The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, October 21, 1870, Image 4

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page.*D.raF.F.sS3 akd kike*. *Hew National Basks, and Banker*in Ono <hj when 1 cane homo fatigued. An»1 toll inclinod to grumble. Rcranse my life was one of toil, T> cause my lot mi humble, 1 said to Kate my darling wife. In whom my whole life’* blir a w. What bare yon got lor dinner Kate ?" ,’Why. bread-and-chccra and Jriwere.'* the South. We find the following dispatch in the | New York Evening Post, giving a list of j the authorizations isoried by the Treasury ; Department to new tankers for new ! banks in the Booth: ...... WAimwOTO^, October the Though worn and tired, my heart leaped up ■ week certificate* tav© been waned au Why thonhl I'enify those whoso bread Han mine more thickly tattered v I wkl, **tVc11 hsro desert at once. 1 ' " What's that r* she asked, “Why this >*, 1 kissed hsr. Ah what sweeter meal Than bread-and-cheesc and kisses ? I gazed at her with pure delight; She nodded sad smiled gaily; I said, ‘-3Iy lore, onsuch a meal I’ll dins with pleasure daily, When 1 tatthbkofyoo dear girl, I pity tfeoeo fine misses Who turn todr noses up and pout At hrddtpnd-ehoeso and kisses. And when 1 look on yonr dear form, And on your face so homely: And when I look in your dear eyes, And on your dress so comely: Ami wlw-u 1 hold yon m my arnu, I laugh at fortunes misses, I’m Ueesed in you, content with you. And brt-itil-aud-ebocac and kisses.” Illlntri" iriUiacwWoCSlWflCO. John 8. MiUcr, president; W. A. Benborn, Cashier. ^ ^ Tho Citizens’ National Bank of Alex andria. Virginia, _ H. Millar, presidctf^’-^^: ^Uunbert cashier. Tho folia sing applicants .bare been authorized to organiza tions: ' Greenville, Ala.—3L. Jl Jones ana Home, Go,—A. B. 4Uf>nnji.»nd others. Americas, Ga.—B. T.J3jrd and others, Brunswick, Ga.—Foster Blodgett and others, Pennsacola, Fla.—Hiram Potter, Jr., and others. Shelbyvillc, IlL—L. W. Moulton and others. Ilow we get (be War Neva The Dispatches from Europe to New York daring the last four weeks, says the Journalcf the Telegraph numbered about 100,000 words. New York has* been better posted on tho issues of the war each day than London, Paris, or Berlin. These dispatches have almost wholy been sent by a single cable, fall oue-tliird of the whole to a tingle daily paper, and with marvelous rapidity and accuracy. Familiar 'as we ore with the' works of tie telegraph, it has l»een a marvel to us. To hundreds of thousands of minds the whole process is and luw l»een a deep enigma. Here is a man sitting in a darkened room at Heart’s Content. Tho oceafr cable terminates here. A fine wire attached thereto is made to surround two small cores of soft iron. As the electiic wave produced by a few pieces of copper and zinc at Valentin, passes through the wires, the cores be comes magnetic enough to move the slightest object. A looking-glass, half an inch in diame ter, is fixed on a bar of iron one tenth of un inch square and half on inch long.— ()n this tiny glass a lamp is made to glare so that its light is rciloctcd on a tablet on the wall. The languago of the cable is denoted by tho shifting of this reflected light fromjsido to side. Letter by letter is thus expressed in this flitting idiom in utter silence on the wall. There is no record made by the machine except as patient watcher call out to a comrade the translated flashes ns they come, and GiaiHUii Iioncirr E- Luc.—The Loo which he records, it seems a miracle don Standard, on receiving the report by of patience. Thero is something of afro ! cable of tbo illness of General Lee, said creeps over ns as we sec the evidence of in an editorial article: a human touch three thousand miles a way, j “ A country which has given birtu to swaying that line of light. By such a delicate process os this, and :<f ter being repeated from line to line five times before its ultimate copy is in New Uftrr.Y.