The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, October 28, 1870, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. Wdav Morniag, October 28,1870. INSURE YOUE PROPHET* . i„ following safe fti'd reliable Companies : ;.TH B-UTf-n A JlKBCANTnjtlSOTKASC* Co., Of London, England 1>m**aisceCi*., Of Brooklyn, }few York rmras Mrir-m L*.'ai**iusat Co., Of Athena, Georgia. INSURE YOUR UFE - -nviiLV Lira Assukakcb Society, Of Sew York ., i TTiiN pxATKH iNsrr.AVCS Co., Of Macon, Georgia. , ,W. T. DAVENPORT/ At New Drag Store, Lamar Street, IV to, SPEER K BOOKS, A Brokcre, corner I aniar A College ate TO PRINTERS. \ -rood compositor, of industrious and . ,!„-r habits, can Cud steady employment t v immediate personal application at tins The weather of the past few days •ms been decidedly wintery. Bsft, The procession of Nixon’s Circus ns a grand failure. ftrif What has become of the Americas ’.-brary Association ? H. If. Allen announces himself , '(imlidatc for Sheriff of Sumter county. Messrs. Hart & Bro., will accej t , ir thank 1 for a couple of fine fish. They - vive them daily. Sumter Superior Court has been lionrned until the first Monday in To ah Fish are hawked about the mels, daily, which, judging from their :..-ouliar odor, ore old voyagers from the I®* One of the moat dastardly assaults was perpetrated on the person’of C'. W. Hancock, on Tuesday morning last, that we have ever known. As he was coming from tho Barber-Shop under tho hotel 1 e was accost d by S. H. Mitchell, theChsef of Police, and questioned In regard to an article that appeared in the Bkfubuxcan of that morning, anticipating no difficul ty, Mr. H. 'answered the questions and turned to leave, when he received a cow ardly blow wi h a stick, in the hands of Mitchell, upon the head, which knocked him down, and, while in this condi-ion, he was struck three times over the head, and the ruffian would have continued his work if a gentleman approaching had not threatened to shoot him if be did not desist. In tho article referred to, there allusion made to Mitchell, neither was it intended more for him than any one else, and if it had boen, Mr. H. not being the author of it was not the person to attack. If any Bet of men in the land can Bee any thing in that article that should cause an attempted murder, we will acknowledge that wo havo not sense enough to Our remarks, so far as boys being forced nto a grog-shop, thereto be raised, for general application, and there ai five respectable men in the city who will not agree with us. We give below the article referred to : No r to be Intimidated.—In giving publicity to events that transpire in the city, we do so with no inteution to cause my one mortification or to injure their business, bnt as journalists recording the doings of those aronud us. But the threats of those who style themselves as *• bullies ” will not deter n< from noticing anything calculated to injure the morals of the young men of this city. We re gard it in the light of a holy cause to cry «lown and rid onr city of evil and crime, rod to do this we must strike at the root, and work at it until we can get every itood man in tho city to join in and help us; and, as we know that most of our jzens have the good of the young heart, we expect to have all on our side ore long. Truth is terrible in some thinf and when it touches the heart of tl guilty, it is more terrible still. And i will ever say that the father must not e I feet his boy, raised in a grog-shop, to fill r* The 'Peoples' Literary Companion, for November, comes to ns as bright and as fresh looking as the green fields are af ter a gentle rain. It is published by E. O. Allen & Co., Augusts, Maine. Terms' 75 cents per year. A fine Steel Engrav ing; entitled “From Shore to Shore, ” is presented to every new subscriber. It is really one of the most pleasing engrav ings ever before the pnblic. The Com panion is printe d on fine, heavy paper; its columns are fillod to the brim with good things by talented authors, and withal it is one of the largest and finest illustrated family papers published. Wo are pleased to learn that G Phil. Cook lias determined upon making Americas bis home. jsJv- A sharp young lady says there i nothin" more touching in this life than see a poor, bnt virtuous young man -trickling with a weak moustache. feg-We learn that onr old friend, Wm i'oker, of Plains of Dura, is afflicted with l. ii'l palsy aud not expected to live. 