The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, November 25, 1870, Image 3

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■“Are tlie'people oi Sam ter county going to permit themselves defeated without an effort ? If hot are sh&Ilex- pecito soenlarge crowd in attjntbmce the7omen7fThe'whoTe^Soalh^o aid upon the meeting on the first Tuesday, them in obtaining contributions for the erection pf a and pnt out a full ticket *Do not stay at home because you are no politician.— Come, and let us bare » “ People’s Tick- Do not stay away liecause of yonr color. ; s 1 the weekly repubucah. Friday Mornirg,November 25, IS70 IKSUEE YQTIE PROPERTY Iu the following safe and reliable Companies : South Bams* Jt Mkbcahtujs Ixsukaxgb Co., Of London, England. puonnx IsuvbaschCo., Of Brooklyn, New York. SjuruEa>* Mutual In.sLba.xcx Co., Of Athena, Georgia. INSURE YOUR LIFE EOCITAMLI CoTTOS Status Insurance Co., Of Macon, Georgia AW ,I, to W. T. DAVENPORT, . At Lie Now Drag Store, Lamar Street, Or to, SPEER & HOOKS, gtukrr* A Broken, corner Lamar A College ata TO THE VOTERS OF 8UHTER COUNTY Tbe voters of the county without re gard to color, ore cordially invited to meet io the Court House at Americns, at 10 A. M. on the 1st Tuesday in December, {or the purpose of nominating candidates for the Legislature, and the various , aunty officers. It is hoped that all the citizens of tbe county will respond in this meeting.— The voters after convening will deter mine for themselves, the manner iu which the nominations shall be made. It is essentially hoped that oil whose names have been announced for different olliceswill attend this meeting. It is not doubted that thoso whose names have been presented to the pnblie »t the solicitation of frienda will cheerful ly submit their claims to this meeting un J abide the wish of tbe people. Let the good of the country and har mony of the people bo the chief object. Let every voter of the county feel that ]t»triotism calls him out at this meeting. Let all feel that dnty and interest require that strife be avoided and harmony be preferred. Come one, como all. nov. 22-td. MANY VOTERS. Ju The Radicals had a howl at their den on Saturday night, and feoeivedbles sings at the hands of aa Irishman and a certain Israeiitish official, who took tbe opportunity to denounce and vfllify the Democrats. Vfe tell our colored friends to watch these men ; if they vvill betray their own color, rest assured that they do so for ah object and that object is office and money, even though they take it from the colored people. Let every one, who lores good govern ment and honest, capable officers, come Bswtna—The numerous friends and patrons of our good friend and excellent physician, Dr. 8. B. Hawkins, will be pleased to learn that after an absence of. two weeks he has returned to the city, looking well and hearty. Calls left at Dr. Eldridge’s Drag Store, during the day, or at Dr. H’a residence, in rear of the Methodist church, at night, will meet with prompt attention. L Let everybody come to the meet ing. Awake, yc sleepers ! the interests of the State and people are assailed ! To- the Rescue ! ter Tlu- wind blows steady for sau sages and spare-ribs. fcajr Lawyers are quite active in this section in search of litigations. I&. Emanuel k Bro. are in tbe field for the reduction of high prices in dry goods. See advertisement. toT Talbot B. Davidson, a young of bright promise, died at the residence of his father, in this county, on the 11th OexT It is suggested that the Good Tem plars of our city have a supper on Mon day night, 26th December, and have ad dresses from some of the prominent tem- j>erance leaders of the State. A good idea, and we cordially second the motion. tS?- Tbe opening dance of the winter series was inaugurated by the Good Tem plars, at their Hall, on Thursday night. S®. If you want frest fiah any day, cull at I. N. HART k Co., nov. 24-lt. Notice.—On and after this day, all goods sold by me are strictly cash, as I am going to leave Americas, nov. 24-tf. G. J. NORRIS. Mr. Hiram J. Williams solicit* the favorable consideration of the voters of Snmter to give him tbe office of County Treasurer. Delected, we are confident he will exert himself to discharge the du ties of tbe office honestly and faithfully. 