—From the proceedings of the Southern Commercial Convention, at Cin cinnati, it will be seen that the conven tion took a strong stand in favor of re pealing tho usury laws. We give the extract from tho proceedings: The report of the Committee ou Free Trade in Money, which was pending at the noon recess, was taken up, and the first resolution, recommending a repeal of the usury laws and of all statu tee fay which contracts in tnonerare treated ex ceptionally, was adopted. The second resolution, recommending an amend ment to the tankers’ law, so aa to take from them all monopoly in the supply of currency or other forms of credit for the wants of business, and to allow every per son a free nse of hi* credit; and tae third declaring the free nse of means and a natural right of all human beings, and no government has a right to interfere with this freedom, except when it is found that a crime enters into the transaction, wav lo-t. Six Great Remedies. Hurley’sStomach Bitters, For Debility, Loss M Appetite Weakness, Indigestion, or Dy*- pepsia, Want of Action of tne Liver, or Disor dered Stomach. Thera are no Utters that can compare with the** in removing these distressful complain::-. Indianapolis. Jnd-Feb.7, i«*> To James Ruddle, Alo. Lomsrme, Ky; Gentlemen: About two months tgu I pro cured a bottle of Dr. Hurley’s Bitters’ lor rat wife, thinking it a pleasant tonic, tat cot rely togmuch onlUmedicinal virtues, and itemed horofadiaeaaeabehad long hem under treat ment Xbr.I was aflhetod in a similar way, and (i has cured mcf KjdkesuMvasof tSeWddcr and kidneys. It Ja certainly a splendid modi- cine, and being pleasant to take is quite a re commendation. Wo and our ntghbor* hare no use for any others now. Very respectfully your J.L.B. Notice to Mothers. DR. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup. S9o. per |f ttli Ueeiu tbo fttturs Seabrook’s/p, combination gSSSF&itieL ■’£*£! Summer Complaints, Irregularities of the Bowels, Bestivencsas, Teeth ing, etc., etc. Gives health to the child and rest to the mother. T Marietta, Ga., Not. 1. 1869. James Kuddlo & Co. Losiavillc, Ky._We have need yunr 8eabrook's IiAnt HnothW s» rap in our amities, and find it docs maregool than all other medicines we CTer tried. We be lieve it perfectly harmless, and it gives real ana ease to oar children quicker than all other rem edies now offered for sale. We have been sell- ing zt for three yean, and it gives universal satisfaction. Never heard it complained of. our i will use no other, konre, War. it. Hoot. J. L. Hoot Cffi. A funny story is going the rounds in Faris. A lady in the first society was recently obliged to dismiss her nnrse on account of cu excess of firemen and pri vate soldiers too often repeated. After choosing as a successor to this criminal a very pretty girl, tho lady, explaining why tho first went away, enjoined it on tho second not to do likewise. She admitted that she shouldn’t “I can endure a good deal,*’ said the lady, “ bat soldiers about the kitchen I won’t endure.” After a week or eight dRys, the lady came one morning into the kitchen, opened tbo cupboard aud discovered a youthful mil itary character. “Oh, Ma’am ?” cried tho girl, frightened, “I givo yon my word I never saw that soldier before in my lifo—bo most have been one of the old ones left over by tho other girl!” York, have the late great tattles Jiecu re corded in our daily papers with great particularity, and sent throughout tho I’nion. Nothing like it has ever before bcou accomplished. The enterprise of ihc New York Press—of a single press in Now York—has eclipsed that of the wealthiest and ablest press in Europe. A Northern Tribute to Gen*. Lee.— The Cincinnati Enquirer pays the follow ing Uandsomo tribute to Gen. Lee: Tho world knows of liis virtues and his private worth, and tho men who have commanded armies can ben witness to his valor and skill as a man of arms. He was the great General of the rebellion, uud compared with him tho bloody Corporal who sits in the day sinks in tho scale as would a John Balfour of Burley, if weighed with Mil- t tales. It was his strategy and superior military knowledge which kept the ban ner of the South afloat so long, and the campaign of tho Wilderness, the defence Bicnmond, and the bold advances in to Maryland and Pennsylvania, which only failed because of insufficient num bers, established him long before the close of tho war as one whom the power ful press of England might well proclaim ‘ ’the Greatest Captain of the Age.” There is no man bo bigoted to-day as not to be lieve that if Grant had commanded the ill-provided, half-led army which stood like a wall of fire around Richmond, and the command of that grand army which went down into tho Wilderness could have been given to Lee, the flag of the Union would have floated over tho Cou- ledcrato Capitol long before it did. such a man as Robert Lee may look the proudest'nation, in the me*t chivalric period of the history of Europe, fearless ly in tho face; for no race has in any age produced a nobler soldier, Christian gentleman than the heroic Virginia captain.” A Labor Groan.