health, Mother, BrnUiem, sirt«r» «n<l Kindred, ooi xtion. Albany has the advantage in point oi deart-fett eoodolenee la thia onr irreparable and Tho report of the Trcaaorer vras read P«bHc .pint and lire capital. Aaindice. ■^jJ^^aUrh.lW vv'orthv Seo ul referred to the Committceon Die ^ the public spirit and htunnen. activity ^^^),btbe beartoMdtns fondly with tribution. resoinUon-, Motion for the report o< tho Depnties ber railwa.vB, her numerous manufaotor- Md 4. That, we reqneet Hie Snnter Be was withdrawn for the preseht. ing catnbliahmeuta. Americna may re- pnblbwn to poUhh the fore*oin s . The Chair appointed special Commit *■'■» ,rom twenty to thirty thonamid a/" ^roo, t Ooo,. tees na follows: Finance Committee—Fo-fP^ 1 * 0160410,1 forfiityyearaand it. J. Wxarr. i le, Cofer and Harrison. On Credentials—Thrower, td Hancok. Special Committee ScHUtr Nomikatiox.—The Democrat I party of Schley county, met in Con-| vention on Saturday last, and nnani l lOtbly nominated C. B. Hndaoo, Esq.| is the Representative candidate for t county. Wo learn that the nomination^ general satisfaction. This is tlitjj right man in the right place. NEW STOCK! OLD STORE, OLD STAND. MONTGOMERY & SHAW, Unit door Earn of If&rrold, Johnson.Co’s N aw Warrhoiue. SotmiERX Farm and Home for Octo iEit. —Wo acknowledge receipt of thi*| •aluable periodical for October, whichj ^closes the first volume. It is gratifying Dr. Hinkle or! to know that tho Farm (DidHome has tak- cock and Nebkut. en a front position among the Agricultu- ° -' n “ ‘ yet not grow much necessarily in popula- Bleakley, t ‘°° ftn ‘^ commercial strength. Onrpeo- rder—Douglas, Harrison, Dnnlap, Han- 1 ^ strange that - * n Special Committeo on state of the Or- ral publications of tho day. Gen. Wm.^ler—G. W. Brooks, Fogle, Williams. Mrs. Pilgrim and Mrs. Hancock. Committee on hour of Meeting—Dan-! . M. Brown has shown himself to bo a skill Ifni Editor, and the publishers, Messrs. J. »g\V. Burke & Co., leave no stone untamed? lap, Frazier and Bleakley. ■ « . .. .... . -—i-i«-- Committee appointed on Official Or- ir gan consisting of Smith, Bleakley, T. C. C@u Whitely was nominated by accla- jto make it all that could be desired. W nation, at tho Albany Convention, os commend tlio Farm and Home to r.: Montgomery Sr Shaw want to sell 4ait their entire stock of groceries, pro , . ;]visions Arc., and ia offering groat iudneo blooding shv, lay at tho foot of l,or cuts to tho trade. Seo advertisement Radical candidate for Congress from this readers. Now ia the time to subscribe District. Terms 82 per annum. Address Publish He is a yonng man, is this Whiteley, ers, Macon, Ga. md during the late sectional war fought —a—mm— for tho Sonth, ami when eruaho.1 and Soithehm Ct l.TlViTan.-For October Nolan, Owen, Stroud, Horniday. Dnn lap. nndDeGraffenreid. Mobas Lomi, No., 28,1. O. G. T. rely too mnek on cotton—though it Where**, Oar Heavenly Father in hi* Extension them, yet will they trust in it **** «*u fit to lay Hi* afflicting people continne to levote tbemselvea U> tho growth of cob to the exclnwon of rest or comfort in by th® death ot hi* eU«*t sou; tho hop® of hi* ~ face of the sad fact, that the market heart. A aonwhoae brilliant mind, and abort all, thereof half the time is barely suf- l “ 8 * dutiful, affectionate disposition, "are bright it to replace the actual outlay in pro “* pnaniao foe th. tuture, and Ml; uciug it. far if a large portion oi ^ capital of the country was employed lew brother, we would in the laoguage of nym- mazmfactnring. Why are there not pathy eay; “grievo not, for though yon may manufacturing establishments build- *Z»in hoar the sweet mask* of your Idols voi ing np in Americas ? Can any one give ^ oarth, Jolmie and Kate are not lost to you a„„, u. ..or cun- received, containing another valuable luerora unable to defend l.eraelf and an Bde from Mr. Barnett on growth and due Thrower. Jabjcct of pity to oven enemies, thi* tribution of cotton and corn