The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, December 09, 1870, Image 3

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"M.l 111111 ^ \.u o^nv of assessors nnd colloctors is ;„,t aplesnnt sight to the citizens, bat tariff for revenue is necessary. Sui'h^ tariff, so far cs its acta ns an cn- ^.nngemeut to home products, affords ,'nn*i»y ment *° living wages, in ’.[trust to the pauper labor of the Old Word. a»d also iu the development of honu resource®. I'lder the act of congress of the 15th |, lV .,f July, 1370, the army lias gradually 1 ( rn reduced, so that on the first day ,.f Jmnnry, 1371, the nambor of com* S3 the SKW WAR mU AUTMENT RUILDINO. i o war department building is au old ,.(:ire, not fire proof, and entirely in- ii.iiite in dimensions to our present t «. Many thousands of dollars ore paid annually for rent of private ,U‘r^ to accommodate the various ,>. lU s of the department. I recom- ,,1 au appropriation for a new wa: irtineut building suited to the pres atal growing wants of tiro nation. troKT oF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. he report of the Secretary of War ns a wry satisfactory reduction in the of tho army for the last fiscal For details you arc referred to his , W |«snying report. ;!ie expenses of the navy for the whole , : iho last year, i. e. from December 1, ji, the date of the last rejiort, are less £Id,000,000, or about ten million ; than they were tho previous . ; .j. The expenses, since the com- •...•Mvuicnt of this fiscal year, i. o. since l.ilvb’. show fortlie five months a de- -...’is*-1 f over S2.400 000 from those of •... ,Mnv*i*onding months of last year. l!»‘esnm.ites for the current year were • ■-> 2'C»,l>71 37. Those for next year are '■]o!(N1,317 00, with $955,100 00 addl- : ^oiia\ for necessary jiermauent improve riH’nt-**. These statements arc made ,;„ M lv f«>r the mere maintenance of the"»• *t,ddishment, as it now is without in the nature of permanent im- ie, .to lcgnliie what was then regarded as unauthorized intrusion upon the natural domain. LAXP9 TO SETTLERS. - V \ Tiic opinion that the public lands should be regarded chiefly as a source of revenue is longer maintained. The rapid settlement il successful cultivation of them is now justly considered of more importance to our well-being than is the fond which the Bales of them would- produce. The remarkable growth and prosperity of our new States nnd territories attest the wisdom of that leg islation which invites the tiller of tho soil to e a permanent home on terms within the reach of all. The pioneer who incurs angers and privations of a frontier life and thus aids in laying the foundation of commonwealths, renders a signal ser- to his country, and is entitled to it* ape- favor and protection. The laws secure object and largely promote the general welfare. They should therefore be clierish- a permanent feature of our land sys- (lood faith requires us to givefull effect existing grants, and the time honored and bpnificcnt policy of setting apart certain scc- of public lend for educational purposes ; new Slates should be continued. When ample provisions shall have been made for hesc object I submit, as a question worthy >f serious consideration, whether theresidue ,1 domain should not he wholly The appropriation! 3 for the laat dently inten se and are sufficient only y on ita present looting ng and refitting of old bey must,, grad • destroy the navy, and it row economical; as ench pursued the necessity for ships and navy yards Im perative and more costly, it expenses are annually o! ships, t become ti ■cli can he built :i files of coast i of Alaska, am very for- suclt inadequate igu policy, cither ur only means of direct sitizons abroad or for the y forcigu policy. ng report of the l’ost-mas- a most satisfactory work mens With lho adoption end tho adoption of ■<ls, a self-sustaining eddy bo looked for. 1 employes who do not reqni ml consent of the Senate Ionia inients complete. 1 would ha t the tenure, l.nt the manner ppointmerits. There is no di; 'departments as that ofappoii is there any such arduous as that of finding places of cc elevation and purifi icc of the G wemmen •roval by the pcopli ress reducing the array s ineligible for civil posi- tcies being civil offices, I all the agencies to ‘•ions as had heretofore inrics among the Indians, mac other ficnominii" ike tlie work on the pursued willing few years' ins U|*on reservations when houses—have school houses and ^l will he pursuing peaceful and "ft avocations and where they cd by the law-abiding white man ue impunity that ho now visits 1 while settlements. I call your ition to the report of the Comiuis- dian Affairs for full information fiscal year 8.095,413 acres of ere disposed of. Ofthisquuri- .0 ) acres were taken under the S and 2,1 <19,515, 81 acres sold e remainder