—Tho Mulberry street Methodist Church of this city lies received of the manufacturers in Boston, a large and magnificent church organ, which, when put up and ready for use will bo twenty-seven feet high, seventeen feet wide, and nine feet deep.—Macon Telegraph. EgL. Tho first grand fair of the Cotton States Mechanics and Agricultural Fair Association takes place at Augusta. Geor gia, commencing October, 25, and tinning 5 days. French Red Republicanism Illustra ted.—A correspondent of tho Now York H’onW writes: “At Lyons, Marseilles, and whenever the ‘Reds’ gain power, Jesuits and Dom inican novices are forced into tho army. At Paris they aro at once sent upon the ramparts. Priests aro insulted and threat ened in the public streets, and hold their lives in fear. Tho religious orders aro forced to fly, and some of them have already taken refnge in England. The ^tatnes of tho Blessed Virgin, in public places, have been profaned in ways too horrible to relate, and in soma places niters have actually been • ir of the devil. At Ms ted hosts have been women from the purposes of profanation . _ been offered by men in military iiform to a An old lady, keeping a saloon at Long Branch, became so frightened at the recent appearance of the aurora borealis that she rubbed all the names of her debtors off the slate, thinking the day of judgment had come. S&* Henry Ward Beecher owns a $23,- 000 in Brooklyn, a 830,000 farm in Peekskill, has tho Christian Union news paper, and u salary of 812,000. Twenty- five year* ago he had to wait some times week before heconld, pay hi* postage i a home fifi* r-alarv V UfooErs POPULAR WOEM CANDY This bting rrally • spedile agAiMt «U kinds ot orma that are found inchildrei?, itis ftwtbe- raming tbs remedy administered in such trou- fhL „ _ LooisTiUo, August 30,1869. Messrs. James Buddie & Co.—Ututkiueu: In consequence of the benefit 1 havo received trom the use of Tour Dr. Hurley s Worm Candy in my twnily. Iaend you this, hoping you will make it public lor tha good of other parents. My wife aud self are satisfied but for the use o» Hurley's Worm Candy at least one of our chil- died. Both of our * ’“ r -. Arty, they passed w _ inches long. Anyone doubting this can cal] aud at corner 10th and Chesuut streets, an M. Hoet. I will give them proof of this and n m. WACHTEL, —OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC THE GRANDEST, COMPLETEST, -—AND— MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK OF HEN’S, TOUTH’S, BOV’S AND CHILDREN’S Ready Made Clothing fftgal jtotuts—jfewiiUf Co. Executor’s Sale. . ' ffls&aasm enrise letters of dismiselrr VALUABLE PLANTATION Known aa the j. E. J. Horne or, Eli Homo place, situated on Hint River, in the 88th Dis trict or said county, and containing 1880 arras, nHiroorJoM. This is one of tho , . BEST COTTON PLANTATIONS in the oounty and offers a rare opportunity for a aafe iavaMment. The greater portion ol the land » River bottom; and on tho plaooia a splendid residence, an abundance of guodrara houses and a fins gin house and screw, and the place is in flue repair and under good fence. The place is told for distribution among the faeta of said estate. .aept 8 td terms of the law. Givtu under « this 4th day of J Kxccntor’s Sate. O X tie nisi TumAj in Pecembarueit, »iB be ■old berore tho Court House door to the town of EUaville, Schley county, ta order Of the Ordinarv cf said county : Lots ot land number 241. aud half oi lot nun her 241. In the 80th die trict, bchley county; also, east half of lot No. 32. and north’ ’* . _ lot No. 38. in the 26th district of 8 inter couhtv, all com prising the plantation belonging to Wm. Boas. Etc of Schley count!, deceased. Sold as the property of aud Win. Boss Also—Will be sold in the tewn of Buena Vista, Marion county, on the first Tuesday in January, 1871, south half of lot number 174, and north hsir of lot No. 177, in the 3tat district of Mariou county, containing 2024 acres, more or lets.