The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, November 25, 1870, Image 4

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Team that trickle down oar eye* ! They do not fall to earth aod dry; They soar like angola to the akies; And like the angel* cannot die, For oh! oar immortality Flows through each tear—eoanda in eeach sigh What waves of tear* surge o’er the deep Of narrow in our resiles* son'* And they are strong, not weak, who weep Those drops, from oat the sea -that rolls Within their hsarts forevermore: Without a depth—without a shore! But ah! the tears that are not wept— The tears that never outward fall— The tears that grief, for years, has kept Within na—they are beet of all— The tears our eyes shall never know, Aw deeper than the tears that flow! Eeach night, upon earth’s flowers below The dew comes down from darkest skiss; And every night our tears of woe Go up like dews, to Paradise; To keep in bloom aud make more fair The flowers of crowns we yet shall wear For, ah! the sorest way to God Is up the lonely stream of tears Tfiat flow, when bending ’aeath its rod, A'id till the aprug tide of our years. ' »ii laughter s billows hearts are tossed Go wares of tears no heart it lost, Flow on, ye tears! that are but foam Of deeper waves that will not flow ! A little while—I reach the aboro Where tears flow not—forevermore! Grant’* Predilections for Jobe. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Gazette calls attention to the remarkable fact that the present Chief Magistrate of this country has never, daring his oontinnsneo in office, now nearly two years, been known specially to interest himself in anything except jobs. The pnblie knows to what lengths he went to secure the ratification of the San Domingo treaty. He went person ally ty the “ marble room,” so-called, where conferences are held with individ ual .Senators, and button-holed every man supposed to be opposed to that measure, and yet it was defeated. He went still further, and interrupted the important negotiations pending in Eng land, by recalling onr Minister, in order to mortify and punish a Senator for prov ing refractory upon that point. The country now knows, says this correspon dent, that Grant’s Cabinet has been par tially disrupted because of differences of interests among land speculators and at torneys for land grabbers. In truth, his constitutional advisers were originally selected upon no higher principles than the reward of men who had subscribed large amounts of money for his private benefit aud exclusive personal use—in word, “ of making hay during sunshine.” Among all the rumors of "Cabinet changes" who has ever seen a single hint that differenses of opinion npon any of the great questions of public policy, which now agitate the industrial rltsars, were assigned as the incentive ? Never theless, it is known that his different counsellors have, at no time, been a unit upon any one of them. They have never been unanimous upon the triiff, internal tax laws, the banks, the currency, public debt. or our foreign policy I unity npon jobs, and uurestrained op pression of the white people of the South (which is in fact only a job of some what more gigantic proportions than the rest), is all that is required by this ad ministration! Sp long as this sort of unity exists the members of the Cabinet may occupy positions as wide apart os the poles. Mira colons Meteorological Phe nomenon—Tlie Rain Falls for Fire Day*, in Clear weather, on a Group of Graves, and Nowhere Else. [From the Mobile Refiner, Xov. 9. For several days past there have been mysterious and vague rumors ot a most remarkable roeteorogical phenomenon oat at the Catholic graveyard, on Stone street, above the Three-Mile Creek. It is asserted by those who say they have seen it that for the last five days a gentle shower has fallen continuously on the lot of the JLexnoine family, in which are buried Mr. Victor Lemoino and many others of his family. With a view of getting at the facta of this most extraordi nary affair, we had last night an inter view with Mr. Lonis B. Lemoine. em ployed at Asa Holt’s, a son of the deceas ed Victor Lemoine, who died in 1851, who related the following startling par ticulars: “Having heard that it was reported that it had been raining several days on the enclosed ground which