The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, October 14, 1870, Image 4

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telegraphic. The War. iumn xEui numr < KUEJWII VKTomOl H rvrTVREjMA^Y CATTLE A HD MUCH FCKAOK. RIPLEY AT WORK AT PAIUH. rOTTON CLAIMS FOR COURT OF CLAIMS. The following statement of the public debt of the Unified State* was issued from the. Treasnrjr Deportment FeJay. Sept 30th:' DOIT KZARUO 1STCSKAT IS 0015, Bonda at 5 per ct* $221,589,300 00 Bond* stC pret, 1,739,542,750 00 $1,941,152,050 00 Scene* InParK A Pam correspondent of the New York World, writes. There is monrningon the banks of the Seine. Horrors on horrors’ head accu mulate ; one woe treads on another's heels, and the grief of an hour doth him the speaker. And still we sro but in the first hoar of our agonj. The foe is at our gates. I have seen the sunlight deeming from the burnished helmets of the daring Uhlans, who dashed up this morning to within gun-shot of. the fort Certificate* at 3 per cent, interest. .fl>,133,000 00 Nary Pension fund Sprct. interest. 11,000,000 00 ItONOS STILL BIS1NO. ON MOLTKK's DEATH I'AimYELY CONFIRM* Special to the Daily Journal] Washwoton, October 6.—The follow ing dispatches have been received : Tocits, Oct 0.—The battl* fought on the 4th near Gbateau Gaillard, resulted iu a comple defeat of the Prussians, who abandoned tlieir position in such haste, as to leavo many cattle and a large amount of forage to fall into the hands of the French. Berlin, Oct. 0.—King William sanc tioned the demand made by expelled Ger mans from France for indemnity London, Oct G.—Later advices from Paris state that General Trochn is turn ing to great account the experience and ability of General Ripley. Washington, Oct G.—A vast number of claims aro in conrso of preparation for t he regular terra of the Court of Claims ii December next. JjONDON, Oct G.—Bonds 01 1-4. The rumor of the death of Von Moltke in probably confirmed. ; FRENCH TROOPS IN MOTION. Debt cm which in terest has ceas ed since maturity.. Demand and legal tender notes t3M.103.971 to Fractional Cur rency 39,Ml,184 4S Certificates of gold deposited 13,571,30000 ,K* Total debt princi pal and interest to date, inefad- I lag interest jbo [ *71 a .and unpaid....;. # ‘ 2,475,063,819 47 AMOUNT 15 TREASURY Coin $96,061,661 89 Currency . 32,088,503 30 J 128,130,167 19 Debt, lens amount in Treasury— Debt, less amount in Treasury on the 1st ultimo.. 2,335,921, U0 41 lontii.. 9,007,498 IS Docreasosioce March 1,18T0 $91,414,824 89 The statement of bouds issued to the Pacific Railroad Company, interest pay able in lawful money, shows totals as follows: Amount outstanding, SG4.G18,- 832. Interest accrued aud not yet paid, LATEST FROM I'awh cnownrn with troop*. 5900,282 48. Interest paid by the United States, 58,815,345 49. Interest repaid by I transportation of mails, 82,293,287 55.— Balance of interest paid by United States. 180,522,057 94. PRUSSIANS CANNOT PLANT BATTERIES ACCOUNT OF TOE ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ! Eugenia Writes a Comforting Let- « ' ter.—The Empress Eugenia sent a letter , to the Ewncror concerning her recep- i TOE Gill OF OCTOBER VOSGES. FRENCH REMAIN MASTER < lion in England. Sho states that all of ficial recognition of her presence has c * T,IE !bcen postponed at her own request i Nothing could have been tenderer than ! her treatment Qaeen Victoria sent a field, i private letter offering to pay her a State CABINET MEETING. I visit. The Prince of Wales, immediate- j ly upon her arrival, wrote to her expres- j sing the kind remembrance entertained | by the Princess and himself, of tlieir Yn , I visit to Paris, and of the great kindness ,i: i -i il..„ l l rn-m : upon the desolation that had suoceede to the smiling scene of lovelineks that a few days before greeted my eyes from the same point of observation. The Prussians are beneath our wells. They have kept their engagements faithfully; the 14th of September was the day nam ed by them for their appearance here, and they are here. We have prepared for them, Imtatwbat a cost, already; and at what a cost they are to be enter tained! Outside of the city of Paris there is devastation, and the abominations of desolation ; within its walls is what? There is no fear, or, if there be, it is bravely liidden—even the woman, with their pallid faces, having brave words on their quivering lips, and bright smiles on cheeks bedewed with tears. The smiles are for their and thehr tears are'for their children. Bat, while fear is absent or is bidden behind a mark, every other emotion that fills the human heart with agony rages almost beyond control Had the wand of a malignant and mer ciless fairy been waved over Paris, chan ging everything that was joyous into grief and all pleasant objects into em blems of suffering, the transformation could not have been more startling and shocking than that which has occurred. From the boulevards we see the dense columns of smoko that arise from the burning woods and villages aronml us; aud we speculate on how long it will be ere our own houses are set on fire