The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, November 25, 1870, Image 2

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She StfetMg gtqraMicau. HANCOCK. GRAHAM * REILLY AMERICUS. GEORGIA: Friday MondngJtoT»mhgr26, 1870 FOB CONGRESS—2d Dxhtkict, HON. NELSON TIFT, OF DOUGHERTY. The Hew Party. For the past several years Radical poli ticians have been shooting into the ears of the people, that the Democratic Party was at an end—that it was finished. This cry was so incessant and earnest that some of our friends, not being over strong in the faith and with a desire of office be fore their eyes, fell into the current and 1>egan to think that probably there was truth in the cry. Oar esteemed friend, Fitch, of the Griffin Star, so far lost his usual astuteness as to beoome a neophyte to the fallacious idea, and zealously went to work to build up a Young Mena* Party, upon the ruins of crumbling Democracy. With energy and ability, becoming a better cause, he, aided by others, industriously labored, but with out avail. The time has not yet come to lay aside the old name—she is yet full of glory, yea more—full of power. As an evidence look at the recent elections. Bat a cry, from another quarter, arisen, and their cry is full of terrible forebodings to the Radicals. They have cried and shouted to ns, but now they have turned their cry to their own ranks. Unfortunately, however, for them, the cry, this time, is not from the right source, nor is it as “sounding brass and tinkling cymbal, ” but it comes from the best and strongest material of the Repub lican Party, and proclaims its downfall. The Democratic Party must and should stand aloof from this new move: we have nothing to do with it. If we are not mis taken it is but a preliminary step to en tering oar Party. The Chicago THbunc, of a recent date, comes ont in a strong article, and advo cates the formation of a new party. Sen ator Trumbull says he is a Republican, but in favor of legislation for Revenue and Civil Service reform, bnt Forney charges that Trumbull has secretly declar ed for the new party. Thousands are fol lowing in the wake, and so threatening is the danger that Ben Batter has been forced to declare that the Radical party can only be saved by a war with England. Tne revolution has begun—the tide lias changed—and we apprehend brighter and better days are ahead but a short space in the future. The storm has passed and the old ship of Democracy ** That has landed many thousands And will land as many more, ” has safely come through, while the brag craft-of Radicalism has been Swamped. We of the South should especially re joice over this : there is cause for re joicing in the results of the recent elec tion, and let us, we of Georgia, take up the shout of victory and swell it on and upward. Let ns align Georgia with Ala bama, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, Ar kansas, and other States that “come oat from among them." It can be done, and by doing it we will the more effect ually destroy the party of corruption, usurpation and extravagance. Then work! work! ! wobk 115 rope being in a war,*as aWd^ff 4UH4 theirBondsand Securities would be, to aay the least of k, an uncertain invest ment—probably not so safe as cotton. This, however, is but a speculation, and only dropped as food for thought, and not aa oar views or convictions. Whoa New York controls the cotton market as it does how, it is hard to speculate upon what will or will not materially effect the price of cotton. Bnt be all ibis as it may, we shall exceedingly dislike to see the war inaugurated and trust it may be averted. We are willing to abide the ef fect of snelT a result upon the price of cotton.. < /*, i r A Little Information. As we have before mentioned, John R. Simmons is circulating, among the ne groes of this county, a vile and slander ous document captioned Suffrage and Civ il Righto, etc. The document was gotten np solely to misrepresent and mislead, and to engender, in the minds of the col ored people, a feeling of hatred toward the whites. Such is the document being distributed by John R. Simmons, a citi zen of Americas and a white man. The document starts out thus : “In adhering to the name which was selected by honest men, for an honest purpose, the Democratic party has prac tically stolen the livety of Heaven to serve the Devil in. It has completely pervert ed the name until it is a by-word of re proach in the months of all patriotic men, and has committed the most terrible crimes under the stolen garb. “ It originally meant a party devoted to liberty, justice and equal rights. It has been perverted until it means a disloyal faction, at war with republican principles, * , ovotcd to wicked oppression and injtts- oe. ” It then proceeds, in a bitter and preju diced way, to convince the negroes that the Democrats of the South are opposed to the colored man and are his natural enemies, and are striving to curtail his rights and privileges and reinstate him in a state of slavery. In a partial manner the writer takes facts and tortures them into misrepresentations. This is done to arouse the prejudice of the negro and in duce him to vote the Radical ticket But who is there that can impartially read the extract above and sayitoontains a word of troth. The writer was evident ly writing from the pattern of bis own party: he describes it too well not to have been.