forms my family burying-ground in the Catholio burying-ground on Stone Street, above the Three-mile creek, I drove out there last evening to satisfy myself, and to my intense astonishment I saw that a column of rain was coming down without ceasing, which, although hardly powerful enough to wet the hands or any article, and at times it rained quite hard. The volume of rain fell inside of the enclosure, aud nowhere else, as the weather was and had been bright and clear all the time daring the fivo days Ihe raiu had been falling on these graves. There are thirteen of my family buried in the lot of ground upon which it has been raining. My mother, brother and sisters visited the spot yesterday and the day before to satis fy themselves about the truth of this matter, and declare that they, too, saw this wonderful phenomenon. It has also been seen by over two hundred persons. I took a friend with me when I visited the spot, who also saw the tain falling as described. Mr. John Rosset, the keeper ofthocemete ‘ ***** ’ * * commenced t Cheap for Cash! OUR STOCK is now PERFECT! „ heavy drops about . Iam willing to take my oath os to the truth of this statement.” So incredible did this extraordinary affair seem, that those who saw it several days ago refrained from stating or assert ing what they had seen, for fear that not only their veracity, bat their sanity would be questioned, and it was only until a number of gentlemen of the first respec tability had seen and reported the result of their personal observations, any cre dence was attached to the truth of the matter. Take it altogeth* r, it is certain ly the most astounding ami miraculous atmospheric wooder that has ever been witnessed in this part of the world, and will doubtless afford abundant food for thought, research, and obsei ration, not ouly among scientific, men. but among all classes. There are so many who vouch for the truth of Mr. Lemoine’a statement, and his character for veracity is such, that there can no longer be any doubt of the fact that it has been rainiDg for the past five days on the graves o! his kin dred. Prince Gortschakoff to Ear! Granvi’le- What Russia Demand*. Losdox, November 13, 1870.—The Russian Minister here read to Lord Gran ville a letter from Prince Gortschakoff stating that Russia now demands the modification, or the abolition of the provisions signed at the convention Paris on the 30th of March, 1856, arti cles eleven and thirteen, in the treaty of Paris, 27th of April, 1856. Theso pro visions forbid the Russian fleet from en tering the Dardanelles and the Bos phorus from the Black Sea, and limits the Russian fleet in the Black Sea to ten small steamers, they also prohibit Russia and Turkey maintaining on the Black Sea coast any military or marine arsenal and generally neutralize the Black Sea, by an interdiction from its waters of any vessels of war belonging to the powers possessing its coasts or any other power. This declaration on the part of Russia being simultaneously made in London by the Cabinets of Constantinople, Vien na and Berlin, is believed here to indi cate Russia's readiness to insist on the recognition of her claim by force. PRY GOODS MILLINERY —SOU) AT— COTTON PRICES! HOBSE AND CATTLE REMEDIES. The Kest ujuI most lldiable ever ojfrr^tl to the Pithtir, Ta2 Aiticricnxi s 1 mi E&.J1S8 CQSBITiCH FOE BEES rt’Jl and select your BONNETS and J. Orders Solicited. MRS. LAZARON FRENCH MILLINER. :bljr tested In my prneiliv ik» fc».T« trilrt. isS r - — — '* great merit -el w. liable Incrcdien •-!. ttua any rem r««!r» «» *lwdi 1 i»v* keowfedge. Grains h dado, TAtrtT, &*rqr*« Setiwr . t -An- ,*.j m. .< f%. lialojy ’k- Ikr*c,“ “ H—.r DuSar, Ac. jv will a! ’•»* for i i- ry of Fori# tad ^ ratti* 0«ro-<’* iVfcK-' tVs. . A. S-'ilTri. ^ For sale by W. A. COOKE A CO., Americas The Great Hedleal Discovery! Dr. WAXSSB7J nar.TWQmrra VINEGAR BITTERS, HI Hundreds of Thousands £19 —— W. L. Wadsworth & Co., gt§a! Notices--gamier Co. Cheap for Cash! oct 4 tf WM. LAZAUON. C OHEN, 2 fYTOULD respectfully call the attention of the W citizens of Americas and surrounding coun try to the fact that ho is prepared to mute all kinds of CUSTOM-MADE WORK at the shortest notice. We hare Two European Workmen who will giro satisfaction to the trade. Owing to the fact that he has liad a good patronage for