'i ho Pocket Cutlery that Messrs l.oitner .t Fricker non' have for sale n warranted in every rospect. aud if an; knife that they sell proves defective the; will -rive a new one in place of it. n honorable position in manhood. There chance in thousand for him. New Yobk, October 21.—Tho Woild lias tho following special from London: Twenty thousand people marched to the Palace Yard and organized a meeting in sympathy with tho Republican France. The speakers de. ounced King William. Allusions to Bright’s apathy were receiv ed-with cries of “shame!” The Glad stone government was bitterly reproach ed for abstention. The resolutions de mand the abolitions of pension to Ger man Princess, and declare that the soon- the king and queens are abolished, the better. Library Association.—From various causes the Library Association lias sus pended animation, but it is hoped that it will soon revive. A meeting of all the members is solicited on next Thursday night, at the nsoal hoar in tho Associa tion Room. G. T. WILBURN, Oct. 23,1870. President EgU Wliat a glorious world th ; s would be, if all its inhabitants could say, with Shakespeare’s shepherd :—“Sir, I am a true laliorer; I earn what I wear; I urn hate; envy no man’s happin glad of other men’s good ; content with my farm. ” JggrThe Publishers of the Saturday Evening Post will give all subscribers for 1871, that paper for the three last months of this year, gratis. The Post is a splen did literary paper, and neatly printed. It has the success of fifty years to sustain its popularity, and yet the publishers will give each new subscriber a handsome pre mium. Price only 82.50 a year. Ad dress Henry Peterson & Co., Publishers, 310 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Penn. C&r. We have received a circular from James Robinson, “tlio undoubted and undisputed champion bare-back and hur dle rider of tho world, ” announcing that after many years absence he has return ed, and will make a tour with his Great Circus and Southern Show. At what time he will appear in this city we at prepared to say, bnt whenever lie comes, he will have a larger crowd than any show that has ever visited the place. This is not the first time that this man > has used his slick upon occasions when it j ^ T |,„ Savannah 1Yew copies our nr- was unnecessury,and it is time Unit the cit-1 ticlo p ving „„ ilem ot lwo of , be Kploila izens demanded his expulsion from office. ot a certain Associate Editor to Sevan- safe when a ruffian backed by the law and is allowed to open ly v iolate tho peace, which he has sworn to protect. Will the people of Americas longer allow this man the authority to bnlly and beat them at will, when ho has tho advantage, and still retain his office ? Will the Council still retain him when he has shown himself unworthy of the trust reposed in him ? If so, wo would advise onr citizens to prepare themselves for just such an attack, some of them, at .cast, ns was made on the Editor of this l«iper lost Tuesday. C&» Miss Mattie Adams, of Eatouton teemed the golden apple offered at tin Htc Putnam Fair, as the most beautiful on the ground. Mr. W. L. Deiroi* nade the presentation speech. D3L. If the La thing beautiful k Pricker's aud se tray of Jewelry, . just t.roiigli him. ish to which Mr. Fricker n New York wilt t'iicxKKKY.—If any of our house-keep er* desire to lay in :: aheap aud elegant -npidyof Crocker., they can do so by ap plying to 8. Anthony & Sons. Patronize home institutions. Florida Oranges.—Mrs. C. A. Wright will please accept our thanks for a num ber of Florida oranges. They aro a part of a box sent to her from the plantation of her husband, which is said to be one of tho best places in Florida. Mr. Wright is extensively engaged in raising fruit of all kinds adapted to that climate. We wish him abundant success. Because the U. S. flag was ordered down from the Fair Grounds, at Atlanta, Gov. Bullock got mad an l swore that he would not visit the Fair. Yancey then ordered the flag to be run up, nextto the Society flag, when His Excellency relent ed and telegraphed Kimball, at the Fair Grounds, “ shall visit the Exhibition to morrow. ” How kind and considerate ! ^ We see that Jim Fisk is going to visit the Columbus Fair and bring with him a number of fine horses. Save dimes, boys and men, that you may and see the “sight ” ANUOUNC6MENTS. . For .Mayor. e am authorized, to 'announce the name of P. H. OLIVER as a candidate for the office of Mayor of Amerlcus, at the ensuing Municipal election, ock 27 td. For Sheriff. At the solicitation of inuuy friends aud voters, both white and colored, T am per suaded