— aid as the property ofWm. Boat, deceased. Te«ma—One-half cash, the other in two an- bm1 ! W“’ e*y. Administratrix’s Sale. TTTILL be suld at public outcry, before the WH Court House in Amerfoue, on the first Tuesday in Decwaber next, the following reali ty belonging to the aatate of W. W. Forth, deed, to-wR: Lot No. 64.10 acres of lot No. 76, am * lodf hit No. 74, and North half lot No. 43. in 2Gth District of bumter county. Also let I 118. and north half lot No. 1 7th in tiio 17th District of Bumter county. To be sold by order of the Court of Ordinary. • j£ L. FORTH. Adm’x oct 18 tde F. W. Fbrth, dee'd. AOMIMSTRATOU'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Bumter county, wiD be sol 1 on «h* first Tuesday in November next, before the Court House door in the city of Ametfcus, the following property, to-wit; One-half interest in and to fractional fot of land, number sixty-three Gent’s Furnishing Goods, SOUTH-WESTERN GEORGIA. (£3) 11 coots; _ (1013-111) a wdi be sold as the property belonging to the of Ben on Byrd, deceased. Terms of tho PURIFY YOUB BLOOD. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, —area— IODIDE POTASH This is the pure and genuine extract of the root, and will, on trial, bo found to effect a ctr- ain aud perfect cure for »h* following com plaints and diseases: Affections of the Bonce, Habitual Coat- ivenew, Debiuty, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fis tula, oil Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Sypliilis, And all impurities of the Blood, etc.' To Dr. Thos. A. Hurley: sir I deem it an act of iustico to yon to stall that iu tlio month id February last, I had a revere attack of inflam matory rheumatism, which completely pros- tratet* tne. At tho eamo time my lungs were much afflicted. I was so reduced that it was with the greatest difficulty I could walk. 1 pro cured some or your oompound extract of hars«- partlla, and commenced taking it. I found that I began to improve, my cough became less se vere, tho soreness of my lungs and breasts gradually subsided, my rheumatic pains less acute. 1 attribute this mainly to your Sarsa parilla. I have U 'W been taking it for over two months! I hare taken in all fire Lotties. Its ef fects hare been most satisfactory to me, and 1 advise others similarly affected to givo you a trial. Jos. Clekext. The gentleman whose name is appended to the above certificate has long resided nero, and af the present time is one of the macistrates ot the dty of Louisville. f)5g=»Give me a call whether you wish to purchase or not— take a look through the mammoth Stock and see the new styles. M. WACHTEL, HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. HO AR8EHIC—HO MERCURY. PERFECTLY RELIABLE! The only remedy for Chills aud Favor or Ague and! erer, that is .w can be depended up- on is Hurley s Ague Turd-. There have been thousands cured by using it who bare tried the usual remedies without Lcucfit. To Dr. Thao. A. Hurley: I hereby certify that pouible, -lxnrnr m«dkal attendant ordered quoime, in large doses, fro. quentiy as high as bO grains perdSy, andVhkh fc *“ —* — “—*- lioo I d,. ^j&Bsaa must have cost mi Bmitb, of Looisvit quinine and arsenb*, combined, hdf pii Table nd spleen. Alxrat this time tbo suTertke; of Ague Tonic appeared iu a dty p.^,, and I determined to give ft a trial. I did so, and have no rmson to ragiwt it. One bottle restored me completely, end ' ‘ nearly h hundred e» , . . equally happy results, and would certainly re- xntnt, Major and Council and citizens in Baker and Father Ryan. All bad ness snspended. M. JiAlfKJSTT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. os- a ? v DR. 5EABROOK S E5 IaIX I R PYROPHOSPHATE IRON & CALISAYA This elegant combination possesses all tin tome propisrtir- *—" ^ - lutthedi cf Peruvian Bark and iron, disagreeable tastes and bad effect* of either, separately or in other preparations, oJ these valuable medicines. It shook) be taken in all oases v«mn a gentio tonic impression qmred after convalescence from for era ot taring diseascs.or in thosa * Lease op the State Road.—The At- lauta Constitution njH that tbo bill to provide for the lease of the State Road fixes the rant At riot lees than. $25,000per month, and authorize* ttio Governor to resume possession within twenty days after failure to pay monthly root. It re quires In tho sum of eight millions for • the prompt payment of the rent and tho return of the toad in as flood condition «s when received. An inventory of the rood nnd eqnipmeut is to be taken and tiled with the Secretary of State, and the debts of tho rood ore to be paid out of the State Treasury after having passed a lx>ard of examination consisting of Bing ham, Conley, Dawson A. YVnlker and Geo. HiUycr. The bill has passed die House and is now before tho Senate. Doubly Honoijkd.