7* Mr. S. S. Boone will sell some valuable land, belonging to the estate of Jesse C. Jackson, dec’d, on the first Tues day in January next Bee notice. The Baptist Female College will be opened on the 8tbof January next under the supervision of aa experienced and competent corps of Teachers. See advertisement i. Oar old friend, Sterling Glover requests, us to say that the rumor of his withdrawal from the Legislative contest is unfounded ; that “sink or swim, is an independent candidate for the Leg islature and he intends to ran the race through. _ ir Tbe Coroner arrested the Sheriff of this county, last Thursday, and prisoned him for a few minutes in order to show .the importance of a Coroner’s office. Mb. Editor : The above extract from your paper of Saturday having been con strued to reflect on my conduct in transaction to which it refers, (which I hope you did not intend,) renders it ne cessary that I should explain the circum stances under which I acted. It was nota matter of pass-time that the arrest referred to was mode, nor was it to demonstrate the importance of the office of Coroner; but it was done under legal process—an attachment which bore test in the name of the Judge of the Supe rior Court* in the case of G. W. Thomas vs. C. S. Darley, Sb’ff—attachment for contempt. W. W. Gcerry, Nov. 21. Coroner. tgk. R. C. Black & Co., one door be low H. Westheimer’s, Lamar street, have in store, and ore offering at prices keeping with these hard times, a splen did assortment of Boots and Shoes. Ladies and misses, gentlemen and boys, will find in this establishment any style, quality and size of boot, shoe, gaiter slipper they may desire, as the undivided attention of the firm is given to this busi ness, and the gentlemen composing it have striven hard to meet the wants of tbe community in their line of trade. “Monk,” and his obliging clerk, Lewi Wood, will be pleased to wait upon those who give them a culL Tbe following note was picked np ob'our door steps yesterday morning— Holiday night wo found tho 'street lamps dark—and we think some light should be shed to illuminate the darkness .which surrounds them: . r . Messrs. Editors : Will you please in- forinuswhathas becomo'of our Lamp lighter ? Have they gone dead or they like the fooliah Virgins, got no “ilie” in their lamps ? The night is as dark as Egypt, *hdft poor V drunken Dieijf* can’t find the way home, on account of the mud, rnnoh lee# a sober man. Yours respectfully, \) Hramiip Home, Americns, Go., Tuesday night, 10 ’clock, as dark as the diviL t@_We respectfully recommend our frienda in this city and county to go to Oppenheimer k Franks’ Clothing Hall, as they are selling their stock of Gentle mens’ Clothing at greatly reduced prices, such prices as will astonish every that calls at their establishment, as they offer better inducements to buyers than any other house in Southwestern Geor- io. fir . «► They also have a foil stock of Dry Goods which they sell at low prices.— Store next door to the entrance of the Barlow House. * Nov. 10-if. haT Joe Mulbollaud and John B. Sim mons want the negroes to nominate them for tho Legislature, but we don't believe the negroes will be that foolish. Just the idea! toT Wo learn that Capt. French has announced, publicly and emphatically, that he is running for Mayor with the dis tinct understanding that he is a Mitchell aian, and, if elected, will labor to keep that man in office. D&.In the present condition of money matters, it is absolutely the dnty of every man and woman—to bay their goods to the .best advantage—they will find it to their interest to read EMANUEL’S ad vertisement. Then go there and . boy. nor. 11. tf. *3^ Johnnie Simmons says he’s going to keep the negroes from nominating a negro for the Legislature. He wants that “porish” himself. I@u A Post Office has been established at Richland, Stewart county, on tho route from Americas to Lumpkin, and Arthur Clement appointed Post Master. fcaS-Tbe Radicals of this county will •gain attempt to nominate candidates on the 26th inst. The leading aspirants for the Legislative nominations are: Elbert Head, (col.) J. R. Simmons and J. Mul- holland. Morally, the negro is the best. bar The European war complication is playing havoc with cotton. Oar farm- stand with their fingers iu their months •ad simper—“ if you do that again