was located with anis,^college or Indian scrip, ■ her public uses^The entries ad law during tli disposed of u ead and pre sof the honie- L.tNl» « l V<»R ISTRJlSAL IMPROVEMENT. addition to the swamp nnd overflowed granted to the .States in which they iluated, the lands taken under the agri cultural college acts for internal irnprove- purposes, under tho act of September, 1811, and the acts supplemental thereto, „ *1 tip to the close of the Inst fiscal year, by patent or other cqniv- evidencc of title, to States and corne ls, 27,835,259.03 acres of railways, s and wagon roads. It is estimated n additional quantity of 174,735,623 is still due under grants for like uses. The policy of liras aiding the States in bind ing works of internal improvement was in- ;d more than forty years since in ts to India and Illinois to aid those a opening canals 1o connect the if the Wabash with thoso of Lake il the waters of the Illinois with those of Lake Michigan. It was followed with difications, in the gTant to Illinois ate section of pnblic land, within in*its, tojhc Illinois Central Rail- dry corpora- imilai ibsidic; npletcd oi ction with railw m of const ructioi As the reservod double minimum, i idcinnified tlic lands. The consti lifarcs has undoubtedly giv ury for the granted ms impulse to the developn irros, and the settlement of i •tions of the country, i may, however, be well ed by indi rd 1m ited States should • ° { <mj enterprise 1C liberality. dertaken by ant lands in i ited work is of acknowledged national* im- rtanee. I am strongly ‘inclined to the inion that it is inexpedient nnd unnecessary bestow subsidies of cither description, but should Congress determine otherwise, 1 ear. •nd that tlic rights of eetilers d of the public be more effectually secured ted by appropriate legislation. g the year ending September 30, 1870, there were filed in the patent office 19.411 applications for patents, 3,374 caveats anl ICO applications for the extension of tents; 13,022 patents, including reissues d designs were issued—110 extended and 1089 allowed, but not issued, by i-payment of the final fees, the office, during the fiscal y The r a of tin iscented. The preliminary ^ much information of spe- terest, will he ready for de- nng \ rill bo The arranging and classifying the returns, ihall thus, at no distant day. be furnished an authentic record of our condition resources- It will, I doubt not, attest growing prosperity of the country, al- gli in the decade which lias just closed as so severely tried by the great war i-J lomaiiitnm its integrity, and to secure d warrants were issued. At its close i,080 names were on the pension rolls, j labors of the pension office have been imitted in favor of new claims, and to the covery of fictitious claims, which have n Lei ctoforc allowed. The appropriation for tlic employment of special agents for tli THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN Friday .Morning. Decanber 9,1370. Our Ylorida rum-blossom is gone. B©- Be certain to read the new Adver tisements. Yon will find them quite in teresting. , V ISF* Stone & Murray’s Circus and Me nagerie will exhibit in this city on Fri day, the 23d inst. “ The laat rose of summer is faded and gone, ” but the roues on the cheeks of the pretty girls of Americus are flow ers of eternal beauty and sweetness. »•», We learn that Sol. Grey, (colored) and Bob Brewer, (white,) got into a dif ficulty, Tuesday morning, in which tho latter had his jaw-bone broken by the former. V* ! - iw CgX- Dal wick’s Feather. Renovating Machine has suddenly become quite an attraction to our young men. Mrs. E. C. Spaulding lias a beau tiful selection of Holiday presents. fiCy-The sun shine of an Indian snm- mer; for tlic past two or three days, has revivified our streets and brightened the faces of our merchants. Sir. E. II. Scarborough has opened a boarding liouso convenient to the business portion of the city. See ad vertisement. Sgi, A largo and select a -sortment of Toilet Sets, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Jewel Cases, See., suitable for tho Holi days, have just been received at Leitner & Fricxeu’s, and will bo sold very low. Doc.3-tf. B®*. Samp. P. Boone is announced in this paper as a candidate for County Treasurer. Ho is competent to attend tho duties of the office and, if elected, will give entire satisfaction to liia constit uents. A candidate for a city office recent ly talked to a voter half an hour 43 to his ability to fill the office, when ho found out that his victim was as deaf as a post aud hadn’t heard a word that lie said, and he is now so overcome with grief at the loss of his valuable words that he thinks of withdrawing from the contest. \?5V- Mr. Wiley Chambless, qf this county, informs us that he has, this year made, from less than three-quarters of aero of land, over