fourteen years from the public, he feels side end -* * — ■ -*- 1 moderately The Relief Law. We saw announced, a few days ago, a decision of Judge Hopkins against the constitutionality of the Relief Law. On the contrary Judge D. B, Harrell, of the Patanla Circuit, in the case of Jones Lee, at Stewart Superior Court, in a very able opinion sustained its constitutionali ty. We append the [Mints of this dec is n as given ns by a friend : 1st. While it is true that the Legisla ture has no power under the Constitution to impair the obligation of contracts, oi to destroy the remedy for their enforce ment, it is equally true that it does have the power to change, alter, modify, and even to anne.c conditions precedent to the use of the remedies prescribed by law for the enforcement of contracts. 2d. That this power has been exer cised by the Legislature from the foun dation of the Government, witbont ques tion, to-wit: By requiring plaintiffs to pay cost in advance to make certain affida vits, as to Bail cases, Attachments, etc., and by imposing conditions as to time, i Statutes of Limitation. 3rd. That the provisions of the Relief Act of 1860, in requiring plaintiff to sign an affidavit that all legal taxes have been paid npon the debts they seek to collect, before they are entitled to use the remedies prescribed by law for their col lection, is only the exercise of this power, and does not impair the obligation of contracts, or destroy the remedy. 4th. And considering the reciprocal duties of Government and citizen, it is not unjust, inequitable or umonstilutional for the Legislature to require the citizen to fulfill bis obligation to the Govern ment for the enforcement of the payment of alt legal taxes, before he is entitled to nsethe remedi s provided by the Gov ernment for the enforcement of his pri vate rights, especially the taxes dne on the very contract he seeks to enforce by remedies provided by law.—Dawson Journal cleaning done a majS-ly South Side Lamar Street. BLACKSIIEAR & LARAHOBE’S PHOTOGRAPHIC USD STERESCOPIC ART AND BEAUTY Favorite Resort of the Fash ionable and Lovely. Americus, Georgia. MOST LEACTIFCL PHOTOGRAPHS, IYORYTYPES, PORCELAIN, ASlBROTYPES, GEMS, Ac, i Stereecopic Picture» something i Courage in Every-Day Life. Have the courage to discharge a debt while yon have the money in your pocket Have the courage to do without that which you do not need, however much you may covet it Have the courage to speak your mind when it i* necessary you should do so, and to hold yonr tongue when it i* pru dent you shoald do so. Have the courage to speak to a friend in a “seedy” ooai, even though yon are in company with a rich one, and richly attired. Have the courage to make a will and a just one. Have the courage to cut the most agree- able acquaintance yon have, when you are convinced that he lacks principle. A friend should bear with a friend's infirm ities—not with his vices. Have the conrage to show that yon re spect honesty in whatever guise it ap pears ; and yonr contempt for dishonest doplicity, by whomsoever exhibited. Have .the conrage to wear yonr old clothea until yon pay for yonr new ones. Have the courage t oobey yonr Maker at the riak'of being ridiculed by men. Have the conrage to prefer comfort and prosperity to fashion in all things. Have the courage to acknowledge yonr ignorance rather than seek credit for knowledge under false pretences. Have the courage to provide entertain ments for your friend* within yonr means —not beyond. Gambetta’a Address to the Army. Tours, November 13.—Gambetta, in his proclamation to the army ot the Loire, congratulates the soldiers on their victories of the 9th and 10th. He sajs: For your courageous efforts to recall victory to our cause, France owes her first ray of hope to yon, and I offer yon the public praise and gratitude for your reward. Recovering strength with dis cipline, you have retaken Orleans, inau gurating a glorious offensive. You are on the road to Paris, which awaits yon. Onr honor hangs on yonr loosing the grasp of these barbarians. Redouble your constancy and ardor, and yon will overcome yonr enemies, with superiority in cannon, with French elan and patriot ic fury. So will the republic issue vic torious from the struggle. [Signed.] Gambetta. IS. A Sheriff in Minnesota was called npon, last week, to