by the Prussian bombs. There is a story here to night that the euetny linve immense niorta» which will throw projectiles to a lieitherto unheard of distance, and that the shells for these mortars are filled with nitm-glycerine. The Paris yon knew was most gay at night—the Palis Six Great Remedies. Hurley’siStomach Bitters, For Debility, Loss of Appetite Weakness, Indigestion, or Dys- " pepsin, Want of Action ot ‘the Liver, or Disor dered' Stomach. Then are no bitten that eta compare with these in removing these distressful complaints. To J ing much on its medicinal virtues, and it cured *—**• -* 5 w-l-j i—*. fcrteai- wav,snd BUMS? her of a disease' aha had Ions been ment for. I waa afflicted in maim' sot some tor my own nae, and am it hr -*— *'“ ” cine, and fcoing pleasant to'ukelsqnite la .. commendation. Wa and our irighbonfcaveno Notice to Mothers. DR. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup. know is to-night wrapped lence, gloom and sorrow. Not a theater is open ; the streets are almost deserted ; all the shops are closed save the cafes, and those are empty; the few passers by who are seen walk quickly and without speaking. Nearly every able bodied man in the city is in the defenses or at the barracks, and their wives and chil dren sit at home srith hearts heavy with grief. Up to this moment tin; behavior Lao io toe ratnre bra brooks, a quite np in advancement of tbei__, and reliable in all case*, Invaluable in "the fol lowing diseases: Summer Complaints, Irregularities of the Bowels, Restivenesss, Teeth ing, etc., etc. Gives health to the child and teal to the mother. Marietta, Ga., Nor. 1.1869. James Buddie h Co. Louisville, Ky.—We have used your 8eabrook’a IUknt SooUung By rap in our OuniUes, and find it does more cool than all other medicines we ever tried. We be Uevs it perfectly harmless, and it gives rest anc esse to our children quicker than all other run edies now offered for Male. Wc Itave been Bell ing it for three yean, and it given universal satisfaction. Never heard it complained ot Our wives will use no other. Tours, wit. It. Boot. J. LI Root. LATEST NEWS Oppenheimer & Frank’s CLOTHING HALL. TTTE TAKE great pleasure in informing the la citizens of Americas and of the surround ing country that we have just roc rived another LARGE SUPPLY OF NEW GOOES, Fine Cossimeres, Soils of the latest style anil Patterns, Fine Black Cloth Saits, and other fine Clothing, which we kindly ask the public to call at our establishment and examine for themselves, as it wiU be their advantage to do so. We will always strive to keop up with the deaande of out customers and generally. As for a Good Fit, we will take upon ourselves the responsibility to throw the guantlct to ANY CLOTHIER RE MOV A. E. jTtgal ftoiitts--jimnler Co. S. P. BOONE Executor's Sale. TTNDF.R and by virtue of a decree of the 8n- V - * __ him last year—known as the G. M. Hay building—is now manufacturing, and keeps or~ stantly on hand a toll supply of pcriorcoui rt of Sumter county, rendered at ipri] Term. 1870. of said Si will ho sold on the first Tuesday next, before the Court House in twocn tho legal hours of sale, the VALUABLE PLANTATION PARLOR SETS, In Walnut and Mahogany; CHAMBER SETS, With and without marble tope COTTAGE SETS, BEDSTEADS,MATTRESSES Ckatra. laakaa. Iroo»a WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER this side of the Atlantic lor superiority > ting a garment. We also ask vo . FINE STOCK of METALLIC CASES AND COFHNS In great variety. Repairing promptly attended to. Orders finod withsarialkctaan and dispatch opi li-tr e ask your particular attention to c SIR JAMES CLARKE’S Furnishing Goods, POPULAR WORM CANDY worms that _ „ _ .. coming the remedy administered Iu such . . . . k qnUo „ Louisville, August 30, IStiO. Meow*. James Ituddie A Co.—Gentlemen: Iu consequent-© of the benefit 1 have received from of your Dr. Hurley's Worm Camly iu Whito Shirts, of every stylo ami quality .Cas’nicro Shirts, Undershirts and Drawers, Socks, HandkcrchicfM, Suspend ers, Gloves of every description, all —the LATEST styles of Tics and Bows- • Our Stock of Cellars consists of tho following styles and Brands— tho Dickens, Bishop, Hter- ling,Chcsterficld,Damit- Ui*, Echo, Tiunk, Album, Veloei- < petle. FEMALE PILLS BE only reliable remedy uoy offered to yc Georgia—Schley County. td B. T. CRAWFORD. ExY. ^tjal jsalea-a&tbsttr Co {YLORGIA,—Webstu Cooctt. vs FOUR weeks alter date, applicatioa win * _ be made to tho Ordinary of Webster county >t Knowix M the J. E. J. Home or Bli nornc. tho drat regular term after the expiration /r l.'lin) Pirnr fnM.nOHtti link Innr . tUi. • I * . BEST COTTON PLANTATIONS in the county and offers a rare opportunity for i splendid residence, an abundance of good n houses and a line gin h ' 'me repair an Terms : One-half cash, the balance 12 months with mortgage on the place. For further particulars apply to or address ’ •' (1. HORN - (ml i Aamrt. Ex'rs J. E. J. Horne. T. N. W. HORNE., ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B l virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Sumter county, will