four hundred gallons of fine syrup; some of the stalks yield ing a hall-gallon of juice, each. He says lie is done with cotton growing here after. Grady’s old-fasjiioneil.Circ to be the best traveling, contain]] wit and more good ■ actors tliair othft^'teii, Company in the South, is billed for this lace, Saturday, tho 10th inst. From exchanges wo learn that it is what the people like—a tip-top show—whether lower county cotemporaries are judges of good shows, we will leave for > zen.s 10 determine when they Ira this one. Read advertisement. Tuesday morning, betwt aud two o’clock, the blacksmith shop of Peter Crogbaa, occupied by Andrews k Grin ton, (col.) was destroyed by fire* . A wood-shop and Mr. John Lcamons paint- shop, adjoining, wero also consumed. The residence of Dr. Hinkle was saved by the liard-work of tho citizens,-seconded by the efforts of the Fire Companies. nated by the Radicaljiarty. If the n?eet-, ing 1 should nominate two white then, 1 tho result would be detrimental to the Demo- . cratic party. Was of the 'opihioir "tthl * *'&4rHavJ William Joses, a citizen of Schley coun ty, Georgia, was stricken with paralysis on tlic 3d Dec-inst- aad-died on the 4tk at *VWockA.U,. C /• ^;He waif-•omewketk betvvekti eighty-%ntl ninety years old, the precise dateof his birth is not known. - The deceased\vas one of the oldest citizens of this county, having moved here when this was a wilderness. He leaves a large family behind him, who have i he; cit ran' V knowing that their head hail attained a good Meeting of tlie JDeraocraic Party |1 of Sumter. 3 ; f A full account of thq meeting that was held in this place iast’Tuasddy* to nomi nate members to tho Legislature from this county, not boing furnished ns by the Secretary, wo give an account of the same as taken down by ourself. The meeting wo3.colled,to order on motion of Capt J^ L. Addertoni that Hon.' G. R. HaTper take the ChaiiL' r The object of the meeting having been explained by the Chairman, on motion of J. EL Black Esq. Capt J. L. Adderton was requested to act as Secretary. Smith Esq. was requested by Capt. J. A. Cobb one of the Represcnta- Uv^lrom died r«p.c,eJ. and bolovci by tlmt he regretted that fe, arjenl' kae<v him. vZu Billy .-as .n boa- business, he couhl not be present at the meeting, and requested4kat his name be not rilti ih *160 'convehtlbn, as lie could the people if nominated. He would support tl»e nominee*} of the con vention. | f ^ | Jiidge'J. A. Ansley moved that a com mittee of three from each district be ap pointed to prepare business for the meett This was amended by J. H. Black Esq. to five, and by Capt. B. B. May to ne from the town district. Col. S. H. Hawkins introduced a Reso lution as a substitute, that the meeting proceed to the nomination of two candi dates by ballot, upon which quite a dis cussion ensued. Col. S. H. Hawkins, M. B. Pickett nnd \V. B. Guerry, favor ing the resolution. J. A. Ansley. H. T. Davenport, J. IL Black, W. A. Hawkins, J. V. Price, C. J. Malone, and others, opposing it, and" favoring the appoint ment of committees. Capt J. M. Willson, urged upon tlio meeting the propriety of nominating but .n, leaving the other to bo nomi “Barrett’b” cheapest, purest, best. Llg 4 | 'TiiEA Nectar.—A- sup^rifli- article of Black Tea with a Green Tea flavor. Price SI 20 per pound at DR. ELDBIDGE’S, Drugstore. The Stewards of the Bethel and Mag nolia Circuit will meet, according to ap pointment, in Americus on Monday the 13tli inst. The interests for the present year, and arrangements for 1871. demand a full attendance. Let eFery Church be represented. J. B. MoGehre, P. E. Courier copy. doc/.Mf. Subscriptions to tli© BetlielTarsonage and the Sumter County Bible Society are now due. Persons wishing'to pay will please call on mo beforo I ieuvo for the Conference, Respectfully, J. B. McGehee. Courier copy. dec. 3-tf. t.. C^k-Salt Petrt, O nion •Sets — •' * • ' DR. ELDRIDGE’S Drug Stoi • Prescriptions filled at DB. KLDRIDGE'S Popular Drug Store, th^.aro ready to’ ^iwifou n^Ut the party had better take half a loaf, than get nobrpa<|. .VT'yT*) y. f»*f <- ■The ol^ect of tlio'Tp^akcTrs iitl seemed to loan in one direction, and j**,, Mjai/od rf.nfcnoy JuatteBrs, it fe absolutely tlic duty of every man and woman—to buy their goods to the-, best advantage—thor, wifl. find it to their interest ‘ -to read EMANUEL’S ad- harmmuze,.butdiowi t6 \jriug ; abifqt this resnlt, seemed an herculean task. Discussion was finally cut .off, by Col. W. A/iliiwkins calling' for the previous question, which coll was.sastaiued. Tlio previoiur que^tfbfi behig du tho' motion of Judgo Ansley, was then put, and voted down. The question then occurred on the adoption of the resolution introduced by Col. S. IL _ JHnwkita. On . taking«the vote,' it was carried t-y a’large majority. The meeting -then j|»rocoeded to