perform the very disagreeable duty of arresting his own eon, and lodge him in prison, for mur dering a prominent citizen. Owe Lesson op the Elections. —The New York Evening Post, an influential Republican journal, points the moral of the defeat of several of the Radical can didates in New York and the general re sult in Missouri aa a warning to politi cians hereafter that “if they want to suc ceed they will do well to ask no help or interference from the administration.' The Post adds : “Indeed, wherever the administration has attempted to inter* fere in the elections, its candidates hare been beaten; and it is believed that Gen eral Woodford would have done better had he not been so conspicuously sup ported from Washington.” Let the peo ple set for themselves.—Sac. News. The Relief Law Coxstitctioxal.— On Monday last, in this city, in the case of Flewellen vs. Moms et als., in an plication for an injunction at Chambers, Judge Johnson determined that the Relief Law passed by the Legislature was constitutional. The case was ably argued by Ingram and Crawford for the motion, and B. /. Mdses, Sr., against— Col Sun. GETTING MARRIED.—Eg- U says for young men.—on tbs delights of “‘itssss envelopes. Adores* H sP; PhSaddphia, P*. stptMSM. DUPLEX-TYPES By which the likeness of the Mine p rooi nears twice in the same card in the moat incon Nvably different positions. In true sympathy with tbs many ills to which frail humanity is heir, they hare for a long acu endeavoring to ascertain some pro- >y which beautiful pictures can bo taken from inferior subjects. They bare at last made this discovery, and are now permitted to rejoice in heralding tlie glad news to all who are the least uncomely in from or feature, that they are prepared to take for them the most beautiful and flattering pictures, at the same time serving s correct liksoesa. * «S- OLD PICTURES copied to Miniature or Portrait size, by such a skillful combination aa to render them even more natural than life itself. „ We are also prepared to paint LIFE- SIZE PORTRAITS in Oil, Pastel or Water Col on. Let all come and see for themaelve*. . BLACKHKAU A LARAMOBS, f 121, Photographers, Boone’s cor. TORY ARB ROT A VILE INFANCY DRINK,j>jj| >:.vlc nf Poor Ham. V7hiake7. Proof Spir its. sad Befits* Liquors. nsetoieAspaeA and ivwtcu»l to i#!«w mo l**tc. crn'lcil ‘-Totucs “ Appetisers." " Restorer*," to.,tint leaiUu tippler onto drunkenness hud run, butaxeatxuo Mi- litiiae, tniJs front t!rf * " Herts of C*:uun»la,freo 1 Btimulants. Th-var. ‘ I front t!« Hath ■ala, froo from i .Tb-yar.-t'i-CTRE FUKIFIEH «n.l LIPH GIVING CIPLB. a pcrfietKeaova:.< and Inrigorator d1 the bystem, carryingoO ad poisooooa matter, xn<! restoring the l tool to a hoaltby condition. No person can take thus Bitter*, according to .lirrHlua*. an 1 remain long unwdL ~ *100 will be given for an incurable case, pro- x:-!»-»r the bo-u-a are not destroyed by mineral • Ar n-lxT meuia, and th# vital organa of rr pair. r the bo-u-s are b'-T me t-1 the fla ™ mat ism, OF THE BEST BRA1TOS IN THE UXIOK. MONUMENTAL, QUEEN OP THE SOUTH, DELTA, PLANTER, &e. 3,000 lbs. FUBE WHFEE LEAD, Ten Tons Iron, LINSEED OIL, GLASS AND PUTTY. Glass Fruit Jars. 100 kgs. Nails,2 doz. Wheelbarrows, 200 prs. Traces JO doz. Root HamesJO doz. Ames’ Shovels & Spades, Table & Pocket Cutlery, Plated Castors, Forks & Spoons, * u* WAGON * BUGGY TIMBERS, O-in Goarinej. iOO PLOUGHS. C AJSrE MILLS. TOOLS, HANDSAWS, PLANES, AUGERS, ETC., Blacksmith’s Tools, Garden Tools, Builder’s Hardware, etc., etc. We also Hanufueiure TINWARE, and do ROOFING & GUT TERING, in tlie beet ttyle and WARRANT IT. We make the assertion without fear of being accused of “blow ing,” that we have the T.AU.QEST an( i CHEAPEST stock ol goods in our line EVER BEFORE OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS SECTION, aU of which we pro pose to Sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE LIVING RATES, Sumter Sales for December.. | VTTILL bo aotd before the Court IIcJ Z.SMS&sfe-ud af*do,>ll«tag propwtj. toorit^B isd cdt aa the property of aaid Wilson to satisfy eu»dry fi fa* issped from the Justice Oou^789ih District, G. JL, two in fhror oTVf.C. Brown, one in favor of Richard A. Betd, ooein favor of W. A. Tonne, one in favor of Bender A Co.: one in favor pf Daniel ShtdeJ and one in favor or Al len Brothers ales, said WQeoo. Levies made and retimed AI-o-Ol- ! CUhneO on aethe urouertv ot X. B. Justice court^fiL 789th District, G.M.infkw of Greon A Hawkins, for the use of 8. B. Haw kins v#3L B. CoundL Levy made aud returned Ry W. J, Boeworth, returned :v lotto Y^now lives. iSwiedon as tbo pvopetty of aaia Reese to satiety a fi fa issued from Justice Court for the 789th District, G. H, in favor of Greene. Levy made and returned to ma by VV. J. Boeworth, L. C. 0. 