be soli < first Tuesday in November next, before the Coart House door iu the city of Americas, the following property, to-wit: One-half interest, in * to ftactkmallotr'*--* of land, number sixty-three tosj ui ue lunut v;>) district of Dooly county, containing one hundred aud one and nine-tenths (101 9-10) scree, and anil-half interest in and to the Ferry on Flint River, located at old Danville, w>U bo sold as the property belonging to the e my family. I send you this, hoping you will make it public for the good of other parents. . . . Jam]/ dreu would have died. Both of oar children p°* well and hearty, they paseed worms seven inches long. Anyone doubting this can call and aee me at corner 10th and Chesnut streets, u 1 I will give them proorof this and more. You with reepect, M. Hoxv. of those from whom the wont was dread ed—the lied* and tho mob—has been wonderfully good. Never lias the city been more orderly »nd more free from crime. Bat how long is this to Inst? Rochefort has, thus far, restrained tho reds, und the mob lias restrained itself. Tint there are terrible whisperings in j —uiru— convent* aud in churches of what may TAT^TTVIJ T)Ann A QTJ happen when the red flag is raised, a* I J-v/JJllyJj JL UlAOll we hear 1ms been done iu Lyons. PURIFY Y0UB BLOOD. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, 8 TKHMS, fluid* AND REni’T.ATirNS. S/Mxial to tho Daily Journal] Washington, D. C. Oct 8.- -Tho fol lowing dispatches havo been received : Tours, Oct. 8.—The troops have all left here, tucir movements being kept Lonikin, Oct. 8.—The Examiner np- inails energetically to tho Great Powers, to prevent the bombardment of Paris or tin; partition of France. Nkw York, Oct 8.—A special dispatch to the New York Herald, Paris, Oct 3 says, tho several camp grounds are crowd- edwith troops. All places of amuse ment have been closed, and that the de feat of the sortie at Meredian, on the 1st inst, threw the greatest consternation into the city. There have l»een several encounters between tho military and organized bands of ruffians in the streets of Paris a t night, and should further reverses occur, it is feared that the dangerous classes would inaugurate terrible convulsions. The news of the surrender of Strausbourg and Toni has had a very depressing ef fect, ami the troops lined the street* to prevent disorders. Tho Prnssians com pletely fail iu planting batteries or bnil- •Hug redoubts around Paris, on account Of the electric light employed by the French, disclosing them to tho fire of the gn liners. London. October, 8.—A battle took place between tire Prussians and French on the Gth inst., in the Department of the Voges, wlueh lasted all day. The French remained masters of the field. No particulars are given. Washington, D. G\, Oct. 8.—A special Cabinet Meeting was held to-day, during which it was decided to issue a neutrality proclamation, declaring that tho bays nnd waters of the United States should not be in preparing for war, by cither Prussia or France, and that ships of either beligerent should not leave port w-ithiu twenty-four hours of the deliri um of merchant men of either baligcreut, nor that war vessels of either party shall remain in any United States port, longer than twenty-four hour*, except for pur poses of repairs, or to take in supplies; displayed them by her iu the Tnillcries, and begging to know in what way either the Princess or himself could help her. The Empress says she is iu excellent health and good spirits, os is also the Prince Imperial. Lord Ashbnrnham has offered her hi* mansion in Sussex. The Duke of Norfolk, Lord Retry, and many other persons have begged permis sion to pay their reajiects to her. The Diplomatists in London, encouraged by the American Minister,-express confident hopes of the downfall of the Republic and the restoration of the Empire. Snusnouito and VicKsnuno.—Stras- t>ourg held out precisely the same num ber of days that Yickbourg did during the war. These were about the same forces of the besiegers aud Inssieged in nd if rather that war vessels of either l«irty having once entered a United States in>rt, shall not re-enter any other port, until they shall havo visited Europe, :.nd the i»orts of their own Government! i he proclamation was issued lato this af- London, Oct. 8.—Bonds quiet ami in- active; quotation unchanged. ,.A ' V S“ 'f*** '™ni Metz Baja: Wliat Alnnihn Tin..;.. ■ • “What Marshal Bazaioc is contempt*- ting I, of connie, em not-in * position to know .except, iudeed^- that hu thought of rnpitnlnting. The Genu were at first under tho pleasing delusion that as aoou as he was satisfied of tba disaster at Sedan he would follow the j xample of his august master, by ‘knock- kmglit, Init has pushed his the ranks, originally a common drnm- 1 ‘si of France, and lie is now^iSwuSal^B whni^ position who knows _,. __ en France especially needs a trusty - stout heart On hearing of Napoleon’s ■coder lib reply was soldierlike- and pointed: ‘What tlio devil Is Ni to me? I jun supreme here, tion only Jast night to a Prnsaiao captain, who went np to the oatpoats for the imrpooe of 1 