to submit ray ntlme to the voters ofSumterconnty for Sheriff attbocri- sning election. Respectfully, <**25* H. H. ALLEN. LEITNM & FLICKER’S For Representative. At the solicitation of many voters,both white and colored, we are authorized to announce tho name of STERLING GLOVER as a candidate to represent the county of Sumter in tho next Legis- Under th.e Barlow House, Amoriouw, Georgia, cct20 f“ Voters. To tho Vvter* of tho 13th Sen. District At tho request of many voters, both white and colored, irrespective of party, in tho Connties of Sumter, Schley aud Macon, I hereby announce myself at Indepcndant candidate for the Statv Senate. It. o. BLACK, oct 15 td. For Representative. At the solicitation of many friends.both white and blackj I announce myself as a candidate to represent the county of Sum ter in the npxt Legislature, oct 13 te* J. R. G. HO LINE. For Tax Receiver. We are authorized to announce T. B. GLOVER as a candidate for Receiver cf Tax Returns of Sumter county, at th ensuing election. oct 12 td NEW GOODS! O UR MR. FRICKER lisa just returned from New York with tho LARGEST and most tdtt.EC Stock of- DLVMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER AND PLATED WARE, GENUINE “RODGERS” AND BEST AMERICAN CUTLERY, WALKING CANES, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, TOILET SETS AND FANCY GOODS GENERALLY. Our friends Bad tho public generally aro cordially invited to call aud inapecl our good* and prices boforc purchasing elsewhere, as wo are prepared to soil them as low aa they cm be boi lor iu any market. Every article sold by ns warranted as represented; if it proves to the trarv the money wi!!. in all eases, bo itErrxozD. £t/' Wo are Agents for the following: Tho Celebrated Bor el & Oonrvoirier Watches, The Elgin and United States Watch Company*# Watches. Till- American. G-over A HnW, Wheeler and Wilson SEWING MACHINES. Prof. Frank’s, the Diamond, and Accommodating SPECTACLES. SWATCH WORK^YT .Special attention given Jo watch work. Parties haling Watches that havo been injured by in competent workman or otherwise, MADE AS GOOD AS NEW aud WARRANTED. Plain Watches Jcwelod " * ----- - - • Rings, Ac., made t< SiT Kugr: led in Ruby and Sapphire, Crysolite, Aquamarine and Garnet Badges, •tier. Jewelry REPAIRED r.s neatly ns it can l*o done ia Now York. LEITNER & FRICKER, GRANBERRY & CO.,! INTERESTING The Next Congress.—The members A already elected to the Forty-second Con gress number 82—Republicans 50, Demo crats 2C; a net gain of eight for the latter. A fnll Houso is 243 members. There re mains to be elected 161 members. Saar-The Huntsville (Ala.) Democrat vertises for a g od printer. “One thai t‘& not driuk more than a quart of wliis- :t tlav will be accepted.” **£•.. The mammouth Hotel in Atlanta, «< Kimball House—was opened on 'f->n«lav last, with a grand banquet Out devil has been in eest&siei v-t since the arrival of Nixou’s beautiful hand wagon, aud requests as to beg oar •traders’ indulgence lor the lack of locals, ibis morning, as all hands were afflicted with circus on the brain and bad to at- * •'.(!, they haul free tickets. W> O ir old friend, Neil McCoy has, ennaesionating our condition, made ns <>me steps, for our office, to replace those tolen from ns some nights ago. Wo hope h'> tl r <7 may catch whoever attempts to •foal them. (fijy- We have beard of a young Asso •iuto Editor, living not a hundred miles from Americas, who recently visited Sa vannah, and, on liis arrival, jumped into i hack with an old gentleman whom he »ok to be a “drummer’* for a hotel. Vftcr goiug through u number of streets tlin conveyance was stopped in front of a largo mansion and the old gent alighted. Ditto quill-driver with carpet-lmg in hand. Old gent, proceeded nj» the steps and rang the bell for admission, and on look ing aronnd found onr friend by liis side inked him what lie wanted, but received no answer. The door being opened, in rushed the worthy representative of the press in true editorial style, dropped his d coat on the floor, and made for the table which he reached aud seated himself at. The old gentleman hurried ly followed and catching quill driveT by the collar indignantly exclaimed : “ What do yon mean, sir, by this intrusion ? ’’ Our surprised friend said: “Sir, ain’t this a hotel ? ” Old gent pompously, “No, Sir ; this irf my private residence. ” “ I thought it was a hotel, ” replied tho yonng editor, looking wistfully at the ta ble, but receiving no invitation to resume his seat excused himself and received structions where to