8* DARLEY, feheriff. r THE SAXE TIME AND I Lot of land. No. 132, in tho 2Gth District of Sumter county. Levied on as the property of FnutcieS. Albritton to satiety all fa m ray hands in favor of G. M. Hay fur the u*e oT F. ft. Cok er, Transferee va Francis E. Albritton; leaned from bum ter Superior Coart. l*roperty pointed property _ .... _ ft to issued from tho Superior Court of Sum ter count;, in favog of John H. Wallace. v» Daniel G. Patterson. Property pointed out by BQSWOBTH, Pep.Bhff War jnatisi— -r -—■ co itioa. Bilious. He mi Fever a, Diseases of the" Blood. Liver. Kidneya, and Bladder, theso Bit- oases are »uwi uj i< K -nerally produced Digestive Organa. Ti«*y iuvigutabs thi tho stomach, ami stimulate ... . ibowi ‘ ilto-1 cHeacy in id bowel«, which render then • in r'-evt ipartiaju HDOuldcr^*Cu%i^h^ Tu iltnc _ r Btumseh. Bud rasie in .- Mouth, Hi.bone Attacks, rdjiutioa of the thi region* of the Kidney*, an 1 a hun-lroi other E inful symptoms which aro th» offsprings of upepria, are cured by the*o TUttcrs. Clcaese the Vitiated B’.oo I wh-iicvryon fled it* iiapuiltle* bunting tliroa-rh tho shin i i I’l-S- p?«e, Eruptions, or bores: eh-onwi*. when itis tril. and your feelings will tell yo-i vrSrn. Kri the blood pure and the health ot the system will follow. FIN, TATE, sad otlicr WORMS, lurking Is the syrtera of so many thousand*, arc cUectually dc'. roved and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular .round each battle, printed in four language*— Kn?lisH, Ovrman, French, endSpenish. J. WALKER, n At S» CossmcrceBtrcct, N. T. Proprietor. R. TT. McDONALD * CO., Drtigri.t* aad General Aren t a. iciwo, CaUforula, and 31 and St Com. rtret, K. V. * "Y ALL DCrOOISTS AND LKkl.b DR. 8HALLENDERCER-S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops the Chills. This Mcdicino had been before the Publio fifteen years, and id still ahead of all other known remedies. It doc* not purge, does not sicken tho stomach, ii perfectly aaf* in any dooO and under all circumstances, end is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY end permanently every form of Fever end Ague,because it is a perfect Ant'* ' — Holarla. Sold by aU Dmeeista. REMOVAL. Valuable City Property FOB SALE. T HE subscriber offers for sale the bouse and k>t iu the Southern pert of the city, near the Female College,occupied by CoL A. 8. Cutts. The house is large and commodious, and is one of the beet finished booses in the city. A good well of water,and all the necessary out on the premises. 1 also offer for sale, my interest in the Barlow House, Consisting of Five-sevenths oi the building This is the most desirable property in the cU and yields a handsome per cent, on theeanil invested. For further information apply to oct- IS tf W. W. BARLOW. J. H. GAVAN, No. 11 Broad street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, is sole agent for the sole of the celebrated CINCINNATI BEER for the 8Ute of Georgia. Sold at Brawny prices. Has always on bend Unrivalled Deodora, »nd titter fine Whiskies, Brandies and Gins, which he Mila low for CMS. ' apSS-lj LAND FOR SALK A BARGAIN OFFERED I WILL offer for sal* till November but,* Plantation on Lsnnskssee Creek, taweL- ster county, obtaining tbirtssa or foeryeeu hun dred acre* of land, with the stock ot mules, cat-, tie and hogs, corn and fodder an the torn. The plantation »s in good repair, about half cleared, with bouses saaoientiocbmCartably accommo date laborer*, and all other improvements ne- or myaeU at trairfrn., Georgia. scpL 3-2m JAiLLSP. WALKER. - ' NEW SYRUP I 0n »“ S. P. BOONE last year—known aa the G. M. . building—la now manufacturing, and keeps con stantly on hand a hill supply of PABLOR SETS, In Walnut and Mahogany; CHAMBER SETS, With and without marble tope COTTAGE SETS, BEDSTEADS,MATTRESSES Chairs, Basket*, Broom* WINDOW SHADES, WAU* PAPER METAU1C CASES AND