ballot for two candidate* for thu,iidgLslature. At this stage of the proceedings, great confusion arose, in tho midst of which, N. A. Smith, Esq. moved an ad journment until Tuesday, the 13th iust. which motion met with considerable opposition. Tho motion however was finally withdrawn, aiid the balloting al- ■4owed toproceed.' DuPont Guerry, Esq. and F. A. Bnrlse, Es^TVero U]ipbint<jd of frauds has been Ihe results obtained hn lable benefit to the sen -Mr. \Ym. Owen has secured the services of a steady and sober^whito man, liia Barber Shop, nnd his old friends d customers will find it very pleasant and safe to submit themselves .into his hands for a uliave or hair-cutting. He a perfect master of his profession and au acquisition which will bo highly ap preciated and sustained, wo hope, by the gentlemen of tho city and country. The subjects of ed •c of grdSt interes qiublican institutio grandeur as a nation a bureau has been es Department—-the IJu ication and agriculture to the success of our is and happiness and In the interest of one nblishcd in the Interior -can of Education; and ,n tlio interest of tho other an associate de partment—that of Agriculture. believing great general good is to flow from tlio opera- ii3 of both these Bureaus, if properly fos- cd, I cannot commend to your careful 10 highly the reports of the legislation as to secure their efficiency. In conclusion, I would sum up the policy of the administration to be a thorough en forcement of every law—a faithful collection of every tax provided for—economy in the disbursement of tlio same—a prompt pay ment of every debt of the nation—a rwluc- tion of tuxes as rapidly ns the requirements of the country will admit—reductions of tax ation and tariff to be so avranged as to afford tho greatest relief to the greatest number- honest and fair dealings with all other pe< pie, to the end that war, with all its blighting consequences, may be avoided, but witho surrendering any right or obligation due us— ft reform in the treatment of Indians m in tho whole civil service of the count* nd, finally, in securing a pure, untrani- nelod ballot, where every man entitled to n>t a vote may do so, just once, at each election, without fear of molestation, or pro scription, on account of hi* political faith, itivity, or color. [Signed] IT. S. GR\NT. Executive Mansion, Dec. 5, 1870. A. B. Addison.—This gentleman noti fies the pnblic through tho liepubiiaiii,' this morning, that in future he will sell liquors at his Bar at reduced prices,—for the cosh. Those who have had dealings Mr. Addison stand ready to testify to liis candor nnd honesty and verify what he says. He proposes’to sell his articles at reduced prices for cash, and ns ho keeps 10 books, those not, supplied with the ‘filthy lucre” need " not call at his cstab lisliment. Read advertisement. •<*4 961,1 tho*. •s me proceeding year. Surveys have gorously prosecuted to the full extent ^ in can* applicable to tho purpose. The 1. - v 01 land *n market will amply sup- Present demand. f * claim of the settler under the hotuo- r 'j 11 -' pre-emption laws ia not, liowev- * an< * 8 BU Vject to sale at private pub- ncqui- :.?rv . cuujocv i-o saic ui pr (i*^j •'">’ unappropriated surveyed . I ,0 a limited amount, be n. ‘"M ,„ fr , tarmer laws, if the party — enter under them will comply with •'W lrem f n,s ,lle y prescribo in regard to ■ J r,«f' mJcult ‘ vaUon - Th « actual 8Ct - •» ler rL ' r , ei,ce r igbt of purchase ia oven ■dry ’ a , ext «nds to lands which were ' al ** ie , * me hi* settlement. cL n,J Was formerly conferred within r w, ™*,' er Umiu - one period *>f Vl Wm confi a®d only by special They were enactad from time to* > x* o 1 A l. a market a stive. Wo quote middlings at AMEIUCC3 MARKET. , Corrected oxpeesaly for the Republican , nr irosTOOSiEUZ a snxw. Anaaicrs, Gv, December, 7tli 1S70. CORN—White SI 30 y bnaht-1. MEAL—SI 40 y bushel. OATS—90c. per bushel. 1IACON—Clear Sides 21c Shoulders 15c. MOLASSES—65diSl t SYRUPS—90@$l 50 SUGARS—18@20.: • ElSil—KitU 42 60<S$4 GO. i bUs I i bbl 49 W&sat 00. 5Ua 410 0 “BarrottV Hair BftitoraUvc. It is^uo liOio -to stnWdrat most of the names of the gentlemen ballot ted for woi used without their consent or ltnowlqdg' Had it been known beforo'th5 lralfofting took place, tlmt the name of Col. C Goode wopid ^avc^hoen presented nt thp- meeting, that' gentleman 'would have fc- ceived almost the unanimous vote cast. Col. Goode was not in the city at tho tune and therefore know nothing of whul being done. Tho lot. WitiGirt Brady, *. . 48 T. F.- Fbaoan, - 27 C. T. tfooDTv...7..... "f ? ^3 G. R. Harper, .. Wm. T. Toole.. __ Scattering, j&y r EL’S vertisement. Then go there and buy. q’ty-Myip “aril gi 11 V&mVTo respectfully rucoaimend o friends in this city and county to go to Oppenheimc-r k Franks’: Clothing Hall, as they are selling their stock of Ueutlc- mens' Clothing at giuaByjfeduced pricoa, ftneh.' prices' aS will^Xtpnisli every ona tlmt calls at their establishment, ns they pfl\ar better iaducenritols'; tor buyers than any other Jioirao i:i Soiilhirestcrn Geor gia.