- The coarse of the Radical party, for the last four years, will demon strate, conclusively, the troth of what we ay. But why should a man, professing to be a Southern distribute such a vile sheet among the colored people and es say to prejudice them against the whites ? We know he does not do it just ont of love for the colored man ; we know he does not do it because he believes the document is true, bnt we do believe that he is distributing them with tho hope of gaining popularity and getting into the Legislature. He has aspirations in that way, and we understand that he says no negro shall be nominated for the Legisla ture in this .county. Well, if this is his object, his popularity will be dearly bought, besides we do not believe the colored people will be so easily fooled.— The object is too plain. Take our ad vice and stop. Go your way and sin no more. Where Are They? As a matterof cariosity we should like to know what has beoome of those gen tlemen, tyho were appointed, by Dr. Bar- low, President of the September meet ing, to organize a county, as well as dis trict, Ezebotive Committee ? We don't expect these gentlemen have done any thing, at all, of course, not, as the elec tion i* to be a farce and the question and interests involved are trifling and insig nificant They saw, at a glance, there was no necessity for organization, aa the contest was to be on easy one, consequent ly their taking steps 16"’organize an Ex ecutive Committee was folly and not worth the expenditure of time. In every other county, where such Com mittees have been appointed, they have actively gone forward and pnt the coun ty in a perfect state of organization. It i shame, a burning shame, upon us that efforts are being mode to fight the con test through. One thing is certain and that i* we cannot beat the race without work, while it is equally as certain that wo can beat it by work. Certainly there ia enongh of interest in the struggle to induce the people to give a part of their time to the good labor. We know but a few men, outside of the boot of indepen dent candidates (whose friends are forcing them to run contrary to their wishes(?)), ha are at work—but a few men cannot beat the race, nor is it right to expect Once more we call upon our peo ple to arouse from their sleep and begin work, for “ the day drawetb nigh. ” We ask thoae gentlemen appointed, to com plete their number and come together and put the county undeT a perfect or ganization, and let the fight be opened. Do this and all will be well. Will a General European War Prove Hurtful! If we me to jndgo from present indica tions ell the great Powers of Europe will soon 41 tarn loose the dogs of war 44 and begin the carnage. This will be terrible, in its consequence, to the people of Eu rope, and will bring devastation, mourn ing and suffering to' many a now happy, cheerful home. But while the dire con flict would prostrate the proaperity of Europe, what effect would it ha to upon our country, provided our Government does not become complicated in the af fair/ The Now York Herald is oertain ol 44 gainful result to our commerce end general thrift, 44 from e war, end thinks it would “renderour country pc to tho highest degree " Itseys “The {aimer, the mechanic, the ope rative, the merchant, the sailor, would all find Incentive employment. Bis* cu rious fact that the Crimean war was the first influence which ever seriously turn ed tho balance of trade in our favor. On e few occasions—rir : in 1813, when our 1790 and 1850—onr exports were larger than our imports, bnt tho balance in our faior was trifling, while in the great ma jority of yean our imports were enor mously in exoeas of our exports. On the outbreak of the Crimean war oar foreign trade tamed in oar favor, and the impe tus so given to our Industrie* enabled ns to'.keep the upper hand for several after the treaty of Paris bad been i and peace proclaimed, the prostrate tergnses of England and xVanoe taking many years to recover. Intact, it was nbt until we had become rich and luxu rious, in the epoch preceding oar civil wstf.'ttmt we lost the supremacy in our foreign trade. To be more explicit, we give a comparative table of our exports and imports during the period from 1864 to 1858, which inctadea the time of the Crimean campaign. The war commenced in the fall of 1864 and terminated in the spring of I860. Observe the coarse of oar foreign trade: Fisoal Year Ending Jime 30 Import*. ExportS. 1854 88W.W2.881 *278,341,064 1855 261,468,520 275,156,846 1856 314,639,924 326,964,906 1857 360,890,141 362,9C0,CS2 1858 282,613,150 324,644,421 In 1853 the balance of trade was twen ty-six million dollars against ns; in 1856 (the middle of the Crimean war) it was fourteen million dollars in oar favor— that is, we were forty million dollars bet ter off. In 1868 the impetus given oar enterprise was such that we sold forty-two million dollars more than we bought In 1866 the field of the war was limited to a small area on the Black Sea. The im pending war is likely to spread over the whole of Europe. In 1855 England, France, Russia and Turkey wen the bel- ligereaU. The present Franco-Prusaian war is likely to include every nation in Europe. Bat the great question with os is: would it improve the cotton market, or have a tendency to ? Is it not proba ble that pacha war would greatly increase the price of cotton by enlarging the con- oumptive demand and hy furnishing a safe and sure investment for the foreign AU the great Powers .of fib HOG CROP. For the week ending the 11th, there were received at Cincinnati 11,947 hogs, and since Nov. 1st, 23,066. Last week the weather was cold enough to slaughter with safety. All in the pens were report ed sold at an advance. In their circular of the 11th, Kennedy, Eckert A Co. say: 'There is no disposition shown on part of packers to make contracts for future, ex cept at lower prices. The reports from nearly all quarters show a large increase of hogs and a plentiful snppty of com at low figures. The stock of old meat being exhausted, and the consumptive demand for new meats, half cured, being good, every one is anxious to get ont early we do not look for much