landing over six French of ficers to aleak off thaacraaxs of * recent change. The captain waa not satisfied with delivering his charge, bat whether oved by cariosity or prompted by hit >— «. w j-«. . ark overcoat, from ova l antereu freely into con' from ova of the huts, ito conversatioi , whom he diamiased with the ously if not f g could be further on Saturday in * raniftnlatt’nn » TTnio f.V.rt Ik>Ui chkcm. Strasbourg, however, bail tho great ndvnutago in the number of cannon, seventeen hundred having been captured by the Germans. Yicksbnrg had not over a hundred cannon, and few of these were of largo calibre. Vicksburg, besides, had no regular fortifications— only slight earthworks. She had, too, to stand a iioinbardment from u {tower- fnl squndron as well ns from Grant’s army of seventy-five thousand men. The defenders of Strasbnrg stood lie hind tlio most scientifically coiutructed fortificaiions in Europe. They stn<*d to their {>ositions with gallantry aud forti tude, and doubtless merited the praises bestowed upon them. Let them have all the honors they have justly earned. But, alas! for the justice of history and mankind. The Vicksburg capitulation, after on equally heroic defence, has been charged to the treaeliery and lack of cour age of its commander. Ulrich is immortal, and receives swords of honor from his countrymen. Pemberton got only cnraes'aud disgrace! —X. O. Timex. Nkwsi’aveh Pathonaok. —There seems, says a contemporary, to lie a great many different ways of defining nnd un derstanding the phrase “ newspaper pat ronage,” nnd, ns a party, interested iu the correct definition * v 0f the kSTujc, we give the following disquisition on the snbjert by one who knows thereof he speaks. It may sen e, perhaps, as a mir ror, in which certain parties may be nb!e to “see themselves as others see them:” “ Many long and dreary years iu the publishing business (says tho writer) has lorced the conviction upon us that news- papw pit nonage iVn word r of many defi nitions. nod that a great majority of man kind are either ignorant of the correct definition, or ai-e dishonest, in a strict biblical sense of the word. Newspaper patronage is os changeable n* a ehamele- “One man comes in, subscribe? jor a paper, pay* for it in advance, and 'goes home aiMi reada it with pronnd satisfac tion that it is bis. JOU to'>>> o« witboMt naying * lid tho ]iay. Tim. pa»wi on. you are in need of money, and ask u;m to pay the anm he owes you. He atm ion, perhaps paj», Perhaps [era hi* paper stopped. This is cnlleil patronage. . •' i likes your paper; ho takes for it, and* gets his friend to ;bnt bo is not always gronml- ling to you or others, hqt has a friendly word. If any accident occurs in his seo- tion he informs the editor. This, too, i« ue—paper (wtronage. W* “ One (it is good to see such) comes in and says, * The paper for which I paid is about lo expire; I want to pay for'anotb- er.’ He does so and retires. This is, also, newspaper patronage.” Thu .Sneeukr’h Answkbrd.—Tho Au gusta Constitutionalist replies to these political hocks and timo-severa at the North who kneer af every announcement of a great constitutional truth as a “Sontbem abstraction," i» tl>ev> pro- phstic words': '“These 'old So»thOT> abstractions’ may have liecn buried lor a quarter of a century, but they rest up on ideas of civil freedom which are con- (emporaucons with civilisation itself and they will burst their cerements when- who have blindly forfeited . . SnoonsoA H _ ^ last, by H Huie.—Griffin Georgian., I.voo—B lud!—The following sanguinary and gory paragraph appears in the the tragic columns of the Greenville (Tenn.) National Union of this week: , We are credibly informed that mur ders and outrages continue to l*e per petrated upon the person* of iunoccut, unoffending Union men aud their fami lies iu Middle and West Tenimsee.-— Scarcely a week «»r a day posses without its victim, and yet the Banner aud other Ku Klnx sympathizing journals talk proudly about tho stuto of quiet and peace prevalent throughout the State un der the gracious rule of their nccom pHeMr To this Radical howl, the Nashville Banner administer*'the following consol ing assurance: Yes, wc must admit it We “smile, and murder,while wc :-niile.’’ The other night as we entered the dark shades of Printers’ Alley we coolly stablied a linqnent subscriber in the midriff nnd lmtig him on a nail. A* we entered the editorial den, our grim-associates, the night-owls, were all covered with gore— their revolvers all emptied, a sulphurous odor pervaded the sanctum atmosphere, and the door-ways wore blockaded with dead bodies. Our insatiate news editor, suffering with the neuralgia, rushed, howling, to the street, and tore an iuno- cent hnokman from Ins coach and his leg from liis bodj, aud beat him into an indistinguislutblo mass with the bloody end thereof. He then resumed his la bors at the desk complacently, but our local reporters continue to come i nil hours with fresh scalps at their belts and are forever and eternally wiping their howie-bladcs upon our freshest ex changes, and detiliug them with the blood of the infidel dog.