roots, dins- Cornir j renegade eon with others of his kindP totcJ l, 3" ,hrco 'it* 11 * 111 cuts-an abltf Kli.Meaw. Ornnbcrry A- Co., call at- together with a horde of crimi- i ' r,ido from Mr - Gitt on iucrcas " ot , 1 » bo1 ^Icutiou, to-day, to their fall stock R^otxls, which they desire to sell, provid' &cd cash customers will purchase. Thel I^Vrctlit business is not to their liking, and s tho life of a good establish to save tvoulilo, this tiro pre ill for llieir goods and requests istomers not to forget this. .See adver-j a;; ont. -. Tho Courier mniia hash of the let ’,cr of a young gent of the city relative tojjtlie laborers (•he Atlanta Fair Grounds. Shouldn’t *isavo done it, Pil., our yonng friend is in f iove and of course, when a young man is so ^mfortunatc the first time there is no con- f pilling his imagination Deal gently, sl’il. he'll como riglit, ere long, and might Committee on Does—Evans, Perdue, * K<x*i reason ? Are not the mannfactnr T. C. Nolan, Cofer and Raiford. ing establishments in every place ii Committee on Cold Water Temple— 800111 wlier0 have l»een properiyft-our loved onw “beyond the River.’ Dnnlap, Cofer, Bleakley, Harrison, and managed flourishing as the green boyjprewlon of feeling* of sympathy for our brother, tree ? Wl.y have we not a Foundry, Be it resolved by Moran Lodge No. 26 L O. Appe^-^ui^y.lPWmajrnd Variety Worirn, O;^ i]ills and thieves from the North to placed *' lvJ South another of Dr. Clow themselves in power, override justice and nimble aeries on manufacture of Sugar] people by heavy Location. Ia -» suggestive article on rust in cottou,| jrder thi, better to accomplish this they ! * ith » B rcat ““J' otbers t .°° numcr0 '. bare indnec.1 ti.e poor negroed to joiz. i to Tuention. For twenty-eight years tin them, making promises that have ctwanetodM^omtaenUyprofo been filled. The negroes now know bet-^ P eroAs rn ’=‘“ in0 >«■ !aborod v.goronsly d have determined to stand by the ; tor Uie >tupT°vcment ol Southern Agn Democrats if they will assist and instrnc! ' cu ^ ture » Horticulture ,i:c., and them. Then let tho Democrats go tc “ ot m “ ch of tUl ’ P r0 «' work and win ; tho harvest is ready, but j I Committee i, Parks, Fainbroogh and Dnnlap Committeo on Returns—Hancock, E. [M. Nolan, Amison, Riley and Loyless. On Correspondence—Ivctner, Smith, Ford, DeGrafienreid and Darley. On Private Work—Cofer, Price* Holl and Dunlap. Special on Lectures—Douglas, Dnnlap, id Moore. Committee on Distribution—Cofer,j mnlap, and Bleakley. Committee on Life Insurance—Moore Factories, Gin Factory, &<\ His not be- inso they do not pay, bnt rather I should iy because and that idea is the production of cotton. W« need enterprise—we need diversion of capital from the growth of cotton to man ufacturing. Let this diversion be eflfect- ' idea people, these feeble oxpresaiona of coudoleuce and *ym- ion of cotton. P^hy, »* springing from the generous emotion* L * ru ’ ©d and soon money will be plentiful here officially, be presented on yo I fczT Candidates for office who wish to ii.nnotinee themselves assneli through this- 'Jpnpcr, must remember that it will take at lie cash to do it. We will accommodate- ji'ioon*-* in this matter, unless we have onr jlti-rms. neither friend nor foo. pj a ■ "-'r’nn«'i««'i From an advertisement in to-day’sS hpaper it will bo soon that Dr. W. W. Bar- Vy.-y.v i» offering to sell a large portion o! r. J 'hc new hotel, and, also one of tho ui03t too prond. It is a fiilsc pride that may work you harm. Throw it aside and show tlie negroes that yon to become competent to fill the position which the fnturc may hold foi them, and they will leave these renogades chemical because socially, they are not their equals, and will go back to .their old friends and bo governed by them in all things. Try donbl! isiblo of late! due to its teachings. Whilst] 5 mado up in largo part of communications^ On motion Bro. Hancock from practical and experienced farmers—j^aiado a verbal report, there are several pages in each number' devoted to inquiries which the farmer can have donbts il botanical ^piestions cleared ah} o’clock P. M. up—one of the Editors being Professoi f Agriculture, Ac., in the University o! Georgia. Another department on di = eases of animals and tlieir treatment w be found exceedingly useful. The largi en in Summer. If the money sent from jAmericns to the North daring the early of tlie present year for castings, the [liner work and material used in cor pen Xcbhut, E. M. Nolan, Lampflen, Cofer.