—K. If. “Whitley, of Decatur county, seems to. be a favorite ■ witU tliCltiulicak. Tbc Legislature«nt Ha.fc.U.V ■ him to tho U. h. Senate a few months cutting and miking gumenu. A ago, and now wo jiereciw tbo Con^n- tiou of tho Soooud District baa nomina ted him for the House of Representatives. Bat for tho fact that he can never be either Senator or Representative, the esse might look ridiculous.—Sar. Jlrj,. Tho New York , stock exchange lias given 625,000 to tho sufferers by the Virginia floods, tho gold exchange 610,- 000,andmerchantsand brokers614,000 :<». Ills. MEW TAILOR SHOP.—The A V undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Aincrious sod Bumtor county that he h*a aucued s new talks’ shno ia tho oH hotel [here ho is prepared to do |dnd* oi and rq»*iring old garments don . J. E mnWBY. Notice. fracduMO near Tizwstt, Qa. 81* tas sow ou mSm m m*** srfiBSs?? septlBl* n well take its place. JAMES RUBBLE A €0., PROPWETOLS, l aboratory No. 41 Bulb'd Shvrt, Louisville, Kj. AD3WS1STKATOH’S SALE. /\N the first Tuesday ia November, will be acid before the Court House door f~ city of Amcr cus, between the usual lio sale, the tollowlug property, to-wit: A lauds belonging to estate of Ja*. H. Bareua, t cceased.—Hairlnt of 81, 82, ami 83, and lots 111 and 112, m Webster, lH:h District. Alsu liair lot No. 11,Sumter County adjoiuing lauds of bam. H. Hawkins, and Joe. Thomas, a acres off of lot No, 10,17th distriot, near J " »rd Bold by order of Court of Ordinary ofSarater . muty, for benefit of the heirs auil creditors cf said liVcc-ased, Terms cash, sept. lG-tds. A. H. KENDRICK, AilmvV. G eorgia—srsrrrB comtv. Whereas, Barney Parker, administrator e ie estate or Joseph Crawford, lato of said coni r deceased, appues for letters c* dtanlseion uni said estate. These aro therefore to cite aud adircmlsh, all and singular, the kindred said creditors of said deceased, sod all persons concerned, to be and appear &t my ofiivo within tho time prescribed by law, and show cause if any the)' lave, oth» —‘“v letters of dhdnh^lon will be granted in > of the law. cn .undermy hand and officialngnaturs this 10th day of August, 1870. Aug. 11 4m B. F. BELL, Ord*. Lamar Street, next to Toole, Selin mpert A Co. LARGEST STOCK Drugs and Medicines I OFFERED Ot AMZUCCS .1 Great Reduction in Prices FOUR BEAUTIFUL PICTURES FOR ONE DOLLAR 1 BLACKS1IEAK & t ARAM ORE’S ART GALLERY 1 HE Junior of tho firm having jtu»t returned from Baltimore, where be has ber-u spemi- VERY BE8T STYLE, ud it PRICES WITIUN THF. PEACH OP THE STERRE8C0PIC PICTURES, PORCELAIN, or Ivorytype, which ia now *o popular in all tl«e Northern ci- ties, ws are prepared to make in the best man- tisrpoawblo. tar lforricular cars given to copying old Pictures from deceased or absent ftvenda Into Photographs, thereby reviving the memory of he faithful aud a be* nt ones. We are also fullv prepared to xccommo- W. T. DAVENPORT’S. Off, AU the hading artlc’.os and recent pa rations of tbo different schools of Medicine can always be found at W. T. DAVENPORT’S. Zuargo and Varied ASSORTMENT ( date thoae who deefre their HANDKERCHIEFS PHOTOGRAPHS . KLACKHHKAU & IAB4JIOKE, Pboto^qphcre, Boone’s corner, Ajuericue, Ga. A.1 the above aediciuesaro far sale by DOS® DR. SHALLENBERCER’S Fever and Ague j ANTIDOTE I Alway* Staipa trio Chills, j This Mod w-y ha.* bot-n boforo tho Public 1 fifteen year*. .‘ tA :j ail'd ahead of all other j.known ramt.Yjjo. It jl vi y.jt pur^e, dees J not eleien th6 ir-'u.,: i ftetLx: ty j«fc ia any do .j sr,i nalov ;til <di' \nn:>i and W.A. COOK & CO., I i»lhooa!y XCodidn. . Lwill |. CURE IM MEDIATELY Amcrirus, Uiu. j «id jxrmir.c.-tly of r.„r Old i Aja;', L...;it i, , v.r{. ,'t Aarl tt tt ' - L.W. Hunt& Co., Macon, Ca - J. H. CALLAWAY A COT. ~ WILLEMS, fort(jaeuks,. ..mmm ~ A LL grades of Frt^h Flour ground at their • tar Corn and Meal always ott band. *>'■ ; NOTICE. H AVING, on tho llrai <lay of Juno hat, aold out my intarest in the furniture buahere toMri H. P. Boono, the barinrea her tofore NOTICE. • d.l.ta that I c.atract «og2Sta> > JESSE KEW. r indebted lotlio lot*^mftrare^ the:u a^enco to tJm iwdarsigued.. fo-fodT URIAH B HtUlIoLD CITY TAXES r 1870 arc now due, and in cbclt- ace of Connell,-I ehall com- sax. • Clerk and Treasurer. TOILET ARTICLES, YV*. T. DAVENPORT’S. KEROSENE ASTRAL OILS, nt. W. T. DAVESPOBT’S. Pamts, Glass, Varnish, Putty, OILS, BRUSHES, nt \V. T. DAVE.NTOIirR. favbh, BLANK BOOKS, PENS, INKS, *t \y. T. DAVENPORT’S. CREAM TARTAR, SODA, SPICE, . Pepper, Flavoring Extracts, at