* of tho Repnhli- can faith. We ore thinkiug of securing a rorps of Turcos to do np the fighting department, and a «-auuibal or two, from Otasheite, to di*|H>so of the defunct bodies of the victim* to our editorial displeasure. *!Now conUlve drink liot blood nnd do such business as the bitter day would qivdt«.4o look on !” Marshal Bazine and thb Emptbe. - The Bund pf Berne >ays: The idea is strongly mlvoeatt^l tlmt the’surrender of Strasbourg is likely to produoe a com pile chntigo iii tlicv war. It is aaid ltazinfr is now willing to capitulate upon the offer by Prussia to restore the impe- riai government and order, and agreo t6 pence. This woeta the support of the imperialitw "oUmu* »«*d « majority of the iKuirgeols ami peasant*. Well-in formed tiersons express t e conviction that Napoleon or his son, under the re gency of the Empress, will be reseated on the throne. Wilhtdmshohe l* the rendez vous of distinguished guest* of the Em peror, 'who l* in perfect health, who make* daily excursions ou foot and in his carriage accompanied by several adju tants on horseback. Caruso in thbCukbency. —Treannfer Spinner is preparing a circular to be ad- greenbacks of issues previous to 18C9, and have them redeemed by issues of the. series of 1809, as ho desired to retire the old issues, thereby facilitating trade and baffling counterfeiters. The express I charge* for forwarding'the old Govemmeut Greenbacks or legal-ten ders of the issues of 1809 dr the fraction al currency will be supplied as the persona may desire. Old notes will be exchanged for new ones at the sub-treasury or Gov ernment depositories, or may be sent to the ' Treasury Department 'for redemp tion* IS.At» hotel an » mini ‘district of Vermont, tho lsmUord ysc Intel, pnj- logons dollar per birrs) for tbs water oasd in tbs honsa, nnd tbs prospect n that the price might go two dollar a.— Wbirij baa been anggsstod aa a anbsti- of the Thin is the pure aud gcnaii root, aixl will, ou t ial, be found to effect and perfect cure for tho following com plaints and disease*: Affections of the Bones, Habitual Cost iveness, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fis tula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or Kiug’s Evil, Syphilis, And all impurities of the Blood, eta To Dr. Thus. A. Hurii.j: sir: I diem it an act of joatlco to you to btutl that in tho month of Feurnary last, I had a »wi-re attack of inflam- inatory rhoiunaticm, which completely proe* >ultl walk. 1 pro- vt-ie, tho Bort ut>8 of inv laugs and breasts gnniuallv «ulw;detl, my rliemuatic painalass acute. I »ttribute this mainly to your Haraa- parilla. I havo now Loon taking it for over two month*! I have taken in all live bottles. It* ef fects bare been most satisfactory to me, and 1 advise others similarly affected to give you a trial. t.w f'» >-uv». i FULL STOCK of a the cure of those painful and dangei — disoasos to which the female constitution is sub ject, aud which moderates all excesses and Removes all Obstructions, from whatever cause, is Sir James Clarke's Fe male Pills, prepared from a proscription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the queen, by D. H. Fisk, 47 Dey street, New York. To married ladies it is particularly suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with regnlarity, and doss not contain anything hurtful to tha constitution. In all cases of Ner vous and rpiual affections, pains in the back and limbs, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, whites, it will effect a cure when all other means have failed. Fall directions in pamphlet aronml oath package. Observe tlio name and copyright of i). H.Fiake on each package. Ask yotir drug gists for D. H. Fisko's Sir J. Clarke's Pills. Sold i bv all druggists, aud by \V. A. COOK & CO., I oorlS-ly Araericut*. Ga. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. lloth large and small, To gh and to eraiuino i great pleasure to thow «>t stock of Goods, as we deem our goods, and to •itla their patronage .ml wo will always strive those who will h> will he t ba.'tkftil , ...... give entire satisfaction. Do not fait to calf at Opppnhpiinpr & Frank's Ci-ormxo H au.’, Under tho Baiiow ilonsc, Ameriois, Ga. tept 27 tf The Great Medical DlscoTcrj! Sr. WAT.TKn-g Minomi VINEGAR BITTERS, Dandreds of Thousands fsS Bear testimony to their wondeifolu Curativs Eflecta ■urv rs § f 2 Jo*. Clexuit. ---- J is appended to e has lung resided here, arid : . the magistrate* of HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. NO ARSENIC-NO MERCURY. PERFECTLY RELIABLE! a is Hurley'* Agno Tonic. There MMuande cored by using it wl*> ha ■nal remedies without benetit. n have tried the ibnrg, Miss., and used sever- in a worse type, if possible, when my medical attendant ordered quinine, in largo dose a. fre quently as high as 00 grains per day, ami which must liaro cost mo nearly $100. 1 consulted Dr. Smith, of Ltmisville, and found he prescribed quinine and arsenic, combined, which 1 refused to take, preferring to let the dwoaee take Its course. 