@“ rin S’ factory joins and goods generally, Deputy! Committee on Political Aetion—Fry,I d answers, through^{£ a Q C ock, Fumb rough, Horniday, Stroud. I On motion tho Lodge adjonrned nntilj AFTEJ-NOON SESSION. Grand Lodge met at 3 o'clock, P. M. plantation wagons and forming jplements, »tc., had been expended in onr imidst in manufacturing establishments, who can doubt that money would have been comparatively plentiful oven thro’ the Summer. In my opinion the pros pect for making money rapidly iu any branch of mnnnfacturing is most flatter ing. Good Temflars Advocate.—At c number of its first class advertisements meeting of the Grand Lodge Independ- indicates a very large circnlation, t \. W. C. T. took the Chair and called Bnt, Mr. Editor, pardon me for this [the House to order. The evening session diversion. I was drawing a contrast be- devoted to the private interest of the I tween Americas and Albany. Bnt, ^somo one why draw such a contrast ? ideac i tin ii'PPorti iv;> the cash to invest have iUi£ y to place it where it will drew (• premium. : Rktresuntative.—Mr. Joel K. Htxn announces himself as a candi- o represent Sumter county iu the pSiatf Logislntur.*, Mr. Horne is nu old u of the county and bus many warm ,s who will support him. |cnt Order of Good Templars, held at Americas, on the 5th inst., it was unani- monsly rcsolveil by that body to estab lish a Temperance Weekly’ paper to be] devoted to tho advocacy of the Order, j Propositions for the printiug of said pa] from various parties were received and] tho claims of each thoroughly The convention then went iuto an elec tion, when tho proposition of C. W.j Hancock was accepted. The choice then mado unanimous by the convention.— Tho first number of tlu* paper will 1x0 issued on or about the first of November, and will contain tho proceedings of the vertisCre rarely mis-jndgo as to tho best* 5 ? mediums for commuuieating with the^ public. . The present No. is printed witliQ and somewhat larger type, contain.*^ forty’ odd j>ages of reading matter fifty pages of advertisements. Snb-Q scription only ii$2.00. Wm. & W. L. Jones, T litors and Proprietors, Athens, Ga. Vote of Thanks.—At a meeting < Lodge, No. II, I. O. G. T. held < Monday night, tho following Resolutions! eve unanimously adopted : llesolred. That the thanks of this LodgeS e hereby tendered to the presiding ofii-j Lodge, the annual address of tlie ‘ ei ] s * ll ° *' vo Masonic Lodges of Grauil Worthy Chief Templar, and other =it . v - Ior granting us the use of their Hall J On motion the Lodge adjourned. MbBXINO SESSION. Thursday Oct. Gth. Grand Lodge met at 9 j o’clock—G. W. 3. T. in the Clinir. Minutes previous meeting approved. The report of Committees read ai lopted. The election of Officers made tlie der of evening session. Lodge adjonrned until 2‘ o’ clock P.j The ausiver is, I do it for the purpose oi ascertaining what will be tho probable comparative strength of the two places [ten, or fact that Albany Railroad centre. Observation teaches lost clearly that capital ponrs itself lav- *ily into such places. With her net- •k of railways, her wealthy pnblicspii ited and enterprising people and the im- ;ns which these will give to increased population and wealth, is it not poesibli that Albany may o-ersliadow Americm before.” Be faithful a little longer. Trust God, for trough Ho may chasten. He ioetb all things well and soon you will hearts, whoee