of a de cline until the demand is satisfied." This should bo gratifying to oar people, bat it should not by any means, deter them from using their best offorta next year to raise their own meat Experi- rience has reduoed it to a certainty that our farmers most make their own bread and meat, or the country cannot and will not advance in prosperity. We know that many think that this cannot be done, while others think it will not pay, but they are mistaken, our fanners will try they can raise their own corn and hogs, and there is no doubt as to its paying, and as an evidence of tins, we have but to point to the few who have done this ever since the surrender. They are by tar, the most prosperous. It will not do fora farmer to have his crib and smokehouse in Louisville, Cin cinnati or other Western city. As long as be penists in this be win have to give mortgages, and so long as he has to give these just so long will his cotton bring low figures. Let every farmer get inde pendent^ by getting ont of debt, and so remaining and bat a few years will roll round before cotton will bring a good pride, or if, not this, the farmer will be ins condition to hold his cotton, with out having creditors suffer thereby. This accomplished our country will soon bo the wealthiest of the continent. Tss Tuutx oar 1856.—The text of this treaty, which is now the prominent topic, would bo too tedious for ordinary readers, consisting as it does of some thirty-odd. articles. . It was signed . at Pari* on the 30th of March, .1856, by the plenipotentiaries of Great Britain— France, Russia, Turkey, Sardinia, Aus tria and Frusta, and involved several potato humiliating to Russia, vis.: The neutrafizatioa of the Black Sea; the dis establishment to borrow a phrase of later origin*of Sebastopol as a war depot, as well as of the fortifications pf Bomarsund the reduction of Nicolaieff to the status of a commercial port; the reorganiser tion of the Bessarabian frontier, leaving the navigation of the Danube free to all nation*; the abandonment by Russia, of the protectorate of the Roumanian prin cipalities ; the renunciation, by Btabt of the protectorate of the Grade subjects of Turkey ; and the provision that the crossing of the Froth, by Russia, should be construed as *a comm belli. By the renvndatioQ of tbo treaty, Russia ro ta herselfthe-right to act in aO Merino ix Pbeston.—'Thursday the 17th of November was beyond 4oubt an exciting day to the citizens of Webster. It was the day appointed to nominate a candidate for the Legislature and county officers. At an early hour the citizens, both white and colored, beg»o to collect to gether in the town of P/eston, and by 12 M. quite a large crowd bad assembled. There seemed to be a difference of opinion as to the manner ol making the nomination*; some were in favor of nomi nating ly delegates selected for the pur pose from the different districts, while others desired the nominations to come from the people to assemble in> convention waste. Prominent among the advocates of tho district plan was Thomas H. Pick ett Esq., while Judge S. Bell was the champion on the other side. Both of these gentlemen entered into the dis cussion with great zeal and spirit, folly determined to carry their points. About 1 o'clock, the large; crowd as sembled in front of the Court House, and was addressed by Judge Belt Ho stated that he had called the citizens of the county together for the purpose of making the various nominations for county officers and the Legislature.— This he did in accordance with power vested in him at a previous meeting, and read the notice calling them together. for harmony; thought the nomi nations should come from the people, that was the only way to harmonize mat ters. He dealt some severe blows against scalawags and carpet baggers, giving the colored people some good advice at the same time. He was emphatically in favor of the nominations by the people irre spective of caste. At the conclusion of Judge Bell’s speech, T. H. Pickett Esq. ascended the steps, and addressed the meeting. Said he was not present for the purpose of creating dissensions, hut if possible to unite the different factions. He denied belonging to any faction, and wished it distinctly understood that he wasa Demo crat and in favor of the Constitution.— He advocated strenuously the district system as being the best mode of nomi nating, expressing as it did the wishes of the people at a previous meeting. He saddled the whole of the disruption in the party upon Judge Bell in that of his going beyond the power vested in him at a meeting held in April lost .Said that the Jndge at tJuit meeting opposed the nominating of officers by the people en masse, and favored the district system, and as such, was appointed a committee of one to call the delegatee together at such time *s be may seem fit for the pur pose of making the nominations. In stead of carrying ont the wishes of the people at that meeting, he issues a call for the citizens to meet in convention en masse. Ont of this call, said Mr. Pickett grew all the disturbance. Of one thing the speaker satisfied his hearers, and that was, that he inn Democrat and will standby the Constitution. He read the proceedings of previous meetings and Judge Bell’s call, and dwelt at length upon his own political record. Judge Bell again addressed tho meet ing. Said the speaker who had just ad dressed you, had made a very pretty speech. He tells you that he is a Demo crat and believes in the constitution, and that’s all ho does tell you. Talk about the eonstitntion says the Judge, it has nothing to do with this meeting. We are here to tty to harmonize, let us do it if we can. Was in favor of making nomi nations now or postponing it to a future day, if the people desired it He wanted