I’ll tell my ma, now. ” ^ ell plant for corn and bacon, next season. which is to stand t -of the love bornox !GRANBERRY & CO, P To Urn Women of tbe South. Six Great Remedies. by a ■rnetator mourning and grateful people. Tbe sol diers, through their resolutions passed at their great meeting so lately held in Richmond in honor of General Lee, have called upon us to join them in collecting contributions for the desired object An organization for ; that purpose Ohs been already formed by tho undersigned and to the women of the South—from Maryland to Texas—we appeal for aid. ..The fourth Sujxdfty in November (Nov. 27tb) has been selected as the day on which a collection shall be t.okW up in every chnrch throughout the length and breadth of our - Southern, laud. This is the only possible way by which a volun tary and sinxuttaqaous offering can t be made to the memory of him whom A Nkw Party.—The Courier-Journal of Wednesday has the following Wash ington special.* ' ’ * * * * * SENATOR TRUMBULL, on being interviewed to-day Jjy a corres pondent, took occasion, among other things, to say that he did not exactly en dorse the formation of a new party, to be known as the Revenue Reform party, as proposed by the Chicago Tribune of Friday last, but be believes, at the same, rime, that the* civil service'and revenue reform will be the fntnre great issues be tween the parties of tbe country. In short, Mr. Trumbull calls himself a Re publican in favor of legislation for the. Revenue and Ciyil Service Reform. * fobney’s chronicle to-day, however, iusists that Trumbull has secretly come out for a new party of the above name, and that he is its can didate. for President, Tho new move ment creates ' considerable talk here. Forney says the Chicago ^Tribune aban dons all hopes of electing a Republican President in 1872. • ' - * * » wouldhpgoi’ honor ed and loved him fn life. With perfect confidence iu the loyar which. his ’people bore him, and in their zeal to do that which, in honoring him most will most redound to their own credit, we can have so doubt of the fucc&i of this plan if it can be brought directly tj the notice of every clergyman and congregation in th« Smith 7 and that this may be accomplish ed, we call. upon you. to assist U3. Let the committees which have been appoint ed for each State act;promptly and with vigor. Let them urge, that on the fourth Sunday iu November, each member of every family should go to church with that sum, small or great, which ther means will allow them to dedicate tothi sacred object. To thoso clergymen and congregations who object to collecting for such an ob ject on the Sabbath, we wohld suggest that they should appoint some suitable day in this month: when a meeting of who e ty of c As it has beeninsinuated by those ■e jealous of the growing populari- „ _ nr house—tlist our advertisement of prices, is all gas and buncombe, that we have not the goods in stock—that they can not be bought by the bale, at the prices we advertise them by the yard Ac., &c., in reply we state that’s our business—we invito a call, and if we don’t stand up to what we say—we are willing to take the consequences. B. EMANUEL & BRO. nov. 11-tf tegrSave your money by going to EMANUEL’S to buy your Dry Goods, nov. 11-tf. An Ear Ring from an ear of corn. Chewing Gum from the month of a river A tooth from the month of a bottle. Hair from the head of navigation. A nose from the face of a note. A lock of hair from the head of a noil. A mustache from the face of a hammer. A nail from the finger of scorn. A hinge from the gait of a herse. A bellows to blow a man’s nose. Gravel from tbe road to rain. Feathers from the left wing of the army. Water from all’s well. A breast pin from the bosom of a lake, and Surprise Boxes of every description at tho Confectionery of FRANK HALL. nov.24-3t EMANUEL’S advertise nov. 11-tf. **9u Can’t the young men of Americns organize a literary society ? We suggest they call a meeting and try it ter Our city is to receive a visit from Templeton’s Star Company of Artistes, who are represented to bo the best per formers now traveling in the Sontb, and among them we notice tho names of Mr. Geo. S. and Miss Bettie Grey, (formerly of Gilbert’s Troupe,) who became great favorites with the theatregoers of this place a year or two ago. May Temple, tho Fairy of the Stage, will appear in hex novel and beantifal characters. The pro grammes he put out are of intensely in teresting and beautiful- They will re main in the city several nights, and we doubt not, will merit and receive a large and appreciative audience each night.