1 wa* almost bloodless, extremely ex hausted, and jwonwjK*d with enlarged liver and spin n. About this time tho aarertiuoment ot Hurk-v s Ague'J'ouis si»pearcd in a city papa. and spirt n. of Hurley s Ague.i uiiwmiHirarctiinanr.r |m]m, and 1 (h-Tcnuint-d to give it a trial. 1 did su, and have no reason to regret it. One bottle restored me comphricly, and since i bat linio I hare seen nearly a Hundred cases iu which it acted with equally happy remits, and would certainly re commend at as pivfcrrsblo to any other tonic be- J.vNiu JUmn.x, Engineer. ,, Jane 11, ' gs TIIEY ARE NOT A VILE INFANCY DRINK,If? :i-kls«f Po3rH*aml XThlsiey. Proof Spir its. said llafua* Liquors. «H»-iors>l.s^<vil, «JVKwtiasra. •» “'i: k %th-.l k* 1 th3 tippler ontoUnmkeiin-j*. a.*l r Jt, but nroatru > 5f.sll.-ia*, raa.!s rr*n t .) N»:i- J ItnuU an>! II tlauf«IVeo iVom ell Alopholio Stimulant*. Tlivya- -t -GrtBATBLOOP PO’BIS'lBaiuvl J3IFS GIVING PBIW- CTPT.'B, a perfjet Kp»vJi -f m- I lnviguawtor iiSSSSa®aiff‘ ) . , !335»SSE v„ n , r ton m tahe tJie.-o IIUttr», acconliog to sjfLTZr:... i —»i~ ^ ^ * 1OO W.-ibckiv*m 1 ml l l.o v Torlnflsmu tJry and Chronic Itheu- rpaia. cr Indi- fore the pnb!i< Louisville, Ky., , 1865, DR. SEABROOK S JEi L.IX I R PYROPHOSPHATE IRON & CALISAYA ITxis elegant euiubination possesses all the tonic properties rtf l'ernvian Bark and iron, without tiie disagreeable tastes and bad effects of either separately or in other preparations, of these valuable medicine*. It airraid be taken in all casus when a gentle tonic impression' is re quired after convalescence from fevers or debili tating diseases,or iu those distressing irregular- JAMES RUDDLE 4 €0., PROPRIETORS, IsiLt/ratory No. 41 Bullitt Street, Louisville, Sj. All the above medicines are Dorsals by W.A. COOK & CO., Americas, Ga., w _ _ _ And at Wholesale by t»mi»g th« new >m»c. will l>o paid tiy the L.W. Hlint& Co., MaCOn, Ga aM.nk.oV. />■ 1 - -» >- ' AA LAND FOR SALE. a A BARGAIN OFFERED seres or land, with the stock of molts, estOe dataltboccn, nd >n oUkt ImptmmnUMon. matism. nnd Oaut. 1V«V-. sottion. lliliou.i, ltoniittcat. and Inter* mtttent Fovors, l»i-i u vea of ttxo Blood. E,tr*r. Kidneys, and Bladder. th«a Bit- tors have been - .u<wt snon»*iiii. Such Dis cuss era *a»M bv ViUsted Blood. wW.-r» jUvo <5rga: . — . - 1 by ik r. . Digestive Organs. .. •ra y lnv»in»raio t!s> r-tomae’,, r.n 1 stimulate ft j i>»rj»l>l liver and bJW.!>, w’ii<-!i re:i ler taci i Af* ».»|!»-dUsdetffiaey la «' • *•»v r. \ i:n;^trUic<‘ nml latpar^.nj now lit j and vl*»r Dyspepsia or Indigestion, ZTesd-tche, i*dn is t'io Nlionltlers Cough*, Ti/htiwnf tha f . DhtdneM. henr KimaseK Dsd Tar to i i ■ Mouth,RLUons Attach*, ion of tho ~ f Unnn, m’n Iu Gv>in.>;i» DncSsrseJ of xnj r.^UwMOftr ~ * rod Ly tlic^v I’.it it* impuritie* borstiajf.irou-’itt't i P. jte«, Eraphon*, or San-*; af -. v'^:n ;i» a*ttroyc.l ani rcraavib Far full direct urns, rest. sr.v.nd each battle, printed >■ j. WAI.KE'.l.Jl A: St CommerceK 1 DR. SHAULENSEBCER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE iliv.j . Slop, ,Uo Chill.. This Medicine !u* been bofora tho I»ublio fifteen years, and is eFuI ahsud of uU other known hmclitj. , It diioi n >t purge, docs not sicken tho *tomuc>., i i parfeotly mda la any dojo uml uaJjr a’A.wraumstuwosg. and. is tho only Medicine that will. P«gMneatly srery farm of Mover snd A^e,Lecanse it is a perfect Antidote to MEDICAL CARD US 'mm BAD BLOOD. “The Life is the Blood.’ It exhibits itself 1 soro»^' strength, beauty, —, ion. it f - * * - tent* happy. When this sourc the paiurui effect* are risible iu many altapee, SCROFU L A . is a taint or infection of the human _ paninni, aud prolmbly no ono is wholly free from •* T ‘ - thiliiu itself in various shapes—as ulcere diseased scalp, sure nts. St. Vitos' Dance, _ - ntistrils, eruptions, glandular swellings, throat affections, rheumat ism, heart affections, nervons disorders, barren ness, disorders of the womb, dropsy, syphilitic affections, liver complaiut, Kilt rheum, dyspep sia, neuralgia, toss of manhood and gcncriu de bility. It has been the custom to treat those discuses with mercury snd other miutual sub stances, which, though sometimes producing a cure, often proves iuiurious and c-nuils misery in after life. The lung known injurious propel of these so-called alterative* and puritiei led tho philaiitn "’-'— 1 — * explore the areana led the pliilaiitrophlcsl . loro the areana. of nani which has been the discovery , r __ ducts wliich posses* the powerof eradicating theso taints ft-oin the blood. D)r. TUTT’S CO3lI*0UND EXTRACT OF Is the rated can* be pcimuncntly banished, aud the Source,the Centre of Blood,(lieLife be maintained in all its purity and vigor. For diseases produced by the use of Mercury, aud for Syphilis. with its train of evils, this com ^’tnnd is the only sure antidote To the pour creature, enfeebled iu mind an ady, Ly si-ci els practices, whoso nerves ai iwtrnug and oountinanoo downcast SARSAPAPILLA Queen’s :a a blessing. Try it C Delight v and your nerve radiant with the RESTORED MANHOOD. Being free from violent is adapted: genei-al use. Thu old aud yonug may nsei the most delicate female at any time may take it; the render infant, who may have inheril disease, will lie cured rSHjfTESfi TSfi Bt.iHHF Dr. T UTTS EXTHACT OF UBAPAIIUA QUEEN’S DELICHT. When n*cd iu the spring it r which infest the system; aud b&nudics the bn- gonr and dt Inlity peculiar to that masonor the year. It-acts promptly ou the LXVRU AND KIDNEYS. carried off; and the result is CLEAR SKIN, A GOOD APPETITE AMD ROUT ANT SPIRITS. RE r A n ED BY Wm. H. Tutt & Land, AUGUSTA, GA., And Sold by DruggistsEverywhere Janet-6 o» & COMM! AMERICUS, GA. P1L8BURY A BROWN, H AVING opened an Auction and Commission Hooad lath*' iments solicited. By strict aUcntion J. H. CALLAWAY ft GO.. MILLERS, FORT GAINES,... 