good men selected, and would abide the result of the meeting. He was opposed by* certain faction because he favored the colored people taking part in the nominations. He again cautioned the colored people against office seekers, scalawags and carpet baggers, dosing his remarks by giving the definition of the latter, mnch to the amusement of the 15tli* Amendments. At the oondasien of Jndge Bell's speech the crowd repaired to the upper room of the Court ’House to reconcile matters. CapL John M. Beaty was called npon to explain the object of the meeting, which he did in a few pertinent remark?, which reflected much credit upon him. A proposition was mado that the citi zens of the different districts meet at some future day, cast the votes for the different offices, and 'afterwards meet at Preston, to make nominations. Tbi* did not meet tEe case. Dr. O. B. Moore moved that ihe meet- ing, proceed at . once to make the omni- For Representative—Thoa. H. Pickett. For Clerk Superior Court—Rev. J. H. Cawood. Tor Sheriff—W. H. Mathews, For Tax Receiver—J. B. Allen, For Treasurer—Jacob Young, For Surveyor— For Coroner—Aaron Mills. The party favoring nominations by the people en mass resolved to hold another meeting at some future day. Thus passed the nominating day in the town of Pres ton on the 17th of Nov. A. D. 1870. Judge M. H. Bush was of the. opinion that a nomination wonld not giveaatis- i taction, and wai *’ ' ment, and moved that the en masse on a future day. Dr. C. B. Moore opposed and spoke against postpom The Chair moved Judge Bush's mo tion out of order. Judge Bell desired to know the object of the meeting. J. W. F. Lowrey said the meeting was called to make favor of harmony parties united on one Judge Bell then sitions to the meeting, meeting adjourn Thursday following, how the nominations \hall Second. That they proceed to ballot and those receiving the highest number of votes be declared the ch< meeting. Third. For the county to meet in their and vote by ballot determine who the nominees shall be. Amidst the multiplicity of suggestions, a motion to adjourn' was made, wj not recognized by the chair. Dr. Moore was very much the action of the meeting, zens of other counties could bul action of this meeting, they weald be dis gusted beyond measure. Amid great confusion, the meeting fi nally adjourned. After which the dele gates appointed from the various districts, met and made the following nomina- TUe General War in Europe. " * For tho past few days the dispatches I have been telling ns that a war between [ England, Italy and Turkey, on the one side, and Russia of the other, with France siding with the former and Prussia with " 4 the latter, was “imminent, ” was i table. ” It is to be hoped this is not go ing to be, but tho indications are exceed ingly strong in its favor. " When we look at the fact that Great Britain is harrying forward her preparations in a manner in dicative of deep earnestness and remem ber that Russia and Turkey have long been pntting themselves on a~ perfect w*r footing, and that Austria has recently been doing the same, we are forced to ad mit that the indications, for a general European war, are not trifling or other than strong. Bat we do hope that war, with oil its terrors, horrors, devastations, miseries, woes and sufferings, may be averted. Such a war would net only ruin the whole of Europe, but would serious' ly effect the entire world. But what is the cause of this '“ reaten ' ed war ? It seems that V* Muscovite Government desires t*-* rupture, or a re vision, of certai* parts of the treaty of Paris of 18**- -And that onr readers may get an idea of the objectionable parts, on the part of Russia, of said treaty, we pre sent the following synopsis: Article 9. Mentions that the Saltan grants reformation in regard to his Chris tian subjects. Art. 11. The Black Sea is neutralized^ While open to the mercantile marines of all nations, its waters and ports are for mally and in perpetuity interdicted to vessels of war, whether belonging to na tions having territory bordering on it, or READ IT. We print at tbe head of our Local col umns a call, signed “Many Voters, "for a meeting of the voters of Snmter to be held in the Court House, 1st Tuesday in Deo’r. It is desired that all, irrespective of party or color, be present and that an honest effort be made to so reconcile dif ferences as to secure but a single ticket This call is made by the white people, and we desire to see bow it will be re ceived and acted upon by the colored people. With us there is a disposition to compromise. How will it bo met by the colored people ? We anxiously await to see. There is no disposition on the port of tho white people to get up an excited and heated contest in the present campaign, and thus engender bad feelings, but there is a strong disposition with us to have everything work along harmoniously and peacefully. We are determined if it is otherwise, the colored people shall be the cause of it Let them say they want no compromise, but are determined to run the race through, and it is agreeable with ns for then we know they can be beat Joe Mulholland and John R. Simmons have not been engaged in politics quite os long as some we have, hence it is hardly presumable that they ore so well posted. Bnt we hope to see a large number of colored people at the meeting, and wish the more prominent ones to be there. Of coarse Simmons and Mulhol- land will object to any of the colored people coming to the meeting, and why will they object ? Simply because they want to run for the Legislature. Bat, regardless of their wishes, we hope to see a large gathering there, and harmonious action. A Good Suggestion. The Griffin Middle Georgian says: Wo weie much pleased the other day to receive * call from our