every pulsation is in sym pathy with and for him. liewlrol, That thi* Preamble and Resolution) bespread upon the minutes and a copy signed Jtefoked, That these Resolutions bo publish! tbs Sumter Republican. aor White Cabbage Seed, at Dr. Eldridgr’s Drug Store. THO , S M . EDEN Sporting .Articles, be hu jut received. Hbrin-tulu cvA-rietioj of Tliirty years In making, repairing andj j articles il his lias, be is coMdeut that he can offer superior inducements to porchi hopes by strict attention and fair dealing to merit the support of the people. »_ East aide of Public Square, next to Sirrwe A bon* Carriage ManufiSory. net HAVE RECEIVED A FCLL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES PROVISIONS. In Quality and Assortment, can’t be excelled in the Cityl aware ot' the depression in. money matters and are aellinggoods unusual ly low. We bought our goods to sell and we intend to sell them. Call once and yon will be satisfied that we mean what wo say. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS ! OUR STOCK CONSITS OF Baoon, Shoulders, Hams, ; on hand. always o l Butter and Cheese, ANUOUNCEMENTS. Fop Representative. At the solicitation of many friends.both white and black, I announce myself as a candidate to represent the county of Sum ter in the next Legislature. octl3 te* J. R. G. HORNE. Fop Congress. I announce myself as a Republican candidate for Congress for the Second iys- Congressional District. oct 1 td* W. B. JONES. Fop Tax Receiver. ^ ^ e authorized to annonnee T. B. some otheTgiven nunaber of yearn,ft? 1 * 0VEK 5811 caodidftte for K**™ oflbefore buying elsewhere. It is a fixed fact that Albany is a Tax Returna of Humt<>r wwnty, at thej oct 8 tf ensuing election. oct CRANBERRY & CO., >ther dr.v. pe springs eternal in nn old maid said to our devil -ske.l him to marry her, the t-n*' We loam that a genuine fisticul *nme oft' nbout noon yesterday, betwcei wl<it»* and a black woman, over a bon-j Onr informant states that the •* wool] r for a while, when the white ured the bonnet and remained mastei i>f tho field ; bnt tho “ colored troop font g-iohly. " V Goon Law.—Tho liqnor law passed the last Legislature of New Hamp-j re went into effect on Thursday last, provides that any damage by an intox- ited person is recoverable from tho on< ^stlling th-' liquor, and that any negleci fij >n the part of tho proper authorities ti interesting matter. The paper will lie a 5 whereby tlie Representativ (family newspaper, devoted exclusively to »f Temperance, literature and oii-scillaneous reading. It will bo the • ifficial organ of tho Order tlironghout the [ State, and will contain everything of in terest concerning tho organization. The - ve niRo °* the reception of the Grand! Grand Lodge, through its representative.. |h<odge, thus contributing hugely to thel of the Graud Lodge, I. O. G. T. were euablei transact a portion of their business. Rewired, Tliat wo also tender ou than’is to tho Americus Brass Band fo tho valnable ^services rendered < • violations may bo punishobh l from §50 to $500. has pledged its support to tho paper. It will be the aim of tho Editor to make one of tho best family newspapers of t South. • As tho paper will'have a geuerel circnla tion throughout the State, it will be one if the 1>est advertising mediums for pro fessional and business men, in the State.] Bnt a limited number of first class adver tisements will appear in its columns. thousand copies of the first her of tho paper will bo i.ssn«*d. Partii wishing to lmve their advertisement ippear in tho first number will pl< hand them iu at an early day. Remittances for advertisements and! ibecriptious must lie sent, by Express registered letter. The business will lie conducted strictly interesting ceremonies. Resolved, That our thanks are also duo.j hereby tendered, to Col. P. F.j [Brown, President of Fnrlow Masonic! ’emolo College, for tho use of the Chapel! ening of the reception of thi [rand Lodge. AFTERNOON SESSION. Grand Lodge met at 2} o’clock, G. W 3. T. in the Chair. Minutes of morning session read ion firmed. Several reports ou tho good of tlie ler received and adopted. Bro. Fry moved to reconsider tho tion of the morning session in adopting] tho amendment of Bro. Cofer. Tho tion to reconsider was discussed pre and] in until 4 o’clock when the special r—that of the election of officers was taken up. The election resulted as follows E. J. Kirkscey, P. G. W. C. T. Again ANNOUNCE that they sell Good' Only for Cash. v .