— See advertisement. Abtuuh’s Lady’s Home Mwuwa— The December number of this “Queen of the Lady's Magazines” is the richest and handsomest ever issued. The pub lishers announce their intentiou to make it lead all others for the coming year, the “richness and extent of its illustra tions, the brilliancy of its novelets and stories, the beauty of its getting up, and tho high tone of its reading.” As an earnest of what is to come in 1871, w< have in this number a fine steel colored Attention is invited .to the fol lowing bonne punche, from Forney’s pa ir. It speaks for itself : R. E. Lee is to have a statue in Rich mond. The leader of the rebel armies is to be cast in bronze or cut in stone. Future generations ore to look upon his likeness, that treason may be nurtured and live. He who merited a traitor’s death on the scaffold is to be honored i a demigod. .7 •. „ >, A toad spitting at a dead lion; the pen indicting the above was actuated by ihe same jealousy felt by a skunk in a flower garden.—Mchtnond Whig. their congregation should bo held and the cpllection token up. ■ Let it be remembered that riiis monu ment is to be raised by the whole South that'it is to be one to which, as a people, we may point proudly, and to which gen erations for ages to como shall look up with respect for the love which a deieated people could bear to a great but fallen hero. Should "each of the 20,000 con gregations scattered | throughout the South contribute but a trifling sum, what a monument could be reared! Let every maoj, woman and child, then, give what they can, regardless of how small or how great the sum may be. Mbs. WM. H. MACFABLAND, Mrs. GEO. W. RANDOLPH, -M i Mrs. JAMES LYONS, Mrs. WILLIAM BROWN, 1 Miss. NICHOLAS. The Committee -for Georgia is -eoi posed of the Xolloxy&g ladjes: f * Mrs. JOSEPH E.' JOHNSON} Mrs. A. R. LAWTON, E. C. ANDERSON, Mrs. J. F. GILMER . Miss. CECILIA MINIS, Secretary of the Ladies Lee Monument Committee of Savannah. We call attention to tho above circular, which we publish at tlie request of Mrs. !. T. Goode, who has been solicited to interest the ladies and citizens of Ameri cas, in tlie important matter to which it refers. It is hoped that every one wil hare an opportunity- to contribute at Ihe different Churches on uext Sabbath ; but those gentlemen who are not sure they will bo at any of the Churches, arc re quested to call and leave their contribu tions with Col. A. S, Cutts, on Cotton Avenue. Ladies are urged to interest themselves, and send the contributions obtained to Mrs. Goode who will forward them to the Committee at Savannah. Only for Cash. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH! rutxot KT A CHEDIT - We have NO CREDIT PRICE. The secret of oar low prices is, we sell YOB THE MONET, and have but ’ — OlfK PRICE— ! We have* full stock of Domestics, both of Northern and Southern manufacture, such as Plaids for servants, Osuaburgs, Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Shootings, at CASH PRICES, corresponding with tho LOW price of COTTON. MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, POPLINS, BL’K & COL’D SILKS, U. LOWER TUAN USUAL Foil CASH. o A beautiful Stock of ladies CLOAKS and SHAWI&ckeap enough to satisfy the closest w. Hosiery lower than ever for tue mon- Cloths and Cassimereo, both ot Foreign and Domestic manufacture, some of superior gaslit]-, and warranted to giro satisfaction. Blankets. Prints, White Goods, Table Damask, lab Linen, Pillow case Linen sod Sheeting, ail Astounding Low Prices FOR CASH. A stock of UMBRELLAS, WINDOW SHADES and OIL CLOTHS. A very superior article of Ticking, warra kohluat^fs. BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. / A very large stock of *9 At Redoeed Prices for Cash. Plated Spoons and Forks of superior quality. Also, CASTORS, Table and Pocket Knives, Fine Teas, Candles, Soap, Starch, Soda, Royal Baking Powders, Potash. Smoking and Chew Tobacco. A very large stock of S^.X>DXiBS, Lower than ever. Tranks, Travelling Bags and Baskets, all the lowest p&ices