old friend, Hou. E. G. Cabaniss. He appears in that fine state of health so desirable at his time of Ufe, Speaking of the coming election, he made what vre conceive to be a good sug gestion. Let some reliable person in each district of each county take a list of all the voters in his district Then let the names be brought together and ar ranged in alphabetical order. If this pa- containing the-names of all tbe vo- thns arranged were placed in the hands ol the managers or any one of them, it wonld be easy to detect a fraud ulent vote. Or, if any oue would vote in a different county, his nsmo wonld be re corded and the fraud detected. The man agers have a right to challenge votes, if they think proper and lesire to secure a fair election. The Democrats oil desire a fair election. And it is worth while to take all possible pains to secure it. We regard this os a capital idea and one well worth acting upon. There is no donbt but that a three days election is going to superinduce many frauds, and these we most guard against. We want * fair election, and this we intend having, despite the Radicals. Bat we hope to see tho shove sugges tions acted npon in this county aud fully carried out Much good can be accom plished and heavy fraudulent votes pre vented by it; and all we want is a fair election. If with this we are defeated well and good. A Bunn in a China Shop.—just think of Ben Butler going into the Cabinet— to be Secretary of State, too. But then here is what a Washington dispatch to the Cincinnati Commercial says: “It is believed among the better informed that soon alter the meeting of Congress Secre tary Fish will retire from the State De partment, and the indications are that Hon. Ben Butler will l>e his successor. It is ^determined to force the Alabama claims with diplomatic insolence, so as to bumble the British Government, if submitted to, or if not, to fetch on a war. With a view to this end, Ben Butler is to be Secretary of State, and General Sclicuck Minister to England. Mr. Fish has intimated that the pressure from New York in favor ol peace would be too much . for. him, and jt.beooines necessary to have a bolder and morfi independent man in his ptace.” 1 The Atlanta Intelligencer learns that the statute repealing the act to organize a criminal court for each oqnnty. in this Stato hss been constructed so as to apply instanter to the Justices of the Peace ana Notsriea Public in town district!; con sequently there wOl be no more final trials In taeae courts. otherwise. Art 12. Tlm'article pre scribes that all regulations respecting trade in the Black Sea shall be conoeived in a spirit favor able to the development of commercial transactions. Art. 13. The Black Sea being neutral ized by a foregoing provision, Russia and Turkey engage neither to construct nor maintain any naval or military arsenal up on its coast. Arts. 20 and 21 concede a portion of Russian territory, -to bo annexed to the Principality of Moldavia. Art 22. The Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia axe to enjoy, under the sov ereignty of the Porte, and under tbe guar antee of the contracting Powers, the priv ileges and imuuities of which they are in possession. No exclusive protection shall be exercised over them by any of the guaranteeing Powers. There shall be no private right of interference in their af fairs. Art 23. The Sublime Porte guarantees to the aforesaid Principalities an indepen dent and national administration, as well as foil liberty of worship, legislation, com merce and navigation. Art. 28. The Principality of Serna will continue to be dependent npon the Su- blimo Porte, and subject to stipulations nearly similar to those named for the other Principalities. Art. 30. Russia and Turkey are to re tain in their full integrity tneir posses sions in Asia to the sumo extent as be fore the war. Commissioners are to be appointed to settle the boundaries. Borne, with a good show of reason, re gard this demand of Russia as a mere formality, preliminary to the renewal of her aggressive movements against Tur key. Bnt before wo adopt this we shall await further developments. We shall not charge Russia with double dealing, with tho present lights before ns; we prefer to hold up our opinion, as there i« a wide difference of- opinion upon the subject As an evidence of this tho New York Herald has aa elaborate leader showing tho part played by Russian intervention since 1829. The Herald scoffs at the pop ular idea that Russia really cares to pos sess Constantinople. Many plausible ex amples are adduced to show that she could linvo throttled the Sultan, almost with impunity, in 1829, in 1840, in 1848, 1859, and iu 1866. In the first case, a victorious Russian Marshal was within fifty miles of Byzantium, and only pre vented from a conquest and occupation of that city by positive orders from St. Petersburg. The grand council of nota bles decided that an acceleration of the Turk’s downfall was not to the interest of Russia. Iu 1840, when the Pacha of Egypt, MbhkMkt Alt, aided by France, was thundering at the gates of Constan tinople, 50,000 Russians ,went to the aid of Turkey, and baffled back the Pacha. It is claimed that, in 1848, when all Eu rope was in revolution, the Czar Nicho- could have occupied and possessed the Ottoman empire athia leisure. In 1852, tho Emperor Natolson offered to yield Constantinople to Russia, for her consolidating his dynasty. Russia indignantly, even insultiugly rejected the proffer. Hebce the alliance between England and France resulting in tbe Cri mean war. Iu 1859, Constantinople was again offered by France to Russia to cure oo-operation 'against Austria. The inglorious peace at Villa Franca was oc casioned by Russia’s refusal to be a party to such a contract, despite the base in gratitude of tho Hspsburgs. It is finally claimed that the events of 1866, the Pros- so-Austrian conflict, gave the Ozar a most brilliant opportunity to possess himself of Turkey if he had pleased. The Her ald thus concludes : “ Russia does not want Constantinople, and for thi* very good reason—that ac quisition of territory in the Sontli or East would destroy her eqnilibrinm. The quest of Constantinople would necessari- lv be followed by a rush to the South.