-^ They also have a fall stock of Dry Goods which they toll at low prices.— Store next door to the entrance of the Barlow House. Nov. 10-tf. GOOD ADVICE. Lwt i NESs. RHEUMATISM or NOWKS 1 .KIT. ItY DISEASE fWl. j„ hei r Ttliavcimort, Dftggtat, for Mr* HtUapliysleal Pamphlet or eucl the Motfehysica* Unftersit v, G 9bw YodkJur ttomamo. * - W. T. Davenport ii Agent for G. Drown* Metaphysical Difo-n T o“'" The Aluant News for Sale.—For the past several issues we have been in tending to notice the proposal of brother Styles to sell tho News and its outfit, but have as often forgotten it—for this we beg pardon.—Col. Styles advertises his entire printing interests for &ale upon good term* ?ash purchaser. The offitfo’is' c<Sm' plete and the material all first-class and much of it comparatively new. Albany^ is iv number one point for a newspaper— none better in Georgia—and wo con’ the object of bio. Styles wanting to sell, but bad ho not his eye on something iufi nitely better we kuow he would not be wil ling to dispose of ft business doing as well as his. office. To any who desire to in vent in the newspaper business this offer presents a rare chance, as the office is complete and the location fine. Albany is a growing place and a newspaper there, properly conducted, will grow with tho city. For particulars address CoL Corey W. Styles, Editor aud Proprietor News, Albany, Ga. tgi. Godey’s Lady’s Book for January, 1871, has arrived. It is a beautiful num ber, containing more useful information for the ladies than can be gathered from "half-dozen numbers of other magazines. Every man—having a desire to live hap pily—should subscribe to Godey's Maga zine for liis wife. It is only $3.00 a year, and,well worth double the amount. Ad dress Louis A. Godcy, Philadelphia, Penn. _• ' ( •, X®* Stono k ^Murray’s Circus and Trained Animals Combined, is coming, and will exhit in this (sBy on'Fri^y, the 23rd inst. A greater variety ofjfirst-dass performers are with this circus, than was ever before collected lin^ one conlpany, and it has acquired a tame for excellent^ and respectability that is.Hot accorded to any other exhibitions. See advertise ments. - • - adyj^ho highest received 48 votes, and Capt. Feagan, tho next highest, 27, ^4 On motion of 8. highest were declared tho nominees of tho meeting; aud modgLtinfnifagpt: 'Tlie meeting then adjourned to meet fain at 2 o’clock to nominate candi dates for the various county offices. The crowd couldn’t bo co.Ue&ted ,to- gethsr agaiu.-und th© day passed* with bnt any action being taken m tho matter. So tho field is an opuu one, and if the voters of Sumter cannot decide for whom to vote, it will not bo for tho lack of can didates to make a selection from'. Look at the list of announcements in the Re publican, aud you will find the names of candidates for every office iu tho county, with tho exception of Corpu^r. Surveyor, d Clerk of the Superior Court, ’ How ange it is, that no ono wants either of CERTIFICATE. Macox, Ga., Februcry 12th, 1870. his is to certify that Dr. LISDOMAN Ira's re ed several very painful Corns nhdLmhous 1 tr.y feet^citticut pain cr loss of Mood, and X cheerfully recommend him as a skillful Cliiro- aP gew gitlwrtistmeuts. Notice to Farmers. C08TOX PLANTER, PEA J)KOPEK, CORN PROPER, (i CANO DISTRIBUTOR, WHEAT DRILLER, All comprised in one Mafchine! Warranted TO PLANT Cotton Seed, Drop Com, or Peas, Distribute Guano, Drill Wheat better than any other Machine ever invented *5rPrice within reaih of all. Satisfaction guaranteed. For sale bv dec 8 6m. ' Ui. HART * CO. CITY i'TALlI Lcaaee an«l Sana:; i . — Mr. Chai, II. Day IHE management takes pleasure in aunouno- iug the engagement, at great expense, of .~e beautiful aud ti -o.upliahed actress and au thoress, iVTieisi y »r -qx'a MONDAY &*TUESDAXJ4ICHTS; DECEMBER 12tu and 13th, WITH FULL DRAMATIC COMP ATT, LAGOA KEESE'8 TUEATBK. NFW VOCK. MONDAY EVENING, Tom T ei-formed b 1000 Nighti OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. icli was acted by her at Ford a Theatre, Washington, on the night ot tho shoot ing oi Lincoln by J. Wilkes Booth. TUESDAY, Sheridan’* Grand Comedy, THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL, With elegant aud correct costumes. Sumter Sales for January, 1871. bo sold before the Court liouso door day in J- ..