COFFOU sept 13-tf VALUABLE property f FOB 8ALB IN BRUN8WICK, Oa., con- a of lots to snR pureeasara. finrir si tested. jntly surveyed into lots and now for the first time offered at lew price* to encourage ‘ menta. presenting great inducements ti capitalize and others wiamng to make aafe vaaoe rapkDy'toTahMgas tho^lyTmprovU^— Titles era perfect. Descriptive pampBets and maps can be seen orprocured at the offieeor a. £ HAWKINM. Attorney atfU-lj for Charles Day. > NOTICE. J OFFER my bon* and: railroad, and Junior Prercher Bethel FOR SALE. O NE of the. finest D^ELUNGfi; and lot of a scree in the city, with all necessary on' buildings, and an excellent wrif of water. Would be exchanged forwotae good Plant G. W. THOMAS. ■w* Cxecntor’s Sale. DEB and by virtue ot a decree < perior court of Sumter county, rendered at .pril Term. lSW.'of said Superior Court, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court House in Americus,' tween the legal liours of sale, the VALUABLE PLASTATI0JJ Kuown as the J. E. J. Horae or Eh Heme place, situated on Fjiiii. River, in the 28th Dis trict of said county, and containing 1390 acres, ore or leas. Thi* is oo* of tho BEST COTTON PLANTATIONS the county and offers a rare opportunity for fe investment. The greater portion of th land is River bottom, and on tho placeia splendid residence, an abundance of good negro houses and a fine gin house and screw, and The place is in fine repur and under good fence. The placeia sold for distribution among the heirs of said estate. Terns: One-half cash, tho balance 12 months with FOR C ASH . -** Agents for CHAMPION MILLS FLOUR, at Wholesale only. Come and satisfy yourselves. EVERYBODY IS INVITED ! ! LEITNER & FRICRER’S Under the Barlow House, HEW GOOES! O CR MR FBICKEH just returned from New York with the LABQEST end moet SELECT Slock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, STERLING SILVEB AND PLATED WARE, GENUINE “ RODGERS" AND BEST AMERICAN CUTLEBY, WALKING CANES, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS. TOILET SETS AND FANCY GOODS GENERALLY. Onr ftiende end the pwbfc gewenllr Me cordtaHT iwehed to cell e«d m.e~t ow IWj - deee betore purcheeing ekiewhere, u we Me prepared to aeli them ee low y they een be boo, r in any mjirket. Erery article Bold hy be WMreatcd m repreeented , if it proree to the oo trary tlie money will, in all cams, be bbtcxdcd. lO- We are Agents for the following: Tho C and United States Watch Company’s Watches. — ‘ k Baker, W ara*itgcnta for ttefoliowing7 , Tho , Cclebmtod Borcl A Courvoirior Watchee, The Elgin iyVWi The American, Grover Wheeler and Wilmn SEWING MACHINES. ^Fr^^ DiamoSrand Accommodating SPECTACLES. SWATCH WORK ^ Special ettebtion gireb to watch work. WARRAmfra b? competent workman or otherwise, MADE AS GOODAS NE Wand WARRANTED. Fuda Watchee Jeweled in .Baby Md_S«||*ii<>, Engraving dono to order. ) as neatly aa it can ba done in Now York. LEITNER & FRICKER, INTERESTING EVERYBODY! A, I intend changing my boeinewe I tun now offering my entir. Stock at DRY GOODS, ii OLOTHINC, • BOOTS & SHOES, ork. Cost! FOB H I Americus, Go., Oct. 20tt, lm R. T. BYRD. THOMAS M aW°u EDEN Sporting Articles, . SAW MILL. COAL! COAL! COAL! ‘ECONOMY is WEALTH r interest had use' “ It ia cheaper—safer,and Lumber at reasonable prices FOB CASH. TO RENT. IFIWO .Office Booms over IL Westheimer 1 * X Apjl^o W. ; P. Loll AMORE. A Desirable Residence * FOR SALE. Y WILL eel f P pSs%: octlStf For particulars apply tour address J. R. a HORNE,» . . . r. N. W. HORNE. ] Admr’s. Ex'ra J. E. J. Horne. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. JUBSUANT to s judgment, of tho Superior Court of Suifiter county, and also, by leave of the Ordinary of said county, there will be sold before the Court House door, in aaid coon- i the first Tueadar in January next, Fifty ■nw, more or lera, off of lot of laud. No. 159. in the 27th District, G. M.. of said county, in the north east corner ef eaid lot. Also, at tne same time and place, aix acres ot land, more or lees. 3 .. Court bouse, and betwti , from Americus to Oglethorpe and Danville STEPHEN 8. BOONE, Adm’r do boms non. Administratrix’s Sale. TTTILL be sold at-public outcry, befc W Court House iu Americus, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following reali- zCth District or bumter county. Also Jot No. 