— the heterogeneous extremities of the Rus sian empire—Finland, Poland, Siberia. Caucasus—wonld decay and wither os the limbs of a man’s body when vitality is withdrawn from them.' In a word, it would happen with Russia os it happened with the Roman empire when Constantine removed tho capital from Rome to Byzantium. Russia' would bo split at first in two and then into a thousand fragment^ National unity, greatness, strength, i jl would be lost These rea sons, fully appreciated by Russian states men, are a rational explanation why Rus sia never did avail herself of the oppor tunities offered to her to take Constanti nople. •“ The last question remains—what does Russia want in the East ? That question has been answered, with almost mathe matical precision, by n formula emanat ing from the great Chancellor, Prince Gortsehakoff: “ The East to the Eastern people^ by the Eastern people and for the Eastern people, but only to, for and by them. " That is, Russia wants tho legit imate proprietor* of the East gradually developed, emancipated and formed into groups already existing by their historic al ana social elements. Russia joes not wanttoqfee England or France or any other Power taking a foothold in those regions; and, rather than permit that, she will fight to her last man and last rouble. The war movement of Russia, now reported, looks not to. any extension of territory at tlie expese of Turkey, but to getting rid of the shackles placed npon her commercial and naval development by Urn treaty oriS5C.r, ' Corann^T Why our Young Men are Choosing Professions. In a recent-number of the “Georgia Collegian,” we noticed a statement^ of the number of young men ta-tha present Senior class of the University of Georgia, who intend following the professions; from .which it appears that four fifths of them have signified their preference for the. professions. Only six farmers and two merchants. • Paradoxial as it may seem, it is dp^* otaiouoao. xa uie same year i •th$less trmr; that they have in th* Bollock gave him $3,425 for his ty of cases been influenced - b^ m^ftary considerations in tho cho^’'® cmpatioc, as .nr on. be ~ nT1Dce f , . them on this point. by conversing wit** Their “air <- 4le8 oro ln,1 y ^ 1& ' 4 dream— 44 44 “ J ' ta,n 8® lxem the 7 hare *» profemiona aa the rarest most expedite means of attaining wealth. Some few, perhaps, who imagine themselves possessed of ‘'native genius," may be attracted to the legal profession by the flattering hope that they may some day ascend the heights on which Fame’s gilded temple glitters afar;’’ but the prime object with tbe most of them seems to be first, to acquire wealth, and then, to secure whatever else of the world's “shining baubles" may fall to their lot. Ofoourse those studying for the ministry are excepted to this general statement. Taking this view of the matter; why it then that the majority of them are in favor of tho professions ? Is it be cause they are more lucrative than other departments of business ? 8o it un doubtedly appears. The civil engineers are receiving salaries varying in amount from $8,00 to $2,000. per annum with their expenses paid. Many of the Law students after graduating go into a prof itable practice the first year. The teach ers obtain situations which are worth from $600 to 15,00, and those who have gone into journalism have met with suc cess. And, now, the question is, are the inducements in other departments of in dustry equal to those offered by the pro fessions ? On comparing them, we find that they are not Merchandising, while a very pretty occupation requires capital to begin with. But agriculture—why do so few turn their attention to agriculture ? This is a very important branch of indus try and most any of them could get land to work. Just at this point, I imagine some bonest-hearted old farmer, true to his nature, will ejaculate, “ False pride! the plow-handles do not agree with kid gloves, and they are unwilling to undergo the fatigue and trouble of keeping up a farm or tending to tbe business on a plantation." Not so. It does not pay.— The planters as a class have been going down ever since tho war. How many hove become bankrupt! and bow few have realized half the perch on their capital that they pay for money when they are necessitated to borrow! At the present time while cotton is worth 12 14 cents there is positively no money in ^farming, and there are not many who are patriotic enough to engage it to their own disadvantage, because it is for the good of the country. Is it any wonder then that this occupation slighted ? That is a false idea abont young men becoming indolent and averse to activity at College. We will venture to say that nowhere is more energy or determination of purpose displayed than by our yonng men at' College. The reason then why a decided preference is manifested for the professions, is that they offer superior inducements to other avocations of life. Athens Nov. 14, 1870. NOUNE. Letter from Judge Bell. In reply to the communication of Mr. Lowry and others, I have bat a few words to say, and I here state I shall not again refer to tho matter, or longer continue the controversy. I beg Mr. Lowry to remember that if any o! my relatives ore fortunate enongh to own large farms and employ many hands, I have never yet arrogated to my self, nor have they, sufficient popularity, much less the right, to control nomina tions and cause divisions to any party.