W. T. DAVENPORT'S. Physician’s Prescriptions Promptly and carefully put up at oct 1 ly W. T. DAVENPORTS. VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE, ON KINCHAFOONEE CREEK. I B Y virtue of on order f rom the Court of Oitul _J -nary of WtLwtcr county, inauod at tbw tSri - u-rnber »orm. 1870, of said Court, will bo aold oeforc tha Court Uonse door, in tbo town of Preston, in raid eopntr, on tho first- Tuts iby in November: That valuahle form on Kmchsfoo- uetj creek, knowu aa the Chappell cox planta tion, containing one thousand and fifty <103M) -creri ot land, ia-*W or lesa, to-wit; Lot No. 17, containing 2ft24. south: half of lot No. IS, went aalf of lot No. 47, treat half of lot No. 50. One uuodred add forty-two acres of lot ho. 4C, tot I Xo. 51, containing 2u2} acres, and lot No. 78,1 containing 2WJ.acre;, all lying in the 18th dis trict 'of said county.- UmmWhhIhmJ b-»utC00 rertsof open :-ltivaiion. ’Iho - - •tood will compare with any county in western Georgia. . | . Tha atave described place will be I ,-qual ixi3tA-Imouts»on« naif ctsh, tho other half JOHN M. COX, Adm’r aept 20 Ids. FOR SALE Pa tnic bsnire, _ „ on re-**ou * ‘ at^uoffloa. —daud one and a >, ami an J-half inlet eat In and to For Bent. TIT ILL be rented to the highest bidder, on the W tiret Tucsda; in November next, tho PLANTATION bultmging to the estate or B* n- Bjrd, lato of arid county, deeessed, for and during the year 1871- FOB SALE. ^GREEABLY'to an order of tho Ordinary or Sumter Oouuty, will bo sold before the rt House door in Americas, on tbs first Tu< sday iu November next. East half of lot Jr., deceased Terms Cash. >ppt 22-td. A. J. WILLIAMS, Attorney iu fat For X. M. McLain, of Arkansas. dismission will be gmntedtn *S.B. Eases, Ord^ tiwest quarter Of l ^tgal ^alts-ocltbsttr Postponed Administrator’s Safe. AN' the Drat Tuesday in December next, before V the Court House door in the towo of Prte- ton Webster County wiil be sold between the igal hourv of sale, the foiloinnK described lauds, tamg a portion of the plantatton ot J. M. 8auu- ders deceased, whereupon ho lived at the time of bis death, to wit: 4 rsctional lot No. 36, containing 160 acre#; lot ..(».62 Lot NoC7 and Hou'h East hiiroflol No. G6 containing one hnndrel acres. Said la »m1» m originally 48, now tho 19th District ofsai«: oennty of Webster. The said lauda having been bid off at the pre- viouaaalcof the Administratrix to wu: I he first Tantday m December last, by Sampson beuot ■aid coant j, who failing to compty-with the sale, the name know to bo a old at hi* risk, bale having l>een postponed by order of court. Terms ot ralo—cash. SARAH SAUNDERS, oct 13. tds. Admx. /GEORGIA,—Web stiji pomsnr. U FOUR weeks alter date, application will be mad* to the Ordinary «>f Webster county, at tho Unit regular term after tho expiratiun of four weeks from this notice, for'lrare to sell the lands belonging to the estate of P. V. Perry, late •f said county deceased, for the benefit of the he ira and creditors of said deceased. ELISABETH PERRY.' August 11th 4 w Adm’x. Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Ordinary of Web ster county, will lie sold before tlie Conn House door, in the town of Preston. Webster county, Ga., oft the first Tuesday in N"v» next, all tho lauds belonging td the cat Gibson Tullia, lato of aud county, docv Vtiilow’a dower excepted. Sold fur the benefit BAD BLOOD. ‘The Life is the Blood. ing, around which revolves all that makes exia- wooo Riper. VVhca itoKnrto i» the painful offsets are risible in many nhir^T prominent unoo, which n 7 w ’ SCROFU LA. This is a taint or infection of the human or qanism, and probably no one is wholly free from it. It exhibits itaelT iu various shapesiaa n iS and nores. decayed bones, diseased scalp *or<- eyes, *eak and ditesecd Joints. St. Vitus Dance foul discharges from tbo nostrils, eruption/ lukr vweUinga, throat a Sections, rh'-nm-t- leart affbclions, nervous disorders, tarrea- disorders of the womb, tlropsT, ayphifiti affections, liver complaint, salt rheum, <Wp- neuralgia, loaa ofmxuhond and gener.l a,. oilitv. It has been the enstom * diseases witt — J stsnceH, whii cure, often p tics of these so-called 0 alteratives aud puri&cr has led rite phiUntroyhicsl mau of acienc« \. —tore the arcana of nature, the result .f ich has been the discovery of 7egetable pr>. ducts which possess the power of eradicatitp dteae tauita from the blood. D>r. TUTT’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SUI1MUU