„ .Their FALL and WINTER Stock i» daily at... . -thin n fi'iv years, „s ,t now Joes Woot- —GREATS REDUCED PRICES ffiants are from under tlie monopoly of] FOR C A. S H! public carriers and can therefore sell mer-| edize at less price than the merchant* of Americas, who are iliscriminatedl ist by onr only public carrier. SoonBrhe aocret of o Fresh Meal and Grits al Fresh Goshen I Irish Potatoes and Onions, TOBACCO, CHEWINQ AND SMOKING, CIGARS, ALL GRADES, LORILLARD’S AND M’ABOY’S SNUFF, FINE NATIVE WINE, 280 BATIK: ECOBJ9B OOtiliATtS, 10,000 lbs. FRESH FL01JR, in Qr. Half and whole Sacks. Factory Thread, Jeans, OsnaburgH, Shirting, Knfttog Threiul, l’low Iiino-t, Si»iee, Brooms, Soda. Buckets, Soap, Powder Sc Shot, Candles Caps, Teas, Cartridges, l*«pper. Candles, Oysters, Bardinea, Potash, Blacking CANNED Tomatoo*. Pea?, Corn, Strawberries. a would mention but s^iace won’t admit. Singer’s 1STew Family Sewing Maoliine, BEST MACHINE EVER INVENTED. It will always l»e to yonr interest to call MONTGOMERY Sc 8HAW. Fall & Winter REMEMBER 18 7 0. THE OLD AND ESTABLISHED STAND tho Brunswick and Albany road will impleted and Albauy can then boast three railways to tho coast. Will uotj trade and cotton from Americas, Americus below go to Albany instead ol is| going to Macon V Macon oversliadowii Americus on one sido and Albany other will the place not be overshadowed completely V Are not these serious ques- Rev. W. P. Harrison. G. W. T. At- tions ? The question for consideration ^ The reception of the Grand Lodge j . nrincinle !'■ 'i <*■ T. -10 off at CUcga Chapel, : veuing lust. The welcomc| a delivered by Dr. W. W. Ford, the paper will be fonnd in another column. Onr exchanges will confer a favoi! Cominnn iea te«l. Mr. Editor : I desire, ^through you: i | columns, particularly to return thanks toj kind and uninterested friend win > far inconvenienced himself port my name as a violator of a city ordi-| ico, in canvassing for the salo of thi nt Lamp Burner. In justification ofj myself I will state that, Mr. W. T. Dav- mpovt is my regular appointed Agent, or these Burners, and that he derives a profit from all of them sold in tlio city, < Grange, id I do and shall, nt any time,claim the | haste, beautiful and appro- i |]poo |ho p roprieton , hy pu UUUing This a as followed by several no fj c j n g the aliove, which favor will bej reciprocated. *|uldres8es \>y members of the Grand ‘jLodge, nono of which have wo timo pace to notice. A largo number of the it itizens were present and evinced greal ^ntcrest in the proceedings. |« Sumter Superior Couicr.—The rcgnl Htcrm oi Sumter Superior Court meuced yesterday, Judge J. M Clark pi siding, and Solicitor Whitely in attond- Among tha visiting members i the bar, wo notice Hon. B. A. Hill, Judgi , Lyons, and Hon. Clifford Anderson oil ’Macon;Gen. Phil Cook of Oglethorpe; Capt. Hines of Albauy;Messrs. Wimber ly and Gillis, of Lumpkin, and G. W. Warwick of Lee. Judge D. B. Harrell oi] ho Fatnula Circuit i-t also in attendance.] The case of Arnold B. Greene, vs. Hr-.trior Court.—The time of the Southern Express Company, for false I A gentleman who resides in this i-canty while in onr office, a fewdaysogo, ; ; aid : " There are eighteeu persons liv- my ]>laco and no cen-ms taker na* on there to record the fact. Several oi ' fiibors around roe say that the jpvaMiH taker has not been near their riiioasc? 