— The right to say who shall rnn for office belongs to the people, and not to a few self-styled managers. And I further beg Mr. Lowry to re member that I have never yet invited an honest, upright and influential office holder to dine with me, and then, while under my roof and while partaking of my hospitality, insisted that he should with draw his claims for nomination, and yield to any superior popularity, that I might obtain the nomination and ran for office for tho benefit of « dear relative. This has been done as Mr. Lowry, probably knows. I have done. ; Sampson Bill Oommtuucated. Davis County Texas* I October 29, 1870. , J Editor Republican: Below I give you a ‘few items in Texas, which will no doubt be interesting to your read ers, especially thoae who may contem plate moving to this State. “ By one of the provisions of the Con stitution of thi* State, every head of a family coming toto^the States who has not a homestead, is entitled to one hun dred and sixty acres of any of the public or State lands that he is. * mind, to settle upon, by buying the fees of location and remaining three years npon the some," ' Yonng men without families are en titled to eighty acres upon the same con ditions as stated above. . Mr. T, J. Logwood a citizen of Lin den, Los lately returned from Austin, Texas; and he sajs that land to the vi cinity of that place produoe* seventy-five bushels of oora per sore. . Persons who come to Texas would- do well to look aroimd awhile after getting hero before settling, aa there is a great variety of soil and climate here. - ; ' - A. K. African Winks.—It is not generally known that Cape Colony produces the most delicious wines grown on tho face of the. earth. ' A cargo received aa. a re mittance by oar neighbors .Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co. cotains. severed varieties there, amongwhich the Constanciacom mands tho highest prico of any wine in the -World. Almost the entire crop of it is consumed in tho palaces of Europe, this rare exception being sent to them in exchange for their medicines, which have long been the staple remedies of South Africa.—Boston Journal.. •. How Governor Bollock Fosters Hi, Vtiendi. ■ - "Z*Vjw The Governor has, during hi» offloe, done moch for stray *fET?5ilZ f. uwdon give, tbe Gover nor a lrari |33" in tho Attorney Gen- S5“,»i«!r at pRMnt ia H. P. Legislature, in the Appro- y..- Act, gave him 62,000 as a salary. j^flGovernor vetoed that section. It was too little. We are informed that in 1869 Colonel Farrow got $3,000 from the State Road. In the same year Governor Attorney General, or $1,425 more than the Legislature appropriated. In addition to this, the Governor, it seems who lacked confidence in the abili ty of his adviser, got some other lawyers to do the State’s work. He paid $14,520 to other attorneys to do tke Attorney General's duties, chiefly in 1869. Since then he has paid out some $8,- ■' to his stray lawyers, including per fees to solicitors. $8,851, the Attorney General, Mr. Farrow got $1,551 50, besides, as we understand it, a salary of $250 per mouth. This leaves some $7,399 given to the outside lawyers to do Farrow's work. Adding it all up, we find some $27,- 956 paid ont on the legal profession by this economical Governor. The good Governors before tbe had no salaried Attorney Generals. And we find that Governor Brown paid $1,100 in 1859 and 1860, and $600 in 1857. Of these immense sums paid, this squandering Governor, as a tribute to his Attorney General in whom he had no confidence, we find over $5,000 paid out for tiie Mitchell case, and $1,550 to swin dle Democrats out of their places in the Legislature by the help of the military commission. This will do. The specimen is satis- gr The Augusts Constitutionalist, of Sunday, has the following account of a brutal murder in Columbia county on Wednesday last: Mubdeb in Columbia County.—We are in possession of the following par ticulars of the malicious killing of a yonng man named Kinchen Adams, on Wednesday hut, at the steam saw mill of Messrs. Goodrich, Usry A Co., six miles from Dealing, Colombia county, by William Rivers, a one-armed man, re cently a peddler to Augusta. The diffi culty occurred about half past three o’clock in the afternoon. The two men on horseback, went to the mill together, having in possession several flasks or bottles of whisky, of which they drank freely. Adams became very drank, but Rivers exhibited only partial intoxica tion. Satisfied with the time spent at the mill, Rivers mounted liis horse, cal ling upon Adams to go home. Being too drank to mount, the latter was as sisted into the saddle, bnt bis horse re fused to go in the direction desired. Rivers again called upon Adams to go with him, threatening that if he did not he would get down and kick him. Adams replied, “Kick away,” to which Rivers said, “I can do it d—n quick,” and, suiting his action to the threat, slipped from his saddle, at tbe same time drawing his pistol, with which he commenced firing at Adams. At the time of the first shot, Adams, too much intoxicated to retain bis seat, was fal ling from his horse. Two shots took effect on the person of Adams, either of which in the opinion of physicians, would have caused death. The wounded man died on the following Thursday morning abont snnrise. Kinchen Adams, the deceased, it will be remembered, was involved in the san guinary affair which occurred at Dearing last Christmas, resulting in the killing of Mr. Augustus Hodo and a brother of Adorns. A warrant was issued against him at that time, bnt he succeeded in evading arrest. Previous to the war, Rivers became involved in a difficulty with the father and