118, and north half lot No. 119th in tho 17th District of Sumter cor lty. To be sold by order ot the Court of Ordin. UTerma— half cash aud the other half on 1 months credit, with satisfactory security. E. L. FORTH. Adm’x oct 18 tda F. W. Forth, dec’d. Mrammeraor lew."'Sold Jota>.DMMi.fb. IhebmefitoftSKv' “***“ T- H-deyas^ " /2.E0RGIA—ScMTEtt County. tl Whereas, Barney Parker, administrator o: the estate of Joseph Crawford, late of aaid cour ty deceased, applies for letters of diamiesio from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish, a and Bingular, the kindred and creditors of sal deceased, and all persons concerned, to be an appear at my office within tho time prescribe by law, and show cause if any they have, oti erwiae letters of dismission will bo granted i terras of the law. fTEORQLA—Scirrxa Covan. Theso are therefore h io present* , if any th< appear at my office witi by law, and file their objections, haee, otherwise letters of administration win oe granted. ■ Given undor my hand and official signature, this 58th of October, 1870. B. F. BELL, Ordinary. ROAD NOTICE. road leading from Peter Fauet’a, in the 17th district of aaid county, bj Davison's Mills to the place known aa tqe Cotta’ plantation; it la derad by the Court that all persons having objections to the diseontinnvnce of the asm «id appear at my office on the first Tnesda:, _ December next and make known tbrir objec tions, and that notice hereof be published ii terms of the law. B. F. BELL, oct 25 Im, Ordinary. {GEORGIA—Scxxx* Cocam, U Four week* after da to at application will be JAMES P. WEST, 1 nov.8. lm. PHILLIP WEST! f NOTICE. Mm. HATTO^W. COMER, Exct’x, ner " ” "• ‘ viaiod ner H. T. Davenport, AU'y in fact Adam Atkina hating applied to me : - - vihution a exemption of personalty setting epert ofHomeetaad. a at my office oo the 29th i B. F >r 17-2t* ytgal <£o. one hnndred and twenty pounds of lint Cotton , Adminifitratot!. Bale. 0 : : : 11 Ailm'r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE" JtrtTW.r^^DaMj next. befor?1h e l £ ) J' House door in the town of Ellaville th* iju n property, to-wit: Lot<rfKdN’*4LISZ Mre. More or lew. lot offif£ b 2S“* d S bj Mnd, of Willi. gna ott West b, Thow F. tUintv. lmpTo,. menta on place good. prote * nov 17 tu T.II. DEVANE, Adra r. Exccntor’i Sale. |>N the first Tuesday in December next, willy- U sold before the Court Houm door in a. to wn of Ellaville, Schley county, by order of tkl Ordinary of aaid county : Lota ot land nmaW 241 and half ot lot number 24* in the 30th £ ■fnctj Schley county; also, east half of lot No. i lot No. *2, and northwest quarter of Jot No in the 26th district of S rater couhtv, all com! prising the plantation belonging to Win. Ro«* late or Schlny county, deceased. Sold i< tu property of eaid Wm. Ross. Also—Will be sold In the town of Buena Vist, Marion county, on th*first Tueedaviu J*uu»rr MM, south half of lot number 17l, and north half oriot No. 177, in tho Slat district of Muicm county, containing 202J acres, more or Sohl u the property of Wm. Boei, deceased. Terms—One-thiru cash, the other in two on- nual payments, secured by mortgage. 1 oct 13 tda s. T. CRAWFORD, EVr. Notice to Debtors tuid Creditors. ii LL pcracu, indued to the ot.te of W. i, is the law, JOHN N. CHENfiY, Ckrk Court/ 1 ew Adrn'r. LIBEL FOB DIVORCE. Schley Superior Court, October Term, 1870, SARAH WALDREP.) va V Libel for Divorce. SI5L WALDREP. j TT APPEABINO to the court that the defend- X ant in the above stated case has not l**a served, be being a non-resident of the Suu - It is ordered by the oourt that aaid defendut be and appear at the next April Term of aaid 8q. perior Court then and there to answer the plain, tiff in an action for Divorce, and that eerruxtw perfected on said defendsn by publication of this oider in the Sumter Republican, a paU* gazette, once a month for four months prtvioo, to eaid April Term of this court. JiM. CLARK, J.S.C..8.W.C. A true ertrtttftwa tho Minutes of Bchfev Su perior Court J. NEWTON CHENEY, dot 22 m4m Clerk. ^tgal Co. Webster Sheriff’s Sals for Deer. TTTILL be cold betas* the Court Hooee door W in the town of Preston, Webster countv, on the fir«t Tuesday in December next,within the legal hours ot eale the following prupcctv to tit: Boat half of Lot ot land No. 251, in the 25th District of Webster