—, ——~ of sale, the following property, Lots of land, Nos. 230, 293, 316, S17 and 315. l the 15th and 2Sth Districts of Sumter county, cried on as tho property of George S. Foster, > satisfy a Justice’s Court IT fa, issued from the tcupied T. J. Glover on tha South property of^l B. Glo ANNOUNCEMENTS For County Treasurer. We are authorized to announce tho name of S. P. BOONE as a candidate for tho office of County Treasurer of Sumter, at the ensuing election. dec3 tde . • FOB. SHERIFF. a STONE MURRAY'S COMBINATION At the earnest solicitation of numerous friends, both white and colored, through out the county, I hereby announce my self as an independent candidate for the office of Sheriff of Sumter county at tho approaching election. Wm. J. BOSWORTH. Dec. 1-tdo* BSL,The friends of J. CRUMB GUER RY take this method of submitting his claim for Sheriff at tho ensuing election. Come, ye scarred veterans, let’s elect him. nov29 td FOR COUNTY r TREASURER»"” Wo are authorized to announce the name of HIRAM J. WILLIAMS os a candidate for County Treasurer at the ensning election. r. 22-tde. Tax Collector. sA great friends, lyrttayrliito and cflqred, and irrespective- i?f partv, of CHEEN M^WJuEELER, annonneo him 0#andidatwor9ax Collector^# Sumter county at the approaching election, nov 8 tde. For County Treasurer. Wo are authorized to announce the name of MOSES SPEER as a candidate for tho office of County Treasuier of Sumter, at tho ensuing election, nov 5 tde. For Tax Receiver. We are authorized to antcunce the name of JOHN H. BAIBEY us a candi date for tho office of Receiver of Tax Re turns of Sumter county at tho ensuing election. 3 tde. For Sheriff. For Representative. At the solicitation of many friends.both white and black, I announce myself as a candidate to represent the county of Sum ter in the next Legislature, oct 13 te* J. R. G. HORNE. uriied to mo by J. B. Pilebury, Also—The building ’' 1 h Principal of said Collej s of Furlow Masoni Prtl ayafi^. , SPEEI HOOKS, ! xiiaiuiiAiis, / BUY AND SELL .STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD, SILVr.n AND EXCIIA-SGC. Na^r-cnd ;Drafts Collcoteffak I!a£tr)j^UK. WILL Sinr COTTON- kmmbc* ©aRtetlon in S!oto nrfffi ShipWcnt. Deposits Be. W lusumncg Ag^jits. IfrJuijl rei'ivocl, L-- _ - ri°r SMiw, Oe bdain ' - Dll. ELDBIGE'S Drag Store. Sumter Postponed Sheriff’s Sales for January W ILL bo sold before the Court Honae d< tho town of Ameriens Sumter count * PEWlY »AVIS’ PAIN KILLER lias become au article of commerce—which no mfdiqjno ever became before., {liy aa much an »tem4i/every bill of goods Selit to 'country mer- chauta as tea, coffee or sugar. This speak* vol umes in its favor.—Glens’ Falls Messenger. ltcv. IL L. Vauineter- Bunnah, writes, ‘Tli« taiivlviller lias become an almost, incite nenaiblc article in my family.” 11 und red^af' lai^oionaritrs give wmilar he ti iU-v.'.T.‘r.. T s-.. .1*!-,. ..'.V , l i. ii*..’ the best iraedy I know of for dvspepsi ltev. Jabez L Swan aaya, “ ;ara in my family, and consider :o remedy.” Bov. M. II. Bixby writes,’T liavo had the property of W. A. Wilson to satisfy a fi fa ia- . -e - ~ U( .j from the Superior Cor.rt of Sumter county V' - April Term, 1370, in favor of Furlow Bro.. vs. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s DABLEY, Sheriff. ii fa from Bmntcr Superior sales, but postponed til* January fa in favor of A. B. Addison vs. irincipaJ and C. T. Goode and W. •atisfy said A fa.— dec 8 It - Dr. Ltadomkn, low HiJuso,'where ho will remi ig, December 10th, only. I. B. LIGHT FOOT. LoTouad at the Bar- TnEATKE—Lavra Kseks.—This ac- complikbod aetres^—ttam- vlTOni tholfb^is no greater m America—will “make her first apj>earauco in Americus on [Monday evening next, supported by a full Dra matic Company, consisting of twenty first class Artistes. The opening piece—“Our American Couciu has been rendered famous from tho fact that Miss Keene was Siting, iq ilwk come^y at Ford’s Th^rc, Washington, on. tiro very ..night of -tho shooting of Lincoln by J. Wilkes Booth. Tho success of the play has Iieen so re markable that she has impersonated the leading role over one thousand nights.— On Tuesday evening will be presented Sheridan’s -grand old: English; eojnody, “ The School of Scandal, ” with the same remarkable cast as presented by Miss -Keene at h$r own Theatre in New Yyrk- Such & Carnatic treat haa., never been, of? fered to the citizens of Americus, and their welcome., of;** Comedy^s ; Queen v should be such ns to warrant her Mom- f er in the great outlay he has made 'to ring us aja Attraction of decided merit. Choice scats secured at. Mrs. Spanlding’s Book Store. ■ ■ '• 1 NEW SYRUP ! «nd towftyrg 500 gallons of Gnnws Private Boarding. O N THE FIRST OF JANOAltY NEXT I propose to opou a monthly BOABDING HOUSE, without lodging, foi Any person desiring ’ please apply to tho i tho 20th inst. E. H.. fcCABBOliOUGH, dee3 wlm Church Street. . j. I'EMHju. i n. *.