find the hotel aud re tired. B£Su A number of our readers who fail- e 1 to settle for their papers have been dropped from onr subscription list. Our te»rms are cash. If the paper is worth reading it is worth paying for. That is what ails Hannah, now. nah, and credits the article to tho Ameri- jottrier. We only notice the error to say to our Savannah cotemporary that we don't think the Courier would ever have published those facts—we know it wonld >t. The article belongs to us. £ST* The corner-stone of a monument to Gen. R. E. Lee was laid iu Atlanta on Saturday, under the auspicies of the La dies Memorial Association. Among the articles deposited were a Confederate flag with tho inscription “Sacred to the memory of Gen. Lee,” a portrait of the General, and a bullet taken from the body of a wounded Confederate. A Long Contest.—In the Radical Con gressional Convention for tho Twenty- sixth New Yoik District, held in Bing hampton, Thomas C. Platt was nomina ted for Congress, O tober 14th on the one OiOHsaiul and tuenty-second ballot.— We do uot see liow long that convention was m session. 'EfQ- Schley Superior Court adjourned over, on Tuesday last, until the regular term in March uext Enlarged.—The Savannah Morning News, comes to us much enlarged and otherwise improved. We congratulate our friend Estell on this evidence of bis prosperity, os it is well deserved. The paper bears a neat appearance. 6®- It is stated in diplomatic quarters that General Sickles is conducting im portant negotiations at Madrid with ref erence to the status of Cuba. It is be lieved that these have direct refer- to Ihe acquisition of tlio Island by the United States. A Polish Jew traveling through Austria resembling Napoleon III. pearance, was very much annoyed by the curiosity of the people along the route, who believed he was the defeated Emper or, making his escape. Vocal Contest. roR SPECIAL PREMIUMS. Judges—Mrs. Wm. King, Athens, Ga, Mrs. Dr. Wm. T. Brautly, Atlanta; Prof essors Wm. Itolilfiug, Freycr, Wnl- .9 AIN ANNOUNCE tli&t they sillGoV* Only for Cash. Their FALL and WINTER Stock ia daily arriv ing, and trill soon be complete—bought VERY LOW, and a large portion of it trill bo sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES POE C A. 8 H! ON A We ba' The 60cret of THE MONEY, and have but O Si JR PR OHEDIT. NO CREDIT PRICE. prices is, vffl sell FOR Plaid# for fall stock of Domestics, both of d Southern manufacture, sn. tnaltnrgs, Brown Bleached Shirtings and 6lu CASH PRICES, corresponding with the LOW price of 0( MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS. POPLINS, • EL’KA COLT) ALL LOWER THAN USUAL F<»U CASH. A beautiful stock of ladies CJa)A: SHAWLS, cheap enough to satisfy tlio buyers. Hosiery lower than ever fob t; ev. Cl iths and Cassimcies, Loth o: md Domestic manufacture, some of i As J intend changing my business U am now offering my entire Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, Americas, Ga., Oct. 20th, lw R. 3K Z T. BYRD. Six Great Remedies. Hurley’siStomach Bitter^ For Debility, Loss of Appetite Weakness, Indigestion, or Dy»- # jmpsia, Waut «ff _Aetiou of the Liver, or Ifisor- dereil Stomach. Ttxre are n<rbitten) that can compare with these ** iu removing tlicee diatnvoful ooniplainlK IutK#nap<d<« l .Ind., Feb. 7,187ft. To James Ruddle, .V CoMxmunille, Ky; - Gpntleuiai:-About two month* ago I pro cured a bottle of Dr. Hurley*# Bittern 'for my wife, thinking 'pksasaot'tonic, but not rely ing ranch on it#medicinal virtue*, and it eure«l her of a disease die had long been undrr treat ment for. I was afflicted in a similar way, and cot some ft*r my own use, and am happy to say ft has cnml me. My disease was of tho.bladdcr and kidneys. It is certainly; a splendid me<U- cine. and being pleasant to take is quite a re- onmmcndattbn. We and our ntghbora have sj,y^”p°°r£-r r Notice to Mothers. DR. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup. Ale. per Bottle. Use ia tho future S^abrook’n, a combination quite np in advancement of the age; pleasant and reliable hi ell case*, Invaluable m the fol lowing diseases: , Summer Complaints, Irregularities of the BoWela, Beetivoneare, Teeth ing, etc., etc. Otw health to tlio child and rest to the mother. Marietta, Ga., Nov. 1.18C0. Jamca Ruddle & Co. Looisviile, Ky.