ran cash. We have tbe LARGEST STOCK OF CARPETINGS! ETEK BBOUOHT TO SOUTH-WEST GEORGIA, Ar\d at Lower Prices INS0ME0F0UR LARGER TOWNS. Common Ingrain from 50 cents a yard un. Superflno and Extra Bupcrflno, Hemp, Venetian and Felt. Beautiful 3 plya. TAPE3TRY BRUSSELS, AND RICH VELVETS, Of entirely new Styles aud Patterns. P S 9 ? P ? It you want Caupets, HANDSOME Caupets, CHEAP Carpeto, look We cordially invito all to call and examine WALL PAPER on consignment to close out at less tqa *5^ Quito an excitement was visible J^tween tiro gentlemen on the streets, Thursday afternoon, and a fight was con- •idered imminent; bat through the ad vice of friends the belligerents allowed flieir anger to boil over in words and then separated. Haeby McCarthy.—This man arrived ^ towi1 yesterday and made a musical display on the streets, and, we are told, &Ave one of his entertainments at City B *uu* night Wo didn't go. ;bnt iap- one of hit “shows. The objection we hm to Harry and his ‘•howi-is. he don't aso printer’s ink enough. Those who are advertise axe «mjb oompensoted. Wo .oppose ho wes to-dsj for down the ooantrj—«a, Ufctnj. Ithegoeotherewe Advise him 10 csli on Bro. Styleo. fefcaaot^fenssE'ktaslMin. £©“The New York World of the 16th revises its table of Representatives elect to Congress, with estimates of the poli tics of those yet to be elected, separating the “Beventio Reformers” from the Pro tection Radicals, and tiros sains np: Democrats 109, Protection' Republicans 105, Revenue Reformers (Republicans) 29. It concludes that the anti-Proteo- tion strength is great enough to organize the House and construct the committees the interest of tariff reform. and Plated Ware ever brought to Ameri- correspond with the times. giving a lovely picture, called “The Welcome Home,” a double fashion en graving, and a large variety of stylet of dzesa and patterns for needle-work. Send a stamp for postage to T. S. Ar thur k Sons, Philadelphia, and get a copy of this elegant number of the “La dy’s Home Uioaurk.” Yoa will, if you it, sorely want tho magazine for 1871. jftosSi, iia city, by Rev. Sam’l An- tatayX Callaway, of Mitch ell county, and Miss Catuue Lou Ma< unerri this city. Atlanta Constitution.—In another column we present another article, taken’ from the Constitution, giving more of the corruption of Gov. Bullock. The Con stitution is doing gallant service for the cause of Democracy and deserves a liber al patronage, which we hope it may re ceive. Since its enlargement it is by far the best daily of Atlanta, and among the best of the State. We recommend, our readers to subscribe for this sterling pa per, and say to bro. Avery, “Lay on .MoDu% *’ Ac. PERRY DAVIS’ PAW KILLER Has become an article of c 223^331^ 5S3« me. in Us Uror.-Glens’ M.*ts»n*«r. IffiffiSSZiLm. *bn simiUr til mony of its virtue*. lf H. Eisbr writer -I basehsd octtr i tegawBsBsaag sSbjSfdmxrtaU. Hurley’s Stomach Bitter^ For Debility, Loss Appetite- Weakness, Indigestion, or Dys pepsia, Want of Action of the Liver, or Disor dered Stomach. There are no bitters that can compare with these removing these distressful complaints. Indiauapoll's, Ind., Feb. 7,1870. To James Ruddle, A Li>. Louisville, Ky; Gentlemen: About two months ago I pro cured a bottle of Dr. Hurley’s Bitters for raj wife, thinking it a plcatant 6 not rely* „ much on its medicinal virtues, and it cured her of a disease she had long been under treat ment for. I was afflicted in" a similar way, and got some for my own use, and am happy to eay •* has cured me. My disease was of tho bladder id kidneys. It is certainly a splendid motli- ncy and being pleasant to take is quite* re commendation. We and O’tr uighbors bate no — * nv others now.’ Wi >• respectfullv vour J. L.’B. Notice to Mothers DR. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup. »5e. per 2>nttl«. Use in tlie future 8eabrook's, .uito up in advancement of tho age; pleasant aud rebable in all cases, Invaluable ra the fob lowing diseases: Summer Complaints, Irregularities oi the Rowels, Reativeuesss, Teeth ing, eta, etc. Give* health to the child and rest to tho mother. Marietta, Ga., Nor. 1.18C9. ». Louisville, Ky.- ■ tried. Wo be — —- it gives res r children quicker than all other " ~ have been gives univ n plained of. Our Wat. R. ltd J. L. Boot. PURIFY YOUB BLOOD. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, —wm— IODIDE POTASH This is the pure and genuine extract of the root, and will, on trial, be found to effect i tain and perfect cure for tho following plaints and diseases: Affections of the Bonos, Habitual Cost- iveuess, Debility,- Diseases of iLe Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fis tula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Syphilis, And all impurities of the Blood, etc. To Dr. Tliog. A. Hurley: 6in I deem it an act justice to you to atatl that iu the month oi ubruary last, I had a severe attack of inflam- majory rbeTunatism, which completely proe- tratec* n > my lungs i At tho same much afflicted. I was so reduced th- with the greatest difficulty I could walk. 1 pro- curod eome of your compound extract of Kanw- panlla, and commenced taking it. I found that 1 began to improve, my cough became less sc- vor j* soreness of my lungs and breasts gradually subsided, my rheumatic pains lees acute. I attribute this mainly to your Sarsa parilla. I have now been taking it for over two mouths! I have taken iu all live bottles. Its ef fects have been most satisfactory to me, and I advise others similarly aflected to give you trial. Jos. Glzxest. ' The gentleman whose name, in appended to the above certificate has long resided here, and af tbe present time is one of tbs magistrates ot tbe city of Louisville. HURLEY’S AGUE IONIC. HO ARSENIC—WO MERCURY. PEBFECTLY KELUELEt B. Emanuel & Bro., READY TO MEET THE CRISIS ! Since the natural expectation of every one is to purchase goo <1 lower now than when cotton sold for 20or25cents a pound, we have fully determined not only to meet the crisis, but GO A LITTLE BEYOND IT ;T accordingly we offer ourwhole stock atthe follow- .ng schedule of prices, until further notice: Good fast color Prints - -..10 cts. per yard Very best Merrimack and like.; 12 “ “ “ Extra heavy Northern Shirting - 10 “ “ “ “ Sheeting - 12 “ No- 2 Osnaburg, 51-2 oz 9 “ Sea Island Homespun.. .10 “ 3-4 Wide Bleaching .?! “ Better Onality “ ...10 - “ Yard Wide “ 12 “ Striped Homcspmi: .12 •* Spnn Yarn ...rv;.145 perbnncli. We make DRESS GOODS a specialty—keep the largest stock in Americus—have been offering them low already, but offer them to-day still lower, for instance : . American Delaines, 17 to 23 cts. Poplins, col’d Alpacas, &e., at.....; ,.30, 35 and 37 cts. worth fully 40 to 50 cents. DON’T FAIL TO CALL AND SEE THEM. We are willing to compare PRICES and QUALITIES of CLOTHING, SHOES, &c., <fcc., WITII ANYBODY, and don’t fear the result. We keep a large stock ot everything usually found in n Dry Goods store. BLANKETS and SHAWLS, BLANKETS and SHAWLS, BLANKETS and SHAWLS, $££- These we absolutely guarantee to seil you auy make or quality for less money than the same article at any other house in any other house iu town. We have many more of them. The best way—the only way—of knowing whether we will car ry out what we put in print, is to call on Yonrs truly, B. EMANUEL & BEO. *50,000 WORTH OF Dry Groods Great Reduction in Prices S. Waxelbaum & Co’s NEW STORE, Comer of Cotton Avenue and Lamar St., oppo site tbe largo Grocery House or Toole Jt Schumpert and Furlow A lire. Ed. Republican Oq last Tuesday night two of the most atrocious, and cold-blooded murders that ever disgraced the annals of crime were committed near this place. Two brothers, Allen and John Creech, living some two or three miles apart, were the victims ! Some time after nightfall a company of men, supposed to be a dozen or more, undisguised, went to the house of Allen Creech and. enquired for him. On be ing told 1 by bis wife that be was not there, several of them alighted, went into the house, and made n thorough search. Not findingbim, they told his son's lad, approaching toward# manhood, that, they would kill bim Tf lie did net tell them where his father was. He agreed to do to save hisllife, and was taken up be hind one of them, and started to a neigh bors house a mile or two off where he had, a futtiep But before reaching tho place, they met him 2ffe2S <***#!>&& They then dismounted and took up the father and dix- 0 WING to the low prico of Cotlou, we have concluded to offer tho balance of our Fall Stock at the following remarkable low prices : Good Fast colored Prints, 10 c. $yd Very beat Merrimack, Hpragne.Ac 12} “ “ Best Skirting 10 “ ** Best Sheetings, 12J “ “ No. 1. Osnaburga,8oz...