‘‘nrrLfca. I rnt. J. J. PHARSE, BUTLER & CO., ‘-+5 "ccnToi! rAOTOBs, -* «w rafifTSttfltr Plantation for Sale. AM now offering for sale my Piantatior Scliler County, consisting of 300 Vcrea of iL .850 open.;'balance wdlumbered/ There jn file place a very good dwelling house with 0 rooms, Vtolcrablo gin house and all the nH- cessaiT otrtbnilclicgs.; Tlic placo’ia situatetl 3 miles from Ellaville and 10 from Americus. To stty ono^desiring to livoat in real eWate this is Terms—Eight Dollars per acre; one half cash, balance ia one and two years. Titles good. Apply fi} Americus to Mr. fL 8, Davis, st rise!* Bro’e., or to mo EllaviJO,- * vi7 tf;' C, F. CRISP. . > STOLEUfj O N Bstrirday, the 26th iuBt., a black and white spotted Burr*; about teW weeks old. I will give Five Dollars to any ono delivering him at M. Gerald's beof market, or for any informa- tiou so that X can get him. > I nov 29 tf E. STANFORD. TRUTH IS TRUTH. Vbeloib, the same will be put in suit for collec tion. Wo mean jfst what we say. oct. 8tli-tf ' AlLL£X & URDU . To Rent. ^ PLANTATION near AmctlcvuL ^ A^ly to ■ nor29iw~ Attorney at Law. cd out by Plaintiff. '. Good * now is. Lovk‘1 ‘upon as tho property of 1«. Ail of saiu property lcviod ujKra >f a li fa issued from Sumter Superior vor of A. B. Addison vs A. M. Little, nd G. T. Goods end IV. A. Hawkins, satisfy said ii fa* Property point- i tds W. J. BOSWORTH, Dep. Ono In ( ^c Court foi Hawkins aud lot Iu tho city of Amcrici c to satisfy a fi fa issued from Jueti • tho 789th Distriet, O. M , in favor and Greene, Tor tho use of W. A. ft*aid Bei'so. Levy made and returned :on3table. »—One thousand acres of land, it bein )s. -_'32, 235, 333, 313 and 241, in tho ol • ‘ tof Hurnter oounty. Levied oifa For Representative. At the solicitation of many voters,both white and colored, wo are authorized to announce the uamo of STERLING GLOVER as a candidate to represent the county of Sumter in the next Legis lature. Voters. oct20 f ’o the Veto t tho request of many voters, both white and colored, irrespective of party, in the Counties of Sumter, Schley aud Macon, I hereby announce myself an Independant candidate for the State Senate. R. C. BLACK, oct 15 td. For Tax Receiver. A large number of the friends of THOMAS B. GLOVER, both white and black, who appreciate his abilities present Tax Receiver of Sumter County, take pleasure in announcing his name a.caudiduteIo& re-election * • ~ Tux Receiver. At the request of many voteis, both white and colored, I announce myself a ai did ate for tho office of Receiver of ax Returns for the county of Sumter, GRANBERRY & CO, Again ANNOUNCE that they sell Goods Only for Cash. Their FALL and WINTER Stock is daily arriv ing, and will soon be complete—bought VERY LOW, and a Urge portion of it will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR OA8H! OJNT A CH33DIT. We have NO CREDIT PRICE. Tho secret of our low ruicr-s is, wo sell FOB THE MONEY, and havo but EORGIA—Wf-bstbii Cousty. ' Francis McElliannou applies to mo for ex emption of Personalty and setting apart and val- — of Homestead, and I will dass upon the ‘ - — lice, on Decenihcr 20tli, at 10 G. W. DAVENPORT, Ord’y. G EORGIA—Webster County. J. A. Morgan havini on of P. upon the >n Friday, the lGth of D» Personalty and setting app-t 0 a. „, T her, l*70j|t 10 o’clock, g c#2wW.*- G.*fr. DAVENPORT, OiffV. Whereas, Thomas B. High applice ~ for Letters of Guardianship of tho poraon am RCE * property of Robert McLeod Minor of John W HcLeod deceased. ij i*\Tbcse arc therefore to cite and admonish, al THE GREAT Stone & Murray’s Circus. The ColIosKum of Exhibitions l NEW DESIGNS W AMUSE!! 'wrim TaUat-SImUhtoa Skill J Fresh Sensations for 1870. I t\~rr.r. EjHmn* AT AMERICUS, FRIDAY, Dec. 23d. GREAT ATTRACTION! Herr Schrofps Trained Wild Beksts ex hibited conjointly with the Circa* Performances without additional charge. Herr Schroff, the great Lion Hnnter, will enter tho Den of lions ; tf an exciting and thrilling rerformaneo these Ferocious Animals of tho Forrest, exemplifying tho immense potency that man wields over tho Brute Creation. THE OPCLKNT BBSOUHCES Oi' THE SCPEiin Itrillzatlou of AUEXSIC TALENT, To delight aud anuwo are of'a character quite “in this country.- Thft Exhibitions this sea- will be enriched and adorned by perfumers inimitable in their special robes, ana the splen dor of tho Entertainment* will o*. enhanced by every accessory requisite to mako them elegant ^Stafloentin theirgeu- JgSit variety of celebrated Performers in this Troupe is potent to sustain the elevated standard of oxeclhmcq acquired by tliia popular r ' : rcus, ; , . .. A perusal of tho annexed list of famous ae ro will sen-o of palpable evidence to confirm tho promise, that tho attainod eminence and conspicuous superiority of Stono & Murray’s Circus will bo amply maintained this Season. Behold the attractions! EduhiMons will be given Afternoon and ' ' Night Commencing at 2 and 7 j o’clock. Doors open io hour previous. Admission, j ChfldreiY, nrider 10 Years,.. Sensational Spectacles. Stone A