1 GEORGIA. tar Q»ra and Meal alwaye on hon< CHARLES M. WHEATLEY, Builder and Contractor, oaau, Jiranun, ir O BRACKETS. Wi ’jRsafe d Door Frame* al- eept 13 tds Adm’r Benton Byril. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. AN the first Tuesday in November, will be v sold before the Court Ilonse door in the city of Americas, between the usnal hoars of sale, the following *- ‘—“ - *•*“-- lands belonging to •feceased.~Half lot 111 and 112, in Webster, ISth District. Also haif lot No. 11,Sum ter County ad jo Ham. H. Hawkins, and Joe. Tliomi acres off of lot No, 10,17th district, u Sold by order of Court of Ordinary of Snmter onnty, for benetit of tho heirs and cretlltors of aitl deceased, Terms cash, sept. 16-tds. A. H. KENDRICK. Admr's. Whereas, Barney Parker, adminbtralor the estate of Joseph Crawford, late of said coun- deceased, applies for letters of dismission and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, and all persons concerned, appear at my office within the time . by law, and show cause if any they havo, oth erwise letters of dismission will be granted For Rent. W ILL bo rented to the highest bidder, • first Tuesday in November next, tlie PLANTATION belonging to the estate of Ben- Byrd, late of said county, deceased, for and during the year 1871. FOR SALE. order of the Ordinary ” "J'orethi the first of lot the 2tith District of Sumter, bc- number 71, longing to the miuor children of C. W. Jr., deceased Terms Cash. ' A. J. WILLIAMS, Attorney i. s-pt. 22-til. For M. M. McLain, of Arkausas, Georgia—Sumter Count)*. XJtOUit weeks afti-r date application will JC made to the Conrt of Ordinary of wait! con ty, for leave to sell the wild lands belonging the estate of Jackson Walker, late of said conn deceased. JAMES P. WEST, I . . . oct 8 lm. PHILLIP WEST, < AUm ”* fllbc made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, leave to sell all the lands belonging ' ’ Jackson Walker, deceased JAMES V. WEST, ) ocL 8. lm. PHILLIP WEST, ( nd setting apart and valuati anil I will pass upon the same at my o'clock, a. «. on tho 22d day of O B. F. BELL, Ordinary. a November i the Court of Ordinary permission to sell tho realty belonging to tho c«- .**” '* ’ Brjant, deceased, to-wit of Abn< % „ certain tract or laud situate in the i6t’i Districi of said county, containing five hundred acres, more or less, known &s the plantation whereon the said Abner T. Bryant resided ami adjoining lantati*ms of William A. Wilson and John RUTHA BUY ANT, Adm* the pla K, Gat. Ab. T. Bryant, dec’d. Thomas J. Lightfoot. as the next friend of Mr*. Adefinc Suggs and her minor children Margaret D., John E., Milaliua A , and Joel B. McDonald, has applied for exemption of person alty, and setting apart and valuation of home- licad, aud I will pass upon the sahie at 10 o'clock, a. M., on the 14tli day of October, 1870, at ni) office. ” ” * B. v. eelL, Ordinary. &tpl |loticts— tiie lb . .. four weeks from this notice, for leave to sell the of W. A. D. Cleveland, dec’d, Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A L LL persons indebted to the estate of W. A. D. Cleveland, late ot Schley county, dcc'd hereby notified to come forward and make immediate payment, aud those holding claims against said dec'd will hand them in in term* ot tho law. JOHN N. CHENEY, Clerk Court, oct 1 Cw Adm’r. EOltGIA—Schley County. Thira Payne, wife of William Psyne applies SSrOttl same at IU o’clock, A. M., on Saturday, the 8th day of October, 1870 at m> office, aept 29 2t* S. E. EASON, Ordinary. /NEOBGIA—Scjilxy County. \T Whereas, HenryW .Payne,adminiatrat* the estate of Leri B. Bridges, deceased, me for letters of dtsmfsion from said estate! These ore therefore to cite and admonish, ril appear at my office, witliin the time prescribed 1^-law. and file their objection, if any they have. Given under my hand and official signature, this 4th day of Jtuy, 1870. 