—We have used yonr Beabrook’a Infant Soothmg By- rop ia our tamilie*. and find it docs more gom’ tliau all other medicines we ever tried. We be Uere it perfectly harmless, and it gives rest *"• ease to our children quicker than all other n rmujtT’s: POPULAR WORM CANDY This being really a specific against all kinds of worms that aro found m children, it it fast be coming the remedy administered in each trou bles; it# pleasaut taste is quite a recommenda tion of itself, wtiilc its efficiency is truly wondci- fnL Ixtuisrilk*, August 30, ISC'J. Itmldle A Co.—Gentlemen: In he benvfit 1 havo received Iron r Dr. Hurley*# Worm Candy in iu* uutu), , sond you this, hoping you will make it public for tho good of other parents. My wife and self are satisfied but for the use of Hurley’s Worm Candy at least one of our chil dren would liavo died. Both of our children are now welland lieavty, they passed worms seven inches long. Auyone doubting this can call anC see mo at comer 10th and Chesnut atreeta. and I will give them proof of thta and more. Yonr# and v ed to giv< Astounding Low Prices FOK CASH. A large stock of U.T3RELLAS, WINDOW THOMAS M . EDEN nW°-' LD tbl of I ho publie te> the MASKS, and .com}ilt-t DOT We are requested to state that Judge G. W. .Wooten will be absent for the next 8 or 10 days. t?" Grease your Gins with Lard Oil, ale at Eldiudue's Drug Store. EGA- Work Boxes, Writing Desks and beautiful Pictures, just received and for sale at The New Book Stour. ! oct 27 tf 83*“ The number of matriculates in the University of Virginia on the 19th instant was 440. There aro new arrivals daily, and the prospect ia good for at least five hundred.' Indiana.—The loss of this State to tho Badical party managers it is a terrible blow to Grant and bis party. Indiana rejects Radicalism, and elects the Demo cratic ticket. Missouri speaks next. I * McCandless, Yieitution Convent, Louis. Mo.; Miss Logan, Griffiu. The contest was quite spirited, attract ing a large number to the music* room. After u careful trial, the judges were unanimous in recommending the spec ial premium to Miss McCaudless, from the Visitation Convent. Her selection was ‘•La Miseirere.” The judges also recommend the Socie ty to award adndomu to the young ladies from the Griffln High School, Prof. Schatler, musical diriotor. The performances of these ladies are considered extraordinary for their ago, and show a great degree ot proficiency. The special premium lor the best per formance “old time music.’* on the violin, will come off at the music room at 3 o’clock,. i*. M., or just after the trotting race. The judges are Hon Th»nnu Stocks, Hon. Mark A Cooper, Dr. It. M, Young.—At. Con. 25/Zi iiuU. Tho Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S CAIAFOBiriA VINEGAR BITTERS, S A voung chap got full ot benzine ”h Friday night and went to Nixon’s Cir- • UK. E»* wanted to “ pistlo ” somebody, :;t couldn’t, case the “ pistlo ” was drnnk •I'd didn’t point strait Don’t fail to read Leitner & V iwcKEK s new advertisement, they have iho largest and most complete stock in •heirlino ever brought to this city. GQi. Those persons wlio eat beef and ' uitton, and have not sold their cotton. w ill find a special notice for their benefi 1 :r °m Hanly, Smith & Co., in anothercol- The Portland, Me., Argus loreth - -- — — ! not the loil, thus: “The attacks of Sgfc.Au oldgentlMttunut this county, ‘lnr» r scribblers upon the .lead Ocucral Two young chaps in town, clerks ,n whisky shops, got into difficulty yesterday, aud one was dangerously cut '*itk a knife on the bock of the head and ucek, by the other. Parents should degrade their sons by forcing them into Mich a business, and it is on them, and -lot the boys that this difficulty should be placed. No father who desires his son to occorae a respectable and honored man will allow him to visit a grog-shop, much ll * s force him to clerk in one against his 0r n wishes. There are honorable employ- ment * eIio ogh in the land for all to make “ Rood living, and which will not injare the character though it may bank® the ands, that men of judgment and pra- ‘ < DCe vould prefer their sons to work at An Aurora Borealis, not quite ao irflliant as several that have recently ecu visible, appeared in the Northern and Eastern sky on Tuesday night about T“ PMt 8 o’clock and remained for some tjnae. It was quite brilliant. Why are appearing so often? Can any one 80 years of ago, married a lady who was not inoro than half a dozen years his juuior, about ten months since, and a few weeks ago the wife presented her husband with a stout and healthy baby. We do not know that this is a child of promise, oncli fortln-re beiug “lifein tho old man yet, ” ‘The Good Temw-aus Advocate,”— The first number of this paper will make its appearance in a few days. Persons wishing to subscribe for the paper, and those desiring their cards inserted, will pleaso hand in their names and favors at an enaly day. As the paper will have a general circulation tbr»mghout the State, it will be oue of the beat mediums for professional and business men in making themselves known. Only a limited num ber of first class advertisements will be taken. Terms of the paper $2.00 a year, in advance. See Prospectus, temptible and disgusting.