3 privilege of assisting him iu eveiy able way in tlio salo of them, regret, exceedingly, that the sale ol few hundred Burners in this city, should “ shoo to pinch ” onr unknown ’riend to such a degree that it should make him lose so mnch of his valoabli agitating a question ho purely dis- tcresting to himself. most humbly See., Your servant, Epw’d 8. Bliivkley, Traveling Agent Orient Lamp Burner. Amfjuous, Oct 11. lanta. C. \Y. Hancock, Grand Councilor. Miss Nixon, <1. V. T., Macon. Owen, G. W. O. G., Atlanta. Stroud, G. W. T. G„ Knoxville, Craw-| iford connty. Bleakley, G. W. M., Augusta. Miss Hester, G. W. D. M., Albauy. Amison, G. W. Messenger, Macon. J. K. Thrower, G. W. T., Atlanta. M. J. Cofer, G. W. 8., Atlanta. T. C. Nolan, G. W. A. 8., Macon. Rev. H. C. Hornadv, G. W. C., La-| tbo election uf Hepresentatives U> ,Ue| mado l> r »mpU.V nud literally. Right Worshipful Grand Lodge. Bro-“ " Comm nniention. Mr. C our inn : Keep cool; don’t cry e a good boy, ami don’t swing on thi i post, and the next timo I’ll bring . something pretty from tho Atlanta Fair Grounds. J. A. A. i the Grand Lodge wentiutc avert this overshadowing and ive our.selved. It is beh'evetl tliat thei capital euongli in the country, but there enough enterprise and public spir it ? I think there is, 1 think the peoph rill soon seek in good earnest tlie reme ly for the evil which threatens. The ks for subscription to the Newnan and [Auicricus Railroad are open. Onr reme dy consists in subscribing promptly aud largely to this enterprize—let us build the Road for next crop to Bnena Vista. The Drnnswick road seeing ns iu earnest will [build the rood from Isabella to Americus n the same time. To effect this it is ab- lOlntcly necessary that subscriptions be |fHF. MONEY, INK PRICE.. Vie have a full stock of Domestics, both Northern and Southern maimfactui Plaids for servants, O.-uaburgs, ] Uleachifl Blib tings and Mivctings, n! CASH PRICES, -orrosi'omtbiK with tho T.OTV prioo of COTTO] MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTH I, POPLINS, UL’K & COLD sir.ia? u. i/iWT-r. TIT ax 1'61’AI. FOB GASH. A beautiful stock of ladies CLOAKS and dlLAWLS, cheap enough to satisfy thecuxxsi buyers. <siery lower tlian ever res ey. Cloths and CassimertH, both c md Domestic wiaunfactors, i E. J. Kirkscoy, and W. P. Hairiaon,' dec tod. Brothers Hancock and Fogle,j ] ilternates. On motion the thunks of tho Grand Lodge were returned to Bro. Hancock for his labors. The following resolutions were liiuaedg F tlie Grand Lodge, prior to ndjonrn- mt i CrsX II. W£8Tft£til£ft f Irish Linen, rinow case Linen and Kheetiag, Damask, ^ting, ai: steady; middlings 131 Sayasxxaii, October 11.—Cotton iu fair de- Resolred, That the thanks of this Grand >hand; middlinga Hj, Astounding Low Prices FOR CASH. A largo stock of UMBRELLAS, SHADE* and OIL CLOTHS. A very superior article of Ticking, warranted } hold feathers. BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. A very large stock ot BCROEKERV, CHINA & GLASSWARE At Reduced Prices for Cash. Plated Spoons aud Folks of superior quality. Also, CASTORS, Table and Pocket Kuires, Pine Teas. Candles, Soap, Stareh, Soda. Royal Macok October 11, eveuing.—Cotton; the mar^Bag^Powdere, PoUeh. Smoking and Chewfn R A very Urge stock of AMERICUS COTTON MARKET. AxKBlctTff, October 12th, 1870. COTTON—We qnote middlings at 12 j cento. Lodge is tine, and they are hereby ^nded to tho citizens and Good Temp-| -1are of Americas, for their aninterrapted iy <nirt, yesterday, was occnpiod in coiling ;I' ivil cascH. The jury rendered a venlici j? 1 f'lO.OtXlia favor of A. B. Greene, vs. having been previously connected ] be Southern Express Company, for false the case. Tho plaintiff is repi <* prisonment, was taken up, Jndgc Harrell! presiding, iu consequence of Judge f* kindness and hospitable entertainment be members of their body, while in session in their midst. Resolved, That the thanks of this Lodge e hereby extended to tlie variom Rail Roads for their liberality to mem- New Yobk, Octobor 18.