Murray will introduce two new cx- tements, Free to Afio Pftblic? The first will be presented 6n the morning of tho Exhibition day, in the form of a Grand Street Pagent! • Proceeded by tho Elegant Bond Chariot, con taining l*rof. u. P. Pcrrj-’s filmed Orchestra ' Drawn by Sixteen Horses! Managed by the great Maitre duo Cbaval, Mods. J. H. Paul. This arc siglit will ho circuumutcd with (too many oudeni to bo niinutje^r;;describ^d in tho limits r a newspaper acmrosetrient: therefore, tho •ader is referred to tho Parade itself for par- By this dt IT IN THE AIR. Funambulist, Madoll, Jeanette ?UI Wo liAve a full . Osnaburgs, Brown and id Sheetings, at CASH PRICES, or responding with the LOW price of COTTON. MERINOS, ^ _ SKPBE68 ClipTHS, -o, 1 ‘ “ S POPLINS, \* BL’K & COLD SILKS, LI. LOWER TUAN V3UAL FOR CASH. Hosiery lower than ever ''rasimercB, aufact are, iBUmieforftrnU, W! Cloths aud CassimercB, both ot Foreign '--‘ire, some of sunerior give satisfactioi ters w'h be granted said applicant. Given under, my hand, In office, at Starkville, this 5th day of December, 1870. J. W. WILKERSOX, Ordinary. NOTICE. ILL PERSONS indebted to mo, eil it, will please cor T ~ ‘ Make no delay; s Nov. 26th, 1870.^ G. J. NORRIS. About injury to tho akin. Sent by mail for Astounding Low Prices FOR CASH. A largo stock of UMBRELLAS, WINDOW SHADE j and OIL CLOTHS. V very superior article of Ticking, warranted bold feathers. BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. A vAv %rge atoak of i,nil At Be4nfo4 Prices for Casli. g| Plated Spoons and Forks of superior quality. Also, CASTORS, Table and Pocket Knives, Fino Teas, Caudles, Soap, Starch, Soda, Royal Baking I’owdera, Potash. Smoking aud Chewing Tobacco. very large stock ol S2L2D33XjBS Lower than over. cs, Travelling Bags and Baake , the lowest prices roa cask. Wo have tho LARGEST STOCK OP CARPETINCS! ever bbocoht to south-west oeoroia, Ai\d at ower Prices INSOMEOFOUR LARGER TOWNS. NEW STABLE. T HAVE opened s new stable' on Cotton Aven- 1 «e, whore I wifi bo glad to eee my friends and the public generally—feed their stock aud sett them wbak UffniuM MMM shall give my tusinesf foy person* and do my best to give SMiuactiQB- keep a wagon yard with roomy lots and shelters for man aud beaai. oct 13m J. W. JORDAN, Jr. r Ellster, who wifi walk from tho ground to the S of Circus Pavilion, and return ou a x wire. This startling gratuitous perform* race of Consummate Daring wifi tako placo at 1 o’clock, P. M., and tho unique nature of the Feat cannot fail to commend tho attention of the citizen* of this vicinity. ” details of tlio Dual Sousations. soo tho “ Piotortil; Doscriptivcs - Rills and Tro- brilliant equestrianism. * m’lle caulotta de berge. Confessedly the most daring, clashing, and fin ished Equestrienne in tho world. JEANETTE ELLSLEB, The astonishing and beautiful Tight Rope Dan- scuae. MISS EMILX COOKE, elegant English Manege Equestrienne, World renowned Dare Back hurdle Rider. Best in America, MR. TOM BARRY, The famous Hibernian Clown, his first appear- lor. vr BRCTIIERS, Benjamin Williams, and Alfred,the unparalelled Equilibrists aud Acrobats. MU. WILLIAM DUCBOW. Tlio intrepid Porformer on Cordo Volanato, and INPAN TILE SON GEORGIE. The biaveet juvenilo Equestrian in existence. MIL CHARLES BUSS. The acknowledged Cliamjnon Tumbler of tho MB. WILLIAM FRANKLIN. Th<r Taragon of Somersault Equestrians. SIO. COLUMBUS. 10 ., BUrprising Contortionist, whoso strange ixihility ofbody and limbs ha* won for him * title of “The boneless Man.” Master George Cooke, The Artietic and Graceful Principal Rider. Mb. Eugene Leach, The remarkablo skillful and fearless Gymnast. Mil It. Leuoxt, . • Tho gifted Exponent of Pancratia Exorcises. Mr. Georoe Adams, Remarkable Sconio Protean Character and Funny Clown. Mil Thomas Mcrrav. ; vcrsatic Pantomimie Wonder, Mo. J. Bachelor, • . -— Performers Mb. John II. Murray, Iho unequalled Equestrian Director, will per sonally superintend tho Entertainments, a gnaxantoe that they will bo given entirelv devoid of objectional features, and invested with the characteristics of refinement and purity in t heir Hemp, Venetian and Felt. Beautiful 3 plys. ' iY BRUSSEL!), AND RICH VELVETS, if entirily'new Style s'and Pattorhs.' .ILyou want Carpets, HANDSOME Carpsot, 1 CHEAP Carpets, look at oars. ■ We,cordially inrito all to call and .examine Our new stock., r# - c ' 07 AlototbauiUful WAL L PAPER on consignment to doao out at less than nk, 0RANBEKBY & CO. Americas, Oct. 8, tf, r ^‘ * ropresentition. The popular rules inaugurated several year* ago by Stone & Murray for tho preaerva- o f , st>iot order in their raviUou will be adojptcd this season. No smoking.allowed inside- the Pavilion. . NOTICE. -For convenience of Ladies and Families, Tickets will be- for Sales* few 4»J a in advance of. . at the Book Storo of 3De.: E. C .