-. 14 «*■ “ No.a. M i) *' “ Sea Island Homespun 10 **“ “ Good Bleaching, 7 “ “ Barter quality, 10 and 12} . “ •' appeared. The next thing heard of them John Creech’s store, whero he stayed, TUS LARGEST STOCK C DRESS GOODS offer tbo foUow- -f&c., worth75c. offered, among which i Empress Cloth sen at. ......35 c., In CLOTHING the largest aixYbest selected Htpck b r’k' want him, it was Creech they wanted and called for him. Ilo got np aud went to tbe door, MUThe clerk hoteT’Tili^inore.— farjhn mrmiilfcjipifrh was inode and his body found in a creek by, with bis abdomen ript open 1 In the meantime no word of his brother Alien. All search on Wednesday was fords w fruitless, and Thursday'till lafo intfie crenioft wbffli in »n ®lj.» cent mill pond, with bis body ript open A# his brother’s. was. - Thowbole community was shocked be yond measure; an<f no one abfe to con jecture the cause for such mu ontyug^. No clue yot to the perpetrator#, Allen was a ’ former, aud had iuAhte bebum days, the reputation of being one of the best overseers of a thousand', i- Hirnuly Tailing tint he_Jmnlftoo much. . John irasjn merchant—an old iMtchelor, whose moral character madam rumor had dared to throw out some insinuaticqis against, as being somewhat partial feminine biped, of the sablo, persuasion. Whether or no there was any grounds for it, I know not. Disgraceful os they are, -the foregoing, j are substantially'the facts. 7 L ..f , . JEFFERSON, l BarrettV too much lor them. . * with rcapcct, .tPft! Good Csssituere Bulls til) 00 and 115 00. - Fla* Walking Frock Coats, latest styW. Frocilmau’s Suite from f 2 flt) to $5 00. Tlxo only remedy for CLilla and Fever or .guu and Fever, that is or can be depended up- «is IInrley’8 Ague Tonic. There have been housands cured by using it who have tried the usual remedies without benefit. To Dr. Thoe. A. Ifurley: I hereby certify that oring the last year I was attacked with the ague while hr Vicksburg, Miss., aud u*e<l uev«r- al popufar patent medicines with but temporary rcheh Ou roaohing home the dieeaso returned in a worse type, if possible, when mv nie«li<-al attendant ordered quinine, in large doses fre quently as high as 00 grains per day, and which must have cost me nearly 1100. I consulted Dr. Smith, ot Ljuiavillo, and fonml he prescribed iiuine aud arsenic, combined, which I refused take, preferring to Jet the disease take its course. I was almost bloodless, extremely ex hausted, and pronounced with enlarged liver and spleen. About this time the aavertisemeuf of Hurley s Ague Tonic appeared in a city papei, and I determined to qrve it a trial. I did so ana havo no reason to regret it. One bottle restored me completely, and siuco that lime I havo soeu nearly a hundred cases in which it acted with lady happy results, and would ccrtaiulvro- amend it as prefurwblo to auy other, tonic bo- fore tho public. James M vuti.n, Engineer. Louisville, Ky., Juno 14,15G^ <. DR. SEABROOKS elixir PYROPHOSPHATE IRON & CALISAYA tastes and had effects without die degree*!., of either, separately or in JAMES REDDLE & CO., 1‘JlOl‘UIE’X'OIiS, l*iLarat*,ry No, ll ItuUiti Street, Louisville, Ky. BOOTS and SHOES -W Having determined to offer our friends and patrons all tlie inducements tho .market *f- “ ■’ all to call and examine our stock 1>RY GOODS. ' ' CLOTHING, COOTS, SHOES, AA Call before you pnrdiase elsewhere, aud ' you ill find that you can get more hero tor a UtUo money than any where in tho city. . Remember the old reliablo firm of 8. WAXELBAUM k CO. . nov8ly . ■ o. 7 ■ All the above medicines are for salo by W. A. COOK & CO., Americus, Ga., Aud at AYlicten&tc by , L.W. Hunt&. Co., Macon, Ga Metaphysical Discovery ! DAVENPORT’S DRUGSTORE, AND GET PHAMPHLETS. BED XSl) WHITE Onion Sets. ATJRILYAE8. Hosford’s Yeast Powders, (Endorsed by Medical and Scientific Men.) LINSEED OIL, RAW auil t BOILED, Trap vo ved.. Everything kept in Store cun tic found at W. T. DAVENPORTS Next door to Granlterry & Co's. UDBLEY’S POPULAR fORM CANDY . This being really a specific against all kinds ot worms that are found in children, it is fast be coming tbe remedy administered In such trou bles: its pleasant taste far quite 'a recommenda tion of ifodf, while its fuL is tru)y wonder- ! Louisville, August 80,1869. Messrs. James Buddie A Co.