county, known as the Mar tha C. McGrady, to satiaty a fi fa in mv hands issued from the Justice Court of 278th Diatii t of Webster county, in fkvor of Hawkins A Tack- ett vs. Martha C. McGrady. Propertv pointed out by T. H. Pickett, Plaintiff's Attorney. JAMES T. WHARTON, Sheriff. ALSO AT THE saxz TD1X AXD P1ACX WILL BX SOLD* Lets of land No. 205.182,206 and one hundred and four scree off of lot No. 173, and 150 acres of o; No. 179, containinghGO acre*, more or le**, iu tne 19th district of Webster county; known u the Fred Bell plantation, near Hsrdmoney. Lev ied on the paoperty of J. A. Bell to satisfy tvo fi faa in my hands issued from th* Superior court of said county in favor of J. 11. Farrut u. J. A. Bell and D. B. Harrell vs J. A. Bell. Prop erty pointed'out by Jbeiab Harrell, Plaintihi Attorney. W. H. MATHEWS, nov 3 tda Dep. Sheriff. Webster Mortgage Sales. TTTILL be sold before the Court house door,ia W the city of Preston, county of Webster, on the first Tuesday in January next, the follow ing property, to wit: One sorrell bores Male, to satiety a Mortga^t ii fa in my hands issued from the Superior court or said county, in favor of John Turner va John Boll- J. T. WHARTON, nov 3 tda. Sheriff. Postponed Administrator's Sale. AN the first Tuesday in December next, before U the Court House door in the town of Prt* ton Webster County, will be sold between the Igal hours of sale, the following deecribtd land.-, being a portion of th* plantation of J. M. Saun ders deceased, whereupon he lived at the time of hi. deMb, to rtt: Fractional lot No. 36, containing 150 acre*; U No. 62. Lot No 67 and South East half of lot No. 66 coutaiuiug one hundred acres. Said lamb in originally 43, now the 19th District of said ocunty ofWebeter. The eaid lands having been hid off at tlie pre vious sale of the Administratrix to wit: The first Tuesday in December last, by Sampeon Bel! of aaid county, who failing to comply with U«- sale, the earn* ia now to be a old at Lis risk, tale having been postponed by order ot court. Terms ot sale—cash. SARAH SAUNDERS, oct. 13. tde. AdmL sTEORGLA—Webster County. WA Whereas, Mrs. Cintbia Goare applies for Letters of Administration, with the W ill Annex ed, on the estate of Pharis Goare, late of **ii county, deceased. - These are therefore to cite all persona inter ested to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to shor cause, if any, why the petition should not U Given under riy baud and official signature, this 7th of November. 1S70. nov 10 lm G. W. Daysnpobt, Ordinary- /GEORGIA—Webster Cocxty. u Whereas, J. P. P. Harrell, Adm'r d« Iww non, estate of J. P. Harrell, tide of said countv, dec’d. applies tome fot letters of dismission u administrator on aaid estate. These are therefore to cite and admoouk “j and singular, the kindred and creditors of *vd deceased, and aH persona concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time j*«ecriW by law, and allow cause, if any they Lave, oik* erwiae letters of dismission will be grsntcdu tonne of the lew. Given under my hand and oflyrisl gignatti*, this 25th day of October, 1870. oc27*m4m O. W. Datextort, Ord J /TEOUGIA—Wuutrr Oooimr. ff Sarah Ana Turner having applied to ne for exemption of Pcraocilty end eettinf ap^ and valuatmu of Homestead. 1 willpa***F^ the same at my office, on Saturday, the W* November, at 12 o'clock, AL nov 4 Sw G. W. DAVENPORT, Onll- %rgal |ioticts—%tt Conittf- Lee Postponed Sheriffs S»le» W - December. til ILL be sold before the Oourt House door YF 1116 town of Starkville, Lee county, *ko firat Tuesday, in December eext, wttto th*^gal hours of aale, tho following proprfj Foot lota of hod. So^ 130. 140, Its, » lying in the 14th District of Lee county. I*** «* aa the pioperty of Green R Mayo two fi faa m my hands, and one in favor of Cameron ve Green li. Mayo and Ibo****' Porter aecurity. The other in favor of 0tK** of Court vb Oi cen B. Mayo, also to satiafiy SJ** in my hands, all iaanedfromI<e8upcr»f^ ) ° rt ' nor 3 tda. , DepptySton* Administrator’s Sale- tJY virtue of an order of the Ordinary of L* Lmaaa»'«£g aHfeAMASAFAfSg Mnd, No. .151, In tiaelSth dkt. of Eariy mttwEBwMgg now 15 tda Ad»^* "’ice Mortgage Sale* for December. imUkiDllMn a, 0«ntHoiw*» -Ptkeou.'-. l Given under my hand i >hia I9lh day of October, 1870. * oct 191m J. W. WILKERSON Ordmiry-