8 E.Easox, Onlinary. made to the Ordinary at said county, far leave to seilahowe and lot in EUaviilo, (lot No. 6.) North esat aide of Public Square, known as the Seflara and Edge lot. Hold as the property of JohnH- Wail, deceased, far the benefit of the 4EORGLA—SaiLOY Cocntt. G Whereas, the estotoof Mathew fL Myrick, late of eaid county, deceased, is unrepresented. These are therefore to cite and admonish all , weons concerned to be snd appear st within the tiwo prescribed, and show any they have) why letters of Administration should not be vested in the C|erk of the Superi or Gout, or some fit and proper person. Given under my bend, at office, in EllaviUe. this 5th day of September, 1870. S. F.. EASON, •eptWltu v Ordinary. of said county deceased, for the 'benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ELISABETH PERRY. August llth 4w Adm’x. Administrator’a Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Ordinary of WcL ster county, will he sold Ufore the Court House door, in tho town of Preston, Wefater conuty, Ga., on tho first Tuesday in N^vt-mbt-r «•?*’ beJon K in * to »ho estate or QiiMion Tnlli*, late of said county, deceased : !*° wer excepted. Sold for tho benefit »<-Pt27 td*. Georgia—Webster county. To all whom it may concern: ra^f hil> ooi>liar l < Oowo’« Imt Will and T th^rim n *^ X » Qn i ,° f kxnl inability month from the beginning of tho p’ublicati o.. . .. ' n iL a .P p ij for t,,e mnetion or said petition, and to be tuicharged from said Exccu- JAXES M. SHIVERS, x b luifi Executor Plians Goarc. administratrix sale. GHEE ABLE to an order of the Court of Cr- —Binary of Webster countv, will bo sold be fore tho Court House door in tho Town or Prea- '"i of said county between tho usual hours < . ^ j, - r in November i -thefirst 1 t „v*t, u, tlie highest bidder the following deaeriticd lands '■'■'ongmg to the eaUte or P. V. Perry, deceased . Lot, No., 83, containing 200 acres, South hair ot lot No, 84, containing 100 acres. North allot No. 83,1-onUfaing 100 »prr. .3.1 acres of lot No. 75, on North aide of aaid lot and to acres of lot No. 7G, on North side of said tot containing in all 550 acrca, in the lfith Districtoi said eomitj, and ad^ohiing lands of O. W. Chris- Sold fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors lid Estate. Terms eaah. ELIZABETH PEtlRY, «l»t. 3. td. Adniiuistratris. Jesse Carter having applied to mo for e ^tgal 9otita~£tt €nmtj. I-ee Posti>oned SIu rifYs Sale* for November. W ILL bo sold before tho Court House door iu in tho town of Htarkvilie, Loc countr. on *h« first Tuesday, in November .next, within towu* 1 l00r * 8a * e * following propertr Four lots of land. No.*, 130 110, 149, 150, ail fi fas in my hands, and ono in favor of lW. Cameron v* Green B. Mayo and Thoms F Fortor security. Tlie other in favor of Officers of Conrt vs Gi cen B. Mayo, aldb to satisfiy fi fa* in my hand*, all issued from Leo Superior Court. JAMES HALTER, net. 1 tds. Deputy Sheriff. Georgia—Isee county. F OUR weeks after dato application will be made lo tho Ordinary ot Leo countv tor >eave to sell tho land belouging to the estate of Joseph Outlaw, late of said county, deceased. _octl 4w • . W. C. GILL, Adni'r. Lee Mortgage Sales for December. (WILL be sold before the Court Honso door, ™ in the town of Starkville. Leo countv, t>n Ut: first Tut *day in December next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to One Grey Mure. ^ Sold to satisfy a mortgage sept 29 tds. Deputy Sheriff. Money cannot buy it for Sight is Priceless. c hoK5 *4^ The Diamond Glasses world to be tlie most perfect natural, arwirial tielp to tho human cyo ever known. They arc around under their own supervision, from" niin- :to crystal pebbles, incited together, and il ~~ heir name. “Diamond.’* on i.vumit of their name, “Diamond," on” account of their hardness and brilliancy. ILe scientific principle wliich they are constructed brings the core centre of the lens dircctlv in front of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as in the natural healthy eight, aud preventing all un pleasant sensation, such as glimmering aud wavei ing of sight, dizziness, Ac., peculiar to all others iu nae. They are mounted in tho finest manner, in frames of tho material- need fur that purpose. Their finish and durability cannot h •xcclled. CauTtox—None genuine unless bear ing their trad* mark stamped on every frame LEITNKB A FHICKER Watchmakers and" Jewelers, solo agents for Auicricus, Georgia, from whom cnly they can bo obtained. No pcddlors employed. marl5-v:j VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. ON KINCHAFOONEE CREEK. timber term, 1870, of said ^Conrt, wiU be w>fl beforo the Court Hones door, in tlm t icren of land, n contiunini : Lot No. 17. south half of lot No. IK, vtH half of lot No. 47, west half of lot No. 50,0c< hundred and forty-two acres of lot No. 46, lot No. 51, containing 2024 seres, and lot No. containing 902} acre*, all lying In tho 18th *»- trict of said county. On said pleoe there n about COO acres of open land in good state • cultivation. Tho plore is well improved, veil hood will compare with any county in t The above described place wiU be sohl in two -T"*» i*w.R»i».t. the other hat: due in twelve months from date of sale ot the place, with mortgage on the wholo place, to the Iasi payment. JOHN M. COX, Adrn' Chappell Cos.^ HORSE AND. CATTLE REMEDIES. The Bent itutl most Reliable etet offered to the JPublic. Tho American Magnetic P*=3 mm conoitioh powders CERTIFICATE. . 43- I torShy certit r (hat I |»va £ Jrrau -1 ounlUlIvraciMHMMiW? grunt merit rurdUity »hg “W«t p«-psr«0 WHtTSShdCH rf.Ueh I •>" oeoms h: da®®:. a