—Gentlemen: In onscqucnce of the benefit Lhave received from the use of your Dr. Hurley's Worm Candy- in my family. I send you this, hoping you will make it public tor the good of other parents. My wife and self are satisfied bat for tbe use of '* ’ ’ ’” ~ * it least ooeof ourchfl- Both of our Children are now wen and hearty, they passed worms seven inches long. Anyone doubting this can call and see me at corner JLOth and. Chesnut atm" I will give them proof of this and more. The Diamond Glasses Manufactured by J. £. SPENCER, New York, which are now offered -to the pubbe, are pro nounced by til the celebrated opticians in tbe world to be the most perfect natural, artificial help, to tbe human eye ever known. They are uronud under their own supervision, from min ute crystal pebbles, meited together, and derive their name, “Diamond,* on account of .their hardness and brilliancy. Tho scientific principle 'deh they are oonatrtfcted brings the core _ _ itrs of the lens directly in front of the eye, producing a dear and distinct vision, as in the natural healthy sight, and prerenting all un pleasant sensation, such as glimmering and wavering of sight, rtixzinosa, Ac., peculiar to all Other* in use. They are mounted in tho finest manner, in frame* of the material* used for that If. Hoar. Drag ayer's Sarsaparilla, m i Vb TI1U UMKtll. |rr:ua!e.l by Ibc V<toId- *;.• -sfitlly afllicting,have »><s*n radically * mn, ro|.i-lly develop into’-.Hie or miK-r orjL vw wfficron surface or among^B»c fn the laUcr, tnlien-lfto niny bo fmUIcnly tn-kVyw foul^^na «.n wic pan «i ...a U.ii S tHSAFtHULA: St. l&thn- A'ier, Itn*, m- Et'i/xipcla*, Trtter, Sail im. lletul, Kinuminu, Snrr K};m, Em-,, tnnl uiher onu.lh.iiH or visible lornu Gisense. Also In Urn more « on- 4 D.rin 5. RS Itjfnprituia, Heart as/ , J'itt, Kiii/rinff, yrin-alula, and ariortx t lrrran* auectmiis of Ihc ifmscular !»bf/7iVr and Hrrrmrlal 7)1*- * **.re rami by it, Umugh a long time is io- li.ickly * filial initio* of tbo I jeer, u nd .ii noiiorsi* ft . Tar pi,Ut jf, , TsKtt: :v ideate of iU rcstor.iti e power upon r n e vaz t !> L i ar. C. A1EU A C O., UweU, .niWL, lartira! and ,tirrrtafical tlamint*. I RY ALL I»Ki;tiU»ST6 LYUtY>kliEUV.. MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Tiro Hottim per Annum. 64 PAGES READING MAHER, i 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS. I WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, D. WYATT* AIKEN, j cnARucsToy, s, c BARGAIN OFFERED. NOT IC El A GAIN l inform you that City Drug Store that ’ Books and Account* of the name, so please come forward and settle at onco and save cost. Remember friends, those Good* were ONLY sold on time until you could soli cotton—that timr has come so do not complain if you fail to pay and are sued, as 1 MUST CLOSE the buat- nesajn some way. W. M. HABDWlCKE, Receiver. LEITNER&FltlCKER Jewelers,, solo agents foi from whom culy they ctux b. ’ 15-wly I obtained. No peddlers employed, x ‘ Dissolution. ; IHE firm of ADAMS, WASHBURN & C_., , this day dissolved by consent. U. K. Wash able premises in Americns. Dwelling has boven rooms, seven or eig bt ont- housce, framed buildings, twenty-five acres ot land, with choice building lots, 900 fruit trees, well selected —peaches ripening from last of " rut of November. Four varieties of i, the Chickasaw Dear, not to bo ex- many as eight or ten kinds of Som mer and F811 Apples, marly one hundred Shock- ley Apple trees. Also, • fine vineyard. By tak ing proper care one can enjoy fruit from tho place Avery day in the year. Call and examine for yourswve*. HAWKINS A GUBBBY, nov41m Attorneys. tion. Wo have tilths when desired, and advs value. • A Savannah, Ga., Nov. 1,18711. NOTICE. H AVING, on the first day of Juno last,, sold out my interest in the furniture busxnesa to Mr, 8. 1\ llocnc, the business herttofore conducted by him under tho firm namo of 8. P. Boone, Agent, wfil hereafter bo in bis own namo and for his own account. . 1 All persons indebted to tbo late firm are rc- tbrec-fourths quested to call at once and pay same to Mr. 8. P. MS & BRO. Boono, and thoso having claims against said firm - a. a. adams. I to present them at onco to the undersigned. ' flit. 8. 2m, URIAH. B. HARROLD iold cotton for m