UElIi DUli Is the acknowledged antiToto to all blood dfi. eases. By its Use tho affi-ctious above encm> - rated can be permanently bauiihed, ami tfc? Sonrcp.the Centre of Blood,tbcLifo be mxintaiued in all its parity and vigor. For diseases produced by the use of Mercury, and for Syphilis, with its train of ceils, thi. cum I -wild Is the only sure nuthlotc unstrung and countenance downcast SARSAPAPILLA Queen’s Delight is a blessing. Try it ftiriy and year ten cs mS be restored to tlKir w ouu d vigor, and v jnr tie. lotted countenance be mado radiant w*.th the consciousnow of RESTORED. MANHOOD. Being free from violent mineraln,it is adapted, general neo. '1 he old aud young may hjk* it, the most delicate lemalo at any time m tv take it; the tender infant, who may have iulienta! •lit*ease, will be cored by it. sept 27 tds. SOE U* 8 E Georgia—Webster county. Dl*« TUT l^S E1TMIT W SlISlHBIill Webstar county, to bo discharged from his Ex- I- , VD ecutorsji'p on Idiaria Goaro’s last Will and Tec- j. tament, on account of jnfiimity and inability QlJPEN’fi DELIPHT therefrom to attend to arid trust; that in one « » M * w '* n • • month from the beginning of the pubUcati on of • thi* notice he will apply for the* sanction of said petition, and to be discharged from said Ext torship. • JAMES M SHIVERS, octclm$7 “ "" i saidKxecu* HIVERS, Executor Phans Goarc. Georgia—Mini ter County. glOUR weeks after date application will be made to tlie Ouurt of Onfiuary of said coon t r leave to sell the wild lands' belonging to estate of Jackson Walker, late of said countv eased. JAMES P. WEST, I st 8 lm. PdlLLIP WEST, f Kam ra * ADJM1NISTBATR1X SALK A GREEABLE to an order of tho Cqurt of Or dinary of Webater county, will be sold be fore the Court House door in tho Town of Pres ton, of said county between the uauxl hours of sale on tbs first Tuesday in November neat* to the highest bidder the following described lands belonging to the estate of P. V. Perry, deceased, viz: Lot, No., 85, containing 200 acres, South balfot lot Vo, 84, containing 100 acres, North ualfoflotNo. 83. contaiumg 100 acres, aud 75 acres of lot No. 75, on North side of said lot and 75 sores of lot No. 7G. on North side of aai I ot, containing in all 550 sores, in the IGth D.strict o! said county, and adjoining lands oi O. W. Chris tie, V. G. Jones and oilier*. Hold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of arid Estate. Terms cash. ELIZABETH PERRY, „ apt. 8. td. Administratrix. Harsh Ann Turner having applied to me >or exemption of Personalty aud setting ap^rt and valuation of Homestead, I ’ will pass upon the same at my afilce, on Saturday, the 29th iust,, at 10 o'clock. A. M. m* IS S. O. W. t>AVENPOBT, Onl-y. the Court of Ordinary of said county, re to *-efl all the land* belonging to tit- hem of Jackson Walker, 'deceased of said county. JAMES P. WEST. I Va 8. lm. PHILLi i» WEST, { AdmYfl * Elizabeth tarry has applied for exemption of personalty an I seulng apart and valuation u. homestead, and 1 wnl nut upon the same at pi o’clock, tho 22d day of October, ls7t», at “J G W. DAYEXrORT. Or.V r - JuseyibWoottcu applies for exemption o feieonalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, aud I will pass Uv*oO tho same at my flice. at 10 o'clock, A. :r. on the 22d day of Oc tober, 1=70. B. F. nglJi, Ordinary. 1 t-ORG IA—HusiTEii CorxTt. T Nxtiee lo hereby given that! ication, on ihc firet Momlay in tho Court or ordinary of burn er county : ermission to tell tbo realty belonging to the 0 - «te of Abner T. Lrvant, deceased, to-wit ; i said Abner T.' Brvaut rtsuird and adjoining o utiiitaii-us of Wdiiatn A. Wison and John it, Gate'xuod. RU THA BRYAN f, Adm’x ' eat. Ab. T. Bryant, dec’d. a EOltGlA—SrjrrBB Copxty. Ur Thomas J. Lightloot, as the rext fr end of aIxh Aucttuo Huggs ana her m UoC aildrev •largaret 1>.. Joiui E., Milanua'A , -^d Joel 1). dcBonrid, has applied for ax^mption of person alty. aud setting apart and valuation or homo 4tead and 1 will pass upon the same at li oc ock. a. m , on the 14th day of O to #er, 1870, at my office *.