brothers of Adams, in which he re ceived a gunshot wound which caused him to lose his left arm. CITY HALL! JOUf TSUPLSTOV, Dtr«el Monday, Nov. 29th. THE GREAT FRENCH SPY I HIP VAN WINKLE. East Lynne 1 Colleen Bawnl TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR-ROOM t . , a»“ Performance chaste and elegant. See nand-billa. —*** Valuable Oity Property POR BAXiE. tHTENDKO to leave Georgia at an tarty da- A I am now offering mj cMr property for sal consisting of a DWELLING HOCHE and TW STOBE ItOOUS, located in the eastern part of the city, in the rear of A. R. Brown's law office. The dwelling is a comfortable one, and con tains four rooms, with two fireplace*. On all lot is a kitchen, spkwdkl well of water, and the necessary oatboiklinfa;. and, for a business man, ia one of the most convenient place* in the city. The store rooms are convenient to the dwelling. The property can be bought on very reasonable terms, for cash. Jfor further nov24-tf * "’ *••*■*’ ^ /NE01KJIA—Las IP Whereas, , for Letters ot Guardianship of the person and property of Laney and Jonns Uayslin. These are therefor* to dto and admonish, all and singular, the kindred of said minors, and all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by ligand file SS&ffiss&fs? H * urw “« 4 J. W.-TOfaaigMt. Orti—rr. Administrator’s Sale. ns tio flr.tlW.Tta tara, U MRSaSS in Lb. H DiUrict oTLco aorti • ■ WM. C. PILL, Aflm'r. iNG&BGlA—Wcmteb ’~ r ~' r concernV Whereas, „ —. to ate for the Goar. M4»r torn—a !■» ol iwkleM. of aid , B« m lo ciU ..l ubuMUi raeoDMned *» ■» .Uo. .iibta tb. Ua. pn-ofl—l bV U., ud .how can-o, if w . tbe. “ f G “ ldI “- il P «*»nld .. Pi™*, nod™ toybrad ud offload dgutora, Uu, 21»tof Norcmbor, 1B70. ■- ' bOTM-la UtfSHPOBI, Oidimij. Plantation for Sale. tSKS“SJ3St2?SISrS.-| cessary outbuilding.. The pUca is *U*Ud3 ^jSoaa—Eight Dollars per ecro; one half cash, balance in one and two years. Titles good. 8efjeF't B* . Americud -^ T ‘^ ** Do?ir FOB ALDEIUTES. W. T. DAVEXPor't U. B. HARROLD TO SIRRINE, J. C. GRIFFIS, H. WESTHIEMEit A. 3. CUTT& FOB CiBBB AND TBEASVDCL H. D. RANDALL. FOR COUNTY TREASURER 4Voj are rathorirad to imnomm. name of HIRAM J. WILLIAMS ,! candidate for County Treasurer at p ensuing election. nov.:™ • * ^ For Sheriff. The many friends of CHAS. S. Tm LEY take the liberty of announcing name as a candidate for the office Sheriff of Snmter county, without pect to party or color. nov 10 Tax Collector. A great many friends, both white * colored, and irrespective of nartr GREgJ M. WHEELER, anno£n« fe a candidate for Tax Collector of .Si county at the approaching election. nov 8 tde. For County Treasurer. We are authorized to announce name of MOSES SPEER as a candid^ for the office of County Treasurer Snmter, at the ensuing election. nov 5 tde. For Clerk End Treasurer. H. D. RANDALL, the present Clerk of the Council, and Treasurer of the di, is hereby announced as a People’s ai date, without regard to party, for re-eW turn to said office. A Great Many Verna. a 3 tde* For Tax Receiver. We are authorized to announce tb name of JOHN H. BAILEY as * caai date for the office of Beceiver of Tax &• turns of, Sumter comity at the ensuiti election. v Side. For Sheriff. At the solicitation of many friends voters, both white and colored, I am pe suaded to submit my name to the rota of Sumter county tor Sheriff at the a suing election. Respectfully, oct 25* H. H. [Tip] ALLE.X. For Representative. At the solicitation of many friends, boe white and black, I announce myself ui candidate to represent the county of She in the next Legislature, oct 13 te* J. R. G. HORNE. For Representative. At the solicitation of many voters,bet white and colored, we are authorized t announce the name of STERLDL GLOVER as a candidate to represec: the county of Sumter in the next Leg> lature. Voteea oct 201* To the Veters of the 13th Sen. Disttic At the request of many voters, Ixc white and colored, irrespective of put in the Counties of Sumter, Schley c; Macon, I hereby announce myself n Independant candidate for the Sto "mate. R.C. BLACK, oct 15 td. For Tax Receiver. A large number of the friends THOMAS B. GLOVER, both white oi black, who appreciate his abilities as th present Tax Receiver of Sumter Count;, take pleasure in announcing his nsue u a candidate for re-election to that ofict pledging to sustain him with suffrage ai influence to accomplish our ’ r. 12-tde. IOOVoTEES- Tax Receiver. At the request of 'many .voters, bod I white and colored, I announce myseif >1 candidate for the office of Receiver (if Tax Returns tor the county of Sumter, | at the ensuing election, nov 5 tde* .TOE MIZE. I Baptist Female College, [ CUTHBERT, GEORGIA, T HE Board of Trustees take pleasure nouncing, for the benefit of ill cone that tboy have secured s corps ofexpen^ sod competent Teacher*, to take Icharge nap above named Institution, and that it* exert* ■ will be resumed on Monday, January 8th. 1871, Repairs have already been commenced <*'■ , Building, which will b* pushed forward fff*? L good families can beseemed *! | end Ughtsf^ 'msbo i grade. The <aty of Cuthbcrt is easy of aco proverbial for its health and reflnemei therefore'a desirable place of resideoo* f<* KI toot Wishing to educate their fumbe*. US to $20 per mouth, including wsshin?- &*■ S. s. VEABCE. I D. X.BCTLEB. I CHAS. A. Tti& [' J. J. PEARCE, BUTLER 4 COi COTTON FACTORS, Jackson Street, A«g nov 153m* Wanted. A TKACHES to Ub. cbVRO of Wtf High School. References required V ply to either of the mxfcnfened, at ta** Lee Oob, Ga. ‘ortho undersigned, VtX. W«U* O.C.E»w*? „ • ■ f: _ ■ ^ e.d-5*®? E.A..WO** WJfW* J.H.AU* NOTICE. idebtcd to me either _ .BiSEttgl ,P»kbo guotto oftb. SUto, of ber, at Mo’clock, 1L, •»the purpose swaaaeaajrs novlOta • H. bell NEW STABLE. T HAVEorra-I. ne.rail*