— These jackals, we venture to say, never faced the Jion whilp he lived.’’ Equine Remedies apeak for theirn Equine Towdere make new Horei Everybody Praises Equine Iteincj “Dexter” takes Equine Powder* Farmers use Equine Remedies. B3P- Mr. M. E. Kenney was thrown from his horse in Atlanta, on Saturday, and iustautly killed. All on account of the foolish sport misnamed the “Tourna ment.” Baf Pickpockets are so thick at the Atlanta Horse Show that a man had to shoot one on Saturday to get through them. Ho hit him right where it wonld kill. .w a n n i k i». On the 20th iust. at tho residence of the bride’s mother, by Judge A. J. Will- Sou Simple. —This popular and richly humorous work is now in the hands of the printer for its second edition. The first edition was nearly exhausted before it left the press, and a second edition has been earnestly called for by many who could not get ft copy of the rarest, raciest, and most pleaaing work of the age. No man, woman or child, who lias a spark of genial feeling iu his or her nature, can read this «nique work with out a well grown hearty laugh- A' limit ed number of copies will be published and those who wish to aeon re a copy will do well to -send their orders at once to (hr “Republican Office,” or to the f‘Au thor of Sam Simple Box lO.” Price $1.00. The work will be out in about oue month. Fatal Accident.—A horse rail away with a small boy at the Fair Grounds, oh Saturday, throwing him off, and killing him instantly.. The accident was not generally known.—Atlanta True Gcorgi ft- Pickpockets are abundant in At lanta and plying their vocation success fully. Poor Atlanta! she is always af flicted. C*ft- Robb, of Savannah, has robbed himself of all respectability and man hood by “ serving the flag. ” OBITUARY. Died, near Albany, on the loth inst., little C.viiex M. T., only eon of Jarace M. and i-’araU . G. Freemen, aged one yoar, seven months and , twenty ono days. Wo*ll tnisa thee, Carey, ’round the hearth— Thy empty chair one hearts will paiu; Though wert too pure and bright for earth, But there—up there, we’ll meet again. Macon October 25. evening.—Cotton; tho ket opened steady this morning at 15 for midtilings. New Yobk, October 25.—Cotton easier; mid dlings I7i. Gotdll@U|. Litzkfool, October 25. noon—Option opened flat; uplands 9; Orleans 9|. Sportilig- _A.i-1icles, ioo of Titiriy year# iu making, repairing and John Mitciielt.’s Eulogy of Gen. Lee.—The highest head, ihe noblest and j th an they can he fcouau? IINS0ME0F0URURSE8T0WHS, soldier, the most chivalrous gentleman; corr.m^ii^Ii!grain Iron: it) cents a v-rl t;.. in this world, the host, the most superb ! I temp,'Venetian \ sample of tlio American warrior lias fallen " ’ * like a mighty tree in the forrest: and men wonder—after the shock of the —to find that there is such a gap. Mich a blank, in the world. What is there wanting to the fame of this illustrious American ?—Irish Citizen. superior inducement* tn purchasers, .ppnvt of the jieopic, Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, , Vo?_*lL the purposes of a Laxative perhaps no one medi cine la so universally required by eveiy- body as a cathartic, nor waa ever any be fore so universally adopted into use, in every country and amonr all classes, as this mild but efficient purgative 1*111. Tho obvious reason ie, that it is a more relia ble and for more ef fectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cored them: those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friend#; and all know that what it does once it does al ways— that it never foils through any foult or neg- glect of !t» composition. We have thousand* upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cures ... *-it snch cure# are , .andwe need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, they, may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them e ver fresh, and makes them pleasant to take, while being pnrely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulita it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other or«ns of the body, restoring their Irregular action to nmdth. PURIFY YOUB BLOOD. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, IODIDEPGTASH This ie ill* pnro and genuine extract of the root, and will, on trial, be found to effect a cer tain and perfect cure for the following com plaints and ilibeat-Oh: Affections of the Bones, Habitual Cost* ivcncss, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fis tula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Files, Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Syphilis, And all impurities of the Blood, etc. To Dr. Tho#. A. Hurley: sir: I deem it an act of justice to you to bhitl that iu tlio mouth ot February lant, I bod a severe attack of inflam matory rheumatism, which completclv pros trated mo. At tlio same timo my lungs were much afflicted. I was ao reduced that it was with the greatest difficulty I could walk. 1 pro cured some of your compound extract of Sarsa parilla, aud commenced .taking it. I found th s t I began to improve, my cough became le-** vere, the soreness of my lungs and ! gradually subsided, my rheumatic i-an • •<- acute, i attribute thi» mainly to y».«.r k r . - parilla. I have now been taking it 1- - •-*. . • months! I have taken in all five butt! •••, In fect# have been moat satiafoctory to ... «■.. f advise others similarly affected to i a the above certificate has long rcsidcu i af the prceeut time is ono of the n— 1 1 *’ 5 ty of Louisville. HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. NO ARSENIC-NO MERC . and by correcting, wherever they exist, such dc- ; v.-uifrements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions aro given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these rUla rapidly cure:— For Pypepeln or Tafilg «>(!•■, Kistln*- mm, Xaincvior and Mtoummt AraeUCe, thoy should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For 14 ver Complaint and it# varkrassymp- Ueadacke, lick HeM- :• orCn tons Colic and Billons Fevers, they bo judiciously taken for each case, to cortw- diseased action or remove the ohsauctions which cause it. . _ . For Xkyaentory or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For Bkesasllm. float, Gravel, Pal- nltatloa of tho Heart, Pain la the ido. Back and Xmlae,'they should be coatia- —«— *—• to change ' uously taken, aa required, to coange ute uhcucu action of the system, with such change those complaints disappear. For Greasy and Props!cal Swellings they should be taken in large and frequent dose* to produce the effect of a drastic purge. .. . For Snpprr—lea a large dose should be taken os it produces the desired effect by ev pathy. e the diseased Dinner Pitt, take one or two PUls to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach end bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence ft U often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exlsi*. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a Hose of these PilU makes him Joel decidedly b r.from their cleansing and renovating effect I ■ I ti that lly l»ct' — —„ nnu renovannr nT-* " the digestive apparatus. Dr. jr. C. AYERCO., Pmeileml ChemMe, LOWELL. MASS., U. 8. A^_ ]VTEW TAILOR SHOP.—The i. v undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Amcricns and Sumter county that lie has opened a new tailor shop in the old hotel building, where lie is prepared to do all kinds oi work in bis lint- in the very best style, such aa cutting aud making garments. Along expert- once in ‘ bo business, warrant* him in saying that satisfaction will be given always. Cleaning and repairing old garments done in the best ityle, and bo given always. Cleaning ~ derm in tl*- v ‘ ^ notice. Shop — first room old hotel opposite the storo of J. J. G rankerrj k Co. julv7-tt PERFECTLY BEUABL:*.! for Chills and Fr**.- • t is or can he dffphcq '%• ou is Hurley’s Aguo Tonic. There ht' < thousands cured by using it who hayo i...... usual remedice without ImDeflt. To Dr. Tho*. A. Hurley: I hereby costi*> « » during the last year I waa attacked wi.j ague white iu Vicksburg, Miss., and u#fc.i • v si popular fwtent tuedidue# with but te:, ,..r.. relief. On reaching homo tbo disease re. • in awurso type, ir possible, when my atloudaut ordered quinine, in largo Ocsk. . qucntly as high as 60 grains per-day, and v- >• must have cost me nearlv $100. I eotumlUm t . Smith, ot Louisville, aud found be preset,, qniuinu and arsenic, combined, whteb Ir' to take, preferring to let tlm disease t-jhv . conree. I was almost bloodless, extn-LM*'.