«**.» vci. 4 a, i'rgal IJutitcs—(£,o. iXLOUUlA— HciOJT Counit. VX FOUR weeks sfier ilaie, application v «« m»uc to the Ordinary of Schioy county, • ho first regtnar term, after tho expiration join- weeks from this notice, for leave to sed t_. real estate ot W. A. D. Cleveland, dec’d, for the oct 1 lm Notice to Debtors and Creditors. . A LL persona indebted to tho csiateof W. A. CX D. Cleveland, lato ol Schley countv, doo’d are hereby notified to oomo forward and make immediate paymont, and those holding claims against said dec'd will hand them in in terms ot the law. JOHN N- CHENEY, Clerk Court, \ EURGIA—Scaunr CorxTT. Tiura Payne, wife of William Payne applies for exemption of personalty and setting jmart and valuation of homestead, I will paas upon thi Jt.10 o’clock, A. M., on Saturday, the 8th day of October, 1M70 at mv office. wpt aa at* H. E. EASON, Ordinary. rrE^ROU—Srautv CocwrrT « \\ hcrcM, HenryW.l*ayuc,a ie estate of Levr B. Ilndges, di i mo for letters of dism&aion — r - Tlieeo are therefore to eito and admonish, all and ringolar.the kindred and creditors of saio deceased, and all parsopa concerned, granted *aid applicant. . Given under my hand and official signature, Uua 4th day of July, 1870. . Iulf vn4m • B&Easow, Ordinary. - Hcwtxr Conrnr. after date, application wiH be tirarsla-Sciiiey Cqu»» i’egal 3|otim—A« ULoanls •-ce Postponed Starjtti Spies for Nonahw. F'larlots of luid Hoi. ISO HO, U9, 120 r.I dorter security. The other in favor of Oflieere of Court vs Green B. Majo. also to ratinfi* fi fa-' mmy hands, all leaned from Leo Superior Court. JAKES HALTER. oct. 1 tdo. Deputy Sheriff Georgia—Lee county . OOUR weeks after date applicatimi will bt * made 10 the Ordinary ol Lee county for •eavo to sell tho land belonging to the estate of Joseph Outlaw, late of said countv, de -rased octl 4w W. 0. GILL, Adm r. Leo Mottgase Sales for DtcembcrT iTTILL bo sold liefore the Court Honee door, ew in the to^n of Qt-rkvillc, Lie county, ot die first 1 u. eday in December next, between th« nfinal hon a of Bale, the following property, to- One Grey Mare. Sold to' satisfy t mortgage fi It in favor ot J. V. Price k Son. JAMES SALTER, sept 39 tds. l>e .utj sheriff. is Priceless. The Diamond Glasses Manufactured by J. E. SPENCER, New York, which are now offered to the public, _ oounccd by all the celebrated optidana P*?* world to be the moat perfect natural, artificial help to the human eye ever known. They are nrannd under their own supervision, from min- .'te crystal pebbles, meitetl together, and derive ihoir name, “DUmqud,• on account of then hardnep* and brilliancy.- The scientific principle mi winch they aro constructed brings the core >r centre of the ton* directly in front of the eye. prodneihg*clear and distinct vision, aa in the return, healthy sight, and preventing all un- P« their VOS ■ L _ Watchmsken and Jewelers, sofe amts' foi Americua, Georgia, from whom tnlr Sicy.cai. i employed, marlfew.y LAND FOB SALE. •' A BARGAIN OFFERED aud debility peculiar to thate year. It acts;>romptiyon the LAVEIl AND KIDXEYs. Produces a healthy action of tho impoium or- * is by which all tho impurities ot tie carried off; and tho result is a CLEAR SKIN, A GOOD APPETITE AND BOUT ANT SPIRITS. PREPARED BY Wm. R Tutt & Land, AUGUSTA, GA., And Sold by Druggists Everywhere Xi J3 M O VAL, S. P. BOONE H AVING removed to the old btand occult . by Run last year—known aa the G. M. K*;. bnilditig—is iioty maqutactunpc. and I cepe o* stantly un hand a lull supply of 3T*lxxo PumJlturo. PARLOBSETS, In Walnut ucd IJaliogany; CHA^fiBER SETS, With and without marble tops COTTAGE SETS. REDSTRARS.MATTRIiS^ Chain, Baskets, Brooqu WINDOW SHADES. WALL PAPES METALLIC CASES AND COFFINS In great variety Repairing promttlv attendw re. Orders filled with satisfaction ana disp»tri sept 1 3 tf SIB JAMES Cl^jqgV* FEMALE PILLS, lUease* to which the femrip cqm»Uu.'ii oct, and which moderates all ex$ee«£* & Removes all Obatxuctto from whatever causf. iafiir James Ctake's.Fr male Pills, prepared from a_preacrii ti<)D oi f. Clarke, 51.1x7Physician ExtraordiDary tod Qireon,byD. H. Flak, 4? Dey street, Nt*}^ To married ladies it ia particularly auitti will in k short timo bring on the tBontblyT«7 3 ° with rcgnlsrity, and doss not contain anjtwi* hurtful to tho constitution. In all eases of ^ vous and spinal affratiowi. pains ia the bark** tabs, palpitation of the taut, hysterics,vbitt* it iriU effect a ruro when aQ other meii/b'; felled. ’ Full directions in pamphlet aronode*^ S. c OHEKi * * *• 0 ■Doilor. flTTOUU) respectfully call tho attimticn of ^ ¥» citizens of Americas and suircar.uh'S^ 1 ^ gj the feet that he ift prepared lf> cusi’om;i{a«e wanH UUwdMltrotMtK,, Wo taTB Twp European Workmen fourteen rear* from tha pubhc, be *a5»»MaaBSiS?5 .Notice. W .0-ISd^ro„ e had by early application to WC «; ti breoey A Od, ' '"'SaaSawiita.'