—Cotton dull and de- ng middlim.H 16. Gold 13J Lnrxarooi^ October 11. noon.—Gotten heavy; uplands 8} ; Orleans 84. Lower than i Tranks, Travelling Bags and Basket*, all .owxsT mucks k« cash. We have the LARGEST STOCK OF - Tlie Grand Jury of Hinds county , that have Miss, (composed of an'equal number olBcommuted fare to members when travel- whites and blacks), have fonnd bills foi ing in the interest of this Order daring americus Market. Corrected expreedy for tlie Republican Bf nojrrooansT t straw. CARPETINGS! evks aaoooHT to sorra-wEST ozoxt-ia, * Ar\d at Lower Prices TltAX TflET CAN BE BOCOHT vghter against both Col. E. Yer- the past year. i^prisoaawat A motion lor n now trial by Col'a C. T. Gooffe and W. A. Haw- A heard before Judge Harrell last even- kins, the Company by 8. C. Elam anr No Nomination.—Last Tuesday it l ko »luy 8C t apart for the nomination of : ^audidates to repi-escnt tlie county ii j Legislature, but for prudent s the meeting was not held. There is) _ . . „ effort was mode to procure the lodge Lyons. The case was opened by finding of indictments for murder, bnt Chi Judge Lyons for the defence, followed by tailed in both cases. Ai Ycrgcr win the <w-« t - j* *w-«a 1 Sf tSttrofK's: which the Conrt adjourned. preson t j n a stronger light the en The argument will be resumed this ormity of trying civilians for high morning by Jadge Lyons for the defence, by courts ‘‘organised to convict.” BMIOFOURLARBER TOWNS. StoiapJyv Ltniuu uuuud iud uuc, auu luo ucreuj oau/n—ubt buwi 21c Bhooldeni 18c. ■ , , endered to the retiring Grand Worthy ___ H*iM.CMivMrojU Best Fancy, 30c. IAPESTBY BRUSSELS, AXO HKH VELVETS, Chief Templar. Bro. E. J. Kirkscey, foi Of eaUrrty new Htyfot ana lutem.. That the thanks of this l CO *f) bushel L 15 per bnahcL r Sides 21e very able, efficient and imj, manner that he lias presided over nlge, with honor to himself and credit the Order. ‘uiple time between this nnd the day ofgHawkins. f to be followed for the plaintiff by Cot m ; -^tion to bring ont candidates. Lot nsj lU ^° time and act judiciously in the i 865- Tlio October Np. * of the tHhuy received. .The contents are hfe sj'y interesting and ably written. * 50 per mnum. Adilnwi “ T aooU,H«bfoBvdB«it.hfch"r««mdbTUi, 9 that mMl a dm Indian tribes, and Ion* This ia the most important ease tbeladisa will be tried at this term of the court, .xperbom t>u (carm to. pm* L ae in' which the hoeor of the plaintiff il doit sherastire properties for tho core of Scrof ivolved. It appeara that several yean iiIa,Kiag-«*riiBlM«,0»aoei«ua«--'---^— ^o. the Erpreas Company was robbed of r-mers. - kJ . J ■ ■am of money, and m-piciun noted M^?*! 1 ** -in Aid Greene, wbenmpon the Com- rtat.itlb.Uood.andsMftmsIrfliHssea iy had him arrested and lodged in jail w contained in a WgUy concentrated form ir in this place. Upon this imprisonment, Da. Tctt'u BuissTisjun. asp Queen’s Deugiit laixrtiff sues the Company for damages, ItiaSt«Tpopular medidiie, and ‘ tyipfe ibenD+tmS ’ BS»Prc.scriptioiis corcfnlly compound- ad day and night at Dm Eldbidce’e Popular Drug Store. WuDk. Eldmdge ! an addition to his SbeJH ibbjtoowiinaoo. BblaSlO 0Q IRISH POTATOES—f6 00 par. barrel. -«8&g*'.u -A large and beantifnl assortment M Lamps and Fixtures,, at prices to suit SET SOXS018, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS Grenfs wwmmmmmm mmm 9 MEN’S AND BOY’S ■9 t ? ff II you want Cabixts, HANDSOME Carpets, CHEAP Carpet*, look at oure. We cordially invite all to call urnew steak. A lot of beantifnl W A L P.A P E 3 it to close out. at L Da. ExmnxDom’8. jH *pl» friend, »“•>» «* and cnslomero, to gin him a call end promises to sell them Pare (not cheap ^ ,dr,,gs at prices 'yhivli d-fy eumpetitinn Verdict gina to-aarmtt^. 1 - GKANBEBBY tc CO. Americas. Oct. 8, tr. .Onion Sets—Red and White—at Dr. Eldmdoe’s Drug Store. Notice. r-^si£B@sS#aSSS THE GREATEST Ever Offered in Wii le and Retail. Americus, Ga., Oct, 1. K CLOTHING MADE] TO ORDER. South Side of 1