- • and I determined to give* ft a trial. I ■SSlKf have no reason to regret it. One bottlo r , and since that timo I have nearly a hundred cases iu which it acted * equally happy results, and would certainly . commend it as preferrable to any other tonic >• - * tlio public. Jaxes Mart», Engineo. misville, Ky., June 14,1865, DR. SEABROOKS ELIXIR PYROPHOSPHATE IRON & CALISAY A This elegant combination possesses a! »!«• touic properties of Peruvian Bark and .b*u without tba disagreeabie tastes and bad of either, separately ot in other- preparati* these valuable medicines. It should be U , E RUSINEY. Desirable Residence FOB SALE. I WILL sell my House, containing seven large rooms, and lot containing six acres’, low, if applied for soon; V. H. 0Ln£lL *6TGoy. Bullock has issued a procla mation adjourning the House ot Kepre- aentatives on the 25th iust—next Toes' day—also convening the Senate in Exec ntiveaearion on the21stNovember. This is a handsome thing the Governor has done. NOTICE. J HEREBY notify tbo public not to crcdit i EBuSimons, the auctioneer, blowed considerably, yesterday. He blows away more goods, and satisfies more custom ers, than any man we know of. j S&f The Senate, in executive session, .confirmed Peter J, Strozier, Judge of the Albany Circnit, for four years; James Johnson, Judge of the Chattahoochee Circuit; and R. D. Harvey, Judge of the Borne Circuit, for eight yeara each. Maltese cats in Indiana ate trained to %gjigjgSgg t y,, m * 3 n«.18oiV box, reUiI5 fight black soqlkos, and like it. AHEBXCU8 MARKET. Corrected expressly for the Republican MEAL—$1 50 bushel. my account, cs I will pay only those tots uiac f contract mysclt an# 25 2m JESSE NEW. OATS—1 15 per bushel. MOLASSES—65@$1 ft ETTING MARRIED.—Es r says for young men.—on the delights o' Home, and tho propriety or hripropriety or get ting married, with sanitary hc-lp for -those who loci unfitted for matrimonial • happiness. Bent free in seated envelopes. Adqrem Howard. As- wioixtion, Box P: Philadelphia, Pa. sept 2" °~ i bblf9 00&S12tXk fiblaSIG 000*30 00. IRISH POTATOES-WOOper.barrel. TOBACCO—75^4$ 1 50 per & for sound. BUTTER—Go&hon 50c. Country 40. CANDLES—Adamantine. 1 CITY TAXES TXOR the year 1870 are now due, and in obcJi- £ ence to Ordinance of Council, I ah&H com mence the collection of the -same at once. H. D.. RANDALL, Clerk and Treasurer. qnired after convalescence tating'dioeaaes.or in those distressing wreg»'»i itiea peculiar to fcoufos. No f« male shefte *■ ' ’woutU, ii liable to auch disease^, for not well take its place. JAMES RUDDLE A CCT,, PBOP1UETOBS, Laboratory No. 41 BvUiU Street, Louiffville, Ky. FOR SALE. necessary outbuild- ipplyjo A It. Brown - feupt 23 lm. • NEW STABLE. I HAVE opened a now stable on Cntito / oe, where I will be glad to see toy fr L _,__ aud tho pabTic generally—feed, theft stock aud NOTICE. S AVING, on tbo first day of Juno last,* sold out my interest Id the furniture business to Mr.-8. P. Boone, tho business her. tefore conducted by him uuder tho firm name of 8. P.' Boone, Agent, will hereafter be In his own name and for hu own account. - All persons indebted to tho- late firm are re quested to call at once and pay same to Mr. 8- P. Boone, and those having claims against said firm, i to present thorn at once to tho undersigned. 1 odi.-8.lm, URIAH. B. HARROW for man and beast. J. W, JORDAN, Jr. "VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE, ON KINCHAFOONEE CREEK. B Y virtue of an order from tho Court of Ore nary of Webster county, issued at tho Sep tember term. 1870, of said Court, will be sold before Iho Court Honae door, in tbo town of Preston, in said county, on tho first Tuesday ia November: That valuable farm oh Kinckiftbo- tion, containing < >lo farm oh and fifty (1050) COAL! COAL! COAL! “ Economy is wealth r T HEN look to your interest and' use ‘'Coal* instead of Wood.' It Is cheaper—f-afer. and much mora convenient ~ - ‘ - countr. ' On said plvce tJitre is aoomiNiu acres of open land in goodsta’ * cultivation. Tim plaoe is well -improved, watered, aud convenient to churches, schools pkoo mil bo »u'ln tiro rawtl inotcUmont8,onooufclr cash, tbo itlltrliolf duo in t.elro roontliB from dolo of nolo of tho asMtesaB?*^ ,o '=- AU the above medicines are for sals by W.A. COOK & CO.* Americus, Ga., ., ina.tmoteoJobj L.W. Hunt& Co., Macori, Ca Valuable City Property, FOB SALE. The lxonso is la: of the best fini well of water,and all the necessary c Barlow House, Consisting of Five-sevenths of the building. vested. For further information apply to oct. 13 if W.W.I